World'sathletie Championsfor 1913
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THE . OGDEN STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1915 1 i World'sAthletie Champions for 1913 I GREAT EVENTS ASSOCIATION TO ARE SCHEDULED UNITE IN N, Y. Exposition Series to Excel Any Athletic Program Ever Name for New Regatta Associ- Arranged in U. S. ation Causing Much Discus- sion in Harlem. San Francisco. Dec. 27 Ncor in fhe history of athletics In the United New York. Dec. 27. Following the States has there been such a series example of the Philadelphia organlia-tions- , of great athletic events as will be the three regatta associations hold here during the course of the ot the New York metropolitan dis- Panama-Pacfl- ! c International Bxposl- - trict will probably soon become one tion next year. The plans wore an- body The bodies amalgamation are nounced in detail today. the Harlem Regatta Association, the The Intercollegiate moot will be Long Island Rowing ssoclatlon, and held on August 20 and 21 and the the Hudson River Association They A. A. U. events on August -- 7 ind 28. will form a combine something like These will be followed with another the Schuykill Navy, which has bene- new fixture the relay championship fitted the sport in the Quaker City. I tt America on August CO and 31 Of the three the Harlem Regatta The intercollegiate meet will bring is the oldest, having completed near a together for the first time the collcgi- - half century of successful life. The ate winners of the rast, the m'ddle Hudson River Association is not yet years old, Long West and the Pacific coast, or at j ten while the Island least will open to them, with a like- Association Is nearly three decades In lihood of a representative gathering age nf the champions As most of the There Is quite a little discussion as men engaged in the Intercollegiate to the name to bo given to the new vent will remain for a week it will organization, and many especially nmke the A A. II rh.nmpions more the old timers are loath to see the historic cognomen Regatta np.tlcnal in character than ever be- - Harlem go FVed. fore , Association," by the board R. Fortmeyer, Secretary of the Na- The modern Pentathlon for the spe tional Association of Amateur Oars- al Olympic plr.que presented by the men, said. international Olympic Committee will "There Is no doubt that a new as- be staged from 7 11' H June to and will sociation taking on the three old or- - mark the first competition tor a nrize ganlsations will be of inestimable presented by th;-- t ommittee outside benefit to the sport in New York. of the Olympic games Other track But this governing body should see find field figures are the Pentathlon that the number of regattas be not m Labor Da and the Decathlon on lessened In fact we should have September 11 and 12 even more than In the past." In International athletic features, Jamen A Miller. Jr . one of New Sweden.! Germany, Austria and other ork s greatest authorities Is decid- countries have expressed their desire edly In faor of the new move He to be represented ind events will be said arranged to coincide with the wishes "If properly organized and managed of the Intending competitors. They it will he a hoon to rowing In the will not, however. be definitely set- metropolitan district " He Is decld tled until the conference of the In- edly In favor, however, of abandon- ternational Amateur Athletic Federa- ing the Harlem Rher course for tion at Budapest next July, as the purposes, because of the grow- meeting must be conducted under the ing Interference which the shells en in!e3 and sanction of that body. counter on this old racing stretch. Plans for the track are being pre There were many serious mishaps p.ired by Frederick W Rubien, the during the last Harlem rpgalta. A A, U expert on track construction. Richard Starcke. President of the Several men are in favor of a third Harlem River Rowing Association, Is of a mile track with a quarter mile also enthusiastic over the proposed straightaway The first quarter of merging "It wil put rowing on a Hie half-mil- will be run on stronger basis than It now enjovs the Above are grouped the celebrities champion, Miss Gladys Ravenscroft of team Third Row Jake Daubert. left t. open golf champion; Maurice E. Ty Cobb, champion American league straight away so new records and local regattas will be of better that are who will go down in - athletic histon England, American golf champion champion batsman of the National McLoughlln, hero "f Davis tennis tro- batter, and (at extreme left), Joe Fos-lh- quality" Is the preelictlon. almost ceri.iln as the champions of 1913 in their re- John Paul lone.--, champion mil. r Pa- league. Jerome D- Travers, amateur victory and national champion; er, champion six day rider In the The track championships of the spective lines of sport. Top Left to Second Row Left 1o right. Walter I man- Connie Mack, manager d cific Coast Association will be beld right. Jock Soutar, racquet champion; Johnson, premier American league olf champion. John McGraw of winners of center at the bottom Is Christy at dates to be settled later Yacht- Pat Ryan, hammerwelght champion; pitcher and Harry Payne Whitney, ager of National league champions s baseball championship: Frank thewson, leading twirler of the CROSS AND ANDERSON ing, aeroplaning and motor boat rac- Miss Mary Browne woman s tennis Captain Of America's victorious polo Fourth row Frauds Ouimet (extreme champion bicycle sprinter, tional league. I I ing are on the program Numerous . t ' other sports will be catered to during TUNING UPF0R BOUT ; 1H5. The A A. U. basketball chain p'.onshlps. bringing together the win- Instrument of pleasure or amusemon' jbcft In the country because of his Individual star of the seaso nwas Char- I'll. than De Oro as a player, and, pionships will commence the pro- - last ners of :;11 sections of the United but foresees a variety oi practical vl.tory over both amateurs and ley Brlckley, Harvard's wonderful in fact, manv rate De Oro considerably (n February, gymnastii j Los Dec. 27 week the including its use In rural fcsslonals. not to "mention the Fnglish-- drop kicker and halfback, yet there above him Anceles. Leach Cross championships on 26 27 States, will be from May 6 to 8. The Bud- Anderson, who meet In a March and mail delivery, telegraph and in BSen men Vardon and Ray, in the open are those who contend tint Norsrea wrestling championships swimming championships will be twenty-fou- r round bout at ernon and the the held ger service, delivery of small 'rades championship Yet Jerry Travers beat of Chicago. Craig of Michigan and The race in 19 24, - for the Harmsworth New bpen F.eeond week In April The fencing from July to and the all around men's gcods. used by ot Ouimet on numerous occasions, in- Dorals of Notre Dame were Just as Year's afternoon, have I A. A. residents ternaConal motor boat trophy was rounding up training week titles will be contested for the fourth championships of the U. on suburban and small towns, eluding the amateur tournament, and valuable to their respective teams. their this 7 districts in satisfactory style week In April, and the boxing cham August transportation of working people many regard Travers as the likely vUH Billiards offers only one man that sailed on the Solent in the south ot Cross has been tor over Ouimet at any time they possesses an unquestioned right to bis England America and France, th at Doyle's, where a large number of their homes and factories. spectators watched him applaud- con- should happen to meet again. Trav- title. Willie Hoppe who owns the and The general arrangement of the latter for the first time tried for the ed his clever work Anderson has to a simple easy ers was more conslstem than Ouimet balkline trophies at both 18.1 and 18.2 trol alms provide and trophy by Kncland last year The i NEW INVENTION MAKES WALKING and won many tournaments besides styles of play Alfredo De Oro. who rained at the Verono Arena. Each management of the speed, starting . three-cushlo- was E, Mackay Kdgar's hydro-plune- niun posted $5ou weight and appear- stopping of the amateur one holds the emblem. Uj i t winner end the machine of ance money with Promoter McCnrey The v0Tkng parts are entirely en- In tennis Anthony P. Wilding .tie if any superior to three or four "Maple Leaf" IV., with which New Zealand Is ranked first by most of the Pacific Athletic Club UNNECESSARY closed, and there are no tanks, ped- others over a long stretch of play. the owner 'luted' the cup in 1912 By agreement enthusiasts hecans,. of his beating! Qennie Allen, although the terms of their als, or other projecting parts The the victor over The runner-u- was Ankle Deep, an the fighters are to weigh in at 135 control is automatically taken care Maurice McLoughlin of California, the: De Oro in their bout for the pocket champion, in the American boat, which won the Amerl pounds at 15 o'clock on the after- Oi through backward and forward 'American Upper picture shows Hugo Gibson, the the K. Brookes,1 billiards title, the pauie formerly can championship at Thousand is noon of the fight and enter the ring action of the steering pillar, which land tourney But Norman inventor, operating h 3 machine.