DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP, LUDHIANA (District Yoga Association, Ludhiana, (Regd

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DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP, LUDHIANA (District Yoga Association, Ludhiana, (Regd DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP, LUDHIANA (District Yoga Association, Ludhiana, (Regd. By Govt. of Punjab) Org. By Five Star Welfare & Sports Club (Regd. By Govt. of India) www.fivestarsport.org, E-mail-fivestarclub555@gmail.com, MB. - +91-98577-74076. =============================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================== To, The Principal, ------------------------------ . Ludhiana SUB:- DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP BOYS/GIRLS. Dear Madam /Sir, It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that " DISTRICT YOGA ASSOCIATION LUDHIANA(PUNJAB) " is arranging a " DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP " .Please send your active boys & girls players along with their sports teacher from your school to take part in this " DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP . “If you want to become powerful and healthy than use this. it is reminds of all your diseases. it is a key of your worries and disturbance yoga”. This " DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP " is going to held on ______________________________________,Ludhiana Timing for the Yoga Championship is From ________. For other information please Contact: 98557-74076 Thanking you. Yoga Association Members :- President Dr.Om Parkash Sharma Prof.Gurvinder Singh, Mrs.Daljeet Kaur Principal.Sanjeev Kumar ,Mr.Shinder Singh ,Seema Passi Mrs.Harjit Kaur “A sound Mind Lives in a Sound Body” “District Yoga Championship” PROGRAMME VENEU:- __________________________________________________________, LUDHIANA Date: Day : Timing: GROUPING (Boys/Girls & Men/Women) Event – Individual Event & Team Event. 1. 8-12 Years Boys/Girls 4. 21-25 Years Boys/Girls 2 .12-17 Years Boys/Girls 5. 25-40 Years Women/Men 3 .17-21 Years Boys/Girls 6. 40-60 Years Women/Men PRIZES 1. The children who will take part in the championship they will be given an opportunity they will be given an opportunity to take part at STATE LEVEL, NATIONAL LEVEL and INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP and they will bring honor to their state and nation. 2. Every school will be given a District Level Participation Certificate / T-SHIRT. 3. Every school will be given a Participation Trophy. 4. Coach / Sports Teacher will be awarded Most Valuable Magazines. 5. Prizes :- 1ST Position to 3rd position == Trophy with Merit Certificate All the Students ----- Participation certificate, T-Shirt, Other Things, etc. Teacher Prize ---- 1. School Participation Trophy 2. T-Shirt 3. Bag 4. Offical Certificate 5. Other Things Etc. “IF YOU WANT TO BECOME POWERFUL AND HEALTHY THAN USE THIS. IT IS REMINDS OF ALL YOUR DISEASES. IT IS A KEY OF YOUR WORRIES AND DISTURBANCE YOGA”. TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Registration fee for “DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP. ” is Rs. 250/- per competitor. and team event Rs. 1250/- Per Team. 2. Registration is compulsory _________________________ through mobile phones - 98557-74076 3. Entry Form will be submitted on _________________ from _________________. 4. Identify Card or age Certificate is essential for participation. 5. Teacher must come along with their students. 6. No registration fee will be refunded . 7. Participant will participate in the competition at their own risk. 8. Any type changes in rules & regulations or any other problem the all rights of decision only to President & Technical Committee. 9. Decision of the judges will be final and any participant can not be challenged. 10. Any participant challenging the decision of judges will be disqualified. 11. If any person or teacher wants to do the duty of referee, official and Judge he can submit his name. They can be consider on State Level, International Level for duty (Special Award of Honor) 12. Clothes:- Clothes should be minimum and comfortable. Boy can wear track-suit/ half pent/ short and a vest/T-Shirt/School – Uniform. Girls can wear track suit/lower and a T-Shirt/Salwar/School Uniform etc. 13. All children will bring their water bottle and lunch box. 14. Please call before the competition two days. 15. You may also forward this letter to the other school near by. President SYLLABUS FOR DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP The Participant will be asked to perform three Yoga Asana by Judges. A. 8-12 YEARS: BOYS & GIRLS 1 Kukkutasana 6 Halasana 2 Bhujangasana 7 Trikonasana 3 Tree Asana 8 Garbha Pindasana 4 Dhanurasan 9 Sasangasana 5 Akarna Dhanurasana 10 Bakasana SYLLABUS FOR DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP The Participant will be asked to perform three Yoga Asana by Judges. B. 12-17 YEARS: BOYS & GIRLS 1 Padamasana 6 Sarvangasana 2 Tittibhasana 7 Halasana 3 Tree Asana 8 VagarAsana 4 Bakasana 9 Garudasana 5 Purna Dhanurasana 10 Virabhadrasana SYLLABUS FOR DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP The Participant will be asked to perform three Yoga Asana by Judges. C. 17-21 YEARS: BOYS & GIRLS 1 Halasana 6 Trikonasana 2 Bhujangasana 7 Padamasana 3 Natarajasana 8 Omkarasana 4 Hanumanasana 9 Sirshasana 5 Akarna Dhanurasana 10 Mayurasana DISTRICT YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP, LUDHIANA (District Yoga Association, Ludhiana, (Regd. By Govt. of Punjab) Org. By Five Star Welfare & Sports Club (Regd. By Govt. of India) www.fivestarsport.org, E-mail-fivestarclub555@gmail.com, MB. - +91-98577-74076. =============================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================== ENTRY PERFORMA (Please submit in duplicate) Name of the Institution: ____________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Email ID: ______________________Mob No. ____________ Name of the In-charge _______________________________ Event :- Yogasana Competition Age Name of competitor (In Capital Chest Sig.of Group S.No. Letters) Date of Birth No. Compititor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sports Teacher Signature / Team Inchagre (School Stamp With Principal Signature) .
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