The Bungonia Times The Community Grape Vine

Circulation 380 Est. Readership 1,000 Volume 20 Issue 6 July, 2010 Macquarie magnificence

None of this has stopped the little village from putting on a Convict Dinner to mark the occasion. Lachlan Macquarie might not be important enough for the state government to acknowl- edge but he has most certainly been important enough for Bungonia. In 1820 it was Macquarie, after all, who issued the Order giving permission to occupy the new country which included Bungonia. One hundred and ninety years later, Bungonia might have no school or shop, but it has a great heart. About 100 people descended on the hall, many dressed in convict clothing ( stripes are so fetching) or the dress of the day. False moustaches and mop caps were in abundance. Everyone contributed to a traditional 1800’s fare; hard-boiled eggs, pickled onions and hard cheeses greeted us at our tables, with the less certain addition of feijoas to provide Vitamin C and protection against scurvy. Rabbit, oxtail stew with dumplings, sauerkraut and Neaps all poured from the partly renovated hall kitchen. Choices of pudding included pie, apple charlotte and a wonderful fresh syllabub, which I am determined to master for dinners at home. Those who thought Anne Williams and her committee were there only to provide the meal were sorely mistaken; as convicts were clearing the pudding plates, Julia Mackay’s Macquarie Trivia competition began. Shamefully no table got near a full score but we certainly learnt a lot about Macquarie in the 40 intensely competitive minutes that followed. Where he was buried, his role in naming the continent, his early years - it was a great way to learn about a man we can truly say in spirit was a great Australian. Congratulations Bungonia on a very special night to mark the bicentenary of a remark- able man who truly changed Australia, who was really the first governor to believe in us. It’s not too late for other communities and social groups to celebrate Macquarie—and if Bungonia is anything to go by, public support will certainly be there. I am confident I will be, especially if there is syllabub on the convict menu. SINGER:Jim Bennett (Goward on Goulburn— Goulburn Post Friday 4th June 2010) who also entertained us that evening.

BUNGONIA EXPO 2010 Cancellation notice for Bungonia Expo that was to be held on the 17th July, 2010. Unfortunately the time frames are too tight with the current work proposed in the Hall Kitchen. The RAFFLE will still be drawn on the 17th July at the hall at 2pm This is an opportunity to view the Hall since the new ceiling has been completed and stage 1 of the Kitchen upgrade is in progress Contact Jenni Neumann( [email protected] ) if you would like tickets. Sorry to all the eager supporters. Keep it in mind and be ready to come and be part of it later on BT will keep you informed 2

Advertising Charges:

For Sale/Wanted $5.00 (Maximum 3 lines), Business Card Size $8.00—$80.00 per annum. Quarter Page $15.00—$140 per annum. Half Page $20.00—$200 per annum. Full Page $40.00 - $400 per annum. Inserts subject to quotation.

BUNGONIA TIMES DEADLINE : 12 noon 20th of each month. Please ensure that all contributions are received by the above time and date.

Home Delivery by Mail: Send your mailing details to Bob Knott, “Bimboria”, 336 Inverary Road, Bungonia NSW 2580 with a cheque for $20.00 to cover the cost of postage stamps and envelopes for one year (11) issues. If you wish to have Bungonia times emailed to you, please email your address to: [email protected]

All expressions of opinion are published by the Bungonia Times (Volunteers) on the basis that they are not to be regarded as expressing the official opinion of the publishers unless expressly stated. The Bungonia Times (Volunteers) accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or information contained in this edition and readers should rely on their own enquiries in making decisions touching their own interest.

This newsletter is COMPILED and DELIVERED by volunteers as a service to the community. If you have any questions regarding this publication or its delivery, please feel free to phone one of the contacts and we will endeavour to help you.


Copy and payment can be placed in the locked post box in front of the Hall or send your copy to: EDITOR: Judith Knott “Bimboria” 336 Inveray Road, Bungonia, NSW 2580 PHONE: 4844 4478 EMAIL: [email protected] TREASURER: Robert Knott “Bimboria” 336 Inverary Road, Bungonia, NSW 2580 PHONE: 4844 4478 EMAIL: [email protected]


JUNE 2010

13.8mm over 7 days up until 21 June.

350mm over 54 days this year so far.


10 Russell Lane Phone: 4821 5109 Goulburn NSW 2580 Fax: 4821 8229 3


Next Meeting: Monday , 12th. July 2010, 7.30pm at the Hall

Ardmore Park Quarry: Multiquip Quarries have applied to continue to use the existing site access rather than construct a new access road and intersection with Oallen Ford Road as per the approved project.

This information has been given limited distribution and a very short time to reply. The Historical Society has re- quested an extension until 12th. July. If you want a copy of the documentation and the opportunity to comment the following are contact details:

Kane Winwood Senior Planner, Mining Projects: Phone 9228 6298: Fax. 9228 6466: Email: [email protected]

Traffic on Oallen Ford Road and Lumley Road has increased not decreased since the traffic counts were done. The Consultative Committee that was supposed to keep the residents informed doesn't seem to exist.

Hall Ceiling The ceiling has been painted and the electrician will finish his work early in July. In order to meet the Health & Safety requirements for areas serving food to the public, changes have to be made to the position of the electric wiring and the power board. Stage 1 of the Kitchen management plan will deal with the kitchen floor and all the underfloor services and some changes to the serving area. The end plan is to meet all the require- ments of the new regulations over a period of time as finances become available.

Bungonia Antiques Discovery Day. 25th. September. See History Society for details

Photos: Does anyone have photos of the original food preparation area in the Hall when it consisted of an open fire, a big cupboard and the card players were moved out so that supper could be served.

Cemetery : The list of names of people buried in the Cemetery whose grave site is unknown, has been submitted for quotes, for a plaque or other means, to have a combined headstone in the Cemetery. Cost will be a factor.


Next meeting: Wednesday, 7th. July 2010 7.0 pm, at the Hall.

The new carpark continues to get regular use with travellers consulting the Bungonia sign and the National Parks & Wildlife Notice Board or stopping for cuppa or meeting friends.


Next meetings: Saturday, 10th. July 2010 , 10.30 at the Hall. This will be the AGM followed by an ordinary meeting

Bushfire photos: Do you have photos of any of the bushfires in the Bungonia Area ? Contact Moira McGinity

Antiques Discovery Day: Saturday, 25th. September 9.30am till 3pm.

Is that cherished vase that has been in the family for generations trash or treasure? Antiques dealers will be in attendance to evaluate your items . They will also display a number of valuable or interesting pieces. Entry is free. There will be a small charge for evaluation. Light refreshments will be available. 4 From Salt


Taste A collection of family recipes from the kitchens Of the Bungonia District


Now is the time of the year to start planning for yet another long, hot summer The devastating bushfires in Vic- toria early year should prompt us all to clean up around our homes, cut back all dead or dying branches and rake up any rubbish laying on the ground. Dispose of this sensibly either by mulching or burning. Clear an area of at least 10 metres around the house, to act as a buffer Think carefully about the type of mulch to be used around the plants as soft mulch will burn, try either scoria or pebbles as an alternative. Plant fire retardant plants as a ground cover, i.e. English Lavender, Pig Face, dicondra (Kidney Creeper) Native Violet, Gazania, Calla Lily, Day lilies and Periwinkle. For trees and shrubs, try Magnolia Grandiflora, Camellia, Hydrangea, Prunus (Plum) and Syzigium (Lilly Pilly) to name just a few. Check with your local Nursery. Don’t forget while some trees will sur- vive well after a fire a lot are ringbarked at the bottom by burning soft mulch, only to die later.


Next Meeting: Monday. 16th August 2010 , 6.30pm at the HalL

If the Police Station is not staffed when you ring your call will be transferred to Goulburn Police Station. Contact 4841 1516 Daryl Riches is the Rural Crime Investigator and deals with matters relating to stock theft or stolen equipment or chemicals. Report any theft no matter how small as it may build up a picture of a wider ring. Contact number 4823 2010 Most thieves are opportunists, so don’t make it easy for them

WANTED WANTED WANTED For historical purposes any photograph/s that you may have of the damage and havoc resulting from a bushfire in our local area is eagerly sought. Any photograph you can lend will receive T.L.C. and be reproduced for our records and returned to you in due course. Please contact Moira McGinity on 4844 4266 5 Memory Lane

Washaway Ck. May 2 nd . Mr John Manning JNR. Dear Sir You will do me a favor if you could get me About 12 lbs. of Beef boiling ribs thick flank round but I do not want either hack Loins or Brisket and there is too much blubber attached to tongues you cannot get corned meat anywhere they only rub salt on it when you go for it & it destroys everything in your cask the wet salt I can put salt on myself also about 3 or 4 lbs of good fat for cooking if you get it in Goulburn go to Stevenson’s what was got at Hunts for me was an old worn out Bullock and the part was called round but was what is known as Shepherds tongue ie solid gristle so I go there no more he can keep his hocks it is as well to take some bone it is better than gristle I will allow you something for doing this for me) I would like to get a camp at your place there is no room at Jim Cooper) too many of themselves and only Mrs. Cooper the old man was there when I was last there if you have any first c Bacon or cheese shall want a bit but no carrion fed stuff which is likely to be in evidence with grain & offal so high a price I would like to get some grain for fowl feed don’t believe in pellarts (?) Yours obediently L T Smith Over

My horse may not want shoeing this time but will next time I am in for certain if all is well if all goes well & the cursed Rheumatics gives me a chance I will be in on Friday the 9 th . May weather & etc. permitting L F S

PS. It will most likely be Mon Before I can get into Bungonia on ac of vile Rheumatics & I want a bit of chaff cutting Yours truly


The above letter was written to my Uncle Jack Manning. “Long” Tom Smith, who lived at the Washedaway or Washaway as he called it., died in 1919. Anne Smith says she remembers her father, Ernie Broadhead, bringing his body to Bungonia for burial in the Bungonia Cemetery, others maintain that he is buried at the Washedaway.. Moira McGinity

CANYON OF BUNGONIA . GOULBURN, Friday. The Chief Secretary (Mr. Lazzarini) visited Goulburn yesterday, and was motored out to the great canyon of Bun- gonia by members of the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce. The chamber asked the Minister to declare the reserve at the canyon a sanctuary for flora and fauna, to appoint a caretaker, and to erect a shelter at the top of the canyon. Mr. Lazzarini said the place ought to become a popular tourist resort, and, while he could not commit the Tourist Bureau to anything definite, he believed that most of the requests, would be granted. The Sydney Morning Herald – Saturday 11 September 1926 – page 16

Cal Bungonia Hts Reproduced as the articles were worded in the day and age of the time.

6 A step back in time THE BUNGONIA QUARTZ REEFS.

Mr. P. S. SOLOMON, manager of Manton's Bungonia Quartz Mining Company (limited), yesterday brought to our office a cake of amalgam gold, weighing forty-eight ounces, and procured from a crushing of thirty-five tons of quartz, from the reefs near Spring Creek, Jacqua, in the Bungonia district. The machinery has been at work nearly four months, and the stone crushed during that period has yielded, on average, about an ounce to the ton. In the Goulburn Herald of Saturday last there appears an article descriptive of the works and reefs and embryo township, and from this we make the subjoined extracts :- "A two horse coach at present runs between the railway station at Marulan and Spring Creek twice a week. The distance is something under thirty miles, the Braidwood road being followed for about five miles beyond Bungo- nia, and a track then branching off, which crosses over about twelve miles of uneven country, presenting, however, no very great difficulty to the formation of a good road. "A site of two acres was chosen at a point in the creek where there is a small permanent stream of water, and where the rainfall flows from several small gullies, in addition to the main creek. A dam has been erected, with tailing pits and by-wash. Although the site is some three miles from the reef from which the stone is being raised, it was thought better to secure permanent water even at the expense of longer carriage of the quartz than to run any risk of stoppage from want of a sufficient supply of water. "The machinery itself stands in a building of some considerable elevation, forming the chief feature in the embryo township. It is substantially built, weather boarded, and roofed with corrugated Iron. The engine is a ten-horse power nominal, working up to fourteen, and it drives ten head of stampers, each weighing five cwt. The machinery has been at work now nearly four months, and there has been no stoppage from any defect or disarrangement. It was put up under the care of the present engineer, Mr. E. Bennett, and was supplied by Messrs. P. N. Russell and Co. It is calculated to crush an average of from seventy to eighty tons per week. The mine itself, as it is termed, consists at present of the original prospectors' claim. There is a road sufficiently practicable from the engine-house, and the quartz is drawn by contract, the present rate being '7s. per ton, the dis- tance three miles. The country is of the same broken nature which generally characterises the district trending to- wards the Shoalhaven. The claim is opened on the side of a hill, and three shafts have been put down. The main shaft is sunk ten fathoms. The working has been easy, and very little blasting has been necessary, from 1200 to 1300 tons of quartz, we were informed, have already been raised, and there is evidently an extensive deposit. The walls are principally of sandstone. The reef, which has numerous off-shoots or leaders, varies in width from two feet to seven or eight feet. The workings are dry; and the operations have been carried out by experienced miners. There is an appearance of business and system which impresses one very favourably. The gold is not found in rich patches, but is evenly difused. It may be added that the gold obtained from these reefs is of first class quality, and commands the best price. To an unpractised eye there is not much outward appearance of richness in the quartz, but the practical test that has now been applied has proved it to be remunerative. The number of hands employed at present is between forty and fifty, but the number and, of course, the expenditure vary from time to time. The regu- lar outlay of the company is at present the main support of the locality. "There are two other crushing-machines in course of erection. One of these, in which Messrs. May and Thomas of Braidwood are interested, will be placed a short distance from the main reef. A well-constructed dam has been put up, with the view of retaining a supply of water, of which there is already a considerable body; but there is no per- manent running stream at this place. These gentlemen have an interest in a claim on the main reef, from which a considerable quantity of stone has already been raised, and it is expected they will crush for the public also. "At the Spa Creek, which is three miles from Spring Creek in another direction, Messrs. Mason and Flook are rap- idly getting on with the erection of machinery. They have gone into the enterprise with the fullest confidence. They have interest in claims, and will also crush for the public "We are informed by Mr. F. D. Munt, the mining registrar, that some alluvial gold has been obtained in the neighbourhood, and the ground is likely to be worked profitably." The Sydney Morning Herald – Friday 26 November 1869 – page 2

GOVERNMENT TENDERS. CONTRACTS LET. Last week tenders were accepted by the Department of Public Works for the following works :- Government Architect's Works. Erection of police station at Bungonia, G. E. Fraser, Bowral, £1220.

Sydney Morning Herald – Thursday 4 October 1906 – page 9



With winter upon us our June meeting found some members unwell and others escaping to warmer climates for well earned rests. Our delegate to the State Conference, Colleen Cooper reported back on the many interesting matters that were discussed. Thank you Colleen for such an informative report. It is always good to hear about the many matters that affect the CWA across the State. This month also saw our members attending Marulan Branch’s International day Luncheon, the Group Council meeting at Tarago and Goulburn CWA’s International Afternoon. Unfortunately after much discussion it was decided that we would have to cancel our Branch’s International Day function. Get well wishes to our sick members and those who are enjoying warmer holiday climes—Take me!!! Birthday wishes for July go to Judith Knott — CHEERS

Our next meeting will be on the 8th July at 9.30am at our rooms All Welcome Leanne—Publicity Officer.


We are there for you Our experienced, 7 days a week / 24 friendly staff are at hours a day. your disposal, ready We have Pre paid to help you and funerals, quite your family in your Chapel and on site time of need parking.

David Rudd and his sister Shane are an Australian family owned Funeral Home in Goulburn

All Monumental Work – through Bob Rudd Funerals –Please call Shane on 02-48224400 o Our Agent at Marulan—Trish Cunningham 04320 253 057 8


24 Hour prompt service Free Quotes

Hay and Stock feeds for sale 7days and after hours by phone RON WENBAN New season hay * top grade lucerne *top grade clover *clover / rye mix corn, barley, oats, lupins, wheat, Mobile: 0428 445259 dog kibble, scratch mix, layer pel- Email: [email protected] lets, shell grit, Barastoc horse pellets all in stock now * delivery avail- able *Rural *Domestic “Room To Move” *Industrial *Commercial 5544 Oallen Ford Rd Bungonia Ph 0407 444 295


EVERY MONDAY 9.00am TO 1.00pm


Margaret Lehmann: 4844 5190 or Sandy Williams: 4821 3121


Come along and say hello and check out various crafts we create, there is no pressure and beginners are especially welcome.

Join in and enjoy our delicious morning tea.



Sandalwood Pony Stud *Riding School *Boarding Horses *Pony Stallions at Stud *Stock feeds and hay for sale *Holiday camps *Ponies broken in *Ponies for sale *Farm stays “Room To Move” 5544 Oallen Ford Bungonia Ph 0407 444 295 Sandy Wooderson





10 11


• ♦ Mirrors • ♦ Showers • ♦ Mirror Wardrobes • ♦ Windscreens • ♦ Glass • ♦ Security Screens • ♦ Windows

440 Auburn Street, Goulburn PHONE: 4821 2633 FAX: 4821 9133 12


Management Plan adopted

Goulburn Mulwaree Council has adopted its 2010/11 Management Plan. Council received 41 submissions about the document during the exhibition period, and these suggestions were considered at last week’s General Purposes Committee Meeting. Some of the changes to the Management Plan include: Council will now apply a 30% Base Rate percentage to the Residential and Farmland rating categories. That the amount included in the Executive Management budget for staff events remain at $10,000. Council will support the Goulburn District Tourism Association at the Country and Regional Living Expo in 2011 to the tune of $5000. Council to investigate funding for the extension of the Addison St bus zone for Trinity Catholic College. A donation of 20 discount tickets per year at the Goulburn Aquatic Centre on request to charitable and community organisations for free, with another donation of 20 discount tickets per year for Council approved fund raising purposes. Council has also recommended that deferring any construction on the Oallen Ford Road Bridge until more is known about what is happening with Main Road 92 from Nerriga.

Additional Green Waste collection

Following a number of requests from green thumbed gardeners across Goulburn Mulwaree, Council will conduct an additional green waste collection in the week from Monday 28 June to Friday 2 July 2010. Simply leave your organic waste bin (green lid) at the kerb on the same day as your domestic waste collection.

Wholesale Nursery approved

Council has unanimously approved the construction of a wholesale nursery, which will provide employment op- portunities for people with disabilities in the Goulburn Mulwaree area. The development includes the erection of a training and amenities building, as well as maintenance, potting, facili- ties and storage buildings, construction of seven-bay potting storage area and placement of four igloos and two railway containers linked by an awning and adjacent portable toilet. Council also resolved to grant Challenge Southern Highlands Inc. the sum of $3,716 for re-imbursement of the as- sessment and construction monitoring fee for this project from the Community Grants and Donations Scheme.

Councillor Salary

Councillors have voted to not increase their annual salary. Following a recent determination by the Local Govern- ment Remuneration Tribunal, Councillors were entitled to a 3% increase in their fees. However, Councillors de- cided to maintain the status quo, with the annual Councillor and Mayoral fee to remain at $15,500 and $33,840 respectively.

Audit and Review Committee

Council will soon be calling for Expressions of Interest from two community representatives for the newly created Audit and Review Committee. The Committee will comprise Councillors Neil Penning and Bob Kirk, along with three independent external members, including the Director of Finance and Administration from Upper Lachlan Shire Council. A charter will be developed for the Committee and presented to the July 2010 Council Meeting.

Goulburn Mulwaree Council LOCKED BAG 22 GOULBURN NSW 2580 Telephone: 4823 4444 Fax: 4823 4456 13

22 June 2010 Mayor: Councillor Carol James General Manager: Chris Berry MEDIA RELEASE

Goulburn Indoor Pool to close for urgent repairs

Goulburn Mulwaree Council has been forced to temporarily close the indoor pool at the Goulburn Aquatic Centre, with at least two leaks detected in the pool.

The pool will close at 7.45pm on Wednesday 23 June 2010, and it’s expected will remain out of action for at least seven days.

Council’s Waste and Aquatic Manager Andrew Galland said the leaks were detected when staff no- ticed an increase in water usage in the pool.

“A review of water usage rates and an investigation into water seepage in Victoria Park has identi- fied that a substantial amount of water was leaking from the indoor pool,” Mr Galland said.

“At this stage, we are hoping that the indoor pool will only be closed for seven days while we in- vestigate the source of the water leaks.

“We are still identifying the sites where the leaks are, but we’ve discounted a number of possible causes.”

Council staff will use a variety of methods to pinpoint the site of the leak, including using dye in the water and cameras within the pool’s pipe network.

The leaks were also causing problems with maintaining water temperature in the pool.

“On Monday, the water temperature fell to 27 degrees Celsius, well below the 29-30 degree range recommended for this time of year, particularly for younger users. As the result learn-to-swim classes were cancelled,” Mr Galland said.

“Council apologises to the user groups of the Aquatic Centre for this inconvenience, and we hope to have the problem identified and rectified as soon as possible,” Mr Galland said.

MEDIA INTERVIEWS : Please contact Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Director Engineering Ser- vices Terry Cooper on 4823 4464.

MEDIA ENQUIRIES : Please contact Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Communications Unit on 4823 4412 or 4823 4548. Goulburn Mulwaree Council LOCKED BAG 22 GOULBURN NSW 2580 Telephone: (02) 4823 4444 Fax: (02) 4823 4456 14



Mass is to be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Marulan on the 2 nd and 4 th . Sundays of the month Dates for July Sunday 11 th , July 9am Sunday 25 th . July 9am.

Mass times in Goulburn are: Saturday vigil Mass: 5pm. at St. Peter & Paul’s. (Note winter time is 5pm) Sunday: 8am. at Fatima, North Goulburn Sunday : 10 am. at Sts. Peter & Paul’s.

Parish Priest: Fr. Dermid McDermot Assist. Priest: Fr. Sunil Kadaparambil

Parish Office & Presbytery Phone 4821 1022 Secretary Sharon Hickey. Office hours 8.30am - 12.30pm.

A VEIW OF ST. MCHAEL’S ST. MICHAEL’S BUNGONIA. BUNGONIA 7pm. Thursdays : The rosary is recited at St. Michael’s every Thursday at 7pm. It takes about 15 minutes and the Church isn’t too cold. All welcome. Anytime you just want to have a look at the interior call in about 7.15pm. 15 POLICE BEAT

Crime for the month of June


Theft this month has been extremely disappointing. I am appalled to have to report this month that a number of both primary and high school aged students in both the morning and afternoon whilst waiting for school bus connections, have been entering the Tarago service station and stealing items such as lollies and chocolates. I am sure that most, if not all parents will be ashamed to hear from me as I know most of the children involved are from good families.

For all concerned and who are making it known on the buses and sharing the stolen goods, make no mistake, I will be coming and speak- ing with you and your parents about the issue. Don’t think just because I haven’t been out to see you yet, I don’t know who is involved, as all children involved have been caught on CCTV footage. The service station is under 24 hour surveillance which is recorded. You could attempt to do the right thing between now and when I come to see you by apologising to the owners of the service station.

Again this month the theft of railway sleepers have been a continued focus. A vehicle was reported to be removing railway sleepers near Covan Creek Road in Lake Bathurst with a dual axle trailer. Let me take this opportunity to advise all that there are people out there re- cording registration numbers and if your one, it’s only a matter of time before I start to make enquires with you. State rail is no longer willing to let this issue go by, and action will start to be taken. Lets again highlight the below and stress it is an offence.

Be mindful that to obtain the sleepers you need to access land owned by state rail, fenced or not, it’s not your land, you are tres- passing and stealing property that dosen’t belong to you. So, to get to the sleepers you will be trespassing on their land and will be prosecuted as such, after all someone is the owner of the sleepers.

Section 93G(1)(b) of the Crimes Act relates to carry the same in a manner likely to injure.

Section 93G(1)(b) discharge the same in / near a public place

All these offences are serious and carry a hefty penalty.


Over the long weekend in June two accidents were reported. One occurring on the Oallen Ford Road where the driver had to brake heavily to avoid colliding with stray sheep (seven) on the road which got out of a nearby paddock. The vehicle rolled twice before coming to rest on it’s side. Luckily a passing motorist stopped and assisted the driver. Lucky no one was seriously hurt. The vehicle how- ever did require towing.

Also over the long week a motor bike rider came off his trail bike on a private property in Windellama. This resulted in the rider being conveyed to Goulburn Base Hospital by ambulance officers, for treatment to a badly lacerated right knee and damage to his knee cap.

Please remember now winter is upon us the roads are and will continue to be slippery wet and frosty. Please take extra caution when trav- elling on the roads. I am responding to more injured kangaroos that are requiring to be destroyed as they have been hit by vehicles on the roads.

Remember the new legislation below which have commenced.

The new Act creates new offences under section 30 (1) and section 30 (2). Section 30 (1) provides an offence now for a person to smoke in a motor vehicle on a road or road related area if there is a person under the age of 16 present in the vehicle. Section 30 (2) provides the driver of a motor vehicle in which a person is smoking in contravention of section 30(1) is also guilty of an offence.

So in short, if someone in the vehicle is smoking and there is a person under the age of 16 also present in the vehicle, that person and the driver are both guilty of an offence.

One other new piece of legislation that has come into affect is that of child restraints. Please be aware of the following,

1. Child younger than six months must be secured in a rearward facing restraint 2. Child aged six months to under four years must be secured in either a rear or forward facing restraint 3. Children aged four years to under seven must be secured in a forward facing child restraint or booster seat Children younger than four years cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows.

Illegal hunting and shooting activities

It’s been a request from a number of locals to mention the relevant offences again this month. It was also brought to my attention from a recent job in the Bungoina area, that people are stopping on Oallen Ford Road and shooting rabbits and the like in nearby paddocks. On one occasion the owner was working on the property. 16

If you wish to shoot, go and do the right thing and ask permission.

As requested some of the relevant offences again, just to mention a few.

Section 93G (1)(a)(i) of the Crimes Act relates to possessing a loaded firearm in a public place.

Section 93G(1)(b) of the Crimes Act relates to carry the same in a manner likely to injure.

Section 93G(1)(b) discharge the same in / near a public place

All these offences are serious and carry a hefty penalty.


Over the long weekend in June two accidents were reported. One occurring on the Oallen Ford Road Windellama where the driver had to brake heavily to avoid colliding with stray sheep (seven) on the road which got out of a nearby paddock. The vehicle rolled twice before coming to rest on it’s side. Luckily passing motorist stopped and assist the driver. Lucky no one was seriously hurt. The vehicle however did require towing.

Also over the long week a motor bike rider came off his trail bike on a private property in Windellama. This resulted in the rider being conveyed to Goulburn Base Hospital by ambulance officers, for treatment to a badly lacerated right knee and damage to his knee cap.

Please remember now winter is upon us the roads are and will continue to be slippery wet and frosty. Please take extra caution when trav- elling on the roads. I am responding to more injured kangaroos that are requiring to be destroyed as they have been hit by vehicles on the roads.

Remember the new legislation below which have commenced.

The new Act creates new offences under section 30 (1) and section 30 (2). Section 30 (1) provides an offence now for a person to smoke in a motor vehicle on a road or road related area if there is a person under the age of 16 present in the vehicle. Section 30 (2) provides the driver of a motor vehicle in which a person is smoking in contravention of section 30(1) is also guilty of an offence.

So in short, if someone in the vehicle is smoking and there is a person under the age of 16 also present in the vehicle, that person and the driver are both guilty of an offence.

One other new piece of legislation that has come into affect is that of child restraints. Please be aware of the following,

1. Child younger the six months must be secured in a rearward facing restraint 2. Child aged six months to under four years must be secured in either a rear or forward facing restraint 3. Children aged four years to under seven must be secured in a forward facing child restraint or booster seat 4. Children younger than four years cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows. 5. Child aged four years to under seven years cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows, unless all other back seats are occupied by children younger then seven years in a child restraint or booster seat

These laws are now enforceable, so please seek further advice from your nearest RTA or your police station should you require it.

These laws are now enforceable, so please seek further advice from your nearest RTA or your police station should you require it.


Due to a recent accident on Oallen Ford Road Windellama this month, it’s a reminder to all property owners to check your stock fences and gates are in good order to prevent stock entering the road.


There has been one report of a trespass on a property in the Bungonia area off Oallen Ford Road. An unknown vehicle has gained access into the property and left what appears to be “burn Out” marks on the grass adjacent to the front driveway. In doing so a tree was de- stroyed.

Malicious Damage

There has been one report of malicious damage along the Jerralong Road where a stock fence was cut and unknown person/s accessing the property. It appears that nothing was stolen but did cause a considerable amount of damage to the boundary fence which needed to be re- paired. 17


A report was made in June relating to a computer fraud where the victim had an item listed on ebay which didn’t sell. The victim received an email from a person from overseas who stated they wished to purchase the item as it had ended on ebay. The overseas contact fraudu- lently gained a sum of money to the value of $3,500 from the victim over three separate incidents. The overseas contact even made out they were acting as PayPal. Please be aware of any potential fraud via the internet or ebay. A general rule with these type of matters, is that, if you feel something is wrong, then generally go with your feelings, as most of the time you will be right.

Break and Enter

June saw some well long over due results and progress into the ongoing investigations into the break and enters and theft in the area. It’s pleasing to be able to report some positive results. With thanks to a number of local residents for their assistance in working with police, police were able to arrest and charge a male for attempting vehicle fraud via his insurance company, stolen property and the execution of a search warrant where unregistered firearms and ammunition were seized along with motor bikes, a trailer and many other items. The male is to appear before the Goulburn Local Court.

For all those who assisted police my thanks for your help. By working together we will win against the minority.

There has been two break and enters recorded this month. One which occurred on the Oallen Ford Road Windellama where a chainsaw, hand tools and fire wood was taken.

The second was recorded on Strawberry Creek Road Windellama were a lengthy list of property was stolen such as furniture, truck parts, tools etc… Fingerprints attended and collected evidence from the scene. Hopefully the evidence will assist police in the future.

Both matters are still under investigation.

Community Notice:

A reminder that a state wide firearms audit has commenced. The audit is similar to that of a few years ago. So, please make sure your licence is current and has not expired and your storage cabinet complies with the standards, because when I get your file I will be contact- ing you to arrange a time and date to inspect your firearms and storage cabinet.

I thank all those who have taken the time to return their rural property / farm information sheets to the station. If you are yet to complete yours, it would be most appreciated if you could complete and return the form as there are still a lot to be received.

If you require a property inspection form, please contact the station for one to be sent out to you, or you can pick one up from the station during work hours.

I have started a register to record your movements when you’re away on leave. All this means is if your planning a holiday or just away for a length of time and your house is going to be vacant, then call me and I will record your name, number, contact person in the case of an emergency, and when your leaving and returning. This will help me to patrol your area / house during your absence and hopefully pre- vent your place being broken into. There is still no guarantees, but I am always looking for ways to prevent break and enters and property theft especially relating to the weekenders in the area.

Regards Brad Carey Senior Constable Tarago Police Station 48494411

Editor’s Comment:

For some time now I would have liked to publish a report on local police activities.

Senior Constable Brad Carey stationed at Tarago Police Station, will in future submit a monthly report for the benefit of our readers. Whilst these reports may not be specifically related to all of the Bungonia area, there is a lot of good information in his reports that will be of interest to the majority of our readers.

I recommend that our readers seriously consider completing the Rural Property/Farm Information sheets that are mentioned in this report and included in the B.T. Should you require any additional copies, you can contact S.C. Brad Carey. 18


Please consider our Advertisers when you need goods and or services that they offer.

Our Advertisers provide the means for the Bungonia Times to be published each month.

Where possible please help them help us

Your custom would be greatly appreciated.

Let them know you read their ad in the Bungonia Times

The Editor


Driver Training of The Highest Calibre 20 21

D.& J. Rigoli




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Brian’s Autoscreens & Glass 4821 2633 PHONE 02 4844 7149 Goulburn Automotive 4822 3788 OR Marulan Driver Training Centre 4841 1422 MOBILE 0429 482 427

Backhoe Excavations Farm Services Depth to 5.40 metres Arthur Davey 4822 8441 Bulldozer for Dams & Road Construction, Fife’s Stockfeed 4822 3111 Clearing, Levelling etc. Goulburn Produce & Rural Supplies 4821 3655 CRESTWOOD VIEW DAVID BYRNE BUNGONIA 2580 Samcod Equine Services 4844 4225 Sandalwood Pony Stud 0407 444 295 Ron Wenban 0428 445 259 Southern Weed Mgnt. 2407 012 663 Regional History Matters at your Library

Retail The region is rich in stories, images Shepherd’s Hill Nursery 4841 1404 and personal histories, and the Southern Tablelands Re- Brian’s Autoscreens and gional Library is attempting to make these treasures as ac- Glass 4821 2633 cessible as possible. Why not explore the Southern Table- Business Requisites 4821 5109 lands History Matters blog at

Real Estate We actively en- courage responses, and are always thrilled to receive new Raine & Horne 4821 9088 comments.

Building Services Free Family History sessions every week @ your Library Acom Design 4844 4321 Goulburn Library’s “History on Thursdays” HOT sessions Crestwood Plant Hire 4844 7149 continue throughout the year in the Regional History D&J Rigoli 4844 5393 Room at 10.30 am. These hands-on introductory work- Ron Wenban 0428 445 259 shops are held every week, and are FREE. Where else can MM Earthworks 0407 697 057 you spend such a fascinating hour in air-conditioned com- fort; learn something new; and share your interests with

other like-minded people? With a little luck and intuition, Professional you should even be able to add a little ‘form’ to the bare Johnson & Sendall Solicitors 4821 1588 bones of those skeletons in your family closet!

Other Upcoming sessions include: Thursday 1 July … Discovering Goulburn Brewery 4821 6071 Thursday 8 July … Exploring Wattle Glen Cottage 4841 1336 Thursday 15 July … Looking for Land Bob Rudd Funerals 0432 253 057

Brochures are available at the Library. Places are limited,

so bookings are preferred. Book in for one session only, or

sign up for all of them. For further details and bookings: visit Goulburn Library in the Civic Centre, Bourke St, Goulburn in person; or phone 4823-4435; or email to [email protected]. Check our website for more events at 24





JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Patrick Evans 4841 1648 Tom Larkin 4844 7191 Trish Cunningham 4829 8335 Mobile 0432 253 057 Patricia Fennamore 4844 7271 Mobile 0411 145 603 (W) 4824 0300

BUNGONIA RURAL FIRE SERVICE President: Andy Smith 4821 5009 Captain: Ian Tapper – 4844 4460 Ian Tapper Mobile:- 0400 776 162 Treasurer: Johneene Tapper – 4844 4460 Secretary: Eileen Smith — 48215009 FIRECOM: during business only 4822 2900 BUNGONIA BASE: 4821 5009

BUNGONIA PROGRESS ASSOCIATION President: John Wiggan - 48 444 228 Secretary: Diana Moran - 4844 4291 Treasurer: Moira McGinity – 48 444 266

BUNGONIA & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY President: Moira McGinity – 48 444 266 Treasurer: Shirley Smith – 4841 1976 Secretary: Ann Williams—48 444 228

BUNGONIA PARK TRUST President: Paul Bayliss – 4844 4357 Secretary: Anne Williams – 4844 4228 Treasurer: Margot Crossley – 4844 4479

COUNTRY WOMENS’ ASSOCIATION President: Di Powell— 4844 7232 Treasurer: Joy Sutcliffe: 4844 5731 Secretary: Ni Reed 4829 2321 Minute Secretary/Publicity Officer: Leanne Lourigan 4844 5545

BUNGONIA TIMES Editor: Judith Knott— 4844 4478 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Robert Knott— 4844 4478 Email: [email protected] Pauline Dickson: 4844 4202 Moira McGinity: 4844 4266

JACQUA CREEK LANDCARE GROUP President: Annabel Scholes – 48 444 383 Vice-President: Pat Miller – 48 444 321 Secretary: Julia McKay – 48 444 457 Email: [email protected]

RURAL WATCH President: Ray Dole—48 447 179 Secretary: Diana Moran—48 444 291 Contact: Marulan 48 41 1516 and Daryl Riches on 48 23 2010

BUNGONIA QUILTERS Margaret Lehmann 4844 5190 Sandy Williams 4821 3121



Property / Farm Location Sheet

Properties Name:

Properties address:

Lot number:

Nearest Intersection / Cross St / Landmark:

Owners Name:


Contact numbers : (H) (M)

Do you reside on property: YES / NO (If No)

Occupants Name/s:

Contact numbers: (H) (M)

How long have they resided on the property for:

Is the property used as a weekender: YES / NO (If Yes)

Is there a Emergency contact person in the area: YES / NO (If Yes)

Contact Persons name:


Contact number: Times the property is vacant: Weekends / Weekdays / Other

Property Description

Size of Property: Acres / Hectares

Stock ran on property: Cattle / Sheep / Lambs / Goats / Other

Stock details

Sex of stock:

Amount of stock:

Type of farming: Hobby / Full time


Type of farming: Hobby / Full time

Description of buildings (ie sheds etc):

Number of water tanks and Dams capacity:

Number of Silos and Size:

Explosives / Dangerous Goods:

List any special needs in case of an emergency (ie – incapacitated / sick occupants / medication etc…)

Family Doctor / Contact number:

Access gates to property (via which Street):

Emergency contact person and numbers:

Neighbours names and lot numbers:

Location Map

Please draw a map indicating the exact location of the property including distances to the nearest intersection or geographic point. Please indicate the boundaries of the property and include location of buildings and airstrips if applicable.


Please return to Tarago Police Station when completed.

Police Residence Road Tarago Phone: 48494411