wine makin HSC Edition No 2 2017 Special HSC Edition PEOPLE & ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Going Bananas 8 Dairy Production: Using beestop 17 Resources 20 Starbucks: An economic enterpise at a local scale 25 Gloria Jean’s Coffees: An economic enterprise at a local scale 46 Towards Sustainable Coffee: A Green Commodities program 51 Coffee Production 53 Big Data Series: Part 1: Big Data – Products & services 66 Part 2: Big Data – A changing world 80 Part 3: Understanding Big Data – Student activities 91 PROJECTS • REPORTS • RESOURCES • ARTICLES • REVIEWS EXECUTIVE 2018 President Lorraine Chaffer Vice Presidents Susan Caldis Grant Kleeman Sharon McLean Louise Swanson Minutes Secretary Milton Brown OFFICE OF THE GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS’ Honorary Treasurer ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES Grant Kleeman ABN 59246850128 Councillors Address: 67–73 St Hilliers Road Auburn NSW 2144 Paul Alger Postal Address: PO Box 699 Lidcombe NSW 1825, Australia Karen Bowden Telephone: (02) 9716 0378, Fax: (02) 9564 2342 Michael Da Roza (ACT) Website: Catherine Donnelly Email:
[email protected] Adrian Harrison Keith Hopkins ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP (Subscriptions include GST) Personal membership $90.00 Nick Hutchinson Corporate membership (school, department or business) $180.00 Grace Larobina Concessional membership (retiree, part-time teacher or student) $40.00 David Latimer Primary corporate membership $50.00 John Lewis Alexandra Lucas John Petts Martin Pluss Melinda Rowe Public Officer Louise Swanson GEOGRAPHY BULLETIN Cover: Fishing Trawler, Coffs Harbour and Fish farming, NZ Sounds Editor The Geography Bulletin is a quarterly journal of The Geography Teachers’ Association of New South Wales. The ‘Bulletin’ embraces those natural and human phenomena Lorraine Chaffer which fashion the character of the Earth’s surface.