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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND -GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 35, NO. 6. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 28, 1900. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. NEW YORK©S LEAGUE IS HOE OH A FIRMER BASIS THAH i HE CONNECTICUT LEAGUE REPORTS EVER BEFORE, PROGRESS. President Farrell Shows Wherein the flie Circuit Matter Finally Settled by League ol the Empire State Excels the Shift ol Owners In Norwich and Why It Will Furnish a Better Umpires Appointed and Everything Grade ol Ball Than Heretofore. Mow up to the Schedule Committee. New Haven, Conn., April 24. Editor Anburn, N. Y., April 22. Editor "Sport Sporting Life:" The Connecticut League ing Life:" President John H. Farrell, of leld another meeting in this city on the the New York State Base Ball League, .7th inst. The most .important thing done was interviewed to-night on matters per vas the disposition of Norwich. Tne taining to the league. To your correspond ©ranchise in that city was transferred ent he said: ©roffl John C. Chapman, who held it at the A SPLENDID OUTLOOK. ?nd of last season, to Henry B. Daven- "The season will open in a little over two iort of that city. The circuit committee weeks. For this time of the year never sas thereupon discharged with thanks. before were the prospects for a successful THE NEW MAGNATE. season as pronounced. Everything points Mr. Davenport will probably secure the to the most successful year in the history services of A. G. Doe to act as manager of the organization. In every town the 3f the team. Mr. Doe represented Mr. club has strong financial backing. With Davenport at the meeting of the directors. this, as well as many other advantages in . Davenport is an enthusiastic base our favor, there is no reason why the fans l man. He is the proprietor ol the In the various towns will be dissatisfied Wauregan house, and it is said that he with the article of ball put up. All of the has already raised $500 among the patrons clubs have good managers and they have of the game as an emergency fund, and. signed the best available players. There is any event can be relied upon to bring not a team in the league but what is out a representative team. stronger than last year, and I look fo* a RULE CHANGES. close race." A rule adopted at the meeting was to THE SEASON©S OPENING. the effect that neither money nor tickets "All the clubs, with the exception of On Welder Thomas O©Brien, ol Plttsburg. ..ill be refunded after the third inning. Cortland and Oswego, have reported. Cort- Each club will be required to post copies land players will be on hand this week of this rule on its respective grounds. An and will open the season at Elmira on ALL TYRAiNTS. other rule of more or less importance, Wednesday and Thursday. Shiunick has A NEWONE. .. Inch was also adopted, concerns the em ordered the Oswegoans to report on April An Organization Known as the Minor League Club Owners Just ployees of electric roads in New Haven, :>0. After a few days© practice they will Mountain League Started in Penn as» Oppressive as the Big League New LondoQ and Norwich. During the play Cortland iri this city on May 7 and sylvania. Despots. comiug season none of these will be admitt 8. Binghamton opened the season with ed free to games iu the above named cities Rochester yesterday. To-day Troy and Al Tyrone, Pa., April 20. At a special Chicago, April 23.-Willie McGill. the bany will begin the season. Troy will meeting, held at the Carman House to left-handed pitcher under reserve to Com unless in full uniform. cross bats with the Paterson team at Pater- day/ it was decided to organize a mountain iskey©s American League team, received a THE SCHEDULE AND UMPIRES. son, and Albany will play Worcester at league of base ball clubs. The representa letter last week from Manager Jimmy Me George Bindloss of New London was the Capital City. Montreal will also play tives present were: W. F. Bradley, of Aleer, of the Cleveland team of the same authorized to prepare a sch©edulfc. He ID Troy two games this week. Binghamton Clearfield, for Clearfleld and Philipsburg: league, offering him a salary of $1.250 for will present it at the next meeting, to and Rome will open with Rochester. the season to pitch for lam. McGill show be held May 1. The following were ap George Russell, of Altoona: A. S. Carman, pointed umpires by the directors; D. J. BETTER THAN EVER. R. J. Goodall, Esq.. and W. D. Metcalf. ed the letter to a couple of friends and "The league this year is more firmly es Counor. of Waterferd, Mass: David J. Jr., of Tyrone. Altoona, Clearfield, Philips- said: "That Is what 1 call the hardest Corcoran, of Naugatuck, and Thomas tablished than ever. Three of the cities kind of luck. Here I have a chance to will bave new ball grounds Biughamton. burg and Tyrone constitute the member Kelly of Brockton, Mass. Umpires will He Oswego, and Troy, while the grounds in the ship thus far. and it is confidently expected pick up a good salary, but because Comis paid $5 a game and will be required to that Huntingdon and Bellefonte will also other cities will be extensively improved. key does not like me he is going to force pay their own expenses. come in. The officers of the league elected me to buy my own release for $250 or The Associated Press will handle the full were: President, A. S. Carman, of Tyrone: scores this year, putting the league on an play with him for $SOO for the season and secretary and treasurer, Frank Vaugbn. of © A JERSEY LEAGUE. equal footing with the Eastern and other be treated like a dog. is it any wonde minor leagues. Taking everything into con Altoona. that the players are crying out agains Three Hot Ball Towns Agitating » Combination. sideration. I am firmly convinced that the The Northampton Team. the reserve rule and praying for relie coming season will be the banner year for from the czars of base ballV" Bridgeton, April 23. Editor "Sporting Life:" our league." Haydenrille. Mass.. April 22. Editor "Sport Everything points to the formation of a county ing Life:" The Northampton (Mass.) Base Ball base ball league for this season. The interest Team lias organized for the coming season, and Danville Dotlets. Decatur Dotlets. manifested over the national game is spreading the following players have been selected for Danville, lud.. April 23.-Editor "Sporting throughout this section. Those having an in the team: B. Grace, of Haydenville: catcher. Decatur, 111., April 23. Manager Welkert Life:" The Danville Club, of the Centra terest" iu the game art- anxious to have a strong ha* signed the following players, to compose P. Larken, Haydenville: short stop. A. Sweeney. League, is in good shape. All the players hav organization in the three towns. Bridgeton. Vine- the Decatur Club in the Central League: Frank of Bay State; first base. D. Sullivan, of Hoi- been signed and the preliminary practice Is i land and Millville. It is more than likely that Badger. Mobile. Ala., a catcher; Sarn McMackin. yoke, Mass.: second base. A. Thompson, of the League will he formed within a week or so Montgomery, Ala., pitcher; Henry Loughley. late Amherst; third base, J. Larkiu, of Haydenville; progress. The pitchers will be Mclntyre, Poff Healey and Beal; for catchers we have Fre and dates arranged for a series of championship of the Texas League; George Wilklnson. late of pitcher, K. Clark, of Brown College: centre games. A meeting will probably be held here the Atchison (Kan.) and Des Moines (Ia.1 teams, field. Daniel Sweeney. of Holyoke; left field. C. Abbott and McGuire. The infield will consis of W right, first base; Lou Natter, second base this week for the formation of the league. third base; Perry Griffin. St. Louis, snortstop: Enswall, of Westfield. Mass. The season will Everything points to » strong club for Bridge- open about May 1, and teams desirous of games George Robe, short stop: third base. Tu Sam Reust. Kansas City, pitcher: Dremony. of ton, and the season will be opened here Memor will write at ouce to J. J. Larkin, Haydenville, Noonan: the outfielders will be Kane, Bowe Kansas City, pitcher and. Wynn Clark, of San ial Day \vitli two panics. Antonio. Mass. arid Muileo. LIFE. Apr 1128. Boston....,............! 2 0 0 1 *0 3 I 5 0—17 Earned runs— New fork 3, Brooklyn 1. First on Games Played Sunday, April 33. Philadelphia......... 5 6 0 .i 0 2 2 0 1 2—19 errors—New York 2, Brocklyn 2. Loft on bases— Si. LOUIS VS. PlTTSBUHQ AT ST. LoUIS APBIL 22.-C Earned runs—Bo ton 11. Philadelphia 8. Two-bane NPW York 6, 6. Two-ba»e hit—Davis. The visitors tied the game in their half of the nintb, hiis—Thomas, Lows 2, McFarUnd. Three-base hiti Struck out—By Dubenv 2, Kitson 2, Dunn 1. First and only Heidrick's magnificent cateh kept them — Bailey, Stahl. Home runs—Crois, Freeman. OD balls—Off Seymour 5. Kitson 4, Dunn 2, Double from winning. Heidrick singled in St. Louts' half Stolen bases—Lajoie, Flick. Double pl»y«--0rth, play—VanHaltreu, Davis. Sacrifice hita—Frisbt-e, and went to second on Donoran's sacrifice. McGann'* THE EIGHT TEAMS HOW IN THE Myer«, Oelebauty, Cross; Orth, Lwjoio, Delehanty. Gieason. Keelcr. Stolen hasps—Davis, Doyle.