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Documentation Kerala DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTAATTIIOONN KKEERRAALLAA An index to articles in journals/periodicals available in the Legislature Library Vol. 13 (1) January - March 2018 SECRETARIAT OF THE KERALA LEGISLATURE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DOCUMENTATION KERALA An index to articles in journals/periodicals available in the Legislature Library Vol.13(1) January to March 2018 Compiled by G. Maryleela, Chief Librarian V. Lekha, Librarian G. Omanaseelan., Deputy Librarian Denny.M.X, Catalogue Assistant Type Setting Sindhu.B, Computer Assistant BapJw \nbak`m sse{_dnbn e`yamb {][m\s¸« B\pImenI {]kn²oIcW§fn h¶n-«pÅ teJ-\-§-fn \n¶pw kmamPnIÀ¡v {]tbmP\{]Zhpw ImenI {]m[m\yapÅXpambh sXc-sª-Sp¯v X¿m-dm-¡nb Hcp kqNnIbmWv ""tUm¡psatâj³ tIcf'' F¶ ss{Xamk {]kn²oIcWw. aebmf `mjbnepw Cw¥ojnepapÅ teJ\§fpsS kqNnI hnjbmSnØm\¯n c−v `mK§fmbn DÄs¸Sp¯nbn«p−v. Cw¥ojv A£camem {Ia¯n {]tXyI "hnjbkqNnI' aq¶mw `mK¯pw tNÀ¯n«p−v. \nbak`m kmamPnIÀ¡v hnhn[ hnjb§fn IqSp-X At\z-jWw \S-¯m³ Cu teJ\kqNnI klmbIcamIpsa¶v IcpXp¶p. Cu {]kn²oIcWs¯¡pdn¨pÅ kmamPnIcpsS A`n{]mb§fpw \nÀt±i§fpw kzm-KXw sN¿p¶p. hn.-sI. _m_p-{]-Imiv sk{I«dn tIcf \nbak`. CONTENTS Pages Malayalam Section 01-40 English Section 41-64 Index 65-88 PART I MALAYALAM em`-s¡m-Xnbpw kzmÀt°-Ñ-Ifpw Dgp-Xp- Aadhaar a-dn-¨n« \½psS ImÀjnI cwKw BßmÀ°- a-Ãm¯ CS-s]-S-ep-IÄ \nan¯w hc− `qan- bmbn Xocpt¼mÄ, ]c-¼-c-IÄ \ap¡v _m¡n sh¨p-t]mb Adn-hp-I-fpsS hn¯p-IÄ Xnc-bp- 1. B[m-dn-s\´p kpc£? Ibpw Ah a®nsednªv \qdp-ta\n hnf-bn- Kncojv tN\-¸mSn ¡m³ {ian-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶ IÀj-I-\mb Nn´, 19 P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 38þ39 t]mÄk¬ Xmw F¶ Kth-j-Is\¡pdn-¨p-ff B[mÀ hnh-c-§-fpsS kpc£m teJ-\w. ]nghpIsf¡pdn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. Banking Accident 5. 2. _m¦v doIm-¸n-ä-sse-tk-j³. {]Xn-¡q-«n Bscms¡? sIm¨n Ajp-tXmjv IpamÀ I¸Âim-e-bn-ep-−mbkvt^mS\w tbmP-\, P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 32þ34 hnc Nq−p-¶Xv? _m¦p-I-fpsS km¼-¯nI ASn-¯d iàn- ssa¡nÄ hÀ¤okv sN§m-S-¡cn s¸-Sp-¯-en-\p-ff _m¦v doIm-¸n-ä-sse-tk-j³ tIc-f-i_vZw, 11 amÀ¨v 2018, t{]m{Km-an-s\-¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. t]Pv 44þ46 A©p t]cpsS ac-W-¯n-\n-S-bm-¡nb sIm¨n I¸Âim-e-bnse A]-I-S-s¯-¡p-dn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. 6. In«m-¡-S-¯n c−p-e£w tImSn 12 hyàn-I-fp-tS-Xv. Agriculture BÀ. Xpf-ko-[-c³ ]nff Iem-Iu-ap-Zn, 4 amÀ¨v 2018, t]Pv 8þ11 _m¦p-IÄ In«m-¡S-ambn {]Jym-]n¨ F«p 3. e£w tImSn cq]-bn c−p e£w tImSn Irjn-bpsS B[p-\n-I-h¡-c cq] C´y-bnse 12 hyàn-I-fp-tS-Xm-sW¶v -W¯n {_Ò-Kncn]²-Xn-bpsS teJ\w Nq−n-¡m-Wn-¡p-¶p. {]m[m-\yw. ]n. IrjvW-{]-kmZv Nn´, 2 s^{_p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 28þ32 hb-\mSv tI{µo-I-cn¨p {]hÀ¯n-¡p¶ {_Ò-Kncn Irjn ]²-Xn-sb-¡p-dn-¨p-ff 7. _m¦v X«n¸pIÄ¡v AdpXn teJ-\w. hcp-¯m³. kPn hÀ¤okv tZim-`n-am\n, 18 amÀ¨v 2018, 4. k©n-Xm-\p-`-h-§-fpsS Irjn t]Pv 28þ33 s]mXp-ta-Jem _m¦p-Isf XIÀ¯v kzIm-cy ]mT-§Ä. ta-J-esb klm-bn-¡p¶ tI{µ-kÀ¡mÀ kXoiv kqcy³ \S-]-Sn-I-sf-¡p-dn¨v teJ\w hni-Zo-I-cn-¡p-¶p. ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 5 amÀ¨v 2018, t]Pv 56þ63 2 8. C´y-bnse UnPn-ä _m¦nwKv N{µn-I, 10 amÀ¨v 2018, t]Pv 8þ15 CuSp-I-fn-ÃmsX tImSn-IÄ hmbv] \ÂIn hn¹hw. tImÀ¸-td-äp-Isf klm-bn-¡p-t¼mÄ XI-cp- {io\mYv Cµp-Nq-U³ ¶Xv \½psS s]mXp-ta-Jem _m¦p-I-fm- tbmP-\, P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 11þ13 sW-¶v te-J-I³ A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. UnPn-ä _m¦nw-Kns\¡p-dn¨v hni-Zo-I-cn- ¡p¶ teJ-\w. 13. ]n.-F³._n X«n¸pw N§m¯ apX-em-fn-¯-hpw. 9. sF.-_n.-F: s]mXp A[n-Imc F.-sI. ctaiv Øm]-\w. Nn´, 2 amÀ¨v 2018, t]Pv 6þ10 AUz. Un.-_n. _n\p ]©m_v \mj-W _m¦n \ochv tamUn tbmP-\, P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 26þ28 \S-¯nb X«n-¸nsâ ]Ým-¯-e-¯n Ip¯I C´y³ _m¦vkv Atkm-kn-tb-j³ apX-em-fn-amsc kwc-£n-¡p¶ tI{µ-kÀ¡m- (sF.-_n.-F) s]mXp A[n-Imc Øm]-\-am- cnsâ \ntbm-en-_-d \b-§sf hnaÀin- sW¶pw AXn-\m hnh-cm-h-Imi \nb-a- ¡p¶ teJ-\w. ¯nsâ ]cn-[n-bn hcp-sa¶pw Dff tI{µ hnh-cm-h-Imi I½o-jsâ D¯-c-hns\ ¡pdn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. 14. ]n.-F³.-_n. Ipw`-tImWw DbÀ¯p¶ shÃp-hn-fn-IÄ. tUm. Fw. imc-MvK[-c³ 10. C{µ-[-\pjv ZuXyw. tIc-f-i-_vZw, 25 amÀ¨v 2018, Un.-F-kv. amenIv t]Pv 22þ24 tbmP-\, P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 52þ55 hnh-c-km-t¦--XnI hnZy AXnsâ ]qÀ® s]mXp-ta-Jem _m¦p-Isf ]p\Àaq-e-[-\- AÀ°-¯n {]tbm-Kn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ _m¦nwKv h-XvI-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-\pw, \ho-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-\p- taJ-e-bn cmPys¯ Gähpw henb c−m- ambn tI{µ Kh¬saâv {]Jym-]n¨ as¯ s]mXp-ta-Jem _m¦mb ]©m_v C{µ-[-\pjv ]²-Xnsb¡pdn-¨p-ff teJ-\w. \mj-W _m¦n-emWv 11,300 tImSn-bn-e-[nIw cq]-bpsS h³ Xncn-adn \S-¶n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. CXv C´y³ _m¦nwKv hyh-km-b-¯nsâ AXn- `o-I-c-amb hogvN-bm-sW¶v teJ-I³ 11. A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. "\ntam' IÄ ]nSnapdp-¡nb _m¦nw-Kv. Fkv.-F-kv. A\n ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 5 amÀ¨v 2018, Cinema t]Pv 24þ29 `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-I-fpsS \nÀ_-Ô-¯n\p hg§n h³In-S-¡mÀ¡v \ÂInb hmbv] 15. `b-¯nsâ dn¸-»n-¡v. -I-fmWv C¶v C´y³ _m¦p-I-fpsS Xocm- im-]-sa¶v teJ-I³ A`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. A]ÀW sk³ tZim-`n-am-\n, 14 P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 8þ19 {]kn² _wKmfn Ne-¨n-{X-Imcn A]ÀW sk³ tIcf A´m-cmjv{S Ne-¨n-{X-ta-f- 12. ]n.-F³.-_n. X«n¸v: bYmÀ° bn \S-¯nb Ac-hn-µ³ A\p-kva-cW {]Xn-I-fmcv? {]`m-j-Ww. F.-sI. ctaiv 3 16. "CuS' -bn-ep−v CS-Xp-]£ am[y-aw, 29 P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 12þ23 kn\nam kwhn-[m-b-I³ BjnIv A_p-hp- Pm{K-X. ambn a\ojv \mcm-b-W³ \S-¯p¶ hn. hnP-b-Ip-amÀ A`n-ap-Jw. amXr-`q-an, 28 P\p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 22þ27 ""CuS'' F¶ kn\na CS-Xp-]£w kzbw hnaÀi-\-]-c-ambpw t]mkn-äo-hmbpw Gsä-Sp- t¡− H¶m-sW¶v teJ\w hne-bn-cp-¯p-¶p. 21. \½Ä \nÀ`-b-]u-cÀ Btb aXn-bm-hq. {]Imiv cmPv am[y-aw, 26 s^{_p-hcn 2018, 17. t]Pv 20þ29 `oXn-bpsS Icn-¼Sw sk³kÀ ^mjnÌv `oj-Wn-IÄ¡v ap¶n `b-an-ÃmsX, am-cpsS C´y. \ne-]m-Sp-IÄ Xpd¶p ]d-bp¶ A]qÀh Pn.]n. cma-N-{µ³ kmwkvIm-cnI {]hÀ¯-I-cn Hcm-fmWv N{µn-I, 10 s^{_p-hcn 2018, \S³ {]Imiv cmPv. tImgn-t¡mSv tIcf t]Pv 20þ31 enä-td-¨À s^Ìn-h thZn-bn At±-l-hp- sk³kÀjn-¸nsâ t]cn Bhn-jvImc ambn ae-bmfn kwhn-[m-b-I³ k\ÂIp-amÀ kzmX-{´y-¯n³ta I{XnI ]mbn-¡p¶ iin-[-c³ \S-¯nb kw`m-j-W-¯nsâ kw`-h-§Ä kwL-]-cn-hmcw t\XrXzw {]k-à-`m-K-§Ä. sImSp-¡p¶ `c-W-Iq-S-¯n\v Iosg Ønc-am-Ip-¶-Xnsâ ]Ým-¯-e-¯n X¿m-dm-¡nb teJ-\w. 22. ]d-bm-\p-f-fXv Xe-bp-bÀ¯n ]d-b-Ww. sSmhot\m tXmakv 18. C{µ³kv \msf-bpsS \S³. tZim-`n-am-\n, 21 P\p-hcn 2018, F³. iin-[-c³ t]Pv 28þ39 ka-Im-enI ae-bm-fw, 19 amÀ¨v 2018, \S³ sSmhot\m tXma-kp-ambn jwkp-±o³ t]Pv 14þ16 Ipt«m¯v \S-¯p¶ A`n-ap-Jw. tIcf kÀ¡m-cnsâ anI¨ \S-\p-ff AhmÀUv e`n¨ {io. C{µ³kn-s\-¸-änbp-ff teJ-\w. 23. sk³kÀ t_mÀUn ZpÀ_-e- t\-XrXzw. hnP-b-Ir-jvW³, ]n.-Fw. Pb³ N{µn-I, 10 s^{_p-hcn 2018, t]Pv 8þ19 19. "Rm³ Hcp XpS-¡-¡m-c³ Bdv hÀj-t¯mfw sk³kÀ t_mÀUv am{Xw'. AwK-am-bn-cp¶ {]ikvX Ne-¨n{X \ncq-]- C{µ³kv I\pw kn\nam {]hÀ¯-I-\pamb hnP-b -Ir-jvW³ sk³k-dnw-Knsâ AIhpw am[y-aw, 26 amÀ¨v 2018, t]Pv 52þ59 ]pdhpw F´m-sW¶v shfn-s¸-Sp-¯p¶ anI¨ \S-\p-ff kwØm\ kÀ¡mÀ A`n-ap-Jw.
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