Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy and Action Plan

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Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy and Action Plan HEALTH,HEALTH, POPULATION POPULATION AND ANDHEALTH, NUTRITIONHEALTH, NUTRITION POPULATION POPULATION AND AND NUTRITION NUTRITION SECTORSECTOR DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PROGRAMSECTORSECTOR (HPNSDP) (HPNSDP)DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PROGRAM (HPNSDP) (HPNSDP) July 2011 - June 2016 July 2011 - June 2016 JulyJuly 2011 2011 - - June June 2016 2016 Monitoring & Evaluation MMOONNIITTOORRIINNGG & & E EVVAALLUUAATTIIOONN S STTRRAATTEEGGYY Strategy andANNUALANNUAL Action PROGRAM PROGRAM Plan IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION AANNDD REPORTREPORT (APIR) (APIR)ANNUALANNUAL20201313 PROGRAM PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION HEALTH, POPULATION, AND NUTRITION SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AACCTTIIOONN P PLLAANN REPORTREPORT (APIR) (APIR)20201313 Health,Health, Population, Population, and and Nutrition Nutrition Section Section Development Development ProgramProgram (HPNSDP) (HPNSDP) July July 2011–June 2011–June 2016 2016 December 2014 PROGRAMPROGRAM MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT AND ANDMONITORINGMONITORING UNIT UNIT (PMMU) (PMMU) AprilApril 2013 2013 PLANNINGPLANNING WING WING MINISTRYMINISTRYOFOFHEALTHHEALTHANDANDFAMILYFAMILY WELFARE WELFARE GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT OF OF THE THE PEOPLE’S PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC REPUBLIC OF OF BANGLADESH BANGLADESH PROGRAMPROGRAM MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT AND ANDMONITORINGMONITORING UNIT UNIT (PMMU) (PMMU) PLANNINGPLANNING WING WING SeptemberSeptember20120133 MINISTRYMINISTRYOFOFHEALTHHEALTHANDANDFAMILYFAMILY WELFARE WELFARE GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT OF OF THE THE PEOPLE’S PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC REPUBLIC OF OF BANGLADESH BANGLADESH SeptemberSeptemberi i 20120133 PROGRAMPROGRAM MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT & & MONITORING MONITORINGProgram Management UNIT UNIT (PMMU), (PMMU),& Monitoring PLANNING PLANNING Unit, Planning WING WING Wing * MINISTRYMINISTRY OF OF HEALTH HEALTH AND AND FAMILY FAMILY WELFARE WELFAREMinistry of Health and Family Welfare * GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT OF OF THE THE PEOPLE’S PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC REPUBLICGoverment OF OF of BANGLADESH theBANGLADESH People’s Republic of Bangladesh * i i HEALTH, POPULATION AND NUTRITION SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (HPNSDP) July 2011 - June 2016 MONITORING & EVALUATION (M&E) STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN PROGRAM MANAGEMENT & MONITORING UNIT (PMMU) PLANNING WING MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH December 2014 i i TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................... III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 PURPOSE OF M&E STRATEGY ................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 GOAL AND OBJECTIVES OF THE M&E STRATEGY .......................................................................... 3 1.3 PROCESS OF DEVELOPING M&E STRATEGY..................................................................................... 4 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT ......................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2. M&E FRAMEWORK FOR HNP SECTOR PROGRAM ...................................................... 6 2.1 M&E FRAMEWORK FOR HPNSDP .......................................................................................................... 6 2.2 M&E TOOLS FOR HPNSDP ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.3 SOURCES OF DATA FOR HPNSDP MONITORING ......................................................................... 10 2.4 DISSEMINATION OF HPNSDP MONITORING DATA .................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 3. STRATEGY TO GUIDE M&E PROCESSES IN THE HNP SECTOR PROGRAM ........ 15 3.1 STRATEGIC ISSUES AND ACTIONS FOR STRENGTHENING M&E IN HPNSDP ................. 15 3.2 M&E REVIEW RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACTION BY LEVELS .................................................. 22 CHAPTER 4. PLANS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIC ACTIONS...................................... 24 4.1 AIM OF M&E ACTION PLAN FOR HNP SECTOR PROGRAM...................................................... 24 4.2 KEY INTERVENTIONS UNDER M&E STRATEGY ........................................................................... 26 4.3 CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN ................................................................................................................... 34 4.4 DATA QUALITY PLAN .............................................................................................................................. 35 4.5 DATA UTILIZATION PLAN ..................................................................................................................... 36 ANNEXURES .................................................................................................................................................... 38 ANNEX.1 MOHFW NOTIFICATION ON M&E STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN TWG ................. 39 ANNEX.2 DOCUMENTS CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 41 ANNEX.3 INDICATIVE TIMETABLE FOR SURVEYS (FOR RFW UPDATE) ..................................... 46 ANNEX.4 DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST AND TOOLS .................................................. 47 ANNEX.5 MOHFW NOTIFICATION ON PMMU .......................................................................................... 50 ANNEX.6 ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING M&E MECHANISM OF HPNSDP ......................................... 52 ANNEX.7 M&E SYSTEMS IN PREVIOUS AND CURRENT HNP SECTOR PROGRAMS ................. 62 ANNEX.8 HNP SECTOR MONITORING OUTSIDE MOHFW .................................................................. 65 i ii PREFACE The Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program (HPNSDP) is being implemented in Bangladesh since July 2011 with the strategic objective of improving access to and utilization of essential health, population and nutrition services, particularly by the poor. Based on the lessons learned from the previous HNP sector programs, HPNSDP focused on systems strengthening including monitoring and evaluation (M&E). This Strategy for Bangladesh’s HNP sector program, in particular to HPNSDP, has been prepared in response to recommendations from the 2012 and 2013 Annual Program Reviews (APRs) of HPNSDP that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) will develop an M&E Strategy to ensure that key MISs are able to operate complimentarily. It is intended to provide a strategic framework for the MOHFW to strengthen and streamline the M&E processes with institutional responsibilities towards a harmonized information system for the HNP sector. The preparation and finalization of the M&E Strategy and Action Plan is a joint effort of the MESAP Technical Working Group, comprising different stakeholders and partners. Without their sincere efforts, support and cooperation the review and finalization process could not have been possible on time. The Planning Wing also recognizes the role of the MIS and Planning Units of DGHS and DGFP as well as that of the members of the Program Management and Monitoring Unit (PMMU) in preparing this Strategy and Action Plan. The support provided by the PMMU Technical Assistance Support Team (TAST) members (from MEASURE Evaluation and ICDDR,B) is duly appreciated. I hope that the Report would be found relevant and useful by the Government, the Development Partners and other stakeholders working in Bangladesh’s HNP sector. …….………………………………. Niru Shamsun Nahar Joint Chief (Planning) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh iii ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS ADP Annual Development Program IRT Independent Review Team AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IST In-Service Training APIR Annual Program Implementation Report ITN Insecticide treated nets APR Annual Program Review LCG Local Consultative Group BDHS Bangladesh Demographic and Health LD Line Director Survey LMIS Logistical Management Information System BHFS Bangladesh Health Facility Survey MCRAH Maternal Child and Reproductive Health BMMS Bangladesh Maternal Mortality Survey MCWC Maternal and Child Welfare Center CC Community Clinic MDG Millennium Development Goal CDC Communicable Disease Control M&E Monitoring & Evaluation CHCP Community Health Care Provider MIS Management Information System CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio CSBA Community Skilled Birth Attendant MNCAH Maternal Neonatal, Child and Adolescent DAAR Disbursement for Accelerated Achievement Health of Results MOF Ministry of Finance DFID UK Department for International MOHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Development MOPA Ministry of Public Administration DGHS Director General of Health Services MTBF Medium Term Budget Framework DGFP Director General of Family Planning NASP National AIDS/STD Program ECNEC Executive Committee of the National NGO Non-Governmental Organization Economic Council NIPORT National Institute of Population Research EmOC Emergency Obstetric Care and Training EPI Expanded Program of Immunization NIPSOM National Institute of Preventive and Social FP Family Planning Medicine FWA Family Welfare Assistant OP Operational Plan FWV Family Welfare Visitor
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