Runnells Hospital Comes in Flat WF BOE Adopts $89-Mil. Budget, To

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Runnells Hospital Comes in Flat WF BOE Adopts $89-Mil. Budget, To Happy Easter Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 1, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 13-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. [email protected] SIXTY CENTS WF BOE Adopts $89-Mil. Budget, To ‘Wait and See’ on Negotiations By MAGGIE DIGGORY Slater asked the board if anything ing it “a business decision.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “forced [its] hand” regarding the “We don’t want to treat our em- WESTFIELD – At a special meet- board’s decision to ratify the Westfield ployees as the governor treated us,” ing Tuesday evening, the board of Education Association (WEA) con- said Ms. Walker. Regarding further education (BOE) unanimously tract before state-aid figures were adjustments to the budget and nego- adopted an $89-million budget with a released. tiations, “We’re still at the ‘wait-and- property tax levy of $84 million for “I don’t think anything forced our see’ stage,” Ms. Walker said. the fiscal year beginning July 1. The hand,” replied Board President Ginny “If we make concessions, could budget proposes about a 5-percent Leiz. you guarantee no staff cuts? Can you increase in property taxes and re- WEA President Kim Schumacher put that in writing?” Ms. Schumacher flects the $4.2-million reduction in said, “We realize it’s getting out of challenged the board. state aid. Voters will be asked to de- control.” Board member Gary McCready cide the issue on Tuesday, April 20. “We came to the table. Every teacher remarked earlier in the meeting that Board members Jane Clancy and is dealing with the rising cost of living, the board made a judgment regarding Richard Mattessich were not present. 1.8 percent (salary deduction for the [contract] ratification — “One In contrast to the large turnout last healthcare) is not an astronomical that we thought we could live with.” week, about 30 people of the public amount. The raise is well below the Finance Committee member Rich- attended the meeting. Union County average. I never have a ard Solomon said the timing of the The recently approved teachers’ problem coming to the table. Right ratification in concurrence with Gov- salary increase of 3.9 percent annu- now, we have to wait and see what ernor Chris Christie’s later announce- ally over three years, as well as the happens. Trenton keeps throwing mon- ment that teachers contribute a man- recently announced potential layoffs, key wrench after monkey wrench,” datory 1.5 percent towards their in- possible salary re-negotiations and Ms. Schumacher concluded. surance premiums “worked to our school program curtailments, were Board Vice-President Julia Walker advantage.” Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader discussed. defended the board’s timetable for “This settlement benefits our SALUTE TO FIREFIGHTER MAGLIONE…Many area residents came out March 27 to the fundraiser for Westfield firefighter School board candidate Mitch approving the teachers’ contract, call- schools. This way it’s a good thing for Daniel Maglione, who was diagnosed with Cancer of Unknown Primary. The benefit was hosted by Temple Emanu-El in Westfield, everyone,” Mr. Solomon added. and was organized by the Westfield FMBA Local 30. Mr. Maglione is undergoing aggressive chemotherapy through Robert Wood Mr. Slater questioned, “Even the Johnson University Hospital. All proceeds from the event went toward Firefighter Maglione and his family to support their battle taxpayers?” with the disease. Union County Police and Fire Pipes and Drums played during the night. “There’s no one in Westfield get- ting rich being teachers,” replied Mr. Solomon. County Paratransit Faces Deficit; The budget proposed does not cut eighth grade sports, intramurals at both the middle and high school lev- els, nor the middle school fall drama Runnells Hospital Comes in Flat program, as was initially cut in the By PAUL J. PEYTON County to utilize its DNA crime labora- quarter this year compared to 2009, proposal last week. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tory in Westfield. But due to the back- when 4,500 homes in the county went Nine parents spoke about the po- ELIZABETH — While Union log in cases, he told the freeholders into foreclosure. Her office is antici- tential program cuts to middle school County looks at $12 million in cuts additional support staff is needed be- pating a $700,000 jump in revenues arts and intramurals that were an- from state grants that fund mostly fore his office could handle additional to $3.7 million. The Clerk’s Office nounced at last week’s BOE meeting. social-service programs, the Board work. The department’s budget request budget for this year is $2 million, Courtesy of Bill Howard Parent Amy Flax addressed the board of Chosen Freeholders learned that of $20.4 million includes a $150,000 $200,000 over last year. The Clerk’s MARCH OF THE GEESE…A gaggle of geese joins the Palm Sunday procession both before and after Superintendent Runnells Specialized Hospital came hike in overtime, bumping it up to Elections Division budget proposal of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Westfield. of Schools Margaret Dolan’s budget within $150,000 of having a flat bud- $500,000, partly due to the backlog. is $718,000, up $22,000 over 2009. presentation. Ms. Flax asked that the get in 2009. The prosecutor said agreements with Ms. Rajoppi noted that the state “community be given a chance to During budget meetings last week, other counties would generate addi- has instructed all counties to review MS BOE Freezes Salaries find funding” to save the middle the hospital’s finance director, Mike tional revenue for Union County. cost savings of moving the School school fall drama program. Drummond, said Runnells generated First Assistant Prosecutor Albert Election to November with the Gen- “This is their sport or activity. Give $44 million in income last year, the Cernadas said the Prosecutor’s Of- eral Election. Of All Staff Members us time to work together, the parents highest in the hospital’s nearly 100- fice is in need of a laboratory aid and “We have to see if the logistics are By ERIC D. WILDSTEIN stand here and represent my colleagues. of Edison and Roosevelt Intermedi- year history. Officials, however, said data programmer. viable,” she said, noting that an extra Specially Written for The Westfield Leader I am proud to be a teacher.” ate Schools,” Ms. Flax said. the facility would likely run a He also informed the board that a machine might be needed at election MOUNTAINSIDE – The Mountainside resident Nancy Ms. Flax thanked the board and $500,000 to $600,000 deficit next new state Supreme Court mandate polls if questions are to be placed on Beechwood School library held a crowd McCabe said, “I would have been one then replied to Ms. Schumacher’s year, as part of the revenue this year requires all New Jersey attorneys to ballots, given space limitations on that extended almost out the door, Tues- of those Mountainsiders willing to pay comment regarding a promise in writ- was connected to appeals on past take 12 credits of continuing legal machine ballots. day, as the board of education (BOE) more taxes to keep those teachers em- ing not to cut staff. “The corporate Medicare charges. The hospital ran a education hours. In the past, the During a review of the Department announced it would freeze the salaries ployed.” She added, “You pay for what world does not operate with such $350,000 deficit in 2008. county paid for continuing legal edu- of Public Safety’s $10.5-million bud- of every school staff member during you get.” guarantees,” she said. “I am very pleased (with the turn- cation costs for its assistant prosecu- get proposal, which includes the the 2010-2011 school year. Despite the savings, Chief School “The rules for public education around),” said Freeholder Al tors for the first two years after they county police, emergency manage- The wage freeze was announced as Administrator Jeanette Baubles said, changed two weeks ago and continue Mirabella, chairman of the board’s graduated law school as part of its ment, medical examiner and weights the BOE unveiled to the public the most “Some staff members will be impacted.” to change,” said Superintendent Dolan Fiscal Affairs Committee. employee contract. and measures, it was noted that Eliza- recent version of the 2010-2011 budget She continued, “We can’t reveal the during her presentation. “This com- Freeholder Chairman Dan Sullivan, Mr. Romankow said part of the beth is starting its own Hazmat (Haz- at Phase IV of the Budget Presentation names of those staff who will be mini- munity values athletics and fine arts.” a 15-year board veteran, said he re- hike in overtime last year was due to ardous Materials) unit. Currently, half on Tuesday. mized.” Regarding a proposed student activ- calls deficits at the hospital as high as a wiretap case that led to numerous of the county’s Hazmat unit calls, “Next year, no employee will receive Though some staff will be cut, Mr. ity fee, Ms. Dolan said, “We’re hard at $7 million in past years. arrests in an illegal marijuana import- which are part of emergency man- more than they received in the current McLaughlin said class sizes would not work at how we’ll institute a fee. We’re “In this [fiscal] environment, that ing operation out of Canada. The agement, are to Elizabeth, officials year,” said School Business Adminis- increase. Mrs. Baubles also reported reaching out to other communities.” is an enormous achievement,” he said.
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