UNCLE SAM GOING TO MARKET~in this iissu e VOL. IX., NO. 30 JULY 25, 1914 PRICE 10 CENTS rier iSe&tt/e Saturday USA ALICE FLEMING Winsome and Talented New Leading Lady with the Metropolitan Players who begins her engagement in (tThe Man Inside" Next Week E. C. Neufelder, President START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT R. J. Reekie, Vice-President "My Work Is My Beet SELECTING Jos. T. Greenleaf, Cashier Advertisement" American Savings Bank G. B. Nicoll Jas. S. Goldsmith INVESTMENTS & Trust Company wants your business. Many business men are so occ^ ,^ Peoples Savings Bank with the care and details of tru*)^. 4 per cent soon counts so Incorporated 1889 fairs tti.it they have little tir^e 0, you can watch it grow. tunity to make a study oj j* Second Avenue and Pike Street W. H. Middleton curit • Come and see us. SEATTLE, WASH. Tiie oifleers of this bank m stantly in touch with investment c0n Commercial and Savings Business TAILOR dltiona and are pleased at HI American Savings Bank Transacted to place their knowledge and^^H it the service of custo: & Trust Company 4% INTEREST ON SA VINOS AC­ .lection of hitfh grade COUNTS ties, combining unquestioned s^t! Drafts Issued on All the Principal and a satisfactory interest retv,rn Points of the United States and Corner Third and James, Seattle Europe. A Growing Account Will Northern Bank i Systematize your financial af­ fairs, strengthen your credit, give you a helpful acquaint­ help that boy to becomes Trust Company ance at the bank. .sel f - suppor tin £ <3r^ him <? aw^Fourt h Ave. and Pike St., Accounts of Business Men SEATTLE, WASH. and Individuals Will Have Considerate Attention. "We cater to the most The Mercantile National Bank [ fastidious" 1 Corner Second Ave. and Marion St. The Seattle National Bank CROWN 'SAFES THAT ARE SAFE' SECOND AT COLUMBIA Safes Fire Proof RESOURCES: $17,000,000.00 Burglar Proof CtEANEl^ Vault Doors Pire Proof Curtains, Draperies and OrknU Burglar Proof Mob Proof ORGANIZED EFFICIENCY Rugs Cleaned to Perfection Furniture PROMPT SERVICE Wood Steel riSHEtisBLENl Fixtures We Are Pleasing Others :: We Can Please You - 'j*.*- Wood -The Perfect all Purpo* Steel Marble ireadcake and Pas^I Purcell Safe Co. Genuine Hall's Safe & Lock Co.'s The First National Bank Established 1882 Safes for Sale PIONEER SQUARE, SEATTLE, 806 Third Avenue, Seattle. tern hard wheal Capital and Surplus, $400,000.00 flour lias its purp< M. A. ARNOLD, President BO ! £• ?• M£S-Si»JS£P!?BlS?at M> McMICKEN, Vlce-Pre.ident wheat, but neith< C. A. PHIEBBICK, Cashier C. H. HOWELL, Assistant Cashier lafactor? NEW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED i i ,-••• All Purpose Flour DOMESTIC STEAM FISHER'S BLEND COAL ... Will make P< PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. bread, perfect yifMsfernlpe.. and perfect past Main 8040 Phones = Elliott 92 Fisher's Blend • blend of choices! East­ ern bard wheat flour and choicest Western soft wheal flour that's why the need hous< Three 12,000 prefers it to other 8,000 and flours. Floating 3,000 tons Completely Equipped Shops for Ship, Engine and Boiler REPAIRS I | Shipbuilders , Engine Builders, Boiler Makers ][ Iron Founders, Brass Founders, Lumber Manufacturers SEATTLE CONSTRUCTION & DRY DOCK COMPANY THE TOWN CRIER VOLUME IX, No. 30. SEATTLE, U. S. A.. July 25, 191 I. Price 10 Cents Published every Saturday by Burien gold-brick line, and $7,.~>oo to build a Fast Asiatic Company have twelve completed WOOD & REBER (Inc.) freight car to run on the north end stub line. and eighteen under contract. One large fleet 703-4-5-6 Northern Bank Building, Seattle It is understood, of course, that these sums will continually travel east, another west, call­ Telephone Main 6302 James A. Wood Editor will be repaid to the general fund as soon as ing at the same ports and giving a continuous 10. L. Reber Manager some money is realized from the sale of those round-the-world service public utility bonds, not yet issued and which An example of Danish efficiency is tbe five- Entered as second-class matter at the United States postoffice at Seattle. are to be based on the "earnings" of a system masi ship which the company is soon to SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in advance, $3.00; that is going deeper in the hole every day. launch, a 6,000 ton square rigger which will six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single copies, 10 cents. Foreign subscriptions (countries in Clever financiers, those councilmen of ours. iie used as a training craft for its officers. Postal Union) $4.00 a year. For sale by all News­ dealers. * * * She will engage in regular trade to all parts Payments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal of the world, carrying at all times a large Order, payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by Regis­ tered Letter. Mr. Griffiths Learns number of apprentices from which will be re­ For Advertising Rates address Suite 703, Northern What's this we hear? Chief Griffiths' police­ cruited the future captains of Denmark's navy, Bank Building, Seattle. Inquiries within city limits of Seattle, made by mail or by telephone to Main men engaged in raiding private premises, bat­ her world-conquering merchant marine. 6302, will be personally responded to by a repre­ tering down the doors, and hauling the sentative of Till-: TOWN CRIER when requested There is food for thought in this project. t'nsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by variously disposed persons found within to the Denmark, a tiny country and densely populated, stamps sufficient for return if found unavailable for publication. City jail without warrant of law? .Most aston­ lias developed her farms and dairies by co­ ishing! Isn't this the same Mr. Griffiths who operative methods until tbe British Isles prac­ not so long ago invented and seriously pro­ Squire Brown's Precedent tically depend on her for vegetables, butter and posed that the people adopt an initiative ordi­ eggs. She has brought her manufactures up Fred Brown, the local justice of the peace nance regulating the police so as to prevent to the highest degree of usefulness and com­ who wants to be prosecuting attorney, seems the very things and actions now being done by pleteness. Xow she plans to make of her to be a conservationist of very practical sort. his orders? How times do change! sturdy surplus population a race of merchant Somewhere, hidden away in the mass of an­ The Town Crier opposed Mr. Griffiths' police sailors which shall revive tbe ancient glories tiquated statute made and provided for the ordinance at the time he so earnestly urged it of the Vikings and perhaps win a big portion government of the State of Washington and as the only possible remedy for what seemed of the world's carrying trade. the proper administration of justice, there is a to be abuses of police authority. In any com­ When we think of our resources here in the law for the destruction of contraband by order munity which looks to its police force for t he rich, raw Wesi, of the lavish and short-sighted of the court. Xow 'Squire Brown doesn't be- enforcement of law and maintenance of order way we squander them, and of the complaints |je\i> in destroying anything that can be put considerable latitude must be allowed for the we hear from our youth that the day of oppor­ to use, and in exemplifying his unbelief he exercise of discretion by those who direct tbe tunity in America has passed, it is extremely doesn't much care what the law has to say movements of the force. Mr. Griffiths, as chief uncomfortable to be confronted with such an about it. So it happened that when a lot of of police, is finding this out for himself, al­ example as Denmark's. booze of fair quality recently came within the though, as private citizen and councilman, he * • * custody of the court, he couldn't bear to think refused to believe it. We doubt, however, if of ordering the bottles broken and their con­ Chief Griffiths' raids will be any more popular Vale Victoriano tents poured as a libation to the thirsty earth. than were Chief Ban nick'a With the elements Genera] Victoriano Huerta made a statement "Never mind the law," muttered 'Squire Brown, whose inclinations they are designed to check. to the press shortly before boarding a foreign •this booze goes to our friends." And it was warship for Europe. Said he: csen so. The entire consignment was promptly "To restore ]>eace has been my sole ambi­ donated by the court to a local social club of Wonderful Denmark tion. I hope it is coming." which the 'Squire himself is an esteemed mem­ Denmark isn't much of a country to look at neral Huerta's sole ambition is to be ber, and long ere this it has gone to gladden on the map. In point of area she comes off a realized. Slowly but surely peace—the peace the hearts and fire the imaginations of the bad second to many Pacific Coast counties. Of the grave, is settling down on buzzard wings friends of the court. But as regards organization, efficiency, and ap­ over a land which devours her sons faster than 'Squire Brown has set a precedent. The plication of clear, cold brains to the problems she can bring them forth. state law on this subject, as The Town Crier of her national survival among the big "I am going to Europe," continued the ex- has already admitted, is antiquated.
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