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6-1973 Beacon Light: June 1973 St. Cloud Hospital

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Volume XXII Number 10 June, 1973

Three New Dept. Heads Named Dr. Jaeger to Head The Division of Personnel and Public Relations Services not only has a new director, but as of , two new department heads were appointed to head-up the areas of Continuing Education and Public Relations. In addi- Medical Staff tion, the Nursing Division h as an- Dr. D. E. Jaeger, an orthopedist, nounced a new Di- has been elected to succeed Dr. Paul rector of Admis- Is/loran as Chief of the Saint Cloud sions to replace Sr. Hospital Medical Rita Budig who Staff for 1973-74. has accepted a po- Dr. Jaeger will sition as Adminis- assume his duties trator of the As- as Chief of Staff sumption Nursing on July 1. Home in Cold Other officers

Spring Minnesota. Blair Sr. Marion elected are Dr. Stephan S o m - Sally Grublski, former assistant di- be responsible for maintaining pro- mers, Chief of rector of Continuing Education, has grams which explain the services and Dr. Jaeger Staff - Elect, Dr. been promoted to Director of that de- facilities available at the Saint Cloud T. G. Mum, Representative at Large, partment while Jett Blair has joined Hospital, supervising hospital publi- and Dr. L. V. Dahlquist was re-elected the hospital staff as Director of Public cations, news releases, and tours, plus Secretary. Relations and Sr. Marion Sauer, OSB managing various special events with returns to SCH as Director of Admis- which the hospital becomes involved. Dr. Jaeger, who is a member of St. sions. Blair is a graduate of Saint Cloud Cloud Orthopedic Associates, Ltd., Mrs. Grabuski is a graduate of the State College and holds a B.A. degree joined the Hospital staff in 1966. He Memorial Hospital School of Nursing in English and speech. He lives in is a native of Mountain Lake, Minne- in Rockford, Illinois, and has served Angus Acres with his wife Sherry and sota, a graduate of Gustavus Adolph- as assistant director of Continuing 14-month-old daughter Jennifer. us College in St. Peter, and a gradu- Education since July, 1971. Her de- Sr. Marion returns to the Saint ate of the University of Minnesota partment is responsible for most of Cloud Hospital after an absence of Medical School. the inservice training for the nursing eight years during which she has serv- staff, employee orientation, the coor- ed as Director of Nursing at Queen Chiefs of Services elected are: W. dination of courses for management of Peace Hospital in New Prague, H. Rice, Anesthesia; Dr. K. L. Catton, development and patient education, Minn., and at Saint Benedict's Hos- Dentistry; Dr. J. B. Gaida, EENT; and presentation of programs on clos- pital in Ogden, Utah. She has also Dr. V. E. Neils, Family Practice; Dr. ed circuit TV for the staff and physi- served as Health Care Administrator H. E. Windschitl, Internal Medicine; cians. Mrs. Grabuski and her husband at Saint Benedict's Convent and Col- Dr. A. T. Rozycki, OB-GYN; Dr. J. Henry reside at RR 2, Rice. lege. She is a graduate of the Saint H. Zeleny, Orthopedics; Dr. M. S. Prior to his apopintment as Direc- Cloud School of Nursing, and has Bozanich, Pathology; Di, B. L. John, tor of Public Relations Blair had been earned a Bachelor of Science degree Pediatrics; Dr. H. J. Brattensborg, employed as Executive Assistant at in Nursing plus a Masters degree in Psychitary; Dr. G. L. Loeb, Radiol- the St. Cloud Area Chamber of Com- Nursing Service Administration from ogy; and Dr. R. A. Rovelstad, Sur- merce. In his new position, he will St. Louis University. - gery.

Page 2 THE BEACON LIGHT June, 1973 June, 1973 THE BEACON LIGHT Page 3 Congratulations The Chaplain's Corner On Your Dahlquists Adopt Fr. John H. McManus, 0.M1.. Promotion Korean Orphan "This has been a really great thing," Carol Lindow, Supervisor Trainee in COMMENT Dr. LaRue Dahlquist said when he Nursing Service was promoted to started talking about the baby he and Supervisor by his wife adopted Mary Kay Sanders, Staff Nurse in last winter. Lisa CCU was promoted to Pitting Head Marie was six Nurse Gene S. Bakke weeks old when Christine Gorder, AD Nurse on 5 Executive Vice President found on a street South, was promoted to Team in Korea, appar- Leader ently abandoned. Gwendolyn Johnson, Staff Medical She was taken in Records Administrator in Medical by a foster home Records, was promoted to Assistant and at the age of Medical Records Administrator 51/2 months was VACATION TIME—When that anticipated change of pace begins to be- Mary Urbanski, Transcriber Trainee, adopted by the Dahlquists on Decem- come a reality. Even the "Beacon Light' will be out of circulation for two was promoted to Transcriber in ber 8, 1972. months to return in September. For many businesses, institutions and individuals, the end of a year comes Nursing Service Dr. Dahlquist said it took 10 months Since we will not be visiting through this medium for a short time, I would in December. It is a time of ending and beginning—when we typically look Sally Grabuski, Assistant Director of for the applications to be processed, like to share something with you to take along in the picnic basket, tackle box back at the accomplishments of the past calendar year as a kind of springboard Continuing Education, was promot- working through the Stearns County or camping outfit which could make the reality of this vacation greater than from which we project what we expect or hope will happen in the year ahead. ed to Director of Continuing Edu- Welfare Agency and the Holt Agency the anticipation. Since we at St. Cloud Hospital function on the basis of a fiscal year which cation in Oregon. In St. John's Gospel he continually challenges with paradoxes, shows us ends rather than on a calendar year, we are now at that point where James Guderjohn, A&C Assistant, -was "We've really been excited about both sides of the coin so to speak, and at times, there seems to be a contradiction. we assess what has happened the past 12 months and try to anticipate what promoted to Follow-Up Coordinator Lisa," he said. "Our other three chil- An instance which points this out to some extent happens at the Last Supper the new year will bring. on 2 South dren, while perhaps reluctant at first, when Christ Jesus tells his Apostles that without Him we can do nothing and Looking back over the past 12 months, it would be fair to state that we Howard Sand, Storeroom Clerk, was have completely accepted her." Dr. that with Him there is nothing we cannot do. have experienced a year of significant successes along with a few disappoint- promoted to Shipping & Receiving Dahlquist also explained that new ap- To illustrate, a story is told of a middle-aged woman who was very sick, ments. Among the successes are: Clerk plications for infant children from Ko- not incurable, but seemingly without hope. In the course of her treatment, it • The fact that St. Cloud Hospital provided health care to more people Joan Rieder, Orderly in Physical rea are now closed, but older orphans was decided that she was to receive a direct blood transfusion from her husband. than ever before in its history. Therapy, was promoted to Senior • can be adopted easily. As they lay side by side for the transfusion, the husband gently took her hand The remodeling and updating of the original hospital building con- Orderly and said "I am going to make you well." She searched his eyes and asked, tinued to progress steadily toward completion. Diane Talbot, Staff Nurse on 2 NW, "Why?" "Because I need you," was his simple response. Her pulse quickened • Rezoning of hospital property to a Medical Service District was was promoted to Acting Head and with a bloom coming to her face, she told her husband, "You never told me achieved after several years of time consuming effort on the part of Nurse that before." It was not the transfusion which brought hope to the sick wife, city agencies and hospital personnel. Patricia Theisen, Staff Nurse on 6 A disappointment of the past year that came as a severe shock was the tieaconelLIGht but the sharing of love. North, promoted to Acting Head Supreme Court decision on abortion. The decision has already stimulated con- Certainly we can do nothing without Christ Jesus, yet He needs us to share published by Nurse siderable litigation and discussion in the courts and legislature halls, a situation the love He has given us. If we do less, we short circuit the Act of Redemption. The Public Relations Department that promises to continue for several years in the future. of Planning for the year ahead has meant a new budget, new officers of the The Saint Cloud Hospital medical staff and a time when traditionally many new staff people come on board. It is a time of transition and preparation, gearing up to meet the chal- EDITORIAL STAFF As An SCH Employee lenges and responsibilities we see down he 12 month road ahead. Perinna Burke Mary Kamphake The whole procedure proves the adage"change is the law of life." Reviewing Agnes Claude Bea Knuesel Your Anniversary Date the past hopefully has the effect of a cleansing process in which we discard that Sister Colleen Agnes Moegleitz By Agnes Claude which is no longer valid and viable—looking forward to the future forces us to Barbara Erickson Sr. M. Schneider modify and improve our responses in order to meet the new challenges ahead. Marie Hoppert Donna Struck There is something good about the end of a year. It is followed by the be- Jeff Blair Sam Wenstrom ginning of a new one. For a number of employees the vacation anniversary 'professional employee. A professional employee has a dif- date remains the same as their first day of employment. ferent vacation schedule than a non-professional, the Vaca- For others this date has changed for various reasons. Be- tion Anniversary Date must then be changed to the first low are two types of changes which would affect the day of their professional employment. In answer to many inquiries, you may figure how much Vacation Anniversary Date. vacation time you must use by your anniversary in the 1. A person starts employment on 5-3-70. In June of 1971 she has a LOA for 2 months 8 days. This 2 months following manner. Our Record of Service and 8 days are then added to the original 5-3-70, giving Take the check stub from your anniversary in 1972, compare it with your present check stub. In the lower left a new Vacation Anniversary Date of 7-11-70. This new EMERGENCY date would then appear on the top of the check stub. The hand side of the 1972 stub is a square headed To Date. This is how much vacation time you had earned by your LABORATORY OUTPATIENT same procedure is followed each time the employee takes ADMISSIONS . BIRTHS OPERATIONS X-RAYS TESTS anniversary. On the upper right hand side of your new VISITS another LOA. check stub is the heading Vacation Taken Anniversary MAY, 1973 1413 137 606 4333 25375 to Date. Subtract the amount showing in this space from 1008 2. A non-professional person completes training for a to professional position and is promoted to the professional what you had earned on the 1972 stub and the amount MAY 31 7242 663 3109 20816 job. An example of this would be a Nursing Assistant who remaining is what you would have to use by your next 126209 4375 graduates and is then a Staff Nurse. She then becomes a anniversary date.

THE BEACON LIGHT Page 5 Page 4 THE BEACON LIGHT June, 1973 June, 1973 SCH Employee Picnic Set P.A.C. Rap Ethiopian Patriarch Visits SCH Four Reelected To scheduled. In addition, the "space Dave Pflipsen ( Accounts Payable) By Mary Kamphake Board Of Trustees chairman of the employee picnic com- walk", something which was popular Smoking!! ... An over-all hospital mittee has announced that the 1973 with the children last year, will be The Saint Cloud Hospital Board of problem ... what can be done about Saint Cloud Hospital Employee Pic- sponsored again by the Hospital Em- Trustees re-elected four members to it? Patients, personnel, doctors, and nic will be held Saturday, August 18, ployees Credit Union. three year terms of office at their visitors are all involved; b u t who at Wilson Park. All members of the Hospital staff, June meeting. Re-elected were: Sister should take the responsibility to keep While the committee has not final- the Board of Trustees, medical staff, Giovanni Bieniek, O.S.B.; Dr. E. J. smoking limited to certain areas of ized all plans for the event, it does volunteers, candy stripers, and their Schmitz, Dr. Stanley Idzerda a n d the hospital? report that food and refreshments will families are invited to attend. Lun- Jerry Weyrens. According to hospital policies, smok- be available for everyone and numer- ches will be served from 11:30 to 1:00 Mother Henrita Osendorf, 0.S.B., ing should be prohibited in patient's ous recreational activities are being p.m. and again from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. will continue to serve as Chairman of rooms. But, this policy, as well as the the 13-member Board. Mother Hen- policy to limit visitors at two per rita was appointed to continue her patient, is not always carried out. service to the hospital by Sister Evin Who should take t h e initiative to Rademacher, the new Prioress of the REMEMBER — ABC Theatre tic- the first Thursday of each month dur- carry out the regulations? If we are Order of St. Benedict. concerned for the health and comfort kets are available in the Wage and ing the summer months and wishes Three officers were also elected dur- of our patients, each and every em- Benefits Office throughout the sum- each of their fellow employees a safe. During his visit to the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library at St. John's ing the June meeting. Cy Kuefler was ployee should take it upon himself to mer. Also, the PAC continues to meet healthy and happy vacation. University, His Holiness Abuna Theophilos, I'atriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox elected Vice President; Sister Luke see that this is done. Church, made a special, unscheduled visit to Abbot .John Eisenschenk who was a Hoschette, Secretary; and Ed 'Lapp, Perhaps hospital personnel could patient at the Saint Cloud Hospital. In the picture above, Abbot John observes Treasurer. Other members of the suggest that visitors take a "smoke the Patriarch's cross, which is a symbol of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Board of Trustees are: Dr. Edward break" in one of the lounges available As spiritual leader of over 12 million Christians in Ethiopia, the Patriarch is LaFond, Sister Enid Smith, Sister Credit Union News on each floor. If the patient is able, the third most powerful political figure in that nation and is also among the world's Patrick Joseph Flynn, Sister Herena By Perky Burke he could accompany them. This is highest ranking religious leaders. Mueller and Gene S. Bakke. especially helpful when a patient's Something new in our Credit Union: Two three-speed bicycles, now on roommate is quite ill or if he and his display in the employees' cafeteria, will be GIVEN AWAY just for adding company do not smoke. When the to your savings in the St. Cloud Hospital Employees' Credit Union. floor lounges a r e used for patient Board Approves $14 Million Budget The insert with the checks rooms, visitors should be encouraged the average patient's stay in the Saint ATTENDS on explained the to return to the main lobbies to smoke. The Board of Trustees of the Saint Cloud Hospital is $74.96 less than the whole program in detail. Posters and signs placed in hallways Cloud Hospital has set the 1973-74 INTERNATIONAL nation's average. Here, more briefly, is the may remind people to refrain from budget at $14,513,932, an amount CONFERENCE The 1973-74 budget reflects a 4.6% same information: smoking in patient's rooms. Any other $864,332 higher than the current increase in total patient billings. "The For every $10.00 increase suggestions are very welcome. year's figure according to Gene S. Miss Ellen Hanson, a Dietitian here increase in total patient billings re- in savings (either shares or Bakke, Executive Vice President. at SCH, recently returned from at- flects an increased patient service," Savings Certificates) be- The hospital administration is pre- tending the 6th International Con- observed John Seckinger, the Hos- tween June 1 and August 8, dicting 126,400 patient days for the gress of Dietetics in Hannover, Ger- Wedding Bells Ring pital's Director of Fiscal Services. The one chance will be deposited coming fiscal year which begins July many. Miss Hanson attended the new budget is within the limitation in the drum for you. If you, 1, 1973. The average patient stay in Congress during a visit to her parents For SCH Staff of Phase III regulations for institu- as a member, bring in a new the Saint Cloud Hospital is 7.6 days who live in Denmark. tions providing health care services. It member, indicate on the or a half day less than the national Beverly Babick, Physical Therapy, is also in compliance with the Presi- white application card that average, while a patient's cost for a married Ray Peerman Jr. on 4-27- dent's recent announcement regarding YOU signed up this member day's stay in the Saint Cloud Hospital 73 the freeze on prices. —and you receive two more sl is $104.02 per day compared with nee on share accounts up to Mary Copeland, X-ray, married Don- $105.55 nationally. This shows that chances; also, each new member re- sura ald Super on 5-12-73 $2,000; low interest on loans (which ceives two chances just for joining. Kathleen Phillippi, Housekeeping Drawing for these bikes will take are insured at no cost to the borrow- Becker Attends Seminar er), and Savings Certificates. Aide, married Wayne Dingman on place at the Hospital picnic on Au- 5-5-73 Michael Becker, Director of Re- gust 18. Mary Jane Gibas, Physical Therapy, habilitation Services, is attending a Don't forget the other advantages YOUR CREDIT UNION IS A three - week hos- GOOD DEAL—IF YOU DON'T married Tom Benkoske on 5-5-73 of Credit Union membership: Life neth Moog on 5-5-73 p i t a l executive ALREADY BELONG ...JOIN! Insurance; insured savings; double in- Beverly Oberstar, Lab, married Ken- development pro- Carol Sixberry, Lab, married Terry g r a m sponsored Wasvick on 5-19-73 by Center f o r Nan Williamson, Nursing Assistant I, Hospital Contin- Babies Born To . . . married Mr. Abel on 5-4-73 uing Education at St. Louis Uni- Mr. and Mrs.— James Prior ( Shirlee Bruemmer ) Eugene Baribeau, 2 South, married Gerald Muellner ( Marlene Olber- Louise Duea on 5-18-73 versity. Becker is Mark Twomey (Judith Trimborn) attending the first i Timothy Hoffman (Judy Determan) ding) Pamela Shanks, Staff Nurse, married Becker year of a three- Mark Hofer (Ramona Dold) Joseph Beuning (Beverly Denne) Don Perrine on 6-9-73 year integrated summer program de- Thomas Dunn (Diane Wire) Stephen Kirchner (Shirley Schill ) Beth Conklin, Graduate Nurse, mar- signed to meet the continuing educa- Pictured above are 10 of the 12 Candy Stripers who were capped during the annual Stanley Skjei (Kathleen Fischer) Raymond Brezinski (Elizabeth Ann ried Mathew Bauer on 6-16-73 tion needs of top hospital executives Candy Striper Capping and Awards ceremonies Monday, . Front row (left James Sayre ( Charlotte Jobgen) Kroll) Linda Drost, LPN, married William who have moved into administrative to right): Jo Beth Pike, Eva Willenbring, Sandy Klein, Kathy Johnson. Back row Ronald Breth ( Carol Sandman) Vernon Bellmont (Marie Decker) Abel on 6-23-73 positions without formal training in (left to right): Tracy Gallagher, Mary Marek, Bev Christie, .Jean Oster, Debbie John Paulson ( Nancy Heckler) Linto nEdgerly ( Carol Ann Paumen ) Mary Burgraff, Secretary, married hospital administration. Dombrowski, Debbie Flam. Not pictured: Karen Kapsner and Katie Statz. Henry Hansen ( Diane Koos) James Lange (Elaine Hennek ) Douglas Cook on 6-23-73

Page 6 THE BEACON LIGHT June, 1973 June, 1973 THE BEACON LIGHT Page 7 Hospital's Paging System Modernized... Auxiliary Contributes New, Remodeled Facilities Now in Use The number of page announce- Over 12,000 Hours ments coming over hospital loud- The Women's Auxiliary donated speakers will be reduced by over 50 12,222 hours of voluntary service to percent with the installation of a new t h e Saint Cloud Hospital between "shirt pocket" pager system, accord- June of 1972 and June of 1973, ac- ing to Sam Wenstrom, Director of cording to Mrs. Marlene Gambrino, Personnel and Public Relations Serv- Auxiliary President. Mrs. Gambrino ices. The decision to install the new made her report at the Annual Auxil- system was prompted, in part, by the iary Awards Luncheon which was held results of a recent survey of paging at the Germain Hotel. requests and announcements. The sur- Nursing Service Director, Mrs. Con- vey showed that during a typical week nie Moline, guest speaker at the lun- a projected total of nearly 5,000 page cheon, told the volunteers that the announcements — or about one page many hours of volunteer service was announcement every two minutes, 24 greatly appreciated by the members hours per day—are made. of the hospital staff and, especially, In order to cut down on the number the patients whose stay was made of page announcements, the "pocket ABOVE: Members of the Board of Trustees Above: Bill McClellan, Motorola sales more pleasant through their efforts. pager" will be distributed to people Mrs. Moline, along with Nursing are served the first meal in the new Coffee who are paged most frequently and to representative explains the operation of Ati Shop. Pictured are: Gene Bakke, Mother Hen- the new "pocket pager" to Dale Stein Service Director, Harry Knevel, pre- other in-house personnel such as res- sented 95 awards to women who serv- RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONIES—Pictured above during the official open- rita, Mother Evin Rademacher, newly elected (left), Director of the Professional Serv- piratory therapists; selected supervis- ed the Auxiliary and the Hospital. ing of the new Coffee & Gift Shop are (left to right): Sr. Colleen Haggerty, Prioress of the order of St. Benedict, and ory personnel plus certain housekeep- ices Division. Dr. Jaeger, Marlene Gambrino, Bernedette Spoden, Gene Bakke, Sam Wen- Harry Knevel. Among those receiving awards were: strom, and Mrs. A. Goering. In the background are members of the Candy ing and maintenance people. These Mrs. Ann Johnson and Mrs. Winkels Stripers and Women's Auxiliary who are assisting in the operation of the are the people whose quick response for 1,000 hours of service; Mrs. Max Coffee and Gift Shop. to pages is most frequently required. Landy, 1,500 hours; Mrs. Louis Another feature of the new system Schneider, 2,000 hours; and Mrs. Ar- is its 15 mile range. This means that In addition to fewer page announce- THE HOSPITAL'S NEW COFFEE AND GIFT SHOP Medical Records thur Habstritt, 2,500 hours. on-call personnel will not have to sit opened its doors to the public Tuesday, . The new ments and its 15 mile range, the new by a telephone and wait for their system will also allow for better se- facility features hot breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, plus messages; the new system will allow curity, a quicker response to patient a soda fountain and an expanded gift shop which offers a messages to be transmitted to them variety of flowers, plants, greeting cards, and gifts. requests and immediate response to anywhere within the 15 mile range. emergency situations. "The 84 seat coffee shop will be operated by members of the Hospital staff with the assistance of the Women's Auxiliary," says Mrs. Bernadette Spoden, manager of the new facility. The Auxiliary will continue to staff the gift 25 Years Of Good Cookin' . • • shop which they started in the main lobby nearly three . . . that's what Jerome Knuesel years ago. can look back upon. This month Jerry In addition to hot foods, the coffee shop also offers a is celebrating his 25th anniversary as Pictured above are Denise Parker (left; wide variety of sandwiches, pastries, and salads plus a Head Chef at the Saint Cloud Hos- and Jerlyn Merten. These two girls were special feature meal each day during the lunch and dinner pital. Asked to make an observation honored for completion of 1000 hours of periods. The gift shop has also been enlarged to offer a on his 25 years with Saint Cloud Hos- voluntary service to SCH at the annual wider variety of cards and gifts as well as flowers. pital, Jerry pointed out the necessity Candy Striper Capping and Award cere- The new facility is cheerfully decorated in a red, 'white, to keep up with constant changes in mony on June 11. The girls were each and blue decor and is located on the main floor, just to his field in order to do his job well. presented a diamond charm for their the right of the main lobby. It is open from 6:30 a.m. to Observing their 15th anniversary of 8:00 p.m. efforts. employment this month are: Eva Pearson, Supervisor, Nursing Service Jerome Knuesel Dr.'s Lounge and Dorothy Court, Clerk Typist, ABOVE: Medical Records is now operating in its new location Laboratory. just off the main lobby. The expanded' working area not only Marcella Thielen, 3 South; Sylvia From the St. Cloud Hospital Kitchens allows for a less crowded operation, but the installation of Valley, 4 South; LeRoy Zierden, SUMMER SALAD additional office equipment will help make the department even Housekeeping; a n d Julia Mazzuco, more efficient. In addition, entirely new dictation recording Business Office, observed 10-year an- Here's a quick and simple salad recipe that doubles as a dessert to make equipment has been installed which doubles the capacity for niversaries. telephone recording. preparations for summer picnics and family gatherings just a little easier. Pictured on the left is the newly remodeled Doctors' Lounge. Those passing the five year mark The Summer Salad could easily become a popular item around your house- The lounge, which has nearly tripled in size, to meet the needs. are: Mary Ellen Dawson, 4 South; hold, so save the recipe. Clip along the dotted lines and mount on a 3 x 5 card for your file. of an increased medical staff, has been designed to provide a Sharon Schmidt, 5 North; Rosemary quiet, private atmosphere where physicians can work or relax. Menke, 6 South; Nancy Clough, 2 1 cup chunk pineapple, drained 1 cup miniature marshmallows In addition, the Medical Staff Office is now located adjacent West; Dennis Lutgen, Housekeeping; 1 cup coconut 1 cup sour cream (cultured) to the Doctors' Lounge. This provides the Chiefs of Staff and Dorthea Lindstrom, 6 South; Carol 1 cup mandarin oranges, drained the Chiefs of Services easy access to the office. Ann Zika, 2 Northwest; Irma Lun- dorff, 2 West; Kenneth Gerads, Cen- tral Service; Linda Blissenbach, Mix all ingredients together and put them in your prettiest bowl. May Housekeeping; and David Szafranski. be made a day ahead-if desired. May also be served as a dessert. Page 8 THE BEACON LIGHT June, 1973


EVENT DATE DETAILS Ostomy Club June 19 - July 17 Sponsored by Saint Cloud Hospital 7:30 p.m. for members of Ostomy Club and family. Busch Room. Epilepsy League June 19 - July 17 - Sponsored by Epilepsy League for . . Educational August 21 members and interested persons. TAP GIFT—The Teen Action Program Meeting 7:00 p.m. Pierz Room. (TAP) of the Stearns-Sherburne Chap- ter of the March of Dimes provided part Pre-Surgical - July 4-17 - Free programs sponsored by Pedi- of the money for the purchase of a new Party August 1-15 atric Department. Open to parents Fetasonde machine now in use in the 7:00 p.m. and children who have been sched- Delivery Rooms. Sr. Mary Zenzen and uled for surgery. One hour. In- Dr. Donald Ritchie are pictured with the cludes tour of Pediatric Unit and equipment. T h e Fetasone offers the introduction to personnel and poli- latest technology in the detection of cies. Guests report at Information fetal distress by monitoring fetal heart Desk. Children invited. Busch rate changes providing the attending Room. physician with information about the Calix Society July 8 - Auguft 12 For Calix Society members. Mass baby's special needs during and immedi- ately after birth. The TAP sponsored Meeting 8:00 a.m. at 8:00 a.m. in Hospital Chapel events such as the 50-mile bicycle ride followed by breakfast meeting in to raise the money. Thank you! the Busch Room.

LPN Pinning July 27 - 1:30 p.m. Graduation ceremonies for LPN Ceremony students. Hoppe Auditorium—fol- lowed by reception in Pierz Room. Invitational event.

Rehab Unit Hosts Reunion—School of August 4 Tour of Hospital and reception in

Nursing Class of 3:00 p.m. Pierz Room. Mass at 5:00 p.m. in Birthday Party 1963 Hospital Chapel.

Employee Picnic August 18 Sponsored by SCH for Board of T.....stees, Medical Staff members, employees, volunteers, candy strip- ers and their families. Wilson Park. Watch for further information!!

Beacon Licibt Nonprofit Organization U. S. POSTAGE ST. CLOUD HOSPITAL PAID 1406 6th Avenue North St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 St. Cloud, Minn. Permit No. 389 While helping with arrangements for a birthday party is not exactly what the people in the hospital's re- habilitation unit are trained to do, their efforts undoubtedly resulted in CLARA GOHMANN making Sunday, , one of the most memorable birthdays Harry Schultz has had in all of his 73 years. ROUTE # 4. 8ARDSON ADDITION Thanks to the efforts of employees on 2 Northwest, Harry was able to ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA 56301 celebrate his birthday with members of his family and many of his friends from throughout the area. Harry and his wife are pictured above during his Return & Address correction requested—Postage guaranteed. 73rd birthday celebration.