- The Elgin West District Wom­ being hosted by her Institute. Pauline Lindsay officiated the will be held at Hamilton Conven­ en's Institute 86th annual meeting Middlemarch WI conducted Election of Officers for 1994. Re­ tion Centre June 16 - June 22. was held in the South Dunwich "In Memorium", remembering na Campbell read the nominating 1997 with the 'Theme' "Indebted Community Hall, Wallacetown past members who died. committee report of officers:Past to the Past -Committed to the Fu­ May 4, with 11 branches in at­ Margaret Dale, London Area President: Jean Leitch; President: ture." tending and Tyrconnell Institute president, said the London Area Willa Johnston; 1st Vice : Ann ACWW President Valerie as host. Convention is Oct. 27 at Mt. Bry­ McLean; 2nd Vice: Faye Thome; Fisher will be visiting Canada to President Jean Leitch opened dges with Middlesex East as Secretary/Treasurer: Eleanor attend to the FWIC Convention in the meeting. The theme for 1994 Host. She asked members to en­ McMillan; Public Relations: Truro NS on May 26. May 28 will is ''Year of the Family". Jean said courage young people to apply Dorothea Jewell; Program coor­ be the Open House at Erland Lee the definition of family is any for the Maryn Pardy Scholarship, dinator: Grace Campbell; and members are invited to join class of life or related thing, basic as there are not getting many ap­ 1\veedsmuir History: Sally Mcin­ from 2-4 p.m. May 29 the Hood­ unit of society supporting individ­ pHcations. She said the 'Theme' tyre; Asst. 1\veedsmuir History: less Home will entertain at lunch, ual members, a group of people of a meeting should be inspired Helen Van Brenk. with an Open House from 2-4 who come together with a sense and looked forward to. Coordi­ Jean Leitch introduced Mar­ p.m. Institute members are asked of values, room for encourage­ nate different parts of your meet­ garet Dale- President London to write letters to the Ministry of ment, enjoyment and fellowship. ing around the 'theme'. She Area WI, Betty Van Patter- Presi­ Health to protest a discriminatory Duties should be shared equally defined 'Theme'- T-think, H­ dent Elgin East WI and her Trea­ grant. Sample letters from the and should be fun and interesting. ho~.· E-educate, M-message. E­ surer Bernice Taylor, Hilda Ministry will be sent out to the I Catherine McAlpine, Trycon­ evaluate, and gave best wishes to Morden - New Branch Coordina­ branches. Centennial Plate orders nell WI president welcomed Elgin West District WI. tor. will be shipped early in June. 1 everyone .Sally Mcintyre, Presi- Salle Mcintyre - Tweedsmuir Betty Van Patter - President Song competitions should be re­ dent of Wallacetown WI invited History - has added seven new Elgin East WI reported that the ceived by FWIO no later than everyone to next year's meeting, pages to her book this year. FWIC Theme is "Today's family. Nov. 20. Tommorow's Future". There are They still need pictures of any­ ·- four stages of ry-tan. A) When he thing in the past I 00 years fc · ' believes in Santa Claus, b) when Coffee Table Book. The1 he doesn't be.lieve in Santa Claus, Show at the Lee is June 24- July c) When he is Santa Claus and d) 23, Harvest Festival Luncheons when be looks like Santa Claus. Sept 27 & 28. Conference '94, Eleanor McMillan. Elgin Geneva Park. Aug 12, 13, & 14. County Rally President and her Home & Country magazines will treasurer Lil Lawson brought be mailed out by actual numbers greetings. There are still some in the future. Centennial Book fridge magnets available. Committee, Dr. Linda Ambrose Roll Call: 2 members from would like to finish interviews by each Branch gave a highlight of end of summer. meetings in the past year, dona­ Grace Campbell - Program tions to Pennies for Friendship Coordinator gave a report for the and a craft for Area Convention. Branches in Elgin West She said Norma McMillan from the more Institutes should sponsor 4- Daffodil Society said ticket sales HClubs. on the quilt at the Cancer Tea was Eleanor McMillan - Elgin very successful. Oct. 4, 1994 is West New Branch CoordinatOr Coffee Brealc from 9:30 - 12:00 suggested promoting WI for our p.m. hosted by the Middlemarch 1OOth anniversary and advertising WI at Fingal United Church.. meetings. Pauline Lindsay: Provincial The gavel was turned over to Board Director brought greetings new President Willa Johnston, from the Board of FWIO. On who thanked the Institute mem­ March 22 they had a dinner and bers for having confidence and tour of the office. The dinner was making here president of Elgin served by the Puslinch WI. The West District WI . She thanked Moving Comrniuee gave a report Jean Leitch and Margaret C?· 'I and they had a shower of gifts for for a job well done and prest the office. The new President each with a I OOth anniversary Elect is Margaret Harris. Peggy mug. Knapp reported Conference '97 Shedden WI focuses on Year of the Family By Dora H. McArthur tended the Strawberry Social at Canadians to consider their role SHEDDEN - Shedden Wom­ Elgin pioneer Museum, in St. in strengthening families. en's Institute met for its June 22 Thomas, in the afternoon of the MISSION - to emphasize the meeting at Bethany United meeting day. The Tea was most importance of the function family Church. Guests for the meeting successful and an announcement performs as a financial, nurturing, were members of Aughrim Wom­ made that Col. Talbot's desk has protecting, educating and cultural en's Institute, Alvinston. been added to the Col. Talbot unit and how crucial it is in the President Connie Silcox Room. It was donated by the pre­ development of individual mem­ chaired the meeting, which dealt sent owners of the Talbot Estate. bers and their contribution to with the Year of the Family. Bren­ All those who helped at the Wl Canadian society. da Silcox assisted as secretary. booth at Rosy Rhubarb Days <.iYMBOL- we see it in many The president read a poem entitle were thanked by Jean Palmer places .. a heart sheltered by a 'What is a Family?' by Francis who convened the booth. A com­ roof, linked to another heart, to Nugent. The motto: "We live un­ mittee was appointed to work symbolize life and love in a der the same sky,• but we don't with the Bethany UCW to plan home where one funds warmth, have the same horizon"-Konrad the food booth for Shedden Fair, caring, security, togetherness, tol­ Adenaur. Aug. 26-28. erance and acceptance. The open Roll call 'A current event (in­ Appreciation was expressed to design is meant to indicate conti­ ternational or otherwise) from the Sharon Welch for her efforts in nuity with a hint of uncertainty. · year you were born.' printing the meeting programs for The brush stroke, with its open A valued member and imme­ 1994-95 ... line roof, completes an abstract diate past secretary, Brenda Bot­ A draw was made on two symbol representing the com­ den, was given a gift by Lois cross-stitch pictures made and do­ plexity of the family. The color is Oldham, past president, and nated by Pauline Silcox. rubine red. Cheryl Garvin, on behalf of the An interesting presentation A poster was also issued. This members. Barbara, and her fami­ was made by Connie Silcox, con­ illustration by Suzanne Du­ ly, are moving in the near future. vener, on the subject 'The Year of ranceau was designed for a com­ During the business portion of the Family.' memorative postage stamp sheet the meeting, a letter was signed The United Nations genera! marking the Year of the Family. by all the members to be forward­ Assembly in its resolution 44182 A quiz was distributed on ed to Price Waterhouse, 1Gtchen­ of Dec. 8, 1989, proclaimed 1994 Family Facts to test the knowl­ er, Ont., re: an opinion survey on the International Year of the Fam­ edge on family statistics in Cana­ the closing of Milton Agricultural ily. The Canadian committee has da. A second quiz involved Museum. initiated several national chal­ identifying familiar faces seen in WI limited edition Centennial lenges to promote greater aware­ the media and stating facts about, Plates ( 1997) may be ordered. ness and understanding about their families and personal A bus trip is being organized to work and family issues. achievements. attend the official opening of GOAL - to mobilize and sen­ A social time was enjoyed, FWIO new offices in Guelph on sitize the Canadian public to is­ with visiting with members and Aug. 2 J. Those interested in go­ sues regarding families and guests along with strawberries, ing may contact Betty VanPatter. family-related matters. cake and ice cream prepared by ... .Members. of Shedden WI at- PURPOSE - to encourage the convener and her committee. Shedden W.I. tour Children's Hospital On Wednesday, September treats7,000chtldreneachyear the touring group for the 28th Cheryl Garvin, Convenor and 50% of those are from meeting. The theme of the of Family and Consumer M - outside the city. The children meetingwas: Tellaboutsome- fairs, arranged a tour of range in age from premature one who has benefitted from Children's Hospital of West- babies to 16 years of age. this hospital. The Motto, em Ontario. Linda Cudmore, Telethon funding and con- "Everything that is done in Telethon co-ordinator for the tributions from organizations the world is done by hope," - Children's Hospital Founda- and private citizens provide Martin Luther. Connie Silcox, tion greeted the 10 members many of the special machines president, conducted the busi­ and 2 guests of Shedden and equipment to operate the ness meeting, and Brenda Women'slnstituteandguided hospital.
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