VOL. IX., NO. 30 JULY 25, 1914 PRICE 10 CENTS rier iSe&tt/e Saturday USA


Winsome and Talented New Leading Lady with the Metropolitan Players who begins her engagement in (tThe Man Inside" Next Week E. C. Neufelder, President START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT R. J. Reekie, Vice-President "My Work Is My Beet SELECTING Jos. T. Greenleaf, Cashier Advertisement" American Savings Bank G. B. Nicoll Jas. S. Goldsmith INVESTMENTS & Trust Company wants your business. Many business men are so occ^ ,^ Peoples Savings Bank with the care and details of tru*)^. 4 per cent soon counts so Incorporated 1889 fairs tti.it they have little tir^e 0, you can watch it grow. tunity to make a study oj j* Second Avenue and Pike Street W. H. Middleton curit • Come and see us. SEATTLE, WASH. Tiie oifleers of this bank m stantly in touch with investment c0n Commercial and Savings Business TAILOR dltiona and are pleased at HI American Savings Bank Transacted to place their knowledge and^^H it the service of custo: & Trust Company 4% INTEREST ON SA VINOS AC­ .lection of hitfh grade COUNTS ties, combining unquestioned s^t! Drafts Issued on All the Principal and a satisfactory interest retv,rn Points of the United States and Corner Third and James, Seattle Europe. A Growing Account Will Northern Bank i Systematize your financial af­ fairs, strengthen your credit, give you a helpful acquaint­ help that boy to becomes Trust Company ance at the bank. .sel f - suppor tin £ <3r^ him McMICKEN, Vlce-Pre.ident wheat, but neith< C. A. PHIEBBICK, Cashier C. H. HOWELL, Assistant Cashier lafactor? NEW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED i i ,-••• All Purpose Flour

DOMESTIC STEAM FISHER'S BLEND COAL ... Will make P< PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. bread, perfect yifMsfernlpe.. and perfect past Main 8040 Phones = Elliott 92 Fisher's Blend • blend of choices! East­ ern bard wheat flour and choicest Western soft wheal flour that's why the need hous< Three 12,000 prefers it to other 8,000 and flours. Floating 3,000 tons Completely Equipped Shops for Ship, Engine and Boiler REPAIRS I | Shipbuilders , Engine Builders, Boiler Makers ][ Iron Founders, Brass Founders, Lumber Manufacturers SEATTLE CONSTRUCTION & DRY DOCK COMPANY THE TOWN CRIER VOLUME IX, No. 30. SEATTLE, U. S. A.. July 25, 191 I. Price 10 Cents

Published every Saturday by Burien gold-brick line, and $7,.~>oo to build a Fast Asiatic Company have twelve completed WOOD & REBER (Inc.) freight car to run on the north end stub line. and eighteen under contract. One large fleet 703-4-5-6 Northern Bank Building, Seattle It is understood, of course, that these sums will continually travel east, another west, call­ Telephone Main 6302 James A. Wood Editor will be repaid to the general fund as soon as ing at the same ports and giving a continuous 10. L. Reber Manager some money is realized from the sale of those round-the-world service public utility bonds, not yet issued and which An example of Danish efficiency is tbe five- Entered as second-class matter at the United States postoffice at Seattle. are to be based on the "earnings" of a system masi ship which the company is soon to SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in advance, $3.00; that is going deeper in the hole every day. launch, a 6,000 ton square rigger which will six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single copies, 10 cents. Foreign subscriptions (countries in Clever financiers, those councilmen of ours. iie used as a training craft for its officers. Postal Union) $4.00 a year. For sale by all News­ dealers. * * * She will engage in regular trade to all parts Payments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal of the world, carrying at all times a large Order, payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by Regis­ tered Letter. Mr. Griffiths Learns number of apprentices from which will be re­ For Advertising Rates address Suite 703, Northern What's this we hear? Chief Griffiths' police­ cruited the future captains of Denmark's navy, Bank Building, Seattle. Inquiries within city limits of Seattle, made by mail or by telephone to Main men engaged in raiding private premises, bat­ her world-conquering merchant marine. 6302, will be personally responded to by a repre­ tering down the doors, and hauling the sentative of Till-: TOWN CRIER when requested There is food for thought in this project. t'nsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by variously disposed persons found within to the Denmark, a tiny country and densely populated, stamps sufficient for return if found unavailable for publication. City jail without warrant of law? .Most aston­ lias developed her farms and dairies by co­ ishing! Isn't this the same Mr. Griffiths who operative methods until tbe British Isles prac­ not so long ago invented and seriously pro­ Squire Brown's Precedent tically depend on her for vegetables, butter and posed that the people adopt an initiative ordi­ eggs. She has brought her manufactures up Fred Brown, the local justice of the peace nance regulating the police so as to prevent to the highest degree of usefulness and com­ who wants to be prosecuting attorney, seems the very things and actions now being done by pleteness. Xow she plans to make of her to be a conservationist of very practical sort. his orders? How times do change! sturdy surplus population a race of merchant Somewhere, hidden away in the mass of an­ The Town Crier opposed Mr. Griffiths' police sailors which shall revive tbe ancient glories tiquated statute made and provided for the ordinance at the time he so earnestly urged it of the Vikings and perhaps win a big portion government of the State of Washington and as the only possible remedy for what seemed of the world's carrying trade. the proper administration of justice, there is a to be abuses of police authority. In any com­ When we think of our resources here in the law for the destruction of contraband by order munity which looks to its police force for t he rich, raw Wesi, of the lavish and short-sighted of the court. Xow 'Squire Brown doesn't be- enforcement of law and maintenance of order way we squander them, and of the complaints |je\i> in destroying anything that can be put considerable latitude must be allowed for the we hear from our youth that the day of oppor­ to use, and in exemplifying his unbelief he exercise of discretion by those who direct tbe tunity in America has passed, it is extremely doesn't much care what the law has to say movements of the force. Mr. Griffiths, as chief uncomfortable to be confronted with such an about it. So it happened that when a lot of of police, is finding this out for himself, al­ example as Denmark's. booze of fair quality recently came within the though, as private citizen and councilman, he * • * custody of the court, he couldn't bear to think refused to believe it. We doubt, however, if of ordering the bottles broken and their con­ Chief Griffiths' raids will be any more popular Vale Victoriano tents poured as a libation to the thirsty earth. than were Chief Ban nick'a With the elements Genera] Victoriano Huerta made a statement "Never mind the law," muttered 'Squire Brown, whose inclinations they are designed to check. to the press shortly before boarding a foreign •this booze goes to our friends." And it was warship for Europe. Said he: csen so. The entire consignment was promptly "To restore ]>eace has been my sole ambi­ donated by the court to a local social club of Wonderful Denmark tion. I hope it is coming." which the 'Squire himself is an esteemed mem­ Denmark isn't much of a country to look at neral Huerta's sole ambition is to be ber, and long ere this it has gone to gladden on the map. In point of area she comes off a realized. Slowly but surely peace—the peace the hearts and fire the imaginations of the bad second to many Pacific Coast counties. Of the grave, is settling down on buzzard wings friends of the court. But as regards organization, efficiency, and ap­ over a land which devours her sons faster than 'Squire Brown has set a precedent. The plication of clear, cold brains to the problems she can bring them forth. state law on this subject, as The Town Crier of her national survival among the big "I am going to Europe," continued the ex- has already admitted, is antiquated. This be­ countries surrounding her, Denmark is a won­ dictator, "and there 1 will stay until my coun­ ing true it is hardly worth while to dip into der. We of the reckless, resource-burning try needs my sword sufficiently to call upon the past for citations even more ancient. Yet Western world may without hurt to our vanitj me. Should that time come. 1 will gladly re­ our old friend Angelo. in "Measure for .Meas­ learn a number of wholesome lessons from her turn." ure," was not so far wrong in saying, "Thieves methods. There is no telling jusi when Mexico will for their robbery have authority, when judges The Danes were among the first to take up need General Huerta's sword badly enough to steal themselves." seriously the new Diesel crude-oil burning send for it and him. He has been pretty * * * power as applied to big ships. By this inven­ thorough in the use of the sword during the tion, which is going to become of vital im­ From the Earnings past few years: and Mexico must be given time portance to the Pacific Coast, crude oil or tar, to raise another crop of candidates for it. The Councilman Oliver T. Erickson proposes or even coal-dust or sawdust, is jetted into the Town Crier hopes that the expatriate patriot the immediate extension of the Seattle munic­ head of an engine cylinder at enormous com­ will be patient meanwhile. ipal street railway "system" into the Ballard pression, which causes it to take fire and furn­ His interview with the press over, General district. For years the Electric Company has ish power for driving a piston. It does away Huerta boarded the foreign warship, after as­ riven the Ballard district a first-class service with boilers and steam and makes the fuel the suring himself that the six million pesos of >ver three routes. Erickson's plan is to stretch direct Impetus of the engine. It eliminates the real (European) money were safe. And as he he north end municipal stub line into competi­ great loss of heat units incident to steam. stepped on deck, the bluejackets and officers tion with the octopus. By ordinance intro- As soon as the Panama Canal is opened, saluted the grizzled old hero making his iuced in city council this week Krickson pro- motor-ships of the East Asiatic Company of supreme sacrifice for his country. rides for the construction of the extension by Copenhagen will call fortnightly at Seattle. * * * be issuance of public utility bonds, principal Among them will be the Annam and the Ma- md interest 'payable from the earnings of the lakka. which latter ship has not yet left the Pursuit system." The "earnings" of tlie system, as ways. The East. Asiatic Company has ordered To the reflective mind, there is something iisclosed by the reports of the Superintendent the motor-ship Fionia, a vessel of 7000 tons, infinitely pathetic in the Potlatch night crowds. if Public Utilities, have amounted thus far to to represent it at the formal opening of the As on all occasions when a great concourse of Ln average net loss of $."><> per day- a loss Panama Canal. This craft has fiOOO horse­ people are stirred to excitement and emotion— whicli will naturally increase in proportion with power and a speed of sixteen knots. Officers of of joy or of grief the observer marks in their extensions. the company say that motor-ships, far from demeanor the old sorrow of life, its rebellion rihe city council this week also borrowed being in the experimental staue will supersede against the facts of hard, blind existence. .'5,.'i1l from the general fund to build a car steam in the near future. The strength of this "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happil am. side-tracks, and switches for the Lake statement is borne out by the fact that the Did the fathers, in drafting the preamble to PAQE FOUR THE TOWN CRIER

matter of fact, a public utility so maladminis- The Oldest and Largest Strictly Savings tered as to be a burden to the taxpayers and Institution in the State of Washington so advertised as to appear spuriously prosperous, REAL ESTATE "We is doing the cause of public utilities in general An old established office a great harm, and the quicker it is laid open, Tully equipped in every Know WASHINGTON SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION department 810 SECOND AVENUE like any other sore on the body politic, the Northern Bank Building Seattle HERMAN CHAPIN, President better for the cause of ownership by the peo­ RAYMAND FRAZIER, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Well" W. A. PETERS, General Counsel ple. ALBERT B. WM. THAANUM, Vice-Pres. and Treas. \f>RD H. D. CAMPBELL, Secretary If the taxpayers are unable to operate their G. A. BRUCE, Assistant Secretary own light and power plants, water department, Established 24* 2 Years. Assets: $3,700,000.00 and car lines, they should be brought to realize while others, unable to escape, dumped theirs it as soon as possible. If they are competent through the windows. Instances are constantly our Constitution, realize the irony of that to undertake these responsibilities, by all means coming to light of anglers wantonly tbrov phrase? Here is life, struggling, perspiring, let them do so. But if they are being fooled away messes which need never have been now crying out for individual expression, now by a quack into thinking their public enter­ caught, or which might at least have been raising inarticulate voice in the noise of mobs prises are on a sound basis when these arc cleaned and salted so as to keep and be en­ —life that is given so freely and is bought and actually in chaotic condition, the taxpayers joyed by inmates of city institutions for the ill sold so cheaply that is seems of little value. ought to know the unpleasant truth before so and poor. Liberty? There is plenty of liberty, such as it much damage has been done as to discourage A fine of $453 was recently imposed on one is, within the iron bounds of inequality that them in a praiseworthy endeavor. Joseph Deaton by tbe municipal court of Island restrict the mass. * * * Pond. Vermont. Deaton, when arrested, had in "The pursuit of happiness!" Are any of this his possession one hundred and eighty-one un­ hundred thousand, swarming, buffeting, and The Seven Furies & Co. dersized trout, caught in one of the best-known shouting their hot, aimless way up and down But a few days more of the checking of sportsmen's brooks in Vermont. Second Avenue, really happy? Is this enor­ signatures at Olympia, and we shall know how The place for game hogs is in the stock mous voice, made up of laughter, screams, many initiative measures are to appear upon or the fish-canneries, where they may gra cheers, gasps for breath, and the blat of fakir's the ballot in September. The checkers have their tastes quite undisturbed b\ scenerj toys, the sound of happiness? Why do all discovered that all manner of iniquitous, dishon­ other annoyances. Those who delight in these people press on in the swelter and din? est practices were resorted to in order to get talung of immature fish should be presei It must be that happiness is waiting for each names on the petitions. These ranged from with masses of salmon-roe. They could I and all, just around the corner, or somewhere wholesale signing by one for an entire group revel in the knowledge that in their hi in the next congested block! to forgery. Again, those in charge of the peti­ rested the fate of several million fish indisput­ You who are more fortunate, who review the tions showed how little regard they had for ably too small to furnish zestful sport or palat­ crowd for a turn or two in your motor-car, their own probity by first initialing every blank able fan-. who ward off their serpentine with an indulgent space on the petitions as signifying it to con­ * * * hand and smile an indulgent smile—do not tain the name of a qualified and registered pity them. You are looking for that presence voter, and then going out after the names! "Father Duncan" around the corner, or somewhere in the next A few unintentionally unfilled spaces so in­ .Many years ago a devoted missionary named block, quits as keenly, quite as wistfully as they. itialed gave them away. William Duncan came to Metlakahtla, on An Do you find it? There are doubtless several of these initia- nette Island, Alaska. He determined to n Let us leave the carnival streets, so hot and tice measures actually gotten up under the the civilization of the Indian tribe there his garish, with the poor a-foot and the fortunate conviction that evils existed which they life work. He believed that they should a-ride, equally intent on their pursuit of happi­ would remedy. In these measures the only taught to use the white man's methods and ness. Let us turn to the mountains and the harm lies in loose construction, vagueness of adopt his ways, but felt very earnestly forest, where there is a vast and lofty peace in purport, and generally impossible I'topianism. the aborigines could never do these tilings the rushing of the wind in the trees and the Their framers meant well, they probably did ept under a strict patriarchal sound of the river and its falls. Shall we not that. tern which regarded them as "•children" and find happiness here? Others, such as the malignant bill directed their spiritual and earthly guide as "father." • Down the woods trail conies a lumber-jack in at the fisheries interests, and the "First Aid Being a strong, earnest man, and sour mood, cursing his luck because be couldn't bill which would deliver injured workmen into "Father" Duncan made wonderful progi go to town for the Potlatch. the hands of murderous quacks; not to mention with his charges. He made them leave off I * * * the group which seek so to overwhelm the old slovenly ways and submit to bis rigid Public Service Commission that it could not kindly government, in which, like the- rule: The Crier's Catechism perform its proper duties and would be apt to the elder days, he took a personal inter. Readers who are following with interest tbe let serious business evils grow up unchecked. ry affair of the community. Aided by I one-sided controversy between The Town Crier seem to be the work of some hidden power from the United States, be established a and J. D. Ross, Superintendent of the City which has plenty of money to further them and mill, a cannery, and a genera] store. \ Lighting Department, may wonder at the lat- will stick at nothing to get them passed. Their line two miles long was laid to the outli ter's silence in the face of our repeated ques­ origin will bear investigation. the lake near Metlakahtla, furnishing pow< tions concerning his administration. Two in­ Those who cooked up the "Seven Sisters" the sawmill and supplying drinking water ferences can be drawn. Either Mr. Ross is too and companion bills, constitute in their abuse the village by means of a branch line ai big a man, too magnanimous a man, to be an­ of the initiative privilege, the most serious hydrant in front of the general store. noyed by mere gadfly questions; or the ques­ enemies which that privilege has today. They "Father" Duncan had a school, in which he tions themselves are such that any answer at are exploiting it in a shameful and pathetic taught the natives those things he deemed all would seriously embarrass the head of manner, which cannot but sadden all friends for them to know. The government was "America's foremost municipal plant." of true popular government. allowed to assist him in this school; ami The Town Crier leaves its readers to draw * * * results.were much the same as those whicl their own inferences. tended the opening of Pandora's box. Th* In arraigning the administration of a public Game Hog Again docile villagers discovered that there ez^H utility, an individual or a publication might be Pictures of enormous catches of fish or bat­ many things, hitherto undreamed of in th* mistaken for an enemy of popular ownership. tues of game, with two or three complacently This would be a short-sighted conclusion. As a grinning despoilers of stream and forest stand­ ing by, are out of fashion in our sporting mag­ Enjoy Your Play-times on FOR MEN and WOMEN azines. This does not argue that the game BEAUTIFUL LAKE WASHINGTON hog is not still with us. He is, and as plenti­ We[have a splendid Fleet of Fast and Seaworthy Motors My new and commodious quarters, fully as ever. The other day, upon a warden's K boats, Evinrudes, Rowboats and Canoes r\>--' * with an unobstructed north light, will facil­ entering an owl train for the purpose of in­ V That Picnic— Go hy Motorboat 1> itate your inspection of my new fall mat­ vestigating creels suspected of containing trout LESCHI PARK BOAT HOUSE £ erials, which are arriving almost daily. 605-06-07-08 09 under the legal six-inch limit, a dozen fisher­ ; S. A. CARMAN, Proprietor ZI_ " American Bank Bldg. men rushed out of the car with their catch, I Yesler Way Cars to Leschi Park I ZZ PAGE FIVE THE TOWN CRIER

1 he ideal of broad, free schooling they bad Political Horoscope learned from the government teachers and The Struggle whicb their leader so bitterly opposed. For AY not, tbe struggle naught availeth, By J. GRANT H/NKLE mere "children," they displayed they displayed The labor and the wounds are vain, • All right a preserved in formaldehyde.) a wonderful amount of courage and patience. S The enemy faints not, nor faileth If ih'> stars stay <>ut all night, Mat "Father" Duncan was too angry to reflect Who cares for the speaking parts? en this. And as things have been they remain. instead, lie played his last cards—shut off This is the week of all weeks for the If he^es were dupes, fears may be liars; astrologer. No omen of evil is anywhere their water supply and forced the poor creat­ discovered. Every sign of the sodiac Is toed ures lo seek water from the meager and un- It may be, in yon smoke concealed, In. .Mais and Venus were last seen tangoing Balubrious swamp streams nearby. He did this Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers, down the milky way on an Indeterminate And but for you possess the field. sentence. No cither cause Is given than thai on the grounds that it was to prevent the pipes we have bad a state Democratic convention. from freezing during the winter; but when What a convention, my countrymen? Every­ siding came, he refused to turn on the water, For while the tired waves, vainly breaking, thing In sighl or hearing was adopted • claiming that it was his by "private monopoly." Seem here no painful inch to gain, a negro orphan asylum and a Chinese laun­ Far back, through creeks and inlets making, dry. The Metlakahtlas, who under this series of Comes silent, flooding in, the main. The planks in the platform were laid regu­ continued persecutions by the unfortunate and larly with space enough between each for the misguided old missionary had, we may be sure, stoutest Democrat to fall through to political learned to think for themselves and had now And not by eastern windows only, destruction. During a lull a young Democral developed leaders of their own, appealed to the When daylight comes, comes in the light: was heard to ask liis neighbor who Thomas In front, the sun climbs slow, how slowly, Jefferson was. He was al once informed that government tor aid. The Secretary of the In­ he was the man who shouted "Give me liberty terior ordered "Father" Duncan to restore bis But westward, look, tbe land is bright. or ^i\e me death." and added, that after he villagers their water, and upon his refusal to —Arthur Hugh (Tough. had received both, he was very honorably inn ied, and a monument erected, which bore do so, -sent W. ('.. Beattie, superintendent of the inscription. "Don't tread on me." Three Indian Schools, to enforce the order, which he citv fathers, pointed out that Second Avenue is rousing cheers were Immediately proposed has clone. -Mr. Beattie says that when he peculiarly a retail shopping center, heavy team­ for Jefferson. reached Metlakahtla, he found the swamp ing traffic, including motor truckage, being \ Democratic upheaval does nol necessarily streams all dried up and the Indians in serious now largely diverted to parallel arteries, while signify thai they are all seasick. Some are straits. the sidewalk crowds are bigger than ever be­ Jusl at se:i. They don't know the reverse lexer from the throttle, and when moving These events, though they took place on a fore. The result is, that while the street itself • town to political del'eal are as happy as small reservation and are perhaps of no great is am pi) able to take care of all its present when going the other way. consequence in themselves, illustrate power­ traffic—mostly single wagons and the motor­ Prosperity is again predicted. The Demo­ cratic party in Washington State and In fully the result of patriarchal government cars of business men and shoppers—the side­ Washington, I >. c. has said so. They admit among weaker races by white men. It works walks are frequently jammed by even small it. The only fault in this for.•cast is that finely up to a certain point, alter which it sim­ gatherings before shop-displays of interest. Of the hill poster and advance agent keep too ply won't work at all. late the police have found it necessary to dis­ far in the lead of the show. The forecast is plainly shown, that votes * * * perse groups in front of various resorts even are going to be powerful scarce for Democrats though these were of the most harmless nature, this fall. Did you see them hid? Hull .Moose. Manana? simply because there wasn't room for them. you'll ha\e i,, lay a new egg. They have Woodrow Wilson has won out—he has elim­ They interfered with passers-by. stolen au your decoys. Recall of anything inate d Huerta. The curtain has been rung An additional two feet on the sidewalks and everything; fantastic fads that would down on Act I of the .Mexican melodrama. send an individual to Steilacoom or Medical would make a deal of difference in the facility Daka if he possessed such hallucination It has been a red-hot act. Much blood has been c f tiaveling on Second Avenue. Seattle is ap- sonally. shed, many barbarities perpetrated, much l ic ic.bly outgrowing the street as it is now; The canal plank us undoubtedly turned wealth lost. What next? Zapata has yet to be over to Premier Asquith, as being an English and i>s merchants should consider this fact for problem rather than American. The umpire eliminated tind Villa satisfied. Act II 0.1 their own good when Judge Burke's petition is called the game before the !'. S. of Colombia possibilities of more bloodshed, more barbar­ presented them. was reached. ities and more loss of wealth before these two * * * Question Xo. 1. What do 1 consider the blood-thirsty principals shall have been har­ Assistant Secretary Sweeney of the Interior most important result from my resignation? monized and the curtain rung down on Car­ Answer. Safety lirst. Department, rejoices in the Christian name ranza, Zapata and Villa standing with clasped Question No. 2. What is my chief desire Bo." if things don't go right in the depart­ at this time? hands in the spotlight amid loud shouts of Viva ment, the country expects to hear Bo Peep. Answer. To re-tire without a puncture. Mexico. Then conies Act 111, when the intel­ By the way. Where is Niagara Falls? * * * ligent Mexican proletariat, which neither reads The Wilson Tango—One step forward; hesi­ nor writes, shall peaceably march to the polls tate; three steps backward; hesitate; do the philosophy which "Father" Duncan Intel [ire- and exercise its right to choose its rulers. As grape-vine: watchfully wait; and then side­ scribed. They clamored for a broadening of >ei the Strong .Man of .Mexico has not come step to be at the band. , their simple curriculum. This the old man upon the stage. Neither Carranza nor Zapata refused. nor Villa measures up to the standard de­ * * * Aviators starting across the ocean need not Then, for the first time, liis "children" failed manded by that most distressful country. None deplete their estates by paying any advance to acquiesce in their patriarch's will. They but a strong, wise and benevolent despot can cash for hotel accommodations on the other insisted on having a school entirely under rule Mexico, the land of manana, the land side. government supervision tind made vigorous where it is not good to do today what can be attempts, in the face of the old man's furious put off until tomorrow. * * * displeasure, to get one. At length the latter * * • It may be too hot to work in a comfortable attempted to punish his erring "children" by Wider Ways chair in a shady office, but not too hot to sit shutting down the cannery and fencing off the That sidewalks on Sec end Avenue between out on the hard and sunny baseball bleachers. community wharf. These things did not alter Yesler and Pike be widened two feet and that It is not considered tactful to mention the the determination of the Indians to have liberal the roadway be narrowed four feet to accom­ "Saftety First" movement to the owner of a education. So "Father" Duncan shut down the modate them, w;ts the suggestion of Judge gawindll, and the logs lying in the booms be­ Thomas Burke, owner of the Burke and Empire high-powered automobile. came water-soaked and useless. The affairs ot Buildings, to the streets and sewers committee the little community, a tew years before ap­ of the city council last week. Judge Burke is You Must Try Our Delicious French and Rye parently so prosperous under the old mission­ uring the signatures of Second Avenue prop- Bread! All kinds of Pastry and Cakes. Phone ary's sway, seemingly so exemplary an argu­ em owners to a petition for the plan, whicb your order, Sidney 452. Delivery by automobile ment in favor of kindly despotism as a means ine)st of them faver. Assistant City Kngineer of governing savages, were now in chaos and W. H. Tiedoman also approves of it; and the SOUTH PARK BAKERY ruin. council is in an .open-minded mood. BERNARD RAMMLER 819 Cloverdale SEATTLE Still the poor Indians refused to gi\e 11 p Judge Burke, in presenting his idea to the P A Q K si THE TOWN CRIER

at tlie desk and that old Ire travelling public, Porter Billy." In the Public Eye and Ear Mr Robinson is already ETURNING from one of liis fre­ f ERE is a hit of "Progressive" iastic Seatthite and speaks with | quent business trips to England, ews gossip from the hot East, dent enjoyment of l he astoni R Holland, Germany, and France, hi a Oyster Bay. it may lu- of In­ San Francisco and Eastern I Frank Waterhouse, one of the North- terest to thi' followers of Mr. Roosevelt whom he has shown our h ill this City and state. The Town Crier public buildings, and parks. Tlu* * biggest transportation men and 1! considered an authority on ocean com­ does not vouch for its accuracy, hut it distinctive San Francisco feature " merce, weighs the case tor Seattle's conns from a Seattle man who has just host seems to regret is the near future and finds tor optimism. returned from Xew Vork and who while quaint and colorful French, Itss] "I emphatically prophesy good times had an excellent opportunltj I" CJeimnn. and Portuguese rest tor this city, Puget Sound, and the pick up a lot of inside political news. I ha t eit v . whose like he ha Northwest Mr. Waterhouse. Theodore Roosevelt, ex-Presidenl and able to ferret out i "first of all factors contributing will National Leader of the Progressive be the Panama Canal, whose beneficent party, is a sick man, a very sick man; FI.I M >M has a effects we shall feel In a twelvemonth so sick in fact, that he has heen told by st is. Then there is the prospect ol his physicians that if he insists upon S achieved such a spe. i .iciiiar ps; and these will stim­ keeping up his present strenuous work Of triumphs with one boat ulate business directly in Seattle as a hi- cannot hope to live Put a short time. e leary w it h his "Sir Tom" during world-port. T Ity in Alaska Mr. Roosevelt's Intimate friends have Potlatch. In the try-outs for the lv will be as much greater next year than been told of ins condition ami have of defending the I.ipton cup this, as it is this year over last. A heen advised that if they hope to keep tin- ( 'indulge boat live eonsecu Influx nt tourists to all parts of i he Big Stick Fellow alive their best and left Quint Williams' plucky 1 the c'oasi 111• xt year will also aid In efforts should h.e toward Inducing him Spray far behind. Then, all ng the husiness outlook, espei lo Hive up for at least a year or two whipping the iii. "Turei ially among the hotel, transportation, all active political work. Mr. lloosevelt which, though a Canadian craft, and restaurant people, though of course as is well known by this nation of mws- designed by E. B. Schock, tornic this benefit will eventually he felt bj paper readers, is home but a short Host mi, t he "Sir Tom" coi ,1 all. I am v erj optimist ic a bon i out while from South America. While dis­ into the Potlatch free-for-all ami | prospects, very optimistic Indi covering his River of Doubt he con­ it from nine others, llv ing 11 " I n ii gS rd lo m .v impression of l In tracting jungle fever, which for a time of t he Koya 1 Vn ncouver, liny; Canal's etTeei mi Seattle's future gained threatened his life. This fact Mr. Everett, Seattle, and Taco while abroad, i can onlj saj that no Roosevelt admitted himself upon his re­ Clubs. Among these was tin one knows at this time which or how turn from South America; but he in­ v iev e of Everet t. which in a i many steamship companies Intend to sisted that h.e had about recovered and Would have heen compelled establish service in this Coast as a re­ was satistied that within a short time Geary a t iIiu• allowance of i sult of the opening of the great water­ he would he as "bully" as ever. Hut and J 1 seconds; but the "Sit way. We do know thai many lines acoriling to the i n format ion brought ished ;"> minutes and :'.(! sccom delayed In their plans on ac­ FRANK WATERHOUSE hack from Xew York by this Seattle hei- on an even start. count of uncertainty as to the time man. Mr. Roosevelt suffered what is Ted says he will race h ivailable as a practical not bring t he < M lent any closer to the now believed to !»• a permanent break­ San Francisco in 1915. Shoe waterway for vessels to pass regularly American East. I lone, Kong is directly down, and unless he quits his favorite some of lin- events there, n will H and without delay or Interruption. ,,n the olher side of the world from our game, politics, his physicians say he the "Panama-Pacific" publieii interesting opport unit y to si "There is a strong sentiment among Atlanl Ic i 'oast." cannot hope to recover. In fact, they theoretical yachtsman from a European shipping men that some These statements by Mr, Waterhouse calmly predict his early demise. town can do. According to I months must elapse after the Canal is express the convictions of a widely This story mav not be all true, hut formally opened, before danger of slides experienced and travelled business man the fact remains that the ex-1 Tesiden I Seattle is permitted lo I hickory limb and her and other interruptions to navigation n,,t given to extravagance In his words, is nol the same man physically he was on can be entirely obviated. A further conservative as they are, they carry before he went to South America. < >n weeping WilhlW tl'ee, li||t P reason for delay iii the announcement more weight In their brevity than the contrary tlie late pictures of hin. the water. Of steamship companies' plans is that would pages from the pert'erv id pen of as they appear in the big eastern news­ as yel impossible to determine on me alleged "travelling observer ol papers and magazines make the once SO NI'; TOWN CRIER is the most suitable class of vessels to world-commerce" whose business it is strenuous Uoosevelt look ten or even undoubtedly for rev iew el' I This cannot be decided until the to skip hither and yon through distant fifteen years older than he did a T of "Tlie Annual Report of tl Canal Is fullj completed and In o ports, gain a hasty impression of their ago. And so it is up to the Progressive l ion. commerce and commercial ambitions, politicians of the country to go a bit Department, Seattle, Washin "I am Of the opinion that the plans and write brightly-Illuminated article slow about urging their beloved leader 1913." This is a handsome pul of CIS pages with neat hi large ocean transportatioi forthwith at space rates. Mr. Water- l" get into active harness in behalf of companies will be announced tully by house, in his European trips, has spoken ii' Progressive if they don't. embellished with a tasty d< the end of the year; and I believe that intimately with Un- world's gnat ship­ they may kill the Goose that laid the eil.v cluster light spreading hall commence to feel the benefits ping men, who t" a large extent control Progressive egg. of the gr.at project within six months. the destinies of this ('oast; and whi There will rapidly and steadily develop. he briefly expresses it as his belief that DUGDALE FIELD NE of tlu- hest-knnow n hotelmen on The prospective gnat increase in efforts an- going to he made to bring the Coast is Rolber t .1. Robinson. facilities will be of Immense benefit to immigrants here in large numbers—one O Baseball Tomorrow manager of the Butler, who came to I pie Of Coast and the can prel i v neai lv count on the arriv al Seattle in February to take charge of [SUNDAY] AT 3.00 P. M. states adjoining thereto. The establish­ of some great shiploads of prospective that hostelry. Mr. Robinson is a native ment of steamship service to the Coasl American citizens within a year or two. Of San Francisco, and has been con­ BALLARD vs. VICTORIA by some of the largest steamship com Mr. Waterhouse is nol pessimistic nected with the hotel business, directly panics in the world will draw attention about the slide annoyances which ha i Take Fourth Avenue cars or Indirectly, all his life. lie assisted to this section in a marked degree constituted such a problem to tin- gov­ in the financing and building of the throughout the world. Principal among ernment engineers at Cucharaca and half-million dollar resort at Witter the results will he an increase in popu oiler places on the Canal; he Simply Springs, Fake County, California, and latiOH and an increase in our foreign voices tin- caution with which the heads on its completion became its manager. industry. ,,r great steamship companies, who In 1908 he took charge of t h.e famous cannol afford to risk costly ships and "I believe thai adequate steamship Stewart Motel, owned by Charles and cargoes in experiments, view them. reration service, to the Atlantic Margaret Stewart, both old-timers in Colonel Goethals and his men | and to Europe, to the Easl and hotel trade. The Stewart vvas the tirst will eventually triumph over these last West coasts Of South America and to Of San Francisco's big inns to rise protests of a sundered continenl agains South Africa, will !„• available within alter the lire. It is known t h.e world its conquerors, he does not doubt. But the nexl two I it within over for ils distinctive character, and until that time, he says, the big trans­ • nibs. This class Of enjoys almost • monopoly of the Army WHAT THE CAREY A^ oceanic traffic men are going to he uld be of great assistanc and Navy, the trans-Pacific, and the : development of profitable markets i' " Canadian custom. Here Mr. Robinson WILL DO FOR YOU for the Northwest's trull and fish In- llis statement concerning the develop­ remained until last February, when he ment of a greal refrigerator service came north to operate the Butler. "The Land at 50c an acre "Thai some of the steamship com­ from I liis Coast 'o world-ports is hotel has since that time been thor­ Water at $50 an acre panies will endeavor to carry immi­ equally significant. it means that oughly reorganized," he says, "large grants in considerable quantities from Washington and Oregon fisheries men sums being spent on tin- redecorating Eleven years in which to pay Europe to this Coast, is my conviction and fruit growers will no longer have and improving of the grill and cafe, ,r"m observations in the old countries. to depend mi the whims of a limited new .equipment for the kitchens, and re­ Buy as much as you can likely that the Canal and Somewhat surfeited market, which furnishing and outfitting of the up­ There is no better investment will affect Seattle's Oriental trade very have worked occasional havoc with stairs r ns. I am glad to say that much. some ,,r the commodities we profits for many years. The opening ot our efforts have been appreciated, as Investigate and get further particulars P*^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^""w receive here from Japan and shin^ the^ world's to them ne anj shown bv an increase in our transient '" ""' '"'st may go through of adequate refrigeration on big cargo custom, In the reorganization prac- GEO. H. GACHES 'anania instead, bul nol in carriers will bring a great increase in ticallv our entire staff was el 2132 Cilifornu Avemif Tdephont *«t *' durable quantli revenue to these two si with tion of M oombs PAGE SEVEN THE TOWN CRIER fulgent golden rays over the Munici­ pal Light Plant. One of the first ar­ Uncle Sam Going to Market ticles in the i k is an Intensely cinating review from which we quote: Why We Do Not Do Business With China—Some Work Cut Out "Seal tie was settled in 1852. Was named after a friendly chief, whu for William Pigott died in 1886." By WELFORD BEATON "Seattle is the center of unlimited China's purchasing elsewheri goods water power resources, and has the AID American-born citizen. On another oc­ Which she should bought from us. at lowest rates in the country for elec- John w. casion he visited Canada and was re­ the door of t h.e most barbaric, un- I iii' Sel'V e S Gates to admitted. On May last he can "Seattle's municipal lighl plant is .1 a 111 e s .1. American and short-sighted department Seattle with the intention of Visiting the foremost municipal plant in Amer­ Hill. "Jlrn, of our government that of Immigra­ the home id' his ancestors, hut was In­ ica." we are after tion. formed by the Immigration authorities Page nine is devoted lo a Bpeaking a big order President Wilson ami Secretary here that he would not he re-admitted ami artistically decorated portrait at for s t e f 1 Bryan seem to he spending their time upon his return ami that his prior .1. I >. ROSS, the compiler of the hook. rails i n in the. state department hunting for . miry into the country did not estab­ The motif of the border surrounding Japan. Bel­ excuses to he over-generous with some lish his right to come back again if foreign countries, their plea being that he left American territory. This young his picture is thai of a conventional gium Ii a s ten and oiie-hnll'-p,.tailed Rower, with got us in a at an.v cost the United States must live relatives in china are merchants white spears, such as are used in the tight place up to its foreign obligations. Some- who purchase goods in foreign markets. advertisements id' "Spearmint." ami it looks in the files there they should All of them over then', of course, hear Added Features of the publication as if we lind a treaty with China. In that of his treatment by the Immigration also worthy of mention are: would lose l: aty they will discover that the department and as a result make their "A "History", with a portrait of It. t h e order. Chinese have heen accorded some rights purchases in European countries. Thus II. Thomson, portraits of Mr. Ross's It is v our of entry to this country. if they will von can see al a glance the economic esteemed fellow-workers in the plant, freight rate Bend for the transcript of thousands of folly of our Weird interpretation of one views of scenery about the Cedar Lak< from here lo 3 which have come before the Im­ of out treaties. Tlie Immigration de­ project ami th,. City estaldishn el is the Coasl migration Department they will tind partment gives this young man no reproductions of Seattle v lews, and that is the that almost with the arrival id' every reason for its action. It gives its rul- numerous half-tones of houses and individual Chinaman on this Coast the i g as a statement of fact, not of law, lletel llli 11 i II e, and if he does not lik." it that is no business buildings supplied with city treaty is most flagrantly disregarded fact o r; if concern of the valiant defenders of our light. lu some of these the decor­ and the Chinaman becomes the victim WILLIAM PIGOTT you can cut shores against the dreaded but entirely ative motif is that of (apparently I it w.e can of whatever whim tlu- Immigration in­ spector Happens to he in at the mo­ imaginary yellow peril. tulips: in others it appears to l.e con­ hiil that will land the husi- ventional cobwebs. The whole work ment, So many instances of tins nature ness." Some t i m." ago l looked into the could be quoted that it would take is elegant and complete from an art­ Said .lames .1. Hill to .John W. Grates, istic if possibly not from au account­ figures of the trade relations between Issues of The Town Crier to puh- "John, vain get that order. When you China and various other foreign coun­ lish them. Judge Thomas Purke, for ing standpoint ami does credit to the gel it. figure out how much you can versatility of the electrician executive tries and figured out that in the past the Chamber of Commerce, Investigated allow me foi' freight. Try to make it i the eases ami concluded his re­ editor who has spared no time, or thirty years We have huilt up a preju­ enough to pay for hauling the steel to port to tli/ chamber with the follow­ expense, to let Seattle know what a dice against us in china by our en­ the Coast, hut in any event get the forcement of the exclusion act. which ing: splendid and Well-run City Lighl Plant order." sh.e really has. in the next thirty years will cost us a "It is idle to hope that friendly rela­ And John got the order. billion dollars in trade with that coun­ tions can he maintained and a prosper­ Then, by and by, the interstate Com­ ous commerce huilt up between the two try. Organizations to promote our countries while on our side we are ECAUSE work is slack among tin merce Commission and other fussj trade with foreign countries can be guilty of such barbaric injustice to­ union granite-cutters, the citv must bodies commenced to regulate freight organized and the department ot' trade wards those Classes of Chinese, who, B rates and gradually run the husiness under our treaty stipulations with fOrSOOth have ,|s two stories of the and commerce can spend millions of China, have just as much right to come new county court house huilt of gran­ of the country, with the result that dollars in canvassing foreign markets, lure as the subjects or citizens of any ite, so as to give them employment. .lames .1. Hill and John W. Gates could hut all the work and expense as far other country in the world. not again get their heads together "This is not a question of allowing This is the co(,i request made hy offi­ as China, the greatest market of all. is undesirable Chinese to conic to this cials of the union of the county com­ and get out into the markets of the concerned are rendered abortive by a country. The exclusion laws id' this missioners the other dav. T world to grab some foreign commerce little group of hundred-doll; country completely exclude such per­ tlemen stated that half the local gran­ for the United States. sons and it is right that such exclusion Today the United States is suffering Immigration Inspectors stationed at laws should be flrraly enforced. But ite-cutters have to go outside the state Seattle and San Francisco. In students and merchants and travellers, from an Inverted balance of trade, and who. under the treaty, have a right to to get Jobs. Work should he made to China rebelled and declared a boycott order for here at home. Therefore, that the situation has become sutti- come her.", should he received at ports Ciently serious to warrant active meas­ on American goods. 'I'he interruption of entry as people coming from othei away with all thoughts of terra-cotta countries are received and not he ures to improve it is evinced by the with trade to this country was becom­ construction on the city's two stories: ing so serious that President Roose­ d on landing as if they were It is on record that in Biblical times recent organization of the National criminals and outlaws. Foreign Trade Association which got velt intervened and issued instruction "By such a course we are sowing tin a gentleman, asking for bread, was wind to reap the whirlwind; w< under way in Washington a few to tin' Immigration officials to tin hamhd a stone This sort of procedure SOWing the Seeds of haired where we months ago. A member of the foreign that mor. sense was to he injected into would just have suited the granite- the enforcement of t h.e exclusion should ie carefully cultivating friend­ trade council of that organization ,s ship ai d good neighborhood." cutters. Bui the c nissloners felt Unofficially that boycott may still be William Pigott, president of the Seat­ 55 55 5? hardly called upon to ask the city to said to he in effect, for we do not come tle Car and Foundry Company. It will So one of the problems that will face raise |72,000 more in order to I n. anywhere near sending as many pro­ the lot of one very small union, ami mean something to the Pacific ('oast to .Mr. Pigott and his associates is that have Mr. PigOtt Occupying such a ducts to China as we should. That an­ sicked them on to Mayor Hiram Gill other boycott more deliberately pi (Continued on fteen) and the citizens' advisorv committee. prominent place in a body that win unquestionably do things. While he than the last will he declared within The mental processes of labor advo­ the next few years is almost certain. cates are strange and wonderful. It has made a careful study for years of did not occur to them that perhaps the trade relations of the United Staiis sr sr sr Men's Tailoring ll"' terra-COtta manufacturers of Seat­ with all foreign countries h.e has de­ js JS JS It is not with the exclusion law tle had troubles of their own. Tims, voted his chief attention lo the problem Smartness— Itself that China has an.v quarrel. (hi latter submitted the case of their ma­ of Improving our trade with the coun­ its face it is fair enough and it would Correctness— terial on its merits, and not on any tries bordering on the Pacific. He has traveled extensively in the orient ami perhaps he unwise to repeal it. China Individuality such sob-sister plea as the gramteers has so much need for its ( lie labor did. As a matter of fact, however, in the meetings of the council his voice will unquestionably he heard in cham­ that it does not desire that class to times are hard in the terra-COtta husi­ immigrate to foreign countries and A. H. ANDERSON ness, and the firms making it, as well pionship of an.v step that will improve Pacific commerce. It is on Pacific com­ thai is supposed to be the only class 3 1 4 Cherry Next to Seattle Theatre as their employes, need the court house against which our exclusion act is contract quite as badly as the granite- merce that Seattle Will wax and gTOW fat. aimed. However, every Chinese student pounders say they do. ami merchant who comes to this coun­ XXX try is subjected to the grossest insults d I ncl. I've insured my lil There are a lot of reasons whv the before being allowed to land ami in CHILDREN'S PHOTOS $•" > in your favor. What else can I foreign trade id' the United States, par­ thousands of cases Chinamen who do for you? ticularly wiih Oriental countries, is not under the treaty have a perfect right Nephew—Nothing on earth, uncle. greater than it is. it is a strikingly (o land unhampered on American soil significant fact thai in China, which is have been deported. There ale eases potentially the greatest market in the where some have heen admitted ami world for our manufactories, we spend their wives sent back and where chil­ Panama Hats three dollars for every One China dren have not heen allowed to joi Jacobs Z° their parents here. I will cite bul BLEACHED AND RESHAPED spends with us. The chief reason for Milans, Hemps, Hairbraids dyed and this is not economic; freight rates. Instance. There is in Seattle today a resewed into the latest styles. tariff laws, or the rule ot supply and young A rlcan who was horn in Vir­ P.-I. Building Washington Ladies' Hat Mfg. Co. demand do not affect il. eW can lay ginia of Chinese parents. Some years the blame for the millions of dollars ago he went to China and was re­ 1625 4th Ave., Bet. Pine and Stewart. Which we lose each year on account of admitted to the United States as an P A Q E BIQH


lr. U. IE. ICa ifflimte Society News of the Week SURGEON CHIROPODIST i New Painless Method > By MRS. J. C. HAINES Office: 1201 I-2 Third Avenue NFORMALITY and simplicity are the scheme was charmingly carried out gypsophlia and migtiotm Cor. 3rd & Seneca key notes of all entertaining these with a walth of pink roses all ahout i in a silver basket. SEATTLE I pleasant days when it Is keenest joy the room, with a big basket of pink table with hostess and honored gue Office Hour. 9 - 6 simply to be alive and enjoy the "gifts snap-dragons combined with gypsophila Mrs. ('. II. hiimnnl, Al the gods provide," whirl in this as a centerpiece for the table, where Aloss. Airs. <;. !•'. Crink. Airs. Pierre favored clinic at this season means per­ Airs, frank Ingersoll! of Manila, P. I . Ferry, Mrs. Samm i |,. lui? fect summer weather and unlimited op­ and Airs. Edward Breece Zane poured. C. Al. \l is. ( Ma! • I'.lethe Manufacturer of Jewelery Repairing portunities for outd • festivity. To Others assisting were Airs. Samuel 1, and Al Iss ' loldsmith. Nugget Jewelery a Specialty Phone Main 43-24 be sure, with the younger social con­ Russell, Airs. John H. Hewitt, Airs • • * tingent, dancing is ever flrst and fore­ .lames Shallenberger, Airs. .1. Tati To Honor Rear Admiral Cottman, V. CLEMENT B. COFFIN most the pet divertissement. Many Mason, Aliss Helen Perkins, Miss Hazel' N., and Mrs. Cottman Archibald, and Aliss Dorothy Aiki DIAMONDS hulls have heen given Of late to honor Air. and Al is. I larrv I'. Shar; Xew York I WATCHMAKER and JEWELER recent debutantes and summer visitors, a handsome dinner al t: and niori' are scheduled to follow. The 1 406 Pike St. Northern Bank Bids. SEATTLE * * on Alomlav evening', in honor ol l" - terpsichorean craze has by no means Mrs. Brown's Afternoon Reception Admiral V. I,. Cottman, 1'. died out. and small Impromptu dances Airs. Frederick V. Brown has cards tired. and Airs. Cottman, ;ire the universal amusement of the out for a reception to he given on Tues­ spending the summer in the eit numbers of young people In the city day afternoon, Jurj the twenty-eighth, Twelve were seated at a la The Brown Owl and adjacent country cluhs and homes. from four to six o'clock, at the Sunset pink and white snap-dragons were e The coming autumn promises to find Club, in honor of Mrs. L. C. Gilman I'eetivelv grouped in a la dancing > e popular than ever. The ami Aliss Alice Oilman of Portland, form the e.eii terpiece. A II • I 9| Tea Shop The Dansant, which last winter was Oregon, who recently returned from I hree tallies at auct ion occupied the r hut little known outside of exclusive MISS CATHERINE WINN, Manager Europe and are spending the summei mainder ol ning hotel hall-rooms, has become the smart at "Claieinont." the Gilman c.nititrv Luncheon Afternoon Tea mode of afternoon entertainment, mil home at Crystal Springs. Norton-McCrabbe Special Matinee Tea Brown Owl only are we to have tea dancing, but The wedding of Aliss Louis Special luncheon and afternoon _ . the dinner dansant and the bridge dan­ Informal Bridge Luncheon daughter of Air. Homer !•'. X< tea parties given special dining LrOUBfC sant all promise to be equally popular Airs. Charles E. Burnside was hostess Air. l| W. M. McCrahh.e will I room service. The convenient O v place for undisturbed committee ( Near Richmond > the coming season. al an informal luncheon of eight covers next Wednesda.v evening at sev eii-tllir meetings-and unexcelled lunch-Now Qpen F<)r last Tuesday. It was followed hy two tables ai auction, being the second in Fifth Floor .i o Luncheon Series of Dual Hostesses ARCADE BUILDING the Summer Mrs. Winfield R. Smith and her a series of informal entertainments Telephone Ell. 4336 daughter, Mrs. John II. Suydam, were e,i v en for summer visi tors. SEATTLE hostesses ai two beautiful luncheons * * » this week, their guests at each being Week-End Yachting Party young girl friends of Mrs. Suydam. Aliss Jessamine Garrett was hostess (>n Tuesday, covers were laid for of a delightful yachting party ol twelve ai a table charmingly centered young people, who left last Saturday Dmogrtt (Emrnmrjljam with a big basket of bright coral pink for a Week-end cruise up Hood's c Cleaner and Repairer sweet peas combined with gypsophila, on the John W. Eddy yacht Lydia. ^rjritiigrapria the handle of the basket wreathed with The party was chaperoned by Air. and Exclusive Oriental Method Jfrlatofl sweet peas and tied with fluffy hows of Airs. William s. Peachy. tulle in the same shade. The flowers Itymtr Main 95B8 HIT Slrrrn Aur. * * * in washing rugs, wo use i>ure were all cleverly arranged as corsage A Dance to Honor Debutante and Guest bouquets, which were distributed as Airs. C. F. Whittlesey lias invitations spring water; sunshine ilr favors al the (dose of the luncheon. out for a dance to take place next Wed Wednesday afternoon fourteen girls nesdav evening, July twenty-ninth, it In repairing rugs Synibo were entertained. with Miss Helen her home on federal Avenue, in honor color blend exactly as oi The Candy Box Horner Of Minneapolis as honored of Aliss Helen Perkins ami her summer so that the repair cannot 106 Cherry St. guest. Miss Horner is a niece of Mrs. guest, Aliss Dorothj Aiken of Xew w. B. Nettleton, whose guest she is York City. tec ted. Miif Agnes Murphy Mi*» Clare Murphy (or the summer. * * * Mrs. and Mass Richmond's Ball The Sweetest Place in Town The largest and gayest gathering of A Day at Enetai the week was the charming hall given l >ver forty ladies weri' entertained al Paul Kalahjy by Airs. H. X. Richmond and her luncheon bj Mrs. A. W. Bngle at daughter Aliss Helen Richmond at tin Sole Agents for "Alderlca", her pretty summer home a1 An Armenian Manicuring Seattle Golf Cluh house, Wednesda.v Massaj(i" Fletcher's Bleach Paste Enetai, last Thursday. The luncheon evening, in honor of Aliss Helen Per­ Scalp Treatment was served at small tables on the Office: Gotham Shop kins and her Sliest. Aliss DorOthy Aiken shaded lawn stretching down to the LA MABELLE BEAUTY SHOP of Xew York Citv. line hundred and Malll !'- 156 West 138 blue waters of the Sound, making a fifty of the younger set, married ami Appointment by Phone---Elliott 1229 most picturesque setting for the sum­ single, motored out to participate in Mabel F. Geary and Mabel C. Gamage mery costumes of the guests. The one of th.- most delightful affairs e Plant: 1 7 1 L' Victoria A v< i hostess was assisted by the ladies who 230 Post-Inrelligencer Bldg. at the Colt Cluh this season. In the have summer cottages at Enetai, among receiving line, at one side of the ball- whom Were Mrs Maurice McMicken. r n, were Mr. and Airs. II. X. Rich­ THE ST. NICHOLAS SCHOOfc Mrs. lied A. Wing, Airs. C. R. Collins, mond, Aliss Richmond, the honored Airs. George II Walker, and Mrs. Non-Sectarian guests, and Air. and Airs. William I >. ( )pens Sept. 2S. , 1J in ,,adv. Half-Price Sale Hand-Painted China Thomas AI. Green. The party left Perkins. Supper was served in the Graded school for girls. BO^H shortly after ten o'clock on the steamei ceived in Primary Grades. Colle^H Pricet for Teaching Reduced to 75c a Lesson (duh cafe below from a big buffet tal I Verona for Enetaf, arrii Ing home at paratory and Genera] Courses. A^| Lesson hours from Nine to Four. Stay all day in the form of a hollow square, at­ ited to University of Washingt^B four-thirty p. m. tractively decorated with large baskets Eastern * !olleges. AI ush MARY ELIZABETH POINIER croze, Rhythmic, Gymnastics, I >omcs of pink sweet peas, pink snap-dragons, Sclent 2004 Second Ave. Phone Main 5551 Tea to Compliment a California Visitor pink roses, Shasta daisies, and bachelor EDA BUDDECKE, Principal Mrs. Waller Scott l-'itz, of I'asco, who buttons. Small tables wl guests is spending the summer In Seattle, was were seated for supper were decorated THE hostess on Friday afternoon at a de­ with similar (lowers. lightfully Informal tea given at the * * * Oil I Military home of her mother. Airs. C. K. Whit­ Bridge Tea to Honor Mrs. Eddy CANTERBURY tlesey, on Federal Avenue, I OILL Acadeiflj Airs. Thomas Garrett has issued in­ ment to Airs. .1. .1. McLellan of Berke­ vitations for a bridge tea to he given POKTLANI), OREGON ley, California, who was formerly Miss TEA SHOP next Thursday afternoon, July thirtieth (Hive Vbswinkle, a former resident of SERVES in honor of Mrs. .1. I". Eddy of Bay Send for Illustrated Catalogue this citv, where most of her girlhood City, Michigan, who is spending the Luncheon, 11:80 a. in. to 2 p. m. spent Airs. Kit/.' guests Friday Bummer in Seattle. Afternoon Tea. '.i to H o'clock. afternoon had been hidden almost en- Dinner, H to 7:80. from among society's young * • * Both Table d'hote and a la carte matrons, many of whom had heen girl­ Mrs. Goldsmith's Luncheon Rufus H. St. Onge Service. friends eau decoration for the attractive rooms. Tel.: Main f>873. Tell were table decorate' in the dining room the pink color with a centerpiece of pink sweet PAGE NINE THE TOWN CRIER

.nis. Major Hugh J. Gallagher, U. B. A., and Mrs. Gallagher, for San Francisco, TICKETS TO ALL POINTS en route to Manila. The post gymna­ Europe, The Orient, Australia, TO THE WISE sium, decorated with Hags, greens, and Honolulu, Alaska, Etc. The Rug Section garden tiowers, was well Oiled with a Vacation Trips, Tours, Cruises Cheasty's Reorganization Sale throng of merry dancers, a large num­ Call for rates, literature, Information (Second Floor) of Clothing, Hats and Furnish­ ber of whom came from town. THE CHILBERG AGENCY » * * 702 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. ings Is the Opportunity of the Miss Brainerd to Give a Dance Directs attention to a New Illinois, for a few weeks' visit al thi Miss Elizabeth Brainerd has invita­ Year. hum, of Dr. and Mrs. Russell or tions out for a dance next Friday even- eral Avenue. Showing of July thirty-first, at Broadway Hall, Greateat Values Ever In honor of Miss Helen Perkins and her * * * guest, Miss Dorothy Aiken of Xew Mrs. George B. McCulloch and small Offered York City. son left Wednesday to spend a fort­ night with relatives at Blaine, in this WILTON tf you haven't taken advantage A German Afternoon Complimentary to stale. of 'Ii*' wonderful offerings at Mrs. Van Ogle * * * Cheasty's you are losing on< Mrs. F. R. Van Tuyl entertained on Mr. James .Viae! aida ne. who was i he greatest of opportunil ty afternoon at two-thirty at her called East by the death of his mother RUGS large was the superb stock of fine home on Seventeenth Avenue, al a three weeks ago, is returning home "German Conversazione," given In com­ next week, acompanied by his sister. in tho novel Ulaok-and-White clothing, suits, overcoats and rain­ et in Mrs. Lily Van < (gle, recently Miss I farriet Macfarlane, a nd bro coats, thai the hundreds upon r-tuined from Europe, German was Overton Macfarlane effects that ate in vogue as a hundreds of garments that have the only language spoken by all pres- * * * During the afternoon .Mrs. Van basis fur artistic interior dec­ Air. and Mrs. W. A. 1'iters, Miss been sold in the • vv days Ogle recounted in that language some POy of San Francisco, Miss ("lena have scarcely limited the range of her experiences In music and travel oration. and Master Lawrence Peters, left Wed­ of sc'lce tion. iii Germany. The German Club, of nesday by motor to spend a week at which Mis. Van Ogle Is a member, were l.ak, Cushman. Everything In this great Btock the principal guests. of goods is reduced front 1 0 « * • * * * cent, to 50 pot- cent., except a few The Tennis Tea Mrs. Lyman C. Smith and dau- contract articles. The tennis tea last Wednesday after- Miss Florence Bernice Smith, of Syra­ in charge of Mrs. Samuel L. Rus­ cuse, Xew York, arrived in the city the FREDERICK Remember \e> Change In sell of the house committee. was lirst of the week and are guests al the Name, No change in Policy; Man­ largelj attended by members ami vis­ home of their son and his wife. Mr. itors. Presiding at the prettily deco­ and Mrs. Burns Lyman Smith. 421 West agement Only Changed. Highland Drive & NELSON rated tahhs were Mrs. Walter ScOtt of Pasco, Airs. Nathaniel Paschall, * * * CHEASTY'S HABERDASHERY and Mrs. .1. Tate Mason, assisted by the Major Hugh J. Gallagher, I". S. A., <>. O. GRAVES, Manager a Mollie Kittinger, El ma Collins. Mrs. Gallagher, and their daughter, Mary Oakes, Helen Perkins, and Doro- Miss Mary Lee Gallagher, will depart DR. ISABEL KARNEY Second Avenue al Spring Street kiken. from Seattle, where Major Galls OSTEOPATH has been stationed the past six years, Stomach, liver and woman's troubles Moonlight Bide next Friday morning, July thirty-first, cialty; children, male and fe­ o'clock, at the Nor home ,,,, Six­ male. Graduate Klrksville, .Mo., In- A moonlight excursion on Puget for San I'rancisco, where they Will sail teenth Avenue. Th ,11 be stit II Sound will be given by the club August fifth for Manila. 1'. 1. 1010 Northern Bank Bldg. the Reverend S • • v. W. C. A- "a the evening of * * * Residence Phone: Main 3840 .lames, with none bul relatives pi >i fourth. The hoat will leave Mr. ami .Mrs. Clarence B. Lamont will The bride and bridegroom n I the fo"i of Madison remove next week to their new sum­ so.m after for a brief u • ddii at seven and return at ten-thirty will be al home after Sept mer home near Three Tree Point, JOSEPH SKRELL .11 1415 Sixteenth Ave,, • * * where they will spend the remainder * * * of the summer. Ladies' Tailor Canadian Women to Give Lawn Party * » * Dance to Honor Miss Gallag-her A lawn party will he given bj Fancy Suits a Specialty The officers and ladies of Fori • iian Women's Club at the resi- Mrs. Robert Van Sant, of Berl '"" ; harming dance Of Mrs. fred Page Tuslin, 435 California, is a guest at "Cherryhei Suite 235 Epler Blk. 811 Second Ave. t he home of M r. and M is. I | last ' " compliment to .Miss Tw enty-Iifth Avenue South, on Tuesday Phone Mi in 1176 Kittinger, Mrs. Van Sant, who is the Mary '"' er, who will ieav,> afternoon. July twenty-eighth. Ctiests aunt of Mr. Kittinger, will remain sev­ next Friday In company wiii will take the Mount Maker cars. eral weeks at "Cherryhedge." Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone Main 5584 Diuners » » * Luncheons Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. McEwan Afternoon ami family will remove today to their Dr. Susie B. Frasier Tea» .Mrs. Mary Webster ami daughter, pretty new home al the Country Club, CHIROPODIST AND POOT SPEC- Candle-light Hetty Webster, of Brooklyn, New Spreads TAVERN Bainbridge island, which they will oc­ IALIST York, accompanied by -Miss Evelyn cupy for the remainder of the summer. ,! of Xew Orleans, will arrive in 4064 Arcade Building- Seattle, "Wash. A new idea in tea rooms designed to meet city Monday evening. Miss Web- * » * most exactin . „,,, ,CL . g demands ind Miss Piggol will he the guests Mrs. Harry Whitney Treat ami At 4311 15th Av. N. E. Opposite University Campus of Judge and Mrs. Burke until Septem- her daughters, Priscilla ami Loyal, I si. have heen in Europe sine." last p. "The Snuggery" her. latterly spending the past months Desi«nin« Engrauing BOTHELL BOULEVARD • * * in England, from whence they Will Mr. and Mrs. John W. Eddy and ehil- shortly sail for Xew York, arriving in New Tea Shop. May be secured for parties, dian. who had spent two weeks at Hay- ELMER F. KUNTZ s,;i 111,, the middle of August. dinners dances Lake, Idaho, arrived home Thiirs- Manufacturing Jeweler Mrs. A. P. Keating left last week for Diamond Setter e v e n i n g. Kenwood 2001 a a • a six weeks stay in the East, spending Phone Main 3607 402 People's Bank Bldg. most of the lime in Xew York and Mrs. Burgess of Helena, Montana, is Second and Pike oilier large Eastern centers. Mrs. Keat­ guest of Lieutenant ami Mrs ing will r< turn ti, Seattle about the Shampoo, Facial Massage, • 5 al Fori Lawton. id si of September. Manicuring, Scalp Treatments Mis. Howard I'. Thomas arrived on Tuesdaj evening from Tacoma, where Face Bleaching The Canterbury •Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ballard of the past two months, to Xorth Yakima are spending a month in SANTA RITA BEAUTY SHOP Tourth Floor of Eiler's Building 1.,. n., or a time of her son and Third Ave. and University St. the city with Mrs. Ballard's parents, Mrs. M. K. Miles his wife. Mr. and Mrs. I low -ml 1 ' Captain and Mrs. Davfd Gilmoi Thomas, Jr., at their home al t he Sea i 207 LIBERTY BUILDING A tlnir home on Roanoke Avenue. Opp. Post-office Main 5311 I Table I I'M,,i. tie Coif I 'hlh. Luncheon frort el< t • n-l hli | two. for ii,;, Miss Katherine Williams, who has heen attending Miss Bennett's school at OFFICE PHONE OFFICE HOURS KODAK FINISHING MAIN 7650 2 TO 4 P. M. A restful, typical Home Din­ Middlebrook, New York, is spending 10c A ROLL ner from Bvi With her father, Mr. Jack thirl; DR. CARL HOFFMAN Williams, al tie Hotel I '• PRACTICE LIMITED TO • * * DISEASES OF WOMEN DEPUE A b and Eli RESIDENCE OFFICE DENNY BLDG. - 5th FLOOR ell, sistei s of Dr. Montgomery HOTEL SAVOY 206 WALKERG BLD NEXT TO TIMES d last week from Pi PAGE TEN THE TOWN CRIER -, \ Music and the Musicians Miss Forrest and her aggrega­ NEAL BEGLEY N this department last week The utation of Paderewski is on the wan.-. tion of six young ladies, TENOR Town Crier discuss.-d the recent reso- For two seasons past the critics have I lution 0f the New York State Anisic been hinting that his playing was not including harpist Concert Oratorio Opera Teachers' Association, asking the legis- up to the Paderewski standard and lature to pass a bill providing for the gradually the feeling seems to be BOTH PL A Y AND SING Phones: Elliott 71, North 615 licensing of members of the profession spreading thai the capacities of the Come in and sample our dainty afternoon and outlining a standard of teaching lo eel ibrated pianist have been much ex- lunches. be determined by examination. The aggerated. critics in attendance at the opinion vvas advanced by The Town recent concert of the London Symphony EVERY AFTERNOON FROM crier that many difficulties would rai.g. orchestra where Paderewski played his 3:30 to 5;30 themselves in the way of such an un­ ALFRED ROLLO own piano concerto (op. IT) are almost Mutic every evening- 6:15 to 8:15 VOICE dertaking, .lust how Impossible it is unanimous in their condemnation ol and 10:15 to 12:15 to adopt a standard t'or teacning mu­ performance, manj of them speaking sic is shown by the following require­ 305-306 Eilers Building in frank disapproval ot" his tendency to Hotel Savoy Cafe ments outlined by the Association: hammer in the forte passages Th" First— That he well acquainted composition, too, conies in for its share with the essential facis of musical of adverse criticism. Viewed in the tone-phenomena, evinced hy an Intelli- light of the new movement in composi- Associate American Guild of Organists gent appreciation of the artistically tion, the work seems a hit ooramon- Organist Plymouth Congregational Church applled elements of music, rhythm, place and old-fashioned, according KODAKS melody and harmony, as well as the some judges "Granted", says on.', 'that Judson W. Mather ready recognition and comprehension he is a distinguished artist, I Developing Instruction -Piano and Organ of the symbols and si^ns in com,,,, composer and a really first-rate pianist, use, by means of which musical thought nevertheless he is no Paderewski." A Studio in Church Pho (Studio Main 1765 and emotion arc chiefly transmitted shrewd hit of criticism this, for, as Printing 6th and University * Res. Kenwood 448 from the composer to the executant, everybody knows nowadays, the true Whether artist, teacher or pupil. answer to Shakespeare's query "What's Enlarging Second—That he mav' he able to in a name?" is "Everything." 4, 6 and 8 exp. rolls Music Conservatory of the Northwest elucidate for his pupils any points of doubt or misapprehension, and that he * • * 10c per roll T)ire£lor: C. Lagourgue he aide on ocasion, to give an adequate An "Evening with Minnesota Com­ Illustration of the proper interpreta­ posers" recently given in Minneapolis NORTHWESTERN tion or execution of the music taken undebrOUghr thl eou directiot the n facof t w.tha Ryse-Herbertt the stale, PHOTO SUPPLY CO. lummer ci asses in up for study hy his pupils. claims a. surprisingly large number of EASTMAN KODAK CO. Third—That he may know how to widely-known composers Besides Mr. 1320 SECOND AVE. Opp. Arcade adopt his instruction; also his general Ryse-Herbert, the well-known organist Solfeggio and personal attitude during the lessons, to and composer, were represented W. 11. the special needs and peculiar traits of Pontius, who wrote ".lesus Savior, I'ilot each pupil. Me"; Gertrude Bans-Souci, composer of Harmony fourth- That he he sufficiently ac- "O Paradise": S. A. 1'.a Id win, and Rich- Monday at 4 o'clock quainted with the Instructive, classical aid Czewonky. Claude Madden, now of Tuesday . . . 8:30 P. M. Thursday . .4 and romantic teaching literature of his Seattle, was represented with a "Barca- Reduced Fares Thursday . 12 department or specialty. rolle" for violin and organ. Friday . . 8:30 P. M. fifth That he have a working Saturday . . 4 knowledge id' the technical and other Tlu much-talked-of opera "Cain and difficulties that are most likely to be Abel" by Felix Weingartn&r, achieved a •untered along the path of advance- gratifying success at the premiere in to the East ment, reckoning with the mental, physi- Darmstadt recently, says the Musical Clara Wolfe cal and temperamental equipment of Courier. The composer, who also wrote on sal<> daily until September SO, (CHICAGO BERLIN. LONDON) the average pupil, and know how in the libretto, conducted the opera before (inclusive) 191 i, via the VOICE some effective manner to remedy or help a distinguished audience of international tember 30, (inclusive) 1911, Authorized Instructor in The Jones Diction Technique overcome the faults, deficiencies and Significance. Its external success was via the endorsed by Melba, DeReszke and Bispham. problems as they arise. all that could he desired and it is Washington Apartments Phone Elliott 2476 These requirements, with the excep­ erally conceded that in this opera Wein- tion of the first, are extremely vague gartner has surpassed anything hitherto and necessarily so. And who can say attempted by him In the field of com­ 0-W. R. & N. io jusi what extent this teacher or position. There is little action in the Busch-Reamer School thai one succeeds iii fulfilling them? libretto and in the music there is very VIOLIN GUITAR Obviously, opinion would play a large little employment of the "Leitmotif." Oregon Short Line PIANO BANJO part in settling the question, and proh- Abstract as the work is. it is neverthe- FLUTE MANDOLIN ably few teachers would care to sub- less, very dramatic ami offers Interest- and Theory, Composition and Arranging mil their right to practice their pro- Ing contrasts. Wagnerian Influence E. L. BUSCH T. W. REAMER fession to thi' mere opinion of an ex- frequently evident hut the score is thor- 1504 3rd Ave. Rooms 309-310 amining hoard. Another phase of the OUghly modern iii spirit ami oi Union Pacific question which has hen apparently lost many varying and subtle beauties in si^ht of, is that represented by the the orchestral coloring. Low Round Trip Pares to Phones: Studio. E. 787 Res.. E. 21 17 young and Inexperienced teacher of mu- * * * Chicago $ 72.50 sic-. How is such a one to acquire Campaninl is planning for a series St. Louis 70.00 KARL E. TUNBERG experience except by teaching? Again, °* Wagner operas in Chicago, to be New York City 108.50 might not the adoption of an arbitrary B*v«n >"' Sundays, for which he hopes Pittsburg 91.50 Pianist and Accompanist standard result in working a hardship '" Sr('in''' Siegfried Wagner as i Philadelphia 108.50 Teacher of ductor. in addition to tiie regular Washington, D. C 107.20 PIANO and HARMONY on those who might be endeavoring to introduce new systems of musical edu­ repertoire of fifty operas which th.' Denver 55.0<> Odd Fellows Temple 10th and Pine cation and thus hamper progress? company has presented during the past Memphis 79.70 Although possibly the musical pro­ three seasons. Campaninl will revive Milwaukee 72.50 fession suffers quite as much from "Romeo and Juliet," "Werther," Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas fakirs and Incompetency within its "L Afrlcaine," "Dinorah," and "Lind! City, Missouri River ranks as an.v other profession, yet it di Chamlnoux." New works will be points 00.00 is extremely doubtful if recourse to "L'Amore del tre re," "St. Saens," "!>.«•- legislation will solve tbe problem. All janire." and perhaps Massenet's lasl Proportionately reduced fares ov.r the land various agencies ar. al opera, "Cleopatre," to other principal Eastern The new artists thus far engaged are points. Going limit, 15 da> work gradually raising the general level Marie Barrientos, Marie Kousnezoff, final return limit, October 31, of musical understanding and apprecia­ 1914. tion. Public school music, municipal and Edyth Walker. Alessandro Bond bands and orchestras, low-priced con­ will return, and Efeinrich Hensel, the certs and other factors, are now bring­ German tenor, is to make his fust ap­ Liberal stop ing musical education to Hie masses pearance with this company. Louise UNION overs allowed and as a result of this education there Edvina, Una Cavalieri, Alice Zeppilli, PACIFIC going and com­ is already an increased demand for Miss Wheeler, Ruby Heyl, Mai. ing, with choJc* Keyes and Kosa Uaisa are re-engaged. SYSTE M first-class teachers in the various de­ of routes. SAFE partments of musical istruction. Gen­ Mme. Schumann-Heink will he an im­ DEPOSIT BOXES erally speaking, Hie competent musician portant addition. Lucien Muratore, J. H. ONLlH need have no quarrel with the Incom­ Titta Kuffo, Vanni Marcoux, Mario Dist. Pass. A- petent members id' his profession. Sammarco, Clarence Whitehill, Allan 716 Second \v WM. D. PERKINS & CO. Klnckley, Gustav Huberdeau, Henri Tel.: Main 90 BANKERS * * « III CHERRY ST ALASKA BLDO Scott and Nlcolay are again to be There la no doubt about it. The rep- among the forces. PAGE ELEVEN THE TOWN CRIER

ies, a very youthful trio, have a danc­ For the Playgoer ing skit. Twilight pictures and the On For Next Week Empress orchestra under the direction ITH beautiful Alice Fleming ill an opportunity to stand out unique. of Herr Freimuth, will be other fea­ Such a part is that of Omar Khayyam the place of the popular Flor­ Moore - 1 lark. tures of the- last S. .V; ('. hill. W ence Malone and with th. which Guy Hates l'ost plays as star in Metropolitan— "The Man Inside." cess of Broadway .loins this week to Richard Walton Tully's spectacular Seattle -Moving Pic urea. prove that changes made in the com­ Persian love play, Omar, the Tent­ Orpheum—1 )ark. To Subscribers: On leaving for the pany Were for tile better. ('.ee; maker. which conies to the Moore Empress -1 loyt's Minstrel Jubil< country, notify The Town Crier of Mackenzie announces his hill for next Theatre the wek of August 9th. Pantages—"Front it r 1 lays." change of address. week will be Tin- Man Inside, the grip­ A play with Omar Khayyam as its Clemmer Exclusive Feature Plays ping crime drama written by Roland B. central figure is bound to attract atten­ and Xevvs Pictures MolineaUX while Serving a prison term tion, as Mr. Tully's has from coast to for the murder of a woman. coast, and a large part of that atten­ The coming of Miss Fleming to tin tion is centered on the i ii t er pre 1 a l ion the formalism of religion which aacri- Metropolitan Players is particularly of the famous character of playwright iices his sweetheart. auspicious. She is a charming woman and actor. It is a great tribute to the Fears later he is living in Naishapur with the face and form of a I Work Of each that Omar Khayyam as with Little Shlreen, daughter nf his model, a particularly musical voice and presented on the stage I'm' this. the Shireen of the garden, whom he thinks a depth of dramatic power that has lirst time. is interpreted with such is dead. The young girl has fallen ill won hei- many friends during the last talent that the numberless devotees of love with a Christian knight, a Cru­ eight years. Best of all Miss Fleming the Rubalyet are enthusiastic. sader, and I hilar, liberal as ever in his has a preltv comedy manner, unaffected Guy Bates Post is an old friend of religious opinions, attempts in help and spontaneous, that tils her to essay Seattle theatre-goers, having for years the knight escape. lie is thrown Into lead roles of the difficult plays Manager played in that landmark of local drama, prison, tried before the grand vizier, Mackenzie has arranged for the re­ Cordray's Theatre on Third Avenue. and condemned to torture. While he mainder nt' the summer and early fall Even in those early times a brilliant sutlers, his soul leaves his bodj and Her opening bill is not pretty, how­ career was predicted for the young goes in search of the secret of life. ever. It was written by Molineaux in actor, and his success on the Eastern lie is rescued by Shireen, his Shireen the shadow of the Great Hereafti r stage has been noted with satisfaction of the garden come hack, and the and iii the atmosphere of the death by a wide circle id' friends here who Vizier gives them the wonderful gar­ den lo live in. The last scene of all cell, '"it it is net gruesome, and deals have followed his work. in a gripping and Convincing fashion in this eventful tale is that where lb- has bad many big pans before Omar and Shireen sit in the rose- with the injustice of society's treatment this, having appeared in many suc­ Of its moral Lepers. There are several scented garden by moonlight, having cesses. Including Tile Heir to the Hoo- passed through the tempests of lite, Interesting types displayed in th- rah, The Virginian, Paid in Full, and derwoild scenes and tin- climax of the and muse over it all. The Bigger, lo mention only a few of Certainly this pari of Omar Khayyam second act gives Miss Fleming oppor­ them. Hut dramatic critics, as well as tunity for the exercise of every particle is the opportunity of a life time lor the general public, are convinced that an actor. And that Guy Hates Cost haa of dramatic' power she possesses. as never given a portrait in the Next week's hill will in- of th achieved his meat success in it is a long series to equal that of Omar. He tribute also to his powers, a line actor ••woman play" type io acquaint the ,,oi only shows one of the most Inter­ Metropolitan feminine patrons with conic to a great part in the heights of /?0£/r£OF7H£/lU-ST££L 7r9A/A/S esting figures in history in his different his career. Miss Fleming's great personal charm. activities, hut in his different ages. Sin- is a society woman of Independent in the prologue lie is a young and » » * FROM means, owns her own automobile, and fervent lover, writing verses so that in; the headline attraction of the is an enthUSiai r and polo de­ his "Thou" could make a wilderness F new bill at Pantages, opening with votee. paradise for him. But he is robbed of Hi." matinee Monday, there will he * » * the girl, who must go to the Sh "Frontier Days", a big Wild West act. said to he crammed to tin- guards with SEATTLE Xl'IO ill a season, and sometimes at because the Shah, "The Shadow of Intervals, there con Allah on Earth," has asked for her. realism of tin- plains and excitement And Other Points in the Pacific Northwest O Tin- production, which is pretentiously dramatic part that yives its portrayer And so (hnar becomes bitter against staged, has been making a big hit thus TO ROUND-TRIP far on the circuit. Lucille Mullhall, Chicago $ 72.50 an expert horsewoman, plays the lead­ Duluth . 50.00 METROPOLITAN THEATRE »\*l ing role. A number of cowboys and Minneapolis or St. Paul . 60.00 cowgirls, bucking outlaw horses, and Montreal 105.00 THE ALWAYS-COOL PLAYHOUSE DE LUXE the roiling of a genuine Texas long- New Ycrk 108.50 horn steer, will ne shown in .Miss Mull- Toronto, Ont 92.00 hall's act. As the added feature of Washington 107.50 George J. Mackenzie presents Omaha, Council Bluffs, the week there will come on Dolly's Kansas City and St. Joseph- 60.C0 Colls, in a merry musical comedv tab­ Proportionately reduced fares to Mist Alice Fleming and the Metropolitan Players in loid that has been proving popular Many Other Points in the East. Return with Pantages audiences elsewhere. mav lie made through California at Other numbers on the program are *f 9 slightly higher fares. Paris Green, the famous monologist; The Man Inside ' tin- Reed Sisters, acrobatic da Final Return Limit, October 31, 1914 Dave Vantieid. an experl juggler. Liberal stopover privileges and Mntinees 25c Evenings 50c and 15c * * » choice of diverse routes offered. ill-: ensuing week at tin- Empi T will mark the closing ot' the Sul­ livan & Considine Interest in this pop­ Two All-Steel Trains MOORE COMING, AUGUST 9th, for one week ular-priced vaudeville theatre: and Marcus Loew will assume active cl TO THE EAST DAILY GUY BA TES POST, the gifted American actor of all future Empress shows, beginning IN August lirst. "The OLYMPIAN" The week's headline attraction will The Finest Train Across the Continent OMAR THE TENT-MAKER he Add lloyt's Minstrel Jubilee, with During week of August 9th. Make your reservations now seven former minstrel stars in the cast including Add Hoyt, Bruce Wallace, llerheit ('lark, John l-'orsman. Ceo 1VI- "The COLUMBIAN" BEGINNING MONDAY, JULY 27 letier, Waller Van Allen and .John PANTAGES Lucille Mullhall, in the Wild West act Thomas. They offer a tabloid minstrel MILWAUKEE TRAINS • 10cand20c show with all the elements of a larger MILWAUKEE SERVICE "Frontier Days' production. it consimes an engaj MILWAUKEE EMPLOYES Unequalled Vaudeville Another merry musical comedy tabloid twenty minuted of song, jokes and All the Way Across the Continent dancing. Our Policy Never For additional information, call 0.. Changes " DOLLY'S DOLLS Vivian Murray and Grace si. Clair or address present an amusing inchhni of sine,, life, called "Broadway Love", prettily A. P. CHAPMAN, JR., SEATTLE'S BEST PHOTOPLAY HOUSE staged and brightly told. Another in­ General Agent Passenger Dept. CLEMMER 10c 10c 10c 10c teresting '•turn" is that of Thev-Yan- J. L. CRISWELL, Sunday—Monday—Tuesday Coming- Wednesday Da, a full-blood Indian entertainer who City Ticket Agent LILLIAN WALKER In a Hearts Interest Storj MARY PICKFORD has created quite a sensation in vau­ BREA1 i ll'i i.\ Till-: WATERS In CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & WHAT THE DAISY SAID deville. They-Dan-De is a graduate of A MATTER OF MINUTES Carlisle University and posses* Eighth Storj A RUSSIAN BOAR HUNT ST. PAUL RAILWAY WINE MAKING IX MARSALA. baritone voice. ESstelle Cose will dem­ Till-: MAX wild DISAPPEARED Second and Cherry. Seattle HEARST-SELIG NEWS SH'II.Y onstrate her ability in Hie art of sing­ TWO < 'in lied ies Other Short Story Features ing character songs. The Three llrowil- PAGE TWELVE

THE TOWN CRIER Educational Catfish D. M. McCartney & Son By ADELE Af. BALLARD I". are told that lisheinieii have by claiming- that "the public schools of For Ladies TAILORS For Mat difficulty in keeping a tank full today are namby-pamby places to which of codfish in good condition, we go because it is the custom, and 1410 4th Ave., Bet. Pike and Union while awaiting shipment, unless a cat­ some of us become good citizens in fish is placed in the tank. The catfish spite of them!" lb- advocated training Next door to the new Mission Theatre keeps the cod stirred up anil on thegirl s in costume designing instead of • * • move constantly and they reach the mathematics, thereby giving life and market sound and healthy. art a finer meaning. Such criticism is 'Uhe Ladies are our best advertisers Humanly speaking, catfish are good creative and constructive the real for the vitalizing of our souls, and basis of the world's progress. while the process mav- be annoying, the These be parlous times for conservat­ result is generally beneficial. ism in its cloistered stronghol' . The National Educational Association many will await the result of the at­ LA FRANCE BEAUTY PARLORS which convened recently was greatly tacks with hopeful interest. disturbed over the address by Edward 226 Peoples Hunk lluikling Aylsworth Ross, who boldly Hung the gauntlet into the faces of his fellow- LATEST IMPROVEMENTS ANP Every modern conven­ workers by saving the schools of today Northern Pacific Improvements EXPERIENCED WORKMEN ience for comfort are turning out too many sissies. HE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIL­ What is iimiv, he stated the reason WAY has for some time been When lie told them that the schools T Tennis, handball and bowling, carrying forward on the West End, im­ putting green, mountain climb­ are over feminized, six-Sevenths of provements of a very important and GENTLEMEN'S HATS ing, trout fishing, horseback rid American teachers being women. permanent nature. These Improvements Through their ladylike ideas of conduct Cleaned and Blocked. Panamas made ing, etc. Music and dancing, are largely double track work over the tin- normal pugnacity of our boys Is Cascade Range .-nut general track Im­ like new. All work guaranteed moving picture theatre. destroyed and they are left without provements north of Seattle. mettle. In-. Koss has no use for lady­ 109 Prefontaine Place To facilitate tin- increase in traffic Rates: Room and Board, like citizens, nor the education that Opposite City Light Office over the cascade Mountains the North­ $2.50 and up per day Stifles the primal Impulses of moral In­ ern Pacific Railway Company is now diana I ion. double tracking its line between Ivislmi Ih- is a brave man who ventures to Sol Due Hot Springs Co. on the east, and 1,ester on the west pick Haws in tin- fabric of our school Dr. T. J. Betiero side of the Cascades. The present mili- system and hold them up for the age between these two points is twenty- SCHOOL OK PSYCHOLOGY World to See. Kilt to do so at the ex­ four miles, but the iu-w work involves 8004 Arcade Building pense ol six-sevenths of the teaching also a line change on the West Bide of Stammering, alcoholism, bad force and at a. time when we are the mountains :!.2 miles in length be­ Iiabits, obsession, insanity, and obsessed of slushy sentimentality on tween Weston and Lester, which will sleeplessness cured promptly with­ the woman question, challenges the shorten the line ii.:; miles This line out drugs. breathless admiration of everyone who change requires heavy rock cuts and has dared to hold an Independent the crossing of the Qreen River Valley Phone East 123 thought or two on the subject that was with a steel viaduct 11-- feet long and contrary to established procedure. a height above the river of 160 MUMFORD & ll will be remembered that Edward CARPET CLEANERS A. Koss came into the limelight in To safeguard the traffic through the Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Carpets Dry Cleaned and connection with Stanford University, Stampede Tunnel, <>sii feel long, there is also now under installation a mod­ Renovated, Washed, Made Over, Relaid and Glue Sized. where, for a limited time he occupied Linoleum Laid. Upholstering, Mattress and Furniture Repai>B| the chair of political economy. That ern tunnel ventilating system, which To Subscribers: On leaving for the 1318AlmySt. SEATTLE was during the late nineties, and thewil l have a fan capacity of about 640,- country, notify The Town Crier ol 000 cubic feel of air per minute. phrase "tainted money" had not change of address. Another extensive piece of work now coined but the thought had been con­ under construction is the Improvement Messengers ceived. Some of the students in his The Old Reliable of tlie line from Seattle north to Somas classes heckled Mr. Ross into a s Motorcycles on tin- British Columbian boundary. FOR TACOMA ment of his personal opinion on the (Parcel Delivery) This involves a reduction of grades anil AD.T.Co, subject of Senator Stanford's millions, curvature in both directions; railway (LICENSED DISTRIBUTORS) PUOET SOUND ELECTRIC the Southern Pacific Railway and the'.) Taxicabs bank widening, and the ballasting and RAILWAY allied relation to the university. That Automobiles relaying of track with 85-lb. rails. Tin- MAIN 234 vvas his undoing and the "Quad" knew INTERURBAN total length of Improved mileage on Main Office - 112 Columbia Street him no more. this line for this year will be 82.5 Limited Trains hourly. l-'or years he has been one of the miles, id' Which 15.6 miles is line Time of Limited Trains between leading men on the faculty of the State changes between McMurray and Mont- Seattle and Tacoma- seventy min­ University of Wisconsin, whicli . borne, between Sedro-Wmi 11 ey and Wick- Swedish Massage utes. ably ranks all others .in l uU11( ,I , ershani, and a 4.2 mile connecting the Trail >tal and Yesler for the valuable set v ice it gives H Northern Pacific track to the Great Fjaestad & Fjaestad, G. M. is follows: state in return for the money that If! Rorthern Railway near Edgecomb. LIMITED TRAINS—*7:30, *9:00. poured into its treasury, lb- has found Graduated in Stockholm, Sweden. Genuine 11:00 and 12:00 a. m.; L:00, there a. favorable environment and an Arrangements have also been made Swedish Massage and Swedish Movements .nu, 1:00, 5:00 and 6:00 p. m. enlarged field for tin- growth of his for use of the Great Northern tracks for Ladies and Gentlemen. Highly Recom­ lv except Sun- stimulating ideas. through Everett, north from Seattle, mended for Rheumatism, Stomach Troubles All Limited Trains stop at Keiil and Nervous Diseases. That he should make public crit­ between Snohomish and Kdgoeomb in and Auburn. icism ol' the cause and effect of the order to avoid tlie heavy grades of the LOCAL TRAINS- 6:05, 8:05, 9:05, 201-203 Burke Building weakness of our schools before the Northern Pacific tracks over Hartford : 1 :05, 3:06 and Hill. These Improvements will mid hourly until 10:05 p. m.; 1 1 : 15 p. in. X. I-:. A. ShOWS clearly that the man Cor. Second and Marion greatly to the efficiency and economy of (last train). still retains his vision and absolute Office Hours 9 to 5 Residence train operation and in other respects ton Junction Locals leavi fearlessness. and by prove of value to the railway com­ :, a. in., 4:36 p. m, and I ir. PranciS was another educator at special appointment 227 23rd Avenue N. 5:35 p. m. pany. the convention who created a great stir Tel. Main 3221 Tel. East 4100 Leave Kenton .1 un< I a. m., p. in. and 6:35 p. m. local trains and Change at Kenton Junction. WE MAKE YOU Ii $40 SUIT FOR W Over the Roofs igera for Puyallup short Llm . By SARA TEASDALE We Can Please You irs at Willow Junction. A $45 Suit for $45 SAID, "I have shut my heart, No Matter How Particular A $50 Suit for $50 I As one shuts un open dour. You Are— Round-trip $1.00 That Love may starve therein A $60 Suit for $60 Ami trouble me nu more." With transfers to both the P. S. T., L. & P. Co. in Seatle and T EL A !'. The value is there, the workman­ The Empire Studio CO. in Tacoma. We have recently In- 15ui over the runt's there <••• gtalled an Automatic Block Signal ship perfect. The style, the latest. Tlu- wit new wind <>t May, C. JACOBSEN F. HORN n, reducing accidents to a And a tune blew up from the curb minimum. There is full value for the money Portraits- -Groups- - Interiors - -Exteriors Where the street-planoa play. Subject ti without in these clothes Amateur Finishing Work. See us at C. W. AVERY, My room was white with the sun Traffic Agent, Seattle. J. M. CUNNINGHAM And Love cried nut to me, 717 1-2 Third Avenue I.. II. BEAN, Between Cherry and Columbia Manager. Tacoma. Traders Bldg. Third and Marion "1 am strong, I will break your hearl Unless you set me tn PAGE THIRTEEN THE TOWN CRIER

formation of historical value On the .ulass. and tile cries aloud of cleanliness A Review of Recent Reading other hand, much of the bonk reads like secures the trade. a hovel, whilst the sufferings and in­ Xot content with making theirs une By FRANKLIN H. LORD domitable courage at times of Mine, de uf the must attractive restaurants in Genlis excite a reluctant pity and ad­ town, the Rainier people have also T is a startling fact thai the must and vivacity; and neither her Memoirs miration. She certainly was a wonder­ addeil tn the facilities which have Wun I brilliant women, num* ical nor any of her other works lei us Into ful woman as women go and this his- for their pastries and cakes no small Ing, whu have madi the secret of her real nature." tory nf her life is well worth reading local fame. They are prepared tn han­ French. This cannol be dispute d The career of .Mme. de Genlis cov­ I'm- reasons Other than a thirst fur his- dle a large volume of home and picnic Keeper of Royal Secrets, Being the I 'rl ered that extremely interesting and turical knowledge. trade, as well as to supply the aug- vate and Political Life of Madai stormy period of French history which • • * d business which has Genlis," written by .ban Harmand, with extends from January, 17 It;, up to Jan­ "The Sign >

fering independent taxi-men were de­ How ephemeral is fame in,,. It Makes a Difference picted in seven COIOTS. Labor was ^Leaned from the fact that iluri (< I ET the pee-pul rule: i town with painted as once inure playing her star jKTO The this Mexican cmbroglio nu irector of I he Pin , ments for une whu nol so long ago perhaps a steamship or railroad com­ Pa tin-American Republics. marie a hideous example of an hundred pany might have some righl to a Bell wretches whose only fault was iii their preference as to these with whom it L^L By G. G. A. That naval plucking hoard se,., noisy and rather vague championship does business. Bul His Honor, tired by UN* ha\ e pushed down on t he pin tea i of the downl rodden'a cause to the the McMahon effort, dissolved the re­ little too hard. annoyance of Westlake and I'ike mer­ straining order as though it were so UR Humane Society wants the chants. Judge John B. Humphries, he much sugar and salt. municipality tu handle the citj O milk supply in much the same Petri- Miller has just rounded whu BO brilliantly and capably not to You see, the Judge has Bled as a say luridly and voluminously- fills the candidate for the supreme bench; and manner as it does its water. Thus, as sojourn of live years in the colini j nu bench to overflowing, is strong the labor vote we arise in the morning from time tu and the sheriff should recogni: faithfulness in staying sn lung by fc. for labor these days, how- That Hollaway Gaol stuff for the time, we would look at the papers tind ma martyred hundred was till very well read something like this: "NOTICE. Ing him the .jail mascot Milk will be shut off until further There has been an awful mess Btirred last year; but now with the elections notice in the district hounded hy Jones, up over the new ordinance prev< coming on, and all If Councilman lOriekson keeps 0| Smith, Green, and Brown streets. L. B. taxicab men from soliciting tradi That la bur vote tending the municipal car lin Youngs. Supt." The Humane Society the ducks oi in the depots. Attorney Being a politician, you know how it us are going to work up cut says the city could handle its milk Tom McMahon, acting for a number of is yourself. enough to take- a trip on une ,i; supply mure cheaply than private milk independent taxicahhers and alsu coun­ ears to find nut where 11 goea dealers. Which, considering that li sel for the Centra] Labor Council, has has all of Cedar River at its command heen the Seattle Taxicab and City Plant Violates City Laws fi',. ot charge, is undoubt< dly 11 i The House naval committee wa Transfer C pany, which thus far has WO years ago the City nf Seattle, knew whu discovered the Xorth pole, had the prerogative of duck and depol T Washington, ordered all wires un­ With the han un mixed classes til hut there is little prospect, with nade. Superior Judge A. W. Prater derground. All of the privately owned Broadway High it is suspe< dent Wilson watching, for |lv issued .1 restraining order enjoining the companies complied with the order, hut some of th,. boys attending that school sional junket up theivr lo i estig»te i 'ity of Sea 111" and < Ihief < Iriffll hs from the city's own municipal lighting plant will have tu yet their own lessons. the matter. enforcing the ne'W ordinance. There­ paid im attention tn the ordinance, and upon McMahon appeared before Judge all wires nf the plant tire still above "WILSON ORDERS NEW HAVEN Wh.en Colonel Koosevelt goes Humphries and made a soul-harrowing tnd. SI'IT" says a Sun headline. Why nut the Senate Committee to nppo.s,, the oration In whicli the woes of the suf­ Complaints have become so frequenl Q Princeton suit? The President mil Colombian treaty he will automatical!) and SO insistent, because of the un­ just as well knuw now that throwing become the must insidious of in.v sightly appearance of a number uf his own college patriotism tn the winds lobbj ists. Moving Picture Oper­ down-town streets and the dangerous ;md going tn Mr. Taft's abode t,. buy tire hazard resulting from the myriad his attire will bring him nothing from The P.-I. quotes a (lennan ators Course of wires in congested alleys, that the the Republicans. paper as saying that "President Including Theatre Management city council is tn take cognizance of sun's diplomatic fiascos are esp,.,,j;1iK icl thai the city is daily violating The Congressional Summer School, disappointing to the rest of the worW Instruction an ordinance which, mure than two now in session at Washington, I >. <\. because it would seem that the 1027 Joshua Green Bldg. years ago, was complied with in prac­ will probably Close in a few weeks and Western democracy which we at tically every particular by the Pugel many Democratic students will gradu­ customed to look to tis a model i< Sound Traction, Lighl & Power Com- ate un November t. ing hack Into its old ways."

pany, tin- Pacific Telegraph & Tele­ Ir model falls hack into its ai customed phone Company, and the Western Union the mounted police are abolished ways and this old ways must Mrs. A. D. KEATING w,l:" will we have left fur „ur pa­ LATEST PARIS AND NEW YORK and Postal Telegraph Companies.— rades? sarily determine its character, dues the criticsm come In? DESIGNS Public Service Magazine. The Baltimore man who had a new EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY ear huilt on the left side of his head William Hanics is going to su 1518 SECOND AVENUE In the Heart of the Meadow was probably one of that crowd thai Koosevelt for libel and try to get lent Marc Antony its ears. seven cents away from him. Phone: East 13 By THOMAS O'HAGAN N the heart of the meadow, where BONNEY-WATSON CO. I Love abides, FUNERAL DIRECTORS And rules his COUrl as a sceptered TWO TRAINS DAILY Private Ambulance Service ln king, Connection Green-clad Knights, with dewdrop hel­ Broadway and mets. TO CHICAGO Olive Street SEATTLE, WASH. Pledge their faith .and roundly "Honor to him, our Liege lord King, Via Minneapolis and St. Paul Whu rules the air and the land o G and 0= liis throne rests ncH on the arms of Empire, Albert Bui the hearts of his subjects so true and free!"

Hansen In the heart of the meadow where Love a hides. Jeweler and Are royal courts and royal halls. And the gates are open and the hats Silversmith descend not, This is the season to visit As the warders sing on the outer YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK walls: Excursion Pares to the Park, or to and 0 Exclusive Lines • "i lunur to him, our liege lord King, through the Park Whu rules the air and the land Unquestioned and sea: Quality liis throne rests not on the arms Northern Pacific Ry. of Empire, r a n we< on an ticket But the hearts of his subjects so TwnY£ T - ? ! y rsading Moderate Prices through Livingstone, Mont, to permit of true and free:" taking the Park trip. Let' us furnish you literature and Park trip rates. Gardinei Northern Pacific Ry. is the Original and Second iii the lea H of i he meadow where Lov« Gatew 1010 Ave. a hides. Time tills the hours with a magic glass, Eastbound Excursions D D For there is no dreaming and there is Tickets on sale daily. 0 no seeming A. TIM.IXC, A. C. F. ft p. ,\. Where the world is singing and the 2023 Smith Bldg. HERMAN A-SCHDOEDER. King will pass: H. X. KENNEDY, C. A.. I'rt. i.ept. 32U32QLiberty Bld^.Seattle.Wash. "Honor tn him. our liege hud King, j. o. MCMULLEN, city pass. Agt. Who titles the ait and the land 107 Yesler Way, Phone Elliot •• ^REAL-ESTATE and sea: Seattle, Wash. Mis throne rests nut un th arms \ I ' < I l.\ RLTI >X. A (J. p Portland, ( >n ,ACREACE#FARM LANDS A SPECIALITY of Empire, TELEPHONE MAIN 3292 tie hearts of Ms subjects so t late I PAGE FIFTEEN THE TOWN CRIER

the discovery with satisfaction for lie Sweet Alice, 1914 Uncle Sam Going to Market knows (he merchant princes of his Whatever You Do—Keep Sweet (Continued from Page 7) country are valiantly waging the war il, don't you remember sweet Alice, for foreign commerce. The American O Pen Bolt, when her hair was a of endeavoring to foster relations with beautiful brown? Yuu never in the Chna that will wipe out the sting of who makes a similar discovery, with his country in the place of Germany. world would know her as she looks three decades uf insults, ami that is a goes to the courts, gets an injunction. today, with a cane and • > trouserette mighty task in Itself. Put there are yells his head off in Congress, big busi­ gown. Ihr Paris made curls are the other people and other markets and it ness is Investigated and there is the taw purple tint: when I called I could will take many years for the United scarce trust my eyes, for she wore a es de\ il to pay generally. Stok States tu work its way into such mar­ little nightcap, the latest Paris hint, kets on tis tit in a footing as the Euro­ with rosebuds and pink ribbon ties. pean countries have gained. If Presi­ Auld Lang Syne Sweet Alice is now ml the stage. Ice Cream, Candies, dent Wilson had used the term psychol­ Pell Bolt; she began at the end uf the ogy in connection with our foreign ill': President's dugged pertinacity row. She smiled with delight tit the Cakes, Regular trade he probably would hav< in the matter nf the Thomas D. public each night, and now she's Hie nearer the mark than he did when T Jones appointment tu the federal Re­ hit uf the show. She dances a tango Luncheon Served 1 1 offering it as an excuse fur the present serve Board, is explained by the fact that sets them awhirl, with a dip and a lull in domestic business. The minds that Jones is an attache uf the McCor­ kick and a glide. You'd never believe to 2. Light Lunches of the people in this country will have mick family, which he serves from 'twas the same little girl that the song tu undergo a change before We can motives nf the very highest altruism wrongly stated had died. at other hours that are bring our foreign commerce up tu its only, according tn his own testimony. She's a Cigarette ease en the end of ultimate development. For instance, Cyrus II. McCormick and WOOdrOW Wil­ a chain, where the old fashioned ones delicious and dainty in Germany a couple <>f years agu Em­ son were classmates and close personal wore a fan; has a flat and a maid and peror William called the leading Iron friends. McCormick, a trustee of a Pomeranian pup; her motor is olive and steel manufacturers Into confi 912 Second Ave., Seattle Princeton, litis been a staunch backer and tan. And down tit the theatre place and in effect said In them. "Yuu have uf WOOdrOW WilBOn through the Prince- where she plays her pictures are hung un hand a large stuck which should he tun troubles and the presidential cam­ hy the score, tind they've fitted a slab transferred Into gold; we want the paign. Now Jones has been appointed with about a thousand electric lights, Empire Fuel Company and you tire in­ gold and we want tu gel it from other tu the Federal Reserve Board, if the and sweet Alice's name up over the vited to present your claims, under countries. Sell your surplus stuck for oath, properly verified, to me at the Senate had always been as scrupulous door.—Pi fe. address below within three months whatever it will bring and I will see about presidential appointments the from the first date of this publication, that yen are protected in your prices United states would nut have been and failure to so do will bar your here ;M hum.- tu make up the deficit.' claim. made su ridiculous in the eyes uf the Model for Magazine Sonnets HIRAM F. GARRETSON, Can you imagine a President of the world bj the opera bouffe performances The chersonese was chisley ami a Assignee. United States dning such a thing? of one George Fred Williams and other gnat— Address: 604-7 National Realty Build­ Yet the economic wisdom of su ing, Tacoma, King County, Washing­ "diplomats" and "personal representa- i A pilose beast, by the chatoyant sea ton. step is readily apparent tn any busi­ t i \os." 1 la lf-circummured ) — Stood un a roric First pub. June 27, 1914. 7t-8-8 ness man. "Consistency, thou art a jewel!" The German system as applied in * » * with wind-blown heard and harked the SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. this instance hy the Emperor meant tidal rote; IX THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE that all the people in Germany whu Destroying Traditions There was nu brume; resounded clear State of Washington for King County. used Iron and steel were assessed a the note Ethel May Zacher, Plaintiff, vs. Rey­ tax in the shape of a higher price in nold V. Zacher, Defendant. Summons UP. loss of the frontier, with its Of cumbers as they sparged the by Publication. No. 102530. order to promote Germany's trade ftee lands, its inviting opportun­ tumbled scree; The state of Washington to the said abroad. Thousands of tons of Steel Tities, its freedom from irksome social, lie seemed tu muse a space-•- no nol Reynold V. Zacher. I defendant; from Germany were sold in America at Von tire hereby summoned to appear military, and fiscal obligations, is a ill glee' within sixty days after the date of the prices the United states steel corpora­ factor in the unrest which is manifest And then withdrew ••but not. ah not. to first publication of this summons, to- tions COUld nut meet, fur the steel . 1914, and defend the ding tu Dr. Frederick Jackson above .entitled action in the above en­ must he watched, threatened, abused, Turner, famous authority un history of Wh.\ was he there? Mayhaps he came titled Court, and answer the complaint prosecuted and generally declared a the West, whu is giving a course of to moult, of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of nuisance, for if we did nut du all your answer upon the undersigned at­ lectures in the University Of Washing- Mayhaps he came to watch the silvern torney for plaintiff at his office below these things to it it would get the tun summer session. So long as there smolt stated: and in case of your failure so upper hand tind make us till slaves, was a frontier, which, Dr. Turner 'Mong rocks smaragdlne wander in to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the corrupt tin' courts, own Congress, and points nut, was a state of sueiet> and out. . make one of its office boys President. Complaint, which has been filed with than ti physical place, there was l pass the buck. I'd hate to have to the < 'lerk of said Court. The obj< • Also if a railroad proposes in haul room fur the display nf individualism tell; the said action, set forth in the com­ goods to the Pacific seaboard fur prac­ and an escape from high tti.Xes, high Potes write this sonnet sort of thing plaint, is as follows: tically nothing in order that they can That plaintiff have awarded to i•• rents, military service, and other social to sell— be landed in the Orient at a price that absolute decree of divorce from the de­ Impositions. Now that the last Ameri­ It isn't kind to ask what it's about. fendant upon the grounds of desertion will allow an American manufacturer and non-support, and that she have re can frontier has been merged in civil­ tu sufficiently compete with European stored to her her maiden na • isation, the unrest that used tu he ex­ To Subscribers: On leaving for coun­ WALTER S. FULTON, manufacturers the officers of that rail­ pressed in departure "for the West" is try, homes or out-of-town resorts do not Attorney for Plaintiff. road are criminals and as such should P. O. Address: 1112 Hoge Building, seen in other kinds nf protests against fail to notify The Town Crier of speedily go to jail and stay there as Seattle, County of King. Washington. political and economic and social con­ change in address. Firsl pub. July 25, 191 1-71 a warning to all other railroad men ditions. that we the people are supreme and Professor Turner su far in tlie course NOTICE TO CREDITORS will stand no monkey-bushit has been considerate nf must of the Tivoli Theatre, Sunday at 11:00 a.m. XXX Xotice is hereby given that the un­ and 8:00 p. m. popular stories and heroes of American dersigned has been duly appointed and Morning Service: "Feeling, or, Why history. Only one dramatic recital has qualified as executrix of the last will I Am a Fsycliopatliologist." our foreign Iradf certainly off. and testament of Winnie E. Harris, de­ Evening Service: "Tlie Seattle Sun magnificent field fur Mr. Wilson's gone by tlie hoard, and that a wnrd- ceased, late of King County, Washing- and Ziucas." psychology, and unless he can have picture painted hy Theodore Roosevelt ing. All persons having claims against business alone and inculcate in the in "The "Winning of th." West," of said estate will present the same duly Clark's capture of Kaskaskia. A dance authenticated for allowance at the office minds of the people the idea that big Of II. E. Poster. 7"s Xew York Build­ business after till has some lights tn in progress at the quarters of the ing, in the City of Seattle, the place exist I am afraid Mr. Pigott tind his English garrison: British officers designated for the transaction or the coquetting with Creole helhs; an In­ business of said estate. Said claims organization will find its work difficult. must he presented within twelve We as a nation have lived a lung time dian sprawling before the fireplace, months from and after the first date o1 in a state of self-sufficiency and ate looking on; Clark appears in the door- this publication. Way; the Indian, with a warwhoop, STELLA L-. CARROPP. only now waking up tn the fact tha' Executrix. it is essential thai We should get into leaps to his feet and bounds away; FOSTER, Attorney for Estate the markets of the world. Air. Pigott Clark reassures the dancers, tells them 70S Xew York Building, Seattle. King t" go on with the merriment, that they Countv, "Washington. is one of the soldiers whose duty it is First pub. July 26, mil. 4t-8-15 to carry our flag of commerce Into all now are under the American flag. the lands of the earth, but those of us "I hate to spoil the picture," says NOTICE TO CREDITORS who stay at home can help the work Professor Turner. "Hut there was no IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE by getting it into our heads that P English garrison; any dance, if there State of Washington, In and for the more goods our manufacturers ship Was one. was an open-air affair, around County of King. ^flP^ abroad the greater will he the measure In the Matter of the Assignment of a bonfire, with negroes participating. the Empire Fuel Company, for the Ben­ of prosperity at home. The German Colonel Roosevelt got the story from efit of its Creditors. Notice to Credit­ who finds that German-made steed can Some one who said hi' got the story ors. No You are hereby notified that the be purchased cheaper in tin' United from Clark. The researches of histor­ undersigned has been appointed As­ Rev. DR. LUCAS states than it can in Germany greets ians and antiquarians disprove it.' signee for till of the creditors of tlv The Master Psychologist and Teacher in fcientific Christian Living HOUGEN SHOE REPAIR WORKS 301 MARION BLDG. 216 Union St 2 Shops 110 Madison St. Hours 11 to 4 Phone EH. 2395 To the Intelligent Investors Nowadays Few Homes Are Lack­ of Seattle ing that Most Essential Feature J — "GAS"

Owners of houses, tis well its tenants, find gas service to be fin asset of actual cash value, Dot to speak of the greal satisfaction and convenience of having the best lighl and fuel in the world, always ai hand read; for instant use. Gas Is Now Recognized as a Necessity to the Fullest Comforts of Home Life EJverj woman takes pride in keeping down expense and yet wishes to enjoy the comforts and conveniences of the modern Illustrating Anticlines borne. This is easily accomplished where gas is used, (las never Away back in the foothills of the West slopes of tlie Olympics has been an item In the so-called "high cost of living"; on the we believe there is a vast store-house of wealth in tlie sha] contrary, It has contributed in every Instance to the economical petroleum. management of household affairs. What we want to do is to drill holes in the ground and let this wealth, in the shape of oil, run out. so thai we can utili How do we know it is thei FIRST. We have a favorable (a) M of an age prolific in oil. (b) Porous oil sands capped witli inipen shales, (c) Measures folded Into anticlines, thus making retaining basins for the oil. SECOND. Some of the anticlines tire faulted in places, which allows the oil to escape to the surface in and springs of oil, thus proving beyond question thai is there. SEATTLE LIGHTING CO. THIRD. There are three drills al work in the field now. And the drillers claim in each hey have passed thi workable oil sands, but they did not bring in wells on it be they want to reach the big oil sand deeper down. Henry Building. Phone: Main 6767. Therefore we claim thai our field is already proved. This field has been examined and reported favorably in the l\ S. Geological Survey, also by the Washington State Si the Geology Department of the State University. Some of Seattle's far-sighted business Mien have secured land on one of these anticlines and organized the HON OIL COMPANY to operate it. They invite investors to join them in this work and ire the profits, which are enormous in ill oil wells. GOLD SHIELD COFFEE This company has land selected on an anticline. It ha capitalization, with three-quarters of the stock in the treasury. Nothing pleases a coffee drinker more than a Stock non-assessable. Treasury stock prefered in dividends to the cup of good coffee, properly made extent of its cost. Management honest and vigorous, and composed of some of GOLD SHIELD COFFEE ,s t,,e best coffee »ny°ne «\'er tasted Seattle's most reputable husiness men. z_Y Ask your grocer for it. At present we are selling this stock for the low price of 1 "> cents iter share. Call at our office, ::<;.", Empire Building, ant SCHWABACHER BROS. & CO., Inc. samples of the oil and let us explain.

MEW ARRIVALS IN JAPANESE 'TOW- HOH OIL COMPANY * ^ ELING." Popular for the summer cottage and :$(»."> Empire Building camp. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON

2nd at University Planning a New Building This Year?

If you are, be sure that your architect arranges the wiring of the house for electrical household appliances that make housekeeping a pleasure. If your architect will avail himself of our offer the services of our electrical engineers are placed at his disposal and with­ out any cost whatever. When you move into your new home you should find it ready to connect vacuum cleaners, laundry appliances, fireless cookers and a dozen other conveniences that electricity makes economical to use. Electricity spells the last word in the mod­ ern home. Call at the Electric Building and get a new line of ideas for the home. PUGET SOUND TRACTION, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY Seventh Avenue and Olive Street.