Report on civil and political rights Uzbekistan by Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” O`zbekiston inson huquqlari “Ezgulik” jamiyati Общество прав человека Узбекистана «Эзгулик» Toshkent-11, Navoiy ko`chasi, 10-uy, 10-xona Website:, e-mail:
[email protected] Tel: +998 93 562 47 80 Fax: +99871 241 85 88. INTRODUCTION The situation with the human rights in the country, unfortunately, meanwhile remains the same as in the past i.e. without changes. The proof of our opinion it is possible to specify occurrence of more unpleasant situation with increase of quantity of the citizens, addressing to our society in financial year, at studying of analytical and comparative condition in relation to previous years. Realization of this research, reception of photos and studying of materials makes unique difficulties. We wanted that you have understood that researches are spent in unique risky situation and presence of lacks and defects is not excluded. However, it is our draught copies are small attempt in studying of scale of problems. Within several years, in reply to public performances, international pressure and appeals of the world society about cancellation of use of child labour, the government of Republic of Uzbekistan made responsible the higher bodies. As a result because of mass compulsory hashars there were lost some persons, some persons were received by physical injuries of different stages. The rights and interests of people on free work has been crushed in a mass order. For last four years, the government does not suppose input to observers of the International Labour Organization in the country and by that does not carry out of the obligations assigned not of it at level of the international rules of law.