
gg ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER uintanilla uintanilla

Q 9050 Viscount Blvd. Board of Trustees Room - #A200 El Paso, 79925

DATE: April 24, 2014 5:30 p.m. Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie


1.1 Call to Order

Present 1.2 Roll Call Not Present

Motion 1.3 Approval of Minutes: Exhibit 1.3 Second

Ayes March 19, 2014 Pages 1-12 Nays Abstain The minutes recorded in the agenda are a summary of the presentations and actions taken. Tape recorded minutes comprise the full official minutes.

1.4 Welcome to Guests and Staff Members

1.5 Open Forum

1.6 Presentations by Individuals, Groups, and Organizations:

1.6.1 Optional presentation will be made by the presidents of the Classified Staff Association, the Professional Staff Association, the Faculty Association, and the Student Government Association.

1.7 Communications: None

1.8 Board of Trustees Business

1.8.1 The Board of Trustees will deliberate on directing the President of the College to execute a one-year action plan for the Foundation.

y ert gg uintanilla uintanilla Q

Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

1.9 Board Reports

1.9.1 Treasurer’s Report Exhibit 1.9.1

March 31, 2014 Pages 13-39

No action is necessary.

1.9.2 President’s Report As part of the President’s Report, Dr. Paula Mitchell (dean, Health, CTE, Math & Science), Mr. Tony Ayub (faculty, Emergency Medical Services Discipline) and Ms. Souraya Hajjar (manager, Health Grants) will present on the NCIA Exemplary Initiatives Award for the Emergency Services Initiative Project. The Emergency Services Program was recognized with a national award. As part of the President’s Report, Dr. William Serrata (President) will present an update on the 2014-2015 Budget. Dr. William Serrata (President) will update the Board of Trustees on recent events transpiring at the College.

Motion 1.10 Consent Docket Second Ayes Nays Abstain


Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 2

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3.0 PERSONNEL Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Exhibit 3.1 Second

Ayes Pages 40-42 Nays Abstain

Motion 3.2 Full-Time Externally Funded Actions - None Second Ayes Nays Abstain

Motion 3.3 Information Items - None Second

Ayes (No action required) Nays Abstain

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 3

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4.0 FINANCIAL SERVICES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 4.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to award Exhibit 4.1 Second a contract to Evergreen Solutions to perform a district-

Ayes wide job classification and compensation study in an Pages 43-46 Nays Abstain amount not to exceed $155,000.

Note: To enter into a contract to obtain consulting services that will perform a district-wide job classification and compensation study of all administrative, faculty, professional and classified positions in the College, with the exception of the President. Funding is provided by the Ongoing Position Classification budget.

Resource Person: Ernst Roberts

Motion 4.2 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to Exhibit 4.2 Second increase the amount of existing purchase orders issued to

Ayes five radio broadcasters by an aggregate amount not to Pages 47-53 Nays Abstain exceed $90,000.

Note: To increase various existing purchase orders for College advertising on five stations, websites, and live remotes for the duration of fiscal year 2013-14. Funding is provided by the Marketing & Community Relations Department.

Resource Person: Ernst Roberts

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 4

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4.0 FINANCIAL SERVICES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 4.3 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to Exhibit 4.3 Second increase the amount on existing purchase orders issued to

Ayes five television media companies by an aggregate amount Pages 54-59 Nays Abstain not to exceed $60,000.

Note: To increase the existing purchase orders for College advertising on five television stations and their websites for the duration of fiscal year 2013-14. Funding is provided by the Marketing & Community Relations Department.

Resource Person: Ernst Roberts

Motion 4.4 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of the Exhibit 4.4 Second renewal of an annual contract for maintenance and

Ayes support for software from Ad Astra Information Systems Pages 60-62 Nays Abstain in the amount of $52,600.

Note: To approve the renewal of the Ad Astra annual service agreement to maintain the facilities scheduler and resource management system. Funding is provided by the Technology Fund.

Resource Person: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 5

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5.0 PHYSICAL FACILITIES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 5.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to award a Exhibit 5.1 Second contract to The Roof and Metal Company to install a roof

Ayes at the Career Training Center in an amount not to exceed Page 63 Nays Abstain $57,356.

Note: To enter into a contract to remove the old roof and install a new built-up roof at the Career Training Center located at 215 Francis St. Funding is provided by Plant Funds.

Resource Person: Ernst Roberts

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 6

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6.0 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 6.1 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of an Exhibit 6.1 Second Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Science, Technology,

Ayes Engineering and Math (STEM) grant award from the U.S. Page 64 Nays Abstain Department of Education for the El Paso Community College/Texas Tech University College of Architecture in the amount of $1,165,408.

Note: To approve funding to expand the partnership between the El Paso Community College and Texas Tech University College of Architecture for a 2+2 program centering on developing articulation agreements between the two institutions and constructing a new facility at the EPCC Valle Verde Campus.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Motion 6.2 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a Exhibit 6.2 Second grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating

Ayes Board in the amount of $30,000. Page 65 Nays Abstain Note: To approve funding for the fourth year continuation of the Adult Basic Education Innovation Grant.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 7

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6.0 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 6.3 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a Exhibit 6.3 Second grant from the Texas Workforce Commission in the

Ayes amount of $26,860. Page 66 Nays Abstain Note: To increase the original Apprenticeship Program grant for fiscal year 2013-14.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Motion 6.4 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Eribeth Exhibit 6.4 Second K. Penaranda, M.D. as a new volunteer Medical Director

Ayes for the Medical Assisting Program. Page 67 Nays Abstain Note: To approve a new volunteer Medical Director for the Medical Assisting Program as required by the accrediting agency.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 8

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7.0 STUDENT SERVICES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 7.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Exhibit 7.1 Second Continuing Education tuition rates for new courses.

Ayes Pages 68-69 Nays Abstain Note: As new courses are brought into the inventory, the Board of Trustees approves the associated tuition rates.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 9

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8.0 COMMUNITY SERVICES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 8.1 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a Exhibit 8.1 Second donation of furniture, office supplies, and books.

Ayes Page 70 Nays Abstain Note: To accept the donation of furniture, office supplies, and books from Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization in the EPCC libraries.

Resource Person: Ernst Roberts

Motion 9.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Second Ayes Nays Abstain

Motion 10.0 ADJOURNMENT Second Ayes Nays Abstain

Agenda Regular April 24, 2014 Page 10 MINUTES




gg ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER uintanilla uintanilla

Q 9050 Viscount Blvd. Board of Trustees Room - #A200 El Paso, Texas 79925

DATE: March 19, 2014 5:30 p.m. Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie


1.1 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 5:39 p.m. by Board Chair Art Fierro.

Present 1.2 Roll Call - All members of the Board of Trustees were Not Present present. Trustee Carmen Olivas Graham arrived at 5:40 p.m.

Mr. Fierro asked Mr. Edward Dunbar (legal counsel) to lead the Trustees and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion 1.3 Approval of Minutes: Exhibit 1.3 Second

Ayes February 19, 2014 Pages 1-14 Nays Abstain The minutes recorded in the agenda are a summary of the presentations and actions taken. Tape recorded minutes comprise the full official minutes.

Trustee Belen Robles stated that she would like to make an amendment to the minutes, page 3, under Board of Trustees Business. She asked that the minutes of that section be modified to reflect the following: “she requested that Mr. Dunbar provide information that had been requested in September 2013 to include the Articles of Incorporation of the EPCC Foundation, the By-Laws and any agreements that may have been entered into between the Foundation and the Board.”

Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Mrs. Robles and seconded by Dr. Graham. Motion to approve as amended passed.

1.4 Welcome to Guests and Staff Members – Mr. Fierro welcomed the guests and staff members in the audience to the meeting.

1.5 Open Forum - None

y ert gg uintanilla uintanilla Q

Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

1.6 Presentations by Individuals, Groups, and Organizations:

1.6.1 Optional presentations will be made by the presidents of the Classified Staff Association, the Professional Staff Association, the Faculty Association, and the Student Government Association.

No presentations were made.

1.7 Communications - None

1.8 Board of Trustees Business:

Motion 1.8.1 The Board of Trustees will deliberate on entering Exhibit 1.8.1 Second into an amended and restated contract for

Ayes consolidated tax collection with the City of El Paso. Page 15 Nays Abstain Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy

Motion to approve was made by Mr. Fierro and seconded by Trustee Brian Haggerty. Motion to approve passed.

Motion 1.8.2 The Board of Trustees will deliberate on directing No Exhibit Second the President of the College to execute a one-year

Ayes action plan for the Foundation, and the hiring of an (Added 3/7/14) Nays Abstain Interim Director.

Motion was made by Mr. Fierro and seconded by Trustee John Uxer to postpone this item until the April meeting.

Mrs. Robles distributed a copy of a document regarding the relationship between the Foundation and the College District. She indicated that she has been made aware of Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 2

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Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

another two-page document that she would provide to the Trustees once she has received it.

Trustee Selena Solis made a motion that the item be tabled until after Executive Session. Mr. Dunbar stated that it could be discussed in Executive Session to determine any liability or potential litigation that might arise out of the purported agreement.

Dr. Uxer asked if this document had been approved by the Board of Trustees in an open meeting. Mr. Fierro responded that it would need to be researched to make that determination. Mr. Dunbar commented that he believed that the document in question is a nullity and was not written or reviewed by his office, or approved by the Board of Trustees.

Mrs. Robles stated that the Trustees needed to get additional information so that sound decisions could be made. She stated that she would not be in a position to vote at this time. She thanked Mr. Dunbar and Dr. Serrata for the document that was presented to the Trustees together with the supporting documentation. She noted that the agreement that was included in that documentation was dated in 2003 and if there was subsequent documentation that was entered into since that time, the Trustees needed to be aware of that.

Mr. Dunbar reiterated that none of these discussions were implied directly or indirectly to reflect on the fine relationship the College has with the Foundation. He commented that the Foundation is an excellent organization and has done great things for the College and the community. The purpose of this discussion is intended to establish the agreement between the Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 3

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Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Foundation and the College District. Mr. Dunbar felt that that the Memorandum of Understanding from 2003 is the prevailing document, but if other documents exist they needed to be reviewed.

Dr. Graham commented that she believed that the Trustees were trying to seek clarity to the relationship between the Foundation and the College District. She was unclear how much of the funding was coming from grants and how much was coming in the form of actual donations through the Foundation.

Ms. Solis commented that with the departure of Dr. Christy Ponce (former executive director, Foundation) that her request is to not wait and to move forward with the plan submitted by Dr. Serrata so that funds can continue to be raised for scholarships through the Foundation.

Mr. Fierro agreed with Ms. Solis and stated that he felt Dr. Serrata should appoint someone to provide the immediate direction for the Foundation to keep it moving forward, until the Board decides its direction. Mr. Fierro asked Mr. Dunbar if the motion could be amended to direct Dr. Serrata to assign an interim director while the remaining items are being researched. Mr. Dunbar responded that was appropriate.

Ms. Solis withdrew her motion to table this item until after Executive Session.

Motion Mr. Fierro amended his motion to read “The Second Board of Trustees will deliberate on directing the

Ayes President to execute a one-year action plan.” He Nays Abstain would like to table that item until the April Board Meeting and to vote today to allow the President to make a temporary appointment of an individual to oversee the Foundation at the will of Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 4

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Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

the President. The motion was seconded by Ms. Solis.

Dr. Graham agreed that all are in agreement that the Foundation provides a great support to the College. She said the issue was to provide clarity and that the President could act as the contact with the Foundation until the next meeting.

Mrs. Robles asked that the entire plan/item be postponed until April and allow the President to make a temporary assignment to maintain the communications with the Foundation Board and to oversee it for the next month.

Mr. Fierro asked that the vote be taken. Motion to table the plan and allow the President to make a temporary appointment for someone to oversee the Foundation passed. (Note: Mrs. Robles and Dr. Graham voted against this item and Mrs. Quintanilla abstained.)

After item, Mr. Fierro returned to Board of Trustees business to congratulate Mr. Haggerty on his re-election to Justice of the Peace.

Dr. Graham asked for a quick overview on what is happening with the Texas Success Initiative (TSI). Dr. Serrata stated that he has concerns with the new TSI exam and he has addressed those concerns with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. He reported that the implementation of the new TSI has been delayed a year until Fall 2015. He stated that his hope is that the next legislative session will clarify the new TSI. He discussed different initiatives to provide resources to help thousands of students.

Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 5

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Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Vice Chair Gracie Quintanilla congratulated Mr. Haggerty, commenting that he will be a new grandpa.

1.9 Board Reports

1.9.1 Treasurer’s Report Exhibit 1.9.1

February 28, 2014 Pages 16-42

No action is necessary.

1.9.2 President’s Report Dr. Serrata (President) will update the Board of Trustees on recent events transpiring at the College.

Dr. Serrata provided information to the Board of Trustees on the recent loss of former dean and faculty member Santiago Rodriguez.

Dr. Serrata also provided information on the Achieving the Dream Summit and the UTEP Education Symposium. Dr. Serrata reported on the team trip to the Pharr/San Juan/Alamo School District to meet with officials on the implementation of a Border Coalition to establish a Career and Technology academy and a new early college high school with EPISD which will be located at .

Dr. Serrata discussed the Town Hall meetings he was conducting throughout the College District and the internal Data Summit that was being held to help the Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 6

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Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

College advance to the next level with student success.

Mrs. Robles complimented Dr. Paula Mitchell (campus dean, Rio Grande) on the outstanding programs and the vibrant campus at the District’s downtown site.

Mr. Fierro asked to return to Board of Trustees Business so that he could discuss two items.

Item 1.10 was the next item addressed after the additional items above were discussed under Board of Trustees Business.

Motion 1.10 Consent Docket - None Second Ayes Nays Abstain


Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 7

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3.0 PERSONNEL Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Exhibit 3.1 Second

Ayes Motion to approve was made by Mrs. Robles and Page 43 Nays Abstain seconded by Ms. Solis. Motion to approve passed.

Motion 3.2 Full-Time Externally Funded Actions – None Second Ayes Nays Abstain

Motion 3.3 Information Items Exhibit 3.3 Second

Ayes (No action required) Page 44 Nays Abstain




Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 8

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7.0 STUDENT SERVICES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

Motion 7.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Exhibit 7.1 Second Continuing Education tuition rates for new courses.

Ayes Pages 45-47 Nays Abstain Note: As new courses are brought into the inventory, the Board of Trustees approves the associated tuition rates.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Motion to approve items 7.1 and 7.2 was made by Mrs. Robles and seconded by Dr. Graham. Motion to approve passed.

Motion 7.2 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Exhibit 7.2 Second Continuing Education tuition rates for revised courses.

Ayes Pages 48-50 Nays Abstain Note: Workforce/Economic Development & Continuing Education Department is requesting approval for changes in tuition.

Resource Person: Steven Smith

Item passed.


The Board of Trustees recessed into closed or Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. as authorized by the Open Meetings Act to deliberate on the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property as authorized by §551.072 of the Texas Government Code; to consult with legal counsel regarding pending, contemplated or threatened litigation or settlement offers as authorized by §551.071(1) or on a matter in which the duty of legal counsel arises under §551.071(2) of the code; to deliberate on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee as authorized by §551.074 of the code; and to deliberate regarding college district security as authorized by §551.076 of the code. Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 9

y ert gg uintanilla uintanilla Q

7.0 STUDENT SERVICES Mr. Art Fierro OlivasDr. Carmen Graham Mr. Brian J. Ha Consent Docket Mrs. Belen B. Robles Robles B. Mrs. Belen Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. JohnUxer E. Mrs. Gracie

The meeting was reconvened at 7:23 p.m.


Ayes Mr. Fierro announced that the next meeting of the Board Nays Abstain of Trustees would be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.

Motion 10.0 ADJOURNMENT Second

Ayes Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Haggerty and Nays Abstain seconded by Mr. Fierro. Motion approved by unanimous consent. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm.

Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 10

Minutes Regular March 19, 2014 Page 11 Exhibit 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Aguilar, Robert Escobedo, Crisol Instructor Instructor Faculty Faculty Education 1300 Philosophy Temporary (Lecturer) Status Temporary (Lecturer) Status 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 Grade C/5 Grade C/2 Competitive Appointment Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) (New Position)

Alvarez, Leticia Franco, Heriberto Employment Specialist Peace Officer II Classified Staff Classified Staff Human Resources Police Department 05/05/14 – 08/31/14 04/28/14 – 08/31/14 Grade E Grade E Competitive Appointment Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) (Replacing Action)

Chavez, Daniel Gomez, Manuela Peace Officer II Instructor Classified Staff Faculty Police Department Philosophy 05/05/14 – 08/31/14 Temporary (Lecturer) Status Grade E 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 Competitive Appointment Grade C/5 (Replacing Action) Competitive Appointment (New Position)

Cotchery, David Gutierrez, Ezequiel Instructor Occupational Education Lab Assistant Faculty Classified Staff Education 1300 Culinary Arts Temporary (Lecturer) Status 04/28/14 – 08/31/14 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 Grade D Grade C/5 Competitive Appointment Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) (Replacement Action)

(Exhibit 3.1.1) 04/24/14 Exhibit 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Hernandez, Alvino Montelongo, Laura Instructor Instructor Faculty Faculty Government Nursing Tenure Track* Temporary (Lecturer) Status 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 03/19/14 – 05/17/14 Grade C/2 Grade B/5 Competitive Appointment Noncompetitive Appointment (New Position) (New Position)

Kazanjian, Christopher Natividad, Victoria Instructor Instructor Faculty Faculty Education 1300 Philosophy Tenure Track* Temporary (Lecturer) Status 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 Grade H/3 Grade C/2 Competitive Appointment Competitive Appointment (New Position) (New Position)

Loya, Loree Ortega, Beatriz Bid Specialist Administrative Assistant Classified Staff Classified Staff Purchasing & Contract Management Quality Enhancement Plan & Assessment 04/28/14 – 08/31/14 04/28/14 – 08/31/14 Grade D Grade D Competitive Appointment Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) (Replacement Action)

Mejia, Carlos Romero, Jesus Academic Advisor Interim Technical Support Specialist II Professional Support Professional Support Counseling Information Technology 04/28/14 – 08/31/14 Temporary Status Grade B 02/03/14 – 08/31/14 Competitive Appointment Grade F (Replacement Action) Noncompetitive Appointment (Replacement Action)

(Exhibit 3.1.2) 04/24/14 Exhibit 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Salama, Allaa Instructor Faculty Sociology Temporary (Lecturer) Status 08/18/14 – 05/16/15 Grade C/4 Competitive Appointment (New Position)

Timmons, Michael Lieutenant Professional Support Police Department 04/28/14 – 08/31/14 Grade G Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action)

*Tenure Track faculty members serve a period of five years in a faculty probationary status prior to being granted tenure status by the Board of Trustees.

(Exhibit 3.1.3) 04/24/14 FINANCIAL SERVICES ABSTRACT

Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to award a contract to Evergreen Solutions to Amount: (Not to Exceed) perform a district-wide job classification and $155,000 compensation study.

Requestor: Ernst Roberts Area Responsible: VP Administration and Financial Operations

Resource Persons: Ernst Roberts

Purpose: Approval to enter into a contract with Evergreen Solutions to obtain consulting services that will perform a district-wide job classification and compensation study of all administrative, faculty, professional and classified positions in the College, with the exception of the President.

Explanation: The Board of Trustees authorized the President to move forward with efforts to conduct a district wide classification and compensation study of every staff and faculty position in the College, except that of the President.

The College issued a Request for Proposals (RFP#14-001) to seek the services of a vendor which would:

1. review each of the College’s existing job positions and, after review, provide specific recommendations to ensure the accuracy of each job description and classification;

2. conduct a market salary survey and develop market pricing for each position and then provide specific recommendations of changes to the existing salary tables to ensure that the District achieves and/or maintains competitive compensation levels within the market in which it operates; and,

3. provide specific recommendations of changes to update Board Policies, procedures, and written guidelines to ensure that the College is employing a classification and compensation system that will attract, retain and motivate skilled and competent employees.

The administration recommends contracting with Evergreen Solutions to perform the above services in an amount not to exceed $155,000.

Funding is provided by the Ongoing Position Classification budget.

Date: 03/20/14

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. Account: 11000-74011

Budget: $155,000 Vendor: Evergreen Solutions 2878 Remington Green Circle Expenditures to date: -0- Tallahassee, FL 32308 Balance: $155,000


Services Related to a Job Classification and Compensation Study

RFP #14-001


The services secured through this Request for Proposals (RFP) process will be utilized by El Paso County Community College District on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

Requests for Proposals were advertised for two (2) consecutive weeks in the local newspaper, the . All such solicitations are also posted on the Purchasing & Contract Management Department page of the College’s website. The website generates considerable interest in the District’s various solicitations from around the country. Additionally, the following were contacted to inform them of the existence of this RFP and for leads of potential interested vendors: College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) and Texas Association of School Boards (TASB). Further, calls were placed to the following potential vendors about the existence of this RFP: Deloitte LLP; Evergreen Solutions; UM Global HR LP; Casagrande Consulting; ERS Group; HRN Performance Solutions; Pearl Meyer & Partners; Sullivan, Cotter and Associates, Inc.; and Sibson Consulting.

Proposal packets were issued to eleven (11) vendors. Four (4) written proposals were received and scored by the RFP Analysis Committee. Invitations to the top three (3) proposers to make a 45 minute presentation to address a series of twenty-six (26) questions were issued and accepted. The set of questions was compiled from questions submitted by members of the Committee and made available to each of the three vendors ahead of time.

References from vendors who submitted proposals were checked.

Based on this RFP process, it is the recommendation of the RFP Analysis Committee (Ernst Roberts, Josette Shaughnessy, Jenny Giron, Tonie Badillo, Kathy Lopez, Albert Yanez, Dan Gaytan, Souraya Hajjar, George Torok and Mary Jauregui) that a contract be awarded to:

Evergreen Solutions 2878 Remington Green Circle Tallahassee, FL 32308

(Exhibit 4.1.2) 04/24/14 RFP#14-001 Services Related to a Job Classification and Compensation Study Fox Lawson & Stan McKnight & Vendor Evergreen Solutions Associates/GBS Associates Vendor Requirements Respondent shall provide with its proposal response evidence that it is an established organization with a minimum of five (5) years of experience rendering the type of service described herein to public institutions, preferably to educational entities, and preferably community colleges. Provided Provided Provided

Respondent shall outline in its proposal response its capabilities as they relate to the services requested herein and state clearly and as Provided Provided Provided comprehensively as possible why it believes that the quality and type of the services it provides fit the District’s needs. Respondent shall provide with its proposal response the contact name(s), title(s), and telephone number(s) for the individual(s) that will be Information on individual Information could not be hours expected off-site and at performing the work on a day-to-day basis, if respondent were to be awarded the contract under this process, and state how many hours each Provided found on proposal the District could not be individual is expected to a) be on-site at the District and b) perform work remotely, given the services outlined herein. found. response. Respondent shall provide with its proposal response the credentials and relevant experience for each individual it listed in response to (IV)(5) Provided Provided Provided directly above. Respondent shall submit with its proposal response a representative list of projects it has completed of a scale and complexity similar to the services described herein. The list should include the client’s name, including a contact name and phone number, the client’s location, and a general Provided Provided Provided description of the services provided. Respondent shall submit with its proposal response a proposed timeline to complete the services as described herein, should it become successful Provided Provided Provided respondent. A Gantt chart which breaks out the major tasks and project milestones would be ideal. Respondent shall state how it requires to be paid (e.g. upon entire project completion; progress payments at each milestone, etc.). If respondent prefers progress payments at specific milestones, respondent shall identify each milestone and percentage of total cost required at said milestone. Provided Provided Provided In Proposal Response Attachment A, respondent shall submit the name, point of contact name, point of contact email address, physical address, and phone number for three of its clients for which similar services were performed, with emphasis on education entities, preferably community Provided Provided Provided colleges. References will be checked. Respondent shall state in its proposal response whether it operates in El Paso, Texas only or is a regional or national company. If respondent is a National company. Local National company. Local National company. Local regional or national company, respondent shall describe what resources are available locally. resources not mentioned. resources not mentioned. resources not mentioned. Respondent shall submit with its proposal response evidence that it possesses the appropriate insurance as set forth in Section 13 of the General Conditions. The successful respondent will be required to maintain proof of insurance on file at the District during the term of the contract. Provided Provided Provided "There are not(sic) legal Respondent shall disclose all litigation in which the company is a defendant which has been filed within the last five (5) years and describe the claims against our "….No pending liens, circumstances surrounding same; or if none, state “none.” If such litigation has been settled, respondent shall describe how it was settled unless "None" company that would claims, or lawsuits against prohibited to do so by court order. prevent us from fulfilling the firm." this contract." Respondent shall submit in its proposal response, the strategies and methods by which the work is to be performed, should respondent become the successful respondent, in sufficient detail to allow the District to determine compatibility of approach to the District’s overall goals. Details to include in proposal response, as examples and not limitation, include market definition, the use of standards surveys versus customized surveys, Provided Provided Provided data-gathering techniques, and an example of what a final report would look like. Acknowledged receipt of Addendum #1 Acknowledged Acknowledged Acknowledged Information could not be Information could not be Provided evidence as being a Historically Underutilized (HUB) Partner certified HUB found on proposal response. found on proposal response. Vendor has its principal place of business in this state (Texas). FLA MN CA Family code form, felony conviction form, and conflict of interest from provided Provided Provided Provided Cost Proposal Respondent agrees to hold the prices, if awarded, through project completion. Agrees Agrees Agrees Total estimated hours for performing services as contained herein (District on-site): 154 215 104 Total estimated hours for performing services as contained herein (District off-site): 875 461 412 Respondent affirms it will perform its services for the District in accordance with specifications contained in the Request For Proposal at $155,000 $138,500 $173,200 the cost of: RFP#14-001 Services Related to a Job Classification and Compensation Study

Fox Lawson & Stan McKnight & Maximum Evaluation Criteria Ratings Key Factor Evergreen Solutions Associates/GBS Associates Points

0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory The purchase price. (25 pts.) 2 = Below average 521.50 14.50 13.50 25 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's good or services. (10 pts.) 2 = Below average 2 8.20 6.20 6.80 10 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory The quality of the vendor's goods or services. (25 pts.) 2 = Below average 5.0 22.00 14.50 17.50 25 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 0 = Unacceptable; proposal lacks sufficient detail for proper evaluation 1 = Unsatisfactory The extent to which the vendor's goods or services meet the District's needs. (25 pts.) 2 = Below average 5.0 22.00 13.50 16.00 25 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory The vendor's past relationship with the District. (1 pt.) 2 = Below average 0.2 0 0 0 1 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior The impact on the ability of the District to comply with laws and rules relating to Historically 0 = No 1.0 1 0 0 1 Underutilized Businesses. (1 pt.) 1 = Yes 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory The total long term cost to the District to acquire the vendor's goods or services. (5 pts.) 2 = Below average 1.0 4.40 2.60 3.00 5 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior

For a contract for goods and services, other than goods and services related to telecommunication and information 0 = No services, building construction and maintenance, or instructional materials, whether the vendor or the vendor’s 3.00 0 0 3 ultimate parent company or majority owner: (A) has its principal place of business in this state; or (B) employs at 1 = Yes least 500 persons in this state. (3 pts.) 0 = Unacceptable; proposal lacks sufficient detail for proper evaluation 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Below average Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals. (5 pts.) 3 = Average 1.03.90 3.00 3.20 5 4 = Above average 5 = Superior Total Points: 83.00 54.30 60.00 100

Recommend award Scope of Work as per the Specifications in RFP#14-001 Services Related to a Job Classification and Compensation Study The El Paso County Community College District (“District” or “College District”) is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide services related to a comprehensive job classification and compensation study. FINANCIAL SERVICES ABSTRACT

Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to Aggregate Amount: increase the amount of existing purchase orders issued (Not to Exceed) to five radio broadcasters. $90,000

Requestor: Joyce Cordell Area Responsible: Marketing & Community Relations

Resource Persons: Ernst Roberts, Joyce Cordell

Purpose: To increase various existing purchase orders by an amount not to exceed $90,000, in the aggregate, for college advertising on five radio broadcasting stations, websites, and live remotes for the duration of fiscal year 2013-2014.

Explanation: In August 2013, the Board of Trustees approved the issuance of various contracts to the five vendors below. These contracts, in the aggregate, were not to exceed $95,000. To increase the College’s visibility, the Administration recommends augmenting these contracts for radio advertising by an additional amount not to exceed $90,000. If this item is approved, this additional up to $90,000 would be split among the five vendors in a manner consistent with the College’s marketing plan.

These broadcasters are sole sources due to individual proprietary broadcasting rights. Radio stations often define their audience by age, gender, income, education, or the station’s chosen format. Our future enrollment numbers will be greatly affected if we ignore any one of these audiences.

Formats of El Paso Radio Stations

KLAQ 95.5 (Classic Rock) KBNA 97.5 (Spanish Contemporary) KISS 93.1 (Adult Contemporary) KINT 93.9 (Regional/Contemporary) KROD 600 AM (Sports Talk Radio) KSVE 1650 AM (ESPN Sports) KPRR 102 (Hip Hop) KYSE 94.7 (Norteña, Grupera) KTSM 99.9 (Soft Rock) KHRO 1150 AM (Spanish Oldies) KHEY 96 (Country) KOFX 92.3 (Classics) XHPX 98.3 (Spanish/English Top 40) XHTO 104.3 (Contemporary Hits)

With the exception of MVS Radio and , sole source letters were provided in the August 2013 Agenda. Sole source letters for MVS Radio and Univision follow this item.

Funding is provided by the Marketing & Community Relations Department.

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.

Vendor: Townsquare Media Clear Channel Radio MVS Radio 4180 N. Mesa 4045 N. Mesa 5862 Cromo, Suite 151 El Paso, TX 79902 El Paso, TX 79902 El Paso, TX 79912 KLAQ KPRR XHPX KSII KTSM Date: 03/20/14 KROD KHEY Account: 11000-14001 Entravision Communications Univision 5426 N. Mesa 2211 E. Missouri Budget: $435,932 El Paso, TX 79912 Suite 300 KINT El Paso, TX 79903 Expenditures KSVE KBNA to date: $378,082 KYSE KFOX Balance: $57,850 KHRO

(Exhibit 4.2.1) 04/24/14


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to increase the amount on existing purchase Aggregate Amount: (Not to Exceed) orders issued to five television media $60,000 companies.

Requestor: Joyce Cordell Area Responsible: Marketing & Community Relations

Resource Persons: Ernst Roberts, Joyce Cordell

Purpose: To increase various existing purchase orders by an amount not to exceed $60,000, in the aggregate, for college advertising on five television stations and their websites for the duration of fiscal year 2013-2014.

Explanation: In August 2013, the Board of Trustees approved the issuance of various contracts to seven vendors, including the five listed below. These contracts, in the aggregate, were not to exceed $105,000. To increase the College’s visibility, the Administration recommends augmenting these contracts for television advertising by an additional amount not to exceed $60,000 for the five vendors listed below. If this item is approved, this additional up to $60,000 would be split among the five vendors in a manner consistent with the College’s marketing plan.

These media companies are sole sources due to individual proprietary broadcasting rights.

In supporting the district’s mission, advertising from the various media outlets must be purchased on an annual basis. In a very competitive market, it is critical that EPCC is easily recognized in the community as a top notch educational institution. Therefore, our message must be sent out through a multitude of media outlets in order to cover the broad target audience we are trying to reach.

With the exception of KVIA and KTDO, sole source letters were included in the August 2013 Agenda. Sole source letters for KVIA and KTDO follow this item.

Funding is provided by the Marketing & Community Relations Department.

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.

Vendor: KVIA KTSM 4140 Rio Bravo 801 N. Oregon El Paso, TX 79902 El Paso, TX 79902 Date: 03/20/14 KTDO KFOX 10033 Carnegie 6004 N. Mesa Account: 11000-14001 El Paso, TX 79925 El Paso, TX 79912 Budget: $435,932

Entravision Communications Expenditures KINT to date: $378,082 5426 N. Mesa El Paso, TX 79912 Balance: $57,850

(Exhibit 4.3.1) 04/24/14


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval of the renewal of an annual contract for Amount: $52,600 maintenance and support for software from Ad Astra Information Systems.

Requestor: Daryle Hendry Area Responsible: Student Services

Resource Persons: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Steven Smith

Purpose: To approve the renewal of the Ad Astra annual service agreement to maintain the facilities scheduler and resource management system. Ad Astra is software that brings together facilities scheduling with event and resource management. This system is used to optimize classroom and physical plant resources and usage. The service allows viewers to check space availability on each campus, check room resources and submit space requests.

The room reservation system will be utilized to schedule classes through the Registrar’s and Admissions Office. The Division of Instruction will also utilize the system and make better use of facilities using the analytics package and improve course offerings based on actual student demand.

The web-based room scheduling system combines academic and event activities to refine both the number of sections and the times of course offerings. The planning and implementation of Ad Astra includes the integration with the College’s ERP system, Ellucian Banner. The Ad Astra software was approved by the Board in January 2013.

Explanation: Currently, EPCC is challenged to support annual enrollment growth without major facility construction. Ad Astra will assist College divisions in assessing how facilities are being used and accommodating enrollment growth while absorbing budget cuts. These results can be accomplished through metrics and goals developed by Ad Astra, including increasing enrollment ratios, improving seat-fill ratios, increasing room utilization and partnering with colleges and departments to tightly manage meeting patterns resulting in the lowest wasted space measured to date. This information will allow EPCC to optimize student access to needed courses, which will help improve graduation rates and the potential for increased savings.

Sole source letters follow this item. Date: 03/26/14 Funding is provided by the Technology Fund. Account: 91326-M91326

Budget: $1,200,000 Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. Expenditures Vendor: Ad Astra Information Systems to date: $1,082,994 6900 W. 80th Street, Suite 300 Overland Park, KS 66204-3840 Balance: $117,006

(Exhibit 4.4.1) 04/24/14


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to award a contract to The Roof and Metal Amount: (Not to Exceed) Company to install a roof at the Career Training $57,356 Center.

Requestor: Rick Lobato Area Responsible: Physical Plant

Resource Persons: Ernst Roberts, Rick Lobato, Rick Torres

Purpose: To enter into a contract with The Roof and Metal Company to remove the old roof and install a new built-up roof at the Career Training Center located at 215 Francis St.

Explanation: This past year the age of the roof, compounded by high winds, caused a portion of the roof to lift. Temporary repairs were enacted. The new roof carries a twenty (20) year materials warranty.

The contingency outlined below is meant to allow the administration to cover any costs needed to replace rotting or damaged boards under the old roof. Such damage cannot be quantified until the old roof is removed.

Construction Contract $49,875 Contingency (15%) 7,481 Total $57,356

This contract will be conducted through the Region 19 Purchasing Cooperative Contract #13-6915, as allowed by the Texas Education Code 44.031(a)(4).

Funding is provided by Plant Funds.

Date: 03/26/14

Account: 91584-M91584

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. Budget: $60,000

Expenditures Vendor: The Roof and Metal Company to date: -0- 4016 Johnson Ave. Balance: $60,000 El Paso, TX 79930


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of an Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Amount: $1,165,408 grant award from the U.S. Department of Education for the El Paso Community College/ Texas Tech University College of Architecture.

Requestor: Aditi Sarkar Area Responsible: Instruction

Resource Persons: Steve Smith, Tonie Badillo, Al Lawrence, Aditi Sarkar

Purpose: The $1,165,408 grant from the U.S. Department of Education is the funding for the third-year of the five-year grant of $5,947,962 for the El Paso Community College (EPCC)/Texas Tech University (TTC) College of Architecture. The award for the third-year is $3,623 less than the amount of $1,169,031 initially promised by the Department of Education when the grant was awarded in 2011.

Explanation: The focus of this grant is to expand the partnership between El Paso Community College and Texas Tech University College of Architecture for a 2+2 program centering on developing articulation agreements between the two institutions and constructing a new facility at the EPCC Valle Verde campus. Similar to the award for the second-year, in this the third-year, there was a slight reduction of funding for all grantees of the U.S. Department of Education. The reduction does not affect any of the services or the construction planned by the grant funds.

Budget Account Number: 21129-F21129 Budget Summary $1,165,408 October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014 Detailed Budget Overview:

60000 Salaries and Fringe Benefits $387,784 (originally $391,407) 72200 Travel 5,916 73101 Equipment 0 7000 Supplies 22,000 71845 Subgrant 114,708 73603 Construction 635,000 TOTAL $1,165,408

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a grant from the Texas Higher Amount: $30,000 Education Coordinating Board.

Requestor: Sara Martinez Area Responsible: Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education

Resource Persons: Steve Smith, Kathleen Lopez, Sara Martinez, Al Lawrence

Purpose: The $30,000 grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is a fourth-year continuation of the Adult Basic Education Innovation Grant.

Explanation: The purpose of the grant is to support student, cohort, and program-level data collection and bi-monthly reporting required for Accelerate Texas participants that enrolled in spring/summer 2013, and are scheduled to complete their course of study no later than December 2014.

Budget Account Number: 22693-E22693: Budget Summary $30,000 August 19, 2013 – August 31, 2014 Detailed Budget Overview:

61062 Instr. FT/PT N/I Fall $4,948 61063 Instr. FT/PT N/I Summer I 4,949 61601 Classified Staff P/T 10,738 62000 Fringe Benefits 6,191 72200 Out of Town Travel 3,174

TOTAL $30,000

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a grant award from the Texas Workforce Amount: $26,860 Commission.

Area Responsible: Workforce/Economic Development Requestor: Sabrina Campbell and Continuing Education

Resource Persons: Steven Smith, Kathleen Lopez, Sabrina Campbell

Purpose: To increase the original Apprenticeship Program grant for FY 2013-2014 from $92,292 to $119,152. This amendment will help increase the workforce capacity in the El Paso area by offering training opportunities to local apprenticeship sponsors.

Explanation: Apprenticeship training is a structured system of job training to prepare individuals for occupations in skilled trades and other occupations. Apprenticeship training combines on-the-job training under the supervision of an experienced journey worker with job- related classroom instruction. Approved Apprenticeship partners will be reimbursed dependent on contact hours.

Budget Account Number: 22689-E22689 Budget Summary $119,152 September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014 Detailed Budget Overview:

61605 Classified Staff (FT) $16,399 62000 Fringe Benefits 1,474 71317 Other Professional/Tech 101,279

TOTAL $119,152

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.


Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Eribeth K. Penaranda, M.D. as a new volunteer Medical Director for the Medical Assisting P rogram.

Area Responsible: Health Career and Technical Requestor: Paula Mitchell Education, Math and Science

Resource Persons: Steven Smith, Paula Mitchell

Purpose: To approve a new volunteer Medical Director for the Medical Assisting Program as required by the accrediting agency. Dr. Penaranda was recommended and has agreed to serve as a volunteer.

Explanation: The present Medical Director, Dr. Lam, has declined to continue in this position.

Dr. Eribeth K. Penaranda is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center-El Paso. She received her M.D. in 2000 from National University of Columbia. She completed her residency in Family Medicine at Texas Tech in 2007.

Dr . Penaranda is currently licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas.

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.

(Exhibit 6.4.1) 04/24/14 STUDENT SERVICES ABSTRACT

Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for new courses.

Requestor: Kathleen Lopez Area Responsible: Workforce/Economic Development & Continuing Education

Resource Persons: Steven Smith, Kathleen Lopez

Purpose: Approve tuition rates for new CE courses.

Explanation: As new courses are brought into the inventory, the Board of Trustees approves the associated tuition rates.

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.

(Exhibit 7.1.1) 04/24/14 COURSE TITLE HOURS TUITION

CE Health AHP 340 Introduction to Self-Healing 8 $55 Activity Programs for Visually Impaired and Alzheimer’s AHP 341 5 $45 Patients SDH 156 RE-Entry Nursing Update On-line 128 $650 SDH 978 LVN Refresher On-line 128 $650 Business/Industry Training & Personal Enrichment PIA 930 Sun Prints 6 $45 PIA 931 Learn to Make Photograms 12 $55 PIE 644 Advanced Grant Proposal Writing – Online 24 $80 PIE 645 Teaching High School Students – Online 24 $80 PIE 665 Easy English 2-Online 24 $80 PIE 666 Master of Business Fundamentals – Online 24 $80 RES 817 Real Estate Exam Prep 7 $75 Children’s College PLD 725 The History of 4th of July – Online 18 $40 PLD 987 Aztec/Maya Drawing Workshop 16 $62 PLD 988 Anime and Manga Drawing Workshop 12 $114 PLD 989 Animal Cartoon Drawing Workshop 12 $114 PLD 990 Kings, Queens and Dragons of Castle Drawing Workshop 12 $114 PLD 991 Basic Modeling 12 $159 Workplace Literacy WPL 0431 Basic GED Math Module II for the General Population 12 $20 WPL 0432 Basic GED Math Module III for the General Population 12 $20 WPL 0433 Basic GED Math Module IV for the General Population 12 $20 GED Bridge to College and Career Readiness Programs for WPL 0736 420 $2,543 Project Grow Students WPL 0737 Basic GED Math Module I for the General Population 12 $20

(Exhibit 7.1.2) 04/24/14 COMMUNITY SERVICES ABSTRACT

Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of donation of furniture, office supplies and books.

Requestor: Lety Jones Area Responsible: Marketing & Community Relations

Resource Persons: Ernst Roberts, Joyce Cordell

Purpose: To accept donation of furniture, office supplies and books from Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization.

Explanation: The books related to border health are to enhance the EPCC Libraries district wide. The furniture such as shelving is to accommodate the book collection and chairs are to replace old ones. Brand new office supplies to be used for regular business and community library programming.

Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees.

(Exhibit 8.1.1) 04/2414