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The HOLIDAY CHEER for OUR Monroe Community College "Respect All, Fear None" The e 12 Pages, FREE eek of December 7. 1998 • Volume 39 Issue 13 News Course Changes Affect Your Financial Aid Briefs Staying Within The Guidelines The Monroe doctrine is taking By Lisa Carino donations for Single News Editor drop/add dates have passed, the [ Parents at MCC. There are two chairs in the hall Financial Aid Department has the Every donation is in front of Financial Aid. If you tedious task of checking every entered into a need to consult with someone in drop/add that has been processed the Financial Aid Office, bring and making sure that the courses drawing - this your lunch and be patient. Most are within the guidelines. week's prize is a of the time there's a line of people If you want information on your waiting for help. But there are Financial Aid situation and don't Health Club changes in process to help make have time to wait in line, go online Membership. things easier for students to get to the MCC home page and click information.There are also things The winning ticket on student information. The Fi- that you can do to ensure your nancial Aid Department is cur- number is Financial Aid won't get inter- rently updating this online pro- rupted. gram so in the future you can ob- When you sign up for a pro- tain even more information than mester, they may lose their fi- recognize a computer course that 907649; gram of study (matriculate). Fi- is possible at present. A voice au- nancial aid. "Unless the courses is not a part of the Travel and Tour- nancial Aid agrees to grant you tomated phone system is also in that they change to would apply ism program. If you dropped Travel the winner may awards for courses that pertain to the works that will enable users to their present program." St. and added a Physical Education that field of study. According to find out what they need to know I pick up their prize Croix said. For instance, if you course (this is required of both pro- Jerome St. Croix, the Director of over the phone. Sometime in the were working towards a degree grams) this wouldn't cause any in the office of the Financial Aid, many students near future you might walk down in Travel and Tourism and problems. St. Croix is working aren't aware that if they decide to the hall in front of Financial Aid Monroe Doctrine, dropped your Travel course be- closely with the Counseling Cen- drop/add courses to a different and there will be no waiting line cause you decided to change to ter to try to make sure students are Rm 3-109. program and they want to change and no chairs. For your chance to their program the following se- computers, Financial Aid won't informed of these guidelines. Once win, stop by our table located in front of WMCC HOLIDAY CHEER FOR OUR MCC every Monday, Wednesday & "KIDS" Friday during college hour. by Karen Stuart-Lazarus spend on a candy bar or soda to- ward a great cause? Your waist- and The holidays are ap- line will thank you, and best of all, proaching quicker than we realise. you'll know that somewhere a kid For some of us, it means taking remember.. will receive a cool gift that they time out from finishing up final might not otherwise get this holi- projects due in our classes in or- day. Helping "our own", our fel- We Work der to head for the mall. Picking low MCC students, is the best gift up gifts for our grandparents and we could give during this holiday For You! parents, sisters and brothers, and season. various friends, spending that hard-earned minimum wage on the INSIDE best gifts we can (sometimes) af- ford. But, for some students who News 1-4 are single parents, the added stress The staff of the Monroe Fridays.up to December 16th., at a 1965-1998 of spending any "extra" money on Doctrine has started a fund rais- Entertainment 5&8 booth located adjacent to the Mon- their children for holiday gifts can ing effort in order to assist the roe Doctrine office. As an incentive, Club Notices 6-7 be a juggling act with finances. single parents of MCC. The staff the Monroe Doctrine has a weekly Strapped with not only their own has set up a holiday box outside prize drawing for those who stop by Opinion 8-11 expenses, most single parents are the offices of the Monroe Doc- with a donation. When you donate Sports 12 faced with how to squeeze any- trine and WMCC for students, cash, or a gift item, youwill be en- thing "extra" out of their already faculty, and staff to donate toys tered in the drawing. Some of the limited funds. This is where the and other appropriate items that prizes include tickets for free meals Monroe Doctrine, in co-ordination will be given to the children of at area restaurants, free video rent- The Monroe with Chaplain Joan Ann Kirkeby- MCC single parents. There is also als, and free workout sessions at lo- Doctrine is printed Prosser, is trying to give our single an option of giving cash dona- cal health clubs. So, how about it, on recycled paper parents of the MCC Community a tions, which are being collected dudes and chicks of MCC? Why not and is recyclable in bit of relief. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Monroe County. throw that extra dollar or two you'll The Monroe Doctrine 2 Week of December 7,1998 The What Office? by Dan Fogg Staff Writer The PARC office is a small vices to when to register for next room located in the Student Cen- semester to who the president of a ter hallway. PARC stands for Peer certain club is. Stewart said, "If Assistance Resource Center. The they don't know the answer to the office is run by Peer Leaders, and question itself, they know who to is there for the students. That's call to get the answer." about as much as anyone knows But she also stresses, "The Peer about PARC, and most don't even Leaders are not counselors." know that. Many students go to PARC for PARC is there to help students. counseling, and they aren't trained Help students do what? It is man- for that. They will, however, take datory for new students to attend the student to the Counseling Cen- an orientation, according to Col- ter. Saturday, November 14,1998 lege officials. But MCC does little Why doesn't anyone know to enforce this, and many incom- about PARC? Stewart said, "I ing freshman skip the orientation. know we need to do some better Saturday, November 14 Explore every one of our 155 undergraduate Originally, the PARC office was advertisement..." They haven't formed to help these students find advertised much at all. PARC is 9:30 a.m. and graduate programs of study • Meet with still growing, still learning, but the the places they needed to go. our teaching faculty • See demonstrations, According to Betty Stewart, bottom line is that they're there to who helped start the program, help. In the Bulger Communication Center displays, and exhibits showcasing our diverse If you want to know more, go PARC has become much more and challenging learning opportunities * than that. The Peer Leaders who to the PARC office and ask. Or For more information, call 878-4017 work there can answer questions you can call Betty Stewart at 292- Discuss your educational goals with academic from where to find Health Ser- 2536. and student support service professionals • Or, visit us on the web: Experience our attractive campus on a student-led tour • And much, much more1 Daily Incident Reports 11/24/98 12/01/98 HARASSMENT PETITI LARCENY There was an altercation A student attempted to exit the between two (2) st.udents in a Library with college property. classroom. The victim requested the suspect be PETIT LARCENY arrested. Cash was removed from a INVEST1GAGION ACTION student's locker in Bldg. #10-170 REPORTS INVESTIGATIVE ACTION Harassment 2nd REPORTS Public Safety assisted with the Harassment Investigation arrest of suspect and processed arrest package for the Brighton R/O learned the true I.D. of a sus- Court as a follow-up to pect at the Child Care Center as '3%?. W Incident #40949-98, the result of a follow-up to Inci- 1300 Elrnwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222-1095 CR#833023 from 11/24/98. dent #40965-98 from 11/30/98. Petit Larceny 12/02/98 Status of report was changed Harassment Investigation from field to office. Victim Monroe Community College feels the missing camera is A suspect' vehicle was identified 1000 East Henrietta Road being used by a staff member as as the result of a follow-up report onro.e Rochester, NY 14623 the result of a follow-up to to Incident #40965-98 from 11/30/ Editor-in-Chief (716) 292-2539 Incident #40476-98 98. c trine News Room (716) 292-2540 CR#824778 from 08/31/98. 12/03/98 12/01/98 Editor-in-Chief: Pepper-Marie Russell FORGERY 1st HARASSMENT INVESTIGA- Business Manager: Alan Rector Dan Fogg, David Bidleman, Joshua TION A counterfeit twenty dollar bill Advertising Manager: Dawn Draper Smith-O'Brien, Jeff Luffman, Haluk was received at the Bookstore. Visitor caused a disturbance near News Editor: Lisa Carino Can, Raymond Shank Opinion Editor: Dan "Satan" Miskell the Child Care Center.
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