Training LANGUAGE and CULTURE ‘It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge’ ‒ Albert Einstein 3(1) March 2019 ISSN 2520-2073 ISSN 2521-442X Volume 3 Issue 1 doi: 10.29366/2019tlc.3.1 The quarterly journal published by Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) with assistance from International Language Association (ICC) TRAINING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE A quarterly journal published by RUDN University with assistance from ICC CONTENTS Editorial Board Barry Tomalin Elena Malyuga 4 About our contributors Robert Willians Olga Aleksandrova Tony Fitzpatrick Michael Carrier Myriam Fischer Callus Claudia Schuhbeck 6 Introduction to Issue 3(1) by Elena Malyuga Joint Managing Editor (RUDN University) Elena Malyuga Joint Managing Editor (ICC) Barry Tomalin 8 EUPHEMISMS IN ADVERTISING DISCOURSE: PUTTING ON A POSITIVE FACE AND MAINTAINING Associate Editor Elizaveta Grishechko SPEECH ETIQUETTE by Elena A. Danilina, Ekaterina E. Kizyan and Daria S. Maksimova Publisher: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education 23 ART DISCOURSE REVISITED: LINGUOCULTURAL SPECIFICS OF CHILDHOOD-RELATED ART Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) TOKENS by Antonina A. Kharkovskaya, Ludmila V. Kuznetsova and Vasily S. Makhuha 17923, GSP117198, Moscow, Russia, 6 Miklukho-Maklay Str.
[email protected] 37 COGNITIVE AND PRAGMATIC APPROACH TO USING STYLISTIC DEVICES IN ENGLISH LITERARY DISCOURSE by Elena Monakhova With assistance from: ICC Press, International Certificate Conference – The International Language Association Postfach 10 12 28 D – 44712 Bochum, Germany Yorckstr. 58 D – 44789 Bochum, Germany 53 QUESTIONING PRACTICE IN THE EFL CLASSROOM by Wayne Rimmer
[email protected] 73 CROSS-CULTURAL PRAGMATIC FAILURE by Peter McGee Correspondence relating to editorial matters should be addressed to the Managing Editors.