A Contribution Toward a Bibliography on North American Fur Animals
mm. ^L I B R.ARY OF THE UNIVLR.SITY Of ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY. A Contribution Toward a Bibliography On North American Fur Animals LEE E. YEAGER PuilishtJ by Aulhorily of /A« STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson Director BIOLOGICAL NOTES NO. i6 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Theodore H. Frison, Chiei Urbana Illinois state of Illinois Dwi^lit PI, Green, Governor Departin.ent of Registration and Education Prank G, Thompson, Director A GOITTRIBTJTIOIJ TOV.ARD A BIBLIOGRAPIfY Oil IIORTK AIIERICAK FUR AEIMALS Lee E, Yeager Published hj Authority of the State of Illinois ITatural History Survey Theodore H, Prison, Chief Biological ITotes IIo. 16 Urbana, Illinois December, 1941 C II T E N T S -f INTRODUCTIOII' --;>.-"-''-%„ -.^.-'.- .-"-^,-.'- -.--.---.--..-^ 1 ACKiraVLEDGliENTS - - ~ . ... ^,_.\. > .. -.>._..-.,_..-.; .;._. _ 5 LIST OP REFEREIICES ' - - ..' .\'.',-\\'_.'...-..... _ ^ - _ _ 6 HISTORICAL --..-_ -_- -,- . 6 Exploration and Settlement 6 Fur Trade ---..----. 12 FUR'ANIML CONSERVATION - - ..-.,-...._ .-.-...- - 15 AiTlilAL r.:ANAGE:iEIIT ..- ..- - - - -..-.- - -,,;*.--.- - -^ _; FUR . 20 '. General (manacement discussed or implied)..- - .- _-;--;- 20 - - - - - - r^, v^-:, Surveys and Fauna! Lists , ,-_.- - - - -^.i 26 Habits, Life History and Biology - .- ..- ,- - ..- - - - - - - 34 '- Habitats - - - - .- - .- - ,.- - - .- .- - .- ..- .- .- .,- - - -. - 36 Signs, Tracks and Tracking, - -..-.-..-,-..-.- ._,,>..-..„---;;., „ 33 Food Studies ----__--__-___________
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