NOTICE is hereby given, that IDA STEPHANIE NOTICE is hereby given that I, JENNIE LUCY ISABEL KINGSTON of 89, Harefield Road, KING of 61 Long Drive, South hi the county in the county of a natural born of Middlesex a natural British subject intend at British subject resident in the the expiration of twenty-one days from the date on the date of the coming into force of Regulation of publication of this notice to assume the surname 20 of the Defence (General) Regulations 1939, in- of Allman in lieu of my present surname of King. tends after the expiration of 21 days from the —Dated the nth day of November 1944. publication of this notice to assume the surname of (167) JENNIE LUCY KING. Howard.—Dated this I4th day of November 1944. FLETCHER and CO., Newnhara House, 13, NOTICE is hereby given that Marjorie Alice Square, London, W.C.i, Solici- Phillips of Church Hill, Hempstead," Saffron Walden, tors for the said Ida Stephanie Isabel .Essex, the Wife of Sidney Phillips, the legal Guar- (237) Kingston. dian of her infant Daughter LINDSAY HARRIET GELLAN of Church Hill, Hempstead, Saffron Wal- NOTICE is hereby given that I, CONSTANCE den aforesaid, an infant and a spinster and a natural IRENE BROOKER residing at 4 Meadow Side Mays born British subject, intends after the expiration of Lane Barnet in the county of Hertford a natural 21 days from the date of publication of this notice born British subject resident hi the United Kingdom to assume for her the name of Lindsay Harriet on the date of the coming into force of Regulation Phillips hi lieu of and in substitution for her present 20 of the Defence (General) Regulation 1939 intend name of Lindsay Harriet Gellan.—Dated this i6th after the expiration of twenty-one days from the day of November 1944. date of publication hereof to assume the surname W. H. THOMPSON^ 88, Chancery Lane, of Young in lieu of my present surname of Brooker. W.C.2, Solicitor for the said Marjorie Alice —Dated this loth day of November 1944. (168) Phillips. (094) CONSTANCE IRENE BROOKER. NOTICE is hereby given that I, PHYLLIS NOTICE is hereby given that ROBERT JOHN KATHLEEN BROWN of 23 St. George's Buildings, McNAGHTEN (otherwise and commonly known as Bourden Street, London, W.i, Spinster, natural Robert John McNaughton) of 45 Douglas Avenue born British subject intend after the expiration of Watford in the county of Hertford, Monotype twenty-one days from the date of publication of this Operator, a natural born British subject resident notice to assume the surname of Irving in lieu of in the United Kingdom on the date of the coming and in substitution for my present surname of into force of Regulation 20 of the Defence (General) Brown.—Dated this i4th day of November 1944. Regulations, 1939, intends after the expiration of (169) , P. K. BROWN. twenty-one days from the publication of this notice ri to assume the surname of McNaughton hi lieu of NOTICE is hereby given that I, VIVIENNE and in substitution for his present surname of DRAKE of 12, Court-field Mews, South Kensington, McNaghten such surname of McNaghten being his London, S.W.5, Married Woman, a natural born surname by birth and the surname of McNaughton British subject, intend, after the expiration of 21 being his surname by assumption and usage.—Dated days from the date of publication of this notice, this 13 th day of November 1944. to assume the surname of Sharpe in lieu of, and WALLINGTON FABIAN and CO., 113, High in substitution for, my present -surname of 'Drkke. Street, Watford, Herts., Solicitors for the said —Dated this i4th day of November, 1944- (093) Robert John McNaghten. (170) VIVIENNE DRAKE. NOTICE is hereby given that I, IVY AMELIA NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE WESTON RICHARDS of Tennaton Diptford in the county of MORRIS of No. 83 Acton Road, Arnold in the Devon Spinster a natural born British subject resi- county of Nottingham Builder intends as from the dent in the United Kingdom on the date of the nth day of December 3:944 tc> assume the name of coming into force of Regulation 20 of the Defence George Morris Weston in lieu of and in substitution (General) Regulations 1939 intend after the expira- for his present name of George Weston Morris.— tion of twenty-one days from the publication of Dated this i5th day of November 1944. this notice to assume the surname of Murray in KIRKLAND and LANE, Nottingham, Solicitors lieu of the surname of Richards and as Mother of (171) for the said George Weston Mprris. my infant child Anthony Robert Richards I intend after the expiration of the period aforesaid to NOTICE is hereby given that FLA VIA CAROLINE renounce and abandon the use of his said surname ANGELA GALLI of 14 Road, London of Richards and on his behalf to assume the sur- N.W.6, a natural born British subject intends after name of Murray.—Dated this i.st day of November expiration of twenty-one days from the date of pub- 1944. lication of this notice to assume the name of Flavia {072) I. A. RICHARDS. Caroline Angela Pickworth.—Dated 'this i5th day of November, 1944. NOTICE is hereby given that I, MARY ADA WAINWRIGHT and CO., 37, , ADDERLEY of 232, Leeds Road, Huddersfield in London, W.g, Solicitors for the said Flavia the county of York, Married Woman a natural born (177) Caroline Angela Galli. British subject intends after the expiration of 21 NOTICE is hereby given that SIMON days from the date of publication of this notice to SPITALNTCK of 21 St. Peters Road, St. Albans assume the surname of Holmes in lieu of and in Road, Herts, natural born British subject intends substitution for my present surname of Adderley.— after the expiration of twenty-one days from the date Dated this iotih day of November 1944. of publication of this notice to assume the name of {251) MARY ADA ADDERLEY. Simon Spital hi lieu of and in substitution for his present name of Simon Spitalnick. NOTICE is hereby given that EILEEN GALE and PHELPS, 220, Stamford mil, MARJORIE WINNICK of 47 Dyne Road, Brondes- (173) London, N.i6, Solicitors. bury N.W.6 in the county of London, Feme Sole, a natural born British subject intends after the expira- NOTICE is hereby given that I, AMELIA tion of twenty-one days from the date of the ELIZABETH JOHNSON of 168, Harold Road, West publication of this notice to assume the surname of Ham, E.I3, natural born British subject intend after St. Noble in lieu of and in substitution for her the expiration of twenty-one days from the date of present surname Winnick.—Dated this I4th day of publication of this notice to assume the surname of November 1944. Green hi lieu of and in substitution for my present KENNETH BROWN BAKER BAKER, Essex surname of Johnson.—Dated this isth day of Novem- House, Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2, Solicitors ber 1944. •(252) for the said Eileen Marjorie Winnick. (174) AMELIA ELIZABETH JOHNSON. NOTICE is hereby given that ETHEL JANE NOTICE is hereby given that I, IRENE GRUNDY of 35, Burnham Court, Moscow Road, MASTERTON of Hazeldene, Colwell Road, Haywards "W.2, a natural born British subject intends after Heath, Sussex, a natural born British subject resident the expiration of twenty-one days from the date in the United Kingdom on the date of the coming of the publication hereof to assume the surname of into force of Regulation 20 of the Defence (General) Gilby in lieu of and in substitution for her present Regulations 1939 intend after the expiration of 21 surname of Grundy.—Dated this loth day of Nov- days from the date of publication of this notice to ember 1944. assume the surname of Vincent in lieu of and in sub- • WONTNER and SONS, 125, High , stitution for my present surname of Masterton.— London, W.C.i, Solicitors for the said Ethel Dated this loth day of November 1944. (166) Jane Grundy. (178) IRENE MASTERTON.