V. Console Typewriter
V. CONSOLE TYPEWRITER GENERAL DESCRIPTION mer for more extensive informational output. This would usually happen only in situations when a high The console electric typewriter (Figure V-1) is an speed printer is not available. The typewriter receives output device located on the operator's control con- output from the N register which is loaded, one charac- sole desk. Its principal purpose is to permit the ter at a time, from the A register. The typewriter is computer to communicate with the operator by print- capable of printing all of the following in upper case ing messages under program control. However, it is style at the rate of ten characters per second under possible for the typewriter to beusedby the program- program control: RIAGE ' POW ER SWITC I Figure V-1. Console Typewriter Fled printout SETUP PROCEDURE Black printout Print characters 0-9, A-Z, minus, period, Only two steps in the setup procedure need to be done slash, dollar, and comma regularly at the beginning of each shift. They are: Carriage return Space (by operation of the blank key) 1. Turn typewriter power on by moving the Tabulation power toggle switch to the rear position. The veiwing window above the switch shows Messages are typed out automatically, requiring no white to indicate that power is on. assistance from the operator. However, a typeout should be immediately observed since the message 2. Load paper in the typewriter in the same may c~ntaininstructions requiring a decision and way as in any standardbusiness typewriter. action on the operator's part. All error messages are The paper is continuous strip, so the oper- printed in red.
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