1960 Extensions of Remarks
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1960 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD- HOUSE 6051 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS New York State Asse~Liy S.ows the The New York State legislation passed the .:flnancial.resources to build and maintain assembly by a vote of 114 and was sent to Way-Let's Put All Our Major Na· the Senate where it reportedly "has a good the type of school system which they chance of passage." The legislation is spon need. tional Nonreligious Holidays on Moll sored jointly by Assemblyman Richard J. Because education 1s so important to a days Bartlett, Republican, of Glens Falls, and Sen democratic society, I have long support;. ator Gill;>ert T. Seelye, Republican, of Burnt ed efforts in Congress to make financial Hills. Actually, May so falls on the laSt EXTENSION OF REMARKS assistance available to local school sys._ Monday in May this year. terns. At the same time I have in OJ' Congressman STRATTON, in similar com munications to Assemblyman Bartlett and sisted that any Federal assistance leave HON. SAMUEL S. STRATTON Senator Seelye, praised them for their action the sole · responsibility of operating OJ' NEW YORK and told them, "adoption of this provision schools to local communities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by New York State w111 undoubtedly lead Federal control of the educational sys quickly to recognizing the wisdom of desig tem woUld be abhorrent to our concepts Friday, March 18, 1960 nating. such other holidays as Washington's of government. I firmly believe that our Birthday, Independence Day, and Veterans system of government is flexible enough Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, last Day also on Mondays." The Congressman year I introduced legislation, H.R. 8073, urged the State legislators to "persuade .to permit the Federal Government to to fix four of our major, nonreligious na their colleagues to memorialize Congress to help the States and localities with their tional holidays-Washington's Birthday, support H.R. 8073 and thus bring the rest of educational problems without assuming Memorial Day, Independence Day, and the country into line with New York State:• control of education. Veterans Day-on Mondays rather than He expressed agreement with the views at One other thing appears clear to me. on fixed calendar dates. This, of course, tributed to Assemblyman Bartlett that the No amount of Federal funds can insure bill would not only provide a long weekend a good educational program in every is precisely what we now do in the case for travel and recreation, but would also re of another major, nonreligious na duce absenteeism in industries. community. The primary responsibil tional hoilday-Labor Day, established ity rests with the local people. They uniformly on the first Monday in have to determine what the schools September. My proposal has the sup should teach and how it is taught. They port of both employee and man National Teacher of the Year have to attract and hold good teachers. agement groups since it would pro Added revenue in the form of Federal vide not only that observance of these assistance will enable many school dis· holidays would involve a long weekend EXTENSION OF REMARKS tricts to improve their school facilities, suitable for family travel and recreation, OF but unless the local people demonstrate but would also greatly reduce absen- HON. ELIZABETH KEE a deep and continuing interest in local teeism which inevitably results when or wEsT viRGINIA school problems, they will never have the holidays fall within the middle Of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES type of system to which the community week. is entitled. Mr. Speaker, I was greatly heartened. Friday, March 18, 1960 In the final analysis, the Nation's last week to learn that on Monday, Mrs. KEE. Mr. Speaker, all West Vir- school problems extend down to the lo.. March 14, the assembly of the legislature ginians can be proud of the selection of cal level where they must be solved. of my great State of New York passed the beautiful and talented Mrs. Hazel Local people, working with dedicated. and sent to the State senate a bill de- Davenport, of Beckly, as national teach teachers such as Mrs. Davenport, will, I signed to accomplish the purposes out- er of the year. am sure, provide the Nation with a lined in my bill with respect to Memorial It is particularly gratifying to me that school system that is capable of meeting Day, making it fall, in New York State, this honor should be bestowed upon a any challenge. on the last Monday of May rather than West Virginia teacher at a time when on May 30. our State has been the recipient of so I hope, Mr. Speaker, that the State much unfair publicity. The selection of senate and the Governor of New York Mrs. Davenport as the teacher of the April Is USO Month will join with the assembly in support- year will serve to remind the rest of the ing this sound and beneficial State leg- Nation that West Virginia has many EXTENSION OF REMARKS islation. If it does become law in New outstanding assets, one of the most im;. York then it will surely follow-if the portant of which is our young people who OF observances of our great national holi- are now being trained as future leaders. HON. JOHN V. LINDSAY days are to be in harmony throughout I am delighted that the National Edu· oF NEW YoRK the several States, as, of course, they cation Association is honoring a class- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES should be-that corresponding action, room teacher each year. along the lines of the Stratton bill, H.R. Mrs. Davenport, and the previous Friday, March 18,1960 8073, must be taken by this Congress. winners, are typical of the thousands of Mr. LINDSAY. Mr. Speaker, next For this reason the recent action at the · men and women throughout the Nation month has been designated as "USO State capitol at Albany, N.Y., represents who have dedicated their lives to teach- Month." Most people have associated the first major breakthrough for this ing. USO with parties and· shows for our men legislation of. mine and I am hopeful The teacher is one 'Of the most im- in uniform. But to us who have had the that Members of the House will now soon portant persons in our democratic so- privilege of serving in our Armed Forces give their attention and support to this ciety. Unfortunately, all of us have a it means more than that. It means a important matter. tendency to take them for granted. It deep and abiding concern by our people Under leave to extend my remarks, I usually takes a crisis of some sort to on the homefront for those whom they include the text of a news release on this force the public to earnestly concern . have sent to the four corners of the subject which I have issued today: itself with public education and with the world in our defense. congressman SAMUEL s. STRATToN, Demo· men and women who operate our schools This organization, made up of volun- . crat, of New York, yesterday haUed the ac- and teach our children. tary groups, has immeasurably assisted tion of the New York State Assembly, which It takes a tremendous amount of in the religious, spiritual, social, recrea last Monday adopted _a bill to establish Me- money to operate our schools. Many Io- tiona!, ·and educational needs of our mortal Day as the last Monday in May rather cal areas are making real :flnancial sac. men and women in the Armed Forces. It than on May 30, as "the first major break· through for my bill, H.R. 8073, which would rifices to provide their children with the has provided much needed services; com provide !or the observance of au nonreligious best possible· education. Other areas munity and travel information, counsel national holidays on Mondays." · find they simply do not have sufficient ing on personal and family problems. CVI-381 _6052 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD:=-- HOUSE March 18 housing bureaus, discussion groups, craft joyed Billboard Ban 33 Years and Prof Deadline for signing up for the Federal classes, games, snack bars-to mention ited By It," and quoting the comments bonus offer is June 30, 1961. of my colleague [Mr. FoNG] and myself One reason for delay thus far has been only a few. the activity of the billboard lobby, which Truly, it has· provided our men and on billboard control. press~ed Congress into watering down the women in uniform "a home away from I ask unanimous consent that the Federal law a.nd has· since been working home." . article be printed in the RECORD. against it within the State legislatures. Its services have tremendously boosted There being no objection, the article The law provides that .the Federal Govern the morale of our men and women in was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ment will contribute one-half of 1 per uniform which, in turn, has placed them as follows: cent more than its 90 percent share of in combat readiness which is essential in interstate highway costs to States that agree HAWAnANS HAVE ENJOYED BILLBOARD BAN 33 to abide by minimum national standards of moments of tension. YEARS, AND PROFITED BY IT billboard control. USO activities are not confined alone (By Milton Britten) to our Armed Forces personnel here at WAsHINGTON.-It has been nearly 2 years 'home; it extends to such places overseas since the Federal billboard control law was ·as Anchorage, Fairbanks, Kodiak, Bal passed. Buy American Act boa, Cristobal, NiQe, Paps, Casablanca, . Yet not a single State h8$ come forward to Athens, .