8 SPORTIXG LIFE. January 20,

"Chick" Frazer has gone into the chicken business just outside of Chicago. News comes here that .Tames Archer was married to a little Canadian girl the other day. The report was a surprise. The boys sort of imagined that James was sweet on a I'ittsburs- miss. Johnston, former secretary of the Northside hand in this touting- of the lad which Oun Club, hailed the writer the other day as has been going- on over the land. 1 follows: "Went to Carnegie and won a couple don't believe such things help any new of flue turkeys, beating John Peter Wagner and PITTSBUR6 POINTS. all of bis gang." comer. I know that Nealon will get a fair trial and it is up to him to make During Col. Pulliam's last visit some friends good. He is an athletic-looking bo-y introduced him to a game famed among club A POSTED MAN GIVES VIEWS ON of intelligence and will never have men. As Harry had just returned from Ken­ cause to regret the fact that he cast tucky he WHS "there with the goods." lie his fortunes with the Pittsburg team." made spending money. THE WESTERN NEW-COMERS. Nealon's father, who is a big- railroad Victor Willis was visiting Mrs. Willis' home contractor on the Coast, is the owner on Long Island. His mail went to a number of a number of good race horses. He^ on Neck road. The gang is wondering if that has Royal Rogue, Callahan and Joe spot is in New Yo"k City. Secretary Locke Nealon. held that Willis was a New Yorker. Tozer, of Los Angeles, is Decreed to "Chauneey Bill" Stuart left last week for Little Gets Away. Bartlesville. Kan. He gave Col. B. his word be Well Fitted For the Fastest of that he would report at Hot Springs on March The claim is made that Samuel 14 ready to umpire all games. "Get your Leever, the veteran twirler. should not voice rolled out louder,'' was Barney's parting Company— Clarke Will be overlooked when awards are being admonition. bears this mark distributed among base ball perform­ Col. Dreyfuss has a good . story from the ers for display of business acumen. West. It's about one of the old Premiers. Supervise All Pittsburg Deals. Leever is .not a back number in the "Too good to tell." said Barney. The gang art of having cash make cash. He will has guessed that it's about Beaumont's chickens run a close second to Frederick Clarke or cows. Perhaps one unruly milk-giver kicked BY A. R. CHATTY. as a financier. The announcement is the bucket while Clarence was twilling the just made that Samuel is the boss of teats. Pittsburg, Jan. 15.—Editor "Sport- the telephone ranch at Goshen, O. Mention made at headquarters of the moves Ing: Life."—It g-ives me pleasure to Every message sent over the wires in by Arthur Irwin caused a chat about a report write you a few extracts from a letter that section yields the old man a that the Altoona Club had given him a lot-of I have just received revenue. The exchange is in his house. money to spend in his quest for big Union from an old friend of the He gets a percentage on messages. players. "G'wan," said a man, "for $300 "Sporting Life" in the Then again the veteran earns a little Irwin can go over the country and make an West, who tells things wad of cash selling gun powder made awful fuss. I'll wager he does not land any of interest about the from the formula -which he bought of the Boston boys. Pacific Coast lads to try about two years ago from a man in Harry Peitz must live on a mountain top for fast company next April. South Dakota. Leever has the Ohio the purpose of trimming off surplus meat. Dr. Milton Vaughan, of While on a stroll the other day Col. Bavney territory. While Pittsburg- sportsmen came to a high cliff, surmountable only by a 112 West Second street, have voted his powder an also ran you are assured of Little Rock, Ark., writes climb of 429 steps. "My. but this place would Leever and partner Frank Holmes are be n pleasure to Peitz." said Barney. Harry a most entertaining" mis­ earning- a nice wad of spending money would run up those steps four times before sive on that subject. Dr. out of its sale. Leever is a stickler Vaughan has recently breakfast, just for sport." completed eight years for the family. In that clay target Samuel Dreyfus.", Barney's hopeful, received shoot held at Cincinnati the other day a box of presents from Louisville. Ky.. rela­ A. R. Cratfy army service and has the old man had himself, his brother, tives. Among the may tokens was a pair of peeped at nearly every brother-in-law and partner on the military brushes. As a result Samuel has the club in the Pacific Coast, Western, team. Anything- escaping- Leever is military fever and is begging pop to tell him Southern, American Association and not worth mueth. Col. Dreyfuss is so of the strenuous times when he was corporal of the big leagues. He is an old reader interested in Leever's winter doom's the First Kentucky light artillery. He dodged of the "Sporting Life," having never that when he wrote him the other day rocks one night in a riot in Harden county. missed looking over a number since he added this line, "Try and write us Bob Gariley had his mail sent to Boynton the first issue in 1883. He knows the now and then about your shooting street. Lowell, Mass., but was located in Des game, is not interested financially in stunts. Boys here are interested in Moines. While addressing him a letter the any of the teams or players and writes knowing the success of the family." other day Col. B. remarked to a patron of the me merely for love of the old game. game, "There is the lad you said was fresh. "In 1902," says Dr. Vaughan, "I re­ Well. I will take a chance with him. He is commended Joe Nealon, then playing The Best Ever. not n come-on. That boy has been around With an amateur nine in San Francis­ There was one bright news item for some. He cannot be played for a know- co, to a Southern League team. I the management of the Pittsburg team nothing." also recommended Hitt, the 'Frisco the other day. It told of the trials of pitcher, who has been secured by the Manager Bancroft -when he went to New York Americans. The lads were Hot Springs and wanted to lease Es­ THE CENTRAL LEAGUE. comers then. Nealon has arrived. Last sex park for a training resort for the summer I recommended the following Reds. Banny suggested to a friend list of men to Manager Duffy, of the that "he walk out to the park with Dr. Carson is Re-elected as President Phillies. I thought he needed battery him." "What, seven miles? Get a rig," —Salary Limit Increased and Twelve- strength: , Graham, of Ta­ •was the reply. It was then the Reds' coma; Byrnes, of, Oakland; Garvin, of financial manager tumbled that Essex Men Team Limit Adopted. Little Rock; Gibson, of Montreal. park -would not do. The enclosure is Canton, O., Jan. 12.—The annual Pitchers, Tozer, of Los Angeles; Hitt, on the line of the old Diamond Joe meeting- of the Central League here are the of San Francisco; Moskiman, of Oak­ railroad. There is a heavy grade not today developed unusual interest in land; Emerson, of Tacoma; Thomas, of far away and often the trains are the affairs of the leag-ue. Tacoma; Whalen, of San Francisco; stalled en route to and from the park. F. R. Carson, of the Keefe, of Tacoma; Pfeister, of Omaha; The Pittsburg management is happy South Bend (Ind.) team, Watt, of Little Rock; Leifleld, of Des over its training ground. Years ago was re-elected president Moines; Schaub, of Denver; Hickman, when the club realized the fine spot, of the leag'ue after a of Denver; Burnham, of Atlanta. Field­ surroundings, etc., and put a long- very lively fight, in and all dealers of good ers, Nealon, first base; Nordyke, first lease on the Whittington park, there which political methods base; Sheehan, third base; Shaffley, were many smiles among rivals as to of procedure were freely goods sell them, second base; McLean, first base, all of the feasibility of a permanent con­ used. Ren Mulford, of Pacific Coast; Bennett, second base, of ditioning ground. It was then the Cincinnati, was Carson's Southern League; Sentell, shortstop, custom for teams to go South to differ­ principal opponent. The of South Atlantic League; Livingston, ent spots each spring. Exhibition meeting instructed the Our catalog is fre write , of Central League; Niles, game money was the main object of president to prepare two second base, of Cotton States League. some clubs. No so with Pittsburg. schedules, one of 140 for it I notice by the Salt Lake "Herald" Playing 'form was the sole aim. The Dr. F. C. Carson games and another of that negotiations are on for Tozer, the club, it is thought, never secured over 154 games, the season to former Salt Lake and Los Angeles $67 as its share of any one game at open April 26. It was voted to in­ pitcher. Get him if you can. Hitt, Hot Springs. Just the same /it goes crease the salary limit from $1200 to Whalen, Keefe, Thomas, Essick and there, puts up at a big hotel, and $1600, exclusive of the manager. By one or two others are good, but Tozer conducts all dealings on -a broad-gauge June 1, however, each manager mus't basis. This pays in the end. The /a.»A «J«I Is the best pitching" proposition I ran cut his team down to twelve men and across last year in any minor league. club's park is a much fancied spot by file a list of players with the president Your man Moskiman is a good pitcher, players of rival teams in both the The Spring-field Club, which was ex­ infielder and , and 'Sweet American and National leagues. Old pected to drop out, was prevailed upon Hitter' Hall, of Omaha, is one whom it timers like "Cy" Young have told the to remain in the league. will be well to look at. Graham, writer that no place in the South beat Company, catcher of Tacoma, is the best back­ the Ozark valley for work-outs. By News Notes. stop in the Western country. Garvin, the way. the Iron Mountain Railroad of Little Rock, is one of the best is going to feature Whittington park John Ganzel will be interested In an lee minor league catchers. Byrnes, of in its artistic pamphlets of Hot hockey league in another winter. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Oakland, is good. Suers, catcher of Springs. A huge sign "Pittsburg Base The Canton Club has signed pitcher Wilson Northwest League, is a sure comer. Ball Club Grounds" marks the portal of Columbus, formerly of Terre Haute. I think Pittsburg- is—unless Smith re­ of the park. The Terre Haute Club has signed infielder Pacific Coast Branch: gains form— rather short in catchers." Barley Kain, late of the South Atlantic League. Dr. Vaughan is an old National Cardinals' Chief. Raleigh Johnson has asked Canton for his PHIL B. BEKEART CO., League sympathizer and is for Pitts­ Headquarters men have taken sev­ release, claiming he has a chance with a burg arid Philadelphia, two cities rep­ eral shots at the engagement of John major league team. resenting the old Quaker common­ McCloskey as manager of the Cardi­ Gene Curtis disputes Springfield's claim and 114 Second St., San Francisco, Cal. wealth. Dr. Vaughart's list of players nals. They were some surprised over has carried the case to the National Commis­ has1 been well culled by big- league the acquisition. It was known that sion. He wants a berth in Bvansville. scouts. at the league meeting Frank de Haas "Lefty" Miller, who was with Wheeling Robison sounded men as to the man's last season, has jumped the Wheeling team field fans to raise a fund sufficient to buy ability. 'Mac" worked for the Colonels and taken up a berth with the Harrisburg out­ Up to Fred Clarke. laws. Guy Dickey and Champ Osteen for the Spring­ Managers of league teams who write years ago, you know. He spent $15,- field Central League team. If the deal goes the Pittsburg management in winter 000 for the Louisville team in players Catcher "Punch'' Knoll, wbo started his pro­ through Buck Shannon and Kid Summers will days for players and expect an im­ one spring. Of the number secured fessional career with Evansville, in the Three- probably be secured, too. Elmer Ellsworth Cunningham was Eye League in 1901. is to be released by Wash­ John Ganzel has written President Farrell, mediate reply will be disappointed. ington. Today a league team demanded an the only man retained. That was in of the New York Club, that answer by return mail on a proposi­ way back days, however, and the pilot Cincinnati, having turned pitcher Van Anda if the latter will allow him to buy his release may have secured better judgment and back to Canton, that club will trade him to so he can play with Grand Rapids, he will con­ tion for three surplus Premiers—two sent to being placed on New York's reserve pitchers and one catcher. "My letter luck since. Some headquarters boys Springfield, along with catcher Sealts, for a recalled the fact that "Mac" was the goood infielder. list and will play with the Highlanders In cast to this club," declared Col. Barney, he ever quits his Michigan team. "said that I had received their request possessor of a fiery temper and was Besides Sam Havel and Tommy Hawkins, easily sent into the air. This brought Grand Rapids has signed a third Cleveland man and forwarded the same to Fred C. for the team in Le Linde, a pitcher with a Clarence Huggins, formerly with the St. Paul Clarke, Akron, Cowley county, Kansas. out an assertion by a veteran that the new man be given a show. Since splendid reputation. Club, will be business manager for Mike Relief When I had heard from him then I at Minneapolis next season. would be able to tell them exactly as leaving the league he had made a Efforts of Eastern League clubs to secure to the merits of their proposition. fair record and must have some abil­ Manager Grant and pitcher Moffit, of the South ity, otherwise he would not have kept Bend Club, have resulted In a failure, as Clarke is superintending all trades, South Bend demanded too much money. etc. I make it a point to get his ad­ up with the band. The gang therefore vice on all matters relating to the .passed resolutions wishing the new Lew Whistler's reason for resigning the helmsman all the success in the world. Terre Haute management is that his family BALL PLAYERS' CARDS. playing end of the team. I have done objects to him leaving St. Louis, and that he so for years and am convinced that The name of William Murray, of Jer­ sey City, came up when the chat was has in view a permanent position in that city. my move has been profitable. There If plans of Manager Hendricks, of Springfield, Cards of eighteen words or lets urill be inserted for fifty are a number of clubs in the league on. One man ventured the query as cents each issue. All over eighteen leorda three centi for waiting on the latest from Akron. to why the St. Louis management did and Grant, of South Bend, are carried out, not try for this pilot. "Could not get. shortstop Groeschow will go to Springfield In each word, initial* and figures counting at one word. Four are eager to relieve us of some exchange for Teddy McGrew, the player that of the men we do not need. him. Cincinnati sought Murray and Terre Haute and Canton are angling "for. WANTED—Ball players of ability; Danville "By the way," continued Barney, "I failed," was the reply of a man who was at the old league meeting. It Is probable the traction company at Spring­ (Va. League) team. References require-*. Ad­ want you to tell why I am not making field, O., will grant the request of the base ball dress J. Benny, Mgr., Box 248, Danville, Va. spring claims for Joe Nealon, the Cali­ association to build a park in that city, the! fornia boy. I know nothing about his Mid-Winter. manager of the traction, company having agreed FAST SEMI-PROFESSIONAL ball players ability except what has been told me. Look ' for a storm from Joe Cantillon. He to make a favorable recommendation to the wanting positions for the season 19 6, address Clarke says that he will do and I feel only got $1000 for Lobert and expected $2500. directors. Richa d R. Guy, Pres. Pa.-O.-We« Va, League, that be will, but I have not taken a Burner No. 3456 just at hand bu It tbat Aa effort will b* made among the Spring- j 1802 Locvut St., JPituburg, Pa.