This publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, which met in Lyon, 21–28 March 2017


IARC MONOGRAPHS In 1969, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) initiated a programme on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans involving the production of critically evaluated monographs on individual chemicals. The programme was subsequently expanded to include evaluations of carcinogenic risks associated with exposures to complex mixtures, lifestyle factors and biological and physical agents, as well as those in specific occupations. The objective of the programme is to elaborate and publish in the form of monographs critical reviews of data on carcinogenicity for agents to which humans are known to be exposed and on specific exposure situations; to evaluate these data in terms of human risk with the help of international working groups of experts in carcinogenesis and related fields; and to indicate where additional research efforts are needed. The lists of IARC evaluations are regularly updated and are available on the Internet athttp:// monographs.iarc.fr/. This programme has been supported since 1982 by Cooperative Agreement U01 CA33193 with the United States National Cancer Institute, Department of Health and Human Services. Additional support has been provided since 1986 by the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, initially by the Unit of Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work, and since 2014 by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014–2020) (for further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi). Support has also been provided since 1992 by the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Department of Health and Human Services. The contents of this volume are solely the responsibility of the Working Group and do not necessarily represent the official views of the United States National Cancer Institute, the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, or the European Commission. Published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France ©International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2018 On-line publication, July 2018 Distributed by WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: [email protected]). Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Corrigenda to the IARC Monographs are published online at http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Publications/corrigenda.php To report an error, please contact: [email protected]

Co-funded by the European Union The International Agency for Research on Cancer welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate IARC publications – whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution – should be addressed to the IARC Communications Group at: [email protected]. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. The IARC Monographs Working Group alone is responsible for the views expressed in this publication. IARC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Welding, molybdenum trioxide, and indium tin oxide / IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans (2017: Lyon, France) (IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans ; volume 118) 1. 2. Welding – adverse effects 3. Indium – adverse effects 4. Molybdenum – adverse effects 5. Air Pollutants, Occupational – adverse effects 6. Inhalation Exposure – adverse effects 7. Occupational Exposure – adverse effects 8. Risk Factors I. International Agency for Research on Cancer II. Series ISBN 978-92-832-0185-4 (NLM Classification: W1) ISSN 1017-1606 CONTENTS



PREAMBLE...... 9

A . General Principles and Procedures...... 9 1 . Background...... 9 2 . Objective and scope...... 10 3 . Selection of agents for review...... 11 4 . Data for the Monographs...... 12 5 . Meeting participants ...... 12 6 . Working procedures...... 13

B. Scientific Review and Evaluation...... 14 1. Exposure data...... 15 2 . Studies of cancer in humans...... 16 3. Studies of cancer in experimental animals...... 20 4 . Mechanistic and other relevant data...... 23 5 . Summary...... 26 6. Evaluation and rationale...... 27 References...... 31


WELDING ...... 36

1. Exposure Data...... 37 1 .1 Description of major welding processes and materials...... 37 1 .2 Measurement and analysis...... 50


1.3 Occurrence and exposure...... 52 1.4 Regulations and guidelines...... 67 1.5 Exposure assessment of epidemiological studies ...... 68 References...... 82

2 . Cancer in Humans...... 89 2 .1 Introduction...... 89 2 .2 Ocular melanoma ...... 90 2 .3 Mesothelioma...... 112 2 .4 Cohort studies ...... 113 2 .5 Case–control studies...... 157 2 .6 Occupational studies of cancer mortality and incidence based on routinely collected data. . . . 197 References...... 199

3. Cancer in Experimental Animals...... 211 3 .1 Mouse...... 211 3.2 Rat...... 219 3 .3 Hamster...... 219 References...... 220

4. Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data ...... 221 4.1 Absorption, distribution, and excretion...... 221 4 .2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis...... 225 4 .3 Cancer susceptibility...... 244 4.4 Other adverse effects...... 244 References...... 246

5. Summary of Data Reported ...... 255 5.1 Exposure data...... 255 5 .2 Human carcinogenicity data...... 256 5 .3 Animal carcinogenicity data...... 261 5 .4 Mechanistic and other relevant data...... 262

6. Evaluation...... 265 6 .1 Cancer in humans...... 265 6.2 Cancer in experimental animals...... 265 6 .3 Overall evaluation ...... 265


1. Exposure Data...... 267 1.1 Identification ...... 267 1 .2 Production and use...... 267 1 .3 Measurement and analysis...... 268 1.4 Occurrence and exposure...... 269 1.5 Regulations and guidelines...... 272

IV Contents

2 . Cancer in Humans...... 272

3. Cancer in Experimental Animals ...... 272 3 .1 Mouse...... 272 3.2 Rat...... 275

4. Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data ...... 276 4.1 Toxicokinetic data ...... 276 4 .2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis...... 276 4 .3 Cancer susceptibility...... 277 4.4 Other adverse effects...... 277

5. Summary of Data Reported ...... 277 5.1 Exposure data...... 277 5 .2 Human carcinogenicity data...... 278 5 .3 Animal carcinogenicity data...... 278 5 .4 Mechanistic and other relevant data...... 278

6. Evaluation...... 278 6 .1 Cancer in humans...... 278 6.2 Cancer in experimental animals...... 279 6 .3 Overall evaluation ...... 279 References...... 279


1. Exposure Data...... 283 1.1 Identification ...... 283 1 .2 Production and use...... 283 1 .3 Measurement and analysis...... 284 1.4 Occurrence and exposure ...... 285 1.5 Regulations and guidelines...... 290

2 . Cancer in Humans...... 290

3. Cancer in Experimental Animals ...... 290 3 .1 Mouse...... 291 3.2 Rat...... 291 3 .3 Hamster...... 295

4. Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data ...... 296 4.1 Toxicokinetic data ...... 296 4 .2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis...... 298 4 .3 Cancer susceptibility...... 301 4.4 Other adverse effects...... 301


5. Summary of Data Reported ...... 302 5.1 Exposure data...... 302 5 .2 Human carcinogenicity data...... 302 5 .3 Animal carcinogenicity data...... 302 5 .4 Mechanistic and other relevant data...... 303

6. Evaluation...... 304 6 .1 Cancer in humans...... 304 6.2 Cancer in experimental animals ...... 304 6 .3 Overall evaluation ...... 304 References...... 304



The term ‘carcinogenic risk’ in the IARC Monographs series is taken to mean that an agent is capable of causing cancer. The Monographs evaluate cancer hazards, despite the historical presence of the word ‘risks’ in the title. Inclusion of an agent in the Monographs does not imply that it is a , only that the published data have been examined. Equally, the fact that an agent has not yet been evaluated in a Monograph does not mean that it is not carcinogenic. Similarly, identification of cancer sites with sufficient evidence or limited evidence in humans should not be viewed as precluding the possibility that an agent may cause cancer at other sites. The evaluations of carcinogenic risk are made by international working groups of independent scientists and are qualitative in nature. No recommendation is given for regulation or legislation. Anyone who is aware of published data that may alter the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of an agent to humans is encouraged to make this information available to the Section of IARC Monographs, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France, in order that the agent may be considered for re-evaluation by a future Working Group. Although every effort is made to prepare the Monographs as accurately as possible, mistakes may occur. Readers are requested to communicate any errors to the Section of IARC Monographs, so that corrections can be reported in future volumes.



Members 1

Wolfgang Ahrens Marissa G. Baker Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research Department of Environmental & and Epidemiology (BIPS) Occupational Health Sciences University of Bremen University of Washington Bremen Seattle, WA Germany USA

Maria Albin David C. Christiani (Subgroup Chair, Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data) Occupational Medicine Institute of Environmental Medicine Department of Environmental Health and Karolinska Institute Department of Epidemiology Stockholm Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Sweden Boston, MA USA

1 Working Group Members and Invited Specialists serve in their individual capacities as scientists and not as represen- tatives of their government or any organization with which they are affiliated. Affiliations are provided for identifica- tion purposes only. Invited Specialists do not serve as Meeting Chair or Subgroup Chair, draft text that pertains to the description or interpretation of cancer data, or participate in the evaluations. Each participant was asked to disclose pertinent research, employment, and financial interests. Current financial interests and research and employment inter- ests during the past 4 years or anticipated in the future are identified here. Minor pertinent interests are not listed and include stock valued at no more than US$ 1000 overall, grants that provide no more than 5% of the research budget of the expert’s organization and that do not support the expert’s research or position, and consulting or speaking on mat- ters not before a court or government agency that does not exceed 2% of total professional time or compensation. All grants that support the expert’s research or position and all consulting or speaking on behalf of an interested party on matters before a court or government agency are listed as significant pertinent interests.


Jason M. Fritz Jerome Lavoué National Center for Environmental School of Public Health Assessment University of Montreal United States Environmental Protection Montreal, QC Agency Canada Washington, DC USA Danièle Luce

Shoji Fukushima National Institute of Health and Medical Research Japan Bioassay Research Center Faculty of Medicine Japan Organization of Occupational Health Pointe-à-Pitre and Safety France Hadano, Kanagawa Japan Ruth M. Lunn

William M. Gwinn National Toxicology Program National Institute of Environmental Health National Toxicology Program Sciences National Institute of Environmental Health Research Triangle Park, NC Sciences USA Research Triangle Park, NC USA Andrea ‘t Mannetje (Subgroup Chair, Cancer in Humans) Johnni Hansen (Overall Chair) Centre for Public Health Research Danish Cancer Society Massey University Institute of Cancer Epidemiology Wellington Copenhagen New Zealand Denmark Armen K. Nersesyan Hans Kromhout (Subgroup Chair, Exposure Data) Institute of Cancer Research Medical University of Vienna Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences Vienna Utrecht University Austria Utrecht The Netherlands

4 Participants

Susan Peters 2 Representatives University Medical Center Utrecht Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences Utrecht University Yiqun Chen Utrecht The Netherlands Statistics and Epidemiology Unit Health and Safety Executive Bootle, Merseyside Erik J. Tokar England National Toxicology Program Laboratory National Institute of Environmental Health Pauline Guillou Sciences Research Triangle Park, NC Risk Assessment Department USA French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) Maisons-Alfort Patti C. Zeidler-Erdely (Subgroup Chair, France Cancer in Experimental Animals) Pathology and Physiology Research Branch Frank Pega National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health World Health Organization Morgantown, WV Geneva USA Switzerland Andreas Ullrich Invited Specialists World Health Organization Geneva None Switzerland

2 Susan Peters’ previous research unit at the University of Western Australia has received research support (ceased July 2014) from WesTrac Ltd, Western Australia, a construction equipment supplier, to investigate adverse health effects of environmental asbestos exposure.


Observers 3 Adriana Oller 6 Oberver for Eurometaux, Belgium NiPERA Amy Hall Durham, NC USA School of Population and Public Health University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Valentin Thomas Canada University Paris Dauphine Paris Sue Hubbard 4 France

Observer for the International Molybdenum 7 Association Wolfgang Zschiesche SAHCo Ltd Observer for the Institute for Prevention and Chester Occupational Medicine of the Germany England Social Accident Insurance Bochum Len Levy 5 Germany Observer for the International Molybdenum Association Institute of Environment and Health Cranfield University Cranfield, Bedfordshire England

3 Each Observer agreed to respect the Guidelines for Observers at IARC Monographs meetings. Observers did not serve as Meeting Chair or Subgroup Chair, draft any part of a Monograph or participate in the evaluations. They also agreed not to contact participants before the meeting, not to lobby them at any time, not to send them written materials, and not to offer them meals or other favours. IARC asked and reminded Working Group Members to report any contact or attempt to influence that they may have encountered, either before or during the meeting. 4 Sue Hubbard was employed (until 2015) by Rio Tinto, a global mining and metals group; she is a consultant for the International Molybdenum Association (IMOA). She attends as an Observer for IMOA. 5 Len Levy is a consultant for the International Molybdenum Association (IMOA). He attends as an Observer for IMOA. 6 Adriana Oller is employed by the Producers Environmental Research Association (NiPERA). She attends as an Observer for Eurometaux, Belgium. 7 Wolfgang Zschiesche is a member of the Working Group “Safety at the Workplace” of the German Welding Associa- tion, and Chairman of the Commission “Health, Safety and Environment” of the International Institute of Welding. He attends as an Observer for the Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance.

6 Participants

IARC/WHO Secretariat Post-meeting Assistance

Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa (Rapporteur, Heidi Mattock (Scientific Editor) Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data) Elaine Rowan (Technical Editor) Véronique Bouvard (Rapporteur, Exposure Data) Rafael Carel (Visiting Scientist) Post-meeting Scientific Assistance Fatiha El Ghissassi (Rapporteur, Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data) Nilmara Oliveira Alves Brito Yann Grosse (Rapporteur, Cancer in Experimental Animals) Neela Guha (Responsible Officer) Kathryn Guyton (Rapporteur, Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data) Dana Hashim Manoj Kumar Honaryar Rim Khlifi Dana Loomis (Rapporteur, Cancer in Humans) Karen Muller (Scientific Editor) Leslie Stayner (Visiting Scientist) Kurt Straif (Head of Programme) Nadia Vilahur

Administrative Assistance

Marieke Dusenberg Sandrine Egraz Michel Javin Helene Lorenzen-Augros Andreea Spanu

Production Team

Elisabeth Elbers Fiona Gould Solène Quennehen



The Preamble to the IARC Monographs describes the objective and scope of the programme, the scientific principles and procedures used in developing a Monograph, the types of evidence considered and the scientific criteria that guide the evaluations. The Preamble should be consulted when reading a Monograph or list of evaluations.

A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to PROCEDURES man, which became the initial title of the series. In the succeeding years, the scope of the programme broadened as Monographs were 1. Background developed for groups of related chemicals, Soon after IARC was established in 1965, complex mixtures, occupational exposures, phys- it received frequent requests for advice on the ical and biological agents and lifestyle factors. In carcinogenic risk of chemicals, including requests 1988, the phrase ‘of chemicals’ was dropped from for lists of known and suspected human carcin- the title, which assumed its present form, IARC ogens. It was clear that it would not be a simple Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic task to summarize adequately the complexity of Risks to Humans. the information that was available, and IARC Through the Monographs programme, IARC began to consider means of obtaining interna- seeks to identify the causes of human cancer. This tional expert opinion on this topic. In 1970, the is the first step in cancer prevention, which is IARC Advisory Committee on Environmental needed as much today as when IARC was estab- Carcinogenesis recommended ‘...that a compen- lished. The global burden of cancer is high and dium on carcinogenic chemicals be prepared by continues to increase: the annual number of new experts. The biological activity and evaluation of cases was estimated at 10.1 million in 2000 and practical importance to public health should be is expected to reach 15 million by 2020 (Stewart referenced and documented.’ The IARC Governing & Kleihues, 2003). With current trends in demo- Council adopted a resolution concerning the role graphics and exposure, the cancer burden has of IARC in providing government authorities been shifting from high-resource countries to with expert, independent, scientific opinion on low- and medium-resource countries. As a result environmental carcinogenesis. As one means to of Monographs evaluations, national health agen- that end, the Governing Council recommended cies have been able, on scientific grounds, to take that IARC should prepare monographs on the measures to reduce human exposure to carcino- gens in the workplace and in the environment.


The criteria established in 1971 to evaluate as causation of, and susceptibility to, malignant carcinogenic risks to humans were adopted by the disease become more fully understood. Working Groups whose deliberations resulted in A cancer ‘hazard’ is an agent that is capable the first 16 volumes of the Monographs series. of causing cancer under some circumstances, Those criteria were subsequently updated by while a cancer ‘risk’ is an estimate of the carcino- further ad hoc Advisory Groups (IARC, 1977, genic effects expected from exposure to a cancer 1978, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1991; Vainio hazard. The Monographs are an exercise in evalu- et al., 1992; IARC, 2005, 2006). ating cancer hazards, despite the historical pres- The Preamble is primarily a statement of ence of the word ‘risks’ in the title. The distinction scientific principles, rather than a specification between hazard and risk is important, and the of working procedures. The procedures through Monographs identify cancer hazards even when which a Working Group implements these prin- risks are very low at current exposure levels, ciples are not specified in detail. They usually because new uses or unforeseen exposures could involve operations that have been established engender risks that are significantly higher. as being effective during previousMonograph In the Monographs, an agent is termed meetings but remain, predominantly, the prerog- ‘carcinogenic’ if it is capable of increasing the ative of each individual Working Group. incidence of malignant neoplasms, reducing their latency, or increasing their severity or 2. Objective and scope multiplicity. The induction of benign neoplasms may in some circumstances (see Part B, Section The objective of the programme is to 3a) contribute to the judgement that the agent is prepare, with the help of international Working carcinogenic. The terms ‘neoplasm’ and ‘tumour’ Groups of experts, and to publish in the form of are used interchangeably. Monographs, critical reviews and evaluations of The Preamble continues the previous usage evidence on the carcinogenicity of a wide range of the phrase ‘strength of evidence’ as a matter of of human exposures. The Monographs represent historical continuity, although it should be under- the first step in carcinogen risk assessment, which stood that Monographs evaluations consider involves examination of all relevant information studies that support a finding of a cancer hazard to assess the strength of the available evidence as well as studies that do not. that an agent could alter the age-specific inci- Some epidemiological and experimental dence of cancer in humans. TheMonographs may studies indicate that different agents may act at also indicate where additional research efforts different stages in the carcinogenic process, and are needed, specifically when data immediately several different mechanisms may be involved. relevant to an evaluation are not available. The aim of the Monographs has been, from their In this Preamble, the term ‘agent’ refers to inception, to evaluate evidence of carcinogenicity any entity or circumstance that is subject to at any stage in the carcinogenesis process, evaluation in a Monograph. As the scope of the independently of the underlying mechanisms. programme has broadened, categories of agents Information on mechanisms may, however, be now include specific chemicals, groups of related used in making the overall evaluation (IARC, chemicals, complex mixtures, occupational or 1991; Vainio et al., 1992; IARC, 2005, 2006; see environmental exposures, cultural or behav- also Part B, Sections 4 and 6). As mechanisms ioural practices, biological organisms and phys- of carcinogenesis are elucidated, IARC convenes ical agents. This list of categories may expand international scientific conferences to determine whether a broad-based consensus has emerged

10 Preamble on how specific mechanistic data can be used 3. Selection of agents for review in an evaluation of human carcinogenicity. The results of such conferences are reported in IARC Agents are selected for review on the basis Scientific Publications, which, as long as they still of two main criteria: (a) there is evidence of reflect the current state of scientific knowledge, human exposure and (b) there is some evidence may guide subsequent Working Groups. or suspicion of carcinogenicity. Mixed exposures Although the Monographs have emphasized may occur in occupational and environmental hazard identification, important issues may also settings and as a result of individual and cultural involve dose–response assessment. In many habits (such as tobacco smoking and dietary cases, the same epidemiological and experi- practices). Chemical analogues and compounds mental studies used to evaluate a cancer hazard with biological or physical characteristics similar can also be used to estimate a dose–response to those of suspected carcinogens may also be relationship. A Monograph may undertake to considered, even in the absence of data on a estimate dose–response relationships within possible carcinogenic effect in humans or exper- the range of the available epidemiological data, imental animals. or it may compare the dose–response informa- The scientific literature is surveyed for tion from experimental and epidemiological published data relevant to an assessment of studies. In some cases, a subsequent publication carcinogenicity. Ad hoc Advisory Groups may be prepared by a separate Working Group convened by IARC in 1984, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1998 with expertise in quantitative dose–response and 2003 made recommendations as to which assessment. agents should be evaluated in the Monographs The Monographs are used by national and series. Recent recommendations are available international authorities to make risk assess- on the Monographs programme web site (http:// ments, formulate decisions concerning preven- monographs.iarc.fr). IARC may schedule other tive measures, provide effective cancer control agents for review as it becomes aware of new programmes and decide among alternative scientific information or as national health agen- options for public health decisions. The evalu- cies identify an urgent public health need related ations of IARC Working Groups are scientific, to cancer. qualitative judgements on the evidence for or As significant new data become available on against carcinogenicity provided by the available an agent for which a Monograph exists, a re-eval- data. These evaluations represent only one part of uation may be made at a subsequent meeting, and the body of information on which public health a new Monograph published. In some cases it may decisions may be based. Public health options be appropriate to review only the data published vary from one situation to another and from since a prior evaluation. This can be useful for country to country and relate to many factors, updating a database, reviewing new data to including different socioeconomic and national resolve a previously open question or identifying priorities. Therefore, no recommendation is given new tumour sites associated with a carcinogenic with regard to regulation or legislation, which agent. Major changes in an evaluation (e.g. a new are the responsibility of individual governments classification in Group 1 or a determination that a or other international organizations. mechanism does not operate in humans, see Part B, Section 6) are more appropriately addressed by a full review.


4. Data for the Monographs 5. Meeting participants Each Monograph reviews all pertinent epide- Five categories of participant can be present miological studies and cancer bioassays in exper- at Monograph meetings. imental animals. Those judged inadequate or irrelevant to the evaluation may be cited but not (a) The Working Group summarized. If a group of similar studies is not reviewed, the reasons are indicated. The Working Group is responsible for the Mechanistic and other relevant data are also critical reviews and evaluations that are devel- reviewed. A Monograph does not necessarily oped during the meeting. The tasks of Working cite all the mechanistic literature concerning Group Members are: (i) to ascertain that all the agent being evaluated (see Part B, Section appropriate data have been collected; (ii) to 4). Only those data considered by the Working select the data relevant for the evaluation on the Group to be relevant to making the evaluation basis of scientific merit; (iii) to prepare accurate are included. summaries of the data to enable the reader to With regard to epidemiological studies, follow the reasoning of the Working Group; (iv) cancer bioassays, and mechanistic and other rele- to evaluate the results of epidemiological and vant data, only reports that have been published experimental studies on cancer; (v) to evaluate or accepted for publication in the openly available data relevant to the understanding of mecha- scientific literature are reviewed. The same publi- nisms of carcinogenesis; and (vi) to make an cation requirement applies to studies originating overall evaluation of the carcinogenicity of the from IARC, including meta-analyses or pooled exposure to humans. Working Group Members analyses commissioned by IARC in advance of generally have published significant research a meeting (see Part B, Section 2c). Data from related to the carcinogenicity of the agents being government agency reports that are publicly reviewed, and IARC uses literature searches to available are also considered. Exceptionally, identify most experts. Working Group Members doctoral theses and other material that are in are selected on the basis of (a) knowledge and their final form and publicly available may be experience and (b) absence of real or apparent reviewed. conflicts of interests. Consideration is also given Exposure data and other information on an to demographic diversity and balance of scien- agent under consideration are also reviewed. In tific findings and views. the sections on chemical and physical proper- ties, on analysis, on production and use and on (b) Invited Specialists occurrence, published and unpublished sources Invited Specialists are experts who also have of information may be considered. critical knowledge and experience but have Inclusion of a study does not imply accept- a real or apparent conflict of interests. These ance of the adequacy of the study design or of experts are invited when necessary to assist in the analysis and interpretation of the results, and the Working Group by contributing their unique limitations are clearly outlined in square brackets knowledge and experience during subgroup and at the end of each study description (see Part B). plenary discussions. They may also contribute The reasons for not giving further consideration text on non-influential issues in the section on to an individual study also are indicated in the exposure, such as a general description of data square brackets. on production and use (see Part B, Section 1). Invited Specialists do not serve as meeting chair

12 Preamble or subgroup chair, draft text that pertains to the to report financial interests, employment and description or interpretation of cancer data, or consulting, and individual and institutional participate in the evaluations. research support related to the subject of the meeting. IARC assesses these interests to deter- (c) Representatives of national and mine whether there is a conflict that warrants international health agencies some limitation on participation. The declarations are updated and reviewed again at the opening Representatives of national and interna- of the meeting. Interests related to the subject of tional health agencies often attend meetings the meeting are disclosed to the meeting partic- because their agencies sponsor the programme ipants and in the published volume (Cogliano or are interested in the subject of a meeting. et al., 2004). Representatives do not serve as meeting chair or The names and principal affiliations of subgroup chair, draft any part of a Monograph, participants are available on the Monographs or participate in the evaluations. programme web site (http://monographs.iarc.fr) approximately two months before each meeting. (d) Observers with relevant scientific It is not acceptable for Observers or third parties credentials to contact other participants before a meeting or Observers with relevant scientific credentials to lobby them at any time. Meeting participants may be admitted to a meeting by IARC in limited are asked to report all such contacts to IARC numbers. Attention will be given to achieving a (Cogliano et al., 2005). balance of Observers from constituencies with All participants are listed, with their prin- differing perspectives. They are invited to observe cipal affiliations, at the beginning of each volume. the meeting and should not attempt to influence Each participant who is a Member of a Working it. Observers do not serve as meeting chair or Group serves as an individual scientist and not as subgroup chair, draft any part of a Monograph, a representative of any organization, government or participate in the evaluations. At the meeting, or industry. the meeting chair and subgroup chairs may grant Observers an opportunity to speak, generally 6. Working procedures after they have observed a discussion. Observers agree to respect the Guidelines for Observers at A separate Working Group is responsible IARC Monographs meetings (available at http:// for developing each volume of Monographs. A monographs.iarc.fr). volume contains one or more Monographs, which can cover either a single agent or several related (e) The IARC Secretariat agents. Approximately one year in advance of the meeting of a Working Group, the agents to The IARC Secretariat consists of scientists be reviewed are announced on the Monographs who are designated by IARC and who have rele- programme web site (http://monographs.iarc.fr) vant expertise. They serve as rapporteurs and and participants are selected by IARC staff in participate in all discussions. When requested by consultation with other experts. Subsequently, the meeting chair or subgroup chair, they may relevant biological and epidemiological data are also draft text or prepare tables and analyses. collected by IARC from recognized sources of Before an invitation is extended, each poten- information on carcinogenesis, including data tial participant, including the IARC Secretariat, storage and retrieval systems such as PubMed. completes the WHO Declaration of Interests Meeting participants who are asked to prepare

13 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 preliminary working papers for specific sections IARC Working Groups strive to achieve a are expected to supplement the IARC literature consensus evaluation. Consensus reflects broad searches with their own searches. agreement among Working Group Members, but Industrial associations, labour unions not necessarily unanimity. The chair may elect and other knowledgeable organizations may to poll Working Group Members to determine be asked to provide input to the sections on the diversity of scientific opinion on issues where production and use, although this involvement consensus is not readily apparent. is not required as a general rule. Information on After the meeting, the master copy is verified production and trade is obtained from govern- by consulting the original literature, edited and mental, trade and market research publications prepared for publication. The aim is to publish and, in some cases, by direct contact with indus- the volume within six months of the Working tries. Separate production data on some agents Group meeting. A summary of the outcome is may not be available for a variety of reasons (e.g. available on the Monographs programme web not collected or made public in all producing site soon after the meeting. countries, production is small). Information on uses may be obtained from published sources but is often complemented by direct contact with B. SCIENTIFIC REVIEW AND manufacturers. Efforts are made to supplement EVALUATION this information with data from other national and international sources. The available studies are summarized by the Six months before the meeting, the material Working Group, with particular regard to the obtained is sent to meeting participants to prepare qualitative aspects discussed below. In general, preliminary working papers. The working papers numerical findings are indicated as they appear are compiled by IARC staff and sent, before in the original report; units are converted when the meeting, to Working Group Members and necessary for easier comparison. The Working Invited Specialists for review. Group may conduct additional analyses of the The Working Group meets at IARC for seven published data and use them in their assessment to eight days to discuss and finalize the texts and of the evidence; the results of such supplemen- to formulate the evaluations. The objectives of the tary analyses are given in square brackets. When meeting are peer review and consensus. During an important aspect of a study that directly the first few days, four subgroups (covering expo- impinges on its interpretation should be brought sure data, cancer in humans, cancer in experi- to the attention of the reader, a Working Group mental animals, and mechanistic and other comment is given in square brackets. relevant data) review the working papers, develop The scope of the IARC Monographs a joint subgroup draft and write summaries. Care programme has expanded beyond chemicals to is taken to ensure that each study summary is include complex mixtures, occupational expo- written or reviewed by someone not associated sures, physical and biological agents, lifestyle with the study being considered. During the last factors and other potentially carcinogenic expo- few days, the Working Group meets in plenary sures. Over time, the structure of a Monograph session to review the subgroup drafts and develop has evolved to include the following sections: the evaluations. As a result, the entire volume is the joint product of the Working Group, and Exposure data there are no individually authored sections. Studies of cancer in humans

14 Preamble

Studies of cancer in experimental animals which the agent being evaluated is only one of Mechanistic and other relevant data the ingredients. Summary For biological agents, taxonomy, structure and biology are described, and the degree of Evaluation and rationale variability is indicated. Mode of replication, In addition, a section of General Remarks at life cycle, target cells, persistence, latency, host the front of the volume discusses the reasons the response and clinical disease other than cancer agents were scheduled for evaluation and some are also presented. key issues the Working Group encountered For physical agents that are forms of radiation, during the meeting. energy and range of the radiation are included. This part of the Preamble discusses the types For foreign bodies, fibres and respirable particles, of evidence considered and summarized in each size range and relative dimensions are indicated. section of a Monograph, followed by the scientific For agents such as mixtures, drugs or lifestyle criteria that guide the evaluations. factors, a description of the agent, including its composition, is given. 1. Exposure data Whenever appropriate, other information, such as historical perspectives or the description Each Monograph includes general infor- of an industry or habit, may be included. mation on the agent: this information may vary substantially between agents and must be (b) Analysis and detection adapted accordingly. Also included is informa- An overview of methods of analysis and tion on production and use (when appropriate), detection of the agent is presented, including methods of analysis and detection, occurrence, their sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. and sources and routes of human occupational Methods widely used for regulatory purposes and environmental exposures. Depending on the are emphasized. Methods for monitoring human agent, regulations and guidelines for use may be exposure are also given. No critical evaluation presented. or recommendation of any method is meant or implied. (a) General information on the agent For chemical agents, sections on chemical (c) Production and use and physical data are included: the Chemical The dates of first synthesis and of first Abstracts Service Registry Number, the latest commercial production of a chemical, mixture primary name and the IUPAC systematic name or other agent are provided when available; for are recorded; other synonyms are given, but the agents that do not occur naturally, this informa- list is not necessarily comprehensive. Information tion may allow a reasonable estimate to be made on chemical and physical properties that are rele- of the date before which no human exposure vant to identification, occurrence and biological to the agent could have occurred. The dates of activity is included. A description of technical first reported occurrence of an exposure are also products of chemicals includes trade names, provided when available. In addition, methods relevant specifications and available informa- of synthesis used in past and present commercial tion on composition and impurities. Some of the production and different methods of production, trade names given may be those of mixtures in

15 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 which may give rise to different impurities, are with date and place. For biological agents, the described. epidemiology of infection is described. The countries where companies report pro- duction of the agent, and the number of compa- (e) Regulations and guidelines nies in each country, are identified. Available data on production, international trade and uses are Statements concerning regulations and obtained for representative regions. It should not, guidelines (e.g. occupational exposure limits, however, be inferred that those areas or nations maximal levels permitted in foods and water, are necessarily the sole or major sources or users pesticide registrations) are included, but they of the agent. Some identified uses may not be may not reflect the most recent situation, since current or major applications, and the coverage such limits are continuously reviewed and modi- is not necessarily comprehensive. In the case of fied. The absence of information on regulatory drugs, mention of their therapeutic uses does not status for a country should not be taken to imply necessarily represent current practice nor does it that that country does not have regulations with imply judgement as to their therapeutic efficacy. regard to the exposure. For biological agents, legislation and control, including vaccination (d) Occurrence and exposure and therapy, are described. Information on the occurrence of an agent in 2. Studies of cancer in humans the environment is obtained from data derived from the monitoring and surveillance of levels This section includes all pertinent epidemio- in occupational environments, air, water, soil, logical studies (see Part A, Section 4). Studies of plants, foods and animal and human tissues. biomarkers are included when they are relevant When available, data on the generation, persis- to an evaluation of carcinogenicity to humans. tence and bioaccumulation of the agent are also included. Such data may be available from (a) Types of study considered national databases. Data that indicate the extent of past and Several types of epidemiological study present human exposure, the sources of expo- contribute to the assessment of carcinogenicity in sure, the people most likely to be exposed and humans — cohort studies, case–control studies, the factors that contribute to the exposure are correlation (or ecological) studies and interven- reported. Information is presented on the range tion studies. Rarely, results from randomized of human exposure, including occupational and trials may be available. Case reports and case environmental exposures. This includes relevant series of cancer in humans may also be reviewed. findings from both developed and developing Cohort and case–control studies relate indi- countries. Some of these data are not distrib- vidual exposures under study to the occurrence of uted widely and may be available from govern- cancer in individuals and provide an estimate of ment reports and other sources. In the case of effect (such as relative risk) as the main measure mixtures, industries, occupations or processes, of association. Intervention studies may provide information is given about all agents known to strong evidence for making causal inferences, be present. For processes, industries and occupa- as exemplified by cessation of smoking and the tions, a historical description is also given, noting subsequent decrease in risk for lung cancer. variations in chemical composition, physical In correlation studies, the units of inves- properties and levels of occupational exposure tigation are usually whole populations (e.g. in

16 Preamble particular geographical areas or at particular Bias is the effect of factors in study design or times), and cancer frequency is related to a execution that erroneously to a stronger or summary measure of the exposure of the popu- weaker association than in fact exists between an lation to the agent under study. In correlation agent and disease. Confounding is a form of bias studies, individual exposure is not documented, that occurs when the relationship with disease which renders this kind of study more prone to is made to appear stronger or weaker than it confounding. In some circumstances, however, truly is as a result of an association between the correlation studies may be more informative apparent causal factor and another factor that is than analytical study designs (see, for example, associated with either an increase or decrease in the Monograph on in drinking-water; the incidence of the disease. The role of chance is IARC, 2004). related to biological variability and the influence In some instances, case reports and case series of sample size on the precision of estimates of have provided important information about the effect. carcinogenicity of an agent. These types of study In evaluating the extent to which these factors generally arise from a suspicion, based on clinical have been minimized in an individual study, experience, that the concurrence of two events — consideration is given to several aspects of design that is, a particular exposure and occurrence of and analysis as described in the report of the a cancer — has happened rather more frequently study. For example, when suspicion of carcino- than would be expected by chance. Case reports genicity arises largely from a single small study, and case series usually lack complete ascertain- careful consideration is given when interpreting ment of cases in any population, definition or subsequent studies that included these data in enumeration of the population at risk and esti- an enlarged population. Most of these consider- mation of the expected number of cases in the ations apply equally to case–control, cohort and absence of exposure. correlation studies. Lack of clarity of any of these The uncertainties that surround the interpre- aspects in the reporting of a study can decrease tation of case reports, case series and correlation its credibility and the weight given to it in the studies make them inadequate, except in rare final evaluation of the exposure. instances, to form the sole basis for inferring a First, the study population, disease (or causal relationship. When taken together with diseases) and exposure should have been well case–control and cohort studies, however, these defined by the authors. Cases of disease in the types of study may add materially to the judge- study population should have been identified in ment that a causal relationship exists. a way that was independent of the exposure of Epidemiological studies of benign neoplasms, interest, and exposure should have been assessed presumed preneoplastic lesions and other in a way that was not related to disease status. end-points thought to be relevant to cancer are Second, the authors should have taken into also reviewed. They may, in some instances, account — in the study design and analysis — strengthen inferences drawn from studies of other variables that can influence the risk of cancer itself. disease and may have been related to the expo- sure of interest. Potential confounding by such (b) Quality of studies considered variables should have been dealt with either in the design of the study, such as by matching, It is necessary to take into account the or in the analysis, by statistical adjustment. In possible roles of bias, confounding and chance cohort studies, comparisons with local rates of in the interpretation of epidemiological studies. disease may or may not be more appropriate than

17 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 those with national rates. Internal comparisons individual studies (pooled analysis) (Greenland, of frequency of disease among individuals at 1998). different levels of exposure are also desirable in The advantages of combined analyses are cohort studies, since they minimize the potential increased precision due to increased sample for confounding related to the difference in risk size and the opportunity to explore potential factors between an external reference group and confounders, interactions and modifying effects the study population. that may explain heterogeneity among studies Third, the authors should have reported the in more detail. A disadvantage of combined basic data on which the conclusions are founded, analyses is the possible lack of compatibility of even if sophisticated statistical analyses were data from various studies due to differences in employed. At the very least, they should have subject recruitment, procedures of data collec- given the numbers of exposed and unexposed tion, methods of measurement and effects of cases and controls in a case–control study and unmeasured co-variates that may differ among the numbers of cases observed and expected in studies. Despite these limitations, well conducted a cohort study. Further tabulations by time since combined analyses may provide a firmer basis exposure began and other temporal factors are than individual studies for drawing conclusions also important. In a cohort study, data on all about the potential carcinogenicity of agents. cancer sites and all causes of death should have IARC may commission a meta-analysis or been given, to reveal the possibility of reporting pooled analysis that is pertinent to a particular bias. In a case–control study, the effects of inves- Monograph (see Part A, Section 4). Additionally, tigated factors other than the exposure of interest as a means of gaining insight from the results of should have been reported. multiple individual studies, ad hoc calculations Finally, the statistical methods used to obtain that combine data from different studies may estimates of relative risk, absolute rates of cancer, be conducted by the Working Group during the confidence intervals and significance tests, and course of a Monograph meeting. The results of to adjust for confounding should have been such original calculations, which would be speci- clearly stated by the authors. These methods have fied in the text by presentation in square brackets, been reviewed for case–control studies (Breslow might involve updates of previously conducted & Day, 1980) and for cohort studies (Breslow & analyses that incorporate the results of more Day, 1987). recent studies or de-novo analyses. Irrespective of the source of data for the meta-analyses and (c) Meta-analyses and pooled analyses pooled analyses, it is important that the same criteria for data quality be applied as those that Independent epidemiological studies of the would be applied to individual studies and to same agent may lead to results that are difficult ensure also that sources of heterogeneity between to interpret. Combined analyses of data from studies be taken into account. multiple studies are a means of resolving this ambiguity, and well conducted analyses can be (d) Temporal effects considered. There are two types of combined analysis. The first involves combining summary Detailed analyses of both relative and abso- statistics such as relative risks from individual lute risks in relation to temporal variables, such studies (meta-analysis) and the second involves as age at first exposure, time since first expo- a pooled analysis of the raw data from the sure, duration of exposure, cumulative expo- sure, peak exposure (when appropriate) and

18 Preamble time since cessation of exposure, are reviewed known phenotype of a genetic polymorphism and summarized when available. Analyses of can explain the carcinogenic mechanism of the temporal relationships may be useful in making agent being evaluated, data on this phenotype causal inferences. In addition, such analyses may may be useful in making causal inferences. suggest whether a carcinogen acts early or late in the process of carcinogenesis, although, at best, (f) Criteria for causality they allow only indirect inferences about mech- anisms of carcinogenesis. After the quality of individual epidemiolog- ical studies of cancer has been summarized and (e) Use of biomarkers in epidemiological assessed, a judgement is made concerning the studies strength of evidence that the agent in question is carcinogenic to humans. In making its judge- Biomarkers indicate molecular, cellular or ment, the Working Group considers several other biological changes and are increasingly criteria for causality (Hill, 1965). A strong asso- used in epidemiological studies for various ciation (e.g. a large relative risk) is more likely purposes (IARC, 1991; Vainio et al., 1992; Toniolo to indicate causality than a weak association, et al., 1997; Vineis et al., 1999; Buffleret al., 2004). although it is recognized that estimates of effect These may include evidence of exposure, of early of small magnitude do not imply lack of causality effects, of cellular, tissue or organism responses, and may be important if the disease or exposure of individual susceptibility or host responses, is common. Associations that are replicated in and inference of a mechanism (see Part B, Section several studies of the same design or that use 4b). This is a rapidly evolving field that encom- different epidemiological approaches or under passes developments in genomics, epigenomics different circumstances of exposure are more and other emerging technologies. likely to represent a causal relationship than Molecular epidemiological data that identify isolated observations from single studies. If there associations between genetic polymorphisms are inconsistent results among investigations, and interindividual differences in susceptibility possible reasons are sought (such as differences in to the agent(s) being evaluated may contribute exposure), and results of studies that are judged to the identification of carcinogenic hazards to to be of high quality are given more weight than humans. If the polymorphism has been demon- those of studies that are judged to be methodo- strated experimentally to modify the functional logically less sound. activity of the gene product in a manner that is If the risk increases with the exposure, this is consistent with increased susceptibility, these considered to be a strong indication of causality, data may be useful in making causal inferences. although the absence of a graded response is not Similarly, molecular epidemiological studies that necessarily evidence against a causal relation- measure cell functions, enzymes or metabolites ship. The demonstration of a decline in risk after that are thought to be the basis of susceptibility cessation of or reduction in exposure in indi- may provide evidence that reinforces biological viduals or in whole populations also supports a plausibility. It should be noted, however, that causal interpretation of the findings. when data on genetic susceptibility originate from Several scenarios may increase confidence in multiple comparisons that arise from subgroup a causal relationship. On the one hand, an agent analyses, this can generate false-positive results may be specific in causing tumours at one site or and inconsistencies across studies, and such of one morphological type. On the other, carcino- data therefore require careful evaluation. If the genicity may be evident through the causation of

19 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 multiple tumour types. Temporality, precision 3. Studies of cancer in of estimates of effect, biological plausibility and experimental animals coherence of the overall database are considered. Data on biomarkers may be employed in an All known human carcinogens that have been assessment of the biological plausibility of epide- studied adequately for carcinogenicity in exper- miological observations. imental animals have produced positive results Although rarely available, results from rand- in one or more animal species (Wilbourn et al., omized trials that show different rates of cancer 1986; Tomatis et al., 1989). For several agents among exposed and unexposed individuals (e.g. aflatoxins, diethylstilbestrol, solar radiation, provide particularly strong evidence for causality. vinyl chloride), carcinogenicity in experimental When several epidemiological studies show animals was established or highly suspected little or no indication of an association between before epidemiological studies confirmed their an exposure and cancer, a judgement may be carcinogenicity in humans (Vainio et al., 1995). made that, in the aggregate, they show evidence Although this association cannot establish that of lack of carcinogenicity. Such a judgement all agents that cause cancer in experimental requires first that the studies meet, to a suffi- animals also cause cancer in humans, it is biolog- cient degree, the standards of design and anal- ically plausible that agents for which there is suffi- ysis described above. Specifically, the possibility cient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental that bias, confounding or misclassification of animals (see Part B, Section 6b) also present a exposure or outcome could explain the observed carcinogenic hazard to humans. Accordingly, in results should be considered and excluded with the absence of additional scientific information, reasonable certainty. In addition, all studies that these agents are considered to pose a carcino- are judged to be methodologically sound should genic hazard to humans. Examples of additional (a) be consistent with an estimate of effect of scientific information are data that demonstrate unity for any observed level of exposure, (b) when that a given agent causes cancer in animals considered together, provide a pooled estimate of through a species-specific mechanism that does relative risk that is at or near to unity, and (c) not operate in humans or data that demonstrate have a narrow confidence interval, due to suffi- that the mechanism in experimental animals cient population size. Moreover, no individual also operates in humans (see Part B, Section 6). study nor the pooled results of all the studies Consideration is given to all available long- should show any consistent tendency that the term studies of cancer in experimental animals relative risk of cancer increases with increasing with the agent under review (see Part A, Section level of exposure. It is important to note that 4). In all experimental settings, the nature and evidence of lack of carcinogenicity obtained extent of impurities or contaminants present in from several epidemiological studies can apply the agent being evaluated are given when avail- only to the type(s) of cancer studied, to the dose able. Animal species, strain (including genetic levels reported, and to the intervals between first background where applicable), sex, numbers per exposure and disease onset observed in these group, age at start of treatment, route of expo- studies. Experience with human cancer indicates sure, dose levels, duration of exposure, survival that the period from first exposure to the devel- and information on tumours (incidence, latency, opment of clinical cancer is sometimes longer severity or multiplicity of neoplasms or preneo- than 20 years; latent periods substantially shorter plastic lesions) are reported. Those studies in than 30 years cannot provide evidence for lack of experimental animals that are judged to be irrel- carcinogenicity. evant to the evaluation or judged to be inadequate

20 Preamble

(e.g. too short a duration, too few animals, poor (a) Qualitative aspects survival; see below) may be omitted. Guidelines for conducting long-term carcinogenicity exper- An assessment of carcinogenicity involves iments have been published (e.g. OECD, 2002). several considerations of qualitative importance, Other studies considered may include: exper- including (i) the experimental conditions under iments in which the agent was administered in which the test was performed, including route, the presence of factors that modify carcinogenic schedule and duration of exposure, species, effects (e.g. initiation–promotion studies, co-car- strain (including genetic background where cinogenicity studies and studies in genetically applicable), sex, age and duration of follow-up; (ii) modified animals); studies in which the end-point the consistency of the results, for example, across was not cancer but a defined precancerous lesion; species and target organ(s); (iii) the spectrum of experiments on the carcinogenicity of known neoplastic response, from preneoplastic lesions metabolites and derivatives; and studies of and benign tumours to malignant neoplasms; cancer in non-laboratory animals (e.g. livestock and (iv) the possible role of modifying factors. and companion animals) exposed to the agent. Considerations of importance in the inter- For studies of mixtures, consideration is pretation and evaluation of a particular study given to the possibility that changes in the include: (i) how clearly the agent was defined physicochemical properties of the individual and, in the case of mixtures, how adequately substances may occur during collection, storage, the sample characterization was reported; (ii) extraction, concentration and delivery. Another whether the dose was monitored adequately, consideration is that chemical and toxicological particularly in inhalation experiments; (iii) interactions of components in a mixture may whether the doses, duration of treatment and alter dose–response relationships. The relevance route of exposure were appropriate; (iv) whether to human exposure of the test mixture adminis- the survival of treated animals was similar to tered in the animal experiment is also assessed. that of controls; (v) whether there were adequate This may involve consideration of the following numbers of animals per group; (vi) whether aspects of the mixture tested: (i) physical and both male and female animals were used; (vii) chemical characteristics, (ii) identified constitu- whether animals were allocated randomly to ents that may indicate the presence of a class of groups; (viii) whether the duration of observa- substances and (iii) the results of genetic toxicity tion was adequate; and (ix) whether the data were and related tests. reported and analysed adequately. The relevance of results obtained with an When benign tumours (a) occur together agent that is analogous (e.g. similar in structure with and originate from the same cell type as or of a similar virus genus) to that being evalu- malignant tumours in an organ or tissue in a ated is also considered. Such results may provide particular study and (b) appear to represent a biological and mechanistic information that is stage in the progression to malignancy, they are relevant to the understanding of the process of usually combined in the assessment of tumour carcinogenesis in humans and may strengthen incidence (Huff et al., 1989). The occurrence of the biological plausibility that the agent being lesions presumed to be preneoplastic may in evaluated is carcinogenic to humans (see Part B, certain instances aid in assessing the biological Section 2f). plausibility of any neoplastic response observed. If an agent induces only benign neoplasms that appear to be end-points that do not readily undergo transition to malignancy, the agent

21 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 should nevertheless be suspected of being Gart et al., 1986; Portier & Bailer, 1989; Bieler & carcinogenic and requires further investigation. Williams, 1993). The choice of the most appro- priate statistical method requires consideration (b) Quantitative aspects of whether or not there are differences in survival among the treatment groups; for example, The probability that tumours will occur reduced survival because of non-tumour-re- may depend on the species, sex, strain, genetic lated mortality can preclude the occurrence of background and age of the animal, and on the tumours later in life. When detailed information dose, route, timing and duration of the exposure. on survival is not available, comparisons of the Evidence of an increased incidence of neoplasms proportions of tumour-bearing animals among with increasing levels of exposure strengthens the effective number of animals (alive at the time the inference of a causal association between the the first tumour was discovered) can be useful exposure and the development of neoplasms. when significant differences in survival occur The form of the dose–response relationship before tumours appear. The lethality of the can vary widely, depending on the particular agent tumour also requires consideration: for rapidly under study and the target organ. Mechanisms fatal tumours, the time of death provides an indi- such as induction of DNA damage or inhibition cation of the time of tumour onset and can be of repair, altered cell division and cell death rates assessed using life-table methods; non-fatal or and changes in intercellular communication incidental tumours that do not affect survival can are important determinants of dose–response be assessed using methods such as the Mantel- relationships for some carcinogens. Since many Haenzel test for changes in tumour prevalence. chemicals require metabolic activation before Because tumour lethality is often difficult to being converted to their reactive intermediates, determine, methods such as the Poly-K test that both metabolic and toxicokinetic aspects are do not require such information can also be used. important in determining the dose–response When results are available on the number and pattern. Saturation of steps such as absorption, size of tumours seen in experimental animals activation, inactivation and elimination may (e.g. papillomas on mouse skin, liver tumours produce nonlinearity in the dose–response rela- observed through nuclear magnetic resonance tionship (Hoel et al., 1983; Gart et al., 1986), tomography), other more complicated statistical as could saturation of processes such as DNA procedures may be needed (Sherman et al., 1994; repair. The dose–response relationship can also Dunson et al., 2003). be affected by differences in survival among the Formal statistical methods have been devel- treatment groups. oped to incorporate historical control data into the analysis of data from a given experiment. (c) Statistical analyses These methods assign an appropriate weight to Factors considered include the adequacy of historical and concurrent controls on the basis the information given for each treatment group: of the extent of between-study and within-study (i) number of animals studied and number exam- variability: less weight is given to historical ined histologically, (ii) number of animals with a controls when they show a high degree of vari- given tumour type and (iii) length of survival. ability, and greater weight when they show little The statistical methods used should be clearly variability. It is generally not appropriate to stated and should be the generally accepted tech- discount a tumour response that is significantly niques refined for this purpose Peto( et al., 1980; increased compared with concurrent controls by arguing that it falls within the range of

22 Preamble historical controls, particularly when historical These topics are not mutually exclusive; thus, controls show high between-study variability the same studies may be discussed in more than and are, thus, of little relevance to the current one subsection. For example, a mutation in a experiment. In analysing results for uncommon gene that codes for an enzyme that metabolizes tumours, however, the analysis may be improved the agent under study could be discussed in the by considering historical control data, particu- subsections on toxicokinetics, mechanisms and larly when between-study variability is low. individual susceptibility if it also exists as an Historical controls should be selected to inherited polymorphism. resemble the concurrent controls as closely as possible with respect to species, gender and (a) Toxicokinetic data strain, as well as other factors such as basal diet and general laboratory environment, which may Toxicokinetics refers to the absorption, affect tumour-response rates in control animals distribution, metabolism and elimination of (Haseman et al., 1984; Fung et al., 1996; Greim agents in humans, experimental animals and, et al., 2003). where relevant, cellular systems. Examples of Although meta-analyses and combined anal- kinetic factors that may affect dose–response yses are conducted less frequently for animal relationships include uptake, deposition, bioper- experiments than for epidemiological studies sistence and half-life in tissues, protein binding, due to differences in animal strains, they can be metabolic activation and detoxification. Studies useful aids in interpreting animal data when the that indicate the metabolic fate of the agent experimental protocols are sufficiently similar. in humans and in experimental animals are summarized briefly, and comparisons of data from humans and animals are made when 4. Mechanistic and other relevant possible. Comparative information on the rela- data tionship between exposure and the dose that reaches the target site may be important for the Mechanistic and other relevant data may extrapolation of hazards between species and in provide evidence of carcinogenicity and also clarifying the role of in-vitro findings. help in assessing the relevance and importance of findings of cancer in animals and in humans. (b) Data on mechanisms of carcinogenesis The nature of the mechanistic and other rele- vant data depends on the biological activity of To provide focus, the Working Group the agent being considered. The Working Group attempts to identify the possible mechanisms by considers representative studies to give a concise which the agent may increase the risk of cancer. description of the relevant data and issues that For each possible mechanism, a representative they consider to be important; thus, not every selection of key data from humans and experi- available study is cited. Relevant topics may mental systems is summarized. Attention is given include toxicokinetics, mechanisms of carcino- to gaps in the data and to data that suggests that genesis, susceptible individuals, populations and more than one mechanism may be operating. life-stages, other relevant data and other adverse The relevance of the mechanism to humans is effects. When data on biomarkers are informa- discussed, in particular, when mechanistic data tive about the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, are derived from experimental model systems. they are included in this section. Changes in the affected organs, tissues or cells

23 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 can be divided into three non-exclusive levels as The use of mechanistic data in the identifi- described below. cation of a carcinogenic hazard is specific to the mechanism being addressed and is not readily (i) Changes in physiology described for every possible level and mechanism Physiological changes refer to exposure-re- discussed above. lated modifications to the physiology and/or Genotoxicity data are discussed here to illus- response of cells, tissues and organs. Examples trate the key issues involved in the evaluation of of potentially adverse physiological changes mechanistic data. include mitogenesis, compensatory cell division, Tests for genetic and related effects are escape from apoptosis and/or senescence, pres- described in view of the relevance of gene muta- ence of inflammation, hyperplasia, metaplasia tion and chromosomal aberration/aneuploidy and/or preneoplasia, angiogenesis, alterations in to carcinogenesis (Vainio et al., 1992; McGregor cellular adhesion, changes in steroidal hormones et al., 1999). The adequacy of the reporting of and changes in immune surveillance. sample characterization is considered and, when necessary, commented upon; with regard to (ii) Functional changes at the cellular level complex mixtures, such comments are similar Functional changes refer to exposure-re- to those described for animal carcinogenicity lated alterations in the signalling pathways used tests. The available data are interpreted critically by cells to manage critical processes that are according to the end-points detected, which related to increased risk for cancer. Examples may include DNA damage, gene mutation, sister of functional changes include modified activ- chromatid exchange, micronucleus formation, ities of enzymes involved in the metabolism chromosomal aberrations and aneuploidy. The of xenobiotics, alterations in the expression concentrations employed are given, and mention of key genes that regulate DNA repair, altera- is made of whether the use of an exogenous tions in cyclin-dependent kinases that govern metabolic system in vitro affected the test result. cell cycle progression, changes in the patterns These data are listed in tabular form by phyloge- of post-translational modifications of proteins, netic classification. changes in regulatory factors that alter apoptotic Positive results in tests using prokaryotes, rates, changes in the secretion of factors related lower eukaryotes, insects, plants and cultured to the stimulation of DNA replication and tran- mammalian cells suggest that genetic and related scription and changes in gap–junction-mediated effects could occur in mammals. Results from intercellular communication. such tests may also give information on the types of genetic effect produced and on the involve- (iii) Changes at the molecular level ment of metabolic activation. Some end-points Molecular changes refer to exposure-related described are clearly genetic in nature (e.g. gene changes in key cellular structures at the molec- mutations), while others are associated with ular level, including, in particular, genotoxicity. genetic effects (e.g. unscheduled DNA synthesis). Examples of molecular changes include forma- In-vitro tests for tumour promotion, cell transfor- tion of DNA adducts and DNA strand breaks, mation and gap–junction intercellular commu- mutations in genes, chromosomal aberrations, nication may be sensitive to changes that are not aneuploidy and changes in DNA methylation necessarily the result of genetic alterations but patterns. Greater emphasis is given to irreversible that may have specific relevance to the process of effects. carcinogenesis. Critical appraisals of these tests

24 Preamble have been published (Montesano et al., 1986; physiological, cellular and molecular level, as McGregor et al., 1999). for chemical agents, and descriptions of how Genetic or other activity manifest in humans these effects occur. ‘Physical agents’ may also be and experimental mammals is regarded to be of considered to comprise foreign bodies, such as greater relevance than that in other organisms. surgical implants of various kinds, and poorly The demonstration that an agent can induce soluble fibres, dusts and particles of various gene and chromosomal mutations in mammals sizes, the pathogenic effects of which are a result in vivo indicates that it may have carcinogenic of their physical presence in tissues or body activity. Negative results in tests for mutagenicity cavities. Other relevant data for such materials in selected tissues from animals treated in vivo may include characterization of cellular, tissue provide less weight, partly because they do not and physiological reactions to these materials exclude the possibility of an effect in tissues other and descriptions of pathological conditions than those examined. Moreover, negative results other than neoplasia with which they may be in short-term tests with genetic end-points associated. cannot be considered to provide evidence that rules out the carcinogenicity of agents that act (c) Other data relevant to mechanisms through other mechanisms (e.g. receptor-medi- ated effects, cellular toxicity with regenerative A description is provided of any structure– cell division, peroxisome proliferation) (Vainio activity relationships that may be relevant to an et al., 1992). Factors that may give misleading evaluation of the carcinogenicity of an agent, the results in short-term tests have been discussed toxicological implications of the physical and in detail elsewhere (Montesano et al., 1986; chemical properties, and any other data relevant McGregor et al., 1999). to the evaluation that are not included elsewhere. When there is evidence that an agent acts by High-output data, such as those derived a specific mechanism that does not involve geno- from gene expression microarrays, and high- toxicity (e.g. hormonal dysregulation, immune throughput data, such as those that result from suppression, and formation of calculi and other testing hundreds of agents for a single end-point, deposits that cause chronic irritation), that pose a unique problem for the use of mecha- evidence is presented and reviewed critically in nistic data in the evaluation of a carcinogenic the context of rigorous criteria for the operation hazard. In the case of high-output data, there is of that mechanism in carcinogenesis (e.g. Capen the possibility to overinterpret changes in indi- et al., 1999). vidual end-points (e.g. changes in expression in For biological agents such as viruses, one gene) without considering the consistency of bacteria and parasites, other data relevant to that finding in the broader context of the other carcinogenicity may include descriptions of the end-points (e.g. other genes with linked transcrip- pathology of infection, integration and expres- tional control). High-output data can be used in sion of viruses, and genetic alterations seen in assessing mechanisms, but all end-points meas- human tumours. Other observations that might ured in a single experiment need to be considered comprise cellular and tissue responses to infec- in the proper context. For high-throughput data, tion, immune response and the presence of where the number of observations far exceeds tumour markers are also considered. the number of end-points measured, their utility For physical agents that are forms of radia- for identifying common mechanisms across tion, other data relevant to carcinogenicity may multiple agents is enhanced. These data can be include descriptions of damaging effects at the used to identify mechanisms that not only seem

25 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 plausible, but also have a consistent pattern of 5. Summary carcinogenic response across entire classes of related compounds. This section is a summary of data presented in the preceding sections. Summaries can be (d) Susceptibility data found on the Monographs programme web site (http://monographs.iarc.fr). Individuals, populations and life-stages may have greater or lesser susceptibility to an agent, (a) Exposure data based on toxicokinetics, mechanisms of carcino- genesis and other factors. Examples of host and Data are summarized, as appropriate, on genetic factors that affect individual susceptibility the basis of elements such as production, use, include sex, genetic polymorphisms of genes occurrence and exposure levels in the work- involved in the metabolism of the agent under place and environment and measurements in evaluation, differences in metabolic capacity due human tissues and body fluids. Quantitative to life-stage or the presence of disease, differ- data and time trends are given to compare ences in DNA repair capacity, competition for exposures in different occupations and environ- or alteration of metabolic capacity by medica- mental settings. Exposure to biological agents is tions or other chemical exposures, pre-existing described in terms of transmission, prevalence hormonal imbalance that is exacerbated by a and persistence of infection. chemical exposure, a suppressed immune system, periods of higher-than-usual tissue growth or (b) Cancer in humans regeneration and genetic polymorphisms that Results of epidemiological studies pertinent lead to differences in behaviour (e.g. addiction). to an assessment of human carcinogenicity are Such data can substantially increase the strength summarized. When relevant, case reports and of the evidence from epidemiological data and correlation studies are also summarized. The enhance the linkage of in-vivo and in-vitro labo- target organ(s) or tissue(s) in which an increase in ratory studies to humans. cancer was observed is identified. Dose–response and other quantitative data may be summarized (e) Data on other adverse effects when available. Data on acute, subchronic and chronic adverse effects relevant to the cancer evaluation (c) Cancer in experimental animals are summarized. Adverse effects that confirm Data relevant to an evaluation of carcino- distribution and biological effects at the sites of genicity in animals are summarized. For each tumour development, or alterations in physi- animal species, study design and route of admin- ology that could lead to tumour development, are istration, it is stated whether an increased inci- emphasized. Effects on reproduction, embryonic dence, reduced latency, or increased severity and fetal survival and development are summa- or multiplicity of neoplasms or preneoplastic rized briefly. The adequacy of epidemiological lesions were observed, and the tumour sites are studies of reproductive outcome and genetic indicated. If the agent produced tumours after and related effects in humans is judged by the prenatal exposure or in single-dose experiments, same criteria as those applied to epidemiological this is also mentioned. Negative findings, inverse studies of cancer, but fewer details are given. relationships, dose–response and other quantita- tive data are also summarized.

26 Preamble

(d) Mechanistic and other relevant data (a) Carcinogenicity in humans Data relevant to the toxicokinetics (absorp- The evidence relevant to carcinogenicity tion, distribution, metabolism, elimination) and from studies in humans is classified into one of the possible mechanism(s) of carcinogenesis (e.g. the following categories: genetic toxicity, epigenetic effects) are summa- Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity: rized. In addition, information on susceptible The Working Group considers that a causal individuals, populations and life-stages is relationship has been established between expo- summarized. This section also reports on other sure to the agent and human cancer. That is, a toxic effects, including reproductive and devel- positive relationship has been observed between opmental effects, as well as additional relevant the exposure and cancer in studies in which data that are considered to be important. chance, bias and confounding could be ruled out with reasonable confidence. A statement that 6. Evaluation and rationale there is sufficient evidence is followed by a sepa- rate sentence that identifies the target organ(s) or Evaluations of the strength of the evidence for tissue(s) where an increased risk of cancer was carcinogenicity arising from human and exper- observed in humans. Identification of a specific imental animal data are made, using standard target organ or tissue does not preclude the terms. The strength of the mechanistic evidence possibility that the agent may cause cancer at is also characterized. other sites. It is recognized that the criteria for these Limited evidence of carcinogenicity: evaluations, described below, cannot encompass A positive association has been observed all of the factors that may be relevant to an eval- between exposure to the agent and cancer for uation of carcinogenicity. In considering all of which a causal interpretation is considered by the relevant scientific data, the Working Group the Working Group to be credible, but chance, may assign the agent to a higher or lower cate- bias or confounding could not be ruled out with gory than a strict interpretation of these criteria reasonable confidence. would indicate. Inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity: These categories refer only to the strength of The available studies are of insufficient the evidence that an exposure is carcinogenic quality, consistency or statistical power to permit and not to the extent of its carcinogenic activity a conclusion regarding the presence or absence (potency). A classification may change as new of a causal association between exposure and information becomes available. cancer, or no data on cancer in humans are An evaluation of the degree of evidence is available. limited to the materials tested, as defined phys- Evidence suggesting lack of carcinogenicity: ically, chemically or biologically. When the There are several adequate studies covering agents evaluated are considered by the Working the full range of levels of exposure that humans Group to be sufficiently closely related, they may are known to encounter, which are mutually be grouped together for the purpose of a single consistent in not showing a positive association evaluation of the degree of evidence. between exposure to the agent and any studied cancer at any observed level of exposure. The results from these studies alone or combined should have narrow confidence intervals with an upper limit close to the null value (e.g. a relative

27 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 risk of 1.0). Bias and confounding should be ruled or more species of animals or (b) two or more out with reasonable confidence, and the studies independent studies in one species carried out should have an adequate length of follow-up. A at different times or in different laboratories or conclusion of evidence suggesting lack of carcino- under different protocols. An increased incidence genicity is inevitably limited to the cancer sites, of tumours in both sexes of a single species in a conditions and levels of exposure, and length of well conducted study, ideally conducted under observation covered by the available studies. In Good Laboratory Practices, can also provide addition, the possibility of a very small risk at the sufficient evidence. levels of exposure studied can never be excluded. A single study in one species and sex might In some instances, the above categories may be considered to provide sufficient evidence of be used to classify the degree of evidence related carcinogenicity when malignant neoplasms occur to carcinogenicity in specific organs or tissues. to an unusual degree with regard to incidence, When the available epidemiological studies site, type of tumour or age at onset, or when there pertain to a mixture, process, occupation or are strong findings of tumours at multiple sites. industry, the Working Group seeks to identify Limited evidence of carcinogenicity: the specific agent considered most likely to be The data suggest a carcinogenic effect but responsible for any excess risk. The evaluation are limited for making a definitive evaluation is focused as narrowly as the available data on because, e.g. (a) the evidence of carcinogenicity exposure and other aspects permit. is restricted to a single experiment; (b) there are unresolved questions regarding the adequacy (b) Carcinogenicity in experimental of the design, conduct or interpretation of the animals studies; (c) the agent increases the incidence only of benign neoplasms or lesions of uncer- Carcinogenicity in experimental animals tain neoplastic potential; or (d) the evidence can be evaluated using conventional bioassays, of carcinogenicity is restricted to studies that bioassays that employ genetically modified demonstrate only promoting activity in a narrow animals, and other in-vivo bioassays that focus range of tissues or organs. on one or more of the critical stages of carcino- Inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity: genesis. In the absence of data from conventional The studies cannot be interpreted as showing long-term bioassays or from assays with neoplasia either the presence or absence of a carcinogenic as the end-point, consistently positive results in effect because of major qualitative or quantitative several models that address several stages in the limitations, or no data on cancer in experimental multistage process of carcinogenesis should be animals are available. considered in evaluating the degree of evidence Evidence suggesting lack of carcinogenicity: of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Adequate studies involving at least two The evidence relevant to carcinogenicity in species are available which show that, within the experimental animals is classified into one of the limits of the tests used, the agent is not carcino- following categories: genic. A conclusion of evidence suggesting lack Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity: of carcinogenicity is inevitably limited to the The Working Group considers that a causal species, tumour sites, age at exposure, and condi- relationship has been established between the tions and levels of exposure studied. agent and an increased incidence of malignant neoplasms or of an appropriate combination of benign and malignant neoplasms in (a) two

28 Preamble

(c) Mechanistic and other relevant data experimental animals and whether a unique mechanism might operate in a susceptible group. Mechanistic and other evidence judged to be The possible contribution of alternative mecha- relevant to an evaluation of carcinogenicity and nisms must be considered before concluding of sufficient importance to affect the overall eval- that tumours observed in experimental animals uation is highlighted. This may include data on are not relevant to humans. An uneven level of preneoplastic lesions, tumour pathology, genetic experimental support for different mechanisms and related effects, structure–activity relation- may reflect that disproportionate resources ships, metabolism and toxicokinetics, physico- have been focused on investigating a favoured chemical parameters and analogous biological mechanism. agents. For complex exposures, including occupa- The strength of the evidence that any carcino- tional and industrial exposures, the chemical genic effect observed is due to a particular mech- composition and the potential contribution of anism is evaluated, using terms such as ‘weak’, carcinogens known to be present are considered ‘moderate’ or ‘strong’. The Working Group then by the Working Group in its overall evaluation assesses whether that particular mechanism is of human carcinogenicity. The Working Group likely to be operative in humans. The strongest also determines the extent to which the mate- indications that a particular mechanism oper- rials tested in experimental systems are related ates in humans derive from data on humans to those to which humans are exposed. or biological specimens obtained from exposed humans. The data may be considered to be espe- (d) Overall evaluation cially relevant if they show that the agent in question has caused changes in exposed humans Finally, the body of evidence is considered that are on the causal pathway to carcinogenesis. as a whole, to reach an overall evaluation of the Such data may, however, never become available, carcinogenicity of the agent to humans. because it is at least conceivable that certain An evaluation may be made for a group of compounds may be kept from human use solely agents that have been evaluated by the Working on the basis of evidence of their toxicity and/or Group. In addition, when supporting data indi- carcinogenicity in experimental systems. cate that other related agents, for which there is no The conclusion that a mechanism operates direct evidence of their capacity to induce cancer in experimental animals is strengthened by in humans or in animals, may also be carcino- findings of consistent results in different experi- genic, a statement describing the rationale for mental systems, by the demonstration of biolog- this conclusion is added to the evaluation narra- ical plausibility and by coherence of the overall tive; an additional evaluation may be made for database. Strong support can be obtained from this broader group of agents if the strength of the studies that challenge the hypothesized mecha- evidence warrants it. nism experimentally, by demonstrating that the The agent is described according to the suppression of key mechanistic processes wording of one of the following categories, and to the suppression of tumour development. The the designated group is given. The categorization Working Group considers whether multiple of an agent is a matter of scientific judgement that mechanisms might contribute to tumour devel- reflects the strength of the evidence derived from opment, whether different mechanisms might studies in humans and in experimental animals operate in different dose ranges, whether sepa- and from mechanistic and other relevant data. rate mechanisms might operate in humans and


Group 1: The agent is carcinogenic to be classified in this category solely on the basis of humans. limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. An This category is used when there issuffi - agent may be assigned to this category if it clearly cient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. belongs, based on mechanistic considerations, to Exceptionally, an agent may be placed in this a class of agents for which one or more members category when evidence of carcinogenicity in have been classified in Group 1 or Group 2A. humans is less than sufficient but there is suffi- Group 2B: The agent is possibly cient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental carcinogenic to humans. animals and strong evidence in exposed humans that the agent acts through a relevant mechanism This category is used for agents for which of carcinogenicity. there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence of Group 2. carcinogenicity in experimental animals. It may This category includes agents for which, at also be used when there is inadequate evidence one extreme, the degree of evidence of carcino- of carcinogenicity in humans but there is suffi- genicity in humans is almost sufficient, as well as cient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental those for which, at the other extreme, there are animals. In some instances, an agent for which no human data but for which there is evidence there is inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. in humans and less than sufficient evidence of Agents are assigned to either Group 2A (probably carcinogenicity in experimental animals together carcinogenic to humans) or Group 2B (possibly with supporting evidence from mechanistic and carcinogenic to humans) on the basis of epidemi- other relevant data may be placed in this group. ological and experimental evidence of carcino- An agent may be classified in this category solely genicity and mechanistic and other relevant data. on the basis of strong evidence from mechanistic The terms probably carcinogenic and possibly and other relevant data. carcinogenic have no quantitative significance and are used simply as descriptors of different Group 3: The agent is not classifiable as levels of evidence of human carcinogenicity, with to its carcinogenicity to humans. probably carcinogenic signifying a higher level of This category is used most commonly for evidence than possibly carcinogenic. agents for which the evidence of carcinogenicity Group 2A: The agent is probably is inadequate in humans and inadequate or carcinogenic to humans. limited in experimental animals. Exceptionally, agents for which the evidence This category is used when there is limited of carcinogenicity is inadequate in humans but evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and suffi- sufficient in experimental animals may be placed cient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental in this category when there is strong evidence animals. In some cases, an agent may be clas- that the mechanism of carcinogenicity in exper- sified in this category when there is inadequate imental animals does not operate in humans. evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and suffi- Agents that do not fall into any other group cient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental are also placed in this category. animals and strong evidence that the carcino- An evaluation in Group 3 is not a determi- genesis is mediated by a mechanism that also nation of non-carcinogenicity or overall safety. operates in humans. Exceptionally, an agent may It often means that further research is needed,

30 Preamble especially when exposures are widespread or References the cancer data are consistent with differing interpretations. Bieler GS, Williams RL (1993). Ratio estimates, the delta method, and quantal response tests for Group 4: The agent is probably not increased carcinogenicity. Biometrics, 49:793–801. carcinogenic to humans. doi:10.2307/2532200 PMID:8241374 Breslow NE, Day NE (1980). Statistical methods in cancer This category is used for agents for which research. Volume I - The analysis of case-control there is evidence suggesting lack of carcinogenicity studies. IARC Sci Publ, 32:5–338. PMID:7216345 Breslow NE, Day NE (1987). Statistical methods in cancer in humans and in experimental animals. In research. Volume II–The design and analysis of cohort some instances, agents for which there is inad- studies. IARC Sci Publ, 82:1–406. PMID:3329634 equate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans Buffler P, Rice J, Baan R, et al. (2004). Workshop on mech- but evidence suggesting lack of carcinogenicity in anisms of carcinogenesis: contributions of molecular epidemiology. Lyon, 14–17 November 2001. Workshop experimental animals, consistently and strongly report. IARC Sci Publ, 157:1–27. PMID:15055286 supported by a broad range of mechanistic and Capen CC, Dybing E, Rice JM, Wilbourn JD (1999). other relevant data, may be classified in this Species differences in thyroid, kidney and urinary bladder carcinogenesis. Proceedings of a consensus group. conference. Lyon, France, 3–7 November 1997. IARC Sci Publ, 147:1–225. PMID:10627184 (e) Rationale Cogliano V, Baan R, Straif K, et al. (2005). Transparency in IARC Monographs. Lancet Oncol, 6:747. doi:10.1016/ The reasoning that the Working Group used S1470-2045(05)70380-6 to reach its evaluation is presented and discussed. Cogliano VJ, Baan RA, Straif K, et al. (2004). The science and practice of carcinogen identification and This section integrates the major findings from evaluation. Environ Health Perspect, 112:1269–1274. studies of cancer in humans, studies of cancer doi:10.1289/ehp.6950 PMID:15345338 in experimental animals, and mechanistic and Dunson DB, Chen Z, Harry J (2003). A Bayesian approach for joint modeling of cluster size and subunit-specific other relevant data. It includes concise state- outcomes. Biometrics, 59:521–530. doi:10.1111/1541- ments of the principal line(s) of argument that 0420.00062 PMID:14601753 emerged, the conclusions of the Working Group Fung KY, Krewski D, Smythe RT (1996). A comparison on the strength of the evidence for each group of tests for trend with historical controls in carcinogen bioassay. Can J Stat, 24:431–454. doi:10.2307/3315326 of studies, citations to indicate which studies Gart JJ, Krewski D, Lee PN, et al. (1986). Statistical were pivotal to these conclusions, and an expla- methods in cancer research. Volume III–The design nation of the reasoning of the Working Group and analysis of long-term animal experiments. IARC in weighing data and making evaluations. When Sci Publ, 79:1–219. PMID:3301661 Greenland S (1998). Meta-analysis. In: Rothman there are significant differences of scientific KJ, Greenland S, editors. Modern epidemiology. interpretation among Working Group Members, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. a brief summary of the alternative interpreta- 643–673. Greim H, Gelbke H-P, Reuter U, et al. (2003). tions is provided, together with their scientific Evaluation of historical control data in carcino- rationale and an indication of the relative degree genicity studies. Hum Exp Toxicol, 22:541–549. of support for each alternative. doi:10.1191/0960327103ht394oa PMID:14655720 Haseman JK, Huff J, Boorman GA (1984). Use of historical control data in carcinogenicity studies in rodents. Toxicol Pathol, 12:126–135. doi:10.1177/019262338401200203 PMID:11478313 Hill AB (1965). The environment and disease: Association or causation? Proc R Soc Med, 58:295–300. PMID:14283879


Hoel DG, Kaplan NL, Anderson MW (1983). Implication of Montesano R, Bartsch H, Vainio H, et al., editors (1986). nonlinear kinetics on risk estimation in carcinogenesis. Long-term and short-term assays for carcinogene- Science, 219:1032–1037. doi:10.1126/science.6823565 sis—a critical appraisal. IARC Sci Publ, 83:1–564. PMID:6823565 PMID:3623675 Huff JE, Eustis SL, Haseman JK (1989). Occurrence and OECD (2002). Guidance notes for analysis and evaluation relevance of chemically induced benign neoplasms in of chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies (Series long-term carcinogenicity studies. Cancer Metastasis on Testing and Assessment No. 35), Paris: OECD. Rev, 8:1–22. doi:10.1007/BF00047055 PMID:2667783 Peto R, Pike MC, Day NE, et al. (1980). Guidelines for IARC (1977). IARC Monographs Programme on the simple, sensitive significance tests for carcinogenic Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to effects in long-term animal experiments.IARC Monogr Humans. Preamble (IARC Intern Tech Rep No. 77/002). Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Hum Suppl, 2(Suppl):311– IARC (1978). Chemicals with sufficient evidence of 426. PMID:6935185 carcinogenicity in experimental animals – IARC Portier CJ, Bailer AJ (1989). Testing for increased carcino- Monographs Volumes 1–17 (IARC Intern Tech Rep genicity using a survival-adjusted quantal response test. No. 78/003). Fundam Appl Toxicol, 12:731–737. doi:10.1016/0272- IARC (1979). Criteria to select chemicals for IARC 0590(89)90004-3 PMID:2744275 Monographs (IARC Intern Tech Rep No. 79/003). Sherman CD, Portier CJ, Kopp-Schneider A (1994). IARC (1982). Chemicals, industrial processes and Multistage models of carcinogenesis: an approx- industries associated with cancer in humans (IARC imation for the size and number distribution Monographs, volumes 1 to 29). IARC Monogr Eval of late-stage clones. Risk Anal, 14:1039–1048. Carcinog Risk Chem Hum Suppl, 4:1–292. Available doi:10.1111/j.1539-6924.1994.tb00074.x PMID:7846311 from: http://publications.iarc.fr/136 PMID:6963265 Stewart BW, Kleihues P, editors (2003). World cancer IARC (1983). Approaches to classifying chemical carcin- report, Lyon: IARC. ogens according to mechanism of action (IARC Intern Tomatis L, Aitio A, Wilbourn J, Shuker L (1989). Human Tech Rep No. 83/001). carcinogens so far identified.Jpn J Cancer Res, IARC (1987). Overall evaluations of carcinogenicity: 80:795–807. doi:10.1111/j.1349-7006.1989.tb01717.x an updating of IARC Monographs volumes 1 to PMID:2513295 42. IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum Suppl, Toniolo P, Boffetta P, Shuker DEG, et al. (1997). Proceedings 7:1–440. Available from: http://publications.iarc.fr/139 of the workshop on application of biomarkers to cancer PMID:3482203 epidemiology. Lyon, France, 20–23 February 1996. IARC (1988). Report of an IARC Working Group to Review IARC Sci Publ, 142:1–318. PMID:9410826 the Approaches and Processes Used to Evaluate the Vainio H, Magee P, McGregor D, McMichael A (1992). Carcinogenicity of Mixtures and Groups of Chemicals Mechanisms of carcinogenesis in risk identification. (IARC Intern Tech Rep No. 88/002). IARC Working Group Meeting. Lyon, 11–18 June 1991. IARC (1991). A consensus report of an IARC Monographs IARC Sci Publ, 116:1–608. PMID:1428077 Working Group on the Use of Mechanisms of Vainio H, Wilbourn JD, Sasco AJ, et al. (1995). Carcinogenesis in Risk Identification (IARC Intern [Identification of human carcinogenic risks in IARC Tech Rep No. 91/002). monographs.] Bull Cancer, 82:339–348. [French] IARC (2004). Some drinking-water disinfectants and PMID:7626841 contaminants, including arsenic. IARC Monogr Eval Vineis P, Malats N, Lang M et al., editors (1999). Metabolic Carcinog Risks Hum, 84:1–477. Available from: http:// polymorphisms and susceptibility to cancer. IARC Sci publications.iarc.fr/102 PMID:15645577 Publ, 148:1–510. PMID:10493243 IARC (2005). Report of the Advisory Group to Recommend Wilbourn J, Haroun L, Heseltine E, et al. (1986). Updates to the Preamble to the IARC Monographs Response of experimental animals to human carcin- (IARC Intern Rep No. 05/001). ogens: an analysis based upon the IARC Monographs IARC (2006). Report of the Advisory Group to Review the programme. Carcinogenesis, 7:1853–1863. doi:10.1093/ Amended Preamble to the IARC Monographs (IARC carcin/7.11.1853 PMID:3769134 Intern Rep No. 06/001). McGregor DB, Rice JM, Venitt S (1999). The use of short-and medium-term tests for carcinogens and data on genetic effects in carcinogenic hazard eval- uation. Consensus report. IARC Sci Publ, 146:1–18. PMID:10353381


This one-hundred-and-eighteenth volume of the IARC Monographs contains evaluations of the carcinogenic hazard to humans of welding (welding fumes and ultraviolet radia- tion from welding), molybdenum trioxide, and indium tin oxide. Welding and indium tin oxide were accorded high priority for evaluation in the IARC Monographs programme by an Advisory Group that met in 2014 (Straif et al., 2014).

Welding fumes were classified as carcinogenic an occupational exposure of interest in the early to humans (Group 1) by the present Working 2000s, when a series of case reports from Japanese Group, an upgrade from the earlier classifica- workers with interstitial pulmonary disease and tion of fumes as possibly carcinogenic to humans pulmonary fibrosis related to indium exposure (Group 2B) in 1989 (IARC, 1990). Ultraviolet appeared in the literature (Homma et al., 2003; radiation from welding was also evaluated for Taguchi & Chonan, 2006; Omae et al., 2011). the first time and classified ascarcinogenic to Currently no data are available to estimate the humans (Group 1), in line with previous evalua- number of people exposed to indium tin oxide, tions of ultraviolet radiation as a human carcin- and there are no published observational epide- ogen (IARC Monographs, Volume 100D; IARC, miological studies of cancer associated with 2012). Molybdenum trioxide and indium tin exposure to indium tin oxide. However, the use, oxide had not been previously evaluated by the recycling, and disposal of electronics continues IARC Monographs programme. to increase worldwide. A summary of the findings of this volume Studies in vivo and in vitro have suggested appears in The Lancet Oncology (Guha et al., that the generation of indium from the solubili- 2017). zation of particles (for example, indium tin oxide and indium phosphide), as well as the sintering of Indium tin oxide indium tin oxide, contribute to the lung toxicity and perhaps carcinogenicity of these particles. Indium tin oxide is used in the production In a previously reported 2-year inhalation study, of liquid crystal displays, touch screens, solar indium phosphide particles were carcinogenic panels and photovoltaics (NTP, 2009). Exposure to the lung and other tissues in male and female primarily occurs in occupational settings where mice and rats, even at the lowest concentration indium tin oxide is produced or processed, or tested (0.03 mg/m3) and with a short expo- where elemental indium is recycled and recovered sure duration (22 weeks for 0.1 and 0.3 mg/m3) from indium tin oxide. Indium tin oxide became (Volume 86; IARC, 2006). The increased potency of indium phosphide compared with indium

33 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 tin oxide particles with regard to toxicity and NTP (2009). Chemical information profile for indium tin carcinogenicity may be due in part to the greater oxide [CAS No. 50926-11-9]. Research Triangle Park, (NC), USA: National Toxicology Program, National breakdown of indium phosphide to generate Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National ‘free’ indium. Institutes of Health, United States Department of In the 2-year studies of inhalation with Health and Human Services. Omae K, Nakano M, Tanaka A, Hirata M, Hamaguchi T, indium tin oxide, the lowest exposure concentra- Chonan T (2011). Indium lung–case reports and epide- 3 tion tested was 0.01 mg/m , which was one order of miology. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 84(5):471–7. magnitude lower than the occupational exposure doi:10.1007/s00420-010-0575-6 PMID:20886351 limit established by the American Conference of Straif K, Loomis D, Guyton K, Grosse Y, Lauby-Secretan B, El Ghissassi F, et al. (2014). Future priorities for Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) the IARC Monographs. Lancet Oncol, 15(7):683–4. and the recommended exposure limit established doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(14)70168-8 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety Taguchi O, Chonan T (2006). [Three cases of indium lung.] and Health (NIOSH) for indium. In the 2-year Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi, 44(7):532–6. [Japanese] PMID:16886812 studies with indium phosphide, 0.01 mg/m3 was not tested. Despite this low exposure concentra- tion for indium tin oxide, 0.01 mg/m3 induced malignant tumours of the lung in male and female rats. Also, exposure to indium tin oxide at the highest concentration (0.1 mg/m3) was only for a short duration (26 weeks), but induced malig- nant tumours of the lung in male and female rats.


Guha N, Loomis D, Guyton KZ, Grosse Y, El Ghissassi F, Bouvard V, et al.; International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group (2017). Carcinogenicity of welding, molybdenum trioxide, and indium tin oxide. Lancet Oncol, 18(5):581–2. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30255-3 PMID:28408286 Homma T, Ueno T, Sekizawa K, Tanaka A, Hirata M (2003). Interstitial pneumonia developed in a worker dealing with particles containing indium-tin oxide. J Occup Health, 45(3):137–9. doi:10.1539/joh.45.137 PMID:14646287 IARC (1990). , nickel and welding. IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum, 49:1–648. Available from: http://publications.iarc.fr/67 PMID:2232124 IARC (2006). in hard metals and cobalt sulfate, arsenide, indium phosphide and pentoxide. IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum, 86:1–294. Available from: http://publications.iarc. fr/104 PMID:16906675 IARC (2012). Radiation. IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum, 100D:1–437. Available from: http://publications. iarc.fr/121 PMID:23189752



1.1 Description of major welding are used as part of the welding process (e.g. the processes and materials shielding gas) (ISO, 2009). While there are many welding processes Welding is a broad term for the process routinely employed in occupational settings, the of joining metals through coalescence (AWS, most common arc welding processes are manual 2010). Welding techniques tend to be broadly metal arc (MMA, ISO No. 111), gas metal arc classified as arc welding or gas welding. Arc (GMA, ISO No. 13), flux-cored arc (FCA, ISO Nos welding uses electricity to generate an arc, 114 and 136), gas arc (GTA, ISO No. 14), whereas gas or oxyfuel welding (ISO 4063:2009 and submerged arc (SA, ISO No. 12) (Table 1.2 process numbers 3, 31, 311, 312, and 313) uses fuel and Table 1.3). Electric resistance welding (ER, gases such as acetylene or to generate ISO Nos 21 and 22) is also commonly used for spot heat. Welding results in concurrent exposures or seam welding, and uses electric currents and including welding fumes, gases, and ionizing force to generate heat. In occupational settings, and non-ionizing radiation, and coexposures these processes are most commonly used to weld from other sources such as asbestos and solvents mild steel (MS, low ) or stainless steel (SS). (Table 1.1). Flame cutting (ISO No. 81), the process of using Welding fumes are produced when metals (O) and a fuel to cut a metal, is a closely are heated above their , vapourize related process that is often grouped occupation- and condense into fumes. The fumes consist of ally with welding (ISO, 2009). Other processes predominantly fine solid particles with an aero- closely related to welding, and often performed dynamic diameter of less than 1 µm, and are a by welders, include gouging, brazing, carbon arc complex mixture of particles from the wire or or plasma arc cutting, and soldering (broadly electrode, base metal, or any coatings on the base described by ISO Nos 8 and 9) (Burgess, 1995). metal. They consist mainly of metal , sili- An overview of all welding and allied processes cates, and fluorides. Exposure to various gases is given in ISO standard 4063 (ISO, 2009). also occurs during welding, such as oxides (NOx), (CO), or ozone 1.1.1 History of welding processes

(O3). Welding fumes and welding gases are distinct in that fumes contain solid particles With epidemiological studies of welders that are temporarily suspended in the air due to spanning the 20th and 21st centuries, a brief a solid material being heated (such as metals), mention of how welding has changed during whereas gases are molecules in a gaseous state in this period and when welding processes became the ambient air that have been generated by or used commercially is warranted. A carbon arc torch was patented in 1881, and gas welding and

37 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Organ sites (sufficient limitedor evidence in humans) urinary skin, Lung, bladder, prostate, kidney, liver Mesothelioma, larynx, lung, ovary, pharynx, stomach, colon, rectum Lung Lung, kidney, prostate Lung, nasal sinuses, nose nasal Nasopharynx, sinuses, leukaemia, Stomach leukaemia Childhood Lung, paranasal sinuses, cavity nasal Lung Welding types All Shipyard welding GMA, GTA All All SS All with (more processes using higher currents, such as resistance welding) All GMA, GTA All with (more processes using higher currents, such as resistance welding) All SS GMA, FCA, GTA (MMA) SMA IARC Monographs IARC Occurrence Impurity in some mild SS welding fumes Insulation material and in heat-protective equipment weldersof and the weld Hardening in agent , , alloys and electrical contacts Platings base on metals, SS containing Alloy in SS, also in welding rods Electrical currents from processes welding Metal coatings, degreasing solvents brass,In solder, and bronze alloys; welding lead- on containing or -coated materials Electrical currents from processes welding Alloy in SS, also in welding rods Some welding fluxes contain silica Found in SMA (MMA) electrodes Most recent volume (year) 100C (2012) 100C (2012) 100C (2012) 100C (2012) 100C (2012) 80 (2002) 100F (2012) 87 (2006) 80 (2002) 100C (2012) 100C (2012) 93 (2010) Overall evaluation 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2A 2B 1 1 2B Animals Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient No relevant data Sufficient Sufficient Inadequate Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Evidence for carcinogenicity Humans Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Inadequate Sufficient Limited Limited Sufficient Sufficient Inadequate Table 1.1 Occupational exposures been of the welders by evaluated that have 1.1 Table Agent Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds Asbestos and beryllium compounds Cadmium and cadmium compounds Chromium VI compounds Electric fields, extremely low frequency Inorganic lead compounds Magnetic fields, extremely low frequency Nickel compounds Silica dust or crystalline, in the form quartzof cristobalite or dioxide

38 Welding Organ sites (sufficient limitedor evidence in humans) Ocular melanoma Lung Lung Lung Welding types All All All SS All All generated from all 2.5 Occurrence Arcs from welding guns Main steel of component Alloy in SS PM processes welding Generated from welding processes Most recent volume (year) 100D (2012) 100F (2012) 86 (2006) 109 (2016) 49 (1990) Overall evaluation 1 1 2B 1 2B Animals Sufficient Inadequate Sufficient Sufficient Inadequate Evidence for carcinogenicity Humans Sufficient Sufficient Inadequate Sufficient Limited ) 2.5 Table 1.1 (continued) 1.1 Table Agent Ultraviolet radiation oxides (evaluation specific to iron and steel founding) Vanadium pentoxide Outdoor air pollution (PM Welding fume FCA, flux cored arc; GMA, gas metal arc; GTA, gas tungsten arc; MMA, manual metal arc;PM, particulate matter; SMA, shielded metal arc; SS, stainless steel

39 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Moniz & Moniz & Moniz & Weman (2003) Weman & Weman (2003) Weman (2003) , , , , , , , , ozone; SA, submerged arc; SS, 3 References Weman (2003) Miller (2010) (1995) Burgess (1995) Burgess Lindén (2006) Spiegel-Ciobanu (2010) (1995) Burgess (1995) Burgess Weman (2003) Miller (2010) Moniz & Miller (2010) Weman (2003) Miller (2010) , ; O 2 , AS, Al a , AS , SS, AS , SS, AS, Al , SS, AS , SS, AS a a a a a Most common base metals welded MS MS MS MS MS, SS MS MS, SS, AS, Al All metals/steels All metals/steels Common industrial uses Repair/maintenance Steel fabrication, construction Various metal fabrication Equipment repair, shipbuilding manufacturing, bicycle Aerospace, various metal fabrication Steel fabrication, shipbuilding Aerospace, automobile, shipbuilding Metal arts, plumbing, electric components Fabrication, construction, shipbuilding , ; ELF-EMF, extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields; ER, electric resistance; FCA, flux cored 2 , b , CO, chlorinated , UV radiation 2 2 , metals,, chlorinated HC, , UV radiation, ELF-EMF 2 2 , NO , NO 3 3 2 , NO, NO ,NO, 3 UV radiation, ELF-EMF Primary exposures encountered NO Metals, silicates, fluoride, asbestos O Metals, HC, UV radiation, ELF-EMF Metals, CO O UV radiation, ELF-EMF Fluorides, UV radiation, ELF-EMF Metals, UV radiation, ELF-EMF Metals, UV radiation O Metals, Used historically as an insulating material in ships, to insulate covered rod electrodes, in cylinders holding acetylene gas, and in heat-protective equipment of welders and the weld Most common type welded

Table 1.2 Welding processes, Welding materials, 1.2 and uses Table Welding type Oxyfuel MMA GMA FCA GTA SA ER Brazing/soldering Cutting/gouging a b Metals include but are not limited to: Fe, Mn, Al, K, Ni, Ba, Cr, Ca, Ti, Co, F, Zn, Mo, Pb, Mg, and As. These will vary by composition of base metal Al, aluminium alloys; AS, alloyed steel; CO, carbon monoxide; CO arc; GMA, gas metal arc; gas GTA, tungsten arc; HC, hydrocarbon; MMA, manual metal arc; MS, mild steel; nitric NO, oxide;stainless NO steel; ultraviolet UV, Compiled by the Working Group

40 Welding

Table 1.3 Type of welding and material welded by both welders and non-welders reporting welding activities, as included in the ECRHS II study

Type of welding Proportion associated with various processes/metal welded or metal Welders (n = 27 job periods held during Non-welders (n = 388 job periods held during 1962–2001, 1969–2001, 23 subjects) (%) 340 subjects) (%) Type of welding MMA 70.4 66.2 GMA 81.5 48.7 GTA 40.7 20.0 SA 11.1 5.2 FCA 25.9 16.0 Other (includes 10.1 19.6 oxyfuel) Type of metal Stainless steel 55.6 33.5 Mild steel 85.2 63.9 Galvanized steel 74.1 60.0 Aluminium 48.1 17.5 Painted metal 40.7 47.2 Other 3.7 21.6 FCA, flux-cored arc; GMA, gas metal arc; GTA, gas tungsten arc; MMA, manual metal arc; SA, submerged arc Compiled by the Working Group from the ECRHS study (described in Lillienberg et al., 2008) cutting were developed soon after with resistance the needs of industry. Notably, laser welding welding as the common joining process. MMA and cutting are becoming popular and preva- welding technology was introduced in the late lent, although this type of welding is frequently 1800s and achieved commercial status in the carried out by robots (Klein et al., 1998). early 1900s. Various types of electrodes were developed and used during the 1920s and 1930s, 1.1.2 Description of welding processes but covered electrodes dominated after the 1930s as better welds could be achieved. Research into See Table 1.2 the use of shielding gas began in the 1920s, which (a) Gas welding led to the development of GTA welding. GTA welding began to be used commercially in the (i) Oxyfuel gas welding (ISO Nos 3, 31, 311, 312, early 1940s, with GMA welding processes being and 313) developed and used commercially in the late Oxyfuel gas welding includes oxyacetylene 1940s. The use of consumable electrodes with welding, oxypropane welding, and oxyhydrogen carbon dioxide as a shielding gas was introduced welding. The process uses heat from the combus- in the late 1950s, which led to the development tion of oxygen mixed with a fuel gas, such as of FCA welding. Dual-shield FCA welding was acetylene, methylacetylene-propadiene (MAPP), introduced in the late 1950s, and a few years later propane, hydrogen, or propylene. Oxyacetylene inner-shield FCA welding was introduced (Cary, is the most commonly used oxyfuel welding 1998; Weman, 2003). New or modified methods process, and can also be used for cutting metals of welding continue to be developed to meet (flame cutting, ISO No. 81). Oxyfuel gas welding can be performed with or without a filler metal

41 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 and is very portable and flexible; it is therefore creating enough heat to melt and join the metals encountered in all metalworking industries. It together. A shielding gas is also fed through the is most commonly used for maintenance and welding gun, protecting the weld from contam- repair work on light sheet metal, for tack welding inant and eliminating slag. While the addition pieces that are to be arc welded, or in locations of the shielding gas makes GMA welding a diffi- where no electricity is available (Weman, 2003; cult welding process to perform outdoors or Moniz & Miller, 2010). in areas with heavy ventilation, no additional grinding or chipping of slag is required to reveal (b) Arc welding the completed weld. The shielding gas is typi- (i) Manual metal arc welding (ISO No. 111) cally helium, argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or MMA welding is also referred to as shielded a blend of these gases, and is chosen according metal arc welding, stick welding, electrode to the base metal being welded and the specifics welding, or flux shielded arc welding. The of the process. GMA welding can be used to process draws an electric arc between a consum- weld aluminium, copper, magnesium, nickel able electrode (welding rod) covered with a flux, alloys, titanium, and steel alloys, making it a and the base metal, melting the metals together very versatile welding process that is popular for and leaving a joint of molten metal. As the weld metal fabrication in a variety of (mostly indoor) is laid the flux disintegrates from the electrode, settings (Burgess, 1995; Weman & Lindén, 2006). the vapours of which serve as a shielding gas. (iii) Flux-cored arc welding (ISO Nos 132, 136, When the weld has cooled, a slag cover is left and 114) behind which is a mixture of the flux and impu- FCA welding, also known as self-shielded rities; this is typically removed using a chipper or tubular cored arc welding, uses the same equip- grinder. The MMA welder will go through many ment as for GMA welding. It is rapidly becoming electrodes while laying a weld, with an electrode a popular and prevalent welding process world- replacement required every few minutes. MMA wide due to the fact it can be used in all welding welding is most commonly used to weld steels positions, is a quick process, requires less pre- of varying thicknesses (mild, alloyed, and stain- and post-cleaning of the base metal and weld, less steels), making it popular in construction and requires less skill to achieve good-quality and fabrication of steel structures. Typically, the welds. FCA welding uses a continuously fed welding rod or electrode is of a similar metal alloy automatic or semi-automatic consumable elec- to the base metal, with a variety of different flux trode containing a flux and a voltage to lay a coatings including rutile (25–35% TiO2), weld. Dual-shield FCA welding uses an exter- fluoride, cellulose, and iron powder Burgess,( nally supplied shielding gas to protect the weld, 1995; Weman, 2003). in addition to a powder flux in the centre of the (ii) Gas metal arc welding (ISO No. 13) electrode. The common external shielding gases GMA welding is also called metal inert are carbon dioxide and argon, or a mixture of gas welding, metal active gas welding, and the two. Inner-shield or self-shielding FCA gas-shielded metal arc welding. It is the most welding (ISO No. 114) does not require a sepa- common industrial welding process due to its rate shielding gas, as the flux core in the consum- versatility, speed, relatively low cost, and adapt- able electrode can generate a shielding gas. This ability to robotic welding. GMA welding forms an makes dual-shield FCA welding ideal for outdoor electric arc between a consumable wire electrode or windy conditions. FCA welding is generally fed through the welding gun, and the base metal, used to weld thicker materials with a single pass,

42 Welding such as in equipment repair or the shipbuilding can be performed in both indoor and outdoor industry, and can be performed on carbon steels, environments (Burgess, 1995; Weman, 2003). cast iron, nickel-based alloys, and some types of SS (Burgess, 1995; Moniz & Miller, 2010). (c) Other processes (iv) Gas tungsten arc welding (ISO No. 14) (i) Electric resistance welding (ISO Nos 21 and 22) GTA welding, also known as tungsten inert gas welding, uses a tungsten electrode to ER welding, also called resistance spot produce the weld. Due to the high melting point welding, spot welding, resistance seam welding, of tungsten, the electrode does not melt during and seam welding, is a group of seam or spot the welding process. Further, a shielding gas (Ar welding processes that produce a weld at a faying or He) is used to protect the weld and a consum- surface. The heat for the weld is generated from able filler metal is added to make the joint. GTA the electrical resistance of the material; small welding is commonly used for welding on thin pools of molten metal are created by passing an pieces of SS, aluminium, magnesium, and copper electrical current through the metal workpiece. alloys, but it can be used on nearly all metals ER welding methods are typically used with thin except . The process can utilize a variety of materials, and it is a popular welding process in filler metals since the weld metal is not trans- aerospace or automobile manufacturing. As for ferred across the electric arc; this allows the filler SA welding, ER welding is generally a fully auto- and base metal to be matched, leading to reduced mated process with the operator only respon- corrosion and cracking. GTA welding is there- sible for setting up and monitoring the welding fore considered a high-quality weld, requiring (Weman, 2003; Moniz & Miller, 2010). a higher level of skill to master. It is commonly (ii) Other hot work processes employed in the aerospace and bicycle industries, (brazing/soldering, cutting, gouging) in machinery production for the food industry, (ISO Nos 8 and 9) in maintenance and repair work, and for spot Welders routinely perform other hot work welding (Burgess, 1995; Weman, 2003). processes, such as brazing, soldering, cutting, (v) Submerged arc welding (ISO No. 12) and gauging. Brazing and soldering are similar, SA welding uses a bare wire electrode as the although brazing is conducted at a higher filler metal, and a granular flux to protect the temperature and can therefore use stronger filler weld which is fed onto the base metal before the metals. Unlike welding, where the two metals arc path. Typically, SA welding is a fully auto- being joined typically need to be similar and mated process; the operator does not handle are melted to join them together, soldering and the weld, but is only involved in setting up and brazing involve using a filler metal with a melting monitoring. The flux typically contains oxides temperature below the metals being joined; they of , , titanium, aluminium, or can therefore be used to join dissimilar metals. calcium fluoride. SA welding can be used for Welded joints are stronger than brazed joints, welding straight, thick sections on carbon steels, which are in turn stronger than soldered joints. low alloy steels and, less commonly, on SS and Brazing and soldering are both common in metal nickel-based alloys. It is commonly used in ship- arts, jewellery making, plumbing, or for electric yards or for other large steel fabrication projects. components. While soldering historically used SA welding allows for quick and deep welds, and lead as a filler metal, this is now less common in more developed countries and gold, ,

43 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 copper, brass, tin alloys, and iron are generally additional manganese, chrome, nickel, molyb- used (Weman, 2003; Moniz & Miller, 2010). denum, silicon, titanium, copper, vanadium, There are many types of cutting that welders or aluminium. The specific elements and their may routinely perform. Plasma arc cutting proportions determine the weldability, resistance removes molten metal with a jet of ionized gas to corrosion, strength, ductility, or magnetic (plasma). The superheated plasma can conduct an properties of the steel (Verhoeven, 2007). electric arc, which melts the base metal. Plasma Welding is also performed on cast iron (alloys arc cutting is typically used to cut aluminium, of iron, carbon, silicon) and nonferrous metals SS, brass, and copper and uses a tungsten elec- (such as alloys of nickel, copper, aluminium, trode similar to that for GTA welding. While magnesium, and titanium), which may contain plasma arc cutting can be carried out manually, other metals over a range of concentrations to computer-assisted cutters are commonly used achieve particular characteristics (Moniz & which can make complex shapes and cuts. Air Miller, 2010; Table 1.1). carbon arc cutting heats and cuts metal using a carbon arc, while the molten metal is removed 1.1.4 People exposed to welding fumes or with a blast of air. This method can be used to cut welding worldwide SS, aluminium, copper, magnesium, and carbon steels. It can also be used to gouge metals, which See Table 1.4 is the removal of metal from a surface to prepare It is challenging to quantify the number of it for welding (Weman, 2003; Moniz & Miller, welders worldwide. Such estimates typically 2010). Table 1.2 lists the exposures common to come from a population census or survey; the welding and hot work processes described however, variability in sampling and coding here, and their typical uses in industry. methods, inclusion and exclusion criteria, year of data collection, and language of results combine 1.1.3 Welding materials to make it difficult to meaningfully compare and combine data from various countries for a See Table 1.2 worldwide estimate. Acknowledging these limi- The majority of welding in occupational tations, the Working Group used the Integrated settings is performed on MS and SS. All steel is Public Use Microdata Series, International an alloy of iron and other elements, primarily (IPUMS-International) data system to gather carbon, with MS containing small amounts census microdata from 60 countries that had of manganese (typically < 1.6%) in addition an occupational census between 1973 and 2015 to carbon (typically < 0.3%) and iron (Jones & (Minnesota Population Center, 2015). These data, Ashby, 2005). SS contains at least 12% chro- representing the percentage of the economically mium, making it more resistant to corrosion active population which the job designations than MS (Verhoeven, 2007). Depending on the represent in 60 countries over a 40-year period, grade of SS, it may contain up to 25% chromium, are listed in Table 1.4. Assuming that historical 7% nickel, and 4% molybdenum, with the levels estimates are reflective of current estimates, of these metals varying to achieve particular it can be estimated that over 6 million people characteristics (Bringas, 2004; Outokumpu, worldwide may have the occupational title of 2013). MS that is galvanized (coated with zinc) or welder either full-time or part-time (Minnesota painted (typically with primers) is also welded. Population Center, 2015). Alloy steels contain specific amounts of In the countries included in Table 1.4, the alloying elements other than carbon, such as Working Group calculated that the average

44 Welding 0.14 0.16 1.61 0.91 1.21 0.31 1.55 0.71 0.61 0.95 0.53 0.92 0.55 0.77 0.49 0.32 0.99 0.27 0.27 0.45 0.39 0.87 0.40 0.20 0.34 0.64 (%) b Welding proportion of population 70 170 39 710 76 580 85 320 97 626 99 070 37 640 75 000 80 460 86 400 43 400 191 819 121 635 339 106 142 572 110 040 499 219 190 637 727 122 150 439 185 060 262 620 292 365 103 000 227 044 a 1 798 300 Number Occupational designation Welders soldering,Welding, and brazing workers and flameWelders cutters Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, and related workers and flameWelders cutters laminators,Welders, metal structure assemblers, blacksmiths, toolmakers, and similar Metal forming, welding and related trades and flameWelders cutters and flameWelders cutters Metal moulders, welders, and sheet metal workers and flameWelders cutters and flameWelders cutters Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Welder Welder Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Structural steel and welding trades workers Moulders, welders, and sheet metal workers and flameWelders cutters Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders, and related workers Welders Mould-press workers, welders, laminators, boilermakers, assemblers of metal structures, and similar Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers panelMoulders, beaters, welders, and assemblers Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders, welders, and related workers Census year 1990 2010 2004 2009 2010 2001 2001 2010 2010 2000 2006 2005 2007 1987 2006 2006 2000 2011 2004 2002 2011 1996 2001 2000 2002 2010 d

c Table 1.4 Estimates of number of welders worldwide based on publicly available population data based publicly on Estimates available number of welders of worldwide 1.4 Table Country China USA India Viet Nam Brazil Spain UK Mexico Nigeria Philippines Iran (Islamic Republic of) Indonesia South Africa Germany (West) Canada Egypt Thailand Australia Morocco Romania Portugal Netherlands Venezuela of) Republic (Bolivarian Malaysia Cuba Ecuador

45 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 1.17 0.14 0.18 0.10 0.91 1.53 0.41 0.21 1.06 0.69 0.32 0.27 0.07 0.27 0.40 0.23 0.38 0.58 0.04 0.36 0.50 0.80 0.34 (%) b Welding proportion of population 7 553 9 297 7 380 7 990 13 810 11 330 17 070 12 353 11 263 21 550 17 930 14 490 37 350 14 240 36 164 12 620 25 550 10 090 19 940 15 680 12 860 12 040 22 090 Number Occupational designation Plumbers and pipe fitters,welders and flamecutters, sheet metalworkers, and structural metal preparers and erectors Skilled metal welders Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Moulders, welders, laminators, boilermakers, assemblers metal of structures, and similar Moulders, welders, boilermakers, fittersmetallicof structures, related and workers Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders, welders, and related workers Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Welder Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Plumbers, welders, sheet metal and structural metal preparers and erectors Moulders, welders, locksmiths, boilermakers, metal structure builders, and similar Welder Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers and flameWelders cutters Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers and flameWelders cutters Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers and steel erectors Welders metalWelders, moulders, and related trades workers Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers sheetWelders, metal workers, and metal moulders Census year 2007 2011 2002 2001 2010 2005 2007 1996 1989 2007 2008 2000 2009 2010 1973 2005 2001 2001 2006 1994 2003 2006 2002 Table 1.4 (continued) 1.4 Table Country Peru France Senegal Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Panama Cameroon El Salvador Guinea Kenya Mozambique Malawi Costa Rica Mali Zambia Pakistan Nicaragua Greece Jamaica Ireland Ethiopia Haiti Uruguay Uganda

46 Welding 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.33 0.07 0.07 0.45 1.34 0.42 0.23 (%) b Welding proportion of population 1 810 2 670 4 320 4 930 6 650 2 390 1 050 7 220 5 220 3 240 1 460 Number Occupational designation and flameWelders cutters Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders, welders, and related workers soldering,Welding, and brazing workers Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders, welders, and related workers and flameWelders cutters Metal workers and flameWelders cutters metal for Workers smelting, foundry, welding, metal sheet work, boiler making, metal frames houses for and buildings, and assimilated Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Oxyfuel cutters, welders, soldering hand by machine, or electric welders, and blowtorch welding Metal moulders, welders, sheet metal workers, structural metal preparers, tradesand related workers Minnesota Population Center (2015) Simmelink (1996) Simmelink Census year 1999 2008 2010 2011 1997 2007 2000 2002 2000 1982 2004 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012) Percent of the economically active population for each country that the number of persons employed in the occupational designation represents Unless otherwise specified, data compiled from Data from the Netherlands compiled from Data from Australia compiled from

Table 1.4 (continued) 1.4 Table Country Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Puerto Rico Armenia Iraq Fiji Switzerland Rwanda Mongolia Paraguay Jordan a b c d Compiled by the Working Group

47 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 percentage of job designations including welder (e.g. time periods defined in the study where a represented in the economically active popula- subject was employed in a particular job) during tion was 0.31%. Applying these percentages to 1962–2001, 415 of which involved some welding the International Labour Organization’s 2010 activities. Table 1.5 lists the percentage of job estimate of the worldwide economically active periods for which workers reported performing population (3.5 billion), the Working Group welding, stratified by broad occupational cate- estimated there may be 11 million welders gory. For the 415 job periods associated with worldwide (ILO, 2010). However, it must be welding activities, Table 1.3 lists the processes acknowledged that the variability in how the job which were used and the metals which were of welding was coded between censuses could welded separately for the welder and non-welder lead to uncertainty in any estimates generated occupations. The ECRHS II survey found that from these data. Some occupational designations only 7% of workers performing welding actu- (e.g. Spain) include jobs where not every worker ally had the job title of welder or flame cutter, welds, which would overestimate the number of showing that many more workers weld and are welders for a country. At the same time, however, potentially exposed to welding fumes than those a census would not capture workers performing with the job title of welder (Lillienberg et al., welding without the official job title of welder; for 2008). The ECRHS II also found that almost 30% example, construction or agricultural workers of the individuals who responded positively to might weld intermittently but would not be clas- the question “Have you carried out welding, at sified as welders (see additional discussion in work or at home?” only welded at home. Of the Section 1.1.5). professional welders, 3% also indicated welding Separate from this analysis, the German at home (ECRHS II, 2017). Welding Society estimated that over 1.1 million CANJEM (2017) covers 258 agents developed people have full-time positions in the field of from expert assessments and informed by struc- welding in 19 European countries. This figure tured occupational interviews (Lavoue et al., 2014; only includes welders, welding supervisors, Zeng et al., 2017). The matrix comprises infor- welding inspectors, welding researchers, welding mation for 31 780 jobs held during 1921–2005 by trainers, and robot operators (Von Hofe, 2009). 6222 Canadian men and 2563 Canadian women. Table 1.5 lists the proportion of job periods 1.1.5 Non-welder occupations performing during which workers were exposed to any type welding of welding fumes (gas, arc, soldering) by occupa- tional category (same definition as in Lillienberg In addition to workers with the job title of et al., 2008), as calculated by CANJEM. From welder, other occupations routinely or inter- this analysis of CANJEM, only 12% of job mittently weld. Table 1.5 lists occupational periods during which workers were exposed to categories where workers weld, as reported in welding fumes corresponded to the occupation the European Community Respiratory Health of welder (as per ISCO 1988). In addition, among Follow-up Survey (ECRHS) (ECRHS II, 2017) the exposed jobs the median duration of expo- and the Canadian general population job-expo- sure was 40 hours per week for welders, with 70% sure matrix (CANJEM) (CANJEM, 2017). exposed full-time. For non-welders, the median The ECRHS II (Janson et al., 2001) prospec- duration of exposure was 5 hours per week, with tively assessed the relationship between welding 24% exposed full-time [calculation performed by at work and respiratory symptoms. Subjects the Working Group]. participating in ECRHS II held 10 016 job periods

48 Welding

Table 1.5 Number and proportion of job periods during which workers were exposed to welding fumes for each occupational category, by study

Occupational categories ECRHS II CANJEM Number Proportion (%) Number Proportion (%) Miscellaneous (artist, firefighters) 5 80 950 9 Sheet metal and metalworkers 30 70 305 69 Welders and flame cutters 42 64 310 98 Blacksmiths and toolmakers 26 62 314 27 Motor vehicle, agricultural, and industrial mechanics 124 50 965 and fitters 44 Building workers (frame and finisher) 216 37 1316 28 Electrical and electronic equipment mechanics and 50 36 329 52 fitters Agricultural workers 34 35 604 1 Plant and machine operators 142 32 3172 9 Painters and building structure cleaners 18 33 227 5 Production and general managers 58 29 2194 3 Engineers and engineering science technicians 127 23 3184 5 Drivers and truck operators 93 22 2183 2 Service labourer workers 117 8 1394 2 Armed forces 17 6 – – Teaching professionals 191 5 521 3 Secretaries 135 4 2229 2 Others (not working, unknown, student) 232 3 – – Occupations with no welding activities reported 8359 0 – – a Proportion of job periods associated with welding activities in the ECRHS study (assessed using self-reports of welding) b Proportion of job periods in the CANJEM population that were deemed exposed to either gas, arc, or soldering welding fumes (assessed using expert judgment of job exposures) Compiled by the Working Group from data from the ECRHS study (described in Lillienberg et al., 2008), and the CANJEM job exposure matrix (CANJEM, 2017; Lavoue et al., 2014)

For some occupational titles there are differ- et al., 2008; Lavoue et al., 2014; CANJEM, 2017). ences between CANJEM and ECRHS II data, The Working Group therefore estimated that some of which can be explained by classifica- the number of people exposed to welding fumes tion; ECRHS II tends to have a higher propor- might be 10 times higher than the number of tion of workers exposed to welding fumes than people with the occupational title of welder. CANJEM for most occupational categories. This would indicate that the number of people CANJEM relied on an expert assessment of job exposed to welding fumes worldwide could exposures, while workers self-reported welding approach 110 million workers (3% of the world- activities in ECRHS II. [The Working Group wide economically active population).] noted that ECRHS II was likely able to identify more job titles that include infrequent welding, which might not have been picked up by expert assessment. Additionally, CANJEM and ECRHS II used different occupational coding systems when originally assigning job titles (Lillienberg


Table 1.6 Methods for the analysis of welding-related exposures

Sample matrix Agent Assay procedure Limit of detection Standard/method/reference Air Total dust Gravimetric 0.03 mg/sample ISO 10882-1:2011, NIOSH 0500 Respirable dust Gravimetric 0.03 mg/sample NIOSH 0600 Metals in dust ICP-AES 1 μg/sample NIOSH 7300 CO Electrochemical sensor 1 ppm EN ISO 10882-2:2000, NIOSH 6604

NO2 UV-VIS 1 µg/sample EN ISO 10882-2:2000, NIOSH 6014 NO UV-VIS 1 µg/sample EN ISO 10882-2:2000, NIOSH 6014

O3 IC/UV-VIS 3 µg/filter EN ISO 10882-2:2000, OSHA ID-214 Urine Metals ICP-AES 0.1 µg/sample NIOSH 8310 Whole blood Metals ICP-AES 1 µg/100 g blood NIOSH 8005 NA UV Direct measurement Tenkate (2008); Vecchia et al. (2007) NA EMF Direct measurement IEC 61786-1:2013 CO, carbon monoxide; EMF, electromagnetic fields; IC, chromatography; ICP-AES, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; IEC, International Electrochemical Commission; ISO, International Organization for Standardization; NA, not applicable;

NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; NO, ; NO2, nitrogren dioxide; O3, ozone; OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration; UV, ultraviolet; UV-VIS, ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry Compiled by the Working Group

1.2 Measurement and analysis has been primarily focused on chromium and nickel, but other metals, including aluminium, This section reviews the methodologies of cadmium and manganese, have also been sampling and analysis for exposures related to frequently monitored. welding in ambient air, as well as biomonitoring Assessment of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) of exposure. radiation is generally performed using radi- ometric, spectroradiometric or personal dosim- 1.2.1 Detection and quantification of etry techniques (Vecchia et al., 2007; Tenkate, welding-related exposures 2008). The International Electrochemical Com- Exposure to welding fumes predominantly mission (IEC) standard for measuring extremely occurs via inhalation. Welding fumes in the low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) air are generally measured by sampling of the is described in IEC 61 786-1:2013 (IEC, 2013). respirable fraction (Table 1.6), which is highly correlated with sampling of the inhalable frac- 1.2.2 Measurement strategies tion (Lehnert et al., 2012). Metals in welding fumes, such as iron, chromium, copper, nickel, (a) Welding fumes and gases manganese, aluminium, titanium, molybdenum High variability in exposure, both between and zinc, are often analysed individually. In and within workers, is inherent in welding addition to welding fumes, gases (such as O , 3 due to the different base metals, different CO, and NO ) arising from welding activities x types of welding, and varying circumstances. are monitored. A range of analytical methods is Determinants of exposure should therefore be available, as listed in Table 1.6. recorded along with personal air monitoring, Internal exposure to specific elements in including details related to the welding tech- welding fumes can be determined in urine niques used, base metal, duration of welding tasks and blood samples (Table 1.6). Biomonitoring and related activities (preparation, clean-up,

50 Welding breaks, etc.), the position of the welder, presence sampling of exposure to gases might be unsuit- of local exhaust ventilation or general ventila- able for sampling behind a welder’s face shield, tion, or whether a helmet with clean air supply due to limited air movement (ISO 10 882-2:2000). was used. In addition to the welding procedure and material used, the welders’ level of experi- (b) Biomonitoring of metals ence may also influence the particles generated Similar data regarding the nature of the from welding fumes (Chang et al., 2013). It has welding activities should be collected for been suggested that the quality of the welding biomonitoring of metal exposure, both on the performance influences exposure to welding day of sample collection and before (depending fumes, implying increased exposure for appren- on accumulation of the biomarker in the body). tice welders or welders with minimal training While assessment of exposure to welding fumes (Graczyk et al., 2016). Repeated measurements is primarily focused on the occupational setting, among the same workers may provide informa- Scheepers et al. (2008) reported that one quarter tion about the variability between and within of the welders in their study were also engaged (temporal) workers. in welding activities during off-work hours Personal exposure measurements are typi- (Scheepers et al., 2008). Although these activities cally performed in the breathing zone to best may be more difficult to identify and potentially represent the exposure of the individual worker. less monitored, biomonitoring results may also With welding processes it is critical to take measure these exposures. into account the position of the monitoring device relative to the face shield, as it may phys- (c) Radiation ically deflect the welding fumes away from the Arc welding processes can lead to UV radi- breathing zone (ISO 10 882-2:2000). The concen- ation exposure of the eyes and skin. Since arc tration of particles inside the plume is 10–100 welding procedures emit radiation with fluctu- times higher than outside the plume (Lidén & ation and instability, and due to interference by Surakka, 2009). Personal sampling should there- electromagnetic radiation, it can be complicated fore be performed behind the welder’s face shield to obtain accurate radiometric and spectroradi- and as close to the mouth as possible (within ometric results (Tenkate, 2008). The geometrical 10 cm) (ISO 10 882-1:2011). aspects of exposure to UV radiation must be Welders should wear equipment that enables considered, including the diameter of aperture the sampler to stay in position throughout of the detector if the irradiance profile is heter- the sampling period (ISO 10 882-1:2011), ogeneous, and the field of view of the detector for example, the headset-mounted mini- (Vecchia et al., 2007). The “arc time” (i.e. the time sampler described by Lidén & Surakka (2009) for which the arc is actually struck) will affect the or the in-visor sampler from the Health and overall exposure during a working day (Tenkate, Safety Laboratory (2009). The position of such 2008), as well as eye and skin protection used. a sampler is not affected by the position of the As well as the actual workers performing the face shield or helmet. This means that if the face welding tasks, their coworkers (bystanders) may shield or helmet is raised or completely removed also be exposed to UV radiation (Vecchia et al., during the sampling period, the sampler will 2007). stay in place. Exposure to UV radiation is usually expressed For gases, samplers should also be positioned in terms of irradiance (power per unit area, in the breathing zone at a maximum distance W/m2) or radiant exposure (J/m2), the amount of 5 cm from the mouth. Badges for personal of energy received per unit area accumulated

51 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 over a time interval. As different wavelengths exposures are much lower in MS welding fumes. are associated with different biological impact, Welding gases are generated from the shielding an “efficient” exposure rate is calculated as a gases used, the decomposition of fluxes, and weighted average across the whole UV spec- interactions between UV radiation and/or high trum (Vecchia et al., 2007; ACGIH, 2013). temperatures with gases found in the air (e.g. N

Both the American Conference of Govern- in the air combining with heat to produce NO2, mental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) and the or O interacting with the welding arc to produce

International Commission on Non-Ionizing O3). Common gases encountered during welding Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) propose an include: shielding gases such as carbon dioxide, occupational exposure limit of 3 mJ/cm2 (effec- argon, or helium; fuel gases such as acetylene, tive radiant energy). In practice, effective irra- butane, or propane; and gases produced from diance is measured in the field and the time the welding processes such as carbon monoxide, required to reach the permissible radiant energy ozone, nitrogen oxides, and hydrogen fluoride is calculated (ICNIRP, 2004; ACGIH, 2013). (Burgess, 1995; Antonini, 2003). The distinction Electric welding techniques may result in between welding fumes and welding gases is that exposure to ELF-EMF. The overall exposure will fumes contain solid particles that are tempo- be affected by the source of exposure (e.g. vicinity rarily suspended in the air due to a solid material and position in relation to welding devices, and being heated (such as metals), whereas gases are distance to power cables) and the total welding molecules in a gaseous state in the ambient air time (Hansson Mild et al., 2009). that have either been generated by or are used in the welding process. 1.3 Occurrence and exposure Table 1.1 and Table 1.7 outline some of the common exposures encountered by welders in 1.3.1 Exposure to welding fumes and gases the complex mixtures of welding fumes and gases, and the type of welding in which the exposures Welding fumes are produced when metals are most likely to be encountered. Many of these are heated above their melting point, vapourize, exposures have previously been evaluated by the and condense into fumes with predominantly IARC Monographs (Table 1.1); common expo- fine solid particles of diameter less than 1 µm. sures that have not been evaluated by the IARC These fumes are a complex mix of particles from Monographs are listed separately (Table 1.7). the wire or electrode, the base metal, and any Table 1.8 summarizes the concentrations of coatings on the base metal (paint, metalworking welding fumes generated from various welding fluid, platings, etc.) Hewett,( 1995a; Warner, processes. Fumes from welding on SS ranged 2014). Most commonly, they are composed of from less than 1 mg/m3 to more than 25 mg/m3. metal oxides (mainly iron oxides, depending The lowest average concentrations are generated on the base metal), silicates (from coated elec- from GTA welding (two studies: means, 0.16 and trodes and fluxes), and fluorides (when fluoride- 0.98 mg/m3), whereas MMA welding produces containing electrode coatings/fluxes are used). the highest average concentrations (range of A variable proportion of the metal elements means, 3.0–5.4 mg/m3). can also be found in the form of magnetite-like As for SS welding, MS welding is associated spinels, that is, multimetal oxides where the metal with concentrations of fumes ranging from share oxygen atoms instead of the various less than 1 mg/m3 to more than 50 mg/m3; the metal-specific oxides. Fumes from SS welding highest average concentration is found in MMA contain chromium and nickel, whereas these two (range of means, 0.63–11.9 mg/m3) or FCA

52 Welding

Table 1.7 Additional occupational exposures of welders that have not been evaluated by IARC Monographs

Agent Occurrence Welding types Aluminium Aluminium component of some alloys, welding on aluminium GMA, GTA Copper Alloys such as brass, bronze, small amounts in SS and MS, some All welding rods Fluorides Electrode coating and flux material for low- and high-alloy steels All Manganese Found in varying amounts in most steels All Molybdenum Found in varying amounts in most steels All Zinc Galvanized and painted metal All

Carbon monoxide Formed in welding arc GMA (when shielded with CO2) Hydrogen fluoride Decomposition of rod coatings SMA (MMA), SA Nitrogen oxides Formed by welding arc All arc welding Ozone Formed by welding arc Plasma arc cutting, GMA, GTA Oxygen deficiency Welding in confined spaces, air displacement form shielding gas Shipbuilding, other confined space welding

CO2, carbon dioxide; GMA, gas metal arc; GTA, gas tungsten arc; MMA, manual metal arc; MS, mild steel; SA, submerged arc; SMA, shielded metal arc; SS, stainless steel Compiled by the Working Group welding (one study: mean, 8.97 mg/m3; range, size distribution and surface characteristics; these 1.17–55.4 mg/m3), and the lowest average concen- differ by welding process and base metal. In a tration is reported in a study of GMA fabrication laboratory-based study of fumes generated from welders (mean, 0.51 mg/m3). A study of welding GMA and MMA welding of SS and MS, Hewett apprentices reported very low exposures to (1995a) found that GMA produced welding welding fumes from gas (oxyfuel) welding, with fumes with greater bulk and specific an arithmetic mean of 0.0052 mg/m3 (Baker surface area, and consisted of a greater quantity et al., 2016). In this cohort of apprentice welders, of smaller particle sizes, compared with MMA oxyfuel exposures were comparable to exposures (although the majority of welding fumes for both from GTA-MS and GTA-SS welding (arithmetic processes and base metals contained particles of mean, 0.0055 mg/m3), but nearly 7 times lower diameter less than 1 µm). These differences were than MMA-MS welding (arithmetic mean, mostly attributable to process (MMA vs GMA) 0.035 mg/m3) and 5.5 times lower than GMA-MS as opposed to base metal (MS vs SS). In a further welding (arithmetic mean, 0.029 mg/m3) (Baker analysis of these laboratory-generated fumes, et al., 2016). [The Working Group noted that Hewett (1995b) found that GMA welding fumes exposures at this apprentice welding school are had a 60% greater total lung deposition than lower than those measured in general industry. MMA welding fumes, regardless of base metal, However, as this was the only exposure assess- with the majority of fumes from both welding ment that could be found representing just processes depositing in the alveoli. Given the oxyfuel welding, the Working Group included differences in specific surface area between GMA this value.] and MMA, and the greater deposition of GMA, As for all particles, the toxicological profile of Hewett estimated that, for an equal exposure, welding fumes is not only dependent on the mate- GMA welding delivers three times the particle rial and concentration, but also on the particle

53 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments/additional data filtersMCE placed inside welders’ the face shields Respirable samples taken behind the face shield welders of fourat different industrialTwo-stageplants. personal air sample with respirable fraction collected membrane on filter and glassTotal respirable fibre filter. particulateadjusted to 8 h TWA welders12 monitored were 4–5 for consecutive workdays; filtersMCE attached outside welders’ the face shields Personal samples unspecified on number weldersof taken 2 weeks;over filters MCE attached outside welders’ the face shield ) 3

Exposure range (mg/m NR NR 2.8–23.4 NR 1.0–9.1 0.2–1.9 NR 0.3–29 1.0–5.8 0.5–6.6 3.1–51 ) 3

a Exposure level (mg/m 1.01 0.98 9.0 3.2 3.5 0.8 1.3 5.4 3.0 2.0 11



Sampling matrix, approach, duration particulate,Total personal, full10, shift particulate,Total personal, 40, full shift Respirable, personal, 7 h 5, Respirable, personal, 13, 7 h Respirable, personal, 31, 7 h Respirable, personal, NR, 7 h Respirable, personal, 22, 7 h particulate,Total personal, 48, full shift particulate,Total personal, 30, full shift particulate,Total personal, 42, full shift particulate,Total personal, 34, full shift

Occupation description GMA-SS welder welder GTA-SS MMA-SS welder, Plant A MMA-SS welder, Plant B MMA-SS welder, Plant C Welding assistants, Plant C MMA-SS welder, Plant D MMA-SS welder, shipyard (inside ship section) MMA-SS welder, shipyard (inside the module) MMA-SS welder, shipyard (welding shops) MMA-SS welder, shipyard (grinding)

Location, collection date Denmark, 1987 Poland, 1987–1990 Norway, NR

et al. et al. Table 1.8 Occupational exposure 1.8 to welding fumes Table Reference Knudsen (1992) Matczak & Chmielnicka (1993) Karlsen (1994)

54 Welding Comments/additional data Area samples placed near aerosol generation not but directly in plume; filter cassettesplaced 1.5 m at least above floor, 5 m from nearest welding grinding or site, cassette inlets faced downwards Closed-face, filters 37 mm PVC hangingoutside face shield; filterswere changed periodically throughout the to day overloading,prevent and summed the at the end of day to approximate a full shift sample Samples collected inside the face shield Samples collected inside the face shield from 5 welders, with repeat measures welder only 5 days measured for (1 4 days) Samples collected inside the face shield controlsNon-welder from the shipyardworkers, (office joiners, fitters, drivers, staging makers, electricians) had area sampling in their environment work inhalableIOM sampler outside the face shield ) 3

Exposure range (mg/m 0.4–3.0 0.2–2.2 0.2–0.5 0.49–2.67 0.06–0.27 1.17–55.46 0.86–4.51 0.35–5.16 3.4–19.2 NR NR Max, 21.07 ) 3

a Exposure level (mg/m 2.0 0.7 0.4 1.61 0.16 8.97 2.56 2.59 11.8 4.39 0.67 9.325

, N Sampling matrix, approach, duration particulate,Total environmental, NR, full shift particulate,Total environmental, NR, full shift particulate,Total environmental, NR, full shift particulate,Total personal, NR 11, particulate,Total NR personal, 10, particulate,Total personal, 20, NR particulate,Total personal, 6, 2–4 h particulate,Total personal, 4, 2–4 h particulate,Total personal, 24, NR particulate,Total personal, 209, 6.5 h (average) particulate,Total environmental, 7.1 h 109, (average) Inhalable, personal, 22, 6 h

Occupation description MMA-SS welder, shipyard (grinding) MMA-SS welder, shipyard (welding shops) MMA-SS welder, shipyard (inside the module) GMA-SS, fabrication welder, GTA-SS fabrication welder, FCA boilerplate fabrication welder GMA-MS MMA-MS welder MMA-MS welder, shipyard Various/MS welder, shipyard Administrative controls, shipyard Various/MS welder, construction

Location, collection date USA, NR New Zealand, NR Finland, NR England, NR USA, June 1994– 1999 April

et al. et al. et al. Table 1.8 (continued) 1.8 Table Reference Karlsen et al. (1994) (cont.) Wallace (2001) Dryson & Rogers (1991) Järvisalo (1992) Akbar- Khanzadeh (1993) Woskie (2002)


Comments/additional data area 10 samples fromTook each 6 factories of within 0.5 m of welders’ breathing zone; samples 1–4 collected were per shift, each and a period over adjusted were ~2 h, of to 8 h average concentrations 37 mm open-faced cassette attached outside face shield Personal exposure samples collected using 37 mm open-faced cassette; sampled 5 consecutive over Mondays, each worker sampled once; samplers attached outside face mask companies11 in south-west Sweden included in the study; Company 1 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total workers participated; 16 of respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 2 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total workers 12 of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield ) 3

Exposure range (mg/m 2.0–15.5 3.0–10.5 3.0–24.0 4.5–12.0 1.0–13.0 1.5–4.5 0.150–2.100 0.140–1.700 0.0038–0.370 0.2–6.5 0.2–7.7 ) 3

a Exposure level (mg/m 6.3 5.3 11.3 6.8 4.7 3.0 0.630 GM, GM, 0.510 GM, 0.060 1.5 2.3


N Sampling matrix, approach, duration particulate,Total environmental, 2 h 10, particulate,Total environmental, 2 h 10, particulate,Total environmental, 2 h 10, particulate,Total environmental, 2 h 10, particulate,Total environmental, 2 h 10, particulate,Total environmental, 2 h 10, particulate,Total personal, 7, full shift particulate,Total personal, 6, full shift particulate,Total personal, 22, full shift Respirable, personal, 43, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 30, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h)

Occupation description MMA-MS welder, Factory 1 MMA-MS welder, Factory 2 MMA-MS welder, Factory 3 MMA-MS welder, Factory 4 MMA-MS welder, Factory 5 MMA-MS welder, Factory 6 MMA-MS welder, fabrication welder, GMA-MS fabrication Non-welder controls, fabrication welder, GMA-MS Company 1 welder, GMA-MS Company 2

Location, collection date Saudi Arabia, NR USA, NR Sweden, NR

et al. et al. Table 1.8 (continued) 1.8 Table Reference Balkhyour & Goknil (2010) Schoonover (2011) Hedmer (2014)

56 Welding 3 and Plant II had AM concentration 5.0 mg/m of 3 Comments/additional data Company 3 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total workers participated; 14 of respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 4 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total 5 workers of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 5 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total 9 workers of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 6 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total 5 workers of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 7 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total 9 workers of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 8 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total workers participated; 11 of respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company 9 was visited 3 times exposure for measurements and a total workers participated; 14 of respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Company was visited 10 3 times exposure for measurements and a total 6 workers of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield wasCompany visited 11 3 times exposure for measurements and a total 7 workers of participated; respirable dust sampler placed outside the face shield Samples collected with 37 mm filters totalfor dust and concentrations;adjusted to 8 h TWA specified not whether inside outside or face of shield; Plant 1 had AM concentration 8.8 mg/m Samples collected with cyclones respirable for dust and concentrations;adjusted to 8 h TWA specified not whether inside outside or face of shield ) 3

Exposure range (mg/m 0.3–11.9 0.5–2.3 0.1–38.3 0.5–11.2 1.2–10.5 0.7–8.3 0.1–1.8 0.1–6.1 0.4–3.3 0.8–17.8 0.7–6.0 ) 3

a Exposure level (mg/m 2.3 1.2 5.7 3.2 3.0 3.1 0.4 1.4 1.6 6 2.6


N Sampling matrix, approach, duration Respirable, personal, 37, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 12, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 21, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 13, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 21, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 28, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 29, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 12, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) Respirable, personal, 18, 6.2 h (0.5–9.1 h) particulate,Total personal, 34, 6–7 h Respirable, personal, 12, 6–7 h

Occupation description welder, GMA-MS Company 3 welder, GMA-MS Company 4 welder, GMA-MS Company 5 welder, GMA-MS Company 6 welder, GMA-MS Company 7 welder, GMA-MS Company 8 welder, GMA-MS Company 9 welder, GMA-MS Company 10 welder, GMA-MS Company 11 welder, GMA-Al Plant I and II welder, GMA-Al Plant II

Location, collection date Poland, NR Table 1.8 (continued) 1.8 Table Reference Hedmer et al. (2014) (cont.) Matczak & Gromiec (2002)

57 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments/additional data working non-welders For in the same room as GMA-Al welders; 37 mm filters totalfor dust adjusted to 8 h TWA concentrations; specified not whether insideoutsideor of face shields Samples collected with 37 mm filters totalfor dust and concentrations;adjusted to 8 h TWA specified not whether inside outside or face of shield Samples collected with cyclones respirable for dust and concentrations;adjusted to 8 h TWA specified not whether inside outside or face of shield ) 3

Exposure range (mg/m 1.3–1.6 0.25–1.36 0.32–1.85 ) 3

a Exposure level (mg/m 1.4 0.69 0.79

, N Sampling matrix, approach, duration particulate,Total personal, 6–7 h 3, particulate,Total personal, 13, 6–7 h Respirable, personal, 6–7 h 5,

Occupation description andTurner crane operator, Plant I welder, GTA-Al III Plant welder, GTA-Al III Plant

Location, collection date Exposure level expressed as arithmetic mean unless indicated otherwise

Table 1.8 (continued) 1.8 Table Reference Matczak & Gromiec (2002) (cont.) a Al, aluminium; AM, arithmetic mean; FCA, flux cored arc; GM, geometric mean; GMA, gas metal arc; gasGTA, tungsten MCE,IOM, arc;Institute mixedh, hour(s); cellulose of Occupational ester;Medicine; MMA, manual metal arc; MS, mild steel; NR, not reported; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; SS, stainless steel; time-weighted TWA, average

58 Welding surface area to the respiratory system compared previously described by Kromhout et al. (2004); it with that of MMA. was noted that, while exposure to welding fumes The concentration of welding fumes which a had decreased by 4% per year during 1983–2003, welder is exposed to depends on several factors, this was a lower rate of reduction than for other including welding process, welded metal, pres- chemicals in the same geographic region. ence of coatings, arc time, and workplace and Hobson et al. (2011) summarized 28 arti- personal characteristics. Kromhout et al. (2004) cles describing particulate exposure to welding created a database of welding fumes consisting fumes in field studies, and found that welding of over 1200 measurements from 10 individual process and degree of enclosure explained 76% studies conducted during 1983–2003 in the of the variability in mean particulate exposures. Netherlands. The authors had information on Lehnert et al. (2012) investigated determinants of welding process (GMA, GTA, MMA, other), exposure to particle size specific welding fumes ventilation (general or local), and whether the and, as for Hobson et al. (2011), Liu et al. (2011), welder wore an improved helmet to provide and Kromhout et al. (2004), found welding cleaner air. Fitting a mixed model with these process, use of ventilation, and degree of enclo- fixed effects, including random effects for worker sure to be the major determinants of exposure. and factory, the authors found that these deter- Lehnert et al. (2012) found that FCA generated minants explained 18% of the variability between the highest concentration of welding fumes, factories and 16% of the variability between followed by GMA and MMA. While GTA gener- workers within the same factory. The type of ated the lowest concentration of welding fumes, metal welded did not have an apparent effect this welding process did have the highest number in the model when considering total welding of small particles including ultrafine particles fumes. When including background concentra- (UFP), which are less than 0.1 µm in diameter. tion of welding fumes on a subset of workers for In GTA welders, Graczyk et al. (2016) found 92% which this was known, 36% of the total variance of the particle counts were of UFP type. was explained. Suarthana et al. (2014) used the exposure Liu et al. (2011) compiled over 2000 indi- models developed by Kromhout et al. (2004), vidual total particulate measurements from Liu et al. (2011), and Lehnert et al. (2012) to esti- welders to assess sources of variability, with the mate exposure to UFP in Canadian apprentice major factors related to exposure being country welders. Comparing estimates from the three (higher exposure levels in Finland and the USA, models (which were developed using measure- and lower exposure levels in Canada, the United ments of inhalable, total particulate, and respir- Kingdom, and New Zealand), industry (highest able welding fumes) to measured concentrations levels in manufacturing and lowest levels in of UFP, Suarthana et al. found low R2 correlations automobile industries), trades (highest expo- ranging from 0.11 to 0.22. However, R2 correla- sures for boilermakers, and lowest exposures tions between the Kromhout, Liu, and Lehnert for pipe and welder fitters), type of ventila- models were higher, ranging from 0.41 to 0.74, tion (lowest exposures with mechanical and showing that they correlated better with each local exhaust ventilation), and type of welding other than any of the three models correlated process (highest exposures in MMA, followed with the measured concentrations of UFP. [The by GMA, GTA, and ER welding). Exposures to Working Group noted that this perhaps shows welding fumes had not changed over the 40-year that particle size and nature of work (appren- period. Creely et al. (2007) found similar results tice welder vs skilled welder) are other relevant when analysing the database of welding fumes


a )

3 Ni (µg/mNi 440 (70–970) 72 (< 50–260) (< 50–320) 100 - 9.2 SD, 11.6; 17.3 15.2; SD, 20 (10–150) (2.8–150) 50 11 (1.6–41) 14 (5.5–39) (79–650) 250 - - - GM, 44.84 (SD, 31.32) GM, 1.57 (SD, 0.54) 50.4 (< 2.0–416.7) 34 (3–240) 28 (2–270) 7 (2–25) (< LOD–0.002) < LOD – a ) 3

Cr(VI) (µg/m – – – 3.6; 2.8 SD, – – 50 (5–842) (3.6–640) 140 6.2 (< LOD−18) (< LOD−84) 12 < LOD (< LOD−0.9) 86 (1–649) 3.7 (1–65) 2.4 (1–16 – – (< 0.2–151.3) 11.3 – – – – – 1.2) 2 (SD, a ) 3

(< 1–80) b (< 1–50) b Total Cr (µg/mTotal 101 (26–220) 4 10 11.4 SD, 14.8; 6.2 SD, 14.7; 60.4 SD, 27.7; (5–991) (8.3–1000) 230 30 (4.7–87) LOD–270) 50 (< (270–4300) 1100 201 (16–1328) 185 (13–1200) 52 (1–308) GM, 89.67 (SD, 64.62) GM, 2.74 (SD, 0.86) 200 (2.4–2.744) 57 (5–976) 73 (7–387) 9 (3–18) < LOD < LOD 1.8) 3.0 (SD, Industry Fabrication Shipbuilding Shipbuilding Fabrication NR NR NR Shipyard Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication NR Fabrication and shipyard Fabrication and shipyard Fabrication and shipyard NR NR Fabrication Welding process MMA (high alloy, Ni 75% Ni) MMA GMA GTA GMA GTA MMA shipyard MMA, MMA, offshoremodule MMA, welding shops Grinding, small shop MMA GMA GTA GMA GTA FCA MMA GMA FCA GMA MMA GMA MMA,

(1987) et al. (Poland) (Sweden) Angerer ; (New Zealand) (New Zealand) (Norway) (the Russian (the Federation) Russian (the Federation) Russian (the Federation) Angerer Lehnert & (1990) (Denmark) (Denmark) ; (USA) (USA) (Norway) (Norway) (Norway) (Norway) (France) (France) (France) (2004) (2006) (2006) (2006) (1992) (1992) (1987) (2001) (2001) (Denmark) (Denmark) (1994) (1994) (1994) (1994) (1997) (1997) (1997) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Table 1.9 Occupational exposures 1.9 to chromium and nickel within the stainlessTable steel and mild steel welding industries by industry and process Reference (country) Stainless steel welding processes Åkesson & Skerfving (1985) Angerer Lehnert & (1990) (Germany) Angerer (Germany) Bonde (1990) Knudsen Knudsen Matczak & Chmielnicka (1993) Karlsen Karlsen Karlsen Karlsen Edmé Edmé Edmé Wallace Wallace Stridsklev Ellingsen Ellingsen Ellingsen Mild steel welding processes Dryson & Rogers (1991) Dryson & Rogers (1991) Bonde (1990)

60 Welding a ) 3 Ni (µg/mNi GM, 11.76 (SD,13.78) 0.36 (0.14–2.5) 0.29 (0.11–1.2) a ) 3 Cr(VI) (µg/m – a ) 3

Total Cr (µg/mTotal 12.61 GM, (SD, 15.86) 1.8 (0.051–1.90) 0.46 (0.14–1.6) Industry Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication c Welding process boilerplate FCA, MMA GMA (USA) (USA) (USA) (2011) (2011) (2001) et al. et al. et al. Arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified, range in parentheses Defined as carbon steel with no further information, but defined separately from stainless steel in the article Median

Table 1.9 (continued) 1.9 Table Reference (country) Wallace Schoonover Schoonover a b c chromium;Cr, Cr(VI), hexavalent chronium; FCA, flux-cored arc; GM, geometric mean; GMA, gas metal arc; GTA, gas tungsten arc; LOD, limit of detection;Ni, nickel; NR,MMA, manual not reported; metal standard SD, arc; deviation

61 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 considerations when characterizing exposures to base material and the welding process explained welding fumes.] most of the variability in air measurements; SS welding demonstrated much higher concentra- 1.3.2 Exposure to chromium and nickel tions of both chromium and nickel in air than MS welding. In urine, chromium and nickel Airborne exposures to chromium and nickel concentrations were higher when welding was compounds are summarized in Table 1.9 for both performed in a confined space or with poor SS and MS welding processes. For total chro- ventilation. The use of respiratory protection was mium exposures, the ranges of mean concen- associated with a decrease in urinary chromium tration for MMA-SS and GMA-SS welding were and nickel concentrations. 3 4–230 µg/m (Angerer & Lehnert, 1990; Karlsen Persoons et al. (2014) investigated deter- 3 et al., 1994; Edmé et al., 1997) and 10–185 µg/m minants of exposure to chromium and nickel (Angerer & Lehnert, 1990; Knudsen et al., 1992; as measured in the urine of GMA-SS welders. Edmé et al., 1997), respectively. The mean concen- They found that welding by the more experi- trations from two FCA-SS welding studies were enced, in a confined space, or for a longer time 3 3 200 µg/m and 9 µg/m (Stridsklev et al., 2004; during the previous working week resulted in Ellingsen et al., 2006). GTA-SS welding was higher concentrations of chromium in urine, observed to result in lower mean total chromium whereas welding of MS (as opposed to SS) and 3 exposures, ranging from 14.8 to 52 µg/m (Bonde, using mechanical ventilation resulted in lower 1990; Knudsen et al., 1992; Edmé et al., 1997). concentrations of urinary chromium. Urinary Chromium VI exposures tended to be nickel concentrations were found to be highest highest for MMA-SS welders (range of means, for welders with greater experience and who had 3 50–140 µg/m ) (Matczak & Chmielnicka, performed grinding, and lowest for welders of 1993; Karlsen et al., 1994; Edmé et al., 1997). MS. The metal content of the consumable elec- Considering only SS welders again, nickel expo- trode did not influence urinary chromium or sures were lowest in two studies of GTA welding nickel in this model. As in the models of welding 3 (means, 15.2 and 1.57 µg/m ) (Knudsen et al., fumes described by Kromhout et al. (2004), 1992; Wallace et al., 2001), and concentrations Hobson et al. (2011), Liu et al. (2011), and Lehnert varied in studies of MMA (range of means, et al. (2014), when assessing determinants of 3 11–440 µg/m ) (Åkesson & Skerfving, 1985; exposure to urinary chromium and nickel, the Karlsen et al., 1994; Ellingsen et al., 2006), FCA use of ventilation resulted in reduced exposures, 3 (means, 7 and 50.4 µg/m ) (Stridsklev et al., 2004; confined space welding resulted in higher expo- Ellingsen et al., 2006), and GMA welding (range sures, and there were differences in measured 3 of means, 11.6–100 µg/m ) (Angerer & Lehnert, exposure due to type of welding or base metal 1990; Knudsen et al., 1992; Wallace et al., 2001; used. Ellingsen et al., 2006). Airborne exposures to chromium and nickel 1.3.3 Exposures from aluminium welding compounds could be 10 times lower for MS processes (Dryson & Rogers, 1991; Schoonover GMA and GTA processes can be used for et al., 2011). welding aluminium and aluminium alloys In the WELDOX study, Weiss et al. (2013) (which often include beryllium, Be), which can characterized determinants of exposure to both present additional exposures to fumes and gases. airborne and urinary chromium and nickel. Higher levels of ozone and UV exposure can They found that metal content in electrodes or also be generated from aluminium welding due

62 Welding to the high currents and pure argon shielding The exposure of welders to UV radiation has gas used (Faggetter et al., 1983). Typically, expo- been well characterized in the literature, and sures to aluminium experienced by welders is summarized in Table 1.11. Compared with are measured in urine or plasma. However, outdoor UV radiation exposure, arc welding UV airborne aluminium was measured in a study radiation exposures are very intense within a of 52 GMA and 18 GTA aluminium welders; few metres of the arc; exposure guidelines can mean aluminium concentrations of 2.1 mg/m3 be exceeded in a matter of seconds to minutes. (range, 0.1–7.7 mg/m3) and 0.17 mg/m3 (range, This is compatible with the frequent occurrence 0.07–0.50 mg/m3) were measured in GMA and of skin erythema (sunburn) and photokerato- GTA welding fumes, respectively (Matczak & conjunctivitis (“welder’s flash”) as reported in Gromiec, 2002). the literature (Kimlin & Tenkate, 2007). Despite welders typically wearing UV protective face 1.3.4 Exposure to welding gases shields or goggles when arcing, relevant exposure can still occur. Unprotected bystanders can also Table 1.10 provides a summary of exposures be exposed to UV radiation (Tenkate & Collins, to welding gases. Only one study was found 1997). that quantified exposures to gases related to SS Exposure to UV radiation is higher when: welding. Among GTA-SS welders, measured the welder works close to the arc; arc energy, nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide exposures duration, or electrical current are increased; ranged from less than 0.3 to 21.2 ppm, and from aluminium is being welded (because of the less than 0.04 to 13.8 ppm, respectively (Dryson higher energy required); or argon is being used & Rogers, 1991). as the shielding gas. UV radiation emission is Gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen greatest in GMA, followed by MMA and then oxides, or ozone are also generated during MS GTA welding, although this order can vary welding processes. Carbon monoxide exposures depending on current and other parameters as high as 1.5 ppm for GMA and MMA welders (IARC, 1990; American Welding Society, 2014). have been reported (Dryson & Rogers, 1991; UV radiation emissions from oxyfuel (gas) Golbabaei et al., 2012). Oxides of nitrogen (NO2 welding are generally much lower, but could be and NO) were highest for GMA (mean NO2, associated with less-frequent use of eye protec- 3.29 ppm; mean NO, 0.54 ppm) and GTA (mean tion (Burgess, 1995). Peng et al. (2007) monitored NO2, 3.54 ppm; mean NO, 0.41 ppm) welding UV radiation exposure during experimental operations in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Azari MMA welding scenarios to compare with et al., 2011). ACGIH UV exposure guidelines. The effective irradiance at 50 cm from the arc was in the range 1.3.5 Exposure to radiation 0.03–0.3 mW/cm2 (median, 0.155 mW/cm2), and (a) UV reported permissible exposure times ranging from 9.6 to 90.6 seconds (average, 19.4 seconds). In addition to exposures to welding fumes In comparison, measurements taken behind and gases, welders of all types in all industries a protective mask corresponded to approxi- are exposed to UV radiation from the welding mately 6 minutes of permissible exposure time arc. Arc welding produces UV radiation over (Peng et al., 2007). A similar analysis for GTA the full spectrum (UVA, UVB, and UVC), with welding of aluminium alloys found an effective demonstrated harmful effects on exposed skin irradiance at 50 cm from the arc in the range and the eyes (Vecchia et al., 2007; ACGIH, 2013). 0.1–0.9 mW/cm2, reporting a permissible exposure

63 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 a (ppm) 3 O – – – – ND – 0.0047 (< LOD–0.020) (< LOD–0.037) 0.012 GM, 0.03 (< 0.01–0.66) 0.12) (SD, 0.21 0.22) 0.37 (SD, 0.018 (SD, 0.02) a ) 3

F (mg/m – – – – – 1.13) 0.73 (SD, – – – – a NO (ppm) (< 0.04–13.8) (< 0.01–0.17) (< 0.07–1.6) 0.27) 0.25 (SD, – – – 2.7) (SD, 0.41 3.2) 0.54 (SD, – a (ppm) 2 NO (< 0.3–21.2) (< 0.01–0.7) (< 0.1–4.4) 0.03) 0.06 (SD, ND – 0.064 (0.052–0.22) (0.037–0.061) 0.038 – 0.65) 3.54 (SD, 0.60) 3.29 (SD, 0.35) 0.397 (SD, , ozone; ppm, parts per million; standard SD, deviation 3 a CO (ppm) – 1.5 (1.2–1.8) – 0.5) (SD, 1.1 (single grab10 sample) – – – – 1.8 (SD, 1.40)

Shipyard Construction Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Industry NR NR NR Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication , nitrogen dioxide; NR, not reported; O 2 Various MS MMA GMA GMA Welding process GTA GMA MMA FCA, boilerplate GTA GMA MMA

(2011) (2011) (2012) (2014) (2001) (2002) et al. et al. (2011) (2011) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified, range in parentheses Table 1.10 Occupational exposures Occupational gases within and to the process stainless steel steel mild industries and by welding 1.10 Table industry Reference (country) Stainless steel welding processes Dryson & Rogers (1991) (New Zealand) Mild steel welding processes Dryson & Rogers (1991) (New Zealand) Dryson & Rogers (1991) (New Zealand) Akbar-Khanzadeh (1993) (UK) Wallace (USA) Woskie (USA) Schoonover (USA) Schoonover (USA) Hedmer (Sweden) Azari (Islamic Republic of Iran) Azari (Islamic Republic of Iran) Golbabaei (Islamic Republic of Iran) a CO, carbon monoxide; fluoride; F, FCA, flux-coredarc; GM, geometric mean; GMA, gas metalarc; GTA, gas tungstenarc; LOD, limit of detection; MMA, manualsteel; ND, not determined; metalarc; nitric NO, MS, oxide; mild NO Compiled by the Working Group

64 Welding

Table 1.11 Occupational exposures to non-ionizing radiation within the welding industry by process and industry

Reference (country) Welding process Distance Industry ELF-EMF (µT)a UV (µW/cm2)a (cm) Peng et al. (2007) (China) MMA 50 Experimental Median, 154.9 (33.1–311) MMA 100 Experimental Median, 39.3 (14.2–76.2) MMA 200 Experimental Median, 5.0 (0.2–16.6) MMA 300 Experimental Median, 2.0 (0.0–12.1) Nakashima et al. (2016) GTA, aluminium 50 Experimental (91–910) (Japan)

Okuno et al. (2001) (Japan) GMA with CO2 100 Experimental (28–785) shielding gas Wolska (2013) (Poland) GTA, MMA 60–34 Mean range, 779–3760 Skotte & Hjøllund (1997) MMA direct Shipyard Workday, 21.2 (Denmark) current (range of means, 5.3–43) GMA alternating Shipyard Workday, 2.3 current (range of means, 0.59–4.9) Dasdag et al. (2002) MMA Fabrication (100–250) (Turkey) a Range in parentheses

CO2, carbon dioxide; ELF-EMF, extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields; GMA, gas metal arc; GTA, gas tungsten arc; MMA, manual metal arc; UV, ultraviolet Compiled by the Working Group time of 3.3–33 seconds. UV emissions caused by higher than natural sunlight (Tenkate & Collins, GTA aluminium welding were about one tenth 1997). of the emissions by GMA aluminium welding, based on previous results (Nakashima et al., (b) ELF-EMF 2016). Wolska (2013) reported on UV radiation Welders are also exposed to ELF-EMF, exposure measurements at 13 workstations and measured exposures are summarized in involving GTA and MMA welding with varying Table 1.11. While the number of publications process parameters. Mean effective irradiance assessing the exposure of welders to EMF is varied from 0.7 to 3.7 mW/cm2, corresponding limited, Stern (1987) reported that welders to a permissible exposure time in the range operate devices using a direct, alternating, or 1.7–75 seconds. It was not possible to distinguish pulsing current in the range 100–100 000 A. patterns of higher exposure for GTA or MMA These currents create magnetic flux of welding due to variations in other parameters 100–10 000 µT at distances of 0.2–1 m from the such as current. weld device (Stern, 1987). The arc time of welders UV radiation associated with arc welding is typically occupies 30–50% of the working day generally much higher than for other artificial UV and welders can work in close proximity to other radiation generating processes (e.g. germicidal welders; Stern (1987) calculated that the cumu- lamps, photocuring, tanning lamps); exposure lative EMF exposure for welders can exceed that concentrations are typically orders of magnitude of the general population by a factor of 2–200.


Skotte & Hjøllund (1997) measured the (c) -232 exposure to ELF-EMF of 50 metalworkers and Tungsten electrodes used for GTA welding 15 shipyard welders, who reported welding usually contain 1–4% thorium oxide, added activity for 5.8 and 56% of the workday, respect- to facilitate arc starting, increase arc stability, ively. The personal exposure metres worn by reduce weld metal contamination, and improve the workers recorded a measurement every the current-carrying capacity. Thorium-232 10 seconds for the metalworkers, and every (232Th) is a major radioactive isotope of thorium 4 seconds for the shipyard welders. For the and an emitter of α particles with a very long metalworkers, the mean ELF-EMF exposure decay half-life (1.4 × 1010 years) (Saito et al., for the workday (calculated using all measure- 2003). Exposure to ionizing radiation may occur ments from all metalworkers) was 0.50 µT, and during grinding of the electrode before and after the maximum of the workday mean exposures welding, and during welding. In three studies (the maximum mean calculated for all of the monitoring air sampled in the breathing zone 50 metalworkers) was 9.73 µT. For the shipyard of workers performing welding and grinding, welders, the mean ELF-EMF exposure for the radioactivity was measured within the range workday was 7.22 µT and the maximum of the 0.1–100 mBq/m3; this corresponds to estimated workday mean exposures was 27.5 µT. Higher yearly effective doses which are mostly below ELF-EMF exposures were found for MMA direct the current general population limit set by the current welders (workday arithmetic mean, International Commission on Radiological 21.2 µT) than for GMA alternating current Protection (Ludwig et al., 1999; Gäfvert et al., welders (workday arithmetic mean, 2.3 µT). 2003; Saito et al., 2003). Exposure tended to be During welding-only time, mean exposure was higher when alternating current was used, since 65 µT for MMA direct current welders and 7 µT it is associated with a higher electrode consump- for the GMA alternating current welders (Skotte tion rate (Ludwig et al., 1999). & Hjøllund, 1997). Resistance welders may experience the highest exposures to ELF-EMF 1.3.6 Coexposures (asbestos, solvents) compared with other welding processes, as the former involves electric currents up to 100 000 A, A historical exposure related to welding is resulting in peak ELF-EMF exposures in the asbestos, as it was commonly used as an insu- millitesla range (Håkansson et al., 2002). lating material in ships, in the material covering The United States National Institute for rod electrodes, in the cylinders holding acety- Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) lene gas, and in the heat-protective equipment reports average ELF-EMF daily median and of welders and blankets to slow cooling of the exposure ranges for a variety of workers. Of weld. As asbestos fibres are not stable at the the workers listed, welders have the highest high temperatures used for welding, during average daily median exposure of 8.2 milli- such processes they are more likely to aerosolize gauss [0.82 µT] and largest range of exposures (Kendzia et al., 2013). Exposure to asbestos in of 1.7–96 milligauss [0.17–9.6 µT]. As a compar- shipyards is most commonly assessed via ques- ison, electric line workers have an average daily tionnaire or expert (industrial hygienist) opinion median exposure of 2.5 milligauss [0.25 µT] over based on historic job duties and tasks. In one the range 0.5–34.8 milligauss [0.05–3.48 µT], cohort study performed by NIOSH at a US and clerical workers experience a median expo- shipyard, cumulative exposure to asbestos was sure of 1.2 milligauss [0.12 µT] over the range determined through a combination of historic 0.5–4.5 milligauss [0.05–45 µT] (NIOSH, 1996). asbestos air samples (n = 915) collected from

66 Welding

solvents. Among welder occupations (sheet Table 1.12 Limit values for welding fumes metal workers, mechanics, welders), 10–20% of (8 hours) the job periods were deemed exposed to both Country Limit value (mg/m3) chlorinated solvents and welding fumes. Higher Australia 5a proportions of coexposure (30%) were found Austria 5 (respirable aerosol) in occupations related to electric/electronic Belgium 5 maintenance. Canada – Québec 5 Benzene has historically been used in solvents France 5 for metal cleaning. Among CANJEM job periods Ireland 5 exposed to any welding fumes, 11% were also Latvia 4 New Zealand 5a, b deemed exposed to benzene (4% after 1980) People’s Republic of China 4c (CANJEM, 2017). Singapore 5 Republic of Korea 5 1.4 Regulations and guidelines Spain 5 d Netherlands 1 Limit values for occupational exposure to a Not otherwise classified 3 b A range of airborne contaminants are associated with gas and arc welding fumes are generally set at 5 mg/m ; welding. The type of metal being welded, the electrode employed exceptions are in the People’s Republic of China and the welding process will all influence the composition and (limit value of 4 mg/m3) and the Netherlands amount of fumes. Gaseous products such as nitrogen oxides, carbon 3 monoxide, and ozone may also be produced. In the absence of toxic where, on 1 April 2010, a limit value of 1 mg/m elements such as chromium, and where conditions do not support over 8 hours came into force. In most countries the generation of toxic gases, the concentration of fumes inside the welder’s helmet should not exceed 5 mg/m3 the size fraction of welding fumes has not been c Inhalable fraction defined but, given the process during which d Until 1 April 2010, the legal limit value was 3.5 mg/m3 the fumes are generated, it is assumed that the Adapted from GESTIS International Limit Values, Update: March 2017 (GESTIS, 2016) welding fumes fall into the respirable aerosol size range (Table 1.12). No short-term limit values exist. the 1940s to the 1990s and informed by an A range of airborne contaminants are associ- industrial hygiene panel. The majority (852) of ated with gas and arc welding. The type of metal asbestos samples fell below the limit of detec- being welded, the electrode employed, and the tion (< 0.004 fibres/mL) with the remaining 63 welding process all influence the composition samples ranging from 0.004 to 25.0 fibres/mL; and amount of fumes. Gaseous products such that is, 6% of welders were considered to have as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and ozone experienced high exposures to asbestos (Seel may also be produced. Some countries no longer et al., 2007). have an exposure limit for welding fumes, but The use of chlorinated solvents, such as instead use limits for specific metals in welding trichloroethylene (TCE) or tetrachloroethylene, fumes or respirable dust (e.g. Germany, the for cleaning coated metal in tandem with welding United Kingdom, and the USA) (BG-Regel, 2006; may result in exposures to hydrogen chloride and OSHA, 2013; HSE, 2017). In the United Kingdom possibly phosgene (Burgess, 1995). The Working a generic exposure limit to welding fumes of Group could not find reported exposure levels 5 mg/m3 as total inhalable particulate (TIP) was to these solvents for welders. Among job periods withdrawn in 2005 (Garrod & Ball, 2005), as exposed to any welding fumes in CANJEM, the limit was not considered to be protective of 15% were also deemed exposed to chlorinated health.


The World Health Organization has recom- either welders or occasional welders when calcu- mended the use of personal protective equip- lating risk estimates in epidemiological studies. ment for welders and helpers and the use of Exposure assessment in several studies on engineering controls (e.g. “light-tight” cabinets ocular melanoma relied on self-reported UV and enclosures, UV-absorbing glass, plastic radiation exposure (Seddon et al., 1990; Ajani shielding, baffles) to protect non-involved staff et al., 1992; Vajdic et al., 2004); although this is in the welding workplace (ICNIRP, 2007). more informative than job title alone, it may be prone to recall bias. 1.5 Exposure assessment of Several studies used general job-exposure matrices (JEMs) (Pesch et al., 2000; Guénel et al., epidemiological studies 2001; Lutz et al., 2005), with some based on moni- Table 1.13, Table 1.14, and Table 1.15 provide toring data (Simonato et al., 1991; Sørensen et al., an overview of the exposure assessment methods 2007; Yiin et al., 2007; Siew et al., 2008). However, used in the key epidemiological studies that were Yiin et al. (2007) acknowledged that scarcity of evaluated by the Working Group. The strengths data on welding fumes was a complicating factor and the weaknesses of each study were assessed, in the quantitative assessment. Since JEMs are as well as the potential effects of these on the a standardized method of assessing exposures, interpretation of the risk estimates. any misclassification is likely to be non-differ- Some studies used the job title “welder” ential and the assessment process is transparent. as a measure of exposure (Tucker et al., 1985; On the other hand, standardization negatively Schoenberg et al., 1987; Holly et al., 1996; affects the possibility of accounting for between- Kogevinas et al., 2003; Reulen et al., 2008; Pukkala worker variations, since workers with the same et al., 2009; Kendzia et al., 2013; ’t Mannetje et al., job title will all be assigned the same exposure. 2016; MacLeod et al., 2017). Job title alone does Exposure to welding fumes can also be deter- not provide information on different tasks and mined from welding-specific questionnaires, circumstances; since these influence the level either through case-by-case expert assessment and frequency of exposure to welding fumes, job (e.g. industrial hygienists) or directly reporting title does not specifically characterize exposure on specific tasks performed by the respondent to welding fumes. Additionally, workers with (Siemiatycki, 1991; van Loon et al., 1997; job titles other than welder may also perform Gustavsson et al., 1998; Jöckel et al., 1998a, b; welding tasks (see Table 1.3). Some of the studies Gustavsson et al., 2000; ’t Mannetje et al., 2012; using job titles separately classified welders and Vallières et al., 2012). The assessment can there- “occasional welders” (Kendzia et al., 2013; Matrat fore incorporate all available information (job et al., 2016; MacLeod et al., 2017). Definitions of title, type and name of the company, what was occasional welder vary between studies and have being produced in the department, time period, been based on job titles judged by study authors welding type and material, control measures) to involve welding tasks, for example plumbers and account for between-worker variations and sheet metal workers. The exact definition within the same job. These assessment methods will affect the level of exposure misclassification, also have their limitations, because they rely on so both classifications (regular welders and occa- the reported work histories and welding char- sional welders) should always be assessed sepa- acteristics. Self-reported occupational informa- rately. The reference group should not include tion is susceptible to recall bias, but this bias is minimized when exposure assessment is based on reported tasks rather than specific exposures.

68 Welding

Occupational information collected from proxy welding-specific questionnaires in the case– respondents is not very useful for assessing expo- control studies of cancer of the lung are consid- sure to welding fumes, as spouses or other rela- ered the most informative on exposure to tives will not be able to provide details on specific welding fumes (Siemiatycki, 1991; Jöckel et al., welding tasks and materials. 1998a, b; ’t Mannetje et al., 2012; Vallières et al., Several studies have reported good inter- 2012; Matrat et al., 2016). Caution is warranted rater agreement analyses in the exposure assess- when interpreting studies based on information ment of welding fumes. Seel et al. (2007) found (partly) collected from proxy respondents, since good concordance (78%) for estimating inten- they will often be unfamiliar with the detailed sity of exposure to welding fumes and excellent technical and workplace characteristics needed concordance (98%) for frequency estimates, for welding-specific questionnaires. Exposure defined as the number of 8-hour working days per assessment based on job titles alone (Kendzia year at the estimated intensity (Seel et al., 2007). et al., 2013) provides no information on the level Benke et al. (1997) also reported good agreement of exposure to welding fumes. Studies that only between raters for welding fumes (κ = 0.57). reported ever versus never welder (Schoenberg ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) reported a κ of 0.9 for et al., 1987), or were based predominantly on data agreement between experts in assessing expo- collected from proxy respondents (Hull et al., sures to welding fumes in a multicentre study 1989; Gustavsson et al., 2000), are considered to on lung cancer. [The Working Group noted that be least informative regarding the characteriza- high agreement between experts does not neces- tion of exposure to welding fumes. sarily relate to correct assessments of exposure.] The case–control studies of ocular melanoma [The main strengths of most of the case– applying a JEM (Guénel et al., 2001; Lutz et al., control studies listed in Table 1.14 are that full 2005) are the most informative regarding expo- job histories were assessed. The cohorts listed in sure to UV radiation, followed by self-reported Table 1.13 do not have full job histories of the eye burns (Guénel et al., 2001; Vajdic et al., subjects, which might have led to underestima- 2004) and self-reported exposure from specific tion of exposure to welding fumes.] welding types (Vajdic et al., 2004), although caution is advised with regards to recall bias. 1.5.1 Summary exposure assessment quality The studies assessing exposure to welding fumes of epidemiological studies (Siemiatycki, 1991) and ever exposure to welding arcs (Seddon et al., 1990; Ajani et al., 1992) as a In summary, the cohort studies with the proxy for UV radiation exposure are less inform- strongest exposure assessment are those that ative. Studies reporting on ever versus never applied a “welding exposure matrix” (Simonato welders alone provide the least information on et al., 1991; Sørensen et al., 2007), followed by UV radiation exposure (Tucker et al., 1985; Holly studies that applied either case-by-case expert et al., 1996). assessment (van Loon et al., 1997) or general For the case–control studies on other cancer JEMs (Yiin et al., 2005; Meguellati-Hakkas et al., types, assessment of exposure to welding fumes 2006; Yiin et al., 2007; Siew et al., 2008). Studies based on expert judgement (Siemiatycki, 1991) or that only looked at job titles (Gerin et al. 1984; on a JEM (Pesch et al., 2000) is preferred over Kjuus et al. 1986; Pukkala et al., 2009; MacLeod assessments based on job title alone (Kogevinas et al., 2017) are considered less informative. et al., 2003; Reulen et al., 2008; ’t Mannetje et al., Taking into account all available infor- 2016). mation, exposure assessments based on

69 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 -yr 3 -yr


; cumulative exposure 3 Exposure metrics reported Exposure to welding fumes to up baseline, expressed as mg/m sinceYears first exposurewelding to and ≥ 30) 20–29, fumes 10–19, (0–9, duration employment of in years (< 9, assigned were ≥ 10) classified were Welders by type of welding: shipyards, ever MS SS, only, predominantly SS Level exposure of was expressed in units of mg/m to welding fumes was then derived multiplyingby level duration by and expressed as mg/m Gérin et ; Reference Sørensen et al. (2007) Simonato et al. (1991) al. (1993)

Limitations recallRetrospective detailsof the of welding process has questionable accuracy fullNo job histories fullNo job histories In some cases company information was used to complete individual histories exposure

Strengths Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Quantitative exposure assessment, based on measurement data assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential Details individual on welding tasks taken into account Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Quantitative exposure assessment based expert on judgment and measurement data assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential Detailed job information, accounting for welding material and process

Description Cohort study male of metal workers employed for at least 1 yr Danish more 1 or at SS or MS industrial companies Ever welders, who started work in included were 1960 later, or for analyses Information lifetime on occupational exposures was collected during a questionnaire in 1986; for deceased workers, proxy respondents were interviewed Multicentre cohort study maleof welders from 135 companies in 9 European countries Exposure histories were constructed each for cohort including member, employment dates, base metal weldingwelded, process used, environment, work and changes in exposure time over Table 1.13 Exposure assessment in key epidemiological studies cohort welders: of Exposure studies key in assessment 1.13 Table Exposure assessment method Welding exposure matrix Welding exposure matrix

70 Welding

Exposure metrics reported Probability exposure of to welding fumes (particularly classified SS), into four categories exposure; (no possible exposure, < 30%; probable exposure, 30–90%; nearly certain exposure, given> 90%), the weights 0.6, 0, 0.15, and 0.95, respectively Cumulative probability exposure of was assigned based the on combination of probability weight and duration in years Exposure to welding fumes (0, none; 1, possible; was 2, probable) assigned to each job title/shop combination by an expert panel Cumulative exposure score was calculated as the sum the of duration exposedof jobs years) multiplied (in theby exposure probability score Cumulative exposure to welding fumes was then classified into three categories: 0, > 0–5, and > 5 Reference van Loon et al. (1997) Yiin et al. (2005)

Limitations quantitativeNo data on welding fumes historiesJob only up to start follow-up, of so may missed have up to 10 yr the of end of career fullNo job histories quantitativeNo data on welding fumes

Strengths Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Blinded exposure assessment; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential All available information used (job title, type, name theof what was company, being produced in the department, time period) Final re-evaluation round performed to minimize miscategorization of exposures Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Expert assessment panel by of industrial hygienists who familiarwere with shipyard operations assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential

Description Prospective cohort men study, and aged women 55–69 yr in September 1986 historyJob was obtained via self-administered questionnaire, collecting data job on title, company, department, and period Cohort study men of and the at employed women Portsmouth Naval Shipyard least at for 1 day between 1 January December and 31 1952 1992, who were monitored for radiation Detailed computerized work histories collected from personnel records Table 1.13 (continued) 1.13 Table Exposure assessment method Expert assessment JEM

71 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 ) 3 fumes) 3 O 2

; any occupation with more 3 Exposure metrics reported Exposure to arc welding fumes was expressed by duration in years Intensity and frequency exposure of to welding fumes Fe (as assessed were Cumulative exposure (mg-days/m was assigned to each subject Level exposure of to welding fumes in mg/m than workers of exposed 5% was exposed potentially considered Reference Meguellati- Hakkas et al. (2006) Yiin et al. (2007) Siew et al. (2008)

Limitations fullNo job histories quantitativeNo data on welding fumes fullNo job histories Scarcity of monitoring data welding on fumes hindered quantitative assessment based on data fullNo job history

Strengths Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Quantitative exposure assessment based expert on judgement assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Quantitative exposure assessment, based on measurement data assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential

Description Cohort study of workers in technical branch the of telephone company on 1 January and 1978 newly hired December to up 31 1994 Individual job histories since start employment of in the company were obtained from company records Occupations were classified into six groups, as well as into seven sectors; start and end date of each occupation was recorded Cohort study men of and the at employed women Portsmouth Naval Shipyard least at for 1 day between 1 January December and 31 1952 1992, who were monitored for radiation Detailed computerized work histories collected from personnel records, including job titles, shop assignment, and employment dates Cohort study of all economically active Finnish men born during 1906–1945 Occupations were obtained from the population 1970 census; jobs coded were according and to ISCO-1958 FIN-JEM was applied Table 1.13 (continued) 1.13 Table Exposure assessment method JEM JEM JEM

72 Welding Exposure metrics reported Employment as welder occasional or vs non-welders welder vsEver never employment as welder Reference MacLeod et al. (2017) Pukkala et al. (2009)

Limitations fullNo job histories, only occupation at one point in time Exposure to welding fumes was assessed not specifically Number of occasional welders overestimated since many occupations classifiedwere as such Only ever vs never employment as welder Exposure to welding fumes was assessed not specifically may beWorkers performing welding tasks and/or be exposed to welding fumes without having the job title “welder” fullNo job histories Strengths Both welders and occasional welders identified Standardized classification jobsof across countries (ISCO-1958)

or 1990or censuses in the in the 1960, 1970, 1980/81, in the 1960, 1980/81, 1970, Description Census-based cohort study of male workers aged in 24–74 in Canada1991 Occupation in week before census the or job longest-held in the previous year was asked for Census-based cohort study, men and aged women 30–64 yr and/ countries Nordic Occupation and industry were recorded in the census , iron oxide; FIN-JEM, Finnish job-exposure matrix; ISCO, International Standard Classification of Occupations; JEM, job-exposure matrix; MS, mild steel; SS, stainless steel; vs, 3 O 2 Table 1.13 (continued) 1.13 Table Exposure assessment method Job title Job title Fe versus; yr, year(s)


Exposure metric reported/notes Confidence of exposure occurrence (possible, definite) probably, Intensity of exposure low, (non-exposed, medium, high) Frequency of exposure time; of 1–5% (low, medium, 5–30%; high, > 30%) exposedEver to gas welding fumes, arc welding fumes vs never exposed to welding fumes Confidence of exposure occurrence (possible, definite) probably, Intensity of exposure low, (non-exposed, medium, high) Frequency of exposure time; of 1–5% (low, medium, 5–30%; high, > 30%) exposedEver to gas welding fumes, arc welding fumes vs never exposed to welding fumes Reference Vallières et al. (2012) Mannetje’t et al. (2012)

Limitations quantitativeNo data on welding fumes Information of for ~23% the subjects was collected via proxy respondents, who be may not aware theof specific tasks and working conditions of the case control or under study quantitativeNo data on welding fumes Expert’s ability to assess the level exposure of to welding fumes was limited

= 0.9) between = 0.9) κ

Strengths Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Full job histories All available information used (job title, tasks, materials used, department, company, protective equipment) Separated arc by welding and gas welding fumes Welding-specific questionnaire, also administered to other job titles if indicating welding tasks Blinded exposure assessment; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non- differential Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Full job histories All available information used (job title, tasks, materials used, department, company, protective equipment) Separated arc by welding and gas welding fumes Welding-specific questionnaire, also administered to other job titles if indicating welding tasks Blinded exposure assessment; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non- differential Standardization through yearly training experts of and use of manual assessment; for high agreement ( experts welding for fumes

Description lung cancerTwo case–control studies Detailed job histories were obtained interview; by case-by- case expert assessment was used to exposures assess Case–control study lung on cancer in 6 central(1998–2001) and eastern European countries and in the UK assessing Questionnaire occupations than more held for including1 yr, questions on welding gas or cutting and if any welding gas or cutting was done near the subject; a specialized questionnaire welding on was administered when the general questionnaire indicated employment as a welder; case-by- case expert assessment was used to exposures assess Table 1.14 Exposure assessment in key epidemiological the of studies case–control cancer lung welders: of Exposure key in assessment studies 1.14 Table Exposure assessment method Expert assessment Expert assessment

74 Welding

Exposure metric reported/notes Intensity of exposure low, (non-exposed, medium, high) Frequency of exposure time; of 1–5% (low, medium, 5–30%; high, > 30%) regularEver ever welder, occasional welder vs never welder gas,Ever arc, spot, other or welding vs never welding Frequency of welding > 5%) (≤ 5%, durationTotal of exposure to welding activity (≤ 10, yr) > 10 Time since last exposure yr) > 35 (≤ 35, Time since last exposure 20–30, 10–20, 0–10, (0, 30–40, > 40 yr) Reference Siemiatycki (1991) Matrat et al. (2016)

Limitations quantitativeNo data on welding fumes Information for 29% of the subjects was collected via proxy respondent, who be may not aware theof specific tasks and working conditions of the case control or under study Exposure to welding fumes was assessed not specifically Self-reported occupational information susceptible to recall bias; reportinghowever, tasks probably less to prone bias recall

Strengths Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Full job histories All available information used (job title, tasks, materials used, department, company, protective equipment) Separated arc by welding, gas welding, and soldering fumes Welding-specific questionnaire, also administered to other job titles if indicating welding tasks Blinded exposure assessment; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non- differential Full job histories Job-specific questionnaire weldingon anyone for who to exposed being indicated welding, including information theon welding process, type of metals welded, type coating of covering the metal, treatments applied before welding and the use protective of clothing Both regular welders and occasional welders defined

Description Case–control study several for cancer sites Detailed job histories were obtained interview; by case-by- case expert assessment was used to exposures assess Case–control study cancers on theof respiratory tract in France (2001–2007) interviewsFace-to-face using standardized questionnaires Lifetime occupational history, including the start and end dates, industry and tasks, and a job- specific questionnairewelding, for brazing, metal or cutting Table 1.14 (continued) 1.14 Table Exposure assessment method Expert assessment Welding- specific questionnaire


Exposure metric reported/notes vsEver never exposed Lifetime hours welding of oxyacetylene or MMA welding, both or (non- exposed, ≤ 1000, > 1000 to ≤ 6000, > 6000 h) vsEver never employment as welder vsEver never employment welder occasional as Longest-held occupation as welder occasional or welder vs never vsEver never exposed MMA,Ever SS, MS, high-alloy steel welding, confined-spacewelding, shipyard welding exposedEver > 5 yr for ) b , Reference Jöckel et al. (1998a Kendzia et al. (2013) Hull et al. (1989)

Limitations quantitativeNo data on welding fumes Self-reported occupational information susceptible to recall bias. reportingHowever, tasks probably less to prone bias recall Exposure to welding fumes was assessed not specifically No information on welding process available Information was largely collected via proxy respondents, who bemay not aware of the specific tasks and working conditions of the case control or under study

Strengths Full job histories Job-specific questionnaire on welding, including type of welding, metals welded, coating on metals, working conditions, and time dimensions eachFor individual possibly using welding devices (based jobon history), the welding- specific supplementary questionnaire was administered Standardized classification and jobsof (ISCO-1968) industries revision (ISIC 2) across studies Full job histories Taking into account workers without the job title welder who may be performing welding tasks and/or exposed to welding fumes Full job histories Information type on welding of and welding material

Description Case–control study lung on cancer in Germany (1988–1993) A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information job on history jobs least at held for (for and occupational6 mo) exposures; supplemental questionnaires were used exposure for to welding fumes Pooled analysis lung of cancer case–control studies Full job histories collected, were including all jobs at held for least 1 yr; start and end year was recorded each for job Lung cancer case–control study among white male welders in Los Angeles County (1972–1987) collectingInterviews information occupationalon exposures to specificwelding processes, metals welded, asbestos, and confined- space welding Table 1.14 (continued) 1.14 Table Exposure assessment method Welding- specific questionnaire Job title Welding- specific questionnaire

76 Welding

Exposure metric reported/notes vsEver never employment as welder vsEver never employment welder occasional as Longest-held occupation as welder occasional or welder vs never Ever welder burnerEver or ; Kjuus ; Reference Kendzia et al. (2013) Gerin et al. (1984) et al. (1986) al. et Schoenberg (1987)

Limitations Exposure to welding fumes was assessed not specifically No information on welding process available Exposure to welding fumes was assessed not specifically No information on welding process available withoutWorkers the job title welder may be performing welding tasks and/or be exposed to welding fumes

Strengths Standardized classification and jobsof (ISCO-1968) industries revision (ISIC 2) across studies Full job histories Taking into account workers without the job title welder who may be performing welding tasks and/or exposed to welding fumes Full job histories

Description Pooled analysis lung of cancer case–control studies Full job histories collected, were including all jobs at held for least 1 yr; start and end year was recorded each for job Case–control study lung on cancer in New Jersey (1980–1981) Personal interviews the of subjects theiror next kin; of information was also obtained each on full-time part-timeor or job 3 mo held for sincemore 12 yr age of Information recorded: name and address employer; of type business;of job title; duties performed; materials handled; exposure to solvents, fumes, dust;or and time period of employment For shipbuilding workers, supplemental questions on employment in specific shipyard trades also were asked Table 1.14 (continued) 1.14 Table Exposure assessment method Job title Job title


Exposure metric reported/notes Exposure to welding fumes was assessed as medium,low, high, or with category averages assigned and 5, as 1, 15 units, respectively, where units15 corresponded to full-time employment as a MMA welder Probability of exposure (0%, 20%, 50%, 85%) or Cumulative exposure for each factor was calculated as the product the of intensity, the probability, and the duration the of exposure, summed over all periods work in the occupationalperson’s history Reference Gustavsson et al. (2000)

Limitations Information was mostly collected via proxy respondents, who bemay not aware of the specific tasks and working conditions of the case control or under study Proxy respondents oftenmore used for cases, possibly resulting in differential misclassification Only expert one conducted the assessments, hindering evaluation the of quality assessments of quantitativeNo data on welding fumes

Strengths Exposure to welding fumes specifically assessed Full job histories Blinded exposure assessment; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non- differential All available information used tasks(work taken were into account in addition to job titles) Only expert one conducted the assessments, enhancing uniform assignments

Description Case–control study lung on cancer in Sweden (1985–1990) Postal questionnaire recording start and end date, job title, job tasks, and company each for job than more held for 1 yr assessment expert Case-by-case was used to assess exposures; probability and intensity of exposure to a range occupational of welding including exposures, fumes, was assigned Table 1.14 (continued) 1.14 Table Exposure assessment method Expert assessment h, hour(s); ISCO, Internationalh, hour(s); Standard Classification of Occupations; ISIC, International Standard Industrial Classification; stainless mo, month(s); MMA, manual metal steel; vs,arc; versus; MS, yr, year(s) mild steel; SS,

78 Welding

Exposure metrics reported/notes Exposure to artificial UV radiation Exposure probability, i.e. estimated proportion of workers exposed within exposedjob (< 20% workers, 20–50%, > 50%) Exposure frequency (occasional, several days per month, several days per week, daily) Exposure intensity (high, medium, low) Summary score was the product of probability, frequency, and intensity Exposure to artificial UV radiation Exposure probability, i.e. estimated proportion of workers exposed within exposedjob (< 20% workers, 20–50%, > 50%) Exposure frequency (occasional, several days per month, several days per week, daily) Exposure intensity (high, medium, low) Summary score was the product of probability, frequency, and intensity

(2005) et al. et al. Reference Guénel (2001) Lutz

Limitations quantitativeNo data on radiation UV artificial JEMs take do not into account variability in people between exposure with the same job Short intense exposures may been have missed; information eye on burns due to welding included not quantitativeNo data on radiation UV artificial JEMs take do not into account variability in people between exposure with the same job

Strengths Full job histories Artificial and solar assessed UV radiation separately eyeEver burn from welding recorded Interviewer aware not of research questions and coders blinded assessment Standardized JEM;by any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential Full job histories Artificial and solar UV radiation separately assessed Standardized assessment using by JEM; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential

Description Case–control study ocular on melanoma in France collectingInterviews detailed description each of least job at held for using6 mo, open-ended questions; for selected tasks work (including welding), details procedures work on type (e.g. weldingof process) and materials were obtained from a specific questionnaire Jobs coded were with ISCO-1968 and a study-specific JEM was applied Pooled analysis case–control of studies ocularon melanoma Interviews collecting occupational histories, including each job at held for least 6 mo Jobs coded were with ISCO-1968 and a study-specific JEM was applied Table 1.15 Exposure assessment in key epidemiological studies of welders: ocular melanoma (ultraviolet radiation) radiation) epidemiological studies melanoma ocular welders: of Exposure (ultraviolet key in assessment 1.15 Table Exposure assessment method JEM JEM


Exposure metrics reported/notes Lifetime hours of exposure (based years, on usual frequency, and duration of exposure) Exposed to own welding never) (ever, of weldingType (none, arc and arc oxy oxy, only, only, electric/spot only, other) Welding at work (ever, never) Exposed to others never) welding (ever, Exposure to welding fumes Intensity of exposure medium,(low, high) Frequency of exposure time; of 1–5% (low, medium, 5–30%; high, > 30%)

et al. Reference Vajdic (2004) Siemiatycki (1991)

Limitations quantitativeNo data on radiation UV artificial exposure Self-reported susceptible to recall bias Exposure assessment focused welding fumes, (arc) on not UV radiation from welding quantitativeNo data Assessment many of (293) substances overall, creating a large burden the on assessors Information for about of 12% the subjects was collected via proxy respondent, who may benot aware the of specific tasks and working conditions theof case control or under study

Strengths Artificial UV radiation assessed exposure specifically, including bystander exposure Welding either at work or at home Information on type of welding, wearing of goggles/mask, and number eye of burns due to welding Full job histories All available information used (job title, tasks, materials used, company, department, protective equipment) Welding-specific questionnaire, administered to other job titles also if indicating welding tasks Blinded exposure assessment; any exposure misclassification therefore likely to be non-differential

Description Case–control study ocular on melanoma in Australia interviewTelephone with structured questions about use welding of equipment welder exposureEver or to others arc welding and further < 5 m away, detailed questions about exposure Case–control study several for cancer sites, including ocular melanoma, in Canada was assessment expert Case-by-case exposures assess to used Table 1.15 (continued) 1.15 Table Exposure assessment method Self-report Expert assessment

80 Welding

Exposure metrics reported/notes Ever vsEver never exposure to welding arcs vsEver never welder Duration employment of yr) ≥ 11 2–10, ≤ 1, (0, vsEver never welder

et al. et al. Ajani ; et al. (1992) Reference Seddon (1990) et al. Holly (1996) Tucker (1985)

Limitations fullNo job histories Exposure to welding arcs occurring yr 15 before interview exposure Self-reported susceptible to recall bias Exposure to UV radiation was assessed not specifically informationNo duration on or intensity of exposure or on eye protection worn Exposure to UV radiation was assessed not specifically Short intense exposures may beenhave missed to due criteria “welder” for welder of taken not Type into account informationNo eye on protection worn Unclear workers how “exposed to welding by proximity of working conditions” were identified welder of taken not Type into account. Exposure to UV radiation was assessed not specifically. informationNo duration on or intensity of exposure or eye protection worn. Strengths Sources artificial of and natural UV radiation assessed separately Including bystander exposure Full job histories

Description Case–control study uveal on melanoma in the USA interviewTelephone recording exposure to potential risk factors, including natural and artificial sources occurring UV, of yr present at 15 or before the interview Case–control study intraocular on melanoma in the USA Interviews via held were (controls collectingtelephone), information on occupational history (six longest-held exposurejobs), to chemicals, and sun exposure included”Welders” men who were exposed to welding least at for 3 h/wk men or who 6 mo workedfor as welder or cutter, or those in proximity of welding Case–control study intraocular on melanoma. interviewTelephone recording employment history. Table 1.15 (continued) 1.15 Table Exposure assessment method Self-report Job title Job title h, hour(s); ISCO, Internationalh, hour(s); Standard Classification of Occupations; JEM, job-exposure matrix; ultraviolet; UV, mo, month(s); vs, versus; year(s) wk,yr, week(s);


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2.1 Introduction aggregations, combining welding with related occupations, were also excluded as they lack Welding is a broad term for the process of specificity for welding. joining metals through coalescence (AWS, 1997). Assessments of exposure to welding fumes Welding processes generate fumes which contain were generally based on occupation as a welder particulate matter formed from the condensation or welding as a job task, rather than on quanti- of metal liquefied during the welding process tative estimates of individual exposures. Several (see Section 1.1 for further details). In the occu- cancer types have been investigated; there has pational literature, welding is often grouped been a special focus on cancer of the lung, but together with flame-cutting, which is a closely also a variety of other sites including cancers related process where oxygen and a fuel gas are of the respiratory tract and urinary bladder, used to cut a metal. Welding involves concom- haematopoietic cancers, and ocular melanoma. itant exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, The cohort studies of welders typically focus fumes, particles, and gases. on specific occupational or industrial settings; There is extensive literature on the risks of some include assessment of exposure to welding cancer from either welding jobs or exposure fumes at baseline, but may lack information to welding fumes from both cohort and case– on exposure to potential confounders such as control studies, and also partly from studies tobacco smoking and asbestos. Some studies also of routinely collected data. Since the previous lack information on exposures after baseline and IARC Monographs evaluation in 1990 (IARC, have a limited number of cases other than cancer 1990), the number of published epidemiological of the lung during further follow-up. studies has increased substantially; a few cohorts The majority of case–control studies have have also extended the follow-up period. For this a simple and indirect exposure assessment, for monograph, the Working Group has focused its example by job type, but some include more review on those studies that report risk estimates detailed assessments based on job-exposure associated with occupation as a welder or expo- matrices (JEMs), job-specific questionnaires, sure to welding fumes. Studies or risk estimates and/or case-by-case expert assessment. As a of occupations which may involve unspecific and particular strength, case–control studies often infrequent welding (such as pipefitters, plumbers, include a lifelong assessment of welding history and solderers), are excluded from this review; the as well as potential confounders, both occupa- frequency of welding in these occupations is not tional and non-occupational. normally clear, and the groupings are too broad Welders are exposed to a complex mixture of to meaningfully evaluate exposure as a welder. chemical compounds that vary by the welding Studies that reported only broad occupational

89 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 method and the type of metal to be welded, for study results; heterogeneity in results may partly example mild steel (MS) versus stainless steel reflect such differences. The Working Group (SS); the latter involves exposure to nickel (Ni) noted that the studies should ideally include and chromium (Cr) compounds, recognized lung information on material welded, type of welding carcinogens (IARC, 2012a). In evaluating the process, and co-exposure to asbestos and tobacco risk of cancer from welding jobs and exposure smoking. Studies that provided this information to welding fumes, it is important to distinguish were considered the most informative for this between exposures which are normally part of evaluation. Additionally, exposure–response data the welding environment and those which occur were included when they were available in the as co-exposures, typically from other working published reports. processes not necessarily related to the welding or from non-welding coworkers (e.g. metal grinders in the nearby working environment). 2.2 Ocular melanoma In their working environment, welders may be See Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 exposed to compounds other than those directly Acute overexposure of the eye to UV radi- occurring from the welding process which may be ation is common among electric arc welders, considered as potential confounders. Examples of and UV radiation is a confirmed cause of ocular co-exposures that may contribute to the overall melanoma (IARC, 2012b). Because of the rarity occupational exposures of welders, and therefore of this cancer and the existence of only relatively the potential risk of cancer, include coatings on small cohorts of welders, the association between the welded metal (e.g. paints, grease, and other welding and ocular melanoma has mostly compounds) as well as compounds used to been investigated via case–control studies. The prepare metal for welding (e.g. trichloroethylene Working Group identified two independent (TCE) or paint strippers). Welders have also been cohort studies (Table 2.1) that included infor- exposed to asbestos as part of heat-protective mation on welding exposure from cancer regis- equipment (including blankets used to cover the tries in the Nordic countries (Siew et al., 2008; weld, in order to prevent abrupt cooling) and as Pukkala et al., 2009) and Canada (MacLeod an insulation material in the welding locality, et al., 2017), and less than ten independent case– especially in shipyards where asbestos was exten- control studies on ocular melanoma (Table 2.2). sively used. Overall, most studies reported an increased Tobacco smoking is considered a major risk of ocular melanoma based on dichotomous potential confounder for certain tobacco- exposure variables. The welding exposure is associated cancers observed in welders. Some self-reported and crude in most studies, and studies show a higher prevalence of tobacco use includes job titles such as welder and/or flame- in welders compared with the general popula- cutter or sheet metalworker; welding tasks are tion (e.g. Dunn et al., 1960; Office of Population also included in some studies. Most studies did Censuses and Surveys, 1978). not distinguish between arc welding, which In the absence of information on specific normally involves exposure to UV radiation, and co-exposures in studies of cancer of the lung, gas welding without UV radiation [including crude indirect indications of confounding can gas welders may attenuate risk estimates]. Most be considered, for example, the risk of mesothe- studies specified that they excluded the rare lioma as an indicator of asbestos exposure. uveal tract melanoma of the iris. Overall, the Working Group considered the preceding factors in evaluating and comparing

90 Welding

Comments Strengths: comparison of two methods of exposure assessment welding for and soldering fumes Limitations: small numbers General population levels exposureof are probably low Strengths: semi- quantitative assessment exposureof to welding fumes; adjustment for smoking, exposure to and paints, asbestos, and otherPAHs potential confounders Limitations: self- administered questionnaire; short follow-up Covariates controlled Age, smoking Age, smoking, other occupational exposures, vitamin C, β-carotene, retinol Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.54 (0.37–6.30) 1.93 (1.05–3.55) 0.86 (0.46–1.58) 1 0.71 (0.31–1.60) (0.72–3.07) 1.49 (0.49–2.06) 1.01 Exposed cases/ deaths NR NR NR 457 17 26 20 value, 0.75 P Exposure category or level Welding fumes General JEM: Population- specific JEM exposedEver to welding fumes Welding fumes: lifetime exposure index in tertiles 0 tertile1st (low) tertile2nd tertile3rd (high) testTrend

Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method men, 67 lung878 cancer cases; random sample of men born in 1900–1919 who lived in Zutphen for leastat 5 yr. Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; two JEMs: general and population- specific(developed from exposures) self-reported Case–cohort analysis: 524 lung cancer cases, in the1630 men subcohort; general population cohort men 58 279 agedof 55–69 yr; study restricted to subjects who reported a complete job history assessment Exposure method: expert judgement self-administeredfrom a assessment questionnaire; of probability of exposure to welding fumes, asbestos, paint dusts, and PAHs Cumulative score calculated as the sum of the duration exposed of jobs, weighted exposure by probability

et al. et al.

Table 2.1 Population-based fumes cohort exposure welding or to welding studies and cancer on 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Kromhout (1992) Zutphen, Netherlands Enrolment 1977– 1978/follow-up 1977–1985 van Loon (1997b) Netherlands Enrolment September 1986/follow- Septemberup 1986–1990


Comments Strengths: information dieton and lifestyle confounders; multivariate analysis Limitations: exposure misclassification; no information on occupational co- exposures; multiple exposed few comparisons; cases Covariates controlled Age Age, fruit, vegetable, dairy, meat, alcohol, smoking, education, family history of prostate cancer, physical activity Age Age, fruit, vegetable, dairy, meat, alcohol, smoking, family history of prostate cancer, education, physical activity Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.41 (0.51–3.88) 1.81 (0.62–5.30) (0.23–4.88) 1.07 (0.27–7.46) 1.42 Exposed cases/ deaths 12 12 5 5 Exposure category or level ever Welder: employed Longest-held profession: welder

Organ site/ cancer type Prostate Prostate

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 830 men with microscopically confirmed incident carcinomas of the prostate identified by cancer registries and Dutch National Database of Pathology Reports Controls: subcohort 1525 men randomly sampled from cohort assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; self-administered questionnaires recording occupational history of each job and jobs held for > 5 yr

et al.

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Zeegers (2004) Netherlands Enrolment 1986/follow-up 1986–1993 case– Nested control

92 Welding

Comments Strengths: large prospective cohort; detailed information on several possible confounders Limitations: job title analysis; no exposure data Covariates controlled Age Age, fruit, vegetable, dairy, meat, alcohol, smoking, family history of prostate cancer, education, physical activity BMI, physical activity, education, sex, age, smoking, fruits, vegetable Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.88 (0.21–3.75) 1.19 (0.25–5.64) 1.67 (1.20–2.30) 1.55 (1.20–2.10) Exposed cases/ deaths 5 5 55 72 Exposure category or level Profession at baseline: welder Welder Welding shop

Organ site/ cancer type Prostate Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method subjects; 809 lung217 055 cancer cases; men and women, mostly aged yr35–70 recruitment; at restricted to centres with information on occupational history (Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, UK) assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; job titles from questionnaires

et al.

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Zeegers et al. (2004) (cont.) Veglia (2007) Europe (multicentre 23 centres,study, countries) 10 Enrolment 1992–2000/ median follow- 6.1 yr for up


Pukkala but includes but (2009) Comments Overlaps with et al. quantitative analysis and further adjustment for smoking and asbestos Strengths: very large cohort; adjustment smokingfor and other occupational exposures (including asbestos) Limitations: cross- sectional information on occupation , SES, , SES, 2 2 Covariates controlled Age, calendar year Smoking, asbestos, SiO age, periods follow-up of Smoking, asbestos, SiO age, periods follow-up of

Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.95 (0.78–1.15) 1.05 (0.69–1.55) 1.31 (0.84–1.95) 1.39 (1.14–1.69) 1 1.09 (1.05–1.14) (1.03–1.31) 1.16 1.15 (0.90–1.46) 1 1.07 (0.99–1.15) 1.26 (1.04–1.53) 1.55 (1.08–2.24) Exposed cases/ deaths 110 26 24 102 27 192 2591 287 67 9275 870 110 29 -yr) -yr) 3 3 Exposure category or level andWelder flame cutter, SS > 10% Welder, shipyard buildingWelder, NEC Welder, Cumulative exposure to welding fumes (mg/m None Low (0.1–10) Medium (10.1–49.9) High (≥ 50) Cumulative exposure to welding fumes (mg/m None Low (0.1–10) Medium (10.1–49.9) High (≥ 50)

Organ site/ cancer type Lung (SCC) Lung

, Cr, Ni, , Cr, 2 ]P, and smoking;]P, a Population size, description, exposure assessment method million1.2 men; 30 137 lung cancer all economically cases; active Finnish men born during 1906–1945 who participated in the 1970 population census assessment Exposure method: expert judgement; FINJEM linked to the job in to longest-held 1970 assess exposure to welding fumes, iron fumes, asbestos, SiO Pb, B[ exposure estimates based theon judgment ~20 of experts the at Finnish Institute of Occupational Health


et al. Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Siew Finland Enrolment 1970/follow-up 1971–1995

94 Welding Comments , SES, , SES, 2 2 Covariates controlled Age, smoking, asbestos, SiO periods of follow-up Smoking, asbestos, SiO age, periods follow-up of

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.15 (1.04–1.27) 1.10 (0.82–1.48) (0.40–1.75) 0.83 1 1.08 (0.95–1.21) 1.42 (1.06–1.91) 1.14 (0.54–2.40) Exposed cases/ deaths 4570 479 46 7 3379 342 46 7 -yr) -yr) 3 3 Exposure category or level Cumulative exposure to welding fumes (mg/m None Low (0.1–10) Medium (10.1–49.9) High (≥ 50) Cumulative exposure to welding fumes (mg/m None Low (0.1–10) Medium (10.1–49.9) High (≥ 50)

Organ site/ cancer type Lung (small cell/ oat cell) Lung (adenocarcinoma) Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Siew et al. (2008) (cont.)


Siew et al.

. Results. differed Comments Overlaps with (2008) country,by and risk estimates for ocular melanoma were elevated only in Finland. Results weldersfor excluded Denmark; mesotheliomas91 in male welders (SIR, 1.79; CI, 1.44–2.20);95% no mesothelioma in female expected). (0.3 welders Strengths: very large cohort, long follow-up, risk estimates rare for cancers Limitations: information occupationon at one point in time; no adjustment smoking for and other lifestyle factors (partial data to evaluate confounding) Covariates controlled Age, calendar year Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.33 (1.27–1.40) 1.70 (1.10–2.51) 1.51 (1.37–1.67) (0.32–2.29) 0.98 1.24 (1.09–1.41) 2.78 (1.12–5.74) 1.35 (1.24–1.46) 1.73 (0.47–4.42) 1.25 (1.14–1.36) 1.12 (0.45–2.31) 1.24 (1.14–1.35) 1.39 (1.05–1.80) 0 (0–7.63) 1.06 (0.99–1.13) 0.80 (0.22–2.04) [1.05 (0.98–1.30)] 1.07 (0.75–1.48) 1.25 (0.03–6.99) 1.01 (0.98–1.05) 1.09 (0.97–1.23) 1.08 (0.35–2.52) 0.98 (0.82–1.18) 1.29 (0.16–4.68) 1.23 (0.99–1.52) 1.23 (0.15–4.45) 1.13 (0.76–1.62) 0 (0–10.33) Exposed cases/ deaths 1798 25 408 5 237 7 590 4 533 7 540 56 0.48 822 4 826 36 1 2871 294 5 115 2 89 2 29 0 Exposure category or level Welder Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Both Men Women Men Women Both Men Women Men Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women

Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung (adeno- carcinoma) Lung (small cell/ oat cell) (SCC) Lung Kidney Kidney (urinary pelvis/UUT) Urinary bladder Eye: melanoma Prostate ICD-7 Leukaemia: 204) (code NHL (CLL): ICD-7 Leukaemia (AML): ICD-7 Nasal cavity and sinuses Population size, description, exposure assessment method million14.9 people aged participating yr 30–64 in any computerized population census in 1990 earlier, or still alive and living in the country Januaryon 1 in the year following the census. The date and number census of depend the on country: Denmark Finland 1970; 1970, 1980, 1990; Iceland 1981; Norway 1960, 1970, 1981; Sweden 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 assessment Exposure method: self-administered questionnaire; information occupationon from the 1st census in which the person participated. Original national occupation codes converted to a common classification with 53 occupational categories. Danish welders are included in the category ‘mechanic Resultsworkers’. for welders (2606 women and limited men) to 74 857 Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden

et al.

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Pukkala (2009) Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) Enrolment/ follow-up: Denmark 1971– 2003; Finland 1971–2005; Iceland 1982– 2004; Norway 1961–2003; Sweden 1961– 2005

96 Welding

Comments Strengths: large prospective cohort; detailed information on several possible confounders Limitations: job title analysis; no exposure data Covariates controlled Education, sex, age, smoking, alcohol, centre Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.14 (0.97–1.34) 4.93 (0.60–17.81) 1.79 (1.44–2.20) 0 (0–12.30) 0.99 (0.90–1.11) 1.39 (0.80–2.26) (0.82–1.01) 0.91 1.12 (0.51–2.13) (0.74–1.26) 0.98 2.17 (0.26–7.85) 0.95 (0.82–1.11) 0.34 (0.01–1.91) 1.05 (0.85–1.28) 1.28 (0.03–7.14) 0.88 (0.58–1.35) 1.16 (0.72–1.88) 0.55 (0.07–4.13) (0.23–4.48) 1.02 Exposed cases/ deaths 146 2 91 0 346 16 341 9 59 2 160 1 93 1 23 37 1 3 Exposure category or level Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Welder Welding shop Welder Welding shop

Organ site/ cancer type Larynx: ICD-7 161) (code Mesothelioma Brain (code NHL: ICD-7 202) 200, (code ICD-7 HL: 201) MM: (code ICD-7 203) Pharynx NHL HL = 707) = 707) n = 40); EPIC EPIC = 40); n

Population size, description, exposure assessment method subjects;218 968 incident cases NHL of ( and HL ( cohort; men and women, mostly yr aged 35–70 at recruitment; restricted to centres with information occupationalon history Denmark, Germany, (in Greece, Spain, Italy, and the UK) assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; job titles from questionnaires

et al.

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Pukkala et al. (2009) (cont.) Neasham (2011) Europe, multicentre (23 centres, 10 countries) Enrolment 1992–2000; mean 9 yrfollow-up


Comments Strengths: large prospective cohort; detailed information on several possible confounders Limitations: job title analysis; no exposure data Strengths: large prospective cohort; detailed information on several possible confounders Limitations: job title analysis; no exposure data Covariates controlled Smoking, region, age Age, sex, smoking, alcohol, country Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.39 (0.85–2.27) 1.54 (1.01–2.34) 1.14 (0.63–2.05) (0.59–1.65) 0.99 Exposed cases/ deaths 43 63 13 17 Exposure category or level Welder Welding shop inWorked welding shop or as welder inWorked welding shop or as welder

Organ site/ cancer type Urinary bladder: TCC Leukaemia (myeloid) Leukaemia (lymphoid)

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 754 incident cases of transitional cell bladder cancer, histopathologically confirmed according to WHO criteria, follow-up of participants EPIC 521 468 Controls: randomly 833 selected from all cohort members alive and free cancerof diagnosis at of the index case (incidence density sampling); matched to the cases sex,by age time at of studyenrolment 3 yr), (± centre, and other factors assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; job titles from questionnaires 241 465 subjects; 477 incident cases of myeloid and lymphoid leukaemia; men and women mostly aged yr35–70 recruitment; at restricted to centres with information on occupational history Denmark, Germany, (in Greece, Spain, Italy, and the UK) assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; job titles from questionnaires

et al.

(2013) Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Pesch (2013) Europe, multicentre (23 centres, 10 countries) Enrolment 1992–2000 case– Nested control Saberi Hosnijeh et al. Europe, multicentre (23 centres, 10 countries) Enrolment 1992–2000; mean 11.2 yr follow-up

98 Welding

Comments The cohortof 942 905 female workers included only welders, 370 with less than 5 cases the for cancer sites interest, of and was furthernot analysed Strengths: large numbers; internal analyses; risk estimates for histological types lung of cancer; analysessubgroup Limitations: exposure definedby occupation (self-reported) at one point in time; data no smoking,on asbestos, otheror co-exposures; adjustment education for and analyses restricted to blue-collar workers may confounding minimize Covariates controlled Age, region, education Age, region, education Age, region, education Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (1.03–1.31) 1.16 1.21 (0.93–1.56) 1.27 (0.96–1.67) 1.41 (1.03–1.94) 1.11 (0.58–2.14) 1.65 (0.91–2.98) (0.79–1.25) 0.99 1.12 (1.07–1.18) 1 1.12 (0.89–1.41) 1.07 (0.97–1.18) 1 1.01 (0.76–1.34) 1.01 (0.90–1.14) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 265 60 45 35 10 10 70 1625 NR 75 455 NR 50 310 Exposure category or level All welders by industry Non-welders (ref.) All industries Machine equipment, appliances manufacturing Construction Repair of transport vehicles Transport vehicles manufacturing Shipbuilding and repair Other industries Occasional welders All workers Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders All workers Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders

Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung (adenocarcinoma) Lung (large cell cancer)

Population size, description, exposure assessment method men (including 1 108 410 12 845 welders and 87 460 occasional welders); linkage Census the of 1991 with the CCR; restricted to individuals aged 25–74 yr with a valid code for occupation the on census form assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; based occupation on self- reported at census; welders as= employed ‘welders and soldering machine operators’; occasional welders = employed in other occupations potentially involving welding a list (from definedpriori) a

et al.

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up MacLeod (2017) Canada 1991–2011

99 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled Age, region, education Age, region, education Age, region Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.54 (1.15–2.07) (1.01–1.34)1.16 1 1.19 (0.92–1.54) 1.33 (1.20–1.47) 1 1.06 (0.94–1.20) 1.13 (0.87–1.46) 1.12 (0.84–1.48) 1.28 (0.93–1.76) 1.02 (0.53–1.96) (0.80–2.63) 1.45 0.92 (0.73–1.15) 1.02 (0.96–1.07) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 45 220 NR 60 430 NR 265 60 45 35 10 10 70 1625 Exposure category or level All workers Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders All workers Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) All industries Machine equipment, appliance manufacturing Construction Repair of transport vehicles Transport vehicles manufacturing Shipbuilding and repair Other industries Occasional welders

Organ site/ cancer type Lung (small cell/ oat cell) (SCC) Lung Lung Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up MacLeod et al. (2017) (cont.)

100 Welding Comments Covariates controlled Age, region Age, region Age, region Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.07 (0.84–1.36) 1.06 (0.96–1.18) 1 (0.70–1.26) 0.94 (0.81–1.04) 0.92 1 1.31 (0.96–1.79) 1.02 (0.88–1.18) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 75 455 NR 50 310 NR 45 220 Exposure category or level Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders

Organ site/ cancer type Lung (adenocarcinoma) Lung (large cell cancer) Lung (small cell/ oat cell) Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up MacLeod et al. (2017) (cont.)

101 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled Age, region Age, region, education Age, region Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.04 (0.80–1.35) 1.13 (1.02–1.25) 1 1.78 (1.01–3.18) 1.74 (1.34–2.26) 1 1.54 (0.86–2.78) 1.48 (1.13–1.96) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 60 430 NR 15 65 NR 15 65 Exposure category or level Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders All welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders

Organ site/ cancer type (SCC) Lung Mesothelioma Mesothelioma Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up MacLeod et al. (2017) (cont.)

102 Welding Comments Covariates controlled Age, region, education Age, region Age, region, education Age, region Age, region, education Age, region Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.40 (1.15–1.70) 0.99 (0.90–1.08) 1 1.47 (1.21–1.79) 1.03 (0.94–1.13) 1 1.30 (1.01–1.67) (0.85–1.08) 0.96 1 1.34 (1.04–1.73) 0.99 (0.87–1.12) 1 0 (0–0) 1.25 (0.82–1.92) 1 0 (0–0) 1.15 (0.73–1.82) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 100 515 NR 100 515 NR 60 315 NR 60 315 NR NR 25 NR NR 25 Exposure category or level All welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders All welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders All welders Non-welders (ref) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders

Organ site/ cancer type Urinary bladder Urinary bladder Kidney Kidney Nasal cavity and sinuses Nasal cavity and sinuses Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up MacLeod et al. (2017) (cont.)

103 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled Age, region, education Age, region Age, region, education Age, region Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.55 (0.64–3.76) 0.89 (0.57–1.38) 1 (0.68–4.09) 1.66 (0.56–1.47) 0.91 1 1.16 (0.83–1.63) 1.08 (0.93–1.26) 1 1.17 (0.83–1.65) 1.09 (0.93–1.27) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 5 20 NR 5 20 NR 35 190 NR 35 190 Exposure category or level All welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders All welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders Blue-collar welders Non-welders (ref.) Welders Occasional welders

Organ site/ cancer type Eye: melanoma Eye: melanoma Brain Brain Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up MacLeod et al. (2017) (cont.)

104 Welding

Comments Cohort analysis and follow-up of subjects enrolled in a randomized control trial (findings for armsboth combined) Strengths: sensitivity statistical analyses; information on lung cancer subtypes; large number of cases; information previous on exposure to asbestos Limitations: limited exposure information on welding and co-exposures during welding such as asbestos; short follow-up; ablenot to assess risk in nonsmokers , ; SIR, standardized 2 Covariates controlled BMI, age, sex, race, smoking, family history, study, screening Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.12 (0.91–1.37) 1 0.80 (0.50–1.25) 1.43 (1.04–1.96) 1.24 (0.89–1.73) 1.20 (0.87–1.67) 1 1.4 (0.69–2.84) 1.74 (0.97–3.11) 1.41 (0.75–2.66) 1.91 (1.13–3.22) 1 (0.46–2.05) 0.97 (0.55–2.08) 1.07 (0.46–1.87) 0.93 1.39 (0.80–2.43) Exposed cases/ deaths 1824 101 1824 12 29 27 30 1824 3 13 4 11 593 5 5 8 10 value, 0.039 (ordinal) value, 0.003 (ordinal) value, (ordinal) 0.418 P P P Exposure category or level All workers welded/ Never never foundry (ref.) welder, Ever never foundry Duration ever worked as a welder (yr) (ref.) None ≥ 1 to < 3 ≥ 3 to < 10 to < 25 ≥ 10 ≥ 25 testTrend Duration ever worked as a welder (yr) (ref)None ≥ 1 to < 3 ≥ 3 to < 10 to < 25 ≥ 10 ≥ 25 testTrend Duration ever worked as a welder (yr) (ref)None ≥ 1 to < 3 ≥ 3 to < 10 to < 25 ≥ 10 ≥ 25 testTrend

Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung: incidence subtypes) (all (SCC): Lung incidence subtypes) (all Lung (adenocarcinoma) ]pyrene; BMI, body mass index; CCR, Canadian Cancer Registry; CI, confidence interval; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; Cr, a ]P, benzo[ a

Population size, description, exposure assessment method ever welders; 53 224; 2311 current and former heavy pack-years,smokers (> 30 quit within past 15 yr if enrolledformer smoker) in the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) with occupational history information; subjects from centres,33 randomized into two chest arms (CT, X-ray) assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; job title, work duration, and ever PPE; worked as welders and/or founder defined weldingheldas ≥ 1 yr;job for information demographics,on medical history, and smoking also ascertained on questionnaire

et al.

Table 2.1 (continued) 2.1 Table Reference, location, enrolment period/follow-up Wong (2017) USA Enrolment 2002– 2004/follow-up 2002–2009 AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; B[ chromium; computerized CT, tomography; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; FINJEM, Finnish job-exposureInternational matrix; Classification HL, Hodgkin of Diseases; lymphoma; JEM, job-exposure ICD, matrix; MM,multiple myeloma; NEC, not elsewhere classified; polycyclicPAH, aromatic NHL, hydrocarbon; non-Hodgkin Pb, lead; PPE,lymphoma; personal Ni, nickel; protective NR, not reported; equipment; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SES, socioeconomic status;incidence SiO ratio; SS, stainless steel; TCC, transitional cell carcinoma; UUT, upper urinary tract; Health WHO, World Organization; yr, year(s)


Comments Strengths: large number casesof and controls; high participation rate in both cases and controls exposed few Limitations: dose–response cases; no calculations; no information otheron UV exposures Covariates controlled Age, eye colour, history of cataract

Risk estimate CI) (95% (2.1–56.5) 10.9 Exposed cases/ deaths 4

Exposure category levelor Ever vs never worked as welder

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: participation 497; rate, 89% Controls: patients 501 with detached retina to due not tumours matched race, by age, sex, race, date diagnosis; of participation rate, 85% Exposure assessment method: telephone interview with detailed information about medical history, family history, employment, and exposure to environmental agents and sunlight; details from ophthalmologic examination and medical history from records; interview with next- cases of of-kin 17% for and 14% controls,of half them of with spouses

Table 2.2 Case–controlTable studies on ocular melanoma and welding or exposure to welding fumes Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup et al.Tucker (1986) USA 1974–1979

106 Welding

, using , table 1); , table 1); )

Ajani et al. (1992) Siemiatycki (1991 Comments Series results 1: also reported by the same numbers with but fewer covariates in the logistic regression model Series 2: not population- 800 and cases 337 based, sibling controls the of 140 cases included were in both series Strengths: high participation rates in both cases and controls; some information on exposures to UV radiation Limitations:no dose–response assessment numberTotal eye of melanoma cases: 16 ( analysis was restricted to French-Canadians and cancer controls used Limitations:no dose–response assessment; adjustments no UVfor radiation and sun exposure Covariates controlled Age, sex, eye and skin colour, ancestry, use of sun lamps, eye protection, outside work, florescent lighting, southern residence, years of exposure, intense moles Age, family income, cigarette index

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.3 (0.5–3.1) (0.6–1.5) 0.9 8.3 (2.5–27.1) Exposed cases/ deaths 18 38 4

Exposure category levelor Arc welder vs never welder Series 1 Series 2 Exposed vs not exposed to arc welding fumes

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: [Series 197 1 population- based] white patients aged with17–88 yr clinically or histologically confirmed melanoma of the choroid, ciliary both, or body, identified at local hospital or by mailing to ophthalmologists; diagnosed within previous year Controls: 385 [Series 1 by selected population-based] random digit dialling, matched sex, by 2:1 age, city residence of Exposure assessment method: telephone interview including ocular, factors, constitutional and medical histories, and exposure to environmental factors including natural and artificial sourcesof UV Cases: histologically 16 confirmed incident male cases of uveal melanoma, aged 35–70 yr Controls: 3058; cancer 2525 controls population + 533 controls Exposure assessment method: personal interview and collection detailed of occupational history

Table 2.2 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup Seddon et al. (1990) Massachusetts, USA 1984–1987 Siemiatycki (1991) CanadaMontreal, 1984–1987


Guénel et al. Lutz et al.

; analysis by occupation Comments Data from France reported in the analysis of (2001) used only population controls Strengths: relatively large study size Limitations: only modest participation rate in controls; assessmentno dose– of response association; no information UV on radiation sunor exposure; use of colon cancer patients may be problematic (perhaps at higher risk this of cancer due to lack sun of exposure) Strengths: high participation rate and in cases (100%) modest in controls (76%) Limitations: relatively small study; adjustments no UV for radiation or sun exposure Overlaps with (2005) Covariates controlled Country, 5-yr age group Age Age, region

Risk estimate CI) (95% 2.18 (1.18–4.04) (0.09–6.33) 0.75 1.95 (1.08–3.52) 7.3 (2.6–20.1) 5.7 (1.6–19.8) (2.4–55.5) 11.5 0.90 (0.43–1.76) 1.3 (0.6–2.5) Exposed cases/ deaths 15 1 16 7 4 3 13 <6

value, 0.0008 value, P Exposure category levelor as a welder sheet or Worked metal ≥ 6 mo worker for Men Women andMen women vsEver never welder sheet or metal worker ≥ 6 mo for Worked ≤ 20 yr > 20 yr testTrend brazing,Welding, soldering welder Ever

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 292 incident cases of uveal melanoma, identified from ophthalmologic departments, hospital records, or cancer registries, aged 35–69 yr Controls: 2062 population controls selected from population registers, electoral rolls, or practitioner; frequency- matched region, by sex, and 5-yr birth cohorts; cancer 1094 controls randomly selected from colon cancer patients Exposure assessment method: questionnaire with face-to-face interview telephone or Cases: 50; women; men, 29 21 patients with uveal melanoma Controls: men, 158 321 479; women selected at random from electoral polls after stratification age,for sex, and area Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; estimates of occupational exposure to solar and artificial UV light were made using a JEM incidentCases: cases 118 of uveal melanoma Controls: controls 475 matched age,by sex, and region of residence Exposure assessment method: interviews, exposure telephone status classified basedon job history

Table 2.2 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup Lutz et al. (2005) Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and UK 1995–1996 Guénel et al. (2001) France: 10 administrative areas (départements) 1995–1996 Monárrez-Espino et al. (2002) Germany 1995–1998

108 Welding

Comments Strengths: extensive information collected on exposure including sun exposure, use personal of protective equipment, eye dose– welding; during burns for assessment response welding Limitations: relatively low participation rate in controls Covariates controlled Age, sex, place of birth, eye colour, ability to tan, squinting as a child, total personal sun exposure age at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yr

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.2 (0.8–1.7) 0.8 (0.4–1.4) 1.2 (0.7–2.2) 1.7 (1.0–2.7) 1.1 (0.6–1.9) (0.8–2.3) 1.4 1.1 (0.6–1.9) 1.3 (0.8–2.1) 1.3 (0.8–2.1) 1.0 (0.5–1.9) 1.2 (0.8–1.9) 1.2 (0.7–2.0) 1.6 (1.0–2.4) (0.5–1.6) 0.9 1.3 (0.5–3.7) 0 (0–2.1) 1 (0.5–5.4)1.7 Exposed cases/ deaths 73 15 23 35 20 30 23 27 30 16 41 32 46 21 5 0 67 6

value, 0.07 value, 0.69 value, 0.74 value, 0.59 P P P P Exposure category levelor welding) (own Ever vs never (yr) Duration 0.1–4.0 4.1–22 > 22 testTrend Lifetime exposure (h) 0.1–52.0 52.1–858.0 > 858 testTrend Usual exposure (h/d) 0.05–0.50 0.51–2.00 > 2.00 testTrend atAge first (yr) use > 20 ≤ 20 testTrend of weldingType Arc and oxy Arc only Oxy only Electric/spot only Frequency of goggle or mask use during welding Always/almost always Half the of time or less

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 246 white Australian residents, aged yr, 18–79 with histopathologically or clinically diagnosed melanoma originating in the choroid, ciliary body Controls: controls 893 matched age, by sex,3:1 and residence, selected from electoral rolls Exposure assessment method: self-administered questionnaire and telephone interview regarding sun exposure, sun-protective wear, and quantitative exposure to welding equipment and sunlamps

Table 2.2 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup et al.Vajdic (2004) Australia 1996–1998


Comments Strengths: high participation rate in cases and controls Limitations: no direct assessment UV of radiation or sun exposure Covariates controlled None naevi,Age, eye tanningcolour, or burning, sun exposure Age

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (0.2–0.9) 0.4 0.6 (0.2–1.6) (0.7–3.6) 1.6 1.9 (1.2–3.0) 2.2 (1.3–3.5) 1 2.2 (0.7–70) 1.80 (0.88–3.60) 1.9 (1.0–3.6) Exposed cases/ deaths 44 9 6 14 40 40 181 6 15 19

value, 0.78 P Exposure category levelor Number of eye burns during welding None 1–2 3–5 > 5 testTrend vsEver never welder vsEver never welder (yr) Duration 0 (ref.) ≤ 1 2–10 ≥ 11

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: male 221 white patients with histologically confirmed uveal melanoma, yr, aged 20–74 residing states in 11 Controls: 447 controls selected by random digit dialling matched age by age (5-yr 2:1 andgroup) residential area Exposure assessment method: interviewer-administered questionnaire with demographic and phenotypic characteristics, occupational history, exposure to chemicals

Table 2.2 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup et al.Vajdic (2004) (cont.) Holly et al. (1996) USA 1978–1987 CI, confidence interval; JEM, job-exposure matrix; mo, month; NR, not reported; ultraviolet; UV, vs, versus; yearyr,

110 Welding

In a case–control study of ocular melanoma significant exposure–response relationship P( for in the USA, Tucker et al. (1986) reported an odds trend, 0.003) for cumulative occupational expo- ratio of 10.9 (95% CI, 2.1–56.5) based on 4 cases sure to artificial UV radiation, which included who ever worked as a welder. welding as well as other occupations. Arc welding Seddon et al. (1990) conducted a case–control was assigned the highest intensity level for arti- study of ocular melanoma in the USA which ficial UV radiation from occupation. Another included two series of cases with partial overlap; study including a subset of the German partic- either population or sibling controls were used ipants reported in the Lutz et al. (2005) paper for the analyses. The magnitude of the odds showed an odds ratio of 1.3 (95% CI, 0.6–2.5; ratios reported for the association between arc < 6 exposed cases) for ever welders (Monárrez- welding and ocular melanoma were weaker than Espino et al., 2002). in other studies (described below) and, further, Three studies provided information on the differed in the two series. There was overlap in association between duration (years) of welding the reported confidence intervals. One report and risk of ocular melanoma (Holly et al., 1996; from Ajani et al. (1992) includes results based on Guénel et al., 2001; Vajdic et al., 2004), two of one of the two series of cases and controls already which reported a tendency for increasing risk reported by Seddon et al. (1990). [The Working of ocular melanoma with increasing years of Group noted that this study was limited by the welding exposure (Guénel et al., 2001; Vajdic lack of a clear description of the overlap between et al., 2004). the two case series.] A population-based study from Australia, A small case–control study of ocular mela- additionally adjusting for eye colour and noma based in Montreal, Canada, reported sun exposure, observed odds ratios of 0.8 an odds ratio (OR) of 8.3 (95% CI, 2.5–27.1; (95% CI, 0.4–1.4), 1.2 (95% CI, 0.7–2.2), and 4 exposed cases), based on an expert assess- 1.7 (95% CI, 1.0–2.7) respectively, for 0.1–4.0, ment of any exposure to arc welding fumes 4.1–22.0, and more than 22 years of welding (Siemiatycki, 1991). performed by the worker. No tendencies for Lutz et al. (2005) conducted a multicentre increasing risk by increasing welding hours per case–control study of rare cancers in nine day or lifetime welding hours were observed. European countries, which included results for A subgroup with over five eye burns during ocular melanoma based on dichotomous vari- welding had an odds ratio of 1.6 (95% CI, 0.7–3.6) ables for men who had worked for 6 months compared with welders without eye burns. or more as welders/sheet metalworkers. The Compared with wearing goggles always or almost French and German components of this study always, wearing goggles or a mask only half the were published separately (Guénel et al., 2001; time or less during welding resulted in an odds Monárrez-Espino et al., 2002). The French ratio of 1.7 (95% CI, 0.5–5.4) for 6 exposed cases component of this study (Guénel et al., 2001) (Vajdic et al., 2004). further presented results by duration of employ- A study from the USA of white men showed ment as a welder: 20 years or more employ- an overall increased risk of ocular melanoma ment (OR, 5.7; 95% CI, 1.6–19.8); and less for ever versus never welders/welding based than 20 years (OR, 11.5; 95% CI, 2.4–55.5) (P for on 40 exposed cases, but no trend concerning trend, 0.0008). They also report an elevated odds age-adjusted years of exposure was observed ratio for more than five eye burns not specifically (Holly et al., 1996). [The Working Group noted due to welding, but the association disappeared that only some studies are adjusted for indica- when welding was excluded. There was also a tors of UV radiation from sunlight (Seddon et al.,


1990; Holly et al., 1996; Vajdic et al., 2004), which manufacture of fabricated metal products. [The is the main risk factor for ocular melanoma and Working Group noted that the observed risk was thereby a potential confounder; however, there probably due to asbestos exposure, as all occupa- was no evidence that confounding by sunlight tions that appeared to be associated with elevated explained the results.] odds ratios in this study are known to entail A meta-analysis based on several of the asbestos exposure (e.g. manufacture of asbestos above-mentioned case–control studies (Tucker products, pipe fitters, and sheet metal and ship- et al., 1985; Seddon et al., 1990; Ajani et al., 1992; yard workers). This is a particular set of welders Holly et al., 1996; Guénel et al., 2001; Vajdic et al., exposed to high concentrations of asbestos, so 2004), including 1137 cases in total, estimated the results should not be generalized to the expo- an overall summary odds ratio of 2.05 (95% CI, sure of all welders.] 1.20–3.51) (Shah et al., 2005). [The Working Group noted that the meta-analyses included the 2.3.2 Cohort studies overlapping cases (n = 197) reported by Seddon et al. (1990) and Ajani et al. (1992); this atten- Cohort studies investigated mortality or the uates the overall association because these two incidence of cancer in welders and reported risk studies have odds ratios of 1.3 and 1.0, respect- estimates for mesothelioma or cancer of the ively, which are weaker than the overall pooled pleura. A population-based cohort study pooling result and are counted twice.] data from four Nordic countries observed a standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of 1.79 (95% CI, 1.44–2.20) for cancer of the pleura in 2.3 Mesothelioma male welders based on 91 cases (Pukkala et al., 2009). Another population-based cohort study Several studies reported on the association in Canada observed 15 cases in welders, which between welding and mesothelioma. These corresponded to an adjusted hazard ratio (HR) studies are an indicator of exposure to asbestos. of 1.54 (95% CI, 0.86–2.78) (MacLeod et al., 2017). In this study, the risk of mesothelioma 2.3.1 Case–control studies among welders in construction was 2.5 times The association between welding and meso- greater compared with non-welders. A cancer thelioma was investigated in a French popula- mortality study among arc welders exposed to tion-based case–control study including 371 male fumes containing chromium and nickel resulted cases and 732 male population controls (Rolland in a standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of 11.80 et al., 2010). A lifelong occupational history of all (95% CI, 4.73–24.31) based on 7 cases (Becker, occupations with a duration of at least 6 months 1999). A historical cohort study of mortality was obtained in face-to-face interviews; each job among shipyard workers in Genova, Italy, period was coded by industrial hygienists who reported a statistically significant standardized were blinded for case–control status according mortality ratio (3.77) of cancer of the pleura in to standard classifications of occupations and arc welders based on 3 cases, and a non-significant industries. In an ever versus never comparison, standardized mortality ratio (1.69) in gas welders the odds ratio for the occupational group welders based on a single case (Puntoni et al., 2001; see and flame-cutters was 4.64 (95% CI, 2.04–10.56) Table 2.3). [The Working Group noted that the based on 19 exposed cases. Thirteen of these observed risks of mesothelioma or cancer of the were employed in shipbuilding and repair, pleura among welders in these cohort studies is manufacture of structural metal products, or probably due to asbestos exposure.]

112 Welding

2.4 Cohort studies include the small population numbers or the limited power of the study groups to evaluate The increased risks of cancer associated with other common cancers. Almost all of the studies exposure to welding fumes have been studied in reported cancer risks for occupation as a welder, industrial (Section 2.4.1) and population-based and a few studies reported risks for cumulative cohorts (Section 2.4.2). Both types of study have exposure to welding fumes. Two studies from the reported cancer mortality or incidence for either same population reported findings only for expo- exposure to welding fumes or occupation as a sure to welding fumes (Yiin et al., 2005, 2007), welder. Studies of cumulative exposure to welding and two studies (of overlapping populations) fumes typically had more detailed exposure reported findings for occupation as a welder in information at the individual level compared addition to exposure to welding fumes (Simonato with studies of occupation as a welder, and were et al., 1991; Sørensen et al., 2007). Related studies therefore considered to be more informative are grouped and discussed together, and the (from an exposure assessment point of view). description of cohort studies is divided into: Almost all studies reported on mortality or (a) the IARC multicentre cohort and studies incidence of cancer of the lung for welders or of contributing national subcohorts; (b) cohort exposure to welding fumes. Due to the high rates studies of welders at shipyards; (c) cohort studies of mortality/low rates of survival from cancer of welders in other industries; (d) studies consid- of the lung, mortality studies probably capture ered to be less informative, due to low specificity most of the cancer of the lung cases; however, it for exposure to welding fumes or inadequate should be noted that diagnosis based on death reference population; and (e) studies reporting certificate may not be as accurate as incidence on other cancer sites but not the lung. data. When studying the association between welding and cancer of the lung, the major poten- (a) The IARC multicentre cohort study tial confounders are tobacco smoking and expo- See Table 2.3 and Table 2.4 sure to asbestos (especially in shipyards). In the A large multicentre cohort study of welders absence of data on asbestos exposure, mesothe- was coordinated by the International Agency lioma occurrence can be used as a crude indicator. for Research on Cancer (Simonato et al., 1991). SS welders are exposed to higher concentrations Several national subcohorts were updated after of the established lung carcinogens hexavalent the IARC study, and these analyses (Moulin chromium (Cr(VI)) and nickel compounds et al., 1993; Milatou-Smith et al., 1997; Becker, compared with MS welders. 1999; Sørensen et al., 2007) are also reviewed (see Risk estimates for other cancer sites of Table 2.4). An analysis of the Finnish subcohort interest including larynx, sinus/nasal cavity, (Tola et al., 1988) was published before the IARC brain, urinary bladder, kidney and lympho- study, but is not reviewed separately because the haematopoietic system are reported in Table 2.1 IARC study captures all the relevant findings and Table 2.3. from this population. In addition, the Working Group suspected that two studies of Italian ship- 2.4.1 Industrial cohorts yard welders may overlap with the IARC Italian See Table 2.3 subcohort, although this was not explicitly stated Many of the industrial cohort studies of in the publications. These studies are discussed welders reported only on cancer of the lung; in the shipyard section (Section 2.4.1(b)(ii)) since the reasons for not reporting on other cancers there was no clear documentation about the overlap.


(i) IARC cohort were conducted by duration of employment and The IARC multicentre cohort study com- time since first exposure (employment as a welder) prised 11 092 welders employed in 135 com- in the four subgroups. A positive relationship panies in eight European countries (Denmark, was observed with time since first exposure for England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, MS and SS welders, which was more evident for Norway, Scotland, and Sweden) (Simonato et al., predominantly SS welders, but there was no clear 1991). The cohort included welders from different positive trend with duration of employment. No types of industries, welding different types of association between mortality from cancer of the metals, and using different welding processes. lung and cumulative exposure to total welding A specific matrix for welding fumes was devel- fumes was reported, but data were not shown oped, relating 13 combinations of welding (Simonato et al., 1991). An analysis restricted to process and metals welded to average exposure the two groups of ever SS welders and predom- levels for total welding fumes, total chromium, inantly SS welders (potentially exposed to more hexavalent chromium, and nickel (Gérin et al., Cr(VI) and Ni over time), with at least 5 years 1993). Welders were assigned to three mutually of employment and 20 years since first expo- exclusive groups according to type of welding: sure, also failed to demonstrate a dose–response shipyards welders, only MS welders, or ever SS relationship. welders. [The Working Group noted that type The results for incidence of cancer at several of welding was based on information collected other sites (buccal cavity and pharynx, oesoph- at baseline. The number of workers in each agus, stomach, intestine, rectum, larynx, pros- group was not reported.] The latter category tate, bladder, leukaemia, and other lymphatic included a group of predominantly SS welders neoplasms) were available for the Nordic that was also considered separately. National subcohorts (68% of the total cohort); elevated reference rates were used to compute standard- standardized incidence ratios were reported for ized mortality and incidence ratios. Mortality cancers of the lung (SIR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.11–1.68), analysis of the total cohort (Simonato et al., prostate (SIR,1.46; 95% CI, 1.02–2.02), bladder 1991) showed elevated SMRs for cancers of the (SIR,1.21; 95% CI, 0.76–1.84), and buccal cavity lung (SMR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.1–1.6), larynx (SMR, and pharynx (SIR, 1.60; 95% CI, 0.95–2.53), and 1.48; 95% CI, 0.59–3.04), bladder (SMR, 1.91; for leukaemia (SIR, 1.26; 95% CI, 0.63–2.25). 95% CI, 1.07–3.15), and kidney (SMR, 1.39; Smoking habits were available for the Finnish 95% CI, 0.72–2.43), and for lymphosarcoma and Norwegian components of the cohort and (SMR, 1.71; 95% CI, 0.63–3.71) [lymphosarcoma were similar to that of the general population. is now referred to as non-Hodgkin lymphoma [The Working Group noted that this suggests or NHL]. No clear increase in standardized that smoking alone is unlikely to explain the mortality ratios with time since first employment excess cases of cancer of the lung. The finding was found for any of these cancer sites. of five deaths from mesothelioma indicates that The standardized mortality ratios for cancer the study population experienced exposure to of the lung were elevated by type of welding: 1.26 asbestos. The five cases were distributed across all (95% CI, 0.88–1.74) for shipyard welders, 1.78 subgroups (one shipyard welder, two MS welders, (95% CI, 1.27–2.43) for MS welders, 1.28 (95% and two SS welders) and across all categories of CI, 0.91–1.75) for ever SS welders, and 1.23 (95% duration and time since first employment.] CI, 0.75–1.90) for predominantly SS welders. [The Working Group noted that the strengths Analyses of mortality from cancer of the lung of the study included the large number of welders and the grouping of welders by welded material

114 Welding

Comments of welding:Type MS shipyards, only, ever SS, predominantly SS SIR data are only from cohort subjects of Denmark, Finland, andNorway, Sweden Covariates controlled Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.37 (1.11–1.68) (0.90–2.77) 1.65 1.22 (0.81–1.78) 1.42 (1.02–1.93) 1.24 (0.86–1.73) 1.34 (1.10–1.60) 5.08 (1.65–11.85) 1.41 (0.52–3.06) 1.61 (0.94–2.57) (0.27–1.23) 0.63 1.26 (0.88–1.74) (0.37–3.45) 1.35 1.62 (0.81–2.90) 1.86 (0.93–3.33) 2.07 (1.13–3.48) 1.78 (1.27–2.43) (0.34–2.43) 1.04 1.07 (0.55–1.86) 1.32 (0.70–2.26) 1.94 (0.89–3.69) 1.28 (0.91–1.75) Exposed cases/ deaths 92 14 27 41 34 116 5 6 17 8 36 4 11 11 14 40 5 12 13 9 39 Exposure category or level Incidence Welders sinceYears first exposure 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total sinceYears first exposure: shipyardwelders 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total sinceYears first exposure: weldersMS 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total sinceYears first exposure: SS welders ever 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung Lung Lung

et al.

Gérin ) ) Population size, description, exposure assessment method welders 11 092 (164 077 person-yr); workers employed as shipyard, MS, SS or welders companies;by 135 different inclusion criteria for each national cohort assessment Exposure method: expert judgement; welding process exposure matrix developed to estimate exposure levels totalfor welding fumes, total Cr(VI), and Cr, Ni in (described (1993

et al.

Table 2.3 fumes Industrial cohort exposure welding or to welding studies and cancer on Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Simonato (1991) Europe, multicentre (Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Sweden) Enrolment and follow-up different countries between Cohort

115 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.64 (0.08–2.32) 0.88 (0.29–2.06) 1.26 (0.51–2.60) 3.12 (1.15–6.79) 1.23 (0.75–1.90) (0.39–5.58) 1.91 1.67 (0.77–3.18) 2.34 (1.01–4.61) 1.13 (0.31–2.90) (0.50–2.54) 1.23 (0.93–2.86)1.70 (0.97–2.66) 1.66 1.09 (0.30–2.79) 1.21 (0.76–1.84) 2.19 (0.27–7.92) (0.28–3.97) 1.36 (0.45–4.24) 1.66 2.59 (0.95–5.64) 1.91 (1.07–3.15) -yr): predominantly-yr): SS ever welders-yr): 3 3 Exposed cases/ deaths 2 5 7 6 20 3 9 8 4 7 14 17 4 22 2 3 4 6 15 Exposure category or level sinceYears first exposure:predominantly SS welders 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total Cumulative exposure (mg/m SS welders Cr(VI) < 0.5 Cr(VI) ≥ 0.5 < 0.5Ni ≥ 0.5Ni Cumulative exposure (mg/m Cr(VI )< 0.5 Cr(VI) ≥ 0.5 < 0.5Ni ≥ 0.5Ni Incidence Welders sinceYears first exposure 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung Urinary bladder Urinary bladder Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Simonato et al. (1991) (cont.)

116 Welding Comments Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.48 (0.59–3.04) 0 (0–6.83) 2.09 (0.43–6.12) 2.41 (0.66–6.17) 0 (0–3.32) 1.48 (0.59–3.04) 1.60 (0.95–2.53) (0–4.44) 0 1.46 (1.02–2.02) 0.77 (0.37–1.42) (0.72–2.43) 1.39 0.97 (0.02–5.43) 0.43 (0.01–2.41) 2.44 (0.98–5.03) (0.26–3.63) 1.24 (0.72–2.43) 1.39 1.71 (0.63–3.71) (0.04–8.56) 1.54 1.06 (0.03–5.91) 0.94 (0.02–5.24) 3.53 (0.73–10.33) 1.71 (0.63–3.71) 0.60 (0.07–2.18) Exposed cases/ deaths 7 0 3 4 0 7 18 0 36 10 12 1 1 7 3 12 6 1 1 1 3 6 2 Exposure category or level Welders sinceYears first exposure 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total Incidence Welders Welders Incidence Welders Welders Welders sinceYears first exposure 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total Welders sinceYears first exposure 0–9 10–19 20–29 ≥ 30 Total Welders Organ site/ cancer type Larynx: ICD-8 161) (code Larynx Oral/ pharyngeal combined Nasal cavity and sinuses Prostate Prostate Kidney Kidney ICD-8 NHL: 200) (code ICD-8 HL: 201) (code Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Simonato et al. (1991) (cont.)

117 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% (0.23–1.38) 0.63 (0.63–2.25) 1.26 1.14 (0.46–2.36) 1.12 (0.63–1.85) Exposed cases/ deaths 6 11 7 15 Exposure category or level Welders Incidence Welders Welders Welders Organ site/ cancer type Leukaemia: (code ICD-8 204–207) Leukaemia: (code ICD-7 204) Lymphatic neoplasms (code ICD-8 202−203) Other lymphatic (code ICD-7 200–203 205) Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Simonato et al. (1991) (cont.)

118 Welding



et al. Comments Partial overlap with the IARC study, Simonato deathNo from pleural cancer among deaths 3 welders; from pleural cancer among controls, 1.25 expected (SMR, 2.40; CI, 0.49–7.01) 95% Strengths: internal comparison group; smoking habits available of 87% for the cohort Limitations: no data asbestoson exposure Covariates controlled Age Age, calendar time, sex Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.29 1.24 (0.75–1.94) (0.03–3.70)] [0.75 (0.23–2.45)] [0.90 (0.82–2.27)] [1.41 (0.06–5.86)][1.19 [0.63 (0.10–2.08)] [1.41 (0.83–2.24)] 1.24 (0.75–1.94) 0.91 (0.19–2.67) 1.59 (0.73–3.02) 0.92 (0.19–2.69) 1.03 (0.12–3.71) 0.67 (0.14–1.97) 0 (0–8.82) 0 (0–2.75) 1.13 (0.14–4.10) 1.02 (0.12–3.68) (0.02–3.64) 0.65 0 (0–2.09) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 19 1 3 15 1 2 16 19 3 9 3 2 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 a Exposure category or level vs Welders controls ref.) (internal Welders timeWelders: since first(yr) employment < 10 10–19 ≥ 20 durationWelders: employment of (yr) < 10 10–19 ≥ 20 Duration exposure of lag (5-yr period) welders Total Shipyard welders MS welders only SSEver welders Predominantly Cr(VI) Welders Welders Welders Welders Welders Welders Welders Lung Lung Lung Larynx Pleura Brain Leukaemia: (code ICD-8 204–208) ICD-8 HL: 200–203) (code Urinary bladder Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Prostate

Population size, description, exposure assessment method welders,2721 6683 controls; all male workers employed as welders the at beginning theof in follow-up factories;13 internal comparison group: 6684 manual workers (excluding boilermakers, foundry workers, painters, or cutters) randomly selected among non-welders in the same factories; restricted to workers least at for employed 1 yr assessment Exposure method: records of types processes, welding metal,of and percentage of working time available theat individual level in eight factories and at the workshop level in five factories; smoking habits from medical records (recorded by the occupational physician once a information year); on asbestos available on factory level only so not relevant the for statistical analysis only accounted (it by separating shipyard from non-shipyard welders)


et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Moulin France Enrolment 1975– 1976/follow-up 1975–1976 to 1987– 1988 (depending on the factory) Cohort


) (1991 et al.

imonato Comments Partial overlap with the IARC study, S Strengths: probably very low asbestos exposure; between comparison the two groups of unlikelywelders to be affected by confounding due to smoking Limitations: small cohorts; no information on individual exposure levels; actual no measurements of asbestos exposure; no data smoking on Covariates controlled Age, sex, cause, calendar year Age Risk estimate CI) (95% (0.60–3.58) 1.64 (0.05–1.48) 0.41 3.98 (0.84–18.80) Exposed cases/ deaths 6 2 NR Exposure category or level Exposed to high levels Cr: of SS welders Welders Exposed to low levels Cr: of MS welders Welders Exposed to high vs levels low Cr of Welders Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung ); no); or 3 , railway track 3

Population size, description, exposure assessment method welders233 (high exposure cohort); 208 welders (low exposure cohort); two cohorts of welders, least at for employed 5 yr during of one 1950–1965: SS welders exposed to high levels Cr(VI), of and one railwayof track welders exposed levels to low of Cr(VI) assessment Exposure method: records of information on average levels of exposure to Cr from Swedish measurements in (SS welders 1975 110 µg/m welders 10 µg/m minimal asbestos exposure statements) (company

et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Milatou-Smith (1997) Sweden Enrolment 1950–1965/follow- up 1955–1992 Cohort

120 Welding

; strong )

Simonato (1991 Comments Partial overlap with the IARC study, et al. excess deaths of from mesothelioma; confounding by asbestos likely to explain the lung cancer excess Strengths: internal comparison group; analyses by subgroups Limitations: no data asbestoson exposure Covariates controlled Calendar period Age, calendar period Calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.21 (0.80–1.75) (4.73–24.30)11.80 2.08 (0.67–4.84) – (0.03–6.86)1.23 (0.04–8.51) 1.52 – 1.30 (0.80–2.12) 0.38 (0.08–1.75) 0.99 (0.36–2.15) (0.78–2.81) 1.57 1.18 (0.51–2.34) 1.10 (0.22–3.23) – 0.56 (0.06–2.03) 1.48 (0.78–2.53) (0.74–2.38) 1.39 Exposed cases/ deaths 28 7 5 0 1 1 0 28 2 6 11 8 3 0 2 13 13 Exposure category or level Mortality Welders Welders Welders Welders Welders Welders Welders Internal analysis Welders Welders Duration of exposure (yr) 0 to < 10 to < 20 10 20 to < 30 ≥ 30 Time since first exposure(yr) 0 to < 10 to < 20 10 20 to < 30 ≥ 30

Organ site/ cancer type Urinary bladder Other lymphatic and haematopoietic MM Leukaemia (lymphoid): (code ICD-9 204) Leukaemia (myeloid): 205) ICD-9 (code Lung Lymphatic and haematopoietic Lung Lung Lung [includes bronchus and trachea] Pleura

Population size, description, exposure assessment method SS welders, 1213 1688 turners (internal reference arc weldersgroup); exposed to Cr and and Ni turners least at for employed during6 mo at 1950–1970 25 factories the of metal- processing industry assessment Exposure method: exposure duration from companies records; assessment welding of exposure characteristics (welding procedure, percentage of working time) and smoking habits theat individual level by interview the of foremen and superiors; average duration exposure of the of welders was 18.3 yr

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Becker (1999) Becker Germany Enrolment 1950–1970/follow- up 1950–1995 Cohort

121 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.21 (0.60–2.17) 1.40 (0.76–2.36) 0.88 (0.18–2.58) 2.80 (0.57–8.19) 2.12 (0.25–7.66) – (1.88–15.85) 6.18 – – Exposed cases/ deaths 11 14 3 3 2 0 4 0 0

, , , Exposure category or level Coated electrodes Coated electrodes or MIG-MAG/WIG Exclusively MIG-MAG/WIG for malignant neoplasms Coated electrodes Coated electrodes or MIG-MAG/WIG Exclusively MIG-MAG/WIG for malignant neoplasms Coated electrodes Coated electrodes or MIG-MAG/WIG Exclusively MIG-MAG/WIG for malignant neoplasms Organ site/ cancer type Lung Urinary bladder Brain Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Becker (1999) Becker (cont.)

122 Welding Comments Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.46 (0.01–2.60) 0.39 (0.01–2.19) – (0.69–2.04) 1.24 1.18 (0.63–2.02) 1.54 (0.18–5.56) 2.71 (0.55–7.92) – – – 2.59 (0.06–14.46) 2.86 (0.07–15.94) – – – 0.73 (0.02–4.09) – Exposed cases/ deaths 1 1 0 15 13 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Exposure category or level Coated electrodes Coated electrodes or MIG-MAG/WIG Exclusively MIG-MAG/WIG, for malignant neoplasms Effectivewelding periods(%) per day ≤ 25 > 25 ≤ 25 > 25 ≤ 25 > 25 ≤ 25 > 25 ≤ 25 > 25 ≤ 25 > 25 Mortality Welders Welders

Organ site/ cancer type Lymphatic and haematopoietic (code ICD-9 200–208) Lung Urinary bladder Lymphatic and haematopoietic MM and immuno- proliferative neoplasm Leukaemia (lymphoid): 204) ICD-9 (code Leukaemia (myeloid): 205) ICD-9 (code Larynx Kidney and other urinary organs Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design (1999) Becker (cont.)


, )

(1991 et al. et al.

Hansen Comments Partial overlap with the IARC study, Simonato and (1996) Strengths: long follow-up; semi- quantitative assessment; exposure adjustment for smoking and asbestos exposure Limitations: self- on data reported asbestos exposure Covariates controlled Age, smoking, asbestos Age, calendar time, sex Age, smoking, asbestos Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.67 (0.14–1.95) (0.04–1.26) 0.35 – 2.02 (0.55–5.19) 1 0.86 (0.52–1.42) 1.35 (1.06–1.70) 1.15 (0.78–1.60) 1.46 (0.95–2.16) 0.72 (0.35–1.36) 1.59 (1.14–2.16) 1 (0.73–2.92)1.47 1.29 (0.65–2.57) Exposed cases/ deaths 3 2 0 4 43 32 75 34 25 9 41 20 27 28 Exposure category or level Welders Welders Welders Welders SS) MS (never SS weldingEver Ever SS Ever MMA-SS MMA-SS Never Ever MS, never SS All welders: duration welding of (yr) 0–5 6–15 ≥ 16 Organ site/ cancer type Lung Prostate Lymphatic and haematopoietic ICD-9 HL: 201) (code Brain and parts of nervous system Lung Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method welders;4539 male production workers, least at for employed 1 yr SS MS or companies 74 at apprentices, (shipyards, and craftsman excluded), alive 1 April at 1968, born before who 1965, answered the questionnaire in 1986; study population restricted to ever welders who started in 1960 later or assessment Exposure method: welding exposure matrix (based > 1000 on measurements) welding for fume particulates combined with questionnaire data welding characteristics;on questionnaire asbestos for exposure and smoking; next-of-kin questionnaire thefor subgroup of deceased

et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Becker (1999) Becker (cont.) Sørensen (2007) Denmark Enrolment 1964–1984/follow- up 1968–2003 Cohort

124 Welding Comments Covariates controlled

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.19 (0.75–3.80) (0.30–2.26)0.83 1 0.17 (0.02–1.28) 1.07 (0.50–2.28) 1 2.05 (1.02–4.09) 1.78 (0.84–3.66) 1 3.29 (0.97–11.10) 1.79 (0.46–6.99) 1 1.18 (0.40–3.51) 2.34 (1.03–5.28) Exposed cases/ deaths 16 19 8 13 1 18 13 34 23 4 26 8 11 6 15 -yr) 3 -yr) × yr) 3 3 Exposure category or level welder: SS) MS (never duration welding of (yr) 0–5 6–15 ≥ 16 SS welders: duration welding of (yr) 0–5 6–10 ≥ 11 All welders: cumulative exposure estimate (mg/m 0–15 16–60 ≥ 61 welders: SS) MS cumulative (never exposure estimate (mg/m 0–10 11–50 ≥ 51 SS welders: cumulative exposure estimate (mg/m 0–5 6–10 ≥ 11 Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung Lung Lung Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Sørensen et al. (2007) (cont.)


Comments One death from asbestosis among electric arc workers; no information on mesothelioma Strengths: indirect adjustment for smoking based on survey data Limitations: small exposed of numbers cases in subcohorts; follow-up did not start until 30 yr after firstof date enrolment have (may cases) missed Covariates controlled Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% (0.95–2.71) 1.67 (1.21–4.09) 2.34 0.88 (0.24–2.30) 0.98 (0.11–3.54) 0.93 (0.01–5.19) 1.03 (0.01–5.74) 0 (0.77–7.83) 2.45 0 (0–2.67) 0 (0–4.92) 0 (0–5.83) 2.11 (0.68–4.92) 3.70 (1.19–8.64) 0 (0–3.60) Exposed cases/ deaths 16 12 4 NR 16 0 0 0 5 5 0 2 1 1 Exposure category or level Shipyard external welders: analysis All Oxyacetylene Arc Electric Shipyard internal welders: analysis Electric arc welders (ref.) Welding Shipyard external welders: analysis All Oxyacetylene Electric arc Shipyard external welders: analysis All Oxyacetylene Electric arc Shipyard external welders: analysis All Oxyacetylene Electric arc Organ site/ cancer type Larynx Bladder and kidney Lymphatic and haematopoietic Respiratory tract Respiratory tract ), 3

); higher); Ni 3 (3–8.5 ppm), dust (3–8.5 ppm), x ]P (3–22 μg/m (3–22 ]P a Population size, description, exposure assessment method welders: 527 274 oxyacetylene (MS); electric253 arc welders all(SS); male shipyard workers employed for at least as 6 mo a welder; electric arc slowly oxyacetylene replaced welding time over (1940s: oxyacetylene; 66% 34% electric arc; 1986: 44% oxyacetylene; 56% electric arc). assessment Exposure method: records of job title (electric arc workers: open spaces, levels lower gases of and fumes; oxyacetylene workers: inside oil tankers, higher levels gases of and fumes); air samples during cutting in oil tankers: B[ NO (9–27 mg/m and Cr(VI) found in SS and MIG welding; asbestos detectednot fibres

(1989) et al. Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Merlo Genova, Italy Enrolment 1930–1980/follow- up 1960–1981 Cohort

126 Welding

Comments Three deaths from pleural cancer among arc welders (SMR, 3.8; NS); 1 death from pleural cancer in gas welders NS) (SMR, 1.7; Limitations: only job titles; confounding by asbestos of workforce15% had died; 1 mesothelioma among welders and 1 among caulkers Strengths: exposure monitoring data available Limitations: limited exposure information; no information on smoking; incomplete employment records did not allow assessment for of employment duration; workers between moved shipyards Covariates controlled Age, calendar year Risk estimate CI) (95% [1.64 (1.07–2.51)] (0.89–2.57)][1.57 (0.96–10.26)] [3.77 [1.69 (0.08–8.33)] [0.82 (0.04–4.04)] [2.00 (0.33–6.60)] (1.00–6.07)] [2.74 (0.03–3.45)] [0.70 3.82 (1.24–8.91) 4.00 (0.82–11.69) 3.57 (0.43–12.90) 1.13 (0.80–1.57) (1.33–3.74) 2.32 1.03 (0.79–1.27) 1.68 (1.09–2.49) Exposed cases/ deaths 19 14 3 1 1 2 5 1 5 3 2 26 12 49 18 Exposure category or level Electric arc Gas Electric arc Gas Electric arc Gas Electric arc Gas All Electric arc Gas Welders Caulkers Welders Caulkers Organ site/ cancer type Larynx Urinary bladder Kidney Lung Lung Pleura All cancers combined

(total 3

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 3984 male shipyard workers electric(267 arc welders and 228 male gas welders); shipyard workers (whole cohort) the at employed harbour Genoa of assessment Exposure method: records of individual data job on titles from the personnel department; coding the most prevalent job for individuals with different job titles 3489 workers (welders, caulkers, electricians, and platters; identified from personnel records) at a shipyard; welders 1027 Exposure assessment method: 1960 measurements of iron oxide in mg/m general air: 6.3; personal: confined13.6); spaces without ventilation (general air: 23.6; personal: 31.9); caulkers also exposed to fumes similar in magnitude and composition to welding fumes; asbestos used throughout shipyard but no specific information


et al. et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Newhouse (1985) NE England Enrolment 1940–1968/follow- up 1940–1986 Cohort Puntoni Italy Enrolment 1960–1980/follow- up 1960–1995 Cohort


Comments may Workers have contributed to a cancer site in than more occupationalone category; may have missed cases occurring during 1947–1952; 2 mesotheliomas observed among non- welders Strengths: description theof type welding of timeover and some exposure monitoring data Limitations: limited assessment, exposure which was based on personnel register; no information smokingon in the cohort; exposure to possible, asbestos small numbers of casesexposed Covariates controlled Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% (0.88–4.54) 2.21 – (2.04–12.31)] [5.56 [0.59 (0.03–2.90)] (0.22–4.41)] [1.33 Exposed cases/ deaths 7 0 5 1 2 Exposure category or level Welders Employment duration (yr) < 1 1–5 > 5 Welders Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Urinary bladder

(3.6–23.6); 3 (0.11–1.97); (0.03–0.65); (0.03–0.65); 3 3 Population size, description, exposure assessment method 4778 male shipyard workers MS male workers); (783 workers first employed at shipyard on southwest coast Norway of least at for during3 mo the enrolment period; MMA-MS welding predominant until 1970; SS welding did become not common until the mid- gas-shielded welding1970s; introduced in the 1960s assessment Exposure method: questionnaire and company records, classifying job titles within categories; 10 survey:1973 total fumes 7.3 mg/m Ni: 0.34 mg/m mg/mCr: 0.12 personal protection equipment and ventilation provided to shops in early 1970s; asbestos used until early 1970s

(1989) et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Melkild Norway Enrolment: 1946–1977/follow- up: 1953–1986 Cohort

128 Welding

Comments Smoking differences were estimated to explain a SIR of Cr and Ni ~1.25; levels and low were mesotheliomasno observedwere among welders; may have missed cases during occurring 1940–1953 Strengths: high and very high exposure subgroups; internal reference group of shipyard production workers who were not welders or burners Limitations: no quantitative exposure semiquantitative(or assessment); exposure a small number of exposed lung cases among welders; limited information smokingon habits Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% 2.50 (1.14–4.75) (0.5–5.5)1.7 3.0 (1.3–6.9) 1.8 (0.5–5.7) 3.2 (1.3–8.1) (1.35–6.08) 3.08 3.75 (1.38–8.19) 4.00 (1.10–10.20) 1.35 (0.96–1.86) [2.14 (0.55–5.83)] – [3.75 (1.52–7.80)] 0.59 (0–3.29) Exposed cases/ deaths 9 NR NR NR NR 8 6 4 38 3 0 6 1 Exposure category or level Welders Duration employment of and lag time (yr) ≤ 5; lag no > 5; lag no yr≤ 5; 10 lag yr> 5; 10 lag 15-yr lag: external analysis All High exposure Very high exposure Shipyard excluding welders and burners Employment duration external (yr): analysis ≤ 4 5–9 ≥ 10 Welders Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Urinary bladder Lung Lung


) 3

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 4571 male shipyard workers identified welders); MS (623 by personnel register with information regarding name, start, and end dates; mainly MMA welding performed MS on assessment Exposure method: records of interviews with retired workers; high-exposure welders were defined as welders ≥ 3 yr employed and identified welderas a by veteran workers; very high exposure was defined a as subgroup ≥ 5 yr employed as a welder and followed fromup the 5th year of employment Environmental monitoring data: total dust 2.5 mg/m (0.8–9.5 mg/m

et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Danielsen (1993) Norway Enrolment 1940–1979/follow- up 1953–1990 Cohort


Comments Strengths: information on smoking habits and previous internalemployment; comparison of shipyard workers excluding welders Limitations: no quantitative exposure semi-quantitative(or assessment) exposure Covariates controlled Age, calendar year Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 2.42 (0.73–8.01) 0.66 (0.09–4.85) 0.56 (0.08–4.17) 1.90 (0.67–5.38) (0.58–2.42) 1.27 Exposed cases/ deaths 36 3 1 1 4 9 Exposure category or level Shipyard welders: employment duration (yr): internal analysis Non-welding shipyard workers (ref.) < 2 2–4 5–14 ≥ 15 External analysis Welders Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung ): MS, 14.5): 3

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 4480 male shipyard workers; welders; 861 908 welded some time; 24 welders in machinery production workers (SS); identified by personnel register with information regarding name, start, and end dates; mainly MS welders assessment Exposure method: records of job title and work history. Welding fumes (mg/m (1973) and 1.87 (1989); andSS, 1.5 7.0–38 (1977) SS grinders, 25.5(1989); Information(1977). on employment outside the shipyard (prior betweento or jobs) available from the early 1950s; average length of employment 10.1 yr

et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Danielsen (2000) Norway Enrolment 1945–1980/follow- up 1953–1995 Cohort

130 Welding

Comments casesNo of mesothelioma or asbestosis; electric arc welding MS on was predominant until gas-shielded 1975; welding introduced in the and 1970s SS after1975 Strengths: presumed high exposure cohort; analysis time by since first exposure Limitations: potential healthy worker effect; welders who died before or who 1975 quit welding to due adverse health effects included not were in the cohort; limited information on smoking habits or exposure to asbestos; small cohort with few casesexposed Covariates controlled Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.55 (0.74–2.84) 1.13 (0.14–4.10) 0.30 (0.01–1.69) (0.02–3.85) 0.69 0 (0–10.91) (0.31–4.34) 1.49 1.57 (0.43–4.01) (0.40–5.64)1.93 0.77 (0.53–1.09) Exposed cases/ deaths 10 2 1 1 0 3 4 3 32 Exposure category or level Welders Welders Welders Welders sinceYears first exposure 10–19 20–29 30–39 ≥ 40 Welders Organ site/ cancer type Leukaemia: (code ICD-7 204) Lung All cancers combined: ICD-7 Lung Kidney Urinary bladder

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 428 male with welders (23 welded had who siderosis) mostly > 10 yr, for MMA welding in confined spaces from shipyards, 15 and examined siderosis for in 1975 assessment Exposure method: records, assumed to have long-term exposure to high levels 10 yr more or before only 1975; limited information about smoking habits was available

et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Danielsen (1998) Norway Enrolment 1975/ follow-up 1976–1992 Cohort


Comments Strengths: large cohort; semi- quantitative assessment; exposure adjustment for radiation, asbestos, and SES as a proxy smokingfor Limitations: the exposure of interest is radiation; welding fumes analysed as a potential confounder lungfor cancer only information(no reported for leukaemia); possible misclassification of exposure; no actual data smoking on habits Covariates controlled Radiation, age, calendar period, asbestos, SES Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.45 (1.10–1.92) 1.50 (1.09–2.06) Exposed cases/ deaths 174 125 112 b Exposure category or level exposureTotal to shipyard welding fumes (based intensityon and duration) Never > 0–5 > 5 Organ site/ cancer type Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 13 468 workers; men and women, all races, employed as civilian workers Portsmouthat Naval Shipyard least at for 1 d and monitored for radiation assessment Exposure method: expert judgement; exposure to welding fumes and asbestos (0, none; 1, possible; 2, probable) assigned to each job title/ shop combination by an expert panel; cumulative exposure score calculated as the sum the of duration of exposed jobs, weighted by exposure probability

(2005) et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Yiin USA Enrolment 1952–1992/follow- up 1952–1996 Cohort

132 Welding

Comments Radiation exposure is the focus the of paper; welding fumes as a confounder was analysed as a continuous variable; unadjusted ORs associated with categorical exposure to welding fumes did suggestnot a linear relationship Strengths: detailed assessment; exposure adjustment for asbestos, radiation, SES and birth cohort (surrogates for smoking) Limitations: no actual smoking data; no monitoring data to validate panel estimates Covariates controlled Radiation, asbestos exposure, SES, birth cohort None ) 3 Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.01 (0.98–1.04) 1.03 (1.0–1.05) 1 1.35 (1.07–1.70) 1.58 (1.20–2.07) 1.20 (0.82–1.72) 1.26 (0.88–1.76) Exposed cases/ deaths NR NR 807 116 86 40 48 ) 3 ) 3 Exposure category or level Shipyard welding fumes: multivariate analysis (mg-d/m 1000 Shipyard welding fumes: individual risk factor effects (mg-d/m 1000 Shipyard categories: welding fume TLV-1 individual risk factor effects(mg-d/m < 0.5 0.5–1 1–2 2–4 ≥ 4 Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung

fumes) and 3 O 2

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: deaths 1097 from lung cancer risk-set-Controls: 3291 matched per controls (3 case, randomly selected by incidence density sampling) assessment Exposure method: expert judgement; intensity and frequency exposureof to welding fumes Fe (as an by assessed asbestos expert panel 3 industrial of hygienists job/ 3519 for combinations. shop/period weak concordance, Good agreement.inter-rater Cr and welding of content Ni fumes also were assessed used(not in the analysis). the of study53% subjects everwere exposed to welding fumes; 64% to asbestos, to and Ni 8% 6% to Cr

(2007) et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Yiin USA Enrolment 1952–1992/follow- up 1952–1996 case–control Nested


Comments case–control Nested study Portsmouth of Naval Shipyard workers; primary research question was the assessment of lung cancer risk due to ionizing radiation emitted from nuclear reactor components Strengths: specific focus asbestos on and welding in addition to radiation exposure; classification of welding exposure by probability (potential, andprobable) ≥ 5 yr, duration (ever, yr) ≥ 10 Limitations: limited confounder information; no adjustment for smoking Covariates controlled Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.43 (1.12–1.81) 1.50 (1.11–2.04) 1.38 (0.97–1.98) 1 1.13 (0.76–1.68) 1.16 (0.73–1.86) 0.83 (0.46–1.53) 1 1.46 (1.17–1.83) 1.41 (1.06–1.87) 1.24 (0.89–1.74) – 1.13 (0.76–1.68) 1.20 (0.74–1.92) 0.93 (0.50–1.72) Exposed cases/ deaths 138 267 152 96 364 41 28 16 169 236 143 91 364 41 28 16 Exposure category or level Shipyard: asbestos and welding exposed Never exposed Ever Min 5 yr Min yr 10 Shipyard: Welding shop) exposed Never exposed Ever Min 5 yr Min yr 10 Shipyard: probable potential or exposure exposed Never exposed Ever Min 5 yr Min yr 10 Shipyard: probable exposure exposed Never exposed Ever Min 5 yr Min yr 10 Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 405 white male deaths from malignant neoplasm of bronchus, trachea. lung; or diagnosis based death on certificates Controls: selected 1215 from the same cohort, matched date by birth, of year employment, 1st of and duration employment of 3:1 assessment Exposure method: personnel records indicating the specific shops to which a person had been classification job assigned; and date each of change in employment used were to code work history


et al. Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Rinsky Kittery, Maine, USA 1952–1977 case–control Nested

134 Welding

Comments Strengths: ORs associated with employment as a for adjusted welder radiation exposure, employment as electrician, and jobs solvents to exposed Limitations: crude of assessment exposure No information on mesothelioma Strengths: regression analysis and modelling to similar evaluate activities of previous latency, employment, and duration Limitations: no quantitative or semi-quantitative assessment; exposure only of cohort 5% had died to due young ages and short (11 yr); follow-up healthy worker effect in stamping plant; mortality odds ratio; no information on smoking and other potential confounders Covariates controlled Radiation, employment as electrician, employment in jobs to exposed solvents Age, sex, race, chronological time Risk estimate CI) (95% 3.19 (1.09–9.37) 6.23 (1.64–23.64) 2.73 (1.20–6.30) 1 [2.00 (0.61–6.61)] (0.92–36.8)] [5.81 [1.38 (0.56–3.40)] 1.90 (0.93–3.90) 2.73 (1.09–6.90) 3.95 (1.39–11.00) 0.99 (0.14–7.20) Exposed cases/ deaths NR NR 7 8 5 2 15 NR NR NR 1 Exposure category or level Welder Welder Stamping assembly or plant: Welding Stamping plant: welding lines and welder repair: long latency weighted duration, cumulative exposure (mo) 0 1–50 51–100 All Stamping plant: adjusted MOR: weighted duration/ latency cumulative exposure Long latency Long latency Short latency Welders Organ site/ cancer type Lymphatic and haematopoietic Leukaemia Leukaemia (myeloid) Lung Lung Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: deaths 53 from leukaemia (death certificates, checked with medical records) Controls: 4 matched 212; controls case by (exclusion: deaths from haematopoietic or lymphatic malignancies) assessment Exposure method: records of job titles and duration of employment the of different jobs; radiation dose hourly16 197 workers assembly plant,(76% 24% stamping plant); 3887 stamp workers; all hourly employees who worked ≥ 2 yr at 2 automotive assembly plants and a metal stamping plant before 1989 assessment Exposure method: records of six process-related categories stampingfor of plant; ~25 the decedents worked in thanmore exposure one category; welding was performed sheet on metal

(1986) (1994) et al. et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Stern USA Enrolment 1952–1977/follow- up 1952–1980 case–control Nested Park USA Enrolment 1966–1989/follow- up 1978–1988 Cohort


; Beaumont Comments Update of (1980) & Weiss the26% of population had died; potential misclassification of exposure duration the of since 14% population still worked the at end of smokingfollow-up; probably cannot explain all the excess lungof cancer in welders; no deaths from asbestosis or nonspecific pneumoconiosis Strengths: exposure monitoring data; non-welder cohort; some data on smoking; exposure to asbestos unlikely Limitations: no quantitative or semiquantitative assessment exposure Covariates controlled Age, race, calendar time

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.47 (1.19–1.79) 1.39 (0.96–1.94) 1.30 (0.82–1.95) 1.94 (1.23–2.91) (0.85–2.88) 1.65 1.02 (0.57–1.68) 1.39 (1.07–1.77) 1.66 (1.23–2.36) 1.22 (0.93–1.59) 1.10 (0.67–1.81) 0.89 (0.49–1.59) 1.69 (0.92–3.11) 1.63 (0.75–3.51) (0.29–2.05) 0.77 1.20 (0.88–1.64) 1.10 (0.67–1.79) 1.42 (0.39–3.62) (0.88–3.38) 1.84 1.71 (0.69–3.53) Exposed cases/ deaths 97 34 23 23 12 15 66 31 97 34 23 23 12 15 66 31 4 10 7 Exposure category or level vs population: US Welders exposure (yr); 15-yr lag time mortality Total 2–5 5–10 10–15 15–20 > 20 Latency < 20 Latency ≥ 20 vsWelders non-welders: exposure (yr); yr15 lag time mortality Total 2–5 5–10 10–15 15–20 > 20 Latency < 20 Latency ≥ 20 Welders Welders Welders Organ site/ cancer type Larynx Kidney Urinary bladder Lung Lung , 3 O 2 ; Fe 3 ); average); 3

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 4459 welders; 4286 never welders; hourly male (90% white) workers with ≥ 2 yr experience of as a production arc welder or welder helper 3 heavy at manufacturing equipment plants assessment Exposure method: records of person monitoring available to 1987; from 1974 smoking data available for subset of workers; TWA geometric mean across plants (particulate levels, 5.5–7.4 mg/m 3–4.1 mg/m duration welder of 8.5 yr

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Steenland (2002) Illinois, USA Enrolment 1950s–1980s/follow- up mid-1950–1998 Cohort

136 Welding

Comments SS welders: boiler ever weldingwelders SS;on excess risk of mesothelioma found among boiler welders cases); use gas(3 of shielded and TIG welding increased in 1970s Strengths: exposure misclassification with respect to welders unlikely Limitations: no information on exposure duration, exposure intensity, potential confounders asbestos),(e.g. or smoking; small exposed of numbers cases Covariates controlled Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% [1.33 (1.00–1.74)] [1.27 (0.94–1.69)] [1.03 (0.41–2.15)] [0.59 (0.10–1.90)] (0.46–2.07)] [1.05 (1.12–2.47)][1.70 [0.75 (0.36–1.37)] (1.07–4.03)] [2.20 [1.66 (0.27–5.50)] (0.03–3.08)] [0.62 – [3.00 (0.76–8.16)] 1.02 (0.90–1.15) 1.00 (0.71–1.35) 3.33 (0.66–9.78) 0.75 (0.15–2.20) – 1.78 (1.07–2.78) 1.18 (0.12–4.24) 1.05 (0.64–1.63) 0 (0–1.28) 1.02 (0.49–1.88) Exposed cases/ deaths 50 46 6 2 7 25 9 9 2 1 0 3 269 41 3 3 0 19 2 20 0 10 Exposure category or level Boiler welders: lag time (yr) No lag 15-yr lag SS welder: lag time (yr) No lag 15-yr lag Boiler welders: year of first registration 1940–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1982 SS welder: year of first registration 1940–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1982 Boiler welders SS welders Boiler welders Boiler welders SS welders Boiler welders SS welders Boiler welders SS welders Boiler welders Lung Lung All cancers combined Nasal cavity and sinuses Larynx Kidney Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Urinary bladder Brain

Population size, description, exposure assessment method male2957 welders; 606 SS welders; members of the National Registry of Boiler from Welders different385 businesses who registered before with1981 information on DOB; foreigners without in addresses permanent Norway excluded; most registered welders welding MS;on MMA welding predominant method in years early assessment Exposure method: records of welder registration information contained the method of welding certification for and information on previous work experience

et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Danielsen (1996) Norway Enrolment 1942–1981/follow- up 1953–1992 Cohort


Comments No information on smoking use but of internal analyses concerns decreases Strengths: semi- quantitative assessment; exposure adjustment for exposure to asbestos Limitations: focus theof paper was exposure to asbestos; assessed was welding as a potential confounder; exposure to welding does not seem to be substantial (80% of deaths exposed to less than 0.04 yr welding) of Covariates controlled Age, calendar period, engine exhaust, PAHs, asbestos Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.43 (0.29–4.19) (0.38–1.57) 0.83 1.77 (0.89–3.18) 2.00 (0.20–7.20) 1 1.2 (0.8–1.6) (0.8–2.2) 1.3 1.4 (0.7–2.8) Exposed cases/ deaths 3 9 11 2 54 127 64 63 Exposure category or level Boiler welders Boiler welders Boiler welders SS welders Duration arc of welding exposure (yr) 0 > 0 to 0.03 > 0.03 to 0.04 > 0.04 Organ site/ cancer type ICD-7 HL: 201) (code ICD-7 NHL: 200/2) (code Leukaemia: (code ICD-7 204) Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method 34 305 men ever employed as telephone linemen in and1978 new hires from 1978 to 1994 assessment Exposure method: expert judgement; semiquantitative assessment based expert on assessment job of tasks specificfor calendar/time periods; exposure duration was estimated welding; for highest category was 0.04 yr or more

(2006) Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Danielsen et al. (1996) cont.) Meguellati-Hakkas et al. France Enrolment 1978–1994/follow- up 1978–1996 Cohort

138 Welding

Comments Strengths: adjusted smoking;for prospective study Limitations: limited information on occupational co- exposures; short (7 yr follow-up referent average); group was the total population, some of which were exposed asbestosto Covariates controlled Age, smoking Risk estimate CI) (95% [1.05 (0.79–1.38)] Exposed cases/ deaths 49 Exposure category or level andWelders burners Organ site/ cancer type Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method men in68 153 all occupations; welders 10 233 and burners; male workers aged 35–64 in employed selected14 occupational groups selected were from union mailing lists and questionnaires assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; occupational title, employment duration, working conditions, type welding,of and specific with associated exposures particular occupations

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Dunn & Weir (1968) California, USA Enrolment 1954–1957/follow- up 1954–1962 Cohort


Comments of workers16.7% had died; excess risk of emphysema in total cohort and two subcohorts observed; smoking higher in other plants than smoking K-25 K-25; habits similar to national rates; no information on radiation exposure Strengths: monitoring data, exposure including to Ni, from different types of welding available; long follow-up for 50% of workers; some data tobaccoon smoking habits Limitations: small number of cases for employment duration analysis; healthy worker effect(SMR allfor causes, 0.87; CI, 0.75–1.01) 95% Covariates controlled Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.50 (0.87–2.40) (1.04–2.80)][1.76 (0.50–2.55) 1.24 (0.51–2.62)] [1.26 1.75 (0.84–3.22) 1.57 (0.75–2.89) (0.49–2.49) 1.21 (0.10–2.05)] [0.62 1.75 (0.57–4.08) 0 (0.49–5.27)] [1.94 [0.64 (0.03–3.17)] Exposed cases/ deaths 17 16 7 6 10 10 7 2 5 0 3 1

Exposure category or level cohortTotal of welders Welders: 15-yr lag plant: subgroupsK-25 welders of Welders Welders: 15-yr lag Other welders cohort:Total length employment of as a welder (wk) < 50 ≥ 50 plant: lengthK-25 employment of as a welder (wk) < 50 ≥ 50 cohort:Total welders cohort:Total welders cohort:Total welders Organ site/ cancer type Respiratory tract: cancer Respiratory tract Larynx Brain Leukaemia: ICD-8 Lung Lung: ICD-8 ; 3

) for different) for 3 O 2 ) was highest 3 , 0.18–0.47 mg/m 3 O 2 Population size, description, exposure assessment method white male welders 1059 employed at Oak Ridge nuclear facilities during the enrolment period; two welders: of subgroups Ni welders 536 K-25 at (1) alloy pipes and (MS Ni); welders Y-12 at 533 and (2) plants conductingand X-10 various types welding of (SMA, TIG, MIG) assessment Exposure method: records of personal air monitoring (Ni and Fe welding procedures: Fe Ni (mg/m for MIG/Ni (0.57), intermediate SMA/Ni for and MIG carbon (0.13) andsteel lowest (0.25), TIG weldingfor with carbon or (0.04) Ni steel Biomonitoring(0.08). data (metals) among welders Ni in33 K-25 facility (0.053 mg/L Ni). Information smoking on available of 33% for workers

Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Table 2.3 (continued) Table Polednak (1981) USA Tennessee, Enrolment 1943–1974/follow- up 1974 Cohort

140 Welding


) Fletcher & 1981

, Comments Reanalysis the of cohort reported by Beaumont & Weiss (1980 internal reference group Strengths: internal comparison group Limitations: no exposure data Update of Ades (1984) Limitations: small number of welders; no exposure data Covariates controlled None Age, employment Age, sex, calendar year Risk estimate CI) (95% [1.32 (0.99–1.76)] [1.29 (0.90–1.85)] [1.69 (1.04–2.58)] [0.95 (0.16–3.15)] Exposed cases/ deaths NR NR 19 2 Exposure category or level SMR: Welding Cox: Welding Fettling shop: and burning welding Pattern/ machine/ maintenance/ inspection: welding Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung Lung Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method welders,3247 5432 non- welders; male members of a metal trades union/local boilermakers, at employed least 1 d during the period who1950–1973, had worked least at for 3 yr for assessment Exposure method: job categories from union records (total cohort); 10 438 401 welders in the fettling 99shop, welders in pattern/ machine/maintenance/ inspection; men employed least at for 1 yr in 9 English and 1 Scottish steel foundries assessment Exposure method: records of work area and occupational category

et al. et al.

Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Sorahan (1994) UK Enrolment 1946–1990/follow- up 1946–1978 Cohort Steenland (1986) Western Washington, USA Enrolment 1950–1973/follow- up 1950–1976 Cohort


Comments Strengths: controlling smokingfor Limitations: small number of welders; no exposure data; inadequatepossibly control group; crude adjustment smokingfor (never, current,former, unknown); no adjustment for concomitant occupational exposures in foundry Strengths: not informative Limitations: potential for exposure misclassification; exposure only based laston occupation; no information on type of welding, duration, levels, etc.; findings only reported for brain cancer; no information on smoking other or potential co- exposures Covariates controlled Smoking, job Smoking Age, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.66 (0.29–1.50) 0.76 (0.28–2.10) 3.18 (1.53–5.86) Exposed cases/ deaths 10 7 10 Exposure category or level weldingEver Longest welding job held Individuals to exposed welding fumes Brain Organ site/ cancer type Lung Lung

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: deaths 231 from lung cancer Controls: 408 selected from the same cohort matched by race, sex, and year birth of using density sampling assessment Exposure method: records of complete work history from plant personnel files; telephone interview for characteristics lifestyle 43 826 pensioners; 4629 exposed to welding fumes; male pensioners theof Canadian National Railroad company who retired before were 1965, known to be alive in 1965, and who retired during 1965–1977 assessment Exposure expertmethod: classification of workers exposed to welding fumes, diesel fumes, coal dust, and other exposure based on occupation at retirement

(1997) (1983)

et al. et al. Table 2.3 (continued) Table Howe Canada Enrolment 1965–1977/follow- up 1965–1977 Cohort Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Austin Ohio, USA 1970–1987 case–control Nested

142 Welding

) Hansen, 1982 Comments Based the on Danish welding cohort study ( Limitations: limited exposure information; small number of cancers children in occurring fathered by welders Covariates controlled Age, sex, calendar period Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.77 (0.13–2.54) (0.30–2.24) 0.93 Exposed cases/ deaths 2 4 Exposure category or level Parental exposure SS welding MS welding Organ site/ cancer type Childhood cancer

Population size, description, exposure assessment method fathers;27 071 5020 children with cancer; Danish fathers who were MS and SS 74 at employed companies manufacturing identified(as by the Danish Fund) least at Pension for 1 year assessment Exposure method: metalworking cohort questionnaire sent through mail, included data drinkingon and smoking habits and occupational exposures including the type welding of methods used during three calendar periods; response rate 85%


et al. Table 2.3 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Bonde Denmark Enrolment 1964– 1984 fathers/follow- up of children (date birthof to date of death, emigration) or 1987 Cohort


Comments Focus the of paper is exposure to ELF-EMF Strengths: individual assessment welding of type and welding frequency Limitations: no of assessment exposure to welding fumes; small number exposedof cases in subgroups

Covariates controlled Sex, year of birth, solvent exposure, year of inclusion Risk estimate CI) (95% 2.1 (1.3–3.5) 1.9 (0.8–4.4) 1.9 (0.8–4.6) (1.2–5.5) 2.5 1.1 (0.5–2.4) (0.3–4.3) 1.2 1.4 (0.5–4.1) 0 (0–0) 2.9 (1.6–5.3) 2.2 (0.8–6.0) 2.8 (0.9–9.1) 3.8 (1.6–9.3) Exposed cases/ deaths 25 8 7 10 7 3 4 0 20 6 5 9 value, 0.01 value, 0.63 value, 0.00 P P P Exposure category or level Any welding: exposure (h/wk) Ever > 0–10 > 10–30 > 30–40 testTrend Resistance welding: exposure (h/wk) Ever > 0–10 > 10–30 > 30–40 testTrend Arc welding: exposure (h/wk) Ever > 0–10 > 10–30 > 30–40 testTrend Organ site/ cancer type All cancers combined: endocrine glands All cancers combined: endocrine glands All cancers combined: endocrine glands

, iron oxide; h, hour(s); HL,, iron oxide; Hodgkin h, hour(s); lymphoma; IARC, International Agency Research for Cancer; on International ICD, Classification , nitrogen oxides; NR, reported; not NS, significant; not PAH, polycyclic aromatichydrocarbon; SES, socioeconomic status;SIR, 3 x O = 29), parathyroid = 29), gland pituitary = 67), gland and = 36), other subtypes = 8) 2 n n n n Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: incident 140 cases of tumours the of endocrine glands: adrenal glands ( ( ( ( Controls: 1306 matched by sex and year birth of (3-year intervals) assessment Exposure method: questionnaire; assessment the at individual level from questionnaire and telephone interview with a contact person the at workplace; blind as to case– status control

]pyrene; CI, confidence interval; chromium; Cr, Cr(VI),hexavalent chromium; DOB, birth;dateof d, day(s); ELF-EMF, extremely low frequency a et al.

]P, benzo[ a Total exposures Total (based intensity on and duration) welding of fumes arbitrarily were classified into three categories(value of 0, .0–5 and .5) Included in stainless “ever steel welders” Table 2.3 (continued) Table standardized incidence ratio; SMA, shielded metal arc; SMR, standardized mortality ratio; SS, stainless steel; TIG, tungstenvs, WIG, versus; inert Wolfram-Inert-Gas wk, week(s); time-weighted gas; TWA, welding; average; year(s) yr, Reference, location, enrolment period/ studyfollow-up, design Håkansson (2005) Sweden 1985–1994 case–control Nested a b B[ electromagnetic field;Fe Diseases;of MAG, metal active gas; MIG, metal inert gas; MMA, manual metal MOR, mortality; arc; month(s); mo, odds ratio; MS, mild steel; NHL, non-Hodgkinlymphoma; Ni, nickel; NO

144 Welding

Comments Follow until up 1968–1986; larger cohort Case–control analysis; adjusted smoking for 1968–2003Follow-up restricted (cohort to those who started working detailed more follow-up; longer 1960); by analysis on welding types; adjusted smoking for and asbestos – Smoking data; machine shop only SIR (minimal exposure to asbestos); complete overlap in study population with the publication Simonato et al. (1991) Smoking data; internal group; referent expanded and longer follow-up Internal group; referent indirect assessment asbestos; of longer follow-up Probable overlap between these studies and the Italian subcohort, and between these two studies; extent overlapping of unknown – – Longer separate follow-up; analysis the for two different cohorts


et al. (2007)

(1996) (1993) (1989) et al. (1988) et al. et al. et al. et al. Lauritsen & Hansen (1996) Sørensen 4536 male welders (non-shipyard); incidence separateNo report published Tola male shipyard,1689 welders (1308 machine 381 shop); mortality Moulin (1999) Becker welders; mortality1213 Merlo welders;527 mortality Puntoni et al. (2001) 493 welders; mortality separateNo report published separateNo report published Milatou-Smith male233 welders exposed to high levels Cr; of 208 railroad track male incidence welders; Publications the of IARC subcohorts Hansen male shipyard); lung welders6180 (not cancer 105 cases 94 lung cancer cases from Hansen et al. (1996) male2721 welders; mortality ) 393 1808 1190 1199 447 737 237 439 IARC cohort (population) 4642 , 1991 et al. Simonato Simonato England Finland France Germany Italy Norway Scotland Sweden Table 2.4 Cancer and welding or exposureTable to welding fumes: studies included multicentre in the IARC cohort ( IARC subcohorts Denmark Cr, chromium;Cr, IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer; SIR, standardized incidence ratio

145 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 or setting (shipyards, MS, SS). A limitation was were identified in the reference group, all shipyard the lack of data on asbestos exposure, since workers (expected, 0.26). [The Working Group confounding by asbestos may partly explain the noted that these data suggest that exposure to excess of cancer of the lung, and that exposure– asbestos is not likely to explain the lung cancer response analyses were not reported in the publi- excess observed in non-shipyard MS welders. No cation although they were conducted.] actual data on asbestos exposure were available.] (ii) IARC subcohorts Mortality from cancer of the lung was further evaluated in the two Swedish subcohorts See Table 2.4 (Sjögren, 1980; Sjögren et al., 1987; Milatou- Studies of the IARC subcohorts overlapped Smith et al., 1997): a cohort of 233 SS welders, with the multicentre cohort, had smaller sample who welded mainly with coated electrodes and sizes, and were overall considered to be less were exposed to high concentrations of hexava- informative than the pooled analyses. However, lent chromium; and a cohort of 208 railway track they provided additional data on smoking habits welders, exposed to MS fumes with low concen- and asbestos exposure, and/or an extended trations of hexavalent chromium. Exposure to follow-up. (See Table 2.4 for information on the asbestos was assumed to be very low in the two overlap between the IARC study and the separate cohorts [the occurrence of mesothelioma was reports of its subcohorts.) not reported]. When compared with the national The French subcohort included in the IARC population, an elevated standardized mortality study was further extended by adding new facto- ratio was observed in SS welders, whereas ries and by updating the follow-up from 1975 to mortality from cancer of the lung was decreased 1988 (Moulin et al., 1993). In addition, a group of in MS welders. The relative risk of cancer of the manual workers in the same factories was used lung in SS welders compared with the group of as an internal reference group and smoking data MS welders was 3.98 (95% CI, 0.84–18.80). [The were collected. The relative risk (RR) of cancer of small numbers of deaths from cancer of the lung the lung for welders compared with the reference limited the interpretation.] group was 1.29 (non-significant,P value and CI The subcohort of German arc welders not reported). [The Working Group noted that (Becker et al., 1985) was successively updated by the inclusion of shipyard workers, potentially Becker et al. (1991) and Becker (1999). A cohort exposed to asbestos, in the reference group may of turners was also followed up as an internal have resulted in an underestimation of the rela- comparison group. In the last follow-up (Becker, tive risk.] An indirect adjustment suggested that 1999), elevated standardized mortality ratios the slight differences in smoking habits between were found among welders for cancers of the welders and referents would result in a relative lung (SMR, 1.21; 95% CI, 0.80–1.75), bladder risk of 1.06. Analyses by type of welding showed (SMR, 2.08; 95% CI, 0.67–4.84), and brain a higher standardized mortality ratio in MS (SMR, 2.02; 95% CI, 0.55–5.19). Mortality from than in SS welders. An increase in mortality cancer of the lung was also higher in welders from cancer of the lung with duration and time than in the comparison group (RR, 1.30; 95% since first employment was observed only in MS CI, 0.80–2.12). No clear trend with duration of welders [the three deaths from cancer of the lung employment or time since first employment was in the group of SS welders did not allow mean- suggested. Analyses by welding technique or by ingful analysis]. No deaths from cancer of the average daily welding time did not reveal strong pleura occurred among welders (0.41 expected), differences in mortality from cancer of the lung whereas three deaths from cancer of the pleura or from other cancer sites, with the exception

146 Welding of an increased standardized mortality ratio of reported data mainly for incidence of cancer of cancer of the brain among welders only welding the lung, and incorporated a specific assessment with coated electrodes (SMR, 6.18; 95% CI, of exposure to welding fumes [different from that 1.88–15.85). Seven deaths from mesothelioma used in the IARC multicentre study] based on occurred among welders (0.6 expected; SMR, a JEM using all exposure measurements specific 11.67; 95% CI, 4.69–24.04), compared with one to the calendar year in Denmark. An internal death in the comparison group (1.0 expected). analysis was also conducted, adjusted for age, An indirect assessment of asbestos-related smoking, asbestos exposure from welding, and cancers showed that the increased mortality jobs prior to enrolment. from cancer of the lung among welders could The standardized incidence ratio for cancer of be entirely explained by asbestos exposure. [The the lung was increased in the whole cohort (SIR, Working Group agreed that exposure to asbestos 1.35; 95% CI, 1.06–1.70) and was higher among is likely to explain the excess of cancer of the the group of welders who only welded MS (SIR, lung observed in this German part of the IARC 1.59; 95% CI, 1.14–2.16) than among the group cohort.] of ever SS welders (SIR, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.78–1.60). Cancer incidence among Danish welders However, an elevated ratio was observed in ever employed in SS or MS industrial companies has SS welders who had ever conducted manual been reported (Hansen, 1982; Hansen et al., 1996; metal arc (MMA) welding (SIR, 1.46; 95% CI, Lauritsen & Hansen, 1996; Sørensen et al. 2007). 0.95–2.16). Shipyard welders were specifically excluded. In the internal comparison, the hazard ratio Data on occupational and smoking history were of cancer of the lung was not increased in ever collected by questionnaire at baseline. The study SS welders when compared with MS welders who by Sørensen et al. (2007) is considered to be the never welded SS (HR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.52–1.42). most informative report of this population due The risk did not increase with increasing duration to the longer follow-up period, better exposure for any type of welding. The risk increased with assessment, reduced left truncation by excluding cumulative exposure to welding fume particu- workers hired before 1960, and adjustment for lates among ever SS welders, while no clear posi- tobacco smoking and exposure to asbestos; the tive trend was found among MS welders who analyses of incidence of cancer of the lung by never welded SS. In the highest cumulative expo- Hansen et al. (1996) and the nested case–control sure category of SS welders, the adjusted hazard study of mortality from cancer of the lung by ratio was 2.34 (95% CI, 1.03–5.28). [The strengths Lauritsen & Hansen (1996) are therefore not of this study were the long follow-up, individual reviewed separately. Findings for other cancer data on asbestos exposure and smoking, and sites are reported from Hansen et al. (1996) individual semi-quantitative exposure assess- because Sørensen et al. (2007) did not report the ment to welding fumes.] data (see Table 2.4 for the overlap between these studies). In the first report Hansen( et al., 1996), (b) Shipyard workers standardized incidence ratios for other cancer Seven cohort studies of shipyard workers sites of interest were 1.19 (95% CI, 0.78–1.74; which assessed exposure by occupation as a 26 exposed cases) for the urinary tract and welder, including one in England, four in Norway, 0.92 (95% CI, 0.50–1.54; 14 exposed cases) for and two in Italy, were identified. The two Italian lymphatic tissues. The number of cancers of the shipyard studies may overlap with each other pleura did not exceed the expected number [the (Merlo et al., 1989; Puntoni et al., 2001) and with numbers were not reported]. Sørensen et al. (2007) the Italian subcohort of the IARC study [this

147 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 is not explicitly reported in the publications]. shipyard personnel records for the specific enrol- In addition, a series of studies of workers at a ment dates that covered several decades (from the naval shipyard who overhauled nuclear subma- 1940s to early 1980s). Follow-up began in 1953 rines was identified in which semi-quantitative with the establishment of the Norway Cancer or quantitative exposure to welding fumes was Registry; cancer cases that occurred from the first assessed. Shipyard welders in these cohorts were enrolment date (1940s) to 1953 were not known. primarily MS welders and asbestos was widely Most of the welders were MS welders, which was used in the shipyards. The IARC study (see the predominant type of metal welding used in Section 2.4.1 (a)) also reported a risk estimate for Norway until the mid-1970s. Asbestos was used cancer of the lung and shipyard welders. in the shipyards until the 1970s. Little informa- Cancer mortality was evaluated in a cohort of tion on the smoking habits of cohort members four craftsmen groups (1027 welders, 235 caulker was available. [The Working Group noted that burners, 557 platers, and 1670 electricians) exposure monitoring data was not used in the employed in a shipyard in north-east England exposure assessment. The limitations of the (Newhouse et al., 1985). Standardized mortality studies included potential confounding from ratios (using local rates) for cancer of the lung tobacco smoking and exposure to asbestos. No were 1.13 (95% CI, 0.80–1.57; 26 exposed cases) mesotheliomas occurred among welders in all for welders and 2.32 (95% CI, 1.33–3.74) for three cohorts.] caulker burners. Caulker burners performed The earliest cohort study included MS workers burning and oxypropane cutting tasks and were at a shipyard in south-west Norway (Melkild et al., exposed to fumes that were similar in magnitude 1989). Compared with non-welding Norwegian and composition to welding fumes; however, men, welders had an elevated risk of cancer of these tasks were performed outside, most likely the lung (SIR, 2.21; 95% CI, 0.88–4.54; 7 exposed reducing exposure to the fumes. No excess risk cases) which was concentrated among workers of cancer of the lung was found for the two other employed as welders for 1–5 years. groups of craftsmen. [Although there were indi- The second cohort study included MS cators of potential confounding from asbestos welders at a shipyard on the west coast of Norway (mesotheliomas) or smoking, these indicators (Danielsen et al., 1993). In external 15-year lagged may not explain the excess risk of cancer of analysis, the standardized incidence ratio for the lung because they occurred in craftsmen cancer of the lung was 3.08 (95% CI, 1.35–6.08; subgroups with and without increased risk of 8 exposed cases) for all welders and somewhat cancer of the lung. The study was limited by higher among welders exposed to “high” (SIR, incomplete records of employment, the mobility 3.75; 95% CI, 1.38–8.19; 6 exposed cases) or of workers in moving to other shipyards, and “very high” levels (SIR, 4.0; 95% CI, 1.10–10.20; short follow-up time (during which only 15.7% 4 exposed cases). Similar results were found in of the workforce had died).] an internal analysis that used other shipyard (i) Shipyards in Norway workers (who were not welders, burners, or administrative workers) as the referent group Using a somewhat similar study design, three and a 10-year lagged time. There was some cohort studies reported on cancer incidence of evidence of an exposure-duration–response welders employed at three different Norwegian in the internal analysis (unlagged and 10-year shipyards (Melkild et al., 1989; Danielsen lagged); risks were higher among those that et al., 1993, 2000). The cohorts included all male had worked as welders for 5 years compared workers employed as welders, identified from the with those that had worked for fewer years.

148 Welding

A 1984 survey of smoking habits found that daily by time since first exposure, the highest risk smoking was 10–20% higher among Norwegian was among those welders for whom 40 years shipyard production workers and welders than had passed since their first exposure (SIR, 1.93; the general public, and these smoking differ- 95% CI, 0.40–5.64; 3 exposed cases); however, ences were estimated to explain a 25% increase the number of exposed cases was small for each risk (e.g. SIR, ~1.25). [The advantages of this exposure period. No cases of cancer of the lung study were lagged analysis by exposure to “high” occurred among 23 welders who had siderosis. and “very high” levels (although based on dura- Asbestos was used in shipyards, although no cases tion), internal analyses which helped to mitigate of mesothelioma were reported among welders. concerns for tobacco smoking and exposure to [The Working Group noted the potential for a asbestos, and information, although limited, on healthy worker effect, and potential confounding smoking habits. Non-welding shipyard workers from exposure to asbestos and tobacco smoking.] were presumed to have similar smoking habits (ii) Shipyards in Genoa, Italy as for welders.] The third cohort was of MS welders at a ship- Cancer mortality was evaluated in a cohort of yard on the island Stord (Danielsen et al., 2000). active and retired 274 oxyacetylene (mainly MS) An excess risk of cancer of the lung occurred in welders and 253 electric arc (mainly SS) welders both external (SIR, 1.27; 95% CI, 0.58–2.42) and employed at a shipyard in Genova, Italy, from internal analyses, using other shipyard workers as 1930 to 1980 (Merlo et al., 1989). Welders were a referent, among welders employed for less than presumed to be potentially exposed to low concen- 2 years (RR, 2.42; 95% CI, 0.73–8.01; 3 exposed trations of asbestos fibres according to company cases) and for more than 15 years (RR, 1.90; records. [The Working Group questioned the 95% CI, 0.67–5.38; 4 exposed cases). [The small validity of this statement.] An increased risk of numbers of cases limited the ability to look at mortality due to cancer of the lung (reported as employment-duration–response relationships.] respiratory tract) was found among oxyacety- The differences in risk of cancer of the lung lene welders in both external (SMR, 2.34; 95% among different types of shipyard workers were CI, 1.21–4.09; 12 exposed cases) and internal not explained by previous work history. In 1976 analyses (RR, 2.45; 95% CI, 0.77–7.83) using elec- and 1984 surveys of the shipyard, the proportion tric arc welders (mainly SS) as the referent group, of shipyard welders who were daily smokers was since they mainly worked outdoors and were similar to shipyard non-welders, and approxi- therefore presumed to have lower exposures. mately 10% higher than Norwegian men. Oxyacetylene welders worked inside oil tankers, Another study in Norway investigated cancer and were assumed to be exposed to higher levels incidence among shipyard welders employed for of gases and fumes than electric arc workers more than 10 years at 15 shipyard companies, who worked in open spaces. No increased risk and examined for siderosis in 1975 (Danielsen of cancer of the lung was found among electric et al., 1998). Welders who had quit welding arc workers compared with the general popula- before 1975 because of health problems were tion. Excess mortality from cancer of the lung not included in the study. The predominant due to tobacco smoking was modelled to be welding technique was electric arc on MS; SS equivalent to an excess relative risk of 21–30% welding was introduced after 1975. Welders had (depending on the smoking habits of the referent an increased risk of cancer of the lung (SIR, 1.55; population); information on smoking habits was 95% CI, 0.74–2.84; 10 exposed cases) compared ascertained from a 1986 survey. [The Working with non-welding Norwegian males. In analyses Group noted that the use of internal analyses

149 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 reduces concerns for potential confounding exposure scores were calculated for asbestos and from lifestyle factors such as tobacco smoking welding fumes. After adjustment for socioeco- and exposure to asbestos, which were thought nomic status (as a proxy for smoking) and expo- to be similar between the two groups of welders. sure to asbestos and radiation, the risk of cancer Follow-up did not start until 30 years after first of the lung increased for workers exposed to date of enrolment, meaning that deaths resulting welding fumes, although the relative risks were from cancer of the lung during 1930–1960 may similar in the low (RR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.1–1.92) have been missed.] and high (RR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.09–2.06) categories The mortality in a cohort of shipyard workers of exposure. employed at the harbour of Genoa, Italy, from A nested case–control study of cancer of the 1960 to 1980, including 267 arc welders and lung (Yiin et al., 2007) was also conducted in this 228 gas welders, was studied and subsequently cohort, extended to non-radiation workers, with updated by Puntoni et al. (1979, 2001). Mortality an improved quantitative assessment of exposure from cancer of the lung was increased in both to welding fumes, asbestos, and the chromium arc welders (SMR, 1.64; CI not reported) and and nickel content of welding fumes (Seel et al., gas welders (SMR, 1.57). Electric arc welders 2007). This study superseded a previous nested also showed increased mortality for cancers of case–control study of cancer of the lung within the bladder (SMR, 2.74) and kidney (SMR, 4.0). the same cohort (Rinsky et al., 1988). Exposure Elevated standardized mortality ratios were estimates in the study population (Zaebst et al., observed among gas welders for cancers of the 2009) showed that a large proportion of workers larynx (SMR, 2.0) and kidney (SMR, 3.57). Three were exposed to welding fumes (53%) and to deaths from cancer of the pleura (SMR, 3.77) and asbestos (64%). As most of the welding in this one death from asbestosis were observed among shipyard was on MS, exposure to chromium and electric arc welders; one death from cancer of the nickel in welding fumes was much less frequent pleura (SMR, 1.69) occurred among gas welders. (6% and 8% of the workers, respectively), and [The Working Group inferred from the cancer of these exposures were not considered in the the pleura and asbestosis deaths that this cohort epidemiological analysis. Socioeconomic status may have experienced substantial asbestos expo- and birth cohort were used as a surrogate for sure, which limits the interpretation of excesses smoking. When examining risk of cancer of the of cancer of the lung in welders. The Working lung with exposure to welding fumes on a contin- Group also suspected some overlap with the uous scale (per 1000 mg-days/m3), the multi- study by Merlo et al. (1989) described in the para- variate odds ratio was 1.01 (95% CI, 0.98–1.04). graph above.] Although mortality from leukaemia was (iii) Portsmouth Naval Shipyard also examined in this cohort, neither the cohort analysis (Yiin et al., 2005) or the nested case– The risk of cancer of the lung and leukaemia control study on leukaemia (Kubale et al., 2005) was investigated in a cohort of workers monitored examined the association with exposure to for radiation exposure at the Portsmouth Naval welding fumes. However, in a previous case– Shipyard in Maine, USA, initiated to study the control study of leukaemia within the Portsmouth effects of ionizing radiation exposure Yiin( et al., Naval Shipyard cohort (Stern et al., 1986), an 2005). The main objective was to explore dose– increased risk of leukaemia (OR, 3.19; 95% CI, response relationships between ionizing radiation 1.09–9.37), particularly myeloid leukaemia (OR, and risk of cancer, while adjusting for previously 6.23; 95% CI, 1.64–23.64), was found among unanalysed confounders. Semi-quantitative welders after adjustment for radiation exposure,

150 Welding employment as electrician, and exposure to Using controls who did not die from cancers of solvents. [The Working Group noted that the the lung, stomach, pancreas, and haematopoietic focus of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard study system, standardized mortality odds ratio (MOR) was ionizing radiation exposure; despite the for cancer of the lung was significantly elevated comprehensive exposure assessment, the effects for welding (MOR, 2.73; 95% CI, 1.20–6.30; of exposure to welding fumes were not explored 7 exposed deaths) and increased with increasing in detail.] duration of employment in welding areas (although based on a small number of deaths). (c) Other welding industries The highest mortality odds ratios were reported The other cohort studies evaluated cancer in logistic regression models that combined mortality or incidence in welders in a variety of previous welding employment with employment industries including heavy equipment manu- in the stamping plant and models using short facturing plants, automobile assembly, stamp latency weighting. [The Working Group noted and engine plants, foundries, metal shops, tele- that potential exposure to asbestos was limited phone line workers, and nuclear plants. Some to a few workers in assembly operations and studies assembled workers from a large number unlikely to be a concern for welders. No informa- of companies by using occupational registries tion was available on smoking habits; however, or union records. Studies reporting on cancer internal analyses helped to mitigate concerns of the lung are organized based on information from tobacco smoking. The limitations of the regarding potential exposure to asbestos, and study included the healthy worker effect, a young then by chronological date. Studies of welders cohort, and a short follow-up (5% of the cohort with minimum exposure to asbestos include had died).] a cohort of automobile assembly and stamp Cancer mortality was evaluated in a cohort workers (Park et al., 1994) and a cohort of heavy of male MS welders and non-welders employed equipment manufacturing workers (Steenland, at three heavy equipment manufacturing plants 2002). Exposure to asbestos may have been more in Illinois, USA. Importantly, these workers were substantial in the Norwegian study of boiler not exposed to asbestos, nickel, or chromium welders (Danielsen et al., 1996) and in a study (Steenland, 2002). Workers who only worked of French telephone line workers (Meguellati- as flame-cutters or burners, or on maintenance, Hakkas et al., 2006). The remaining studies were excluded. The 2002 study updated the find- provided no or little information (such as use of ings of the original study (Steenland et al., 1991) asbestos or cases of mesothelioma) to evaluate with 10 years of additional follow-up. The average potential confounding from exposure to asbestos time since first exposure was 20 years, and 23% (Dunn & Weir, 1968; Polednak, 1981; Steenland of the population had died. An excess risk of et al., 1986; Sorahan et al., 1994; Austin et al., mortality from cancer of the lung was observed 1997). With the exception of the French study of among welders compared with men in the telephone line workers which assessed cumula- general population (SMR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.19–1.79; tive exposure to welding fumes, all of the other 97 deaths) or with male non-welder workers studies assessed exposure by occupation as a (standardized rate ratio (SRR), 1.22; 95% welder. CI, 0.93–1.59). In internal analysis using Park et al. (1994) conducted a cohort study of a 10-year lagged time, standardized rate hourly employees who worked at an automotive ratios increased with increasing employment metal stamping and assembly complex. Welding duration with the exception of the longest in the stamp plant was performed on sheet metal. employment duration, which showed no

151 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 increased risk. Trends for years of exposure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and (P for trend, 0.33) or log years of exposure engine exhausts), small, non-significant elevated (P for trend, 0.17) were not statistically signifi- risks of cancer of the lung were observed in all cant. Based on a cross-sectional survey, welders cumulative exposure categories of arc welding; and non-welders in the cohort smoked more than the risk was somewhat higher in the longest expo- the general population. The authors estimated sure duration category (RR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.7–2.8; that smoking differences would result in a risk 63 deaths). Exposure to asbestos but not engine ratio of 1.08 between welders and non-welders exhaust or PAHs was associated with mortality within the cohort, and 1.23 between cohort from cancer of the lung in this study. [The advan- welders and the US population. [The strengths tages of this study were the use of a semiquantita- of the study included an internal comparison tive exposure assessment to arc welding and the group, information on smoking habits, little or large numbers of deaths from cancer of the lung no exposure to asbestos, a relatively large number for mortality analysis. The focus of the study of cases, and adequate follow-up. The major limi- was exposure to asbestos; exposure to welding tation was the lack of semiquantitative or quan- fumes was included in the analyses as a poten- titative exposure assessment to welding fumes.] tial confounder for the association with cancer Danielsen et al. (1996) evaluated cancer of the lung. Exposure to welding fumes did not incidence among welders listed in the Norway appear to be substantial in this cohort; 80% of Registry of Boiler Welders from 385 different deaths occurred in workers exposed to less than businesses throughout Norway. Standardized 0.04 cumulative exposure years of welding.] incidence ratios for cancer of the lung were Dunn & Weir (1968) conducted a prospec- 1.33 (95% CI, 1.00–1.74; 50 exposed cases) for tive study of male workers employed in several all boiler welders and 1.03 (95% CI, 0.41–2.15; different occupation groups in California, USA, 6 exposed cases) for the subset of SS welders. chosen based on case–control studies which In analysis by date of first registration, boiler suggested a possible link with risk of cancer of welders who first registered during the periods the lung. The workers were selected from union 1950–1959 and 1970–1982 had an increased risk mailing lists and questionnaires. No excess of cancer of the lung. Asbestos was used until deaths from cancer of the lung occurred among the mid-1970s and an excess of pleural meso- the combined category of welders and burners theliomas was observed among welders (3 cases compared with the expected deaths (adjusted among boiler welders and 1 case among SS for age and smoking) for the total study popu- welders). The standardized incidence ratio for lation (e.g. workers). [The Working Group noted cancer of the kidney for boiler welders was 1.78 that expected numbers included workers that (95% CI, 1.07–2.78; 19 exposed cases). were exposed to asbestos, and that the follow-up A cohort study of cancer mortality was period was short (average 7 years).] conducted among 34 305 French male telephone A cohort study was conducted of white male line workers exposed to low concentrations of welders employed at three Oak Ridge nuclear asbestos during the installation of telephone plants in the USA (Polednak, 1981). The welders cables (Meguellati-Hakkas et al., 2006). The were divided into two groups: the first group cohort included both prevalent hires (as of 1978) worked at a facility (K-25 plant) that welded as well as men newly hired during 1978–1994, nickel-alloy pipes; and the second group (“other and the workers were followed until 1996. In welders”) worked with MS, SS, and other metals. multivariable models adjusting for age, calendar Mortality from cancer of the lung was elevated in period, and occupational co-exposures (asbestos, both type of welders, and was somewhat higher

152 Welding among the “other welders” group (SMR, 1.75; A cohort of members of a metal trade union, 95% CI, 0.84–3.22; 10 exposed deaths) than including welders and non-welders, was investi- the nickel-alloy workers ([SMR, 1.26; 95% CI, gated by Beaumont & Weiss (1980, 1981). Welders 0.51–2.62]; 7 exposed deaths); most of the risk in had an elevated mortality from cancer of the the latter group occurred in workers who had been lung (SMR, 1.32), which increased with time employed for more than 50 weeks. [The available since first employment (SMR, 1.74 for 20 years data on tobacco smoking suggested that a greater since first employment). A reanalysis of these proportion of welders smoked compared with the data (Steenland et al., 1986) using Cox regression general public, and tobacco smoking may be a estimated the cancer of the lung rate ratio for potential confounder for cancer of the lung in this welders versus non-welders as 1.29 (P = 0.17; CI welder group. In contrast, nickel-alloy workers not reported). [No exposure data were available.] had smoking habits which were similar to that A nested case–control study of cancer of the of the general public. The excess risk of cancer lung (231 deaths, 408 controls) was conducted of the lung among K-25 plant workers may have among workers at a foundry and two engine been due to exposure to nickel; concentrations plants (Austin et al., 1997). Work histories were of nickel were above the National Institute for obtained from plant personnel files; smoking Occupational Safety and Health recommended data were collected by telephone interview of standard of 0.015 mg/m3. Other study limitations next-of-kin for the cases, and of the subject (64%) were the small numbers of exposed cases and the or a next-of-kin for controls. After adjustment for potential for a healthy worker effect (SMR, 0.87 smoking, no elevation of mortality from cancer for all causes). No information was provided of the lung was found in the welding group. This about exposure to ionizing radiation.] study did not identify any specific job or plant Sorahan et al. (1994) updated a cohort of area with an increased risk of cancer of the lung. foundry workers previously investigated by Fletcher & Ades (1984) and Sorahan & Cooke (d) Less informative industrial cohort studies (1989). Workers were classified into 25 occu- The Working Group reviewed several addi- pational categories, according to the first job tional studies of welders that were considered to held. An increased standardized mortality ratio be less informative because they were not specific for cancer of the lung was shown for “burning to welding (McMillan & Pethybridge 1983; and welding” in the fettling shop, but higher Silverstein et al., 1985; Verma et al., 1992; de Silva standardized mortality ratios were found for et al., 1999; Krstev et al., 2007; Wu et al., 2013) other occupations in the fettling shop. Welding and/or had other limitations in the design or in “pattern/machine/maintenance/inspection” analysis (McMillan & Pethybridge, 1983; Verma was not associated with elevated mortality from et al., 1992; de Silva et al., 1999). Two studies cancer of the lung. The numbers of deaths from were limited in their ability to detect an associ- cancer of the stomach were below expectations ation between cancer of the lung and welding; in both groups. Mortality from other cancers one study included some welders in the reference was not reported by occupational category. [The group (McMillan & Pethybridge, 1983) and the Working Group noted that the cohort included other study was very small and had inadequate only a small number of welders, and no expo- follow-up (de Silva et al., 1999). In the study by sure data were available. However, at least some Verma et al. (1992), welders worked in a tank workers would have been exposed to foundry house in the vicinity of tar-laying operations and processes.] were exposed to high levels of PAHs (which were measured in the study).


(e) Cohort studies that did not report on was limited to arc welding (OR, 2.9; 95% CI, cancer of the lung 1.6–5.3). There was no evidence of an association See Table 2.3 with electric resistance welding (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, Howe et al. (1983) reported on mortality from 0.5–2.4). Among arc welders, the risk increased cancer of the brain of a cohort of male pensioners with the average number of welding hours per exposed to welding fumes during employment week (P for trend, 0.63). Elevated odds ratios were with the Canadian National Railway company observed for all subtypes (adrenal glands, para- over the period 1965–1977. The standardized thyroid gland, pituitary gland). [Considering mortality ratio for cancer of the brain was 3.18 the elevated risks of arc welding and not electric (95% CI, 1.53–5.86; 10 exposed deaths). [The resistance welding, ELF-EMF does not appear to Working Group noted that there was potential explain these results.] for exposure misclassification due to a lack of detailed information or lifetime work history. 2.4.2 Population-based cohorts No information was available on which occu- See Table 2.1 pations were considered to entail exposure to Several studies evaluated the risk of expo- welding fumes, or on smoking and potential sure to welding fumes or occupation as a welder co-exposures.] in population-based cohorts. In general, there A study of paternal exposure to welding and was lower confidence in the exposure informa- childhood malignancies was conducted among a tion than from industrial cohorts. The studies cohort of men employed at 74 Danish MS or SS include: (1) three studies that used a JEM to assess manufacturing companies (Bonde et al., 1992). exposure to welding fumes based on occupa- The study was based on the Danish welding tional questionnaire data; (2) two record-linkage cohort study (Hansen et al., 1996). Standardized studies; (3) a prospective cohort evaluating occu- incidence ratios were close to unity for child- pation and different types of cancer in Europe; hood cancers for offspring of SS welders (2 cases and (4) a prospective cohort study evaluating the of cancer) and those of MS welders (4 cases of incidence of cancer of the lung among frequent cancer). [The study had limited power to detect smokers enrolled in a lung screening randomized childhood cancer risks.] trial. To examine cancer incidence in workers A cohort of 869 men from the town of exposed to high levels of extremely low Zutphen, the Netherlands, born between 1900 frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF), and 1920, was used to compare the performance a cohort with an elevated prevalence of electric of different methods of exposure assessment in resistance welders was established (Håkansson an analysis of incidence of cancer of the lung et al., 2002). The cohort comprised all subjects (Kromhout et al., 1992). Exposure to welding ever employed during 1985–1994 in indus- fumes and soldering fumes was assessed with a tries assumed to use electric resistance welding general JEM (Pannett et al., 1985) and a popula- (537 692 men and 180 29 women). A case–control tion-specific JEM, developed from self-reported study on tumours of the endocrine glands was exposures collected in a sample of the cohort. nested in this cohort, including 140 cases and No clear associations were found between risk 1306 controls frequency-matched by sex and of cancer of the lung and exposure to fumes age (Håkansson et al., 2005). An increased risk evaluated by the general JEM. When exposures of tumours of the endocrine glands was found were assessed by the population-specific JEM, among welders (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.3–3.5), which elevated hazard ratios for cancer of the lung,

154 Welding adjusted for smoking, were found for exposure to lung with cumulative exposure to iron fumes welding fumes (HR, 1.93; 95% CI, 1.05–3.55) and was also found in this study. Exposures to iron soldering fumes (HR, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.17–4.29). fumes, chromium, nickel, lead, and benzo[a]- A population-based cohort study was con- pyrene were so strongly correlated with exposure ducted in the Netherlands among 58 279 men, to welding fumes that they could not be included aged 55–69 years, who completed a self-admin- in the same statistical model. To assess any istered questionnaire in 1986 and were followed potential confounding effect, additional analyses up for incidence of cancer of the lung until 1990 excluding workers with exposures to moderate (van Loon et al., 1997a). [The follow-up of this or high levels of iron fumes, chromium, nickel, cohort was short and exposure was assessed lead, and benzo[a]pyrene were performed. These retrospectively at baseline.] After adjustment for exclusions did not markedly change the esti- smoking, diet, and other occupational exposures, mated risks associated with exposure to welding the relative risk for ever exposure to welding fumes. [The main strengths of this study were fumes was not increased (RR, 0.86; 95% CI, the large number of workers, the semi-quanti- 0.46–1.58), and no clear trend was observed with tative assessment of exposure to welding fumes, the score of cumulative exposure. In the same and the availability of data on major potential cohort, the adjusted relative risk for incidence of confounders.] cancer of the prostate (Zeegers et al., 2004) was Pukkala et al. (2009) linked individual records 1.41 (95% CI, 0.51–3.88; 12 exposed cases) for of 14.9 million people aged 30–64 years in the those ever employed as a welder. 1960, 1970, 1980/1981, and/or 1990 censuses The cohort of 1.2 million economically active in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Finnish men who participated in the 1970 national Sweden to the 2.8 million incident cancer cases census was followed for incidence of cancer of recorded in cancer registries for these people in the lung during 1971–1995 (Siew et al., 2008). a follow-up study until around 2005. The orig- The Finnish job-exposure matrix (FINJEM) was inal national occupation codes were converted linked to the occupation held for the longest to a common classification with 53 occupational time up to 1970 to assess cumulative expo- categories. As Danish welders were included in sure to welding fumes, iron fumes, asbestos, the broader group of mechanics workers, they silica, chromium, nickel, lead, benzo[a]- were excluded from the analysis of welders which pyrene, and smoking. Relative risks adjusted for concerned 74 857 men and 2606 women. Results age, smoking, socioeconomic status, and expo- were reported for 49 cancer sites, some of them sure to asbestos and silica were estimated using further divided according to subsite and histo- the Poisson regression. The standardized inci- logical type. Among men, elevated standardized dence ratio of cancer of the lung was 1.31 (95% incidence ratios were found for cancer of the lung CI, 0.84–1.95) among welders in the building (SIR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.27–1.40), mesothelioma (SIR, industry, 1.05 (95% CI, 0.69–1.55) for welders 1.79; 95% CI, 1.44–2.20), cancer of the kidney in shipyards, 1.39 (95% CI, 1.14–1.69) among (SIR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.14–1.36), particularly cancer welders not otherwise specified, and 0.95 (95% of the renal pelvis (SIR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.05–1.80), CI, 0.78–1.15) among SS welders. The risk for and acute myeloid leukaemia (SIR, 1.23; 95% CI, cancer of the lung increased as the cumulative 0.99–1.52). Thirty-six cases of ocular melanoma exposure to welding fumes increased, and the were observed (SIR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.75-1.48). dose–response relationship was more evident for Among women the number of cases was small squamous cell carcinomas than for other histo- for most cancer sites, but an increased risk of logical types. An increase in risk of cancer of the cancer of the lung was also reported (SIR, 1.70;


95% CI, 1.10–2.51). No case of mesothelioma was was increased for welders in all industry groups. observed among female welders (vs 0.3 expected). By histological type of cancer of the lung, the In men, elevated standardized incidence ratios strongest associations were found for carcinomas were observed for all histological types of cancer of the small cell and squamous cell. In analyses of the lung, whereas in women increased risk was restricted to blue-collar workers, risk estimates limited to histological types other than adeno- were slightly attenuated for cancer of the lung carcinoma. No data on smoking habits were and mesothelioma, and slightly increased for available, but an earlier study based on a previous cancers of the bladder and kidney, and ocular follow-up of the Norwegian component of this melanoma. study (Haldorsen et al., 2004) showed that, in Associations between occupation and cancer male welders, indirect adjustment for smoking incidence were investigated in several studies increased the cancer of the lung standardized which were part of the European Prospective incidence ratio from 1.31 to 1.48. Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). The Swedish component of this study These studies assessed the risk of cancer of the overlaps several other record-linkage studies lung (Veglia et al., 2007), cancer of the bladder conducted in Sweden (Englund et al., 1982; (Pesch et al., 2013), lymphoma (Neasham et al., Sjögren & Carstensen, 1986; McLaughlin et al., 2011), and leukaemia (Saberi Hosnijeh et al., 1987; Alguacil et al., 2003). These studies were 2013). Data on 52 a priori hazardous job titles considered to be subsumed by the Pukkala et al. were collected through standardized question- (2009) study, and are not discussed further. naires. After adjustment for smoking, increased Cancer risks associated with welding were risks of cancer of the lung were associated with evaluated by linking records on current job from having ever worked as a welder (RR, 1.67; 95% the 1991 Canadian census of 1.1 million male CI, 1.20–2.30) or in the welding shop (RR, 1.55; workers with the Canadian Cancer Registry, and 95% CI, 1.20–2.10). Elevated risks of cancer of the followed up until 2010 (MacLeod et al., 2017). bladder were also found for welders (RR, 1.39; Welders and occasional welders were compared 95% CI, 0.85–2.27) and for those who worked with non-welders. Among welders, elevated risks in a welding shop (RR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.01–2.34). were found for cancer of the lung (HR, 1.16; There was no indication of an increased risk of 95% CI, 1.03–1.31), mesothelioma (HR, 1.78; leukaemia or lymphoma in welding occupations. 95% CI, 1.01–3.18), cancer of the bladder Wong et al. (2017) analysed the association (HR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.15–1.70), and cancer of the between the incidence of cancer of the lung kidney (HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.01–1.67). Five cases and occupation as metalworker (foundry and of ocular melanoma were observed (HR, 1.55; welders) in a cohort of frequent smokers who 95% CI, 0.64–3.76). The risks of cancer of the lung were enrolled in 33 centres across the USA, and mesothelioma were increased among occa- included in the National Lung Screening Trial sional welders, but no excess risks were found for (NLST). (Workers from both arms of the rand- other cancer sites. Analyses by industry showed omized control trial were combined in the analysis higher hazard ratios for cancer of the lung among after 5–7 years of follow-up.) The adjusted hazard welders in vehicle repair, shipbuilding and repair, ratio of incidence of cancer of the lung for ever and construction. Welders in construction also employed as a welder (excluding foundry workers had an elevated risk of mesothelioma. Less than and those who previously worked in high-risk 5 mesothelioma cases were observed in other occupations, such as asbestos workers) was 1.12 industries, and risk estimates were not reported. (95% CI, 0.91–1.37; 101 exposed cases). In ana- The risk of cancers of the bladder and kidney lyses by cancer subtypes, the strongest association

156 Welding with welding was found for squamous cell carci- Two studies conducted in different US coastal noma (adjusted HR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.13–3.22; regions, with a reference category restricted to 11 cases) for those who had ever worked as a welder shipyard workers that consisted of non-welders for 25 years or more, compared with workers likely exposed to asbestos (Blot et al., 1978, 1980), without a history of metalwork (P for trend for were also excluded. A case–control study that employment duration, 0.003). [The strengths of only included welders as cases and controls (Hull this study included its prospective design, large et al., 1989) and a case–case study (Paris et al., number of cases, information on cancer of the 2010) are not reported in Table 2.5 because they lung subtypes, smoking habits, past exposure to do not allow estimation of the risk of cancer of asbestos and other carcinogens, and multivariate the lung among welders per se. and sensitivity analyses. The study was limited Most case–control studies reported elevated by its short follow-up and lack of detailed expo- risks for workers employed as welders who sure information for welding and occupational reported welding as their job task, or workers co-exposures.] who reported exposure to welding fumes (Breslow et al., 1954; Gerin et al., 1984; Buiatti 2.5 Case–control studies et al., 1985; Kjuus et al., 1986; Lerchen et al., 1987; Schoenberg et al., 1987; Benhamou et al., 1988; 2.5.1 Cancer of the lung Ronco et al., 1988; Zahm et al., 1989; Morabia et al., 1992; Jöckel et al., 1998; Pezzotto & Poletto, See Table 2.5 and Table 2.6 1999; Gustavsson et al., 2000; Soskolne et al., The Working Group identified more than 2007; Brenner et al., 2010; Corbin et al., 2011; 20 cancer of the lung case–control studies that Calvert et al., 2012; ’t Mannetje et al., 2012; Tse reported on the association between welding-re- et al., 2012; Vallières et al., 2012; Kendzia et al., lated occupations or exposure to welding fumes 2013; Luqman et al., 2014; Matrat et al., 2016), but and cancer of the lung (Table 2.5). These include a many of the observed associations were statis- pooled analysis of case–control studies (Kendzia tically non-significant [probably due to small et al., 2013) and a multicentre case–control sample sizes]. Two studies reported risk estimates study (’t Mannetje et al., 2012). The study by close to unity (Pezzotto & Poletto, 1999; Vallières ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) was included in the pooled et al., 2012), but none reported odds ratios below analysis by Kendzia et al. (2013) for occupation unity for ever welding. Most studies were able to as a welder; it is included in this review as it adjust for smoking, but adjustment for occupa- presents further analysis on exposure to welding tional co-exposures, in particular adjustment for fumes that was not presented in the analysis by asbestos exposure, was possible in fewer studies. Kendzia et al. (2013). We excluded studies that Most studies report risk estimates only for men were superseded by subsequent publications due to an insufficient number of women in this using the same data (Jöckel et al., 1994; Richiardi occupational group. et al. 2004; Brenner et al., 2010; Guida et al., 2011), The SYNERGY pooling study with 15 483 but we retained studies (listed in Table 2.5) that male cases (568 of them being welders) and were included in the pooling study if the original 18 388 male controls (427 of them being welders) publication provided additional information. is one of the most informative case–control We also excluded studies whose job-exposure studies on welding occupation and cancer of the classification was so broad that it did not allow lung (Kendzia et al., 2013). This analysis based an assessment of the risk among welders specif- on job title included adjustment for age, study ically (Matos et al., 1998; Droste et al., 1999). centre, smoking, and occupations known to be

157 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 associated with cancer of the lung (so-called (2013) reported an odds ratio of 3.5 (95% CI, List A jobs, many of them entailing exposure to 1.8–6.6) in welders overall and an odds ratio of asbestos) resulted in an adjusted odds ratio of 2.5 (95% CI, 1.1–5.5) in welders not exposed to 1.50 (95% CI, 1.20–1.88) for the longest held job asbestos, where exposure was classified by an as a welder. [The Working Group noted that this industrial hygienist. study was adjusted for asbestos exposure, but not In a German study, Jöckel et al. (1998) specifically for welding-related asbestos expo- reported a detailed assessment of exposure to sure.] Jobs entailing occasional welding were also welding fumes and exposure to asbestos through associated with elevated risks, but the risk esti- a set of job-specific questionnaires (around mates were smaller compared with that of regular 20 questions) and a supplementary question- welders. Compared with never welders, the odds naire on welding. After adjustment for smoking ratios increased with duration of occupation as and asbestos exposure, the odds ratio for ever a welder from 1 to less than 3 years (OR, 1.14; being employed as a welder was 1.93 (95% CI, 95% CI, 0.80–1.61), 3 to less than 10 years 1.03–3.61). In this study, ever being exposed to (OR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.26–1.91), 10 to 25 years welding fumes and gases was associated with a or less (OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.06–1.79), to more slightly elevated risk (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.94–1.65), than 25 years (OR, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.31–2.39) (P but no dose–effect relationship was seen with for trend, < 0.0001). When stratified by histolog- cumulative exposure expressed in lifetime ical type, odds ratios appeared to be strongest hours of welding after adjustment for smoking for carcinomas of the squamous cell and small and asbestos. Odds ratios were reported of 1.38 cell and somewhat lower for adenocarcinomas. (95% CI, 0.91–2.09) for less than 1000 hours, For never-smoker welders, the odds ratio for 1.14 (95% CI, 0.73–1.79) for 1000–6000 hours, cancer of the lung was 2.04 (95% CI, 1.16–3.61). and 1.10 (95% CI, 0.73–1.66) for more than 6000 The overlap between this biggest pooling study hours. [There is partial overlap with the study by (SYNERGY) (Kendzia et al., 2013), which includes Kendzia et al. (2013).] 22 case–control studies conducted between 1985 A Swedish study reported that 62% of and 2010, and the overlap among these other welding entailed asbestos exposure, according studies, is summarized in Table 2.6. Results are to a detailed exposure assessment by an indus- reported by the individual studies included in the trial hygienist (Gustavsson et al., 2000). Based SYNERGY pooled analysis when not reported in on a self-completed questionnaire that gathered the pooled analysis. The study by Schoenberg information on the lifetime occupational history, et al. (1987) was not included in the pooled including company name and location, occupa- analysis by Kendzia et al. (2013). tion, and work tasks for each job held for at least Confounding by asbestos is a major concern 1 year, an industrial hygienist performed a case- in the assessment of the association between by-case classification of the intensity and proba- welding and cancer of the lung. Workers may bility (0, 20, 50, or 80%) of exposure to 7 agents. be exposed to asbestos as a bystander in ship- Intensity units for welding were assigned as 1, 5, yards, but also from heat-protective clothing or and 15, where 15 units corresponded to full-time blankets used to cover the weld to prevent abrupt employment as a MMA welder. Cumulative cooling. Studies that controlled for asbestos, and exposure was calculated as the product of additionally for smoking, are described in the intensity, probability, and duration of exposure following. over all job periods. In analysing the dose–effect A study in the USA (Schoenberg et al. 1987) relationship with cumulative welding expo- not included in the analysis by Kendzia et al. sure, Gustavsson et al. (2000) did not observe

158 Welding



, 2013 and therefore also et al. (2012) Kendzia Comments Strengths: careful in-person interviews; assessment welding of as a task; non-consideration of short- term occupations Limitations: no age-adjustment; crude adjustment smoking for in five categories; smoking status missing in subjects; of 5% small number welders of Overlaps with the study of et al. with the SYNERGY pooling study ( Strengths: individual expert assessment; specific and detailed assessment exposure of to and Ni Cr Limitations: control no asbestos for or other occupational carcinogens stratificationbut by Ni exposure Covariates controlled None None Smoking Age, smoking, SES, ethnicity

Risk estimate CI) (95% [1] [10.2 (1.3–79.8)] [1] (1.6–31.7)] [7.2 [7.66 (1.36–43.23)] 1 2.4 (1.0–5.4) (1.2–9.2) 3.3 1.2 (0.1–9.4)

Exposed cases/ deaths 508 10 479 14 14 227 12 10 2 Exposure category level or Non-welder or flame cutter(ref.) flame or Welder cutter > 5 yr of Non-welder (ref.) and sheetWelders metal workers doing welding > 5 yr and sheetWelders metal workers doing welding > 5 yr Welders Non-welders (ref.) All With Ni exposure Without Ni exposure

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: histopathologically 518 verified caseslungof cancer, of 25 them women patientsControls: admitted 518 to the hospital around the same time theof same age (within sex, 5 yr), and race a condition for other than cancer a chest or disease, chosen at random as a matched control for case each Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; job title Cases: 246 male cancer cases aged 35–70 yr from entire Montreal population at major hospitals for tumour12 sites identified through hospital pathology department patients(1343 whom of 246 were diagnosed with lung cancer) Controls: general- 144 1241, population healthy subjects and all cases the of remaining tumour 11 sites Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; individual expert assessment exposure of (focusing based and Ni on Cr) job on histories and a semi-structured probing section

et al.

et al.

Table 2.5 Case–controlTable studies on cancer of the lung and welding or exposure to welding fumes Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Breslow (1954) California, USA 1949–1952 Gerin (1984) Montreal, Canada 1979–1982


Comments reportedWelding OR men only for Strengths: diligent consideration possibleof selection biases possibly to thedue hospital-based study design Limitations: small number; no adjustment occupational for co- exposure Covariates controlled Age, smoking, place birth of

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 2.8 (0.9–8.5)

Exposed cases/ deaths NR 7 Exposure category level or Men Never welder (ref.) Welder

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: histologically 376 confirmed primary lung cancer cases admitted to the hospital serving as the referral centre all for lung cancers in the province Florence of (340 men patientsand 36 women); not resident in the metropolitan area of Florence excluded Controls: 892 controls from the medical service the of same hospital, frequency-matched by datesex, admission of age (± 5 yr), and smoking status(± 3 mo), categories)(7 with discharge diagnoses other than lung cancer Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; personal interview including all jobs > 1 yr held for and an exposure checklist known/ 16 of suspected carcinogens

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Buiatti (1985) Florence, Italy 1981–1983

160 Welding

Comments Results similar were matched for and unmatched analyses is it (accounting but age), for unclear whether this applies to welding Strengths: case–control status blinded in 90% interviews; of detailed work history included job descriptions; additional questionnaire agents and 17 on 5 specificprocesses; work diligent analysisincluding several sensitivity biases potential assess analyses to Limitations: small numbers; multiple comparisons and collinearity of exposures; age-adjustment specifically not mentioned the for analysis of welders Covariates controlled Smoking

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (0.9–3.7) 1.9 (1.2–9.3) 3.3

Exposed cases/ deaths 148 28 16 Exposure category level or Exposed > 3 yr for exposedNot to welding (ref.) Welding (all types) Welding (SS, acid proof)

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: male incident 176 lung cancer cases age of < 80 yr, admitted to the medical ward with the recent diagnosis lung of cancer age-matchedControls: controls 176 selected(± 5 yr) from the same ward; chronic obstructive lung diseases and conditions, implying physical or mental handicaps not eligible Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; subjects were interviewed the at bedside to obtain complete work history since age; of 14 yr job title and detailed information relevant on exposure factors were ascertained

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Kjuus (1986) SE Norway 1979–1983


Comments Welding risk estimates only males for reported Strengths: personal interview; jobs coded according to standard classifications to and priorian a list of high-risk occupations; stratificationby industry(shipyard, other) Limitations: high proportion of next-of-kin in cases in not but controls Covariates controlled Age, ethnicity, smoking

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 3.2 (1.4–7.4) 2.2 (0.5–9.1) 3.8 (1.4–10.7)

Exposed cases/ deaths NR 19 6 13 Exposure category level or Male welders Never employed as welders in or shipyard (ref.) All industries Shipyard industry Other industries

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 506 Hispanic white and other white residents aged 25–84 yr with primary lung cancer identified by the Registry; New Mexico Tumor women men and 173 333 controlsControls: per ~1.5 771; case frequency-matched sex, by ethnicity, and 10 yr age category, randomly selected from residential telephone numbers subjects and (for aged from > 65 yr) Medicare roster; 499 men and response women; 272 proportion next-of-kin) (2% 83% Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; personal interview including lifetime occupational history and self-reported agent exposures each for job held for from> 6 mo age 12 yr; exclusion of subjects with < 20 yr employment of

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Lerchen (1987) New Mexico, USA 1980–1982

162 Welding

Comments Enrolment from six geographic areas, two which of had heavy concentrations of shipyard workers; reported ORs refer to welders in shipbuilding Strengths: verificationof self- by exposure asbestos reported industrial hygienist blinded for case–control status; in-depth analysis job of tasks in shipbuilding; stratificationby asbestos exposure (yes/no) Limitations: limited adjustment smokingfor cigars, (never, or < 10 cigarettes/d, cigarettes/d, 10–29 ≥ 30 cigarettes/d, unknown) that lacked information smoking on duration Covariates controlled Age, respondent type, smoking, study area, education, vegetable intake

Risk estimate CI) (95% (1.8–7.8) 3.8 3.5 (1.8–6.6) (1.1–5.5) 2.5

Exposed cases/ deaths NR 33 17 Exposure category level or or burnersWelders Combined welders Combined welders with no asbestos exposure

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: white 763 male residents with incident histologically confirmed cancerof lung the trachea and bronchus, identified through reporting system based on pathology departments and cancer registry; response 70.4% Controls: total 900; general- 1415 population white male controls identified through death certificates and driver’s license files(randomly), frequency matched race, by age, and area of residence; additionally matched closest for date death of for cases with next-of-kin respondent; deaths from lung cancer or respiratory disease excluded Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; personal interview including the history all of jobs held since > 3 mo for age 12 yr (job title, typeemployer, business, of tasks, materials handled, agent exposures); supplementary questions for shipbuilding workers; review of an by exposure asbestos reported industrial hygienist


Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Schoenberg et al. New Jersey, USA 1980–1981



Comments Analysis restricted to male nonsmokers male or exclusive cigarette smokers Strengths: complete job history Limitations: crude adjustment smokingfor (smoking status, age at starting categories), (2 frequency (2 categories), duration categories); adjustment no (2 for occupational carcinogens Strengths: detailed adjustment for smoking and List A/B jobs Limitations: cause of death obtained from local death registers; exposure interview; next-of-kin classificationonly basedon job title Covariates controlled Age, sex, hospital admission, interviewer, smoking Age, smoking, other occupations

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.42 (0.79–2.88) 1 2.93 (0.87–9.82)

Exposed cases/ deaths 1316 18 120 6 Exposure category level or onlyMen Never welders or flame cutters(ref.) and flameWelders cutters weldersNot (ref.) Welders

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: male 1334 cases with histologically confirmedlung cancer Controls: 2409; 2 hospital 1 or controls with nonsmoking related diseases matched were per case sex,on age diagnosis at (± 5 yr), hospital of admission, and interviewer Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; job history (jobs and duration of occupation); expert assessment the of data Cases: 126 male residents who died from lung cancer from 1976–1980 Controls: 384, a random sample of men who died from other causes during matched by 1976–1980, 3:1 year death of and 10-yr age group to 80–89);(30–39 deaths from bladder and respiratory cancer excluded Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; next-of-kin interview or by telephone, at home (75–76%) including lifelong occupational history; job titles coded were blindly case–controlfor status according to ISCO and ICIT

et al. et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Benhamou (1988) France 1976–1980 Ronco (1988) Turin, north Italy 1976–1980

164 Welding

Comments Strengths: large sample size; stratificationby histological type Limitations: non-standardized assessment occupation, of only current job; crude adjustment current, smokingfor ex-, (never, unknown a high smoker); proportion missing of smoking status; crude age adjustment (0–59, yr) 60–69, >70 Strengths: personal interview Limitations: contradictory statement regarding inclusion/ exclusion smoking-related of disorders in controls; only usual job title and the list 44 of exposures was asked; questionnaire version changed twice during the study; reference group not precisely defined Covariates controlled Age, smoking Age, race, smoking, region

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.2 (0.7–2.1) (0.7–3.8) 1.7 1.7 (0.9–3.3) 0.4 (0.1–1.8) 0.8 (0.2–2.2) 1 (0.8–2.7) 1.5

Exposed cases/ deaths 29 8 15 2 4 1548 18 Exposure category level or andWelders solderers vs. all other occupations All Adenocarcinoma SCC Small cell/oat cell Other All other occupations; never worked as welder (ref.) and flameWelders cutters

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 4431 histologically confirmedlung cancer cases identified through Missouri Cancer Registry; all white men Controls: cancer 11 326 controls identified through Missouri Cancer Registry from white male residents excluding cancer the of lip, oral cavity, oesophagus, lung, bladder, ill-defined/unknown sites Exposure assessment method: smoking status and occupation theat time diagnosis of obtained from medical records; codable information available from of 52% cases and controls; of 45% among subjects with known occupations, smoking status was unknown in cases of 15% and controls of 37% Cases: hospital-based 1793 male cases confirmedby histology Controls: 3228; 2 controls 1 or hospitalized for conditions not related to smoking, matched age for race (black/white),(5 yr), hospital, date admission, of and smoking currenthistory ex-, 1–19, (never, current cigarettes) >20 Exposure assessment method: questionnaire

et al. et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Zahm (1989) Missouri, USA 1980–1985 Morabia (1992) Chicago, Birmingham, Detroit, Long Island, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco (USA) 1980–1989


) , 2013

et al. Kendzia Comments Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( Strengths: detailed supplementary questionnaire welding on independent of job title; quantitative assessment welding of hours; assessment type of of welding; assessment type of of metal; detailed adjustment for smoking and asbestos Covariates controlled Smoking, asbestos

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.93 (1.03–3.61) (1.20–6.38) 2.77 1.25 (0.94–1.65) 1 1.38 (0.91–2.09) (0.73–1.79) 1.14 1.10 (0.73–1.66) 1 1.11 (0.75–1.63) (0.60–1.51) 0.95 1.46 (0.72–2.96) 3.28 3.6 1.17 (0.87–1.56) 1 0.88 (0.42–1.84) (0.85–1.53)1.14 2.29 (1.19–4.42)

Exposed cases/ deaths 606 47 29 233 608 75 65 91 668 81 60 30 NR NR 218 587 19 197 36 Exposure category level or exposed Never to welding fumes (ref.) or burnerWelder Oxyacetylene welding Welding fumes Any type welding: of lifetime (h) Never < 1000 1000–6000 > 6000 Oxyacetylene welding: lifetime (h) Never < 1000 1000–6000 > 6000 000> 10 Gas-shielded welding Iron and steel welding Welding in air/spacecraft industry Never in industry/ never welding (ref.) inEver industry/ never welding Never in industry/ ever welding inEver industry/ ever welding

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 1004; men and 839 from165 women hospitals (females excluded from analysis) Controls: 1004 randomly drawn from a sample of mandatory residence registries, matched for region, sex, and age (±5 yr) Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; welding assessment for all workers reporting welding, regardless job of title, based a on welding-specific supplementary questionnaire; quantification of duration and frequency of each welding task; assessment welding of technique and type metal; of detailed quantitative assessment of asbestos exposure based several on job-specific questionnaires a and assessment expert case-by-case

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Jöckel (1998) West Germany 1988–1993

166 Welding

Comments Strengths: stratification by histologic type; personal interviews Limitations: subjects with more than two different jobs were excluded; small number; diagnostic validity case of status reported; not method job classification for not standard and insufficiently described Covariates controlled Age, smoking

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.1 (0.4–3.1) 2.9 (1–10.1) 0.7 (0.1–3.6)

Exposed cases/ deaths 98 11 7 3 Exposure category level or Administrative staff (ref.) Welders (SCC) Welders Welders (adenocarcinoma)

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 367 men with newly diagnosed lung cancer from three hospitals Rosario of city; refusals no Controls: selected 576 from same hospitals, admitted for non- smoking related diseases; age- refusals no matched (±3 yr); Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; personal interview including lifetime occupational history (job title, tasks, employer, type industry) of each for job held > 1 yrfor

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period and Pezzotto Poletto (1999) Rosario, Argentina 1992–1998



, 2013 et al. Kendzia Comments Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( Strengths: individual exposure assessment industrial by hygienist for intensity and probability of exposure to 7 agents each for job period, blinded case–control for status; prevalence of co-exposure to 6 agents reported of (62% welding entailed asbestos exposure, 100% metal dust, and other 67% combustion engine products [not exhaust]); detailed adjustment for smoking; additional adjustment asbestos,for combustion products, and diesel exhaust; stratification by exposure intensity, cumulative exposure, and duration Limitations: no in-person interviews, only telephone in case missingof items; exposure metric difficult tointerpret , x x x Covariates controlled Age, year, smoking, exposure to Rn, NO Age, year, smoking, residential, exposure to Rn, NO diesel, combustion products, asbestos Age, year, smoking, exposure to Rn, NO

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.67 (1.06–2.64) 1.17 (0.66–2.06) 1.42 (0.88–2.30) 1.41 (0.83–2.40) 1.38 (0.82–2.33) (0.45–1.36) 0.79 0.84 (0.46–1.52) 1 (0.97–2.96) 1.70 1.45 (0.96–2.20) 1.25 (0.82–1.90)

Exposed cases/ deaths 923 41 25 33 29 34 27 29 NR NR NR NR Exposure category level or Welding fumes: intensity exposure of to Unexposed welding fumes (ref.) Low Intermediate High Welding fumes: quartile cumulative of exposure 1 2 3 4 Duration exposure of to welding fumes (yr) 0 (ref.) > 0–9 10–29 ≥ 30

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 1042 men aged 40–75 yr with diagnosis lung of cancer Controls: 2364 randomly selected from the general-population registry, frequency-matched to the cases in 5-yr groups and year of additionalinclusion (1985–1990); matching vital for status to balance cases and controls with regard to being alive data at collection Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; postal questionnaire lifetime on occupational history, residential history since and 1950, smoking habits, as well as some on other potential risk factors lung for cancer; completion by telephone interview; occupational history supplemented detailed by questionnaire tasks, work on frequency, and for location(s) occupations involving potential exposure exhaust; to motor next- of-kin questionnaires deceased for cases/controls

(2000) Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Gustavsson et al. Stockholm, Sweden 1985–1990

168 Welding

) , 2013

et al. Kendzia

Comments Strengths: exposure assessment by the industrial hygienist, blinded for status case–control Limitations: variables which on the assessment welding of fume described; not based was exposure exposure assessment method not standardized; small number; crude adjustment smoking for (based on the pack-year variable: very low, medium,low, high) Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( Strengths: exposure category ‘welding equipment’ captures non- welding occupations with welding fume exposure; analysis never of smokers Limitations: frequency, intensity, duration of using ‘welding equipment’ is stated not Covariates controlled Age, smoking Age, sex, smoking, ethnicity, education Age, sex, education, ethnicity

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (1.03–14.95) 3.91 1 1.7 (1–3) 1 (1.1–10.4) 3.4

Exposed cases/ deaths NR 13 412 33 149 7 Exposure category level or exposureNo to welding fumes (ref.) Exposure to welding fumes studyTotal population Never worked/ exposed to welding equipment (ref.) Exposure to welding equipment Never smokers Never worked/ exposed to welding equipment (ref.) Exposure to welding equipment

= 523), = 523), n = 22) n = 111, larynx = 111, n

= 425), hospital-based = 425), controls = 35, nasal/pharynx = 35, n Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: patients 168 with respiratory tract cancers (lung n Controls: 247 unmatched patients without any respiratory, bladder, oralor cavity cancers, including patients having any other reason for hospitalization; hospital-based case- control study Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; occupational history; exposure to 20 agents classifiedby the industrialhygienist Cases: 445 incident cases cancer of theof trachea, bronchus, lung or diagnosed in men and age of women 20–84 yr from four major tertiary care hospitals in metropolitan Toronto Controls: 948 population; (425 523 hospital); population-based controls randomly were sampled from property tax assessment files ( sampledwere from patients seen in the Mount Sinai Hospital Family Medicine Clinic ( frequency-matched with cases on sex and ethnicity Exposure assessment method: detailed questionnaire administered via interview either in person or over the telephone

et al. et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Soskolne (2007) Campania region, Italy 1988–1990 Brenner (2010) Toronto, Canada 1997–2002


); no ); , 2013 , 2013 et al. et al.

Kendzia Kendzia

values interaction for between Comments Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( clear association with duration of shown) employment not (data Strengths: complete job history by interview; consideration of multiple comparisons by semi-Bayes adjustment Limitations: interviewing method fullynot standardized; crude adjustment smoking for Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( P welding and co-exposures were 0.03 asbestosfor and 0.54 smoking for Strengths: large multicentre study that used a common protocol; standardized exposure assessment methodology and high agreement in ratings between experts; results reported by welding activity; detailed questionnaire welding on activities Limitations: possible Cr assessed of misclassification exposure , Cr, 2 , Ni, 2 Covariates controlled Age, sex, smoking, Maori ethnicity, SES Age, centre, education, asbestos, SiO Cd, As, Cr, smoking Age, centre, education, As, smoking Age, centre, education, As, SiO smoking

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 2.50 (0.86–7.25) 1.92 (0.90–4.10) 1 1.18 (0.84–1.66) 1.36 (1.00–1.86) 1.03 (0.80–1.33) 1.05 (0.82–1.36) 1.22 (0.94–1.58)

Exposed cases/ deaths 445 12 12 1615 NR NR 173 180 229 value, 0.16 P Exposure category level or Never employed as welder flame or cutter (ref.) and flameWelders cutters SBA) (not and flameWelders cutters (SBA) exposed Never to welding fumes (ref.) Ever worked as welder/flame cutter Ever worked as welder/flame cutter Weighted duration (h) 1–1680 1681–7000 > 7000 testTrend

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 457 incident cases lung of cancer aged 20–75 yr identified through the cancer registry; of 53% those eligible participated Controls: 792 controls selected from electoral rolls and recruited in two waves; frequency-matched agefor distribution lung for cancer and three other cancer sites; 48% of those eligible participated Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; complete occupational history by telephone interview except 432 controls for who interviewed were face-to-face Cases: incident lung 2197 cancer < 75 yr) (age, Controls: 2295 frequency-matched studyon area, sex, age (within 3 yr) and selected from hospital patients Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; face-to-face interview, and expert assessment of 70 agent exposures

et al.

(2012) Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Corbin (2011) New Zealand 2007–2008 Mannetje ’t et al. UK, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia, and Czech Republic 1998–2001

170 Welding Comments , 2 Covariates controlled Age, centre, education, As, Cd, SiO smokingCr,

Risk estimate CI) (95% 0.94 (0.73–1.21) 1.27 (0.99–1.43) 1.09 (0.84–1.43) 1.00 (0.78–1.29) (0.63–1.34) 0.92 1.01 (0.68–1.49) 1.09 (0.72–1.65) 1.25 (0.88–1.78) 1.12 (0.69–1.82) 1.37 (0.70–2.70) 1.46 (0.72–2.94) 1.13 (0.90–1.43) 1.08 (0.72–1.61) 0.92 (0.65–1.30) 1.38 (1.00–1.90) 1.14 (0.95–1.36) 0.98 (0.74–1.30) 1.00 (0.75–1.34) 1.48 (1.11–1.97)

Exposed cases/ deaths 156 222 204 200 70 66 63 87 42 25 20 296 65 90 141 393 123 117 153 value, 0.19 value, 0.01 P P Exposure category level or Cumulative exposure (h) 1–2520 2521–28 900 > 28 900 testTrend Duration arc of welding (yr) Only arc welding fumes 1–8 9–25 > 25 Duration gas of welding (yr) Only gas welding fumes 1–8 9–25 > 25 Duration gas of and arc welding (yr) Gas and arc welding fumes 1–8 9–25 > 25 testTrend Duration exposure of to welding fumes without chromium (yr) Ever exposure 1–8 9–25 > 25 Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Mannetje’t et al. (2012) (cont.)


Comments Morbidity ORs calculated by logistic regression Strengths: large sample size; stratificationby histologic subtype Limitations: no lifestyle factors assessed; smoking status unknown; standardizedno assessment of occupation or industry; women excluded , Cr, 2 Covariates controlled Age, centre, education, As, SiO smoking None

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.34 (1.04–1.71) 1.47 (0.94–2.30) 1.28 (0.85–1.92) 1.27 (0.87–1.85) 1.02 (0.79–1.31) 1.00 (0.77–1.30) 1.29 (1.00–1.67) 2.16 (1.81–2.58) (1.68–2.63) 2.10 2.72 (1.64–4.51) 1.97 (1.33–2.93) 1.84 (1.33–2.53) 2.48 (1.66–3.72) 1.25 (0.47–3.36) 2.95 (1.60–5.43)

Exposed cases/ deaths 190 54 64 71 177 181 224 216 132 29 43 62 45 6 19 value, 0.11 P Exposure category level or Duration exposure of to welding fumes with chromium (yr) exposed Ever 1–8 9–25 > 25 Duration of welding (yr) 1–8 9–25 > 25 testTrend vs Welders Construction workers other than welders All NSCLC Small cell/oat cell Other, including mesothelioma Adenocarcinoma SCC Large cell cancer Unspecified NSCLC

Population size, description, exposure assessment method maleCases: lung cancer 110 937 cases identified from cancer registries, aged 18–97 yr; year of 1988–2007 during diagnosis Controls: 322 699; to 5 cancer up controls from CCR database (prostate, colon, brain, kidney, testis, bone, joint, thyroid) were matched to each case age on (±5 yr), year diagnosis of race, and (±5 yr), ethnicity; occupational cancers excluded Exposure assessment method: demographic information as recorded in the CCR includes ‘usual industry longest-held) (i.e. and occupation’; information was available in 48% all of registered cases; job title for coding the narrative was searched for 90 keywords related to construction work

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Mannetje’t et al. (2012) (cont.) Calvert (2012) California, USA 1988–2007

172 Welding

); after , 2013 , painting, painting, , 2 et al.

Kendzia Comments Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( adjustment asbestos for the result did change not significantly[data not shown] Strengths: ISCO-/ ISIC-coding blinded case–control for status; self- reported exposures at least 1×/wk least at for 6 mo; adjustment for suspected occupational carcinogens; stratificationby histologic type Limitations: self-reported agent suspected of (checklist exposure carcinogens: asbestos, Ni, Ar, SiO asphalts, tars, Cr, exhaust, engine diesel pesticides, cooking fumes, welding fumes, man-made no fibres); elevated risk asbestos for observed (OR, 0.8) Covariates controlled Age, smoking, education, birth place, alcohol, Rn, disease lung history, cancer in family, consumption meatof

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.69 (1.11–2.58) 1.68 (1.00–2.81) (1.26–4.16) 2.29 (1.30–7.07) 3.03 1.38 (0.86–2.24) 3.82 (1.49–9.80) 1.18 (0.63–2.20) (1.34–15.54) 4.57 1.84 (0.93–3.64)

Exposed cases/ deaths 112 39 39 33 79 16 23 11 28 Exposure category level or Self-reported exposure welding fumes All combined Adenocarcinoma Self-reported welding fumes Lung (squamous cell and small cell carcinoma) Duration exposure of to welding fumes (yr) All combined 1 to < 19 ≥ 20 Adenocarcinoma 1 to < 19 ≥ 20 Self-reported duration of exposure to welding fumes (yr) Squamous cell and small cell carcinoma 1 to < 19 ≥ 20

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 1208 male histologically confirmedlung cancer cases aged 35–79 yr Controls: male 1069 randomly selected referents living in the same districts as the cases, identified from telephone directories, frequency- matched to cases age (5-yr groups); excluding subjects with a history of physician-diagnosed cancer at any participation)site (48% Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; cases were interviewed within of 3 mo the diagnosis lung of cancer; occupational history jobs of held at least 1 yr (industry, job title, specific tasks performed, beginning/end dates each of job period); job titles/ to according industries coded ISCO/ISIC

(2012) et al. Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Tse China, Hong Kong SAR 2004–2006



, 2013 et al. Kendzia Comments Included in the pooled SYNERGY analysis ( pooled analysis two of case–control studies; excluded women because exposure prevalence was only 1%; indication of elevated risk only in never low-frequency or smokers Strengths: sophisticated exposure assessment methodology with welding exposure assessed in individuals experts, by beyond using job title only; population- based study; comprehensive confounder adjustment including asbestos; high response proportion (79–86% among cases and 69–72% among population controls) Limitations: possible exposure misclassificationproxydue to interviews in controls of 10–20% and 30–40% cases of Covariates controlled Age, ethno- linguistic group, education, asbestos, respondent, study indicator, smoking

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.0 (0.8–1.2) 1.1 (0.8–1.4) (0.6–1.3) 0.9 1 1.1 (0.9–1.4) 1.3 (1.0–1.7) (0.7–1.3) 0.9 1 1.1 (0.8–1.5) (0.6–1.6) 1 1 1.3 (0.9–1.9) (0.7–2.3) 1.3 1 1 (0.7–1.4) 1 (0.6–1.8) 1 1.1 (0.8–1.5) 1.3 (0.8–2.1)

Exposed cases/ deaths 1373 220 136 84 1369 224 136 88 528 92 31 237 47 19 356 52 19 523 97 33 Exposure category level or Arc welding fumes: exposure duration (yr) exposedNot (ref.) Any level ≤ 20 > 20 Gas welding fumes: exposure duration (yr) exposedNot (ref.) Any level ≤ 20 > 20 Gas welding fumes exposure SCC exposedNot (ref.) Any level Substantial level Lung (small cell/oat cell) exposedNot (ref.) Any level Substantial level Adenocarcinoma exposedNot (ref.) Any level Substantial level SCC exposedNot (ref.) Any level Substantial level

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 736 (Study (Study I), 857 II) men, incident, histologically confirmedlung tumours, aged 35–75 yr Controls: 894 1066 (Study I), (Study II); population controls randomly selected from electoral rolls, matched age by and area of residence Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; supplementary questionnaire welding, for including questions the on type of gases used, metal welded, and h/wk and wk/yr exposure of

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Vallières (2012) Montreal, Canada Study I: 1979– 1986; Study II: 1996–2001

174 Welding Comments Covariates controlled

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (0.6–1.4) 0.9 (0.5–1.6) 0.9 1 1 (0.7–1.4) 1.2 (0.7–2.1) 1 (1.7–4.8) 2.8 4.3 (1.9–9.7) 1 2.2 (1.3–3.7) 3.5 (1.6–7.8)

Exposed cases/ deaths 245 39 13 353 55 22 91 33 15 93 31 13 Exposure category level or Small cell/oat cell exposedNot (ref.) Any level Substantial level Adenocarcinoma exposedNot (ref.) Any level Substantial level Never smokers/low-frequency smokers Gas welding fumes exposed not (ref.) Gas welding fumes, any level of exposure Gas welding fumes, substantial level Arc welding fumes, not exposed (ref.) Arc welding fumes, any level of exposure Arc welding fumes, substantial level Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Vallières et al. (2012) (cont.)


et al.

(2004) ;


, Vallières , et al. (2012) Corbin , Gustavsson (2011) , (2012) et al. et al. (2010) Richiardi Tse et al. , , (1998) et al. Guida et al. , (2000) (2012) Comments SYNERGY: pooled analysis 16 of studies; overlapping studies: Jöckel et al. Brenner (2011) Mannetje’t et al. analysis pooled Strengths: large that allowed stratification by duration employment of as a welder, histological type, smoking status type smokers,(never pack-year), control,of and blue-collar jobs; detailed adjustment smoking for (duration, intensity, duration quitting,of type tobacco); of adjustment List for A jobs restriction to blue-collar workers to indirectly and tightly more control for potential confounders Limitations: analysis based on job title with no information weldingon process; specific no adjustment asbestos for exposure a Covariates controlled Age, centre, smoking, List A job

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.44 (1.25–1.67) 1.50 (1.20–1.88) 1 1.33 (1.15–1.54) 1.39 (1.11–1.73) 1 1.53 (1.06–2.21) 1.47 (1.22–1.78) 1.40 (1.17–1.68) 1.30 (0.94–1.80) 1.51 (1.12–2.03)

Exposed cases/ deaths 12 921 568 246 9796 568 246 12 921 93 336 352 102 136 Exposure category level or occupationsAll welding-Never related job (ref.) Welder Longest-held occupation blue-collarEver employee welding-Never related job (ref.) welder Ever Longest-held occupation welder Ever welding-Never related job (ref.) Shipbuilding and repair Construction and related building services Manufacture of machines, equipment, appliances Manufacture of vehiclesmotor and bikesmotor Repair of transport equipment

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 15 483; 568 cases had worked as welders Controls: 427 18 388; controls had ever worked as welders Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; occupational and smoking histories assessed were in face-to-face interviews (81%); subjects considered exposed if job ‘welder’ ≥ 1 yr for title or was (1) considered as potentially(2) and occasionally involving welding activities

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Kendzia (2013) Europe, Canada, China, and New Zealand 1985–2010

176 Welding Comments Covariates controlled

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.53 (0.89–3.41) 1.33 (0.81–2.20) 2.11 (1.45–3.08) (0.28–1.36) 0.62 1.10 (0.49–2.46) 1 1.14 (0.80–1.61) 1.46 (1.26–1.91) 1.38 (1.06–1.79) 1.77 (1.31–2.39)

Exposed cases/ deaths 12 921 33 46 104 12 16 12 921 82 171 167 148 value, < 0.0001 P Exposure category level or job Longest-held welding-Never related job (ref.) Shipbuilding and repair Construction and related building services Manufacture of machines, equipment, appliances Manufacture of vehiclesmotor and bikesmotor Repair of transport equipment All cases Duration as welder (yr) welding-Never related job (ref.) 1 to < 3 3 to < 10 to ≤ 25 10 > 25 testTrend Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Kendzia et al. (2013) (cont.)

177 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 Comments Covariates controlled

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.23 (0.99–1.53) 0.84 (0.49–1.45) 1.14 (0.77–1.68) 1.26 (0.85–1.87) 1.31 (0.85–2.02) 1 1.58 (1.32–1.89) 1.38 (0.90–2.11) 1.62 (1.16–2.25) 1.34 (0.97–1.85) 1.71 (1.19–2.46) 1 1.41 (1.09–1.82) 1.25 (0.67–2.35) 1.49 (0.96–2.32) 1.30 (0.82–2.07) 1.20 (0.69–2.11)

Exposed cases/ deaths 3313 132 18 39 41 34 5226 264 41 77 76 70 1979 92 14 32 28 18 value, 0.1041 0.0002 value, value, 0.1311 P P P Exposure category level or Adenocarcinoma Duration as welder (yr) welding-Never related job (ref.) welder Ever 1 to < 3 3 to < 10 to ≤ 25 10 > 25 testTrend SCC Duration as welder (yr) welding-Never related job (ref.) welder Ever 1 to < 3 3 to < 10 to ≤ 25 10 > 25 testTrend cell cell/oat Small Duration as welder (yr) welding-Never related job (ref.) welder Ever 1 to < 3 3 to < 10 to ≤ 25 10 > 25 testTrend Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Kendzia et al. (2013) (cont.)

178 Welding Comments Covariates controlled

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (1.31–4.17) 2.34 1 1.89 (0.79–4.52) 1 (1.07–8.49) 3.01 1 4.45 (1.03–19.20) 1 2.04 (1.16–3.61)

Exposed cases/ deaths 12 921 15 3313 6 5226 4 1979 2 439 15 value, 0.222 P Exposure category level or All cases welding-Never related job (ref.) Never-smoker welders Adenocarcinoma welding-Never related job (ref.) Never-smoker welders SCC welding-Never related job (ref.) Never-smoker welders cell cell/oat Small welding-Never related job (ref.) Never-smoker welders interaction Welding–smoking Never-smoker– never welding- related job (ref.) Never-smoker welders testTrend Population size, description, exposure assessment method

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Kendzia et al. (2013) (cont.)


Kendzia and presents (2011)

. Data soldering on and et al.

(2013) Guida Comments Strengths: the first epidemiological study welding on and lung cancer from Pakistan Limitations: a risk estimate for ‘welding fumes’ is presented even though there was quantitative no exposure assessment; is it unclear if there was multivariable adjustment smoking,(e.g. asbestos) in the statistical models ICARE Complements study. study by additional analyses beyond et al. brazing also available in the study Strengths: detailed questionnaire on welding; quantificationweldingof exposure and assessment the of type of welding; consideration of co- exposures; adjustment asbestos for exposure Limitations: had each welder worked with each type metal, of preventing isolation of groups that had welded a unique type metal of Covariates controlled None Age, department, smoking, asbestos, number of jobs

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 (1–6.5) 2.5 1 1.66 (1.11–2.49) 1.17 (0.31–4.51) 1.67 (1.10–2.54) 1.53 (0.91–2.55) 1.96 (0.98–3.92)

Exposed cases/ deaths 8 10 1629 100 8 92 34 58 value, 0.19 value, 0.02 P P Exposure category level or exposedNot to welding fumes (ref.) Welding fumes weldingNo (ref.) Regular welders Frequency of welding (%) Regular welders, ≤ 5 > 5 testTrend (yr) Duration Regular welders, ≤ 10 > 10 testTrend

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 400 histologically confirmed cases lung of cancer from different hospitals Controls: 800 hospital controls with no cancer or chronic respiratory disease Exposure assessment method: questionnaire Cases: population-based 2276 histologically confirmed, incident primary lung cancer cases in men identifiedaged 18–75 yr, through 10 cancer 11 of registries Controls: 2780 population controls from the same administrative department using random digit dialling, frequency-matched with cases and age; sex men) for (only additional statistical analysis SES on also performed Exposure assessment method: face-to-face questionnaire; standardizedinterviews using questionnaire, recording details eachof occupation lasting ≥ 1 mo, with 20 job-specific questionnaires; asbestos exposure assessed both by a task-exposure matrix and a job- exposure matrix

et al.

et al.

Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Luqman (2014) Pakistan 2010–2013 Matrat (2016) France 2001–2007

180 Welding , nitrogen oxides; Ni, x

Comments Covariates controlled

Risk estimate CI) (95% 1 1.98 (1.20–3.29) 1.99 (1.21–3.26) 1.35 (0.72–2.53) 1.80 (0.72–4.51) 1 1.98 (1.15–3.43) 0.97 (0.48–1.97) 2.79 (1.35–5.77) 1 1.46 (0.76–2.83) 1.30 (0.77–2.20) 1.92 (1.01–3.65) 1.69 (0.86–3.31) 2.54 (1.05–6.13)

Exposed cases/ deaths 1629 64 65 38 17 1629 53 25 26 180 33 59 41 34 26 , silicon dioxide; SS, stainless year(s) yr, steel; wk, week(s); 2 Exposure category level or Regular ever welders: type welding of weldingNo (ref.) Gas Arc Spot Other Regular welders, covering by and preparation of surfaces to be welded weldingNo (ref.) Presence of grease paintor the on pieces Cleaning with mechanical preparation only Cleaning with chemical or mechanical preparation Regular and occasional welders, chemicals used to clean the surface to be welded Never used any chemical (ref.) Paint stripper Trichloroethylene Gasoline White spirit Acid Population size, description, exposure assessment method

List A/B jobs are defined as high-risk occupations known to be associated withlung cancer, manyof which entail asbestos exposure Table 2.5 (continued) Table Reference, location, enrolment/ follow-up period Matrat et al. (2016) (cont.) a As, arsenic; CCR, Californian Cancer Registry; Cd, cadmium; CI, confidence Indexinterval; de ICIT, la Classification chromium; hour(s); h, Cr, Type; d, day(s); ISCO, International Standard Classificationof Occupations; ISIC, International Standard Industrial Classification; NO month(s); mo, nickel; NR, reported; not NSCLC, small non cell lung carcinoma; OR, odds ratio; Rn, radon; SAR, Special Administrative Region; steel SBA, beam assembly;squamous SCC, cell carcinoma; SES, socioeconomic status; SiO


Table 2.6 Studies included in the SYNERGY pooling study

Study name Country Period Overlapping studies AUT Germany 1990–1995 HdA Germany 1988–1993 Jöckel et al. (1998) EAGLE Italy 2002–2005 TURIN/VENETO Italy 1990–1994 Richiardi et al. (2004) ROME Italy 1993–1996 LUCA France 1989–1992 PARIS France 1988–1992 ICARE France 2001–2007 Guida et al. (2011); Matrat et al. (2016) CAPUA Spain 2000–2010 MORGEN Netherlands 1993–1997 INCO Czech Republic 1999–2002 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) INCO Hungary 1998–2001 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) INCO Poland 1998–2002 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) INCO Slovakia 1998–2002 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) INCO Romania 1998–2002 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) INCO Russian Federation 1998–2001 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) INCO (LLP) United Kingdom 1998–2005 ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) LUCAS Sweden 1985–1990 Gustavsson et al. (2000) OCANZ New Zealand 2003–2009 Corbin et al. (2011) MONTREAL Canada 1996–2002 Vallières et al. (2012) only study II included; Gerin et al. (1984) (recruitment 1979–82) not included; Vallières et al. (2012) includes Gerin et al. (1984) TORONTO Canada 1997–2002 Brenner et al. (2010) HONG KONG China 2003–2007 Tse et al. 2012 Compiled by the Working Group using information from Kendzia et al. (2013) an elevated risk in the upper two quartiles of collected by face-to-face interviews. A total of welding exposure after adjustment for asbestos 70 agent exposures were assessed by experts for and other potential confounders. Odds ratios each job regarding the expert’s confidence in of 1.41 (95% CI, 0.83–2.40), 1.38 (95% CI, the presence of the exposure (possible, probable, 0.82–2.33), 0.79 (95% CI, 0.45–1.36), and 0.84 certain), the percentage of working time exposed (95% CI, 0.46–1.52) were reported for quartiles 1, (1–5%, > 5−30%, > 30%), and the intensity 2, 3, and 4, respectively. [The quality of exposure (low, medium, high) according to a common information in this study was limited due to the protocol; high agreement was observed (κ = 0.9) fact that it included mainly next-of-kin informa- between experts in the assessment of exposure to tion (93% in cases, 19% in population controls, welding fumes. Analyses were reported adjusted and 89% in mortality-matched controls) and was for asbestos, smoking, and other occupational based on a mailed self-completed questionnaire. exposures such as chromium and nickel. In There is partial overlap with the study ofKendzia this study, the odds ratio for ever working as a et al. (2013).] welder or flame–cutter, adjusted for asbestos, Asbestos exposure was also assessed in silica, and metal exposure (e.g. Cr), not assessed detail in the multicentre study by ’t Mannetje from welding and smoking, was 1.36 (95% CI, et al. (2012) conducted in eastern Europe and 1.00–1.86). The similarly adjusted odds ratio the UK, in which occupational histories were for ever exposure to welding fumes was 1.18

182 Welding

(95% CI, 0.84–1.66). The odds ratios with lifetime Matrat et al. (2016) adjusted for asbestos expo- exposure expressed in cumulative welding hours sure in a recent case–control study conducted for 1–2520 hours, 2521–28 900 hours, and more in France. Exposure was based on information than 28 900 hours were 0.94 (95% CI, 0.73–1.21), gathered by face-to-face interviews that included 1.27 (95% CI, 0.99–1.43), and 1.09 (95% CI, a lifelong occupational history, including job 0.84–1.43), respectively (P for trend, 0.19). This periods, and 20 job-specific questionnaires. metric was calculated as the product of total hours A detailed 4-page supplementary questionnaire exposed and intensity level (weights 1, 6, and 20). was used if a respondent declared that more The study authors also calculated aweighted than 5% of his working time was devoted to duration by multiplying the number of years welding, brazing, or gas cutting. Regular welders (each year equivalent to 2000 hours) by the were defined as participants who reported being frequency (0.03, 0.175, and 0.65 for low, medium, employed as a welder for at least one job period. and high, respectively) of exposure. This metric From detailed information on asbestos exposure, resulted in adjusted odds ratios for 1–1680 hours, a cumulative exposure index was calculated as 1681–7000 hours, and more than 7000 hours of the product of the duration of the corresponding 1.03 (95% CI, 0.80–1.33), 1.05 (95% CI, 0.82–1.36), job task, the probability of exposure, and the and 1.22 (95% CI, 0.94–1.58), respectively (P for intensity of exposure. This index was catego- trend, 0.16). Categorized by years of exposure rized into four classes and then used for adjust- to both gas and arc welding fumes, adjusted ment. The smoking- and asbestos-adjusted odds odds ratios for 1–8 years, 9–25 years, and more ratio for regular welders (which corresponds than 25 years of 1.08 (95% CI, 0.72–1.61), 0.92 to ever being employed as a welder) compared (95% CI, 0.65–1.30), and 1.38 (95% CI, 1.00–1.90), with non-welders was 1.66 (95% CI, 1.11–2.49). respectively, were observed (P for trend, 0.01). The adjusted odds ratios for being a regular [The Working Group noted the partial overlap welder for less than 10 years was 1.53 (95% CI, with the study by Kendzia et al. (2013).] 0.91–2.55) and for 10 years or more was 1.96 (95% Vallières et al. (2012) conducted a study in CI, 0.98–3.92) (P for trend, 0.02). [The Working Montreal, Canada, using a protocol similar Group noted the partial overlap with the study to that of ’t Mannetje et al. (2012). Exposure by Kendzia et al. (2013).] to asbestos and welding fumes was assessed in Several studies assessed the risks of cancer of great detail by industrial hygienists. No elevated the lung in relation to different welding processes risks and no duration–effect relationship were (gas [oxyacetylene] welding, electric arc welding, observed for arc welding (OR, 1.0; 95% CI, gas-shielded welding [a type of arc welding pref- 0.8–1.2) or gas welding (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.9–1.4) erably used on SS]) as well as type of metal (MS for any level of exposure after adjustment for vs SS [chromium–nickel alloy]). See Section 1 for asbestos, smoking, and other confounders. In an further details on welding types and processes. analysis restricted to never and low-frequency Gerin et al. (1984) observed a higher odds smokers, statistically significant elevated risks ratio in welders with exposure to nickel (OR, 3.3; were observed for any level of exposure to both 95% CI, 1.2–9.2) than in welders without nickel gas and arc welding fumes, assessed separately. exposure (OR, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.1–9.4). Kjuus et al. No association was observed among smokers (1986) observed a difference in risk by mate- of medium and high frequency. [The Working rial welded with an odds ratio of 3.3 (96% CI, Group noted the partial overlap with the study 1.2–9.3) for 3 years or more of welding of SS and by Kendzia et al. (2013).] an odds ratio of 1.9 (95% CI, 0.9–3.7) for welding of any type of steel. In a case–control study

183 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 restricted to welders, Hull et al. (1989) did not 4.3 (95% CI, 1.9–9.7) for gas welding and 3.5 consistently show higher risks due to welding of (95% CI, 1.6–7.8), for arc welding) respectively. high-alloy steel/SS as compared with MS. [This Welding often takes place under particular study, conducted among welders only, was diffi- circumstances, especially in maintenance and cult to interpret due to a contaminated reference repair work when materials are coated or need group.] The multicentre study by ’t Mannetje to be cleaned before welding. When exploring et al. (2012) reported odds ratios for more the role of substances covering the metal surface than 25 years duration of exposure to welding to be welded and that of the cleaning procedure, fumes without chromium (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, Matrat et al. (2016) observed an increased risk 1.11–1.97) and containing chromium (OR, 1.27; among regular welders for the presence of grease 95% CI, 0.87–1.85). Although both Jöckel et al. or paint on the welded pieces (OR, 1.98; 95% CI, (1998) and Matrat et al. (2016) collected infor- 1.15–3.43). They also reported an increased risk mation on the welding of SS in a welder-specific for cleaning with chemical or mechanical prepa- questionnaire, neither studies reported a corre- ration (OR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.35–5.77), but not sponding risk estimate because most partici- for cleaning with mechanical preparation only pants reported using different welding processes (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.48–1.97). and on different metals. [These results indicate that any observed risks are not fully explained 2.5.2 Cancer of the kidney by exposure to high concentrations of nickel or chromium in the welded steel.] See Table 2.7 Investigating the varying exposures to Eight case–control studies that reported on welding fumes between different types of the association between cancer of the kidney welding, Jöckel et al. (1998) observed the higher and welding-related occupations or exposure to odds ratio for gas welding in the highest category welding fumes were identified Magnani( et al., of cumulative exposure (6000 hours) (OR, 1.46; 1987; Siemiatycki, 1991; Keller & Howe, 1993; 95% CI, 0.72–2.96) in comparison with electric McCredie & Stewart, 1993; Mandel et al., 1995; arc welding . Regular oxyacetylene welding for Pesch et al., 2000; Mattioli et al., 2002; Brüning at least 2 hours per day, for 2 days per week et al., 2003). [An additional report was identi- for a minimum of 3 years, was associated with fied Parent( et al., 2000) but not included in this an odds ratio of 2.77 (95% CI, 1.20–6.38) review, as it covered the same study population in this study. ’t Mannetje et al. (2012) also as reported on in Siemiatycki (1991).] observed higher odds ratios for only gas welding Five of these studies reported odds ratios of for more than 25 years duration (OR, 1.46; 1.10–1.76 for welding occupations (Siemiatycki, 95% CI, 0.72–2.94) than for only arc welding for 1991; Keller & Howe, 1993; McCredie & Stewart, more than 25 years duration (OR, 1.09; 95% CI, 1993; Mandel et al., 1995; Brüning et al., 2003), 0.72–1.65). Matrat et al. (2016) also reported that none of which reached statistical significance. gas welding exclusively was associated with a Five of the eight case–control studies higher risk of cancer of the lung than arc welding. assessed exposure to welding fumes using a JEM The study byVallières et al. (2012) observed an or by expert assessment. A study from Canada association between welding and cancer of the (Siemiatycki, 1991), which included patients lung mainly in nonsmokers and low-frequency diagnosed with cancers other than kidney as smokers; odds ratios for gas as compared to arc controls, reported an odds ratio of 0.8 (95% CI, welding (OR for substantial level of exposure 0.5–1.3) for both exposure to arc welding fumes to welding fumes in non-/low smokers were and exposure to gas welding fumes as assessed

184 Welding by experts, based on 17 and 16 exposed cases, of leukaemias (Keller & Howe, 1993; Costantini respectively. [The Working Group noted that the et al., 2001; Adegoke et al., 2003; Luckhaupt et al., exposed cases and controls were likely the same 2012), reporting odds ratios ranging from 0.90 to for arc and gas welding fumes.] Odds ratios did 2.25; these were based on relatively small numbers not increase when analyses were restricted to of exposed cases however, and none reached “substantial” exposure to the two types of welding statistical significance. [The Working Group fumes. A study from northern Italy (Mattioli noted that chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) et al., 2002) reported an odds ratio of 5.67 (95% was included in the definition of leukaemia by CI, 0.78–41.31) for expert-assessed exposure to Adegoke et al. (2003) and Luckhaupt et al. (2012), welding fumes based on 8 exposed cases. Two not included in the definition byCostantini et al. studies used a JEM to assess exposure to welding (2001), and it was not clear whether it was included fumes. A study from Germany (Pesch et al., 2000) in the definition by Keller & Howe (1993).] reported an odds ratio of 1.3 (95% CI, 1.0–1.8) (i) Leukaemia subtypes for exposure to medium levels of welding fumes based on 56 exposed cases, while exposure to Several studies reported risk estimates for high levels was associated with an odds ratio of myeloid leukaemia or subtypes of myeloid 1.1 (95% CI, 0.8–1.6). A later study from Germany leukaemia. An exceptionally high odds ratio (Brüning et al., 2003) using a JEM to assess expo- was reported in 1988 for a chronic myeloid sure to welding fumes reported an odds ratio leukaemia case–control study based in Los of 2.73 (95% CI, 1.06–7.06) for low levels based Angeles County (Preston-Martin & Peters, on 9 exposed cases and 3.10 (95% CI, 1.37–7.02) 1988). A total of 22 of the 130 cases in the study for high levels based on 13 exposed cases. [The had been employed as welders (compared with Working Group noted that the focus of this report 4 of the 130 controls), yielding an adjusted was TCE as a risk factor for cancer of the renal odds ratio of 25.4 (95% CI, 2.78–232.54). A later pelvis; there was no adjustment for exposure to study from California reported an odds ratio of TCE however, so it is unclear how much of the 0.86 (95% CI, 0.29–2.53) for chronic myeloid elevated odds ratio for welding fumes is due to leukaemia (Luckhaupt et al., 2012) related to weld- uncontrolled confounding by exposure to TCE.] ing in the construction industry. Three studies reported on acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), all 2.5.3 Cancer of the haematopoietic system with odds ratios above unity but none reaching statistical significance Oppenheimer( & Preston- See Table 2.8 (web only; available at: http:// Martin, 2002; Wong et al., 2010; Luckhaupt et al., publications.iarc.fr/569) 2012). A study from New Zealand on AML and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) combined (a) Leukaemia reported an odds ratio of 2.79 (95% CI, 1.2–6.8) The Working Group identified nine case– for welders/flame-cutters; separate odds ratios for control studies of leukaemia in adults that reported AML and ALL were not presented, however. [The estimates of increased risk for welding-related Working Group assumed that the majority of the jobs (Stern et al., 1986; Preston-Martin & Peters, study population would be AML, but numbers 1988; Keller & Howe, 1993; Bethwaite et al., 2001; were not provided.] Costantini et al., 2001; Oppenheimer & Preston- None of the leukaemia case–control studies Martin, 2002; Adegoke et al., 2003; Wong et al., reported associations with exposure to welding 2010; Luckhaupt et al., 2012). Several studies fumes, and none reported duration–response reported risk estimates for a combined group associations.


Comments Strengths: JEM assessed exposure Limitations: small size; occupational data obtained from death certificates; occupational histories available more often for cases than for controls; no adjustment smoking for Strengths: expert assessment based fullon occupational history and detailed task descriptions, and job- specific questionnaires Limitations: small size; use cancer of controls This studyreports multipleon cancer sites Strengths: large size Limitations: only job at cancer registration is recorded; only welders within the construction industry are selected in the exposed group; unclear many how welders (outside theof construction industry) are cancer unexposed; as categorized controls Covariates controlled Sex, county, age at death Age, family income, cigarette index, ethnic origin Age, history of usetobacco Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.8 (0.7–2.2) 0.8 (0.5–1.3) 1.0 (0.5–1.9) 0.8 (0.5–1.3) (0.3–1.5) 0.7 1.5 (0.7–3.1) 1.75 (0.96–3.18) Exposed cases/ deaths NR 17 6 16 5 6 NR Exposure category or level Welding fumes Arc welding fumes (any) Arc welding fumes (substantial) Gas welding fumes (any) Gas welding fumes (substantial) Welding fumes Male welder

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: deaths 147 age at 18–54 yr, identified from death certificates Controls: deaths 556 in the same year from other causes matched sex, for county of residence, age; identified from death certificates Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; Pannett JEM, based job on title on death certificate Cases: male 177 residents of the Montreal metropolitan area with histologically confirmed incident kidney cancer, age 35–70 yr Controls: study 2481 subjects with other cancers Exposure assessment method: expert judgement Cases: newly diagnosed 1372 male kidney cancer cases reported in Illinois hospitals (hospital based) Controls: 4326 random sample approximatelyof all of 10% other cancers Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; job title recorded at cancer registration

et al.

Table 2.7 Case–controlTable studies on cancer of the kidney and welding or exposure to welding fumes Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup Magnani (1987) UK (three English counties) 1959–1963/ 1965–1979 Siemiatycki (1991) Canada, Montreal 1979–1985 Keller & Howe (1993) USA, Illinois 1986–1989

186 Welding

Comments Strengths: large size, population controls, specific questions on welding Limitations: specific no assessment of exposure to welding fumes Strengths: large size Limitations: no results by duration ORs ‘welding, for soldering, milling’ also were reported, this but occupational group was considered too broad Strengths: large size, welding fumes JEM through assessed Limitations: exposure assessment beyond that provided use by a JEM of not provided Age, study centre, smoking, region Covariates controlled Age, sex, method of interview Age, tobacco, BMI, education, study centre Risk estimate CI) (95% (0.80–2.34) 1.37 (0.68–4.03) 1.66 1.50 (0.27–8.16) 1.1 (0.8–1.6) 1.3 (1–1.8) 1.1 (0.8–1.6) 1.2 (0.7–2.1) Exposed cases/ deaths 40 8 48 77 56 46 16 Exposure category or level Welder Welder (RCC Welder urinary and pelvis) Welder Level exposure of to welding fumes men for only Medium High Substantial

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 636 age 20–79 yr at diagnosis (population based); renal489 and RCC pelvic 147 cases cancer Controls: electoral 523 rolls, randomly selected (population based) assessment Exposure method: questionnaire, interviews;face-to-face employment in certain industries and occupations, exposure to chemicals with with associations suspected kidney cancer; question on employment as welder (among other) Cases: cases 1732 incident of renal cell adenocarcinomas, age 20–79 yr, confirmed by histopathology cytology or Controls: 2309 population controls Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; Germany collected full occupational histories, other centres asked specific occupations and welding industry Cases: men and 570 935; 365 women with no age limit (population based) Controls: 4298 population; 2650 men and 1648 women (population based) Exposure assessment method: expert judgement; British JEM

(1995) (2000)

et al. et al.

Table 2.7 (continued) 2.7 Table Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup Stewart & McCredie (1993) Australia, NSW 1989–1990 Mandel Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, USA 1989–1991 Pesch Germany 1991–1995


Comments Strengths: expert assessment Limitations: small size, small number exposedof cases TCE was a risk factor in this study, ORsbut welding for not were adjusted TCE for Strengths: although the study is small, the prevalence welding of is substantial Limitations: small size Covariates controlled Age, birthplace, residence, smoking Age, sex, smoking Risk estimate CI) (95% 5.67 (0.78–41.31) 1.76 (0.75–4.11) 2.73 (1.06–7.06) 3.10 (1.37–7.02) Exposed cases/ deaths 8 10 9 13 Exposure category or level only:Men welding fumes Welding job Level exposure of to welding Low High

Population size, description, exposure assessment method Cases: 249 histologically confirmedRCC cases (hospital based) Controls: 238 hospital controls with diagnosis non-RCC (hospital-based) Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; occupational history, plus expert assessment exposures selected for including welding fumes Cases: 134 incident histologically confirmed RCC cases with nephrectomy 1992–2000 Controls: hospital 401 controls dementia, (no cancer), no 3:1 frequency-matched sex by and age (5 yr) Exposure assessment method: questionnaire; job title, plus Pannett JEM; next kin of interviews included


et al. et al.

Table 2.7 (continued) 2.7 Table Reference, location, enrolment/follow- periodup Mattioli North Italy 1986–1994 Brüning (2003) Arnsberg, Germany 1999–2000 BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; JEM, job-exposure matrix; NR, not reported;OR, odds ratio;RCC, renal tract;cell carcinoma; yr, year(s) TCE, trichloroethylene; upperUUT, urinary

188 Welding

(b) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Three NHL case–control studies assessed The Working Group identified 13 NHL case– exposure to welding fumes or frequency of control studies (Persson et al., 1989; Siemiatycki, welding tasks. A study from Canada (Siemiatycki, 1991; Persson et al., 1993; Figgs et al., 1995; 1991), using patients diagnosed with cancers Costantini et al., 1998; Mao et al., 2000; Costantini other than NHL as controls and expert assess- et al., 2001; Fabbro-Peray et al., 2001; Zheng ment for exposure to welding fumes, reported et al., 2002; Band et al., 2004; Dryver et al., 2004; an odds ratio of 0.8 (95% CI, 0.6–1.2) for arc Karunanayake et al., 2008; ’t Mannetje et al., welding fumes and 0.8 (95% CI, 0.5–1.2) for gas 2008) that reported on the association between welding fumes. [The Working Group noted that NHL and welding-related occupations or expo- the odds ratios on the same numbers of exposed sure to welding fumes, and one large pooled cases were very similar, suggesting that most case–control study (’t Mannetje et al., 2016). exposed cases and controls were assessed by the Reported risk estimates for occupation as experts as exposed to both gas welding and arc a welder were close to unity for 4 out of the welding fumes.] A study from Sweden (Dryver 13 studies and above unity for 9 individual et al., 2004) reported odds ratios for both welding studies, 4 of which reported statistically signif- occupation and exposure to welding fumes icant increased risk estimates for all NHL (self-reported). The risk for welding was elevated (Persson et al., 1993; Zheng et al., 2002; Dryver (OR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.01–1.99), while the risk for et al., 2004) or specific NHL subtypes Band( exposure to welding fumes was not (OR, 0.98; et al., 2004). With the exception of the study by 95% CI, 0.73–1.30). [The Working Group noted Dryver et al. (2004), these odds ratios were based that more people reported exposure to welding on relatively small numbers of exposed cases. fumes than occupation as a welder. The group The largest NHL case–control study reporting exposed to welding fumes was therefore likely on welding occupation was a pooled analysis of to include many that only performed occasional 10 case–control studies from Australia, Canada, welding or worked in areas where welding was Europe, and the USA (’t Mannetje et al., 2016). conducted.] A study from France (Fabbro-Peray Ever employment in a welding-related occupa- et al., 2001) assessed the frequency of weld- tion was associated with an odds ratio of 1.03 ing-related tasks (self-reported), reporting an (95% CI, 0.83–1.27) based on 174 exposed cases. odds ratio of 1.7 (95% CI, 0.8–3.4) for those who An odds ratio of 1.01 (95% CI, 0.69–1.48) was welded often and one of 2.6 (95% CI, 1.4–5.1) for observed for those who had held a welding-re- those who welded daily. Associations remained lated job for more than 10 years (53 exposed after adjusting for benzene exposure, which was cases). Analyses were conducted for the main found to be a risk factor in this study. NHL subtypes (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (c) Multiple myeloma (DLBCL), follicular lymphoma, and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL/CLL), showing an The Working Group identified five case– elevated odds ratio only for DLBCL (OR, 1.31; control studies of multiple myeloma in adults 95% CI, 0.99–1.74). Compared with never welders, that reported risk estimates for welding-related those who had worked for more than 10 years in jobs (Eriksson & Karlsson, 1992; Heineman a welding-related job had an increased risk of et al., 1992; Demers et al., 1993; Costantini et al., DLBCL (OR, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.70–2.05) and of folli- 2001; Baris et al., 2004). Most were based on 10 cular lymphoma (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.63–2.49). or less exposed cases, with the exception of a study from Canada (Demers et al., 1993) which reported an odds ratio of 1.2 (95% CI, 0.7–2.0) for

189 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 welders and cutters based on 22 exposed cases. was included in the pooled analysis also listed in One of the five studies Costantini( et al., 2001) the table (Kogevinas et al., 2003).] reported a statistically significant increased odds Most of the individual studies were conducted ratio for welders (OR, 3.3; 95% CI, 1.3–8.5) based in Canada, Europe, or the USA and ranged in size on 7 exposed cases. from 74 to 2160 cases, most including incident cases of cancer of the bladder. Most presented (d) Other haematopoietic cancers: Hodgkin risk estimates were adjusted for smoking. [The lymphoma Working Group noted that the odds ratios The Working Group identified three case– presented in Silverman et al. (1983) were not control studies of Hodgkin lymphoma in adults adjusted for smoking, although the study authors that reported risk estimates for welding-related reported that smoking adjustment did not change jobs (Persson et al., 1989; Persson et al., 1993; the results.] Most of the reported risk estimates Costantini et al., 2001), all based on a small for welding-related occupations from cancer of number of exposed cases. The oldest of these the bladder case–control studies were close to reported a statistically significant increased odds unity and did not reach statistical significance; ratio (Persson et al., 1989). [The Working Group the exception was the earliest study from Canada noted that information on the number of cases (Howe et al., 1980), which reported an odds ratio exposed was not available for this study but, of 2.8 (95% CI, 1.1–8.8) based on 16 exposed given the size of the study and the wide confi- cases. Several studies reported risk estimates dence interval, it is expected to be small.] close to unity based on a relatively large number of exposed cases (> 20) (e.g. Silverman et al., 1989b; 2.5.4 Cancer of the urinary bladder Burns & Swanson, 1991; Cordier et al., 1993). Three studies reported on the duration of See Table 2.9 (web only; available at: http:// employment as a welder. A large study from publications.iarc.fr/569) Canada reported an odds ratio of 0.93 (95% CI, The Working Group identified 18 case–control 0.78–1.10) for a 10-year increment of duration studies on cancer of the urinary bladder (Howe of employment as a welder (Risch et al., 1988). et al., 1980; Silverman et al., 1983, 1989a, b, 1990; A later study from Canada (Gaertner et al., 2004) Schifflers et al., 1987; Claude et al., 1988; Risch reported an odds ratio of 1.66 (95% CI, 0.78–3.48) et al., 1988; Burns & Swanson, 1991; Siemiatycki, for the group with the longest duration of employ- 1991; Kunze et al., 1992; Zaridze et al., 1992; ment as a welder (> 15 years) compared with Cordier et al., 1993; Teschke et al., 1997; Colt those never employed as a welder. A study from et al., 2004; Gaertner et al., 2004; Samanic Spain (Samanic et al., 2008) reported an odds et al., 2008; Colt et al., 2011) and one pooled ratio of 1.32 (95% CI, 0.74–2.36) for the group case–control study (Kogevinas et al., 2003) that with the longest duration of employment as a reported on the association between cancer of welder (≥ 10 years) compared with those never the bladder and welding-related occupations or employed as a welder. exposure to welding fumes. [The Working Group The largest cancer of the bladder case–control excluded two studies from Islamic Republic of study reporting on employment as a welder, Iran because the occupational group was too a pooled analysis of 11 cancer of the bladder broad (Aminian et al., 2014; Ghadimi et al., 2015). case–control studies from six European coun- To avoid duplicate inclusion, one study from Italy tries (Kogevinas et al., 2003), reported a pooled (Porru et al., 1996) was not included because it odds ratio of 1.22 (95% CI, 0.91–1.63) after adjusting for age, smoking, and study centre,

190 Welding based on 88 exposed cases (men only). [The (a) Subtypes of cancer of the bladder Working Group noted there was no overlap With transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) being between this pooled study and the other studies the dominant histological type of malignant listed in Table 2.9 (web only; available at: http:// tumours of the urinary bladder in industrialized publications.iarc.fr/569). TheCordier et al. (1993) countries (Fortuny et al., 1999), studies generally estimate for ever worked as a welder was included lacked statistical power to report on occupational in the pooled estimate, but not the estimates for risk factors for non-TCC of the bladder, including exposure to specific welding fumes reported on squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarci- in the following paragraph and in the table.] Risk nomas. The above-mentioned pooled analysis of estimates by duration of employment as a welder 11 case–control studies on cancer of the bladder were not reported. from six European countries (Kogevinas et al., Two studies used expert assessment, based 2003) also reported on occupational risk factors on detailed work histories completed by the for the 146 cases with non-TCC of the bladder cases and the controls, to identify exposure (Fortuny et al., 1999), but an odds ratio specific to to welding fumes generally and gas welding welding was not presented. The Working Group fumes versus arc welding fumes specifically. identified one study that reported a relative risk A study from Canada (Siemiatycki, 1991), using for welders, specifically for squamous cell carci- patients diagnosed with cancers other than noma (RR, 5.9), based on 5 exposed cases; it was bladder as controls, reported an odds ratio reported as being statistically significant, but the of 1.2 (95% CI, 0.9–1.5) for both arc welding 95% confidence interval andP value were not fumes and gas welding fumes, based on 63 provided (Kantor et al., 1988). Relative risks for exposed cases. [The Working Group noted that all types of cancer of the bladder or adenocarci- the odds ratios were the same and based on the noma of the bladder for welders were not signif- same numbers of exposed cases for both types icantly increased. [The Working Group noted of welding fume, suggesting that all cases were that no further details were provided and that assessed by the experts as exposed to both gas the study population overlaps that of Silverman welding and arc welding fumes.] Risk estimates et al. (1983); this study is therefore not included did not increase when restricting the exposed in the table.] group to those with “substantial” exposure. A study from France (Cordier et al., 1993) (b) Meta-analysis of cancer of the bladder reported that exposure to any type of welding A meta-analysis of cohort and case–control fumes was associated with an odds ratio of 1.40 studies that reported on the association between (95% CI, 0.98–2.01) based on 86 exposed cases. occupation and cancer of the bladder (all An odds ratio of 1.61 (95% CI, 0.95–2.72) was adjusted for smoking) was published in 2008 reported for gas welding fumes and of 1.34 (Reulen et al., 2008), including 14 of the reports (95% CI, 0.79–2.27) for arc welding fumes, based listed in Table 2.9 (web only; available at: http:// on 40 and 37 exposed cases, respectively. [The publications.iarc.fr/569) Working Group noted that the numbers exposed The meta-estimate for case–control studies to gas welding fumes and arc welding fumes was 1.04 (95% CI, 0.88–1.23). [The Working would suggest that these groups were not fully, Group noted a major limitation in that the pooled but largely, mutually exclusive.] Only 4 cases analysis of 11 case–control studies on cancer of the were exposed to SS welding fumes (OR, 1.10; 95% bladder from six European countries (Kogevinas CI, 0.24–5.05). Risk estimates by level or duration et al., 2003), which had already published by the of exposure to welding fumes were not reported. time of the meta-analysis, was not included.]


2.5.5 Cancers of the head, neck, and upper The Working Group identified four case– aerodigestive tract control studies that reported on welding or expo- sure to welding fumes (Hernberg et al., 1983; See Table 2.10 (web only; available at: http:// Luce et al., 1993; Teschke et al., 1997; d’Errico publications.iarc.fr/569) et al., 2009). These studies were all relatively small Studies on specific cancers of the head and (48–207 cases), but a pooled analysis (Leclerc neck are reviewed in the following. Two other et al., 1997) included 930 cases. [The Working studies reported results for all cancers of the Group noted that the Luce et al. (1993) study head and neck combined. A case–control study population was included in this pooled analysis.] which was part of the ICARE (Investigation of Two of these four studies (Hernberg et al., Occupational and Environmental Causes of 1983; Teschke et al., 1997) and the pooled analysis Respiratory Cancers) study in France reported (Leclerc et al., 1997) reported odds ratios for weld- risk estimates for occupations and duration of ing-related occupations. A study from Denmark, occupation, adjusted for tobacco and alcohol Finland, and Sweden (Hernberg et al., 1983) consumption, separately for women (296 cases reported an odds ratio of 2.8 (95% CI, 1.2–6.9) and 775 controls) (Carton et al., 2014) and men based on 17 exposed cases, noting that 13 were (1833 cases and 2747 controls) (Paget-Bailly et al., also exposed to chromium and/or nickel (as 2013). Odds ratios of 2.18 (95% CI, 0.33–14.4) assessed by experts). A small study from Canada and 21.7 (95% CI, 1.54–304) were reported for (Teschke et al., 1997) reported an odds ratio of women who had ever worked as welders and 3.5 (95% CI, 0.2–53.7) based on 2 exposed cases. flame-cutters (4 cases) and for women who had The pooled analysis Leclerc( et al., 1997) reported been employed for 10 years or more in this occu- an odds ratio of 0.92 (95% CI, 0.38–2.22) based pational group, respectively (P for trend, 0.05) on 6 exposed cases. (Carton et al., 2014). For men who had ever Two studies assessed exposure to welding worked as welders and flame-cutters (109 cases) fumes through expert assessment. A study or who had been employed for 10 years or more from France (Luce et al., 1993) reported odds in this occupational group, odds ratios of 1.9 ratios for exposure to welding fumes of 0.5 (95% CI, 1.3–2.8) and 2.0 (95% CI, 1.0–3.9) (95% CI, 0.2–1.4) for squamous cell carcinoma were reported, respectively (P for trend, 0.01) and 0.8 (95% CI, 0.4–1.6) for adenocarci- (Paget-Bailly et al., 2013). Odds ratios for type noma. A study from Italy (d’Errico et al., 2009) of welding were also reported for men: 3.2 reported an odds ratio of 2.0 (95% CI, 1.00–3.82) (95% CI, 1.6–6.3) for gas and electric welders for ever exposure to welding fumes based (44 cases) and 1.9 (95% CI, 1.0–3.6) for electric arc on 17 exposed cases, noting that additional welders (36 cases). Paget-Bailly et al. (2013) also adjustment for exposure to wood dust further reported odds ratios for specific head and neck strengthened the association (OR, 2.70; 95% cancer sites, particularly elevated for cancers of CI, 1.31–5.45). Odds ratios by duration of expo- the hypopharynx (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.2–3.6), oral sure to welding fumes were also presented, cavity (see Section 2.5.5(c) below), and larynx with one of 2.40 (95% CI, 0.92–6.38) for (see Section 2.5.5(d) below). 1–10 years of exposure to welding fumes and 3.0 (a) Cancer of the nasal cavity and sinuses (95% CI, 1.13–8.0) for more than 10 years. Odds ratios by level of welding fumes (low/high) were See Table 2.10 (web only; available at: http:// also reported, with 3.30 (95% CI, 1.47–7.26) publications.iarc.fr/569) and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.34–7.75) for low and high exposure levels, respectively. The odds ratio for

192 Welding exposure to welding fumes was reported as 4.30 (d) Cancer of the larynx (95% CI, 1.01–18.10) for squamous cell carcinoma The Working Group identified 10 case– and 1.30 (95% CI, 0.52–3.52) for adenocarcinoma control studies on cancer of the larynx that (d’Errico et al., 2009). reported on welding or exposure to welding [The Working Group noted that results fumes (Olsen et al., 1984; Brown et al., 1988; stratified by the material being welded, which Ahrens et al., 1991; Wortley et al., 1992; Goldberg could evaluate the potential effect of exposure to et al., 1997; De Stefani et al., 1998; Gustavsson chromium and nickel, were not presented in the et al., 1998; Elci et al., 2001; Shangina et al., 2006; identified studies. Results adjusted for wood dust Paget-Bailly et al., 2013). suggest that wood dust is not a strong confounder Seven of these studies reported on welding in associations between welding and cancers of occupations (Brown et al., 1988; Ahrens et al., the nasal cavity and sinuses.] 1991; Wortley et al., 1992; Goldberg et al., 1997; (b) Cancer of the nasopharynx De Stefani et al., 1998; Elci et al., 2001; Paget- Bailly et al., 2013). Four of the studies reported One case–control study conducted in Hong odds ratios at or below unity, while three Kong Special Administrative Region, China, on reported an odds ratio above unity (Brown et al., carcinomas of the nasopharynx was identified 1988; Goldberg et al., 1997; Paget-Bailly et al., (Xie et al., 2017), reporting an odds ratio of 9.18 2013); one of these (Paget-Bailly et al., 2013) (95% CI, 1.05–80.35) for self-reported expose [already discussed above (at the beginning of to welding fumes at any time in the job history, Section 2.5.5) in relation to all cancers of the head based on 7 exposed cases and 1 exposed control. and neck combined] reported an odds ratio for [The Working Group noted that carcinomas of cancer of the larynx of 2.4 (95% CI, 1.5–4.0) for the nasopharynx differ from other cancers of men who had ever worked as a welder and flame- the head and neck in terms of occurrence and cutter (33 exposed cases). An additional interna- identified risk factors. They are more common tional case–control study on cancer of the larynx in certain geographical areas, including east Asia (Boffetta et al., 2003) reported that an increased where this study is set, and found to be strongly risk for welders was not observed, but an odds linked to infection with the Epstein–Barr virus.] ratio was not reported (this study was therefore (c) Cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx not included in the table). [The Working Group identified one study that reported results by The Working Group identified five case– duration of welding employment (Wortley et al., control studies on cancer of the oral cavity and/or 1992), but the number of exposed cases was small oropharynx (Vaughan, 1989; Merletti et al., 1991; and a trend was not observed.] Huebner et al., 1992; Gustavsson et al., 1998; Three studies reported on the association Paget-Bailly et al., 2013). With the exception of between cancer of the larynx and exposure to the study from France (Paget-Bailly et al., 2013), welding fumes (Olsen et al., 1984; Gustavsson all reported odds ratios close to unity for weld- et al., 1998; Shangina et al., 2006). The earliest ing-related occupations. Paget-Bailly et al. (2013) published study (Olsen et al., 1984), based in reported an odds ratio for cancer of the oral Denmark, reported an odds ratio for all cancers cavity of 1.9 (95% CI, 1.1–3.3) based on 21 cases of the larynx combined of 1.3 (95% CI, 0.9–2.0) that had ever worked as a welder or flame-cutter. based on 42 cases that reported exposure to welding fumes. Results by type of cancer of the larynx were also presented, with an odds ratio

193 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 of 1.1 (95% CI, 0.7–1.8) for glottic (23 exposed welding fumes (Magnani et al., 1987; Carozza cases), 1.5 (95% CI, 0.8–2.9) for supraglottic et al., 2000; Pan et al., 2005; Ruder et al., 2012). (13 exposed cases), and 6.3 (95% CI, 1.8–21.6) for Three of these studies reported odds ratios below subglottic (5 exposed cases). A relatively large or close to unity (Magnani et al., 1987; Carozza study from Sweden (Gustavsson et al., 1998) et al., 2000; Ruder et al., 2012), all based on a reported an odds ratio of 1.56 (95% CI, 0.92–2.53) small number of exposed cases. The fourth, for cancer of the larynx associated with ever a large study of 1009 cases and 5039 matched exposure to welding fumes (based on 32 exposed controls (Pan et al., 2005), collected information cases), and a positive duration–response associ- on 18 employment-related chemical exposures ation was reported (P for trend, 0.04). A study including “welding”, and reported an elevated from central and eastern Europe (Shangina et al., odds ratio of 1.26 (95% CI, 0.98–1.45) based on 2006), including 316 cases of cancer of the larynx 183 exposed cases. The same study found a 40% and 34 cases of cancer of the hypopharynx, increase in risk of cancer of the brain in relation reported an odds ratio of 0.78 (95% CI, 0.54–1.14) to duration of welding, with an odds ratio of 1.41 for exposure to arc welding fumes (56 exposed (95% CI, 0.98–1.84) in those exposed to welding cases) and 0.89 (95% CI, 0.58–1.37) for exposure fumes for 20 years or more (48 cases) compared to gas welding fumes (42 exposed cases). with the reference group of non-exposed. (e) Cancer of the oesophagus Two studies included exclusively meningi- omas (Hu et al., 1999; Sadetzki et al., 2016). The The Working Group identified four case– first, a study from China using self-reported control studies on cancer of the oesophagus occupational exposures and hospital-recruited that reported on welding or exposure to welding cases and controls (Hu et al., 1999), reported an fumes (Magnani et al., 1987; Siemiatycki, 1991; odds ratio for exposure to welding rod fumes Gustavsson et al., 1998; Engel et al., 2002), all of 1.99 (95% CI, 0.40–9.89) for men based on reporting odds ratios close to unity. Siemiatycki 4 exposed cases and 3.05 (95% CI, 0.52–18.03) for (1991) reported odds ratios for arc welding and women based on 5 exposed cases. The second, gas welding separately, and for any as well as a large and recent international case–control substantial exposure to welding fumes, but none study on meningioma (Sadetzki et al., 2016), were above unity. reported that ever exposure to welding fumes, assessed using an updated version of FINJEM, 2.5.6 Cancer of the brain was associated with risk of meningioma; an odds See Table 2.11 (web only; available at: http:// ratio of 1.19 (95% CI, 0.91–1.56) was reported, publications.iarc.fr/569) based on 94 exposed cases. Odds ratios were Six case–control studies investigating the risk also reported separately for women (OR, 1.79; of either malignant cancer of the brain or menin- 95% CI, 0.78–4.10; 12 exposed cases) and men gioma (a commonly diagnosed benign brain (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.86–1.54; 82 exposed cases). tumour) were identified by the Working Group. Four studies were cancer of the brain case– 2.5.7 Parental exposure and cancer in control studies conducted in Canada, the UK, offspring and the USA using either JEMs, job title, or See Table 2.12 (web only; available at: http:// exposure questionnaires, reporting on the asso- publications.iarc.fr/569) ciation between malignant cancer of the brain Several case–control studies on childhood and welding-related occupations or exposure to cancers have reported on the association between

194 Welding occupation of a parent (mostly father) as a welder odds ratio of 0.97 (95% CI, 0.50–1.70) for paternal and the risk of cancer in their offspring; no occupation as a welder. [The Working Group studies on childhood leukaemia were identified. noted that the number of exposed cases on which this odds ratio was based was not reported, but (a) All childhood cancers estimated that it was based on 19–20 exposed One study conducted in Moscow reported cases according to the reported percentage on the association between the father’s welding exposed controls.] history before conception (Smulevich et al., (c) Wilms’ tumour 1999) and all childhood cancers combined. The number of fathers working as welders was signif- The Working Group identified four case– icantly higher among cases than among controls, control studies on Wilms’ tumour (a childhood yielding an odds ratio of 1.8. [The Working neoplasm of the kidney) that evaluated the asso- Group noted that a breakdown of the specific ciation with parental welding, three of which childhood cancer sites was not provided, and no were too small to be able to report risk estimates confidence interval was reported.] (Kantor et al., 1979; Wilkins & Sinks, 1984; Bunin et al., 1989). The largest study Olshan( (b) Childhood cancer of the central nervous et al., 1990) included 200 cases and 233 controls. system Among different exposure periods explored A neuroblastoma case–control study evalu- (i.e. preconception, pregnancy, and postnatal), ating parental occupation from age 18 onwards 6 of the case fathers and 1 of the control fathers as a potential risk factor (Olshan et al., 1999) worked as a welder during pregnancy, yielding the reported an odds ratio for father’s occupa- highest odds ratio of 8.22 (95% CI, 0.95–71.27). tion as a welder/cutter of 0.5 (95% CI, 0.1–1.6). (d) Other childhood cancers A childhood central nervous system tumour case–control study focusing on paternal occupa- A case–control study on hepatoblastoma tions with exposure to electric and magnetic fields (Buckley et al., 1989) reported an odds ratio (Wilkins & Wellage, 1996) reported an odds ratio of 1.0 related to self-reported father’s exposure for preconception paternal occupation as welder to welding, based on 12 exposed case fathers. of 1.75 (95% CI, 0.23–13.21) based on 3 exposed A case–control study of childhood sporadic case fathers and an odds ratio of paternal occu- bilateral retinoblastoma (Abdolahi et al., 2013) pation as welder during pregnancy of 1.00 (95% reported an odds ratio of 1.22 (95% CI, 0.68–2.19) CI, 0.09–11.03) based on 2 exposed case fathers. associated with paternal ever exposure to A broader definition of welding, also including welding fumes, as assessed by experts using the those jobs with welding tasks (welding-re- detailed job history, based on 29 exposed case lated jobs), yielded an odds ratio for precon- fathers. The same study reported no risk in rela- ception paternal welding-related job of 3.83 tion to intensity of exposure to welding fumes (95% CI, 0.95–15.55) based on 6 exposed case (comparing none to low with moderate and fathers. [The Working Group noted that the high levels), either during the 10 years before higher odds ratio obtained when using a broader conception or during the year before concep- definition of welding-related jobs may suggest tion only, and no trends in risk were observed. that exposures other than welding may have to be A recent data linkage study from Finland, considered.] A large international case–control Norway, and Sweden (Togawa et al., 2016) study on childhood brain tumours and parental included 8112 cases of testicular germ cell occupations (Cordier et al., 2001) reported an tumour (age, 14–49 years) and 26 264 controls;

195 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 the occupation of participants’ parents were gas welding fumes of 1.4 (95% CI, 0.7–2.8) was obtained from the census, and exposure was reported, based on 6 exposed cases. assessed by applying a JEM. Paternal low expo- None of the studies reported relative risks by sure to welding fumes based on 953 exposed cases duration of exposure. and 2904 exposed controls lead to an odds ratio of 1.09 (95% CI, 1.01–1.18), which decreased at 2.5.9 Other cancers high exposure levels to 0.97 (95% CI, 0.79–1.19), based on 124 exposed cases. The odds ratios for See Table 2.14 (web only; available at: http:// maternal exposure were 1.02 (95% CI, 0.65–1.59) publications.iarc.fr/569) and 1.23 (95% CI, 0.64–2.36) for exposure to low (a) Cancer of the stomach and high levels of welding fumes, respectively. The Working Group identified three case– 2.5.8 Cancer of the pancreas control studies on cancer of the stomach that reported on associations with welding or expo- See Table 2.13 (web only; available at: http:// sure to welding fumes (Siemiatycki, 1991; Keller publications.iarc.fr/569) & Howe, 1993; Engel et al., 2002). Two studies A total of five case–control studies on cancer from the USA reported risk estimates for welding of the pancreas that reported on the association occupation; one reported an odds ratio of 2.11 with welding or exposure to welding fumes were (95% CI, 1.09–4.09) for cancer of the stomach identified (Norell et al., 1986; Magnani et al., (Keller & Howe, 1993); and another reported an 1987; Siemiatycki, 1991; Ji et al., 1999; Luckett odds ratio of 2.0 (95% CI, 0.8–5.2) for adeno- et al., 2012). [The Working Group did not include carcinoma of the gastric cardia and 0.8 (95% several other studies for evaluation (Ji et al., 1999; CI, 0.3–2.3) for adenocarcinoma of the gastric Alguacil et al., 2000; Luckett et al., 2012) as the noncardia (Engel et al., 2002). A Canadian case– occupational category was too broad.] control study on cancer of the stomach that used Three studies assessed exposure to welding expert assessment and cancer controls reported fumes or “welding materials”. A small case– an odds ratio of 0.9 (95% CI, 0.6–1.3) for exposure control study from Sweden (Norell et al., 1986) to arc welding fumes and 0.9 (95% CI, 0.6–1.3) reported an odds ratio of 2.0 (90% CI, 0.9–4.3) for exposure to gas welding fumes (Siemiatycki, associated with exposure to “welding materials” 1991). [The Working Group noted that the esti- based on 13 exposed cases. [The Working Group mates were likely to have been based on the same noted that the exact definition of “welding mate- cases and controls, assessed as being exposed to rials” was not reported.] A mortality study that both gas and arc welding fumes.] used a JEM to assess exposure to welding fumes (Magnani et al., 1987) reported an odds ratio of (b) Cancer of the small bowel 1 [the Working Group noted that the number of The Working Group identified one case– exposed cases was not reported]. A study using control study on adenocarcinoma of the small other cancer cases as controls (Siemiatycki, 1991), bowel that included 79 cases from five countries and expert assessment of exposure to arc welding (Kaerlev et al., 2000). An odds ratio of 2.6 (95% fumes and gas welding fumes, reported odds CI, 1.0–6.4; 6 exposed cases) was reported for ratios close to unity for any exposure to either type welders and flame-cutters, with a positive dura- of fumes and substantial exposure to arc welding tion–response relationship (P for trend, 0.01). fumes; an odds ratio for substantial exposure to

196 Welding

(c) Cancer of the colon and rectum welding fumes”. A study from the US reported Three case–control studies on cancer of the an odds ratio of 1.0 (95% CI, 0.61–1.64) for colon were identified that examined the associa- welders (Keller & Howe, 1993). A recent cancer tion with a welding-related occupation or expo- of the prostate case–control study from Canada sure to welding fumes (Siemiatycki, 1991; Keller (Sauvé et al., 2016) reported an odds ratio of 0.97 & Howe, 1993; Fang et al., 2011), reporting odds (95% CI, 0.62–1.50; 50 cases) for ever having ratios ranging from 0.49 to 1.10, none reaching worked in welding and flame-cutting occupa- statistical significance. One of these studies also tions. Odds ratios by duration of employment investigated the increased risk of cancer of the in the occupational group, and separately for arc rectum in relation to exposure to welding fumes, welders and gas welders, were also presented, but reporting odds ratios close to unity (Siemiatycki, did not reveal a positive duration–response asso- 1991). ciation or differences in risk estimates between welding types. (d) Cancer of the liver (f) Cancer of the testis One case–control study on cancer of the liver was identified that reported on the association The Working Group identified one case– between cancer of the liver and exposure to control study on cancer of the testis that reported welding fumes, as assessed by expert (Kauppinen a risk estimate for a welding-related occupation et al., 1992). Odds ratios adjusted for alcohol (Walschaerts et al., 2007), with an odds ratio consumption of 1.38 (95% CI, 0.52–3.64), based of 1.49 (95% CI, 0.53–4.15) after adjusting for on 6 exposed cases, and 13.40 (95% CI, 2.02–88.1) risk factors, based on 20 exposed cases. [The for exposure to high levels of welding fumes, Working Group identified an additional case– based on 5 exposed cases, were reported. control study on testicular germ cell tumours, addressing parental occupation (Togawa et al., (e) Cancer of the prostate 2016); see also Section 2.5.7.] The Working Group identified four case– (g) Melanoma of the skin control studies on cancer of the prostate that reported on the association with welding or expo- The Working Group identified two case– sure to welding fumes. A Canadian study using control studies on skin melanoma that reported expert assessment and cancer controls reported on the association with exposure to welding odds ratios of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.0–2.6) and 1.4 (95% fumes, both reporting odds ratios close to and CI, 0.9–2.1) for exposure to substantial levels below unity (Magnani et al., 1987; Siemiatycki, of arc welding fumes and gas welding fumes, 1991). respectively (Siemiatycki, 1991). [The Working Group noted that the estimates are likely to 2.6 Occupational studies of cancer have been based on largely the same cases and mortality and incidence based controls, assessed as being exposed to both gas on routinely collected data and arc welding fumes.] A case–control study from the Netherlands (van der Gulden et al., 1995) See Table 2.15 reported an odds ratio of 1.51 (95% CI, 0.48–4.78; Several studies conducted in Canada, New 4 cases) for longest-held occupation as welder Zealand, the UK, and the USA evaluated the and an odds ratio of 1.19 (95% CI, 0.73–1.95; relationship between occupation and cancer 22 cases) for workers “frequently exposed to using occupation reported on death certificates.


Risk estimate CI) (95% 1.37 21 deaths, (1.01–1.81), cases 27 cases0.67 (NR), 11 1951: (NR) 1.18 1971: 1.51 (NR) 1.45 (1.15–1.83), deaths 74 1.40 (1.20–1.61) (1.05–1.17),1.11 1263 deaths 1.40 (1.04–1.86), 49 deaths 3 deaths (0.13–1.78), 0.61 1.22 (1.21–1.30) 1975 deaths 1.35 109 deaths (1.11–1.63), 1.31 (1.13–1.52), 180 deaths 9 deaths (0.79–3.27), 1.72 deaths 69 (1.38–2.25), 1.78 2.88 (2.24–3.66), 68 deaths (1.03–1.33),1.17 241 deaths 1.25 (1.05–1.47), deaths 141 deaths 130 0.99 (0.82–1.17), 1.79 (1.62–1.78), 395 deaths deaths 85 0.60 (0.48–0.75), < 5 deaths–, 9 deaths0.86 (0.39–1.63), 67 deaths 0.89 (0.69–1.12), 1.02 (0.77–1.34), 53 deaths deaths 76 (0.61–0.97), 0.77 deaths 159 0.82 ((0.70–0.96), (0.38–1.29) 0.74 1.45 (significant) Cancer and outcome measure outcome Lung; mortality and incidence: SMR Lung; incidence: RR (smoking adjusted) Lung; mortality: SMR Lung; mortality: PMR Lung; mortality: SMR Mortality: PMR Lung Pleura Sinonasal Mortality: PMR Lung Oral cavity and pharynx Oesophagus Sinonasal Larynx Mesothelioma Liver and gall bladder Urinary bladder Kidney Prostate Brain Eye Chronic myeloid leukaemia Acute myeloid leukaemia Lymphatic leukaemia Multiple myeloma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Urinary bladder; mortality: SMR Stomach; mortality: SMR

Exposure group Welders and flameWelders cutters Welders Welders Welders Welders (men) andWelders cutters All races/sexes combined 2007–2010) 2003–2004, (1999, Welders Welders Location CA, USA NY, USA UK Canada BC, New Zealand UK USA UK New Zealand

(1977) (2009) (1993) (1993) et al. et al. et al. et al. Table 2.15 Occupational studies mortality cancer Occupational on based routinely incidence on and collected data 2.15 Table Reference Menck & Henderson (1976) Decouflé Logan (1982) Gallagher & Threlfall(1983) Firth Coggon NIOSH (2015) National Occupational Mortality Surveillance (NOMS) Dolin & Cook-Mozaffari(1992) Firth CI, confidence interval;PMR, proportional mortality ratio; RR, relative risk; SMR, standardized mortality ratio

198 Welding

Less frequently, cancer incidence data from References various sources (e.g. not a newly assembled cohort) have also been used. Other countries have Abdolahi A, van Wijngaarden E, McClean MD, Herrick also conducted such studies on an ad hoc basis. RF, Allen JG, Ganguly A, et al. (2013). A case-control Most studies were described by the Working study of paternal occupational exposures and the risk of childhood sporadic bilateral retinoblastoma. Occup Group in 1990 (IARC, 1990), but some have been Environ Med, 70(6):372–9. doi:10.1136/oemed-2012- updated or extended since then. [These studies 101062 PMID:23503471 are not described in detail (see Table 2.15 for a Adegoke OJ, Blair A, Shu XO, Sanderson M, Jin F, Dosemeci M, et al. (2003). Occupational history and summary) due to several limitations, including: exposure and the risk of adult leukemia in Shanghai. (1) lack of detailed exposure information or Ann Epidemiol, 13(7):485–94. doi:10.1016/S1047- the use of occupation reported on death certif- 2797(03)00037-1 PMID:12932623 icates; (2) limited information on potential Ahrens W, Jöckel KH, Patzak W, Elsner G (1991). Alcohol, smoking, and occupational factors in cancer of the confounders; (3) use of different data sources larynx: a case-control study. Am J Ind Med, 20(4):477– for observed (death certificates) and expected 93. doi:10.1002/ajim.4700200404 PMID:1785612 (census) deaths; and (4) chance findings due to Ajani UA, Seddon JM, Hsieh CC, Egan KM, Albert multiple comparisons in evaluating the associ- DM, Gragoudas ES (1992). Occupation and risk of uveal melanoma. An exploratory study. ations between many different occupations and Cancer, 70(12):2891–900. doi:10.1002/1097-0142 causes of deaths in the USA (NIOSH, 2015) and (19921215)70:12<2891::AID-CNCR2820701228>3. the UK (Coggon et al., 2009).] These studies have 0.CO;2-1 PMID:1451071 Alguacil J, Pollán M, Gustavsson P (2003). Occupations been used repeatedly for occupational mortality with increased risk of pancreatic cancer in the surveillance purposes, and only the most recent Swedish population. Occup Environ Med, 60(8):570–6. update is reported. doi:10.1136/oem.60.8.570 PMID:12883017 Among all the studies that reported on Alguacil J, Porta M, Benavides FG, Malats N, Kogevinas M, Fernández E, et al.; PANKRAS II Study Group cancer of the lung in welders, an excess of cancer (2000). Occupation and pancreatic cancer in of the lung was found in all but one study. The Spain: a case-control study based on job titles. Int J two studies that reported on cancer of the pleura Epidemiol, 29(6):1004–13. doi:10.1093/ije/29.6.1004 and/or mesothelioma also found an excess among PMID:11101541 Aminian O, Saburi A, Mohseni H, Akbari H, Chavoshi F, welders (Coggon et al., 2009; NIOSH, 2015). Akbari H (2014). Occupational risk of bladder cancer Excesses of several other types of cancer were among Iranian male workers. Urol Ann, 6(2):135–8. also reported, including cancers of the stomach doi:10.4103/0974-7796.130643 PMID:24833825 Austin H, Delzell E, Lally C, Rotimi C, Oestenstad K (Firth et al., 1993), oral cavity and pharynx, (1997). A case-control study of lung cancer at a foundry oesophagus, larynx, liver and gall bladder, and and two engine plants. Am J Ind Med, 31(4):414–21. urinary bladder (NIOSH, 2015). In contrast, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0274(199704)31:4<414::AID- no excess risk of cancer of the urinary bladder AJIM6>3.0.CO;2-V PMID:9093655 AWS (1997). Standard welding terms and definitions. was found in a study in the UK (Dolin & Cook- ANSI/AWS A3.0–94. Miami (FL), USA: American Mozaffari, 1992). No clear excess of mortality Welding Society. from cancer of the nasal cavity and sinuses was Band PR, Le ND, Fang R, Gallagher R (2004). apparent (Coggon et al., 2009; NIOSH, 2015), Identification of occupational cancer risks in British Columbia: a population-based case-control study and no excesses of deaths from cancer of the of 769 cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma analyzed kidney, cancer of the brain, leukaemia, multiple by histopathology subtypes. J Occup Environ Med, myeloma, or NHL were found in the only study 46(5):479–89. doi:10.1097/01.jom.0000126028.99599.36 that reported on these cancer sites (NIOSH, PMID:15167397 2015).


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Colt JS, Baris D, Stewart P, Schned AR, Heaney JA, Mott Danielsen TE, Langård S, Andersen A, Knudsen O (1993). LA, et al. (2004). Occupation and bladder cancer risk Incidence of cancer among welders of mild steel and in a population-based case-control study in New other shipyard workers. Br J Ind Med, 50(12):1097–103. Hampshire. Cancer Causes Control, 15(8):759–69. PMID:8280640 doi:10.1023/B:CACO.0000043426.28741.a2 de Silva SR, Bundy ED, Smith PD, Gaydos JC (1999). PMID:15456989 A geographical information system technique for Colt JS, Karagas MR, Schwenn M, Baris D, Johnson A, record-matching in a study of cancer deaths in welders. Stewart P, et al. (2011). Occupation and bladder cancer J Occup Environ Med, 41(6):464–8. doi:10.1097/000 in a population-based case-control study in Northern 43764-199906000-00012 PMID:10390697 New England. Occup Environ Med, 68(4):239–49. 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A previous IARC Monographs Working manganese (13.8 wt%), nickel (8.8 wt%), and Group concluded in 1989 that there was inade- copper (0.2 wt%), with trace amounts of silicon, quate evidence for the carcinogenicity of welding aluminium, and vanadium. The particle diam- fumes in experimental animals (IARC, 1990). eters ranged from ultrafine (0.01–0.10 μm) to coarse (1.0–10 μm), with most particles in the 3.1 Mouse fine size range (0.10–1.0 μm). Gas generation, including carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3), See Table 3.1 was continuously monitored. In the exposure chamber, carbon monoxide and ozone concen- 3.1.1 Inhalation trations were not significantly higher than back- ground levels (Antonini et al., 2006; Erdely et al., Groups of age- and weight-matched male A/J 2011). The 6- and 10-day inhalation regimes were mice (age, 5 weeks) were exposed by whole-body estimated to be equivalent to 30 and 50 days of inhalation to gas metal arc stainless steel (GMA- exposure, respectively, in a 75 kg person working SS) welding fumes at 40 mg/m3 of filtered air for an 8-hour shift using the previous threshold 3 hours per day for 6 (n = 45 per group) or 10 limit value time-weighted average of 5 mg/m3 for (n = 55 per group) days (Zeidler-Erdely et al., welding fumes (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2011a). The 2011a). The automated system for the generation deposited human dose was calculated as: fume of welding fumes consisted of a welding power concentration (5 mg/m3) multiplied by minimum source, an automated, programmable six-axis volume (20 L/min × 10−3 m3/L), exposure dura- robotic arm, a water-cooled arc welding torch, tion (8 hours per day × 60 minutes per hour), a wire feeder, and an automatic welding torch and alveolar deposition efficiency (0.16). The cleaner. For the initial studies on characterization deposited human dose at these conditions is of fumes, GMA welding was performed using a 7.7 mg/day. The proportional equivalent depo- SS electrode. Welding was performed on A36 sition in mice, assuming a mouse body weight carbon steel plates. A shielding gas combination of 20 g, is 7.7 mg/day multiplied by 20 g divided of 95% argon (Ar) and 5% carbon dioxide (CO2) by 75 kg, which equals 2.05 μg/day. To simulate was used during welding. The resulting aerosol an exposure period of approximately 50 days, was carried into a whole-body animal expo- measured deposition in the study was 11 µg/day sure chamber through a flexible tube. Particle for 10 days of inhalation exposure (Erdely et al., concentrations within the exposure chamber 2011). The effect of welding fumes on grossly were continuously monitored. Mice inhaled observed lung tumour multiplicity (average welding fumes composed of iron (57 percentage number of tumours per lung) and incidence by weight or wt%), chromium (20.2 wt%),


Comments Principal limitations: short duration of exposure; histopathological examination the of lung only; use of dose;a low lung histopathology only selectedon animals Cr (20.2), Metals (57), Fe (wt%): trace Cu (0.2); (8.8), Ni Mn (13.8), amounts Si, of Al, and V Mass median aerodynamic diameter: 0.255 μm with 1.352 of SD Principal strengths: well-described and -conducted study Principal limitations: only one dose; histopathological examination of the lung only; small numbers of animals; non-physiological route of exposure MnMetals GMA-MS, (85), Fe (wt%): (14); Cr (19), Mn (23), GMA-SS, (53), Fe Ni (5) Mn (17), Cr (29), MMA-SS: (41), Fe Ni (3) Soluble/insoluble ratio: GMA-MS, 0.006;0.020; GMA-SS, MMA-SS, 0.345 metals: (soluble 87%; Mn, Cr, 11%) Count mean diameters: GMA-MS, 1.22 μm; GMA-SS 1.38 μm; MMA- SS 0.92 μm Significance NS NS NS NS NS NS

Results Lung: tumours (gross lesions) incidenceTumour 6 d: air, 24/33; GMA-SS, 19/37 GMA-SS, d: air, 33/43; 26/42 10 multiplicity:Tumour 6 d: GMA-SS, air, 1.36 ± 0.21; 0.84 ± 0.16 GMA-SS, d: air, 0.93 ± 0.11; 10 0.86 ± 0.14 tumours:Total 6 d: air, 45; GMA-SS, 31 d: air, 40;10 GMA-SS, 36 Lung, alveolar/bronchiolar: tumours (gross lesions) incidence:Tumour 48 wk: sham control, 7/21; GMA-MS, 8/24; GMA-SS, 8/20; MMA-SS, 5/24 wk:78 sham control, 10/19; GMA-MS, 13/20; GMA-SS, 13/16; MMA-SS, 16/20 multiplicity:Tumour 48 wk: sham control, 0.38 ± 0.13; GMA-MS, GMA-SS, 0.42 ± 0.14; MMA-SS,0.45 ± 0.14; 0.25 ± 0.11 wk:78 sham control, 1.00 ± 0.35; GMA-MS, 1.00 ± 0.22; GMA-SS, MMA-SS,1.75 ± 0.32; 1.55 ± 0.34 tumours:Total 48 wk: sham control, 8; GMA- MS, GMA-SS, 10; 9; MMA-SS, 6 wk:78 sham control, GMA- 19; MS, 20; GMA-SS, 28; MMA-SS, 31 for for 3

for 3 h/d), air 3 h/d), 10 d, for for 3

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals (40 mg/m GMA-SS 10 d for 3 h/d) 45, 45, 55 55, 43, 42 37, 33, Inhalation (whole-body) Inhalation (whole-body) GMA-SS welding fumes (see Comments) Air Air 6 d, for GMA-SS 6 d for (40 mg/m Oropharyngeal aspiration GMA-MS and GMA-SS welding fumes; MMA-SS welding fumes Comments) (see PBS every85 μg 4 × (once in 3 d) 25 μL PBS Sham μL/aspiration), control (25 GMA-MS μg), (340 GMA-SS 340 μg), MMA-SS μg) (340 evaluated after 48 wk 78 wk and 25 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 24, 20, 20 20, 24,21, 16, 19,

et al. et al.

Table 3.1 Studies of carcinogenicity in experimental 3.1 animals exposedTable to welding fumes Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Full carcinogenicity Mouse, A/J (M) 5 wk 78 wk Zeidler-Erdely (2011a) Full carcinogenicity Mouse, A/J (M) 5 wk 48 wk, wk 78 Zeidler-Erdely (2008)

212 Welding

Comments Principal strengths: well-described and -conducted study Principal limitations: only one dose; small number animals; of lung histopathology only; non- physiological route of exposure Mn Cr (29), Metals (41), Fe (wt%): trace amounts and (3); Ni Cu of (17), and Ti Fe Soluble Cr (87), fraction (%): (0.65) Ni Mn (11.7), (0.39), Fe Insoluble Cr (9.97), fraction (%): (3.35) Ni Mn (18.4), (53.7), < 0.05 P Significance NS * Results Lung, alveolar/bronchiolar: preneoplastic epithelial proliferations, adenoma, carcinomas, or microcarcinomas (combined) incidence:Tumour sham control(grossly observed), 7/8; sham control (histopathology), MMA-SS6/8; (grossly observed), 11/11; MMA-SS (histopathology), 11/11 multiplicity:Tumour sham control (grossly observed), 2.38 ± 0.42; sham control (histopathology), 1.25 ± 0.31; MMA-SS (grossly observed), 3.00 ± 0.57; MMA-SS (histopathology), 2.36 ± 0.39*

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Oropharyngeal aspiration MMA-SS welding fumes (see Comments) PBS 60 μL 20 mg/kg (sham control), bw 4 mo for 1 ×/mo NR 8, 11

et al.

Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Full carcinogenicity Mouse, A/J (M) 8–10 wk 78 wk Zeidler-Erdely (2011b)

213 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 < 0.01 < 0.01 P

Comments Principal strengths: multiple-dose study; adequate number tumours of and well-described produced; -conducted study Principal limitations: lung histopathology only Metals GMA-SS, (wt%): (57), Fe and (8.8), Ni Mn (13.8), Cr (20.2), traceCu (0.2); amounts Si, of Al, and V Chromium (VI) levels were 2929 pm (μg/g) Sham exposure with PBS incidenceTumour reported as average percentage for CO groups combined and 3-MC groups combined Histopathology: 3-MC/GMA-SS low, 4 adenocarcinomas were observed 3-MC/GMA- in were 1 mouse); (2 SS high, 6 adenocarcinomas and 1 carcinoma observed were ( vs 1 carcinoma in 3-MC/sham group) < 0.0001 vs 3-MC/sham < 0.004 vs 3-MC/sham < 0.0001 P P P Significance NS * * * Results incidence:Tumour CO/sham, 25.8 ± 6.4%; 3-MC/sham and 3-MC/GMA-SS, > 93%; 3-MC/sham, CO/GMA- > 93%; SS, 25.8 ± 6.4%; 3-MC/GMA-SS, CO/GMA-SS,> 93%; 25.8 ± 6.4%; 3-MC/GMA-SS, > 93% multiplicity:Tumour CO/sham, 0.21 ± 0.09; 3-MC/sham, CO/GMA-SS4.77 ± 0.7; low, 3-MC/GMA-SS low, 0.42 ± 0.11; CO/GMA-SS high,12.1 ± 1.5*; 0.21 ± 0.08; 3-MC/GMA-SS high, 14.0 ± 1.8* tumours:Total CO/sham, 6; 3-MC/sham, 124; CO/GMA-SS 3-MC/GMA-SS 11; low, low, CO/GMA-SS high, 6; 314*; 3-MC/GMA-SS high, 405* Lung, alveolar/bronchiolar: preneoplastic epithelial proliferation, adenoma, adenocarcinoma or carcinoma (combined) multiplicityTumour (histopathology): CO/sham, NR; 3-MC/sham, 2.15 ± 0.32; NR;CO/GMA-SS low, 3-MC /GMA-SS low, CO/GMA-SS 5.85 ± 0.76*; high, NR; 3-MC/GMA-SS high, 6.00 ± 0.87* Lung: “tumours” (gross lesions)

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Oropharyngeal aspiration GMA-SS welding fumes (see Comments) PBS CO/GMA- 3-MC/sham, CO/sham, SS 340 μg, 3-MC/GMA-SS 340 μg, CO/GMA- SS 680 μg, 3-MC/GMA-SS 680 μg 3-MC: 1× intraperitoneal injection; 1 wk afterGMA-SS (at initiation with 5 wk for 1×/wk 3-MC) 30 30, 28, 28, 30, 30, 28, 26, 26, 26, 28, 29

et al.

Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Initiation–promotion (tested as promoter) Mouse, A/J (M) 6–7 wk 30 wk Zeidler-Erdely (2013)

214 Welding

Comments Principal strengths: complete histopathology; well-described and -conducted study Principal limitations: only one dose group; lung histopathology only Mn Cr (20.2), Metals (57), Fe (wt%): trace and Cu (0.2); (8.8), Ni (13.8), amounts Si, of Al, and V Chromium (VI) levels: 2929 ppm (μg/g) Mass median aerodynamic diameter: 0.350 μm Lung metals analysis showed an μg total of increase GMA-SS ~10.1 of welding fume deposited in the lungs from a single 4-h exposure day Initiation with 3-MC: single intraperitoneal injection μg/g 10 of 1 wkbw before inhalation exposure Principal strengths: multiple-dose study Principal limitations: lack detailed of histopathology; no survival data; limited methodology; statistics no reported; historical controls were undocumented Metals MIG-SS, Ni (wt%): Cr (0.4), MMA-SS, and (0.4) Ni (2.4); Cr (5), Historical control incidence lung for tumours: males 0/429 < 0.05 P < 0.0001 vs 3-MC/air < 0.009 and ** P P Significance NS * * vs 3-MC/air NS

Results hyperplasia bronchiolo-alveolar Lung, alveolar/bronchiolar: and adenoma incidenceTumour (grossly observed): 29%; CO/air, > 96%; CO/GMA-SS,3-MC/air, 38%; 3-MC/GMA-SS, > 96% multiplicityTumour (grossly observed): 0.32 ± 0.10; CO/air, 7.93 ± 0.82; 3-MC/air, CO/GMA-SS, 3-MC/ 0.45 ± 0.13; GMA-SS, 16.11 ± 1.18* tumours:Total Grossly observed: 9; CO/air, 230;3-MC/air, CO/GMA-SS, 13; 451* 3-MC/GMA-SS, Histopathology: 5; CO/air, 90;3-MC/air, CO/GMA-SS, 2; 3-MC/GMA-SS, 153** Lung: malignant tumours incidence:Tumour 1/35, 1/35, 0/35, 0/35 tumours:Total 0, 0 1, 1,

for 4 h/d, 4 d/wk, for for 3

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Inhalation (whole-body) GMA-SS welding fumes (see Comments) Filtered air CO/air, 3-MC/air, CO/GMA-SS 360 μg, 3-MC/GMA-SS 360 μg 40 mg/m 9 wk 30 30, 30, 30, 28 28, 29, 29, Intratracheal instillation MIG-SS welding fumes; MMA-SS welding fumes Comments) (see Saline MMA-SS 0.5 mg, MMA-SS 2.0 mg, MIG-SS 2.0 mg, saline 0.2 mL 56 wk, for 1×/wk reduced to every1×/wk 4 wk (after wk 26) in MMA-SS high-dose group to due increased morbidity/mortality 35, 35, 35, 35 NR

(2017) (1986)

et al. et al.

Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Initiation–promotion (tested as promoter) Mouse, A/J (M) 5–6 wk 30 wk Falcone Full carcinogenicity SyrianHamster, golden (M) 6 wk 100 wk Reuzel 3-MC, 3-methylcholanthrene; Al, aluminium; body bw, weight; CO, corn oil; chromium; Cr, Cu, copper; Fe, d, iron; day(s); GMA, gas metal arc; M, male; h, hour(s); MIG, metalgas; Mn, inert manganese; MMA, manual metal arc; MS, mild Mo, month(s); steel; Ni, nickel; NR, not reported; NS, not significant;PBS, phosphate standardSD, buffered deviation;saline;ppm, Si, silicon;parts per SS, stainlessmillion; steel; Ti, titanium; vanadium; V, vs, versus; wt%, wk, week(s); percentage by weight


(percentage of tumour-bearing mice out of the Section 3.1.1. The effects of the different welding total number of mice) was evaluated 78 weeks fumes on grossly observed lung tumour multi- after exposure; survival was greater than 73% plicity (average number of tumours per lung) for all groups. Lung tumour multiplicity or inci- and incidence (percentage of tumour-bearing dence was not significantly different between mice out of the total number of mice) were eval- the groups exposed to air (6 days, 1.36 ± 0.21, uated 48 and 78 weeks after exposure. Survival 73%; 10 days, 0.93 ± 0.11, 77%) and to GMA-SS was greater than 91% 48 weeks after exposure welding fumes (6 days, 0.84 ± 0.16, 51%; for all groups. Survival was 80% for the sham 10 days, 0.86 ± 0.14, 62%). Average tumour size control, GMA-MS, and MMA-SS groups and was approximately 3 mm and no significant 73% for the GMA-SS group 78 weeks after expo- differences between the groups were found. sure. No significant increases in grossly observed Histopathological analysis of selected lungs (air, lung tumour multiplicity or incidence were n = 10; GMA-SS, n = 28) showed no significant found for the groups exposed to welding fumes changes related to the 6-day or 10-day exposures, compared with the sham control groups (sham except for the presence of a minimal amount of control, 0.38 ± 0.13, 33%; GMA-MS, 0.42 ± 0.14, welding fumes in the latter only (Zeidler-Erdely 33%; GMA-SS, 0.45 ± 0.14, 40%; MMA-SS, et al., 2011a). [This was a subchronic exposure 0.25 ± 0.11, 21%) 48 weeks after exposure. study with an extended observation period. The A similar result was reported (sham control, Working Group noted the short-term duration 1.00 ± 0.35, 53%; GMA-MS, 1.00 ± 0.22, 65%; of exposure of this inhalation study and also the GMA-SS, 1.75 ± 0.32, 81%; MMA-SS, 1.55 ± 0.34, low dose used.] 80%) 78 weeks after exposure. Histopathological analysis of the lungs at 48 weeks showed that the 3.1.2 Oropharyngeal aspiration group exposed to GMA-SS welding fumes had a significant P( < 0.05) increase in the incidence Groups of 25 age- and weight-matched male of preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions (combined) A/J mice (age, 5 weeks) were exposed to 85 µg of the lung (65%) compared with the group of gas metal arc mild steel (GMA-MS), GMA-SS, exposed to GMA-MS welding fumes (33%), but or manual metal arc stainless steel (MMA-SS) not compared with sham controls (50%). The +2 +2 welding fumes, or 25 µL of Ca - and Mg -free difference in lesion incidence between the groups phosphate-buffered saline vehicle (sham control) exposed to MMA-SS (33%) and GMA-SS (65%) by oropharyngeal aspiration, once every 3 days welding fumes was not significant. Lung lesion for 4 exposures. The welding fumes were gener- types were preneoplastic epithelial prolifera- ated in a cubical open-front fume chamber by a tions and adenomas. No significant differences skilled welder using a manual or automatic tech- were found among the groups 78 weeks after nique appropriate for the electrode, and then exposure, but the group exposed to GMA-SS collected on a sterile 0.2 μm filter. The samples welding fumes had the highest multiplicity were generated by three welding processes: GMA and incidence (sham control, 1.47 ± 0.33, (with Ar and CO2 shielding gases) using a MS 68%; GMA-MS, 1.40 ± 0.32, 75%; GMA-SS, electrode; GMA using a SS electrode; and MMA 1.94 ± 0.38, 88%; MMA-SS, 1.85 ± 0.46, 75%). using a flux-cored SS electrode. The cumulative Lesion types 78 weeks after exposure were dose of welding fumes, 340 µg, was reported to similar to those at 48 weeks, with carcinomas be equivalent to approximately 196 days of expo- arising in adenomas, carcinomas, and microcar- sure in a 75-kg human working an 8-hour shift cinomas also present, but less common. A signif- using a calculation similar to that described in icant increase (P < 0.05) in lymphoid infiltrates

216 Welding was also found in the group exposed to GMA-SS data resulted in no significant difference in welding fumes (sham control, 1.53 ± 0.29; multiplicity between the A/J sham control group GMA-MS, 0.78 ± 0.24; GMA-SS, 2.53 ± 0.36; and the group exposed to MMA-SS welding MMA-SS, 1.70 ± 0.27) (Zeidler-Erdely et al., fumes. Lung lesion types (total number in paren- 2008). [The Working Group noted the non-phys- theses) were preneoplastic epithelial prolifera- iological route of exposure.] tions (sham control, 3; MMA-SS, 10), adenomas Male A/J and C57BL/6J mice (age, 8–10 weeks) arising within a proliferation (sham control, were exposed to MMA-SS welding fumes at a 2; MMA-SS, 0), adenomas (sham control, 4; dose of 20 mg/kg body weight (bw) or 60 µL of MMA-SS, 6), microcarcinomas (sham control, 1; Ca+2- and Mg+2-free phosphate-buffered saline MMA-SS, 2), and carcinomas arising within an vehicle (sham control) by oropharyngeal aspira- adenoma (sham control, 0; MMA-SS, 8) (Zeidler- tion (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2011b) once per month Erdely et al., 2011b). [The Working Group noted for 4 months. The MMA-SS welding fumes were the high number of carcinomas found in the generated by a skilled welder and collected onto group exposed to MMA-SS welding fumes; sterile filters as described in the paragraph above however, the authors did not report the inci- (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2008). The cumulative dose dence of individual tumour type in each group of welding fumes, 1.6 mg, was estimated to be so no additional conclusions could be made by equivalent to approximately 4 years of expo- the Working Group in this regard. Group sizes sure in a 75-kg human working an 8-hour shift at the start of the study were not provided by the using a calculation similar to that described in authors. The non-physiological route of exposure Section 3.1.1. The lung-tumour-resistant strain was also noted by the Working Group.] C57BL/6J served as a negative control. The effect of MMA-SS welding fumes on grossly observed 3.1.3 Initiation–promotion studies lung tumour multiplicity (average tumour number per lung) and incidence (percentage of The effect of GMA-SS welding fumes as a lung tumour-bearing mice of total number of mice) tumour promoter was evaluated in a two-stage was evaluated 78 weeks after the first exposure. initiation–promotion model of lung tumorigen- No significant difference in grossly observed esis. Groups of 28 or 30 age- and weight-matched tumour multiplicity or incidence was found male A/J mice (age, 6–7 weeks) were given the between the groups of A/J mice: sham control chemical initiator 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC; (n = 8), 2.38 ± 0.42, 88%; and MMA-SS (n = 11), 10 µg/g bw) dissolved in corn oil or corn oil alone 3.00 ± 0.57, 100%. The C57BL/6J groups (sham (vehicle) by intraperitoneal injection (Zeidler- control, n = 6; MMA-SS, n = 5) had no grossly Erdely et al., 2013). One week after initiation, observed tumours 78 weeks after exposure. mice were exposed to GMA-SS welding fumes +2 Histopathological analysis of the A/J mice lungs (340 or 680 µg per exposure) or 50 µL of Ca - +2 showed that exposure to MMA-SS welding fumes and Mg -free phosphate-buffered saline vehicle significantly P( < 0.05) increased the multiplicity (sham control) by oropharyngeal aspiration once of preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions (combined) per week for 5 weeks. The welding aerosols were compared with sham controls (2.36 ± 0.39 vs generated by the automated system described in 1.25 ± 0.31). Incidence was 75% and 100% for the Section 3.1.1. For the oropharyngeal exposure, sham control and group exposed to MMA-SS the GMA-SS welding fumes from the weld area welding fumes, respectively, and the difference were collected onto sterile filters for use in the was not statistically different. Exclusion of the experimental protocol. The cumulative doses of preneoplastic lesions from the histopathology welding fumes, 1700 and 3400 µg, were estimated

217 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 to be equivalent to approximately 450 days 3-MC. The number of microscopically observed (1.84 working years) and 900 days (3.68 working lung lesion types (primarily preneoplastic epithe- years) of exposure, respectively, in a 75-kg lial proliferations and adenomas, pre-neoplasia: human working an 8-hour shift using a calcu- adenomas within pre-neoplasia:adenoma: lation similar to that described in Section 3.1.1. adeno-carcinoma:carcinoma) were reported Grossly observed lung tumour multiplicity as: corn oil/sham, 5:2:2:0:0; corn oil/GMA-SS (average number of tumours per lung) and inci- low, 1:0:3:1:0; corn oil/GMA-SS high, 0:1:4:0:0; dence (percentage of tumour-bearing mice out of 3-MC/sham, 16:5:34:0:1; 3-MC/GMA-SS low, total number of mice) were determined 30 weeks 61:17:70:4:0; 3-MC/GMA-SS high, 65:9:93:6:1. after initiation. Survival was approximately 93% The group given initiator 3-MC and the high for all groups. Both groups exposed to GMA-SS dose of GMA-SS welding fumes had a signifi- welding fumes (low, 1700 µg; high, 3400 µg) cantly increased (P < 0.01) incidence of malignant initiated with 3-MC had significantly increased tumours (7 out of 29 mice had adenocarcinomas lung tumour multiplicity based on gross observa- or carcinomas) compared with the 3-MC/sham tions (low, 12.1 ± 1.5; high, 14.0 ± 1.8) compared group (1 carcinoma-bearing mouse out of with 3-MC/sham (4.77 ± 0.7; P < 0.0001). 26 mice). The group given initiator 3-MC and the Similar results for total tumour number were low dose of GMA-SS welding fumes had 4 adeno- also found across all five individual lung lobes carcinomas, but 2 were present in a single mouse (left:apical:cardiac:diaphragmatic:azygos): [the Working Group noted that the significance corn oil/sham, 1:1:2:2:0; corn oil/GMA-SS was not relevant in this case] (Zeidler-Erdely low, 4:3:2:1:1; corn oil/GMA-SS high, 4:1:0:1:0; et al., 2013). [The Working Group concluded that 3-MC/sham, 52:12:13:39:8; 3-MC/GMA-SS low, GMA-SS welding fumes act as a lung tumour 119:46:40:81:28 (P < 0.004, increase for all five promoter in male A/J mice initiated with the lobes compared with 3-MC/sham); 3-MC/GMA-SS chemical carcinogen 3-MC. The Working Group high, 132:64:66:106:37 (P < 0.004, increase for all noted the non-physiological route of exposure.] five lobes compared with 3-MC/sham). Tumour The effect of GMA-SS welding fumes as multiplicity across the groups given corn oil was a lung tumour promoter was evaluated in a similar (sham, 0.21 ± 0.09; low, 0.42 ± 0.11; high, two-stage initiation–promotion model of lung 0.21 ± 0.08). There were no significant differ- tumorigenesis. Groups of 30 age- and weight- ences in tumour incidence between the different matched male A/J mice (age, 5–6 weeks) were groups given corn oil and between the different given the chemical initiator 3-MC (10 µg/g bw) groups given the chemical initiator 3-MC. The dissolved in corn oil or corn oil alone (vehicle) grossly observed lung tumour multiplicity by intraperitoneal injection (Falcone et al., 2017). was confirmed by histopathological analysis: One week after initiation, mice were exposed to 3-MC/GMA-SS low, 5.85 ± 0.76 (P < 0.0001) and GMA-SS welding fumes (4 hours per day, 4 days 3-MC/GMA-SS high, 6.00 ± 0.87 (P < 0.0001), per week, for 9 weeks) at a target concentration compared with 3-MC/sham, 2.15 ± 0.32. Based of 40 mg/m3 (estimated total, 360 µg) or filtered on histopathology, lung tumour incidence air by whole-body inhalation, as described in (preneoplastic or neoplastic lesions, combined) Section 3.1.1. The exposure was estimated to be was 21.9 ± 3.4% and 85.0 ± 4.1% for the groups equivalent to approximately 14 weeks in a 75-kg given corn oil or the chemical initiator 3-MC, human working an 8-hour shift using a calcu- respectively, and no differences were found lation similar to that described in Section 3.1.1. among the different groups given corn oil or Grossly observed lung tumour multiplicity among the different groups given the initiator and incidence were determined 30 weeks after

218 Welding initiation. Survival was approximately 95% at 3.2 Rat 30 weeks for all groups. Tumour incidence was greater than 96% for both groups given initiator Intrabronchial implantation 3-MC. Mice initiated with 3-MC and exposed to [The Working Group reviewed a 34-month GMA-SS welding fumes (3-MC/GMA-SS) had intrabronchial implantation study of pellets significantly increased lung tumour multiplicity loaded with the particulate fraction of MMA-SS (16.11 ± 1.18) compared with 3-MC/air groups welding fumes in male and female Sprague- (7.93 ± 0.82; P < 0.0001); no significant differ- Dawley rats (Berg et al., 1987). The study was ence was found between the corn oil groups judged to be inadequate for the evaluation (corn oil/air, 0.32 ± 0.10; corn oil/GMA-SS, because of the limited methodology, the rapid 0.45 ± 0.13). Tumour incidences were 29% and decline of the health of the rats, and the poor 38% in the corn oil/air and corn oil/GMA-SS survival rate of the rats including controls.] groups, respectively, and were not significantly different. Similar results for total tumour number were also found across all five individual 3.3 Hamster lung lobes (left:apical:cardiac:diaphragmatic:a- Intratracheal instillation zygos): corn oil/air, 3:3:0:3:0; corn oil/GMA-SS, 5:1:0:5:2; 3-MC/air, 78:30:25:67:30; 3-MC/ Four groups of 35 male Syrian golden hamsters GMA-SS, 150:68:63:110:60 (P < 0.009, increase (age, ~6 weeks) were exposed to metal inert gas for all five lobes compared with 3-MC/air). stainless steel (MIG-SS; 2.0 mg) or MMA-SS The increase in grossly observed lung tumour (2.0 or 0.5 mg) welding fumes, or saline vehicle multiplicity was confirmed by histopatho- (0.2 mL), by intratracheal instillation once per logical analysis: 3-MC/air mice had 90 total week for 56 weeks. A fifth group similarly treated lesions (20 bronchioloalveolar adenomas and with calcium chromate (CaCrO4; 1.0 mg) was 70 bronchioloalveolar hyperplasia) versus 153 used as a positive control. The hamsters showed (34 bronchioloalveolar adenomas and 119 bron- signs of respiratory distress after each intratra- chioloalveolar hyperplasia) in the 3-MC/GMA-SS cheal instillation. The exposures were reduced to group (P < 0.05, increase). Abnormal morpho- once every 4 weeks after week 26 in the group logical changes in the lung included significantly given the high dose of MMA-SS welding fumes increased severity scores for lymphoid infiltrates due to increased morbidity and mortality. in the corn oil/GMA-SS and 3-MC /GMA-SS Carcinogenic effects were evaluated after an groups compared with the respective controls. additional 44 weeks after the last exposure (the The authors noted that, compared with their experiment was terminated at week 100) and oropharyngeal aspiration initiation–promotion histopathology was performed on the respira- study (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2013), the tumour tory tract, liver, and kidneys. At termination promoter effect was similar in the two studies of the experiment, one lung tumour, a well- despite a significantly lower total lung burden differentiated combined epidermoid and adeno- and dose rate via inhalation (Falcone et al., 2017). carcinoma, was found in the group given the [The Working Group concluded that GMA-SS high dose of MMA-SS welding fumes. A single welding fumes act as a lung tumour promoter anaplastic tumour (that was likely to be a carci- in male A/J mice initiated with the chemical noma, as noted by the study authors) was found carcinogen 3-MC. The Working Group noted the in the lung of a hamster given the low dose of use of a single dose.] MMA-SS welding fumes, which died after 1 year of treatment. No lung tumours were found in

219 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 the three other groups (Reuzel et al., 1986). [No Zeidler-Erdely PC, Battelli LA, Salmen-Muniz R, Li histopathological scoring or survival data were Z, Erdely A, Kashon ML, et al. (2011a). Lung tumor production and tissue metal distribution after expo- reported and the methodology was limited. The sure to manual metal ARC-stainless steel welding study authors concluded that these two tumours fume in A/J and C57BL/6J mice. J Toxicol Environ suggest a carcinogenic action of MMA-SS Health A, 74(11):728–36. doi:10.1080/15287394.2011.55 6063 PMID:21480047 welding fumes because no lung tumours were Zeidler-Erdely PC, Battelli LA, Stone S, Chen BT, Frazer observed in a group of 429 male and 363 female DG, Young SH, et al. (2011b). Short-term inhalation historical control hamsters. The origin of the of stainless steel welding fume causes sustained lung historical controls was not specified by the study toxicity but no tumorigenesis in lung tumor suscep- tible A/J mice. Inhal Toxicol, 23(2):112–20. doi:10.3109 authors. The Working Group suggested caution /08958378.2010.548838 PMID:21309664 in drawing such a conclusion based on a single Zeidler-Erdely PC, Kashon ML, Battelli LA, Young SH, potentially malignant tumour in each dose group Erdely A, Roberts JR, et al. (2008). Pulmonary inflam- of the hamsters exposed to MMA-SS welding mation and tumor induction in lung tumor susceptible A/J and resistant C57BL/6J mice exposed to welding fumes. Overall, the Working Group judged the fume. Part Fibre Toxicol, 5(1):12. doi:10.1186/1743- study to be inconclusive.] 8977-5-12 PMID:18778475 Zeidler-Erdely PC, Meighan TG, Erdely A, Battelli LA, Kashon ML, Keane M, et al. (2013). Lung tumor promo- tion by chromium-containing welding particulate References matter in a mouse model. Part Fibre Toxicol, 10(1):45. doi:10.1186/1743-8977-10-45 PMID:24107379 Antonini JM, Santamaria AB, Jenkins NT, Albini E, Lucchini R (2006). Fate of manganese associated with the inhalation of welding fumes: potential neurological effects. Neurotoxicology, 27(3):304–10. doi:10.1016/j. neuro.2005.09.001 PMID:16219356 Berg NO, Berlin M, Bohgard M, Rudell B, Schütz A, Warvinge K (1987). Bronchocarcinogenic properties of welding and thermal spraying fumes containing chromium in the rat. Am J Ind Med, 11(1):39–54. doi:10.1002/ajim.4700110105 PMID:3812497 Erdely A, Hulderman T, Salmen-Muniz R, Liston A, Zeidler-Erdely PC, Chen BT, et al. (2011). Inhalation exposure of gas-metal arc stainless steel welding fume increased atherosclerotic lesions in apolipo- protein E knockout mice. Toxicol Lett, 204(1):12–6. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.03.030 PMID:21513782 Falcone LM, Erdely A, Meighan TG, Battelli LA, Salmen R, McKinney W, et al. (2017). Inhalation of gas metal arc-stainless steel welding fume promotes lung tumor- igenesis in A/J mice. Arch Toxicol, 91(8):2953–62. doi:10.1007/s00204-016-1909-2 PMID:28054104 IARC (1990). Chromium, nickel and welding. IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum, 49:1–648. Available from: http://publications.iarc.fr/67 PMID:2232124 Reuzel PGJ, Beems RB, de Raat WK, Lohman PHM (1986). Carcinogenicity and in vitro genotoxicity of the partic- ulate fraction of two stainles steel welding fumes. In: Stern RM, Berlin A, Fletcher AC, Järvisalo J, editors. Health hazards and biological effects of welding fumes and gases. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Excerpta Medica; pp. 329–332.


4.1 Absorption, distribution, and concentrations (mostly hexavalent chromium, excretion Cr(VI), followed by MIG-SS, TIG-SS, MIG-MS, and MMA-MS. Analysis of variance for urinary 4.1.1 Humans chromium concentration showed a metal effect, a process effect, and a metal–process interaction. All types of welding are associated with [The Working Group noted that urine levels were siderosis, pulmonary accumulation of iron not corrected for creatinine levels or osmolarity.] (Doherty et al., 2004). Using nanoparticle respiratory deposition (a) Mild steel samplers (worn in the breathing zone, on the lapel), Cena et al. (2015) demonstrated that MS In shipyard manual metal arc mild steel and SS welders using gas metal arc (GMA-SS or (MMA-MS), tungsten inert gas stainless steel GMA-MS) or flux-cored arc (FCA-MS) welding (TIG-SS) and manual metal arc stainless steel methods are exposed to manganese (Mn), chro- (MMA-SS) welders, particulates mainly accumu- mium, and nickel (Ni), which can deposit in the lated in the lower parts of the respiratory organs respiratory system. Based on the measured size, (Kalliomäki et al., 1982). Shipyard arc welders the estimated percentage of the nanofraction of with 2 or 18 years of exposure showed an average manganese deposited in an MS welder’s respira- of 7 mg and 200–700 mg, respectively, of welding tory system ranged from 10% to 56%. dust in their lungs, compared with less than 4 mg Total chromium was elevated in urine, blood in lungs of unexposed controls (Kalliomäki et al., plasma, and erythrocytes in MS, high-alloy 1978). [These data suggest time-dependent accu- steel, and SS welders compared with controls mulation of welding dust in lungs of arc welders. (Scheepers et al., 2008). Total chromium in The Working Group noted the lack of informa- plasma was twofold higher in SS and high- tion on the technique, type of steel used, or on alloy steel welders than in MS welders. Median metals in fumes.] total content of chromium in erythrocytes was Biological chromium (Cr) was assessed in 10 μg/L in all three welder groups. Uptake of MS welders (MMA and TIG) compared with SS total chromium during the shift was confirmed welders (MMA, metal inert gas (MIG), and TIG) for welders of SS by a median increase of urinary (Edmé et al., 1997). SS welders (MMA, MIG, and total chromium from before to after the shift of TIG techniques) had higher chromium levels 0.30 μg/g creatinine. Total chromium was not in urine, blood, and plasma than MS welders. increased for welders of MS and high-alloy steel MMA-SS fumes contained the highest chromium as a group (Scheepers et al., 2008).


Dufresne et al., (1997) detected quartz was from 40.1 to 19.8 μg/g creatinine, and in plasma detected in the lungs of four welders. Compared aluminium from 8.7 to 4.6 μg/L. Corresponding with other subjects working in other occupa- concentrations in controls ranged from 4.8 to tions, the welders had the highest concentrations 5.2 μg/g creatinine in urine and from 2.4 to of metallic particles (rich in aluminium (Al), Ni, 4.3 μg/L plasma aluminium. No correlation Mn, cadmium (Cd) and Cr). [The Working Group between dust exposure and concentrations of noted the small number of subjects and that the aluminium in either plasma or urine was seen. welding technique used was not indicated.] In a study of six welders who used three different welding techniques (MMA with (b) Stainless steel alloyed or unalloyed material, or GMA with A cross-sectional study of 241 welders that alloyed material), welding caused an increase included 228 SS welders (GMA, n = 95; FCA, in chromium in blood and urine at all time n = 47; TIG, n = 66; and shielded metal arc (SMA) points, an increase in nickel in the blood after 6 with stick electrodes, n = 20) reported overall and 24 hours, and a decrease in iron after 3 and urinary levels of chromium and nickel of 1.2 and 6 hours (Brand et al., 2010). [The Working Group 2.9 μg/L, respectively (Weiss et al., 2013). noted the small sample size, and that each welder Two cross-sectional studies (Ellingsen et al., used multiple arc welding methods.] In contrast, 2006, 2014) investigated the levels of manganese, no significant elevation of chromium was seen iron (Fe), and other metals in controls, welders in blood or urine in welders using either TIG-SS (MS or SS base metals; SMA, GMA, or FCA or TIG-MS techniques in another study (Bonde techniques), and former welders (average cessa- & Ernst, 1992). tion of welding 5.8 years before, all diagnosed In MMA-SS shipyard welders (38 men, with manganism). Blood manganese levels and 2 women) monitored for 1–5 workdays, total urinary chromium and nickel levels were higher chromium and hexavalent chromium in air in all welders compared with the controls, while correlated with total chromium in blood and cobalt (Co) levels were lower in welders. Blood urine (Stridsklev et al., 1993). Smokers had manganese levels were higher in former welders higher chromium levels than nonsmokers. (8.7 μg/L) than in controls (7.0 μg/L), while [The Working Group noted that it was unclear urinary concentrations of manganese, cobalt, whether analyses were adjusted for differences in and iron were lower in the group of former the workplace setting, in monitoring (i.e. across welders. Serum iron levels did not differ signifi- or within workweeks), in conditions at the same cantly between the groups. [The Working Group site, or in materials welded.] noted that the welders came from two different Urinary excretion of aluminium was exam- facilities: one that produces heavy machinery ined in 23 welders performing mainly MIG, but and the other a shipyard. The results were not less frequently TIG welding (Sjögren et al., 1988) reported separately according to material welded after an exposure-free interval of 16–37 days. or welding technique.] Air concentrations of aluminium (8-hour A 5-year longitudinal study biologically time-weighted averages) varied from 0.2 to monitored aluminium welders (n = 62) and 5.3 mg/m3. Urine aluminium concentration controls (n = 60 assembly workers) to compare depended on the level of current exposure and aluminium plasma levels between the two groups duration of exposure. The aluminium levels of (Rossbach et al., 2006). Having a nearly constant urine collected before the exposure-free interval dust exposure, welders showed a decrease in varied over the range 6–322 μg/g (creatinine median concentrations of aluminium in urine adjusted). After an exposure-free interval, the

222 Welding urinary aluminium concentrations decreased to of 35 days. Iron and manganese demonstrated 4–285 μg/g (creatinine adjusted). The half-time of similar patterns of lung retention, but manga- urinary aluminium was 9 days for those exposed nese was initially cleared much faster. Some for less than 1 year, but was 6 months or more inhaled manganese was quickly absorbed from for those exposed for longer than 10 years. [The the lung, whereas the absorption of exogenous Working Group noted that that the type of steel iron was slower and was obscured by a simul- (SS or MS) was not specified.] taneous occurrence of endogenous iron in lung In a study of six welders exposed to alumin- tissue. Following the same protocol but with ium-containing welding fumes from MIG SS welding fumes, alveolar retention of the MS welding, urinary aluminium decreased after fumes was much lower and its clearance much cessation (over the weekend) in welders exposed faster than the corresponding parameters for SS for 2 years or less, but not in welders with more fumes (Kalliomäki et al., 1983a, b). than 15 years of exposure (Sjögren et al., 1985). Significantly more iron accumulated in the Urinary aluminium rose rapidly in volunteers lungs after exposure of male Sprague-Dawley exposed to welding fumes containing aluminium rats to GMA-MS compared with MMA-HS for 1 hour, and returned to baseline with an esti- (hard-surfacing) welding fumes by intratra- mated half-life of 8 hours. [The Working Group cheal instillation (0.5 mg per rat, once per noted the small number of subjects and that the week for 7 weeks), at 1 day and 35, but not type of steel (MS or SS) was not specified.] 105, days after treatment Antonini( et al., 2010). SS arc welders had elevated chromium concen- Manganese increased in lungs at all time points trations in lungs and urine, and correlated with with MMA-HS, and after 1 and 35 days with duration of exposure to welding. Urinary chro- GMA-MS. Chromium and nickel were similarly mium levels were highest in the steel and ferro- elevated in the lungs of the MMA-HS group at chromium smelting shops (Huvinen et al., 1997). all time points compared with other groups. An arc welder using galvanized steel showed Copper (Cu) levels significantly increased in the the highest zinc (Zn) levels reported in the litera- lungs of the GMA-MS group at 1 and 35 days ture, coupled with previously unreported pleural compared with the MMA-HS group. At 105 days friction rub. The subject was diagnosed with after treatment, copper and manganese levels “metal fume fever”, which is usually caused by in the lungs of the GMA-MS group decreased inhalation of , and the subject’s elevated to levels similar to the control group, while all urinary zinc excretion markedly decreased after other metals remained significantly elevated 2 weeks of no welding (Fuortes & Schenck, 2000). compared with controls. Manganese cleared from the lungs fastest and to the greatest extent, 4.1.2 Experimental systems followed by iron, and then chromium and nickel which cleared at similar rates. [The Working (a) Mild steel Group noted that no data on copper clearance In male Wistar rats exposed by inhala- were given.] Manganese and chromium increased tion to MMA-MS welding fumes (43 mg/m3; in the blood (MMA-HS fumes only) 1 day after particle size, 0.12 μm average diameter) for the last treatment, but not at 35 and 105 days. 1 hour/workday for up to 4 weeks, a saturation Importantly, manganese was elevated in the stri- level of 550 μg/g dry lung of the welding fumes atum (1 day) and midbrain (1 and 4 days with was observed. Most of the accumulated parti- MMA-HS fumes). Manganese levels were also cles were excreted from lungs with a half-time elevated 1 day after treatment in the olfactory of 6 days, and the remainder with a half-time bulb, frontal cortex, hippocampus, thalamus,

223 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 and cerebellum for MMA-HS welding fumes. At an inhalation chamber system equipped with an 1 day after exposure to MMA-HS welding fumes, automatic fume generator for 240 days. Fumes manganese was elevated in lung-associated mainly consisted of iron, manganese, chromium, lymph nodes, heart, kidney, and spleen; concen- and nickel. Noticeable manganese increases were trations were back to that of controls 35 days after reported in the liver (twofold), kidneys (twofold), treatment in all tissues except lymph nodes. Iron and testes (four- to fivefold). A dose-dependent was elevated in lung-associated lymph nodes increase in manganese concentration was seen in (both groups) at 1 and 35 days after treatment, but the globus pallidus. [The Working Group noted similar to that of controls at 105 days. Chromium the small sample size (n = 2) for each test group.] was elevated in lymph nodes, liver, kidney, and Mice of the A/J strain, but not of the spleen 1 day after treatment (MMA-HS welding C57BL/6j strain, had elevated hepatic concen- fumes only), and remained elevated in the lymph trations of chromium, copper, manganese, and nodes at 35 days and in the spleen at 105 days zinc in kidney, and chromium after exposure after treatment. Copper was elevated in the lungs to MMA-SS welding fumes (Zeidler-Erdely (GMA-MS welding fumes only) at 35 days after et al., 2011a). The mice were exposed monthly treatment (Antonini et al., 2010). for 4 months to MMA-SS fumes (20 mg/kg body Significant deposition of manganese in the weight) by pharyngeal aspiration and assessed 78 striatum and midbrain was seen in male Sprague- weeks after the beginning of the study. Dawley rats given dissolved or suspended Lung concentrations of chromium, manga- fumes from GMA-MS or MMA-HS welding nese, nickel, and iron increased with duration by intratracheal instillations at doses related to of exposure in 42 rats exposed via inhalation to workplace exposures of welders on 8-hour shifts MIG-SS welding fumes for 1 hour per day for (5 mg/m3) (Sriram et al., 2012). The accumulation 1–4 weeks, followed by observation for up to 106 of manganese, as well as high concentrations of days (Kalliomäki et al., 1983a). Clearance did not chromium and iron, was also measured in the occur for iron, was slow for chromium, and was lung. The group exposed to MMA-HS welding initially rapid for manganese and nickel (2-day fumes had significant increases in chromium in and 3-day half-lives, respectively) but then slowed the liver, manganese and chromium in the heart, (125-day and 85-day half-lives, respectively). and manganese in the kidney. Both welding Under comparable exposure conditions, similar methods increased manganese in nail clippings, results were seen for MMA-SS with half-lives which strongly correlated with concentrations of for iron, chromium, manganese, and nickel of manganese in the brain and liver. 50, 40, 40, and 30 days, respectively (Kalliomäki et al., 1983b). (b) Stainless steel Male Sprague-Dawley rats showed dose- and A marked dose-dependent increase in lung time-dependent increases in manganese concen- manganese concentration (change over base- trations in the lungs and liver, and slight but line of 432-fold for the low dose, and 567-fold significant increases in the blood (after 60 days), for the high dose) was reported in a study of after exposure to MMA-SS welding fumes for six male cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascic- 60 days (63.6 and 107.1 mg/m3, containing 1.6 ularis) (Park et al., 2007a). Exposure was to and 3.5 mg/m3 Mn, respectively). Marked, signif- MMA-SS welding fumes (low dose, 31 mg/m3 icant increases in manganese were seen in the total suspended particulate, 0.9 mg/m3 of Mn; cerebellum (after 60 days), while slight increases high dose, 62 mg/m3 total suspended particu- were found in the substantia nigra, basal ganglia, late, 1.95 mg/m3 of Mn) for 2 hours per day in

224 Welding temporal cortex, and frontal cortex (Yu et al., 4.2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis 2003). The maximum amount of MIG welding The sections that follow summarize the fumes retained in the lungs (1100 μg) was some- evidence for key characteristics of carcinogens what, but not significantly, higher than that for (Smith et al., 2016). The sections address, in MMA welding fumes (800 μg) in Wistar rats the following order, if welding fumes: induce exposed by inhalation to both following the chronic inflammation; are immunosuppressive; same protocol as in Kalliomäki et al. (1983a, b, are genotoxic; induce oxidative stress; alter cell 1984). Chromium and nickel were both retained proliferation, cell death, and nutrient supply; and in the lungs. Chromium from exposure to MMA modulate receptor-mediated effects. There were welding fumes was partly cleared, but there was insufficient data for the evaluation of the other no clearance of chromium from exposure to key characteristics of human carcinogens. MIG welding fumes. The half-life of chromium was 40 days from MMA fumes and 240 days 4.2.1 Chronic inflammation and immune from MIG fumes, and the half-life of nickel suppression was 30–85 days from MMA fumes. Chromium (a) Humans found in blood from MMA fumes had a half- life of approximately 6 days. Chromium and Numerous studies have reported that the nickel were both found in blood from MIG metal content of particles in welding fumes is fumes. The amounts of nickel cleared from the associated with measures of pulmonary inflam- lungs during exposure to the MMA and MIG mation, oxidative stress, and/or systemic inflam- fumes were 0.9 and 8 μg, respectively, and corre- mation (e.g. Kim et al., 2005). Several of these sponding amounts of chromium were 9.6 and studies investigated boilermakers, who perform 2 μg. Practically all the lost metals were found two major types of activities: the use of oxya- in the urine, for which the excretion rates were cetylene gas torch sets to cut or gouge steel plate 0.07 (MMA) and 6.39 µg per day (MIG) for nickel, and tubes, followed by gas tungsten arc (GTA), and 0.23 (MMA) and 0.11 μg per day (MIG) for SMA, or GMA welding to attach and mend chromium. [The Working Group noted that the cut sections of MS tubes and plates. Acute metal content in urine was determined by atomic (cross-shift) welding exposure is associated with absorption spectroscopy and not corrected for a blunting of systemic inflammation in acutely creatinine.] exposed boilermakers at the end of work shifts, Tissue distribution of manganese was similar as measured by biomarkers such as 8-isoprostane in iron-deficient compared with iron-sufficient (e.g. Nuernberg et al., 2008) whereby chronically male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to MMA-SS exposed workers had a higher value consistent welding fumes (63.5 mg/m3) for 2 hours per day with chronic inflammation at the start of the for up to 30 days (Park et al., 2007b). Fumes shift. In contrast, longer-term exposure is related consisted mainly of iron (6 mg/m3), chromium to an increase in markers of tissue damage. (2.9 mg/m3), and manganese (2.7 mg/m3). In There are also systemic inflammatory effects both groups of rats, manganese concentrations caused by epithelial damage induced by metal increased significantly during fume exposure in particulate or macrophage activation via cytokine lungs and livers (on days 15 and 30), in the olfac- signalling (e.g. Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). In tory bulb (on day 30), and in the cerebellum and a study of 27 welders with regular, long-term frontal and temporal lobe of the cerebrum (on exposure to metal fumes (type of welding not day 15). specified) and 31 unexposed matched controls,

225 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 an increase in blood eosinophil and basophils smokers. Concentrations of particulate matter in welders versus non-welders, with some corre- of diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) were signif- lation to exposure level, was observed (Palmer icantly associated with absolute neutrophil et al., 2006). This study also reported trends counts in nonsmokers, and CRP levels in both for increased blood C-reactive protein (CRP), nonsmokers and smokers (Kim et al., 2005; neutrophil oxidative burst, sputum immuno- Fang et al., 2009). [The Working Group noted globulin-A (IgA), and decreased sputum eosin- that exposure to high levels of welding fumes ophils (Palmer et al., 2006). In another study of induced acute systemic inflammation in a rela- chronic exposure to manganese fumes (work tively young and healthy working population, experience, 6–36 years), significant decreases in and that smoking may modify the effect of expo- blood CD8+ T and CD19+ B lymphocytes were sure to welding fumes on specific inflammatory found in welders with high concentrations of markers.] manganese in blood compared with workers with Reported susceptibility to pneumococcal lower manganese concentrations (Nakata et al., pneumonia in welders provides evidence of 2006). In a longitudinal study of mostly healthy, immune suppression as a result of exposure to middle-aged, white American men, increased welding fumes (Coggon et al., 1994; Wergeland inflammatory markers such as plasma CRP and & Iversen, 2001; Palmer et al., 2003; Palmer serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations were et al., 2009; Wong et al., 2010; Torén et al., 2011; associated with decreased leukocyte telomere Patterson et al., 2015; Marongiu et al., 2016). length (Wong et al., 2014a). [The Working Group A likely mechanism involving platelet-activating noted that this study provides a window into the factor receptor (PAFR) has been investigated for relationship between systemic inflammation, the observed increase of pneumococcal pneu- immune response, and genomic degeneration.] monia among active welders (Suri et al., 2016; Studies using a repeated measures panel Grigg et al., 2017). Pneumococci co-opt PAFR to design investigated the short-term effects infect respiratory epithelial cells, and exposure of exposure to welding fumes among boil- of respiratory cells to welding fumes upregu- er-makers (Kim et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2005, lates PAFR-dependent pneumococcal infection. 2008; Fang et al., 2008, 2009, 2010a; Nuernberg Nasal PAFR expression was increased in welders et al., 2008). These studies included assessment of compared with controls. Exposure to welding exposure to welding fumes within the personal fumes also significantly increased PAFR expres- breathing zone and a self-controlled design to sion, and enhanced pneumococcal infection of assess biological variability among individuals. respiratory cells harvested in vivo. Blood samples were collected from welders and A toxicogenomic study using whole-blood non-welding controls before and after their RNA of welders revealed that welding fumes work shift. In nonsmokers, exposure to welding induced alteration in the expression of genes fumes was associated with a significant increase involved in various aspects of the inflammatory in leukocyte and neutrophil counts immediately response, including proinflammatory mediators, after exposure. A significant decrease in fibrin- cytokine receptors, downstream signal trans- ogen levels was observed in nonsmoking welders. duction genes, and cytotoxic granulysin (Wang No significant changes in leukocyte, neutrophil, et al., 2005). A follow-up study using a similar and fibrinogen levels were found with exposure population extended these observations into to welding fumes in smokers. Sixteen hours after a period after exposure. Some acute effects on exposure to welding fumes, CRP levels were gene expression profiling induced by welding significantly increased in both nonsmokers and fumes were transient in nonsmoking welders,

226 Welding with most diminishing within 19 hours after lymphocytes, effects which were not typically exposure (Wang et al., 2008). observed after exposure to MS welding fumes Wei et al. (2013) performed a two-stage, (reviewed by Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). Exposure self-controlled exploratory study including 11 to MMA-SS fumes via inhalation (44.1–65.6 or boilermakers from a 2011 discovery panel and 80.1–116.8 mg/m3, 2 hours per day, for up to 60 8 boilermaker welders from a 2012 validation exposure days) did not change BALF tumour panel. Eicosapentaenoic or docosapentaenoic necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) or IL-1β levels in acid metabolic changes after welding were signif- Sprague-Dawley rats (Yu et al., 2004). However, icantly associated with PM2.5 exposure (P < 0.05). after similar exposures, increases in BALF cellu- The combined analysis by linear mixed-effects larity corresponded to increased reactive pulmo- model showed that exposure was associated with nary hyperplasia incidence and severity; this a statistically significant decline in eicosapentae- persisted for more than 60 days, and was exac- noic acid, docosapentaenoic acid n3, and docos- erbated after two cycles of alternating 30-day apentaenoic acid n6. Pathway analysis identified periods of exposure to high concentration and an association between the unsaturated fatty acid recovery (Sung et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2009). pathway and exposure, indicating that exposure [The Working Group noted that this indicated to high concentrations of metal welding fumes incomplete pulmonary recovery and a predis- decreases unsaturated fatty acids with an expo- position to more significant injury upon re-ex- sure–response relationship. posure.] Other investigators reported similar changes in Sprague-Dawley rats after exposure to (b) Experimental systems GMA-SS welding fumes via inhalation (40 mg/m3, Numerous studies were available, nearly 3 hours per day, for 3 days), with increased BALF all of which evaluated males, and examined levels of the PMN chemokine Cxcl2 (Chemokine end-points related to inflammation and immune (C-X-C motif) ligand 2) preceding a transient suppression. peak in PMN accumulation, while numbers (i) Inflammation in vivo of alveolar macrophages remained elevated throughout 30 days of recovery (Antonini et al., Despite particle accumulation in the lungs of 2007). A similar influx of BALF leukocytes was male cynomolgus monkeys exposed to MMA-SS also reported in Wistar rats exposed to unspec- 3 fumes via inhalation (31.4 or 62.5 mg/m , 2 hours ified welding fumes via inhalation (60 mg/m3, per day, 5 days per week, for 229 exposure 6 hours per day, for 5 or 10 days) (Halatek et al., days), there was no effect on blood leukocyte 2017). [The fumes are described as only 10% populations and no significant lung damage soluble, consisting primarily iron >> chromium (n = 1 per group per time point) compared with > nickel > aluminium > manganese.] In contrast an unstressed, unexposed control group [control to SS, short-term exposure to GMA-MS fumes primates were not described as being handled or (40 mg/m3, 3 hours per day, for 3 or 10 days) or removed from their housing cages] (Heo et al., resistance spot MS welding fumes (25 mg/m3, 2010). 4 hours per day, for 3, 8, or 13 days) via inhala- Exposure to SS welding fumes led to an tion in Sprague-Dawley rats had a minimal effect accumulation of inflammatory cytokines in the on the cellular composition of the BALF or local bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of male lung-associated lymph nodes (LALN) (Antonini rats, along with a cellular influx consisting et al., 2009a; Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2014). primarily of alveolar macrophages, neutrophils Immune effector cells in BALF from Sprague- (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMNs), and Dawley rats were affected in a route-specific

227 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 manner following GMA-SS fume administration; lung burden, approximately 1.6 mg) increased after intratracheal instillation (ITI), there was an alveolar macrophage accumulation as well as immediate PMN influx that was delayed after the pulmonary inflammation after 78 weeks in A/J inhalation exposure described above [possibly but not B6 mice (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2011a); this due to inhibition of alveolar macrophages] was not observed after exposure to a lower dose (Taylor et al., 2003; Antonini et al., 2007, 2009a). (cumulative burden, approximately 0.340 mg; Exposure to GMA-SS and MMA-SS fumes by Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2008). After a shorter intratracheal instillation increased BALF TNFα 28-day recovery period, exposure to GMA-SS and/or IL-6 levels along with increases in pulmo- fumes via inhalation induced a sustained nary leukocyte populations and persistently inflammatory response in A/J and B6 mice elevated numbers of alveolar macrophages, with (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2011b); this was consistent MMA-SS welding fumes characterized as the with the remaining histiocytic inflammation most potent (Antonini et al., 1996, 1997, 2004a, reported after exposure to MMA-SS fumes via 2013; Taylor et al., 2003). The soluble fraction of pharyngeal aspiration in A/J mice (cumulative SS fumes appeared to elicit the weakest inflam- lung burden, approximately 1.0 mg) (Solano- matory response compared with the total fume Lopez et al., 2006). or insoluble fractions (Taylor et al., 2003); these Also similar to rats, BALF cellular content differed from other reports of relative potency in mice was potently and persistently increased after administration of higher White( et al., 1982) by exposure to SS welding fumes via inhalation or lower doses (McNeilly et al., 2005). (40 mg/m3 for 3 hours per day, 5 days per week Similar to rats, exposure to MMA-SS and for 2 weeks) or pharyngeal aspiration, whereas GMA-SS welding fumes induced persistent exposure to MS fumes (via pharyngeal aspira- pulmonary inflammation in male mice of strains tion) only induced a mild and transient increase both sensitive (A/J) and resistant C57Bl/6 (B6) in PMNs (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2008; Erdely et al., to chemically induced lung tumorigenesis 2012). Qualitative differences were also evident (reviewed by Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). While between both exposure routes and mouse strains, lung inflammation was not persistently elevated although the magnitude of the cellular response 78 weeks after short-term exposure of A/J mice to was not remarkably different between A/J and GMA-SS fumes by inhalation (40 mg/m3, 3 hours B6 mice. After exposure to SS fumes by inhala- per day, for 6 or 10 days; respective cumulative tion (as described above), BALF levels of several lung burden, approximately 0.071 or 0.120 mg) cytokines increased (IL-6, interferon-gamma (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2011a), subchronic inha- or IFNγ) or greatly increased (Cxcl2, Ccl2, and lation (40 mg/m3, 4 hours per day, 4 days per TNFα) in B6 versus A/J mice (Zeidler-Erdely week, for 9 weeks; cumulative lung burden, et al., 2011b), while exposures via aspiration elic- approximately 0.255 mg), and pharyngeal ited responses in similar BALF cytokines that aspiration (approximately 1.7 or 3.4 mg), the tended to be greater in A/J compared with B6 increased severity of pulmonary inflammation mice (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2008). was observed after 30 weeks, characterized (ii) Inflammation in vitro by infiltrating peribronchial/perivascular- associated lymphocytes, macrophages, and Evidence supporting induction of an inflam- plasma cells (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2013; Falcone matory response in vitro is less consistent [the et al., 2017; see Section 3). Similarly, exposure Working Group noted that studies in vitro may to a high concentration of MMA-SS welding be less informative for chronic inflammation]. fumes via pharyngeal aspiration (cumulative Release of β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (β-NAG)

228 Welding from primary Sprague-Dawley rat alveolar Although iron-rich GMA-MS fumes inhibited macrophages was induced by treatment with bacterial clearance in rats, exposure to iron oxide both MS and SS fumes and, to a greater extent, (Fe2O3) did not (Antonini and Roberts, 2007). with the soluble versus insoluble fractions with [The Working Group noted that the specific MMA-SS fumes eliciting the most potent effect mediator(s) responsible for GMA-MS immuno- (Antonini et al., 1999). Conversely, no effects suppression remains unclear.] Additionally, in were reported on β-NAG release from primary uninfected rats, MMA-SS fumes administered bovine AMs [sex not reported] (White et al., via intratracheal instillation increased total peri- 1983) or cytokine production in mouse perito- pheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) numbers, neal macrophages (RAW 264.7) (Badding et al., specifically monocyte and PMN subpopulations, 2014) after exposure to MS or SS welding fumes. and attenuated leukocyte release of chemokines (iii) Immunosuppression in vivo (e.g. Cxcl10, Ccl4, and Cxcl2) at the post-tran- scriptional level in response to lipopolysaccha- Several studies in male Sprague-Dawley rats ride (LPS) challenge ex vivo (Erdely et al., 2014). have consistently demonstrated a reduced ability In female mice, two studies reported pulmo- to clear bacteria from the lung after exposure nary or systemic immunosuppression after to both SS and MS welding fumes by inhala- exposure to MMA-SS or MMA-MS fumes. tion (reviewed by Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). MMA-SS fumes increased Pafr mRNA expres- Exposure to GMA-MS and GMA-SS welding sion in the lungs of B6 mice exposed via inhala- 3 fumes via inhalation (40 mg/m , 3 hours per tion (40 mg/m3, 3 hours per day, for 10 days) (Suri day, for 3 days) inhibited pulmonary bacterial et al., 2016). This induction was associated with clearance of subsequently inoculated Listeria increased bacterial colony-forming units (CFUs) monocytogenes in rats (Antonini et al., 2007, in the BALF and lung tissue of female CD-1 mice 2009a). While prior exposure to GMA-SS and inoculated with S. pneumoniae after exposureto GMA-MS fumes by intratracheal instilla- MMA-MS fumes via intranasal instillation. tion had no effect, prior exposure to MMA-SS A selective PAFR blocker significantly attenu- welding fumes increased PMN influx and ated BALF CFU concentrations in mice exposed BALF oxidant levels but impaired resolution to fumes (Suri et al., 2016). After exposure to of infection (Antonini et al., 2004a). Among total MMA-SS fumes or soluble fractions via other effects on BALF cytokines, exposure to pharyngeal aspiration, splenocytes from female MMA-SS fumes via intratracheal instillation B6C3F1 mice exhibited reduced immunoglob- decreased IL-2 levels and prevented the L. mono- ulin-M (IgM) activity in response to sheep cytogenes challenge-induced increase in IL-2 erythrocyte stimulation in vitro, and a similar and IL-10 content; similarly, soluble chromium reduction in immune function was observed in also decreased IL-2 levels and inhibited bacte- LALN B-lymphocytes (Anderson et al., 2007). rial clearance when given separately (Antonini Exposure to the insoluble fraction did not result et al., 2004b; Antonini & Roberts, 2007). [The in this effect. Working Group noted that this suggests suppres- sion of T-lymphocyte activity, mediated by the (iv) Immunosuppression in vitro soluble chromium component.] GMA-SS fumes Evidence for decreased immune function had qualitatively similar effects as MMA-SS in rats and mice in vivo is supported by two fumes on rat pulmonary bacterial clearance and complementary in vitro studies in rodent cells. cytokine levels, while GMA-MS fumes elicited a GMA welding fumes generated from a consum- weaker response (Antonini et al., 2007, 2009a). able of high nickel and copper concentration


(very low levels of Fe, Cr, and Mn) reduced et al., 1992; metal active gas (MAG) with cored phagocytic activity in RAW 264.7 cells, while wire containing Ni, TIG, and MMA; Elias et al., no effects were observed after exposure to either 1989). It is noteworthy that a significant increase MS or SS fumes (Badding et al., 2014). In female in lymphocyte chromosomal aberrations was

B6C3F1 mouse splenocytes, the total and soluble only observed in MMA+TIG welders who, unlike fractions of MMA-SS welding fumes decreased other welders, also had increased concentrations the number of plaque-forming cells in response of chromium and nickel in blood (Knudsen et al., to sheep erythrocyte challenge, while the insol- 1992). Elias et al. reported positive results for uble fraction had no significant effectAnderson ( MAG with cored wire containing nickel welders et al., 2007). group, but not for TIG and MMA groups (Elias et al., 1989). 4.2.2 Genetic and related effects Negative results for an increase in lympho- cyte chromosomal aberrations in welders (type (a) Humans of welding was not specified) were reported by The results of the investigations are listed in Halasova et al. (2012), and in TIG welders by Table 4.1. Except where noted, the studies gener- Jelmert et al. (1995). [The Working Group noted ally matched exposed and unexposed subjects that Jelmert et al. reported a statistically signifi- on age and sex, and most studies adjusted for cant decrease of rates of chromosomal breaks and smoking. cells with chromosomal aberrations in welders (i) Cytogenetic end-points compared with the control subjects.] Positive findings for micronuclei (MN) in Exposure to welding fumes was without effect lymphocytes of welders were reported in most on chromosomal aberrations or sister-chro- available studies, but several had notable defi- matid exchange in two of the three studies ciencies. In Italian electric arc welders, who were describing cytogenetic effects described inIARC also exposed to extremely low-frequency electro- Monographs Volume 49 (Husgafvel-Pursiainen magnetic fields, a significantly higher frequency et al., 1982; Littorin et al., 1983; IARC, 1990). of MN was found (Dominici et al., 2011). Positive The third study reported a significant increase in results were obtained in lymphocytes of MMA, both cytogenetic parameters (Koshi et al., 1984). TIG, and metal inert/active gas welders in two Results were also mixed in the additional studies carried out in France (Iarmarcovai et al., studies on chromosomal aberrations in welders 2005, 2006), in one in Turkey (Sener & Eroglu, available to the Working Group. Three studies 2013), and in one in India (Sellappa et al., 2010). A that controlled for smoking (Elias et al., 1989; study of 5 MMA-SS welders that did not control Knudsen et al., 1992; Jelmert et al., 1994) and a for smoking reported negative results compared fourth that did not (Borská et al., 2003) described with 27 control subjects (Medeiros et al., 2003). a positive association between lymphocyte [The Working Group noted that most of these chromosomal aberrations and exposure, while studies assessed MN in 500 or 1000 binucle- two studies reported negative results (Jelmert ated lymphocytes, whereas the recommended et al., 1995; Halasova et al., 2012). The positive number is 2000 OECD (2016).] results were reported in TIG welders exposed Results from studies in exfoliated epithelial to chromium (Borská et al., 2003), in MMA-SS cells of welders were mixed. One study (Wultsch welders (Jelmert et al., 1994), and in pooled et al., 2014) reported increased MN frequencies groups of welders involved in different types of in nasal cells, but not buccal cells, in TIG welders. welding (TIG, MMA+TIG, and MIG; Knudsen In both cell types, significant increases were seen

230 Welding

et al. et al. (1994) (1995) (2003) et al. (1989) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Reference Elias Knudsen (1992) Jelmert Jelmert Halasova (2012) Borská Dominici (2011) Iarmarcovai (2005) Iarmarcovai (2006) ErogluSener & (2013) Sellappa (2010) Medeiros (2003) Wultsch (2014) Comments correlationNo with Ni, and Mn Cr, in serum, urine; higher CA in smokers; effectof exposureduration Higher CA in smoking welders vs smoking controls; higher Cr in serum and urine welders; of urinary Ni increased welders only in MMA+TIG effectNo of smoking; increased but Cr in Ni not blood and urine welders of Decreased CA in welders; effect no smoking;of increased Cr and in Ni urine and blood Correlation with blood Cr; effect no of smoking Did control not smoking for effectNo of smoking Inadequate number scored of cells whereas (1000, 2000 are recommended) Inadequate number scored of cells whereas (1000, 2000 are recommended) Inadequate number scored of cells (500, whereas 2000 are recommended) Effectof smoking, exposureduration, and alcohol consumption; inadequate number scored of cells (500, whereas 2000 are recommended) Did control not smoking; for low number welders of Increased Mn, Ni, and Cr, Mo, Cu in blood plasma welders; of effect no of smoking and alcohol consumption a Response + + + – – (+) + (+) (+) (+) (+) (–) + (nasal cells) – (buccal cells) = 22; n = 18; group TIG, 3, = 18; n = 15); 55 control 55 subjects = 15); Description exposure of and controls welders55 (group MMA, 1, group 2, MAG, n MIG and TIG,47 56 11 MMA+TIG, welders; 68 control subjects MMA31 welders tested after shift,20 welders before the start and work of retested 1–4 months after; 40 control subjects 23 MIG or TIG welders MAG and on 21 SS; 38 control subjects and 94 reference subjects welders73 (type welding of not specified);71 control subjects 20 TIG welders; 20 control subjects electric21 arc welders; control 21 subjects MMA,27 TIG, and MIG welders working without any protection device; 30 control subjects MMA,27 MIG, and TIG welders working in areas without any collective protection device; 30 control subjects welders;23 MAG 25 control subjects MMA93 welders; 60 control subjects 5 MMA-SS welders; control 27 subjects 22 TIG welders; 22 control subjects Cell type Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Nasal and buccal cells Table 4.1 Genetic and related effects 4.1 welding of fumesTable in exposedhumans End-point Chromosomal aberrations Chromosomal aberrations Chromosomal aberrations Chromosomal aberrations Chromosomal aberrations Chromosomal aberrations Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation and FISH with a pancentromeric DNA probe Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation


et al. (1994) (1995) (1998) (2010) (2011) (2006) (1991) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. (2005) Sardas Botta Danadevi (2004) Reference Danadevi (2004) Sudha Jara-Ettinger (2015) Domínguez Odio et al. Popp Jelmert Jelmert Myślak & Kośmider (1997) Knudsen (1992) Dominici (2011) Werfel No effectNo of smoking or exposure duration Positive correlation with blood Al, Co, Ni, and effect Pb; no of smoking or consumption alcohol Effectof exposureduration but not smoking, alcohol consumption, or age; positive correlation with Cr and Ni Comments effectNo of smoking Did control not smoking; for cells stainedwere with Giemsa (DNA-non- stain) specific Increased Cr and in Ni urine of welders; effect no of smoking effectNo of smoking; increased Cr and in Ni urine and blood Association with blood Cr (increased effect no in welders); of smoking or exposure duration SCE rates in lower total welders group and in smokers group, in not but nonsmokers effectNo of smoking; 1.3 times decrease in exposed compared with control subjects Increased Cr in erythrocytes and Ni in whole blood in welders; effect no of smoking Response + + – (–) – – – – + – – + + + + Description exposure of and controls 58 MMA welders; controls 52 66 MMA welders; 60 control subjects MIG welders; control33 33 subjects welders (type11 welding of not specified); 20 control subjects and MAG 39 MMA control welders; 18 subjects 24 MMA-SS welders; 2 matched control groups + 46 (24 subjects) One subgroup welders tested 10 of before the start and work of again 1–4 months after;10 matched controls MIG/MAG welders;6 TIG and 7 and 11 controls each10 for group, respectively SS39 welders; 22 controls 49 TIG, and 60 MIG 12 MMA+TIG, welders; control 75 subjects electric21 arc welders; control 21 subjects MMA39 welders; control 39 subjects 26 welders (type welding of not subjects control 26 specified); 30 MMA, TIG, and MIG/MAG welders, 22 control subjects MMA102 welders; controls 102 Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Cell type Buccal cells Buccal cells Buccal cells Buccal cells Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes DNA strandDNA breaks assay) (comet strandDNA breaks assay) (comet strandDNA breaks assay) (comet Table 4.1 (continued) 4.1 Table End-point Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Micronucleus formation Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange Sister-chromatid exchange

232 Welding ,

(1993) et al. (1998) (2011) (1993) (1991) et al. et al. (2001) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. Reference Sellappa (2010) Singh & Chadha (2016) Iarmarcovai (2005) Zhu Popp Werfel Sudha Costa Toniolo Quievryn (2001) Medeiros (2003) gene variant Comments Effectof smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure duration effectNo of smoking, exposure duration, or alcohol consumption effectNo of smoking or alcohol consumption; association with XRCC1 No effectNo of smoking or exposure duration Reduced frequency DNA-strand of breaks compared with controls; no effectof smoking Increased Cr in erythrocytes and inNi blood welders; of effect no of smoking Effectof smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure duration effectNo of smoking Did control not smoking; for small subjects exposed of number Did control not smoking; for small subjects exposed of number Response + + + – – + with (but not without) proteinase K + + (+) (+) Description exposure of and controls MMA93 welders; 60 control subjects welders35 (type welding of not specified);35 control subjects 26 welders working in areas without any collective protection device, 4 welders working in places equipped with smoke extraction systems; 22 control subjects 120 welders (type welding of not specified); 40 (managerialcontrols workers) and MAG 39 MMA control welders; 18 subjects MMA39 and other welders; controls 39 66 MMA welders; 60 control subjects MMA21 welders; 26 control subjects 5 male SS welders; 22 control subjects 5 MMA-SS welders; 30 control subjects ), positive), or negative in a study with of limited quality; Al, aluminium; CA, chromosomal aberration; Co, cobalt; chromium; Cr, Cu, copper; FISH, Cell type Leukocytes Leukocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Lymphocytes Buccal cells Leukocytes Lymphocytes Leukocytes – , negative; (+) or ( , negative; (+) – Most studies accounted for age, sex and smoking, except where indicated

Table 4.1 (continued) 4.1 Table End-point strandDNA breaks assay) (comet strandDNA breaks assay) (comet strandDNA breaks assay) (comet DNA strandDNA breaks assay) (comet strandDNA breaks (alkaline elution assay) strandDNA breaks (alkaline elution assay) strandDNA breaks assay) (comet cross-DNA–protein links cross-DNA–protein links cross-DNA–protein links a positive;+, fluorescent in situhybridization; metalMAG, active gas; MIG, metal inert gas; MMA-SS, manual metal arc stainlesssister-chromatid steel; Mn, manganese; exchange; SS,Mo, molybdenum; stainless Ni, nickel; Pb, lead; steel; SCE, TIG, tungsten inert gas; vs, versus

233 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 in other nuclear anomalies (reflecting genotoxic (ii) DNA damage as well as cytotoxic effects). Of the four studies Most studies of DNA damage were positive, that used a DNA-non-specific stain, Giemsa but many used an imprecise measure of DNA [which the Working Group noted can lead to damage (i.e. Olive tail moment or tail length false-positive results (Nersesyan et al., 2006)], instead of percentage DNA in tail (%DNA) for two were positive and two were negative. Studies the comet assay) (Collins et al., 2008). of MMA welders in India reported significantly A significant increase in the mean %DNA increased levels of MN in oral mucosa cells was observed in lymphocytes of welders (type of (Danadevi et al., 2004; Sudha et al., 2011). MN welding not specified) Sardas( et al., 2010). rates were significantly correlated with the age Significantly increased levels of DNA damage and smoking status of welders, as well as the were seen in lymphocytes of MMA and TIG duration of exposure. A study of MIG welders in welders at the end of the working week, but not Mexico (Jara-Ettinger et al., 2015), and a study at the beginning (Botta et al., 2006). Spearman of welders (not otherwise specified) in Cuba that rank correlation analysis indicated positive did not control for smoking (Domínguez Odio correlations between blood concentrations of et al., 2005), gave negative results. aluminium, cobalt, nickel, and lead and the levels In several studies available on sister-chro- of DNA damage. A significant increase in DNA matid exchange in lymphocytes of welders, strand breaks in lymphocytes (Danadevi et al., mixed results were obtained. Popp et al. (1991) 2004; Sellappa et al., 2010) or in buccal cells (Sudha and Jelmert et al. (1994, 1995) observed no effect et al., 2011) was also found in MMA welders in in stainless steel (MMA, TIG, MIG, and MAG) three studies in India. In another study in India welders. Interestingly, a statistically significant (Singh & Chadha, 2016), significant increases negative association was observed between the were seen in both damaged cell frequency and total chromium in inhaled air and frequency of mean tail length in welders (type of welding not sister-chromatid exchange (Jelmert et al., 1995). specified) who were heavily exposed to welding A slight but significant increase in sister-chro- fumes due to poor ventilation and no mask. matid exchange rates was observed in MMA, MMA, TIG, and GMA welders had a significant MIG, and MMA+MIG welders in the Czech increase in Olive tail moment distribution at the Republic (Myślak & Kośmider, 1997). In TIG, end of the week when compared with the begin- MMA+TIG, MIG, and electric arc welders, the ning, and also with controls (Iarmarcovai et al., rate of sister-chromatid exchange in lympho- 2005). cytes was significantly lower in total welders and No significant elevation of DNA tail moment in nonsmoking welders than in reference groups was found in the lymphocytes of welders in (Knudsen et al., 1992; Dominici et al., 2011). Guangzhou, China (welding type not specified) Significantly elevated rates of sister-chro- compared with controls (Zhu et al., 2001). One matid exchange were observed in MMA welders study using the alkaline filter elution method in Germany. However, no significant difference reported reduced DNA strand breaks in MAG was found in comparisons between exposed and and MMA welders compared with controls control smokers, or between exposed and control (Popp et al., 1991), whereas another study using nonsmokers (Werfel et al., 1998). the same method and by the same team reported a significantly higher rate of DNA single-strand breaks in the lymphocytes of MMA and other welders (Werfel et al., 1998).

234 Welding

(iii) DNA–protein cross-links et al., 2016a, b). Further, in a short-term obser- Positive results were reported for DNA– vational study, 8-OHdG concentrations in urine protein cross-links in welders, but most avail- increased over a full shift in 41 MS stick-welding able studies were small and did not control for boilermakers, with a decline back to baseline smoking. In two publications on the same study, in samples taken the next morning (Nuernberg higher levels of DNA–protein cross-links were et al., 2008). In another study involving 20 boil- seen in 21 MMA welders (Costa et al., 1993; ermakers, all mean concentrations of 8-OHdG Toniolo et al., 1993). Two studies evaluated five in the urine after a work shift were significantly welders; one reported significantly higher levels higher than values before the shift; exposure– of DNA–protein cross-links in peripheral leuko- response was observed with PM2.5 (Kim et al., cytes of MMA-SS welders (Medeiros et al., 2003), 2004). However, nonsmokers had higher levels and a study of SS welders in Portugal reported of 8-OHdG before the start of the working week, a higher number of DNA–protein cross-links in and an interaction between smoking and expo- lymphocytes compared with controls (Quievryn sure to welding fumes (varying by metal) was et al., 2001). indicated (Mukherjee et al., 2004). In a compar- ison of 8-OHdG in urine, concentrations at the (iv) Point mutations and unscheduled DNA end of 5 working days were higher than at the synthesis start of the first day in both 118 shipyard TIG Exposure to welding fumes was associated with welders and 45 office worker controls, but the an odds ratio (OR) of 5.65 (95% CI, 1.39–22.93; concentrations at the end of the 5 working days 6 exposed cases with von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) were significantly higher in the welders than in gene mutations) for multiple VHL mutations controls. Exposure–response was observed with in multivariate analysis restricted to renal cell PM2.5, and with iron and zinc in urine (Lai et al., carcinoma (RCC) patients in Sweden who were 2016). smokers (Hemminki et al., 2002). [The Working The effects were less clear in three cross-sec- Group noted that there were only 21 RCC cases tional observational studies. No difference in exposed to welding fumes; 8 had G-to-A VHL urinary 8-OHdG was observed in a study of 57 mutations, and 6 of the 8 were smokers.] male and female welders and 42 office worker Knudsen et al. (1992) did not find an increase controls (welding technique and material not in unscheduled DNA synthesis and DNA repair reported) (Liu et al., 2013), while in another study capacity in peripheral lymphocytes of TIG, of MAG welders no significant increase was seen MMA+TIG, and MIG welders. after adjustment for relevant confounders Li( (v) Oxidative damage to DNA et al., 2015a). Finally, in a study of MIG and TIG welders, and also welders wearing a powered In a controlled crossover inhalation study of air-purifying respirator (PAPR) in Germany, healthy welding apprentices (n = 20), 60 minutes urinary 8-oxo-guanosine (8-oxoGuo) concen- of exposure to TIG welding fumes (Ar shielding trations did not differ significantlyPesch ( et al., gas) on aluminium cubes significantly increased 2015). The number of 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine the concentrations of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) per 106 deoxyguanosine (dGuo) (8-OHdG) in plasma and urine. The increase in in leukocytes of MIG welders exposed to high plasma 8-OHdG was related to the exposure level concentrations of fumes was significantly higher to smaller particles of welding fumes (geometric than in TIG welders and welders wearing a PAPR. mean diameter, 44 nm), while no associations For urinary 8-oxoGuo, nonlinear associations were observed with gravimetric mass (Graczyk were observed with serum Fe.


Table 4.2 Genetic and related effects of welding fumes in non-human mammals in vivo

Species, Tissue End-point Test system Result Concentration Route, Reference strain, sex (LEC or HIC) duration, dosing regimen Rat, Lung cells DNA damage DNA strand + 65.6 mg/m3 Inhalation, Yu et al. Sprague- breaks, comet of MMA-SS 2 h/d for 1, (2004) Dawley, M assay; 8-OHdG fumes 15, 30 d Rat, Blood DNA strand Comet assay + (leukocytes, 12.32 mg/kg of Inhalation Chuang Sprague- (leukocytes), breaks 1–15 d only; MMA fumes for 10 min/d, et al. Dawley, M kidney, liver liver and up to 40 d (2010) kidney, 40 d only) Rat, Peripheral Chromosomal Chromosomal – 217 mg/m3 of Inhalation Etienne Wistar, blood damage aberrations MMA-MS or for 6 h/day, et al. M+F lymphocytes, 144 mg/m3 of 5 d/wk, 2 wk (1986) bone marrow MIG-MS Rats, Peripheral Chromosomal Sister-chromatid – 217 mg/m3 of Inhalation Etienne Wistar, blood rearrangement exchanges MMA-MS or for 6 h/d, et al. M+F, lymphocytes 144 mg/m3 of 5 d/wk, 2 wk (1986) MIG-MS Mouse, Fur Gene mutation Fur spot test + 100 mg/kg i.p. at 8, Knudsen C57BL/6J/ particles of 9, 10 d of (1980) BOM9, F MMA-SS gestation welding fumes +, positive; –, negative; 8-OHdG, 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine; d, day(s); F, female; h, hour(s); HIC, highest ineffective concentration; i.p., intraperitoneally; LEC, lowest effective concentration; M, male; MIG, metal inert gas; min, minute(s); MMA, manual metal arc; MS, mild steel; SS, stainless steel; wk, week(s)

(b) Experimental systems One study reported positive results in the fur See Table 4.2, Table 4.3 spot test in mice after receiving 100 mg/kg body DNA damage (comet assay) and 8-OHdG weight of MMA-SS welding fumes on days 8, 9, increased with exposure duration in a dose-de- and 10 of gestation by intraperitoneal injection pendent manner in the lung tissue of Sprague- (Knudsen, 1980). Dawley rats exposed to MMA-SS welding fumes SS and MS welding fumes increased DNA for up to 30 days (Yu et al., 2004). In a study damage in a study in vitro in RAW 264.7 mouse in which Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to peritoneal monocytes, with significantly higher MMA-SS welding fumes for up to 40 days, DNA damage from the SS welding fumes (Leonard damage (comet assay, tail moment) increased et al., 2010). [The Working Group noted that significantly in leukocytes (1–15 days only) and in DNA damage was assessed by the comet tail liver and kidney cells (40 days only) (Chuang et al., length instead of %DNA in comet tail.] 2010). No increase in chromosomal aberrations Only a few studies in bacteria were available. in bone marrow cells and in peripheral blood MMA-SS and MIG-SS fumes were positive in S. lymphocytes, or in lymphocyte sister-chromatid typhimurium strain TA100 without metabolic exchange, was seen in Wistar rats after expo- activation (starting from 2.5 µg water-soluble Cr sure to welding fumes (MMA-MS, MIG-MS) in fume sample) (Pedersen et al., 1983). In the by inhalation for 60 hours (Etienne et al., 1986). SOS umu-test in S. typhimurium strain TA1535/ pSK1002, exposure to MMA-SS welding fumes

236 Welding

Table 4.3 Genetic and related effects of welding fumes in experimental systems in vitro

Species, strain End-point Test system Results Concentration Reference (LEC or HIC) Without With metabolic metabolic activation activation Mouse peritoneal DNA DNA strand + NT 250 µg/mL; SS and Leonard et al. (2010) monocytes RAW damage breaks, comet MS fumes 264.7 assay Salmonella Gene Reverse + NT 2.5 µg; MMA-SS Pedersen et al. (1983) typhimurium TA mutation mutation and MIG-SS fumes 100 per plate Salmonella DNA SOS umu assay + NT NS; MMA–SS Ong et al. (1987) typhimurium damage welding fumes TA1535/pSK1002 +, positive; HIC, highest ineffective concentration; LEC, lowest effective concentration; MIG, metal inert gas; MMA, manual metal arc; MS, mild steel; NS, not specified; NT, not tested; SS, stainless steel. for 4 and 6 hours generated a marked response among 41 boilermaker apprentices and current (Ong et al., 1987). and retired welders (metal arc welding, MS; 3 In a study in an acellular system, DNA PM2.5, 0.82 mg/m ) in a controlled experiment damage associated with hydroxyl radical (•OH) of crossover design (Nuernberg et al. 2008). formation was demonstrated for MMA welding However, the concentrations decreased signifi- fumes in plasmid λ Hind III (Antonini et al., cantly from the end of the shift to bedtime, and 2005). to the next day. Urinary 8-isoprostane increased significantly from the start of day 1 to the end of 4.2.3 Oxidative stress day 5 in a 5-day observational study of 118 TIG shipyard welders (PM , 0.76 mg/m3). Exposure– (a) Humans 2.5 response relationships were observed with PM2.5 Effects on 8-OHdG are described in Section in air, and with iron and zinc in urine (Lai et al., 4.2.2 (a)(v). 2016). Two cross-sectional studies (concentra- Significant increases in hydrogen tions only measured at the end of the work shift)

(H2O2) were observed in plasma and urine in observed higher concentrations of 8-isoprostane a controlled crossover experimental inhala- in serum and exhaled breath condensate among tion study of TIG aluminium welding (1 hour; welders than among unexposed controls; Han particulate matter of diameter < 4 μm or et al. (2005) evaluated 197 shipyard (GMA) 3 PM4, 0.72 mg/m ) (Graczyk et al., 2016a). welders and 150 office controls, whileHoffmeyer Similarly, an increase of the hydrogen peroxide et al. (2012a) studied 58 healthy MAG-MS to tyrosine ratio in exhaled breath conden- welders. Two other cross-sectional studies found sate was observed during the work shift in a higher 8-isoprostane concentrations in welders field study of 45 welders using mixed welding at the end of shifts, with high and low concentra- techniques (respirable dust, 0.7 mg/m3), but in tions of chromium in exhaled breath condensate smokers only (Gube et al., 2010). and nasal lavage fluid, respectively Hoffmeyer( No change in urinary 8-isoprostane meas- et al., 2012b; Raulf et al., 2016). ured before and after the work shift was observed


In another cross-sectional study, glutathione exposed group and the control group.] Welders (GSH) in blood was lower in welders (44 spot (n = 40) performing MMA welding (material not welders and 80 arc welders; material not stated) stated) had significantly lower whole-blood GSH and in those with bystander (59 assemblers) concentrations and higher MDA concentrations exposure to welding fumes compared with when compared with controls (n = 10, Harisa controls (29 office workers), with no gradient et al., 2014). In another small cross-sectional study in effect between full-time welders, part-time including 34 welders (technique and material not welders and bystanders, and no effect on plasma reported) and 20 controls, serum thiobarbituric malondialdehyde (MDA) (Luo et al., 2009). acid reactive substances and protein carbonyl Gube et al. (2010) found no overall cross-sec- concentrations were higher in welding workers tional group difference between 45 welders and than in controls, while total protein sulfhydryl 24 controls in the MDA to tyrosine ratio (an groups and GSH levels were significantly lower indicator of lipid peroxidation), but the ratio in welders than in controls (Fidan et al., 2005). was significantly increased in workers without No significant difference was observed in total respiratory protection, compared to those with serum antioxidant status, but erythrocyte SOD respiratory protection. and GPX activity was lower in male nonsmoking Levels of antioxidants in plasma (vitamins car factory spot welders (n = 46) compared with C and E) and erythrocytes ( dismu- controls (n = 45) (Sharifianet al., 2009). A negative tase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase correlation was observed between the magnetic (GPX) activity) were all lower in nonsmoking field intensity from welding, and SOD and GPX male and female construction welders (n = 70; activity. No such associations were observed with electric arc welding) as compared with unexposed metal concentrations in air (Pb, Fe, Cu, and Zn). controls (n = 70), while erythrocyte lipoperoxide Increasing zinc concentrations in blood were concentrations were higher. Antioxidant levels associated with significantly lower total antiox- (except catalase) decreased with years working idant concentrations in a cross-sectional study as a welder (adjusted for age), while lipoper- of 94 smoking welders (manual electric arc or oxide concentrations increased. A significant gas welding, material not stated) (Kolarzyk et al., negative association between ozone exposure 2006), while copper levels in blood were posi- levels among the welders and each antioxidant tively associated with total antioxidant status. was observed, while lipoperoxide concentrations Male and female vehicle manufacturer elec- were positively associated with the ozone expo- tric arc welders with high exposure to manga- sure (Zhu et al., 2004). nese (geometric mean, 1.45 mg/m3; n = 37) had No significant differences in plasma MDA cross-sectionally higher serum MDA levels and and total antioxidant concentrations, or eryth- lower erythrocytic SOD activity when compared rocyte GPX and glutathione S-transferase with controls (n = 50) (Li et al., 2004). In the high- activity, were observed between male and ly-exposed shipyard welders studied by Han et al. female welders (welding technique and material (2005), the total antioxidant status in serum was not stated; n = 57) and office worker controls significantly higher than in 150 controls, as were (n = 42). However, welders had lower erythro- levels of aconitase and GPX, while no significant cyte GSH concentrations and erythrocyte SOD difference was observed for manganese SOD activities (Liu et al., 2013). [The Working Group (MnSOD). Dose–response associations were noted that these specific comparisons were not observed between the concentrations of manga- adjusted for other factors; sex, smoking, and nese or lead in the blood of welders and various alcohol intake differed significantly between the

238 Welding measures of antioxidant status, including GPX (Taylor et al., 2003), nitric oxide species in the and MnSOD (Han et al., 2005). BALF, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) Haem oxygenase-1 was significantly higher, protein expression in inflammatory infiltrates, and associated with particulate matter of diam- and AM or PBMC reactive oxygen species (ROS) eter < 2 µm, in induced sputum samples from production ex vivo (Antonini et al., 2004a; short-term (mean 10 years) aluminium-iron Erdely et al., 2014). Although all fractions of welders (n = 30) compared with non-exposed MMA-SS fumes induced lipid peroxidation, the subjects (n = 27) (Stark et al., 2009). Intermediate total fraction of fumes was the most potent and levels were seen in long-term (mean, 21 years; the soluble fraction the least potent (Taylor et al., n = 16) MS welders. 2003). GMA-SS fumes induced lower levels of In a study of 75 male SS and MS shipyard lipid peroxidation in rat lungs compared with welders using electrodes containing up to 22% MMA-SS fumes, and GMA-MS fumes had only chromium, blood levels of Cr(VI) were associated a marginal effect Taylor( et al., 2003). Neither with increased serum apolipoprotein J/Clusterin GMA-SS nor GMA-MS fumes increased levels of (ApoJ/CLU) in SS welders (Alexopoulos et al., nitric oxide species in the lung BALF, or induced 2008). The ApoJ/CLU levels decreased in the greater alveolar macrophage ROS production workers exposed to the highest concentrations ex vivo (Antonini et al., 2004b). No change in after participating in a worker educational serum concentrations of lipid peroxidation prod- programme aimed at reducing exposure levels. ucts was reported in male Wistar rats exposed Mitochondrial DNA methylation levels to unspecified welding fumes [containing chro- in blood were lower at the end of a work shift mium] via inhalation (60 mg/m3, 6 hours per day, compared with before the shift among 48 men, for 5 or 10 days), and lung concentrations were including 35 welding boilermakers (MMA-MS not determined (Halatek et al., 2017). and MIG-MS welding; mean PM2.5 concentra- In male A/J and C57BL/6J mice exposed to tion, 0.38 mg/m3), and an exposure–response SS or MS welding fumes by pharyngeal aspira- association indicated that mitochondrial DNA tion, no changes were observed in the lung tissue methylation was negatively associated with PM2.5 mRNA expression levels of enzymes involved concentrations (Byun et al., 2016). In a cross-sec- in oxidative stress (iNOS, prostaglandin-en- tional approach, Xu et al. (2017) also found less doperoxide synthase 2 (Ptgs2) and glutathione methylation of the mitochondrial regulatory S-transferase pi-1 (Gstp1)) (cumulative lung region and higher mitochondrial DNA in 101 burden, approximately 0.340 mg) (Zeidler- welders (mainly GMA-MS; mean respirable dust Erdely et al., 2008). [The Working Group noted concentration, 1.2 mg/m3) compared with 127 that the welding fumes used were not freshly controls. generated, and loss of pro-oxidant activity soon after the generation of SS fumes was hypothe- (b) Experimental systems sized by Antonini et al. (1998) and Badding et al. (i) In vivo (2014) to result from the degradation of a short- Several studies reported increases in markers lived, reactive chromium species.] of lung oxidative stress in male Sprague-Dawley (ii) In vitro rats after exposure to SS fumes via intratracheal Welding fumes have been reported to oxidize instillation. After exposure to MMA-SS welding biological components in both biochemical fumes, increases were observed in lipid perox- assays and cell culture models. MIG-MS welding idation products in lung tissue homogenate fumes increased the oxidation of dopamine in a

239 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 manner directly related to the generating current (b) Experimental systems and inversely related to the iron:manganese (i) In vivo ratio of the fumes (Hudson et al., 2001), while MMA-MS fumes increased the oxidation of both Studies in male rats and mice suggest that ascorbate and GSH in artificial BALF Suri( et al., SS welding fumes induce more lung toxicity 2016). Welding fumes generated ROS as deter- when compared with MS fumes, via both inha- mined by electron spin resonance, with the total lation and intratracheal instillation exposure fractions eliciting the strongest signals and the routes (reviewed in Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). soluble fraction the weakest, although CrV was In Sprague-Dawley rats, BALF albumin concen- similarly produced (from Cr(VI)) by both frac- trations and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity increased within 1 day after inhala- tions (Taylor et al., 2003; Antonini et al., 2005). 3 Initially, neither GMA-SS nor GMA-MS welding tion exposure to GMA-SS (40 mg/m , 3 hours per day, for 3 days) or MMA-SS (44.1–65.6 or fumes produced ROS (Taylor et al., 2003); 3 however, later studies reported ROS genera- 80.1–116.8 mg/m , 2 hours per day, for up to tion induced by GMA welding of SS, MS, and 60 exposure days) welding fumes; levels remained a consumable of high nickel and copper content elevated for at least 14 days after exposure cessa- (Leonard et al., 2010; Badding et al., 2014). tion, and resolved to baseline after 30 days Yu( MMA-SS, GMA-SS, and GMA-MS fumes et al., 2004; Antonini et al., 2007; Yang et al., increased ROS production in rat BALF lung 2009). Decreased viability in BALF leukocytes, macrophages (Antonini et al., 1997, 1999; Chang coupled with increased serum LDH activity, was et al., 2013) and in mouse RAW 264.7 macrophages also induced in Wistar rats exposed to unspec- ified welding fumes [containing chromium] via (Leonard et al., 2010). 3 Iron-chelation did not inhibit the activity of inhalation (60 mg/m , 6 hours per day, for 5 or 10 days; Halatek et al., 2017). While high metal soluble fractions [which suggests that non-ferrous 3 metals were responsible], while total MMA-SS (HM) fumes (25 mg/m , 4 hours per day, for 3, fractions elicited the greatest ROS production 8, or 13 days) via inhalation induced an initial, in rat lung macrophages (Antonini et al., 1999); transient, increase in albumin levels, there was ultrafine particle size fractions elicited a greater no corresponding cytotoxicity to the pulmo- effect than coarse fractions for both SS and MS nary epithelium (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2014). fumes (Leonard et al., 2010; Chang et al., 2013). No effects were observed in rats after similar exposures to low metal (LM) MS resistance spot 4.2.4 Altered cell proliferation or death welding fumes (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2014) or GMA-MS fumes (40 mg/m3, 3 hours per day, for (a) Humans 3 or 10 days) (Antonini et al., 2009a). As noted previously (see Section 4.2.2 (a) (i)), A single intratracheal instillation of one study reported nuclear anomalies (reflecting MMA-SS welding fumes in Sprague-Dawley genotoxic as well as cytotoxic effects) in buccal rats induced apoptosis in clusters of pulmo- and nasal cells of TIG welders (Wultsch et al., nary epithelial cells 6–10 days after treatment 2014). An in vitro study reported cytotoxicity in (Antonini et al., 2005). BALF albumin and LDH human lung A549 cells exposed to SS welding activity levels increased after 1 day, remained fumes (McNeilly et al., 2004). elevated for up to 6 days (Taylor et al., 2003; Antonini et al., 2004a), and resolved to back- ground levels after 10–35 days Antonini( et al., 1996, 1997, 2004b). MMA-SS fumes were more

240 Welding potent than GMA-SS and GMA-MS fumes; the solution elicited a similar toxicity profile to total fraction of MMA-SS welding fumes was the MMA-SS fumes in B6 mice, but was not as effec- most potent compared with the soluble fraction, tive in A/J mice (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2008). [The which induced a lesser lung injury (Taylor et al., Working Group noted that this suggests that 2003). other mediators contribute to MMA-SS toxicity Several studies from the same group reported in the lungs of A/J mice.] increases in proliferative lesions and persistent (ii) In vitro lung cytotoxicity in male mice after exposure to welding fumes. Short-term exposure to GMA-SS Both SS and MS welding fumes have been fumes by inhalation (40 mg/m3, 4 hours per consistently reported to induce cytotoxicity day, 4 days per week, for 9 weeks; cumulative and/or alter mitochondrial function in mamma- lung burden, approximately 0.255 mg) induced lian cells. SS or MS fumes generated from MMA, the appearance of hyperplastic foci in 2 A/J GMA, and MIG welding induced cytotoxicity in mice (vs 0 in control) 30 weeks after exposure primary rat alveolar macrophages from male rats initiation (Falcone et al., 2017), consistent with (Pasanen et al., 1986; Antonini et al., 1997, 1999, the increased incidence of preneoplastic lesions 2005), primary bovine alveolar macrophages [sex (hyperplasias and/or adenomas) after a similar not reported] (White et al., 1983), and hamster duration after pharyngeal exposure (cumula- kidney or embryo cells (Hansen & Stern, 1985; tive lung burden, approximately 1.7 or 3.4 mg) Stern et al., 1988). MMA-SS fumes were the (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2013) (see Section 3). [The most potent, and induced cytotoxicity quali- Working Group noted that hyperplasia, atypical tatively similar to a molar-equivalent Cr(VI) adenomatous hyperplasia, and early adenoma solution (White et al., 1983; Hansen & Stern, are difficult to distinguish from each other, so 1985; Pasanen et al., 1986). Welding fumes from combining the lesions reduces the potential a consumable of high nickel and copper content for misclassification.] After a shorter duration were more cytotoxic than GMA-SS or GMA-MS of exposure to GMA-SS fumes by inhalation fumes in mouse RAW 264.7 cells (Badding et al., (40 mg/m3, 3 hours per day, for 6 or 10 days; 2014), and preincubation with the antioxidant respective cumulative lung burden, approxi- N-acetyl-L-cysteine afforded no protection. All mately 0.071 or 0.120 mg), BALF LDH activity three types of welding fumes attenuated mito- and albumin levels increased to a similar extent chondrial adenosine triphosphate production, in both A/J and B6 mice and remained elevated maximal respiratory rate, and bioenergenic during 28 days of recovery (Zeidler-Erdely et al., reserve capacity (Leonard et al., 2010; Badding 2011b; Erdely et al., 2012). Exposure to GMA-MS et al., 2014). SS fumes were the most potently fumes by pharyngeal aspiration (cumulative cytotoxic, as were the total or soluble fractions of lung burden, approximately 0.340 mg) tran- fumes (Pasanen et al., 1986; Antonini et al., 1999) siently increased BALF LDH activity to a greater and the ultrafine particle fractions Leonard( extent in A/J compared with B6 mice, with no et al., 2010). change in albumin levels. Exposure to MMA-SS and GMA-SS fumes increased both LDH activity 4.2.5 Receptor-mediated effects and albumin levels, resolving in B6 mice and (a) Humans diminishing in A/J mice after 28 days or more of recovery (Solano-Lopez et al., 2006; Zeidler- Studies available to the Working Group exam- Erdely et al., 2008, 2011a; Erdely et al., 2011a). ined the effects of welding and welding fumes on Administration of a mass-equivalent Cr(VI) sex hormones such as testosterone, luteinizing

241 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone levels were not normally distributed, which was (FSH). Decreased serum testosterone concen- not accounted for in the analyses; manganese trations were seen in a cross-sectional study was the only metal measured.] of TIG-SS welders (n = 35) compared with non- Increased serum prolactin levels were welding metalworkers (n = 54) (Bonde, 1990), and observed in a cross-sectional study of male ship- in male welders exposed to manganese [type of yard welders (Ellingsen et al., 2007) and in male welding not specified] Tutkun( et al., 2014). In welders exposed to manganese (Niu et al., 2004), contrast, two other studies (Bonde & Ernst, 1992; and a strong positive correlation was seen between Hjollund et al., 1998) observed no association whole-blood manganese concentrations and between welding (TIG-SS, MMA-SS, MAG-SS) serum prolactin in welders (Tutkun et al., 2014). and serum testosterone levels (Bonde & Ernst, In contrast, serum prolactin levels decreased in 1992). [The Working Group noted that part of the a group of welders exposed to manganese (Wang referent group was non-welding metalworkers et al., 2011). in the Bonde & Ernst study; a period of only Compared with age-matched controls 3 months without welding was considered in the (turners/fitters from the same shipyard), welders referent group of metal workers in the Hjollund [type of welding not specified] showed increased et al. study; and no differences in urine concen- levels of inhibin B [no differences in geometric trations of chromium, manganese, or nickel were mean values], which can downregulate the detected between welders and non-welders, or synthesis and inhibit the secretion of FSH between measurements made at the beginning (Ellingsen et al., 2007). and end of the work shift.] Serum testosterone levels were higher in welders [type of welding (b) Experimental systems not specified] exposed to manganese [the only No data were available to the Working Group. metal analysed] for less than 5 years compared with controls and workers exposed for 5 years or 4.2.6 Other mechanisms more (Wang et al., 2011). No association was seen between exposure Several studies of exposure to welding to welding fumes (TIG-SS, MMA-SS, MAG-SS) fumes in humans reported effects related to epi- and levels of FSH and LH (Bonde & Ernst, genetics and telomere length. Using a repeated 1992; Hjollund et al., 1998), or in levels of LH measure study design, PM2.5 was significantly or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in male associated with long interspersed nuclear welders exposed to manganese [type of welding elements-1 (LINE-1) hypermethylation in not specified] Tutkun( et al., 2014). Welders 66 welders (MMA-MS welding) (Fan et al., exposed to manganese had significantly higher 2014). Additionally, PM 2.5 exposure was associ- concentrations of manganese in blood and ated with increased methylation in the promoter urine. Long-term exposure to manganese in this region of the inducible nitric oxide synthase group of welders resulted in significantly lower iNOS (MMA welding, MS and SS) (Kile et al., serum levels of LH and FSH (Wang et al., 2011). 2013). Wong et al. (2014b) found a statistically significant decrease in relative telomere length, However, male MMA shipyard welders (CO2 gas) had significantly higher manganese concen- and genomic trauma to leukocyte telomeres was trations in blood and urine, and higher levels of more consistent with recent occupational PM2.5 LH, FSH, and TSH-releasing hormone (TRH) exposure, among 48 welders with an 8-year compared with control subjects (Kim et al., follow-up (MMA welding, mainly MS) (Wong 2007). [The Working Group noted that hormone et al., 2014b). Li et al. (2015a) found that telomere

242 Welding length was significantly shorter in welders, asso- previously reported in male Sprague-Dawley rats ciated with number of years as a welder after also exposed to MMA-SS fumes via inhalation controlling for age. Further, a repeated-measures (51.4 or 84.6 mg/m3, 2 hours per day, for 30 days), longitudinal study in a panel of 87 MMA (mainly associated with severe lung inflammation and MS) welders with a 29-month follow-up period injury (Oh et al., 2009), 7% of the differentially showed a positive association between both expressed genes were similarly affected between LINE-1 and Alu methylation levels, and telomere species (Heo et al., 2010). [The Working Group length. The interaction between LINE-1 methyl- noted that the control and exposed primates were ation and follow-up time was statistically signifi- not handled in a similar manner, and statistical cant, suggesting that the rate of telomeric change analyses in both studies may have inadequately was modified by the degree of LINE-1 methyla- controlled for multiple comparisons.] tion (Wong et al., 2014c). Using the same study In the most comprehensive study from this population as in Li et al. (2015a), Hossain et al. group, Oh et al. (2012) evaluated the impact (2015) found that measured exposure to respir- of exposure to MMA-SS welding fumes able dust as a welder, as well as years worked as (44.1–51.4 or 80.1–84.6 mg/m3, 2 hours per a welder, was associated with increased coagula- day, for 30 days) by inhalation with recovery tion factor II (thrombin) receptor-like 3 (F2RL3) periods in male Sprague-Dawley rats, including gene hypomethylation. the re-evaluation of tissues from their earlier report (Oh et al., 2009), and compared genetic 4.2.7 Gene expression arrays in vivo changes with tissue histopathology and BALF cytology from Yang et al. (2009). Lung immune (a) Humans cell infiltration and inflammation was detect- No data were available to the Working Group. able at both the genetic and cellular level, and pathways related to leukocyte extravasation and (b) Experimental systems activation, antigen presentation, immunosup- Lung gene expression studies in rats and mice pression, angiogenesis, and cell cycle, growth, exposed to welding fumes indicate a dysregula- and proliferation were perturbed after repeated tion of cellular signalling and proliferation path- exposure and recovery periods (Oh et al., 2012). ways, and a strong immune response (reviewed In PBMCs, approximately three times as many in Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012), also supported genes were downregulated compared with those by the results of gene expression profiling in induced, including an attenuation of stress non-human primates. Adverse lung pathology response, cell growth, and differentiation path- was not observed in male cynomolgus monkeys ways, while inflammatory responses were both subchronically exposed to MMA-SS fumes via induced (angiotensinogen, Agt, and major histo- inhalation (31.4 or 62.5 mg/m3, 2 hours per day, compatibility complex, Mhc) and attenuated 5 days per week, for 229 days), but gene induc- (cathepsin E, Ctse, and dipeptidase, Dpep) (Rim tion was observed in cancer, immunological et al., 2004). disease, inflammatory disease, cellular growth, Similar changes were reported after expo- and proliferation pathways, including activa- sure to GMA-SS welding fumes in mice as tion of pregnane X receptor/retinoid X receptor described above after MMA-SS exposure in (Pxr/Rxr), peroxisome proliferator-activated rats, i.e. responses were largely consistent across receptor (Ppar), p53, nuclear respiratory factor-2 rodent species as well as SS welding fume (Nrf2), and retinoic acid receptor (Rar) (Heo sources (discussed in Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). et al., 2010). When compared with the results GMA-SS exposure via pharyngeal aspiration

243 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 also altered genes involved in inflammatory and reported after weekly exposure to MMA-HS immunological disease pathways in both mouse welding fumes (Popstojanov et al., 2014). strains, with strain-specificity in the network components and direction of induction affected. 4.3 Cancer susceptibility Cancer networks were induced primarily in the A/J strain, while haematological disease No data were available to the Working Group. emerged in the B6 mice (Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2010). Follow-up studies revealed disruption of gene networks related to type I interferon 4.4 Other adverse effects signalling, specifically involving induction of 4.4.1 Humans interferon regulatory factor-7 (Irf7), and several type I interferon-related genes were upregulated Epidemiological studies show that long-term in the blood and lung tissue of B6 mice exposed exposure to welding fumes is associated with to GMA-SS but not GMA-MS welding fumes respiratory health effects including asthma, (Erdely et al., 2011a, 2012). [The Working Group bronchitis, lung function changes, neuro- noted that this response may be similar to that logical disorders and, if cadmium is present, induced by lung infection.] After exposure to renal tubular dysfunction (Wang et al., 1994; GMA-MS welding fumes via pharyngeal aspi- Antonini, 2003; El-Zein et al., 2003; Antonini ration, Zeidler-Erdely et al. (2010) unexpectedly et al., 2004a; Ding et. al., 2011; Racette et. al., found differential expression of behavioural 2012; Szram et al., 2013). Cardiac arrhythmias, genes associated with circadian rhythm signal- myocardial ischaemia, and atherosclerosis have ling, such as increased expression of Nr1d1 in also been reported and epidemiological studies both A/J and B6 mice. Top networks induced of male welders showed increased risk of cardio- in A/J lungs involved circadian rhythm signal- vascular disease, including hypertension (Fang ling, stress response, and cell survival involving et al., 2010b; Ibfelt et al., 2010; Li et. al., 2015b; the Tp53 and Myc pathways. Genes commonly Mocevic et al., 2015). associated with inflammatory lung response and The exposure of boilermaker construction apoptosis were altered in both A/J and B6 mice. workers to PM2.5 from metal fumes was associ- The gene induction could not be attributed to a ated with alterations in the heart rate variability generalized inflammatory response, however, (HRV) (Cavallari et al., 2007), an effect associ- because pulmonary toxicity and lung inflamma- ated with impaired cardiac health (Kleiger et al., tion were induced by exposure to both SS and MS 1987). Long-term metal particulate exposure was fumes (Erdely et al., 2012). shown to decrease cardiac acceleration and decel- While GMA-SS welding fumes were the most eration capacities in welding workers (Umukoro potent inducers of inflammation and stress-re- et al., 2016). Crossover panel studies of welders sponse pathway activation in the lungs (compared showed that HRV was inversely associated with with GMA-MS or MMA-SS fumes), MMA-SS work PM2.5 exposures in each of the 14 hours fumes induced stress-response pathway activa- post-work, with a multiphasic cardiovascular tion in cardiovascular tissues, associated with autonomic response with immediate (2 hours) greater pulmonary cytotoxicity (Erdely et al., and delayed (9–13 hours) responses (Cavallari 2011a). MMA-SS fumes also transiently activated et al., 2008a), especially at night (Cavallari et al., the inflammation and immune regulation path- 2007). Moreover, after analysing workday PM2.5 ways in rat PMBCs (Erdely et al., 2014), although samples, a statistically significant association no changes in serum CRP or IL-6 levels were between HRV and manganese exposure was

244 Welding observed, but this alone did not account for the lung of a human welder (Antonini et al., 2013). observed declines in night-time (non-work) HRV Pneumonitis, characterized by a peribronchiolar (Cavallari et al., 2008b). accumulation of neutrophils and macrophages, Other well-documented effects are ocular was observed in rats exposed once to GMA-SS disorders related to welding (both in welders and fumes via intratracheal instillation (Antonini in nearby workers), including disorders associ- et al., 1996), and in rats infected with L. mono- ated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation (cata- cytogenes after a single exposure to MMA-SS racts, keratoconjunctivitis) as well as foreign fumes via intratracheal instillation (Antonini bodies (Lombardi et al., 2005; Zamanian et al., et al., 2004b). Pneumonitis was not reported after 2015; Slagor et al., 2016). exposure to GMA-MS welding fumes. Decrements in cardiac function and blood 4.4.2 Experimental systems flow have been reported in several studies in male rats and mice after exposure to welding Lung function decrements and fibrosis were fumes. Cardiomyocte contraction was reduced reported in male Sprague-Dawley rats after expo- in male Sprague-Dawley rats after exposure to sure to welding fumes by inhalation (reviewed MMA welding fumes by intratracheal instil- in Zeidler-Erdely et al., 2012). Early perivas- lation once per week for 7 weeks (Popstojanov cular and peribronchiolar fibrosis was induced et al., 2014), while tail artery endothelium relax- after treatment for 30 days (44.1–65.6 or ation was attenuated in male Sprague-Dawley 3 80.1–116.8 mg/m , 2 hours per day) (Yu et al., rats after 3 days of exposure to welding fumes by 2004) and was associated with decreased tidal inhalation (25 mg/m3, 4 hours per day) (Zeidler- volume, which persisted in the group exposed Erdely et al., 2014). Exposure to GMA-SS fumes to the higher concentration after 60 days of (40 mg/m 3, 3 hours per day, for 10 days) by inhala- recovery (Sung et al., 2004). Fibrosis was not tion increased markers of systemic inflammation observed in the alveolar spaces after repeated and increased atherosclerotic plaque lesion area exposure and recovery periods (Yang et al., 2009). development in B6 ApoE−/− mice (Erdely et al., Other pulmonary effects, including pneu- 2011a), and a single pharyngeal aspiration of monia, pneumonitis, metaplasia, and emphy- MMA-SS fumes induced stress-response genes sema were observed in male Syrian Golden in cardiovascular tissues of B6 mice (Erdely et al., hamsters and Sprague-Dawley rats after expo- 2011b). sure to SS welding fumes. Hamsters exposed to Dopaminergic neurotoxicity has been MMA-SS and MIG-SS fumes via intratracheal observed in several studies in male Sprague- instillation for 56 weeks developed moderate Dawley rats after exposure to SS and MS welding interstitial or nonspecific pneumonia, meta- fumes, with reported effects onTh expression plasia, and mild emphysema when evaluated (Antonini et al., 2009b; Sriram et al., 2010) and after nearly 2 years Reuzel( et al., 1986). Exposure the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norep- to MMA-SS welding fumes via intratracheal inephrine in the olfactory bulb (Sriram et al., instillation once per week for 28 weeks induced 2014). granulomatous areas associated with inflamma- tory cell influx and significant pulmonary injury throughout the lungs; the nature and extent of pulmonary injury, as well as the deposition and composition of welding particle agglomerates, were qualitatively similar to that observed in the


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5.1 Exposure data enclosure, and use of personal protection are the major determinants of exposure. Concentrations Welding is a broad term for the process of of welding fumes in western Europe declined joining metals through coalescence. Approx­ during 1983–2003 by 4% per annum. FCA imately 11 million people worldwide are estim- welding generates the highest concentration of ated to have the occupational title of welder, and welding fumes, followed by GMA and MMA. approximately 110 million workers (3% of the GTA welding consistently generates lower worldwide economically active population) may concentrations of welding fumes, but produces incur welding-related exposures in the workplace. the highest number of ultrafine particles (aero- Many types of welding are used in occupational dynamic diameter, < 0.1 µm). settings, including oxyfuel (gas) and arc welding. Fumes generated from SS welding could Arc welding includes manual metal arc (MMA), contain up to ten times more chromium and gas metal arc (GMA), flux-cored arc (FCA), and nickel than those generated from MS welding. gas tungsten arc (GTA) welding. Electric resist- For SS, the highest total chromium concentra- ance (ER) welding is also used. Most welding is tions could exceed 1 mg/m3 from MMA welding, carried out on stainless steel (SS) and mild steel but concentrations are lower from GMA and (MS). GTA welding. Chromium VI concentrations are Welding results in concurrent exposures about a factor of ten lower than total chromium. including welding fumes, gases, ionizing and Nickel concentrations generated by GMA and non-ionizing radiation, and co-exposures such GTA welding are similar to total chromium, but as asbestos and solvents. are lower when performing MMA welding. Welding fumes are produced when metals Exposure to various gases also occurs during are heated above their melting point, vaporize, welding. Measured nitrogen oxide (NOx) concen- and condense into fumes of predominantly fine trations are generally relatively low, but reported solid particles with an aerodynamic diameter maximum concentrations approach or exceed of less than 1 µm. These fumes are a complex occupational exposure limits. Carbon monoxide mixture of particles from the wire or electrode, exposure as high as 1.5 ppm has been reported base metal, or any coatings on the base metal. for GMA and MMA welding. They consist mainly of metallic oxides, silicates, Welders can also be exposed to various and fluorides. forms of radiation such as ultraviolet (UV), Measured exposures to fumes from welding extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on SS or MS range from less than 1 mg/m3 to (ELF-EMF), and alpha radiation from thorium- over 50 mg/m3. The welding process, type of 232. The level of UV radiation associated with metal welded, use of local ventilation, degree of

255 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 arc welding is in general much higher than for by questionnaire; for the cohort studies, expo- other artificial processes generating UV radia- sure was based on self-reported job as a welder tion, and typically orders of magnitude higher at the time of census. Most of the case–control than that from natural sunlight. Welders and studies showed positive associations, gener- bystanders can also be exposed to UV radia- ally in the range of twofold and up to tenfold. tion indirectly from other welding operations. Two of the three studies that evaluated risk by Welders can experience exposures to ELF-EMF duration of employment as a welder showed at higher levels than electric power transmission positive trends, whereas the third study showed line workers. Thorium oxide has been used in an overall increased risk but no trend. One of GTA welding electrodes, but the estimated yearly two cohort studies showed relative risk (RR) effective doses resulting from this exposure are estimates close to unity for ocular melanoma, mostly below the current general population whereas the other showed a modest increased limit. risk in welders based on 5 cases but no increased Welders (shipbuilding welders in particular) risk in occasional welders. None of the studies might also experience exposure to asbestos, as characterized exposure to UV from welding, but it has been used as an insulating material in two studies provided some evidence of associa- ships and covered rod electrodes, in the cylin- tions with proxies for UV exposure, i.e. increased ders holding acetylene gas, and in heat-protective ocular melanoma risk associated with eye burns. equipment used by welders. The use of chlorin- One of these studies also reported a positive ated solvents for cleaning metal in tandem with exposure–response relationship for cumulative welding may result in exposures to hydrogen occupational exposure to artificial UV radia- chloride, and possibly result in phosgene tion, including welding. For most studies the risk exposure. estimates were related to an unspecified group The exposure assessments in epidemiolog- of welders, and only three of the studies spec- ical studies considered by the Working Group ified the relative risk estimates for arc welding. which relied on a welding-specific question- This specification by type of welding was not naire or a ‘welding exposure matrix’ were considered highly informative as welders often most informative, followed by studies applying perform multiple types of welding over their general job-exposure matrices and those based work history, and any welder can be exposed to on self-reported welding-related exposures. UV radiation from arc welding being conducted Studies that looked at job titles alone were nearby. The Working Group also considered that considered less informative. UV radiation from the sun as well as artificial UV radiation from UV-emitting tanning devices 5.2 Human carcinogenicity data are both risk factors for ocular melanoma in humans (IARC Monographs, Volume 100D). 5.2.1 Ocular melanoma Several studies collected information on sun exposure and/or sun bed use, but adjustment for Fewer than ten partially overlapping case– these indicated that the observed associations for control studies and two independent census- welding could not be explained by these sources based cohort studies reported on ocular of UV exposure. melanoma related to welding. For the case– control studies, the exposure was generally characterized as having worked as a welder often based on a full occupational history collected

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5.2.2 Cancer of the lung exposure to welding fumes and increased risk of cancer of the lung. Most of the more than 20 available case– Tobacco smoking was considered an impor- control studies reported elevated risks of cancer tant potential confounder. However, smoking is of the lung for workers employed as welders unlikely to explain all of the observed excess risk reporting welding as their job task, or classi- of lung cancer among welders. Positive associa- fied as or reporting to be exposed to welding tions were found in the majority of cohort and fumes. The same was true for the majority of case–control studies that adjusted for smoking the more than 20 cohort studies that assessed in multivariable analyses, and with internal the association between welding and cancer of analyses of some cohort studies that rendered the lung in several industries, and for 6 popu- confounding by lifestyle factors such as smoking lation-based cohort studies. Furthermore, these unlikely. Furthermore, positive associations were studies consistently observed positive associa- found in analyses restricted to non-smokers or tions for both arc and gas welding. In view of the infrequent smokers. constancy of these associations across different Occupational exposure to asbestos is another study designs, occupational settings, countries, potential confounder entailed by many welding and time periods, as well as the high quality of jobs. However, asbestos co-exposure is unlikely several positive studies, chance, information to explain the excess of lung cancer among bias, or selection bias are unlikely to explain the welders. Excess lung cancer was observed among results. welders in cohorts with low or minimal asbestos Studies used several metrics to assess a exposure. Furthermore, almost all studies that possible exposure–effect relationship between adjusted for asbestos exposure, including some exposure to welding fumes and risk of cancer with a detailed and high-quality assessment of the lung. Cohort studies mostly reported of asbestos exposure, still found substantially the duration of employment as a welder. Other elevated risks of lung cancer after adjustment. studies, mostly case–control in design, calcu- For example, in one study the relative risk was lated more complex cumulative exposure indices reduced from 2.25 to 1.93 after adjustment for that included estimates of intensity, probability, occupational exposure to asbestos. Similarly, and/or frequency of exposure to welding fumes. internal analyses which found positive associ- Several case–control and cohort studies observed ations within groups of welders may have indi- an increasing risk of cancer of the lung with rectly adjusted for exposure to asbestos. longer employment as a welder. Two large, high- Increased risks of cancer of the lung were quality case–control studies and four cohort observed regardless of the material or the welding studies using indices of exposure to welding method in both case–control and cohort studies. fumes observed associations; two of the higher- The reviewed studies provide no evidence that quality studies observed associations compat- these increased risks are limited to welding SS ible with a dose–effect relationship. Exposure base metals or to specific welding processes. effects were not consistent across studies but Several studies with detailed assessment of there is difficulty in quantifying exposure to welding tasks tended to report higher odds ratios welding fumes retrospectively, particularly for (ORs) for gas welding compared with arc welding. those relying on self-reporting by respondents. However, although two of these studies distin- Despite these limitations, the observed patterns guished between welders exclusively exposed to of risk estimates by cumulative exposure and by gas welding fumes and those exclusively exposed duration add support to the association between to arc welding fumes, the majority of welders

257 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 rarely use only one type of welding exclusively; Canadian population-based cohort study also the observed results might therefore reflect other found a significantly increased risk of cancer underlying differences such as temporal trends, of the kidney when the analysis was restricted characteristics of the workplace, or related work to “blue-collar” workers, which may reduce the practices such as gas cutting. effects of potential confounders. The Working Gas and arc welding inherently produce Group also considered that tobacco smoke is fumes. Although welding fumes were not meas- a weak kidney carcinogen and that most other ured directly in the reviewed studies, exposure non-occupational risk factors for cancer of the to fumes was assessed indirectly through indi- kidney would not be expected to be associated cator variables such as welding process, welding with welding, and therefore unlikely to explain materials, branch of industry, job title, expert the observed associations. assessment or self-report. Since the association The case–control studies support the find- with lung cancer was observed for both gas and ings of the cohort studies. Six of the eight studies arc welding and could not be explained by other reported increased relative risks of cancer of the exposures that occur with these two predomi- kidney (ranging from 1.2 to ~5.5). Increased nant welding procedures, the Working Group risks were found in studies reporting risk esti- concluded that increased risk of lung cancer mates for welding as an occupation and expo- among welders can be attributed to exposure to sure to welding fumes. Three studies evaluated welding fumes. associations for different categories of exposure to welding fumes (e.g. low, high, substantial), but 5.2.3 Cancer of the kidney clear exposure–response relationships were not observed. A hospital-based case–control study in The Working Group evaluated several cohort Germany reported statistically significant odds studies (each reporting on ≥ 5 exposed cases or ratios for exposure to welding fumes; however, deaths) and independent case–control studies subjects were potentially exposed to high levels (10 studies for each design) that reported on of trichloroethylene, a known human kidney associations between increased risk of cancer of carcinogen. Since several case–control studies the kidney and exposure to welding fumes. All adjusted for tobacco, smoking was excluded as six cohort studies found positive associations an explanation for the observed elevated relative between occupation as a welder and increased risks. risk of kidney cancer. Two large census-based Overall, there were consistent findings of population cohorts conducted in Canada and elevated risks in several studies in different the Nordic countries reported statistically signif- geographical areas and occupational settings, icant increased risks of 1.2–1.3. Risk estimates and using different study designs. However, not were generally higher (ranging from ~1.4 to 3.8), all findings were statistically significant, most but less precise for the four industrial cohorts studies had only a few exposed cases, and there (welders in diverse industries in Europe, ship- was little evidence of an exposure–effect rela- yard welders in Italy, boiler welders in Norway, tionship; alternative explanations, such as bias and metal welders in the USA). The Norwegian and confounding, cannot therefore be reason- study of boiler welders and the Italian shipyard ably ruled out. study of welders reported statistically significant estimates of effect. None of the cohort studies adjusted for tobacco smoking or other poten- tial confounders related to lifestyle, but the

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5.2.4 Leukaemia 5.2.5 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma The Working Group evaluated four case– The Working Group evaluated numerous control studies, a nested case–control study, and independent case–control studies (including three cohort studies (with number of exposed one pooled case–control study) and four cohort cases > 2) on welding that reported findings for studies on welding that reported findings for leukaemia or specific subtypes of leukaemia. non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), including Almost all case–control and cohort studies chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and subsets of reported elevated odds ratios for all types of B-cell lympho-haematopoietic cancers, including leukaemia combined and occupation as a welder; multiple myeloma. Classification and coding however, most risk estimates were small (relative systems for NHL and its subtypes have changed risks increased by 10–30%) and imprecise. The considerably over the past 20 years, which may only study reporting a statistically significant introduce heterogeneity between studies because risk estimate was the nested case–control study of differences in lymphoma groupings. of welders in the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Elevated risks for all NHL were found for monitored for radiation exposure; all cases were those with the occupation welder in most of the electric resistance welders and may have been 13 case–control studies, and were statistically exposed to solvents, including benzene (ORs significant in 4 studies. Importantly, one study were adjusted for solvents in general and for found a significant association with daily expo- radiation). The evidence for myeloid leukaemia sure to welding after controlling for occupational is somewhat stronger than for all types of co-exposures (benzene, pesticides, ELF-EMF), leukaemia combined. All six studies evaluating and medical and lifestyle factors (medical history, this type of leukaemia reported elevated odds education, smoking); risks were higher among ratios, two of which were statistically significant, daily welders versus often welders (i.e. those and the Nordic population-based cohort study who weld at least once per week, but less than reported a standardized incidence ratio of 1.23 once per day). Although a pooled analysis of 10 (95% CI, 0.99–1.52, for male welders). Risk esti- case–control studies did not find an association mates were higher for myeloid leukaemia than with all NHL, it did find an association with the combined leukaemia in the three studies that NHL subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma evaluated both. There were concerns about the (DLBCL). A USA-based case–control study also two studies reporting statistically significant risk found a significant association with DLBCL, and estimates: one was the nested case–control study a Canadian case–control study found a signifi- of welders monitored for radiation exposure cant association with diffuse small cleaved-cell and the other was a Californian case–control lymphoma. Findings were inconsistent across five study that reported a very high odds ratio (> 25) small studies on multiple myeloma. The cohort for chronic myeloid leukaemia. The only study studies were limited in their ability to evaluate (with more than 1 exposed case) for lymphoid risk due to the paucity of studies reporting an leukaemia found an odds ratio close to unity. estimate, the small numbers of exposed cases in In New Zealand, a study of risk of combined the industrial studies, and the cruder exposure leukaemia (acute myeloid leukaemia and acute assessments in the population-based cohorts lymphoid leukaemia) found a statistically signif- (compared with the case–control studies). A icant association with occupation as a welder or non-significant excess risk of NHL was found flame cutter. in the IARC multicentre cohort; the highest risk was observed among those who had held the

259 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 occupation of welder for 30 years. Risk estimates standardized mortality ratio for bladder cancer, for NHL or its subtypes were close to or below while the risk estimate was lower, but still greater unity in two population-based cohort studies than unity, for incidence of bladder cancer. and a cohort study of Norwegian boiler welders. Overall, the case–control studies suggest a 5.2.7 Cancer of the brain small excess risk of NHL among welders, but the evidence is not consistent across study design Four case–control studies and more than and was not observed in some of the larger five cohort studies reported on the association studies. It is reasonable that the inconsistency between cancer of the brain and exposure to across studies could be explained by the fact that welding fumes. Three of the case–control studies risk factors for NHL could differ by subtype; reported odds ratios of less than or close to unity, however, the current database is inadequate for all based on small numbers of exposed cases. evaluating the association between welding and A fourth case–control study reported an odds specific NHL subtypes. ratio of 1.26 (95% CI, 0.98–1.45) and weak evidence for a higher risk being associated with 5.2.6 Cancer of the bladder longer duration of welding. Several cohort studies reported elevated relative risk estimates, although More than 18 case–control studies and generally based on small numbers of welder more than 10 cohort studies reported on the cases, and some of these were deemed to be of association between cancer of the bladder and low quality and therefore uninformative. There exposure to welding fumes. The case–control were two large census-based cohort studies that studies were considered more informative than showed inconsistent results: a study from Canada the cohort studies because they typically had a reported an increased risk of cancer of the brain larger number of exposed cases, had stronger in welders in an internal analysis (RR, 1.16; 95% methods for exposure assessment, and adjusted CI, 0.83–1.63), while a study based on the Nordic for smoking while the cohort studies did not. cancer registries showed no association. The possibility of confounding by smoking in None of the studies adjusted for occupational the cohort studies could not be excluded by the exposure to ionizing radiation, so potential Working Group as a possible explanation for the confounding could not be excluded. moderately higher relative risk estimates reported Two case–control studies reported on welding by the cohort studies compared with the case– in relation to incidence of meningioma. A study control studies. The Working Group noted that, from China reported elevated odds ratios for despite a large number of case–control studies both men and women exposed to “welding rod”, of adequate size, including several that were of although each was based on small numbers of relatively high quality, most reported relative exposed cases. A much larger international risk estimates that were close to unity. Three case–control study on meningioma that assessed case–control studies reported estimates by dura- exposure to welding fumes through a job-expo- tion of welding or exposure to welding fumes, sure matrix reported an odds ratio of 1.79 (95% but the trend was inconsistent across studies. CI, 0.78–4.1; 12 exposed cases) for women and Several cohort studies reported elevated relative 1.15 (95% CI, 0.86–1.54; 82 exposed cases) for risk estimates for welding, although they were men. Trends according to categories of cumula- generally based on a small number of welder tive exposure and duration (years) of exposure to cases. One large multicentre cohort study of over welding fumes were not observed. 11 000 welders in Europe reported an elevated

260 Welding

5.2.8 Cancers of the head and neck oesophagus, prostate, and testis, as well as between parental welding exposure and diverse The Working Group considered case–control cancers in offspring, were each examined in a studies as being more informative than cohort few studies. The Working Group concluded that studies when examining the association between the data for these cancer sites did not permit welding and cancers of the head and neck. Due any conclusion to be drawn with respect to the to the relatively low incidence of these cancers, carcinogenicity of exposures related to welding. either the number of cases was small or no rela- tive risks were reported in many of the cohort studies. The evaluated case–control studies also 5.3 Animal carcinogenicity data controlled for smoking and alcohol drinking, the No long-term studies on the effects of expo- major risk factors for cancers of the oral cavity, sure to welding fumes in experimental animals pharynx, and larynx. However, the studies were treated by inhalation were available to the hampered in their ability to evaluate these Working Group. One short-term inhalation cancers by specific site because of the small study and two oropharyngeal aspiration studies numbers of exposed cases. Although positive examined the carcinogenicity of welding fumes associations were observed in some studies, in male A/J mice, and one intratracheal instil- these limitations prevented the Working Group lation study was conducted in male hamsters. from drawing any conclusions. The Working Group judged an intrabronchial For sinonasal cancer, three out of the four implantation study in rats to be inadequate for case–control studies that reported on welding the evaluation. The short-term inhalation study found positive associations. In one study that in male A/J mice exposed to GMA-SS welding reported results by histological type the associ- fumes gave negative results. One oropharyngeal ation was limited to squamous cell carcinoma, aspiration study in male A/J mice exposed to and a significant trend with duration was GMA-SS, MMA-SS, or GMA-MS welding fumes observed. However, no association with expo- gave negative results. A second oropharyngeal sure to welding fumes was found in the largest aspiration study in male A/J mice exposed to case–control study for any histological type of MMA-SS welding fumes also gave negative sinonasal cancer. A pooled analysis of 12 case– results. The study in male hamsters exposed control studies on sinonasal cancer also found to low and high concentrations of MMA-SS no evidence of an elevated risk of sinonasal welding fumes by intratracheal instillation squamous cell carcinoma among welders. Only reported two malignant lung tumours (a single four cohort studies report on sinonasal cancer. tumour in each group); the Working Group No deaths from sinonasal cancer were observed deemed the study to be inconclusive, however, in a large European study of welders, whereas because of the comparison with undocumented non-significant increases in risk were found historical controls. An oropharyngeal aspiration in a Danish study of boiler welders and in two initiation–promotion study and an inhalation census-based cohorts. initiation–promotion study in male A/J mice 5.2.9 Other cancer sites examined exposure to GMA-SS welding fumes as a lung tumour promoter after initiation with Associations between exposure to welding 3-methylcholanthrene. Both studies showed a fumes and several other cancers, including significant promoter effect of GMA-SS welding cancers of the pancreas, colorectum, stomach, fumes on lung tumorigenicity.


5.4 Mechanistic and other relevant concerning whether the effects are sustained data after exposure cessation. Several epidemiological studies of different design showed an increased Toxicokinetic data from exposed humans risk of infection (pneumonia) in welders as concerned metals, and data regarding the depos- a consequence of exposure-related immune ition and clearance of particulate matter from suppression, while one molecular epidemiology welding fumes were sparse. All types of welding investigation provided a plausible mechanism are associated with siderosis, a pulmonary accu- involving platelet-activating factor receptor. In a mulation of iron. In studies of MS welders, metals few toxicogenomic and metabolomic studies of (chromium, nickel, and manganese) were meas- arc welders exposed to MS fumes, changes were ured in blood and urine, demonstrating absorp- observed in eicosanoid levels and inflammatory tion and excretion. Many studies in SS welders pathways. measured chromium in the blood and urine, and In numerous studies in male rats and mice, several also evaluated nickel and aluminium, short-term and subchronic exposure to welding demonstrating absorption and excretion. In rats, fumes (SS but not MS) stimulated cellular influx lung deposition of these same metals (chromium, primarily of alveolar macrophages, neutrophils, nickel, and manganese) was demonstrated, and lymphocytes when evaluated immediately followed by tissue distribution (e.g. to brain, after exposure, or after subchronic (in rats and lymph nodes, heart, kidney, spleen, and liver), mice) or chronic (in mice) observation periods. and one study demonstrated urinary excretion. Cellular infiltration was associated with an Comparable results were found between a study accumulation of inflammatory cytokines in the in non-human primates and a study in mice. bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). In the few Manganese distribution to specific brain regions available studies in vitro, results were mixed. was shown in multiple studies in rats and in one Fewer experimental animal studies were non-human primate study. available for immune suppression. Subchronic With respect to the key characteristics of exposure to SS or MS welding fumes impaired human carcinogens, adequate data were avail- resolution of pulmonary infection in several able to evaluate if welding fumes: induce chronic studies of male rats or female mice, with inflammation; are immunosuppressive; are evidence of systemic as well as local immuno- genotoxic; induce oxidative stress; alter cell suppression. In lung gene-expression arrays, SS proliferation, cell death, and nutrient supply; and welding fumes dysregulated pathways signal- modulate receptor-mediated effects. ling a strong immunological response in rats There isstrong evidence that welding fumes and mice, and perturbed immunosuppression induce chronic inflammation and are immu- pathways in non-human primates. Two studies nosuppressive. More than 20 panel studies in in vitro reported impaired function in mouse humans with short-term exposure to various arc immune cells. welding fumes reported increases in biomarkers There is moderate evidence that welding of lung and systemic inflammation, some with fumes are genotoxic. In exposed humans, the exposure–response relationships. Other studies results of studies on genotoxicity are heteroge- reported the similar or more pronounced effects neous. Both positive and negative results were of exposure to SS welding fumes. Several studies obtained, especially for chromosomal aberra- demonstrated increases in mediators of chronic tions and sister-chromatid exchange rates in inflammation in arc welders exposed to MS lymphocytes. Studies on micronucleus formation welding fumes. No information was available in lymphocytes and exfoliated cells generally had

262 Welding methodological concerns, such as having scored data were available from exposed humans. In an inadequate number of cells. Studies on DNA numerous studies in both male rats and mice, damage (two of which compared measurements short-term and subchronic durations of expo- before and after exposure) generally gave posi- sure to primarily SS welding fumes increased tive results. Evidence was found for an increase BALF albumin levels and/or lactate dehydro- in 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in genase activity measured immediately after blood plasma and in urine, with two studies exposure, or after subchronic (in rats and of controlled crossover exposure and two field mice) or chronic (in mice) observation periods. studies showing an effect during the welding Proliferative pulmonary lesions were induced. In work shift. Few data from experimental animals the few available gene-expression array studies, were available, with largely positive results for SS welding fumes perturbed pathways related DNA damage in rats and in assays for genotox- to cell proliferation in non-human primates and icity in bacteria. rodents, while MS welding fumes induced circa- There is moderate evidence that welding dian rhythm signalling and cell survival path- fumes induce oxidative stress. All five iden- ways in mice. Both SS and MS welding fumes tified short-term panel studies of exposure to induced cytotoxicity and/or altered mitochon- various types of welding fumes in humans drial function in a variety of mammalian cells (including TIG/GTA welding on Al; arc welding in vitro. on MS) reported increases in 8-OHdG in urine There is weak evidence that welding fumes and in hydrogen peroxide in exhaled breath modulate receptor-mediated effects. Data from or urine. Four of these studies observed expo- exposed humans were inconsistent and several sure–response relationships with particulate studies had methodological weaknesses. No matter of diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) information was available from experimental or particle number concentrations. In several systems. cross-sectional observational studies, exposure There were no data on cancer susceptibility. to various types of welding fumes was associated In exposed humans, pulmonary, cardio- with increases in oxidative stress markers and vascular, ocular, and neurological effects were decrements in antioxidant status (glutathione, observed, as well as renal effects when cadmium superoxide dismutase activity) in the blood and is present. In experimental systems, pulmonary, urine. In three studies in male Sprague-Dawley cardiovascular, and neurological effects were rats, SS welding fumes increased markers of lung observed. oxidative stress. Gene expression arrays in male mice showed that SS and MS welding fumes acti- vated stress-response pathways in the lungs. In numerous studies of primary and immortalized cells in vitro, both SS and MS welding fumes induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In acellular systems, SS and MS fumes generated ROS and oxidized macromolecules. No experimental studies of inhalation exposure, or studies demonstrating experimental chal- lenge, were identified. There is moderate evidence that welding fumes alter cell proliferation or death. Few



6.1 Cancer in humans There is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of welding fumes. Welding fumes cause cancer of the lung. Positive asso- ciations have been observed with cancer of the kidney. There is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of ultraviolet radiation from welding. Ultraviolet radiation from welding causes ocular melanoma.

6.2 Cancer in experimental animals There islimited evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of gas metal arc stainless steel welding fumes.

6.3 Overall evaluation Welding fumes are carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). Ultraviolet radiation from welding is carcino- genic to humans (Group 1).



1. Exposure Data Technical-grade molybdenum trioxide (see Section 1.2.1) typically contains 80% molyb- 1.1 Identification denum trioxide, 6% molybdenum , 4% iron molybdates, 3% quartz, 1% calcium molybdate, 0.45% copper compounds, 0.03% Chem. Abstr. Serv. Reg. No.: 1313-27-5 lead compounds, and 0.012% arsenic compounds Chem. Abstr. Serv. Name: Molybdenum (Christensen et al., 2015). trioxide IUPAC systematic name: Trioxomolybdenum 1.2 Production and use (ECHA, 2016a) Other common names: Molybdenum oxide, 1.2.1 Production process molybdenum (VI) oxide, molybdenum (VI) trioxide, anhydride, molybdic Molybdenum trioxide occurs naturally as anhydride, molybdic oxide, the rare mineral molybdite (Anthony et al., O O 2001–2005), but is obtained commercially almost exclusively from (molybdenum (IV)

Mo sulfide, MoS2) (Sebenik et al., 2012). Molybdenite ore is crushed, ground, and passed through flota- O tion cells to obtain about 90% molybdenum (IV) sulfide Steifel,( 2010). The remainder is mainly Molecular formula: MoO 3 silica, with small amounts of aluminium, copper, Relative molecular mass: 143.94 and iron. Impure molybdenum trioxide, also Density: 4.69 g/cm3 at 26 °C (HSDB, 2017) called technical-grade or roasted molybdenum Melting point: 795 °C (HSDB, 2017) sulfide (CAS No. 86089-09-0), is obtained by Boiling point: 1155 °C, sublimes (HSDB, 2017) roasting the molybdenum (IV) sulfide concen- trate in air in a multiple-hearth furnace at a Solubility in water: 1.0 g/L at 20 °C (ECHA, temperature of 600–650 °C (Sebenik et al., 2016a). It is slightly soluble in water at room 2012). Pure molybdenum trioxide is obtained by temperature, the saturated solution being sublimation or by wet chemical methods (Steifel, acid (pH 2.5) (ECHA, 2016a). 2010). Other methods of molybdenum trioxide Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) is a white solid production exist. Hydrometallurgical routes, at room temperature (HSDB, 2017). including solvent extraction, ion exchange, membrane-based separation, and precipitation,

267 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 have the advantage of producing molybdenum trioxide without emission of dioxide Table 1.1 Mine production of molybdenum, by country, 2014 (Lasheen et al., 2015). Country Production (tonnes) 1.2.2 Production volume China 103 000 USA 68 200 World molybdenum (as Mo metal) mine Chile 48 770 production was estimated at 281 000 tonnes Peru 17 018 for 2014 (Polyak, 2016). Table 1.1 lists the mine Mexico 14 370 production by country (more specific infor- Canada 9 698 Armenia 7 100 mation about MoO3 is not available). About half of the total amount of mine production is Russian Federation 4 800 converted into and used as molybdenum trioxide Islamic Republic of Iran 4 000 Mongolia 1 999 (Christensen et al., 2015). National production Turkey 1 300 volume of molybdenum trioxide in the USA was Uzbekistan 530 estimated at 83 290 tonnes for 2014 (EPA, 2016). Adapted from Polyak (2016) Molybdenum trioxide is a high production volume chemical. High production volume (blue dye), liquid industrial paints, pigments, chemicals “are produced or imported at levels water treatment chemicals, lubricant additives, greater than 1,000 tonnes per year in at least one lubricants and greases, and an intermediate for member country/region” of the Organisation reduction to in steel and for Economic Co-operation and Development alloy production and in steel and alloy powder (OECD, 2009). production (CLIMAX, 2016). Furthermore, recent research initiatives 1.2.3 Use indicate that uses of molybdenum trioxide may increase in the future due to its interesting Technical-grade molybdenum trioxide is properties in new technologies, for example: primarily and directly used in steel production. solar energy harvesting and storing, and bioc- The rest is used in the synthesis of various molyb- idal activity on material surfaces (Zollfrank date salts (Stiefel, 2011). et al., 2012; Lou et al., 2014). Some applications In 2014 in the USA, metallurgical applica- (catalyst, coatings, and ceramics) are facilitated tions (corrosion inhibitor) accounted for ~88% of by the use of molybdenum trioxide in the form of consumption. Christensen et al. (2015) estimated nanoparticles or nanotubes in combination with the world consumption of molybdenum trioxide other molybdenum compounds (Jin et al., 2016). to be divided between: ~80–90% for various steel applications; ~10% for catalysts (mainly for refin- eries); and ~5% for super alloys. 1.3 Measurement and analysis The lead REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) Molybdenum trioxide is measured by the registrant for molybdenum trioxide lists the analyte molybdenum in air, blood, tissue, urine, current uses for this chemical as: catalyst manu- or water samples (Table 1.2). Air sampling to facturing, an intermediate in the manufacture determine molybdenum can be performed using of molybdenum chemicals, surface treatment the National Institute for Occupational Safety substances, molybdenum metal, frits and enamels and Health (NIOSH) Method 7300 or 7303 for elements by inductively coupled plasma.

268 Molybdenum trioxide

Table 1.2 Analytical methods for molybdenum in different matrices

Sample matrix Assay Limit of Method/reference procedure detection Air ICP-AES 0.8 ng/mL NIOSH 7300, NIOSH 7303 Blood (plasma or whole blood) ICP-AES 10 µg/10 mL NIOSH 8005 Plasma ICP-MS Keyes & Turnlund (2002) Tissue ICP-AES 10 µg/g NIOSH 8005 Urine ICP-AES 2.0 µg/50 mL NIOSH 8310 Water (drinking, surface, and domestic and industrial wastewaters) ICP-AES 12 µg/L EPA 200.7 Water AAS 0.1 mg/L Franson (1985) AAS, atomic absorption spectrometry; AES, atomic emission spectrometry; ICP, inductively coupled plasma; MS,

Molybdenum can be determined in other of 0.01–0.03 µg/m3 and approximately 10 times matrices by inductively coupled plasma mass lower in rural areas, except where molybdenum spectrometry. mining or manufacturing occurs (Barceloux & Barceloux, 1999). Molybdenum trioxide could be 1.4 Occurrence and exposure present in waste water, with the majority coming from industrial sites that use molybdenum Molybdenum trioxide occurs naturally as trioxide in catalysts or alloys. However, in coun- the rare mineral molybdite. However, environ- tries where recycling facilities exist, molyb- mental levels of molybdenum trioxide have not denum is often recycled due to its economic been reported in the literature; it is therefore total value. For this reason, it is generally believed that elemental molybdenum that is discussed here. molybdenum trioxide in wastewater streams is typically low in developed countries (Danish 1.4.1 Environmental occurrence Ministry of the Environment, 2015). For the majority of people worldwide, ambient air and Environmental exposure to molybdenum is drinking-water exposures to molybdenum are negligible for most people. negligible compared with dietary intake, espe- (a) Water/air cially for exposures to molybdenum trioxide (Lener & Bíbr, 1984). Most natural water worldwide contains low concentrations of molybdenum of < 2–3 µg/L. (b) Soil Around areas of molybdenum mining or other The typical range of molybdenum concen- industrial manufacturing of molybdenum, trations found in soil is 1–2 mg/kg (Barceloux concentration in water may reach up to 400 µg/L & Barceloux, 1999). The concentration of molyb- in surface water and up to 25 000 µg/L in denum varies considerably with the type of soil, groundwater (Barceloux & Barceloux, 1999). however (Runnells et al., 1977); sedimentary Molybdenum concentration in water can vary soils contain higher concentrations of molyb- widely over short distances, but waters with an denum than acidic soils, with molybdenum at elevated pH will have increased solubility of concentrations of > 0.7 mg/kg and < 0.2 mg/kg, molybdenum and increased leaching of molyb- respectively (Barceloux & Barceloux, 1999). denum from soil to water (Runnells et al., 1977). Molybdenum in ambient air is typically very low, with concentrations in urban areas


(c) Food aged 18–55 years sampled for NHANES during Diet is the major source of exposure to 2011–2012, geometric mean urine molybdenum molybdenum for most people. Dietary analysis of was 41.5 µg/L; no samples fell below the analyt- 56 adults in Germany found molybdenum intake ical limit of detection (Lewis & Meeker, 2015). to be < 100 µg/day (Anke et al., 1991). Studies in the The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) USA found a range of intakes over 120–240 µg/day also measures for molybdenum in urine and for adults (Tsongas et al., 1980). Similarly, the blood in the general Canadian population. In all European Food Safety Authority reported that 5319 subjects aged 6–79 years measured during dietary intake in European adults ranges over 2007–2009, the geometric mean urine molyb- 58–57 µg/day, and the United States Institute of denum was 36.3 µg/L in urine and 0.68 µg/L in Medicine reported a range of 120–240 µg/day blood. In adults aged 20–79 years, the geometric in the USA (Institute of Medicine, 2001; EFSA, mean urine and blood molybdenum were 2013). Health Canada reported similar intakes in 32.9 µg/L and 0.67 µg/L, respectively (Health adults; during 1993–1999, average dietary intake Canada, 2011). During 2012–2013 11 healthy of molybdenum for Canadians of all ages was men in China with no occupational history of estimated at 2.66 µg/kg body weight (bw) per day working with metals gave multiple urine samples (Health Canada, 2011). Foods with the highest over a 3-month period. Mean molybdenum was molybdenum content include legumes, leafy 98.5 µg/L in 529 spot urine samples collected, vegetables, beans, cereal grains, kidney, liver, with the first morning sample having a higher and milk. Only small quantities are found in mean molybdenum concentration of 122.8 µg/L fruits, sugar-rich foods, and meat. The United (Wang et al., 2016). States Institute of Medicine has established re- The molybdenum content in human breast- commended dietary allowances, which is the milk ranges from < 0.1 µg/L to > 60 µg/L, average daily intake sufficient to meet nutrient depending on days postpartum and mothers’ requirements of healthy people, based on age diet. Infant formulas have more molybdenum and sex. These range from 2 µg/day in infants than breast-milk (Gunshin et al., 1985; Casey & to 45 µg/day in adult men and women (Institute Neville, 1987; Yoshida et al., 2008; Mohd-Taufek of Medicine, 2001). Molybdenum deficiency et al., 2016). is extremely rare, as is molybdenum over- dose due solely to dietary intake. A tolerable 1.4.3 Occupational exposures upper intake level for molybdenum was deter- See Table 1.3 mined by the European Food Safety Authority Common occupations with exposure to to be 0.01 mg/kg bw per day, equivalent to molybdenum trioxide include mining and 0.6 mg/person per day for adults (EFSA, 2006). metallurgy works, steel foundries, and welding and other hot work processes using steel. 1.4.2 Exposure of the general population Exposure to respirable molybdenum dust The general population will typically only be was measured for 25 male workers in a molyb- exposed to molybdenum through diet, including denite roasting plant in Denver, Colorado in drinking-water, with negligible exposure due to the 1970s, at which stationary dust samples ambient air or soil. The United States National were collected from three locations. Results Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that the 8-hour time-weighted average (NHANES) measures molybdenum in urine molybdenum concentration ranged over 3 of the general USA population. In 484 people 1.02–4.49 mg/m . All 25 workers gave a plasma

270 Molybdenum trioxide

) 3 ), first), tier 3 ), and), second tier (4.49 mg/m 3 Total dust stationaryTotal samples collected the at first tier and second tierof the roastingplant people in not 18 the roasting plant Closed-face cassette with 0.8 µm pores Details sampling on method specified not Comments/additional data Samples taken three at differentlocations in plant: base mg/m roaster of (1.02 (1.58 mg/m 3 3 3 3 3 3 Exposure range 1.02–4.49 mg/m 9.11–33.28 mg/m 9–365 μg/L 120–11 000 μg/L 20–230 μg/L < LOD–34 µg/L µg/m 0.27–9.7 µg/m 0.14–0.60 µg/m 0.03–4.2 Maximum 2.3 µg/m 3 3 3 3 a NR NR 1790 μg/L 53.66 μg/L NR µg/m 2.25 0.34 µg/m 1.86 µg/m Median 0.3 µg/m Exposure level NR n = 3


= 15, 8 h = 15, =15, = 9,

n n n = 25 = 24 n n = 14 = 18 n n = 2 = 6 Sampling matrix, Respirable air, Total dust, environmental, n Plasma, Urine, Urine, Plasma, Total dust, personal, Total dust, personal, 8 h Total dust, personal, 8 h personal,Air, n

Student/research personnel vessel steel Stainless production welders vessel steel Stainless production cutters, drillers, assemblers vessel steel Stainless production polishers Stainless steel production, steel melting shop Occupation description Roasting plant miners

NS Finland, 1999 Location, collection date USA, 1979

et al. et al. (1979) Arithmetic mean unless indicated otherwise

Table 1.3 Occurrence of molybdenum of facilities using Occurrence molybdenum in trioxide 1.3 Table Reference Walravens et al. Kucera (2001) Huvinen (2002) a limitLOD, of detection; NR, not reported; NS, not specified

271 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 sample, and 14 workers gave a urine sample. concentration. Corresponding short-term limit Plasma molybdenum concentrations ranged values range over 10–60 mg/m3. For soluble over 9–365 µg/L and urine molybdenum concen- molybdenum compounds these ranges are trations over 120–11 000 µg/L (Walravens et al., 0.5–5 mg/m3 (8-hour TWA) and 10–20 mg/m3 1979). These urine values are greater than those (short-term limit value as Mo) (GESTIS, 2017). found by NHANES and Health Canada in the Molybdenum trioxide has an official harmo- general population (see Section 1.4.2). nized classification in the EU Classification Twenty stainless steel vessel production and Labelling Regulation. In Regulation (EC) workers were monitored for exposure to molyb- No. 1272/2008, it is classified as a Category 2 denum in dust in a study published in 2001. The Carcinogen H351: “Suspected of causing cancer” stainless steel used in the plant contained an as well as STOT SE 3: H335: “May cause respira- average of 2.0–2.5% molybdenum. Workers were tory irritation” and H319: “Causes serious eye divided into groups defined by occupational task: irritation” (ECHA, 2016b). welding, polishing, or other (drilling, cutting, or assembling). Molybdenum exposure for each group had a mean value of 0.3–2 µg/m3 over the 2. Cancer in Humans range 0.03–9.7 µg/m3 (see Table 1.3; Kucera et al., 2001). No data were available to the Working Group. Another study of occupational exposure published in 2002 took personal and area samples of molybdenum in a steel melting shop. From 3. Cancer in Experimental Animals 6 personal samples and 17 stationary samples, the median molybdenum concentration was 0.3 µg/m3 (maximum value: 2.3 µg/m3) and 3.1 Mouse 3 3 0.6 µg/m (maximum value: 4 µg/m ), respect- See Table 3.1 ively (Huvinen et al., 2002). [The Working Group noted that air expo- 3.1.1 Inhalation sures to molybdenum were about three orders of magnitude higher at the Colorado roasting In a well-conducted good laboratory practice plant compared with the metal working shops. (GLP) study, groups of 50 male and 50 female

However, the samples at the roasting plant were B6C3F1 mice (age, 6 weeks) were exposed by acquired several decades earlier than those from whole-body inhalation to molybdenum trioxide the metalworking shops.] (purity, ~99%; mass median aerodynamic diam- eter, 1.3–1.8 µm) at concentrations of 0, 10, 30, or 100 mg/m3 for 12 min (T ) plus 6 hours per 1.5 Regulations and guidelines 90 day, 5 days per week for up to 105 weeks on study A specific limit value for occupational expo- (NTP, 1997; Chan et al., 1998). The body weights sure to molybdenum trioxide of 0.5 mg/m3 as an of the female mice were generally greater than 8-hour total weight average (TWA) concentra- those of the control group from week 11 until the tion only exists in Finland. No values for short- end of the study. The survival of treated male and term limit exist (GESTIS, 2017). female mice was similar to that of controls. The For insoluble molybdenum compounds incidence of metaplasia of the alveolar epithe- in general, many countries have limit values lium was significantly increased in all exposed ranging over 3–15 mg/m3 as an 8-hour TWA groups of males and females. The incidences of

272 Molybdenum trioxide

Comments Principal strengths: GLP study; physiological exposure route; both sexes used Statistical test: logistic regression test Principal strengths: GLP study; physiological exposure route; both sexes used Historical control incidence NTP for studies: [range, 0–14%]; (6.5 ± 3.2%) adenoma, 61/939 [range,carcinoma, 0–12%]; (4.1 ± 3.2%) 38/939 adenoma or carcinoma 97/939 (combined), [range, 0–16%] (10.3 ± 3.7%) Statistical test: logistic regression test Principal limitations: limited histopathological examination Equal number M and of incidences F; M and for F were combined

< 0.05 (Student’s < 0.05 (Student’s < 0.001 (low dose), < 0.001 (mid-dose), (high = 0.017 dose) = 0.001 (low dose), = 0.020 (mid-dose) (trend), = 0.018 = 0.036 (mid-dose), (high = 0.016 dose) = 0.024 (trend) < 0.001 (trend), = 0.003 (high dose) P test) Significance NS P P P P P P P P P P P [NS] * t Incidence or multiplicity lung of tumours Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 9/50, 14/50, 10/49, 9/50 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 2/50, 16/50, 14/49, 10/50 Bronchioloalveolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined) 11/50, 27/50, 21/49, 18/50 Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 9/49 4/50, 8/49, 1/50, Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 6/49 0/49, 2/50, 2/50, Bronchioloalveolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined) 15/49 8/49, 6/50, 3/50, [presumablyTumour adenomas] incidence 7/19, 4/13, 7/19, 10/15 multiplicityTumour 0.30 ± 0.08,0.42 ± 0.10, 1.13 ± 0.20* 0.50 ± 0.13,

3 3

, ~99% , ~99% , > 97% 3 3 3 Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Inhalation (whole-body exposure) MoO airClean 30,0, 100 mg/m 10, min6 h + 12 5 d/wk (T90)/d, 50 50, 50, 50, 36, 25, 37 33, Inhalation (whole-body exposure) MoO airClean 30, mg/m0, 100 10, min/d,6 h + 12 5 d/wk 50 50, 50, 50, 35 33, 25, 31, Intraperitoneally MoO Saline mg/kg 4750 0, 950, 2735, bw times19 20 20, 20, 20, 15 19, 13, 19,

(M) (F) 1 1


et al.

Table 3.1 Studies of carcinogenicity of Studies with experimental in molybdenum animals trioxide 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Full carcinogenicity B6C3F Mouse, 6 wk 105 wk (1997) NTP Full carcinogenicity B6C3F Mouse, 6 wk 105 wk (1997) NTP Full carcinogenicity Mouse, A/J (M+F combined) 6–8 wk 30 wk Stoner


Comments Principal strengths: GLP study; physiological exposure route; both sexes used Principal limitations: poor survival exposed of and control animals Historical control incidence at laboratory: adenoma, carcinoma, [range, 0–10%]; (4.6 ± 4.0%) 4/347 16/347 adenoma carcinoma or [range, 0–2%]; (1.2 ± 1.1%) [range, 0–10%] 20/347 (5.8 ± 3.7%) (combined), 14.8%; 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, incidences: adenoma, Adjusted adenoma carcinoma or 0.0, 5.3, 4.3, (combined), 17.4% 1/17; 0/16, 0/10, Terminal rate: adenoma, 0/17, 0/16, adenoma 0/10, or carcinoma 0/17, (combined), 1/17 Statistical test: logistic regression test , molybdenum trioxide; NS, not significant;National Toxicology NTP, Program; wk, 3 = 0.017 (trend) = 0.017 = 0.034 (trend) Significance P NS P NS Incidence or multiplicity lung of tumours Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 0/50, 0/50, 0/50, 3/50 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 0/50, 1/50, 1/50, 1/50 Bronchioloalveolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined) 0/50, 1/50, 1/50, 4/50 Bronchioloalveolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined) 0/50, 2/50, 0/50, 2/50


, ~99% , ~99% 3 3 Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Inhalation (whole-body exposure) MoO airClean 30, mg/m0, 100 10, min/d,6 h + 12 5 d/wk 50 50, 50, 50, 17 16, 10, 17, Inhalation (whole-body exposure) MoO airClean 30, mg/m30, 100 10, min/d,6 h + 12 5 d/wk 50 50, 50, 50, 28, 24, 24, 23

Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Full carcinogenicity Rat, F344/N (M) 6 wk 106 wk (1997) NTP bw, bodybw, weight; female; good F, d, laboratory day(s); GLP, practice; M, male; min, MoO minute(s); week(s)

274 Molybdenum trioxide carcinoma of the bronchioloalveolar were signif- error) for the 0, 950, 2735, or 4750 mg/kg bw icantly increased in male mice (2 out of 50, 16 out groups, respectively. Lung tumour multiplicity of 50, 14 out of 49, and 10 out of 50) for all treated in the 4750 mg/kg bw group was significantly groups, and there was a significant positive (P < 0.05) higher than the vehicle control group trend in the incidence in females (2 out of 50, (Stoner et al., 1976). [The Working Group noted 2 out of 50, 0 out of 49, and 6 out of 49). The the limitations of the study: the non-physiological incidences of adenoma of the bronchioloalveolar route of exposure, the limited histopathological were significantly increased in female mice (with examination, and the combination of tumour a significant positive trend) exposed to 30 mg/m3 incidences for male and female mice.] and 100 mg/m3 (1 out of 50, 4 out of 50, 8 out of 49, and 9 out of 49) and the incidences of adenoma 3.2 Rat or carcinoma (combined) of the bronchioloalve- olar were significantly increased in female mice See Table 3.1 exposed to 100 mg/m3 (3 out of 50, 6 out of 50, 8 out of 49, and 15 out of 49) and in male mice 3.2.1 Inhalation exposed to 10 mg/m3 and 30 mg/m3 (11 out of 50, 27 out of 50, 21 out of 49, and 18 out of 50). [The In a well-conducted GLP study, groups of Working Group noted the strengths of the study: 50 male and 50 female Fischer 344/N rats (age, this was a GLP study, a physiological exposure 6 weeks) were exposed by whole-body inhalation route was employed, and both sexes were used.] to molybdenum trioxide (purity, ~99%; mass median aerodynamic diameter, 1.3–1.8 µm) at 3.1.2 Intraperitoneal injection concentrations of 0, 10, 30, or 100 mg/m3 for 6 hours plus 12 min per day, 5 days per week Four groups of 20 A/J mice (equal numbers for 106 weeks on study (NTP, 1997; Chan et al., of male and female mice; age, 6–8 weeks) were 1998). Mean body weights of male and female given intraperitoneal injections of 0 (vehicle exposed rats were similar to those of controls control), 950, 2735, or 4750 mg/kg bw (total doses) throughout the study. The survival of exposed reagent-grade molybdenum trioxide (purity and control rats was poor, but survival of male > 97%; impurities unspecified) in saline three and female exposed rats was similar to those of times per week for a total of 19 injections (except their respective controls. The incidence of chronic saline controls: 24 injections). After 30 weeks, 13, inflammation of the alveolar was significantly 19, and 15 animals were still alive in the three increased in male and female treated rats. The treated groups. At that time, these animals and incidences of adenoma of the bronchioloalveolar 19 surviving vehicle controls were killed and their (0 out of 50, 0 out of 50, 0 out of 50, and 3 out lungs examined macroscopically for tumour of 50 for 0, 10, 30, and 100 mg/m3, respectively) induction; a few of the grossly visible nodules and of adenoma or carcinoma (combined) of the were examined microscopically to confirm the bronchioloalveolar (0 out of 50, 1 out of 50, 1 out typical appearance of adenomas of the lung. of 50, and 4 out of 50) were increased in male rats The incidences of mice with lung tumours were with a significant positive trend P( = 0.017 and 7 out of 19, 4 out of 13, 7 out of 19, and 10 out P = 0.034, respectively); these incidences were of 15 [no statistically significant differences], within historical control incidence ranges. The and the average number of lung tumours per incidences of carcinoma of the bronchioloalve- mouse (multiplicity) was 0.42 ± 0.10, 0.30 ± 0.08, olar were 0 out of 50, 1 out of 50, 1 out of 50, and 0.50 ± 0.13, and 1.13 ± 0.20 (average ± standard 1 out of 50 in male rats. No significant increase

275 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 in the incidence of lung neoplasms occurred respectively (NTP, 1997; Chan et al., 1998; see in female rats. [The Working Group noted the Section 3). Blood concentrations of molybdenum strengths of the study: this was a GLP study, a were greater in exposed male rats than in exposed physiological exposure route was employed, and female rats. [The Working Group noted that the both sexes were used. The Working Group also reported effects on respiratory tract tissues of noted the poor survival of exposed and control male rats and female mice suggest distribution male and female rats.] of molybdenum to lungs, although this was not directly examined in these studies.] Metabolism and excretion of molybdenum 4. Mechanistic and Other were not reported in either of these studies. Relevant Data 4.2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis 4.1 Toxicokinetic data The sections that follow summarize the 4.1.1 Humans evidence for key characteristics of carcinogens (Smith et al., 2016), addressing whether molyb- No studies on molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) denum trioxide is genotoxic and induces inflam- in exposed humans were available to the Working mation. There were insufficient data for the Group. evaluation of other key characteristics of human Regarding elemental molybdenum (Mo), carcinogens. several publications from the same labora- tory reported on toxicokinetics of radiolabelled 4.2.1 Genetic and related effects elemental molybdenum following exposure to four healthy men. Turnlund and colleagues See Table 4.1 used a compartmental model based on isotope No data in exposed humans, human cells in excretion patterns to determine molybdenum vitro, or in experimental systems in vivo were absorption, distribution, and elimination available to the Working Group. (Turnlund et al., 1995, 1998, 1999; Thompson Molybdenum trioxide did not induce & Turnlund, 1996; Novotny & Turnlund, 2006). sister-chromatid exchanges or chromosomal Four healthy men were fed a low-molybdenum aberrations in cultured Chinese hamster diet (22 μg/day or 0.23 μmol/day) for 102 days, ovary cells in vitro (NTP, 1997). Molybdenum followed by a high-molybdenum diet (467 μg/day trioxide was not mutagenic in the five tested or 4.9 μmol/day) for 18 days. Molybdenum was strains of Salmonella typhimurium. All tests very efficiently absorbed, distributed, and were conducted with and without S9 metabolic excreted, primarily in the urine (Turnlund et al., activation enzymes (NTP, 1997). 1995; Thompson & Turnlund, 1996). 4.2.2 Chronic inflammation 4.1.2 Experimental systems In a 106-week chronic inhalation study in Exposure-dependent increases in blood male and female F344/N rats, molybdenum molybdenum concentrations were seen in trioxide increased the incidence and severity male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of inflammation in the lung NTP,( 1997; Chan exposed to 0, 10, 30, or 100 mg/m3 molybdenum et al., 1998; Ozaki et al., 2002; see Section 3). This trioxide via inhalation for 106 and 105 weeks, effect was not observed in mice.

276 Molybdenum trioxide

Table 4.1 Genetic and related effects of molybdenum trioxide in experimental systems in vitro

Species Tissue, cell End-point Test Results Concentration Reference line (LEC or HIC) Without With metabolic metabolic activation activation Chinese CHO cells Chromosomal Chromosomal – – HIC, 10 μg/mL NTP (1997) hamster damage aberrations Chinese CHO cells Chromosomal Sister-chromatid – – HIC, 10 μg/mL NTP (1997) hamster damage exchange Prokaryote Null TA100, Mutation Reverse mutation – – HIC, NTP (1997) (bacteria) TA1535, 10 000 µg/plate TA1537, TA97, TA98 –, negative; CHO, Chinese hamster ovary; HIC, highest ineffective concentration; LEC, lowest effective concentration

4.2.3 Other mechanisms 4.3 Cancer susceptibility Data on other key characteristics of carcino- No data were available to the Working Group. gens were sparse, and no such data were available to the Working Group from exposed humans or from experimental systems in vivo. 4.4 Other adverse effects Molybdenum trioxide nanoplates were more In a chronic (106-week) inhalation study cytotoxic to the invasive MCF-7 breast cancer in male F344/N rats, molybdenum trioxide cells than the MCF-7 parental cell line, with exposure (100 mg/m3 dose only) induced fibrosis significant differences in cytotoxicity starting at and metaplasia in the lung (NTP, 1997; Ozaki 50 μg/mL (Anh Tran et al., 2014). et al., 2002). In a mouse germline stem cell model, molybdenum trioxide nanoparticles were more cytotoxic than soluble molybdenum salts. The 5. Summary of Data Reported nanoparticulate molybdenum exerted its cyto- toxic effects via cellular metabolic activity, but only at higher doses (≥ 50 μg/mL); very low 5.1 Exposure data concentrations (5–10 μg/mL) induced membrane Molybdenum trioxide (MoO ) is a white solid leakage (Braydich-Stolle et al., 2005). 3 with rare natural occurrence in the form of the Molybdenum trioxide gave positive results mineral molybdite. It is obtained commercially in the assay for cell transformation in the Syrian almost exclusively from roasting molybdenite hamster embryo, requiring a dose of ≥ 75 μg/mL (molybdenum sulfide). Molybdenum trioxide is a to demonstrate morphological transformation high production volume chemical. Globally, more (Kerckaert et al., 1996). than 100 000 tonnes of molybdenum trioxide are Lewis et al. (1996) noted that molybdenum estimated to be produced annually, the majority trioxide has been predicted to generate oxygen for direct use in steel production. Other signifi- radicals due to its metal ion potential cant uses include catalysts and super alloys, and (Lewis et al., 1996). upcoming developments include the harvesting and storing of solar energy, and biocidal activity

277 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 on material surfaces. Environmental expo- carcinoma (combined) of the bronchioloalveolar; sures to molybdenum trioxide are negligible. the incidences were within historical control Occupational exposures may occur mainly in ranges. In the intraperitoneal injection study in mining and metallurgy works, steel foundries, mice, molybdenum trioxide increased the multi- and welding and other hot work processes using plicity (but not the incidence) of lung tumours steel. Molybdenum air concentrations meas- (presumably adenomas) in male and female mice ured in a plant producing molybdenum trioxide combined. in the 1970s ranged from 1.02 to 4.49 mg/m3, and associated plasma and urine molybdenum 5.4 Mechanistic and other relevant concentrations were significantly higher than in the general population. In contrast, in two data recent studies of metal workers, molybdenum air No toxicokinetic studies of molybdenum 3 concentrations were all < 0.01 mg/m . trioxide in humans or in experimental animals were available. 5.2 Human carcinogenicity data With respect to the key characteristics of human carcinogens, there is weak evidence that No data were available to the Working Group. molybdenum trioxide is genotoxic or induces chronic inflammation. No data were available in 5.3 Animal carcinogenicity data exposed humans. Data on other key characteris- tics of carcinogens were sparse. Two well-conducted carcinogenicity studies No in vivo genotoxicity assay data were avail- under GLP conditions are described in able. In vitro, molybdenum trioxide was positive Sections 3.1.1 and 3.2.1: an inhalation study in in an assay for cell transformation but was not male and female mice and an inhalation study in genotoxic in Chinese hamster ovary cells or in male and female rats, respectively. Section 3.1.2 several Salmonella strains. describes an intraperitoneal injection study in Molybdenum trioxide increased the inci- male and female strain A mice. dence and severity of chronic lung inflammation In the inhalation study in mice, molybdenum in a 2-year inhalation study in both male and trioxide significantly increased the incidence of female rats, but not in mice. An analysis of the carcinoma of the bronchioloalveolar in male male rats from this bioassay showed increased mice (with a significant positive trend), the inci- incidence of lung fibrosis and metaplasia. dence of adenoma of the bronchioloalveolar in female mice (with a significant positive trend), and the incidence of adenoma or carcinoma 6. Evaluation (combined) of the bronchioloalveolar in female (with a significant positive trend) and male mice. 6.1 Cancer in humans There was also a positive trend in the incidence of carcinoma of the bronchioloalveolar in female There isinadequate evidence in humans for mice. In the inhalation study in rats, there was the carcinogenicity of molybdenum trioxide. no statistically significant increase in tumour incidence in male and female rats. In male rats, however, there was a significant positive trend in the incidence of adenoma and adenoma or

278 Molybdenum trioxide

6.2 Cancer in experimental animals CLIMAX (2016). Chemical safety report: molyb- denum trioxide. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: There is sufficient evidence in experimental Climax Molybdenum BV. Available from: http:// www.molybdenumconsortium.org/assets/files/Uses/ animals for the carcinogenicity of molybdenum MoTriox-2ndUpdateFeb2016-IdentifiedUses.pdf, trioxide. accessed 15 December 2016. Danish Ministry of the Environment (2015). Survey of molybdenum trioxide. Environmental project 6.3 Overall evaluation No. 1716, 2015. Available from: http://mst.dk/ service/publikationer/publikationsarkiv/2015/jul/ Molybdenum trioxide is possibly carcinogenic survey-of-molybdenum-trioxide/ ECHA (2016a). Molybdenum trioxide. Helsinki, Finland: to humans (Group 2B). European Chemicals Agency. Available from: https:// www.echa.europa.eu/en/web/guest/registration- dossier/-/registered-dossier/15499/1, accessed 11 References October 2016, Registration dossier. ECHA (2016b). Harmonised classification - Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). Anh Tran T, Krishnamoorthy K, Song YW, Cho SK, Kim Available from: https://www.echa.europa.eu/fr/web/ SJ (2014). Toxicity of nano molybdenum trioxide toward guest/information-on-chemicals/ invasive breast cancer cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, cl-inventory-database/-/discli/details/68763 6(4):2980–6. doi:10.1021/am405586d PMID:24417578 EFSA (2006). Tolerable upper intake levels for vita- Anke M, Groppel B, Krause U, Arnhold W, Langer M (1991). mins and . Scientific Committee on Food, Trace element intake (zinc, manganese, copper, molyb- Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and denum, iodine and nickel) of humans in Thuringia and Allergies, European Food Safety Authority, February Brandenburg of the Fed. Rep. of Germany. J Trace Elem 2006. Available from: http://www.efsa.europa. Electrolytes Health Dis, 5(2):69–74. PMID:1821712 eu/sites/default/files/efsa_rep/blobserver_assets/ Anthony JW, Bideaux RA, Bladh KW, Nichols MC ndatolerableuil.pdf (2001–2005). Handbook of Mineralogy. Tucson EFSA (2013). Scientific opinion on dietary reference values (AZ), USA: Mineral data publishing. Online version, for molybdenum. EFSA J., 11(8):3333 doi:10.2903/j. Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA. efsa.2013.3333 Available from: http://www.handbookofmineralogy. EPA (2016). ChemView [online database]. Washington org/pdfs/molybdite.pdf, accessed 17 August 2016. (DC), USA: United States Environmental Protection Barceloux DG, Barceloux D (1999). Molybdenum. J Toxicol Agency, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. Clin Toxicol, 37(2):231–7. doi:10.1081/CLT-100102422 Available from: https://chemview.epa.gov/chemview, PMID:10382558 accessed 8 March 2018. Braydich-Stolle L, Hussain S, Schlager JJ, Hofmann Franson MA (1985). Standard methods for the examina- MC (2005). In vitro cytotoxicity of nanoparticles tion of water and wastewater.p. 174. [cited 2016 October in mammalian germline stem cells. Toxicol Sci, 10]. Available from: Available from https://toxnet.nlm. 88(2):412–9. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfi256 PMID:16014736 nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search2/r?dbs+hsdb:@term+@ Casey CE, Neville MC (1987). Studies in human lactation rn+@rel+1313-27-5 3: molybdenum and nickel in human milk during the GESTIS (2017). GESTIS Substance Database. IFA (Institut first month of lactation.Am J Clin Nutr, 45(5):921–6. fur Arbeitsschutz). Available from: http://limitvalue. doi:10.1093/ajcn/45.5.921 PMID:3578094 ifa.dguv.de/, accessed 17 January 2017. Chan PC, Herbert RA, Roycroft JH, Haseman JK, Gunshin H, Yoshikawa M, Doudou T, Kato N (1985). Grumbein SL, Miller RA et al. (1998). Lung tumor Trace elements in human milk, cow’s milk, and infant induction by inhalation exposure to molybdenum formula. Agric Biol Chem, 49(1):21–6. trioxide in rats and mice. Toxicol Sci, 45(1):58–65. Health Canada (2011). Dietary intakes of contaminants doi:10.1093/toxsci/45.1.58 PMID:9848111 & other chemicals for different age-sex groups of Christensen FM, Warming M, Kjølholt J, Lau Canadians. Canadian Total Diet Study. Available from: Heckmann L-H, Nilsson NH (2015). Survey of molyb- http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/surveill/total-diet/ denum trioxide. Environmental project No. 1716. intake-apport/index-eng.php accessed 23 October Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Environmental 2016. Protection Agency; Available from: http://mst.dk/ HSDB (2017). Hazardous Substances Data Bank. [online service/publikationer/publikationsarkiv/2015/jul/ database]. TOXNET toxicology data network. Bethesda survey-of-molybdenum-trioxide/


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1. Exposure Data Melting point: volatilizes at 850 °C (In2O3) (Weast, 1970); 1630 °C (SnO2) (HSDB, 2017); 1.1 Identification volatilizes at 1910 °C (commercial formula) (Indium Corporation, 2008) Chem. Abstr. Serv. Reg. No.: 50926-11-9 Boiling point: volatilizes at 850 °C (In2O3) (Weast, 1970); sublimes at 1800–1900 °C Chem. Abstr. Serv. Name: indium tin oxide (SnO2) (HSDB, 2017); sublimes at 982 °C IUPAC systematic name: indium tin oxide (commercial formula) (Indium Corporation, Other common names: ITO, tin indium oxide, 2008) tin doped indium oxide Solubility in water: insoluble (In2O3; SnO2; Molecular formula: In2O3; SnO2 ITO) (HSDB, 2017) Indium tin oxide (ITO) is a yellow-green solid One manufacturer reported that ITO particle

mixture of indium oxide (In2O3, CAS No. size varies over the range 0.1–1.0 µm depend-

1312-43-2) and stannic (or tin) oxide (SnO2, ing on grade, with agglomerates varying over CAS No. 18-282-10-5) (Indium Corporation, the range 7–31 µm (Indium Corporation, 2014). The proportion of indium oxide is typi- 2014). cally 90% (Hines et al., 2013), but can vary ITO may contain impurities in small quan- over the range 80–95% (NTP, 2009). As the tities. In the commercial product line of one physicochemical properties of ITO depend ITO fabricator, the total concentration of on the relative proportions of indium and tin impurities (aluminium, , , oxides, they are presented below separately chromium, copper, iron, lead, magnesium, for both compounds. As an illustration, the nickel, potassium, , titanium, zinc) properties for one commercial formula (exact does not exceed 100 ppm (UMICORE, 2013). proportion of In2O3 not available) are also provided.

Relative molecular mass: 277.64 (In2O3); 1.2 Production and use 150.71 (SnO ) (HSDB, 2017); 264.94 (commer- 2 1.2.1 Production process cial formula) (Indium Corporation, 2008) 3 3 Density: 7.179 g/cm (In2O3); 6.95 g/cm ITO can be sintered or unsintered, but 3 (SnO2) (HSDB, 2017); 7.16 g/cm (commercial typically the occupational exposure is to the formula) (Indium Corporation, 2008) sintered form. Sintering uses heat and pressure to combine indium oxide and tin oxide powders to


Table 1.1 Analytical methods for indium in different matrices

Sample matrix Assay procedure Limit of detection Method/reference Air ICP-AES 0.015 µg/mL NIOSH 7303 Plasma ICP-MS 0.3 µg/L Cummings et al. (2016) Serum ICP-MS 0.1 µg/L Hamaguchi et al. (2008) Urine ICP-MS 0.02 µg/L Hoet et al. (2012) AES, atomic emission spectrometry; ICP, inductively coupled plasma; MS, mass spectrometry form compressed disks called sputtering targets 1.3 Measurement and analysis (Cummings et al., 2012a). The process intro- duces a high density of free electrons and oxygen 1.3.1 Detection and quantification vacancies in the indium oxide , Current analytical methods only allow for imparting the specific electronic properties of the quantification of total elemental indium, and ITO (Lison et al., 2009). cannot quantify ITO. Exposure to humans may occur via inhalation or dermal exposure, and 1.2.2 Production volume indium is minimally absorbed after ingestion. ITO production statistics are not publicly Inhalation is the primary route for occupational available. Indium metal world production was exposures. estimated at 755 tonnes for 2015, down from Air sampling to determine indium can be 844 tonnes in 2014 (USGS, 2016). Since ITO performed using the United States National production accounts for most (> 70%) of the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health global indium consumption (NTP, 2009), ITO (NIOSH) Method 7303 for elements by induc- worldwide production can be estimated for 2015 tively coupled plasma (ICP). Indium can also be at more than 529 tonnes. In descending order of determined in serum, plasma, or urine samples importance, China, Republic of Korea, Japan, (Table 1.1) by ICP mass spectrometry. Canada, and France are the five main indium metal refiners USGS,( 2016). 1.3.2 Biological markers Indium levels in plasma and serum samples 1.2.3 Use are highly correlated (Harvey et al., 2016). Indium The main use of ITO is in producing trans- air concentrations and biological levels (in urine parent conductive films on glass or plastic panels and plasma) of workers at an indium ingot used in electronic devices and other products, production plant showed no correlation however including touch panels, plasma displays, flat panel (Hoet et al., 2012), but the number of subjects was displays, solar panels, cathode-ray tubes, energy small (9 current and 5 former workers, and 20 efficient windows, gas sensors, and photovoltaics controls). A study in an ITO production facility (NTP, 2009). The sputtering targets (ITO disks reported that plasma indium had a stronger rela- or blocks) are bombarded with energetic ions tionship with cumulative (r = 0.77) than current which extract metallic atoms that are deposited exposure (r = 0.54) (based on personal sampling as thin films on the desired substrate Lippens( & of respirable indium). This finding was driven Muehlfeld, 2012). by workers with a longer tenure (≥ 1.9 years) (Cummings et al., 2016). Hoet et al. (2012) found that neither plasma nor urine levels increased

284 Indium tin oxide significantly during the day (before vs after shift) No data are available to estimate the number or during the week. Biological levels in former of workers exposed to ITO. workers (3.5–14 years since last exposure) were During 2009–2011, NIOSH contacted indi- still higher than in unexposed controls (Hoet um-using companies in the USA to characterize et al., 2012). Nakano et al. (2009) also reported that where and how indium is used. ITO was reported former indium-exposed workers (2–200 months to be used primarily as a transparent conductive since last exposure) had similar serum indium oxide on polymer substrates, or in the manu- levels to currently exposed workers and signif- facture of sputter targets or photovoltaic cells icantly higher levels than unexposed workers (Hines et al., 2013). At a company that sputters (Nakano et al., 2009). Biological levels of indium indium-containing thin films onto polymer, therefore appear to better reflect chronic expo- NIOSH task-based sampling data (2010) were sures rather than recent, due to accumulation in combined with company sampling data (2004); the body. air indium concentration varied over the range 0.018–9.8 mg/m3 by job task and ventilation 1.4 Occurrence and exposure controls. Combining task-based NIOSH and company sampling data at two photovoltaic 1.4.1 Environmental occurrence companies, indium in air varied over the range 0.072–5.4 mg/m3 by job task and reported expo- ITO does not occur naturally; however, sure controls (Hines et al., 2013). elemental indium is present naturally as a small ITO became an occupational exposure of percentage (estimated range, 50–250 ppb) in the interest in the early 2000s, when several case Earth’s crust. Indium is produced mainly from reports related to indium exposure appeared in zinc ore processing, but is also found in small the literature. In a series of three case reports amounts in iron, lead, and copper ores (Alfantazi from Japan, three workers involved in wet-sur- & Moskalyk, 2003; Enghag, 2007). Elemental face grinding of ITO all presented with inter- indium has been characterized in seawater at stitial pulmonary disease and serum indium 3 0.2–0.7 ppb, in air at 43 ng/m , and in rain- concentrations of 40, 99, and 127 µg/L (Taguchi water at 0.59 µg/L (IARC, 2006; Enghag, 2007; & Chonan, 2006). At another ITO processing Schwarz-Schampera, 2014). facility in Japan, a worker with a serum indium concentration of 290 µg/L died from pulmo- 1.4.2 Exposure to the general population nary fibrosis Homma( et al. 2003). These serum The average daily human intake of indium indium measurements were at the upper end has been estimated as 8–10 µg/day from dietary of the exposure distribution reported in other sources, which is considered a minimal dietary workplaces for multiple workers (Tanaka et al., exposure (Scansetti, 1992). 2010a; Omae et al., 2011). Several studies have used biological moni- 1.4.3 Occupational exposure toring to assess indium exposures in workplaces using ITO (see Table 1.2). Liu et al. (2012) meas- Exposure to ITO primarily occurs in occu- ured serum in exposed workers at four ITO pational settings where ITO is produced or manufacturing plants in Taiwan, China, and processed, or where elemental indium is recy- unexposed administrative controls at the same cled and recovered from ITO; these exposures plants. The exposed workers had a geometric are summarized in Table 1.2. mean serum indium concentration of 1.26 µg/L (maximum 18.4 µg/L), whereas the geometric


et al. Tanaka ; originally reported by ) Comments Case report of ITO worker who presented pulmonary for dysfunction Case report of ITO worker who presented pulmonary for dysfunction Three case reports of pneumonia, interstitial by reported (2010a Taguchi and Chonan (2006) Case report of ITO worker who presented pulmonary for dysfunction Range of geometric means found the at eight stationary locations is unclear (it how many samples taken were at each location); sampling occurred least at for 10 min using sampling a low-volume pump 3 Exposure range NR Maximum, 18.4 µg/L NR NR NR NR Maximum, 360 µg/m (geometric 3 Exposure level 290 µg/L 51 µg/L and 99 µg/L40, 127, 29.3 µg/g lung tissue 1.26 µg/L (geometric mean) 0.72 µg/L (geometric mean) 8.3 µg/L (geometric mean) µg/L7.8 (geometric mean) 0.3 µg/L (geometric mean) 10–50 µg/m mean) = 8 = 8 n = 1 = 1 = 3 = 170 = 132 = 27 = 78 = 38

n n n n n n n n = 1 n (duration) Sampling matrix; n Serum; Serum; Serum; Lung; Serum; Serum; Serum; Serum; Serum; dust;Total locations (≥ 10 min)

Occupation processing ITO Transparent conductive manufacturing film manufacturing ITO plant ITO-producing facility manufacturing ITO plants Administrative controls sameat ITO plant as exposed manufacturing ITO plant, formerly exposed manufacturing ITO plant, currently exposed Administrative controls sameat ITO plant as exposed manufacturing ITO plant

Location, collection date Japan, 2000 Japan, 2002 Japan, NR USA, 2005 Taiwan, China NR Japan, 2002

et al. et al. (2012) et al. (2010) et al. Table 1.2 Measurement of indium in facilities producing or processing indium tin facilities Measurement producing indium oxide in processing indium or of 1.2 Table Reference Homma (2003) Homma (2005) Taguchi and Chonan (2006) Cummings et al. Liu Chonan (2007)

286 Indium tin oxide

Chonan Hamaguchi and measured the at 3 production area, ITO 3 (2007) (2008) O 2 = 21 subjects = 21 had a blood Comments Includes data from et al. et al. n In concentration above the LOD; median blood In concentration was 12 µg/L with a range 5.1–63 µg/L of dust areaTotal samples taken fourat locations in the plant: In grinding area, tile-making area, and reclaim area using open-faced 37 mm cassettes Respirable In of 2–42 µg/m same locations using cyclones with 37 mm cassettes 3 Exposure range < 0.1–116.9 µg/L < 0.1–1.3 µg/L < 0.1–116.9 µg/L < 0.1–126.8 µg/L < 0.1–3.0 µg/L < 5–63 µg/L 9–136 µg/m NR NR NR Exposure level 8.25 µg/L (geometric mean) 0.25 µg/L (geometric mean) 8.35 µg/L (arithmetic mean) µg/L9.63 (arithmetic mean) 0.56 µg/L (arithmetic mean) 3.8 µg/L (median) NR 3.48 µg/L (arithmetic mean) 3.90 µg/L (arithmetic mean) 4.66 µg/L (arithmetic mean)

= 11 n = 50 = 93 = 93 = 465 = 127 = 169 = 50 = 42 = 50 n n n n n n n n n (duration) Sampling matrix; n Serum; Serum; Serum; Serum; Serum; Blood; dust;Total (full shift) Plasma; Serum; Blood;

Occupation or manufacturing ITO recycling plants Administrative controls ITO factories and research laboratory, currently exposed ITO factories and research laboratory, formerly exposed Administrative controls sameat ITO factories as exposed ITO production ITO production facility

Location, collection date Japan, 2003–2004 USA, 2002– 2010 USA, 2014

et al. et al. (2008) (2012a) Table 1.2 (continued) 1.2 Table Reference Hamaguchi et al. Nakano (2009) Cummings et al. Harvey (2016)

287 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 but 3 (2011) O 2 , et al. , In metal, and 3 (2008) Omae et al. ; personal air samples 3 Comments Research conducted by Nogami published in Japanese; by reported Respirable samples collected using the GK2.69 cyclone Samples standardized to respirable8 h TWA; sample collected using GS-3 respirable dust cyclone TR or sampler (PM4 NWPS-254) Plant where workers are mainly exposed to In also to In(OH) InCl collected using samplers IOM inhalablefor fraction 3 3 3 Exposure range NR 0.4–108.4 µg/m < LOD– 125.8 µg/L 0.004–24.0 µg/m < 0.1–8.5 µg/L 10–1030 µg/m (arithmetic 3 Exposure level 2.23 µg/L (arithmetic mean) NR µg/L10.9 (geometric mean) NR NR 175 µg/m mean)

= 110 n = 40 = 34 = 64 n n n (duration) Sampling matrix; n Serum; Respirable air; personal; (full shift) Serum; Respirable air; personal; NR (251–483 min) Serum; (251–483 min) Inhalable air; personal; NR Occupation In recycling facility ITO facility workers manufacturing ITO and reclaiming factories ITO processing plant In ingot production plant

Location, collection date Japan, NR USA, 2012 Republic of Korea, 2012 Japan, 2013–2014 Belgium, NR

et al. et al. et al. et al. (2016) Table 1.2 (continued) 1.2 Table Reference Nogami (2008) Cummings et al. Choi (2013) Iwasawa (2017) Hoet (2012)

288 Indium tin oxide Comments Personal respirable samples collected using a cyclone; geometric means presented for the respirable samples year by Personal total dust samples collected using a closed-face sampling cassette; geometric means presented the for total dust samples year by samples15 were collected inside and outside a PAPR simultaneously 3 3 3 3 Exposure range 2–3 µg/m 21–34 µg/m 24–105 µg/m 2–8 µg/m (arithmetic mean) 3 (arithmetic mean) 3 Exposure level NR NR 53 µg/m 3 µg/m

= 54 = 40 = 15 = 15 n n n n (duration) Sampling matrix; n Respirable air; personal; 365 min) (average Total dust; personal; 365 min) (average Outside PAPR; personal; 85 min) (average Inside PAPR; personal; 85 min) (average , indium hydroxide; IOM, Institute of Occupational Medicine; ITO, indium tin oxide; limit LOD, of detection; NR, not 3 , indium oxide; In(OH) 3 Occupation ITO sputter target plant manufacturing O 2

Location, collection date Japan, 2010–2012 , indium chloride; In 3 (2016) et al. Table 1.2 (continued) 1.2 Table Reference Liu In, indium; InCl reported; powered PAPR, air-purifying respirator; time-weighted TWA, average

289 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 mean for the unexposed workers was 0.72 µg/L 1 µg/L. The respirable concentrations of indium (Liu et al., 2012). Exposed workers at an ITO reported by Cummings et al. (2016) were compa- manufacturing plant in Japan had a geometric rable to previous reports of indium in air (in total mean serum indium concentration of 7.8 µg/L, dust, and inhalable and respirable fractions) in while unexposed administrative controls from occupational settings using ITO (Chonan et al., the same plant had a geometric mean serum 2007; Cummings et al., 2012a, 2016). indium concentration of 0.3 µg/L (Chonan et al., Liu et al. (2016) measured indium in air both 2007). Another study from Japan compared inside and outside of powered air-purifying serum indium in currently exposed, formerly respirators (PAPRs) on 15 ITO sputter target exposed, and unexposed workers at ITO facto- manufacturing workers and found that the use ries and a research laboratory using ITO. Those of a PAPR reduced exposures to indium by an currently exposed had a mean serum indium average of 93.4%. These workers also showed a concentration of 8.35 µg/L (range, < limit of decrease in geometric mean serum indium and detection (LOD) to 116.9 µg/L), those formerly urine indium 10 months after implementation of exposed had a mean serum indium concentra- PAPRs in the workplace, with geometric mean tion of 9.63 µg/L (range, < LOD–126.8 µg/L), serum decreasing from 5.28 to 4.05 µg/L, and and those unexposed to ITO had a mean serum geometric mean urine indium decreasing from indium concentration of 0.56 µg/L (range, 0.81 to 0.74 µg/g creatinine (Liu et al. 2016). < LOD–3.0 µg/L) (Nakano et al., 2009). Despite these studies measuring serum 1.5 Regulations and guidelines indium (or, less commonly, blood or plasma) in workplaces using ITO, and studies meas- No specific limit values for occupational uring airborne indium exposures in workplaces exposure to ITO exist. Almost 20 countries do using ITO, few studies have compared biological have 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) limit markers of indium exposure with indium expo- values for exposure to indium and compounds sure in workplace air. Cummings et al. (2016) (as In) which are set across the board at compared respirable and cumulative airborne 0.1 mg/m3. Corresponding short-term limit exposure to indium with plasma indium concen- values do exist in a few countries and range tration in 87 ITO facility workers. Table 1.3 from 0.2 to 0.3 mg/m3 (GESTIS, 2017). The Japan summarizes personal respirable indium air Society for Occupational Health (JSOH) recom- samples by department in the ITO facility; all mended an occupational exposure limit based on samples taken were personal samples with the the biological monitoring of indium in serum of exception of one area sample. Personal respir- 3 μg/L in 2007 (Iwasawa et al., 2017). able indium (110 samples from 49 workers) measured over a full work shift varied over the range 0.4–796.6 µg/m3; the highest exposure 2. Cancer in Humans levels were for workers in the reclaim area, followed by those in the ITO department, No data were available to the Working Group. grinders, and in research and development. The background level in the administrative depart- ment was 0.4 µg/m3. Cumulative exposures to 3. Cancer in Experimental Animals indium ranged from 0.4 to 923 µg-year/m3, based on individual job tasks and time in each job. Median plasma for the 87 workers was reported as See Table 3.1

290 Indium tin oxide

Table 1.3 Personal respirable indium exposure levels by department at a facility producing indium tin oxide

Department n Mean indium exposure Range of indium exposure (µg/m3) (µg/m3) ITO 25 81.9 9.9–518.3 Planar bond 5 9.1 3.2–17.6 Planar grind 8 27.2 4.6–148.4 Reclaim 12 108.4 4.8–796.6 Refinery 6 26.3 10.9–40.9 Rotary bond 9 3.7 0.7–6.4 Rotary grind 4 39.4 20.9–59.3 Engineering 9 4.9 1.7–23.2 Maintenance and facilities 8 8.6 2.2–16.0 Forming 8 5.7 1.3–12.4 Quality control laboratory 6 3.5 1.9–5.4 Research and development 8 35.5 2.1–111.1 Shipping and receiving 2 1.9 1.7–2.1 Administrative (area sample) 1 0.4 NR ITO, indium tin oxide; NR, not reported Adapted from: Cummings et al. (2016), with permission of John Wiley & Sons

3.1 Mouse no significant increase in the incidence ofbron- chiolo-alveolar carcinoma in female mice or in 3.1.1 Inhalation the incidence of any type of lung tumours in male In the study by Nagano et al. (2011a), groups mice after ITO exposure. [The Working Group noted that study strengths were the 2-year GLP of 50 male and 50 female B6C3F1/Crlj mice (age, 6 weeks) were exposed to sintered ITO (90.06% bioassay for chronic toxicity, use of a physiologi- cally relevant exposure route, testing of sintered In2O3 + 9.74% SnO2, median aerodynamic particle diameter of 1.8–2.4 µm) or clean air via ITO at a 90:10 (In2O3:SnO2) ratio, and use of both whole-body inhalation (6 hours per day, 5 days sexes.] per week) under good laboratory practice (GLP) conditions. Mice were killed after 104 weeks of 3.2 Rat exposure. The ITO exposure concentrations were 0 (air control), 0.01, 0.03, or 0.1 mg/m3. In 3.2.1 Inhalation females, there was a significant positive trend In the study by Nagano et al. (2011a), groups in the incidence of adenoma of the lung and of 50 male and 50 female F344 rats/DuCrlCrlj of adenoma or carcinoma (combined) of the (age, 6 weeks) were exposed to sintered ITO lung at week 104 after exposure to ITO. The (90.06% In2O3 + 9.74% SnO2, median aerody- incidences of bronchioloalveolar adenoma in namic particle diameter of 1.8–2.4 µm) or clean female mice were 1/50, 0/50, 2/50, and 4/47, and air via whole-body inhalation (6 hours per day, the incidences of bronchioloalveolar adenoma 5 days per week) under GLP conditions. Rats or carcinoma (combined) were 3/50, 0/50, 3/50, were killed after 104 weeks of exposure. The ITO 3 and 7/47 at the 0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.1 mg/m ITO exposure concentrations were 0 (air control), exposure concentrations, respectively. There was 0.01, 0.03, or 0.1 mg/m3. For the highest tested

291 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 ) ) 2 2 :SnO :SnO 3 3 O O 2 2

Comments Principal strengths: full 2-year GLP long-term study; physiological exposure route (inhalation); used sintered (In ITO a 90:10 at ratio; used both sexes All lung tumours were bronchioloalveolar adenomas or carcinomas Principal strengths: full 2-year GLP long-term study; physiological exposure route (inhalation); used sintered (In ITO a 90:10 at ratio; used both sexes Historical control incidence of adenosquamous carcinoma the at laboratory, 0/2399

< 0.05 test) (Peto P < 0.05 (Fisher test) < 0.05 (Fisher test)

P P < 0.01 (Peto test) (Peto < 0.01 < 0.05 test) (Peto < 0.05 test) (Peto P P P Significance NS NS NS test,Trend * NS test,Trend ** test,Trend * Pairwise, * test,Trend * Pairwise, * Incidence lung of tumours Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 5/50, 4/50, 5/50, 5/50 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 7/50, 1/50, 4/50, 5/50 Combined all lung tumours 12/50, 5/50, 9/50, 10/50 Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 1/50*, 0/50, 2/50, 4/47 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 2/50, 0/50, 1/50, 3/47 Combined all lung tumours 3/50**, 0/50, 3/50, 7/47 Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 3/49*, 5/50, 10/50*, 12/50* Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 0/49*, 4/50, 5/50*, 5/50*

3 3 3

) or 104 wk 104 ) or 3

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Inhalation (whole-body exposure) 99.8% ITO, airClean mg/m 0.03, 0.1 0, 0.01, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk 50 50, 50, 50, 28, 33, 30 31, Inhalation (whole-body exposure) 99.8% ITO, airClean mg/m 0.03, 0.1 0, 0.01, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk 50 50, 50, 50, 38, 32, 34, 34 Inhalation (whole-body exposure) 99.8% ITO, airClean mg/m 0.03, 0.1 0, 0.01, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk 26 wk for (0.1 mg/m 50 50, 50, 50, 40 38, 41, 39,

(M) (F) 1 1

(2011a) (2011a) (2011a)

et al. et al. et al.

Table 3.1 Studies of carcinogenicity of Studies experimental in animals with tin indium oxide 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Full carcinogenicity B6C3F Mouse, 6 wk 104 wk Nagano Full carcinogenicity B6C3F Mouse, 6 wk 104 wk Nagano Full carcinogenicity Rat, F344 (M) 6 wk 104 wk Nagano

292 Indium tin oxide ) ratio; used 2 :SnO 3 O 2

Comments Principal strengths: full 2-year GLP chronic study; physiological exposure route (inhalation); used sintered ITO (In a 90:10 at both sexes Historical control incidence of: adenosquamous carcinoma the at and squamouslaboratory, 1/2197; cell carcinoma the at laboratory, 0/2197

< 0.01 (Peto (Peto < 0.01 (Peto < 0.01 P P < 0.01 (Fisher test) < 0.01 < 0.05 (Fisher test) < 0.05 (Fisher test) < 0.05 and < 0.05 and P


< 0.01 (Peto test) (Peto < 0.01 (Fisher test) < 0.01 (Fisher test) < 0.01 < 0.05 test) (Peto < 0.05 test) (Peto < 0.05 and ** < 0.05 and ** P P P P P P P Significance NS test,Trend * Pairwise, * test,Trend ** Pairwise, ** test,Trend * Pairwise, * test,Trend * test) Pairwise, * ** NS NS test,Trend * test) Pairwise, * ** Incidence lung of tumours Adenosquamous carcinoma 0/49, 1/50, 0/50, 0/50 Combined malignant lung tumours 0/49*, 5/50*, 5/50*, 5/50* Combined all lung tumours 3/49**, 10/50*, 15/50**, 16/50** Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 7/49* 6/50, 5/49, 1/50, Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 5/49* 9/50**, 1/49, 0/50**, Adenosquamous carcinoma 0/50, 0/49 0/50, 1/49, Squamous cell carcinoma 1/49 0/50, 1/49, 0/50, Combined malignant lung tumours 6/49* 9/50**, 3/49, 0/50**,


) or 104 wk 104 ) or 3

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Inhalation (whole-body exposure) 99.8% ITO, airClean mg/m 0.03, 0.1 0, 0.01, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk 26 for wk (0.1 mg/m 50 50, 50, 50, 42, 43 41, 41,


et al.

Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Nagano et al. (2011a) (cont.) Full carcinogenicity Rat, F344 (F) 6 wk 104 wk Nagano

293 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 ); NR 2 :SnO 3 O 2 Comments Principal limitations: only one sex; small number animals of per group; NR if ITO (In 90:10 if ITO sintered; non-physiological exposure route

< 0.01 (Fisher test) < 0.01 P

< 0.01 (Peto test) (Peto < 0.01 P Significance test,Trend ** Pairwise, ** NS

Incidence lung of tumours Combined all lung tumours 1/50**, 8/49*, 14/50**, 13/49** Bronchioloalveolar adenoma 1/8 86), (wk 0/6 48), (wk 0/7 (wk 86) 2/7 (wk 48),

Route Agent tested, purity Vehicle Dose(s) animals of No. start at surviving of No. animals Intratracheal instillation by Sn In andITO, 74.4% 7.8% weight Distilled water 0, 0, 6, 6 mg/kg bw 2×/wk 8 wk for 7–8, 6–8, 8, 7–8 6, 8, 7 7,


et al.

Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Study design Species, strain (sex) Age at start Duration Reference Nagano et al. (2011a) (cont.) Full carcinogenicity SyrianHamster, golden (M) 8 wk to 86Up wk Tanaka bw, bodybw, weight; d, day; female; F, In, indium; good laboratory GLP, practice; ITO, indium tin oxide; M, male; NR, not reported; NS, not significant; Sn, tin; wk,week(s)

294 Indium tin oxide concentration (0.1 mg/m3), rats were exposed to exposed only for 26 weeks to the high dose had ITO for 26 weeks followed by air for the remain- a significant increase in the incidence of bron- ing 78 weeks. At week 104, the incidences of pre- chioloalveolar carcinoma. In addition, males at neoplastic lesions (bronchioloalveolar hyper- the lowest dose had a significant increase in the plasia) were significantly increased in male and incidence of combined malignant lung tumours. female exposed rats. The incidences of bronchiolo- Study strengths were noted as: the 2-year GLP alveolar adenoma in male rats were 3/49, 5/50, chronic bioassay, use of a physiologically relevant 10/50, and 12/50, and in female rats 1/50, 5/49, exposure route, testing of sintered ITO at a 90:10 3 6/50, and 7/49 at the 0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.1 mg/m (In2O3:SnO2) ratio, and use of both sexes.] ITO exposure concentrations, respectively. The increases in the incidence of bronchioloalveolar 3.3 Hamster adenoma with ITO at 0.03 and 0.1 mg/m3 were significant in male rats (with a significant positive 3.3.1 Intratracheal instillation trend) and significant at 0.1 mg/m3 ITO in female rats. The incidences of bronchioloalveolar carci- In a study conducted by Tanaka et al. (2010b), noma in male rats were 0/49, 4/50, 5/50, and 5/50, male Syrian golden hamsters (age, 8 weeks) were and in female rats 0/50, 1/49, 9/50, and 5/49 at the exposed to ITO (74.4% indium and 7.8% tin by 0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.1 mg/m3 ITO exposure concen- weight; mean particle diameter, 0.95 ± 2.42 µm) trations, respectively. Bronchioloalveolar carci- or indium oxide (In2O3 > 99.99%; mean particle nomas of the observed in exposed rats were often diameter, 0.14 µm), or exposed as vehicle controls accompanied by proliferative fibrous connec- (sterile distilled water; n = 40) via intratracheal tive tissue, not commonly seen in spontaneous instillation twice per week for 8 weeks. The bronchioloalveolar carcinomas observed in initial ITO treatment groups (3 mg/kg body control F344 rats. The increases in the incidences weight (bw), n = 40; or 6 mg/kg bw, n = 40) and of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma were significant indium oxide treatment groups (2.7 mg/kg bw, in male and female rats at ITO concentrations of n = 23; or 5.4 mg/kg bw, n = 23) were selected 0.03 and 0.1 mg/m3, respectively, with a signifi- so that equimolar indium was given for each cant positive trend. In one male and one female (4.5 mg/kg bw indium for the highest expo- rat given ITO at a concentration of 0.01 mg/m3, sure level, 2.2 mg/kg bw indium for the lowest). there was an adenosquamous carcinoma of the Groups of 6–8 vehicle control, indium oxide, lung. At ITO doses of 0.01 and 0.1 mg/m3, there and ITO-exposed hamsters were killed at 48 was a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung in or 86 weeks. Body weights were decreased in one female rat. There was a significant increase the ITO treatment group at 6 mg/kg bw (vs in the incidence of combined malignant lung controls). Relative lung weights were increased tumours (with a significant positive trend) for all exposed groups (vs controls). Severe for all groups of exposed male rats (0/49, 5/50, inflammation (including infiltration of alveolar 5/50, and 5/50 at the 0, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.1 mg/m3 macrophages and neutrophils) and bronchioloal- ITO exposure concentrations, respectively) and veolar cell hyperplasia were observed at week 86 for the 0.03 mg/m3 and 0.1 mg/m3 groups of for both ITO exposure levels. For the 6 mg/kg bw ITO-exposed female rats. There was a significant ITO and both indium oxide groups, there were increase in the incidence of combined (all) lung low incidences of localized alveolar or bronchi- tumours (with a significant positive trend) for olar cell proliferating lesions. Bronchioloalveolar all groups of exposed male and female rats. [The adenomas were observed in the 6 mg/kg bw Working Group noted that male and female rats ITO-exposed groups at 48 weeks (1/8) and 86

295 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 weeks (2/7); the combined incidence (3/15) was 4.1.1 Humans low and not statistically significant. No bronchi- In a cross-sectional study, 93 workers from oloalveolar adenomas were observed in 48-week 2 ITO manufacturing plants and 2 ITO recycling and 86-week vehicle controls (0/7 and 0/6, respect- plants where ITO (> 50%) was the major indium ively) or in hamsters exposed to indium oxide species in the dust had an overall serum indium (0/8 and 0/8 in the 48-week groups; week 86 was geometric mean concentration of 8.25 μg/L not assessed). [The Working Group noted that (maximum, 116.9 μg/L) compared with 0.25 μg/L this ‘chronic’ study actually involved subchronic in 93 unexposed workers (Hamaguchi et al., 2008). exposure only with an extended observation [The Working Group noted possible confounding phase. All deaths due to cannibalization or by exposure to other indium compounds in dusts, emaciation were excluded from the evaluation. including indium oxide (approximately 40%) and Limitations were noted as: use of a non-physi- indium (approximately 10%).] ological ‘bolus’ exposure route, testing of only In 170 workers from 2 ITO-producing plants in one sex, lack of information regarding whether Taiwan, China, the mean indium serum concen- the ITO was sintered and at a 90:10 (In O :SnO ) 2 3 2 tration (1.26 μg/L) was significantly higher than ratio (most relevant to occupational exposures), that in 132 administrators who served as controls the low number of animals per group for tumour (Liu et al., 2012). [The Working Group noted that evaluation, and the combination of groups from it was not specified whether those workers who different time points for the purpose of statistical showed serum concentrations above 3 μg/L, the analyses. The Working Group concluded this occupational exposure limit set by JSOH, were in was an uninformative study.] the exposed group.] Several case reports of workers at the same Japanese worksite provided data on serum 4. Mechanistic and Other indium concentrations. The indium serum Relevant Data concentration of a 27-year-old Japanese man engaged in wet-surface polishing of ITO targets, 4.1 Toxicokinetic data 3 years after stopping work at the facility and 1 year before his death, was 290 μg/L compared Data on metabolism and excretion of ITO are with a mean of 0.1 μg/L reported for 377 healthy sparse. Elemental indium (In) has been meas- workers (Homma et al., 2003). A 30-year-old ured in exposed humans and in experimental man exposed to ITO aerosols who was diagnosed systems, and a few rodent studies have shown with pulmonary fibrosis, most likely due to ITO that inhaled or intratracheally instilled ITO is exposure [as reported in the study], had a serum slowly dissolved, systemically available, widely indium concentration of 51 μg/L (compared with distributed, and slowly eliminated over a period a normal value of < 0.1 μg/L) (Homma et al., of years. The distribution of indium to tissues 2005). Another 3 additional workers (out of 115 suggests indium dissolution from ITO particles. ITO workers) had high serum indium concentra- The precise form of indium in tissues was not tions (40, 127, and 99 μg/L) (Taguchi & Chonan, reported in any of the studies, and the excretion 2006; Omae et al., 2011). In another report of 108 of indium was not well characterized. men at the same Japanese worksite, the range of serum indium concentrations was observed to increase with increasing number of years of exposure (Chonan et al., 2007).

296 Indium tin oxide

4.1.2 Experimental systems similar to those of SITO at 90 days of exposure. The rats were given intratracheal instillations of Several inhalation studies have analysed ITO 3 different particle samples (In2O3 and SITO at deposition and biodistribution in rodents. In doses of 1 and 5 mg per rat, and ventilation dust male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to ITO parti- at doses of 0.5 and 1.0 mg per rat) collected at cles (average size, < 50 nm) via nose-only inha- 3 various production stages throughout an ITO lation for 4 weeks (~1 mg/m of indium by mass facility for 90 days (Badding et al., 2016). concentration), indium was mainly deposited in In F344/DuCrlCrlj rats and B6C3F1/Crlj the lungs, eliminated slowly, and distributed, in mice of both sexes, ITO particles were depos- descending order of concentration, to the spleen, ited mainly in the lung [half-life not calculated] liver, and brain (Lim et al., 2014). Indium also and, to a lesser extent, in the mediastinal lymph distributed to the blood and serum. [The Working node, nasal-associated lymphoid tissue, and Group noted that measurements of indium were bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (Nagano only reported for lungs; for other tissues, precise et al., 2011c). Rats (0, 0.01, or 0.03 mg/m3 ITO) and concentrations of indium were not reported.] In mice (0, 0.01, 0.03, or 0.1 mg/m3) were exposed male and female F344 rats exposed to ITO aero- by aerosol for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, sols for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week for 2 weeks 3 for 104 weeks. Male and female rats were also (0, 0.1, 1, 10, or 100 mg/m ) and 13 weeks (0, 0.1, 3 3 exposed to 0.1 mg/m ITO for 26 weeks followed or 1 mg/m ), ITO particles deposited in the lung by exposure to clean air for 78 weeks. In the rats and, to a lesser extent, in the bronchus-associated exposed to 0.1 mg/m3, indium was also detected lymphoid tissue, mediastinal lymph nodes, and in the spleen, kidney, liver, bone marrow, ovary, nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (Nagano et al., pancreas, testis, epididymis, and blood. Blood 2011b). All ITO doses had a mass concentration contents of indium in rats exposed to 0.01 and of indium of 75–80%. [The Working Group noted 0.03 mg/m3 ITO increased in a dose-dependent that the number of mice with particles, but not manner. In mice, indium was only detected in concentrations of the particles, was reported.] those given the 0.1 mg/m3 dose (both sexes) and Indium contents in blood and lung were elevated in females given the 0.03 mg/m3 dose. In general, in a dose-dependent manner in both the 2-week blood indium content was higher in female mice and 13-week studies. The group exposed to than in males (Nagano et al., 2011c). 0.1 mg/m3 over 13 weeks were then exposed to In male and female B6C3F1 mice exposed clean air for 26 weeks; indium contents in the to ITO aerosols for 6 hours per day, 5 days per lung were found to be reduced by 60% and blood week for 2 weeks (0, 0.1, 1, 10, or 100 mg/m3) contents were elevated approximately 1.3-fold or 13 weeks (0, 0.1, or 1.0 mg/m3), indium was compared with concentrations at 13 weeks of deposited in the lungs and, to a lesser extent, the exposure (Nagano et al., 2011b). mediastinal lymph nodes (Nagano et al., 2011a). In male Sprague-Dawley (Hla:(SD) CVF) rats, Mean indium contents in the lungs of groups particles from both indium oxide and sintered exposed to doses of 0.1 and 1 mg/m3 (13-week ITO (SITO) induced time-dependent increases in exposure) were 11.5 and 77.4 μg/g for male mice plasma indium concentrations, with SITO parti- and 7.8 and 74.9 μg/g for female mice, respect- cles causing a much greater increase (85.3 μg/L) ively. Pooled blood contents of indium (1 mg/m3 compared with indium oxide (< 2.0 μg/L) group) were 0.58 and 0.90 μg/L for male and (Badding et al., 2016). Plasma indium from venti- female mice, respectively (Nagano et al., 2011a). lation dust installations peaked after 1 week of In male Syrian golden hamsters, indium exposure, inducing concentrations (93.5 μg/L) concentrations gradually increased from the end

297 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 118 of exposure at 8 weeks to 78 weeks after intra- protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome activation tracheal instillations of 3 or 6 mg/kg of ITO parti- (Badding et al., 2015). cles containing indium at 2.2 or 4.5 mg/kg twice In a study in vitro by Tabei et al. (2016), sample per week for 8 weeks (Tanaka et al., 2010b, 2015). B (‘indium release ITO’) induced increased Concentrations reached 0.237 and 0.436 μg/L proinflammatory IL-8 expression by A549 cells. in the serum, 8.37 and 14.42 μg/L in the liver, Treatment of activated human blood derived 9.362 and 17.773 μg/L in the kidney, and 2.91 and monocytes (THP-1 cells) with ITO nanoparticles 5.682 μg/L in the spleen at the end of the obser- (NPs) induced increased production of TNFα vation period, for the groups at 3 and 6 mg/kg, and IL-1β (Naji et al., 2016). respectively. Indium content in the lungs slowly decreased, with elimination half-lives of approx- (b) Experimental systems in vivo imately 142 and 124 weeks for the 3 and 6 mg/kg (i) Rats doses, respectively (Tanaka et al., 2010b, 2015). In the chronic study by Nagano et al. (2011a), as previously described in Section 3.2.1, exten- 4.2 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis sive inflammation was observed in the lungs of ITO-exposed F344 rats (both sexes) at weeks 26 The sections that follow summarize the and 104. evidence for the “key characteristics” of car- Lung inflammation was also observed in male cinogens (Smith et al., 2016). Sections 4.2.1–4.2.4 and female F344 rats in an experiment in which address whether: ITO induces chronic inflam- exposure was to ITO at 0.1 mg/m3 for 13 weeks mation; is genotoxic; alters cell proliferation, cell (6 hours per day and 5 days per week) and then death, and nutrient supply; and induces oxida- to air for 26 weeks (Nagano et al., 2011a). When tive stress. There were insufficient data for the F344 rats were exposed to SITO (0.1, 1, 10, or evaluation of other key characteristics of human 100 mg/m3), indium oxide, or clean air via whole- carcinogens. body inhalation for 6 hours per day and 5 days per week, and killed after 2 weeks of exposure, lung 4.2.1 Chronic inflammation inflammation was observed in SITO-exposed (a) Humans rats of both sexes, as was increased infiltration of alveolar macrophages (Nagano et al., 2011a). In the case reports of ITO-exposed workers In male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed via with interstitial lung disease, also called intratracheal instillation to SITO, indium oxide, indium lung disease (Homma et al., 2003, 2005; or vehicle and killed 1, 7, or 90 days later (Badding Cummings et al., 2010, 2012b), increased accu- et al., 2016), total cells (including macrophages mulation of inflammatory cells including alve- and neutrophils) and proinflammatory cytokines olar macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells (TNFα, IL-6 and IL-1β) were increased in in the airways/lung was described. bronchioloalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), predom- In a study in vitro, SITO particles were inantly for ITO. The doses tested were 1 or 5 mg readily taken up by human bronchial epithelial per rat. (BEAS-2B) cells and induced proinflammatory Lung inflammation was observed in female signalling via nuclear factor-kappa B (NFĸB) Wistar-Han rats 60 days after a single dose of activation within 3 hours of exposure. ITO also SITO (2 mg or 20 mg) via oropharyngeal aspira- induced production of the proinflammatory tion, compared with exposures to non-sintered cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 by BEAS-2B cells at ITO (non-SITO) (2 mg or 20 mg), indium oxide 24 hours, but did not induce nod-like receptor

298 Indium tin oxide

(1.8 mg or 18 mg), stannic oxide (0.2 mg or 2 mg), (iii) Hamsters or saline vehicle (Lison et al., 2009). Three days In the long-term study by Tanaka et al. (2010b) after exposure, acute airway/lung inflammation described in Section 3.3.1, severe inflammation was evident in SITO-treated rats compared with (including infiltration of alveolar macrophages the other treatment groups, including non-SITO and neutrophils) was observed in the lungs of and indium oxide. Acute alveolitis and inflam- ITO-exposed hamsters at week 86 for both ITO matory nodules were also observed in the lung, exposure levels (3 and 6 mg/kg bw). and total cells were increased in the BALF, 3 days Mild inflammation (including accumula- after exposure to SITO Lison( et al., 2009). tion of alveolar macrophages and neutrophils) Total cells (including neutrophils) in BALF was observed in the lungs of ITO-treated male were significantly increased for all groups (vs Syrian golden hamsters (Tanaka et al., 2002). The air-only control) of male Sprague-Dawley rats hamsters were exposed to ITO at 6 mg/kg bw (or exposed to indium oxide (< 4000 nm or < 100 nm) In at 4.5 mg/kg bw) or vehicle control via intratra- or ITO 50 (< 50 nm) containing 1 mg/m3 indium cheal instillation once per week for 16 weeks (16 via nose-only inhalation for 6 hours per day, doses total), and animals were killed the day after 5 days per week for 4 weeks (some rats were held the final dose. an additional 4 weeks without further treatment) (Lim et al., 2014). The greatest increases were for (c) Experimental systems in vitro rats exposed to ITO 50 compared with the other SITO particles were readily taken up by mouse exposure groups at both time points. Perivascular macrophages (RAW 264.7 cells) and induced inflammation (including alveolar macrophages) proinflammatory signalling via NFĸB activation in the lung was also present to some extent in within 3 hours of exposure (Badding et al., 2015). all indium-exposed groups, but was highest for ITO induced production of the proinflamma- the rats exposed to ITO 50 at both time points tory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β by RAW 264.7 (Lim et al., 2014). cells at 24 hours, as well as increased caspase-1 (ii) Mice activity. Activation of caspase-1, together with In the chronic study by Nagano et al. (2011a), increased IL-1β production, was indicative as previously described in Section 3.1.1, exten- of NLRP3 inflammasome activation within sive inflammation was observed in the lungs of ITO-treated RAW 264.7 cells (Badding et al., 2015). ITO-exposed B6C3F male and female mice at Treatment of mouse peritoneal macrophages or 1 alveolar macrophages (MH-S cells) with ITO NPs week 104. induced increased production of TNFα and/or Lung inflammation was also observed 2 or IL-1β (Naji et al., 2016). 13 weeks after exposure to SITO in male and female B6C3F1 mice (Nagano et al., 2011a). Mice were exposed to SITO, indium oxide, or clean 4.2.2 Genetic and related effects air via whole-body inhalation, as described in (a) Humans Section 3.2.1 for rats (Nagano et al., 2011b). Indium concentrations were increased in the Treatment of Balb/c mice with ITO NPs via serum of ITO-exposed workers who also exhib- intraperitoneal injection induced NLRP3 inflam- ited increased DNA damage in whole blood as masome-dependent peritonitis with increased measured by comet assay in a cross-sectional recruitment of neutrophils and production of study (Liu et al., 2012). A reduction in exposure proinflammatory IL-1β Naji( et al., 2016). was found to decrease the DNA damage by comet assay (Liu et al., 2016).


ITO-exposed workers exhibited increased 4.2.3 Altered cell proliferation, cell death, urinary and leukocyte 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxy- or nutrient supply guanosine (8-OHdG) (Liu et al., 2012; Liou et al., 2016, 2017) as well as increased exhaled breath (a) Humans condensate 8-isoprostane (Liou et al., 2017), No data in exposed humans were available to biomarkers of oxidative damage to DNA. the Working Group. In an assay for micronucleus formation in In vitro, ITO particles were cytotoxic human peripheral lymphocytes in vitro, ITO NPs to BEAS-2B cells based on an assay for increased the frequency of micronuclei (Akyıl 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl- et al., 2016). tetrazolium bromide (MTT) viability at 24 and ITO NPs were readily taken up by the human 48 hours (Badding et al., 2014). In studies using lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 within A549 cells, ITO NPs induced cytotoxicity at 24 hours of exposure and induced DNA damage 48 hours with increased caspase activity and the at 24–72 hours by comet assay (Alkahtane, 2015; formation of condensed chromosomal bodies Tabei et al., 2015). In the study by Tabei et al. indicative of apoptosis (Alkahtane, 2015). In the (2016), A549 cells were exposed to two types study by Tabei et al. (2016), exposure to sample of SITO NPs: sample A (720 µg/mL In2O3 + B (indium release ITO) also decreased A549 cell 70 µg/mL SnO2) or sample B (200 µg/mL In2O3 + viability (by WST-1 assay) and cell proliferation/ 15 µg/mL SnO2). Based on transmission electron colony formation. Treatment of activated human microscopy and measurements of intracellular blood derived monocytes (THP-1 cells) with ITO indium concentrations by ICP-MS at 24 hours, NPs induced cell death (Naji et al., 2016). sample B was taken up better (into lysosomal structures) than sample A. Sample B was solu- (b) Experimental systems bilized within the cells, resulting in indium Alveolar epithelial hyperplasia was observed release extracellularly (as measured by ICP-MS in the lungs of ITO-treated rats and mice (Nagano at 24 hours), and was therefore called “indium et al., 2011a, b; Lim et al., 2014; Badding et al., release ITO”; sample A was solubilized within 2016) as well as in hamsters (Tanaka et al., 2002, the cells, resulting in tin release, and therefore 2010b). called “tin release ITO”. The highest concentra- In rat alveolar macrophages (NR8383 cells), tion of genotoxicity (as measured by comet assay) but not rat lung epithelial cells, treatment with was induced in A549 cells by sample B (indium SITO for 24 hours resulted in the phagocytic release ITO) at 24 hours (Tabei et al., 2016). uptake of particles and cytotoxicity via meas- (b) Experimental systems urements of increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release (Lison et al., 2009). In studies by Positive results in the micronucleus assay were Gwinn et al. (2013, 2015), non-SITO and SITO observed in rat type II pneumocytes collected particles were readily phagocytosed by RAW 3 days after treatment with SITO via oropharyn- 264.7 cells. Particle solubilization, cytotoxicity geal aspiration at a dose of 2 mg per rat (Lison (based on assays for MTT viability and LDH et al., 2009). release), and the extracellular release of indium ITO NPs were not mutagenic in an Ames (µg/L; as measured by atomic absorption spec- test using Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 troscopy) were seen at 24 hours. In addition, ITO and TA100 (Akyıl et al., 2016), but gave positive particles were phagocytosed by mouse alveolar results in comet assay using Allium cepa root cells epithelial (LA-4) cells but did not induce cyto- (Ciğerci et al., 2015). toxicity or indium release at 24 hours, although

300 Indium tin oxide particle-induced alveolar epithelial cell cytotox- (b) Experimental systems icity was increased at 48 hours. Cytochalasin D No data from experimental systems in vivo (an inhibitor of phagocytosis) or bafilomycin A1 were available to the Working Group. (an inhibitor of phagolysosomal acidification) In vitro, treatment of zebrafish liver cells with blocked particle-induced cytotoxicity and indium ITO NPs for 24 hours increased production of release in RAW 264.7 cells, indicating that solubi- ROS and expression of oxidative stress-related lization of ITO particles, via the phagolysosomal genes including mt2 (Brun et al., 2014). Using pathway, is linked to particle-induced cytotox- a cell-free system, SITO was shown to generate icity (Gwinn et al. 2013, 2015). ITO particles were ROS (Lison et al., 2009). cytotoxic to RAW 264.7 cells, based on an assay for MTT viability at 24 and 48 hours (Badding et al., 2014). ITO also induced caspase 3/7 activa- 4.3 Cancer susceptibility tion in RAW 264.7 cells, indicative of apoptosis. No data were available to the Working Group. Treatment of mouse peritoneal macrophages or alveolar macrophages (MH-S cells) with ITO NPs induced cell death (Naji et al., 2016). 4.4 Other adverse effects

4.2.4 Oxidative stress 4.4.1 Humans (a) Humans The characteristics of indium lung disease in individuals exposed occupationally to ITO The antioxidants glutathione peroxidase included impaired pulmonary function asso- and superoxide dismutase were decreased in ciated with alveolar proteinosis, fibrosis, and the study of ITO-exposed workers noted above emphysematous changes (Bomhard, 2016). (see Section 4.2.2) (Liou et al., 2016, 2017). Use Serum indium concentrations, as well as of PAPRs in an interventional study reduced biomarkers of interstitial lung injury such as serum indium concentrations in ITO-exposed Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6) glycoprotein, workers as well as biomarkers of oxidative stress, surfactant protein (SP)-A, SP-D, LDH, and Clara including lipid peroxidation (based on MDA cell (CC16) protein, were also increased in the assay) and glutathione S-transferase in plasma serum of ITO-exposed workers (Bomhard, 2016). as well as 8-OHdG in urine (Liu et al., 2016). In two workers (a non-smoker aged 49 years In several in vitro studies, ITO NPs induced and a smoker aged 39 years) exposed to airborne increased intracellular production of reactive ITO dust at an ITO-producing facility in the oxygen species (ROS) and expression of haem USA, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis and indium oxygenase 1 mRNA, most noticeably at 72 hours, in lung tissue specimens were seen (Cummings in A549 cells (Tabei et al., 2015). Additionally, et al., 2010). A case of pulmonary alveolar ITO NPs decreased glutathione and increased proteinosis was also reported in a Chinese male lipid hydroperoxide, superoxide activity, and aged 29 years working with an ITO spraying ROS production by A549 cells (Alkahtane, 2015). process; his indium serum concentration was In the study by Tabei et al. (2016), increased 151.8 μg/L (Xiao et al., 2010). MTIIA and haem oxygenase 1 mRNA concen- trations, as well as increased intracellular ROS production, were induced at 24 hours in A549 cells by sample B (indium release ITO).


4.4.2 Experimental systems 5. Summary of Data Reported In male and female ITO-treated rats at 104 weeks, increased relative lung weights, 5.1 Exposure data hyperplasia of the alveolar epithelium, alveolar wall fibrosis, infiltration of alveolar macrophages, Indium tin oxide (ITO) is a mixture of indium pleural wall thickening, alveolar proteinosis, and oxide (In2O3) and stannic oxide (SnO2), not inflammation in the lung were observed Nagano( naturally occurring. ITO is a low production et al., 2011a, b; Lim et al., 2014; Badding et al., volume chemical, the main use of which is in 2016; Section 3). Granulomas were also described producing transparent conductive films on glass in these studies in the bronchus-associated or plastic panels used in electronic devices and lymphoid tissue (BALT) and lung-draining other products. Exposure to ITO occurs primarily mediastinal lymph nodes (MLNs). LDH activity in occupational settings where ITO is produced and total protein concentrations, which are or processed, or where elemental indium is recy- indicative of airway damage, were increased in cled and recovered from ITO. Current analyt- the BALF of ITO-treated rats (Lison et al., 2009; ical methods can only quantify total elemental Lim et al., 2014). indium, not ITO. A serum indium concentration In ITO-treated mice, alveolar wall fibrosis, was reported at 290 µg/L in a case of pulmonary pleural thickening, and alveolar proteinosis dysfunction in an ITO worker. Mean serum were observed in the lungs (Nagano et al., indium concentrations of up to 11 µg/L have 2011a, c). BALT and MLN hyperplasia, as well been reported among exposed workers. as extramedullary haematopoiesis in the spleen, were also described in these studies. Immune 5.2 Human carcinogenicity data activation based on increased lymphocyte prolif- eration (T-cell mediated responses) in a local No data were available to the Working Group. lymph node assay was induced in female Balb/c mice exposed to non-SITO NPs dermally or via 5.3 Animal carcinogenicity data intradermal injection (Brock et al., 2014). In ITO-treated hamsters, alveolar wall One well-conducted inhalation study in and pleural thickening as well as expansion of male and female mice and one well-conducted the alveolar spaces were observed in the lungs inhalation study in male and female rats were (Tanaka et al., 2002, 2010b). Testicular toxicity performed under good laboratory conditions. in the form of epithelial vacuolization of the One intratracheal instillation study in male seminiferous tubules was described in male hamsters was conducted. Syrian Golden hamsters treated with ITO with ITO exposure significantly increased the 6 mg/kg bw via intratracheal instillation once incidences of bronchioloalveolar adenoma, bron- per week for 16 weeks (Omura et al., 2002). chioloalveolar carcinoma, combined malignant lung tumours, and combined (all) lung tumours in male and female rats, often with a significant positive trend. In female mice, there was a signif- icant positive trend in the incidence of bronchi- oloalveolar adenoma and bronchioloalveolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined), but there was no significant increase in the incidences

302 Indium tin oxide of bronchioloalveolar adenoma, carcinoma, or showed inflammatory responses. Several in vitro adenoma or carcinoma (combined) by pairwise studies in human and mouse cells showed that comparison. There was no significant increase in ITO induced proinflammatory signalling and tumour incidence in male mice. cytokine production. The intratracheal study in hamsters was The evidence that ITO is genotoxic is uninformative. moderate. Two studies in exposed humans from the same investigators showed increased DNA 5.4 Mechanistic and other relevant damage in blood cells and increased urinary 8-OHdG. An independent study in exposed data humans showed that ITO increased 8-OHdG Elemental indium (In) has been measured in in leukocytes and in urine. One in vivo study in exposed humans, in rodents, and in vitro after rats showed increased frequency of micronuclei ITO exposure, but the metabolism of ITO has in type II pneumocytes after exposure to sintered not been well characterized. A few rodent studies ITO by oropharyngeal aspiration. In several in showed that inhaled or intratracheally instilled vitro studies, ITO increased the frequency of ITO is slowly dissolved, made systemically micronuclei in human peripheral lymphocytes available, widely distributed, and slowly elimi- and induced DNA damage in human lung nated over a period of years. ITO deposited in adenocarcinoma cells and in plant root cells. the lung can be distributed to blood, serum, and Ames assay results were negative. multiple tissues (liver, spleen, and brain), and The evidence that ITO alters cell proliferation is excreted in urine. The distribution of indium or death is moderate. No data in exposed humans to tissues suggests dissolution from ITO parti- were available. Alveolar epithelial hyperplasia cles. Exposure to ITO can result in substantial was reported in exposed rats, mice, and hamsters. levels of indium in biofluids (e.g. blood, urine, ITO induced cell death in multiple studies using and serum), and particle solubilization has been human or rodent cells in vitro. demonstrated in vitro. The excretion of indium The evidence that ITO induces oxida- has not been well characterized. tive stress is weak. There were a few studies in With respect to the key characteristics of exposed humans, showing that ITO increased human carcinogens, adequate data were available 8-isoprostane in exhaled breath, increased lipid to evaluate whether ITO induces chronic inflam- peroxidation in plasma, and decreased plasma mation, is genotoxic, alters cell proliferation or antioxidant enzymes. No in vivo studies were death, and induces oxidative stress. Only a few available in experimental systems. In vitro, studies from exposed humans were available. ITO increased biomarkers of oxidative stress in The evidence that ITO induces chronic human A549 cells. inflammation isstrong , based on findings in There were no data on cancer susceptibility. experimental systems. In the few case reports In exposed humans, ITO induced interstitial available, increased inflammation in the airways lung disease associated with alveolar proteinosis and lung was observed in ITO-exposed workers and fibrosis. Similar effects were seen in exposed with interstitial lung disease. In the 2-year ITO rats, mice, and hamsters. study in both sexes of rats and mice, as well as in a long-term study in hamsters, chronic lung inflammation was seen. Numerous subchronic studies in multiple strains of rats and mice also


6. Evaluation Bomhard EM (2016). The toxicology of indium tin oxide. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 45:282–94. doi:10.1016/j. etap.2016.06.011 PMID:27343753 6.1 Cancer in humans Brock K, Anderson SE, Lukomska E, Long C, Anderson K, Marshall N, et al. (2014). Immune stimulation There isinadequate evidence in humans for following dermal exposure to unsintered indium tin oxide. J Immunotoxicol, 11(3):268–72. doi:10.3109/154 the carcinogenicity of indium tin oxide. 7691X.2013.843620 PMID:24164313 Brun NR, Christen V, Furrer G, Fent K (2014). Indium and indium tin oxide induce endoplasmic reticulum stress 6.2 Cancer in experimental animals and oxidative stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environ Sci Technol, 48(19):11679–87. doi:10.1021/es5034876 There is sufficient evidence in experimental PMID:25188630 animals for the carcinogenicity of indium tin Choi S, Won YL, Kim D, Yi GY, Park JS, Kim EA (2013). Subclinical interstitial lung damage in workers exposed oxide. to indium compounds. Ann Occup Environ Med, 25(1):24. doi:10.1186/2052-4374-25-24 PMID:24472147 Chonan T, Taguchi O, Omae K (2007). Interstitial pulmo- 6.3 Overall evaluation nary disorders in indium-processing workers. Eur Respir J, 29(2):317–24. doi:10.1183/09031936.00020306 Indium tin oxide is possibly carcinogenic to PMID:17050566 humans (Group 2B). Ciğerci İH, Liman R, Özgül E, Konuk M (2015). Genotoxicity of indium tin oxide by Allium and Comet tests. Cytotechnology, 67(1):157–63. doi:10.1007/s10616- 013-9673-0 PMID:24337653 References Cummings KJ, Donat WE, Ettensohn DB, Roggli VL, Ingram P, Kreiss K (2010). Pulmonary alveolar Akyıl D, Eren Y, Konuk M, Tepekozcan A, Sağlam E (2016). proteinosis in workers at an indium processing facility. Determination of mutagenicity and genotoxicity of Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 181(5):458–64. doi:10.1164/ indium tin oxide nanoparticles using the Ames test and rccm.200907-1022CR PMID:20019344 micronucleus assay. Toxicol Ind Health, 32(9):1720–8. Cummings KJ, Nakano M, Omae K, Takeuchi K, Chonan et al doi:10.1177/0748233715579804 PMID:25907664 T, Xiao YL, . (2012b). Indium lung disease. Alfantazi AM, Moskalyk RR (2003). Processing of Chest, 141(6):1512–21. doi:10.1378/chest.11-1880 indium: a review. Miner Eng, 16(8):687–94. doi:10.1016/ PMID:22207675 S0892-6875(03)00168-7 Cummings KJ, Suarthana E, Day GA, Stanton ML, Alkahtane A (2015). Indium tin oxide nanoparticles-me- Saito R, Kreiss K (2012a). An evaluation of preventive diated DNA fragmentation and cell death by apoptosis measures an an indium-tin oxide production facility. in human lung epithelial cells. Toxicol Environ Chem, Health Hazard Evaluation Report. HETA 2009-0214- 97(8):1086–98. doi:10.1080/02772248.2015.1086111 3153. Rhode Island, USA: Department of Health and Badding MA, Fix NR, Orandle MS, Barger MW, Dunnick Human Services, National Institute for Occupational KM, Cummings KJ, et al. (2016). Pulmonary toxicity Safety and Health. of indium-tin oxide production facility particles in Cummings KJ, Virji MA, Park JY, Stanton ML, Edwards et al rats. J Appl Toxicol, 36(4):618–26. doi:10.1002/jat.3253 NT, Trapnell BC, . (2016). Respirable indium expo- PMID:26472246 sures, plasma indium, and respiratory health among Badding MA, Schwegler-Berry D, Park JH, Fix NR, indium-tin oxide (ITO) workers. Am J Ind Med, Cummings KJ, Leonard SS (2015). Sintered indium-tin 59(7):522–31. doi:10.1002/ajim.22585 PMID:27219296 oxide particles induce pro-inflammatory responses in Enghag P (2007). Gallium, indium and . In: vitro, in part through inflammasome activation. PLoS Encyclopedia of the elements. Wiley-VCH Verlag One, 10(4):e0124368 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124368 GmbH & Co., pp. 845–867. PMID:25874458 GESTIS (2017). Indium tin oxide. GESTIS Substance Badding MA, Stefaniak AB, Fix NR, Cummings KJ, Database. IFA (Institut fur Arbeitsschutz). Available Leonard SS (2014). Cytotoxicity and characterization of from: http://www.dguv.de/ifa/gestis/gestis-stoffdaten particles collected from an indium-tin oxide production bank/index-2.jsp/, accessed 17 January 2017. facility. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 77(20):1193–209. doi:10.1080/15287394.2014.920757 PMID:25208660

304 Indium tin oxide

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%DNA percentage DNA in tail •OH hydroxyl radical 3-MC 3-methylcholanthrene 8-OH-dG 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine 8-oxodGuo 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Al aluminium ALL acute lymphoblastic leukaemia AM alveolar macrophage AML acute myeloid leukaemia ApoJ apolipoprotein J Ar argon BALF bronchoalveolar lavage fluid BALT bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue Be beryllium Ca calcium

CaCrO4 calcium chromate CANJEM Canadian job-exposure matrix Cd cadmium CFU colony-forming unit CHMS Canadian Health Measures Survey CI confidence interval CLL chronic lymphocytic leukaemia CLU clusterin CO carbon monoxide Co cobalt Cr chromium Cr(VI) hexavalent chromium CRP C-reactive protein Cu copper dGuo deoxyguanosine DLBCL diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ECRHS European Community Respiratory Follow-up Survey


ELF-EMF extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields EPIC European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition ER electric resistance FCA flux-cored arc Fe iron

Fe2O3 iron oxide FINJEM Finnish job-exposure matrix FSH follicle-stimulating hormone GLP good laboratory practice GMA gas metal arc GPX glutathione peroxidase GSH glutathione GTA gas tungsten arc

H2O2 hydrogen peroxide He helium HR hazard ratio HRV heart rate variability HS hard-surfacing IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer ICARE Investigation of Occupational and Environmental Causes of Respiratory Cancers ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ICP inductively coupled plasma IEC International Electrochemical Commission IFNγ interferon gamma IgA immunoglobulin A IgM immunoglobulin M IL interleukin In indium

In2O3 indium tin oxide iNOS inducible nitrite oxide synthase IPUMS Integrated Public Use Microdata Series ISO International Organization for Standardization ITO indium tin oxide JEM job-exposure matrix JSOH Japan Society for Occupational Health KL-6 Krebs von den Lungen-6 LALN lung-associated lymph node LDH lactate dehydrogenase LH luteinizing hormone LINE-1 long interspersed nuclear element-1 LOD limit of detection LPS lipopolysaccharide MAG metal active gas MAPP methylacetylene-propadiene MDA malondialdehyde Mg magnesium MIG metal inert gas MLN mediastinal lymph node MMA manual metal arc Mn manganese

308 List of Abbreviations

MN micronucleus MnSOD manganese superoxide dismutase Mo molybdenum

MoO3 molybdenum trioxide MOR mortality odds ratio

MoS2 molybdenum (IV) sulfide MS mild steel MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide N nitrogen β-NAG β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase NFκB nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells NHANES United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey NHL non-Hodgkin lymphoma Ni nickel NIOSH United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NLRP3 NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3 NLST National Lung Screening Trial NO nitric oxide

NO2 nitrogen dioxide

NOX nitrogen oxides NP nanoparticle O oxygen

O3 ozone OR odds ratio PAFR platelet-activating factor receptor PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAPR powered air-purifying respirator Pb lead PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell

PM2.5 particulate matter of diameter < 2.5 μm

PM4 particulate matter of diameter < 4 μm PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals ROS reactive oxygen species RR relative risk SA submerged arc SAA serum amyloid A SIR standardized incidence ratio SITO sintered indium tin oxide SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma SMR standardized mortality ratio

SnO2 stannic oxide SOD superoxide dismutase SP surfactant protein SRBC sheep red blood cell SS stainless steel TCC transitional cell carcinoma TCE trichloroethylene Th thorium TIG tungsten inert gas


TiO2 TIP total inhalable particulate TNFα tumour necrosis factor alpha TRH TSH-releasing hormone TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone TWA time-weighted average UFP ultrafine particles UV ultraviolet VHL von Hippel–Lindau tumour suppressor vs versus wt% percentage by weight Zn zinc



This volume of the IARC Monographs provides evaluations of the carcinogenicity of welding and welding fumes, molybdenum trioxide, and indium tin oxide.

Worldwide, an estimated 11 million workers have a job title of welder, and around 110 million additional workers probably incur welding-related exposures. Welding can involve exposures to fumes, gases, ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic fields, and co-exposures to asbestos and solvents. The extent and type of exposure can depend on the process used, the material welded, ventilation, degree of enclosure, and use of personal protection.

Molybdenum trioxide, which occurs rarely naturally, is a chemical with a high production volume that is mainly used in steel manufacture, but also in biocides and in photovoltaic technology. Most occupational exposures occur in mining and metallurgy, steel foundries, welding, and other high-temperature processes using steel.

Indium tin oxide, which does not occur naturally, is a chemical with a low production volume that is a mixture of indium oxide and stannic oxide. It is mainly used in producing transparent conductive films on glass or plastic panels used in electronic devices. Exposure to indium tin oxide occurs mainly in occupational settings, during production and processing, or during recycling of elemental indium. As the use, recycling, and disposal of electronics increases worldwide, exposures to indium in low- and middle- income countries where informal e-recycling occurs are also expected to increase.

An IARC Monographs Working Group reviewed epidemiological evidence, animal bioassays, and mechanistic and other relevant data to reach conclusions as to the carcinogenic hazard to humans due to exposure to these agents.

© David Christiani