INSIDE: General Fraternity Report Chapter Directory Award Winning Chapters Educational Foundation Report 1989-90 Alumni Honor Roll 1989-90 Scholarship Recipients Oversize Umbrella

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p a ruvers1ty o 1rg1ma eta av1 son rna 1 1am an arv pst on 1 Eta Tulane University 0 Thera Rhodes College I Iota Hampden-Sydney K Kappa Transyl Nu Wofford College ~ Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron Univprsitv of Rich Sigma Vanderbilt University T Tau University of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn Un A Alpha Alpha Duke University Af Alpha Gamma Louisiana State All Alpha Delta Georg orth Carolina State University AZ Alpha Zeta University of Arkansa AH Alpha E est Virginia University AI Alpha Iota Millsaps College AK Alpha Kappa Univers eorgetown College AM Alpha Mu University of Georgia AN Alpha Nu Univer niversity of Cincinnati AO Alpha Omicron Southwestern University ATI Alpha Pi Samford U I Alpha Sigma Universit} of California-Berkeley AT Alpha Tau University of Utah A Al }Tacuse University AQ Alpha Omega Kansas State University BA Beta Alpha Pe University of Washington Bf Beta Gamma University of Kansas Bll Beta Delta outhern Methodist University BH Beta Eta University of Illinois B0 Beta Theta Cornell U M Beta Mu University of Texas BN Beta Nu Oregon State University B~ Beta Xi niversity of Oklahoma Bn Beta Pi Univel'iity of Pennsylvania BI Beta Sigma Ca nivel'iity of Colorado B Beta Phi Purdue University BX Beta Chi University of Minneso D. Gamma Delta University of Arizona fE Gamma Epsilon Utah State University f0 amrna Iota University of Mississippi fK Gamma Kappa Montana State University f I\ Gamm niversity of New Hampshire fN Gamma Nu University ofimva r::: Gamma Xi Washington P Gamma Rho Northwestern University fi Gamma Sigma University of Pitt>burgh IT Gamma Upsilon University ofThlsa f Gamma Phi 'Mike Forest University fX Gamma C uisiana Polytechnic Institute fQ Gamma Omega University of Miami D.B Delta Bet, iami University-Ohio D. D. Delta Delta Florida Southern College D.Z Delta Zeta niversitv ofDelaware 6.0 Delta Theta Arkansas State UniversitY Ill Delta lot niversity ·of Southern Mi~sissippi D.N Delta Nu Wayne State University 6.?: Delta Xi Indiana U n Delta Pi San Jose State University D.P Delta Rho Linfield Cqllege D.E Delta izona State University D. X Delta Chi University of Nebra.~ka-Omaha 11 1!1 Delta Psi igh Point College EA Epsilon Alpha Trinity College EB Epsilon Beta ValparJiso University D. Ep~ilon Delta University of North Texas EE Epsilon Epsilon University ofTole1io EZ E H Epsilon Eta University of Houston E0 Epsilon Theta Colomdo State University El Epsi KEpsilon Kappa Lamar University E/\. Epsilon Lambda Murray State Uruversity EM Epsilon eorgia State University E.S Epsilon Xi Case Western Reserve University EO Epsilon Omi psilon Pi Sam Houston State University EL Epsilon Sigma University of Tennessee-Martin psilon Phi University of Central Arkansas EX Epsilon Chi Pitt~burg State University ElY E psilon Omega East Central University ZA Zeta Alpha GMI Engineering & Management In f Zeta Gamma Eastern Illinois Universi~ ZE .Zeta Epsilon Western Kentucky University Z

IN TIDS ISSUE: Constantly growing, the THE PI KAPPA ALPHA Departments: Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity now has 181 ac­ FRATERNITY tive chapters, five colonies, and numerous 1989-90 ANNUAL REPORT UPDATE alumni associations. In this issue, both the ...... 6 Introducing the 1990-91 Consultant Corps Fraternity and the Educational Foundation ...... 4 present Annual Reports for the 1989-90 academic year to Pi Kappa Alpha's thousands PI KAPPA ALPHA of undergraduate and alumnus members. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION ALUMNI NOTES 1989-90 ANNUAL REPORT ...... 46-52 Features: ...... 24

THE BIRfH OF IOTA MU CHAPTER ETERNAL On April 14, 1990, after eighteen months EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Judge Harry Johnson, Jr. (Beta Kappa '38) of hard work, Iota Mu chapter was born HONOR ROLL Joseph P. Neely (Zeta '43) at Southern Illinois University Donors to the Annual Fund Elwyn Creighton Raffetto (Alpha Sigma '18) ...... 5 ...... 30 ...... 53-54

SHIELD & DIAMOND (ISSN 8750-7536) is an educational journal puol ished by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 8347 West Range Cove. Memphis. TN 38125 quarterly in Septembe r, December, March and June fo r $.50 per year. Send correspondence to the same address. Manuscripts are invited, but the publisher will not assume responsibility fo r return of unsolicited material . Change of address must be reponed promptly by gi vi ng full name. chapter. old and new address. Undergraduate copies are mailed to parents' home address unti l address change after graduation. Li fetime subscriptions MUSf be renewed after eight years or with an alumnus gift to the Loyalty Fund. Copyright 1990 by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. All rights reserved. Second Class postage paid at Memphis, TN and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER' Send address changes to SHIELD & DIAMOND, 8347 West Range Cove, Mem ph is, TN 38125. Shield & Diamond OF PI KAPPA ALPHA

Published by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Kip Coombs Christopher Davies Kenneth Jaycox, Jr. Andrew Kaufmann David A. Rex, Jr. 8347 West Range Cove Memphis, 'Tennessee 38125 UPDATE 901/ 748-1868

Editor Executive Vice President Louis B. ~uinto Introduces Managing Editor Barbara E. Per~ins 1990-91 Consultant Corps Doug Ray Geoff Westmoreland Proofreading da Chapter, and then transferred to Saint Louis Univer­ Gwen DeShazo Executive Vice President Raymond L. Orians recently introduced the young men who will serve the Fraterni­ sity in 1988. There he assisted in the formation of the ty as chapter consultants during the 1990-91 academic Saint Louis Colony. He will graduate with a B.A. in Circulation year, as well as a new associate in the expansion office. communication/advertising with an emphasis in Kimberly Welch marketing. While at Saint Louis, Jaycox served as col­ DOUGLAS RAY (University of Pittsburgh - Gammn ony president and as a member of the rush committee. Sigma '87) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in political He was also a member of Alpha Kappa Psi and the Advertising science with a concentration in international affairs. Advertising Federation of America. During the 1990-91 Representative While at Pitt, Ray served Gamma Sigma as SMC, IMC, academic year, he will be visiting the chapters in the 'Thomas G. Bowman chief justice of the judicial board, and as house manager. Cumberland and Northwest Regions. Maury Boyd and He also served the North Atlantic Region as regional Associates, Inc . vice president and treasurer. Ray further served the Pitt ANDREW J. KAUFMANN (Ohio University - Gam­ 5783 Par~ Plaza Court community as a member of the Resident Student mn Omicron '87) was a rechartering member of Gam­ Indianapolis, IN 46220 Association, the Graduate School Scholarship Selection ma Omicron Chapter. He graduated with a B.A. in (3 17) 849-6110 Committee, and as manager of the William Pitt Union. organizational communications, with a concentration in He is a member of the Order of Omega Honorary, par­ business. While at Ohio, Kaufmann served Gamma Executive ticipated in intramural sports, and in 1990, Gamma Omicron as IMC, MS, and executive-at-large. He was Vice President Sigma awarded Ray with Senior of the Year honors. He named Gamma Omicron's Brother of the Year for Raymond L. Orians will be traveling for Pi Kappa Alpha as expansion 1989-90. On campus, Kaufmann was a member of the associate. American Society of Training and Development and a part of the Ohio University Leadership and Develop­ 1990-92 MARC KIP COOMBS (University of Georgia -Alpha ment Program. During the 1990-91 academic year, he Supreme Council Mu '86) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in economics. will be visiting the chapters in the Rockies, Midwest, As an undergraduate, he served as vice president and and Dixie Regions. President rush chairman. On campus, Coombs served on the IFC jerry W As~ew administrative council, evaluation and review board, and DAVID A. REX, JR. (Southwestern University- Alpha Vice President the judicial board. He also served as Greek Week chair­ Omicron '87) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in political Charles L. Dow man for three years, the president of the Student Athletic science. While an undergraduate, Rex served Alpha Board, and was a player on the University soccer team. Omicron as SMC, IMC, MC, chaplain and philanthropy Vice President In 1988 he received the National Collegiate Greek Merit chairman. On campus, he served as president of the Stu­ Larry Lunsford Award . During the 1990-91 academic year, he will be dent Foundation, homecoming chairman, resident assis­ Vice President visiting the chapters in the Great Plains, Delta, and tant, and as a member of Student Judiciary, Student Daniel F. M cGehee Founders Regions. Senate, IFC, and the Student Affairs Council. Addi­ tionally, Rex played on the soccer and lacrosse teams. Vice President CHRISlOPHER M. DAVIES (Indiana State - Theta He is also an Eagle Scout. During the 1990-91 academic F. Anderson Morse Omicron '85) graduated in December 1989 with a B.S. year, he will be visiting the chapters in the Arkoma, Undergraduate in public relations. While an undergraduate, Davies Sunshine, and North Atlantic. Vice President served Theta Omicron as SMC, SC, rush chairman and Paul R. Snider associate educator. He received the Edward A. Pease GEOFF WESTMORELAND (Rhodes College - Theta Award , Theta Omicron's highest honor, for outstanding '87) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in political science. Undergraduate service to the chapter and the university. Davies served As an undergraduate, Westmoreland served Theta Chap­ Vice President as vice president of the Public Relations Student Socie­ ter as SMC for two terms. Additionally, he was named Anthony Spinola ty of America, a professional student organization, for Most Outstanding Non-Officer during his junior year Legal Counsel one year. He is a member of the Triathlon Federation for service to the chapter. On campus, Westmoreland john M. Williams and enjoys training and competing during the summer. was an IFC representative, and served as instructor and During the 1990-91 academic year, he will be visiting coach of the Rhodes College NCAA Taekwondo team. the chapters in the Heartland, Great Lakes, and In 1989, he was selected to serve on the planning board Carolinas Regions. for the Rhodes Leadership Conference and in 1990 was MEMB ER COLLEGE FRATE RNITY named Greek Man of the Year. During the 1990-91 ED ITORS ASSOCIATION KENNETH E. JAYCOX, JR. (Florida State Univer­ academic year, he will be visiting the chapters in the sity- Delta Lambda '86) was initiated by Delta Lamb- Golden West and Lone Star Regions.

4 Shield & DWmond EXPANSION The Birth of Iota Mu Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

After eighteen months of hard work and an­ ticipation, Iota Mu Chapter was born at Southern lllinois University at Carbondale on April 14, 1990. National President Ed Pease and Executive Director Kevin Virta were on hand to address the assembly at the new chapter's chartering banquet, when seventy­ eight young men were initiated into the bonds of Pi Kappa Alpha. Our Fraternity first arrived on the campus of SIU on September 12, 1988, when National staff members Todd Allard and John Miran­ da arrived to begin the colonization process. Thirty-six men were formally invited to join the colony. During the months preceding the chartering, two successful rushes brought the group's membership to seventy-eight; two members of the colony were elected to the In­ terfraternity Council Executive Council; one brother won the title of Homecoming King, and yet another was named "Mr. Irresistable" of Southern lllinois University at Carbondale. The colony also participated and placed strongly in all Greek events including The Great Saluki Tailgate (1st place), Homecom­ Seventy-eight newly initiated members of Iota Mu Chapter ing (2nd place), the Theta Xi Variety Show (1st place), Greek Sing (1st place), and Greek Week (1st place). Eigh­ Illinois University at Carbondale - a declaration of their dedication teen members represented the colony at the Midwest Regional Leader­ to excellence, the signature of Pi Kappa Alpha. ship Conference held during November 1989 in Terre Haute. The colony was also well represented at community service events, THE UNIVERSITY placing first for two consecutive years in the Carbondale Clean and Green, while collecting two tons more refuse than any other partici­ Southern Illinois University at Carbondale has taken pride in the pant. The colony also had a strong showing in both the Spri!!g and quality of its services since its doors first opened in 1869. Outstand­ Fall SIU Blood Drives and has developed a close relationship with ing departments, distinguished faculty, thorough and inspired teaching, the personnel at the Newman religious center on campus. and a thoughtful approach to the blending of old wisdom with new Forming solid relationships with local PiKA alumni was another knowledge, as well as student services from admission to placement, aspect of fraternity life on which the men of SIU concentrated. The combine with the University's enviable location to provide a reward­ colony produced an alumnus newsletter, Peak ofPi Kappa Alpha, which ing educational experience. was sent to alumni throughout the area. On Founders Day in 1989 and Having over 300 student organizations, including special interest 1990, the group joined Epsilon Iota Chapter (Southeast Missouri State) groups, student government, and an outstanding Greek system, the Uni­ for alumnus-active celebrations. versity has much to offer its 26,000+ enrollment. The University has For these seventy-eight scholars, leaders, athletes and gentlemen, taken pride in specialized areas such as communications and aviation, the year and one half preceding their chartering not only gave them which rank among the top programs in the nation. confidence, but also helped build their character and introduced them At this modern University in a rural setting, one can benefit from to the bonds of brotherhood. It also gave them the chance to join the best of both worlds - the scenic wonders, the small town one of the strongest and fastest growing fraternities in the nation. friendliness, the easy access to all the area has to offer, plus the An exciting post script to this story occurred on May 6, 1990, when resources of a sophisticated faculty and staff and the latest in the Iota Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was selected by the Inter-Greek technological achievements. Council as the Most Distinguished Chapter on the Campus of Southern 0 of Pi Kappa Alpha 5 a Tulane University 0 Theta Rhodes College I Iota Hampden-Sydney K Kappa Transylvania University M Mu Presbyterian Colle: u Wofford College 3 Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron University of Richmond II Pi Washington & Lee Universit gma Vanderbilt University T Tau University of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn University Q Omega University ofKentuck ~lpha Alpha Duke University Ar Alpha Gamma Louisiana State AtJ. Alpha Delta Georgia Institute of Technology AE Alpha Epsil 1Carolina State Univ · 7 · · , f ~ T · · · " Virginia University ·getown College A ~rsity of Cincinnati A \lpha Sigma Universi The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity :use University AQ ersity of Washington 1ern Methodist Unive Beta Mu University ersity of Oklahoma ersity of Colorado B he 1989-90 academic year began with the Fraternity movement in North Jamma Delta Univer America receiving a tremendous amount of media attention. Two national 11a Iota University of fraternities, and Tau Kappa Epsilon announced that they ersity of New Hamps had banned "pledgeship" from their traditional membership programm­ ing.T For several weeks, reports of this decision could be found on the front pages :Jamma Rho Northwe of many popular newspapers, within the pages of well-known weekly news magazines, iamma Upsilon Unive and was even given time on several television news programs. The notion of frater­ ;iana Polytechnic Insti nities eliminating the childish antics required for membership - antics similar to 11i University-Ohio those ingrained forever in time by Bluto, the character portrayed by John Belushi in ersity of Delaware the 1978 National Lampoon movie Animal House - must have been considered ~rsity of Southern Miss unbelievable by journalists across the country. Delta Pi San Jose S Was it just an unbelievable notion? Or, was it the revelation of things to come for ma State University fraternities in the next century? Point College EA Ep ~psilon Delta Univers There's no question that everyone, non-fraternity and fraternity members alike, will ~psilon Eta University no longer tolerate irresponsible behavior and frivolity by college fraternity chapters ~psilon Kappa Lamar and their members. gia State University All national college fraternities are taking a strong stand and investing millions of on Pi Sam Houston S dollars annually to implement educational programs for their undergraduate members. on Phi University of These educational programs are an attempt to shape the Greek system's future by on Omega East Centr taking an active part in the development of undergraduate chapter members. eta Gamma Eastern II Zeta Theta Southwes Tne challenge that all national fraternities face is to adequately prepare undergraduate :rn Carolina Universit members to deal with real life problems which creep into the Fraternity. No longer is the major concern of the chapter whether or not members pay their dues on time, ~rsity of North Dako or if the chapter's grade point average is above the all-men's average. Today's frater­ ~rsity of Missouri-St. nity chapter must deal with issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, risk management, 1 Hall University H and sexual abuse. The Greek system's future depends on the ability of undergraduate :r State College HK members to effective deal with these problems when they arise in a chapter. 1east Louisiana Univ n Peay State Universit Pi Kappa Alpha set a standard for itself at the 1988 Convention in Memphis, Ten­ nessee. At that time the Fraternity developed a set of Standards and policies which ~rsity of North Alaba appropriately address chapter and individual behavior which contradicts the ideals is Marion College 0 a-Marymount Unive

hton University 0M r

• , u • • • ['heta Omicron Indian 1 'heta Sigma Winthrop College 0T Theta Tau California State-Sacran1ento 0Y Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University 0ci> Theta I ita State University 0X Villanova University 0'¥ Theta Psi Chapman College 0Q Theta Omega University ofCaliforn lA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming IB Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State ItJ. Iota De H~lman Institute IE Iota Epsilon California State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH Iota I ~rstty off\levada-Reno 18 Iota Theta California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University IK Iota Ka~ ·ntv f California-Santa Barbara IA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern lllinois T !i~'e~ t-9W oJuJ Iota J Lo~t Gniversity IS: Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara lolo rf" t r .&' ~ 1 T ' n l • r • ~ • ta lulane Uruversny ~ lheta Knoaes college 11ota tlampaen-~yaney K. Kappa 1ransy1varua uruversny N1 Mu t'resoyrenan Loue ru Wofford College 8 Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron University of Richmond II Pi Washington & Lee Universi gma Vanderbilt University T Tau University of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn University Q Omega University ofKentucl Alpha Alpha Duke University Af Alpha Gamma Louisiana State A/1 Alpha Delta Georgia Institute of Technology AE Alpha Epsi · · · AZ AI ha Zeta Universi of Arkansas AH AI ha Eta Universi of Florida A® Alpha Th lla AA Alpha Laml olumbia AE Alpha Rho Ohio State Univer. University AX Alpha j niversity BB Beta E Mexico BZ Beta Z Kappa Emory Univers 1989-90 Annual Report onsin BO Beta Omic ersity BY Beta Upsi ha University of Alabru and values of Pi Kappa Alpha; thus insuring the prosperity of our Fraternity and the Greek system. The Fraternity's work in this area continues. issippi State University niversity fM Gamma Pi Kappa Alpha continues to improve its progressive education programs on values Omicron Ohio Univers and ethics, date rape, risk management and a variety of other issues which threaten elaer Polytechnic Institl the Fraternity's existence. As a leader, Pi Kappa Alpha recognizes its responsibility University f'P Gamma to meet these challenges and create a standard of fraternal excellence. This year's State /1f Delta Garr annual report will review the Fraterni- ty's work to set examples in the areas of mvers1 ~H Delta risk management, education, insurance Delta coverage, chapter services, chapter ex­ FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 Univer pansion, housing, membership recruit­ Financial Statement of Delta ment and educational programming. Ita Om Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

CHAYfER SERVICES REVENUE 1988-89 1989-90 mven The Chapter Consultant Program is psilon Dues & Fees ...... $ 921,798 $ 938,099 clearly the most recognized and effective rsity of the various services provided to our Investment & Fund Income ...... 208,975 247,241 ersity chapters. Convention Fees ...... 139,260 74,910 e~ity Officers Leadership Academy Fees ...... 45 ,485 84,780 Every year each chapter receives a ruvers minimum of one three-day visit from a Risk Management Fees ...... 473 ,935 519,900 ittle R member of our professional staff. All Other ...... 137,865 151,523 ... Zet Through meetings with chapter Zeta l members, university officials and alumni TOTAL REVENUE ...... • ...... $ 1,927,318 2,016,453 Zeta advisors our consultants are able to Eta l evaluate the chapter's progress and sug­ EtaTl gest improvements for the future. This EXPENDITURES 1988-89 1989-90 information is compiled and presented in Omic a comprehensive report that includes Chapter & Alumni Services ...... $ 239,125 $ 235,414 Eta ratings of programs as well as overall eta AI 149,361 164,600 chapter performance. Publications ...... hetaD Convention & Officers Leadership Academy 175,588 116,190 Theta Continued on next page Risk Management ...... 151,341 606,163 taLam Administrative ...... 870,699 923,123 Unive1 mver: Theta Sigma Winthrop College ®T Theta Tm TOTAL EXPENDITURES ...... $ 1,586,114 $ 2,045,490 Theta hita State University ®X Theta Chi Villanov alifor is IA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming I NET INCOME (LOSS) ...... $ 341,204 $ (29,037) Iota :C ; Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon Califo Iota versity of Nevada-Reno I® Iota Theta Califo ...... Iota Kt ver~_,w. · ~ia-Santa Barbara lA Iota Lambda Columbia Umvers1ty IM Iota Mu So~them lli~ms lJmversity ~N Iot2 tt Louis University IE Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - Geor~e W~shmgton ~ mve~1ty Santa Clara Col VPT it\/ (If M(lnt~n~ r(ll(lnV St Jo~enh'~ rolonv UmversltV of Cahforma-Los Angeles Col ta Tulane University 0 Theta Rhodes College I Iota Hampden-Sydney K Kappa Transylvania Univer~ity M Mu Presbyterian ~oll~ fu Wofford Colle e 2 Xi Universitv of South Carolina 0 Omicron University of Richmond TI Pt Washington & Lee Uruverst .gma lty of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn University Q Omega UniveArsEityAlofKhenEtuc~ Alpha _ mma L?uisi~na State AA Alpha Delta Georgia I~st~tute ?fTechno~ogy p a psi hCar 1989 90 Virgi Chapter rgeto~ Proficiency ersity t\lplia Ratings cuse Today, Pi Kappa Alpha is 185 chapters and colonies strong. Through annual visits rersity by the chapter consultants the National Office is able to monitor the progress and Excellent ...... 52 chapters proficiency of each chapter. ern~ Above Average . . 57 chapters Beta Pi Kappa Alpha is committed to providing all chapters with a wide range of ser­ Average ...... 60 chapters vices which help make them the best fraternities on their campuses. This year, the Below Average .. . 8 chapters Fraternity demonstrated that commitment by adding a sixth chapter consultant to the professional staff. The Fraternity's board of directors, .the Supreme Council, also Critical ...... 5 chapters allotted additional funds for more chapter visits and authorized more resources be restricted for developing those chapters that are struggling. 1989-90 Newell Award CHAPTER EXPANSION Most Improved Chapter 1ersit The 1990-91 academic year promises to be another successful year in the areas ersity Eta Omicron of advancing and improving the quality of each undergraduate's fraternity experience. Del· Northeast Louisiana :maS University Pi Kappa Alpha continues to be aggressive in its chapter expansion program. Proof Pomt of the Fraternity's diligence in expansion led to the establishment of four new Epsilum!!I"''!!'!''!------­ colonies and the installment of five chapters in the 1989-90 academic year. Barbara Brodsky, assistant director of student activities, at Santa Clara, sums it up best by Epsilon Eta University saying: ~psilon Kappa Lamar ·gia State University E " The Pi Kappa Alpha expansion program is by far the most comprehensive, ion Pi Sam Houston S well thought out program of any I have seen. More important, it works, and ion Phi University of it works exceptionally well. '' ion Omega East Centr' ~ta Gamma Eastern Ill Much of OKA's success is a result of the high-powered academic institutions Zeta Theta Southwest selected to be homes for new chapters A quick glance at a few of the new homes ern Carolina Universir for Pi Kappa Alpha include the University of Chicago, Columbia University and UCLA. However, the foundation of the expansion program lies within the men ersity of North Dakota recruited by OKA's national staff to begin each new chapter. Each man, and ultimately ersity of Missouri-St. each group, represents the university, its Greek System and Pi Kappa Alpha 1 Hall University HE admirably. ~r State College HK heast Louisiana Unive The Fraternity is maintaining its aggressive pace in the next year by reactivating in Peay State Universir two chapters which had gone silent over the years. These projects include the Univer­ sity of Denver (Gamma Gamma) and the University of Oregon (Gamma Pi). Both 'ersity of North Alaba projects are scheduled for this fall. ~is Marion College 0E ~la-Marymount Univer' ~hton University 8M Theta Omicron Indian J ['heta Sigma Winthrop College 0T Theta Tau California State-Sacramento 0Y Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University 0<1> Theta uta State University 0X Theta Chi Villanova University 0\{J Theta Psi Chapman College 0Q Theta Omega University of Califon s IA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming IB Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State IA Iota n Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon California State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH Iota ersity of Nevada-Reno 10 Iota Theta California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University IK Iota KaJ ersity fCalifornia-Santa Barbara lA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern Illinois U B.b ~ ~diota . Louis University IS Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara Col< ,., ; f-"1: r ~ l. T ' n • • f' • f' • 11" lulane umverslty ~ 1 heta Khoaes College 1 Jota Hampaen-~yaney .K .K.appa 1ransy1vama uruversny lVl MU rresoytenan Luue u Wofford College 2 Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron University of Richmond TI Pi Washington & Lee Universi ~rna Vanderbilt University T Tau University of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn rc,entuc ~lpha Alpha Duke University Af Alpha Gamma Louisiana State A~ Alpha Delta Gt ) aEpsi fh Carolina State Universitv AZ Aloha Zeta Universitv of Arkansas AH Alohc: 1989-90 phaTh Installations a Lam! Alpha University of California uruver Santa Barbara V\ lphat Several new questions confront the Fraternity and its expansion program in the (Iota Kappa) BetaE 1990s. There are many questions to be answered. How will the "Just Say No" genera- Beta Z tion affect fraternities? Will university and college administrations continue to sup- Columbia University ~ ruvers· (Iota Lambda) port Greek systems? Can the Fraternity be successful outside the 48 contiguous states? ~ Omic Only time will tell. But, one thing is for sure, and that is Pi Kappa Alpha's philosophy ta Upsi to select those university and college campuses which have traditionally strong Southern Illinois University academic programs and are compatible with the Fraternity's ideals and principles. Alabru (Iota Mu) versity Saint Louis University arnma (Iota Nu) u ~ruve~ RISK MANAGEMENT c Institl University of Chicago }:arnma Garr Fraternities have become easy targets for lawsuits. Pi Kappa Alpha has been no (Iota Xi) ta exception. Insurance companies have rated fraternities as one of the highest risks, Delta leading to substantial premium increases which any one chapter alone cannot afford. Delta Univet Two ways exist to combat the skyrocketing costs of insurance: education and in- 1989-90 Delta surance - both are interrelated. Here is a summary of efforts made by Pi Kappa Colonizations 1ta Orr. Alpha in these areas. JJruvtn EDUCATION Santa Clara University Jiruve~ JJruven University of Montana ~· The 1988-90 Supreme Council made risk management one of its major goals. They "'Ipsilon directed that all regional and national conferences and workshops include a risk ersity management seminar. In 1989-90, fifteen regional leadership conferences, the 1989 St. Joseph's University re rsity Officers Leadership Academy, and the 1990 Chapter Presidents/Chapter Advisors 'e~ity Conference held such sessions. University of California JJruven Los Angeles The Council also implemented a video tape library for use by chapters. One video ul ttle R involving a member sentenced to a five-year prison sentence for driving while in- .....-.. Zet

toxicated and manslaughter was distributed to all chapters. Chapters now have use lUUl ~ ~ Avuu... ~£ Zeta of ten professionally made tapes which include the titles Aftereffects: The Pain of y University Z Zeta Date Rape, Hazing on Trial (), /. Q. Your Alcohol and Liability on University HB Etal and Risk Management ( Epsilon). University H8 EtaT As part of the educational effort, the Council also emphasized to the chapters that lversity H0 Eta Omi< it would enforce standards adopted at the 1988 Convention for the retention of both rgia College HT Eta individual memberships and chapter charters in good standing. WFiorida 0A Th eta A !college 8~ Th eta .C Continued on next page orthem Iowa 0H Thetl outheast 0 A Theta Larr i East Texas State Umve orthem Arizona Umver Theta Sigma Wmthrop College 0T Theta Tau California State-Sacramento 0Y Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University 0 There ~hita State University 8 X Theta Chi Villanova University 0'P Theta Psi Chapman College 0Q Theta Omega University of Califot ris IA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming IB Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State I~ Iota r e Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon California State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH lou versity of Nevada-Reno 10 Iota Theta California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University IK Iota K ver~i '· f i p1,1Jia-Santa Barbara lA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern lllinois University N lot Jt Loms Uruvers1ty l2 Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara Co iver~itv of Montan~ Colonv St. Josenh's Colonv University of California-Los Angeles Col ~Tulane University 0 Theta Rhodes College I Iota Hampden-Sydney K Kappa Transylvania University M Mu Presbyterian Colle 0 0 lu Wo '; 0 0 0 0 0 ochmond TI Pi Washington & Lee Universi 1gma University Q Omega University of Kentucl Alpha INJURY SEVERITY & TYPE OF CLAIMS orgia Inst~tute ?f Techno~ogy AE Alpha Epsi hCar CHART I . Virgi INJURY SEVERITY rgeto ·ersity t\lpha The Standards thoroughly deftne alcohol and drug abuse, hazing, sexual MAJOR INJURY (11 .1%) abuse and housing safety, and the con­ MINOR INJURY (22.2%) sequences of violations. During 1989- 1990, six chapter charters were suspend­ ed for violations of these standards. Four of these chapters are undergoing re­ organizations while two will be recom­ mended for charter revocation at the 1990 Convention.

CHART II Chapter leaders and chapter advisors TYPE OF CLAIMS have also been greatly encouraged to become more actively involved in risk management, using positive education, SLJP/FALU and developing internal procedures for BODILY INJURY (42.2%) dealing with violations. Several chapters PROPERTY DAMAGE (8.9%) have sponsored risk management seminars for their chapter or Greek OTHER (2.2% ) system. Chapter advisors have become more actively involved as witnessed by SEXUAL BATTERY (8.9%) forty-six advisors attending the ftrst Chapter Presidents/Chapter Advisors Conference in January 1990.

INSURANCE Because of unaffordable ftrst dollar in­ CHARI'S I & II surance premium costs, Pi Kappa Alpha Charts represent the period from July 1o 1987 to June 30, 1990. was the ftrst fraternity to institute a blanket self-insurance liability pro- gram. This was done in July 1987. The ern Caro ma mvefSl program makes the Fraternity responsi­ ·ersity of North Dakota ble for up to $250,000 per occurrence, $500,000 aggregate for each year. Excess ·ersity of Missouri-St. insurance from an insurance company provides another $750,000 per occurrence, 1 Hall University H $3 million aggregate in coverage per year. The insureds include all chapters, local ~r State College HK house corporations, and alumni associations, their officers and members, and all beast Louisiana Unive chapter advisors. in Peay State Universi While self-insuring is considered a higher risk than traditional means of insurance, rersity of North Alaba the premium savings and self-control of claims could outweigh the risks. cis Marion College e 1la-Marymount Univer ~hton University eM Theta Omicron Indian~~"""'~'I"'"''T""""""'I""T''~"T"T"rTm'~ITI"T"m"'!"'r'l"m"llft'l"'"'l!I""'!"'''I'I"'"''I"!'IT'TTT~'T""""'"'T''r::'!!""mrftT"T..,.,.,~'IT"7"'r~JTm"'"""'~ fheta Sigma Winthrop College eT Theta Tau California State-Sacramento eY Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University ect> Theta uta State University ex Theta Chi Villanova University e\l' Theta Psi Chapman College en Theta Omega University of Califon s IA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming IB Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State ILl Iota D Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon California State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH Iota ersity of Nevada-Reno I8 Iota Theta California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University IK Iota Ka ·ersity uf California-Santa Barbara IA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern lllinois UMi!l4'sity>w ~d iota :Louis University 18 Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara Col1 • T • 1 'T • • • • · Iutane urnverslty ~ 1nera Knooes couege 110ra nampuen-;)yuney I\. N1ppa 11ausytvaum umvct1)HY m mu .11\.-;)UJ"-'llau '--VII\.< u Wofford College 2 Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron University of Richmond IT Pi Washington & Lee Universi~ uma Vanderbilt University T Tau Univers· entud lpha ~lpha Duke ~niv~rsity Af Alpha Ga TOTAL INCURRED BY TYPE OF CLAIM a Epsi phaTh THOUSANDS 320 aLaml 300 Alpha 280 Univen 260 Alpha( 240 The self-insurance program is now BetaB 220 three years old. Certain loss analysis has Beta Z 200 been performed to determine if any 180 mvers trends are being established. Although 160 Omic over a hundred incidents have been 140 ta Upsi reported and forty-five claims have been 120 made, only three lawsuits are pending as AlabaJ 100 of June 30, 1990. However, a number of versity 80 claims have been settled at significant arnma 60 amounts. The total amount of losses over 40 rnvers the last three years is $654,000 of which 20 Institl $225,000 has been paid and $429,000 is arnma O SEXUAL OVER· reserved. Injury severity is shown in ASSAULT & VEHICLE OTHER sup 1 FALL 1 PROPERTY ta Garr BATTERY DOSE BATTERY ACCIDENTS BODILY DAMAGE Chart I. 33.3% of the claims resulted in INJURIES eitherno injury or minor injury, 48.9% Delta CHART ill resulted in moderate or major injury and Delta 8.9% in fatalities. Types of claims, as Charts represent the period from July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1990. Unive1 shown in Chart II, display that the ma­ L.------....,.,.l"r''"'l'"i'~,.....,...,...J Delta jority of claims involved injuries from ryland ~n Delta Orr slips and falls (42.2) such as falling from windows, roofs, and down stairs. Assault and battery claims, which usually result when fights occur between fraternities or a Texas Tech Univtn at social functions, represent the second highest percentage at 24.4%. Only four claims Tennessee State Univen (8.9) involve allegations of sexual battery or misconduct. These represent $316,000 t Missouri State Univen or 48.4% of the total incurred losses, as depicted in Chart ill. Fortunately, the Fraternity a University EN Epsilor did not experience an incident of alleged sexual battery in 1989-90. It is probably us tin State University not a surprise that approximately 75% of all incidents are related to alcohol or drug on Gannon University abuse. Michigan University The chapters have made excellent progress in reducing the severity of claims over eta Delta State Univen the last three years as shown below: sity of Arkansas-Little F rsity of Idaho Z2 Zet 1987-88: 1988-89: uth Florida ZP Zeta 14 claims ...... $351,000 in losses 16 claims ...... $175,000 in losses y University Z Zetl 1989-90: n UDiversity HB Eta 15 claims ...... $118,000 in losses *all dollar figures to nearest $1,000 Diversity H0 Eta T In summary, more work needs to be done at all levels in the education of chapters tersity H0 Eta Omi, and their members, to prevent foreseeable accidents from happening. More impor­ rgia College HT Eta tantly, every segment of the Fraternity should strive for this ultimate goal - caring Florida ®A Theta A for and providing a safe place for its members and guests, and society at large. ollege 0~ Theta I Continued on next page orthern Iowa ®H Thet utheast 0 A Theta Lan · East Texas State Unive i------.....,------.,....------~ orthern Arizona Unive1 . Theta Sigma Wmthrop College ®T Theta Tau California State-Sacramento 0Y Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University 0<1> Thet ;;hita State University 0X Theta Chi Villanova University 0'¥ Theta Psi Chapman College ®Q Theta Omega University of Califo vis lA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming IB Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State I~ Iota I ;e Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon California State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH lot iversity of Nevada-Reno I0 Iota Theta California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University IK Iota K iver. · · 11~ · w ia-Santa Barbara lA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern illinois University JN lot nt Loms University I2 Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara Cc .i\le. ~itv of Montana Colonv St. Joseph's Colony University of California-Los Angeles Co ra Tulane University 8 Theta Rhodes College I Iota Hampden-S~dney K l_

Loyalty Award Housing continues to be important to Pi Kappa Alpha's chapters. The role of the Richard Ralph National Fraternity in this area is primarily that of a lender. Through the Chapter University of House Fund, administered by the Pi Kappa Alpha Housing Commission, loans are California-Berkeley granted to qualifying chapters and house corporations. Alpha Sigi1Ul '53 The Housing Commission makes two types of loans, secured and unsecured. The unsecured loan is for furnishings and equipment. The real estate loan is for the pur­ Chapter Advisor chase, building or renovation of a chapter house. The maximum limit on an unsecured of the Year loan is $25,000.00. The limit on a real estate loan is $150,000.00 with a first mortgage, Blake Shultz or $100,000.00 with a second mortgage. University of Arkansas versit Alpha Zeta '46 During the 1989-90 fiscal year, the Chapter House Fund committed loans to: versity ADVISOR TO Del ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER Alpha Zeta (University of Arkansas) :onaS Gamma Kappa (Montana State University) n Pain Epsilon Theta (Colorado State University) Epsilo... n "'!"'P"'e'!"'1"lta--ru-ve_rs______. Theta Omicron (Indiana State University)

Epsilon Eta Universit This was primarily a year of loan cultivation. There are several pending applica­ Epsilon Kappa Lamar tions and/or potential loans to the following chapters: rgia State University ilon Pi Sam Houston S Beta Xi (University of Wisconsin) ilon Phi University of Gamma Xi (Washington State University) ilon Omega East Centr Gamma Omicron (Ohio University) Zeta Gamma Eastern Epsilon Epsilon (Toledo University) Zeta Theta Southwes Epsilon Upsilon (Gannon University) tern Carolina Universi Zeta Beta (Delta State University) versity of North Dako Eta Alpha (Clemson University) versity of Missouri-St. Eta Nu (Northern Illinois University) mHall University H Theta Phi (Wichita State University) 'er State College HK Iota Alpha (University of nyoming) Iota Zeta (Randolph Macon College) theast Louisiana Univ Iota Iota (Michigan State University) tin Peay State Universi versity of North Alaba Pi Kappa Alpha's Holding Corporation is a non-profit corporation which was created 1cis Marion College 0 ola-Marymount Unive ighton University E>M Theta Omicron Indianlrmlm:"''O"m"~~~"Tnn~~rmTI~~r'T'l"rrr:mm~r!'m'mn"l~~""r'!'ft:m!"'f~~f'ft'!'e'~!'!"!'rl'e'!"'ft'"'e"!'!lr"'"'e! Theta Sigma Winthrop College ®T Theta Tau California State-Sacramento ®Y Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University E> The :hita State University E>X Theta Chi Villanova University 0\}1 Theta Psi Chapman College ®Q Theta Omega University of Califo ·is IA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming IB Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State II!! Iota e Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon California State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH loti versity of Nevada-Reno I® Iota Theta California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University IK Iota versi fCalifornia-Santa Barbara IA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern illinois ~~,uwd Io 1t Louis University 13 Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara Co · • r-..1 ,-, 1 • T • • • • Tulane University 0 Tlieta Rliooes College !Iota Hampden-Sydney K Kappa rransy1varua uruversny M MU rresoyrenan coue1 Wofford College 3 Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron Universi of Richmond Il Pi Washin ton & Lee Universit P.ma Vanderbilt University T Tau Universi entuck pha Alpha Duke University Af Alpha G _ a Epsil · · · 1989 90 pha Tht Programming Excellence A wards a Lamb Alpha Univers Scholarship Community Service lpha( in 1963. The role of the Holding Cor­ Alpha Omicron Delta Iota BetaB poration is to hold title to properties, both Southwestern University Marshall University Beta Z1 improved and unimproved, that have HONORABLE MENTION been acquired by the Fraternity. It is im­ HONORABLE MENTION portant to note, the Memorial Head­ Beta Upsilon quarters is not one of these properties. University of Colorado Omega The National Fraternity is not, nor does University of Kentucky it desire to be, in the business of owning Zeta Alpha (B) chapter houses. However, circumstances General Motors Institute Alpha Rho of Engineering & Management may occur occasionally when property Ohio State University is acquired in order to protect the equity Iota Delta amma in a particular piece of real estate. Those Rose-Hulman Institute Alumni Relations chapter houses currently owned by the of Technology taGam Holding Corporation are: Delta Iota Delta Pledge Education Marshall University Delta J Alpha Theta (J*st Virginia University) Univer Gamma Omega (University of Miami) Iota Delta HONORABLE MENTION Delta' Delta Lambda (Florida State University) Rose-Hulman Institute ltaOm Zeta Mu (University of Idaho) of Technology Alpha Omicron ruvers Theta Mu (University of Massachusetts) Southwestern University HONORABLE MENTION ruvers ruvers The Holding Corporation currently Gamma Rho Alpha Xi University of CinCinnati :<.psilon owns unimproved (vacant) property in Northwestern University rsity . the following cities: Corvallis, Oregon ersity and Denton, Texas. Publications Rush e~ity mvers Delta Theta Beta Chi COMMUNICATIONS University of Minnesota jttleR Arkansas State University ... Zet Gamma Delta HONORABLE MENTION Zeta] Pi Kappa Alpha maintains contact with University of Arizona Zeta all of its members through the Fraterni­ Iota Delta Epsilon Theta EtaJ ty's national magazine, the Shield & Dia­ Rose-Hulman Institute Colorado State University EtaT mond. Published four times a year - of Technology Omi' March, June, September and December Eta - the Shield & Diamond has an average Intramurals Campus Involvement eta Al circulation of nearly 90,000 per issue. eta D Continued on next page Delta Tau Delta Nu Arizona State University Theta Wayne State University ra Larr Epsilon Nu HONORABLE MENTION ruve; Georgia State University ruver Theta Sigma Winthrop College 0T Theta Ta Delta Theta Theta Omicron Theta ;hita State University ex Theta Chi Villanov· Arkansas State University Indiana State University alifOJ ris lA Iota Alpha University of Wyoming I Iota r e Hulman Institute IE Iota Epsilon Califo Iotr ~ersity of Nevada-Reno I0 Iota Theta Califo Iota K; .versi · 1· pli\ia-Santa Barbara lA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern lllinois University lot 1t Louis University 13 Iota Xi University of Chicago Delta Alpha Colony - George Washington University Santa Clara Co : .. ~-n: ... ~+u,..,f,...,,.. f".--1""" ~t TotPnh'll f'nlonv lJniversitv of California-Los An eles Col ii;"r~l~ ·~ uci.~r~i~ ·0 Th~~ Rh~d~s -C~llege I Iota J:Iampden-Sydney K ~pp~ ·Transylvailla Unive~ity M ~u Presbyterian ~oU ~u W ~ · · · uth Carolma 0 Onucron Umverstty of Richmond IT Pt Washington & Lee Umvers ;igma ity of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn University Q Omega University ofKentuc Alph 1989-90 mma Louisi~a State A/1 Alpha Delta Georgia Ins~tute .ofTechno~ogy AE Alpha Bps thC ;t Virg- Smythe Awards >rgeto versity The Smythe Awards are presented Introducing the 1990-92 Supreme Council Alph annually to a limited number of chapters demonstrating overall ex­ cellence in chapter programming.

Alpha Omicron Southwestern University

Alpha Xi

University of Cincinnati Dr. Jerry W. Askew Charles L. Dow Larry W. Lunsford F. Anderson Morse Nonh Carolina Alabama Tennessee-Knoxville William and Mary Tau '73 Gamma Alpha '63 Zeta '71 Gamma '76 Theta Chi President Vice President Vice President Vice President Villanova University 1990-91 PREVIEW iversit Delta Iota versity Marshall University Pi Kappa Alpha is anxiously looking [ Del forward to the upcoming academic year. Planning for the future will be a major zonaS Delta Theta part of the next year. Current programs ,h Poin Arkansas State University will continue to be reviewed and improv­ Epsil ed and new programs will be introduced. Daniel F. McGehee John M. Williams Epsil S. E. Missouri State Oklahoma State Delta Nu At the time that this issue was going Epsilon Iota '63 Gamma Chi '68 Epsil Vice President Legal Counsel )rgia S »izyne State University to press a new Supreme Council was elected at the Fraternity's convention in Chicago. The Council will be led by new :ilonP' National President Dr. Jerry W. Askew (North Carolina - Tau '73). Dr. Askew is :ilon P Iota Delta the Dean of Students at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. He brings with :ilon 0 Rose-Hulman Institute him to the Fraternity's top volunteer position a wealth of leadership on both the na­ Zeta of Technology tional and local levels. For the past four years he has served on the Council as a na­ 1 Zeta tional vice president. Prior to that he was a regional president, a member of the educa­ tional advisory committee and a chapter advisor. He resides in Knoxville with his Beta Upsilon wife Robyn and their two year-old son, Taylor. University of Colorado Joining Dr. Askew on the Council are National Vice Presidents Charles L. Dow (Alabama- Gamma Alpha '63) , Dr. Larry W. Lunsford (Tennessee-Knoxville- Zeta Epsilon Theta '71), F. Anderson Morse (College of William and Mary- Gamma '76) , Daniel F. Colorado State University McGehee (Southeast Missouri State- Epsilon Iota '63) and Legal Counsel John M. Williams (Oklahoma State- Gamma Chi '68), as well as Undergraduate Vice Presidents Anthony Spinola (Pittsburgh- Gamma Sigma '88) and Paul R. Snider (Mississippi Theta Omicron State - Gamma Theta '88). nets Indiana State University rola-M 0 :ighton Gamma Omicron ) The Ohio University ~Theta u California State-Sacramento 0Y Theta Upsilon Tennessee Tech University 0<1.> Thet :hita S a University 0'¥ Theta Psi Chapman College 0Q Theta Omega University of Califo vis IA Iota Beta University of California-Fresno If Iota Gamma Kearney State l/1 Iota l ;e Hul rnia State University-Long Beach IZ Iota Zeta Randolph Macon College IH lot iversity ·a Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo II Iota Iota Michigan State University lK Iota I< iversi f California-Santa Barbara lA Iota Lambda Columbia University IM Iota Mu Southern Illinois · · ,~er~i~nl#I lot nt Louis Universi 18 Iota Xi Universi of Chic o Delta AI ha Colon - George Washington Universi Santa Clara Cc Directory of Chapters, Colonies and Alumni Associations

THE CHAPTERS: IOTA (Hampden-Sydney College) (Vanderbilt University) (Nonh Carolina State University) ALPHA Box 343 2408 Kensington Place 214 South Fraternity Court () Hampden-Sydney College Nashville, TN 37212 Raleigh, NC 27606 513 Rugby Road Hamp(len-Sydney , VA 23943 Advisor: Mark W. Cook Advisor: Michael S. Medeiros Charlottesville, VA 22903 Advisor: John Waters 1989-90 Pledgings: 38 1989-90 Pledgings: 42 Advisor: Mark T. Cucuzzella 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 1989-90 Initiations: 35 1989-90 Initiations: 22 1989-90 Pledgings: 19 1989-90 Initiations: 0 Current Actives: 93 Current Actives: 94 1989-90 Initiations: 15 Current Actives: 52 Total Chapter Size: 1,374 Total Chapter Size: 2,087 Current Actives: 69 Total Chapter Size: 1,069 Total Chapter Size: 1,370 TAU ALPHA ZETA KAPPA (University of Arkansas) BETA (Transylvania) (University of Nonh Carolina) I 06 Fraternity Court 320 Arkansas Avenue (Davidson College) 302 Davis Hall , Transylvania Chapel Hill , NC 27514 Fayetteville, AR 72701 P.O. Box 574, Davidson College Lexington, KY 40508 Advisor: Martin P. Hardy Advisor: Blake Schultz Davidson, NC 28036 Advisor: Nathaniel Bosworth 1989-90 Pledgings: 35 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 Advisor: Vacant 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 23 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Pledgings: 25 1989-90 Initiations: 24 Current Actives: 90 Current Actives: 67 1989-90 Initiations: 25 Current Actives: 70 Total Chapter Size: 1,366 Total Chapter Size: 1,824 Current Actives: 95 Total Chapter Size: 899 Total Chapter Size: 1,293 ALPHA ETA MU UPSILON (University of Florida) GAMMA (Presbyterian College) (Auburn University) 1904 West University Avenue (College of William & Mary) P. 0 . Box 1187, Presbyterian 840 West Magnolia Avenue Gainesville, FL 32604 Box 7733 , College Station College Auburn, AL 36830 Advisor: Ernie Cox Williamsburg, VA 23186. Clinton, SC 29325 Advisor: Bill Ham, Jr. Advisor: Andy Morse Advisor: Thomas P. Weaver 1989-90 Pledgings: 51 1989-90 Pledgings: 48 1989-90 Initiations: 69 1989-90 Pledgings: 28 1989-90 Pledgings: 19 1989-90 Initiations: 23 Current Actives: 143 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 21 Current Actives: 108 Total Chapter Size: 2,582 Current Actives: 95 Current Actives: 59 Total Chapter Size: 2,152 Total Chapter Size: 1,312 Total Chapter Size: 991 ALPHA THETA OMEGA EPSILON NU (West Virginia University) (University of Kentucky) (Virginia Tech) (Wofford College) 117 Belmar Avenue 1408 W. Abram, Suite 205 Morgantown, WV 26505 Virginia Tech, Box I Wofford College Lexington, KY 40506 Blacksburg, VA 24061 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Advisor: Dr. Dan Adams Advisor: Graham M. Gray Advisor: Brian G. Wilkerson Advisor: Christopher M. Poteat 1989-90 Pledgings: 43 1989-90 Pledgings: 43 1989-90 Initiations: 20 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Pledgings: 19 1989-90 Initiations: 47 Current Actives: 95 1989-90 Initiations: 18 1989-90 Initiations: 18 Current Actives: 122 Total Chapter Size: 1,274 Current Actives: 104 Current Actives: 57 Total Chapter Size: 1,550 Total Chapter Size: 694 Total Chapter Size: 712 ALPHA IOTA ZETA XI ALPHA ALPHA (Millsaps College) (University of (University of South Carolina) (Duke University) P.O. Box 150468 Tennessee-Knoxville) P.O. Box 85128 Box 4775 , Duke Station Jackson , MS 39210 1820 Fraternity Park Drive University of South Carolina Durham, NC 27706 Advisor: Joey Rei n Knoxville, TN 37916 Columbia, SC 29225 Advisor: W. Garry Meldrum 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 Advisor: Rick Kuhlman Advisor: Arthur Baker 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 1989-90 Initiations: 29 1989-90 Pledgings: 47 1989-90 Pledgings: 31 1989-90 Initiations: 24 Current Actives: 93 1989-90 Initiations: 21 1989-90 Initiations: 14 Current Actives: 49 Total Chapter Size: 1,393 Current Actives: 117 Current Actives: 74 Total Chapter Size: 1,399 Total Chapter Size: 2,028 Total Chapter Size: 1,053 ALPHA KAPPA (University of Missouri-Rolla) ALPHA GAMMA ETA OMICRON Box 156, 9th at Bi shop (Louisiana State) (Tulane University) (University of Richmond) Rolla, MO 65401 Box PK, LSU Station 1036 Broadway Box 188 , University Station Advisor: R.V . Wolf Baton Rouge, LA 70893 New Orleans, LA 70118 Richmond, VA 23173 1989-90 Pledgings: 34 Advisor: Cary Owen Advisor: Richard Juge Advi sor: Joel Getis 1989-90 Initiations: 16 1989-90 Pledgings: 25 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 Current Actives: 69 1989-90 Initiations: 13 1989-90 Initiations: 20 1989-90 Initiations: 20 Total Chapter Size: 1, 110 Current Actives: 53 Current Actives: 66 Current Actives: 77 Total Chapter Size: 957 Total Chapter Size: 1,158 Total Chapter Size: 1,075 ALPHA LAMBDA (Georgetown College) THETA PI ALPHA DELTA Georgetown College, Box 967 (Rhodes College) (Washington & Lee University) (Georgia Institute of Technology) Georgetown, KY 40324 Box BG , Rhodes College P.O. Box 300 211 Tenth Street N.W. Advisor: Jim Wysong Lexington, VA 24450 Atlanta, GA 303 18 Memphis, TN 38112 1989-90 Pledgings: 16 Advisor: Jason Hood Advisor: Vacant Advisor: Tim Cole 1989-90 Initiations: 17 1989-90 Pledgings: 23 1989-90 Pledgings: 12 1989-90 Pledgi ngs: 25 Current Actives: 39 1989-90 Initiations: 19 1989-90 Initiations: 12 1989-90 Initiations: 2 Total Chapter Size: 1,008 Current Actives: 59 Current Actives: 56 Current Actives: 75 Total Chapter Size: 832 Total Chapter Size: 1,122 Total Chapter Size: 1,549 Continued of Pi Kappa Alpha 15 ALPHA MU ALPHA TAU BETA DELTA BETA XI (University of Georgia) (University of Utah) (University of New Mexico) (University of Wisconsin) 360 South Lumpkin Street 41 University Street 700 University Boulevard 613 N. Frances Street Athens, GA 30602 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Albuquerque, NM 87131 Madison, WI 53703 Advisor: Lauren M. Coile Advisor: Jon Schumann Advisor: Dr. Stephen Shelton Advisor: Mark Janssen 1989-90 Pledgings: 51 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 1989-90 Pledgings: 28 1989-90 Pledgings: 14 1989-90 Initiations: 58 1989-90 Initiations: 28 1989-90 Initiations: 19 1989-90 Initiations: 12 Current Actives: 104 Current Actives: 106 Current Actives: 45 Current Actives: 41 Total Chapter Size: I, 736 Total Chapter Size: 2,176 Total Chapter Size: I ,355 Total Chapter Size: 611

ALPHA NU ALPHA PHI BETA ZETA BETA OMICRON (University of Missouri-Columbia) (Iowa State University) (Southern Methodist University) (University of Oklahoma) 916 South Providence Road 2112 Lincoln Way 6205 Airline Road 1203 South Elm Street Columbia, MO 65201 Ames, IA 50010 Dallas, TX 75205 Norman, OK 73069 Advisor: Ron DuBuque Advisor: Tom Norris Advisor: Chris Miller Advisor: Brent Clarke 1989-90 Pledgings: 56 1989-90 Pledgings: 40 1989-90 Pledgings: 15 1989-90 Pledgings: 23 1989-90 Initiations: 40 1989-90 Initiations: 24 1989-90 Initiations: 12 1989-90 Initiations: II Current Actives: 152 Current Actives: 98 Current Actives: 35 Current Actives: 41 Total Chapter Size: I ,598 Total Chapter Size: I ,294 Total Chapter Size: I ,231 Total Chapter Size: I ,568

ALPHA XI BETA PI (University of Cincinnati) ALPHA CHI BETA ETA (University of Pennsylvania) 3400 Brookline Avenue (Syracuse University) (University of Illinois) 3916 Spruce Street Cincinnati, OH 45220 405 Comstock A venue 102 East Chalmers Syracuse, NY 13210 Champaign, IL 61820 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Advisor: Donald P. Huber Advisor: Gary Natali Advisor: Rich Western Advisor: Marc Bernstein 1989-90 Pledgings: 44 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 1989-90 Initiations: 42 1989-90 Pledgings: 19 1989-90 Pledgings: 34 Current Actives: 112 1989-90 Initiations: 17 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 19 Total Chapter Size: I ,551 Current Actives: 71 Current Actives: 109 Current Actives: 64 Total Chapter Size: 994 Total Chapter Size: I ,434 Total Chapter Size: I , 131

ALPHA OMICRON (Southwestern University) ALPHA OMEGA BETA THETA BETA SIGMA Box 6664, S.U. Station (Kansas State University) (Cornell University) (Carnegie-Mellon University) Georgetown, TX 78626 2021 College View 17 South A venue 1079 Morewood Place Advisor: Mike Rossman Manhattan, KS 66502 Ithaca, NY 14850 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 Advisor; Scott Allen Advisor: Tim Lockwood Advisor: W. Thomas Wood ll 1989-90 Initiations: 20 1989-90 Pledgings: 42 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 1989-90 Pledgings: 13 Current Actives: 76 1989-90 Initiations: 32 1989-90 Initiations: 26 1989-90 Initiations: 24 Total Chapter Size: I ,034 Current Actives: 113 Current Actives: 67 Current Actives: 51 Total Chapter Size: I ,319 Total Chapter Size: I, 179 Total Chapter Size: I ,092

ALPHA PI (Samford University) BETA ALPHA BETA KAPPA BET A UPSILON Box 2473 (Pennsylvania State University) (Emory University) (University of Colorado) Samford University 417 E. Prospect Drawer R, Emory University Box 2340 Birmingham, AL 35209 State College, PA 16801 Atlanta, GA 30322 Boulder, CO 80306-2340 Advisor: Doug Hammond Advisor: Vacant Advisor: Frank Bell Advisor: James Butler 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 1989-90 Pledgings: 38 1989-90 Initiations: 17 1989-90 Initiations: 15 1989-90 Initiations: 26 1989-90 Initiations: 36 Current Actives: 36 Current Actives: 71 Current Actives: 82 Current Actives: 118 Total Chapter Size: I ,060 Total Chapter Size: I ,326 Total Chapter Size: I ,258 Total Chapter Size: I, 145

ALPHA RHO (Ohio State University) BETA BETA BETA MU BETA PHI 43 East 15th Street (University of Washington) (University of Texas) (Purdue University) Columbus, OH 43201 4523 18th Avenue N.E. 2400 Leon P. 0. Box 2853 Seattle, WA 98105 Austin, TX 78705 West Lafayette, IN 47906 Advisor: Gary Martin Advisor: AI Ross Advisor: Donald Flournoy Advisor: Ken Ewing 1989-90 Pledgings: 18 1989-90 Initiations: 18 1989-90 Pledgings: 9 1989-90 Pledgings: 52 1989-90 Pledgings: 42 Current Actives: 45 1989-90 Initiations: II 1989-90 Initiations: 45 1989-90 Initiations: 44 Total Chapter Size: I ,240 Current Actives: 25 Current Actives: 159 Current Actives: 122 Total Chapter Size: 824 Total Chapter Size: I ,942 Total Chapter Size: I ,625

ALPHA SIGMA (University of BETA GAMMA BETA NU BETA CHI California-Berkeley) (University of Kansas) (Oregon State University) (University of Minnesota) 2324 Piedmont 2000 Stewart Avenue 209 NW 14th Street 1813 University Avenue S.E. Berkeley, CA 94704 Lawrence, KS 66044 Corvallis, OR 97330 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Advisor: Paul Forbes Advisor: Rob Leonard Advisor: Steve Uerlings Advisor: Scott L. Schulz 1989-90 Pledgings: 20 1989-90 Pledgings: 44 1989-90 Pledgings: 49 1989-90 Pledgings: 40 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 37 1989-90 Initiations: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 40 Current Actives: 61 Current Actives: 107 Current Actives: 72 Current Actives: 86 Total Chapter Size: I ,069 Total Chapter Size: I ,261 Total Chapter Size: 800 Total Chapter Size: 336 16 Shield & Diamond SPACE AGE SPEAKER DATAWAVE company develops exciting new technology that allows you to place speakers anywhere in your home without speaker wires. speaker has its own on /off volume control, for even more versatili ty. PRIVATE SOUND DATA WAVE also offers a wireless headphone set, "priva te waves" (WH1 00) that operates through a transmitter, like the WS7, but on a different frequency. The headphones also give you wireless convenience, but now you can enjoy private listening, without disturbing others. Others in the same room can go about their acti vities, w hile you listen to rich, high quality sound from your stereo, TV or other audio source. FIRST TIME OFFER The DATAWAVE wireless speakers and headphones are now available to you direct from the manufac turer. We are currently offering substantial d iscounts to the public on these products and even greater discounts on orders of more than one modeiWS-7 speaker and / or headphones. This offer will not be available in any stores - so act now You will find the design of these and save. TECHNOLOGICAL We want you to have the opportunity to speakers opens all kinds of possibilities BREAKTHROUGH listen to these technological marvels at no for you to enjoy your favorite music risk, so try them fo r 30 days and return them At the most recent CONSUMER anywhere, without wires. Since the for a prompt refund if they're not what you ELECTRONICS SHOW these speakers speakers have their own built-in expected. Most products are shipped within were touted as one of the most exciting amplifier, you can use them with any 72 hours of your order, and express shipping new products of the 90's. The DATA­ sound source such as a TV, walkman is available if you request. WAVE wireless speaker system (WS7) radio or your stereo receiver by simply So enjoy your favorite music from enables you to listen to your favorite plugging in the transmitter and records, cassettes, reel tapes, CO's, AM/ FM radio or TV anywhere in your home, or by music (records, cassettes, reel-to-reel switching on the speaker. your patio/ pool with the DATAWAVE tapes, CO's or AM/ FM radio) through­ These state-of-the-art speakers wireless speakers and headphones. out your home without having to run simply tap into the signal your stereo speaker wires everywhere. Simply already generates, so they will not CALL TODAY plug the DATA WAVE wireless affect your stereo in any way and If you would like an order or have any transmitter into any audio outlet or cannot be blown out. The transmitter questi ons, please give us a ca ll , as our headphone jack on your receiver and combines both the right and left operations and technical staff are available place the DATA WAVE speakers channels of your stereo, giving you full, 24 hours a day. anywhere within 150 feet of your rich high fidelity sound. For fastest service, use your VISA, MC or stereo. The music is transmitted by FM AM EX card and ca ll toll-free (mention promotional code FG1 001 radio waves to the speakers. NO GREAT SOUND ANYWHERE SPEAKER WIRES ARE NEEDED! And 1-800-992-2966 the sound is great, with deep, rich bass PATIO VA 804-379-21 92 and crystal clear highs. _ Wireless Speaker (WS7) with a transmitter -:oRM . ~AlTH ~AMilY RM. LC ~ ' at $89 + $6 S&H ea. SUPERIOR FEATURES a.. - KITCHEN 1 _ additional speakers at $69 + $6 S&H ea. ~' GARAI>E The DATA WAVE Speaker system is r-. - ..... _ Wireless Headphones (WH1 00) with BED r· ~~liVING RM. DINING transmitter at $49 + $6 S&H ea. of the highest quality design. The 8.5 x RM. BED RM. l RM~. •r-,--.- ~ # • L _ additional headphones at $24 + $2 S& H. 4.5 x 4.5 inch acoustically constructed cabinet, with its full range 4 inch driver To order by mail send check or money mounted on the top, provides a 360 Enjoy music on your patio, by the order for total purchase (VA residents add degree surround sound pattern. This pool, in the bedroom, bathroom or 4.5% sales tax), or enclose credit card full range speaker delivers music of the while working in the garage. You can number and expiration date along with your highest quality. These wireless operate as many spea kers as you like on name, address and telephone number to: speakers operate either on 4C batteries one transmitter, without the trouble of or with an AC adaptor and have their speaker wire running endlessly own built-in receiver and amplifier, throughout your home. Place one, or capturing your stereo's music any­ more speakers in a room, or put one MARKET NDWDRK where in or around your home in a 150 speaker in every room of the house. 11600 Busy Street, Building 103 foot radius of the transmitter. The possibilities are endless and each Richmond, Virginia 23236 GAMMA ALPHA GAMMAMU GAMMA UPSILON DELTA DELTA (University of Alabama) (University ofNew Hampshire) (University of Tulsa) (Florida Southern College) P.O. Drawer B-H P.O. Box 841 3123 East 7th Street P.O. Box 15221 University, AL 35486 Durham, NH 03824 Tulsa, OK 74104 Lakeland, FL 33802 Advisor: Aaron Christian , Jr Advisor: William Garren Advisor: Bill Vogle Advisor: Steven E. Wightman 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 (Interim) 1989-90 Pledgings: 19 1989-90 Pledgings: 12 1989-90 Iniliations: 31 1989-90 Pledgings: 0 1989-90 Initiations: 10 1989-90 Initiations: 4 Current Actives: 95 1989-90 Initiations: 0 Current Actives: 18 Current Actives: 39 Total Chapter Size: I ,475 Current Actives: 54 Total Chapter Size: 925 Total Chapter Size: 801 Total Chapter Size: I ,063

GAMMA PHI DELTA ZETA (University of Arizona) GAMMA NU (Wake Forest University) (Memphis State University) 1525 East Drachman (University of Iowa) Box 7474, Reynolds Station 36 11 Midland Tucson, AZ 85719 1032 North Dubuque Street Winston-Salem, NC 27109 Memphis, TN 38152 Advisor: Jim Sheely Iowa City, lA 52240 Advisor: Cook Griffin Advisor: Vacant 1989-90 Pledgings: 66 Advisor: John Murphy 1989-90 Pledgings: 16 1989-90 Pledgings: 44 1989-90 Initiations: 52 1989-90 Pledgings: 32 1989-90 Initiations: 10 1989-90 Initiations: 26 Current Actives: 134 1989-90 Initiations: 33 Current Actives: 37 Current Actives: 79 Total Chapter Size: I, 137 Current Actives: 105 Total Chapter Size: 948 Total Chapter Size: I , 154 Total Chapter Size: I, 128

GAMMA EPSILON GAMMA CHI DELTA ETA (Utah State University) GAMMA XI (Oklahoma State University) (University of Delaware) 757 E. Seventh N. (Washington State University) 221 South Lincoln 313 Wyoming Road Logan, UT 84321 N.E. 710 California Street Stillwater, OK 74074 Newark, DE 19711 Pullman, WA 99163 Advisor: Steven E. Dunn Advisor: Jerry Ritchey Advisor: Robert P. Tkachick Advisor: Timothy Alexander 1989-90 Pledgings: 28 1989-90 Pledgings: 43 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 1989-90 Initiations : 17 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 1989-90 Initiations: 30 1989-90 Initiations: II Current Actives: 44 1989-90 Initiations: 28 Current Actives: I 19 Current Actives: 117 Total Chapter Size: I,714 Current Actives: 90 Total Chapter Size: I, 162 Total Chapter Size: 654 Total Chapter Size: 1,084

DELTA THETA GAMMA THETA GAMMA PSI GAMMA OMICRON (Arkansas State University) (Mississippi State University) (Louisiana Polytechnic Institute) (Ohio University) P.O. Box 370 Drawer GT I 10 Western 12 N. College Street State University, AR 72467 Mississippi State, MS 39762 Ruston, LA 71270 Athens, OH 45701 Advisor: Tim Brown Advisor: Tom Pilgreen Advisor: Donnie R. Johnson Advisor; Dave Aiken 1989-90 Pledgings: 49 1989-90 Pledgings: 57 1989-90 Pledgings: 53 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 1989-90 Initiations: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 30 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 40 Current Actives: 93 Current Actives: 91 Current Actives: 60 Current Actives : 121 Total Chapter Size: I , 126 Total Chapter Size: I ,68 1 Total Chapter Size: I ,202 Total Chapter Size: 892

DELTA IOTA GAMMA IOTA GAMMA RHO GAMMA OMEGA (Marshall University) (University of Mississippi) (Northwestern University) (University of Miami) 1625 Fifth Avenue Box 8227 566 Lincoln Street 5800 San Amaro Drive Huntington, WV 25703 University, MS 38677 Coral Gables, FL 33146 Evanston , IL 60201 Advisor: R.R. Alexander Advi sor: Frank Given Advisor: Ed Hudak Advisor: Robert Lapp 1989-90 Pledgings: 30 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Pledgings: 60 1989-90 Initiations: 22 1989-90 Initiations: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 40 1989-90 Initiations: 36 Current Actives: 67 Current Actives: 83 Current Actives: 92 Current Actives: 101 Total Chapter Size: 974 Total Chapter Size: I ,595. Total Chapter Size: 994 Total Chapter Size: I ,250

DELTA MU GAMMA KAPPA GAMMA SIGMA DELTA BETA (University of Southern (Montana State University) (University of Pittsburgh) (Bowling Green State Uni versity) Mississippi) 1321 South Fifth 3731 Sutherland Drive P.O. Box 634 8427 Southern Station Bozeman, MT 59715 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Bowling Green, OH 43402 Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Advisor: Sam Rotellini Advisor: Thomas J. Vater Advisor: Richard E. Powers Advisor: Mike Giles 1989-90 Pledgings: 47 1989-90 Pledgings: 38 1989-90 Pledgings: 23 1989-90 Pledgings: 20 1989-90 Initiations: 23 1989-90 Initiations: 22 1989-90 Initiations: 15 1989-90 Initiations: 23 Current Actives: 90 Current Actives: 95 Current Actives: 59 Current Actives: 46 Total Chapter Size: I ,023 Total Chapter Size: I, 167 Total Chapter Size: I ,287 Total Chapter Size: 856

GAMMA LAMBDA GAMMA TAU DELTA GAMMA DELTA NU (Lehigh University) (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) (Miami University-Ohio) (Wayne State University) 515 Delaware Avenue 128 Twelfth Street 410 East Church Street 266 East Hancock Bethl ehem , PA 18015 Troy, NY 12180 Oxford, OH 45056 Detroit, Ml 48201 Advisor: Douglas Muha Advisor: Steve Kampilla Advisor: Terrance Raulin Advisor: Christopher Snyder 1989-90 Pledgings: 15 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 1989-90 Pledgings: 44 1989-90 Pledgings: 35 1989-90 Initiations: 19 1989-90 Initiations: 22 1989-90 Initiations: 36 1989-90 Initiations: 12 Current Actives: 59 Current Actives: 85 Current Actives: 98 Current Actives: 98 Total Chapter Size: 643 Total Chapter Size: L,OI9 Total Chapter Size: I ,2 18 Total Chapter Size: 644 18 Shield & Diamond DELTA XI DELTA PSI EPSIWN ZETA EPSIWN NU (Indiana University) (University of Maryland) (East Tennessee State University) (Georgia State University) 1012 East Third Street 4340 Knox Road Box 20020A, E.T.S.U. University Plaza Box 707 Bloomington, IN 47401 College Park, MD 20740 Johnson City , TN 37614 Georgia State University Advisor: Vacant Advisor: Joseph Melanson Advisor: Vacant Atlanta, GA 30303 1989-90 Pledgings: 43 1989-90 Pledgings: 51 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 Advisor: Bobby H. Dulin, Jr 1989-90 Initiations: 41 1989-90 Initiations: 47 1989-90 Initiations: 14 1989-90 Pledgings: 18 Current Actives: 138 Current Actives: 160 Current Actives: 56 1989-90 Initiations: II Total Chapter Size: 801 Total Chapter Size: 537 Total Chapter Size: 687 Current Actives: 50 Total Chapter Size: 670 EPSILON ETA DELTA OMICRON DELTA OMEGA (University of Houston) EPSILON XI (Drake University) (High Point College) 716 West Alabama (Case Western Reserve 1218 34th Street Box 3046, High Point College Houston, TX 77006 University) Des Moines, lA 50311 High Point, NC 27262 Advisor: Dr. John Hardy 11311 Juniper Road Advisor: Michael Huppert Advisor: W. Patrick Haun 1989-90 Pledgings: 25 Cleveland, OH 44106 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 27 Advisor: John Dolinsky 1989-90 Initiations: 12 1989-90 Initiations: 29 Current Actives: 56 1989-90 Pledgings: 24 Current Actives: 72 Current Actives: 52 Total Chapter Size: 671 1989-90 Initiations: 16 Total Chapter Size: 692 Total Chapter Size: 586 Current Actives: 57 EPSILON THETA Total Chapter Size: 496 DELTA PI (Colorado State University) EPSILON ALPHA Box 810, Lory Student Center, (San Jose State University) (Trinity College) EPSILON OMICRON 175 Carrie Street csu (Stephen F. Austin State 94 Vernon Street Ft. Collins, CO 80523 San Jose, CA 95112 Hartford, CT 06106 University) Advisor: Bruce Johnson Advisor: Philip R. Berkowitz Advisor: John Williams P.O. Box 7421 1989-90 Pledgings: 30 1989-90 Pledgings: 65 Stephen F. Austin University 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 62 Nacogdoches, TX 75962 1989-90 Initiations: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 27 Current Actives: 70 Current Actives: 148 Advisor: Tony Weir Current Actives: 52 Total Chapter Size: 542 Total Chapter Size: 746 Total Chapter Size: 579 1989-90 Pledgings: 50 1989-90 Initiations: 51 EPSILON IOTA Current Actives: 99 DELTA RHO Total Chapter Size: 858 EPSILON BETA (Southeast Missouri State (Linfield College) University) (Valparaiso University) 435 College Avenue c/o Robert Cox 808 Mound EPSILON PI McMinnville, OR 97128 825 Independence Valparaiso, IN 46383 (Sam Houston State University) Advisor: Robert Johnson Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Advisor: Steve Campbell 925 Robinson Road 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 Advisor: Robert Cox 1989-90 Pledgings: 15 Huntsville, TX 77340 1989-90 Initiations: 25 1989-90 Pledgings: 33 1989-90 Initiations: I Advisor: Malcome Willey Current Actives: 60 1989-90 Initiations: 29 Current Actives: 81 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 Total Chapter Size: 559 Current Actives: 81 Total Chapter Size: I ,005 1989-90 Initiations: 14 Total Chapter Size: 919 Current Actives: 46 Total Chapter Size: 644 DELTA SIGMA EPSILON KAPPA (Bradley University) EPSILON GAMMA (Texas Tech University) (Lamar University) 706 North Institute P.O. Box 10080 EPSILON SIGMA Peoria, IL 61606 20 Greek Circle (University of Tennessee-Martin) Lubbock, TX 79416 Lamar University Advisor: Troy Majeski Beaumont, TX 77710 220 Hannings Lane Advisor: Don Boteler Martin, TN 38237 1989-90 Pledgings: 44 Advisor: Martin Benoit 1989-90 Initiations: II 1989-90 Pledgings: 56 Advisor: Timothy Rogers 1989-90 Initiations: 43 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 Current Actives: 112 1989-90 Initiations: 29 1989-90 Pledgings: 46 Total Chapter Size: 758 Current Actives: 135 1989-90 Initiations: 24 Total Chapter Size: I ,209 Current Actives: 53 Total Chapter Size: 623 Current Actives: 77 Total Chapter Size: 761 DELTA TAU (Arizona State University) EPSILON DELTA EPSILON LAMBDA 620 Alpha Drive (University of Nonh Texas) (Murray State University) EPSILON UPSILON Tempe, AZ 85281 P.O. Box 146 P.O. Box 2102 (Gannon University) University Station 515 West 7th Avenue Advisor: Robert L. Francis Denton, TX 76201 Murray, KY 42071 Erie, PA 16502 1989-90 Pledgings: 18 Advisor: Karl Luther Advisor: Joe Chaney Advisor: Bob Howden 1989-90 Initiations: 31 1989-90 Pledgings: 28 Current Actives: 99 1989-90 Initiations: 15 1989-90 Pledgings: 55 1989-90 Pledgings: 34 Total Chapter Size: 945 Current Actives: 55 1989-90 Initiations: 63 1989-90 Initiations: 20 Total Chapter Size: 693 Current Actives: 108 Current Actives: 64 Total Chapter Size: I ,208 Total Chapter Size: 527 DELTA CHI (University of Nebraska-Omaha) EPSILON EPSILON EPSILON MU EPSILON PHI Milo Bail Student Center (University of Toledo) (East Carolina University) (University of Central Arkansas) 62nd and Dodge Street 2955 Dorr Street P.O. Box 3472 Box 5124, UCA Omaha, NE 68132 Toledo, OH 43607 Greenville, NC 27836 Conway, AR 72032 Advisor: Shane Johnston Advisor: Bob Adkins Advisor: David Spatola Advisor: Henry Rogers 1989-90 Pledgings: 35 1989-90 Pledgings: 46 1989-90 Pledgings: 32 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Initiations: 32 1989-90 Initiations: 30 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 52 Current Actives: 58 Current Actives: 78 Current Actives: 78 Current Actives: 89 Total Chapter Size: 726 Total Chapter Size: 563 Total Chapter Size: 419 Total Chapter Size: 898 19 of Pi KDppa Alpha EPSILON Clll ZETA ETA ZETA RHO ETA EPSILON (Pittsburg State University) (University of Arkansas­ (University of North Dakota) (Angelo State University) 1712 S. Broadway little Rock) 2622 University Avenue P.O. Box 3946 Pittsburg, KS 66762 P.O. Box 4556 Grand Forks, ND 58201 San Angelo, TX 76902 Advisor: Ahmad Enyati Little Rock, AR 72214 Advisor: Tom Alinder Advisor: Richard A. McKinney 1989-90 Pledgings: 33 Advisor: Thomas C. Bratton 1989-90 Pledgings: 25 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 1989-90 Initiations: 30 1989-90 Pledgings: 20 1989-90 Initiations: 23 1989-90 Initiations: 21 Current Actives: 49 1989-90 Initiations: 16 Current Actives: 75 Current Actives: 41 Total Chapter Size: 513 Current Actives: 44 Total Chapter Size: 406 Total Chapter Size: 431 Total Chapter Size: 483

EPSILON PSI ZETA SIGMA ETA ZETA (Western Michigan Uni versity) ZETA THETA (Floridn Institute of Technology) (Middle Tennessee State 1000 Oliver Street · (Southwest Texas State College) P.O. Box 520 University) Kalamazoo, MI 49008 1132 Belvin Melbourne, FL 32901 P. 0 . Box 554 Advisor: Scott B. Smith San Marcos, TX 78666 Advisor: Lawrence Greene Murfreesboro, TN 37130 1989-90 Pledgings: 48 Advisor: Pat Jackson 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 Advisor: Troy Baxter 1989-90 Initiations: 40 1989-90 Pledgings: 43 1989-90 Initiations: 18 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 Current Actives: 108 1989-90 Initiations: 27 Current Actives: 55 1989-90 Initiations: 19 Total Chapter Size: 782 Current Actives: 88 Total Chapter Size: 435 Current Actives: 70 Total Chapter Size: 692 Total Chapter Size: 429

EPSILON OMEGA ZETA TAU (East Central University) ZETA KAPPA (Eastern Kentucky University) ETA THETA Box 240, East Central University (Ferris State College) Box 128, Powell Building (Weber State College) Ada, OK 74820 607 South Michigan Richmond, KY 40475 Box 2, Weber State College Big Rapids, MI 49307 Advisor: Dr. James Harris Advisor: Michael W. Parker Ogden, UT 84408 Advisor: Robert D. White 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 Advisor: Dennis Colestock 1989-90 Initiations: 10 1989-90 Pledgings: 67 1989-90 Initiations: 22 1989-90 Pledgings: 36 Current Actives: 43 1989-90 Initiations: 42 Current Actives: 35 1989-90 Initiations: 17 Total Chapter Size: 501 Current Actives: 117 Total Chapter Size: 397 Current Actives: 41 Total Chapter Size: 727 Total Chapter Size: 440

ZETA ALPHA ZETA Pin (GMI Engineering and ZETA MU (University of Missouri-St. Louis) ETA KAPPA Management Institute) (University of Idaho) 8826 Natural Bridge Road (University of South Alabama) 1484 North Linden Road 715 Nez Perce Drive St. Louis, MO 63121 Box U-204 Flint, MI 48532 Moscow, lD 83843 Advisor: Osvaldo (Ozzie) Hunter University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36608 Advisor: Paul Paliani Advisor:- Lee Deobald 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 Advisor: Robert Campbell 1989-90 Pledgings: 48 1989-90 Pledgings: 23 1989-90 Initiations: 21 1989-90 Initiations: 40 1989-90 Initiations: 16 Current Actives: 56 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 Current Actives: 143 Current Actives: 60 Total Chapter Size: 394 1989-90 Initiations: 12 Total Chapter Size: 739 Total Chapter Size: 425 Current Actives: 55 Total Chapter Size: 247 ZETACin ZETA XI (Southwest Missouri State ZETA BETA (Western Carolina University) University) (Delta State University) ETA NU P.O. Box 478 800 S. National P.O. Box 2592 (Northern Illinois University) Cullowhee, NC 28723 Springfield, MO 65804 Cleveland, MS 38733 900 Greenbriar Advisor: Major Dickie Carr Advisor: Dan Kraus DeKalb, IL 60115 Advisor: Arnold Cummins 1989-90 Pledgings: 43 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 Advisor: Elliott Lessen 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Initiations: 25 1989-90 Initiations: 36 1989-90 Initiations: 25 1989-90 Pledgings: 47 Current Actives: 87 Current Actives: 74 Current Actives: 54 1989-90 Initiations: 40 Total Chapter Size: 446 Total Chapter Size: 506 Total Chapter Size: 636 Current Actives: 106 Total Chapter Size: 681

ZETA OMICRON ETA ALPHA ZETA GAMMA (California State-Northridge) (Clemson University) ETA OMICRON (Eastern Illinois University) 1811 1 Nordhoff, Adm. #303 P.O. Box 2127, Clemson (Northeast Louisiana University) 316 University Union Northridge, CA 91330 University Box 5331 , NLU Station Charleston, IL 61920 Advisor: Mark Cardellio Clemson, SC 29632 Monroe, LA 71212 Advisor: David L. Salmond 1989-90 Pledgings: 39 Advisor: Joe Turner Advisor: Tommy Walpole 1989-90 Pledgings: 33 1989-90 Initiations: 33 1989-90 Pledgings: 46 1989-90 Pledgings: 45 1989-90 Initiations: 35 Current Actives: 125 1989-90 Initiations: 58 1989-90 Initiations: 24 Current Actives: 56 Total Chapter Size: 618 Current Actives: 147 Current Actives: 77 Total Chapter Size: 737 Total Chapter Size: 808 Total Chapter Size: 453

ZETA PI ZETA EPSILON (University of South Floridn) ETA BETA ETA RHO (Western Kentucky University) U.C. Box 2428 (Seton Hall University) (Northern Kentucky University) 1430 Chestnut Street University of South Florida, Box 1946, Seton Hall University P.O. Box 263 , NKU Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tampa, FL 33620 South Orange, NJ 07079 Highland Heights, KY 41076 Advisor: Gene Crume Advisor: Vacant 1989-90 Advisor: Richard Booth Advisor: David Placke 1989-90 Pledgings: 23 Pledgings: 66 1989-90 1989-90 Pledgings: 32 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 1989-90 Initiations: 23 Initiations: 61 1989-90 Initiations: 28 1989-90 Initiations: 19 Current Actives: 54 Current Actives: 109 Current Actives: 103 Current Actives: 45 Total Chapter Size: 530 Total Chapter Size: 638 Total Chapter Size: 438 Total Chapter Size 296 20 Shield & Diamond ETA SIGMA THETA DELTA THETA MU THETA TAU (West Georgia College) (Francis Marion College) (Un iversity of Massachusells) (California State-Sacramento) Box 10056 P. 0 . Box 7053, Box I 418 North Pleasant Box 24, CSUS West Georgia College Florence, SC 2950 I Amherst, MA 01002 Sacramento, CA 95819 Carrollton, GA 30 118 Advisor: Alan Deaver Advisor: John P. Anderson, Jr Advisor: Jeff Hoffman Advisor: Frank Ingui 1989-90 Pledgings: 26 1989-90 Pledgings: 26 1989-90 Pledgings: 18 1989-90 Pledgings: 49 1989-90 Initiations: 16 1989-90 Initiations: 31 1989-90 Initiations: 9 1989-90 Initiations: 43 Current Actives: 58 Current Actives : 83 Current Actives: 53 Current Actives: Ill Total Chapter Size: 285 Total Chapter Size: 378 Total Chapter Size: 290 Total Chapter Size: 615

THETA EPSILON ETA TAU THETA NU THETA UPSILON (Northeast Oklahoma (Austin Peay State University) (Baylor Uni versity) (Tennessee Tech University) State University) Box 4637, APSU Box 5603 , Student Union 511 North Peachtree Av enue Box 341 , NSU Clarksville, TN 37044 Baylor University Cookeville, TN 38501 Administration Building Waco, TX 76798 Advisor: Shannon Hogan Advisor: Dr. Evans Brown Tahlequah, OK 74464 Advisor: Thomas Newsom 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 Advisor: Charles Noble 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Initiations: 20 1989-90 Pledgings : 26 1989-90 Initiations: 20 1989-90 Pledgings: 23 Current Actives: 49 1989-90 Initiations: 4 Current Actives: 73 1989-90 Initiations: 12 Total Chapter Size: 623 Current Actives: 105 Total Chapter Size: 204 Current Actives: 43 Total Chapter Size: 378 Total Chapter Size: 278 ETA UPSILON (Uni versity of Texas-Arlington) THETA PID THETA XI (Wichita State University) 718 West Abram THETA ZETA (East Texas State Uni versity) Arlington, TX 76013 (University of Northern Iowa) 3912 East 21 st #30 P.O. Box 0 , East Texas Station Wichita, KS 67220 Advisor: Dr. Fredrick R. Jenkins 2320 College Street Commerce, TX 75428 Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Advisor: Brent Tener 1989-90 Pledgings: 30 Advisor: Lowell Perry 1989-90 Initiations: 25 Advisor: Steven S. Schumburg 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 1989-90 Initiations: 9 Current Actives: 45 1989-90 Pledgings: 22 1989-90 Initiations: 19 Total Chapter Size: 334 1989-90 Initiations: 18 Current Actives : 34 Current Actives : 49 Total Chapter Si ze: 153 Current Actives: 50 Total Chapter Size: 339 ETAPID Total Chapter Size: 221 (Uni versity of Central Florida) THETA CID University of Central Florida THETA OMICRON THETA ETA (Villanova Uni versity) Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House (Indiana State Uni versity) (Loyola-Marymount University) c/o Office of Student Activities Suite 13 P.O. Box 1868 P.O. Box 97 2 14 D()ugharty Hall Orlando, FL 32816 Terre Haute, IN 47808 7101 West 80th Street Villanova, PA 19085 Advisor: Jim Brownell Advisor: Ralph Streamline Los Angeles, CA 90045 Advisor: Howard Goldstein 1989-90 Pledgings: 49 1989-90 Pledgings: 55 Advisor: Tony Leoni 1989-90 Pledgings : 38 1989-90 Initiations: 48 1989-90 Initiations: 41 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Initiations: 36 Current Actives: 133 Current Actives: I 33 1989-90 Initiations: 45 Current Actives: 122 Total Chapter Size: 587 Total Chapter Size: 589 Current Actives: 73 Total Chapter Size: 278 Total Chapter Size 310 THETA ALPHA THETA PI (University of North Alabama) THETA PSI Box 5350 THETA THETA (University of Alabama-Huntsville) (Chapman College) University of North Alabama (Texas A&M) 333 North Glassell Florence, AL 35630 301 Bittle P. 0 . Box 7048 Huntsville, AL 35807 Orange, CA 92666 Advisor: Scott Lovelace Bryan, TX 77803 Advisor: Josh 0. Kell y, ill Advisor: Walter Larson 1989-90 Pledgings: 32 Advisor: Joe Kiely 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 1989-90 Pledgings : 14 1989-90 Initiations: 16 1989-90 Pledgings: 20 1989-90 Initiations: 21 Current Actives: 46 1989-90 Initiations: 15 I 989-90 Initiations: 14 Current Acti ves : 36 Current Actives: 34 Total Chapter Size: 306 Current Actives: 88 Total Chapter Size: 129 Total Chapter Size: 425 Total Chapter Size: 207 THETA BETA (University of Montevallo) THETA OMEGA THETA KAPPA THETA RHO P.O. Drawer R (Un iversity of California-Davis) (Indiana University Southeast) (Northern Arizona Un iversity) University of Montevallo I 00 Parkway Circle 420 I Grantline Road 517 South Agassiz, Unit I Montevallo, AL 35115 Davis, CA 95616 New Albany , IN 47150 Flagstaff, AZ 8600 I Advisor: Lynn Gurganus Advisor: Dr. William Sims Advisor: Kenneth Robbeloth Advisor: Carl Schwimmer 1989-90 Pledgings: 19 1989-90 Pledgings: 30 1989-90 Pledgings: 15 1989-90 Pledgings : 31 1989-90 Initiations: 0 1989-90 Initiations: 41 1989-90 Initiations: 17 I 989-90 Initiations: 23 Current Actives: 54 Current Actives: 94 Current Actives: 40 Current Actives: 59 Total Chapter Size: 246 Total Chapter Size: 2 17 Total Chapter Size: 207 Total Chapter Size: 272

THETA GAMMA (Georgia College) THETA LAMBDA THETA SIGMA IOTA ALPHA 331 West Montgomery (Creighton University) (Winthrop College) (Uni versity of Wyoming) Georgia College 3 I00 Chicago Street 1055 Park Avenue Ext. I 550 Fraternity Park Milledgeville, GA 31061 Omaha, NE 681 31 Rock Hill , SC 29730 Laramie, WY 82070 Advisor: Van Murphy Advisor: Rick Strub Advisor: William E. Berry , Jr Advisor: Noel Griffith 1989-90 Pledgings: 36 1989-90 Pledgings: 32 I 989-90 Pledgings: 32 1989-90 Pledgings: 42 1989-90 Initiations: 13 1989-90 Initiations: 30 I 989-90 Initiations: 30 1989-90 Initiations 48 Current Actives: 63 Current Actives: 122 Current Actives: 66 Current Actives: 94 Total Chapter Size: 310 Total Chapter Size: 567 Total Chapter Size: 253 Total Chapter Size: 161 of Pi Kappa Alpha 21 IOTA BETA IOTA IOTA UNIVERSITY OF Rocky Mountain (University of California-Fresno) (Michigan State) MONTANA COLONY Alumni Association P.O. Box 16069 335 Hillcrest 1820 Charlotte Charles Cortese Fresno , CA 93755 East Lansing, Ml 48826 Missoula, MT 59801 3234 South Gregg Court Advisor: Mike Kuptz Advisor: Daniel Tibbets Advisor: Tom Pew Denver, CO 80210 1989-90 Pledgings: 18 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 1989-90 Pledgings: 27 1989-90 Initiations: 16 1989-90 Initiations: 49 Current Actives: 22 San Fernando Valley Current Actives: 71 Current Actives: 82 Total Chapter Size: 22 Association Total Chapter Size: 143 Total Chapter Size: 124 Raymond Niesslein 18111 Nordhoff Street SANTA CLARA Northridge, CA 91330 IOTA GAMMA IOTA KAPPA UNIVERSITY COLONY (University of Box 3085, Santa Clara University (Kearney State College) DELAWARE: 1906 West 24th Street California-Santa Barbara) Santa Clara, CA 95053 Kearney, NE 68847 760 Embarcadero del Norte #12 Advisor: Chad Krakow Isla Vista, CA 93117 Delaware Alumni Association Advisor: Randy Jensen 1989-90 Pledgings: 62 Advisor: Scott Gorsich Bill Hitchens 1989-90 Pledgings: 26 Current Actives: 57 Total Chapter Size: 57 140 F Chestnut Crossing Drive 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Pledgings: 37 Newark, DE 19713 Current Actives: 68 1989-90 Initiations: 88 Total Chapter Size: 117 Current Actives: 96 ST. JOSEPH'S COLONY Total Chapter Size: 88 St. Joseph's University FLORIDA: 303 Neumann Hall IOTA DELTA IOTA LAMBDA 5600 City Line South Florida Alumni (Rose-Hulman Institute (Columbia University) Philadelphia, PA 19131 Association of Technology) #606 East Campus 1989-90 Pledgings: 42 clo Gregg Ormond Box 185 Columbia University Current Actives: 42 306 Alcazar A venue 5500 Wabash Avenue New York, NY 10027 Total Chapter Size: 42 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Terre Haute, IN 47803 Advisor: Bruce Wolfson Advisor: William C. Carls Tampa Bay Alumni Association 1989-90 Pledgings: 21 UCLA COLONY 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 Lee A. Anderson, President 1989-90 Initiations: 61 c/o Steve Daetz 1989-90 Initiations: 28 14615 Turtle Creek Circle #604 Current Actives: 61 250 Deneve Dr. Current Actives: 90 Lutz, FL 33549 Total Chapter Size: 61 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Total Chapter Size: 121 1989-90 Pledgings: Current Actives: GEORGIA: IOTA MU Total Chapter Size: IOTA EPSILON (Southern Illinois) Atlanta Alumni Club (Long Beach State University) P.O. Box 3233 David Chandler 8022 Dawn Circle Carbondale, IL 62901 Lapalma, CA 90623-2055 THE ALUMNI 143 Eason Way Advisor: Robert Brown Mableton, GA 30059 Advisor: Jim Langl~is ASSOCIATIONS: 1989-90 Pledgings: 79 1989-90 Pledgings: 29 (The following associates paid 1989-90 Initiations: 72 dues for the 1989-90 fiscal year.) ILLINOIS: 1989-90 Initiations: 37 Current Actives: 74 Current Actives: 78 Total Chapter Size: 72 Total Chapter Size: 103 ALABAMA: Northern Dlinois University Alumni Association IOTA NU David Hochberg, President IOTA ZETA (St. Louis University) Theta Beta Alumni Association 9001 West Oaks (Randolph Macon College) 2409 Indian Tree Run Tony Fiore Des Plaines, IL 60016 Box 1026, Randolph Macon Glencoe, MO 63038 P.O. Drawer R Montevallo, AL 35115 Ashland, VA 23005 Advisor: Thomas R. Galganski INDIANA: Advisor: Ray Blum 1989-90 Pledgings: 41 Upsilon Alumni Association 1989-90 Pledgings: 15 1989-90 Initiations: 56 Rose-Hulman Alumni Dave Dyson 1989-90 Initiations: 13 Current Actives: 66 Association Birmingham-Southern College Current Actives: 49 Total Chapter Size: 56 Jeffrey L. Martin 808th Avenue West Total Chapter Size: 79 310 East Sycamore Birmingham, AL 35254 laTA XI Warsaw, IN 46580 (University of Chicago) IOTA ETA 3509 S. Regents Park ARKANSAS: Indianapolis Area (University of Nevada-Reno) 5050 Lake Shore Drive Alumni Association P.O. Box 13121 Chicago, IL 60615 Richard Russell Reno, NV 89507 Northwest Arkansas Advisor: Dr. Robert Schluter Alumni Association 10660 Eller Road Advisor: Charles Weisheimer 1989-90 Pledgings: 17 Bob Wardlow Fisher, IN 46038 1989-90 Pledgings: 33 1989-90 Initiations: 34 College of Engineering 1989-90 Initiations: 16 3165 Bell Engineering Center Current Actives : 41 IOWA: Current Actives: 44 Total Chapter Size: 34 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Total Chapter Size: 70 Alpha Phi Alumni Association THE COWNIES: Zeta Eta Alumni Association Mike Risk IOTA THETA P.O. Box 56352 clo Pi Kappa Alpha Union (California Polytechnic DELTA ALPHA COLONY Little Rock, AR 72205 Ames , Iowa 50010 State University) (George Washington University) P. 0 . Box 4525 Box 25A CALIFORNIA: KANSAS: San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 800 21st NW , Suite 294 Advisor: Ted Nicholas Washington, D.C. 20052 Orange County Alpha Omega Alumni 1989-90 Pledgings: 32 Advisor: S. Woodruff Bentley, Sr Alumni Association Association 1989-90 Initiations: 27 1989-90 Pledgings: 33 Clarke Fairbrother Bob Pulford Current Actives: 83 Current Actives: 64 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 385 1637 Virginia Total Chapter Size: 92 Total Chapter Size: 64 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Manhattan, KS 66502 22 Shield & Diamond Alumni Association MISSOURI: Toledo Alumni Association Epsilon Omicron of Central Kansas David Lewis Alumni Association Carl L. Harris Cape Girardeau 818 Lafayette Boulevard Charles Goldstein 1552 South Laura Alumni Association Bowling Green, OH 43402 2427 Shady Brook Wichita, KS 67211 Robert Cox Houston , TX 77084 825 Independence OKLAHOMA: KENTUCKY: Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Tulsa Alumni Association San Angelo Alumni Association NEW JERSEY: Bill Vogle William C. Ivy Kappa Chapter clo Subcon, lnc. P.O. Box 3946 Alumni Association San Angelo, TX 76903 Keith Newman Memorial 335 Freeport Trade Center, Thomas B. Ashford Alumni Association 3168 South 108th East Avenue c/o Pieratt's Inc. Richard E. Booth, President Tulsa, OK 74146-1603 933 Winchester Road Theta Xi Alumni Association P. 0 . Box 155 Phillip McLeod Lexington, KY 40505 OREGON: Piscataway, NJ 08854 4504 West Pioneer #80 Irving, TX 75061 Omega Alumni Association NEW YORK: Corvallis Alumni Association Anthony Caudill Steve Uerlings -875 Franklin Road , Apt. 1534 Epsilon Alpha Alumni 3729 N.W. Oleander Place VIRGINIA: Marietta, GA 30067 Association Corvallis, OR 97330-3337 Christopher L. Allen PENNSYLVANIA: Alpha Chapter Alumni LOUISIANA: 530 E. 86th Street New York, NY 10028 Association Steel City Alumni Association Robert S. Michel 513 Rugby Road Eta Omicron Alumni NORTH CAROLINA: S. Jeffrey Konois Association 136 Kelly Ridge Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 Tom Walpole, Jr. New Kensington, PA 15068 3900 Bon Aire Pikes of Charlotte John P. Black Monroe, LA 71203 Theta Chi Alumni Association Iota Zeta Alumni Association P.O. Box 1484 Dr. Robert Langran James E. Himes, Jr. Matthews, NC 28105 P.O. Box 3029, Kennedy Hall 1752 Dogwood Drive Lafay~tte Area Alumni Villanova University Alexandria , VA 22302 Association Zeta Xi Alumni Association Villanova, PA 19087 Vernon H. Moret, Jr. P.O. Box 165 P.O. Box 2069 Cullowhee, NC 28723 WASIDNGTON: Lafayette, LA 70502 SOUTH CAROLINA: OIDO: Theta Delta Alumni Association Gamma Xi Alumni Association South Louisiana Jimmy Street Doug Thomas Alumni Association Buckeye Alumni Association 1217 Clarendon Avenue 2428 Boyer Avenue E. Mark D. Daniel Larry F. McVey Florence, SC 29501 Seattle, WA 98112 3745 Ridgelake Drive #I 2220 Cheltenham Road Metairie, LA 70002 Columbus, OH 43221 TENNESSEE: WEST VIRGINIA: MARYLAND: Delta Beta Alumni Association Memphis Alumni Association Michael R. Clancy, Jr. David Van Hoozer 2531 Clague Road 6602 Pidgeon Woods Cove Alpha Theta Alumni Delta Psi Alumni Association Westlake, OH 44145 Memphis, TN 38119 Association D.avid A. Crow James P. Chipps 6728 Deerspring Lane Epsilon Xi Alumni Association Theta Alumni Association 400 Fowler Street Middletown, MD 21769 John Dolinsky P.O. Box 41113 Clarksburg, WV 26301-3314 1000 W. Schaaf Road Memphis, TN 38124 Cleveland, OH 44109 MICIDGAN: River Cities Alumni Association TEXAS: 6255 Division Road Gamma Omicron Zeta Kappa Alumni Association Huntington, WV 25702 Alumni Association Alpha Omicron Ken Karsten Ronald J. Schuff Alumni Association 1431 Forest Hill SE 228 Fair Street Mark Danheim Grand Rapids, Ml 49506 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Berea, OH 44017 110 Lake Road #720 Lake Jackson, TX 77566 Mid Michigan Alumni .Southland Hall Washington D.C. Area Association Alumni Association Beta Zeta Alumni Association Alumni Association John N. Allen Jim Sparrow Jeff Kaye Joe Pavelka P.O. Box 78 141 Man-0-War Court P.O. Box 214508 P.O. Box 14078 Ithaca, MI 48847 Crestview Hills, KY 41017 Waller, TX 75221 Washington, D.C. 20044

of Pi Kappa Alpha 23 Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation

- Alumni supporting scholastic achievement, leadership training and personal development since 1948.

1989-90 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1989-90 has beeri a year of considerable change for the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation. These changes are important in themselves, and they reflect the new substantive directions we are beginning to take. A summary of those changes follows this introduction. But our most important undertaking has been a renewed assess­ ment of the Foundation mission and direction and of plans to meet the challenges of the 1990's and beyond.

The Foundation Trustees are looking carefully at what it will take to provide the financial support necessary to continue the Fraternity's vital educational programs William N. LaForge Thomas C. Tillar, Jr. in the years ahead. (Zeta Beta '69) (Epsilon '71) President President -Elect For us to meet future needs, we will have to depend more than ever before on con­ tributions from our alumni, all of whom have a vested interest in the role of the Foun­ dation. We will continue an aggressive fund-raising program to support our activities, and we will continue to turn to outstanding alumni volunteers - exemplified by our trustees who guide the Foundation.

What follows is a compendium of the year's activities. We welcome your input and we invite you to join us in continuing the strong financial support that the Fraternity so badly needs.

R. Craig Hoenshell Thomas E. Musselman (Delta Chi "63) (Delta Gamma '49) Respectfully submitted by Treasurer Secretary

William N. LaForge President Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation

Joseph R. Brown John J. Lisher (Beta Gamma '50) (Delta Zeta '71) Trustee Trustee

Gary E. Menchhofer Dr. William R. Nester Pike Powers, IV Joseph J. Thrner Thomas J. Thrner Thomas W. Wade, Jr. (A lpha Xi '65) (A lpha Xi '47) (Epsilon Kappa '60) (Eta Alpha '70) (Epsilon Gamma '67) (Zeta "53) Trustee Tru stee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee

24 Shield & Diamond 1989,90 Annual Report

hange" is the word that best describes 1989-1990 for the Pi ''C. Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation. The most obvious chang.e that occurred during the year is in the Foundation's name. Originally chartered in 1948 as the Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial Foundation, the organization's board of trustees unanimously approved in April the new name of Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation. The new name is expected to more clearly describe the Foundation's mission to provide financial assistance to student members of the Fraternity through scholarships and student loans, and to support leadership training programs of the Fraternity. Jeffrey M. Abraham (Delta Tau '72) Executive Officer In keeping with a desire to more clearly define the Foundation's purpose, the trustees also adopted a motto for the Foundation: ''Alumni supporting scholastic achievement, leadership training and personal development since 1948. '' It will appear on Founda­ tion letterheads, brochures and other printed materials. The trustees are hopeful that the new name and motto will result in all Fraternity members, students and alumni alike, more clearly understanding the importance of alumni donations to the Founda­ tion and the subsequent benefits provided to the student members of Pi Kappa Alpha.

A significant organizational change also occurred in 1989-90. The board of trustees approved expanding the board to fifteen members, serving three-year terms. Subse­ Scott A. Russell quently, five trustees will be elected or re-elected each year. (Beta Gamma '85) Annual Fund Director The 1989-90 year was also the first full year that the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Fund (formerly known as the Endowment Fund) was part of the Foundation. Previously a functioning unit of the Fraternity, the Fund was transferred in its entirety to the Foundation in March, 1989. The Fund is managed by the Educational Fund Com­ mission, which is chaired by John J. Lux (Theta '53) and includes Garth Grissom (Alpha Omega '49) and Thomas Wilkinson (Eta Theta '71) . The commissioners in­ vest the Fund's monies in stocks, mutual funds, government obligations, etc. on behalf of the Foundation. The annual earnings from the Fund's investments are then made available to support the Foundation's programs. At year end the Fund's value was approximately $1.5 million. John J. Lux (!hera '53) Educational Fund Nowhere is change more evident than in the Foundation staff. After four years with Commission Chairman the Foundation, Executive Officer Louis B. Quinto (Beta Phi '79) left the staff to begin a fund-raising consulting career in Atlanta, Georgia. Quinto was succeeded by Jeffrey M. Abraham (Delta Tau '72) in December. Abraham returned to the staff after a thirteen-year absence, having served the Fraternity as a chapter consultant in 1975-76. Todd A. Allard (Alpha Phi '84) coordinated the Annual Fund, phone-a­ thon and alumni activities throughout the year, but was succeeded in his position near year-end by new Annual Fund Director, Scott A. Russell (Beta Gamma '85), who had just completed a year with the Fraternity as a chapter consultant.

Garth Grissom Tom Wilkinson (A lpha Omega '49) (Era Thera '71) Continued on next page Educational Fund Commissioners of Pi Kappa Alpha 25 1989-90 SCHOLARSIDP RECIPIENTS

A. Frank Smith Award (A lpha Eta) Jack Van Fossen Scholarship Gorden & Priscilla Duncan James O'Leary '88 ...... $ 162.50 (Alpha Xi) Academic Award (Beta Nu) Tim Ehresman '86 ...... $ 850.00 Steve Roth '86/0regon State .. $ 500.00 Alpha Gamma Scholarship Garrick Lane Martin '86 . . . $ 700.00 John Horne Memorial Sosnowy Award (Epsilon Gamma) Academic Award (Gamma Alpha) Jarrod Rogers '88 ...... $ 500.00 Alpha Omega Alumni David Brent Wyper '88 ..... $ 325.00 Academic Award Gregory Skaggs '88 ...... $ 700.00 John Lisher Scholarship (Delta Xi) Don Wise Award (Epsilon Gamma) Montgomery McClain '87 ... $ 700.00 Michael Behforouz '86 . .... $ 175.00 Scott Peters '89 ...... $ 500.00

Fred Anderson Award John P. McGovern, M.D. (for Smythe Chapters) Bob Reddin Leadership Scholarship (Alpha Alpha) Extraordinary Performance Award University of Colorado .... . $1 ,250.00 Karim Kamel Refaey '86 . . . . $ 320.00 Allen Riggs '88 ...... $ 500.00 Russell Heinrich '89 ...... $ 300.00 Arthur Bowes Memorial Academic Award (Beta Phi) General Robert Blount Nick Cappas '87 ...... $ 240.00 Lee Slater Memorial Scholarship Academic Award (Alpha Iota) (Beta Chi) Howard Liebengood '88 .... $ 240.00 John Hawkins '86 ...... $ 250.00 Karl Haussmann '88 ...... $ 120.00 Scott Abdallah '88 ...... $ 900.00 Joel Carter '87 ...... $ 100.00 Bruce C. Ducat Jeff Langston '87 ...... $ 100.00 William M. McKissack Scholarship (All Alabama Chapters) Leadership Award (Alpha Chi) Mark Davis '90 ...... $ 50.00 Randy Riley '87 ...... $1,000.00 Edward Pease '88 ...... $ 250.00 Walt Quinn '87 ...... $ 50.00 Scott Bonebrake '89 ...... $ 50.00 Ed Schrader '89 ...... $ 50.00 Michael Dever David Hilton Dyson Leadership Award (Alpha Xi) John McMahon '88 ...... $ 50.00 Leadership Award (Upsilon) William Lembright '88 .. . .. $ 850.00 Rick Thomas '89 ...... $ 50.00 James Bailey, ill '87 ...... $ 250.00 Mike Stuertz '87 ...... $ 50.00 Quentin L. Richard Karl Haussman '88 ...... $ 50.00 Academic Award (Iota Kappa) Robert E. Hardaway Academic Award (Alpha Omicron) Scott Greenfield '89 ...... $ 325 .00 Billy Dial Award (Alpha Eta) Stuart D. Colburn '88 ...... $ 500.00 Dean Marino '89 ...... $ 325.00 Mark Russell '88 ...... $ 17 5.00 Augustus B. Hill David B. Judd Memorial Scholarship Robert C. Williamson Leadership Award (Theta) (Delta Zeta) Academic Award (Gamma Lambda) Clifford Edward Rich '88 . .. $ 500.00 · Bennie Warren Loper '90 ... $ 315 .00 Ken Frank Lynch '88 ...... $ 200.00 Brian Dalrymple '88 ...... $ 500.00 Delta Xi Memorial Fund Jenks Robertson Jeff Barton '87 ...... $ 275 .00 Memorial Scholarship (Epsilon) James S. Long, Jr. Keith Marine '86 ...... $ 200.00 Academic Award (Delta Sigma) Joanna Pease Scholarship Sean Kennealy '86 ...... $ 200.00 Michael Spitalli '86 ...... $ 500.00 (Theta Omicron) Paul Brettner '85 ...... $ 500.00 Benjamin Reberger, Jr. '88 .. $ 500.00 Jeffrey S. Roschman Award Todd Jochem '87 ...... $ 500.00 (Alpha Eta) Roger Nicholson '88 ...... $ 175 .00 T.S. Sotos Gamma Chapter Fund Leadership Award (Beta Pi) Reed J. Slogoff '87 ...... $ 250.00 Michael Grill '88 ...... $ 200.00 Thomas Tillar Scholarship (Epsilon) William Tyrrell '87 ...... $ 400.00 Bram Govaars Scholarship Tom W. Wade (Gamma Delta) Leadership Award (Zeta) Devon Bream '88 ...... $ 600.00 William C. Parrish, Jr. Memorial Leadership Award (Alpha) Brett Shaw '88 ...... $ 250.00 Tom Husselman George Zorn, ill '87 ...... $ 425 .00 Extraordinary Performance Award Richard F. Ogle (Iota Delta) Jerry Yachabach Award (Eta Alpha) Leadership Award James L. Elkin '88 ...... $ 850.00 Roger Kozlin '89 ...... $ 375 .00 James W. Davis '88 ...... $ 500.00

26 Shield & Diamond The Foundation support staff underwent similar change as Grace Harrison took over the position of accounting coordinator in May, replacing Mindy Wood , and Cindy Hardy succeed­ Foundation Seeks ed Melody Alberson, who had served as administrative assistant since 1984. These changes represent a 100% turnover of full-time Foundation staff in just the last half of the year. Artifacts, Memorabilia The Foundation's programs remained relatively stable compared to the other areas of the The Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation. Over 60 endowed and unendowed scholarships totaling nearly $22,000.00 were Foundation is seeking Fraternity ar­ awarded in 1989-90. Scholarships ranged from $50.00 to $1,250.00 and recognized both academic tifacts and memorabilia for display in and leadership excellence. A list of scholarship recipients appears on the opposite page. the Freeman H. Hart Museum in the Memorial Headquarters building. Several available scholarships received no applicants and were not awarded. Numerous other Chapters and alumni are encouraged scholarship accounts have been established but have yet to reach the funding level required to donate such memorabilia to the to actually provide an award, or were established during 1989-90 and will begin providing awards Foundation. Among other things, in 1990-91. memorabilia sought include historical documents (e.g., original charters and minutes), items that were or are The Foundation continues to offer loans to qualified student members of the Fraternity. Dur­ presently owned by the Fraternity's ing the past year, $17,350.00 was provided to eleven members. This brings to nearly 300 the highest achievers (e.g. , Distinguished total number of members who received student loans in the 1980's, with nearly $19"0,000.00 Achievement Award winners, Order of loaned. West Range inductees, etc.) and items used by members who served the coun­ The Foundation's honor society program received a boost during the year in the form of try's military branches during our a $30,000.00 gift from Foundation Treasurer R. Craig Hoenshell (Delta Chi '63). Hoenshell's various wars. gift endows the Foundation's effort to provide financial awards to cover the cost of any Frater­ The Museum currently provides nity member's initiation into Phi Beta Kappa and the purchase of a Phi Beta Kappa golden key. substantial space for display of Frater­ nity artifacts. It is visited by thousands of undergraduates and alumnus The· Powers Award recognizes the Fraternity's outstanding graduating senior. All aspects of brothers annually. Due to the nature of the collegiate experience are considered when making this award, from academic performance the Museum, however, the Foundation to campus involvement and from Fraternity background to community service. Jeffrey Adix cannot guarantee that all donated items (Delta Omicron '85) received the award for 1989-90 while five other outstanding individuals will be displayed. If you have questions were named as finalists for the award. Each received a plaque and a cash scholarship (See regarding a possible donation, please list on page 28). contact Executive Officer Jeff Abraham at 8347 West Range Cove, Continued on next page Memphis, TN 38125. Donations may be sent to that same address.

Established scholarship funds from which no awards were made in 1989-90 included: Trustee Menchhofer Delta Epsilon Award Dean Kimmel Memorial Award Gives Deferred Gift T.C. Gibbs Leadership Award David Edwards Percifield Award Foundation Trustee, Past National (Gamma Iota) (Beta Gamma) President, and Capital Campaign Chairman Gary Menchhofer (Alpha Xi Gary A. Gieser Leadership Award Col. Richard C. Robbins Memorial '65) has purchased a life insurance (Alpha Rho) Leadership Award policy on behalf of the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation. According to Jack Kennedy Academic Award Michael Yester accepted charitable giving practices, (Beta Gamma) Memorial Scholarship Menchhofer named the Educational Paul Meaders Leadership Award Delta Mu Scholarship Foundation as both owner and co­ beneficiary of the $100,000 policy. (Alpha) Delta Zeta Chapter Fund Alpha Xi Chapter's College Educa­ Coulter Sublett Leadership Award Iota Gamma Scholarship tional and Charitable Foundation is the (Beta Mu) other policy beneficiary. Jack Lux Scholarship Menchhofer will pay the policy's an­ Joe Thomas Leadership Award Lynn Mulherin Scholarship nual premium, which will be tax­ (Beta Sigma) Thomas Johnson Memorial Fund deductible within the guidelines of the George Denton Award (Alpha Nu) Internal Revenue Service. Emmett Reagan Scholarship Menchhofer is president and owner Alumni Association (Gamma) of Mench, Inc. Realtors, a real estate Academic Award firm located in Cincinnati, Ohio. He Zeta Chapter Scholarship has served on the Foundation Board of Jerome V. Reel, Jr. Academic Bubba Jones/Larry Jackson Trustees since the completion of his Scholarship (Eta Alpha) Memorial Fund term as National President in 1988. He and his wife, Laura, have two children, J. Allison Ballenger Jack Jackson Scholarship Troy and Becky. Leadership Award Dan McGehee Scholarship

of Pi Kappa Alpha 27 For many years, the Foundation has supported the Fraternity's leadership and personal develop­ ment programs. 1989-90 was no exception as Foundation funds were provided for the Fraterni­ Powers Award ty 's Officers Leadership Academy, attended by over 550 undergraduates and advisors, sixteen Recipients Regional Leadership Conferences, attended by over 2,000 undergraduates and alumni, and the annual SMC Conference, at which 145 chapters and six colonies were represented. Jeffrey Adix (Delta Omicron '85) ...... $1 ,000.00 Scholarships were also provided to three graduate students who served in an advisory capacity at a local chapter. The Leadership Scholarship Consultants in 1989-90 were: FINALISTS T.R. Massey (Delta Iota '87) David Laird (Alpha Iota '85) Alpha Rho Chapter - Ohio State University ...... $ 250.00 Steve Vincent (Alpha Nu '83) Delta Mu Chapter - Southern Mississippi University Stanley Longhofer (lheta Phi '85) ...... $ 250.00 Jot Carpenter (Delta Gamma '84) Delta Beta Chapter- Bowling Green State University William Ogle (Alpha Xi '85) In 1989-90, nine individuals were selected to receive the Order of West Range, the Founda­ ...... $ 250.00 tion's most prestigious honor. The Order was established in 1986 to recognize alumni members of the Fraternity who have distinguished themselves in their career and/or in service to their Brian Wiedower (Delta Theta '87) community and/or Pi Kappa Alpha. The Order also underwent some revisions during the year...... $ 250.00 In future years, a maximum of six living alumni may be selected for membership. The Foun­ dation's board of trustees also approved a maximum of six posthumous selections each year. Thor Roundy (GammaEpsilon '84) ...... $ 250.00 In 1987, after much research and discussion by both staff members and volunteer leaders, the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation embarked on an ambitious three-year fund-raising campaign entitled The Campaign for Pi Kappa Alpha. The Campaign was divided Into five funding priorities: undergraduate recognition, leadership development, direct chapter grants, the Memorial Headquarters building and Annual Fund support. Each component was divided The 1989 into several sub-categories. The campaign sought to fund programs both through current sup­ Order of West Range port and through endowments. Class As mentioned earlier in this report, Foundation Treasurer Craig Hoenshell (Delta Chi '63) Hubert M. " Hubie" Green endowed the honor society component of our undergraduate recognition priority. Numerous (Delta Lambda '65) other alumni made sizeable gifts to establish scholarships on behalf of their respective chapters.

Robert C. " Bobby" Bowden Former National President Roy Hickman (Beta Delta '22), Mrs. Lucille Beeson (widow of Dwight Beeson - Beta Kappa '20) and Tom Rast (Gamma Alpha '42) made substantial gifts (Alpha Pi '49) in 1989-90 toward endowing the Fraternity's annual SMC Conference. Bennett A. Brown The Chapter Challenge resulted in over $75,000.00 in pledges from 50 undergraduate chapters (Mu '47) toward the construction of the Memorial Headquarters building. To date, approximately 50% of these pledges have been fulfilled . The new building, dedicated in August of 1988, has already Dr. P. Roy Vagelos hosted thousands of guests at Fraternity functions, ceremonies and tours. It is recognized as (Beta Pi '48) one of the finest facilities in the fraternity world.

Frank F. Sinkwich The Annual Fund continues to provide funding for the day-to-day operations of the Founda­ (Alpha Mu '41) tion in administering the many educational programs offered to undergraduates. A complete review of the Annual Fund in 1989-90 is included elsewhere in this report. Charles A. Bowsher (Beta Eta '50) The Campaign has resulted in many important achievements, just some of which are described here. The pre-Campaign efforts successfully delineated many of the Fraternity's needs for the Dr. John P. McGovern coming years and assigned funding levels required for each. These will continue to be goals (Alpha Alpha '40) even after the Campaign closes.

A.B. " Happy" Chandler The needs of the Fraternity were successfully communicated to our alumni. This was the (Kappa '19) first time that such a comprehensive needs statement was outlined for our alumni brothers.

Leo A. Hoegh Prospect identification and donor cultivation reached new levels of success. The Fraternity (Gamma Nu '29) is now in a position to embark on a donor solicitation effort at levels previously unthinkable.

Record levels of giving have been established. The Campaign resulted in numerous gifts that exceeded the previous highest single gifts ever recorded.

28 Shield & DUzmond The Foundation has also entered more aggressively into the area of planned giving or defer­ red gifts. This area of giving offers a bright future for making significant gifts. They are equal­ Gifts of Appreciated ly attractive and affordable to alumni of all ages and income levels. Property Sensible It is now our hope that all brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha understand the need for their con­ Charitable Giving tinued support. The Campaign has been a significant step in the Foundation's maturation pro­ cess. However, it is only one step of many that must follow. It is time for all Pi Kappa Alphas The Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation accepts gifts of appreciated to "seize the opportunity" that lies ahead as the Fraternity strives to become all that was envi­ property, most commonly stocks. This sioned by the founding fathers and to surpass that vision again and again. type of charitable gift can often pro­ vide substantial tax benefits to the One of the five goals of The Campaign for Pi Kappa Alpha was to generate greater awareness donor as gifts of appreciated long-term and support of the Annual Fund, the fund that provides the Educational Foundation with its (one full year or longer) capital gain daily operating budget. During 1989-90 the Educational Foundation mailed over 82,000 let­ property are deductible at full fair ters, contacted almost 10,000 alumni by telephone, and generated $221,088.66 in donations with market value, even though the unrealiz­ $36,904.00 additional in unfulfilled pledges. ed gain is not taxable. To take advantage of stock apprecia­ A majority of alumni were contacted through direct mail efforts. Eight major mailings took tion without paying taxes on such place, totaling 82,984 letters. The largest solicitation took place in October of 1989 when 19,696 stocks that you may hold, you may alumni received letters seeking continued support of the Annual Fund. These outstanding brothers donate the stocks directly to the Foun­ dation. With such a donation you avoid answered the call, providing $34,508.00 for the Fund. One month earlier 13,506 alumni received the capital gains tax and receive a tax letters. This mailing resulted in $39,176.30 in donations. Special thanks goes out to the alumni deduction for the full market value at who gave to the Foundation's Annual Fund more than once. In addition to their initial support, the same time. 421 alumni provided $17,784.45 in additional gifts. If you wish to make such a gift, please send the endorsed certificate(s) Two major telemarketing efforts took place during 1989-1990. In September alumni and in an envelope separate from the sign­ undergraduates in the Terre Haute, Indiana area took to the telephones. The undergraduates, ed stock power. If possible, have your from Theta Omicron (Indiana State) and Iota Delta (Rose Hulman), and area alumni dialed banker or broker guarantee your signa­ 10,612 phone numbers. They contacted 4,882 alumni and generated $60,259.00 in pledges. As ture on the stock power. This will help of June 30, 1990, seventy-two percent of the pledges had been fulfilled with donations reaching ensure that the gift is completed as $43,157.00. Undergraduates from Theta Lambda (Creighton) and Delta Chi (Nebraska-Omaha) easily as possible. Please contact Foundation Executive followed up this great job in April of 1990 by dialing 11,903 telephone numbers, contracting Officer Jeff Abraham if you have any 4,380 alumni. Those 4,380 alumni committed $52,286.00 in pledges. At the end of the fiscal questions concerning this method of year, alumni had fulfilled sixty-three percent of those pledges with donations reaching $32,483.00. giving. AJI told, 22,515 numbers were dialed and 9,262 alumni were contacted. Total pledges reached $112,545.00. Overall, fulfillment at the end of the fiscal year had reached sixty-eight percent, Edwards Bequest with actual donations reaching $75,640.60. Received Special thanks goes out to those alumni who have supported the Educational Foundation's The Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Annual Fund. Without that support the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation would be unable Foundation has been advised of a to fulfill its important mission. significant gift from the estate of Ross Lenmore Edwards (Psi '30) and his In addition to the Annual Fund, several major gifts were received from loyal alumni via wife Mary. Brother Edwards died bequests, life insurance policies, and transfer of appreciated property, including stocks. several years ago, and his wife died recently. Mrs. Edwards' Last Will and Testament left 60% of the net The Educational Foundation switched its affinity credit card program from First Virginia distributable estate to create a trust on Bank to Dominion Bank of Roanoke, Virginia, at the end of the 1988-1989 fiscal year. The behalf of the Foundation. Although the more aggressive marketing approach of Dominion Bank has brought over 1,300 accounts into estate is not completely settled, it ap­ the program in less than a year. The Dominion Bank Visa Program offers undergraduates and pears that the Foundation's portion of alumni alike an excellent opportunity to benefit the Educational Foundation, while significant­ the estate will approximate $175,000. ly increasing their purchasing power and building or maintaining strong credit ratings. The trust will provide income to the Foundation in perpetuity, based on the There is no annual fee for the credit card during the first year. Annual fees after the first annual earnings of the trust. Said in­ year are $15.00, with the Education Foundation receiving $5.00 from every annual fee. In addi­ come may be spent at the discretion of the Foundation Board of Trustees in ac­ tion, the Foundation receives one half of one percent of every dollar spent through the Visa cordance with the Foundation's card program. Income from the Visa card program exceeded $3,700.00 during the 1989-1990 charitable and educational purposes. fiscal year. The fund was established in memory of Brother Edwards and is known as Alumni were involved with fifty-four chartered alumni associations during 1989-1990. Eight "The Ross Lenmore Edwards of these associations were newly chartered. The 1988-1989 Nester Award, recognizing Pi Kap­ Memorial Fund". pa Alpha's top alumni association, was given to the Steel City Alumni Association. Steel City Editor's Note - If you have already alumni were on hand at the 1989 Officers Leadership Academy to receive the award. The Trustees included the Foundation in your will, of the Educational Foundation extend their congratulations to aJI alumni who joined the ranks or if you are considering doing so, of those already continuing the grand fraternity experience through their involvement with alumni please contact Foundation Executive associations. A complete directory of chartered alumni associations is included in this issue Officer Jeff Abraham. of the Shield & Diamond. of Pi Kappa Alpha 29 PI KAPPA ALPHA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION HONOR ROLL

ANNUAL GIVING LEVELS: Donations recognized were given between July 1, 1989 and June 30, 1990. Those gifts received after June 30 will be recognized as part of the 1990-91 Annual Fund in the Loyal llKA: $39 (LP) September 1991 Shield & Diamond. The Officers of the Educational Foundation thank Foundation Members*: $40 - $99 (FM) all of its loyal contributors. Your support directly benefits all of our undergraduate Dagger & Key Club: $100 - $299 (OK) brothers. Gamet Club: $300 - $399 (GA) *All donors contributing $40 or more are considered Foundation members. All giving levels Gold Club: $400 and up (GO) are based on annual contributions.

Alpha Mark Douglas O ldenburg '80 Robcrc E. B. Sccwart Jr. '25 Zeta Henry B. McBride Jr. '42 FM Woodard E. Fanner Jr. '67 Kevin M. C. Howard ' 76 LP LP LP University of Jon P. McCa lla '66 GA FM William Henry Hubbard '35 Umversity of Ross L. Parks '40 LP William F. Swant. Jr. '7 1 OK David C. McCarey '7 1 LP Seamon Green '55 LP FM Vir?:nia Waller M. Price '61 FM Roberc D. Teiclcman ' 73 OK Tennessee Auscin N. McDo nald '43 LP William cott Groene '83 FM John M. Hunt ' 27 FM Richarc H. Aulcbach '5 1 LP 'I11 omas G. Quaulebaurn '62 Robert E. Thompson Ill '74 Michael W. Ashley '67 FM Do uglas M. McDonald '67 LP J on K. Cuben '74 LP C;uy A. Huuer '38 LP O mar E. Bacon Jr. '56 LP W. Hugh Bac he '36 FM LP OK Milton L. McDonald '38 FM Thomas K. Harrah '45 FM Mark A. j ohnson '80 LP Harold J oseph Barrell Jr. '58 Larry D. Scou '62 FM J amt:s C. Thomson Jr. '55 LP Jimmy L. Baird '57 LP William E. McDonald '54 LP Michat:l D. Heine '73 L? Phillip W. Key '53 FM Fr-.t Benjamin E. harmon '40 FM J ohn A. Tracy '59 J."M Ted R. Baker '53 LP Fred Thomas McKee '86 LP C. Herrick Sr. '42 LP Elmer H. Lammay Jr. '64 LP Waldo F. Beebe '45 LP William H. Tedro rd Jr. '55 LP William Newman Trusler '35 Philip W. Barnhart '43 FM Leonard Larsen McKinno n Wayne Barry Hodes '83 LP J oshua T. Lawrence I II '66 Donovan 1,. Bmwn J r. ' 72 FM Mark Pauerson Thomas '79 OK Hugh T . Benneu Jr. '29 LP '83 LP Paul E. T . J ensen '43 LP FM Robert Wayne Carmines '78 FM Kenneth R. Updike '72 OK George B. Bishop '55 LP Charles H. Miller Ill '55 LP Richard Emile Juge '84 LP William W. Lucado '48 OK FM Royal E. Wall he r Jr. '54 LP Andre\v M. Vandcrhoor ' 74 Edh•ard 0 . Blackburn '27 Ll) Howard N. Miller Jr. '34 FM Herbert W. Kaiser Jr. '39 LP Russell G. McAllister Jr. ' 60 J ames J . Chanin Jr. '63 OK OK William F. Blackwood '4 I LP William J. Monin '54 LP William B. Lemann '57 OK FM Hampto n B. Crawrord '28 OK P. Vaughan Jr. '82 LP Do ugla M. Boles '40 LP William J. Moore Jr. '53 LP J acob J. Macchling '50 LP J o~ ph Edward Mcinnis '82 Claude C. Cross '54 LP Gamma Anthony P. Wagener Jr. '36 Roger J . Bradley J r. '53 OK J. Palmer Moss '32 LP Alvin r-.-1. Maher Jr. '49 FM LP C lenn R. R. Dicrsen ' 73 LP Wi ll iam and Mar~ LP Earnest H. Bri sc~ '25 OK Charles A. Muse '46 FM George E. McCaskey Jr. '40 J ohn M. Miller '56 OK Richard H. F..ast '65 LP Nate L. Adams Ill '74 L Mark Alexander Whitehurst Howard B. Brizendine '57 LP S. T. Myric.k Jr. '65 LP FM J ames R. Pickens '63 LP Paul Fraser Edwards '79 LP J o hn P. Baker '74 F~· f '84 LP Hugh W. Broome Ill '55 LP j ohn P. Nanney Jr. '3 1 LP J ames J. McCloskey Jr. '50 LP Edward 0 . Poole '3 1 LP Shel'\\'ood J . A. Evans '30 LP J o hn G. Barnes ' 74 OK Mark All an Williams '75 LP Michael E. Brown ' 69 LP WmJ. Ogle '47 LP William D. Mize '67 LP W. Taylor Re,•eley '36 LP J ohn C. Fe rguson '33 OK William S. Beane '26 LP J ohn M. Willis Jr. '33 LP J ames E. Bruce '46 FM William M. O ldham '56 FM Markham D. Oswald ' 73 FM Allan A. Sanders '83 LP William Gullirord '39 OK Loyc D. Bechtold Jr. '59 LP Michael H. Burroughs '57 LP Robert P. !)carson ' 72 OK William C. Owen Jr. '41 LP Andrew T. Sanders '32 LP William Price Hall '80 LP Elliott Bloxom '34 LP Mauhew Tho mas Carden '77 William H. Perkins Jr. ' 72 LP Charles M. Poh•cll Jr. '14 LP William K. Tracy '39 LP OK Edg;tr M. Hamlin '26 LP J o hn Robert Boberg Jr. '62 Delta Edward E. Person '56 Ll, J erome V. Reel Jr. '57 OK J o hn K. Train '83 LP Will iam J errrey Hanner '74 Ll' B i rm i n~h am Nathan B. Cart er Jr. '57 LP Robert F. Pfister '68 FM j ames H. Ric h Jr. '57 FM J o hn H. Waters Ill '56 FM Gary C. Caylor '54 LP Francis R. Whit ~ h ou~ '31 LP LP Stephen N. Bretsen '82 FM Soul ern Co ll e~e Donald L. Phillips '65 LP J ohn T. Roberts '40 LP Tohin Hunsi nger '84 LP Donald P. Chance '37 FM Lronard J. Sapera '61 LP Stuart P. Wilbourne '80 LP Cecil A. Brown '40 LP J o~ ph P. Calandra '56 H Henry T. Phillips '30 LP William Eugene Coll ins Jr. '54 Mark D. Scharre '72 LP Robert W. Woltz '68 Ft\·f Me redith J ohnson '38 LP ·nn'l mas E. Burke '49 LP Howard H. Carle J r. '54 LP Jerry L. Poe ' 70 LP LP Alwyn Smith Jr. '38 LP Ballard P. Wood '52 LP Uarry D. Koval '66 FM Carlt o n J. Casey '3 1 LP Lewis Haygood Jr. '34 LP J ames B. Po rt er '43 LP J. Jerry W. Cooper '67 FM Bruce E. Sulzner '65 OK ))reston 1). Lee '43 LP Le\vis M. Chenault ' 71 LP Harold R. Lambert '56 LP Pike Powers Ill '24 OK Frank Edgar Crosslin Ill '83 J. David H. Varn, Jr. '39 LP J errrey Oa,•id l.c,·in ' 78 LP Paul B. Clemerus '75 OK Thomas Atrrcd Parker '43 LP Kappa LP Stephen W. Ragland '82 LP Guyton H. Watkins '42 OK William P. Lineweaver '67 FM Oa\•id Andrew Cruickshank David H. Parrish '48 LP Charles Randolph '81 LP Transylvania Ro be rt C. Lyday '40 LP '76 OK Ben M. Davidson '67 DK ll1omas C. Wicker Jr. '41 OK J . Richard Spann '45 LP J ohn E. Davidson '56 FM Timothy Paul Roach '81 FM Umversity J o hn H. McKenney Il l '73 LP ·n10ruas E. Dell aero '58 LP James R. Tatum '51 LP Wo rrick Calc Robinson IV J. Kent McNei l '63 LP Bradley Peter Dolbec '81 LP Henry Gregory Davis '86 LP Theta Edward B. Annen Il l '65 LP Durham E. Terry '27 LP '83 LP Charles W. Bond LP l ~aul L. Meaders Jr. '50 DK J ohn A. Drew '63 FM Hugh A. OoddsJr. '56 LP ' 72 Victor L. Tho mpson '60 FM Stephen Dodd Elam '75 LP Scott Alan Roe '84 LP Rhodes Co ll e~e William H. Bryant '68 FM Paul Martin Meurer '84 LP Edward C. Dunbar '4 7 OK Charles H. Baker '4 OK Luther L. Williams '37 LP Daniel Allen Federmann '82 Terrell E. Romito '68 FM Terry L. Cummins '53 LP Henry N. F. Minich '51 LP Charles A. Easley Jr. '27 OK Charles A. Barton '34 FM LP Scott Edward Schnupp '82 LP Carl B. Delabar '56 FM J ohn R. Morris Jr. '35 LP Hubert L. Faulconer Jr. '73 Ralph H. Brown '37 LP David M. Fleming '57 LP George Kenneth Scholl '34 Charles D. Edmonds '28 LP Hoy1 C. Mu rray '72 LP DK ~silon Granville T. Fruier '55 OK OK Clarence M. Camrcrdam J r. Clifford T. Elgin '65 LP E. Sa nders Partee '83 LP David L. Fo rrest '74 OK '46 LP 1rginia Tech Billy R. Fuqua '71 OK Rnndall Thomas SehonhoiT Robert M. J ohnsto n '35 OK Phillips S. Pe ter '51 LP Thomas S. Cay ' 73 OK JackS. Aden ' 71 FM William E. Oa\'idson Jr. '37 Robert C. Good '45 LP '78 LP Frank S. Kasdan ' 73 LP Mark Robert Reynolds '76 LP Marcus N. Cewinner '60 LP Alan Brad Anton ' 75 FM LP Robert H. C reer '53 LP J ohn Charles Seay '80 FM j;.unes Gregory M'ays ' 72 LP Peter J . Sanders '69 FM Carl C. Gi llespie '28 OK Michael F. Baran ' 79 LP Andrew Parker Davis '66 LP j oseph L. Hadden '57 LP Robert E. Seyrried '5 1 LP Richard J. Michaels '59 LP Mic hael 1). Sapourn ' 75 LP Mart in L. Greenwood Jr. '49 David A. Barnes '82 FM J ohn C. Edmunds ' 73 LP Bobby L. Hall '5 1 FM William W. Shy '37 LP Philip Mosca '68 FM Eugene Rodman Schull J r. LP Thco philus Emison '34 LP George Michael Baumbach J ohn Hanahan J r. '44 LP Curtis Leroy Smith '82 LP J. llaniel S. Packard '36 LP '72 OK Robert Lee Harris Jr. '82 LP '78 OK J ason Paul Hood '84 OK Oa\•idJ. Harkness '3 1 LP Franklin L. Smith '54 LP William T. Phillips '63 LP George L. Scou '65 LP Michael Fred Henderson '80 Oa\•id L. J oll y Jr. '42 OK J ohn S. Burrows '71 OK Wall ace A. Hawkins Jr. '66 Thomas Shepherd Smith '78 J ohn C. Robinson '36 LP Richard B. Sloan '32 LP FM Mark Edwa rd K.a temba '85 Francis Hall Chaney II '76 FM GA Robert I. Schick '62 LP J ohn H. tchman J r. '5 1 FM Lewis Herbert Hogge ' 77 LP OK LP Jdrrey Euge ne S1ein ' 77 FM Wesly A. Hawkins '71 LP W. Boyd Smith ' 72 LP Com1an B. Scranton Jr. '60 Pa1ric k M. Hopkins '72 LP W. ll1omas Clark Jr. '73 OK John J. Lux '53 GO W. Arthur Stone '59 FM Joe M. Haynes '56 FM J eff H. Sneed '79 LP LP Reinhold S. ~bth eso n '30 OK Stephen A. Isaacs ' 67 LP Gerald Scott Fit.tpatrick '82 Richard K. Hearn '53 FM R. David Snider ' 75 FM Gentry Allen Shelto n '30 LP Littleton W. Ta.te.,.,•ell '8 1 LP Wallace H. Mayton Il l '68 LP Thomas J . J ohnson Jr. '49 LP LP Georrrcy E. Hemmrich '64 William David Stewart '54 OK Joseph R. Slights Jr. '59 FM Charles R. Tyler '39 LP Brian B. Kent '52 LP Edwin Lewis Harvie '74 LP J ames R. McCarty '68 OK Wayne Dudley Ves1 ' 64 Ll) FM Tim01hy D. Sullivan '54 LP Woodrord F. Spencer '38 LP Robert L. Kersman '58 FM Todd Peter Headley '82 LP J ames M. McKnight Jr. '64 LP Oscar VonBredow ' 76 LP William F. Henly '52 LP George H. Sweeney '58 OK Timothy Paul Sprague '87 Ll) J ohn Howard Kitchen '77 LP Kyle J essop '82 Ll' Charles F. Herd '42 LP Charles H. Tarrant '55 FM J oseph Leroy Ott '76 CO Charles F. Taylor '29 LP Robert H. WaldruiT '63 FM Michael D. Pearigen '75 LP Evcrell A. Land Jr. '36 LP Louis J ohn Junod II ' 77 FM J oe G. Higgs '43 FM Runald Wayne Taylor '54 FM Wilbur A. Tincher Jr. '45 LP Oavid A. Westerlund '70 LP H. Davis Powell Jr. '66 LP Walt er A. Leyland Jr. '56 LP Brian Oliver Kendrick '83 FM David E. Hill ' 73 OK William H. Taylor Sr. '51 LP Hiho n A. Windley '27 LP J oseph L. Yon '32 LP Horace B. Price '49 LP J ames F. Logan '47 LP Melvi n Randolph Kerrool '71 George A. Hill '73 GO Eugene S. Totri '52 LP William R. Robinson Ill ' 78 James M. Woolery '21 LP Edward R. Lupto n '5 1 LP LP Howard . Hinds '51 OK James M. Undcn vood ' 36 LP LP Beta Michael Ellio tt Lynch '85 FM Michael J o hn Kosc.i usko '84 j o hn H. Ho rr '59 LP Tho mas W. Wade Jr. '53 CO Robert S. Russell '28 FM Horace E. Mann '74 FM LP Charles Ho lliday Jr. '67 FM Mu Davidson College j oseph A. Wanek '61 LP lrl R. Russum '40 OK J o hn K. Abem ethy '34 LP Aubrey L. Mason ' 71 FM William H. Kuchcman ' 71 FM Cyms T. Hooper ' 71 LP Presbtterian William K. Warren '45 LP J ohn R. Satterthwaite '70 OK Charles W. Ake rs Sr. '37 LP F. Anderson Morse '76 GO Tho mas C. Lamonica '71 LP Gary A. Hudson '82 LP William M. Weller '54 LP J ack Simonton '46 LP Col ege J ames W. D. At chison '57 FM Wilbur Y. Mo rton '36 LP Christopher L.-mglcy '86 LP Sanrord B. J aek Jr. '48 LP Leopold A. Wenzle r Jr. '56 Glenn S. Beck.harn '66 LP Robert 0 . Black '53 Ll) J ohn David Neary '82 FM Jamie Charles Nock ' 79 FM Peter 0 . J anney '70 LP Dale M. Steinmeyer '68 LP Tucker C. Bedinger '4 7 LP LP Neill C . StC\•ens jr. '31 LP J ohn S. Brya nt '67 FM Robert Gerard Owens '84 Ll, Andrew James Oliver '86 LP DanielS. J ohnson Jr. '55 OK C. Brearley Jr. '41 LP Charles M. Williams Sr. '51 J . Harold Trinner '26 FM Lester D. Colt rane Ill '37 DK D. Donald Palese '42 FM Ronald Lcw1s Poindexter ' 79 Dicken Kid.,.,·cll '51 LP LP clson J. Charles '54 FM William F. Dunbar IV '78 FM J ames D. Peace '73 Ff\·f LP William C. Killian '68 LP Robert 0 . Utt er '46 LP Da..,id A. Colli ns '51 OK H. Cordon Wynn Jr. '86 FM Ceorrrey Drew Westmo reland Ranclol ph G. Ensign '46 LP 1\a::t.C O rey l )e rkin >~; ' 75 Ll' William Michael Pu rsell '80 Milton P. Kilpa trick '14 LP Stephen W. Yokley '67 LP Philip A. Davis '52 LP Ralph H. Falls '23 FM Carl I. Pirkle Jr. '48 LP LP William Kinney '78 FM '87 LP William R. Floyd Jr. '75 Ll) Casimir Zabinski Jr. '59 LP Edwin F. White '7 1 FM Frank E. Hanshaw J r. '50 FM Donald C . Pons '60 LP William R. Quinn '73 LP J oseph D. Kitchell '67 LP Wayne N. Fowler '62 FM Warner C. Zachary J r. '46 LP Edward M. Williams '62 LP J ames . Harper Jr. '51 OK Pollll Joseph Rcabra n ' 79 FM Elmer 0 . Rodes J r. '72 LP Lo ui.s J. Kovach '65 LP Willi am M. Hagood '57 LP Henry H. Harris Jr. '29 Ll, George W. Riegel '73 CO Neil Eugene Scanlo n '85 LP ll1omas B. Lawson '63 Ll) J dr I. Williams Ill '68 OK J ames C. HewiH '52 OK Richard E. Hodel '56 LP Eric A. Ricker '72 LP J. Schanzenbach Jr. '80 FM Thonms R. Lawson Jr. '62 LP Eta William B. Hill '73 LP Charles E. Hodgin Jr. '20 LP Airred F. Ritt er '38 LP Cheste r J . Sherfield '71 LP George T. Lew is Jr. '32 LP Tulane University Iota J oseph J. Hinds JL '53 Ll' S. Hun1lcy Jr. '54 Ll) David j ohn Rogers ' 79 Ll) John T. Suuon Jr. '71 LP Hal C . Li ulerordJr. '47 LP J o hn H. Agnone '69 OK H ampden-Sydney Claude Wayne Houser '77 LP Edwin inclair J o nes '77 I.P Robert K. Sch l aw~r '54 OK Timothy Taylo r Swecker '81 Randall A. Litto n '72 LP Claude Aucoin Jr. '62 FM William Anthony '84 FM J ohn D. Hughes '36 LP John Raymond J ones ' 76 LP Kenneth E. Scott '46 FM LP Cecil C. Loyd Jr. '47 LP Richard P. Bond '44 FM Charles 1'. Bl ackley '29 OK Michael D. J.arrett '61 OK Charles D. Kepple Jr. '59 LP Harold Stephen Showalt er '70 T. Cato Tillar ' 73 OK Larry Wayne Lunsrord ' 71 William A. Bran tley Jr. '56 F. Blankemcyer Jr. '83 LP J acob 0 . Karer, Jr. '50 LP Cr.ty N. Lewis '55 LP FM Thomas C. 'Tillar Jr. ' 71 GO GO OK J ohn M. Britt Jr. '53 LP J oel Timothy King '79 I..P Williamj. Lohrnan j r. '57 LP Stephen K. Smith Jr. '66 FM Will iam C. Trimmer Jr. '74 Thomas E\•ereu c Magett e '76 Robert F. Buesingcr '74 FM Archibald M. Bynum '39 LP Homer M. Kirkman Jr. '51 William J . McDaniel Jr. '60 ·n1omas ,,, Smith ' 75 OK LP FM William J. Cone '55 DK Stanley G. Cline Ill '43 LP FM FM Stephen C. Spencer ' 74 OK Charles L. Walstrom '71 DK Charl es A. Manning '19 LP William S. Cross '64 FM Ashby W. Coleman '85 Ll) J ohn D. Knox Jr. '55 FM John A. Mitchell Ill ' 73 Ll' J oseph H. Spicer ' 29 LP Neal Nicholas Wright '83 LP Samuel A. Mars Ill '70 LP Dec D. Drcll '66 FM Robert C. Francis J r. '40 FM Edwin G. Lambright Sr. '36 Roger M. Morrison '74 LP J ohn W. Stevens '48 LP Milton Kenneth Young Jr. '79 Peter Marsalis '85 LP Ernest L. Edwards '64 FM C'llvin C . Greear '36 LP LP William D. Mo n on Ill '34 LP Thomas V. te\·ens '49 OK LP Michael Wayne Martin '72 FM William F. Fant '48 OK Walte r L. Grubb Jr. '54 FM William H. Love '65 LP

30 Shield & Diomond Bob R. Mathews '56 FM Arthur W. Harrison '27 LP Tau Charles M. Shepard Ill '3 8 Charles T. Wright Jr '62 LP Geo rge V. V. Lyons '54 LP C:u y Cowam Presco tt '78 LP Harry C. McDo nnold '58 LP Allen Harless J ones '82 LP University of orth LP Frank F Yarboro ugh '54 LP Charles E. E. Madden '57 Ll) L. elson Pnest '59 OK Erie W. Mil~ Jr. '5 1 FM Harry C. Lea '63 LP Dcwid Frank Sm11h '53 OK William G. Zenda '55 FM frank . Magill '28 GA Allan Wayne Ranson ' iS LP James Wayne Park '82 LP Will iam Leary '82 FM Carolina Robert L. Swift '49 OK Edison B. Allen '46 OK Gary Martin Marcmkosk1 '82 J ohn M. Rhoads Jr. '47 FM Samie M. Pinson '5 1 LP Clyde B. Lipscomb '37 FM George S. Thagard '38 LP J eTTY Wayne .Mke"'' '73 CO FM Har T) D. Robenson '25 LP James C. Reamer '54 LP Bruce W. Locke '48 LP Pete S. Triantos '75 LP Alpha Beta Terry N McAdoo '68 OK H ugh Roberts Il l '44 LP Russell Barnes '80 LP Malco lm Maier Robmson '51 Stuan Gwathmey Mauhai '8 I R. Conner Warren '65 FM Centenary College J ohn C. Mcfarland '53 FM William H. RO)'all Jr. '54 LP J ohn M. Barnhardt '56 FM LP LP William C. Watkins '51 CO Gu)' W BighamJr ' <17 t\J Pete W. McGinnis ' 74 LP Walt er C . Some rvi l ~ J r. TI1omas Franklin Biddle J r. H. CliO'! Ro therum '45 Ll' '39 Linwood C. Man hews Jr. '50 Ral ph E. White '•17 LP Nicholas A Oefaua '4 7 LP Tho mas K.. McKamy '40 DK LP '76 LP Dean Allen Rush '83 DK OK Ro bert H. Windham '45 LP Robert H. McKent.ie Jr '62 J ames W. Bradley '79 LP JerT) L. Russell '5 7 LP Alben T. Stephenson '60 LP Edward H McNew Jr. '70 LP J o hn B. Wood Jr. '63 LP OK Waller 8. Todd '36 LP Herman H. BraxtonJr '55 Alpha Gamma Emile J. aig '5 1 Ll' Andre'~ J. Meoni J r. ' 47 LP LP Louisiana State J ames Fleming Morris '57 FM J erry W. T raynham '70 LP Ryland L. Mitchell Ill '62 LP J ames T. Murfee IV '75 LP Blake W Schultl '46 OK Harold Walker '27 LP Bynum R. Brown '49 OK Psi Malcolm E'·elien Andry Jr '76 William R. O'Connor Jr. '83 Cliffo rd E. ix '62 LP Michad J . Schumchr k '4•1 LP J. Hut ch Woodward '57 OK Edward Bland Brown Ill '84 North Georgia F/1.1 J oe W Sharp '69 FM FM FM Harry Pasm1 o re Ill '53 FM College Mario n 0 . Becnel '59 LP Samuel M. harp '2 1 OK Clarence R. Ouo Jr. '47 LP Julian W. Brown '65 OK Donald B. Payne '46 FM J o hn U. Eili'.!I J r. '3 1 OK TI1o mas Antho ny Bilich II '82 Morrison F Smith '55 DK Nu Raben H . Parks Ill '47 FM Donald H. Bumgardner '64 Ed"01 rd Louis Peach '82 LP LP Logan S. Staffo rd '66 Ll, Wofford College Oa\ id Carl Peterson 'SO LP DK J ames R Black Ill '64 LP Adolph G. Peet .t: Jr. '36 Ll' J ohnatho n Stuckey '83 FM Tillman J. Abell Jr. '6~ LP Aloru.o L. Phillips '27 LP William B. Carr '67 LP Omega Michael A Bou11 e. '65 LP Anthony M1chael Po lino '77 J ames Henry Amick Jr. '81 J ames S. Phillips Jr. '50 LP Calvin Edward Coghill ' 77 FM University of Cal) W. Caml ing ' 73 LP Ll' Don Walker '66 LP FM J ames R. Pond Sr. ' 47 LP Lenox C . Cooper J r. '55 LP Kentucky Ralph S. Carrigan '•17 F/1.1 George Allan Ray ' 71 Ll' Louie W Waller '43 FM Ted W. Ruskin J r. '70 OK Geo rge W Westmoreland '64 Samuel D. Black ' 61 LP Ha1"'1' A. Roberts '3 I LP Lenox C . Cooper ' 19 LP William L. Bl ac\ '6 1 LP J ohn E. Coon '27 LP David A. Schul .t: '53 FM LP Linwood G. Bradfo rd '58 LP W. Christian Sil(:more '57 FM William Scou Cooper '82 LP William L. 1\ruckan '39 LP J oseph W Dale J r . '39 U' David Eugene Brannock '84 J . Kenneth Torre)'SOil '61 FM Ronald H. Cox ' 71 FM J ohn Y De,·ereaux '6 1 LP James C. Schwab '68 LP Will iam R. Willis '28 FM Stuart G. C.upemer '50 Ll' Scan Andrew Simmo ns '86 LP WilliamJ. WaymackJr. '38 J ames W. Crawford Jr. '58 LP J oe L. Craig '48 LP Waller E. Dorroh '3 LP Ra ben J Wi~ ma n '30 LP Kenneth Huben Bu ffington LP Grego r")' R. Cuenin '7 I Ll' Timo thy C. Ellender '63 OK Ll' Mit( hell M Young '46 LP J ay R. Daniel '50 LP Ro nald V. Stang Jr. ' 74 LP '61 FM Richard C. Whitehead '47 LP Phili p N. Daly J r. '7 1 LP Grego ry Lee Davis '84 LP Grego ry ~· I Ewbanl.. '8 I FM Cliflon 8 . Crosland '55 LP Charles F. Wil tshire '50 A. Daniels Jr. ' 44 LP Peter J Fagan '76 LP William T. St ephens Jr. '45 u • Charles S. Dennis ' 5<1 Ll' FM Alpha Eta Gra)' Tho mas Culbreath '82 onnan B. Wood Jr. '46 LP Rigdon 0 Decs '70 FM J ohn H . Ewing Jr. '30 fto,-1 J ames C. Fo'-'ler ' 75 Ll' 1 1 WarrenS. I0\'311 ' 61 FM OK George Stuan Woodson '33 Donald Do uglas ' 75 Ll Bruce S. Fe rguson '•IS FM J ohn 1atrick Gaffney '77 OK Umversity of He rbert H . Stuart '50 LP William W. Culp Jr. '54 LP Wiley V. Fishe r J r. '56 LP Stephen Fl y '72 LP Paul W. Galmiche '52 LP Florida OK H. William Succop Jr. '49 LJ> Charles H. Drawdy Sr. '60 Carl F. Woost Jr. '37 LP J o nas R. Futrell J r. '50 OK Franklin M. Foster '36 Ll' Frank M. Ho usto n '58 LP Ira 1\ Adams '50 LP C.1 rl T \• CC I '53 CA FM Edward C. Clo\'er '25 FM Charles H Ingraham Jr. '6 1 Paul J ames Alben '76 LP J ames W. Friend '31 LP Paul McKmney Ta) lo r '83 LP Romeo H. Elmore Jr. '53 LP Scott Warren Hadley '79 LP J ames F. Goodridge '59 LP LP George 1·1 Austin '56 FM Henry F. Floyd '67 DK Pi Julian W. Hamrick '48 FM h')' C. J o rdan '32 LP Al bert G Tenpenny '57 FM Merwin Grayson J r. '60 OK James A. TI1o m e '68 LP Ro bert M Bcno '62 FM oah F. Gibson IV '65 FM Washington & Lee Milton C. Harding '42 FM Harlan H . Crooms '2•1 LP J ohn C. Langfo rd '50 LP Charles A. Bells '36 OK Allen Henley J r. '5 1 LP Edward B. Tre nt J r. '53 FM University Frank T. Hill Jr. '72 H -1 L:twrence White Hager Ill Benjamin Le<1endre '62 LP Wayne F. BellS '5 I FM Rudolph W. Mills '74 LP A. Eve ren e J a mes Jr. '57 FM War ne Edmo nd Macaluso '76 HughJ. Turner Il l '63 OK Roben L. S. Adams ' 4 7 LP '79 Ll' J effrey W('IIS Rl ount '83 LP Carl J o hn Perkinson '8 1 OK J o hn R J ordan Jr. '48 LP Ll' Richard M. Turner '68 LP Stuan S. Bailer ' 47 OK Ro yal A. Hall Jr. '47 FM William T Bodifo rd '33 LP J oseph 0 . Price Jr. '51 LP J osephS. Karas J r. '73 LP Eugene L. Main '46 LP Edwi n A. Wahlen Jr '67 OK J ohn M. BentingJr. ' 41 FM J ames S. Judy '59 FM Wilson 0 . Boo.t:er Jr '46 LP Charles F. Shepard '6•1 LP Michael Scou Keete r '80 LP Carey B. McCoy '31 LP J o hn A. Wo u on Jr. '24 LJl Roger Alan Dean '84 OK Richard P. Kiefer '66 LP LoUIS D Boud reau '59 FM G. Paui ck Smith Ill '85 LP J o hn H. Kerr Ill '56 LP Robe rt T. Means '43 OK Terrell 1-t . Yo n Jr. '•16 FM J am~ E. Knight '65 FM Robert 0 . Campbell '46 FM Rodney M. Stalhei m '64 LP Richard F. Dunlap Jr. '67 LP Hugh T. Lefl er J r. '59 FM Ve rnon S. Melancon '61 FM George E. Eagle '5 1 FM Will iam S. La tta '69 LP J a)' Frank Castle '8 1 LJl Jerry Streate r '56 FM Wayland Bagley Lenno n Ill T homas J. Lee '57 Ll1 Robe rt D. Mene fee '38 Lll Alpha Epsilon Emil P. Elsacsser '5 1 LP '79 LP Camero n C. Minard '32 LJl Nonh Carolina Ernest A. Cox II '59 FM Edh•ard B. Hempstead '55 LP Robert J . Lc,•in '57 FM J ames M. Degen '59 LP George R. Little Jr. '3 1 LP William J . Lol:ilo '63 F/1.1 Lansing L. Mit chell '3 I FM Xi Gerald M. Lively '36 LP State University Ge rald D. Devane '6 1 LP La ....• son H . loh•rance '29 LP William B. Lunsfo rd '66 LP J ames C. Phelps '49 LP University of South Grego ry S. Maury Jr. '33 LP E. Preston Andre\\ S Jr. '48 Henry Alphonsus De,·Jin Jr. J ames B. Malcolm '57 LJ> Ralph L. Marquette J r. '62 J oseph Do minick Ragusa Jr OK Carolina Eric Blake Michaelson '89 LP '75 LP Wi ll iam J. Marsh '45 FM FM '76 LP J ohn W. Andre"·s Jr '39 FM R. Ray Behles '50 LP Harry B. Nee! '25 FM Paul H. E'"erett '45 FM Harry L. McDowell ' 3'1 LP Dudley A. Martin Jr. '6•1 LP Tho mas H. B. Rankin Jr. '58 B) ron S. Bailey '71 LP J ames Glenn Black '87 OK Linton Eugene Flo)'d Ill '42 J ames A. O ttignon '43 LP Roscoe Oo.\ke McMillan Jr. Samuel M . Mc Elroy '40 LP LP Barry V. Bankard '69 LP Michael L. Bro,.,•ne '29 LP LP George F. Parsons '29 LP '3 1 FM Da"id L. McGuire '63 DK Lasley D. Richardson '3 1 LP Richard C. Batterson '69 LP Tho mas H . Conal)' '67 LP J ohn D. Cable Jr. '33 Ll' S. Tilford Payne Jr. '33 FM J o hn L. Miller '73 FM Arthur I. Miller '58 LP G. Carl Shipp '68 OK Robert L. Bird '45 LP Wesley L. Daniels '54 FM James E. Gaff '65 OK Alben G. Peery '27 FM Da,•id . Pa rker '57 LP Danny R. Moriarty '72 LP Dean St e,·ens '54 LJl William C. Bradle)' ' 75 LP Fred U. Davis Jr. '63 LP G SIUib Jr. '35 LP Frank W. Hannum '27 LP Ste\'en Roth '85 LP J o hn H . Parker '65 FM Joseph C. 1 elson J r. '35 F/1.1 J. Julius J . Chamberlain Jr. '50 J ohn F. Oe\•aney '56 LP J oseph H. Sawr c rs '31 LP William D. Parsons '69 FM Thomas B. Parry '35 LP Robert F. Tobe)' '61 LP DK Thomas J Haydon '36 OK Do nald Davidson Easson J r. David T . Shufflebarger '63 LP Stuart Parker Phillips '8•1 LP Benny J . Pember '59 LP Robert Coleman J r. '36 FM Alfred Hernande.t: '67 FM '80 LP William F. Sto ne Jr. '65 LP 0 . Yates Po teat '48 LP J. Postell II '83 LP Alpha Delta George R. Cunningham J r. J ohn H. Himermistcr '38 LP R. Kei th Elliott '61 CA Richard B. Taylor '•18 LP Ro be1·1 W. Powell '69 OK Geo rge S. Robinson '65 LP Georgia Institute of '76 LJl Bradley Hogg '•12 OK Hugh M. Gibbs J r. '54 FM Walte r C. Thomas '33 OK Robert Lane Purcell '76 LP William R. Robinson '39 LP Fred erick Dicks '82 LP Alben C. Hoppe '64 LP Edward D. Harrill '54 LP Roben F. Thompson '24 LP Whit C. Pun•is Jr. '40 LP Al an E. Sa"'')'e r '69 FM TeChnology Luke Carro l Fisher ' 76 FM Jerome J ohns '52 FM ln •ine H. Hendricks '58 LP Charles R. Wau '3•1 LP J ames S. Rhodes J r. '34 LP Eugene C. Sayre '6 1 LP Clarence E. Adams Jr. '•17 OK J o hnS. Flo ....· e Jr. '35 LP Hj alma E. J o hnson '58 FM WilliamJ. Hill Jr. '64 LP C. Can er Wenh '53 LP Charles F. Riddle ' 46 FM Lan.t:a L. Sch\\•aJI '5 I LP Gerald J. Ashkouti '70 LP David Ephlin Gillespie Jr. '80 Glenn I. J ones '45 FM Cliff R. Holler '6 1 n -r J o hn T. Ri el '39 OK Robcn C. Self '55 LP Edward Robert Asip '76 LP LP Mitchdl C . Katros '55 LP J ohn C. Ho user '58 LP Robert Riley Ill '82 LP O:wid A. Sheare r '64 LP Ste\'en J. Asip ' 74 lP Michael A. Goodman ' 6 I LP J ames W. Kersey '66 OK Will iam R. HumphlettJr. '3 1 Sigma J o hn B. Simpson Jr. '43 LP Gerald T. Si\\'ers '57 LP R. Dan Atkins Ill '62 OK Geo rge W. Goolsby Jr. '55 LP Keith J oseph Ketchman ' 74 FM Vanderbilt Allen D. Steele '33 LP Wendell E. Sparks '65 FM Maurice Deal Atwell Ill '77 Robert A. Gray '65 OK co William B. J ones '60 LP University Howard Bryan Suuo n Jr. '50 Thomas E. SpragensJr. '57 Ll' William R. Greene '5•1 LP J ohn S. Kraus '74 LP J ohn Alan Kahrs '78 FM FM OK Harold R. Baker '36 LP Rex N. Gribble ' 41 LP Glenn C. Leonard ' 74 LP George T. Kelle r Jr. '34 LP William W. Bain Jr. '58 FM Leona rd A. Szafaryn '•IS LP George R. Stoll '47 LP Victo r J . R. Baran '40 LP J ames L. Griffin Jr. '26 OK William F. Leonard '49 DK Michael L. Loes '52 LP J ohn Snodgrass Beasley Ill Robert F. Turner '7 1 FM Charles D. Thurston ' 48 LP David R. Bare '63 FM Do nald C. H OO J)Cr ' 73 LP Charles H. Littlejohn '36 FM riel M. Lo"elace '54 FM '81 OK Charles R, Vincent '54 LP Harry . Traynor '32 F/1.1 Charles Wesley Beaird '82 LP Allen M. Hull Sr. '52 LP David L. Marcus '79 FM Wi ll iam C. Ma tthews '50 LP Frank A. Benson '63 LP Edward W. Berccgcay '4 7 FM Andrew J. Watkins '24 H.-I J o hn H . Traynor '34 LP William K. Huntley '68 LP Dean A. Martin '37 LP Sidney Raymond Nettles '76 William B. Bradfo rd '74 LP Straughn H. Watkins '23 LP Christo pher Bill ings '8 1 LP Thomas P. Bragg '58 LP Arlyn N. Wagner '62 LP Leake G. Lo\•in Jr. '46 LP George H. Massey '39 LP LP J ohnS. Willardson '66 LP '5 I Robert L. Branner Jr. '•I I LP '67 Robert W. Bruce '4 7 FM J ohn W. Walker LP Dalton L. McMichael Jr. David L. Mays Sr. '71 LP Ro nnie 0 . Palmer '67 FM Julian E. Winslo""' Jr. '55 LP J ames L. Webb '62 FM Ro bert 0 . Brewer '•16 LP OK Thomas ~f. Brumit Jr. '54 LP f..d.,..•ard D. McDade= '40 FM Elder Franklin Penny '45 LP Clarke T. Welsh Ill '68 FM James C. Buck '72 LP Dow V Perry Sr. '53 LP Walter M. Chenault II '62 LP Cliffo rd W. McKibbin Ill '60 J ohn L. Po tter '58 LP Bob C. Whitaker '55 LP Pie rce E. Cantrell Jr. '67 LP Albert E. M. Remmey '36 LP J ames J . Rhine '7 I LP Kevin Michael Co nnor '82 LP Upsilon Kim D. C.1 ner '71 LP FM William A. Richardson '70 LP J o hn Hugh McKnight '58 FM Douglas Roberts '84 LP Stephen D. Cragon '4 7 LP Auburn University Charles K. Chamlee '40 FM Ste\·en D. Schuster '70 LP Norman Kennedy Rose: Jr. '56 Nelson Ed"•in Davenp<)l"t '77 Thomas H. Blake '23 OK Al~a Alpha Arthur H . Clephane J r. '64 ha rlcs W. McMillan '4 1 OK William C. Smith '46 LP Matthew Boiet Meister '83 LP LP R. Piau Boyd Jr. '29 FM LP John D. lanle)' '51 OK LP FM Martin K. RosefieldJr. '57 LP Andre"'' W. De rrick '27 LP Da"id W. Burkc u '72 LP DR~bcn ~~~~~~~~t~ 9 William B. Cr.meJr. ' 75 OK Eugene /1.1 . Tate ' 61 LP Michael William Mullins '79 J ost:ph B. Ruth Ill '49 LP J ames E. Dillard Jr. '6 1 FM Luther T. Chesnut Ill '40 LP J ames D. Ashe Jr. '58 FM TI1o mas C. Cre nshaw Jr ' 46 Verno n A. Vaughn Jr. '50 LP FM Leo nard R. Schwi nn Jr. '39 Sam R. Dodson Jr. '37 LP Donald H. Clay '44 LP Robert P. Barnell '4 1 DK LP Q\·id C . Watson '49 LP Bert F. Munro '46 OK LP Donald M. Duft '40 LP Cary W. Crews '73 LP William L. Bia ell '26 F/1.1 Hal S. Daniell Jr. ' 48 LP Evereu C rady Wetheringto n William C. Sheely J r. '56 LP J ames A. Fickes '32 LP J ohn B. Crum '45 LP Floyd Bradd '72 FM J ohn Allen Deakins J r. '76 FM '83 FM Charles Richard Nail '65 FM Ned Oderra Small '76 LP J ohn D. Fitzgerald '63 LP Malcolm C. Dave npon J r. '42 Earl W, Brian J r. ' 61 FM Thomas Clark Easterling '86 Charles W. Whitley Jr. '66 FM Carroll M. Nail J r. '52 LP J ames n. tephen '43 FM Haro ld L. Fletcher '73 LP OK Carrel /l.t . Caudill '39 fM Ll' J o hn R. Wilkins '27 LP J ohn E. O lson '56 LP Jerry L. Suddeth '54 FM J o hn W. Frazier '3 I LP Robert W. De~ '37 FM Sam Critides '83 LP J o mey B. Ethridge '60 FM William Todd Wilkins '77 LP Geo rge W. Pan in Jr. '48 LP Wesly M. Walker '33 LP Alan H. Fruin '6 1 LP Larry K. Doyal '52 LP B. T ro)' Ferguson Jr. '37 FM Ira . Evans ' IS LP Ro bert E. Wooten '45 FM Philip W. Petro.t:ella '68 LJl 1 Richard F. Watson Jr. '68 LP Richard D. Garland '73 LP Richard L. Durrell '60 LP Thomas R. Fuller Jr. '65 Ll Frank M. Ex ley '20 LP Ke\•in D. l)a"id POeger '82 LP Samuel H. Wilds '46 LP J ohn F. Gilbert Jr. '56 LP David H . Dyson '72 OK J ames Stephen Go ldfinger '80 Robert D. Fannon Jr. '•17 LP Alpha Zeta Miller 0 . Phillips Jr. ' 40 FM Da"id A. Williams '6i OK Richard Po rt er Ebrite ' 77 LP LP Will iam B. Faulkner Jr. '68 Paul A. Green Jr. '47 LP Umve rsity of t'il G. Po ....· ell '46 LP Larry R. Winn '6 I FM J ohn M. Greene J r. '52 DK Richard L. Franklin ' 48 LP Da"id Caret '83 FM Ll' Randy B. Powe ll '74 LP J ennings F. Gille m I I LP Daniel Albert Finelli '78 FM Walt er P. Witherspoon Jr. '60 Thomas P. Hamrick '49 FM '82 M. J ohns Gray '30 LP Arkansas F. Dana l'owe rs '53 DK FM Marion L. Gwaltney Jr. '68 Paul A. Guden '62 OK J e ro me W. Fogle Jr. Ll' Byro n A. Adams '6 1 OK EdwardS. Kelly J r. '64 FM '39 Geo rge R. Redfearn Jr. '51 Ch ristie C. Harris '50 LP Williamj. Fo rsythe '37 LP J o hn C. Ashley Jr. '39 LP J ohn B. Kis.s '67 OK Ll' FM Ho ward L. Hall J r. '56 FM Norman L. Harrill '6 1 OK Robert 0 . Fulfo rd ' 5 1 FM Henry T. Aylo r '46 FM Omicron William A. Laude rdale '35 LP Jeffery Scott Ro sdunan 'SO J ames Ray Harris '65 LP J oseph R. Hedgpeth '60 FM Albert F. Candy '52 OK James H. Baker '39 FM Marcus I. MacDougall '72 LP co Unive rsity of Ra)' R. Heste r '59 DK Ralph M. Ho wse '49 Ll' Michael Thomas Gately ' 78 Paul D. Be asley '46 OK Dan W. Martin '52 FM Charles M. Rou '42 OK Richmond Frederick L. Ho lcomb '6 1 OK Harry Fowler J o nes '79 LP Ll' J ackie D. Bea\'ert '6 1 FM Frank H. Mason Ill '55 Ll1 E. Tho m Rumberger '60 FM C ha rl e~ Albert Jr. '80 FM Charles F. Ho lleman '58 LP Clarence E. Kefau"cr J r. '40 C. pcncer Godfrey '56 FM William C. Boatright '22 Ll, Earl M. Scarborough '45 Ll, James A. Mauhe ....• s '34 LP '63 William David As hto n Ill '8 1 Wall e r D. Huu o J r. '53 LP Ll' Da,-id W. Go re LP Tracy P. Clinto n '67 FM J ohn R. Schirard Jr. '26 FM LP Richard W. McClintock ' 78 Hen ry C. Griffin '38 LJl Alfred H . J ackson J r. '33 FM Hugo B. Kimball '53 Ll, George H . Cullins ' <1<1 LP Clyde W. Simpson ' 41 LP J ohn E. Atkinson ' 7•1 LP OK J ames L. J ohnson '52 FM Da"id R. Lind '68 FM Thomas E. Curley '49 OK Andrew Leon Dilatush '83 LP A. Frank Smith '66 GO Charles F. Bahen '34 LP Lee A. McKnight '6•1 LP Mark Kemp '82 LP Ro ben H. Lineberger '38 LP Robe rt A. Hamblen '56 LP J ames A. Due '72 GO Carl B. Smith II '69 LP Wade Watson Belo te '79 LP Tim R. Miles '56 LP William E.1rl Kessler '77 OK J oseph S. Li\'esay J r. '46 Ll' Robert L. Hanlin '5<1 OK Ro nald H. Fair '73 LP No rman B. Smith '37 LP J ay D. BondJr ''17 LP Wall er S. Nunnelly Jr. '62 LP Murray Kidd '54 LP Clarence L. McDo nnan Jr Aaron W. Hendry '54 OK Max L. Fairley '48 LP Tho mas H . Timrlow J r. '55 Wallace I. Bowers '6 4 FM Charles W. Oliver '29 LP Charles /1.1 . Landstrcct '5 1 LP '55 FM T ho mas T . Hinton '69 OK Oa,•id E. Fitton Jr. '40 LP Junius Wesley Bo)kin '35 FM Tho mas E. Page '4 7 HI Will iam E. Leslie '57 LP Fred A. McNeer Jr. '4 7 LP Charlc:i E. Ho lman Sr. '5 1 Frederick Neal Calloway '8 1 co Ronald J. Tied e '66 LP Louis P. Brrne '46 OK James- M. Perry Jr. '57 FM Phillip Merrill '66 LP J ames C. Meado r J r. '5•1 LJl FM FM Williamj. CashJr '36 LP William F. Polk J r. '58 LP tephen P. Monon '55 Ll, E. Tho mas e,.,•bill '70 DK J ohn D. Ho lmes '61 LP William R. Gosdin '42 FM Arnold Oa\•id Trill '85 LP W. Holmes Chapman Jr. '28 Rayburn W. Qualls Jr. ' 49 LP Francis R. Partin '63 LP Curt is H. oe '72 LP Waller B Howard '30 LP Harry L Griffin '37 LP Walter M. Turner ' 41 LP LP William M . Ro\,•leu ' 49 LP Mel vin G. Pauon Jr. '60 LP J ames L. Pollo k '66 LP William R Humphle u Ill '58 Ray Hamilton '37 LP Charles A. Vaughn Jr. '43 LP Hubert W. Charlton J r. '47 J Robert Sims '60 LP J o hn D. Persons Ill '68 LP Rit.t: C. Ray '54 LP Ll' Graham Ho lmes '36 LP Do nald Walker '33 LP LP Stew:trt P. Smith J r. '6 1 H I J ames W. Ponder J r. '60 LP Thomas J. Scahill Jr. '45 LP J ohn E. J ones Sr. '42 Ll' Buddie J. Hopson '80 LP Paul R. Walker '68 LP J e ffery Congdo n ' 79 FM Richard A. a bel Jr. '57 LP J o hn C. Po rt er '63 LP Roben F. Sherert .t: '·H Ll' Richard Hayde n J ones '85 LP Donald L. Hunt Sr. '56 LP Todd R. Wcinkle '82 F/l.t Thomas Eld er ' 76 LP L. Bradley Stanfo rd '53 LP J o hn A. Quenelle '39 LP Wh itefoord Smith J r '•13 Ll1 He nry J . Kelly '25 LP Elmer R. Kirk '45 FM Clif Whitaker '8 1 LP Arthur T. Ellett '27 LP Francis V. Tilley '53 LP Benjamin D. Reams Jr. '64 Charks W. Treat ' '1 8 LP Ed\\'ard F. Kirkland '67 LP ' William H. Mann '58 LP Do ugl as M. White '72 OK Allen W. Fl annagan Jr. '4 I LP ll1addeus T. Wert 'SO LP DK Robe r! L. Wea\er '43 LJ> George L. L'lne Jr. '42 LP Ro bt: n 1-t . McGill '60 LP Tho mas D. Williams Sr. ' I 7 Edgar B. Frankl in '27 LP Erie E. Wilkinson '32 LP Torance Albert Russell Jr. '36 J ohn L. Wheeler ' 6<1 LP Oa\id M. Leubecke r '75 FM Robert L. Neighbors '62 LP LP Carlyle T. Frost '31 FM Richard A. Williams '49 LP LP Euge ne G. Wilson '38 LP J ohn C. Lindsay Jr. '5 1 FM Oa\' id M. 0'-'t:ns '73 LP William S Woolery '32 LP Russell . Garber '33 LP Ste\'C il R. Winkle r '74 FM Willia m P. Schilleci '56 Ll, William R. Winders '46 LP Hiram Edward Lindsey J r. ' <1 •1 J oyce C. l)ipkin '46 LP Ceraldj. Yachabach '57 GO Wallace G. Harris '67 LP No rma n C. Yo ung Jr. '•19 LP Dean Sessamen '42 Ll' J ay W. Woodard '5 I LP FM Basil N. Plastiras '43 LP Ri chard T Zukoski '62 LP of Pi Kappa Alpha 31 Alpha Theta Terry C. Winstead ' 70 I'M Vaughn V. Kuu c kl ~s '66 LP Stc\ en J . B)'mc '65 LP Mark Andren• Miller '80 FM Alpha Rho Emanuel A. Fl oor '54 OK West Virginia j ohn R. Wright '38 FM Philip J . McQuaid '64 FM Craig Richard Campbell '8 1 Baxter Glenn Moore '26 OK Oli1o State Do nald E. Foulge r '48 LP R. Lorin Mulli ns '57 FM LP William F. Needham '68 FM University Alto n V. Fratier '55 LP University Orion M. Pa isley '31 FM V1rgd H. Campbell '26 LP William R. Nester Jr. '4 7 CO Leo W. Coate5 '48 LP Alpha ~apP.a J ohn Aden Barlow '6 1 LP Dcrwcr D. Alkinson '66 LP Oouglas j . Carr '7 1 OK Andrew J . Cra,•itt II I '73 LP Allan M. Parrent '49 LP Robcn P. Newstedt '62 LP George Edgar Boehm '50 FM Srerling E. Bare '69 FM Umverslty of David K. Pemberton '64 LP W. Clippinger Jr. '63 LP Eric Gunderson '85 LP Nicholas j . Orphan '65 CO J ohn William BrO\.,. n '67 LP Andrew R. Barrcu '58 OK Missouri-Rolla Milt on C. Pric(' '40 OK Charles W. Crause '58 LP J ohn C . Pecsok '49 LP Fredrick. R. Hardy '38 LP Charles D. Brennan '65 H.·t Colone.l L. Clegg ' <17 FM Timothy Earl Allen '84 LP Richard Chris Rccley '32 LP Walter K. Dickson '38 FM David C. Peters '66 FM Rohn W. Harmer '62 LP Frank S. Cashman '58 LP Vernon W. Col~ ' 71 LP Je!Told M. Al y~a ' 57 LP David I-1 . Scearce '70 LP Al\•a Louis Oo m '30 LP Edward W. Purdy Jr. '49 LP Hal R. Hannon '38 LP Wilson R. Caskey '33 FM Max E. Atteberry '66 LP Al an P. Cragg '50 LP Reginald HalT) hepherd '48 Paul A. Dow ' 18 LP Richard C. Rechtin '4i LP Rodman H. Heath '38 LP Cordon L. Cox Jr. '35 LP P:wl Gerard Baldctti ' 78 LP Gregory L. C. Crane. '65 LP C lenoyd W. Hiss '36 LP LP J erro ld M. M. Dunstan '63 LP Lc\v-is H. Reid '4 I LP Darrell W. Crawfo rd '57 LP Gullla\•us H. Crumpcckcr Jr. Monon C. Banh '63 LP Charles C. South Jr. '48 FM Ralph M. l l'\'inc '33 LP Leonard Eschbach ' 77 LP William P. Rentschler '60 LP J ohn M. Cunningham '51 FM '36 LP Philip Blawvic Jr. '36 LP Woodrow W. Sn)'rlcr '36 LP Richard H. J ohnson Jr. '69 Allan R. Ferguson '26 LP Larry J . Retherfo rd '56 FM David W. Ed,.,.a rd '30 DK Cary E. E.."lrp '65 LP Robert A. Brennecke ' 70 LP William Peyton 11lllrman '36 LP V. Bailey Fl emming '•17 LP George L. Ru 'i~c ll '27 OK Haywa rd W. Foy '25 LP Paul S. Burke Jr. '69 Ll' David Roben Elliott '87 LP Justin M. J o lley '39 LP FM Roberr E. Ceauque '35 LP William J . chmid '30 LP Thoma.s M. Freeman '57 LP Collins M. Burton '38 FM Wayne M. Wallace '68 LP Harry Ward Ewalt J r. '27 LP Le.land W. J onas '63 LP Michael B. Goldman '84 FM Da,•id Eric Schroer '78 LP Paul D. Fl e. hr ' 19 FM J effTC)' Alan Ha ll '72 OK Charles E. C-.rlbrrg '4 6 LP l)on C. Weller '50 LJ> Alan S. Knudson ' 73 LP Leo nard W. Goodin ' 61 LP William D. Sciannamblo ' 76 Robert Paul Freed '77 FM Richard W. Hcid '61 LP El han Andrew Chamberl"in Lyle E. White J r. '43 FM J ack Ko lkman LP 1l1addeus S. Hadden Jr. '40 LP Alben Lynn Freisner '55 LP J ohn J. Hibbs '55 Ll' '75 LP Robert N. Wilson '59 FM FM J oe C. LaPine ' 7<1 OK George W. Hopkin '37 FM Richard C. Chapmi\n '66 LP Nicholas S. Shafor '57 CO j ohn P. Gan•in '38 LP J ack R. Wiukamp '48 FM Peter M. Hagan '5 1 LP Daniel B. Lybbert '63 LP Philip J. lapalucci Jr. '83 FM Douglas N. Christense n '40 E. Dexter Shank '67 LP Cary A. Gieser '62 GA Hays K. Wolff '67 LP William L. Hancock '72 LP William K. Ma c k~ y '50 LJ> Frank H. Julian '63 LP LJ> William L. Simendinger '4 7 J ack E. Grant '34 FM Anhur C. J ecklin Jr. '30 FM Russell L. Marlor '50 FM Kcilh S. Kennedy '63 Ll' William W. Collin" '45 LP FM Andrew T. Curoy '71 LP H. Cordon McOermaid '39 Dwight E. J eter ' 70 LP Douglas J. Ladish '62 LP Carl B. Oa"is '43 LP Alpha Mu Clarence L. Smith Jr. '54 FM Harry T. Hance Jr. '40 FM Dwight C. j ohnson '3 1 FM LP Nonnan D. Lane '60 LP l,owcll A. Dennie '37 FM Glenn L Smith '48 CA Charles A. Harrington '64 Ll, Umversity of William C. J ohnstone '51 FM Clifford A. Miller '48 FM David Do uglas Lewis '82 OK James A. Dollar '61 LP J ames C. Sparrow '66 OK Charles M. He.bble '25 LP Georgia Dale T. Kirlin J r. '61 LP Wayne C. Neff ·so LP Wahcr C. Uulccou '58 FM J ack L. Eason '50 LP Robcr·t L Spencer '58 LP J amcs j . Higbca '6 1 LP J ames A. Airia '60 FM Daniel Lee Knopf '84 FM J ames V. Olso n '67 LP William L~sd '85 LJ> 'Jnomas Wade Fennessey ' 75 Robcn D. Stit zlci n '68 DK Glenn F. Hodson Jr. '6 1 LP Michael C. Baker '76 LP Herben H. Kraushaa r '35 LP William R. Onyon ·49 LP J ames M. ~-t a n in '4 I LP LP Richard G. Stuart '47 LP Be.n L. J o nes '60 LP Norman Andren• Barreu ' 79 W. Brent Kytc '57 FM Paul E. Osborne '4 7 LP Arthur F. McDonie '48 LP Leroy W. Fuller '42 LP William K. Swisshelm '59 LP George F. J ones '28 FM C. J ay Parkinson '32 FM LP J . Martin Ho rn Lambert '57 Carl B. Keslar '29 FM Douglas G. Meigh en '68 LP J oseph Andrew Cendc '84 LP J ames D. Benefi eld Jr. '•19 LP J ames F. Tener '59 LP Lester C. Paxto n '•II LP OK Derrick L. Kimble '64 LP Ro bert L. Morris '69 LP David C. Crimm '4 7 Fr\·f Robert C. Bibbings '48 LP Mark Thomas Til>;ley 'i6 LP Donald E. Pugh '66 FM Dennis C. Lane '66 LP William E. Knepper '28 OK J ohn F. O llom '42 LP J ean E. Hacker '5 1 OK Will iam Rrcmcr '73 I'M William Paul Va rga '83 OK Robert T. Rains '8 1 OK J. Franklin J. Lewis '42 CO Frederick C. Le Fevre '32 FM M. Brcn1 Pauley '72 LP Eugene E. Hammann '39 LP J o hn L. Bridges '66 Lf> J oseph R. Volz '58 FM Darcll C. Richards '63 LP Robert Edward Malccck '82 Clarence W. Lo ngbrake '5 1 T homas H . Pcndlc10n '55 LP Robert Gene Hea ' i8 LP Robert Hamilto n Bu n s Jr. '82 Lawrence W. Waggo ner '56 George L. Richards '37 LP LP LP Thomas Piclcch '8 1 FM Francis H. Henninger Jr. '54 LP LP Stanley F. Rock '24 FM Paul B. Mansfi eld '39 LP Robe.n Lo,•e Ill '59 OK Oa"id R. Polliu '68 LP FM F.C. Chandl er Jr. '46 FM Barry J ohn Wanninger ' 77 Robert F. Rohlfing '41 LP Harold C. Pratt '37 LP Ronald Bruce Henry '83 CA Glenn M. McCaslin '4i FM Richard J . Luck.a y '50 LP Volney Judson Cissna Jr. '38 '39 FM Karl C. Rove ' 70 LP George C. Previll '43 LP 1l1omas Miles •·M Gary Allen Martin '82 LP J ohn H. Herder '48 FM LP Roger M. Weller '6 1 FM Eric Schreiner '86 LP Harold L. Pri u ' <1 8 Ll, Frcdcrick j . Hohenberger '66 Charles J. Miller '26 OK Marshall Mo,.,.rcy Jr. '47 Ll, William P. Claitt '56 LP William D. Wilder '39 OK Frederic k J . hefficld '4 3 OK Mi hael B. Putnam '68 LP Phillip Patrick Scagli a '84 OK J ames Allen Noonan '75 LP LP J o hn S. Clements Jr. '5 1 LP Willard David Smith '63 LP Timothy R. Schweighart '64 Thomas R. Williams '56 LP William M. Phillips '3 7 LP Richard L R aw l i n ~'S '63 OK Gary R. Holl and '6 1 LP Drew 0 . Coleman '69 LP Envin A. Standing '44 LP J o hn P. Rohal '66 Ll, FM Daniel E. Winder '4i LP Da,•id W. Pierson '71 LP William D. Hollander '63 FM !\·tare Kip Coombs '86 LP Delbert F. tokcr ' <12 LP Daniel N. Smith ' 70 LP Robert N. Wright '5 1 FM Ro bert B. Prankc '42 LP Roben C. Sande" '70 LP J amc" R. Hunt '45 FM William A. Crider Jr. '60 CA Larry L. Sto\\'e Jr. '60 LP Cordon W. Steffens '56 FM J ames B. Zimme nnan '70 LP William D. Rahr '52 LP J oseph Page o u '80 LP Philip Antho ny J ozwiak '88 Phillip L. Do naldson '53 LP Richard K. Stro ng ' 70 LP Donald W. Stephenson '48 LP Richard M. Zimmcnnann '48 Willard W. Roberts '44 FM Michael T. Shook '77 Ll, LP Michael R. Floyd '68 LP Owen Ralph Tanner '34 FM Charles P. St rom ' 63 LP LP Frank A. Robison '3 7 FM Kingsley R. Smith I I '63 LP Ralph E. Kolde '44 LP Tommy L. Gash Jr. '58 FM J ack E. Tho mas '30 FM Thomas E. Sowinski '60 LP Alben M. Kraincss '46 LP Mark Robert Sweeney '8 1 LP Max B. Roeder '5S OK William F. Gilmore Jr. ' 71 LP Mark Brewster Timberl ake '77 Fred M. Tho mpson '62 LP Michael R. Sunderland '70 LP J oseph F. Krispin '51 OK Clarence W. Gooden ' 72 FM Alpha Omicron Leland F. Ro)' '34 LP Charles C. Thorstensen '28 Frederick K. wige r '60 LP LP Ro bert E. Ruppel '52 LP William A. Kruger '56 LP Mack Varnedoe Greer J r. '76 LP Perry Scott Tarr '47 FM William P. Turk '6 1 LP Southwestern Arthur F. Schalk Jr. '3 1 FM Daniel H. Kruvand ' 66 FM LP Mat thew Dean Tippens '87 Gerald M. Ti tus Sr. '47 LP Ste\'en Scou Vincent '83 LP University Edwin W. Shier '40 OK Allen Paul Kuliniewicz '73 LP Mark T. Criflin Jr. '•16 LP LP Da,•id R. Vaughn '60 LP James N. Wanen '33 LP J ohn J oseph Buchanan '79 T heodore E. Sliwa '4 3 LP Richard J . Laschobcr '69 LP Bradfo rd Scott Hagstro m '83 Glen C. Tuckett '50 LP Daniel Warner '79 LP Arthur R. Weber '•12 LP FM Harris W. Slu sser '4 1 FM j o hn C. Latzer '57 OK Ll' Robert S. Warner '40 LP Frederick Wcihl '60 LP James Sco11 Widman '87 LP Harold M. Chafin '52 LP Howard D. Smith '5 1 FM J. J ames Paul Marfi ce ' 76 LP ToxC)' A. Hall '5 1 FM Andrew M. Weaver ·74 CO Ronald D. Wilson '67 FM Donald Clift on Wolff 'i6 LP Robert C. Stein '54 LP Gary R. Max,\·ell '75 Ll, Robcn W. Hendrix '46 LP J ames Elgin Cook '29 LP Ridgley E. Willi ams '67 LP tc,·cn Dale McHenry ' 78 FM William C. G. Fair '60 DK Kenneth D. Trimmer '35 LP Andre"' Hill J r. '49 LP J. Anhur B. VanGundy '38 FM Michael Thomas McLaughlin Harold B. Hodgson Jr. '42 LP Alpha Xi Bruce A. Gilmour '71 LP Alpha Iota Karl H. Weaner '29 OK Alpha Upsilon '84 LP Robert R. Hollingsworth '18 Umversity of Harold R. Collbe rg '55 LP Millsaps Coll ege Mark T. Miller '75 LP Alan K. C oodfri ~ nd '70 LP Charl es H. Weisheimer '48 New YorK Charles "1 . Allen Jr. '42 FM LP Cincinnati Huben D. Minnis '50 LP Edward M. Hughes ' 7 1 LP Roben E. Hardaway Jr. ' I 0 FM University Roben H. Allen '60 FM Cary D. Adams '64 OK '26 Michael Oa\•id Moline '79 LP Howard B. J ames '37 LP GO J ames C. Wiko ff LP ll1omas A. Fenton '24 LP W. E. Ayre" '49 FM Do nald Dean Montgomery '46 Robert And ri~sse n '3 1 LP James F. Holubec '57 LP j ohn Hunter Wilson '5 1 LP William E. F. We rner '24 LP Leslie H. lkar '66 LP Lee F. J erkins '42 LP Stephen F. Apple '52 LP LP William A. Kessler Jr. '66 LP Gayle C. Wolf '42 LP William H. BiLteiJ '36 OK , Ell io11 A. J ohnson '61 LP Ernest N . Arnell '65 LP E\'erett Allen Moore '82 FM Neil Dean Kirkpatrick '78 LP Oa"id A. Younger '55 LP Alpha Phi Robert E. Blount Sr. '25 OK L. J o hnson II ' 77 LP Philip E. Barner '74 LP Com1an E. Mo rris '52 LP Marion P. J ohnson '53 LP Leslie P. Legrand Jr. '63 OK Howard E. Boone r. '28 LP J o hn C. Morrisey IV '65 LP Robert C. Beans '39 LP Iowa State Edwin C. Brent '37 LP George El'\\•in Kandel '5 1 LP j ohn R. Bear '50 OK Wallace Bright Livesay Il l '76 Alpha Sigma University David L. Mueller '66 LP Paul C. Kenny '34 LP LP Bc,•erly C. Buller '53 LP Frederick Murphy '78 Ll) Wal ter M. Bisho p '69 LP Umversity of Todd Alben Allard '85 LP Charles M. Butler '4 7 FM Po ndelec A. Leo tis '47 OK J ames D. Black '55 Ll, Donald H. McDo nald J r. '59 Paul J. Bakken '63 LP Harold Nichola s '38 LP William C. Lewis '58 FM LP California­ Frederick L Calio n '69 LP Robert C. O rdemann '5 1 LP Robert E. Bo ling '48 FM Berkeley J ohn J. Bartello Jr. '69 LP J ohn C. Castlen '32 LP Roben M. Luckie '7 1 LP Talmage B. Booth J r. '37 FM Truman J. Odiorne '63 LP J ohn David Bauerle '85 LP Mark K. Post ' 74 LP Ronald S. Markwood '69 LP Charles Dale Olson '75 LP Clifford R. Anderson J r. '49 Nielson Harris Cochran '85 Alfred R. Powell '58 LP J ohn E. Bo rgman '51 FM FM Ed,.,.ard F. Benz '23 LP 1,. Dan Martin '48 LP '83 Fr\·t Steven A. Raben '59 OK LP Michael Lee Powell '80 LP William A. Bo ro nkay Alt on C . Avilla '6 1 LP j ames R. Black '67 FM William Crosby '58 OK J ohn B. Ma)'S Ill ' 73 LP David Austin Rex Jr. '87 LP J. Virgil L. Powell '52 FM Eugene L. Box '48 LP Justin F. Barber Jr. '45 LP Richard D. Blythe '53 FM Ralph David Davison Ill '78 J . Cliff McCurry '69 LP Michael C . Rossman '70 LP Donald C. Price J r. '82 LP Ti mothy Allen Brademcyer Ronald W. Berryhill '42 FM J ames J ohn Braun '82 LP LP Claude H. Mcadow Jr. '49 FM C. Drew Sanders '55 Ll, William R. Rca '36 LP '82 LP Russell T. Bigelo"' '5 1 OK Oa,•id W. Brown lee '56 LP Lester T. De Laup '3•1 OK Ba rry Milner '73 F~ ·t Donald H. Shuller '57 LP J ohn K. Rogers Sr. ' 70 LP Roger E. Brown '58 OK J ohn R. Bowman '42 LP William M. Byrne '62 LP Kenneth R. OC\\' '54 LP William T. Mobley '54 LP Jimmy R. noga '49 LP William A. Rutledge '43 FM J oseph A. Burnell Jr. '62 FM Robert J . Brockman '43 LP Roy B. Cannon Jr. '46 LP William '62 Lee M. Moore '67 LP ' 29 •• H. Dodge LP J oseph Stanley R)•nski '78 LP Willis R. Bu tt M Christopher Speier '83 LP J acobS. Brunhouse Jr. '53 LP Harry L. Carlon '54 LP J ames C. Dunn '35 LP Robert Edwin Mo rris Jr. '75 Ill J effrey Scoll Schrader '84 LP Thomas S. Campbell '•16 FM Tho mas J. Sto,•all '66 FM Kenneth S. Caldwell '46 FM Martin Gerard Ca\.,.l ey '8 1 LP Ma rk B. Eppes '73 FM LP Denis R. R. Cleeter '65 GO Frank King Stowers '78 LP Keith j . Cockerharn '74 OK Robert E. Schuchard t '48 LP Harry Rogers Mu se Ill '76 William C . Corey J r. '49 FM J ames E. Finley '57 OK Charles W. Sc.human '52 LP C. Tho mas Clifton '26 CO Robert Edward Thomas ' 76 Bruce Crane '50 LP Cary B. Compto n '72 FM Glen R. Cra,·cs ' 63 LP LP J . Roger Scrivner '50 FM Stephen R. Crone '8 1 FM LP George B. Denison '45 LP Gregory I. Cottington '55 OK David Crcggory Hanun '82 l\n1ce R. Myers '50 LP Trace Ste,·cn haughnessy '84 Benjamin W. Davis ' 49 LP George M. Tid\\•ell '64 FM Richard M. En•in g '48 OK Steven Howard Cox '83 OK LP Will iam F. OI'\\'Ood Jr. '54 F 1 Gilbert A. Davis '24 LP Van Drayton Valentine '56 LP Donald Clark Giles '39 OK Larry Crabb '67 LP J ames . Hardy Jr. '68 FM OK Stephen C. Si ms '64 LP Ric hard A. Dineen '65 Lf> William Monroe Walker '85 Paul A. Gray J r. '48 LP Michael J ohn Cullian '84 LP J ohn Douglas Hermann '8 1 Ralph D. Owen '3 1 LP Robert W. Do rsey '52 OK Oa\•id N. Davidson ' 75 FM J ames E. Teske '59 FM Almon B. Pace J r. '67 LP FM Hennan P. Hcrnande.t '40 LP Will ia m C. 1l10roughman '68 J ohn W. Ei lers '20 FM C. Wiemers '55 LP FM J ack E. Dinkel '48 LP R. Hollings\\'Ort h J r. ' 43 LP J ames T. Peeples '7 1 Ll' Moreau ,,, E.s tcs '63 LP LP Curt is C. Higgim '55 FM Thomas E. Do lan '40 LP Richard M. B. Holmes '48 LP J ack. C. Penland '3 1 LP Bruce W, Trciblc '28 LP Bradley Scott Farrcnkopf '82 Robert M. Ho ffman '44 LP Doak Peter Doolittle ' 71 FM Tomm)' M. Hont t:as '63 LP J ames E. Purcell '63 LP Alpha Pi Hcnnan L. Vacca '57 LP FM Thomas R. Holmes '52 LP Paul D. Ec khart ' 6i LP Alben Anne Labassc '84 LP Loy Dean Robe n s Jr. '53 LP Linus E. Feniclc '66 FM Samford University Michael J o hn Flater '78 FM Ty Kent VanBuren '84 LP Duncan A. Ro ush '57 LP Ciocondo F. J a uui '41 OK Robert Eason Leake '65 FM Bernard C. Wagner '46 LP Richard A. Gebhardt '48 OK Vester cal Agee '77 LP George A. Fuller '3 1 LP Robert Sharpless '•12 LP Edward L. J ohnson '39 FM Ea rl T. Lewis '48 LP J. Wayne C. Gilsdo rf '54 LP Paul Albano. Sr. '65 LP Harold R. Gallatin Jr. '54 Ll, Do uglas J ames Walker '82 FM Frederick M. Shepard Jr. '56 J. Parker B. Kemp '49 OK Kelt on L. Lowery '38 FM Randy C. Ward LP Ronald L. Goodfell ow '50 OK Lee Buno n All en ' 77 LP William D. George '21 LP ' 75 LP Do n E. Kosovac '53 LP William H. Matthc,vs '63 FM Ro bert C. Weigel '3 1 LP Oscar Frederick Grebner '27 Harold E. Gilbert '40 LP Robert M. Sicg J r. '55 LP Gerald A. Anderson '87 LP William H. Kuphaldt '44 LP Wh itwo rrh C. McCay '39 LP Carl J . Weis '40 FM FM Do nald Dean Gilson '56 LP Cecil R. Simpson Jr. '58 LP William F. Aycock Jr '27 U , j o hn R. McConnell '54 FM Dan M. McCull en '•II LP Thomas E. Welsh Jr. '55 LP Urban]. Cutjahr J r. '47 FM Roger E. C lann '58 FM Danny Terry Smith ' 76 LP J ames W. Braden '5i LP J o hn F. ~-t evi '54 LP Oa,•id B. McDaniel '62 FM Do nald B. Werncn ' 74 LP Alben J . Haberer '34 LP Larry Dean Grant '71 LP J ack C. Smith '47 LP J ohn D. Chandler Sr. '44 CO Charles Payne '85 LP William C. McKie Jr. '68 LP Byro n A. Hackney '46 LP Patrick ThQma'i C uclc ' 76 LP Benjamin Paul Win ter '78 LP j ohn ,,, Souther '39 LP Carl Cooper '42 LP Martin William Poole ' 76 FM Haro ld D. Miller Jr. '55 FM Lester H. Wimer '57 Lf> j ohn R. Hampton '55 LP Robert F. Hage r '28 LP J ames C. Trapnell Jr. '49 Ll) l,atrick E. Crow '7 1 LP J ay Brian Retnick '80 LP Charles M. r..·furry Jr. '38 OK Robert V. Wo lf '48 Ll, J ohn W, Hansen '47 FM Rodne)' D. Hanson ' 74 LP Charles L. VanOi\'ic rc '50 LP Eugene Daught ry '47 LP Steven Matthew Rich '83 LP l o uis J . Na\'a!To '39 FM Willard C. Hess '26 FM Dave Stewart Hargett '84 LP Larry M. Wheeler '53 LP George T. Gammill '37 Ll, j o hn C. Ruddock Jr. '51 OK Max B. Ostner Jr. '62 OK Richanl L. Ho ffmann '40 LP j o hn M. Hasek '40 LP Alpha Lambda Earl 11. Wiggins '38 OK Roben H. Givens '30 LP Carff B. Wilson '27 FM orman D. Packer ' 75 LP Lilburn H. Horto n Jr. '54 OK J ay J ames Hinkho use ' 78 OK Charles W, Woodall '36 LP Richard C . Crace '66 LP Michael A. Parnell '69 LP Georgetown J ohn Richard Hunt '5<1 LP He rman T . Holmes '30 LP Thomas H. Hoo,·c r '65 Ll, Do n R. Pearson '48 FM Conege Ralph J ackson '68 LP Alpha Tau Ton•ald J . H o l me~ '34 LP Charles Fred Pepper '7i OK Robert H. Alsto n '3 1 Ll, Donald E. jacob '59 LP William R. J enkins '48 LP Umversity of Utah Al;m R. Ho rsman '55 FM Alpha Nu Benjamin E. Kidd Ill '4•1 LP William E. Riecken Jr. '50 LP J ohn W. Bas ton '53 LP Umversity of Donald D. J ohnston '47 LP C. Ross Anderson '57 CO Do nald E. Hughes '62 FM Victo r M. Roby '35 LP Eugene B. Bradley '52 LP J. Oa\•id Kaiser '63 LP Walt er L. LaCrouc '6 1 FM Howard B. Anderson Jr. '46 J ay P. J anis '74 LP Paul E. Russell '4H LJ• El"m K. Brakebill '48 LP Missouri­ William L. Keeling '58 FM Lo nnie D. Lindsey '34 LP FM James R. J eglum '62 LP Wallace R. Russell '42 FM Edgar 0 . Brashear '36 Ll, Columbia J oseph L. l...'ll\SOn '5 1 FM j o hn Ban on Long '69 LP Russell M. Blood '4 7 LP Craig C. J ensen '72 LP H o m~r L. ledge Jr. '57 FM Robert C. Burris '53 LP J effrey P. Abram '65 FM Richard E. Ludwig '53 LP Malcolm K. Mill er Jr. '48 FM l,oull M. Brien '61 LP Cary D. J ohnson '67 FM J a m~s D~mpsey Smith '77 LP Earl Campbell Jr. '47 LP Charles R. Allmon '62 I'M Richard L. Luke)' ·47 LP J ames H. Pesnell '59 FM Paul Buchner '34 LP Lant A. j ohnson '69 FM Vardaman K. Smilh J r. '50 Meh•in G. Carson II '46 LP J ohn 0 . Andreas '66 LP Terry P. Madama '63 FM Paul V. Richter ' 66 FM Keith A. Cannon '59 FM J oel Peter J o rgensen '85 LP FM Donald B. Cawt horne '28 LP Arthur H . l ~ ae bl er Jr. '40 Ll' J ohn Michi\el Mang '84 FM Eldridge W. Roark J r. '52 Ll, William C. Childers '68 FM J o hn l'arrickjudge '76 FM Wade H. tokes Jr. '23 LP Robert H. Cornett ' 72 FM William L. Ball '26 FM Mic hael L. Marker '64 FM William B. Rose J r. '8 1 LP Da le D. Clark '30 LP William A. Kellstrorn '60 FM Cal\'in F. Swbblefield Jr. '40 Frank W. Ellers '5 1 Ll, Lester L. Bauer '27 FM J ames M . Marrs '62 FM J ames Brian Sells LP Howard S. Clark '50 LP Grant E. .Kit ~h e n '67 LP OK j ohn M. Fam1e r '69 FM ·rncodore 1,. Bauer '67 LP Donald W. Martin '38 LP Uenton C. Shafer '36 Ll, Milto n C. Clegg '52 LP Oa,•id Campbell Larson ' 76 J ohn H. Tatum '65 Ll, Charles D. Causpohl '6 1 LP l)atrick Michael Beckmann '81 Ralph J . McCrate '50 Ll, Ca)'nor All en Smith J r. ·78 LP J ohn C. Coleman '37 LP LP Mickey P. Wall ace ' 73 LP J ohn W. C lass '92 FM LP Douglas P. McKee ' 74 LP H. Robert Snoh J r. '38 LP Stephen R. Co\'ey '50 LP MarkS. Lawson '75 LP Mitchell E. Ward Jr. '27 LP Dale W. Cunn '68 OK Scott Alan Bc)•erl '82 LP Denn is Charles McTighe '77 Alan W. Speaker ' 72 LP Rodne)' W. Decker '60 LP J ohn C. Lutt '32 LP Ste\'cn Robert Whitten '81 LP Hugh McBeath Haycraft '57 George H. Bohn '42 LP LP Pa ul R. Tamplin '46 FM Kc\'in Oeesing '7'1 LP Robert H. Mander.s '60 LP Charles 0 . Williams '6 1 LP LP j effry Burden '80 Ll, Cary E. Menchho fer '65 CO Larry F. Wiho n '66 LP Cli nton M. Oim\·oodcy '21 Ll, Clifford A. Mann '67 FM Parham W. Will iams '58 LP Dan L. Hun '69 LP J ames D. Burnside Jr. '38 Lf> Glenn . Miller '46 LP William Keith Wilson '80 OK Stuart S. Dye '58 Lf> Ralph H. Mart in '26 FM

32 Shield & Diamond Scon A. McQueen '75 LP J ohn E. Boyer Jr. '52 Ll, Malcolm T MacCallum '53 Te rrell J Osborn '62 LP J ohn Thomas '86 LP Beta Iota Da\;d Po "" ell H3)1Uc '76 LP Jam e~ L. Mel.sa '57 FM Richard A. Cederber-g '48 LP DK Richard M Pickl er '46 FM Wilt o n 8 Wright '55 LP Phill 1p B Herron '65 LP Michael H. Miller '53 LP Curtis George Champlin '85 Stephen L. Marley Ill '80 LP L. Patrick Piggou '60 FM Beloit Coll ege Ro ben W. Amold'49 FM J ohn MarJ... Hru1.el '8 1 LP Mark M. Minear '69 Ll, LP Edward M. Maue '66 OK Man·in J . l, raH '57 LP Ro ben A. Borro wman '49 LP E.dv. ard S H)·rnan Jr '65 CO J erry L. Moore '56 LP Stephen E. Cless ' 72 LP Roben A. McCool '76 FM Dennis E. PrUitt '65 LP Beta Eta Richard E. Cavin '54 LP Robert C. P J ack.son '39 Ll, Roger E. Mo n '62 LP Cr.ug E. Cole ' 77 LP Ste\'en F. Muschlit1 '85 FM William F Rehrn Jr. '54 LP Uni ve rsity of Ro nald D. Dowden '49 LP Fredrick R J enkms J r. '54 OK Daniel J ohn emmen '75 FM Roben V Co rns '38 LP ArthurS. Oberg '50 LP Jake H. Ki chards '26 FM Illinois Donn M. Eberl '55 LP William N Kncurek '55 LJ> ThomasJ. Neuscheler '65 LP J errery Rene Cox '83 Ll' Timo thy Edwin Orr ' 77 LP Sco11 Alan Russell '85 LP 1l1omas H Abraham '68 FM Wilham H La ndry '66 H I Donald 0 ichols '59 Ll, Wallace B Hobart '29 FM J am~ J . Cram '40 LP Cary 0 . Pauerson '56 OK Philip E. Schmidt '57 FM Carl C Anderson '64 LP Arnold E Luetge '5!l OK Da\ id L. Pauling '66 FM Lo V~· e ll H. Jones '5 LP J o hn A Crouch '62 OK James 8. Prei fTer '60 LP Wilbur \\' Schmidt '50 LP J A Stuart Anrlt-rson '28 LP Geor-ge M Luhn '20 CO Elmir E. Paulson '32 LP Edwa rd J. Kveto n '59 LP Richard C. Daniels '6 1 LP J ohn F. Piau Jr-. '45 FM Eldo n R loan '28 FM Walt er T Anderson '20 LP Schu) le r ~t anhalllll '39 LP Donald Duane Peeler '78 LP Claire H. Pierce '22 FM J o hn C. Davisson '70 LP Oli\er L. PoppenbergJr '8 1 Home r P Smith '22 DK Kendall P Bates '44 FM Wallace L Matjaslc '28 FM Clyde C Person '40 FM Edgar M. Pinnov. '29 I.P C . Scott Dinkel ' 70 I.P FM Henry R. St eele '35 LP O;wid R Bed: ' 73 LP C ha rl e~ F Mernel Jr '42 LJ> J ohn Michael Pl o u ~.:ek '77 LP Arj a T. Po.,.,·ell '39 LP LIO)'d S. Eberhart '36 LP Worley K. Stew:m '5 1 LP Richard L. BlaH '59 GO f rankJ. M1kesl a J r '56 LJ> Bill L. Priebe '73 LP Jerrrey Eric Quigley '8 1 LP Kenneth C . Ebert '67 LP J a me ~ C. St insnn '49 LP Charles A Bm•she r '50 LP Beta Kappa J o hn H Na bors Jr '60 LP Paul A. Rasmussen '69 LP Mch•in Do nald Rex '57 FM Tilcodore F. Emerson '35 LP Robert H. Symons '47 OK J ad: E. BO\ISher ·so u• Emory Umversity Rus'iell I. O rr '55 FM Troy Channing Reichert '84 Martin J oseph Schloss '76 Hof Roger Tobias ' 70 FM Douglas Bruce Eubank '85 LP Richard TI10mas no~ '82 FM J erald A.. Adelson "71 FM Milto n H Parroll '48 FM Ll' Ro nald Schmidt '69 LP Tim Tnunp '78 LP J ay M. Farrar '50 LP William H Burger '60 LP Clarence K. Andre\\ .S Jr '4 !1 Ve rne D. !,tulips '46 FM Michael Brian Rickert '82 LP Curtis Brian Schneider '78 Keith E. Vine '22 LP Michael W. Farrell '72 LP Donald H Buser '56 LP LP Titeodore A P n meau~ '5 1 Douglas C . Rockne '69 LP FM E. J ames Wilson '54 FM athandale Fa rris '5 1 LP l:.d ""·ard J Callahan '35 DK Q..,ight M. BceV> n '20 CO FM J ames FrancL'i Roegier; '85 amuel Schonely '56 LP Walter H Wulr '66 DK Timothy Geo rge Fiugerald Harnld R Ca llahan '4 1 FM Herbert E. Bro ught on Jr '6-1 V. Ra) Punumll '46 LP LP '82 LP Chester E. Shepperl)' '45 LP Walter H WuJr Jr '64 OK OK Ronald C Ro-.en '59 LP William Barker Ross '53 LP George S. Sibley '64 FM Ernest H CurT) '27 FM Dav1d Eugene Fm.,Jer '82 LP J o hn T Oa\·is '67 LP 11mmas D. Carnes '45 1.1, TI1omas C. Saunders '3 1 FM Mark Nicholas calion '79 LP Richard H. Frank '56 FM Arthur L. Simmers Jr. '42 FM Beta Delta Delben D. ('..a ) ce Ill '•IR I P J ack R Schmid '47 OK Ri chard \Y _ Schelin '66 Ll, Man in D. Dennis '56 CO George A. Fredrickson '48 LP Wilber J . Slocum '54 FM Rol)('rt C . Certam '67 DK J ame<> H. Sc rugg~ Jr '40 FM University of New J a m e~ 0 J)el\ eerth '67 LP Henry C . Schmidt '31 OK Theran J . Fry '56 LP Gardiner T . Snrder '73 LP WilliamS. Currie '•15 LP Maurice P S Spearman '2!• Kirk H. Shallcross '74 Ll, Lester D. Std ufTer '58 LP Mexico David Ru ~s Canfield '77 Ll' ll1o mas C. Gale '5 1 LP J nhn H Gray '54 FM Vit gil J. Dads '30 LP OK Ro nald Dean Sheetz '53 LP Donald T. St i t ~.:cr '67 LP Frederick G. Allen '30 OK William M D;w i\ '50 DK Roy S. Han·ey '42 F ~·t Karl Gu<> tarson ' 77 DK Couh er R. Suhleu · ~o GO J tunes Sidles '51 FM Frank W. Stoe J r. '35 LP Geo rge A. Almes J r '40 LP Emo ry W. Dunto n Jr. '6 1 FM J arold M. Hayden '61 FM J ames E. Cutshall '60 I.P J ohn A ll1o mp ~n '62 OK Mark Leroy Singleto n '87 LP Thomas L Tilton Jr '63 LP J ames D. Anderson '42 LP R F.a rl Garrell '7'1 CA Robert C: lurnham '•1!1 FM Duane E. Hennan '66 LP Timma ~ C:. Hanm·er ' 73 U , J efT rey 1 odd prau '84 FM Raymond P. Horrman'i '59 Ll, Richard N. Toler '44 LP J o hn W. Ande rson '55 LP Mack V. Creer ',19 FM 0 . Raymond Vl·Me) '32 LP Rich;ml R. Steele '63 FM TeiT) L. Ashcraft ' 70 LP George F H« k '50 DK Mark H Hulings '42 OK George A. Wea\·e r- '29 LP W11lm m C Harchn Jr '56 I P 'eill B \\' al~ t or r '57 FM Robert L. Barber '65 FM JeiTre) , Hedge '74 I.P Harold R. Sullh•an '58 FM Cary K. Hylt o n '54 LP Eric Re uben Weinbrom '81 Paul 1.. Hamficld ''I !I FM J o~c ph F \\';m l ' 1R I.P Robert T. Bear ' <1 8 FM Einar A Helsmg '22 LP J ohn C. Sundberg '64 LP Ralph D. Johnson ' 5'1 FM LP Hcnl") \\'. Hill '4R OK C:) rm U Weller ·~ 1 J.P J o hn F Bo\,dish '59 LP Sherman E. Hepler '4 1 LP Bruce D. Thatcher '56 GA Robert P. J o hnson '72 OK Do uglas Keener \Vol r '80 LP Crnwro rd G. J ackson Jl' ' Hl l.t:'c J Wil hom '55 1.1' Turner Branch '57 DK J nhn A Herbolsheinl('r '50 Douglas Luther Tho mpson Eugene K. Keating '50 DK Quentin E. Wood '42 GA LP J a m <-~ K. Wilhelm '45 Ll' '77 LP Wilrred J. 1\rennan '42 LP FM Ted E. Kelley '62 Ll' Stephen Zalik '60 FM J . Clar<- nc<- J u l..snnJr '47 1.1' Robert H Willi ~ '75 I.P Willi:un U. Casper '5 i DK Will iam K. Holman '6!1 I.P J ames W. Upham '58 Ll, Mark J ames Kohlrus '78 LP J ames Robert Zanghi '85 LP Ph1lip 1.. J cnkim '6!1 I.P Stanh•) M Wooch, arcl '•1:\ DK Samuel F. Calterlin '45 LP Edmond K. lrps '56 LP Richard A. Utzke '58 LP l'aul J . Kuckelman '46 CO Sldlle) G. Kennecl )' Jr '24 u • ·n mma" Mo rgan Wnocl,, ard William C. J ackson ''1 9 LP Duane D. Visser '77 LP Roben R. Lind '49 LP Beta Beta J ame ~ L. Chambers '65 OK Ech•'lll M King '6R FM '49 DK Roland L. Clark '35 LP Phillip Leo Joh n~ n '82 FM Do uglas 0 . Wallen '6 1 Ho.f J ames M. ft.brkee '73 FM William R. l.aing ''17 DK University of Cerrit C. Co ne '66 LP Ke\ m E. Kasma r '72 LP Do nald W. Wahen '42 LP o nh R. McArthur ' 71 LP William L('ach ' 77 FM Beta Nu J ames S. Weldon '50 LP Washington Carlos M. Creame r '33 FM Di xon B Ke,·ser '36 FM William H. Masse) Jr ' 15 1.1, Han·ey Jo McCarter '52 FM Richard J . Asfiby '52 LP Allen L. Weller '65 LP Cht~r l es C . Oa\·is '33 LP Frede rid.. E. l.acke) '2!• l.l, H) roll Dnnald Mmnr '•19 FM Oregon State J ohn L. McKenLie '35 LP Cary J. Ausman '57 FM Gary A. Wicklund '60 DK olan C . Mc Ker11.ie '38 OK Leo nard J. Dclayo '42 LP Do uglas R. Langereld '6R FM Sepnour S 0\1e ns '3 7 I.P Uni versit)' Gary L. Young ' 75 FM Roben H. Briggs '59 LP FrederickJ. Disque '50 FM Walt e r J. Larson '63 FM Clarence A. Pam<- '26 I.P Willard C. Jk•c J...I q '22 FM George William Meeker '77 Ralph L. Byron '56 LP Geo rge D. Yout.ty '70 LP LP Brurord L. Do)'le '54 FM Stephen D. l.ecrh '6!\ OK M1kel L Pu rcell '6R I P Chm to phr r C il'J.:~ 'f•R FM William B. Chace '29 LP Neil D. Fnunkin '57 LP Leroy Earl Youtt:y '39 LP Lo,,•e ll F. Miller '55 FM William J. Lit chfield '69 U' Em1nett 1•. R o bin ~ nJI . '3R Tcr') I. ll;mgiWrt ) ' 6!'1 FM J ames A. Cloore '55 FM J o hn Vincent Caroralo '82 LP Mark E. Zirkelbach '67 FM Karl E. Muenzenmayer Jr. '60 Russell K Maye rfe ld ' 72 J.ll 1.1' Michad Andre'' Fnrncrnol Brantley P. Davis '48 LP WarrenJ Cunde ~ n '49 FM G. H Mo rga n '30 DK Robt'n W. Rnmrn '63 DK 'Rf, FM LP Timo th)' J ohn Do no\•an '82 Carl E. Henderson '27 FM W111i am P Mumrord II '4 I Ro bert T. Ry.m Jr '72 I P Fred N Ga<-dcu '66 Ll' Alpha Chi Ke\tin Eric MuiT '85 LP LP Arthur L. O ldham '47 LP Roy D. Hickman '22 CO OK A Giles Scon)CI" '66 I I, ds G(IJ 1\ n ~nn 'RO u• Syracuse University Dean H. Do wning '38 LP C. Loren Je\S up '49 DK J ames V. O tt o '43 CO Al ben T M) renJr. '64 LP J ohn C. Se,, cll '6 1 IlK l .ou i~ J ame" l.:m g l m~ 'R2 FM Crving C. C. Anderson '34 (p Cary G. Grant '20 FM William F. Kell y '45 LP Oaruel J J ohn l\el luardo '81 LP Alan 0 . K.ing '67 LP Ralph E. Lo ken '29 DK te\·en K. Pucket '74 OK Mark A Pauerson '70 FM Ho me r E. Smith II '53 OK Jim Nt.- l ~c m ' 7~ 1.1• Werner J. Beyen '49 FM J o hn F. Kropr '48 LP Tho mas J . Nesbin '46 FM J ohn P. Ransom '38 FM Albe rt E. Pax to n ' 21 DK J anws 0 . Smuh '56 OK Juliu ~ M Riclcllc '2 1 FM Oa"id A. Blessing '58 OK George D. Lindgre n '64 FM ll1eodo re H. Pate Jr. '48 FM Kenneth E. Rice '42 OK David Brian Poppie '77 Ll' L~ure n ce Alan Stoumcn '82 Michael J Scutt ' 72 FM Domenico Cambareri '80 OK Ri chard D. Malone '51 FM J ack C. Redman '43 LP Cregg Thomas Riley '75 LP J e rrery Robe rt Po rt e r '76 FM LP Rnbt;rt 0 . Shnm1 '62 Ffto l Aladino Duke '37 LP Eugene E. Marsh ' 19 FM Charles W. Rippel Jr. '3 1 LP Kenneth R. Riley '56 FM Ed1\•ard J. Strasma '56 u• Bradrord Ely Stroup 'R4 FM Eric Wt'INt' r St l' \e n ~ "R3 I.P Arthur W. Egan Jr. '68 FM f rancis E. Marsh '20 OK Milto n L. Kose '35 LP Michael William Riley '84 LP Michael Robe rt Stringer '80 Kenneth H. Tho m a~ J r '65 St cH·n G. Ue rl i n g~ ' 75 FM Anthony J Felicetti '64 FM ln •in F. Matson Jr. '48 OK Lenhart A. Sailer '40 LP Robcn W. Robinson '68 LP FM FM Ho)t Walker '70 FM Louis M. Freedman Ill '67 Kenneth R. McKibbin '49 LP Ed.,.,•ard E. St okes J r. '61 LP Daniel Allen Schierling '8 1 LP Gle n Thorson '58 H I FJ>e n F Till) '20 FM Geo!'g<- R \\'d)(·r ''19 I.P LP Stephen Y. McNair '5 I LP Frank D. Taylo r '69 FM Malcolm C. Todd '3 1 OK Alrred H Unrlen• OO Raymond A. J ansen J r. '58 Oscar C. Sandberg Jr. '49 CO Charles H. Day 28 LP Harold W Glil Don E. Cheatum '57 FM 1-:mest H. Picker '48 LP Kenneth R. Conklm '64 u• Alpha Psi Robert J. Hamngto n ',17 FM J oseph A. Boehret '56 LP Michael Wayne Oa\'is '80 FM J ohn W. Coyle Jr. '50 LP HarT) A. Steinme)'er Jl' '39 Burt L. CuiJl '53 u• Rutgers College J ohn Bo niface J r. '64 LP J ackson A . Dean '38 FM Scon T . Dodd '83 H I J ames T Hegenbarth '56 FM LP William J. Dale J r '62 DK Gabnel A Chopey · ~ LP Bud h•an Boom '76 u• K.im Michad Flanagan '73 FM J ohn F Egger '25 LP Duane T Hei ne man '54 LP Harold L Welch '3 1 LP Rex 0 Oa\1\ '46 I.P Francis A. Deleu '54 FM Glenn L. Bo1•.'ers '40 LP Richard E. Garlinghouse '28 J ames K. E\·em '28 LP George B Henry '59 LP Do nald W. Wimberly ' .3 4 FM Marshall Da) ton J r '4 1 Ll, F. Eugene Co n.t.ale.t. '42 LP Carl J. Bruckner Jr. '49 LP LP Warren L. Gra\'el )' '29 LP Charles J oseph Ho nath Jr. Edwin C. Wind Jr '43 LP Anthony C. Oebelli 'i J r '65 Francis T Heenan '3 I FM H. James Eat on '45 FM Charles W. Garrison J r. '27 Do nald C. Hardin '52 LP ' 78 LP Ll' William Hoen '37 FM J oseph C . Ebner '6 1 LP DK J ames Art her Hayden '80 LP Michael F. HO\•·ell '62 LP Frederick D. Dupy '73 DK Amhony M. Orecchio '42 LP Randy E. Fe rree ' 73 LP Michael J o hn Gill '83 LP L. Luton Henson '30 OK Robert U. Jenkins '69 DK Beta Mu George E. Gibson '28 LP Romer Ste\'ens Jr. '49 LP Robert 0 . Fitt:gcrald '55 FM Leland Cradinger '26 FM J ackS. lsaminger Jr. '40 OK Buno n J. Kloster '5 1 LP University of Texas William F Harr.1h '49 LP Ro bert S. Warner '24 LP Kenneth B. flo rence '58 LP Robert H. Hamilto n '40 LP J a>· F. Kinsel J r. '69 FM J oseph D. Kovacs Jr '49 FM Peyton 0 . A6boH ''15 Lt> Ro bert D. Harrell '46 OK Maurice J . Willey '56 FM Donald A. Fredrickso n '45 Ro nald D. Hardten '55 FM Roben C Kisler '•16 LP Glenn Law '80 LP S)·dne)' Meade Bauer ' 78 LP J errre) Don H as ~ d '80 LP FM Wilbur B. Harrison '27 LP So nley R. Lema)' Jr '5 1 FM J effrey Alan Lowe '83 LP J. Waddy Bullion 'S9 OK Otto 0 . Hess Jr '37 I.P Alpha Omega Cliffo rd L Ginter J r. '50 FM Harold D. Herndon '22 OK Millard Le1"is Jr. '54 LP J o hn J Mangan '6 1 FM J o hn A. Burger '65 FM Charles C. l·lo lllngs\\orlh '50 Frank W. CladingJr. ' 17 LP Mo rris D. Hildreth '33 FM Don E. Ligo n '6 1 LP Guy R Maaa '71 FM Billy J eff Ca mp~ '63 LP FM Kansas State J o hn A. Hammond J r. '52 LP Warren D. Hodges ''1 2 OK Thomas M Matthews '67 LP ~ll ciMcl T McCoy '8 1 Ll, J o hn W. Ca1y '35 LP Earl E. J amesJ!' '55 LP University Henry D. Harral '20 LP Oa\oi d L J ames '70 LP Richard Maulues '48 FM Man in D Merry '62 FM Hugh E. ChesnunJr '3 1 FM Vance S. J e nn i n g ~ '4 7 l.P Richard Ray Adams ' 75 LP Philli p A. Hartley '35 Ll' Bruce R. J o hnsto n '52 FM H . Leslie McKe n1.:1e '3 1 LP David Miles '6'1 LP Daniel A. Cheste r '49 FM Richard H. Kamp '50 Ll' Lawrence E. Adee '42 FM Pete r C . Ho rrman '61 LP Do nald P. Kahl '62 LP Tho mas A. Peacock '29 LP Robcn W Mo ree '25 LP Ri chard W. Chote '59 FM Daniel Ko pac l.. '67 1.1, Bradley Eugene Andler ' 78 J ohn B. Horsrord '50 Ll, Robert H. Kaul '30 LP Donald E. Reil y '50 DK Frank L. O 'Brie n Jr. '28 OK Rollin F. Clarke '40 LP J ames A. l .e~ l ic ' 70 LP LP J o hn Jawo rski '81 FM Charles H. K.i!'kpatrick '50 Archy M. Ro P<=r J r '35 LP Randall W. Reyer '3 7 OK David M. Cordell '70 FM J ohnny George l.unher "78 Shahn Kelley Barlow ' 79 LP ll10mas M. Karolcik '46 FM FM Raymo nd Leslie Rose '86 LP William E. Robineu '66 LP James W. Cra\''ley '45 LP Ll' Earl M Beck '55 OK James B. Kauffman '66 FM Michael L Lehr '69 LP Michael L. Schnell '72 FM Adnan L. Shuro rdJ r. '28 LJ• Da\'id S. Crockeu '36 LP J oscr •. Misko\ 'i k)· '34 FM Willi.un E. Be rger '36 OK Paul L. Keller ' 19 OK David R. Leslie '5,1 LP ln •in C. Scou Jr '46 FM Ala n Neil Tant lt• fT '84 Ll' Harl")' L Crockett Jr. '30 FM Robert H. Nept une '33 FM Roge r W Biddison '57 Ll, l'hilip R Kennett '68 LP Robert Euge ne Logan ' 78 OK George C . Senneu '5'1 Ll' Ke1th D Ward ' 71 Ll, Scott W. Ehley '75 FM J ames C. l'eard '46 1.1, Geo rge G. Biles '27 LP Charles E. Knight I II '63 FM Frank T. Louk Jr. '52 FM Lawrence R. Sessoms '66 Ll' Bnan D. Wan '68 Ll, Haney K. Fahrenthold '58 Gary L. l'iwnan ' 73 FM Daniel M Bird '59 OK Pe te r P Krech '67 LP Frederick T. Luke '38 FM Frank R. Smith '66 LP Wilha m Eugene Wc:bs1cr Jr. FM Donald J. Rajupp1 '65 I.P William R. Bird '61 OK J o hn A. Leo ne '53 DK Stephen R. Maule: '62 LP J ohn H. Smith ' 5'1 FM ' 76 fM Ra ymond A. Faires ' 71 FM William M Ra)'mond '50 FM Dennis K. Blossom '57 LP 1-~ rcd Link '25 FM J ay C. ~ t cCoy '78 LP Tho mas C . Snipe<; ''17 LP Robert L. Wegr)'n '56 LP J ames H. Fisher '35 LP J ohn S. Rcdfi clcl '23 LP Duane Mark Blr the '82 LP J oseph Ge rard Lisicky '81 LP Charles B. Morgan '38 FM Gregory Marlin Sto,•cr '80 LP l'aul Adam W~ t o n ' 76 LP William P. Class '27 FM Charles W Sclhy '3 1 FM Mark Bogi na '8 1 LP J o hn W. LosakJr. ' 70 LP Albert M. Olse n '27 LP J ack E. S\\•indlc '61 OK Ron W. Wil cox '47 F I Richa rd A. Cump '35 Ll' Rodnt:)' G. Templer '68 I.P

of Pi Kappa Alpha 33 George C. Killinger '28 FM Henry William Shurlds Ill ' 76 William T . Trigleth Ill ' 73 Mark H. Emerson '67 LP Cary R. Crawford '72 OK Gregory P. Sumners '86 FM Christia n E. Kingery '71 LP Edward]. Klenke J r. ' 72 LP LP FM Paul B. Eve rs Jr. '43 LP J effrey H. Oa\•ies '66 LP Richard Wiuenkamp '28 FM James R. Uffier '36 LP Robert N. Malison '37 LP Roger L. Ludlow '5 1 LP Marion L. Simmons '46 LP J oslin E. Vogt '54 LP Ronald D. Flach '60 LP ~Hc ha e l Todd Davis '85 LP Frank C. Mock.Jer '27 FM Conrad C. Mauern '50 LP Donald W. Smi1h '66 LP Skipper T. Wall '56 FM J ames E. Gardner '50 LP Thomas C. Delutis '60 LP Beta Psi Robert B. Plessinger '30 LP Charles Slapleton Jr. '63 LP Charles D. Watson '35 FM Raymond L. C indroz '59 LP Arthur J . Decamp II ' 70 LP Wilbur Elwin Olson '30 OK Mercer UniversiV Richard D. Risner '55 LP Thomas]. Walker '47 LP Leon M. Whi te '35 FM Oa\•id Sco11 Goldman '83 FM Rollin C. Dix '54 LP Gerald D. Warren ~ 68 LP Waher D. Mo rgan '24 L David R. Roberts '50 LP Charles T. Webb '66 LP Rudy J . Whi te '49 OK j o hn J. Goodm '46 LP Daniel C. Edmundson '63 LP Francis E. Wilson '27 LP Robert P. Ruff '29 FM Maynard W. Slack '54 LP Robert C. Weems '30 LP William N. Willcuu '48 LP Ro bert W. Homann '49 LP Kenne1h R. Eldridge '68 LP James M. Thunnan '34 LP Robert C. Taylor '60 LP J ohn Earl Whitaker '47 LP Jim W. Wolford ' 71 LP ~f kh ad Marion Hufford '77 Mark Dougl as E'•ans '80 LP Gamma Gamtna Oarence A. Wheeler '27 LP George S. Wilkes '61 LP J effrey A. Wyn n '65 FM LP Robert Ferry ' 79 FM University of Climon H. Whi te '58 FM j oseph E. Wilson Jr. '42 LP Clark B. Wysong J r. '50 LP J ames Cruise Hunt '8 1 LP William L. Finch '66 LP Beta Omlf.a Denver Ro bert J . Wolf '55 FM TumCr A. Wingo ' 65 LP Lawrence Eugene Yarberry Harold F. Illig '26 FM Keith W. Fil ch '58 FM Lombard niversity Harold A. i\·fulliner '24 LP E. Theodore Archule1a '39 Frank B. Wylie Jr. '34 OK '80 LP S1ephen A. j ochnau '84 LP Scou M. Ficch '58 LP William E. J ohnsto n '37 LP Roy C. Rylander '24 LP FM Will iam A. Fleming '41 LP Manual Boody '33 FM Gamma Eta Bri an J oos '63 LP Gamma Iota Beta Pi William F. Fowble '58 OK Robert E. Burgess '4 7 FM University of J ames K. Jubinski '60 LP University of Mark W. Fox '74 LP Gamtna Aiyha Guy B. Cresap '56 LP U ni ve rsit~ of Walter F. Kirchofer '6 1 LP Southern Kevin J ohn Francis ' 79 LP University o Claire H. Cusick '48 LP Mississippi Pennsy vania Henry Lehne '33 OK Califonia J an M. Freeman '62 LP John W. Griek ' 70 LP J ames B. Abney '4 7 LP J ohn A. Accena '50 LP Frank L. Lempert '48 OK Alabama Do uglas B. Anderson '48 LP Louis William Cales '73 LP · Henry L. Anderso n Jr. '53 LP Martin-R. Crick '61 OK Fred A. Anderson Ill '60 FM W. Craig Annington '4~ LP Frank W. Lepage '40 LP Fred G. Borch '43 LP Eric Emile Genest '86 LP Charles E. Binion Sr. '24 LP David Thomas Bac '82 LP Anthony Gerard Au1 eri '78 U onard Will iam Lewis ' 78 LP Roger C. J ahnel '52 LP Raymond P. Bradford '46 LP Harvey R. R. Gerry ' 75 LP J ames R. Boyd '66 LP Robert E. Kershner '88 LP Robert Bonds Ill '80 LP LP Paul Theodore Loebig '82 LP Roger L. Caley '53 LP John Gregory Gibbs '78 LP j ohn Andrew Caddell '28 OK Marvin L. Long '52 LP Thomas . Boschert '4 7 LP Richard S. B ai m ~ n ' 7•1 FM William C. Logan Sr. '38 LP Robert M. Crosby '28 LP Michael H . Gi ll '58 LP Roben H. Ca~ nc e r Jr. ' 70 Roben C. Mohar '45 LP Roy Bailey Braswell Jr. '84 LP Brian C. Barber '64 H ·l Edward Y. Lus1ig '60 LP J. C regg Evans '46 OK Stephen Michael Gillig '87 LP FM George T . Rochford Jr. '38 Raymond H. Brocato Sr. '65 Wesley H. Beckwi th '26 LP Donald H. Marlin '38 LP J onathan V. Cau\e '65 LP Donald J. Gochenour '45 LP Richard C. Ca n er Jr. '47 FM LP Charles W. Benc z Jr. '39 FM Robert H. Mcyn '60 FM LP J ack S. Green '45 LP Robe rt J. Grabowski '46 LP J esse R. Chea1ham Sr. '38 OK \\!arren D. Sarine '50 LP J ames S. Brumfield '27 LP j ohn A. Boccabella '64 LP Fred U. Mills J r. '60 LP Robert H. Ham ar Jr. '48 FM Gerald E. Grant '50 LP Aaron Christian Jr. '64 OK Thad Cochran ' 50 GO Mark 'S te\•en Bodner '79 LP Da\•id W. Morris '58 LP J oseph J . Schmidt '39 LP Ewing Hass '29 CA Timo1hy BTian Groves '77 FM Harold N. Coh'in '57 FM Alan L. Sternberg '64 LP J ohn B. Collier '68 LP Carl E. Bre)'e r '58 LP Walter S. Page '6 1 LP J ohn W. Hein '50 GA Gregory Al an Curen '80 LP Roger H. Cooper '74 FM J ohn C. Davidso n ' 7 1 LP J oel L. Catania ' 71 FM RobeR W. Pasco '67 FM Virgi l C. Tampa '3 7 LP E. Lynn Hester '46 LP J ohn C. Hampton Jr. '49 LP ·Ernest Coward '54 LP Robert M. Tucker '47 LP R. Desporte Jr. ' 77 LP Nicholas E. Chimicles '67 OK Glenn F. Perry '37 OK Arthur E. Hoerl Jr. '43 LP Robe rl B. Harwood '53 LP Dwayne Morrow Craig '8 1 LP David K. Wahlslrom '62 LP J ames B. Duncan '61 LP Mo n on A. Cohen '65 l:P Thomas . Pyke j <. '6 1 LP Donald W. Holmes ' 56 LP Harry W. W. Hawke '48 FM J ames H. Crawford Jr. '47 FM Ni les J. G. Edwards '38 LP James A. Couo ne '66 LP Stanley S. Pyl.drowski '42 LP Harold B. Walker '25 FM Nonnan N. Lamrup '60 FM David 1<.. Hedden '40 LP J effrey Collins Davis '83 FM Carlos Edwa rdo Escalante '84 Chr.is D. Cozart ' 72 LP Billy H. Redden '37 FM Clyde I. Wallace '25 LP William D. Lawrie '3 7 FM J oseph R. Herberg ' 75 LP Lawrence C. Davis '64 LP LP Anhur A. Cramer J r. '4 7 LP Paul G. Regan Jr. '59 LP Stanley W. Lintner '49 LP Lyle Dewi tt Hunter '79 LP William E. Davis '30 OK Frank M. Freeman Jr. '58 FM J ames K. Dahl hausen '50 LP Theodore C. Rc: u1 her Jr. '52 Gamma Delta William E. Nassour '65 Lr Max K. Huncer '48 LP TI1omas W. Dawson '58 OK Emmeu E. Gallagher Jr. '76 Oavid j . Deldo11 0 '67 LP LP Stanford A. Orfila '64 LP Christopher Ingloc '79 GA Charles L. Dow '64 CO University of LP David W. Doelp '50 FM Willard ~· f . Sanzenbacher '27 Richard C. Parsons '6 1 LP Richard A. Juslice '58 FM William W. Garrett '45 LP Tyrus C. G;bbs '46 GO Mu rray B. Dolfman '82 LP DK Arizona Charles A. Peterson '41 LP Jeffrey C. Kenny '74 FM R. Ed Goodwin Ill '69 OK Todd R. Allen '62 LP Newton G. Gill '64 LP J ohnS. Dowlin '49 LP Charles E. Schatve t J r. '59 LP J ames S. A. Phelps '62 LP Gregory M. Ketz '68 LP Mark Alan Green '83 LP Al vin D. Ayers '30 LP Thomas A. Goodwin III '50 David E. Edman '73 FM J ay R. Simmons '7 1 FM Duncan Powers '27 CO Richard A. Kill worth '62 OK TI1omas M. Green '65 fM Robert S. A)'ers '34 LP J. DK j oel Terry Friedland '74 LP Roy L. Smilh '3 7 LP Lloyd W. Taber '38 LP Philip A. Kingsley '52 LP Harlan H. Crooms Jr. '50 OK Phillip A. Becke r '68 LP J ohn E. Gough '68 LP J erome B. Goldberg '74 LP J oseph F. TI1omas '34 OK Arnold R. Ternquist '26 FM Robert I. Knapp '77 LP Hugh Douglas Hale ' 72 LP Alan L. Behall '60 LP Richard N. Graham '66 OK Martin C. Goldfine '6'1 LP James W. Treleaven '7'1 Fi\f J ohn H. Tho mpson '42 LP Richard P. Knigh t '49 FM Glenn 0 . Hall '28 LP R. Michael Bell '66 F~· l Thomas Graham Jr. '69 OK Mitchell D. Goldsmith '72 LP Peter L. Viscomi '84 FM Didcik E. Ulstrup '59 LP Michael Kovalow '45 LP J ames D. Hardy '36 LP David R. Berry '64 FM Lee Walters Harrington '83 J erome H. Herman ' 72 OK J oseph W. Volpe '60 LP Tolerton C. Vaughn '65 OK David P. Krause '65 LP Roberc H. Harmon Jr. '69 OK Robert L. Berry '65 LP LP Chawner Hurd '80 OK J oseph Watson ' i4 FM William Wieland '30 CO J ohn W. Krause '63 LP Robert M. Bu tcher '50 OK J. Aubrey E. Henson Jr. '73 LP Will iam D. Huyler '25 LP Daniel L. Weller '46 OK Mark E. Holibaugh ' 71 FM Larry J oseph Lautner '75 LP Ro nald Scou Houts '8 1 fM Edgar T. Crismo n '3 1 OK Charles Herron III '65 LP Marvin Edh•ard Kahn '54 LP Frank W. Wello ns '3 7 FM Michael Arthur Leetz '86 LP Cary Shepard Darling '79 LP David R. Hogue '70 OK J effrey Albert Kaufman '80 Harry B. West '36 LP Thomas S. Jackson '35 OK Gamma Theta J ohn H. Leffel '3 1 LP Lloyd H. J ohnson '5 1 LP J ames W. Fraser '56 L P Henry T. Holifield ' 68 LP DK Robert E. Wood Ill '37 LP Missi~s i pp! State Scott Lesli e Lods '82 LP Randall Todd Cast '82 LP Perry Vandorn Hood '8 1 LP Frank D. Kenlo n '74 LP Page L. Worl ey '28 LP Warren Lee J ohnso n Jr. ' 75 J ames A. Loesch ' 62 LP Alvin W. Gerhardt '30 LP Umvers1ty H. Lamar Howard Jr. '58 LP J ohn H. Lambert '4 6 LP Ellis P. Zidow ' 72 LP LP limo1hy J ohn Lorenc '86 LP V. Brewster j o nes '64 LP Donald H. Hoh '47 FM Harmon 0 . Alley '30 LP J ames M. Hunc '53 LP Edwa rd L. Laquer '•16 LP TI1omas L. Maddox '68 LP Harry R. Andress Jr. '37 LP B. Grant Hunter '83 LP J oel B. Lc,•ine '70 OK La rry 0 . Kno\vles ' 74 LP Frederick A. Hunter '46 FM Beta Tau Charles E. Martin '4 1 OK Conrad H. Larson '36 FM Bob Atkins '80 FM Percy W. J ohnston Jr. '38 FM Lewis A. Lery '66 fr\.-f Robert L. Lacey Ill '52 LP University of Rex A. Martin ' 70 FM J oseph Michael Land '81 LP Craig M. Ua ' 7 1 LP WilliamS. Ayres ' 70 FM Samuel M. Keith '66 FM J oseph Li\•ezey '56 FM Michael A. McNamara '6•1 OK Hilt on W. Ball '62 LP S. Charles Kemp '57 OK David E. Lo ngacre J r. '39 FM Terrell D. Liu le '6 1 LP George V. Marston '34 OK Mi chigan J ames E. Morehouse '64 LP R. C. Barnett '42 LP George S. Kent '27 LP Mark Al an Lopa1in ' 76 LP Orvil R. Aronson '3 1 LP J ohn Timothy Luedtke '78 LP Chesler J. McCarthy '44 FM William R. Morgan '52 LP Charles W. Barrett '49 LP Noble W. Kyle II '00 FM Rnnald L. Barson '68 LP J ohn F. Lyo n '28 LP Vance Miller '66 OK Albert A. Lu binsky '5 1 LP William H. Moseley Jr. '43 Terry V. Dell '67 FM Charles S. Lenz '37 LP Ancony Thomas F Lundy Ge.-ald T. Boyd ' 68 LP Roy Leon Mauldi n Jr. '49 LP H. Byro n Mock '30 LP ·so FM J oe D. Benneu '47 OK Thomas E. Maley '69 LP LP Harlan f . Hedden '26 LP David L. May '4 6 FM Michael V. Mulchay '61 FM Paul H. Noffke '42 LP Raymond B. May '50 OK Philip F. Musselm an '28 FM J ohn F. Blount '52 LP Detlie A. Mardis Jr. '•17 OK Alhen E. ~-fill er Ill '49 LP David W. Kiehl '68 OK Roger S. Odman '30 CA James D. Boyd '52 LP Berlon M. Mauldin '67 LP Howard Mye rs '59 LP Wall er A. Kuen.t:el '24 FM Tracy Scou McCoy '83 LP Terence David Owens '8 1 LP Donald J. Orr '58 LP Carey M. Bricke ll J r. '40 LP David j ohnston May '83 LP Richard P. M)'c rs '69 FM C. Wendell Smith '29 LP Thurman C. Melson Jr. '35 Ca rl Pluchinott a '78 LP Sa muel Emil Q uo '86 LP J ames Russell Buntyn Sr. '30 J oseph R. Meadows '58 OK Donald A. Nelson '42 LP Roberl E. mi th '27 LP LP Dennis R. Preger '66 LP David L. Parker '6 1 OK LP Charles R. Moore '43 LP F.rnest 0 . Poll ard '28 LP Kenneth E. Vem ura '68 FM Alex A. Mi1chell '33 LP Charles B. Rhodes '24 OK Leonidas W. Payne Sr. '50 LP Robert M. Butler '37 FM Tillman N. Peters '37 LP J ames Rnhert Posl '8 1 LP T. Frank Mo rring '42 LP Roswell R. Robert s Jr. '62 LP J ames Ross Pedzinski '79 LP J ohn T. Caldwell '29 LP William Trully Pittman '8 1 LP Walt er E. Pm.. · elljr. '47 LP J ohn Trussell Murdock '82 Robert J. Schimmel '67 LP Beta Upsilon j ohn H. Pigman '6•1 FM Guy H. Cathcart '42 LP Michael Dean Reece '83 LP Rruce C. Robertson '82 FM FM Ralph S. Simons '49 LP Robert Postma '89 LP George E. Clark '36 LP Melton E. Rhodes Jr. '57 LP Le!ilic K. Roo1 '52 LP Unive rsity of George A. Murphy '32 OK Steven T. packeen ' 76 LP Philip D. Preuninger '66 LP Richard F. Ogle '61 CO Robert V. Taylor '47 LP Ray M. Clower ' 74 LP Stephen W. Rimmer '63 OK Ste\•cn J . Rosenblau '72 LP Colorado Timothy J . Prickel '73 LP j ohn R. Conner '68 FM Robert E. Anderson '35 FM J erry Clyde Oldshue Jr. '8 1 Ala n K. Thomas '56 LP Seth Doyle Rogers Jr. '82 LP Senti Roger Rorhbo rl ' 79 LP Joseph E. Quincy '4 7 LP Charles T . Cumbaa ' 72 OK Lewis A. Seck Sr. '38 FM FM Richard W. Urban '64 FM William B. Russe ll '73 LP Marc G. Ro1hman '82 LP Don W. Rain '55 LP Hugh J. Curran '38 OK \Vilmm V. Be nnett '22 FM Dennis P. Owens '65 FM Fred C. Vickers '24 FM J oseph J. Schmelzer Ill '66 J oseph K. Rulon '23 FM Robert L. Rain '52 CO Robert Winfred Dawson ' 77 William R. Condon '41 LP Harold J. Panabakcr J r. '58 Jeffrey P. Walser ' 71 LP FM Roger 0 . Schembs '49 LP Colby P . .Reed '34 LP LP Robert L. Daywiu '53 OK LP Robert C. Wells '47 OK Robert P. Scruggs Ill ' 63 OK Richard M. Schorr '72 OK Craig Gerard Rein erl '86 LP J ohnny A. Dinas '40 LP Donald F. Enright '48 LP Billy Adolph Parson Jr. '75 Glenn Michael Williams '76 William M. Shoemaker Jr. '61 Donald R. Schreiber '47 FM Frank S. Rekosik '5 1 LP Sam Y. Emerson ' 66 FM En.,. in E. Crimes '44 LP FM LP LP li.Hchael K. Se manik ' 72 LP Quentin M. Ringenberg '38 PerryN. England '73 LP BnJCe A. Gustin Jr. '36 LP Stephen C. Pe1ers '72 LP Greg Carl Wuertz ' 76 FM Julius Tayloe Simmons J r. ' 78 Stuart 1-1 . Siegel '66 LP LP Thomas Evans '55 FM J ohn F. Hardesty '39 LP Walter L. Piuman '65 CO Richard K. Young '56 LP J. LP J ohn A. Simpson '38 I..P Charles L. Roeder '55 LP Alton B. Farris J r. '57 OK Lemy H. Hons1ci n '43 LP Sle\•en j . Porges '82 LP J ohn J. Zakrnjsek J r. '61 LP Patrick D. mith '44 LP Gary Mic hael Sun•is '83 LP Timothy L. Roorda '59 LP George B. Fenwick '27 FM Ralph J. Keicel Jr. '63 LP Robert A. Porter '30 FM Gerald B. S1ephenson '63 OK Ric hard L Sussman '69 OK Robert K. Rosier '62 FM Wade J . Finger Jr. '62 FM Robert H. Mann '40 LP Ray E. Price '45 LP j ohn Graham Stuart '79 OK Thomas f .. Taylor '65 LP Robert F. Rossicer ' 75 LP Gamtna Epsilon j erry W. Fly '65 LP J erome L. Martin '22 OK Tho mas E. Ras1 '4 2 CO Hubert Dewane Temple J r. Ccnrge B. Trimmer '4 7 LP Richard L. Russell '56 FM j ohn W. Garrard ' 56 LP Kei1h Dal e Meakins '5 1 FM Robert Derek Richesin '85 LP Utah State '79 LP PauJ H. VanDyke '36 LP Orvil D. Scherrer '48 LP Charles D. Guess ·59 LP Guy A. Mill ard Jr. '36 OK Roy F. Roddam '53 LP Unive rsity Byrd J. Trussell Jr. '46 LP Rolf 0 . Ware '48 FM john Lincoln Scho lt es ' 79 LP Henry B. Guynes J r. '6 1 LP Oa\•id L. Weiss '64 LP Alan F. Nics '43 FM Roland T . Sho rt Jr. '64 LP Haven J. Ba rlow '41 FM Alonzo S. Westbrook '35 OK J ohn K. Scoggan '72 LP J oseph 0 . Guyton '27 LP ll10mas R. Peyto n '4 7 LP Anhur J . Smilh '43 LP Ti mothy Pc1er Bu rgess '82 Edwin C. Willis '57 FM Richard W. Wheaho n ' 72 LP Donald W. Selby '48 FM William .F. Hankins '59 LP Paul M. Rogers '58 LP Robert A. Smith Ill '46 LP FM William C. Wright Jr. '49 FM Todd J. J. Wiesencck '72 FM J ames Edward Shaw II '8 1 Evereu e D. Hansen '52 LP Stephen C. 'Smith '62 OK Roy L. Smith Sr. '24 FM Jack E. Christensen '46 FM R. J ames Yo uug '65 LP Stc\'en Winsto n '77 LP FM J ames R. Hegner '55 FM Michael A. Woodbury Jr. '69 Wayne L. Smith '39 LP Wayne B. Smith Jr. '62 OK Guy B. Chugg '8 1 FM J ames T. Shay '69 LP Charles E. Holaday '35 LP Roberc E. Sonnckson '34 LP Wa)•ne B. Smith Sr. '33 OK Franklyn R. Coleman '40 LP Gamma Kappa FM Henry E. Stalcup '22 OK Darrel W. Holaday Jr. '5 1 LP Michael Yost ' 74 LP Gregory Hideo Tanaka '88 LP Ernest V. Stabler '24 OK Donald B. Cruikshank '27 LP J. l11omas J. Stiles '6 1 LP Wiiiiam Glenn Holliman '84 Montana State Ralph J. Young Jr. '5 1 LP J ohn 0 . Turner '32 FM Robert S. Stephens '62 FM Sanford D. Fitzgerald ~73 LP Michael Ray Suuo n '79 LP LP Unive rsity George E. Zubrod Jr. '37 LP Frederick J. Yankocy '50 OK Sam \V. Taylor '53 LP Ray G. Forman '43 LP Lewis E. Thomas Jr. '37 LP J ames S. Terry '54 FM Larry R. Hendricks '65 LP Calvin T. Hull Jr. '76 LP J ohn C. Alderson '61 LP James M. Thompson '54 FM Herbert Holden Thomas '32 Robert J ardine '83 LP CaJvin T. Hull '52 LP Delberl L. Ballard '50 LP Beta Rho Beta Phi Pe1e Knute Thompson '8 1 LP LP Roben N. j ensen '54 LP Herben B. Hussey '52 LP Richard D. Blevins '67 LP Colorado Co ll e~e Purdue U ni vers i ~ Richard Todd Thompson '84 Sidney E. T imbie '62 FM Michael Jo hnson '84 FM Norman M. j acob '36 fM Quentin R. Brawner '5 1 LP Kenneth H. Alde rson ' 0 OK Ne il J ames Adams '53 D LP Charles Wendell Wakefield H, Parl ey Ki lburn '26 LP Rodger L. J ohnson '67 FM Tracy Dean Brown '79 LP Richard B. Beach '3 1 LP J. Henry Anu '38 LP George E. Tipson '47 LP '43 FM j ohn A. Lamb '60 LP Eric E. J ohnston Ill '72 LP Shennan C. Day '37 FM J ohn C. Sandford '28 Ll, Do nald J. Anderson '68 OK J ames E. VanMatre '46 LP Winsco n E. Walker J r. '40 LP S1erling B. Larson '59 LP J o hn W. J o rdan '63 LP Karl E. Dolum '29 LP Wesley E. Swenson '26 LP Walt er P. Anthony Jr. '38 LP William E. Wagne r '46 LP Gregory K. Wilson '71 OK Owen Grant Macdonald '64 Abraham W. Kassis '.60 OK Ken neth J. Doyle ' 62 OK Leonard W. Young '22 LP Do uglas Michael Balser '76 Timothy Lee Weaver ' 77 LP Leland Wood Jr. '82 LP LP Roben N. Kittrell '48 LP J ames A. Edson '60 LP LP Pete Michael Weiand '80 LP Charles J . Woodall '67 LP De Ray Parker '•16 FM Frank A. Kraus '58 FM William H. Forsythe '40 LP Beta Sigma J ames Wendell Barr II '63 LP Carl E. Weir '60 LP J ohn Cunis Wright '86 LP Robe rt R. Pecersen '75 LP James L. Langford '29 FM Henry W. Fox '3 1 LP J oe A. Bax 1er '65 LP Fredric C. WeSicndorf '58 LP Sceven ~k K ea n Racker '76 LP Larry W. Langford '68 LP George R Geary Jr. '48 OK Carnegie-M ellon Robert M. White '72 LP Roberl W. Beaudway '3•1 LP Gamma Beta Eldrow Reeve '36 LP Waller W. Lolley '6 1 LP Robert L. Goff '64 LP Unive rsity Craig A. Beebe ' 7 1 LP Stephen L. Wiley '58 LP J. Benion Spence r '35 LP William R. Lo u Ill '73 LP C. Edward Cohn '60 LP Waher R. Adamson '33 OK J ohn H. Bee1y '27 LP Timo1hy J oe Winslow '87 LP U niv e rsit~ of Harold C. Steed '39 LP Robert Barry Lurace '80 LP Stephen M. Hubley '72 LP J ames C. Arms1rong Jr. '37 J ohn W. Be njamin '37 FM Charles R. Woodward '50 Lr Nebras a Lyle S. Talbot '64 LP Waher S. Marble '32 LP Henry B. Irwin '48 LP DK Robert L. Berger '49 LP Edgar A. Work '25 FM William T. Anton '68 LP A. Allan Thomas '37 FM Michael D. Mars ' 70 LP Leigh j ohnson '54 FM Ed\va rd M. Bai ley J r. '41 LP W. David Bevirt j r. '8 1 LP J ohn L. Work '26 FM Woodrow L. Berge '33 LP 0 . Wayne TI1o m ock '47 LP j ohn H. Mauhews '58 OK J ohn Francis Karls '83 LP W. S. Bean Ill '37 LP J ames L. Sick '53 FM Do uglas Rex Wright '8 1 LP Robert L. Boumann '67 LP Milton H. McConnick '29 LP Hjalmar B. Landoe '37 LP J ohn L. Bigley '47 LP Roben J . Binder '50 FM Kevin B. Wright '74 FM Fred A. Decker '29 LP Gamtna Zeta Albert C. Metts Jr. '40 LP Thomas J . Morrison '28 OK Cli ft o n P. Boutelle ' 33 LP George R. R. Blakey '67 FM Robert J. Za1o '61 LP Richard K. Decker '33 LP Robert A. Montgomery Jr. '69 Conrad A. Olson '5 1 LP David I. Brandwein '68 FM Geoffrey C. Boling '67 OK Wilber E. Elmelund '24 LP Wittenberg FM Fred C. Paavola '65 LP J ohn R. Brindel ' 30 FM Edward H. Bowles J r. '5'1 OK Beta Chi William W. Fager '36 LP University Bob F. Norsworthy Jr. '68 LP Lester C. PerSson '38 FM J oseph A. Cangalosi '31 LP Ja mes R. Brinsley '56 LP Cart er M. Far·rar '24 FM Wendell H. Blose '28 LP S. Cu)' Nowell '74 LP Roger R: Robertson Jr. '39 Edmund K. Chaffey J r. '39 Robcn E. Casey '65 LP Unive rsity of Finnin Q. Fell i. '34 LP Do nald W. Bowman '47 LP Be rl B. Ols\Yanger Jr. '66 LP FM LP George H. Christopher '5 1 Minnesota Richard 0 . fisc her '34 Ll' Robert \V. Brown '36 FM R. Carlto n Polk '75 FM Russell L. Roy '68 LP tephcn A. Chmura '7 1 FM LP Roben C. Hahnen '25 FM j ohn V. Hendry '67 FM Lloyd C. Dunne '5 1 LP William L. Richmond '47 FM Philip M. Ryan '65 FM Richard J oseph Connors '80 j erome L. Ciral '36 FM Roderick V. Hood '29 FM Laurence E. Humphre)' '32 Calder Gibson II '5 1 LP C ilberl A. Robinson J II ' 69 J ohn W. Symonds '32 fM FM Michael Pa t rick Clary '85 LP Alfred L. Ochu '3 1 LP FM Theodore 8. Harvey '30 LP LP Michael P. Theisen '72 FM William F. Dillon Jr. '74 LP J e ffre)' L. Copeland '66 LP J onalhan Secresl '86 FM H. cal j ones '32 LP Paul R. Hunt '4 7 LP J ohn F. Salmon '67 OK Michael J ohn Thiel '78 OK

34 Shreld & DUzmond Donald R. Thorson '4 2 LP J ohn W. Manin '73 LP Richard L. Peters '54 LP Lester A. Dunmire '43 LP Douglas Jude Ventimiglia '80 Ronald C. Stone '69 OK Paul A. Vodicka '67 LP Gamma Chi Raymond L. Maurer '38 LP William C. Pietrick '48 LP Ronald J . Elling '38 LP LP Michael 0 "'"eet '70 FM Richard C. Wait e '65 LP Oklahoma State Man •in S. McClaran '34 OK Frank . Quinn Ill '56 LP Ralph W. Fnedhorer '52 LP Pe1er E. Viemeister '4 7 lP Jeff Trombcrg '85 LP Dirk Ro~ n Walden '80 LP Alrred T. Mitchell '30 GA Donald E. Rabat '56 FM Robert P Friedman '75 FM Donald A. Wagner '66 LP Universitr Edwin Warrell '52 LP 1lteodore W. Wiud '54 LP Qa,·id A. Bagwel '62 FM Ronald Dale Nichol '76 LP George W. Rose '33 LP W. Arthur George '4 1 OK L Anhur Wal ton Jr. '43 LP Roben Thomas \Veil '81 FM J ames D. Olson '5 1 FM Gerald E. Rush ton '56 DK Cecil E. Ball '39 FM J ames S. Ccn-ase '72 LP Mark Jeffrey Weisman '75 LP R. Earl Welbaum '51 FM Llo)·d D. Palmer '29 FM T. K. Scon '65 OK Robert A. Graham '42 LP Lawrence D. Barnes '61 LP Merrill D Williams '47 LP Gamma Lambda Warren F. Wil:t.ig '39 OK Dick J. Beshear '73 FM Lehigh University Benjamin F. Pe nnington '74 Merlin A. Simons '55 OK J ohn M. Hannon Jr. '55 LP J ohn J. Wright '61 OK LP Philip C. L. Smith '40 LP Walter B. Hausler '34 LP Hadley H. Bower Jr. '55 Ll' Bruce A. Bou '61 FM David K. Peters '65 FM William A. Sutherin '56 OK Gamma Upsilon Douglas L. Bo)'d '6 I FM Douglas A. Braendel '59 LP George M.. Hawker '46 CO Delta Alpha Harold Gill Reuschlein '29 Tony S\·et Jr. '49 LP J ames E. Hawker '75 FM Univer ity of Tulsa J ohn Lindsey Brandon '81 FM Richard John Brennan '76 LP frl.f Wilt:)' W. Bryant Jr. '39 LP George Washington Gerad B. Vance '30 LP George H. Hitchens '49 FM Jeffrey P. Adams .,3 LP John E. BuhlJr. '50 LP Theodore S. Rosky '55 LP Harold F. White '41 FM Charles F. Cargile '84 FM Alexander L Bupp '37 LP Willard R. Hoe! Jr. '58 GO Charles D. Ainsworth Jr '68 Umvers1ty Charles J. Sener '39 F'M Walter D. Williams '50 LP Mark Leon Caner '50 FM Vilas F. Adams '!;5 FM David P. Carlin '73 LP Marshall R. Kohr '48 LP LP Keith Spengel '87 LP Richard D. Wilchcy J r. '57 Edgar Cobb Jr. '47 OK Frank W. Bau~n Jr. '50 LP Craig D. Clauser '66 LP Thomas J. Kuchinic '54 LP Ho rner P. Apph=by '65 FM David 0 . Slone '40 lP FM Howard H. Kuhns J r. '43 LP Richard D. Forshee '71 FM Raben A. Chambreau '41 lP Edmund Collins III '32 FM Richard A. Babson '72 LP J ohn H. Cammon Jr. '58 LP Russell S. Swafford '5 1 LP Virgil B. Wolff ' 4 I LP Donald M. Ladl ey '54 LP J ames . Cradlin '43 LP John 0 . Collim Jr. '50 FM J ames R. Behnke '66 LP Robert W Gibson ' 74 FM Paul William Thompson '32 Eugene E. Zak '42 LP James H. Longbon '68 FM J ay FitLgerald '45 OK Carl K. Croft '66 LP Chester J . Benefiel '36 LP Gregory D. Hall ' 73 OK DK Donald C. MacDonald '54 lP Andrew F. Freeman '-11 LP J ohn Panerson Dean '3 1 LP Edward L. BinninghamJr '36 Holden Todd Hittle '8•1 FM Raben P. Van Dyke '48 LP Gamma Pi Dennis . Martin '75 LP Allan Ha.JI '47 FM Richard S. Dreger '6 1 FM Ri chard A. Warren '60 F'M Ll' David D. Hynes '68 LP William F... McConnell '42 LP J ohn P Keen '55 LP lawrence W. Dye '54 FM Michael J oseph Welsh ' 75 LP University of George C. Bin '72 FM J . Michael McClary '69 LP Ca rl J . McCurdy '47 OK George W La1imer Jr. '52 LP Joseph Matthew Feller '77 LP Mark Alan Wise ' 78 LP Oregon Charles Gerard Brenny '8 1 Stephen C. Mills '63 FM Michael Thomas Mchale Jr. Will iam W. Lynch '4 7 DK Titomas B. For.aall '55 LP Harold K.. Wolre '35 LP John M. Abramson '66 DK FM Gerald l yn n Morrison '78 FM '86 FM Donald P. Milburn '59 FM Howard B. Freed '33 LP J ames K. Allen '38 lP Roben B. Chapman '37 lP Donald A. Oncsky '56 LP Ronald M. Menzel '54 LP Daniel R. Mulville '58 LP Richard H. Freeman '77 LP James Grieve Banon '78 LP Homer R. Charlton Jr. '46 LP Billy D. Pendergrart '47 FM Gamma Xi Raben E. Mild '42 LP Charles H. Orr '42 LP Joseph J ohn Fu.sco Jr. '77 LP Richard L. Cannichael '42 LP Herbcn H. Collins '37 LP Jack W. Reynolds '4 7 FM Donald Mosites '53 FM Robert T. Ramsay '49 FM Antonio V. Giandolfi '55 FM Washington State David Dirk Corbin '80 LP Will i.."m W. Crump ' <16 FM Rodger 0 . Riney '64 LP James R. Rei.sch '47 LP Howard F..ric Goldstein '83 Robert R. Nagel '45 LP Paul R. Anlsen '60 ll, J ohnny Deblock '78 LP Kenneth L. Dennison '66 FM J ames Roy Rya n Sr. '39 LP Harry 1). Rie unan '4 7 LP FM Ronald T. Orie '57 LP Leland J. Axelson '45 FM Harold Faum '36 lP J effry M. Dimon '73 LP J. Lewie Sanderson '39 tP Frederick C. Stevenson '4 I Dennis L Graham '60 LP Robert W. Brunkow '65 F'M Charles H. Ow '37 OK William R. Ford '62 LP Theodore F. Dukes '37 LP Montie Dale Sneary '82 OK FM J ohn W. Griffith '48 LP Laurence M. Carlander '70 Charles R. Page '4 0 LP Ste,•en 0 . Glaser '64 LP Sidney C. Dunagan '62 LP Eiben T. Tennelly Jr. '<18 LP Scot R. Guempel '76 FM LJ> 0 . Wendell Gray '41 OK Wallace Patterson '36 LP Seth C. Eby Jr. '36 lP J ohn B. Wal ton '51 FM Lee R. Himelfarb '66 LP Myron C. Colburn '35 FM Harl an A. Heyden '54 LP CarlJ. Pepine '59 LP John M. Will iams '68 DK Delta Beta J afTles K. Ellington '60 LP Leigh M. Holt '53 LP Charlie D. Crn"•rord Jr. '50 D:wid Allan Hoppe ' 77 LP Nicholas D. Pranis '54 LP Bowli ng Green Harry W. J ones '39 OK DK Donald M. J ohnston '3 1 LP Louis J ohn Quinto Jr. '85 FM Jack J. Francis '49 FM Arthur M. Gorski '70 FM Gamma Psi State Bradrord S. Kaunc '77 LP Amhony Guy Dicke rson '83 Charles Blake Manning '78 Douglas l-loyd Ray '87 LP Richard L Albaugh '47 LP George KlacikJr. '66 lP Ll' LP Chester W. Riley '62 LP Gregory A. Gray '72 FM Louisiana Donald E. Alleman '48 Ll) Selig N. Kratemtein ' 73 LP Lawrence L. Dodd '5<1 fM Thomas 0 . Martin '47 FM Todd R. Saeger FM Milton B. Grove '37 FM Polytechnic Thomas 1-i. Baltes '77 LP Donald E. Le"•is '4 7 FM Raymond 0 . Ellis Jr. '40 lP Richard A. Morgan '65 LP Glenn C. Saw\'el '4 7 LP Richard E. Crm•e '44 OK Institute Roben Frank Bell '60 lP Joseph Charles Maida '80 FM Clement It Engel '33 LP James C. Hamilton '4 7 LP William H. Morrison Jr. '49 WilliamJ. Scho fi eld Ill '47 ~ n e Barham '56 OK Richard J . Bibel '60 FM Allen Maxwell Paget '38 GO William J. Ewing '41 LP FM LP Joyce S. Handley '36 LP J. frank Betts J r. '60 lP J ames Lawrence Cahill II '78 Philip D. Pascal '68 FM Rex C. Fox '74 LP John P. Newhall '6<1 LP James Sluck '84 FM Hamleu S. Hannon '36 LP Carl A. Brown '64 LP LP PeterS. Pennington '54 LP Paul A. Gamache '73 LP Kem1it M. Paulson '34 F'M Jeff Spengler '85 lP Harry F... Heath J r. '38 LP Lamar S. Buffington '48 OK Wayne Collier '42 LP Henry C. PrafT Jr. '34 FM Gerald L. Gibson '62 F'M Donald A. W. Piper II '64 LP William J . Stamme r '58 U l Raben A. J ackson '67 LJl John R. Clay '67 OK Don E. Cook '5•1 LP Frederick W. Roeder '54 LP James B. Ciesa '70 LP J ohn M. Schaerer '3 1 LP Robert Alan Stein ' 76 lP Mark William J acob '74 OK J ames F. Cole Jr. '54 LP J ames C. ourlad '60 FM Kramer J. Schatt.ld n Jr. '35 Francis F. Hooper '35 LP Franklin H. Strausborger '64 Fred B. Tredinnick '36 LP William A. Kavanaugh '38 lP J oseph W. Cook Jr. '54 lP Roben . Cunningham '62 LP William Arthur Hooper '32 LP Thomas J oseph Vater '78 OK Tom Mason Kei1h '47 OK James . Cooks1on '44 LP LP J ohn F. Schwanz '29 LP LP Ernest H . Taylor '49 FM Robert M. Verklin '42 LP Stephen M. Kennedy '67 FM William C. Cookston Jr. '40 Anhur J. Darwood '5 1 lP William J . She nnan '57 LP Lloyd A. J enkins '48 OK Ste,·en L. Tindell '68 FM Ra ben J. Watkins '44 LP E. C. Maynard '72 LP Ll' J ohn R. Davidson '43 Ll, John S. Skelly Jr. '30 LP Glen C. Langdon Jr. '55 FM Ross P. Wither '4 1 LP Davis C. Yohe '46 FM J ohn H. McDonald '39 OK Billy R. Davis '51 LP 8. Russel! Decker '53 lP William F... Toikka '59 LP Phillip Malcolm Lighty '38 J oseph ll. Zuccarelli '70 LP Benny T. Dumas '52 FM Thomas M. Delaney '59 l..P Richard B. Toolhill '55 LP GO Foreman D. Moore '44 LP Gamma Rho J oel M. 01\'Cns '64 FM J ohn C. Duren Jr. '6 1 Ll' Larry J . Foran '56 LP Robert J . Wiedenman '41 LP John A. Lund Jr. '5 1 lP Ernes1 0 . Patterson Jr. '38 J ohn W. Edwards '55 lP J ames L. f owler '67 LP Charles H. R. Williams '48 LP Michael J oseph Mathy '80 LP Northwestern Gamma Tau Roger A. Fra.t.ier '58 lP LP Terry 0 . Ewing '65 FM Robert C. Williamson '65 OK Craig McQuarrie '78 FM University Rensselaer J . Bruce Gasaway '58 LP Robcn C. Patterson '39 HI R. William Green '64 OK Edward Michael Murphy '81 Bruce S. Blietz '48 OK Polytechnic S1ephen Haw1horn '85 DK Thomas L. Click '62 LP LP David A. Carlson '58 LP Kent R. Pearson '64 lP Roger E. Graham '57 LP Gamma Mu Insti tute William D. Pennington '63 lP Bobby Brown l·linton '57 Ll' Michael W. Nelson '78 OK John C. Fischer '60 FM TI10mas D. James '55 OK 1l1omas F. Cran1 '68 LP University of New Michael S. Fisher '58 LP Glen H. Abplanalp '35 LP Lee M. Ratclirf '67 FM Walt er N. Nelson '36 lP Leonard R. K~ nne d y '44 LP Gerald W. He nderson '48 LP Marvin R. Andrews '50 LP Jose F..mesto Revelo '83 LP Hampshire Gregory S. Nylander '66 LP J. Raben Geiman '49 LP James L Kilpatrick '51 FM J ames F... Holt er '59 FM Randolph C. Blodgett '52 FM William C. Osborne '41 FM Kelly A. Grant Jr. '48 FM Rocco A. Asselta Jr. '6 1 LP AJvin W. Roberts '62 LP S1uan H. Howes '54 LP L. Brook Behner '77 LP Mcleroy King '58 lP Bren Lincoln Burbank '8 1 LP Raben B. Pan on '43 LP Walter J . Cudat '36 OK Ronn Ra nck '65 LP John M. Lancas1er '7!) lP Donald A. Hunter '70 LP Edgar H. Berg '35 FM Roben E. Cain '57 FM William E. C. Phillips '32 H I Howard Brandon Cues1 '78 Loron 0 . Smilh '36 LP George W Leven Jr. '65 LJl Edward W. HUlchman '6 1 Ll) Hector J . Chanrain '41 LP Allen F... Priest '30 FM FM Dale Alle n Berta '82 LP Robert L. Smith '54 OK Edward L. Ibbotson '58 LP Ste,·en Biuso '73 LP George L. Lewis '62 LP Donald Raymond Chase '60 Ri chard N. Radovich '64 FM Robert l. Haley '37 FM Kenneth R. tarr '66 LP Roben C. Meece '58 LP Don D. Irwin '56 FM Gle nn 0 . Brown '5 1 LP LP Donald H. Rai stakka '54 LP Ronald H. Hart '55 FM Chad J. Steward '36 LP J ackJ. M ~ rten s '57 LP Bruce C. Kennedy '67 lP J ames F..dward Carey ' 78 FM Arthur B. Clark '58 LP Earl J. Reed '29 LP J ohn E. J ones '47 OK Cary L Trennepohl '66 LP David Cain Oswalt '8 1 LP Ralph H. KJ ei nbci:k '48 LP Charles H. Camtan Jr. '38 LP Ronald R. Clark '54 LP Timothy C. Rowand '69 LP Robert E. J m·e '47 FM William H. Vogle '66 CO Paul Rosc= nLweig Jr. '74 LP Alben A. Ksi:u.k '61 LP J oseph L. Cote '63 LP Howard W. Salquist '31 LP Walter Q. Kendrick '34 LP J ohn B. Checton '72 OK Clayton Lee While '78 lP Will iam W. Seaman '67 LJl Anthony J . lin.£ '70 OK Dana Gardener Doe ' 78 OK Tom J . Sauve '73 FM Carl A. Liebig. M.D. '44 H -1 Alden L. Clark Jr. '5 1 LP David A. Wilson '37 FM Sam E. Shepard '5 1 LP J oel A. Mashey '70 F'M J ames J . Conichon '36 lP Jerry Dean Schei '62 LP Anthony C. Linowiecki '38 LP J ohn P. Cole '75 OK Larry C. Smith ' 71 FM Richard L. Mason '60 LP Terrance J. Cole '83 LP Bruce Q. Hanley '53 FM Shawn Stuart Shuler '79 lP David F. Lyons '39 FM Gamma Phi Savery C. Stuckey '53 LP Donald C. McFadyen '56 LP AJ an Dole Hewitl ' 75 LP Marvin A. Siverson '33 ll, FrankJ. McCabe Jr. '32 FM l.e'''is S. Coonley '35 OK J oseph Clyde Vidrine '8 1 Ll' Ramon C. Meredith '56 LP Albert C. Cowell '64 FM Karl P. Ladd '30 LP C. Roben Staib Ill '56 LP K. McClelland Jr. '79 LP Wake Forest Will iam Walle r Jr. '44 LP I. William Mille r '42 LP Peter Gregory Lange\•in '83 De nnis B. Stewart '65 LP Rodger W. Murtaugh '58 LP Brian D. Dillon '6 1 LP Dan S. Walsh '52 LP Paul E. Mille r J r. '52 FM Dolph C. Ebeling '38 LJl University LP Michael A. Toner '73 LP RichardT. Myers '49 LP Peter H. Barrows '73 LP Royal H . Washburn '61 LP Frederick R. Moon '<16 lP William R. Edgenon '43 LP Michael Jude Long '8 1 LP Laverne E. Wagar '56 LP Da,•id K. Noller '64 lP Daniel W. Baxley '68 LP Arnold R Whit e '65 LP Ambrose J. Paridon '53 lP Richard A. Man in '54 LP J ohn A. Wiess '49 OK Louis W. owack '32 LP George C. Catje '49 FM Nicholas E. Wibben '70 LP WilliamJ. Primrose Jr. '42 Frank M. Hall '62 LP Robert Dean Bayliss J r. '78 Robert P. Melvin '64 LP John L. Wilbur Jr. '36 LP Andrew J . O'Young '8 1 FM FM Charles J. Wyly Jr. '53 OK DK J. Lincoln Pearson '40 LP J ames T. Williams '45 OK Donald R. Rahn '35 Lll Robert C. Hall '67 FM Dennis L. Recker '66 LP Edward J . Haller '40 LP Ernest W. lloyeu e Jr. '25 LP Nicholas F.. . Pishon '54 LP Kenneth E. Zigler '45 FM W. J. Schmeisser '32 lP J ames D. Uradsher '39 Ll, Willi am F... Reese '5 1 LP Howard Publicover '57 FM Bruce H. Schoumacher '59 Tom T. Hamilton '68 LJl Gamma Omega Lethco H. Brock Jr. '64 LP Kenneth L. prengel '45 LP John Anthon)' Riga.do '85 LP Ll' Arthur M. Harden '60 FM University of Miami Donald S. Toms '67 Ll, Clifford Byrum Jr. '82 LP George J. T. Sadler Jr. '75 LP Gamma Omicron Robert C. Shabino '34 LP Gerald J. Hewlett '35 LP Michael J ames Anderson "8 1 J ohn D. Wilhelm '42 LP Daniel S. Byru m '66 LP Donald H. Stone '54 LP O hio University James R. Sleininger '43 LP Carl A. J em~.:en '56 LP FM Fred C. Williams '5 1 LP Hennan 11. Cobb '70 FM Vernon T . Swain '29 FM David V. Aiken '63 FM Herbert C. Smith '60 LP Kenneth E. Keeler '56 OK Charles C. Baake '38 DK David J. Wriglu '59 FM Roben W. Twombly '37 FM John Reuel Alden '30 LP Wall er F... paninge r '39 FM Robert J. Kraushaar Jr. '73 Curtis Con e£ Coleman Ill '79 Ca rrollS. Barco '43 FM He nry George Veilleux '82 Raymond J. Asik '60 LP Hugo S1ange '39 LP FM FM Donald A. Boggess J r. '50 FM Bo)'d F. Collier Sr. '59 LP Delta Gamma Ll' Norman F. Banfield '50 OK Wade Ste~· art '44 LP Da,•id M. Layton '50 FM Ronald Jay Bolle Sr. '53 OK Timothy J ames Walke r '80 FM Donald B. Barshay '48 LJl Alexander J ohn Tiahnybok Robert S. Leer '4 7 LP James H . Demming '75 LP Michael R. Burris '68 LP Miami University- J ohn C. Woodrow ' 75 LP Carl A. Baughman '53 LP '83 LP Charles A. Liglu '66 fM j effrey M. Fe ret.an '00 LP Aubrey E. Ca n er '50 l P O hio Will iam C. Zimmennan Jr. '53 Raymond W. Bolme)·e r Jr. '54 George 0 . Warren '32 LJl Thomas E. l ong '65 Ll, Bruce Gurney Ford '84 LP Carland L Clayton '49 LP Leo C. Bartels '45 OK LP LP Charles F... Wcilepp '38 LP Mark B. Lyon '54 OK Charles A. Forte '58 FM J ohn C. Coen '62 LP Donald W. Banleu '54 LP Douglas L. Brown '65 FM Russell W. M. Wende '46 LP Thomas Markwonh '61 lP Michael T. Gallagher '75 FM Victor H. Coleman '40 LP J ohn R. Bax ter '69 lP William R. Bryan '61 OK Walter F..ugen Weyler Jr. '83 William A. Merrick '50 lP Michael R. Cordy '72 LP J ames R. Det.e ll '•17 LP Hec tor E. Bee ken '4 7 lP Gamma Nu Cary L. Croy '58 LP FM James F. Me rrihew '72 FM E. Ganh J enkins '56 F'M Timothy A. Donnan '69 LP Robert W. Bcnog '8 1 F'M Unive rsity of Iowa J ohn C. Dickson Jr. '39 FM Elmer F. Witte '36 LP Richard MetLger '4 7 lP Andrew Houston Kahn '76 Keith L. Oo)•le '46 LP Dale A. Bons1eel '53 LP J ohn D. Adams '51 LP Cary A. Docringer '6 1 lP Gregory Warren Wunderlich Leonard E. Mille r '6 1 Ll, LP Al bert W. Franklin Jr. '49 lP Bruce D. llrown '64 LP Patrick J ames Bird '82 FM Kenneth L. Drum '6 1 OK '83 LP Paul D. Monti '84 FM J ames S. Kene rson '58 LP Charles C. Franklin '37 LP Eugene L. Buck '5 1 FM C. Arnold Carlson '39 LP Charles W. Edwa rds '4 7 lP J ames R. Mowry '63 LP Harold S. Lanier Jr. '48 LP Ca rl FromhagenJr. '47 LP Bruce W. Comings '54 DK Gary L Ca rlson '70 FM A. fa,.ekas. US MC R '5 1 lP Gamma Sigma Glenn M. Muelle r '6 1 DK Laurie W. Ledrord '5 1 lP Henry F. Goode Jr. ' 70 F' M J oseph Patrick Cosgrove '79 Meh'in V. Carney '49 LP J oseph W. Gamensfcldcr '32 Rolr H. Ochsner '43 LP J ames W. Martin '59 LP Barnard W. Grier '52 Ll, LP Larry D. Coon '68 lP LP University oT Palle C. Ostergaard '47 LP Thomas E. McCabe '76 OK Ra ymond H. Heims '60 LP Weller T. Cot.ad '48 LP Phillip M. Co'•ington '5 1 F'M William P. Gibbs '63 LP Pi ttsburgh Clarence R. Peters '4 7 lP Harold C. McDowell '69 LP Douglas A. Hewson '47 Ll) Raben M. Cra.sswelle r '73 FM Russell W. Cress '53 LP Charles H. Corby '30 LP William R. Adams Jr. '66 LP J ames W. Pollack '60 LP Roy J. Moore Jr. '47 lP Harry Hinckl ey Jr. '47 OK Keith R. Cricht on '74 FM Richa rd F.. . Deighton '52 LP Edward H. Cross '52 FM Howard S. Auld '34 FM Donald C. Porter '35 LP William B. onhcun '63 LP Louis R Hmoa ter '•1•1 Ll' Gregory Kirk Daniel '79 LP James W. Oel\.ile r '3<1 LP Charles R. Haas '56 Ll' Jost'ph J. Baniszewski '69 fM Douglas Alden Pratt '82 OK George E. Parker '65 LP Louis C. King '39 FM Miles W. Donaldson '50 FM James R. Donahey '48 LP Roben N. Hatch '56 FM Russel L Biddle '34 LP Daniel George Proulx ' 77 LP George . l..acha1 '66 lP Cordon B. Ehnnan Ill '74 LP Millard 8. Parrish Jr. '57 LP Philip ~t. Doster '52 LP Hollis 8. Haughey '4 7 FM George Mauhew Bla111ik '84 Richard J. Reich '45 LP Michael E. b vi n '69 LP Ri chard C. F..iscnbrei '52 Ll1 Uland B Pruitt Jr. '60 lP E.d~· ard J . Drew '3 1 LP Patrick D. Heaney '59 LJI FM William F. P. Reid Ill '64 FM William R. Mcf.. wen '50 F'M Donald M. Embler '64 LP John B. Ra wlings '40 Ll' La•·ry S. Eide '70 FM Paul F. Horr '47 LP TI10 mas J oseph Bo)'da '81 FM Ali F.. . Saidi '74 LP Frederick 1-:. McNally '5 1 FM Ronald H. Fanning '55 OK Da,·id Charles Ray ' 76 Ll' J ames J ay Ellingson '79 LP Bruce A. Hopkins '70 LP Roben H. Brickner '68 lP Walc er J. Schob Jr. '53 CA 1 Theodore R. MolTen '49 lP Bruce E. Fowler '65 LP Kenneth P. Erickson '6 1 LP Ed" in C. Johnston '•18 lP Gregory llroujos '82 OK Robert G. Schreiner '48 FM Amm•e L Royal '3 1 Ll Cary V Mont ano '6 F I Guy F. Funh '58 lP J ames C. Gebbie '6 1 LP Andrew J ames Kaurmann '87 Robert F. Burkardt '46 lP Benson G. Scou '42 OK Charles V. Smith '54 Ll, Charles C. Papy Ill '71 LJl Robert J . Gillis '53 LP Jack D. Graber '70 LP LP Gregory L. Cal houn '67 LP Ri chard P Shah' '43 LP David Brent Spear '76 FM John L Perrott i '57 LP Victor W. Goldsberry '60 LP Ronald F'. Hedglin '62 OK Al rred A. Kc nned)' '37 lP Carl L. Carlson '41 Ll, Ha roldJ. Shields J r. '48 LP John D. Thomas '55 lP Juan L. Puig '69 LP J . F... Green '73 LP Hcrbcn L. Hett.lc r '50 lJl David J. Kindinger '7 1 LP Kenneth C. Coburn '3•1 FM Iva n l . Smith '38 OK Melt on E. Valentine J r. '65 Dennis R. Ratchup '69 FM Da\•id Michael Grodhaus '78 LJl Leo A. Hocgh '29 LP Clifrord E. Loy '5 1 FM E.dbrar L. Conti '57 FM Donald t . Spanton '49 LP J avier J . Rodrigu e.~; '83 LP DK Donald L. Huston '48 FM J ohn F Madden '47 FM J oseph H. Coxon '71 FM Robert Vincem Talani:m '81 John Da,•id Vega ·so LP Howard M. Rogers '59 FM J on Erik Gunnerson '79 FM Ronald H. J ohnson '55 LP Da,•id C. McCollum '62 Ll1 Samuel A. Cummins '48 LJl FM Albert Byron Viehman '64 LP Wayne Frederick Russell '80 Walter R. Haines Jr. '<17 LP Paul C. Juhl '64 LP od A. Miller '59 LP Serge P. Daniels '53 LP F... Day1 on Thorne '52 FM Thomas C. Whedbee J r. '51 DK TI1omas G Harvey Jr. '55 FM Alfred W. Kahl '29 OK Hugh N. Mills '33 F I Robert Craig DeWiu '86 LP J o

36 Shield & Diamond Mark Chapmau iansficld '83 Wayne Bu rfo rd Duddlcsten J effrey M. 11lU rsto n '82 LP Robert A. Mrchacl '71 LP Silas D now '63 l.P Donald J Muqccluo '70 LP LP '80 DK Zeta Beta Theodore L. Vaughn '58 Ll, Do nald R Q,enon '64 FM J ames A Sylar '63 Ll' Patrick I Qucl") '72 FM Wesley W. Masters r. '58 FM Delta State George F. Hurlbun '64 FM Bradly Mitchell Warren '84 J erry C. Parker '6 1 FM Manon AnthOn) TI10rnpwm Ke nneth L R1chard)On '66 J ohn P. McWilliams '58 LP Harns H. J o hr\Si o n '57 FM LP J oseph E. Ramsey '66 CA '76 I.P Univer ity LP Neal R. Momgo mery '53 FM Mark Roy Roone '86 FM Bobby L. J o neo; '71 FM Terry L. Weatherford '62 Ll, Harold E. olomon J r. 'GO LP Gordon William Sml.et '80 Kevi n Ray Parr '83 FM Loyce S Milchell '56 DK J oe B. Whipple '70 LP J erry R. ·nlOIIl ()SO n '60 LP Dame! Craig Brown '83 Ll' LP amuel T. Phillips Ill '73 LP Richarrl W Stanberry '59 LP J oel Ka ne Watson ' 6 LP Epsilon C hi iliM>Ieon L Cus1bl)' Ill ' 71 Benjamin K. Rodgers Jr. '59 Oa\•1d R)ran Swanson '75 FM E psilon Mu Pmsburg (Kan as) FM LP Ben W. Tabor '58 LP Epsilon Pi J ames M Cla rk '70 Ll' Z eta Kappa Fr,mk W. Simms '57 OK East Caroli na State University T . te\'C Cwik1cl J r. '66 Lfl Ro ben I. Taylo r Ill '68 FM Larry W Rain '63 Ll, Ferris State a ll ege Ro nald Cal\'ert Smilh '53 Ftl.f Richard J . Walla '70 LP Sam Houston State Mark Warden O;n is ' 75 FM Charles O IU>n Auh '77 LJ, William H Baker Ill '65 U' J ohn K. Sosnowy '61 OK Man in 0 . Waus '71 FM Th~~~Vi~~~~r. II '7 1 LP University J eri') Bruce Day '86 LP V La .,., renee Brice '69 FM J eiT) U o)d Butrer '63 FM Mark Allen Swanson '82 F 1 Davis W Welmo re '62 FM Will ard Kent Baker '58 DK Bamey I' Hoatcallie '69 LP Lamar C. Dorris Jr '84 LP Wilham M1chael C-cldn '76 l.fl Dennis l)o nahue '83 Ll, 1110mas J . Turne r '67 CA Larry E. Wilson '6<1 FM J ames H. Caner '60 LP Richard J. Fountam '6<1 FM J immie Da\ls Magt.o.e II '79 LP Perry 1-'ric Oa\ls '75 LP Christo pher J o nes '67 H I Don M. Vars '58 LP Volan Youngblood '64 LP Paul C. Cassady '67 FM La wrence H. Hammer '66 FM George C. Miller '68 LP Bruce Endhne '69 LP James W . Ward '7 1 LP Stef'hcn J oseph Christian '86 Stanley P. Lester '63 LP Ri chard L. Lemaster '7 1 LP Doug Murrell '65 LP Ke,·m George l-1:umel') '78 Gary E. Welch '59 FM FM Ro ben T . Logan '68 Ll' Frank A. Matteucci '63 DK J ames R assar '67 LP FM Epsilon Theta Dcnms D MaLe '70 LP J ess W West '55 LP Oa,id F. Dudley '59 LP Michael D. Miller '6i H I Frederick M oscf '63 LP Gernld J o~ llh Fo rtuna '72 Ll' Harold Fugene Millnriu '69 F f Rodney L. SandeN '66 LP TI1 oma ~ A. Hall ' 7•1 U , Daniel Wayne Cornh '83 LP Ho,.,.ard H. King J r. '5 LJl Gerald R. Smith '69 LP Brad Southwick '86 I.P Da,id B. S:t)le '69 OK J o hn Hamplon Ho ult J r '66 William L. Fasse11 ' 72 LP James B. MacNeill '63 Ll' Ray A. Ward '61 Ll' Gary A Truut '67 Ll' Frank W Sis1are '66 FM LP Epsilon Delta David C. Fullert o n '6 1 FM James M. Madagan '66 LP Rickey Dale Wehmeyer '79 Lewi\ J effrey Wells I I' Richard Allen Spangle '82 LP M1chael J ames J ad.man '70 u-niversity of Bruce P. J o hnson '70 LP J ou:ph R. Marcin Jr. '58 FM FM Michael L. Wilson '63 FM J o nathan Ern rn Van amen 1.1) North Texas Do n Mo nroe Kelley '84 LP Charles E. l'ugh '58 LP Andrew T. Yo rk '67 LP '8 1 FM Michael Trenl J alac ka '67 DK John C. Campbell '57 FM J ames R. Meininge r '56 FM Ptu rick J oseph Ri cci '86 LP Epsilon Psi William Michael Whelan '69 Ec\ward licheal J anie '8 1 Ll' Carlos Delatorre '69 LP Richard B. Miles '64 FM W. Fredric Robenson '58 OK Epsilon Rho Western Michi gan LP Robert Leo J e nn ing~ '80 LP Neil Disho n '70 FM Hans Walter Osrer·houdt '56 G. cal Sa 11 erwhite J r. '65 Idaho State Chandler P. Wo rley J r '66 Ll' Kenneth Lee K."'Nien '66 Ll' Gary C. Dunlap '70 OK FM DK University M<' rl Srephan Ke' rucl '81 OK Su:ven Edward Eberhart '80 Daniel Patrick Rademacher J. Crdig Sout.a '68 FM University Charles A. Baumann '70 FM J ohn Michael Kost l.a ' 7 1 LP DarrO\>o' H. Ankrum '61 LP Z eta Gamma LP '86 LP Charl es E. Strickland '67 LP Louis . Burd1ck '63 FM Sc011 Andre'' L.cggat '8 1 FM J ohn B. Brown '62 FM Eastern Ill inois Daniel W. Fabian '59 LP Gary L. Rich:trdson '63 FM Dan H. Wriglu '66 L)J Grego')' Alan Busch '77 DK Rodney 1\oycl felling ' 7 1 OK J ames R. Hamihon '65 FM Terry A. Faris '68 LP Paul F. Ri cs ' 7 1 LP Da,-id E. CJe,•eland '68 I.P UniversitY. J amc"' O hanesian '69 LP Da\•id V. S. Kirkpatrick '6 1 Edgar W. French '65 LP Michael Schonebaum '85 FM Paul F Drake '69 J)K Vic10r F Balasi 75 LP Bruce . P:t rsom '78 FM Epsilon Nu LP William N. J ackson '63 LP Gerald E. Sie!Ken '56 DK Georgia State Michael J ohn Frey '72 FM Robert A nilting '66 LP James Herbert Pae1xr '67 FM Fred T. Max,.,.eJl Sr. '61 FM J ames L. Smail '56 LP J ames A. l'fosr '66 LP Gary B. Chsan '65 DK Daniel Brosseau '83 LP Michael Charl eo; Rtchard.s ' 78 Daughn K. F.. 'trn\ 1 '6<1 Ll, JackJ. Powell '55 LP H. TI1eodore Smith '68 LP Umversity J ames William Grabowski '82 IlK Paul Alan Bagby '82 LP J amey Kyle Rtt\'es ' 79 FM J o hn K. Ziebell '7 1 LP Epsilon Sigma Ll' GrC£01)' J ames Felt es ' 76 LP Clarto n Snyder '66 FM D;wid C. Hicks '6<1 LP Donald G. Stro ng '65 LP Tirmno1hy Zubrddt '84 LP Roben W. Banks '66 OK lFmverstty of Dean Allen Harden '63 Ll' Rand Ec\\\arcl St)'ltlet) k '77 Ste\·en Michael Wages '78 FM Dennis R. B)'e rl y '66 LP Perer Anhur LindqUist '77 J effrey J . Hodgt' '68 I.P LP David Wayne Can e r '76 LP Tennessee-Martin Gary L llo\\'rey '6•1 LP Epsilon Iota George W. Clark '74 FM FM Lee E. Tanis '77 1.1' David A. Dodd '68 Ll' D id C. Mc Kay '68 Ll' Rich(lrd D. Hunt '66 I.P Do nald Arthur Th o m a~ J r '70 Ep~ilon Epsilon Southeast Missouri Marvin L Fralish Jr. '66 FM James S. Corbiu '68 LP Willia m M. J aeger '64 Ll' James A. Cre\\'S '68 FM Michael J oseph Mc)·e r '83 LP I.P lfmversny of State University Charles Wesley Francis Jr. '70 Donald H Miller '68 LP R1chard L McMu rra) '66 LJ> J ohn Albert Tilmann '69 Ll' DK Forrest Kell y Crutcher '83 Ll' Ed1•-ard E. Mills '65 LP Toledo Stephen D. Blase '76 LP Victo r Lee Durall II '7i LP Kirk Edward Miller '79 LP Dennis Michael I restt•r '69 Gle nn R. Casey '66 FM George S. Gribble '65 OK Roben W. Olin '72 LP Banon H. Bay '55 LP Sammy H. Edwards '6 1 LP Stc,•e Mueruenmeyer '8 1 LP LP George V. De"'eesc '63 LP Hank T. Kalb '66 LP Anhur R. Nash Jr. '68 DK J ay R. S!o rt t um '65 FM Oa\'id Fredrick Ward '70 I.P Michael R. Beattie '82 FM William H. Mather '68 FM J ames F. Fox '62 FM Terl')' Allen W:u·d '80 LP Ro nald A.' Born '69 LP Robert W. Erlbacher '67 LP No rman T . Herndo n '61 Ll, No rrmm F. Pfeifer '63 LP Kc,·in Gregor)' Whir:tker '83 Truman R. Hahs '62 Ll, Michael A. McClain '72 LP Ralllh J . Recbmp '66 LP D:wicl F. Wo nm '68 LP LP Gregory E. Bowlus '76 LP '69 Martin K. J acobus '72 Ll' Charles J oseph He rbst Ill '81 J ames F. McLendo n FM Larry L Schoonmaker '63 J ame"' Dcrt.·k Whitt en '80 I.P Oa,•id P. Con)'Crs '56 LP William P. Mille r ' 72 LP Chuck Leuck '78 LP Richard K. DeRose '61 FM LP Na1ha.n G. Lubin '69 LP FM Zeta Delta J ames Roben Huff II '76 LP Fred M. Murphy '68 FM Stephen H. Dolin '69 LP Robert A. McCalla '77 FM Vernon Sheppard '74 I.Jl Parsons Coll ege Zeta Lambda Willis H. Humphrey Ill '63 Do nald llryant Pardue Jr. '70 Paul Everett '83 LP Donny D. McFall '68 LP Craig E. Thomson '6•1 FM Will ia m J. Rroschart 64 FM FM FM Richard Exner II '71 LP Richard 1'. Missi mer '71 FM Ke,,in Eric Vi rta '83 LP Will iam R. Dros< Sr·. '66 1.1' Ll' Oa\•id L. J e ffe rs '66 LP William T. Parr '60 OK J oseph Patrick Weadocl: '86 Alan E. l'e1ers '64 Ll' ~\~~!~~~~~~,~~g6~ Donald R. Gahris '71 LP Gregory J oseph Po llak '85 LP Carl C . Newby '65 DK William 1-: Keller '66 FM Clarence A. Ga rt£Jr. '55 LP J ohn A. J ohnson Jr. '62 LP J ames H. Newcombe '63 LP LP Richard P R("(.'CC '6<1 FM J ames C. Leist '6 1 LP Robert W. Reavis J r. '66 FM J o hn I' Mershon '66 Li' James Alois ~ rhardinge r '76 William C. Penn ' 61 LP J oseph E. Zabinski '7 1 LP ·n lomas Meyer ·Rodney Edward Miller '84 LP J ohn Edward Richards '7 1 OK H. '66 Ll' LP Otis C. Sanders '62 LP 111omas W. Reeves '66 FM Z eta Epsilon Ronald 1-:. Prueu '69 1.1' David N. Gillmo re '56 DK J ames Loyd to.-lolvie '79 LP Kenne th B. Roberts '63 OK Do nald Dean Myel'S '59 LP Michael L. Scheue nnan '68 Epsilon Omega Western Kentucky Ronald 0 . Wells '66 LP 111o mas R. Hadley '62 LP LP Timo thy Mcpeake Rogers '81 J o hn A. Hage '63 FM J ohn R. Reimann '67 LP East Central University R. Stephens I I ' 78 LP OK J ohn Ke,•in Hugh:> rt '77 LP Bradley Ken1 Hagcmeyer '79 Michael Kei1h Riggs '87 Ll, University Zeta Mu Harrison B. Williams Ill '72 Charles L. Srinson '72 LP Cameu A. Lindlc Jr. '68 U , LP Larry G. Robcn s '72 LP Ma1vin Roy Ewy '64 Ll' University of Idaho LP Mark Clement Stripling '76 J .mlt':S L. Olle r '66 FM Eugene I. Hennan '65 LP No nnan J. Schaedler Jr. '59 Billie C. Howard '65 u > M1chael C. Brechan '66 OK J o hn P. Willis '75 LP FM Da,•id B. Smi1h '66 LP Ralph C. Heuerman '55 LP FM J im L't ndrum ' 77 LP ·n1o mas A. Cunningham '66 Richa rd F. Winstead '82 LP Harry N. Tignor '69 LP J ames J. Spalding Jr. '70 I.P Charles Vinceru Hoeche rl '80 Timo thy Wayne Unde rwood Billy M. Ward '66 FM J im W. Martindale '64 LP u• '77 FM Ste\'en L. Turner '70 DK LP Larry K. Wright '68 LP George McKoy '67 LP Douglas C. McMicken '8 1 l.P Do nald H. Kl o t£Jr. '55 OK Carl W. Ward '64 LP Epsilon Xi Timothy William Osmond '83 lllo mas Emanuel Nesbitr '80 Brian P. Koevenig '75 FM Bruce Alan Weir '77 FM Case Western Epsilon Tau LP Zeta Z eta u• Raymond J. Lippmann '56 LP Reserve J ames Da1•id Pie rce '78 FM Southwestern State Frank Jl. Paler·rno '75 LP Kevin Dru Ri chards '80 FM Epsilon Kappa Eastern New l'erer Mike Swansrrom '75 Ll' Kenneth W. Sander '70 LP University Mexico State Todd Howard S.,.,•anstrom '80 Lamar University Ro nald A. Balyint '79 LP o~~~~ -e£; .. ning '65 LP Henry Hunter Sears Jr. ' 78 Zeta Alpha LP Michael E. Aldredge '60 FM Leon Willia m Blazey Jr. '60 University Charles W. Hill '65 DK LP GMI Engineering & Boyce M. Williamson Jr. '67 Do n M . Bullard '76 OK FM Richard D. Darland '62 LP Ste\'en T. Hood ' 72 LP Willis J . Shinaberry '61 LP OK Kirk Wayne Clark '78 FM Mark Andre1.,. Canto n '8 1 FM Henry H. Hahn '62 LP Management Hill C. Lw Will iam D. Ha"·kins Ill '75 Presio n Alan Wright '78 DK Scott W. Elkins '60 LP Brian K. Humphrey '69 LP Kenneth R. Grier '67 LP Carl Lawre nce He in '85 LP FM Andre .,.,, N. Ennis '65 LP Epsilon Lambda William Fay Wright Jr. '8 1 OK David P. Hunt '60 LP J ohn B. Griffith '67 LP R. G. Howden '67 LJ' Steven P. Haynes ' 73 LP '69 ~urray State Tho mas J . Enright Jr. LP Dirk E. H uuenbach '60 LP J effrey Scou H urley '82 FM James L. Hunt '65 LP R. Mit chell Hull '69 LP J o hn W. Fo re Jr. '68 LP Arthur Lc\'oy Hurley '70 FM University Eric Ri chard J ones '81 FM Robert 1-~. J ar£o mski '72 LP Zeta Theta Le .,.,·is A. Kesler '69 DK Rodgers A. Cerhardr '55 FM Bucl E. Alexander '6 I LP J effrey A. Ka t ~ '72 LP Scott David Kisclow '82 FM Andrew T. J o hnson '74 FM Southwest Texas Gerdld L. Ki ser '68 LP Bruce Alan Goff ' 77 FM Philip D. Back '58 LP David Chuin-Teh Ku '85 FM Samuel P. Mancini ' 74 LJ> Cary L. J ordan '7 1 FM State University Bn1ce Cli ffo rd Kusler '85 LJl J erry D. J o nes ' 71 LP tanley S. Bone '80 LP Ro nald J. Lasky '60 LP Tho mas J. Mcintire '62 LP Mark T. Kauerheinrich '70 ~ra i d \V. Matheny '67 LJl Tony M. J o nes '62 FM Dean Wade An tho ny '67 FM Ernest H. Brumbaugh '66 LP George Lockhan IV '67 LP Frederick M. M i ac~yn s ki '73 LP Griggs R. Mc Kinno n '67 LP Randall Oa\•id Light '81 Ll, Sre,·en R. Gray ' 74 LP J ohn Howard Chambers '83 Charles 1' . Mueller '66 FM LP Ro nald U. Knox '66 LP Ril ey J Oakley Jr. '67 LP Ll) Bobby Hatfield '72 LP J oseph M. Lowry Jr. '67 LP Stanley M. Parsons '62 LP WilliamJ. Mille r ' 75 U ' Rudolph A. Krent '63 LP W. Gene Powell '67 DK J oseph D. Maho ney '64 Ll, J ohn E. Con hoff '73 LP Da\•id Wa)'II C Lehrschall '75 J immy W. Krame r· '68 LP Roger W. Powell '61 LP David M. Parsh '63 LP Harry J. Lucas Jr. '65 Ll, William M. Ross '68 I.P WalterS. Mene fee '63 LP Arvin D. Craft o n '59 FM Ri chard C. Riccardi '66 LP J oseph E. Prugar ' 75 LP FM Richard 1-: Shaw J r. '67 LP Philip Louis Mo rehe.,d '78 LP Alan B. Curtis '64 LP William H. Lichty '63 LP Shannon A. Mille r '68 LP David Edward Richil ano '84 Peter W. Reyburn '64 Ll' Will iam J . Richardson '73 LP Sean Patrick Stewart '84 Ll' Paul Edgar Price ' 74 Ll) Russell J ames Dandeneau '80 Garrell Loode '63 Ll' LP Andrew J. Sutika J r. '66 LP Michael C. Spurlin ' 73 FM Robert W. Tho mas '67 LP Ro ben M. Rike '63 FM LP Michael A. Malone '70 LP Pablo J ose Saavedra '85 LP lllOIIlas J . Wo.miak '64 U' W. Michael Staffo rd '65 FM Gerald R. Wagoner '69 FM J ohn W. Sei,•ers '85 LJ, Stephen E. Douglass '67 LP Man Me1s '64 Ll' Mark Andre1.,. Webb '79 I.P George A. Smerigan '65 LP Scott Blain Yochim ' 76 LP Daniel W. Sturdivant '69 LP Charles E. Shockl ey '58 OK Tony La\\Tence Gholson '78 Sco11 E. Stricker '75 LP Robert D. Prrog '67 LP David H. Wilkins '72 Ll' Scoll P. Watson '58 Ll, Ll' Lambros L Viores '60 FM Epsilon Phi Roben W. Rank.a '63 LP Zeta Iota George W. Woorcn ' 7 1 LP Stanley P. Williams '68 FM Richard Grant '63 LP Da,•id Wagner '8 1 FM lfniversity of J o hn 1'. Rausch '63 LP Donald E. Wriglu '6 1 LP Ralph . Harris '58 LP 11l0mas M. Zwiu er '61 LP J e ro me 1'. Reamer '73 L!l O ld Dominion Zeta Omicron Charles B. Hendricks '58 FM Central Arkansas David Lee Robertson '78 OK J ohn D. Anderson '68 LP Cali fornia State­ Epsilon Eta Bryan M. Howard '83 LP Epsilon Omicron Ralph D. Behrens '63 FM Douglas A. Rolston '69 FM Cunis M. Bartholo mew '69 Mitchell J ohnsro n ' 78 FM Michael J. Blaylock ' 73 FM David A. Ruue r '63 FM LP onhridge lfniversity of TomS. Maddox J r. '62 DK Stephen F. Austin Randall Lee Bynum '78 OK Leo nard R. Sabatini '73 LP Sre\'Cil Michael Bois\'erc '85 0 ;1\'id Alan 1-)iason '8 1 OK Houston Carl E. May J r. '58 LJ> State University Lesley Don Cole '79 DK Ro nald Dean Smi1h '70 LP LP Donald J ames Co nnie) '77 Lo uis Oa\•id Carpent er '84 1i mo th)' Scou Mundy '86 LP Ca .-1 T. Bledsoe Jr. '62 FM C. Terry Courtenay '66 FM J on E. Stepleto n '66 LP J osc: ph Par rick Hyrne '83 LP FM FM Hayden Scou Pendleto n '77 J ames Steven Cammack '82 Dan R. Duren '73 FM William A. S£kodzinski ' 7<1 Ll' Ga1y J ames Furey '83 FM Gordo n E. Hall '67 FM Harold F. Cunningham Jr. '67 Ll' Ll' J ames W. Finley '64 LP Ste,·e D. Vespennan '64 LP Kenneth S. Goldstei n '66 FM Barry Harris Hinden '68 LP LP Isaac W. Purdom '58 LP J ames W. Clark '62 LP arl E. Forsberg '63 FM Geo rge W. Wight '64 LP J ohn W. Kerr Jr. '66 Ll, J effrey C. Kl ein '73 FM J. P. Oansb)' '56 LP William L. Quigley '68 LP Stephen P. Collins '67 Ll' J ames Ste\'en Fulmer '70 Ll, Wayne S. Wilson '70 LP J ay A. Kossman '67 LP Kirk Dean Linvrll e '75 DK Cary Fn.ncis De,•lin '76 LP William G. Sandifer '74 LP Clair William Lynn II '78 Ll' Ra y Hall(ler '82 OK Dexte r B. Woodworth '7 1 LP Will iam Moore '7 1 LP J erry A. iehaus '70 DK Michael H. Driscoll '66 DK J o hn C. Thunno nd '60 DK James M. Meley '63 LP Alto n H. McMillan '63 LJl Brian E. Zielinski '68 Ll' William Ea rl Moore '68 Ll' J ohn M. l'alguta '69 LP of Pi Koppa Alpha 37 David Brian Sarfer '78 FM Dennis W. WeJter '69 LP Keith Duane Fulton ' 79 LP Eta Omicron Eta Omega Theta Klfnpa Richard L« Wheat fill Jr. '80 TI1omas Keith S.culga '83 LP Willia m Alan Hammerton '76 Northeast Louisiana Pembroke State Indiana mversity FM Brem Edwa rd Vallens '73 LP Zeta Chi LP James L. Williamson '80 LP Mark Vincent Zeolla '80 OK Charles J. Hughes ' 73 DK University Un iversity Southeast Darren Craig Young '83 OK Howard L. Higgins LP J ohn Pturick Click '79 LP Southwest Missouri James M. Huling ' 71 LP Peter j oseph Annato Jr. '85 Howard Hughes '78 LP J ohn Terrence Cody '78 DK State Universit6 Don C. Hunt '72 LP LP Zeta Pi William H. Bishop Ill '8 1 FM Floyd C. Kinlaw '74 LP David Frederick Coons Jr. '77 Theta Pi Robert W. Greenlee '73 P George Douglas h·ey '79 LP University of South Kenneth Wayne Bonds '85 William Staley Mason '77 OK FM University of Robert S. Holloway '69 LP Jdrrey Earl Knopp '84 LP Terry C. Register '76 FM Michael Anthony Hoffm ire Florida J ames R. Holt '69 LP Larry D. Larimore '7 1 LP FM Alabama- William A. Duval '72 LP Tommy Ross Rorie Jr. '78 LP '81 F~-1 Mark Anderson Aston '86 LP George M. Humphries Ill '7 1 Cary D. Maste rs '85 LP Huntsville tanlcy F. Barker '70 LP Robert Arden Harwood '76 James Calton Simpson '79 FM FM Richard A. McKinney '71 CO Christopher L. Coffey ' 79 LP · LP Bruce A. Bcnneu '70 LP Cary C. Lent1: '7 1 LP PhilipS. Merkel '71 FM Theta Lambda Michael P. Giese '87 LP M. Brent Blanner '68 OK Stew:n 1orton Ludwigs '78 Thomas Craig Kirkland '84 J<"l' OnakJ•. "7 1 OK Theta Alpha Creighton Ralph Douglas Heusinger 'S I J ohn Edwa rd Brcitrclder '81 LP J. LP Kerry P. Rainey '73 lP University of North LP fr\.1 Eugene A. Martin Sr. '00 OK John P. Roberts '72 lP University Cary W. Rogers '7 1 LP Timothy J. Miner 'S2 FM D. Bumgardner Jr. '79 FM Mark W. Melson '75 LP Tommy Aaron Walpole '80 Alabama David Bryan Frit-z '77 LP J erry L. Wilson '71 LP J ohn Charles Scou '&I LP Michael Louis Delucia '80 LP Ste,·e S. Schmidt '74 LP FM Charles Keith Hamm ' 77 FM William Perry Halquist Jr. 'SO Terry Craig Dodge '75 LP Mark A. Shank '73 LP Mark Vernon Holmes '77 LP LP George Thomas Pilgreen '83 Theta Rho Stephen R. Howze: '69 LP Dabney K. Tolson Jr. '70 LP Eta Zeta Eta Pi ~l ark Emerson Hanna 'S2 LP Charles Wayne King '84 FM FM Rodney Edward J ewell '77 OK Northern Arizona Middle Tennessee Edward Ronald Kusek '77 LP Erik William Neu~:,raard '86 LP University of West University State Universitl Terrence Mahe r '78 FM ~fa uh ew J ohn Ora,·ec 'S3 FM Ni cholls State Florida Theta Beta Ke\•in Eyles Aldridge '80 LP Randel Drew Piu.s '80 lP Robert D. Holman Jr. '8 LP Raymond L. Harkneu Jr. '72 University of Christopher Mar '78 LP Steven Norris '80 OK Michael J. Sander '87 OK U nivers it ~ Steven Earl J ohnson 'SO LP FM William Thomas McC.·utan 'S4 Fredrick D. Pellissier 'SO LP Keith J. Hester ' I LP Burley D. Lockridge ' 71 LP Jefrrey W. St okey '7S LP Montevallo LP Thomas Stephan Selden right James Roscoe Briley Ill '81 "83 LP Michael Allen Loup '79 FM Harry J. Maurice ' 7 1 LP Michael John Mille r '83 LP Robert Joseph Pitre '77 FM J ames R. Shepherd '7 1 LP LP J ames Creighton Randolph Theta Sigma David Duane Stanley '82 LP Randall Brett Dollar '82 LP Mark Ste,·e n Williams '77 FM Charles R. Swirl '69 LP B. Terry Stone '7S LP Eta Rho '77 LP W inthro~ Colle~e Donald Marshall Williams 'S5 Northern Kentucky J effery Gene Estes FM Cannen Joseph Sciaccotta '84 Gregory Vi Fitzgeral 'S3 OK J e.s.sc J efferson Jackson '74 OK LP Zeta Rho Zeta Omega University Clinton Hue! Tumlin 'SO LP R. Russell Alexander '78 OK ft.! Ri chard Joseph Spicuzza '82 University of North University of Robert Phillips McCom1ick LP George Henry White '80 OK Eta Eta Robert Raymond Alexander '74 LP Wesley David Wyant '80 LP Dakota Southwestern "86 LP Paul J oseph Thompson '8 1 Rums A. Bailey '71 LP Louisiana Morehead State Steve n C. Savin '74 LP DK Danny R. Antrobus '72 LP William Glenn South Ill '83 Sidney Claire Bjorlie '70 LP Philip J. Biondillo Jr. ' 71 LP Universi ~ J. David Bender '75 FM Thomas J. John Tokhei m 'S3 Theta Tau Thomas B. Cruden 'tiS LP Roger J. Cook '7•1 LP Ri chard Cobb · 2 LP LP FM William R. Clark I II '79 LP Charles N. Stanton Jr. '74 FM California State- l ouis M. Didonato '68 LP Robin Francis Delcambre ' 75 leonard D. Franklin '79 FM Anthony W. Frohlich ' 73 LP Dennis Scott Watson '79 LP l e roy V. Eric kson '70 LP LP Brien Mcleod Welch '79 LP Sacramento J ames A. Hille.-ich '71 LP Alan Little 'S3 LP Kurt K. Kniel'im '82 FM John R. Hovel '68 FM Michael Uoyd Fa ulk 'S5 LP Theta Gamma Ma rk A. Moennond '78 LP Gregory Paul Pett ingill 'S5 Thomas E. Kiercl '68 LP Richard W. Hammaker '69 David W. Placke '75 LP Geor91a Colle9,e Theta Mu FM Larry D. Thompson '6S LP LP Eta Theta Carl William Schwierjohann Wayne . Fatum ' 74 M Philip Donald Pcuingill '82 Richard H. Wohl '73 LP Edward F. Hanman Ill '69 Universith of Weber Stale '77 LP John C. McKibben ' 7<1 FM LP Ric ki Lynn Wold '76 LP DK Thomas Richard Wagner 'S5 Stephe n A. Potts '74 LP Massac usetts College Richard Scott Allen ' 77 FM Steven Theron Stenberg '82 Eric Dale Jensen Jr. 'S6 LP Sheldon Allred '82 LP LP Gregory B. Wolrord '74 FM J. J oseph N. Connoll y '77 LP FM Zeta Si7ma David B. Manning '7 1 LP Robert Lee Bateman '82 FM J ames Robert Woeste 'S2 LP La rry W. Scantlin '69 OK J oseph Charles Dougherty '84 Florida nstilule of J. Curtis Brei tweise.- '82 FM Theta Delta FM Theta Upsilon Techno!or; J oel K. Dayton '7 1 LP Francis Marion Richard K. J ohnson ' 77 LP Eta Alpha Rick Fuit LP Eta S~ma Tennessee Tech Joseph Caruso '7 LP ·so J ohn Peters 'SI LP Robert Derbys hire ' 7S FM Clemson University J oseph T. He rlihy 'S4 FM West eorgia Colle£:e University Byron R. ck ' 74 LP Stua rt Michael Tobin '7S FM Richard Lee Douthat '82 LP Brent R. Doyle '69 LP Will iam Gregory Anderson Jcrrery L. Hoskins '73 lP Colle9:; Mark Kenneth Todowski 'SI 'S3 FM Alan l.akomski '77 LP Charles L. ckham '72 LP J ames David Gilstrap '83 LP Timothy U:e Pennyc uff '83 Thomas C. Ho rTman ' 75 OK Christopher Hill '79 FM LP Andre""' S. Avant '70 LP Gary Singleton ' 79 LP Harry G. Cline III '72 LP FM Thomas William Hom 'SO LP William D. Hood '74 LP David Martin Will '79 FM W. Kirk Crawrord '79 FM K..ieth Dee Wilkinson '72 FM J ames Robert Coppage 'S5 LP J ames R. Hughes '6S OK Charles Edwin Hunter '80 LP Clark Evan Curry '77 H ·f Thomas L Wilkinson '7 1 OK William Edward Driver '72 Charles Kaczynski 'S4 FM Robert Willard Moore '80 LP Theta Phi Andrew Falatok '7•1 FM OK Theta Nu Karl R. Kruse '72 LP J. Ste,•en W. Morris '74 LP Wichita State Ralph B. Garrison '81 LP Barry H. J ames '72 LP Marc H. Michalov.sky '72 FM John Michael Murphree 'S2 Douglas Holmes Cingrey '84 Eta Kappa Gregory T. Jordan 'S2 OK B;x!~~ ,~~!~e~~~l University George J. Morstatt Ill '68 OK DK Robert Duane Dubois '82 LP LP University of South Jeffe ry M. Minecci ' 79 OK Charles R. Elder Ill '80 FM Da,•id W. Munion '77 OK Donald Michael Newton '77 Amos C. Green Jr. '71 DK Daniel McKee Scoggins Jr. '77 Kurtis Keith Ki ze r 'S2 FM Ricky Dean Finney '83 FM William S. Osborne '6S FM Alabama LP Anthony Stephen Lask 'S2 James E. Prcissne r '69 LP J meph Edwa rcl Guy '76 LP Albert Hines Hill LP LP J ohn Charles Nicholson '83 Royal Feli x Hendrix IV '82 Brent Slaton '86 LP Robby D. Sisco '75 FM LP FM J e rrrey Patrick Proudroot '83 Perry Ra Inman ' 7S OK Wi lliam T. Williams '74 FM LP FM Robert W. Kenyon ' 7S n1 Hal Paul Waughtal ' 79 OK Eric Bryan Hills 'S3 OK Theta Chi J ohn Michael Rezabek '84 FM Ri chard R. Pulley Jr. ' 71 LP Eta Tau Theta EJ8silon Paul Wayne Riendeau 'S6 FM David Bruce Howell '84 LP Randy M. Wright ' 7S FM Austin Peay State Theta Xi Villanova Universi% J oseph Michael Sle,•nik 'S I Scott Saunders MacLean '83 N. E. 0 ahoma East Texas State Michael Alben DeRosa Jr. ' 7 FM FM University State UniversitY. LP Gerald J oseph Steimcrs '72 Paul C. Myers '70 FM Eta Lambda Daniel C. Belcher ' 72 FM University J ohn K. Fitzpatrick '84 FM Michael Eugene Hopper 79 Charles Richard Ehmann '79 LP John Bollinger Nottingham Robert Morris J oseph R. Curcio '72 LP LP J ohn Andrew Stei nbruck '82 '83 LP Keith Edward Calc '77 OK FM College J ames Phillip Glenn '82 FM Theta Psi LP J ohn J oseph Pahne.-. MD '75 J oseph Edward Sulliva n Ill Michael J. Hendricks '72 LP FM William Jack Hensley ' 77 FM Theta Zeta Robert Allen Hacke r '7S FM Chapman College Henry A. Stuven '6S LP '7 1 LP J ohn Mic hael Silberstein 'S5 H. Scott l'aris II '77 LP University of Mark Alan lsom '83 FM Kurt Gerard VonDcbur ' 78 James R. Highsmith ' 72 LP LP LP William M. Reese: '70 FM George Daniel Huggins 'S2 Northern Iowa Phillip Mcl..t:od '80 OK Ste\'el\ Weber '72 FM Thomas Russell Robbins ' 77 Eta Mu LP Tracy Alan Booth '83 LP J ames Andrew Sutton 'S6 FM Michae l P. Zaccardo '6S LP LP Armstong State Robert Wayne Martin '78 FM Leroy R. Brown '75 LP Kurt Michael Zimmem1an 'S4 Theta Omefa Stc,·cn R. Ross '73 FM James L O uellett e 'SO LP Richard H. Dobson '78 OK LP University o Stc\'en I. Simpson '70 LP College James T. Perry '72 FM Edward Loyd G riffith '80 LP Zeta Tau Greg Barker '77 LP California-Davis William lee Skelton '7S LP Michael P. Sawyer '72 FM David Hallbe rg '84 OK Jim Brotherton J r. '71 FM Theta Omicron John C. Mir.mda '85 LP Eastern Kentucky Charles K. Snoddy '70 LP Kenneth Warren Smith '76 Joel A. Hulke '77 LP James C. Byerly '75 LP Indiana State University Douglas Hughes Stone 'S4 LP Joseph Hunter Hutcheson '84 Iota Alpha J ames F_ Adkins '73 LP FM Mike Deloach '73 LP FM University Mallie Abb De nmark 'SO LP George Allen Amoneue 'SO Ste,·en 1.. Cosby '73 LP Ronald 0 . Walker '84 LP Thomas J ames llax 'S4 LP University of Michael R. Reese '75 LP LP Michael L. Denni\ '73 LP Lonnie Roy Whitley '77 lP Eta Upsilon Jeffery Scott Johnson ' 79 LP Wyoming . Robert Anthony Annstrong J ohn W. Hamilt on ' 73 LP Da,•id Allan Will ich 'S4 FM l'atrick A. Talley Jr. '74 FM University of Texas- Steven Earl Ruegsegger '82 Ralph P. Cardinal '86 FM '82 LP Michael D. J ohnson '69 LP David Robert YantL '79 lP Don L. Waters '73 LP LP Phillip Edward Frerichs '86 Arlin&.; ton Thomas Eugene Bear '83 LP Harold Scou Muncy '8 1 LP Da,

38 Shield & Diamond ALUMNI NOTES

ARIZONA Michael Lloyd Fowler '75 (2508 married in April 1988, and is work­ GEORGIA Holman wne, Springfield, TN ing as an insurance representative for Todd M. Hankel '88 (1689 Amber­ 37172) is a sales representative in the Bankers Insurance Company of Christopher Bledsoe '82 (132 Mud­ wood, #204, South Pasadena, CA Nashville/Knoxville area for Napa Florida. dy River Road, l.LJ wrenceville, GA 9/030) will graduate from the Los Auto Parts Stores. 30243) has recently passed the re­ Angeles Police Academy on FWRIDA SOUTHERN quirements necessary to become a September 29, 1990. John Franklin Jordan '85 (7433 CPA. He and his wife, Teri , have an Huntland Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919) Jeffery Allen Jones '82 (3312 Bel­ 18 month old daughter, Whitni Elise. recently left his consultant position ARKANSAS-UTILE ROCK mont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37215) is at National Headquarters to become currently employed with Statr Farm Robert Hamilton Burts, Jr. '82 a sales representative for Thermo­ Insurance Co. and is also actively (6500 Whispering Lane, Atlanta, GA copy of Tennessee. pursuing a music career as an artist 30328) is a financial consultant with and songwriter. Shearson Lehman Hutton in Atlan­ BRADLEY ta , Georgia. FWRIDA STATE John M. Mikenis '73 (7401 S. W. George James Cotsakis, m '82 Daisy, Aloha, OR 97007) graduated Charles R. Cottrell, m '80 (2401 (621 Rosa Dr. , l.LJwrenceville, GA from the Portland State University Marina Isle Wa y #504, Jupiter, FL 30244) is currently employed as vice M.B.A. program in June. He is 33458) is an assistant vice-president president of Diversified Mortgage, employed as an AVP in the business with The Bank of Boston/Florida in Inc. of Stone Mountain, Georgia. banking division of First Interstate Palm Beach, Florida, after transfer­ Bank of Oregon. Alan Ables ring from the Sarasota Bank. Barry T. Edgar '82 (3400 Sweet­ water Road #1114, l.LJwren ceville, GA Alan Ables '66 (2927 Crooks Rd. , CALIFORNIA STATE 30244) is a golf course architect with NORTHRIDGE Timothe Tye Stockton '82 (270 W. the firm of Denis Griffiths & Royal Oak, Ml 48(J73) retired from 17th St., Apt. 2-B, New York , NY the U.S. Navy June 30, 1990 with the Associates in Braselton, Georgia. Brian Sherman '79 (19130 ws 10011) is employed by Aegis rank of lieutenant commander, com­ Specialists. He was promoted to Alamos, Northridge, CA 91326) Bradford S. Hagstrom '83 (P. 0. pleting more than 23 years of ser­ Equity Option Specialist on the received his M.S. in mechanical en­ Box 39694, Rochester, NY 14604) has vice. As one of only 200 Navy public American Stock Exchange in New gineering from Cal State-Northridge been promoted to retail advertising affuirs specialists, Ables' duties have York City. taken him throughout the world, in­ in May. He's working as a senior supervisor at Gannett Rochester cluding assignments in Washington, thermodynamics engineer for Newspapers, publishers of the FWRIDATECH D.C. , Beirut, Lebanon, the Philip­ General Dynamics. Democrat, Chronicle and Times­ pines, Adak, Alaska, New Orleans, Union. He has also been included in­ LA and 10 South American nations. CALIFORNIA STATE Charles P. Shank '83 (550 Victory to Who 's Who in Advertising for He has completed graduate studies SACRAMENTO Circle, Ballston Spa, NY 12020) was 1989. at Temple University and the recently promoted to Senior Automa­ American University in Washington, Douglas Johnson '81 (1625 McKoy tion Analyst with Aetna Life & William P. Middleton, Jr. (275 Bir­ D.C. His personal awards include two Rd. , Brainerd, MN 56401) has been Casualty. chfield, Marietta , GA 30067) has presentations of the Navy Commen­ promoted to Pepsi-Cola regional opened Middleton Media, a dation Medal,. the Navy Achievement sales manager in the Minneapolis John M. Rezabek '84 (5845 Sun­ publisher's representative firm . Medal and the Armed Forces Ex­ area. He and his wife, Suzy, and son, down Cir. , Apt. 527, Orlando, FL peditionary Medal. He is married to Cole, moved to the Brainerd area in 32822) is working at the Kennedy Gary Payton '82 (441 1#11/ St., Carol Jane Rees. February. Space Center for Boeing Aerospace Marietta, GA 30068) has earned his Operations as a design engineer. He B.S. in pharmacy from the Univer­ CENTRAL FWRIDA sity of Georgia. ARMSTRONG STATE is also working on obtaining his Masters in engineering management G.C. (Chris) Hall '78 (Rl. I, Box from FIT. Bradley Winney '82 (65 Cervantes Jim Brotherton, Jr. '71 (P. 0. Box 247, Alma, GA 31510) is defensive Blvd, #II, San Francisco, CA 94123) 1292, l.LJQuinta, 0192256) has been is a national account manager with coordinator and assistant head foot­ FRANCIS MARlON COLLEGE promoted to executive vice president ball coach at Bacon County High Novell , Inc. of Landmark Management Co. School in Alma. He is married to Julian Ryan Buddin, m '82 (8178 Teresa Ellis. Waltham Road, North Charleston, GEORGIA COLLEGE AUSTIN PEAY SC 29418) married Anita Christine Rusty Keith Bramlett '82 (1851 CLEMSON Corley on May 20, 1989. James Randell Cook '81 (/103 Woodville Rd., Union Point, GA married Andria Bird on Woodard St. , Clarksville, TN) has a John N. Bottomley '87 (320 E. 91st 30669) GANNON March 17, 1990. He is employed by new baby boy, James Ryley, and a St., Apt. 6RC, New York , NY /0128) is currently employed as a telecom­ Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling. new job as production control techni­ Ralph Edward Shellenbarger '82 munications associate with Gold­ cian with American Precision (42 Jamestown St., Randolph, NY man, Sachs & Co., an investment Whitney Van Echols '82 (Route 2, Machinery, Inc. 14772) was married in August of banking firm on Wall Street. 3018 Eastlake Rd., McDonough, GA 1989. He was recently promoted to 30253) joined the Rucker Agency, design engineer for Randolph CREIGHTON Cotton States Insurance as a sales Machinery operations Division of associate. Alcoa. Steve John Winjum '82 (10 East Ontario #4()()2, Chicago, IL 60622) GEORGIA STATE has started his own law firm , Geott­ GMI-ENGINEERING & ling & Winjum. He also owns an op­ MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Paul Bagby '82 (4798 St. Moritz, tical business in Chicago. Lilburn, GA 30147) is associated with Brian E. Zielinski '68 (8270 Ui!st Insuramerica Corp. in Lilburn. FWRIDA Point Dr. , E. Amherst, NY 14051) was recently named manager of General Edward George Cain, m '82 (8 Norman Owen Perry, Jr. '82 (3095 Motors Regional Personnel Center in wurie wne, Covington , GA 30209) John F. Jordan El Camino Ct., wrgo, FL 34641) was Buffalo, NY. Continued of Pi Kappa Alpha 39 and his wife, Dawn, 'M>Uid like to an­ HOUS10N nounce the birth of their third child and first daughter. Her name is Eric Richard Glockner '82 (39 Ellis Auburn Alumnus Offers Marley Denise, born on October 24, Place, Ossining, NY 10562) has 1989. recently taken a position as opera­ Sage Financial Advice tions consultant for I Can't Believe It's Yogurt in Wilmington, Delaware. More than forty years ago, Federal Judge Clarence W. Greg A. Cochran '82 (4329l..ang­ Allgood (Upsilon '21) played an instrumental role in the don Dr. , Decatur, GA 30035) has had a job transfer to Nashville, Tennessee IDAHO development of Chapter 13 bankruptcy. as a senior claims representative with During the financially tough 1920s, many people had trou­ Chubb & Son, Inc. John Laurence Braese '82 (10532 ble paying their debts. Judge Val Nesbit of Birmingham, Blackhawk, Boise, lD 83709) has Alabama, conceived of an idea that under Chapter 12 bankrupt­ Mike Greene '75 (1298 Rackbridge recently been promoted to sergeant cy - the old railroad reorganization act - individuals might Road #D, Stone Mountain , GA at the Idaho State Correctional Institution. be allowed to pay their debts on a monthly basis. There was 30087) is serving as president of the no specific law to back up the plan, but creditors were willing Gwinnett County Bar Association. to accept the idea. He had previously held offices of Roger Dean Kora '76 (1424 Ellis When Judge Nesbit died , Clarence Allgood was appointed president -elect, vice president and Ave. , Caldwell, ID 83605) is the new bankruptcy referee. At the time he managed a local secretary-treasurer. He is also serv­ associated with Kora Farms in mortgage firm and had no formal training in law. "My degree ing as Magistrate Judge in Gwinnett Homedale, Idaho. He married Lori from Auburn was in engineering, which I had done for six years County, with a full-time law practice. Townsend in October 1988. or so before becoming involved in finance," Allgood says. Allgood made two major changes to the plan. The first change Kenneth Ivey '82 (1170 Stone Ridge Erik Jon Nelson '83 (11332 Connec­ involved administration - rather than having multiple trustees Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245) has ticut Ave. , Kensington, MD 20895) representing various debtors, Allgood hired one man to act as been promoted to sales manager with is a third year medical student at trustee for all cases. The second change was to make the pay­ Property Systems Companies. USUHS in Bethesda, Maryland. ment plan legally binding on the debtor as well as the creditor. " To do that I took jurisdiction of (the debtor's) property and GEORGIA TECH George Raney '68 (9230-A Lincoln salary and future earnings for the purpose of enforcing . .. pay­ Drive, Ellsworth AFB, SD 57706) David Howard Baker '82 (28 Old moved from Langley AFB, Virginia ment," he recalls. Stream Ct., The Woodlands , TX to be assistant deputy commander for Allgood also persuaded companies to make deductions from 77381) is a sales engineer with Eaton resources at Ellsworth. Lt. Col. employees' salaries. " ...They soon realized that the court­ Corp. He and his wife, Patti, have Raney is responsible for supply, ordered deductions were actually helping people get back on a daughter, Jennifer. transportation, comptroller and their feet." All of this was later adopted into law and picked logistics plans at base level. up by other federal districts. Willard Kent Baker, Jr. '82 (4611 "A Congressman from Memphis, who was head of the Cedor Keys Lane, Stone Mountain , Ron Wekerle '82 (Mt. Angel Judiciary Committee, took practically everything we were do­ GA 30083) earned his M .B.A. at Seminary, St. Benedict, OR 97373) ing and wrote it into the Chandler Act in 1938, and made it Georgia State University and has will graduate with master of divini­ law," Allgood relates. taken a job with Andersen Con­ ty in theology from Mt. Angel Allgood went to law school at night and passed the bar several sulting in Atlanta as a staff Seminary. He has been ordained as years later. In 1961 he was appointed District Judge, but says consultant. a deacon in the Roman Catholic he still follows the Chapter 13 court's activities with interest. Church and will be ordained a priest on June 8, 1990. "That court today is just bursting with cases. More than $36 Tann S. McKenzie '84 (6396 million was disbursed to creditors last year in this district, and Priscilla Court, Morrow, GA 30260) David Dean Wood '82 (P. 0. Box next year I expect it to go as high as $100 million. I thought has recently accepted a job with Sun Data, Inc. in Norcross, Georgia as 129, Post Falls, 1D 83854) has been in my day we were collecting a lot of money, but it was peanuts a retail sales/marketing represen­ the food and beverage managt;r for compared to today. tative in the Southeast region. the Coeur d'Alene Greyhound Race "In my opinion, this is due to the fact that we spend so much Track since its opening in August, money on credit ... it's easy to take a credit card and spend John Duke Tramontanis '75 (5232 1988. $100 when all you have in your pocket is a dollar. Consequently, Pikes Peak Ct., Marietta, GA 30062) more an more individuals are getting into trouble." has recently been promoted to direc­ Charles W. Wright '67 (P. 0. Box Allgood's advice to any individual experiencing chronic tor of information systems and 4II, New Bern, NC 28563) recently financial problems is the following: reporting with Cox Broadcasting in accepted a promotion with U.S. " If you have the ability to do it, go to a reputable bank and Atlanta, Georgia. He and his wife, Sprint to be manager of governmen­ Gail, have a two-year old son, tal affairs for the Southeast division. borrow enough money to pay all your debts, then tear up your Alexander. He will be responsible for govern­ credit cards and don't buy anything else on credit. If ...you ment relations (lobbying) in nine can't get the payment at the bank within your budget or bor­ states. row legitimate money at a reasonable rate of interest, then you HAMPDEN-SYDNEY should go into Chapter 13, propose to pay your creditors in Thomas Robinson '82 (2479 INDIANA full and, with the help of the court, work out a plan where Peachtree St., NW #1516, Atlanta, GA you can stay out of debt. 30305) is employed as the associate Jay Thomas Linder '82 (3221 " You shouldn't flle unless you have no other alternative, but to the dean for development for the Twilight Coun, #203, Topeka , KS if you do file, do so with the understanding that the law was College of Education at Georgia 66614) married Ann Triggs of Topeka created not to punish you, but to assist you. State University. He is also serving on Sept. 2, 1989. He is employed by "Remember, too, that people from all walks of life have had as the faculty advisor of the Epsilon Fleming Companies, General Mer­ to file Chapter 13 - doctors, educators, executives and laborers Nu Chapter at Georgia State. chandise Division, as chief have all come to the court to work out a plan allowing them accountant. to overcome their fmancial problems and hold their heads up IUGH POINT again." John P. Ribar '71 (7327 Maria Ave. , Judge Clarence Allgood is the namesake of the Allgood Carl Bundy Hassell '82 (8410 Ej Louisville, KY 40222) associated Alumnus of the Year Award . Granero Ct. , #906, Tampa, FL with Bluegrass Business Forms, was - Larry Ragan 33614) is deputy sheriff in Hills­ honored at the State Jaycee Conven­ borough County, FL. tion as one of the four outstanding

40 Shield & Diamond young leade10 in the state of Ken­ is earning his M.B.A. at Drake tucky, for work done with local UniveJ>ity. public television and community in­ volvement. He married Julia Sharp Bradley Charles Freeman '82 Courthouse Named For in April 1989. (4005 Quentin Ave. S., St. Louis Park, MN 55416) married Barb PiKA Past National President Dirk Jerry Smith '82 (1175 Pi10ch and works at Norwest Bank in Minneapolis. Haywood Rd, #14M, Greenville, SC The federal government rare­ 29615) is a systems analyst with ly names public buildings after Fluor Daniel, heading up all com­ Tim Isaacson '84 (4961 Cedarview living people, but it's making puter operations for the process #JC, Ypsilanti , Ml 48197) , employed business sector. with Warble & Associates, Inc., was an exception for 92-year old recently transferred with the com­ Judge Elbert Parr Tuttle (Beta pany, covering the state of Michigan one of the South's INDIANA SOUTHEAST Theta '17) , as a manufacture~> representative in leading civil rights advocates. Patrick Edward Carney n '82 (523 the sporting goods industry. The home of the 11th U.S. Woodrow Ave. , New Albany, IN Circuit Court of Appeals was 47150) was married in December, Rod Ragan '72 (U. S. Address: 3333 renamed the Elbert Parr Thttle to Kimberly Schneider. He Michaelson Dr., Jrvine, CA 92730) 1988, U.S. Court of Appeals on June works with HFH Corporation in golf has been named general manager, 11, 1990, after its oldest living course management and will S.E. Asia, with Fluor Daniel, in judge. graduate in May, 1990, from IU Jakarta, Indonesia, responsible for Southeast. their operations in Indonesia, Thttle was appointed by Elbert P. Tuttle Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. President Eisenhower in 1954, three months after the Supreme Court's Brown vs. Board of INDIANA STATE He and his wife and two children live in Jakarta. Education ruling struck down school desegregation. Marc Howard Brickman '82 (2415 He became a leader of the old 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap­ Brian Drive, Nonhbrook, JL 60062) Gregory D. Swanson '76 (2515 S. peals - now the 11th - when it served as the legal battleground has graduated from medical school 154 Circle, Omaha, NE 68144), for the civil rights movement. and began his residency in internal associated with Smith Barney in Elbert P. Thttle served Pi Kappa Alpha as National Presi­ medici!Je at Northwestern Univer­ Omaha, proudly announces the birth dent from 1933-38, and was instrumental in the Fraternity's sity-Evanston Hospital in June. of his third daughter, Rebecca Jane, structural revision at the 1933 National Convention at Troutdale. born March II, 1990. Scott Gerald Coleman '82 (11 - Birmingham News Silverton Dr., Nashua , NH IOWA 03062-4468) has been promoted to product manager at Allen-Bradly at Bradley Dean Junker '82 (3717 the Waltham, Massachusetts facility. Sunbrook R., Madison, WI 53704) is the great grandmother, Learn USAF, stationed at Wright-PatteJ>on an accounting analyst at Oscar Mayer Haywood, who resides with Col. and AFB, with his wife, Amy Daniels. David Alan Flynn '82 (MWSS 273, Foods Corp. Mrs. Silverwood Beaufon, SC 29904-6035) is the LOUISIANA STATE engineer company commander at the KANSAS Matthew G. Smith '77 (20095 W Marine base in Beaufort, South 119th St., Olathe, KS 66061) is with Michael P. Austin '82 (12074 Carolina. Scott C. Nations '82 (525 l*st Allied-Signal Aerospace in Kansas Newcastle Ave., #913, Baton Rouge, Oakdale, #515, Chicago, JL 60657) City, Missouri. LA 70816-8990) is a special agent Monty A. Kleiman '78 (900 W is at the Chicago Board of Trade with The Prudential Co. in Baton &nd Rd., 104C, Arlington Heights, working as a floor trader. Scott T. Whitaker '81 (12465 S. Rouge. JL 60004) is married to the Mary Acuff Ct., Olathe, KS 66062) is with Martin Rolfe Blei (314 Lokeview Dewyzc, and they have a three year KANSAS STATE the Leawood Recreation Commision '82 Dr. , #C, Slidell, LA 70458-9122) old son, Timothy Ryan . in Leawood, Kansas. Craig E. Cole '77 (P.O. Box 371, married Janell Morgan and receiv­ Gamen, 66032) is serving as ed his M .B.A. from Florida Tech. Ken Kramer '75 (12104 Audie KS KENTUCKY district attorney of Ande10on Coun­ He is the cost manager for the Coun, Cincinnati, OH 45246) is a Shunle-C Program with Martin ty, Kansas. Christopher Danahy '82 (2218 registered financial representative Marietta Aerospace. with Fidelity Investments, dealing in Grove Ave. , Richamond, VA 23220) Lawrence Cooper Hinkel '82 (521 is opening a new restaurant in Rich­ mutual funds. Hugh Elwyn Wall '82 (5757 E. Skyline Dr. , Ft. Collins, CO 80524) mond, as the owner/manager. married Angela Unterberger on University, #24-B, Dallas, TX 75206) Robert Lee Slavens, Jr. '82 (137 April 29, 1989. He was recently pro­ is a financial analyst with Asset Byron Todd Wilson '82 (800 Candle Court, Englewood, OH moted to an AIC position with Management and Business Develop­ Leisure Lake Dr. , Apt. M-13, Warner 45322) has been promoted to Crawford & Co. Risk Managment ment for the Johnstown Management Robins, GA 31088) is employed by manager of system control for Emery Services. Co. Worldwide, the largest heavy freight the Dept. of the Air Force as an elec­ trical engineer working in the carrier in the U.S. He and his wife, Kevin Gregg Knaus '82 (3225 Apt. LOUISIANA TECH avionics analysis division at Robins Lecia, have a son, Bobby. X, Flowers Rd. South, Chamblee, AFB, Georgia. GA 30341) is living in Atlanta, work­ Michael R. Johnson '80 (417 Fred Tim Neal Weaver '82 (7738 Jsland ing in sales for Procter & Gamble. Lutz Rd., Westlake, LA 70669) is Club Drive, Apt. E, lndianapolis, IN He is involved as a advisor with local LEmGH employed by Mobil Oil Corp. as a 46214) works for Farm Bureau In­ undergraduate chapte10 and is a production engineer. He and his surance as a claims representative. board member of the PiKA Atlanta Jeffrey Cipolla '82 (38 Pembroke wife, Frances, are the proud parents Alumni Club. Dr. , Endicon, NY 13760) is working of a son, Brian Michael, born Oc­ on his Ph.D. in theoretical and ap­ IOWA STATE tober 3, 1989. Allan Silverwood '77 (227 Reflec­ plied mechanics at Cornell. On January 6, 1990 he married Heidi Kenneth Robert Bonus '82 (900 tion Dr. , Williamsburg, VA 23185) Mark Musselwhite '85 (1120 Mor­ Stager of Bad Tolz, West Germany. 65th St., #69, Windsor Heights, JA and his wife, Karen, announce the ningside Dr. , Gainesville, GA 30501) 50312) married Cyndi Murray on birth of their son, Mark Allan, on was promoted to city banking officer May 27, 1989. He works with the February 20, 1990. The proud grand­ Michael Robert Kakos '82 (5910 and Commercial Loan Analyst for Weitz Company, Des Moines, in cor­ parents are Col. and M10. Kermit Shell Rd., Huber Heights, OH Fi10t Wachovia!First National Bank porate preconstruction services, and Silverwood (Alpha Omega '27) and 45424) has been promoted to captain, of Atlanta. of Pi Kappa Alpha 41 scape design. He's started his own Dean Tremps '85 (203 Crestline, company called Landmark Land­ Del Rio, TX 78840) graduated from scape. the Air Force pilot training in Eldridge W. Roark Elected November, 1989, and is now a T-38 Tom A. Wright '69 (Crescent instructor pilot stationed at Laughlin President of O~K Center, 6075 Poplar Ave. , Suite 120, AFB, Texas. Memphis, TN 38119) is president of The 1990 National Convention of Omicron Delta Kappa, The Enterprise National Bank of MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE National Leadership Honorary, has elected Eldridge W. Roark, Memphis. Jr. (Samford - Alpha Pi '52) as OaK's 28th president. Edward Lee Brawner '82 (1131 MIAMI Roark, who has been vice president for student affairs at the Cabana Dr., Nashville, TN 37214) State University of New York at Plattsburgh since 1978, has serv­ recently completed his first year with Henry W. (Hank) Delling '47 (280 ed OaK as national vice president for the past four years and Lithographics Printing Co. He was Saddle Creek Drive, Roswell, GA has served on the General Council of OaK for eight years. He named as chairman of the Tennessee 30076) retired from Ford Aerospace Ducks ·Unlimited art committee. is a 1955 initiate of the Samford University Circle of Omicron Corp. , Palo Alton & San Jose, Delta Kappa. California after 39 years as engineer Prior to assuming his position at State University of New York and program manager. He and his Kurt Robert Klaus '82 (1611 Laurel at Plattsburgh, has was vice president for student affairs and wife, Georgann, have moved to Ave., #308, Knoxville, TN 37916) associate professor of education at Radford University from Roswell , GA . recently completed his M.S. degree 1974-78, associate dean of men at Purdue University from in communications from the Univer­ 1969-74, and assistant dean of students from 1965-69 at the State Barnard W. Grier '52 (13009 Oak sity of Tennessee and is now in law University of New York Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. Creek Court, Midlothian , VA 23113) school there. Roark received an A .B. in history from Samford in 1955, an has been elected first vice president M .B.A. in personnel and industrial relations from Syracuse of the Independent Insurance Agents Thomas Harrison Tritschler, m University in 1960, and a Ph.D. in student personnel administra­ of Virginia for the 1990-91 fi scal '85 (1800- 2nd Ave. , Manchester, TN year. He is the vice president of Ball­ tion in higher education from Syracuse in 1971. 37355) graduated from Southern Col­ Martin Insurance Agency in Rich­ lege of Optometry in May 1990 and Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes exemplary character, scholar­ mond. He is past president of the is starting his residency in ocular ship, and intelligence as well as proficiency in one or more of Virginia Chapter of Chartered Pro­ disease at the Omega Eye Care the areas of athletics; campus or community service, social, perty and Casualty Underwriters and Center in Albuquerque, New religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech serves as the state association's Mexico. and mass media; and creative and performing arts. OaK is liaison to the Insurance Services Of­ located on 215 college and university campuses and has over fice and the National Council on Christopher Walsh '82 (567 Fern 141,000 members. Compensation Insurance. Grier is a Sr., Oviedo, FL 32765) is with Mar­ member of the Virginia Chamber of tin Marietta in Orlando in the Commerce and the Chesterfield engineering administration, LHX Business Council and is a past presi­ program. He announces the birth of dent of the Powhatan Lions Club. John Robert (Jack) Walsh , born WYOLA-MARYMOUNT providing contract health care ser­ November 17, 1989. vices for jails and prisons nation­ Robert G. Orban '83 (10985 SW 107 Frank J. Navarro '82 (6533 Torino wide. Sr. , #316, Miami, FL 33176) is con­ Rd. , Alta Lorna, CA 91701) was mar­ tinuing work in the commercial real MILLSAPS .COLLEGE ried on September 2, 1989. MASSACHUSETfS estate appraisal field toward his MAl designation. On April 7, 1990, he Marion H. Lyons '82 (2305 Venetia Gustavo Nunez '82 (2010 E. Glenn, Timothy J. Anderson '82 (Rt. 23, married Susan Hewitt of Miami. Rd., Mobile, AL 36605) has recent­ Tucson, AS 85719) recently Box 1321, Otis, MA 01253) is ly taken over a wine distributorship celebrated his five-year anniversary associated with Pacific Sales G. E. Edwin S. Warrell, Jr. '52 (9550 in Mobile. with Hughes Aircraft Co., and has Plastics in Selkirk, NY. TeeBox, Ct. , Color.ado Springs, CO been relocated to Thcson, Arizona, 80925) retired with the rank of col­ as an engineering designer in the Glenn Aron Shane '82 (32 C. Michael Osborne '82 (1809 Myr­ onel from the USAF in October, Missile Development Division. Hamilton Rd., #105, Arlington, MA tle Sr. , Jackson , MS 39202) receiv­ 1984. He was hired by OAO Corp. 02174) is the corporate accounting ed his M.D. degree from the Univer­ in November 1984, and was pro­ MARSHALL manager for the Boston Business sity of Mississippi Medical Center moted to vice president in March Group, a multicorporate organiza­ in June 1988 and is currently a 1988. He married Paula Dehls on Thomas A. Damron '53 (5402 tion, located in Allston, Massachu­ surgery resident there. He is married February 14, 1985. Round Rock Rd. , Garland, TX setts. to Suzanne Wilkerson. 75044) CFP, CLU in financial George Harry Weiss '82 (1460 counseling, retired March 21, 1990, Edward Hugh Silva '82 (209 Grear Lt. Commander Richard Fenton Alegriano, Coral Gables, FL 33146) after over 31 years with the The Rd. C-3, Acton, MA 01720) was Wicker, m '75 (5136 Violet Bank is a senior merchandise buyer with Travelers Co., having served as an recently promoted to technical sup­ Dr. , Virginia Beach, VA 23464) is J.C. Penney. officer in the home office, regional port manager for Balston, Inc., an currently a student at the Brazilian marketing manager and last, as international filtration company. He Naval War College in Rio. He recent­ MIAMI OF omo financial services manager in Dallas. married Judith Anne Robillard on ly received the Navy Commendation He is now in practice independently. November 18, 1989. Medal for his last posting aboard Robert Joseph Blum, '87 (1125 m U.S.S. Sterett in the Philippines. At Independence Dr. , Alabaster, AL MARYLAND MEMPIDS STATE the completion of this school, he will 35007), employed with B.E. & K remain in Brazil a second year as an Virgil Anthony Profili, Jr. '82 (JOB Craig Roland Corey '82 (Box 3000, Engineering, Birmingham, Ala­ exchange officer on the Brazilian Whispenvood Court, Abingdon, MD Gen. Del. , Pope AFB, NC 28308), bama, announces the birth of a son, Naval staff. He and his wife Kiki 21009) and his wife, Dana Marie, recently promoted to captain, USAF, Robert Joseph IV, on October 18, have a daughter, Sofia, four. were married in April 1988. He is has been rotated from Clark AFB, 1989. associate manager of retail training the Philippines to 41st Tactical Airlift for Pepsi-Cola Co. based in Somers, Squadron, Pope AFB, North John Charles Ebert '79 (7256 MISSISSIPPI New York . Carolina. Shellbume Dr. , Raleigh, NC 27612) associated with Lanier Worldwide, Thomas Keith Aaron '82 (14405 William Reginald Mills '66 (615 John (Mac) McKenzie Gardner Inc., Voice Products Division, an­ Pride Valley Dr., Little Rock, AR Rock Isle, Alameda, CA 94501) is '82 (1410 Goodbar, Memphis, TN nounces the birth of a son, Benjaman 72211) married Lana Reed in 1987. regional vice president for Prison 38104) has left the construction in­ Thomas on October 30, 1989. He He joined the Cintas Corp. in 1982 Health Services, Inc., a company dustry to pursue a career in land- joins sisters Jennifer, 5, and Emily, 2. as a sales consultant.

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~~ Please enroll me as a Member of th e Smithsoni an ational ~~ Associates. and ent er my subscription for th e next year ( 12 issues) of SM ITH SON lA . I Bill me the annual dues of $20. I I arn e ,,.._,,.,, I I Address I City State __Zip __ l I Member Benefits I· SM ITHSONIAN magazi ne- 12 issues I · Travel Program - -Domes ti c and Foreign .B ook and Gift Discounts I I • Recepti on desk at Smithsonia n Instituti on in Washington . DC I I Foreign: add $ 13 for postage. IL..------....11 Limited lime offer (Payment with order in U.S. funds.) I Smithsonian. Join in the human adventure. MISSOURI - COLUMBIA Supply Co. in Sikeston, Missouri as completed an Army tour in Hawaii a structural engineer. and plans to remain there. He is mar­ David Bruce Agrippino '82 (717 H ried, and has one daughter, age eigh­ San Jose Alum Overlook Circle Dr., Manchester, Mark J. Warner '82 (4835 LBJ teen months. Graduates MO 63021) is working as general Frwy., Box 102 , Dallas, TX 75244) manager for Trotter's Restaurant in has resigned from Marathon Oil Co. Victor J. Larragoite '84 (1711-B E. First In Class Crestwood, Missouri. and has been named manager of Hedrick, Tucson, AZ 85719) married Petroleum Engineering for OKC Karen Ortiz in January 1987. He is David Lloyd Anderson Robert Dean Driver '82 (1344 F. Limited Partnership, an oil and gas attending the University of Arirona (Delta Pi '81), former McCutcheon , St. Louis, MO 63144) producer with properties in the Gulf as a doctoral student in the depart­ chapter consultant, re­ ment of sociology and was recently recently completed his M.A. degree of Mexico and Oklahoma. ceived a doctor of juris­ named a finalist for the American from Indiana University. He is now prudence degree from MONTANA STATE Society of Criminology Fellowship artistic coordinator for Opera Stanford University. He Theatre of St. Louis. of $12,000. Brent Brian Ellis '82 (7400 5th graduated first in his class and was editor of the Rodney Lewis Hill '82 (909 Simp­ Ave. , NE #104, Seattle, WA 98115) has NICHOLLS STATE Law son Rd., #C, Victoria, TX 77904) is returned to school to pursue his Review. He will assume weather director for KAVU-TV in M.B.A. at the University of Wash­ Brian Andrew Gros '82 (1109 the position of clerk to the Gaudet Dr., Marrero, LA 70072) is Victoria, Texas. ington, after two years employment Honorable Cliff Wallace, with Boeing Aircraft. the employment coordinator for U.S. Court of Appeals, Pelican Homestead and Savings Greg Klumb '78 (5437 Tholozan , San Diego. St. Louis, MO 63109-1614) has been David Eugene Hardy '82 (PO Box Association of Louisiana. appointed sales manager of St. Louis 566, Fairview, MT 59221) is now self­ Keith J. Hester '71 (15309 Profit Metallizing Co. by their Board of employed, working in agriculture, Ave. , Baton Rouge, LA 70817) is a Directors. after working in a bank for the past NORTH CAROLINA STATE three years. senior claims representative with Aetna Life & Casualty. He is mar­ Bruce M. Kuebler '86 (2350 ried to Elizabeth Dubuisson, and Lowry Durant Lewis '82 (#5 Timberview #508, Kirkwood, MO MURRAY STATE they have two children, Melissa and linksider (River Bend), New Bern, 63122) graduated in December with William (Rick) Harrington '74 ( P. Bradley. NC 28562) is employed as systems a B.S. in mechanical engineering and 0. Box 187, Boody, IL 69514) has ac­ simulation engineer at Cherry Point accepted a position with Nooter Cor­ cepted a position at WSOY Radio in Samuel Mike Morrison '82 (PO Marine Corps Air Station. poration as a contract engineer. Decatur, Illinois as sales manager. Box 1027, Houma, LA 70361) has He and his wife, Julie, have two been hired by Westinghouse Nuclear David Neil Randall '82 (801 S. NORTHEAST LOUISIANA children, Jessica and Stephanie. Division as a refueling technician. RlxJney Parham #9E, little Rock, AR 72205) is a senior buyer in house­ Donnie G. Lawson, Jr. '79 (3008 NORTH ALABAMA Barry Dwayne Gulino '82 (9647 wares for Dillard's Department Canaan Place, Mandeville, LA Siegen Lane, Baton Rouge, LA Stores. 70448), employed by Hartford In­ Bradford W. Botes '81 (3619 70810) married Laura Brosset in surance Group, announces the birth Lakeside Dr. E. , Birmingham AL December, 1986, and graduated from Craig Aaron Rosemann '82 (1245 of twin daughters, Amanda and 35243) has relocated his law practice. LSU law school in May 1989. Kurtwright Dr. , Rockhill, MD 63119) Lauren, born October 10, 1989. The new address is Bond & Botes, married Karen Hendrickson, and is P. C. , 4518 Valleydale Rd. , Suite 201, a senior account executive for Sys Lyle Nathan Kerry '83 (3737 Ronald Ozment '77 (Rt. 1, Box 197, Birmingham, AL. Business Centers. Timberglen Rd., Apt. 504, Dallas, Galatia, 1L 62935) is employed by TX 75287), after earning his M.B.A. , Central Illinois Public Service Co. Jeff Rickard '81 (53/3 Rime Village, Karl Edward Runge '82 (7752 Hoover, AL 35216) graduated from went to work for Electronic Data Systems as a systems engineer. On Chalmette, Hazelwwod, MO 63042) Richard Whitehouse '83 (2300 Cumberland School of Law in Bir­ is employed as general manager with mingham last year and is working as February 17, 1990, he married Eileen Londsdowne S, Owensboro, KY Borrero. the Pasta House Company Restau­ 42303) and his wife, Lori , announce an associate with the firm of Pittman, rants. He won the Missouri Man of the birth of their first child, Parker Hooks, Marsh, Dutton & Hollis. He the Year competition and was a top Joshua, on April 10, 1990. married Margaret Davis on January Gregg Alan Swearingen (6880 Club ten finalist in the U.S. Man of the 6, 1990. Ridge Circle, Apt. #74, Memphis, TN Year competition held in Atlantic NEBRASKA-OMAHA 38115) married Jennifer Fogle on July City. NORTHERN ARIZONA 8, 1989. He completed his M.B.A. Craig Carlisle McVea '82 (#308 The from Indiana University ir. May Kent Patrick Stepanek '84 (10957 Oaks, Chapel Hill, NC 27514) Greg Reeve '82 (1514-18th St. , #103, 1989, and is working for Promus Warwickhall #4, Bridgeton, MO graduated from Creighton University Santa Monica, CA 90404) is now Companies, formerly Holiday Cor­ 63044) married Sharon Stubblefield School of Law in May 1989. working for Balboa Funding Group, poration, in real estate and on March 10, 1990, and is employed Inc. as vice president of finance. He development. by Federal Steel. Mark T. Wehner '71 (2629 Nonh recently celebrated his four-year 142nd St., Omaha, NE 68164) is wedding anniversary. W. Douglas Vanemburg '83 (231 W director of special marketing for CBS Chase C. Soong '84 (4668 Ames­ 4th St. , #521A, Cincinnati, OH Real Estate. He achieved the certified NORTH CAROLINA bury Dr., #1095, Dallas, TX 75206) 45202) completed his M.B.A. at the residential specialist designation is an accountant in the Accounting University of Texas in December from the Realtors National Market­ A. Everette James, Jr. '57 (519 Systems & Research department at 1989 and is now working in adver­ ing Institute, one of less than 2 % of Belle Meade Blvd., Nashville, TN the corporate headquarters of The tising/brand management for the Pro­ all realtors who ever achieve this 37205) and fiunily have an exhibit en­ Southland Corporation in Dallas. ctor & Gamble Co. in Cincinnati. distinction. titled "The Gourds and Vessels of Kenya: Reflections of a Culture" at NORTHEAST Benedict College in Columbia, South J. Scott Webster '83 (6371 NW 63 NEW HAMPSHIRE OKLAHOMA STATE #277, Oklahoma City, OK 73132) is Carolina. The collection and poster a stock broker with Charles Schwab Michael E. Donovan '84 (121 Lynn­ exhibit represent a survey of the or­ in Oklahoma City. field St, Lynn, MA 01904) is dinary utensils employed in the dai­ Tracy Lamonte Asher '82 (4726 employed with Zenith Data Systems. ly lives of the Kenyan tribes. This Riverside St., Riverside, MO 64150) MISSOURI - ROLLA collection was assembled on location is attending the University of Health NEW MEXICO in Kenya and has previously been Sciences-College of Osteophathic Philip Carlyle Penzel '82 (2630 shown at Fisk University and at the Medicine. He plans to return to Lakeshore Dr., Jackson, MO 63755) Wyatt Earl Heine '82 (508 Tassy annual meeting of the National Oklahoma upon receiving his started a new job with Steward Steel Coun, Albuquerque, NM 87123) just Medical Association. medical degree.

44 Shield & Diamond GN£ ''The Rattlesnake'' by Frederic Remington

• Available in a single limited edition issue of 9500 serially numbered sculptures.

• An outstanding museum quality reproduction in the great tradition of Frederic Remington.

Shown smaller than actual size or 8 10" high.

© NE 1987 ne of Frederic Remington's best known and 0 r------0074 dramatic works - "The Rattlesnake" depicts in 'The Rattlesnake" RJ vivid detail the classic moment as horse and rider GATV New England Collectors Society encounter a startled snake, while on the trail. -1 fb 62 Eastview Ave. Dept. The few original bronzes, made by Remington in Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Please accept my reservation for "The Rattle­ 1905, are rare and have sold at auction for over snake" to crafted for me in cold-cast bronze at 1 be $135,000. Now this 1:3 size reproduction is available $195.00* plus $3.00 for shipping and handling. for the unusual offering price of only $195.00 per 0 I understand I need send no money now. When sculpture. my sculpture is ready for shipment, I will be billed The fine reproduction was produced under the for my deposit of $49.50* and, after shipment, for direct supervision of Ms. Christine Roussel - for­ the balance in three monthly installments of $49.50* mer Director of the Reproduction Studio of the each. Metropolitan Museum of Art and creator of fine 0 I would like my four equal payments of $49.50* charged to my: Remington reproductions for The Nelson Rockefeller 0 MasterCard 0 VISA 0 AMERICAN EXPRESS Collection. Each Rattlesnake replica will be created in cold­ Credit Card Number ______cast bronze - a medium that enables the casting Exp. Date ______of finer detail than the traditional hot-cast method. Every sculpture will be individually cast from a Signature------blend of powdered bronze and resins. Once the All applications are subject to acceptance. casting is completed, it will be finished with a rich Name ______patina, similar to the original. Each Remington Rat- tlesnake will be serially numbered and hallmarked. Address------The edition will be limited to 9500 pieces and after that, all molds will be destroyed forever. City------To reserve this important Remington reproduc- tion, simply return the application. No payment State Zip _____ need aCCOmpany your order at thiS time. 'CT and CAresldents add applicable state sales tax. Telephone TOLL I'RI!.E 1·800-654·5536 • 9AM - 5PM [ST The New England Collectors Society is a diuision of Mon - l"rt. for fastest service on charge card orders Reed l!r /3arton Siluersmiths, makers offine products since 1824. rtot applicable In M CT l!r HI 1!::======::::1------...J manager/senior analyst for Geo­ Richard Burkholder '82 (2950 N. physics International. He is married A/vernon Way, Apt #/3102, Tucson , to Leanna Scott, and they have two AZ 85712) is an assistant athletic USM Professor Wins Bancroft daughters, Brittney, 4, and Thyler, 2. trainer at the University of Arizona, after receiving his master's degree Award For Dark Journey Jeffrey R. Smith '86 (2JJJ Emily there in May 1989, in exercise and Circle Dr., Springdale, AR 72764) is sport sciences. A University of Southern Mississippi professor and Pi Kap­ employed with McKesson Drug Co. pa Alpha alumnus has won one of the most prestigious awards as a retail account manager. Thdd Mulzet '82 (3521 Nutmeg Dr., in the field of history for his book Dark Journey: Black Duluth, GA 30136) transferred to the Mississippians in the Age of Jim Crow, chronicling the black 'Jerry Lynn Thomason '82 (RR I, Atlanta office of AT&T as a systems experience in Mississippi from 1890-1940. &x 117, Guthrie, OK 73044) has analyst. Dr. Neil R. McMillen (Delta Mu '59), USM professor of been employed with Stillwater Sav­ ings & Loan in Guthrie for the last Wdliam Ralph Skidmore '77 (2845 history, was awarded one of two 1990 Bancroft Prizes in six years. He recently completed a American History by Columbia University President Michael Evergreen Way, Cooper City, FL bachelor's degree in human re­ 33026) is associated with Metro­ I. Sovern in an April 4 ceremony. The prize also carries a sources from Southern Nazarene politan Life Insurance Co. in North $4,000 cash award. University. Miami Beach, Florida. "It's about as high an honor as a historian can get," said Dr. William K. Scarborough, chairman of the USM History Michael Lee Wilson '85 (1 Basore PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE Department. "It's comparable really to the Pulitzer Prize." Circle, Bella Vista, AR 72714) is McMillen earned bachelor's and master's degrees from the associated with Wal-Mart Stores, Rob Onorato '81 (14 Winding Trail University of Southern Mississippi, and completed his doc­ Inc., in Bentonville, Arkansas. Lane, Hilton Head, SC 29926) and torate in 1969 at Vanderbilt University, where he was a Woodrow his wife, Lisa, announce the birth of Wilson fellow. He taught at Ball State University before retur­ OLD DOMINION their second child, Robert John, born ning to USM. March 26, 1990. Anthony M. Zontini '66 (209 69rh He is also the author of The Citizen's Council: Organized St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451) has PURDUE Resistance to the Second Reconstruction (1971), and co-author taken over a State Farm Agency in of A Synopsis of American History (sixth edition 1985) . His Virginia Beach, after five years with Kurt David Swanson '82 (9363 articles and reviews have appeared in a number of scholarly Greenbrier of Virginia, an auto Hadway Dr., Indianapolis, IN journals. 46256) has become registered as a - J. Syd Conner dealer group. professional engineer in the State of PENNSYLVANIA Indiana.

NORTHERN ILLINOIS has been promoted to senior project Ira Frazer '73 (26 Orangegrove, Ir­ RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC engineer at Kraft General Foods vine, CA 92714) has become the INSTITUTE Jack Derhagopian '82 (Rl. 2, Box operations headquarters in North­ general counsel for Daihatsu 233, Del Rapids, SD 57022-9715) brook, Illinois. America, Inc., a distributor of Tim DonneUy '84 (373 Somerville recently worked as an intern with the passenger automobiles and off-road Ave., Apt. C, Somerville, MA 02143) Minnehahn County, South Dakota OIDO STATE multi-purpose utility vehicles. has recently accepted a position as State's attorney's office. He an associate at J. Makowski Assoc. graduated from the University of John Gerard Buehler '82 (8507 Ap­ David A. Hutchinson '82 (310 in Boston. JMAI is an energy con­ South Dakota Law School in May person St. , Sunland, CA 91040) was Baldwin Rd., Carlisle, MA sulting firm with interests in elec­ 1990. recently promoted to human 01741-1705) is a financial manager at trical power plant development. resources analyst with Farmers Digital Equipment Corp. in the mid­ Blake Lacher '82 (417 Chesterfield Group, Inc. in Los Angeles. range systems design engineering David B. Irwin '82 (909 Shorepoint Lane, Vernon Hills, IL 60061) mar­ group. Coun - D105, Alameda, CA 94501) ried Laura Floran in March of 1989. James C.C. Buffer '82 (1230 Beech­ has been promoted to development wood Dr. NE, Lancaster, OH 43130) Bob McKee '50 (196 Kent Drive, Ex­ manager for Grosvenor Interna­ NORTHERN IOWA announces the birth of his son, ton, PA) has been named to the Hall tional's western U.S. office iri San Clayton Daniel, born May 16, 1989. of Fame Special Category. He has Francisco. He was previously with Mark Watson '85 (920 Clinton St. , been the official scorer for virtually their office in Honolulu. #303, l#:zukesha, WI 53186) is an ar­ John Dernkowicz '71 (70 E. Colum­ every Big Five (La Salle, Temple, St. tist with Kalmbach Publishing, work­ bus St., Canal Winchester, OH Joseph's, Pennsysvania, and Villa­ RICHMOND ing primarily on classic toy trains 43110) married Debbie Hartman on nova) game since its inception in magazines. July 28, 1989. He is employed with December, 1955. William H. (Charlie) Lindsey '83 Nationwide Insurance Co. (118 Tunle Creek Rd., Apt. 11, NORTHERN KENTUCKY PENNSYLVANIA STATE Charlonesville, IQI22901) has recent­ OKLAHOMA ly graduated from the University of Keith Bridges '82 (250 Applewood David Lee Gordon '82 (1826 N. Virginia School of Medicine and is Michael D. Odom '73 (824 Birch Dr., Lakeside Park, KY 410/7) is 76th St., Philadelphia, PA 19151) a resident in head and neck surgery. Dr., Norman, OK 73072) is employed by J.H. Day Co. , Cincin­ married Jill Sarnit on September 16, He recently placed second in a na­ employed with Iolab Pharaceuticals, nati, Ohio as a buyer-traffic 1989. He received his law degree and tional research competition for his a division of Johnson and Johnson, manager. is practicing in Philadelphia with the work in cancer surgery. as a professional sales representative. firm of Post and Schell, P.C. He is a member of Norman Rotary Robert Wayne Burns '78 (6897 Club, Norman Masonic Lodge #38, James Richard Tricase '82 (4802 Douglas R. Owens '84 (458 ~st Founders Row #101, West Chester, and named in Outstanding Young Ravens Crest, Plainsboro, NJ 08536) 2nd, Lexington, KY 40508) has join­ OH 45069) married Terry Parrish on Men in America. He and his wife, married Carol A. Rosbosin on ed the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati as September 29, 1987. He recently ac­ Beverly, have a new daughter, Taylor November 12, 1988. executive housekeeper for the cepted the position of staff Ann, born November 9, who joins 485-room downtown hotel, respon­ photographer with The Middletown their son, Michael Robert, age four. PITTSBURGH sible for the upkeep of all public Journal, afier ten years as a freelance areas and guestroorns. He previously photographer in the Cincinnati area. OKLAHOMA STATE Mark Allinson '82 (14ll Main served as assistant executive Street, Bethlehem, PA 180/8) has housekeeper in Lexington, where he NORTHWESTERN Kevin Wayne Rigsby '82 (11808 received his master's degree in was named Manager of the Quarter Skyway Ave. , Oklahoma City, OK education from Lehigh University in 1989. He has been employed by Malcolm Feary Dyer '82 (495 S. 73162) has been promoted from and is currently working in the Hyatt Hotels Corp. for five and one­ Kiowa Trace, Wheeling, IL 60090) district geologist to quality control Catasauqua Area School District. half years.

46 Shield & DUunond David John Daylor '82 (506 Bellview Ave. , Winchester, VA 22601) has been promoted to foreign sales representative and marketing assis­ EE tant with Ashworth Bros., Inc. Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at the University of Toledo will celebrate its 75th Anniversary. SAM HOUSTON SfATE

Gready W. Hunter '83 (11811 Glen­ HOMECOMING 1990 wolde, Houston, TX. 77099) married October 26 - October 28, 1990 Shelli McDonald on December 3, 1988. He has left NASA's Space Sta­ tion Project to join British Gas, Inc. Friday, October 26: (U.S.) as computer network manager. 8:00 p.m. - Stag Card Night at the Pike "Bowman" House, 2955 Dorr Street

Mark Allen KeUey '82 (2427 ~­ Saturday, October 27: wild, Houston, TX. 77038) has been 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - Homecoming Parade - Meet at the new Fraternity House married for four and one-half years, and has a 17-month old daughter. He 12:00 Noon - 4:30 p.m. - Open House at the new Greek Vtllage Pike House has been employed with Goodyear since his 1985 graduation. 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Thilgate at the Greek Village House: Bratwurst & Refreshments Served Dedication of the new Pike House SAMFORD 4:40 p.m. - UT vs. Kent State in the new Glass Bowl Stadium Richard C. Glenn '78 (917 Bryn­ wood Dr. , Chattonooga, TN 37415) , 7:30 p.m. - 1:00 -a.m. - 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner Dance at Gladieux Plaza II & ill with Glennautomotive Paint & Body Supply, Inc., of Chattanooga, and wife, Trixie, announce the arrival of Sunday, October 28: their second child, Jessica Rachel, 1:00 p.m. - Annual Alumnus-Active Football Game at the Pike "Bowman" House born October 25, 1989. Banquet Reservations Required Paul V. Richter '66 (237 UVodlands ~st , Columbia, SC 29223) , with For more information contact: U.S. Anny Dental Activity, Ft. Gor­ Joe Szymanowski, Alumni Relations Chairman- 1700 McPherson Blvd., Fremont, OH 43420 don, Georgia, has been assigned as (419) 332-2427 I (419) 535-9149 Continued

T-SHIRTS. 100% heavy-weight cotton , pre·shrunk , full cut with direct screen print. Designs available on colors shown. 1000 Pikes Gym (neon pink or yellow) ...... '1 2.00 1100 Pi Kappa Alpha· A. Enough Said ...... 12.00 B. You Can 't Be a Legend Until You Beat the Legend .. .. 12 .00 1200 Official Crest ...... 12 .00 1300 Pikes Peak ...... 12.00 1400 Diamonds Are Forever ...... 12 .00 SWEATS . Heavy-weight and standard· weight fleece screen printed with any !·shirt design listed above . 5000 Heavy-weight ...... ' 20.00 5100 Standard-weight . . . .. 16 .95 CAPS . Embroidered designs on cotton twill golf cap with adjustable leatherette closure and buckle . 2000 Greek Letters PiKA . . ... ' 9.00 CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING 2100 Official Crest ...... 9.00 and EMBROIDERY SHORTS . Athletic 50/50 knit with 6" Call on Loyd's to custom design and print your inseam . Chapter 's T-shirts for RUSH PARTIES , MIXERS , and 3000 Gree k Letters PiKA PHILANTHROPIC FUND RAISERS . Loyd's can produce a E. Embroidered ...... ' 9.95 S. Screen Printed . . . 9.95 LOYD'S EMBROIDERY finished design, from your sketches or ideas , that you will 112 FAY STREET wear with pride . ACCESSORIES with the Pike touch ! DENTON, TEXAS 76201 4000 PiKA Backpack ...... '19.95 CAMPUS RECOGNITION FOR YOUR CHAPTER IS OUR SPECIALTY! 817-387-0580 4100 Basketball Goal w/ ball ..... 29 .95 (Call for FAX -) Loyd's welcomes group orders and can add your 4200 PiKA Quartz Wat ch ...... 37 .50 Chapter's name to any PiKA designs offered . Please call for 4300 PiKA Crest Key Chain ...... 4.00 Add $3.50 for orders up to $25.00 quantity discount prices for your Chapter today! 4400 Metal License Frame ...... 4.50 Add $5 .00 for orders over $25 .00 4500 Window Decal (wl order) . . 1.00 VISA • MASTERCARD • AMER ICAN EXPRESS

of Pi Kappa Alpha 47 the deputy commander for ad­ well as producing their national March, 1987. He married Elizabeth Copell as the most active member for ministration for the Dental Activity. catalogs. Squibb on February 17, 1990. the year.

Tim Wallace '86 (516 Cross Creek A. Ryan Scruton '83 (13801 N. 37th SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Thd Leveridge '85 (404 Holly Park Ct., Binninghmn, AL 35209) married St. #904, Tampa , FL 33613) is Dr., #2107, Arlington, TX 76014) is Jill Johnson in December 1989. He associated with Hold & Hooker E. Mark Combest '73 (17m Hwy. associated with the Texas Depart­ recently accepted a position with Boy Management in Orlando. He was 63, Pascagoula, MS 39567) ment of Banking in Arlington. Scouts of America. married to Kim Chituck on February associated with Cumbest Realty, 10, 1990. Inc., was elected 1990 regional vice James Keith Wimberly, Jr. '82 SAN DIEGO STATE president of the Realtors Land In­ (%23 E. Valley Ranch #1132, irving, SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE stitute of the National Association of TX 75063) works for Surgitek-Bristol Mark Alan Burton '82 (7483 Realtors, including the states of Myers, and was promoted to regional Stonedale Drive, Pleasanton, CA Ronald R. Beaton '86 (4018 Con­ Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, manager in May 1989. 94588) is district coordinator for necticut Street, St. Louis, MO 63116) Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Dover Elevator Co. in their San is a mechanical designer for Fru-Con Kentucky. SOUTHWESTERN Francisco office, after spending three Engineering, Inc. of St. Louis. years in their installation construc­ Keith Yates '83 (650 Old Fannin John Clarnea Adams '82 (1705 tion area. He has been married to Donald Ray Botz '82 (12390 Sum­ Rd., Apt. A-15, Flowood, MS 39208) Driscoll, Houston, TX 77019) is Tamara Chuck for over two years. merhouse Drive, #12, St. Louis, MO is a systems support technician for practicing law in Houston. He and 63146) is a senior information Valley Management Services. his wife recently had their first baby, Joseph A. Esquh·el '83 (523 20th management consultant with Molly Grace. St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648) Anacomp, Inc. SOUTHWEST is employed by Bristol-Myers MISSOURI STATE Stephen Lee Bass '82 (9508 Black Company. Chris Daum '73 (304 Charles, Thorn Lane, San Antonio, TX 78240) Sikeston, MO 63801) is currently the Barry Scott Arbuckle '82 (130 W will graduate from U.T. Dental SAN JOSE STATE plant manager at Dekalb-Pfizer. He Roosevelt Rd. , Long Beach, CA School in San Antonio in May 1990. and his wife, Kathy, have two 90807-3242) received his M.S. from After graduation, he plans to begin Joseph Ronald Banister '82 (6% S. daughte ~ Ann atia Mary. Arizona State and his Ph. D. in 1989 his specialty training in periodontics. Henry Ave., San Jose, CA from the University of North 95117-2212) recently became a cer­ Charles Herbst '81 (9 North Ben­ Carolina in Child Development & Michael Scott Sample '82 (7530 tified public accountant. He and his ton St. , Cape Girardeau, MO Health Administration. He and his Flair Oak, Houston, TX 77040) is an wife, Marisa, have a son, Robert, 63701-5420) is a member of the City wife, Gina, have a nine-month old environmental laboratory manager. born June 5, 1988. of Cape Girardeau Police Depart­ daughter, Brittany. He and his wife, Rhonda, were mar­ ment. He and his wife, Sydney, are ried in June 1989. Thomas Francis Horan, Jr. '82 the parents of three children, Erin, Michael G. Lundgren '82 (12408 (1427 Orion Dr. , San Diego, CA Allison, and a new baby boy. W 71st St., Shawnee, KS 66216) is Steven Mark Smith '82 (5127 92145) is a U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat a national account executive for Ap­ Pryu:mia #2, New Orleans, LA 70115) pilot. He recently completed a six­ ple Computer. He and his wife, was recently elected president of the month around-the-world deployment David Lange '68 (2346 Canso R. , Oakville, Ontario, Canada 11655n6) Peggy, announce the birth of their Graduate Business Council , the on the U.S.S. Enterprise. He and his son, Nicholas Benjamin, born July governing body of the M.B.A. pro­ wife, Melanie, have two daughters, is employed at Puliter Products Limited Filter Co. He and wife Kay 21 , 1989. gram at the Freeman School of Blythe and Brooke. have one son, Nicholas, nine. Business at Thlane University. SOUTH ALABAMA Stephen Maurer '72 (4616 Mo Glenn G. Watson '84 (3626 N. 89th Williams, Plano, TX 75093) is area Ave. , Phoenix, AZ 85037) is with the John Woodfin Holley, Jr. '84 (202 U.S. Air Force, currently training as Gray St. , linden, AL 36748) recently vice president of Pepsi Cola Co. He a weapon systems officer on the began employment with Linden and his wife, Mary, have three F-15E deep strike fighter aircraft. He Lumber Company as a sales children, Lori and Kristy, six-year is now a second lieutenant, flying at representative. old twins, and Eric, nine. Luke AFB. He will be moving to Seymour-Johnson AFB, North SOUTH CAROLINA Gary Price '73 (13305 Wood Chapel Dr., Creve Coeur, MO) is the direc­ Carolina, in October. James Dean Jolly, Jr. '78 (P.O. Box tor of special credit for Farm Credit Bank of St. Louis. Jefferson Bonson Webb, D '84 232, Anderson, SC 29622), is Jay Nicholson associated with Watkins Law Firm. (3333 Duck Ave., Key West , FL He and his wife, Elizabeth, announce Michael Allen Seabaugh '82 (1602 Jay Nicholson '78 (426 S. Jefferson , 33040) married Lesli DeLaine Cason the birth of their first child, James N. l*st End Blvd., Cape Girardeau, Springfield, MO 65806) is the owner on February 16, 1990. He is with Dean Jolly, ill, born February 21, MO 63701) married Lisa Eaker and president of The Nicholson Continental Co.- Hampton Inn. 1990. September 30, 1989. He is employed Agency, a full -service advertising at Health Facilities Management and marketing company in Spring­ STEPHEN F. AUSTIN Martin A. (Trey) MacDonald m Corp. as an accountant. field, Missouri which he started nine (418 James '85 (1100 Skyland Drive, Apt. K-1, years ago. He now employs fifteen Joe David Chappell '82 Street, Cedar Hill, TX 75104) has Columbia, SC 29210), associated John Shy '83 (612 Hubbard Dr. , people. with Palmetto Office Machines, is Chaffee, MO 63740) is employed as been with Psicor, Inc. since Febru­ involved in Xi Chapter's new alum­ the regional manager of Storey's SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE ary, 1989, as an auto transfusionist. ni advisory board and alumni Food Giant. Michael L. Schlossberg '85 (7416 Darrell R. Been '84 (3707 l*st­ association. Whispering Pines, Dallas, TX 75248) SOUTHERN METHODIST center Dr. , Suite 200, Houston , TX is district manager with Master 77042) is a special agent for In­ SOUTH FWRIDA Lease Corp. for Dallas/Fort Worth Thomas Quigley '82 (4832, #6 dianapolis Life Insurance Company. and Northern Texas. Louis J, Maggio '79 (3737 St. John Ubter Oak Rd. , Charlotte, NC 2lf211) He has joined his father and brother Bluff, #2316, Jacksonville, FL 32216) , has accepted a job with First Union in the business. STETSON with Venus Swimwear, Jacksonville, National Bank as assistant vice was recently named the national president. Bobby Hatfield '71 (4067 Beltway Mark Joseph Megoran '82 (191 N. marketing director for that company. Conda #114, Addison, TX 75244) has Village Knoll Circle, The Kbodlands, He also assists in publishing their Michael Paul Rochester '82 (1623 been honored by the Chamber of TX 77381) is associated with ffiM in two editorial magazines, Swimwear Mariposa , Dallas, TX 75228) has Commerce for the cities of Addison, Houston as a system programmer. USA and American Swimwear, as been a fireman/paramedic since Carrolton, Farmers Branch and He and his wife, Kimberley, have two

48 Shield & Diamond sons, Sean Christopher, age three received the Air Force Achievement and Thomas Joseph, age ten months. Medal for meritorious service. He married Shannon Lashlee on Scot Edward Moore '82 (1303 December 13, 1986. Tulsa Alumnus Digs Into Past Faulkner Coun, Mahway, NJ (!7430) is an accountant for KPMG-Peat John C. Seay '79 (2475 Parkside Steve West (Gamma Upsilon '86) is a graduate archaeology Marwick, an international account­ Dr., Hudson , OH 44236) has been student in the Department of Anthropology at the University ing firm. He was recently transfer­ promoted to division manager for the of Denver. In this capacity, West recently worked as field super­ red to the executive office to work Cleveland, Ohio area with Winthrop visor for an archaeological dig in Franktown and Parker, on projects in the computer audit Pharmaceuticals. Colorado. department. More than 1,200 years ago, a group of Woodland Indians Jeff H. Sneed '79 (1706 Clays Mill settled on a grassy knoll above a stream, with a clear view of John Love Morrow '79 (2202 Fox­ Rd., Lexington, KY 40503) was pro­ the valley below. Today, the land is owned by Senior Corp. , wood Dr. , Orange Park, FL 32(!73) moted to area marketing specialist is with Merck/Calgon Vestal Labs for the De Business unit of Square and Colorado Highway 83 cuts through the middle of that knoll . and was recently transferred from the D Co. He received his M.B.A. from Senior Corp. , the Franktown Historical Society, and the industrial division in Orlando to the Xavier University in December 1989. University of Denver began to research the site last May. The health care division in Jacksonville. diggers uncovered three stone fire pits possible used for cook­ His first child, John Love IV, was Joe Kenneth Wood '78 (501 C. ing. One pit , larger and lined with clay, was unlike any previous­ born September 5, 1989. Greengate Circle, Aiken, SC 29801) ly found . is an industrial engineer with Ohio Stories about what may have happened to a piece of pottery, Steven Edward Rumbles '76 (133 Brass Co. in Aiken. He is married bone or stone in a certain place fill Steve West's mind as he Carrington Rd. , Hendersonville, TN to Amy McDonnell. tries to piece together the remains of the Indian village. " It 37075) has been promoted to general was real luck to run into a fire pit ," West said. " Hopefully . . .we manager for the K-Mart Corp. in TENNESSEE-CHATTANOOGA will find in the hearth what they ate and how they cooked." Hendersonville. He married Ruth "It's exciting and disturbing ... almost like playing a board Marie White on May 13, 1989. Griff H. Kinsinger '79 (2910 E. Windmere Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85044) game. I have enough Jab work for the fa11 just from what you James F. Simpson, Jr. '82 (258 and wife, Suzanne, would like to an­ see here," he said, pointing to several feet of trenches and piles Beverly Place, Macon, GA 31204) nounce the birth of their twin son and of stones. "There's enough here for graduate students to do was promoted to manager of the daughter, Corey Laws and Katherine for years." Prudential Ordinary Agencies in Elizabeth, born Novermber 9, 1989. West served his undergraduate chapter as SMC. While at Macon, Georgia. He and his wife are He is currently employed as a Thlsa University, he participated in a number of digs, and was proud to announce their second mechanical engineer with the Allied­ staff archaeologist in Jordan under Professor Don Henry. child, Ann Loraine, born February Signal Aerospace Co. 2, 1990. - The Denver Post & Douglas County News-Press TENNESSEE-MARTIN SYRACUSE Mark Kyle Anderton '82 (PO Box Marc E. Gonick '83 (2516-E Barber 4590, Boiling Springs, NC 28017) is TEXAS A & M to store manager for Sheplers Dr., Fan Lewis, WA 98433) was offensive line coach at Gardner Webb Western Wear & Catalog. recently promoted to captain in the College. Kaitlin Nicole Anderton, Gary Richard Barton, Jr. '82 (3003 Army Military Intelligence Corps. born June 29, 1989 is a proud new Bluestem, College Station , TX Byron Vince Cowling '82 (3415 He and his wife, Erin, gave birth to addition to the family. 77840) will graduate in August with 40th, Lubbock, TX 79413) is manager their first child, Lauren Brittany, on an M.B.A. from Texas A&M . He of Cowling's Furniture Store and April 28, 1990. Mark Clements Stripling '76 (1001 and wife Deanna will move to owns Cowling's Moving and Cowl­ Wilkins, Jonesboro, AR 72401) is a Houston to start her second year in ing's Real Estate. Charles Lederman '82 (9 physician associated with the Nor­ dental school. Willowbrook Rd., White Plains, NY theast Arkansas Women's Clinic. 10605) just completed his M.B.A. in Rick Lynn Cullar '82 (4205 Sand finance and plans to go to law school. TENNESSEE TECH Timothy Lamar Beck '82 (4400 Road, Ve rnon, TX 76384) works for Horiwn Hill #4021, San Antonio, TX Water Rotation Systems. 78229) married Susan Gelfer on TENNESSEE Milton Eugene Henderson, Jr. '85 (750 Corder Rd. , Apt. #79, Uf:zrner April 21 , 1990. He graduated from U.T.-San Antonio Medical School on Christopher R. Fisher '82 (3127 Preston G. Haag, Jr. '78 (1204 Robins, GA 31088) married Kristine June 3, 1990 and will begin his Villnge Woods Dr. , Kingwood, TX Durlwm Rd., Knoxville, TN 37931) Mathis on March 3, 1990. He is at 77339) is employed with Pappas is with Computers Plus, in charge of Warner Robins Air Logistics Center residency in orthopedic surgery at The Campbell Clinic in Memphis, Restaurant, Inc. as manager. marketing sales for East Tennessee. at Robins AFB, Georgia. Tennessee. Charles 0. HoUiday '67 (915 Gen. Sidney Carmack Ledbetter '82 Buddy L. Hall '80 (31ll SE Menlo Wayne Dr. , West Chester, PA 19382 (908 College Street, Savannah, TN W. Miles Marks '77 (12418 Wood­ Dr. #41, Van couver, WA 98684) is a - U.S. mailing address) has relocated 38372) married Marcy Boston on thorpe Lane, Houston , TX 77024) is project manager for Chempro. to Tokyo, Japan, as vice president, July 8, 1989. group vice president of Texas Com­ Asia Pacific for Dupont Company. merce Bank. He has a new daughter, Will J. 1\!avy '75 (4929 High Kelly D. McCreight '86 (734 Margaret Alice, born March 24, Meadow Dr. , Corpus Christi, TX \¥.liter Bailey Hudson, m '82 (1104 Market St. , Clwllanooga, TN 37402) 1990. 78413) is a captain in the U.S. Marine N. Parkway #54, Jackson , TN 38305) has just completed an internship with Corps at NAS Chase Field, Beeville, is regional sales manager of I. F. C. Governor Ned McWherter's legisla­ Richard Moler Mayfield '82 (3538 TX . Nonwovens, Inc. tive staff and will begin working with Gordon Street, Falls Church , VA Arthur Andersen & Co. as a staff ac­ 22041) is working for Marriott countant on June 4. TULANE Charles M. Randolph '81 (10613 Corp., building hotels as a general MeatkJwlnrk Lane, Midwest City, OK superintendent. 73130) is an air weapons controller TEXAS Jay Goldstein '82 (5724 Ranny in the U.S. Air Force. His previous Road, <imore, MD 21209) recent­ assignment was in West Germany Allen E. Humphrey '43 (5834 Park TEXAS TECH ly accepted the position of account and his newest assignment is the Lane, Dallas, TX 75225) is a consul­ executive with the Information In­ 965th Airborne Warning and Con­ tant and executive vice president, ex­ Michael David Burchett (100 South dustry Association, a high-tech trade trol System at Tinker AFB, poloration & geology, for Humphrey Ridge Road, #722, Wichita, KA asssociation headquartered in Oklahoma. Capt. Randolph has Oil in Dallas. 67209) has recently been promoted Washington, D.C.

of Pi Kappa Alpha 49 Stephen Johnson '82 (2303 Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka) Flossmoor Rd., Flossmoor, IL has been promoted to country 60422) is an associate at the bank­ manager for Sri Lanka/Bangladesh/ ing law finn of Muldoon, Murphy Burma for American President and Faucette in Washington, D.C. Lines, Ltd. He has been with APL for the past seven years and recent­ TYLER JUNIOR COLLEGE ly received his M.B.A. from the University of Puget Sound. Frank Griffen '82 (PO Box 1283, Chandler, TX 75758) graduated with VALPARAISO a B.S. in psychology from UT-Tyler in December 1988, and is employed by the Mental Health-Mental Retar­ George Raymon Custer '82 (348 dation Regional Center of East Texas Halindonhill, Cincinnati, OH 45238) as a case manager in Athens, TX. married Kimberly R. Probst in Oc­ tober, 1989. He has been a special Del Newberry '83 (2250 Marsh agent for the F.B.I. since February, Lane #7204, Carrollton , TX 75006), 1987. the funeral director at Arlington Funeral Home, and his wife are pro­ Mark A. Guilfoil '82 (3424 Gunston ud to announce the birth of their new Road, Alexmulria, VA 22302) receiv­ daughter, born December ll, 1989, ed his J.D. degree from the Univer­ West Virginia Alumni Chloe Nicole. sity of Missouri/University of Lon­ don in 1987, and has been admitted From 1950s and 1960s UTAH to the Washington, D.C. bar.

Enjoy Chapter Reunion John Christensen '82 (614 Nonh I Kevin John Spudic '82 (9851 Street, Tacoma, WA 98403) gradu­ Delaware Place, Highland, IN Thirty alumni from the graduating years 1955-1963 attended ated with honors from the Universi­ 46322) is an account executive with ty of Puget Sound School of Law in the Chicago White Sox. the first Alpha Theta Chapter Reunion held at the Lakeview May 1989 and was admittcil to the Resort in Morgantown, West Virginia on June 29-July 1, 1990. Washington State Bar. He is now Todd A. White '86 (1337 ~ham Penny Kostka, granddaughter of former housemother Sadie employed as an assistant attorney Circle #108, Palatine, 1L 60067) is Henderson, was the guest of honor. The keynote address was general with the State. associated with Hanover Insurance, given by Tom Wetzel, Chapter SMC in 1958-59. in Chicago. UTAH STATE The active chapter was well represented and received a gift of $800 from the alumni . David A. Nye '86 (Jl()(Jl Forbes VANDERBILT The next reunion for Alpha Theta Chapter is scheduled for Creek Drive #R-203, Kirkland, WA the summer of 1992. 98033) is associated with Try Soft In­ Billy Ray Caldwell, Jr. '82 (3701 formation Publication Systems, Inc. Hughes Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90034) married Maria Lisa Gibbons Jeff Edwards '74 (67 Dharmapala on February 24, 1990.

1~------, Pi Kappa Alpha Official Ring Order Form IThe nKA official ring, worn with pride by undergraduate and alumni Brothers I I for over 50 years, is now available in 14K gold, IOK gold, and Quasar® at re- I duced prices through this special offering by the Balfour Company- for a I Ilimited time only. · ISimply order by phone (TOLL FREE) or mail in your order. Selected sizes are I 1stocked by Balfour; some sizes may require 6-8 weeks delivery. Payment in full I accepted by personal check or money order, VISA or MasterCard. Please be Isure to include the sales tax for your state and your signature. IA perfect personal purchase to show your Pike pride, or a memorable gift item! ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE SUB'IUIAL I 3402B/ 14 14K GOLD OFFICIAL RING WITH RUBY SlONE AND GOLD LETTERS S399 3402B/ IO IOK GOLD OFFICIAL RING WITH RUBY SlONE AND GOLD LETTERS S298 I 3402B/ P UASAR• OFFICIAL RING WITH RUBY SlONE AND GOLD LETTERS Sl88 IQUASAR 8 IS A SILVER FINISH ALLOY. SUB'JUfAL OFFICIAL RING PRICE INCWDES ENGRAVING OF YOUR SALES TAX I MEMBER'S INITIALS AT NO CHARGE. PLEASE SHIPPING AND HANDLING SJ.OO SPECIFY INITIALS: TOTAL DUE ENCLOSED YOUR FINGER SIZE IS: I :.__I ---.~1 .__I ---.~1 .__I __. THESE PRICES GOOD THROUGH IUNE 30, 1991 L.---' I D CHECKENCLOSED D MONEYORDERENCLOSED D VISA D MASTERCARD 1DDDD DODD DODD 0000 1 INTERBANK# D D D D 1 IEXPIRATION DATE . I SIGNATURE MAKECHECKSPAYABLEANDMAJL10: I ! BALFOUR COMPANY SHIP m : ATIN: FRATERNI.TY DIVISION! I 25 COUNTY Sl'REET Sl'REET ATILEBORO, MA 02703 I I OR CALL WLL FREE: I{800)542-3728 IAPARTMENT NUMBER------I CITY Balfon& 1 Sl'ATE __ ZIPCODE o49Mu!T~~ I L------~ 50 Shield & Diamond Douglas Begg Chope '82 (3422 lives at P.G.A. West and invites any Woodmont Blvd., Nashville, TN Pikes in Palm Springs to call him and 37215) is a consultant with Anderson play golf (greens fees much cheaper Consulting Firm. if playing with a member!). Annual Fund Drive Underway

VILLANOVA WASillNGTON & LEE With the start of a new academic and fiscal year, the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation is embarking on its most ex­ John K. Fitzpatrick, Jr. '84 (4/3 Kevin Patrick Marrie '82 (6711 tensive Annual Furtd Drive ever. The Foundation staff and Anglesey Terrace, !*st Chester, PA Wolnut Dr. , Gates Mills, OH 44040) Board of Trustees have established fund-raising goals that sur­ 19380) is a commercial lending of­ and his wife, Kristine, announce the ficer with the Bank of New York birth of their daughter, Julianne pass all previous Annual Fund targets. The Foundation hopes (Delaware). He and his wife, Wendy, Nicole, born June I, 1989. to capitalize on the recent successes of The Campaign for Pi have two sons: Ryan , two, and Tyler, Kappa Alpha. four months. James Neville Nance '82 (1441 The Educational Foundation will contact every alumnus of Brondywine Rd., #/200 B, l*st Palm Pi Kappa Alpha in the United States. If you have not already VIRGINIA Beach, FL 33409) is an associate received a letter from Foundation President William N. with the law firm of Searcy, Denney, LaForge, one should arrive soon. Augustus Mason Dixon '82 (Route Scarola, Burnhart and Shipley, since If you supported the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Founda­ 3, Box 208, Laurens, SC 29360) is graduating from the University of tion during The Campaign or during previous Annual Fund associated with Nelson, Mullins, Virginia School of Law. Riley & Scarborough in Columbia, drives, thank you . Your support of the Foundation has enabled Pi Kappa Alpha to reach new levels of excellence. Your con­ South Carolina. WEBER STATE COLLEGE tinued support, through the 1990-1991 Annual Fund, will allow VIRGINIA TECH Terry E. Allen '85 (3005 8th Ave. , the Foundation to continue to improve its ability to support the Apt. 4, Buhl, lD 83316), employed educational programs of Pi Kappa Alpha and to assist our David A. Barnes '82 (19626 lar­ with MH Kings, works as a manager undergraduate brothers in their scholastic efforts through rowsburg Rd., Knoxville, MD 21758) of a retail outlet. scholarships and loans. and his wife, Jennifer, are proud to Look for your Annual Fund solicitation in the mail. When announce the birth of their first child, Ray James Bertoldi '84 (1530 N. Emily Kathryn, born June 4, 1990. it arrives, please respond generously. Your gift will make a Church St., Layton, UT 84041) is an Also, he recently received a promo­ difference. Please contact Annual Fund Director Scott Russell associate at D.L.P. Architects & tion to computer programmer with at the Memorial Headquarters, 8347 West Range Cove, Mem­ Associates in Ogden, Utah. He is Standard Federal Savings Bank in phis, TN 38125, Telephone (901) 748-1948, if you have any ques­ continuing to pursue his master's Frederick, Maryland. degree in architecture at the Univer­ tions regarding the Annual Fund. sity of Utah. He would like all the Stephen V. Donahue '73 (6307 alumni in the area to join the Elkharrlt Lane, Richmond, VA 23224) rechartered Weber Valley Alumni is president of The Donahue Group, Association. Architecture. Thomas H. Pendleton '55 (830 WICHITA STATE Whispering Uizy, So. Charleston, WV Bradley Thd Rogers '82 (1032 Cam­ Peter Melick '82 (3350 Raccoon 25303) has been promoted to ad­ Larry Wayne Decker '82 (2612 East bridge, Kaysville, UT 84037) is com­ Coun, Abingdon, MD 21009) an­ ministrative officer, Department of Milton Ave. #1, Fullerton , CA pleting his degree in education at nounces his marriage to Barbara May Commerce, Labor and Environmen­ 92631-1459), after earning his degree Weber State, and plans to relocate in Lund on May 27, 1989. tal Resources at the State Capitol in from Wichita State, went to Southern Arizona to complete a master's Charleston, WV. California College of Optometry and degree in Latin and native Indian Arthur Steven Rabinowitz '79 received his doctorate. studies from the University of (3802 Cascade Drive, Greensboro, WESTERN CAROLINA Arizona. He works for Smith's NC 27410) was recently promoted to Management Corp. and the Weber district manager of Vrrginia Specialty Fred Said Koury '82 (PO Box 7919, WILLIAM & MARY County School District. Stores for the state of North Greensboro, NC 27417-0919) owns a Carolina. chain of sunglass and optical shops Rodney Turner Willett '82 (2219 WEST GEORGIA COLLEGE in North Carolina and is planning the Hanover Ave., Apt. A, Richmond, 11,4 Samuel Collin Thylor, m '82 (1927 opening of a billiards bar and grill. 23220) married Lydia Pulley in May, Kennedy Drive, Apt. 12, McLean, VA Johnny F. Carter '82 (5761 Big A. 1989. His is joining the law firm of 22102) married Colleen Marie Red­ Road, Douglnsville, GA 30135) works WESTERN KENTUCKY Hunter & Williams in September wood on September 9, 1989. He is as a line manager for Keebler Cookie 1990, after completing Law School working as a systems engineer for Co. He has a new son, Kyle Gregory. Robert Loyd Shults '82 (542 East at the College of William & Mary Electronic Data Systems in Eastland, Gallatin, TN 37066) was in May 1990. Bethesda, Maryland. WEST VIRGINIA recently named rack service direc­ tor for Charles C. Parks Co., a John Edward Wall '82 (PO Box James M. Cyr '82 (5838 Morning wholesale grocery busi ness in Ken­ WINTHROP COLLEGE 336, Colonial Heights, VA 23834) Bird Lane, Columbia, MD 21045) tucky, Tennessee, Alabama and married Karen Wilkerson in July, was married in June, 1988 to Jennelle Georgia. Steven Randall Firestine '82 (ll33 1989. He is a pharmacist with his Bearce. He is currently working as Charlotte Ave., Rock Hill, SC 29732) own business. a loan officer for First Washington. WESTERN MICHIGAN is co-owner of Berry's Lawn Care with Fraternity brother William WAKE FOREST Edward Michael Decosta '82 (3933 Thomas w. Kaugher, m (formerly Berry (Theta Sigmo '83). Randy is Glenhaven Drive, Garland, TX Thomas Kaugher Moore) '85 (4614 also the alumni relations advisor to Ernest Ward, Jr. '40 (2206 Barker 75042) is a mechanical engineer Tonawanda , Royal Oak, Ml 48073) Theta Sigma Chapter. St., Lumbenon, NC 28358) was working for Texas Instruments. He has a new wife, Jennifer, and a new selected Physician of the Year by the received his master's degree in inter­ name, the one he was given at birth, Robeson County Medical Society. national management in December before his adoption. He is an Bill Joye, Jr. '85 (13536 Lake Vin­ He practices at the Lumberton Clinic 1989. engineering science geologist. ing Dr., #13206, Orlando, FL 32821) of Surgery. is with Walt Disney World Co. in Patrick M. Gallagher '69 (1415 Todd D. Urbankski '82 (2243 Wood Lake Buena Vista, Florida. He mar­ WASiflNGTON-SEATILE Summit Lane, Charleston , WV Lawn SE, Grand Rllpids, M/49506) ried Heather Hardwicke on March 25302) is the new president and chief was married November 29, 1986. He 3, 1990. Robert Woock '38 (80-536 Pebble executive officer of West Virginia is an executive charter pilot for AMR Beach , La Quinta, CA 92253) now Manufacturers Association. Combs. Continued of Pi Kappa Alpha 51 WOFFORD COLLEGE with the accounting finn of KPMG Materials, Inc.. He married Sarah Lane, Rock Hill, SC 29732) an­ Peat Marwick. Berry in Atlanta, July 25, 1987, and nounces the birth of his first child, William John Dunphy, Jr. '82 (906 they have a son born April 15, 1989, Benjamin, born November 29, 1989. The Oaks, Clarkston, GA 30021) William Henry Lucas, m '82 (43 William Henry Lucas IV. He has also received a promotion to married Bardeen Hawkins on May Pine Street, Roswell, GA 30075) city executive officer for Ford 6, 1989. He has started a new job works as a geologist for O'Hazardous J. Stephen Rush '81 (/235 Berryhill Mill/Lake Wylie with C & S Bank.

My permanent record should include this information: Tell Us What's New! D New Job D Birth D Promotion D Marriage D New Address D Death D Other


Name ______

Home Address

City /State/Zip

Home Phone------Business Phone------

Business Name------

Business Address

News ------


Undergraduate Chapter Offices Held (SMC, IMC, ThC, etc.)------

Alumnus Offices Held (Chapter Advisor, House Corporation Officer, etc.)

National Offices Held (Chapter Consultant, Supreme Council, etc.)

SlllELD & DIAMOND ALUMNI NOTES Please attach mailing label, and send to: Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial Headquarters 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125

52 Shield & Diamond CHAPTER ETERNAL

can also described Johnson as "the epitome Judge Harry Johnson Jr. of a Southern gentleman". Johnson, a Democrat, was inducted into the Emory Uni versity Alumnus Was Unique Southern Gentleman Democratic Hall of Fame in Rome, Georgia. Johnso n is survived by his wife, Lois, a Fonner Floyd County, Georgia Probate Johnson was first elected Ordinary in 1956 daughter, Janis Johnson Roberts, and a son, Court Judge Harry Johnson, Jr. (Beta Kappa and was re-elected in eight succeeding elec­ Harry Johnson ill, as well as three grandsons, '38) passed away on April 6, 1990. tions through 1988. He retired in 1989. Mark and Lee Roberts, and Harry Johnson Friends and colleagues remember the Floyd County Probate Judge Jean Duncan, IV. likeable Johnson as a fair man and an out­ who served as chief probate clerk under Johnson was a native of Floyd County, a standing public servant. Johnson served as Johnson, and was appointed to complete his graduate of Rome High School , Emory elections superintendant for several years and unexpired term after he retired, said, "I can't University and the Massey Law School. loved to talk about politics. fill his shoes. They broke the mold when they He was a member of South Broad United Johnson, 71, served as probate judge for made him. Nobody else can do what he did Methodist Church where he held numerous 32 1h years, and was the third generation of in the way that he did it ... anybody who came offices, and served in the United States Coast his family to serve as Ordinary in Floyd Coun­ before him got a fair shake. He didn't see any Guard during World War II. ty. That position was changed to Floyd County 'big shots' and he didn't see any 'bums' - Probate Court Judge in 1975. they were all people with him." Judge Dun- - Bill Fon enberry, Rome News-Tribun e Joseph P. Neely Elwyn Creighton Raffetto

Joseph P. Neely (Zeta '43) died July 5, 1990 Elwyn Creighton (Michael) Raffetto (Alpha network's West Coast program director and in Me~Tiphis, Tennessee after a long illness. Sigi'IU1 '18), a star of the long-running radio join the Family cast. His other radio credits A graduate of the University of Tennessee­ serial One Man 's Family died May 31, 1990 included Death Valley Days and Attorney for Knoxville, he was a Navy veteran of World in Berkeley, California at the age of 91. the Defense. War II, a charter member of Christ Methodist One Man's Family was an American institu­ Raffetto acted in a few silent films in his Church, and a member of the Memphis Board tion, broadcast on NBC from 1932 to 1959. youth, including the classic Tillie 's Punctured of Realtors and Million Dollar Sales Club. Raffetto played the part of Paul Barbour. Roi1Ulnce. He had a small part in A Foreign He leaves his wife, Jean R. Neeley; a In the 1930s, Raffetto also played on the Affair with Marlene Dietrich in 1948, and daughter, Mrs. Nancy J. Thompson; three radio show 1 Love A Mystery. Storm Center with Bette Davis in 1956. sons, Joseph P. Neeley (Delta Zeta '67), Raffetto was born in Placerville, Califor­ In later years, Raffetto lived in Europe, Robert D. Neeley (Delta Zeta '69), and W. nia. He graduated from the University of where he wrote novels and short stories. He Michael Neeley, and ten grandchildren. California at Berkeley in 1925, and practiced returned to Berkeley in 1960. law briefly in San Francisco. He returned to He is survived by his wife, Constance, four - Th e Commercial Appeal Berkeley as a drama teacher. daughters and five grandchildren. In 1930, he starred in and produced NBC's Arm of the Law. He went on to become the - The San Francisco Chronicle Memorial Gifts to the Educational Foundation

EACH YEAR the Educational Foundation elude a note identifying the brother in whose and address has been included with the gift. receives numerous donations in memory of name the gift is being given as well as his Memorial gifts of all sizes are welcome. All brothers who have joined Chapter Eternal. If chapter and approximate date of death. Gifts such gifts are tax-deductible and a receipt will you wish to give a memorial gift, please send may be either unrestricted or restricted to a be provided. If you have questions or if you your check, made payable to Pi Kappa Alpha particular Foundation program or account. desire to establish a memorial, contact Foun­ Educational Foundation to 8347 West The Foundation will notify survivors of dation Executive Officer Jeff Abraham at the Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38U5 and in- receipt of gifts, providing a survivor's name above address, or call (901) 748-1868.

Mail to Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125

Enclosed is my gift of $ ______in memory of He was initiated at ------Chapter at ------and died , 19 ____

Please notify his survivor, ------at (Address) ------(City/State/Zip) of this gift.

This gift is D Unrestricted D Restricted to ______My tax-deductible gift receipt should be sent to ------­ (Address) ______, (City/State/Zip) of Pi Kappa Alpha 53 CHAPTER ETERNAL

Andre, Leo F. (California-Berkeley '34) Honolulu, m 7-7-90 Matsunaye, WilliamS., Jr. (Mississippi State '35) Dix Hills, NY Bagby, William H. (Kentucky '15) Cockeysville, MD McCaslin, James K., Jr. (Southern Mississippi '63) Burke, VA Baird, Hugh E. (Kansas State '14) Pratt, KS McLaughlin, Harry J, (Kansas State '46) Manhattan, KS 4-10-90 Baird, James R. (Tenn essee '28) Santa Fe, NM McLendon, Daniel Patrick (California State-Sacramento '86) Baird, Russell L. (Oklahoma '27) Houston, TX Sacramento, CA 3-31-90 Baldwin, William W. (Western Reserve '28) Tierra Verde, FL Mecham, Jack L. (Utah '41) Salt Lake City, UT 5-4-89 Bauerbach, Francis J, (iowa State '19) Poway, CA 8-27-89 Miller, James Snyder (Northwestern '32) Venice, FL 4-7-90 Beam, George A. (Hampden-Sydney '43) Staunton, VA Neeley, Joseph P. (Tennessee '43) Memphis, TN Beane, William C. (College of William & Mary '26) 4-27-90 Noble, Barclay E. (Iowa State '19) Los Angeles, CA 9-13-89 Beck, Walter M. (Auburn '63) Thscumbia, AL 6-23-90 Benjamin, Neal B.H. (Renssalaer '62) Columbia, MO Overdeer, Robert H. (Delaware '48) Champaign, IL Benson, Edward A., Jr. (Kansas '29) Lenexa, KS Owens, Stanley A. (Georgia '30) Manassas, VA Boehm, Richard H. (Valparaiso '53) Crown Point, IN Pferrer, Daniel L. (Kentucky '47) Hampstead, NC 3-26-90 Browning, Joseph C. (Missouri-Columbia '36) Albuquerque, NM Piekarz, Robert W. (Missouri-Rolla '58) Burger, Tracy B. (Samford University '76) Ashville, AL Reno, NV Prade, Frank C., Jr. (Texas '44) Cloudcroft, NM Callaghan, William J, (Maryland '64) Chantilly, VA 4-90 Rice, Harold A. (Emory '45) Atlanta, GA Campbell, Thomas S. (Cincinnati '46) Dayton, OH 2-15-89 Resides, Wilbur C. (Pennsylvania State '28) Boynton Beach, FL Chriss, Nicholas C. (Wofford '49) Houston, TX Richardson, Elwood R. (Alabama '29) Baldwyn, NY Clark, Willis H. (Missouri-Rolla '41) Bryan, TX Rutherford, Neal A. (Duke University '25) Raleigh, NC Cole, Nelson M. (Alabama '53) Birmingham, AL Ryan, Donald J, (California-Berkeley '39) San Diego, CA Coleman, Taylor (Richmond '15) Bethesda, MD 2-25-90 Schierloh, Walter H. (Oklahoma State '40) Inola, OK Cone, William E. (Auburn '30) Birmingham, AL Cook, Gilbert P., Jr. (Millsaps '38) Lafayette, LA 5-9-90 Shaver, William C. (Georgia Tech '42) Stone Mountain, GA 8-89 Cooper, James L. (Maryland '54) Dumfries, VA Simon, Ralph T. (Purdue '22) Indianapolis, IN 2-7-90 Curn, Raymond T. (Ohio State '80) El Paso, TX Simons, Bernard W. (Missouri-Columbia '20) Thcson, AZ 5-17-90 Darst, William M. (Stephen F. Austin '60) Galveston, TX 5-24-90 Slack, Guy V. (Mississippi State '38) N. Little Rock , AR 10-20-89 Derrick, Andrew W. (Vanderbilt '27) Rome, GA 2-22-90 Sloane, Thomas L. (Bowling Green '53) Rocky River, OH Dimick, Reynold E. (Northwestern '46) Arlington Heights, IL Smith, Isaac C. (Georgetown '11) Campbellsburg, KY 4-2-89 Dodd, William T., Jr. (Georgia Tech '59) Chicago, IL Smith, J, Hardin (Washington University '25) Chesterfield, MO 6-15-90 Dowdy, Joseph H. (San Diego State '48) San -Diego, CA 1-4-90 Smith, John P. (Syracuse University '55) Katonah, NY Edminster, Charles L. (Florida '22) Elkton, FL Smoak, Robert R. (Davidson '45) Wilkesboro, NC Emerick, Burley S. (West Virginia '25) Stanley, Emil G. (Carnegie-Mellon '31) Glenview, IL 9-89 Pittsburgh, PA Escott, Everett (Davidson College '31) Charlotte, NC Stapp, Jerry L (Alabama '47) Huntsville, AL Estes, Darvin K. (Georgetown College '57) Owingsville, KY 7-11-89 Ewing, Dan C. (Kentucky '33) Louisville, KY Stellings, Laurence G. (Purdue '23) Venice, FL 3-14-89 Findley, Charles F. (Birmingham Southern '34) Covington, GA Stewart, Samuel T. (Syracuse University '49) St. Petersburg, FL Ford, W. Howard (Tennessee-Knoxville '30) Jacksonville, FL Stockett, Richard C. (Mississippi State '31) Jackson, MS Gardner, Warren H. (Hampden-Sydn ey '58) Salem, VA Stokan, Walter F. (Montana State '40) Las Vegas, NV Gondos, Robert Z. (Lehigh University '29) Maple Shade, NJ Todd, Lee B. (College of William & Mary '24) Wytheville, VA Greenburg, Floyd L. (Purdue '32) Coldwater, Ml Tormey, Robert E. (College of William & Mary '83) Carrboro, NC Gwinn, Robert A. (Kansas State '21) Shawnee, KS 2-88 Tucker, William E. (Tulane '43) Oklawaha, FL 6-90 Hardage, Earl H. (Pennsylvania '31) Newport Beach, CA Tune, Harold J, (Western Reserve '24) Akron, OH 4-7-90 Harms, Timothy E. (Ferris State '73) Dryden , MI Turner, Roswell (California-Berkeley '31) Santa Rosa , CA Harrington, Donald B. (Syracuse '17) Ithaca, NY Tweed, Gary Lee (Pittsburgh '76) Indiana, PA Heidel, Sumner G. (Montana State '36) Silver Spring, MD Yarn, Dr. David H., Jr. (Tulane '39) Ft. Meade, FL 12-5-89 Horne, Elbert J, (Presbyterian '37) Cincinnati, OH Houghtaling, Francis S. (Miami '49) St. Louis, MO Varner, Dr. C. Ferrell (Mississippi '28) Memphis, TN Hoyt, Robert J, (Cornell '53) Yorkville, NY 12-88 Wales, Maurice A. (New Hampshire '29) Needham, MA Hughes, Harold E. (Georgia Tech '44) Bethesda , MD Walker, Harold (Presbyterian College '27) Lexington, SC Hughes, Dr. Max (Arkansas '27) Memphis, TN 4-28-90 Walton, Robert E. (Pittsburg State '65) Grove, OK 10-28-88 Humason, James (Ohio University '60) Columbus, OH 5-90 Waterfield, Harry L. (Murray State '58) Frankfort, KY 8-4-88 Johnson, Dwight C. (Missouri-Columbia '31) Bethesda, MD 4-15-90 Watkins, Andrew Jackson (North Carolina '24) Henderson, NC 1-7-90 Johnson, Earl D. (Wisconsin '25) Greenwich, CT Watkins, William T. (Wake Forest '40) Oxford , NC Johnson, Judge Harry, Jr. (Emory '38) Rome, GA 4-25-90 Westfahl, James D. (Stephen F. Austin '65) Austin, TX Kain, Ralph H. (Transylvania '25) Maysville, KY Weaver, John K. (Georgetown '68) Walton , KY Kimball, Raymond F. (Denver '25) Hysham, MT Wharton, Chari~ L. (Millsaps '20) Dunwoody, GA Klippen, Herbert C. (Minnesota '27) Duluth, MN Wilson, Wallace E. (Pennsylvania State '16) Corpus Christi, TX 1-29-90 Kniewel, Raymond A. (Nebraska-Omaha) Omaha, NE Wimberly, Dr. Norris A., Jr. (Alabama '42) Tyler, TX 5-12-89 Lacy, Merle E. (Kansas State '48) Concordia, KS 12-15-89 Landry, Marlin C. (Louisiana State '73) Belle Chasse, LA Winans, John Gibson (Colorado College '21) Buffalo, NY 1-1-90 Laude, David A. (Stetson '51) Modesto, CA Witt, Walter H., Jr. (Tennessee '41) Norton, VA 1-13-90 Lively, Laban Grey (Floricla '30) Tampa, FL 5-10-90 Yonke, Fred (Kentucky '85) Rock Island, IL Madill, Robert B. (West Virginia '25) Melbourne, FL Young, William B. (Purdue '46) Ft. Pierce, FL 10-3-89 Madsen, Magnus (Montana State '31) Bonner, MT Zemek, Melville M. (Georgia Tech '34) Little Elm, TX Marston, George V. (Arizona '34) Paradise Valley, AZ 3-16-90 Zettler, George Robert (Jllinois '35) Champaign, IL 6-14-90

54 Shield & Diamond Loyal IJ. Chapman's world-famous Infamous Golf1-Ioles

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