now stand in recess subject to the call awarded to JOHN first—2 or 3 years be- in in the State legislature of the Chair. fore me. and as Governor, and his 23 years in the There being no objection, the Senate, Madam President, along with you Senate, it has been a record of exem- at 2:14 p.m., recessed subject to the call and all our colleagues, I am saddened plary service. I think it is a total of 44 of the Chair; whereupon, at 3 p.m., the by his death. But I am grateful for the years of public service, not counting Senate reassembled when called to time we spent together; I am grateful his 7 or 8 years as a marine. In over 50 order by the Presiding Officer (Ms. for his leadership and example; and I years of public service, JOHN CHAFEE COLLINS). am grateful for his supportive family. has dedicated his life to serving his The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Along with all my colleagues, I express State and his Nation. What great serv- ator from Delaware is recognized. my condolences to them as well as my ice, what great sacrifice he has made f most profound gratitude for sharing for our country. Senator CHAFEE with America. I also was pleased to get to know him IN HONOR OF SENATOR JOHN Madam President, I suggest the ab- fairly personally. JOHN and his wife CHAFEE sence of a quorum. Ginny were married 49 years. What a Mr. ROTH. Madam President, today The PRESIDING OFFICER. The wonderful, beautiful example. I knew is a sad day for America; today is a sad clerk will call the roll. him also as a wrestler. He was inducted day for the Senate, for Rhode Island, The legislative clerk proceeded to into the National Wrestling Hall of but especially for JOHN CHAFEE’s fam- call the roll. Fame, which is quite an honor. Not ily. Mr. NICKLES. Madam President, I many people know that he was captain Senator CHAFEE was, indeed, a re- ask unanimous consent that the order of the Yale wrestling team and markable man and a good friend. Our for the quorum call be rescinded. undefeated in his wrestling career prior thoughts and prayers are with his fam- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to the war. That is pretty special; that ily—his wife Ginny and five children— objection, it is so ordered. is not an easy accomplishment. It as they pass through this most difficult Mr. NICKLES. Madam President, I, shows that he had a certain amount of time. like countless Americans, am very sad- toughness and will. I believe it can be said without hesi- dened over the news that JOHN CHAFEE He was always willing to compromise tation that few individuals have served is no longer with us. The news of his and always willing to negotiate, but he America with the distinction that JOHN death was a shock to me. I was with was tough, he was sincere, he was ener- CHAFEE exhibited in his many years of Senator CHAFEE just last week. I teased getic, he was a tireless campaigner and public service. From his active duty in Senator CHAFEE about the fact that he a tireless worker. He was a very dedi- the Marine Corps—where he saw action was using a wheelchair, and I was ac- cated individual. in both the Second World War and cusing him of doing wheelies and rac- JOHN CHAFEE is going to be missed in Korea—to his early years as a member ing down the aisles. He spent at least the Senate. His State will surely miss of the Rhode Island House of Rep- an hour with many of us in the Finance him to. They have so much for which resentatives, to his years as Governor Committee discussing a number of to be grateful, to have had him as their and his work as Secretary of the Navy, issues, including health care, which leader, one of the real valued leaders, to, of course, his 23 years of service in was one of the issues in which he was both as Governor and Senator, as a the Senate, JOHN’s patriotism was be- most interested and of which he was a captain in the Marines, and as a fan- yond philosophical; it was pragmatic real champion for all Americans. This tastic colleague, devoted husband for 49 and it was concrete. is a loss for so many, because of his years, father of John, Jr., Lincoln, He had a keen sense of duty—a pro- great service to this country. Zechariah, Quentin, and his daughter found sense of responsibility. As a Sen- JOHN CHAFEE spent 23 years in the Georgia—five wonderful kids who, I ator, he knew his constituents, and he Senate. He was concluding his fourth know, are very proud of their father. served them with such devotion that he term as a U.S. Senator. He had a very I know JOHN was very proud of his was elected in 1976 and returned to exceptional Senate career that encom- children. I was with Senator CHAFEE Washington four times, despite the fact passed many areas. He was a leader in and his son ‘‘Linc’’ last week at a cam- that he was a Republican in an over- education, health care, the Environ- paign event. You could sense, when whelmingly Democratic State. Much of ment and Public Works Committee, of Senator CHAFEE was introducing his his effectiveness was in his ability to which he was chairman, dealing with son, the love and the bond they had be- find bipartisan cooperation, and to issues such as clean air and clean tween them. It was a wonderful thing stand fast on issues that were impor- water, and reauthorization of many to behold. tant to the individuals and families he very vital programs. I have a special comment about Sen- represented. Among these issues was a His service was not only limited to ator CHAFEE and his wife Ginny. I have deep concern for the environment and the Senate, however. In addition to his had the pleasure of knowing them for for quality and affordable health care. 23 years in the Senate, he served 6 my 19 years in the Senate. I have been He was a tireless advocate of the un- years as . He in their home—a wonderful, beautiful, derprivileged and a strong proponent of also had about 7 years as a marine. He loving couple. I just want Ginny to American leadership and economic op- fought in both World War II and in the know that our thoughts are with her portunity. I understand how important . He fought in the Battle of and with her children. We want them these issues were to JOHN—not only be- Guadalcanal. to know we share their loss and they cause we served for so many years as I remember when I was on a trip are very much in our thoughts and our colleagues and friends on the Senate speaking with leaders in Korea, and I prayers. I want them to know what a Finance Committee—but because, like wanted to learn more about the Korean great honor it has been for me person- JOHN, I represent a small coastal State war. They suggested I read a book. I ally, and I think for all Senators, to in the Northeast, much like you, believe the name of the book was ‘‘This have the privilege and pleasure of serv- Madam President. Many of the issues Kind of War.’’ It is a very thick book. ing with JOHN CHAFEE in the Senate. and concerns we faced were the same. I read it with great interest, and I read He will be missed in Rhode Island, and In fact, one of the truly great honors I about Capt. JOHN CHAFEE, who was a he will be missed throughout the coun- have received as a Senator is to be hero during the Korean war. That was try. given the Ansel Adams Award by the something he never mentioned. If you Madam President, I suggest the ab- Wilderness Society. It is the highest wanted to find out he was a hero, you sence of a quorum. award that prestigious organization had to talk to somebody else. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The gives out, and there are only two Re- If you go all the way back to his clerk will call the roll. publican Senators who have ever re- service as a marine officer in World The legislative assistant proceeded ceived it. And I must say that it was War II and the Korean war, his service to call the roll.

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