411D DEPARTMENTOFTitIN1VRIOR t BUREAU OFEDUCATION ..11 14 er. BULLETIN,1927, No. 20 PLAYGROUNDSOF THENATION A SERIES OF PROJECTSON OUTDOOR RECREATIONAND THECONSERVATION OF FOREST LIFEDEVELOPED THROUGHA STUDY OF STATE PARKSAND FORESTS lt FORELEMENTARYSCHOOLS By FLORENCE C. FOX ASSISTANT SPECIALISTIN CITY saris _,---to--"- 6F' rit=ti,' 14 ,,,v(e, ''iL,A''1 tr r . , fet i , '' AS s 1 'Q7 7Q 1. In '.... f.4,..ii .../,..4,, k. -4 ,.,-. : III, '''4----i.. ..,-0 41. -If e , ,;:- li - -- -Il,%vo.......0........... ik ir UNITED STATES v GOVERNMENT PRINTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON 1927 ?"'- '"". *. 1, a t I 44 9 .. 4 a . 1. e ADDITIONAL COPIES e Or THIS PUBLICATIONMAY RE Pr/CURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OFDOCUMENTS U. El. GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 35- CENTSPElt COPY *4 an ar :. a i. a . I . f e , .fr ,, t : 4..2 . v....v. ;.:4,): ":"4 4.a el . CONTENTS a Pap Letter of transmittal _ . __ ____ _ vu ... Introduction , _ IM. "" 1 Ir Cluipter.I.Lessons incivics ... =. '. i . 8 1. 1 - II Rebt and recreation_ # Ion. 'Summer and winter 1 canip 1 Open-airsports Helpfulcamp suggestions ____ _ _ 4. 11 . 01. 11 A State park . buildingproject 13 Chapter ILState parks andforestsas sanctuaries 17 SanctuasrlesfOr birds Game birds 17 , 19 Nongaillebirds__________ _ Plan of study 22 _ ___ 23 Sanctuaries foranimals . _ ' _ _ OM 24 The smaller animal,: 27 Plan of study :. -. 32 Wild flowers 33 Extermination ofwildflowers inIowa 34 State flowers 30 Replanting 36 Protection_ 36 Plan of study V Sanctuaries 37 for fish_____ 37 . ..Fishing inState parks: . .38 . Plan ofstutiy ..- r..) w 39 .:.- .. An .aquarium . ., =. ... 39 ;.. ChapterIII.Conservationof forests .. Lessons in .40 nature .4tudy______-_. ... Ow. ww. GM.... , Maw .0. 40 . Slaughterof the trees GM =o /MD -Forest fires :41 6 '44 - Reforestation O .. .. , 54 Arbor day _ _____ , . 55 . .Plan ofstudy , . , ..4______.____ Stateforest 55 rules .inPennsylvania___,-,,. __ _ __ Chapter . 58. .. IV.Lessonsin geography.- .,. Adirondack 59 Park fn NewYork : . _ Am .r- . 59 . Pointsau Sable State Parks . in Michigan , 01 .V 6 ' The,DuncsState Park in r ? Indiana ______ 62' CnmberlandSiatePark in Kentucky I Ir. 65 PetitJean State . i Park inArkaiisa4 __....___.:._.., 68 Reelfoot State Parkin Tennessee ..... _ _-___-______-_. 70 . ,....1 Chapter ., V.Lessonsin History : . -75. i .iai JoisceKilmerState ForestMonument , ,;..,- . - 75 . .., a .. i: ..?, 1 ; CasterState . "'s Park 4,. , . .71. v. 76. ,..:.- . , . s,.. ,... -.`--. f. ';'i't ....... - ...., s..... .,.' : -,..... ...., ....Ir,. .,,o .,: , iL, .. : :. : : . ¡ ' I I Yi i- 1 ,'.. j. ,'.. T a .' a:Z.44',,` ''. ,* .,. I...,,'I -..i'l..r:' J 'N . A 44 .'s . ..:-. %.* L'. -... i - ., .. ? . , , % ; 1 .. 14, ' :v.,. 4,..,- .1' ..-..: re:N.4 .:,. "lerlifiLt4Yi144itis . ---'r!:-1. : ,::" 3 :',:.; '. 4iii;'' s`.' if\-%741,L11.i t'''fb:4,:., .: 5'.'.''..''er t-3 ::, '!e .1;P`r,,...;:il.AA.';.1, .: Z ,174.,,....,.'.. ...re,.' i ...,':-.' rAti?1; *1.el.) N.-... c..... 1116t . h,..., 4..5.&....1-J,L!.. a:-: : : * 1 ':4 '' " V' ta je C. Y_,:- 14 e' .7. -. 1..-;', 6WA-11; .ck....,,;:?, _ (I:4 4 . ii ___,__ .?? ."-:- LiaLd!-_,14.ii4 'IPA. 1A0kA. 1St r.a'1¡ I,- ._ a.,.... ail. '' 1.,:" -i.riiiif,..i'x., ..,j1: ", '1.".« Vd:t " - -* 4...:i. 4 ) IV CONTENTS ' IT O 9, it . Chapter V.Lesson. nhistoryeontinued.- Page- . Franklin K. LeMemorial Grove_________________________ 77 -1 Lougfellow-Evangeline State Park,. 78 i Revolutionary War memorials -4, - - 79 I Israel Putnam State Park in ConnecticutI. ______-- 80 . Washington CrossingState Park in New JeAkey_____4__ _ .. 80 LeWis and Clark State Park in Was1iington___7____ 80 % - List of State parks and forests ___,... 831 v r Pictures - .. -t 89 Reading lessons_ _ 91 Publications, by States, relating to parks__ 1 .. - 97 111 .00 a. ILLUSTRATIONS . s I . , . Page , ..- A true fish story Front I spleo The evening fire, campfire girls'summer camp 2 . .. A Boy Scouts' stimmer 3 camp: Saluting the flag ,¡.__,____ A. A girls' class in woodcraft in *me of the 4-IIcamp.: 5._ :. Tourists'campegnipment: _. Open-air49,ves . .4-4 8 .., . Opencamp shelters and fireplaces permanently placed inmany camps_ . t . , Hiking .. - A . .. 8 P I Fishing _ I 9 1) Boy Scouts swimming ______ _ _ . ._-.)._ 19 , Girl Scouts canoeing ..........__ _ .- 11 A Stgte park building project, fifth grade 14 . The last passengér pigeon:A bird without protection . __ 18 o , Piitails *- - 19 , . -7 ------ , Home of the wild turkey____A________......__ _ , _ _ _ _ _ 21 . 'V Migration of pintails ,i 99 Young robin ----- 23 _ The American bison, photo by J. E. Haynes__ _ .__......,.. 25 e , The beaver and its conservation work _ _ ...... 26 . Bull elk in the act of calling _ _------ - 27 . _ Mule deer buck..._- 1 tt _ 28 Mime of the black bear, . 29 4 iHome of the mountain sheep_ .. ___ 29 , .. Themarten - ., . 30 The snowshoe rabbit . :-30 . ... , . Home of the woodchuck --.- 31. ..,, Theopossum ____. 32 ! ____ . .81 t* ,Striped chipmunk . 4- 33 : -Lotus beds: Iowa State park - 34 .. - Trilliums . 35 : ., ,.. Writtenlesson on fish, fourth grade _ -- - - 88 . , .." . Desolated -41. area.... 9 I e... :.f . .4. ILLUSTRATIONS V- Treatment of decayingtrees.: . _ Page . Digging out the decayed wood, thefungus and.the Insects I 42 .. Cavity closed z with tarpaper and fumigated__ _ __ 43 Cavity filled with cement andtreatment completed 44 -Moths layingeggs 45- -Tree and insects_ MN, 111. - 46 Hai. .,' Peak 43servation tower, Southnimbi _ , 47 Inside of tower room 48 Fprest rangeron a trip of inspection. _ ... 49 . Tryingto beat outa fire with a blanket_.____ _ 50 Fresbly turned furrow _ IMO MOD MID OM MEW IMO I MIO . .11 OM, 50 gack train takingsupplies tIPthefire fighters ..7,--_ 51 Back-firing OS. .. MIA aiN m IM 52 t. Lightning strikinga tree 40 , OM. 53 Campfire hroyerly VS. cover(41 . 53 Burnedover area where seed has been sowh -5:1 Samearea nine years after =16=1 _______ _ - .1111.%IND MI. MD OM 55 Tree nurseries MY. 56 Tree planting . , 57 Mount "Marcey, AdirondackState park inNewYork-- 60 Points au Sable State parks inMichigan' 01 Tamarackswamp in Indiana State . Park .M MID NEP MID ____ 63 Rock formation, Cumberland Statepark inKentuck__'__ 06 Boone's memorialin Cumberland \ . Gap, Kentucky elm ems ...sm. ter . 137 Cedar Falls,Arkansas ; _ __ 09 Reelfoot Lake,Tennessee ____ _am ew _ ee me_ _ 71 Cypress kneesesposed by . recedingwater_____ 7:3 Joyce Kilmer ____ _ ma. two_ m I.. .10=a 76 Redwiods, . Califiorilia______ .___.____ __ ____ ___ ________re. 78 Bayou Techd, Louisiana- 79 /10 r- A 1D fr' ; r . t :. -.,.',¡ ! ... .. I . t 4 ' I . .t ' I; : .r. .- : 4 4. ' :Ill., r-i-. 4*.7 401 I .4.... : ,4 . ., , , ..... Vi ...., ; 016. ..' ,:jf. I ..... 7 . r . I . :Ai X r it r 'IV'. I . oe .4,. 11,..0,4104,1:,....1, p e r ....et " - - " le '1'41 ,'," .! q ,g ,.. :, ??. "*. .76 , e . U.; ''..;,14.111: . Nif .# :;. n` II 1. s .0 , .b . .3.1 t qt.!' , .r ', L. VOt; ' , _ "1i'41.LA \ fti ;.4 tererd-Jaa f',74gt.t1/ I. ;11 -1 D. o I LETTER OFTRANSMITTAL . DEPARTMENTOF TI1EINTERIOR, BUREAUOFEDUCATION, 1 oxhington,July8,1927: DEARSIR:Recr6ationalareasin the form.of Stateparks and forests bearaclose relationshiptofilewelfare of theboys and girls , . of America.Accordingly, Ihave askedMiss aFlorenceC. Fox, assistant-specialist in theCity Schools 'Division,toprepare a study of the . Playgrounds of(lilt Natión. 4 This bulletiiiis inaccord yith theplan of thebureauto offer, from timek) timv, to theelementary schoolsof thec(intry certain subjects ofstudy inthe form Ofnewmaterials of im-arucki-o.so prepared thatthey shallstimulate thepupil's interestin theprogress of the worhlabout hiniand shallalso be easilyadaptedto the teacher's dailypro.gram. I askthat it beprintedas abulletin ofthe Department ofthe Interior,Bureau ofEducation. Cordiallyyours, . JNo. 'fIGERTI Comas:114;mo% TheSEcurrAttYor THE INTERIOR. b. Alr s. A 4 A %MI V 4 IV _ INTRODUCTION Many attractive P areasin theUnited StatesDre not adaptedtO agriculture, andjust, inproportionastheyaredifficult ofcultivation they 6ecomeideal loiiationsforState parksand forest,reservations. I. The Statesarerapidlysetting asideasmemorials andas playgrounds -theAspots .of scenicbeauty.They willremainapricelessheritage toour childrenandtoOur children's children.aslong atithecountry shalllast.. Througha survey ofihese Staiepark!' andforests by the boysantigirlsof theelementarysAlloolsapride inState and National citizenshipmayi;earo.used wliierkshalllead,toa-higher oppreciation thjs beautifullaítd ;vhichthey inherit:. A veritablemine of intvri!stingdata forc.lassisoomprogramscanbi found inastudy of. theSrate parks.What to-selectOut of this wealth of materialisliproblem.Every phase ofsubjectmatter is.repre- witted: . Les.-44)ns innature study, geography,history, civic"; tart,and literature.In thiS bulletinPlaygroundspf ikeNations,aseries of >41 projectsarepresentedwhichare_basedupon these sn6jists of study, :is follows: JI In Chapter1, the relationof people,especil lyof boys and girls, to theuseof the pails forests forrest andrecreation; in.Chapter II, the Statepark and forest;as a sanctuary foli Oa%wild Veiof thecountry whidiarein dangerof exCermination;in Chap- ter III, the eonservdtionof,fOrests; inChapterIV, thesubjectsof -erosion,mountainfolding,andearthquakes, whichvarious parks exemplify; in ChapterV, subjectsin history,of thegredtmen whom for the 011.0and forests stamiusmemorials. Promthis classi- ficationof siibiet:C matter the teacher beprepatedtousethe Stateparkas abasis of'studyand, withoutdifficulty,to incorporate
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