“Eradication of Untouchability” (A Case Study of Post Independent Karnataka)
“Eradication of Untouchability” (A Case Study of Post Independent Karnataka) Dr. Vijaykumar H. Salimani FIRST EDITION LAXMI BOOK PUBLICATION 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005 Cell: +91 9595359435 1 Rs: 995 /- “Eradication of Untouchability” (A Case Study of Post Independent Karnataka) Dr. Vijaykumar H. Salimani © 2013 by Laxmi Book Publication, Solapur All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN- 978-1-304-70515-0 Published by, Laxmi Book Publication, 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur, Maharashtra, India Contact No. : +91 9595 359 435 Website : http://www.isrj.net Email ID : ayisrj@yahoo.in 2 Dedicated To Smt. Radhabai and Dr. Mallikarjun Kharge Hon’ble Minister for Railways Government of India 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Success is a sweet fruit which everyone strives to taste To achieve one’s goal one should put lot of physical and mental efforts . In this process one has to take help from all the encouraging and helping people . As such, it gives me an opportunity to express my gratitude to my beloved teachers, relatives and friends who have extended their co-operation in one way, or another during the present work . At the very outset, I would like to record my deep sense of gratitude and everlasting indebtedness, I wish to express special thanks to Sri. Priyank M. Kharge, Hon’ble MLA, Chittapur Constituency, Gulbarga and Shri. Radhakrishna Doddamani, Industrialist, Bangalore for their inspiring encouragement and indebted to all their help. Similarly, I am grateful to Dr. E.T.
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