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411D DEPARTMENTOFTitIN1VRIOR t BUREAU OFEDUCATION ..11 14 er. BULLETIN,1927, No. 20 PLAYGROUNDSOF THENATION A SERIES OF PROJECTSON OUTDOOR RECREATIONAND THECONSERVATION OF FOREST LIFEDEVELOPED THROUGHA STUDY OF STATE PARKSAND FORESTS lt FORELEMENTARYSCHOOLS By FLORENCE C. FOX ASSISTANT SPECIALISTIN CITY saris _,---to--"- 6F' rit=ti,' 14 ,,,v(e, ''iL,A''1 tr r . , fet i , '' AS s 1 'Q7 7Q 1. In '.... f.4,..ii .../,..4,, k. -4 ,.,-. : III, '''4----i.. ..,-0 41. -If e , ,;:- li - -- -Il,%vo.......0........... ik ir UNITED STATES v GOVERNMENT PRINTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON 1927 ?"'- '"". *. 1, a t I 44 9 .. 4 a . 1. e ADDITIONAL COPIES e Or THIS PUBLICATIONMAY RE Pr/CURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OFDOCUMENTS U. El. GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 35- CENTSPElt COPY *4 an ar :. a i. a . I . f e , .fr ,, t : 4..2 . v....v. ;.:4,): ":"4 4.a el . CONTENTS a Pap Letter of transmittal _ . __ ____ _ vu ... Introduction , _ IM. "" 1 Ir Cluipter.I.Lessons incivics ... =. '. i . 8 1. 1 - II Rebt and recreation_ # Ion. 'Summer and winter 1 canip 1 Open-airsports Helpfulcamp suggestions ____ _ _ 4. 11 . 01. 11 A State park . buildingproject 13 Chapter ILState parks andforestsas sanctuaries 17 SanctuasrlesfOr birds Game birds 17 , 19 Nongaillebirds__________ _ Plan of study 22 _ ___ 23 Sanctuaries foranimals . _ ' _ _ OM 24 The smaller animal,: 27 Plan of study :. -. 32 Wild flowers 33 Extermination ofwildflowers inIowa 34 State flowers 30 Replanting 36 Protection_ 36 Plan of study V Sanctuaries 37 for fish_____ 37 . ..Fishing inState parks: . .38 . Plan ofstutiy ..- r..) w 39 .:.- .. An .aquarium . ., =. ... 39 ;.. ChapterIII.Conservationof forests .. Lessons in .40 nature .4tudy______-_. ... Ow. ww. GM.... , Maw .0. 40 . Slaughterof the trees GM =o /MD -Forest fires :41 6 '44 - Reforestation O .. .. , 54 Arbor day _ _____ , . 55 . .Plan ofstudy , . , ..4______.____ Stateforest 55 rules .inPennsylvania___,-,,. __ _ __ Chapter . 58. .. IV.Lessonsin geography.- .,. Adirondack 59 Park fn NewYork : . _ Am .r- . 59 . Pointsau Sable State Parks . in Michigan , 01 .V 6 ' The,DuncsState Park in r ? Indiana ______ 62' CnmberlandSiatePark in Kentucky I Ir. 65 PetitJean State . i Park inArkaiisa4 __....___.:._.., 68 Reelfoot State Parkin Tennessee ..... _ _-___-______-_. 70 . ,....1 Chapter ., V.Lessonsin History : . -75. i .iai JoisceKilmerState ForestMonument , ,;..,- . - 75 . .., a .. i: ..?, 1 ; CasterState . "'s Park 4,. , . .71. v. 76. ,..:.- . , . s,.. ,... -.`--. f. ';'i't ....... - ...., s..... .,.' : -,..... ...., ....Ir,. .,,o .,: , iL, .. : :. : : . ¡ ' I I Yi i- 1 ,'.. j. ,'.. T a .' a:Z.44',,` ''. ,* .,. I...,,'I -..i'l..r:' J 'N . A 44 .'s . ..:-. %.* L'. -... i - ., .. ? . , , % ; 1 .. 14, ' :v.,. 4,..,- .1' ..-..: re:N.4 .:,. "lerlifiLt4Yi144itis . ---'r!:-1. : ,::" 3 :',:.; '. 4iii;'' s`.' if\-%741,L11.i t'''fb:4,:., .: 5'.'.''..''er t-3 ::, '!e .1;P`r,,...;:il.AA.';.1, .: Z ,174.,,....,.'..,.' i ...,':-.' rAti?1; *1.el.) N.-... c..... 1116t . h,..., 4..5.&....1-J,L!.. a:-: : : * 1 ':4 '' " V' ta je C. Y_,:- 14 e' .7. -. 1..-;', 6WA-11; .ck....,,;:?, _ (I:4 4 . ii ___,__ .?? ."-:- LiaLd!-_,14.ii4 'IPA. 1A0kA. 1St r.a'1¡ I,- ._ a.,.... ail. '' 1.,:" -i.riiiif,..i'x., ..,j1: ", '1.".« Vd:t " - -* 4...:i. 4 ) IV CONTENTS ' IT O 9, it . Chapter V.Lesson. nhistoryeontinued.- Page- . Franklin K. LeMemorial Grove_________________________ 77 -1 Lougfellow-Evangeline State Park,. 78 i Revolutionary War memorials -4, - - 79 I Israel Putnam State Park in ConnecticutI. ______-- 80 . Washington CrossingState Park in New JeAkey_____4__ _ .. 80 LeWis and Clark State Park in Was1iington___7____ 80 % - List of State parks and forests ___,... 831 v r Pictures - .. -t 89 Reading lessons_ _ 91 Publications, by States, relating to parks__ 1 .. - 97 111 .00 a. ILLUSTRATIONS . s I . , . Page , ..- A true fish story Front I spleo The evening fire, campfire girls'summer camp 2 . .. A Boy Scouts' stimmer 3 camp: Saluting the flag ,¡.__,____ A. A girls' class in woodcraft in *me of the 4-IIcamp.: 5._ :. Tourists'campegnipment: _. Open-air49,ves . .4-4 8 .., . Opencamp shelters and fireplaces permanently placed inmany camps_ . t . , Hiking .. - A . .. 8 P I Fishing _ I 9 1) Boy Scouts swimming ______ _ _ . ._-.)._ 19 , Girl Scouts canoeing ..........__ _ .- 11 A Stgte park building project, fifth grade 14 . The last passengér pigeon:A bird without protection . __ 18 o , Piitails *- - 19 , . -7 ------ , Home of the wild turkey____A________......__ _ , _ _ _ _ _ 21 . 'V Migration of pintails ,i 99 Young robin ----- 23 _ The American bison, photo by J. E. Haynes__ _ .__......,.. 25 e , The beaver and its conservation work _ _ ...... 26 . Bull elk in the act of calling _ _------ - 27 . _ Mule deer buck..._- 1 tt _ 28 Mime of the black bear, . 29 4 iHome of the mountain sheep_ .. ___ 29 , .. Themarten - ., . 30 The snowshoe rabbit . :-30 . ... , . Home of the woodchuck --.- 31. ..,, Theopossum ____. 32 ! ____ . .81 t* ,Striped chipmunk . 4- 33 : -Lotus beds: Iowa State park - 34 .. - Trilliums . 35 : ., ,.. Writtenlesson on fish, fourth grade _ -- - - 88 . , .." . Desolated -41. area.... 9 I e... :.f . .4. ILLUSTRATIONS V- Treatment of decayingtrees.: . _ Page . Digging out the decayed wood, thefungus and.the Insects I 42 .. Cavity closed z with tarpaper and fumigated__ _ __ 43 Cavity filled with cement andtreatment completed 44 -Moths layingeggs 45- -Tree and insects_ MN, 111. - 46 Hai. .,' Peak 43servation tower, Southnimbi _ , 47 Inside of tower room 48 Fprest rangeron a trip of inspection. _ ... 49 . Tryingto beat outa fire with a blanket_.____ _ 50 Fresbly turned furrow _ IMO MOD MID OM MEW IMO I MIO . .11 OM, 50 gack train takingsupplies tIPthefire fighters ..7,--_ 51 Back-firing OS. .. MIA aiN m IM 52 t. Lightning strikinga tree 40 , OM. 53 Campfire hroyerly VS. cover(41 . 53 Burnedover area where seed has been sowh -5:1 Samearea nine years after =16=1 _______ _ - .1111.%IND MI. MD OM 55 Tree nurseries MY. 56 Tree planting . , 57 Mount "Marcey, AdirondackState park inNewYork-- 60 Points au Sable State parks inMichigan' 01 Tamarackswamp in Indiana State . Park .M MID NEP MID ____ 63 Rock formation, Cumberland Statepark inKentuck__'__ 06 Boone's memorialin Cumberland \ . Gap, Kentucky elm ems ter . 137 Cedar Falls,Arkansas ; _ __ 09 Reelfoot Lake,Tennessee ____ _am ew _ ee me_ _ 71 Cypress kneesesposed by . recedingwater_____ 7:3 Joyce Kilmer ____ _ ma. two_ m I.. .10=a 76 Redwiods, . Califiorilia______ .___.____ __ ____ ___ ________re. 78 Bayou Techd, Louisiana- 79 /10 r- A 1D fr' ; r . t :. -.,.',¡ ! ... .. I . t 4 ' I . .t ' I; : .r. .- : 4 4. ' :Ill., r-i-. 4*.7 401 I .4.... : ,4 . ., , , ..... Vi ...., ; 016. ..' ,:jf. I ..... 7 . r . I . :Ai X r it r 'IV'. I . oe .4,. 11,..0,4104,1:,....1, p e r " - - " le '1'41 ,'," .! q ,g ,.. :, ??. "*. .76 , e . U.; ''..;,14.111: . Nif .# :;. n` II 1. s .0 , .b . .3.1 t qt.!' , .r ', L. VOt; ' , _ "1i'41.LA \ fti ;.4 tererd-Jaa f',74gt.t1/ I. ;11 -1 D. o I LETTER OFTRANSMITTAL . DEPARTMENTOF TI1EINTERIOR, BUREAUOFEDUCATION, 1 oxhington,July8,1927: DEARSIR:Recr6ationalareasin the form.of Stateparks and forests bearaclose relationshiptofilewelfare of theboys and girls , . of America.Accordingly, Ihave askedMiss aFlorenceC. Fox, assistant-specialist in theCity Schools 'Division,toprepare a study of the . Playgrounds of(lilt Natión. 4 This bulletiiiis inaccord yith theplan of thebureauto offer, from timek) timv, to theelementary schoolsof thec(intry certain subjects ofstudy inthe form Ofnewmaterials of prepared thatthey shallstimulate thepupil's interestin theprogress of the worhlabout hiniand shallalso be easilyadaptedto the teacher's dailypro.gram. I askthat it beprintedas abulletin ofthe Department ofthe Interior,Bureau ofEducation. Cordiallyyours, . JNo. 'fIGERTI Comas:114;mo% TheSEcurrAttYor THE INTERIOR. b. Alr s. A 4 A %MI V 4 IV _ INTRODUCTION Many attractive P areasin theUnited StatesDre not adaptedtO agriculture, andjust, inproportionastheyaredifficult ofcultivation they 6ecomeideal loiiationsforState parksand forest,reservations. I. The Statesarerapidlysetting asideasmemorials andas playgrounds -theAspots .of scenicbeauty.They willremainapricelessheritage toour childrenandtoOur children's children.aslong atithecountry shalllast.. Througha survey ofihese Staiepark!' andforests by the boysantigirlsof theelementarysAlloolsapride inState and National citizenshipmayi;earo.used wliierkshalllead,toa-higher oppreciation thjs beautifullaítd ;vhichthey inherit:. A veritablemine of intvri!stingdata forc.lassisoomprogramscanbi found inastudy of. theSrate parks.What to-selectOut of this wealth of materialisliproblem.Every phase ofsubjectmatter is.repre- witted: . Les.-44)ns innature study, geography,history, civic"; tart,and literature.In thiS bulletinPlaygroundspf ikeNations,aseries of >41 projectsarepresentedwhichare_basedupon these sn6jists of study, :is follows: JI In Chapter1, the relationof people,especil lyof boys and girls, to theuseof the pails forests forrest andrecreation; in.Chapter II, the Statepark and forest;as a sanctuary foli Oa%wild Veiof thecountry whidiarein dangerof exCermination;in Chap- ter III, the eonservdtionof,fOrests; inChapterIV, thesubjectsof -erosion,mountainfolding,andearthquakes, whichvarious parks exemplify; in ChapterV, subjectsin history,of thegredtmen whom for the 011.0and forests stamiusmemorials. Promthis classi- ficationof siibiet:C matter the teacher beprepatedtousethe Stateparkas abasis of'studyand, withoutdifficulty,to incorporate