
Rural Communities Policy Unit

Comparisons of the Geographical Relationships of Local Economic Partnerships Areas and Leader Advisory Group Areas in .

John Shepherd and Sam Waples, Rural Evidence Research Centre Birkbeck College

June 2013 Comparisons of the Geographical Relationships of Local Economic Partnerships Areas and Leader Advisory Group Areas in England

1 Introduction

1.1 The Rural Evidence Research Centre working with the and Rose Regeneration on the evaluation of the 2005 – 2013 RDPE Leader programme was asked to provide a range of economic and social data to enable an assessment to be made of the geographical relationship between the 39 English Local Economic Partnerships (LEPS) and the 64 English Leader Advisory Group Areas (LAGs).

1.2 The purpose of the analyses was to provide data on characteristics of LEPs and LAGs and areas where there was no LAG coverage. Where appropriate there was to be information provided on the characteristics of LAGs/LEPs by urban rural definition.

1.2 In this note we explain the way the various areas were derived, focusing on those which Defra regards as most significant for policy reasons. We highlight the more significant findings in the data via a number of summary tables below. The full data for the study are contained in a series of corresponding Excel tables. Maps are presented in annexes to the note.

2. The LAG/LEP Areas

2.1 The 64 LAG areas are mutually exclusive in geographical terms (i.e. do not overlap) but do not provide complete geographic coverage of the country (Annex Map 1). They tend to sit within regional boundaries but cross them in some places. The 39 LEPS provide complete coverage of England but with overlaps in some places. In other words, some LEPs are not geographically mutually exclusive (Annex Map 2). They cross regional boundaries extensively. Areas where LAGs do not operate are shown on Annex Map 3.

2.2 LAGs were defined locally and the areas where they do not operate represent extensive areas of land, especially in some regions, for example, the East , and and the (Annex Map 1). Superficially there appear to be three territorial types where LAGs are absent: in a swathe of land running from the South West through parts of the and into the (comprising some of the fastest growing rural areas of the country in population terms); in areas of otherwise formally defined ‘rural’ settlement around some big cities (e.g. Tyneside, / and Norwich) and in enclaves of land in a sense ‘residualized’ by the establishment of two or more neighbouring LAGs and in some coastal locations, for example, East Kent.

2.3 The overlay of 64 LAG on 39 LEP boundaries combined with 9 region boundaries (introduced for clarity of reporting some of the summary and main data) creates 4 ‘area types’ : LEP areas only (discounting LEP overlaps), LEP and LAG areas, LEP overlaps and areas where LEPs and LAGs overlap. Data are reported forall these areas in the accompanying spreadsheets. In this note we present summary data as requested for LAG areas, non LAG areas, LEP areas, areas where LAGs and LEPs overlap and LAG/nonLAG Rural_Urban Comparisons.

3 The Indicators

3.1 The measures or indicators we were asked to report on and their sources are as follows:

Population: population, demographic structure and change from the Censuses 2001 and 2011.

Economic Activity: Job Seekers Allowance Claimants (November 2012) and an approximate working age population (age 15-64) from the Census 2001.

Industry: Employees, Proprietors (owners, self employed etc), FT, PT and a broad sectoral composition from 2011. From the Business Register and Employment Survey 2011.

Businesses: The number of both Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs - less than 250 employees) and Total Business in 2010 as detailed by Local Units from the IDBR.

Deprivation: from the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 measured as the proportion of LSOA areas falling within the top quintile of most deprived areas.

Settlement Structure: population and number of areas summarised using the ONS/Defra Urban Rural definition by LSOA area.

Land Type: total area and proportion of total area summarised by land use type from the OS Generalized Land Use Database 2005.

3.2 Most of these measures are composed of several sub-measures. For example, the Settlement variables contain nine sub measures on rural settlement type whilst the Industry/Employment variables contains no fewer than 47 sub measures on aggregate employment and employees by industry. It has proved difficult to summarize all these data in a convenient format so for the purposes of this note we have selected 10 sub measures to report on in a consistent manner for the areas involved. The Land Type data are not amenable to meaningful summary. The full tables LAG v LEP Characteristics.xlxs, LAG v UR.xlxs and LAG_Rural_NonRural.xlxs and their component worksheets give the full data.

3.3 The 10 sub measures used as summarisers are:

Population Economic Activity Employment

65-79 % total pop % JSA Claimants Full-time (% of employees)

All ages % change Part-time (% of employees)

Business Deprivation Settlement

No of SME % % of LSOAs in Most Deprived Decile Pop Urban%

Employees in SME% Pop Rural%

4 The Geographical Categories of Interest

(i) LAG Areas

4.1 The 64 LAGs (Annex Map 1) have a total population of 8.2 m in 2011 representing 15.5 percent of the total population of England (53m). There are considerable differences among regions in the number and proportion of population within LAGs (Table 1), the South West having just under 30 percent and the South East 22 percent compared with 13 percent in the North East and 11 percent in the West Midlands.

Table 1 Number and Proportion of Population within LAGs by Region (2011)

LAG Percent of Region LAG Non LAG Total Total East 1,061,414 4,785,551 18.2 5,846,965 East Midlands 845,022 3,688,200 18.6 4,533,222 0 8,173,941 0 8,173,941 North East 346,211 2,250,675 13.3 2,596,886 North West 1,165,049 5,887,128 16.5 7,052,177 South East 1,903,979 6,730,771 22.1 8,634,750 South West 1,545,534 3,743,401 29.2 5,288,935 West Midlands 628,669 4,973,178 11.2 5,601,847 Yorkshire & the 690,186 4,593,547 13.1 5,283,733 Humber Total 8,186,064 44,826,392 15.4 53,012,456

4.2 Highlights for LAG areas at regional level from a key selection1 of the variables noted above are given in Table 2A where high figures are given in red and low figures in green whilst maximum and minimum figures are given in Table 2B along with the relevant named LAG.

4.3 ‘Stand out’ regional differences relate to the high rates of population growth among LAGs in the East of England and the East Midlands and low growth in the North West and North East and the high percentages for JSA Claimants and IMD scores in the North East. Table 2B gives the maximum and minimum figures for the selected variables and the LAGs associated with them. LAGs in the North West and North East make several appearances in the table.

(ii) Non LAG Areas

4.4 Comparisons between LAG and non LAG areas on the variables selected are shown in Table 3. The key differences in terms of demography, business structure and deprivation and, naturally, in urban/rural settlement levels. Key differences are in population structure and change, JSA claimant levels and proportion of small businesses. The LAG

1 The main tables contain far too many variables to summarise successfully. For example, the Industry data alone contain data for 19 basic variables not counting raw numbers and proportions. Similarly Land Use data cannot be summarised with meaning as they stand. area is more rural in population terms as expected though perhaps not as different as might be expected.2

Table 3 : LAG versus non LAG Areas on Summarising Variables

Economic Population Activity Employment Status Businesses Deprivation Settlement

Full-time (% Part- time % of % % of LSOAs in Urban Rural 65-79 % All ages % JSA of (% of Businesses Employed Most Deprived Population Population total pop % change Claimants employees) employees) (SMEs) in SMEs Decile % %

LAG Area 15.4 5.8 2.2 65.6 34.4 99.8 84.6 1.8 33.5 66.5

Non LAG Area 11.1 8.3 3.8 67.9 32.1 99.5 71.1 11.5 90.0 10.0

4.5 A regional level summary for areas where LAGs do not currently operate is given as Annex Table 4. If London is excluded there are few notable differences between regions in terms of areas not covered by LAGs with the exception of JSA Claimants % (the North East stands out), level of deprivation (North West, and West Midlands) and urban rural differences (North West).

(ii) LEP Areas

4.6 The 39 LEPs are shown on Annex Map 2. A regional breakdown for LEPs is possibly inappropriate and complex given LEP areas overlap in several places. As a summary of the data for all LEPs we therefore present in Table 5A descriptive statistics for the summarising variables. Numbers in this table are not directly comparable given the differences in size of denominators and ranges. Where LEPs overlap data are assigned equally to both LEPs concerned.

4.7 Table 5B presents the max/min names and data for LEPs. As might be expected in these analyses several of the min/max contrasts are extreme, for example, in population structure, growth and deprivation depending on geographical context i.e. urban v rural and regional location.

2 Note the formal definition of ‘urban’ is used (i.e. places over 10,000 population) and except where specifically included in the boundary data LAGs are treated as having no enclaves. (iii) LEP/LAG Area Overlaps

4.8 The areas in which LEPs and LAGs are conjoint or overlap cover 7.7 million people or 15.7 percent of the population in 2001. Within these conjoint areas 33.5 percent of the population was in rural areas and 66.5 percent in urban. Other summarizing data are shown in Table 2a. Notable differences are in population growth (East of England and East Midlands - high growth, and North East and North West - low growth), JSA claimants (North East high, East of England low), deprivation (North East high v West Midlands low) and in the percentage of employment in small firms (Yorkshire and the Humber high, North West low).

5 LAG/nonLAG Rural Urban Comparisons by Region

5.1 Table 6 gives, for LAG and non LAG areas the rural urban comparisons on the summarizing variables by region (see Annex Maps 3 and 4). Three measures are omitted from this table. One is the percentage change in population which it is not possible to compute in the absence of the updated Rural Urban definition. Another is the urban% rural% measure which is redundant given the focus of the table. A third is the percent of SMEs by number of organisations for which there is little variation. Notable differences at the regional level between LAG and non LAG areas and urban/urban and rural/rural areas are identified in red.

5.2 Most differences in this respect are small. Major differences occur in JSA claimants in LAG/non LAG urban areas in the North West and similarly in the West Midlands and Yorkshire and the Humber. All regions have sizeable differences between urban/urban and/or rural/rural in the percentage of employees in SMEs and there are clear differences between LAG/non LAG urban area in the level of deprivation in the North West, West Midlands and Yorkshire and the Humber.

5.3 An Excel table has been prepared and accompanies this note which breaks these LAG/non LAG differences down by the urban rural definition morphology that is for Urban Areas (settlements over 10,000 population) and for Rural Town and Fringe and Villages, Hamlets and Isolated Dwellings. These data have been reduced to a single worksheet with LAG/non LAG and morphology types highlighted. A summary of this by the summarizing variables is possible if required.

Table 2A: LAG Areas on Summarizing Variables by Region

Population Economic Activity Employment Status (%) Businesses Deprivation Settlement Structure % of % Urban Rural 65-79 % Employed in % of LSOAs in Most Region LAG and LEP Growth % % JSA Claimants Full Time % Part Time% Businesses Employed Population Population total pop SMEs % Deprived Decile Coverage Summary (SMEs) in SMEs % % East 14.3 8.1 2.1 65.0 35.0 51693 99.8 85.9 0.2 36.3 63.7 East Midlands 15.3 7.8 2.7 66.0 34.0 36713 99.8 85.6 3.2 32.2 67.8 London

North East 14.7 2.2 4.5 65.6 34.4 12569 99.8 86.2 11.2 31.8 68.2 North West 15.6 2.4 2.3 69.4 30.6 53473 99.7 77.2 3.7 50.6 49.4 South East 15.1 6.3 1.7 65.3 34.7 105136 99.8 86.8 0.5 32.8 67.2 South West 16.2 6.2 1.9 60.3 39.7 80368 99.8 85.7 1.1 28.2 71.8 West Midlands 16.2 5.6 1.9 69.5 30.5 37442 99.8 83.0 0.0 21.1 78.9 Yorkshire & The Humber 15.4 6.1 2.4 67.5 32.5 33841 99.8 88.0 0.9 26.9 73.1 All LAGs 15.4 5.8 2.2 65.6 34.4 411235 99.8 94.9 1.8 33.5 66.5

Table 2B: LAG Areas Max/Min on Summarizing Variables

Variable Measure Name Number

Population Max 65 -79 % total pop Coastal 21.0 Min 65-79 % total pop Loddon and Evesley 14.9 Max All ages % change Wash Fens 15.7 Min All ages % change NYMCH -0.3

Economic Activity

Max % JSA Claimants NE ED 5.8 Min % JSA Claimants Central Warks 1.0

Employment Full -time (% of Max employees) NW PLanc 77.3 Full-time (% of Min employees) NE NC 55.2 Part-time (% of Max employees) NE NC 44.8 Part-time (% of Min employees) NW PLanc 22.7


Max No of SME % NE NU 100.0 Min No of SME % North Warks 100.0 Max Employees in SME% NE NU 100.0 Min Employees in SME% NW NLanc 60.6

Deprivation % of LSOAs in Most Max Deprived Decile NE ED 22.0 % of LSOAs in Most Min Deprived Decile Y Dales 0.0


Max Pop Urban% NW Mersey 94.80 Min Pop Urban% Y Dales 0 Max Pop Rural% East 100 Min Pop Rural% NW Mersey 5.02

Table 4 Non LAG Areas on Summarizing Characteristics by Region

Non LAG (White Space) by Region Economic Summary Population Activity Employment Business Deprivation Settlement % of LSOAs in Urban Rural 65-79 % Full Time Part % of Growth % % JSA Claimants Most Deprived Population Population total pop % Time% Businesses % Employed Region (SMEs) in SMEs Decile % % East 12.1 8.6 3.5 64.7 35.3 99.6 73.8 3.4 76.8 23.2 East Midlands 11.7 8.9 3.1 67.5 32.5 99.5 73.5 8.3 79.7 20.3 London 8.0 13.9 3.9 73.5 26.5 99.5 66.9 8.4 99.9 0.1 North East 12.4 3.4 5.6 66.1 33.9 99.3 68.8 17.9 89.0 11.0 North West 11.4 5.3 4.5 67.9 32.1 99.4 70.6 23.5 96.1 3.9 South East 11.3 8.4 2.5 66.2 33.8 99.5 74.0 2.9 91.4 8.6 South West 12.8 7.8 2.7 62.6 37.4 99.5 73.6 4.8 82.4 17.6 West Midlands 11.8 6.4 4.7 67.5 32.5 99.4 71.8 18.0 92.7 7.3 Yorkshire and The Humber 11.5 6.5 4.9 66.9 33.1 99.4 69.8 19.5 88.6 11.4 Total 11.1 8.3 3.8 67.9 32.1 99.5 71.1 11.5 90.0 10.0

Table 5A LEP Data Descriptive Statistics

65-79 % total pop All ages % change % JSA Claimants Full-time (% of employees) Part-time (% of employees)

Mean (Unwtd) 12.5 Mean (Unwtd) 7.0 Mean (Unwtd) 3.3 Mean (Unwtd) 66.2 Mean (Unwtd) 33.8 St. Deviation 1.6 St. Deviation 2.6 St. Deviation 1.2 St. Deviation 2.9 St. Deviation 2.9 Range 7.7 Range 12.1 Range 5.2 Range 15.2 Range 15.2 Minimum 8.0 Minimum 1.8 Minimum 1.5 Minimum 58.3 Minimum 26.5 Maximum 15.6 Maximum 13.9 Maximum 6.6 Maximum 73.5 Maximum 41.7 Count 39 Count 39 Count 39 Count 39 Count 39

% LSOAs in Most Deprived %SMEs Nos %SMEs Employees Decile Urban% Rural%

Mean (Unwtd) 99.6 Mean (Unwtd) 74.9 Mean (Unwtd) 8.5 Mean (Unwtd) 74.6 Mean (Unwtd) 25.4 St. Deviation 0.1 St. Deviation 4.4 St. Deviation 8.4 St. Deviation 15.3 St. Deviation 15.3 Range 0.4 Range 18.8 Range 32.6 Range 61.4 Range 61.4 Minimum 99.3 Minimum 66.9 Minimum 0.0 Minimum 38.5 Minimum 0.1 Maximum 99.8 Maximum 85.7 Maximum 32.6 Maximum 99.9 Maximum 61.5 Count 39 Count 39 Count 39 Count 39 Count 39

Table 5B: LEP Areas Max/Min Statistics

Variable Measure Name Number

Population Max 65 -79 % total pop Cornwall and the 15.6 Min 65-79 % total pop London 8.0 Max All ages % change London 13.9 Min All ages % change City Region 1.8

Economic Activity

Max % JSA Claimants 6.6 Min % JSA Claimants Oxfordshire LEP 1.5


Max Full -time (% of employees) London 73.5 Min Full-time (% of employees) Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 58.3 Max Part-time (% of employees) Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 41.7 Min Part-time (% of employees) London 26.5


Max No of SME % Thames Valley 98.8 Min No of SME % Liverpool City Region 99.3 Max Employees in SME% Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 85.7 Min Employees in SME% London 66.9


Max % of LSOAs in Most Deprived Decile Liverpool City Region 98.4 Min % of LSOAs in Most Deprived Decile 0


Max Pop Urban% Black Country 99.9 Min Pop Urban% Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 38.5 Max Pop Rural% Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 61.5 Min Pop Rural% Black Country 0.1

Table 6: Urban Rural Comparisons for LAG/non LAG Areas By Region

Economic Population Activity Employment Businesses Deprivation LAG (1) Full-time Part-time non LAG 65-79 % total % JSA (% of (% of % LSOAs in Most Region (0) Type pop Claimants employees) employees) %SMEs Empt Deprived Decile East 0 Urban 11.6 3.8 64.2 35.8 71.3 4.3 1 Urban 11.6 2.6 63.7 36.3 83.3 0.4 0 Rural 12.9 1.9 66.5 33.5 85.6 0.3 1 Rural 13.7 2.1 66.0 34.0 87.7 0.0 East Midlands 0 Urban 11.3 4.6 67.1 32.9 71.6 10.3 1 Urban 14.2 4.1 65.4 34.6 82.5 7.5 0 Rural 12.3 1.8 71.1 28.9 83.3 0.0 1 Rural 13.8 2.4 66.4 33.6 87.5 1.2 London 0 Urban 9.1 4.6 73.5 26.5 66.9 8.4 1 Urban 0 Rural 13.0 2.1 70.2 29.8 71.7 0.0 1 Rural North East 0 Urban 12.4 6.1 65.7 34.3 68.3 19.4 1 Urban 13.2 5.6 62.1 37.9 83.5 20.8 0 Rural 13.3 4.2 70.8 29.2 73.9 5.1 1 Rural 13.6 4.2 67.1 32.9 87.2 6.6 North West 0 Urban 11.5 5.0 67.5 32.5 70.3 24.4 1 Urban 14.1 2.9 66.7 33.3 80.3 6.2 0 Rural 13.1 1.9 70.7 29.3 77.5 2.1 1 Rural 13.5 1.6 72.0 28.0 74.8 1.1 South East 0 Urban 11.2 2.9 66.1 33.9 73.5 3.1 1 Urban 14.3 2.6 65.3 34.7 79.8 1.3 0 Rural 12.1 1.4 69.1 30.9 78.9 0.0 1 Rural 13.2 1.4 65.3 34.7 90.3 0.1 South West 0 Urban 12.6 3.3 63.2 36.8 71.3 5.8 1 Urban 14.7 2.8 59.1 40.9 82.1 3.3 0 Rural 14.0 1.4 64.1 35.9 87.1 0.0 1 Rural 14.9 1.7 60.9 39.1 87.3 0.2 West Midlands 0 Urban 11.6 5.3 67.2 32.8 71.0 19.4 1 Urban 13.5 2.8 69.2 30.8 81.6 0.0 0 Rural 12.7 1.5 68.8 31.2 83.7 0.0 1 Rural 13.9 1.7 69.7 30.3 83.4 0.0 Yorks & The Humber 0 Urban 11.7 5.7 66.6 33.4 68.9 21.4 1 Urban 12.9 3.0 67.2 32.8 75.9 2.6 0 Rural 12.0 2.3 70.2 29.8 78.8 4.4 1 Rural 13.2 2.3 67.5 32.5 93.4 0.3

Annex Maps 1 - 4

1 Leader Action Group (LAG) Areas

2 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)

3 Areas not covered by Leader Action Group (LAG) areas (with Urban Rural definition)

4 Areas covered by Leader Action Group (LAG) areas (with Urban Rural definition) Areas not covered by Leader

North Action Group (LAG) areas East Rural Non LAG Areas Urban Non LAG Areas Leader area coverage North West Regions Yorkshire and the Humber

East Midlands

East of England West Midlands


South East

South West

Contains data © Crown copyright and database right 2013 LEP Area ID LEP Area Name 1 Black Country 2 Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnerships 3 Buckinghamshire Thames Valley AND South East Midlands 4 and Warrington Local Enterprise 5 Coast to Capital 6 Coast to Capital AND London Partnerships (LEP) 7 Coast to Capital AND South East 39 8 Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Areas in one or more 9 and LEP 10 Cumbria 11 , , and , Regions 12 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, AND City Region 13 Dorset 10 50 14 Enterprise M3 15 Enterprise M3 AND Solent 16 Gloucestershire 55 17 Greater Birmingham and 18 Greater Birmingham and Solihull AND Stoke-on-Trent and 34 19 Greater Birmingham and Solihull AND 20 Greater Cambridge & Greater 30 21 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough AND Hertfordshire 31 22 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough AND New Anglia 32 29 23 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough AND South East 25 24 Greater 33 26 25 Greater Lincolnshire AND Humber 36 44 26 Greater Manchester 12 27 of the South West 28 Hertfordshire 4 24 29 Humber 30 Humber AND and 11 31 Lancashire 48 32 City Region 33 AND Sheffield City Region 18 34 Leeds City Region AND York and North Yorkshire 35 22 1 35 and 38 36 Liverpool City Region 52 17 19 40 37 London 20 38 New Anglia 9 41 39 North Eastern 54 40 47 41 Northamptonshire AND South East Midlands 43 21 23 42 Oxfordshire LEP 3 16 43 Oxfordshire LEP AND South East Midlands 28 44 Sheffield City Region 42 45 Solent 2 46 South East 37 53 51 47 South East Midlands 6 46 48 Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire 49 49 and Wiltshire 14 50 Tees Valley 15 51 Thames Valley Berkshire 5 52 The Marches 53 West of England 27 7 54 Worcestershire 13 55 York and North Yorkshire 45

8 Note: There are 39* LEPs however some overlap. This map breaks down the areas (Local Authorities) that fall into both single and multiple LEPs and codes them individually (key above). Those areas that fall into multiple LEPs are identified from the key above with the use of 'AND'. * Counting Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly as one LEP area. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013 LAG ID LAG Name LEP Area ID LEP Area Name 1 Aylesbury Vale and Rural 1 Black Country 2 Bassetlaw 2 Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Leader Action Group (LAG) areas 3 & East Devon 3 Buckinghamshire Thames Valley AND South East Midlands 4 4 Cheshire and Warrington 26 5 5 Coast to Capital 28 Leader Areas (LSOA 6 Central Warks 6 Coast to Capital AND London 7 Chalk and Cheese 7 Coast to Capital AND South East 2011 approximation) 8 Chilterns 8 Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 9 Clay Country Local Action 9 Coventry and Warwickshire 'White Space' (Non 10 Coastal 10 Cumbria LAG Areas) 11 CWWW 11 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, 25 12 East Cornwall 12 Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, AND Sheffield 4Ci0ty Region27 13 East Peak 13 Dorset Regions 14 Eastern Plat 14 Enterprise M3 15 Fens Adv 15 Enterprise M3 AND Solent 36 16 Forest of Dean Local Strategic Partnership 16 Gloucestershire 42 17 Greater Dartmoor Local Action Group 17 Greater Birmingham and Solihull 18 Greensand Ridge 18 Greater Birmingham and Solihull AND Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire 64 19 19 Greater Birmingham and Solihull AND Worcestershire 11 20 Isle of Wight 20 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough 38 21 Isles of Scilly 21 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough AND Hertfordshire 39 22 and Marshes 22 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough AND New Anglia 23 Lindsey 23 Greater Cambridge & Greater Peterborough AND South East 24 Loddon and Evesley 24 Greater Lincolnshire 44 25 NE ED 25 Greater Lincolnshire AND Humber 41 32 26 NE NC 26 Greater Manchester 13 27 NE NP 27 Heart of the South West 10 28 NE NU 28 Hertfordshire 37 23 29 New Forest 29 Humber 2 30 NM 30 Humber AND York and North Yorkshire 43 4 31 CB 31 Lancashire 32 North Lincs 32 Leeds City Region 30 33 North Warks 33 Leeds City Region AND Sheffield City Region 31 34 34 Leeds City Region AND York and North Yorkshire 51 56 35 Northants 35 Leicester and Leicestershire 36 NW Fells 36 Liverpool City Region 37 NW Mersey 37 London 33 5 38 NW NLanc 38 New Anglia 46 35 15 57 39 NW PLanc 39 North Eastern 40 NW Solway 40 Northamptonshire 6 41 NW WLanc 41 Northamptonshire AND South East Midlands 42 NYMCH 42 Oxfordshire LEP 19 63 43 Peak Rural 43 Oxfordshire LEP AND South East Midlands 18 44 Penn Prospects 44 Sheffield City Region 1 14 45 Plain Action 45 Solent 46 Shrop Hills 46 South East 16 47 Somerset Levels and Moors Local Action Group 47 South East Midlands 49 48 South Devon Coastal Local Action Group (SDCLAG) 48 Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire 8 49 South Oxfordshire 49 Swindon and Wiltshire 50 Sowing SEEDS 50 Tees Valley 34 51 Staffordshire 51 Thames Valley Berkshire 60 52 Surrey Hills 52 The Marches 24 22 53 Sussex Downs and Low Weald 53 West of England 45 52 54 Three Harbours and Coastal Plain 54 Worcestershire 61 47 62 55 Torridge and North Devon 55 York and North Yorkshire 55 50 58 56 Wash Fens 53 29 57 Wav Valley 3 58 Weald and Rother 7 54 59 West Cornwall Together 20 60 West Kent 12 17 61 Western Somerset Local Action Group 62 Winchester and East Hants 9 63 Worcs 48 64 Y Dales 59

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013 Areas covered by Leader Action Group (LAG) areas

Rural LAG Areas

North East Urban LAG Areas No Leader area coverage Regions

Yorkshire and the Humber

North West East Midlands

West Midlands

East of England

London South West

South East

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013