financial romcle INCLUDING Bank and Quotation Section (Monthly) State and City Section (seini-Amraaiiy) Railway and Industrial Section (Quarterly) Street Railway Section 05 ('""yCJi™ ) Entered aooordlng to Act of Congress, In the year 1905, by William k. Daha Company, in the ollioe of Librarian of Confess, Washington, I). U. A weekly newspaper entered at Post Office. New York, as second-cliss uiniter— William B. Dana Companv, Publishers, 76^ Pine St., N. T. VOL. 81. SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1905. NO. 2090. II eek ending July 8 Clearings at— Inc. ur 1905. 1004. 1903. 1902. £hc Chronicle. Dec. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Boston 156.738.700 116,353.929 +347 140.010,645 143,821.523 Tjrms ol Subscription—Payable in Advance Providence 0,950,700 6.159,800 --34 7 0.052,000 0,0-40,600 8.&S2 339 • -20 For One Year $10 00 Hartford 3.218,872 6 8.432.312 3.103,221 New Haven- 2.573.94b 2,800,751 --11-0 2.233.463 2,178,040 For Six Months 6 00 2,313,085 1.544,325 --19 8 2.028.316 1.820,256 (Including Springfield fnropean Subscription postage) 13 00 Worcester 1,798,005 1,230,491 --16-2 1,811.190 1.040.120 uropean Subscription Six Months (including postage) 7 60 Portland 1.676.825 1.568.312 +0-9 1,857.699 1,800.320 Annual Subscription in London (including postage) £2 14s. Fall River 731,604 759,013 -3-6 788.304 805,730 6ix Months Subscription in London (inoluding postage) £1 lis.
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