ACTA AGROBOTANICA Vol. 65 (1): 37-44 2012


Bożena Denisow, Sebastian Antoń

Department of Botany, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland, e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 16.09.2011

Abstract reports of the toxicity of their pollen are known. Most This study on blooming biology, nectar secretion, pol- Ranunculaceae offer no nectar, only pollen, len production and insect visitation of Aquilegia vulgaris L. but numerous create trophic niches for diffe- was carried out in 2009 and 2011 in Lublin. The peak of flo- rent wild pollinators (e.g. Osmia, Megachile, Bombus, wer opening during the day was between 5.00 and 7.00 (GMT Andrena). Szklanowska (1995) found pollen +2). The flowers are protandrous with the female phase begin- production up to 62 kg per ha for acer ning approx. on the 3rd day of anthesis. The dynamics of nectar L. on meadows. The significance of an early pollen secretion and pollen shed from anthers (progressing from the source provided by vernalis L. in xerothermic central part of the androecium outwards) support the reproduc- swards was emphasized by Denisow and Wrze- tive system. The amount of nectar accumulated in the spurs sień (2006) as well as Denisow et al. (2008). increased from the bud stage and was the highest in the pha- Ornamental , due to high pollen production, are se with approx. ¾ of dehisced anthers, usually on the 3rd day of life. Then, towards the end of anthesis, the amount recommended to be grown in insect-friendly gardens of secreted and accumulated nectar decreased. The number of (Ż uraw and Denisow, 2002; B o ż e k , 2003; anthers developed per flower varied from 41 to 61 (mean = Szklanowska et al. 2003; Denisow and B o - 49.1). The mass of pollen per 100 anthers averaged 6.7 mg. ż e k , 2006; Kocira and Laskowska, 2006; Pollen production per flower (mean = 3.28 mg) slightly varied Rysiak and Ż uraw, 2011). between years and was mainly correlated with the number of Pollinator preferences are based on different developed anthers. Estimated pollen yield was 1.69 g per m2 flower features (Percival, 1961; Baker 1975; and sugar yield 1.22 g per m2. Species from the Bombus Faegrii and van der Pijl, 1979; Fussel were the main flower visitors, with B. terrestris being the most and Corbet 1992; Stpiczyń ska, 2004; W e - frequent forager. ryszko-Chmielewska and Dmitruk, 2009; Wróblewska, 2010; Denisow, 2011; Ż uraw, Key words: dynamics of blooming, nectar secretion, pollen 2011). Nectar secretion and composition of Aquilegia production, Aquilegia vulgaris L. are described by Canto et al. 2007, while some aspects of differences in biology and distribution are shown by INTRODUCTION Medrano et al. 2006. The aim of the present study was to establish Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Ranunculaceae) is nati- the rate of nectar secretion and pollen production of ve to Eurasia and is distributed in north temperate re- Aquilegia vulgaris L.; additional interest was attached gions in America. This perennial creates dense patches to the observations of blooming and pollinator com- on meadows, along river banks, on a range of damp position. calcareous soils, including cliffs, and is found in de- ciduous forests located up to 1200 m a.s.l. (Laver- MATERIALS AND METHODS gne et al. 2005). The species is protected by law in Poland. Among beekeepers, the Ranunculace species The observations were carried out in 2009 and are regarded not very attractive for Apis mellifera, as in 2011 in the UMCS Botanical Garden in Lublin. 38 Bożena Denisow, Sebastian Antoń

Aquilegia vulgaris L. was grown in the alpine section into spurred segments (Fig. 2 a-c). The flowers are pro- on loess soil, pH 6-7, at a site fully exposed to the tandrous, with the female phase beginning approx. on sun. the 3rd day of anthesis (Fig. 3 a-c).The individual nec- Flowering time and duration were noted and taries are separately situated in floral spurs and nectar observations of the diurnal dynamics of blooming is accumulated in the chamber at the base of the spurs were made according to the protocol described by in different amounts. Usually, 1-2 spurs per flower Denisow (2009). Simultaneously to the flowering were nectarless. The floral spur length was changing observations, the pattern and intensity of insect visi- during flower development. Measured from the floral tation were noted. The number of all visiting insects spur base to the entrance of the throat of the flower, foraging per unit area was counted. The development the spur length was the shortest (mean = 11.2 mm, of flower and the the dynamics of anther dehiscen- SD = 1.44) at the beginning of anthesis and the longest ce were noted at one-hour intervals (GMT + 2h) and (mean = 16.8 mm, SD = 2.11) at the end of flower life- the number of dehiscent anthers was counted. The -span. Together with the spur lengthening, the amount abundance of flowering was established on the basis of accumulated nectar increased and was the highest at of stems recorded per 1m2 and the number of flowers the stage with approx. ¾ of dehisced anthers, usually developed per stem (n=15). The flower life-span was on the 3rd day of flower life. Then, towards the end of defined as the period from bud opening until corolla anthesis, the amount of secreted and accumulated nec- wilting. tar decreased. Nectar resorption occurred concurrently Nectar secretion was measured by the micropi- to the advanced process of anther dehiscence (Fig. 4). pette method. Nectar was extracted at different stages The flower life-span, from bud opening until wilting, of flower life (J a b ł o ń ski, 2002). Samples were was completed in 4-5 days. collected from flowers 1) at bud stage, 2) with c.a. Pollen shed and insect visits. The number of ½ of dehisced anthers, 3) with c.a. ¾ of dehisced an- anthers developed per flower varied from 41 to 61 thers – 3rd day of flower life, 4) with all anthers dehi- (mean = 49.1). Pollen release began simultaneously sced – 4th day of flower life-span. Sugar concentration with flower opening at about 5.00 (GMT + 2h) and measurements were made with an Abbe refractome- progressed steadily with approx. 5% of dehiscent ter and sugar mass was calculated. To exclude insect anthers in one-hour intervals (Fig.1). The release of visits, flowers were bagged with gauze covers. Pollen pollen lasted 2.3 days per flower, on average. Anther production was assayed using the method of Szkla- dehiscence started in the central part of the andro- nowska (1995). Dry weight of anthers with pollen ecium and progressed outwards (Fig. 3d). The number and pollen mass were determined at the full bloom sta- of anthers developed per flower differed significantly ge. The mass of pollen produced was calculated for between years (mean = 49.1) (Table 2). Dry weight 100 anthers, 10 flowers, and per unit area. of stamen heads differed considerably between years The data were analyzed statistically using and was lower in 2009, compared with 2011. Coin- ANOVA. The significance between means was exa- cidentally, the mass of pollen produced was high in mined by Duncan’s test at  = 0.05. Statistica software 2009 which was related to the percentage proportion version 6 was applied. of pollen per 100 anthers. Pollen mass per 100 anthers averaged 6.7 mg. Pollen production per flower (mean RESULTS = 3.28 mg) slightly varied between years and was cor- related mainly with the number of developed anthers. Flowering and nectar secretion. During the The estimated pollen yield was 1.69 g per m2 and su- years of the study, the average blooming season of gar yield 1.22 g per m2 (Fig. 5). Aquilegia vulgaris L. was from mid-May till the end Bombus spp. were the main visitors, with B. of July. Aquilegia vulgaris was characterized by an terrestris being the most frequent forager. Among early flower opening pattern with the peak between other pollinators, Apis mellifera, solitary bees, Dip- 5.00 and 7.00 (GMT +2) (Fig. 1). Up to 40% of ope- tera, and wasps were sporadically observed. The ac- ned flowers were observed. During the rest of the day, tivity of Bombus spp. began at about 5.00 and lasted the flowers developed steadily and 5-10% of the da- till late evening. The most intensive foraging acti- ily number opened during one-hour intervals. Starting vity was observed from early morning till midday, from 16.00, the process declined markedly. The mean accounting for approx. 70% of all visits performed number of stems established was 21.9 per 1m2 (Table during the entire day (Fig. 1). Bumblebees collected 1). The stems were branched and the number of flo- nectar and pollen but the nectar was a more attrac- wers ranged from 5 to 61 per stem (mean=24.2). The tive goal. flower is perfect, complete, with five petals elongated Flowering, nectar secretion, pollen shed and insect foraging on Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Ranunculaceae) 39

Table 1. Flowering abundance of Aquilegia vulgaris L. in 2009 and 2011 in Lublin

Number of flowers Year Number of shoots per m2 per shoot per m2 min – max mean ± SD 2009 19.7 9 – 61 30.4 ± 20.5 598.8 2011 24.0 5 – 48 17.9 ± 9.1 429.6 Mean 21.9 24.2 514.3

Table 2. Number of anthers and weight of pollen produced by Aquilegia vulgaris L. in Lublin

Dry weight of Pollen mass Number of anthers per 100 anthers Pollen mass 100 anthers with Viability Year per flower per 10 flowers pollen % % mg mg min – max mean ± SD mean ± SDof dry weight mean ± SD

2009 41 – 51 47.4a ± 3.7 14.5 ± 4.6 51.7 b 7.2b ± 0.2 34.1 92.3a

2011 42 – 61 50.8b ± 5.7 21.1 ± 1.8 29.4 a 6.2a ± 1.7 31.4 96.4a Mean 49.1 17.8 40.6 6.7 32.8 94.4 a-b – means followed by the same small letters are not significantly different between years at  = 0.05 (Duncan’s test), SD- standard deviation

% 30






0 56789101112131415161718h (observation hoursGMT+2h) numberofflowersbloominginoneͲhourintervalsinrelationtothesumof flowersbloominginthewholedayin% numberofburstinganthersinoneͲhourintervalsinrealtiontothesumof burstinganthersinwholedayin% numberofbumblebeesshowedanalogicallyasflowersandanthers Fig. 1. Diurnal dynamics of blooming, pollen production and bumblebee foraging on Aquilegia vulgaris L. in Lublin. 40 Bożena Denisow, Sebastian Antoń

Fig. 2. Aquilegia vulgaris L. (A) at full bloom in the experimental plot in 2011; (B) a perfect, complete flower on the 2nd day of flower life-span; (C) Bombus sp. collecting nectar.

Fig. 3. Protandrous flowers of Aquilegia vulgaris L. (A) – 1st day of flower life-span, stigmas are not visible; (B) – 2nd day of flower life-span, pistils elongated above anthers; (C) – 4th day of flower life-span with c.a. all anthers dehisced, stigmas visible; (D) anthers start dehiscing from those situated in the inner part of the androecium (arrow). Flowering, nectar secretion, pollen shed and insect foraging on Aquilegia vulgaris L. (Ranunculaceae) 41

20 mg 2009


15 mean



flower 0 3/4 of anthers all anthers stages bud 1/2 of anthers dehisced dehisced dehisced Fig. 4. Sugar mass per 10 flowers (in mg) at the succesive stages of flower development in Aquilegia vulgaris L. Vertical bars indicate SD.

2009 Pollen 2011


Sugars g/m2 02.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.5

Fig. 5. Pollen and sugar yield of Aquilegia vulgaris cultivated in Lublin in 2009 and 2011.

DISCUSSION floral spurs to attract specialized pollinators. The main pollinators observed in our study were Bombus spp. The early flower opening pattern of the diurnal dynamics of blooming, characteristic for Aquilegia Other insects were observed sporadically. According vulgaris L., varies from the one described for other to Fussell and Corbet (1992), species from the species in the Ranunculaceae family (Szklanow- genus Bombus competing with other pollinators, e.g. ska, 1995; Ż uraw and Denisow, 2002; Deni- honeybees, choose massive flowers and if additionally sow and Wrzesień , 2006). The flowers of Aquile- the reward features are attractive to bumblebees, they gia vulgaris start opening approx. 5.00 (GMT + 2 h), may exclude smaller foragers. that is, 2-3 hours earlier than, e.g., japonica B. terrestris L. was the most frequently observed or L. This confirms that the diurnal forager in Lublin. Medrano et al. (2006) documen- dynamics of blooming is highly species-specific and, ted mainly B. pascuorum and B. pratorum visiting additionally, indicates an adaptation to different insect A. vulgaris L. in Spain. Insect visits on flowers depend foraging patterns of depending on the growing season. not only on the accessible reward in individual flowers, Also, the adaptations to external abiotic factors can im- but also on the density of patches and seasonal availa- pact a specific blooming pattern during the day (D e - bility of alternative forage. Our study site was located nisow, 2009; Weryszko-Chmielewska in a botanical garden with an abundance of attractive and Dmitruk, 2009). co-flowering species on which different species of the The basic features that impact the -pollina- genus Bombus foraged. Also, the differences in diver- tor interaction are colour, size, symmetry, shape, and sity of Bombus spp. and their population size in a given reward of the flower. Flowers of Aquilegia vulgaris area may impact foraging participation and frequency are massive and have their nectar protected in long of bumblebees. The floral spurs of Aquilegia vulgaris 42 Bożena Denisow, Sebastian Antoń lengthen during flower development. This feature, to- The flower features described in our study (flo- gether with the dynamics of nectar accumulation, may wer size, deeply hidden nectar, dynamics of nectar influence the selection of flowers by pollinators and secretion, pollen production, high pollen viability), to- attract short-tongue (e.g. B. terrestris) and long-tongue gether with sugar concentration and composition with bumblebees (e.g. B. pascuorum and B. pratorum) at the predominance of sucrose described by Canto et different times. In our study, the amount of nectar was al. (2007), indicate that Aquilegia vulgaris L. flowers the highest on the 3rd day of anthesis and it was asso- are highly specialised for bumblebee pollination. On ciated with the end of the male phase. Probably the account of its decorative flowers, this species is worth dynamics of nectar secretion supports the pollination cultivating in bumblebee-friendly gardens. system of protandrous flowers and attracts bumblebe- es to visit the flower at the most appropriate time for Acknowledgements effective pollination and to reduce the chance of self- -pollination. A similar dynamics of nectar accumula- Research supported by the Ministry of Science tion and resorption is known in the case of other plants and Higher Education of Poland as the part of statutory (e.g. Orchidaceae) (Stpiczyń ska, 2004). Addi- activities of Department of Botany, University of Life tionally, the pattern of anther dehiscence encourages Sciences in Lublin. dichogamy. Pollen shed starts from anthers situated in the central part of the androecium and progresses REFERENCES outwards. Thus, the anthers positioned in contact with the styles release pollen before stigma receptivity. B a k e r H . G . , 1975. Sugar concentrations in from Usually, the process starts from the anthers situated hummingbird flowers. Biotropica, 7: 37-41 in the outer parts of the androecium, as described by Boż e k M . , 2003. Pollen efficiency and foraging by insect many authors for species in the Ranunculaceae family pollinators in three catnip (Nepeta L.) species. J. Apic. Sci. 47(2): 19-24. (Szklanowska, 1995; Ż uraw and Denisow, 2002; Szklanowska et al. 2003; Denisow and Canto A., Perez R., Medrano M., Castella- n o s M . C . , H e r r e r a C . M . , 2007. Intra-plant Wrzesień , 2006; Rysiak and Ż uraw, 2011). variation in nectar sugar composition in two Aquilegia Sporadically, and exclusively in 2009, perfo- species (Ranunculaceae): Contrasting patterns under rated floral spurs were found, but neither short-ton- field and glasshouse conditions. Ann. Bot. 99: 653-660. gue bumblebees nor honeybees were observed to use D e n i s o w B . , 2009. Factors determining the diurnal dyna- this access to get the nectar reward. Nectar robbing is mics of blooming of chosen plant species. Acta Agro- known in the case of different species with deeply hid- bot. 62(1):83-89. den nectar (e.g. Symphytum officinale) (Faegri and D e n i s o w B . , 2011. Pollen production of selected ruderal van der Pijl, 1979). plant species in the Lublin area. 351. Univ. Life Science In our study, approx. 1-2 nectaries per flower Press, Lublin, 351: 86. did not secrete nectar or the amount was too small and Denisow B., Boż e k M . , 2006. Blooming biology and thus remained undetected by the method applied. This pollen abundance of Anemone japonica Houtt. = Ane- finding requires wider studies. mone x hybrida hort. Acta Agrobot. 59(1): 139-146. (in Most papers on pollination ecology focus on Polish). nectar reward. We also studied the pollen reward. 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