49/3/6 Social Responsibilities Round Table Clearinghouse Subject File, 1968-80

Box 1:

Miriam Crawford (Affiliate Group Contact, 1970-71; Chair/Secretary, 1971-72): Secretary's Files (as forwarded to E. Futas in the Summer of 1972),1970-72 Joan Goddard (Task Force Liaison, 1970-71; Member, 1971-72, 1982-84): Files (incl. 1968 ALA Kansas City Petition Names for Organization of SRRT and "Librarian's Tribe," as forwarded to E. Futas) (2 folders), 1968-72 Round Tables and Task Forces, 1969-70 Elizabeth Futas (Member, 1971-73; Secretary, 1972-73): Directories and Mailing Lists, (incl. Computer Forms for Institutions on Early Mailing Lists), 1969-73 Affiliates, - Conference Materials, Dallas, 1971 Correspondence, -Aug. 1973 Minutes, June 1970-Jan. 1973 Newsletter #2 Preparation Newsletters, Other Organizations, 1972-73 Task Forces, June 1971- Robert Gutzke (Member, 1971-73; Task Force Liaison, 1972-73): Affiliates' Reports Correspondence (incl. Akeroyd, Crawford, Eubanks), Nov. 1970- Source Materials for Newsletter #19 Newsletters of Affiliates and Others, 1971-72 Tom Phelps (Member, 1971-73): Directories, July-Oct. 1972 Correspondence, Aug. 1971- 1973 Finances, Aug. 1971- Action Council Minutes, June 1973 Newsletter Preparation, Spring 1972-April 1973 Affiliates, April 1972-April 1973 Task Forces, Feb. 1972-April 1973 Miriam Crawford: Miscellaneous, Correspondence re. Zoia Horn, 1972 Correspondence, Action Council to Clearinghouse, 1971-72 Correspondence, Clearinghouse, Internal, 1971-72 Crawford to Clearinghouse, General Finances with Futas with Goddard with Gutzke 49/3/6 2

with Gutzke, Affiliate Group SAmples with J. Mowery Correspondence, Action Council and Clearinghouse, Internal (incl. Addresses and Contact Lists), 1970-71 Affiliate Newsletters: NJ Librarians for Social ResponsibilityNewsletter, 1972-74 Affiliate Group Reports, Minutes, and Newsletters, Oct. 1970-June 1971 Affiliate Group Reports, 1969-Sept. 1970 Task Forces, 1971-72 Task Force on Women, 1971-72; TF on Women Newsletter (a few lacking), Nov. 1970-

Box 2:

Sanford Berman (Member and Newsletter Editor, 1973-75): Correspondence, Oct. 1973- -Sept. 1976 Alternatives in Print Task Force, Jan. 1972-Jan. 1976 Jackie Eubanks (Alternatives in Print Coordinator, 1973-75; Mailing/Production, 1975-76; Member, 1976-77, 1980-81): Financial, 1975-76 Financial, 1976-77 Correspondence and Financial, 1976-77 Correspondence, 1977-78 Clearinghouse Materials on ALA, 1976-80 Letter to Library Schools (Bulk Distribution of Newsletter), 1975 Newsletter Masters, 1970-71 Newsletter Items and Master, , 1971 Newsletter Production, 1975 Promotion, ca. 1975 Forms and Form Letters, 1972-75 AIP, Non-SRRT Publications for Distribution at ALA Annual -- Dallas, 1971

Box 3:

AIP, 1975-76 Non-Renewal Mailing, 1971 Address List, 1971-72 Mail List Additions to Sept. 1972 Non-ALA Mailing List, 1976-77 Mimi Penchansky (AIP Coordinator, 1971-73, 1975-78): Correspondence (2 folders; folder 2 incl. Question from Contributors), 1971-72 Sherrie Bergman Friedman (Mailing List, 1973-74; Member 1974-75): Membership Lists, Non-ALA, n.d. Institutional Receipts, 1974 49/3/6 3

Lists, ALA, 1974-75 1974-76

Box 4:

1975 Exchange Memberships 1975 Institutional Invoices, 1975 Institutional Subscriptions, 1975 Institutions Send Just Newsletter, 1975 Newsletter Subscription Problems, 1975 Publications Received in Exchange, 1975 Newsletter Account Book, 1972 News Items and Graphics (for Newsletter ?), 1977 Interest Groups Code and Forms, 1972 (?) SRRT Brochure, Newsletter Subscription Form Letters