Place of Residence. Banke1·S. Draw on in London

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Place of Residence. Banke1·S. Draw on in London 1378 BANKING DIR~CTORY. (1841. Place o.f Residence. Banke1·s. Draw on in London. Sidntouth ••••..•••••• Gundry & Co .•.••.•••.••••••••••.•.•••••••••.••••••••••••.•• Glyn., Hallifax & Co Sichnouth .••••••••••• Stuckeys' Banking Company .••••••• , .••.•••••••.•••••••.•••.• Robarts, Curtis & Co Slttingbourne ........ Valiance and Son ...................... , ..................... Spooner, Attwoods' & Co Skibbereen •••••••••• Provincial Bank of Ireland •• ,,,,, ••••• , ..••••.•.••.••••••••••• Spooner, Attwoods' & Co Skipton •••••.••••.• Birkbecks' & Co ..••••••...•.•....•••••••••.••••••••••.••••••• Barnard, Dimsdale & Co Skipton • , ••.•••••.• Branch of' Yorkshire District Bank .......••.••••••...•.•••.•.. Willlams, Deacon & Co Sleaf0rd •••• , ••••••• Branch of Lincoln and Lindsey Banking Co.; Wm. Clayton, agent Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co Sleaford ••.•.•• " •.•• Peacock & Co ..••.•••.•.•.....•.•....•.•..•....••...•••••••••• Barnett, Hoares & Co Sligo • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • Branch of Provincial Bank of Ireland ...••••.•••••••••.•..••• , • W right & Co Sligo ••.•.••••••••••• Branch of National Bank of Ireland; Robert :M:eyler, manager .• Ladbrokes', Kingscote & Co Sligo ••• , ••••.•••• , •• Branch of Bank of Ireland; J ames Duncan, agent ••••••••.•••••• Coutts & Co. and The Bank of England Sollam .•. I ••••• 41 •••• Oakes, Bevan & Co ....•..•••. I •• I •••• I ••••• I I •••••• I a " •• I ••• Barclay' Bevan & Co Somerton •.•••.•••••• BranchofWestofEngland&South Wales District Bank; Joseph ~ Glyn Hallifax & Co Sams, agent ...•.......• I ••• I , •••• I •••• 1 .... 1 ••••••••••• ,. •• 5 ' Somerton ••••••••••• , Stuckeys' Banking Company ..••........•••.•••••...•••••••.•.• Robarts, Curtis & Co Southam ••.••••..•••• Branch of Leamington Priors and Warwickshire Banking Company Williams, Deacon & Co Southam ............. Branch of Warwick and Leamington Banking Company ......... J,adbrokes', Kingscote & Co Southampton ••.••.••• Maddison & Co ............................. I ............... ,. ••• Barnett, Hoare::; & Co Southampton ........ , Atherley and Fall ............................................ Lubbock & Co Southampton ......... Hampshire Banking Company; (HeadOffice),Thos. Trew, managr. Jones, Loyd & Co Southampton. , .••.••• National Provincial Bank of England; Jas. 1\faemillan, manager London Joint Stock Bank South Molton .•.••••• National Provincial Bank of England; John L. Danes, manager. London & Westminster Bank South Petherton ..... Stuckeys' Banking Company ................................... Robarts, Curtis & Co South Shields •••••••• Br. of Northumberland & Durham District Bank; J olm Clay, agt. Barclay, Bevan & Co. and Glyn, Hallifax & Co i5outh Shields •••••••• Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland Union Bank .••••••••••• , ••• Barnett, Hoares & Co South Shields ........ North of England Bank; R.l\Iilburn, manager.................. London & Westminster Bank South\vell ........ , •• 'Vylde & Bolger ................................ , ........ , •. , . ., Lubbock & Co South""old •••. I • • • • • • Harveys' & H udsons' ..•••.••••..•...•••••••••••• , .••.••.••.•• , Hankeys' & Co Spalding • , .......... Garfit, Claypons & Co ........................................ Masterman, Peters & Co Spalding •••••••••••• National Provincial Bank of England; T. B. Scarborough, manager Spooner, Attwoods' & Co Flpalding •••. , ••••••• Br. of'Stamford, Spalding & Boston Bkg. Co.; Geo. Bugg,managr. Barclay, Bevan & Co Spilsby .••.••.•••••.• llranch of Lincoln and Lindsey Banking Company ............... Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co Spilsby •..•••.•••.•• , Garfit, Claypons & Co .•••••••••••.•••••..•••.•••••....••••••• Masterman, Peters & Co Spilsby .••• , •••••...• Stamford, Spalding 1 and Boston Banking Company •.••.•••. , •. Barclay, Bevan & Co Stafford ............. Stevenson, Salt & Co. (Old Bank) ............................. Stevenson, Salt & Sons Stafford ••••.•...•••• Branch of Manchester and Liverpool District Bank •••.••••.••• Smith, Payne & Smiths' Staines .•••••••.•.•. , Thomas R. \V. Ash by & Co . • . • . • . • . • • • . • • • . • • . • . • • . • • • • • • • "\Yilliams & Co Stalybridge •• , •••.••• Branch of :Manchester and Liverpool District Bank ••••.•••• , .• Smith, Payne & Smiths' Stamtord .•.•...•...• Eaton and Cayley .• , ••••• , , •••• , •.• , •••••••• , •••••.••••.••••• 1\'Iastennan, Pete_rs & Co Stamtord ••••.•.•.••• Northamptonshire Banking Company; R. Hunt, jun., manager..• J,ondon & W estmmster Bank Stamford .•.•••...••• Stamfor~, Spalding& Boston Bkg. Comp.; Orlando Edmonds, m g. Barclay, Bev~n & <:o . Stanhope ......... , •• North of England Bank ...................................... London and"\\ estmrnsterBank Stewarton •...•••• , •• Branch of Glasg·ow Union Banking Company ••••.•.•. , ••••••.• Jones, Loyd & Co Stirling ••.•••••.••••• Branch of Bank of Scotland ; Alexander Brodie, agent .•..•..•.• Coutts & Co. & Bk. of England Stirling ••••••.••••••• Branch of Commercial Bank of Scotland .•.•••....••.• , .•••••.. J ones, Loyd & Co St~rl!ng .•• , •••. , ••• ,. Branch of Gla~gow Union Banking Company ••.•••...•••.•.•.. J ones, Loy~ .& Co Stirlmg ...•••• " •••••• Branch of N atwnal Bank of Scotland ; Patrick Connal, agent ••.• Glyn, Halhfax & Co Stockport .•••••.••••• Branch of Manchester and Liverpool District Bank ••••••.•••.• Smith, Payne & Smiths' Stockport .•••••.•.••• Bank of S tockport •...••..•..••••..•..•.••.••.•••••••••...•.• J ones, Loyd & Co Stockport .••••••••••• Branch of' Bank of Manchester; D. Smyth, agent ...•••.....•...• Denison, Heywood & Co Stockton •• , ••••••••• J. Baekhouse & Co ............................................ Barclay, Bevan & Co Stockton .•••.••••••• National Provincial Bank of England; William Skinner, manager Hanburys', Taylor & Co Stock ton • , •••••••••• Branch of Darlington District Banking Co.; W. W. Child, agent Barclay, Bcv~n & Co Stockton ••••.•.••.•• Stock ton and Durham County Bank .•...•••.•••.••••.•.•...... Robarts, Curtls & Co Stokesley •••••••• , •• , Branch of Darlington District Bkg Co. ; G. T. Hutchinson, agent Barclay, Bevan & Co Stokesley .•••.•••.••• National Provincial Bank of England ; C. Archibald, manager..• Hanburys', Taylor & Co Stone ...•.•...•••..• Willian1l\foore ••.....•...•..••• I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • Glyn, Hallifax & Co Stonehaven .......... Aberdeen Town and County Bank ............................. Jones, Loyd & Co Stonehaven .•.•••.•.• Branch of Bank of Scotland; William Stewart, agent .......... Coutts & Co Stoney Stratford ..... Olivers and York ............................................. Jones, Loyd & Co Stornoway •••••••••• Branch of National Bank of Scotland; Rod crick M orison, ageRt. Glyn, Hallifax & Co Stourbridge ••••••••• Stourbridge & Kidderminster Banking Co.; J llhn Amery, manager Smith, Payne, & Smiths' Stourbridge .......... Rufford& Co ............................................ , .... Spooner, Attwoods' & Co Stourbridge •..•••.••• Bate & Robins .•••••••.•..•. , •••• , ..•• , •••..•.•.••.•• , •• , ..•• 1\'Iasterman, Peters & Co Stow-on-the-"\V old •••• Cripps & Co ........ , •• , ...................................... Masterman, Peters & Co Stowmarket ••••••.••• Oakes, Bi'van & Co .•.•••• , • . • • • • . • . • . • . • . • • • • . • . • . • • Barclay, Bevan & Co Stowmarket .•.•••.••• East of England Bank; J. A. Lankester, manager ......•.•••••• London and WestminsterBank Strabane ••.•.•••.•• , Branch of Belfast Banking Company ........................... H. & J. Jolmston & Co Strabane ............ Provincial Bank of Ireland .................................... Spooner, Attwoods' & Co Stranraer ............ Branch of British Linen Company .............................. Smith, Payne & Smiths' Stranraer .•.•••....•• Branch of Glasgow Union Banking Company .•• , .•.•..•.•.•••• J ones, Loyd & Co Stranraer ........... Southern Bank of Scotland .......... ,, ....................... Union Bank of London Stratford-on-Avon.... Branch of Warwick anrl LeamiP~ton Banking Company ......... Ladbrokes', Kingscote & Co Stratford-on-Avon •••• Branch of Stourhridge and Kidclerminster Banking Company •••• Smith, Payne & Smiths' Strathaven •.••••.•.• Branch of Bank of Scotland; J olm Cross, agent •....•••..•••••• Coutts & Co. & Bk. of England, & Smith, Payne & Smith:,' Strathaven .......... Branch of Glas~ow Union Banking Company ............ : ...... Jones, Loyd & Co Strichen ••••••..•.•. Branch of North of Scotland Banking Company ..••..•...•.••.. Barclay, Bevan & Co Stromnec;s ...••..••.. Branch of National Bank of Scotland; Jolm Beatton, agent. •..•• Glyn, Hallifax & Co Stroud ............... County of f1loucester B:mk .................................... J ones, Loyd, & ( 'o Stroud ..•••....•.•..• Branch of Gloucestershire llankil1g Co.; J. Paine, manager .... Jones, Loytl & Co Stunninster .......... Fryer, Andrews & Co ......................................... Glyn, Hallifax & Co 8tnrminster. , , • , ••••• 'Yhliam<J, Cox & Co. , , • , , , • , , • , • , ... , , •• , , • , ••••• ,. , , , , • , , • , • "'illiams, Deacon & C'o .
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    government Circular No. 21 84. G.O. Reference No. 29749/1o/ 1. The Defence (Finance) Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, 1939 TREASURY INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRARS The following instructions to Registrars by the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury are issued for compliance. By Order, B. E. SARGEAUNT, Government Secretary. Government Office, Isle of Man. 17th May, 194o. DEFENCE (FINANCE) REGULATIONS (ISLE OF MAN) 1939• TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, 1939. TREASURY INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRARS. Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Regulation 3A of the Defence (Finance) Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939. The attention of Registrars and others concerned with registers of securities is drawn to Regulation 3A .of the Defence (Finance) Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939 (S.R. and 0.1940 No. 709) and to the Currency and Securities Restriction Exemptions (Isle of Man) (No. i) Order, 1940, which impose inter alia restrictions on acts by Registrars giving effect to transfers of securities registered in the Isle of Man. Registrars should obtain copies of Form D and of the Explanatory Notice and Instructions for Proce- dure dated 13th May, 1940 (obtainable from banks and stockbrokers) and should refer to it for guidance on the restrictions imposed on Registrars generally by the Regulations affecting securities. It is provided in paragraph (4) of Regulation 3A as follows :- (4) Subject to any exemptions which may be granted by order of the Treasury, no person shall except with permission granted by the Treasury or by a person authorised by them or on their behalf, enter any transfer of securities in any register or book in which those securities are registered or inscribed unless there has been produced to him such evidence that the transfer does not involve a contravention of this Regulation as may be prescribed by instructions issued by or on behalf of the Treasury.
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    13ANKERS OF THE UNITED KING DOM, &c. BANK OF ENGLAND, THREADNEEDLE S1REET, E.C. David Powell, Esq., Governor; .Albert George Sandeman, Esq. Deputy·Governor. George Frellk. Glennie, Esq., Secretary; John H. Bowman, Esq., DeplLty; Horace G. Bowen, Esq., Ohipf Oasllte, ; Jn. Gordon Nairne, De~uty. Geo. F. Stutchbury, Esq., Ohief Accountant; J. D. Farrell, Deputy; Messrs. Freshlields & Williams, SoUcitu,3. WESTERN BRA-NCH, 1 Burlington Gardens, W.-Sir Arthur N. Birch, R.C.M.G., Agent. LAW COURTS BRANCH, New Law Courts - F. B. Fairley, Esq., Age'lt. LONDON BANKERS. The nltmberR preceding the title or form of the Bank are tho~e referred to in the Ust of PROVINCIAL BANKEJCl.!l. ,I Agm Bank, Limited, 35 Nicholas lane, Lombard street, E.C. 'Keyser A. & Co. 21 Cornhill, E.C. 2 Alexander, Fletcher & Co. 2 St. Helen's place, E.C. 60 King Hy. S. & Co. 65 Cornhill, E.C. and 45 Pall mall, S.W. Alexanders & Co. Limited, 24 Lombard street, E.C. 62 Lloyd's Bank, Limited, 72 Lombard street, E.C.; 16 & 54 St. James A~n T. H. & Co. 17 Gracechurchstreet, E.C. st. S.W;; 33 Belgrave road, S.W.; 34 Hammersmith rd. W. Alhance Bank, Limited, see ,Parr's IBanking Co. and The Alliance 13 &14 Highst.N.W.; 215Strand.W.C.; &189Fleetst.KC. Bank, Limited • London Banking Corporation, Limited,32 New Bridge st. E.C.; ArmstroDg & Co. 93 Bishopsgate street Within, E.C. and 88 High st. Islington,N. 5 Bank of England-(See above) 63 London and County Banking Co. Limited, 21 Lombard street, J~.C.
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