
The Elgin West District Wom­ being hosted by her Institute. Pauline Lindsay officiated the will be held at Hamilton Conven­ en's Institute 86th annual meeting Middlemarch WI conducted Election of Officers for 1994. Re­ tion Centre June 16 - June 22. was held in the South Dunwich "In Memorium", remembering na Campbell read the nominating 1997 with the 'Theme' "Indebted Community Hall, Wallacetown past members who died. committee report of officers:Past to the Past -Committed to the Fu­ May 4, with 11 branches in at­ Margaret Dale, London Area President: Jean Leitch; President: ture." tending and Tyrconnell Institute president, said the London Area Willa Johnston; 1st Vice : Ann ACWW President Valerie as host. Convention is Oct. 27 at Mt. Bry­ McLean; 2nd Vice: Faye Thome; Fisher will be visiting Canada to President Jean Leitch opened dges with as Secretary/Treasurer: Eleanor attend to the FWIC Convention in the meeting. The theme for 1994 Host. She asked members to en­ McMillan; Public Relations: Truro NS on May 26. May 28 will is ''Year of the Family". Jean said courage young people to apply Dorothea Jewell; Program coor­ be the Open House at Erland Lee the definition of family is any for the Maryn Pardy Scholarship, dinator: Grace Campbell; and members are invited to join class of life or related thing, basic as there are not getting many ap­ 1\veedsmuir History: Sally Mcin­ from 2-4 p.m. May 29 the Hood­ unit of society supporting individ­ pHcations. She said the 'Theme' tyre; Asst. 1\veedsmuir History: less Home will entertain at lunch, ual members, a group of people of a meeting should be inspired Helen Van Brenk. with an Open House from 2-4 who come together with a sense and looked forward to. Coordi­ Jean Leitch introduced Mar­ p.m. Institute members are asked of values, room for encourage­ nate different parts of your meet­ garet Dale- President London to write letters to the Ministry of ment, enjoyment and fellowship. ing around the 'theme'. She Area WI, Betty Van Patter- Presi­ Health to protest a discriminatory Duties should be shared equally defined 'Theme'- T-think, H­ dent WI and her Trea­ grant. Sample letters from the and should be fun and interesting. ho~.· E-educate, M-message. E­ surer Bernice Taylor, Hilda Ministry will be sent out to the I Catherine McAlpine, Trycon­ evaluate, and gave best wishes to Morden - New Branch Coordina­ branches. Centennial Plate orders nell WI president welcomed Elgin West District WI. tor. will be shipped early in June. 1 everyone .Sally Mcintyre, Presi- Salle Mcintyre - Tweedsmuir Betty Van Patter - President Song competitions should be re­ dent of Wallacetown WI invited History - has added seven new Elgin East WI reported that the ceived by FWIO no later than everyone to next year's meeting, pages to her book this year. FWIC Theme is "Today's family. Nov. 20. Tommorow's Future". There are They still need pictures of any­ ·- four stages of ry-tan. A) When he thing in the past I 00 years fc · ' believes in Santa Claus, b) when Coffee Table Book. The1 he doesn't be.lieve in Santa Claus, Show at the Lee is June 24- July c) When he is Santa Claus and d) 23, Harvest Festival Luncheons when be looks like Santa Claus. Sept 27 & 28. Conference '94, Eleanor McMillan. Elgin Geneva Park. Aug 12, 13, & 14. County Rally President and her Home & Country magazines will treasurer Lil Lawson brought be mailed out by actual numbers greetings. There are still some in the future. Centennial Book fridge magnets available. Committee, Dr. Linda Ambrose Roll Call: 2 members from would like to finish interviews by each Branch gave a highlight of end of summer. meetings in the past year, dona­ Grace Campbell - Program tions to Pennies for Friendship Coordinator gave a report for the and a craft for Area Convention. Branches in Elgin West She said Norma McMillan from the more Institutes should sponsor 4- Daffodil Society said ticket sales HClubs. on the quilt at the Cancer Tea was Eleanor McMillan - Elgin very successful. Oct. 4, 1994 is West New Branch CoordinatOr Coffee Brealc from 9:30 - 12:00 suggested promoting WI for our p.m. hosted by the Middlemarch 1OOth anniversary and advertising WI at Fingal United Church.. meetings. Pauline Lindsay: Provincial The gavel was turned over to Board Director brought greetings new President Willa Johnston, from the Board of FWIO. On who thanked the Institute mem­ March 22 they had a dinner and bers for having confidence and tour of the office. The dinner was making here president of Elgin served by the Puslinch WI. The West District WI . She thanked Moving Comrniuee gave a report Jean Leitch and Margaret C?· 'I and they had a shower of gifts for for a job well done and prest the office. The new President each with a I OOth anniversary Elect is Margaret Harris. Peggy mug. Knapp reported Conference '97 Shedden WI focuses on Year of the Family By Dora H. McArthur tended the Strawberry Social at Canadians to consider their role SHEDDEN - Shedden Wom­ Elgin pioneer Museum, in St. in strengthening families. en's Institute met for its June 22 Thomas, in the afternoon of the MISSION - to emphasize the meeting at Bethany United meeting day. The Tea was most importance of the function family Church. Guests for the meeting successful and an announcement performs as a financial, nurturing, were members of Aughrim Wom­ made that Col. Talbot's desk has protecting, educating and cultural en's Institute, Alvinston. been added to the Col. Talbot unit and how crucial it is in the President Connie Silcox Room. It was donated by the pre­ development of individual mem­ chaired the meeting, which dealt sent owners of the Talbot Estate. bers and their contribution to with the Year of the Family. Bren­ All those who helped at the Wl Canadian society. da Silcox assisted as secretary. booth at Rosy Rhubarb Days <.iYMBOL- we see it in many The president read a poem entitle were thanked by Jean Palmer places .. . a heart sheltered by a 'What is a Family?' by Francis who convened the booth. A com­ roof, linked to another heart, to Nugent. The motto: "We live un­ mittee was appointed to work symbolize life and love in a der the same sky,• but we don't with the Bethany UCW to plan home where one funds warmth, have the same horizon"-Konrad the food booth for Shedden Fair, caring, security, togetherness, tol­ Adenaur. Aug. 26-28. erance and acceptance. The open Roll call 'A current event (in­ Appreciation was expressed to design is meant to indicate conti­ ternational or otherwise) from the Sharon Welch for her efforts in nuity with a hint of uncertainty. · year you were born.' printing the meeting programs for The brush stroke, with its open A valued member and imme­ 1994-95 ... line roof, completes an abstract diate past secretary, Brenda Bot­ A draw was made on two symbol representing the com­ den, was given a gift by Lois cross-stitch pictures made and do­ plexity of the family. The color is Oldham, past president, and nated by Pauline Silcox. rubine red. Cheryl Garvin, on behalf of the An interesting presentation A poster was also issued. This members. Barbara, and her fami­ was made by Connie Silcox, con­ illustration by Suzanne Du­ ly, are moving in the near future. vener, on the subject 'The Year of ranceau was designed for a com­ During the business portion of the Family.' memorative postage stamp sheet the meeting, a letter was signed The United Nations genera! marking the Year of the Family. by all the members to be forward­ Assembly in its resolution 44182 A quiz was distributed on ed to Price Waterhouse, 1Gtchen­ of Dec. 8, 1989, proclaimed 1994 Family Facts to test the knowl­ er, Ont., re: an opinion survey on the International Year of the Fam­ edge on family statistics in Cana­ the closing of Milton Agricultural ily. The Canadian committee has da. A second quiz involved Museum. initiated several national chal­ identifying familiar faces seen in WI limited edition Centennial lenges to promote greater aware­ the media and stating facts about, Plates ( 1997) may be ordered. ness and understanding about their families and personal A bus trip is being organized to work and family issues. achievements. attend the official opening of GOAL - to mobilize and sen­ A social time was enjoyed, FWIO new offices in Guelph on sitize the Canadian public to is­ with visiting with members and Aug. 2 J. Those interested in go­ sues regarding families and guests along with strawberries, ing may contact Betty VanPatter. family-related matters. cake and ice cream prepared by ... .Members. of Shedden WI at- PURPOSE - to encourage the convener and her committee. Shedden W.I. tour Children's Hospital On Wednesday, September treats7,000chtldreneachyear the touring group for the 28th Cheryl Garvin, Convenor and 50% of those are from meeting. The theme of the of Family and Consumer M - outside the city. The children meetingwas: Tellaboutsome- fairs, arranged a tour of range in age from premature one who has benefitted from Children's Hospital of West- babies to 16 years of age. this hospital. The Motto, em Ontario. Linda Cudmore, Telethon funding and con- "Everything that is done in Telethon co-ordinator for the tributions from organizations the world is done by hope," - Children's Hospital Founda- and private citizens provide Martin Luther. Connie Silcox, tion greeted the 10 members many of the special machines president, conducted the busi­ and 2 guests of Shedden and equipment to operate the ness meeting, and Brenda Women'slnstituteandguided hospital. AChildLifeSpecial- Silcox, secretary, assisted. them to the Paediatric Criti- ist is employed to provide Pauline Silcox, treasurer, cal. Care, Emergency and special needs to the patients reported on the financial sue- Admitting units. The super- and there are several activity cess of the W.l. Food Booth at visor of each of these depart- rooms for the children to ap- Shedden Fair in August. mentsexplained the functions ply their creativity and expand Announcements to keep in of their department and those their interests while they are mind were: presenton thetourweregiven recovering. A helicopter pad W.I. Area Convention on the privilege of witnessing is adjacent to the hospital for Thursday, October 27th, at treatment being given. rapid transportation of emer- Caradoc Community Centre, There are 13 Children's gency patients.. withPeggyKnapp,AreaPresi- Hospitals in Canada, and 3 At the conclus1on ofthe tour dent for Canada, as guest are in Ontario. London hospi- Mrs. Cu~ore w~s than~ed speaker; Tuesday, October tal is the only one between ~or her ~e and mteres~g 18th, the Elgin County Rally Winnipeg and Toronto. It mformation, ~d a contribu- will hold a Social Evening at tion to the hosp1tal was made Yarmouth Centre at 7:30p.m. in appreciation. Lois Oldham reported on the Bethany United Church, Fall Board meeting that she Shedden, was the meeting attendedatKintyrePresbyte­ plac.e following the tour and rian Church on Saturday, several more members joined September 24th. She an- nounced that the theme, "Year of the Family," will continue for another year. The next meeting will be held at Bethany United Church on October 27th at 6:30. It will be Family Night with a pot luck supper, and Lome Spicer will show pic­ tures of Japan where he vis­ ited this past summer. Following the social hour, Pauline Silcox expressed the thanks of those pte~nt to Cheryl and her committee Maxine Silcox and Margaret Carder for a most splendid meeting. ;C?Cf-'1- Fami/y pofluck enjoyed by Shedden WI SHEDDEN - On Wednesday, Oct. 26, the provided excellent narration on the trip he en­ Silcox read the correspondence which includ­ Shedden Women's Institute met at Bethany joyed to Japan in March of this year. We ed a newsletter from Bethany United Church, Unit ~hurch for a Family Night Pot Luck learned of customs, transportation, food, an invitation to River Road WI Coffee Break Sup(-~ .1lld meeting. tourist attractions, accommodations, nature on Nov. 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. at the The evening was arranged by Carol Gor­ and weather conditions. At the conclusion of home of Mary Veenstra and a notice of the don and Sharon Welch who had tastefully dec­ his presentation he was thanked by Sharon Personal Enrichment Seminar, sponsored by orated the dining room and tables for the Welch and presented with a gift in apprecia­ the Elgin Women's Institutes to be held at occasion. Following a. sumptuous meal, the tion. Southwold Public School on Feb. 25, from meeting adjourned to the church sanctuary, THEME. 9:15a.m. to 3:15p.m. and the roll call, "A little known fact about The theme of this meeting was: "The great­ Canada" resulted in many knowledgeable and est undeveloped territory in the world lies un­ The Nov. 23 meeting wiU be held at interesting answers by all those present. der your hat". During the short business Bethany United Church at 7:30 p.m. with the Carol Gordon introduced our guest speaker portion of the meeting which was chaired by guest speaker being Paula Harris on the sub­ Lome Spicer who showed beautiful slides and Connie Silcox, president, the secretary Brenda ject of Stamp Art.

• ..Shedden. WI Bv DoRA McARTHUR made to many charities. On Nov. 23, Shedden Wom­ en's Institute held their meeting at Dorothy McLaughlin intro­ Bethany United Church, Shedden duced the guest speaker for this with members of the district exec­ meeting - Paula Harris. of Harris ULive in anendance. Galleries, Union. She demonstrat­ Connie Silcox, president, be­ ed her usual art form using paper, ( gan the meeting by reading a po­ rubber stamps, embossing pow­ em entitled tten. "For the Love of Life" and of this program. Nancy dis- The meeting was chaired by commentary on this Commu- tributed a questionnaire for Jean Palmer in the absence of nity-Based Program spon- Needs Assessment which was Connie Silcox and Brenda sored by the V.O.N. completed by the members. Silcox preformed her secretar- Beth Vi cary thanked Nancy ial duties. ------for her presentation following During the business portion a time of questions and an- ofthemeetingannouncements swers. Pat engaged the weremadeconeemingaWork - members in a lively ..Intema- shop on Marketing and Com- tiona} Year of the Family munication to be held at Cold- Bingo" and small prizes were streamonThursday,April6th; given to the winners. a hus trip, sponsored by Box- Brenda and Jean served a all W.l., on June 14th to Mil- tasty lunch and a social time ton, to the Quilt Show; a bulle- was enjoyed. tin from Elgin Senior's Advi- sory Council, and Rosy Rhu- barb Fun Night at Shedden- Country ClUb on March 17th. The.. members of Shedden - . • /C/1:;- Rhea Farm Operation topic at Shedden W.l. meeting Shedden Women's Institute live in climates colder than met for their March 22nd ours. In the wild they live in meeting at Bethany United herds and they like to swim Church. The room was appro­ and wade in marshes. They priately decorated for St. Pa­ cannot ·fly but are speedy tricks with green and white runners, doing so in a zig-zag balloons and a table set with manner. They eat green leafy white cloths, green napkins herbs and shrubbery, also and a centrepiece of sham­ insects, mice, frogs, lizards, rocks. etc. The female lays the eggs Connie Silcox opened the - one every other day at dusk. meeting by displaying several The male sets on the clutch cartoons depicting Spring. The (about 15 eggs) for an incuba­ Motto was "'t won't help your tion period of 40 days, and he crop to sit on the fence and also cares for the newly count your neighbours weeds". hatched birds. The roll call, "A hint from a Products from the Rhea are green thumb to a green hom," 25-30 pounds of boned red • , was replied to by 15 members meat per bird which is low in and 5 guests. fat. Roasts, sausage and Lois Oldham, Agriculture smoked meat with a good fla­ Convenor introduced the guest vour are on the market. Oil, speakers Mary Coutts, D.V.M. which is high in essential fatty and Brian Coutts from "Rain­ acids and easily absorbed into bow Ratites" farm R.R. 5, St. the skin, is used in cosmetics. Thomas. By picture and word Leather is also a product and a most informative lesson was is soft and pliable used in presented about their Rhea wearing apparel and accesso­ Farm Operation. ries. The feathers are very Rheas originated in South attractive and each person America and there they can present received one to be used for decorative purposes. Pauline Silcox thanked the speakers and presented them with a gift, which they will use for the continued research of their subject. During the business portion of the meeting a report was made of the District Meeting March llthatKintyTeChurch, and announcements made for the District Annual Meeting, May lOth at Wallacetown and a bus trip to Paris and the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead by the Wallacetown W.l. on June 19th. Those interested please contact Darlene Ford. Lois Oldham and her com­ mittee of Madeline Parks and Margaret Turner were thanked for arranging this meeting and the lunch served during the social time PAGE 18--DUTION ADYANCE-WEDNESDAY--MAY 3--1995 = Shedden W.I. eleCts new officers Shedden Women's Institute Following dates were given she reported that "Venture met at Bethany United Church to mark on the calendar: Elgin into the Garden• was a great for their A ril meeting. The Manor Tea, May 3rd, 9:30 - success. The Annual Straw­ PresidentCOnnie Silcox ex­ 11:30; Kensington Club Des­ berry Social will be held June pressed members' feelings by sert Tea also May 3rd at 7:00 21st, 1:30-4:00. There will be quoting "Rain, Rain Go Away, p.m.; W.l District Annual, a Hat Decorating Contest us­ Shedden W.I. wants to play". May lOth, 6:30 at Wallace­ ing strawherries as the theme. The roll call answered by 13 town. The delegates were Jean also gave the Rally members was "'Tell what chosen to attend the District report, and Elgin will host the brought you to your first W.I. Annual. 1996 London AJea Conven­ meeting". In the absence of Carol tion. The motto was "I almost Gordon, the Museum report The members discussed phoned, I almost spoke, I wasgivenbyJeanPalmer,and plans for making rhubarb jam almost invited the next door again this ye~ for Rosy Rhu­ folk. Oh, what a pity no one barb Days June 9th, lOth and knew all the goo6•I meant to 11th in Shedden. Annual do•. reports were made by all the officers. The Welcoming Committee reported that in the 10 years it has been in place, 157 books with infor­ mation regarding Shedden have been given to newcomers to the Village. New Officers Jean Palmer installed the officers for 1995-1996 as fol­ lows:. Past president, Lois Old­ ham; president, Connie Silcox; 1st vice-president, Jean Palmer; 2nd vice-president, Sharon Welch; secretary, Brerida Silcox; treasurer, Pauline Silcox; P.R.O. & Tweedsmuir Curator, Dora McArthur; Program Co-ordi­ nator, Pat Palmer. Following the business, the members spent the balance of the evening perusing the ~ui History books concluding with lunch served by members of the executive...... --.- .. - 5.cene · Sharing vi$ion at .Shedden WI BY DoRIS McAJmJUR was the reminder of the Straw- berry Social on June 21 from Connie Silcox, oresident of t A Shedden Women's Institute, 1 :30 p.m. 0 4 p.m. contest is to be held for the best strawber- =ed~tl~Y,~~th ~ ry-decorated hat. Lois Oldham VISion". reporting as Elgin Manor repre- ..'- '- tina sentative announced that the The motto Of -u w. mee-'0' Coif< Break Ma which was convened by Pat ee on Y 3 was very successful and plans are being Palmer and her committee, rna~ for the annual barbecue Judy Finnegan and Mar~are t and~·cnic. She also rdcfrted on Turner, was "Human beings, th · tri Annual h like chickens, thrive best when e ct d at Wal- they have to strive for what lacetown on May 10· they get~~< Pat Palmer introduced guest The roll call was ''Name a speaker Doug Chateauneuf luxury'' you have that you fiom Habitat for Humanity would miSS the most in your w~o. told ~ that this program home if it were taken away. ongmated m Georgetown in During the business portion 19'/6 and began in London in of the meeting we were remind- 1991. The purpose is to provide ed of the Children's Miracle decent housing to low-income Network Telethon on June 3-4. families. Volunteers using do­ Four members of Shedden WI nated materials will build a one will attend the FWIO Quilt floor home on a suitable donat­ Show and Barbecue on June 14 ed lot to accommodate a select­ at the Ontario Agricultural Mu- ~ .low~income, working family seum that kicks off the Centen- ~vmg m sub-standard nousing _ nial Celebrations. m one week. This family re- Plans were finalized for the ceives a deed to the property making and sale of rhubarb jam and make regular payments to for Rosy Rhubarb Days. This Habitat on a perceived value year a 45-minute "Self-Guided interest-free mortgage for 20 Walkabout'' has been prepared years. They must lry from the movie Forrest Gump. va practiced law for 27 years in title for this meeting was "From prepared by a family member During the business portion St. Thomas before going to Port racehorses to satellites" and will be recorded in our of the meeting the following an­ Stanley where he has operated snowed a video about harness Tweedsmuir History. Donations nouncements were made: Pro­ Kettle Creek Inn for 12 years. racing. This video was pro­ from the members of articles to ceeds from the WI and UCW He spoke on the subject duced and directed by her s~ go to the Children's Hospital, food booth at Shedden Fair 'Wills and Powers of Attorney'' ter, Susan McElroy, who was London were received and re­ were m'Ost satisfactory; Frome explaining their necessity and unable to be present at the ports were heard of the County Apple Break is Oct. 28 from the process to implement them. meeting to speak on the subject. Caravan, Daffodil Tea and a full 9:30-11 :30 a.m.; Elgin WI Rally Ruth Hunter then presented Horseracing is steeped in tradi­ and interesting report of the meets Oct. 17 at Fingal United us with two thought-provoking tion, and we were given an 'in­ Area Convention was given by Church with a 6:30 p.m. pot contests and · a social time sight into the operation of large Pat Palmer. She related the story luck dinner; 2000 seats have arranged by Carol Gordon, racetracks such as Meadow­ of "An Act of Kindness" told at been reserved for WI members Ruth Hunter and Sharon Welch lands race track in New Jersey, the convention and examples at the Blue Jays game in Sky- was thoroughly enjoyed. and Mohawk and Woodbine were given. race tracks in Ontario. The care The Women's Institute Cen­ and training of the horses, the tennial History Book is now process used in peri-mutual wa­ ready for delivery. Five of these gering, the use of satelites to books have been purchased by broadcast races from these Shedden WI and one copy will tracks to interested fans all over be place in Shedden Library. the country, where they may At the meeting's conclusion a place their bets and reap there­ WI Christmas ornament pro­ sults. Large numbers of staff vided by Ms Palmer as an Act of members at each of the race Kindness was drawn for. ------i q q ),- I Q q ~- Shedden WI cP- ne . . I ixsb'ict executive mourns . oss • - • Margaret Carder chen.shed member BY [))RA H. McARTHuR Wallacetown Hall on Feb. 20; visits Personal Enrichment Day at Shedden Women's Institute Southwold Public School is Feb. BY DoRA McARTiiUR met for its December meeting at 17; the WI Day at the Blue Jay three- or four-inch to squares Bethany United Church and, ~~ has been changed to May SHEDDEN-Shedden Wom­ assembled there for the d before the meeting began, a mo­ en'~ Institute met 'at Bethany a bled. ment's silence was observed to Carol Gordon reported on Uruted Church for its Novem- FWIO has chosen as its n honor the memory of Margaret the last meeting at the Elgin ber meeting and were pleased focus "Safe and Healthy Co Carder who died the previous County Pioneer Museum and to have. wi~h them, from Elgin munities." This is intended day. · . Lois 'Oldham reported on the West ~stric t Executive, presi- create a positive atmosphere J Five times during the past residents Christmas party at El­ dent Willa Johnson, vice-presi- Community Living. The WI t year former members have gin· Manor. The Silvertones dent Anne -McLea~d a long ~t~f inv.Qlyement been remembered in this way. were the greatly enjoyed enter­ program . ._ co-Cll!_ dinatOI'-I:;ynn commuru~ction for Hor Connie Silcox, president, be­ tainment on that occasion. Huffman and Coun!zy....J - - gan by reading a poem Trouble llene Orchard reported for Connie Silcox, presjdent of . Lo~ g~ in Toyland aM the roll call was the remembrance committee Shedden W4..opened with ~ from Elgin-Manor Auxiliat responded to by answering the that 42 cards had been sent to lightfuJ poem ent!Ued ".A The~~ party_.will t question "If it were possible, comriumity residents to mark a Smile" whicn began '1t ~ts held th~. 6 (2--p,-m. to. what changes would you make variety of occasions. nothing but creates much." p.m.) a~ are being mad to your Christmas." At this time . Brenda Silcox accompanied Cheryl Garvin intn>'Ouced to enlarge...tbe. tuck shop. Jea donations to Christmas Care on the piano for a time of Lil. lian Ca rd ei-,"~uest speaker for Palmer reported from the Pai were received. singin Christmas carols and the "'''ening, wno was assisted liative ~Advisory Commi The motto was "I will honor severa~ members contributed to b~ mother, Jane, showing tee. DonationS' were made t Christmas in my heart, and try a mini Christmas concert with a sfia w of Lillian's trip--tO Mexico several c;>~tions ' includint to keep it all the year". varied selection of Christmas in August 1994 with the- Girl the Christmas Shoppe who i: During the business portio~ readings. Guides. appealing for donations anc of the meeting, notes of apprea­ Lois Oldham introduced our Lillian commented on her volunteers. ation were read &om recipients guest for the evening, Marilyn two-week trip there with otRef of donations from our institute Lunn, who patiently guided the Girl Guides from various-parts Cheryl Garvin and Ka} as well as a letter of apprecia­ members tfuough the making of the world. While there the Chamberlairr who - convened tion and season's greeting from of two attractive Christmas tree group constructed a sh~terJor this meeting served a tasty FWIO President Margaret Har- ornaments a Mexican family. These homes lunch- and a-li'!ely socia~-time ris. Ms Oldham expressed our ~e constructed of fragile mate- ensued. A copy of the WI centennial appreciation to Ms Lunn for be­ nals t~at must be replaced- song Will be recorded in the ing with us. Pat Palmer thanked every five years. Articles pur- Tweedsmuir history. Ms Oldham, convener of the chased by Lillian in Mexico Dates to remember were an­ meeting and her committee of were on display and were of nounced as follows: a dyed Silk Ms Orchard and Shannon great interest to her audience. Scarf workshop will be held in Brown following a Christmas At the conclusion o(her presen- Wallacetown Hall Feb. 6; the lunch at a festively decorated tation Lillian was thanked by winter picnic will also be held at table. Kay Chamberlain and pa&ent- - - ed her with a gift. ---- - The roll calf "Say Hello in a,q­ other language" showed that ~~~~tto~ "'n youth we learn, in old age we understand" and this was well illustrated at this meeting. During the business period it was _,"'Cided that. Shedden WI wiL ain provide Christmas Cookies for sale at the Museum Coffee Break on Friday, Dec. 1. Personal Enrichment Day· at Southwold Central Public School will be on Feb. i7 and six interesting courses are offered again this year. Elgin West Win­ ter Picnic IS Tuesday, Feb. 20, at Wallacetown. ,cene Salv•n· Anny history shared BY DoRA McARnruR provided and this, because of mcreased unemployment, was SHEDDEN - Jean .Palmer, the largest number ever re- resolutions convener for Shed­ quired. den Women's Instit:q.t~, held her Ms Palmer thanked Mr. But­ January meeting at Bethany ler for his informative presenta­ United Church. tion and presented him with a The meeting was opened donation to further the good with delightfu)· p~o selections .'York of the Salvation Army. played by ·l{elen 'and Laura The motto for this meeting Slee. was "The great thing in this President Connie Silcox gave world is not so much where we an appropriate reading with the start as in what direction we are message "You have td·let others going." give something to you to make The roll call was "A joke or them feel good ah9ut giving." story to start off the -new year." Paula ~.9r~~m co-conven­ The response indicated a very er of the evening's program and successful start. a member of the Salvation During the business portion Army gave a brief history of the of the meeting it was decided to Salvation Army. William Booth, buy a WI rose bush sponsored a Methodist minister in Eng­ by FWIO in honor of its·100th land and employed in a pawn anniversary. shop, witnesSed the dire straits FWIO Conference '96 enti­ of the poor and was inspired to tled Family and Community in go to the east end of London. Partnership will be held July 12- He began the "soup and salva­ 14 at Ridgetown College. The tion" approach to help the poor. focus for WI for the next five to This program came to Canada seven years will be Safe and in 1882 when immigrants from Healthy Communities. England ·got people interested A committee was appointed in the Salvation Army. Victotia to make plans for a retirement Park, London, Ont., was the lo- · open house to honor Dr. D.A. cal site where people were at­ Monteith who retired from ac­ tracted to their good work. The tive medical practice in Shed­ motto of the Safvation Army is den on Dec. 31, after 50 years of "Heart to God and hand to faithful service to this commu­ man." The army is active 1n 86 nity. This is to be held on Sun­ countries. day, March 3, 2 p.m . to 5 p.m. at Ms Nordstrom introduced the Shedden Fire Hall. At this Mr. Butler, as officer in the time, contributions to the new Army in London, Ont., and· he community centre will be ac­ explained the operations in that cepted in Or. Monteith's name. city.• Naming a few of their en­ Carol Gordon reported on deavors which are Children's the meeting she atterided at the Village, Bethesda Home for un­ Elgin County fioneer Museum wed teenage mothers, family and announced the dates for the services, men's hostel, Thrift strawberry social (Wednesday, stores, battered women's June 19) and the coffee break homes, and shelters for first­ (Dec. 6) and that a secretary is time offenders with physical still being sought for the muse-· . and mental problems, he relat­ umboard . . ed the expense involved in o~ Ms Palmer provided several erating these services and how contests to _occupy the brain grateful they are for all the mon­ while a delicious dessert was ey that comes to them. Volun­ being placed on the table. Ms teers do great work in visiting Gordon thanked the committee the sick and needy. At Christ­ in charge for a very interesting mas, 6,000 food hampers were meeting. · ------


FoR THE TIMES-jOURNAL pod contains 30 to 60 beans. Armstrong for his presentation. There is a shell on the beans and During the business portion SHEDDEN - An excerpt the thinner the shcll the better of the meeting, Carol Gordon from Alligator Pie entitled My the chocolate. reported that the Elgin County Friends was chosen by Shedden The beans are left to ferment Pioneer Museum is conducting Women's Institute President for a period pf time, then dried, a gardening workshop at the Connie Silcox to begin the Feb­ graded and pJaced in 110 lb. museum on March 23. There is ruary meeting. bags to be shipped. The coun­ a fee. · The motto for this meeting try receiving the beans do their Lois Oldham on behalf of El­ convened by Pauline Silcox for own processing of cleaning, gin .Manor reported a Dessert Family and Consumer Affairs roasting and grinding. Thert; Bridge and Euchre at the manor was "What is patriotism but the are many chocolate companies on Monday, April I, at 1:30. The love of food one ate'\ls a child" in the world and they produce annual Coffee Break and Bake and the roll call was "Name many kinds and flavors of Sale there will be ~ Wednesday, your favorite chocolate." chocolate including dark, milk May t 9:30a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pauline Silcox introduced the and white chocolate with their Shedden Branch Women's guest speaker for the evening, variety of centres and nuts. Institute will be making knitted Donald Armstrong from Kettle Chocolates should be kept from squares to be sent to Zambia to Creek Chocolates in St. Thomas. heat and refrigeration and kept be completed for the March Members learned that chocolate in a dark environment at room meeting. is derived from cacao beans that temperature. The temperature Pauline Silcox and her com­ are harvested from 20- to ~ of fhe chocolate during the mittee of Ms Vicary and Cheryl foot trees that grow within 10 making of the candy is very im­ Garvin were thanked by Connie degrees of the equator. There portant. This product is most Silcox following a lunch en­ are two or three harvests per popular at Christmas, Easter hanced by a box of assorted year. The beans are in pods that ana Valentine's Day. chocolates with the compli­ grow on these trees and each Beth Vicary thanked Mr. ments of Mr. Armstrong. --~ lMUNITY Scene Shedden WI petition for agricuHure .museum BY DoRA H. McA.RnruR president Jean Palmer, second Shedden WI will host the.El­ vice-president Sharon Welch, gin West Daffodil Tea in Octo­ SHEDDEN-A Lenten poem · secretary Dorothy McLaughlin. ber an~ those plans will be · entitled Spelling It Out by Mor· PRO Brenda Silcox, treasurer finalized at a later date. ris Fleming was used by presi­ Pauline Silcox, remembrance P'ETITION dent Connie Silcox to begin the conunittee Dene Orchard and All the members present MarCh meeting of Shedden Cheryl Garvin, Tweedsmuir cu­ signed a petition requesting that Women's Institute which was rator Dora McArthur, auditors the Ontario Agricuftural Muse­ held at Caressant Care, St. Sharon Welch and Ruth Hunter. um at Milton remain in opera­ Thomas. -. Dene Orchard reported that tion. It was decided also to Among the vario~ reports she had sent seven cards to area again make rhubarb jam for sale given was one made by Jean residents for different occasions. at Rosy Rhubarb days June 7-9. Palmer regarding the retirement Jean Palmer reported on the The evening concluded with . open house for Dr. D.A. Montei­ Elgin County Pioneer Museum the singing ofHappy Birthday th who retired tTOm activ~ prac· meetl!lg that she hac{ atte{lde<;f to Margaret Turner, a long-time tice in December. Thanks was and reported that the third gar­ member of the institute who is given to all the groups who pro­ den1ng workshop held there in making her home at Caressant vided their services for this oc­ March was very mteresting and Care and an appropriate cake casion and contributions made successful as several subjects with strawberries was served to the Southwold Keystone. pertaining to gardening were by Dorothy McLaughlin, con­ Complex in Dr. Monteith's hon­ discussecf at that time. The up­ vener of the meeting with her or amounted to $2,590. stairs of fhe museum has been committee .Jean Palmer and The nominating committee redecorated and the downstairs Margaret Campbell. brought forward the slate of of- . will be the next undertaking. The appreciation of the ficers for 1996-97 as follows: June ·19 will be the annual meml>ers present was conveyed past presiaent Lois Oldham, Strawberry Social at the muse­ to the committee for arranging president Connie Silcox, vice- um. such a splendid evening. Roll call a .chance tO share history · of 1~al . buildings BY DoRA McARnruR Carol Gordon gave an infor­ mative report on the rally meet­ SHEDDEN-''Never doubt a ing that -she attended at the · small group of detennined ~ · pie can change the world. In­ OMAFRA office on April 23 deed it is the only thing -that and the following dates were ever has". Margaret Metld announced: the rallY- meeting This timely quote from Elgin will be held, Oct. 8, at 6~ p.m. · Community Leader's Letter with the meeting place to be an­ . was used by president Connie nounced later; the London area . Silcox when the April meeting convention .is .to be held .at St of Shedden Women's Institute Anne's, St. Thomas, on Oct. 24; was opened. the plowing match will be at * . Ms Silcox also gave the mem­ Fingal on Sept. 7. bers the privilege of viewing the The annual reports were sub- exterior and interior plans for the Southwold Keystone Com­ mi~ed. - Secretary Brenda Silcox plex which will begin co~f!uc­ tion in the spring of 1997. ·- summed up the -year's pro­ The motto for this annual grams and activities, resulting meeting and Tweedsmuir ·His-­ in the proof .the Shedden WI tory presentation was History­ had a most productive, satisfy­ just ordinary people in extraor­ ing and busy year. dinary times. The treasurer indicated that The roll call, cr:oose one very good use was made of the property in Shedden and. tell funds available. about it, brought forth many Sixteen Welcome books were forgotten facts- many of-them distributed during· the year to humorous - about places and newcomers to the village. This people from past times. service has been provided by Annual membership fees Shedden WI for 10 years and were collected and business was conducted. lists the businesses and services Knitted~~forZmili~ provided in the community. numbering 199 were sent on -Jean Palmer installed the offi­ their way. The Daffodil Tea, cers for the year 1996-1997. sponsored by Shedden WI, will Tweedsmuir curator Dora be Oct. 26 from 9:30 a.m. to McArthur was in charge of the noon at Bethany United program. She presented the his­ Church. tory books for perusal and read 4-H activities were noted a paper entitled Fun in History, from their bulletin and the safe made up of unusual and hu­ and healthy communities pro­ morous facts and quotes noted gram was reviewed. while doing research for family Pat Palmer will attend a trees and local history. fundraising seminar in London The executive provided a de­ onMayll. The Elgin West District annu­ licious lunch at a table centered al meeting is May 7 at 6:30p.m. with daffodils and Sharon at Kintyre Church, Clachan. Welch graciously expressed the Delegates were appointed to at­ thanks of aU for another inter­ tend this meeting. esting meeting. "Family Tree" to ic at Shedderi W.I. .,

11 Shedden ,_WI ' qq(o studies history Bv BRENDA Sn.cox with the United Church Women. Connie Silcox, Jean SHEDDEN - President Palmer, Pauline Silcox and Connie Silcox opened the~un; Brenda Silcox volunteered to be meeting of the Shedden om- on thiS committee. en's Institute with the poem Cultural activities convener· Saving Today for Tomorrow. Carol Gordon introduced Dora The repeating of the Institute McArthur who spoke on Re­ Ode and the Mary Stuart Col- searching Your Family Tree. lect preceded the roll call which She belongs to several ge­ was to name an ancestor and nealogical· societies and has tell something about them or been part of the work done on tell of a family search. five family tree histories. She We discovered many in~er- shared these timely tips to those esting · historical facts which interested in starting a family evenfually lead to the gathering tree: of rail of us to this area. After - •visit or join a genealogical hearing the answers to the roll society in your area, county, or ~~ the motto was very ~p~rcr province pnate- Dreams and_d~lcation • complete a family group are a powerful combmation. record and record dates (Oirths, The correspondence includ-· deaths, marrta~e, occupation ed a letter campaigning for etc.) as they are 1mportant funds for the new l3o6ier Rome • start a pedigree sheet. Keep in Dutton. A 4-H update, and all notes in one place. · an information letter from Su- ' • ask older relatives and silr san Humphries with regard to lings of any information they the closing of the OMAFRA of- may know - ' fice in St. 1homas was read. • read old newspapers in- Carol Gordon and Sharon eluding the .9bituaries Welch reported from the Rosy • check census records, and Rhubarb Days information micro film at libraries. Good in­ booth and noted a very success- formation is kept at Church of ful day with a nice sum of mon- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ey to donate to the Rosy genealogical libraries such as Rhubarb committee as all the the one in St. Thomas. ln our rhubarb jam made by our insti- area, the University of Western tute was sold. University and Guelph Univer- Pat Palmer, Dorothy sity are also excellent. , McLaughlin and Connie Silcox • go to cemeteries and read attended the plaque rededica- tombstones. tion and the Years in the Mak- She said that being involved ing donor reception held at St. in researching a family tree is Thomas-Elgin General Hospi- time consuming but fun and ed­ tal. Many improvements have ucational. One gets a great deal ·1 been made and redecorated of satisfaction upon comP.leting ' rooms, new equipment and UJ> . each generation of a family his-­ dated skills were viewed. We tory and she encouraged us all ' should be very proud to have to get busy and complete a such a fine hospital in our im- pecbgree chart in order to begin mediate area to service us. our own family tree. - A. Tweedsmuir workshop To brighten any room, we all will be held Aug. 13 at Wallace- participated in making a sun­ town Hall. Dower craft under the l~der- Jean Palmer reported from ship pf Carol Gordon the welcoming committee in- Seasonal strawberry flan forming us of four new resi- topped off the evening. dents in the village. Sharon Welch expressed Shedden Fair will be held thanks of behalf of the group to Aug. 16-18. Pat Palmer offered Dora, Carol and Jean Palmer for to look after the group display. planning the meeting. Our institute will once again Regular institute meetings ooerate the fQod booth together resume Sept. 25. ------~------~------?ntL