Final Report Litter Hotspots Program Final Evaluation Prepared for Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group Litter Hotspots Program Final Evaluation—Final Report Company information First Person Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 98 605 466 797 Suite 3, Level 2, 190 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Contact Patrick Gilmour 03 9600 1778
[email protected] Document details: Title: Final Report – Litter Hotspots Final Evaluation Authors: Rebecca Denniss, Danielle Clarke, Patrick Gilmour Version: Final Revision date: 5 October 2017 Client: Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group Prepared for MWRRG i Litter Hotspots Program Final Evaluation—Final Report Executive summary Background The Metropolitan Waste Resource Recovery Group (MWRRG) is a Victorian Government statutory body responsible for coordinating and facilitating the delivery of municipal solid waste management across Melbourne’s 31 metropolitan local governments. From 2014-2017, MWRRG delivered the Litter Hotspots Program (the Program) in partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), funded through the Victorian Government's Sustainability Fund. To meet funding requirements, a full final evaluation of the Program has been undertaken in accordance with the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) Lapsing Program Guidelines (Guidelines). This document is the Final Report for the Litter Hotspots Final Evaluation. The Litter Hotspots Program The Program was developed as a pilot in 2013 by MWRRG. The 2013 pilot attracted strong interest from stakeholders and received an additional $1.9 million in funding to implement a more comprehensive three-year program in 2014—ending on 30 June 2017. The Litter Hotspots Program’s stated objectives are to: 1.