WUW.IWWHUUPUWlUUll. EXPECTED THAT ED KONETCHY AND LEE _ FIRST GIANTS’ RECORD % 1 PLAY CANNOT PLAY BALL' MAGEE WILL ADD STRENGTH TO DODGERS IB 49 seaton* the Hew lart I The American has the g league According to Bert l/ourey. # Giants hart won a total of 2,- fli honor of making the first triple g snorting editor of the San Fran- £ 839 games and lost 2,150, for a d play registered In the two major g g cisco Cal), who has but recently 3: percentage of .567. They won leagues this season, and It fell 5j g g returned from France, where he 31 eight pennant* and. In 1890, they 9 to the White Sox to g Chicago x| was engaged In T. M. C. A. work, £ finished tenth. They hare bad 3j turn the trick. Oscar Felch to >> g the French cannot grasp oor •:< 12 different managers, John J. |J Charles was the g Rlsberg play ^ :3 game of . "They are too :3 McGraw taking the reins in 1903 3 and It cut off a Wash- g rally by g slow In getting in front of the :3 and leading the club ever since. In the j3 | g Ington eighth Inning after & 3: ball, and duck when liners come 13 the Senators had scored three (■ g § 113 their way,” he says. 3 runs. \ 3: Bill Lange, the old-timer, who :3 nnr^n*‘iminitfrmiT¥inrrrrimnnnsnnnTWiiiTnntnrnin[ifra j 3: has also been orersens, backs :3 GARDENERS 600D AS [ 3: this statement, saying that try- |ii >•: Ing to teach Frenchmen the 3; AINSMITH MAKES •3 game was a hopeless task. BASEBALL MANAGERS * sL.....& '*1'* ■■ WITH TIGER OUTFIT VWVAV.^V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.VAVAVAV.%W.V.V.*.V.VnV Some Experts Declare WORLD SERIESHERO Fail as Leaders. Former Washington Is BACK WITH PIRATES Popular in Detroit Fred Clarke and Fielder Jones Piloted ^ .Team* to Championships While J , Veteran , Playing in Field—Hanlon Also New Street Skirts Snappy Action, Constant Chatter and SuecetsfuL Shrlll-LIke Whittle Have Made Will Try to Come Back. One to Ann’# Are Him a •»- .1-* companion question simply wonderful in their clever lines. Pronounced Favorite. ______$ Is: don't outfielders rank# Cobb’a age Why Copies Style. the After Being Dropped by Pitteburgh In good managers? Apparently onty suburbanites the people who are an- Eddie Alnsmith, former Washington 1917, He Drifted Into Western swering this-question remember hwr- to catcher, has jumped Into popular fa- League and Then to $2.98 ing made good as leaders are Fred $14.98 vor with the Detroit fans. While the Good. City—Made Clarke, who piloted the Pirates to foui Tigers have always boasted of cap- j Each style features new' and treatments in championships, and Fielder Jones, charming able backstops, have not been Charles B. hero Of they ("Babe”) Adams, one. Jim- pockets, belts and smart or who led the White Sox to tucking shirring. the "peppery" kind. Alnsmith, with the 1909 , will try to come my Callahan, the Kansan's first suc- his snnppy action, constant chatter back with the this cessor as boss of the Corsairs, failed and shrlll-llke whistle, have made him year. Adams Is thirty-five years old as s skipper Just as he did when he a pronounced favorite In Tigerland. and a real veteran as go. The David Straus 141 tried to sail the White Sox craft to Co„ Smith Street Alnsmith Is catching better than ever It was In 1918 that Adams took the Pennantvllle. Callahan twice was In and In One has ■ "U.I » ■mm hitting style. He with the Pirates and was ——w———■—■————* toboggan command of the Hitless Wonders, changed his system at the plate. Fig- labeled as through by the scribes. His 1 being to the leadership whan Cobb a fair he It begins to look as If Lee Mngee Ing. Bat he Is a player who never promoted "■ '■•■■■■ 1 ■■ uring for that was less — Ty pretty hitter, pitching yepr more or J^”" and Ed hare made a real lets himself In condition dur- copied the Georgian’s style, and seems of a Joke, for he won but two games Konetchy get poor ball club out of 's ing the winter. So he Is lit with Builders’and to be getting away with It. Let Eddie and succeeded In losing nine more be- now, Contractors’ the Dodgers of Brooklyn. When the n few games under his belt, and Is Directory 1 tell story himself. fore Barney Dreyfus made up his Dodgers were the Yankees In ball afleld and at the ‘T’ve got the wrong style, fellows," mind to let his veteran star go. playing playing great the exhibition series it hat. IRA R. CROUSE D. J. WILLIAMS Alnsmith announced to several of the In 1917 Adams drifted Into the West- spring was Marble and feared that Robinson would hare noth- after the Granite Monuments Tigers one afternoon on the spring ern league, signed up with Jack Hol- Konetchy, too, reported 309-311 New Brunswick Ave. “I like ing this year but a fair outfield and a season started. But he, too, rounds LUMBER AND BUILDING PERTH AMBOY, N. J. training trip. Ty’s short, snappy land at Hutchinson and staged a come- pitching staff. to form **e>detones_Lot Enclosures swing, and am going to bat that way. back that surprised everybody. He quickly. Without Second Baseman. and were the two MATERIAL GRAHAM & No more .200 average for me; I’m out won 20 games of ball for the Hutchin- Magee Konetchy McKEON With Schmandt the best bets the General to Into the .250 class This son team lost was Injured, Dodger Cardinals had years ago SEWRIl PIPE Contractors graduate and 13, and he Excavating Grading. Etc., Sand. summer. leader was without a second baseman. when was In St. Louis. Broken rated as one of the hardest working Gravel, Stone, Carting. Etac. And he had no first sacker to So after the exhi- al- of quality. They appear be Brooklyn's two best 480 to BOO DIVISION 8T.. PHONE 17113 _at» OAK ST. day day during pitchers In the league, which has _ bition the Magee Joined the Brooklyn club bets, outside of and the CARL C. games catcher seldom took ways been noted as a league that har- PERTH A MIIOV, N. J. CHRISTENSEN his without haring done any spring train- pitching staff In this year of 1919. MASON AND CONTRACTOR eyes off Cobb when the bors many a hard-hitting youngster, I All kind, of Cement Work a Specialty was up, practicing an abbreviated and many a crafty old-timer who Is T- -_— FRED CHRISTENSEN Telephone 442 swift from Corner State and Pater swing the shoulder himself on his way back. CONSTRUCTION CO. eon St*. Instead of a long sweep from far be- Adams’ record with the Hutchinson OF OPINION Carpenters and Rnlldera NEW BROOKLYN CAPTAIN IS SMITH & hind. He began getting results Im- club won him a trial with John Ganzel Office and Shop, 218 Madison Are. OSTERGAARD Estimates Cheerfully furnished General Contractor* mediately. All of his hits have been at Kansas City last season and during I,, NOTHING IS WON BY LOT OF ARGUMENTS Tel. #82 FORDS, N. J, sharp drives of the Cobb brand, too, the abbreviated pennant race In which NOBLE PIERSON & SON JOHN Cobb does swing differently than the Blues won the Adams Architects pennant Designs for all types of buildings HANS KROGH most bard hitter*. No one follows captured 14 games of ball and lost but Raritan Bldg.. Pertli Amboy, N, J. MASON AND BtJn.DKn three for the Kansas City club. Phone 1423 Tel. ICO- Reeldence *70 Market St. This feat won him his chance to try a real comeback with the Pirates this year and his boosters are predicting STEAM VULCANIZING that he will make good. niowouts Rim Cats Adams emblazoned his name In base- Up to 3 Inches Long ball’s hall of fame back In 1909 when 1 Fred Clarke. I In. tiro .*3.00 3 In. .re .$2.00 f *tt In. tiro 3.50 Stf tn. tire 2.50 4 In. tlr- 4.00 4 In. tiro 8.00 A a Clark Gritflth was placed In command 4% in. Ire 4.30 4% In. tire 8.30 of the newly-formed New York A men B In. tire R.00 15 in. tiro 4.00 can league team. Large Blow Outs anel Rim Cuts at when he first led the White Small Extra Chargo Cal, Sox^ All Work Guaranteed 3 Months. Every was a third baseman, so he really can* Cent Back If They Dor’t not figure lu the why-aren’t-out field* That I eng. ers-good-managers dope. Phone 147R. N. B. A»p A Eovette Sf. The experts who have been answer* Let GEORGE T>o It | Ing the conundrum on outfielders al 'l_'_/ leaders seem to have forgotten the eX> istence of , who was an outfielder and who won three pennant! In Baltimore and two In Brooklyn* Moreover, Foxy Ned was the captain of the flag-winning Detrolts In 1887; the team that cleaned up the famou! St. Louis Browns, when the world1! series was player], In about the t;ara^ style that the Cubs cleaned up th! Tigers In 1007 and the Braves cleaned up the Athletics In 1914.. Hanlon, besides winning flags fo| Baltimore and Brooklyn gave io th< major leagues three men who hav! figured as leaders In series for base* Charlea B. ("Babe") Adama. ball's bine ribbon—John McGraw, Wll« 1 ...... J ■" bert Robinson and Hugh Jennings. H4 e—“ he the role of hero of the played can be classed th! at 10:30 A. M. certainly among SHERIFF'S SALK 14th, 1919, Eddie AI rum I th, .» world’s series between Pittsburgh and MIDDLESEX COMMON PLEAS—Be- Specifications and forms of bid, con- outfielders who were successes at Detroit. He the first for tween Peter Shovboe, F’lalntlff, and tract and bond for the proposed work pitched game team leaders. ltaainus Hanson, Defendant. FI, Fa, are on file in the office of the said De- through any farther than he does, bul the Pirates against George Mullln and for sale of mortgaged premises, partment at Trenton. N. J., and may be of Hugh Jennings says that the best he keeps his bat almost In front ol won It a count of 4-1. after Zach Wheat, new captain of the Brooklyn club and champion batter dated April 14, 1919. inspected by, or furnished on request by Then, swelled over tho titles he Is captain he ever knew was an outfield* By virtue of the above-stated writ, to prospective bidders. Bids must be him when the pitcher Is winding up Bill Donovan had beaten Willis and tbe , says bis head Is all up many me I will made on the standard forms in the same being Jc > Yet to directed and delivered, proposal and then brings It back to his shoul- Mullln had trimmed while forced to carry, but be Is going out there to do his bit to the best of his ef, Kelley. vendue on the manner designated therein and as Letfleld, expose to sale at public off tbe Joe failed as a In Cincinnati WEDNESDAY. JULY SECOND, NINE- T'quired by the specifications, same to be der when about to hit. Maddox sandwiched a victory over ability and to lay umpires. enclosed In sealed and aa a manager In Boston. TEEN HUNDRED AND envelopes, bearing his bat from this Summers In between these two "It’a a long trip from the outfield to tho plate,” quoth Zach, “and a fellow Every* NINETEEN the name and address of bidder and By starting posi- games, off or what It’s all about the time be within body seems to fell in Redland, and of at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said name of the road on the outside, ad- tion he undoubtedly gets more ac- Adams came back to the mound with hi liable to cool forget by gets Sheriff's In the dressed to the raft of lenders the Boston Nation* day at the Office, City curacy, and It also probably helps him the count of two all and balling distance of the umps. •f New Brunswick, N. J. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. Pittsburgh wish I were more aggressive, but you can’t teach an old dog als have had since went All those certain tracts or parcels of Broad Street Hank Building, to chop balls through the Infield or In-j made eight runs for blm, while he held "1 sometimes hereinafter Trenton, New a or fined since I broke Into baseball. to Chicago and started to build thg »and and premises particu- Jecpey, to vacant sectors of the outfield. II Detroit to four, Mullen came back In new tricks. 1 was never put out of game up described, situate, lying and be- and must be accompanied by a certified larly near It last season when I got warmed up over somo sort of a powerful Cub machine that mada g ing in the City of Perth Amboy, in check for not less than ten per cent. may keep him from pulling as many the sixth game for Detroit and won tt, I came mighty Middlesex and State of of the amount of the bid. and be time. Just as results enn be obtained with- millionaire out of C. Webb the County of (10%) long drives Into right as some left- and Adams won his third game and decision, but cooled down tn good Murphy delivered at the above on or be- New Jersey: place of course, the umpires give us a 60-50 deal." and a peerless leader ont of Frank First Tract: Known as lot number for the hour named. Copies of standard handed batters do, but he gets more the series when he shut out the Tigers out unnecessary kicking, providing, one has six (8) In Block thirty-five (35) on a proposal form will be furnished on ap- hits than the others. 8 to 0 In the final contest, Leroy Chance, only succeed* certain map entitled "Map of lands of plication. ed—George Tweedy Stallings. Georgf the Estate of John Arnold, deceased, at Each bidder must accompany his bid Anyhow, Ty Is probably satisfied and hts career In N. J." C. C. with a certificate from a Com- Tweedy, during the into* Perth Amboy, surveyed by Surety Alnsmlth will not go back to his old EDDIE WHITE SOX Hommann and died In the office of the pany, duly authorised to do business In CLOSE SHAVE FOR SHOCKER CICOTTE, PITCHER, ora, probably did aa much outfleldtng Clerk of said County. his State, stating that such surety com- style, at least not for the present. as catching. Being the Rame lands and premises pany will provide said bidder with a Oh, Eddie also walks to the Rasmus Han- in such sum is and yesl DISPLAYS HIS SUPERSTITIODS STREAK heretofore conveyed by 'bond as required In, 8t Louis Pitcher Compelled to Thrust r: When the Red Sox were sweeping sen by William C. Arnold and wife, by In accordance with the provisions or said plate with three bats, pumping them re- His German to beforo them In 1003 and deed dated September 26, 1900, and specifications, conditioned for the faith- over his and then the left Bayonet Through things 1004 the right cordeded in the Clerk’s Office of ful performance of the provisions of the 8av# Hla Life, ' lieutenant was Chick said County of Middlesex In Book SIS contract and specifications. shoulder. Of course, that part may be on 654, &c. ler of the State Com- Stahl, a wonderful suburbanite. Chick of Deeds pages By ^ Highway due to superstition, so prevalent Second Tract: Known as lot num- missi JT. Urban Shocker, star pitcher of the was to havojrnanaged the Red Sox tg ber live (5) In Block thirty-five (35) A. LEE GROVER, 'among ball players. St-- Louis Browns, who returned re- 1007 hut suicide a on a certain map entitled "Revised Chief Cierk. ^mmltted few. map of lands of the Estate of John 5652-6-23-30-7-7 cently from service overseas, con- daya bef« .4he season opened. at Perth Amboy, N. Arnold, deceased, SMITHS, MILLERS, JONESES fided to relatives here that he "had J..'* surveyed by C. .C Hommann, Esq. Pat clever outfielder, SAVINGS -r^ovan, filed in the Clerk's Office of said Coun- THE PERTH AMBOY a narrow escape," It happened dur- i INSTITUTION failed manager In Pittsburgh, and Names Are Quite Prominent on Rot- ing a brief hand-to-hand In which '^Belng the same lands and premises A semi-annual dividend at the rate of fight, so'ihd- /nnle Maek, catcher, P, J, Rasmus Han- on all sums of Various heretofore conveyed to four per cent per annum ters Major League Shocker thrust hla bayonet through had season in Arnold and wife onV'good St. Louts and son by William C. by up to one thousand dollars and three a save his own He re- Clubs This Season, German to life. more if deed dated November 7. 1906, and and a half per cent, per annum on the might have bad the American in the Clerk's Office of said one on sustained a bayonet wound on the corded excess over thousand dollars de- league had not come along and County of Middlesex In Book 388 of posit In this institution has been de- The names of Miller and head. bis Deeds on pages 365, &c. clared for the six months ending June Smith, pinched all stars. Together with all and singular the 1919, which dividend will be added are quite prominent on the ros- hereditaments and JOth, Joints rights, privileges, to the deposits on and after July 20th, or ter of the various major league clubs. appurtenances thereunto belonging on all accounts entitled to the same AD BRENNAN AGAIN REDUCED In anywise appertaining. under the by-lawa A glance over the lineups shows El- When Tony FWb pitches the CHARLES ANDERSON. Mil- Money deposited the first three the Sheriff. during mer Smith with Senators, Sherrod Pitcher waukee fans can generally conn! on days of any month will be entitled to In- Former Major League Recently MORRIS GOLDBERG ER, Smith with the Jack with the A one terest from the first day of the month. Robins, Released by Atlanta to the vletory, but pitcher does not $20 40 Solicitor. with the 6148—6-9-16-23-80. ADRIAN LYON, President. Cardinals, George OlanTs, Columbia Team. make a ball team, J. Lawrence Boggs. Secretary. Earl with the Browns, with the e e e 9872-9-28-30-7-1-3 Jimmy IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Reds, and J. Carlisle with the Braveg. To CLAKA Q. THOMPSON RUBRIGHT. Ad Brennan, former major leaguer, George Sigler, star batsman and first of the Miller Is with the By virtue of an order Court Jack Cardinals, Otto has been releaaed by the waiver route baseman of the St. Louis of Chancery of New Jersey, made on Browns, was with the Robins, Elmer remains with Slow In started May 19, 1919, In a certain cause where- to Columbia, In the South Atlantlo as- getting this spring, but A. is the Yanks, and Prank Is with the Pi- in Charles Rubrlght petitioner sociation, it was announced by the At- now appears to have reached big and you are defendant, you are re- The Jones rates. family is represent- con- to appear, and plead, answer or Turkish and Russian lanta dab, Brennan, the only stride, ed of the Sam of the Sulredemur to petitioner’s petition on or by Bobby Tigers, sistent winning pitcher on the Cracker • ee before the 21st day of July next, or in Red Sox, John Paul of the Giants and default thereof, such decree will be Baths staff this season, was recently sus- Fe water removed his cap te as the chancellor Johnny of the Yankees. Tfmplrg taken against you pended for “an infraction of rales." Connolly In a recent White Sox ■hall think equitable and just. Under new management, open for gamg of said suit is to obtain men, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays and it was the last he saw of the The object Work With Others. com- a decree of divorce, dissolving the until Sunday midnight. bat, Some of the amps are over- marriage between you and the pei- Open for women Wednesdays only. No matter how much enthusiasm, tloner. Hot and cold bathe and shower at The Name for Windsor. ]£nafdcvmz peevish. all houra bow much ardor, how much brilliancy Old f EMU, STREMLAIT, at Wind- e e • Solicitor of Petitioner. we may have, if it Is misdirected it English royalty has resided Take cracks at Tex Perth Amboy. N. J. cannot help, but it roust hluder the ier castle ever Since Edward the Con- Westerstl ■ 4816—E-2*-5t oew Mon. 389 but Walter Division Street work of the world. Learn to work fessor built a hunting lodge just at you will, MoCredle aaya be has been a factor NOTICE Frankel, with people, not against them. Stand Ihe place where there came a great winning on the Port- IS HEREBY GIVEN thoj seal- Julius Manager NOTICE TIL. 460W curve In river. In his land team since he It and vag ed bids be received by the State always for whut Is right and agulnst the gentle Joined will Stationed at third base. Highway <5>mmls»lnn of New Jersey that which Is wrong, but do not throw “Child’s Guide to London,” Mr, A. A, of the — • * for the repair following: writes that tho old name for e Reformatory-Woodbrldge Road from your energy Into constant striving Methley or Wtndle- City line of Rahway in the Township of against theories and opinions, and even Ihe place was Windleshora Former Doughboy Urban Shocker and at Woodbrldge ending Woodbrtdge- actions of ardor and which may have meant “Wind- the St. Louis Browns is a Roosevelt Road in the Townahlp of others. Let your Bliores, making of hie critics sit Woodbrldge. a distance of 14,000 feet enthusiasm and your love of life be ing shore,” from the curve of the river np and pay attentia. or 2 2-3 miles with 9360 gallons grade Unlike bis constructive. Strive to build up and at this point Other say. however, pal of the army, Oro-es O-C or U3 Bituminous Dressing. liiat is derived from the Urban baa been Bids for the above will be opened and Universal Rim Teal Makes Tire Changes not to tear down, for that is the way the word Alexander, going goaf read in public at the office of the State Easy. to help on in the scheme of l'ving. Saxon “Wlndle," a willow tree, guns Jtoce coming back. Highway Commission. Broad Street Mill.BOURN R BITTER • • • Bank Building, Trenton. N. J., on July 63 SMITH ST. PHONE 1TM ----
