
Exact Distribution and High-dimensional Asymptotics for Improperness Test of Complex Signals Florent Chatelain, Nicolas Le Bihan

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Florent Chatelain, Nicolas Le Bihan. Exact Distribution and High-dimensional Asymptotics for Improperness Test of Complex Signals. ICASSP 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and , May 2019, Brighton, United Kingdom. pp.8509-8513, ￿10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683518￿. ￿hal-02148428￿

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Florent Chatelain and Nicolas Le Bihan

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP†, GIPSA-Lab, 38000 Grenoble, France. †: Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes

ABSTRACT representation to study the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT). In the case, the notion of proper/improper ran- Improperness testing for complex-valued vectors and pro- dom can be phrased as follows: A complex random cesses has been of interest lately due to the potential ap- variable is called proper if it is uncorrelated with its complex plications of complex-valued time series analysis in several conjugate. Note that properness is a less general notion than research areas. This paper provides exact distribution charac- circularity which qualifies a complex whose terization of the GLRT (Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test) pdf is invariant by rotation in the complex plane. In the Gaus- for Gaussian complex-valued signals under the null sian setting where the variable distribution depends only on hypothesis of properness. This distribution is a special case second-order statistics, these two properties become equiva- of the Wilks’s lambda distribution, as are the distributions lent. In terms of real and imaginary parts of the complex vari- of the GLRT statistics in multivariate analysis of able, properness that both real and imaginary have the (MANOVA) procedures. In the high dimensional setting, same variance and that their cross- vanishes. The i.e. when the size of the vectors grows at the same rate as concept of properness extends to complex-valued vectors in a the number of samples, a closed form expression is obtained straight manner (see [6, 7]). for the of the GLRT statistics. This We consider N-dimensional complex-valued centered is, to our knowledge, the first exact characterization for the random vectors z = u + iv, i.e. u and v are N-dimensional GLRT-based improperness testing. real vectors with zero . In short, we have z ∈ CN , Index Terms— Complex signals, improperness, GLRT, u ∈ RN and v ∈ RN . The real vector representation of high-dimensional statistics, Wilks’s Lambda distribution N  T T T 2N z ∈ C consists in using x = u , v ∈ . The second order statistics of z ∈ CN are thus contained in the 1. INTRODUCTION real-valued covariance matrix C ∈ R2N×2N of x given by: C C  Complex-valued time series and vectors have attracted atten- C = uu uv (1) tion lately for their ability to model signals from a broad Cvu Cvv of applications including digital communications [1], seis- N×N where Cab ∈ R denotes the real-valued (cross)covariance mology [2], oceanography [3] or gravitational-waves T matrix between real vectors a and b, with Cba = Cab. [4] to name just a few. Among the specific features of com- A complex-valued Gaussian vector is called proper iff the plex datasets, the notion of properness (or second order cir- following two conditions hold: cularity [5]), in the Gaussian case, is of major importance as it relates invariance of the density to the T Cuu = Cvv and Cuv = −Cuv (2) correlation coefficients of complex vectors. The consequence of properness/circularity on complex random vectors and sig- If these conditions are not fulfilled, then z is called improper. nals statistics was studied at large extent in [6, 7]. Testing Testing for improperness of a complex Gaussian vector for improperness of complex vectors/signals was investigated was studied in the seminal work of Andersson [10] where by several authors [8, 9] in the signal processing community. authors used the 2N-dimensional real-valued representation However, it was indeed considered a long time ago by statis- of complex N-dimensional vectors. They derived the maxi- ticians [10]. In the signal processing literature, authors have mal invariant statistics for complex vectors and characterized mainly used the augmented complex representation - a twice the joint distribution of those statistics together with using bigger vector made of the concatenation of the complex vec- them for improperness testing. In [8, 1], authors proposed tor and its conjugate - while an equivalent real-valued repre- a GLRT test based on the augmented complex representation, sentation using real and imaginary parts was preferably used and highlighted its connection with canonical correlation co- by . In the sequel, we will make use of this latter efficients. Results showing the equivalence of the maximal in- variant statistics approach (derived from the 2N-dimensional Lemma 2.1. Any matrix C ∈ S can be written as: real-valued representation) with the canonical correlation co- I + D 0  efficients derived from the complex structure were obtained C = G N λ GT , in [9], together with a numerical study of the GLRT Barlett 0 IN − Dλ asymptotic distribution (in the large sample size case with where G ∈ G, I is the N × N identity matrix and D = small or fixed dimension of the complex vector z). N λ diag(λ , . . . , λ ) is an N ×N diagonal matrix. The diagonal The original contribution of the presented work is twofold. 1 N entries of D denoted as λ for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, are the non- It consists 1) in the identification of the exact distribution of λ i negative eigenvalues of the following 2N×2N real symmetric GLRT statistics under the null hypothesis of properness, matrix which reduces to a special case of Wilks’s lambda distribu- tion, and 2) in the derivation of the asymptotic distribution − 1 − 1 Γ(C) = C˙ 2 C¨ C˙ 2 . for the GLRT statistics in the high dimensional case (vector and sample sizes growing at the same rate). They satisfy the following properties: 1) λi and −λi, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, form the set of eigenvalues of the 2N × 2N matrix 2. TESTING FOR IMPROPERNESS Γ(C), and 2) λi ∈ [0, 1] with, by convention, the following ordering 1 ≥ λ1 ≥ ... ≥ λN ≥ 0. 2.1. Testing problem Proof. See [10, lemma 5.1 and 5.2].

In several applications, it is common use to model the sig- Lemma 2.1 shows that any invariant parameterization of nal/vector of interest, denoted z, as being improper and cor- the covariance matrix C for the group action of G depends rupted by proper . Consequently, statistical tests have only on the N (positive) eigenvalues 1 ≥ λ1 ≥ ... ≥ λN ≥ been proposed to investigate the properness/improperness of 0. Thus these eigenvalues are termed as maximal invariant a signal given a sample, from which one will decide: [11, Chapter 6]. Moreover under the null hypoth- ¨ ( esis H0, it comes that λ1 = ... = λN = 0 as C reduces to H : z is proper if condition (2) holds 0 (3) the zero matrix according to (2). Within the invariant param- H1 : z is improper otherwise eterization, the testing problem in (3) becomes ( H : λ = 0, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 2.2. Invariant parameters 0 i (4) H1 : λi ≥ 0, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N. Let G be the set of nonsingular matrices G ∈ R2N×2N s.t. Note that the invariance property ensures that the test does not G −G  depend on the (common) representation basis of the real and G = 1 2 , G2 G1 imaginary parts of z, i.e. vectors u and v.

N×N where G1, G2 ∈ R . Let S be the set of all 2N × 2N 2.3. Invariant statistics real symmetric definite positive matrices. According to the Consider we have a sample of size M, denoted X = {x }M , test formulation (3) and condition (2), the null hypothesis H0 m m=1 T T T is equivalent to C ∈ T = S ∩ G. where xm = [um, vm] are 2N-dimensional i.i.d. Gaussian As explained in [10], G is a group (isomorphic to the real vectors with zero mean and covariance matrix C. In the Gaussian framework, a sufficient statistics is given by the group GLN (C) of nonsingular N × N complex matrices un- 2N × 2N sample covariance matrix der the mapping G ↔ G1 + iG2). Moreover G acts transi- tively on T under the action (G, T) ∈ G × T 7→ GTGT ∈ S S  T . Thus, a parametric characterization of H should be in- S = uu uv 0 S S variant to this group action: the value of the parameters to be vu vv T tested should be the same for C and GCG for any G ∈ G. N×N with Sab ∈ R the real-valued sample (cross)covariance We introduce the following decomposition C = C˙ + C¨ for M M matrix of real vectors {am}m=1 and {bm}m=1 such that any C ∈ S where 1 PM T Sab = M m=1 ambm. We assume here that M ≥ 2N,   thus S belongs to the real symmetric definite positive matrix ˙ 1 Cuu + Cvv Cuv − Cvu C = ∈ G, set S. According to previous section, since H0 is invariant 2 Cvu − Cuv Cuu + Cvv   under the action of group G, an invariant test statistics must 1 Cuu − Cvv Cuv + Cvu C¨ = . only depend on the N positive eigenvalues li, 1 ≤ i ≤ N, C + C C − C − 1 − 1 2 uv vu vv uu of Γ(S) = S˙ 2 S¨S˙ 2 . These sample eigenvalues obey 1 ≥ l1 ≥ ... ≥ lN ≥ 0 according to lemma 2.1, and are an estimate of the true eigenvalues λi obtained from the the ML estimate of C under H0 reduces to S˙ , as shown for population covariance C. Note that the λi are zero under instance in [10]. Actually, the GLRT statistics is expressed the null hypothesis H0, and non-negative otherwise. As a as: consequence, the distribution of the l should be stochasti- i 1 1 ˙ ˙ 2 ˙ 2 ˙ cally greater under H1 than under H0. Any invariant test can T = |S|/|S| = |S (I2N + Γ(S)) S |/|S| = |I2N + Γ(S)| , be derived from this property. A key point to derive now a N N Y Y tractable statistical test procedure is to characterize the null = (1 + ln)(1 − ln) = (1 − rn), (6) distribution of these eigenvalues. n=1 n=1 1 1 Let BN ( n1, n2) denote the N ×N-dimensional matrix 2 2 where the first equality in the first is due to the Gaus- variate with parameters n1 and n2 as defined for instance in [12, definition 3.3.2, p. 110]. sian pdf expression, the second equality comes from the de- composition S = S˙ + S¨ and the definition of Γ(S), the first Proposition 2.1.1. Under H0, the vector (r1, . . . , rN ) of equality in the second line comes from lemma 2.1, and where 2 2 the squared sample eigenvalues rn = ln is distributed rn = ln, 1 ≤ n ≤ N, are the squared sample eigenvalues. As as the eigenvalues of the matrix variate beta distribution explained in the previous section, it is important to note that 1 1 BN ( 2 n1, 2 n2), with parameters n1 = N + 1 and n2 = the GRLT is invariant: the resulting statistics given in (6) only M − N. Moreover, the joint pdf of (r1, . . . , rN ) is expressed depends on the eigenvalues of Γ(S). as:

N N 3.2. Distribution under the hypothesis H0 of properness Y (M−2N−1)/2 Y p(r1, . . . , rN ) ∝ (1 − rn) (rk − rn), n=1 k

N N T ∼ Λ(N,M − N,N + 1). Y 2 (M−2N−1)/2 Y 2 2 p(l1, . . . , lN ) ∝ (2ln)(1 − ln) (lk − ln). Moreover this statistics can be expressed under H0 as n=1 k

N A simple change of variables yields the pdf of (r1, . . . , rN ) Y given in (5). Moreover, according to [12, Theorem 3.3.4, T = un, (7) p. 112], (5) is the pdf of the eigenvalues of the matrix vari- n=1 ate beta distribution B ( N+1 , M−N ), which concludes the N 2 2 where the un are independent beta-distributed random vari- proof. M−N−n+1 N+1  ables such that un ∼ B 2 , 2 , for 1 ≤ n ≤ N.

3. GENERALIZED LIKELIHOOD RATIO TEST Proof. According to Prop. 2.1.1, the rn in (6) are dis- 3.1. Expression of the GLRT statistic tributed as the eigenvalues of the matrix variate beta dis- 1 1 tribution BN ( n1, n2) with parameters n1 = N + 1 and A very classical procedure to test for improperness is obtained 2 2 n2 = M − N. Using the mirror property of the from the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) statistic beta distribution, it comes that the (1 − rn) are distributed as defined as: 1 1 the eigenvalues of the U ∼ BN ( 2 n2, 2 n1). sup p(X ; C) According now to [12, Theorem 3.3.3, p. 110], U can be T T ∝ C s.t. H0 , decomposed as U = Θ Θ where Θ is upper triangular sup p(X ; C) with diagonal entries θnn that are independent and where C s.t. H1 2 n2−n+1 n1  un ≡ θnn ∼ B 2 , 2 for 1 ≤ n ≤ N. This con- where p(X ; C) is the multivariate normal pdf of the sample cludes the proof. X composed of M i.i.d. 2N-dimension real Gaussian vectors with zero mean and covariance matrix C. Under H1, C ∈ S Equation (7) gives also a more efficient way to sample is a symmetric definite positive matrix. It is well known that from the null distribution of T in O(N) independent draws. its maximum likelihood (ML) estimate is the sample covari- This does not require to generate the 2N ×2N sample covari- ance S. Under H0, it comes that C = C˙ as C ∈ T . Then ance matrix S, nor to compute the eigenvalues of Γ(S). 3.3. High-dimensional asymptotic distribution under H0 4. SIMULATION RESULTS

The characterization given in (7) allows us to derive, under the Several simulations have been conducted to appreciate the ac- null hypothesis H0, an asymptotic distribution for the GLRT curacy of the asymptotic null distribution given in Thm. 3.2 statistic T in the high dimensional (i.e. large N) case. This with respect to 1) the sample size M and 2) the dimension N, yields a simple tractable closed form approximation of the M or equivalently the ratio γ = N . This approximation is also considered Wilks’s lambda distribution when both the dimen- compared with the classical Bartlett one derived for Wilks’s sion N and the sample size M are large. lambda distribution [13, p. 94]. This gives, when the dimen- Theorem 3.2. Let T 0 = − ln T where T is the GLRT statistic sion N is fixed while M goes to infinity, the same asymptotic given in (6). Assume that M,N → ∞ so that the as obtained in [9]: M/N → γ ∈ (2, +∞). Under H0, the following asymptotic −(M − N) ln T −→d χ2 , (8) is obtained for T 0 N(N+1) where χ2 denotes the chi-squared distribution with 1 0 d N(N+1) (T − mM ) −→N (0, 1) N(N + 1) degrees of freedom. sM

where 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05  γ γ − 2 γ − 2 1 γ 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 mM = M ln + ln + ln , 0.03 0.03 0.02 γ − 1 γ γ − 1 2 γ − 2 0.02 0.02 0.01  2  0.01 0.01 (γ − 1) 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 sM = 2 ln + . γ(γ − 2) M γ − 2 (a) γ = 10,M = 10 (b) γ = 10,M = 100 (c) γ = 10,M = 1000

0.07 N 0.07 0 P 0.06 0.4 Proof. According to theorem 3.1, T = ζ where the 0.06 n=1 n 0.05 0.05 0.3 0.04 ζn are independent random variables such that ζn = − ln un 0.04 M−N−n+1 N+1  0.03 0.03 0.2 0.02 0.02 with un ∼ B , for 1 ≤ n ≤ N. Based 0.1 2 2 0.01 0.01 on the centered moments of a logarithmically transformed 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 beta-distributed variable as given in [14], it comes that (d) γ = 5,M = 10 (e) γ = 5,M = 100 (f) γ = 5,M = 1000 E[ζn] = ψ(an + b) − ψ(an) where ψ(·) is the , and var[ζn] = ψ1(an) − ψ1(an + b) where 0.8 1.0 ψ (·) is the trigamma function. Using ex- 0.10 1 0.8 0.08 0.6 0.6 pansions of the digamma and trigamma functions, straight- 0.06 0.4 0.4 0.04 forward computations, omitted here for the sake of brevity, 0.2 0 PN 0.02 0.2 yield that E[T ] = n=1 E[ζn] = mM + O(1/M) and 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 var(T 0) = PN var(ζ ) = s2 + O(1/M 2). n=1 n M (g) γ = 2.5,M = 10 (h) γ = 2.5,M = 100 (i) γ = 2.5,M = 1000 In order to apply Lyapunov central theorem [15, p. N 0 X Fig. 1: Comparison of asymptotic approximations for the GLRT 362] to T = ζn, it is sufficient to show that statistics T : Pr(T > qα) under H0 vs the nominal control level α n=1 −3 −1 in [10 , 5×10 ] where qα is the 1−α either for the log- N normal approximation given in theorem 3.2, shown in solid blue line, 1 X h 4i E (ζ − E[ζ ]) → 0. or the Bartlett approximation (8), shown in dashed red line. (a)-(c) var(T 0)2 n n are for γ = M/N = 10 and M = 10, 100, 1000 respectively, (d)- n=1 (f) are likewise for γ = M/N = 5 and (g)-(i) for γ = M/N = 2.5. The black dashdotted line represents the y = x values. The expression of the fourth order centered of ζn h 4i 2 gives now that E (ζn − E[ζn]) = O 1/(M − n + 2) Fig. 1 depicts, for different values of M and γ, a 0 2 2 for 1 ≤ n ≤ N. As var(T ) = sM + O(1/M ) = O(1), the probability-probability of the theoretical null distribution previous Lyapunov sufficient condition holds, and of T against each one of these asymptotic approximations. A

N from the y = x line indicates a difference between 1 X d the theoretical and the asymptotic distributions. This shows Z ≡ (ζn − E[ζn]) −→N (0, 1). p 0 var(T ) n=1 that as expected for high-dimensional setting (e.g., γ ≤ 5) and/or large sample sizes (e.g., M ≥ 1000), the asymptotic 1 0 By noting finally that (T − mM ) = Z + O(1/M), Slut- distribution that we derived becomes very accurate and much sM sky’s theorem allows us to conclude the proof. better than Bartlett one. 5. REFERENCES [14] S. Nadarajah and S. Kotz, “The beta exponential distri- bution,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. [1] P.J. Schreier and L.L. Scharf, Statistical Signal Process- 91, no. 6, pp. 689 – 697, 2006. ing of Complex-Valued Data: The Theory of Improper and Noncircular Signals, Cambridge University Press, [15] P. Billingsley, Probability and Measure, Wiley Series 2010. in Probability and Statistics. Wiley, 1995. [2] A. M. Sykulski, S. C. Olhede, and J. M. Lilly, “A widely linear complex autoregressive process of order one,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 23, pp. 6200–6210, 2016. [3] A. M. Sykulski, S. C. Olhede, J. M. Lilly, and J. J. Early, “Frequency-domain modeling of stationary bivariate or complex-valued signals,” IEEE Transac- tions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 3136– 3151, 2017. [4] J. Flamant, P. Chainais, E. Chassande-Mottin, F. Feng, and N. Le Bihan, “Non-parametric characterization of gravitational-wave polarizations,” in XXV European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Roma, Italy, 2018. [5] B. Picinbono, “On circularity,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 3473–3482, 1994. [6] P.-O. Amblard, M. Gaeta,¨ and J.-L. Lacoume, “Statis- tics for complex variables and signals, Part I,” Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 1–13, 1996. [7] P.-O. Amblard, M. Gaeta,¨ and J.-L. Lacoume, “Statis- tics for complex variables and signals, Part II,” Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 15–25, 1996. [8] P. J. Schreier, L. L. Scharf, and A. Hanssen, “A gen- eralized likelihood ratio test for impropriety of complex signals,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 433 – 436, 2006. [9] A.T. Walden and P. Rubin-Delanchy, “On testing for improperty of complex-valued gaussian vectors,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 21–51, 2009. [10] S.A. Andersson and M.D. Perlman, “Two testing prob- lems relating the real and complex multivariate normal distributions,” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 15, pp. 21–51, 1975. [11] E. L. Lehmann and Joseph P. Romano, Testing statis- tical hypotheses, Springer Texts in Statistics. Springer, New York, third edition, 2005. [12] R.J. Muirhead, Aspects of Multivariate Statistical The- ory, Wiley-Interscience, 2005. [13] K. V. Mardia, J. T. Kent, and J. M. Bibby, Multivariate analysis, Academic Press London ; New York, 1979.