The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Annual Report
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OF PI KAPPA ALPHA SEPTEMBER 1990 THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY 1989-90 ANNUAL REPORT INSIDE: General Fraternity Report Chapter Directory Award Winning Chapters Educational Foundation Report 1989-90 Alumni Honor Roll 1989-90 Scholarship Recipients Oversize Umbrella Golf Bag/Personalized .. $35/40 Fur Club Covers ........ 25.00 Golf Towel .............. 7.50 Umbrella .............. 20.00 Fur Sling .............. 15.00 Cap (Specify Color) ....... 9.00 Polo Shirt. ............. 20.00 Portfolio ............... 15.00 VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED 1-800-274-3664 Shipping Information Add $3.50 for orders up to $25 Add $5.00 for orders over $25 Buy Direct and Save GEMINI MANUFACTURING, INC. P.O. Box595 Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 (501) 886-5512 Shield &Diamond VOLUME 101 I NUMBER 3 I SEPTEMBE~ 1990 p a ruvers1ty o 1rg1ma eta av1 son rna 1 1am an arv pst on 1 Eta Tulane University 0 Thera Rhodes College I Iota Hampden-Sydney K Kappa Transyl Nu Wofford College ~ Xi University of South Carolina 0 Omicron Univprsitv of Rich Sigma Vanderbilt University T Tau University of North Carolina Y Upsilon Auburn Un A Alpha Alpha Duke University Af Alpha Gamma Louisiana State All Alpha Delta Georg orth Carolina State University AZ Alpha Zeta University of Arkansa AH Alpha E est Virginia University AI Alpha Iota Millsaps College AK Alpha Kappa Univers eorgetown College AM Alpha Mu University of Georgia AN Alpha Nu Univer niversity of Cincinnati AO Alpha Omicron Southwestern University ATI Alpha Pi Samford U I Alpha Sigma Universit} of California-Berkeley AT Alpha Tau University of Utah A<I> Al }Tacuse University AQ Alpha Omega Kansas State University BA Beta Alpha Pe University of Washington Bf Beta Gamma University of Kansas Bll Beta Delta outhern Methodist University BH Beta Eta University of Illinois B0 Beta Theta Cornell U M Beta Mu University of Texas BN Beta Nu Oregon State University B~ Beta Xi niversity of Oklahoma Bn Beta Pi Univel'iity of Pennsylvania BI Beta Sigma Ca nivel'iity of Colorado B<l> Beta Phi Purdue University BX Beta Chi University of Minneso D. Gamma Delta University of Arizona fE Gamma Epsilon Utah State University f0 amrna Iota University of Mississippi fK Gamma Kappa Montana State University f I\ Gamm niversity of New Hampshire fN Gamma Nu University ofimva r::: Gamma Xi Washington P Gamma Rho Northwestern University fi Gamma Sigma University of Pitt>burgh IT Gamma Upsilon University ofThlsa f<l> Gamma Phi 'Mike Forest University fX Gamma C uisiana Polytechnic Institute fQ Gamma Omega University of Miami D.B Delta Bet, iami University-Ohio D. D. Delta Delta Florida Southern College D.Z Delta Zeta niversitv ofDelaware 6.0 Delta Theta Arkansas State UniversitY Ill Delta lot niversity ·of Southern Mi~sissippi D.N Delta Nu Wayne State University 6.?: Delta Xi Indiana U n Delta Pi San Jose State University D.P Delta Rho Linfield Cqllege D.E Delta izona State University D. X Delta Chi University of Nebra.~ka-Omaha 11 1!1 Delta Psi igh Point College EA Epsilon Alpha Trinity College EB Epsilon Beta ValparJiso University D. Ep~ilon Delta University of North Texas EE Epsilon Epsilon University ofTole1io EZ E H Epsilon Eta University of Houston E0 Epsilon Theta Colomdo State University El Epsi KEpsilon Kappa Lamar University E/\. Epsilon Lambda Murray State Uruversity EM Epsilon eorgia State University E.S Epsilon Xi Case Western Reserve University EO Epsilon Omi psilon Pi Sam Houston State University EL Epsilon Sigma University of Tennessee-Martin psilon Phi University of Central Arkansas EX Epsilon Chi Pitt~burg State University ElY E psilon Omega East Central University ZA Zeta Alpha GMI Engineering & Management In f Zeta Gamma Eastern Illinois Universi~ ZE .Zeta Epsilon Western Kentucky University Z IN TIDS ISSUE: Constantly growing, the THE PI KAPPA ALPHA Departments: Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity now has 181 ac FRATERNITY tive chapters, five colonies, and numerous 1989-90 ANNUAL REPORT UPDATE alumni associations. In this issue, both the . ... ... .. .. .. .... ..... 6 Introducing the 1990-91 Consultant Corps Fraternity and the Educational Foundation . ............ .... .. .. .... .. 4 present Annual Reports for the 1989-90 academic year to Pi Kappa Alpha's thousands PI KAPPA ALPHA of undergraduate and alumnus members. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION ALUMNI NOTES 1989-90 ANNUAL REPORT ... ... ..... .......... .. 46-52 Features: ............. .. .. .... ... .. .. 24 THE BIRfH OF IOTA MU CHAPTER ETERNAL On April 14, 1990, after eighteen months EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Judge Harry Johnson, Jr. (Beta Kappa '38) of hard work, Iota Mu chapter was born HONOR ROLL Joseph P. Neely (Zeta '43) at Southern Illinois University Donors to the Annual Fund Elwyn Creighton Raffetto (Alpha Sigma '18) ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. 5 .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ... ... 30 .... .. ..... .... .. .... .. 53-54 SHIELD & DIAMOND (ISSN 8750-7536) is an educational journal puol ished by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 8347 West Range Cove. Memphis. TN 38125 quarterly in Septembe r, December, March and June fo r $.50 per year. Send correspondence to the same address. Manuscripts are invited, but the publisher will not assume responsibility fo r return of unsolicited material . Change of address must be reponed promptly by gi vi ng full name. chapter. old and new address. Undergraduate copies are mailed to parents' home address unti l address change after graduation. Li fetime subscriptions MUSf be renewed after eight years or with an alumnus gift to the Loyalty Fund. Copyright 1990 by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. All rights reserved. Second Class postage paid at Memphis, TN and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER' Send address changes to SHIELD & DIAMOND, 8347 West Range Cove, Mem ph is, TN 38125. Shield & Diamond OF PI KAPPA ALPHA Published by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Kip Coombs Christopher Davies Kenneth Jaycox, Jr. Andrew Kaufmann David A. Rex, Jr. 8347 West Range Cove Memphis, 'Tennessee 38125 UPDATE 901/ 748-1868 Editor Executive Vice President Louis B. ~uinto Introduces Managing Editor Barbara E. Per~ins 1990-91 Consultant Corps Doug Ray Geoff Westmoreland Proofreading da Chapter, and then transferred to Saint Louis Univer Gwen DeShazo Executive Vice President Raymond L. Orians recently introduced the young men who will serve the Fraterni sity in 1988. There he assisted in the formation of the ty as chapter consultants during the 1990-91 academic Saint Louis Colony. He will graduate with a B.A. in Circulation year, as well as a new associate in the expansion office. communication/advertising with an emphasis in Kimberly Welch marketing. While at Saint Louis, Jaycox served as col DOUGLAS RAY (University of Pittsburgh - Gammn ony president and as a member of the rush committee. Sigma '87) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in political He was also a member of Alpha Kappa Psi and the Advertising science with a concentration in international affairs. Advertising Federation of America. During the 1990-91 Representative While at Pitt, Ray served Gamma Sigma as SMC, IMC, academic year, he will be visiting the chapters in the 'Thomas G. Bowman chief justice of the judicial board, and as house manager. Cumberland and Northwest Regions. Maury Boyd and He also served the North Atlantic Region as regional Associates, Inc . vice president and treasurer. Ray further served the Pitt ANDREW J. KAUFMANN (Ohio University - Gam 5783 Par~ Plaza Court community as a member of the Resident Student mn Omicron '87) was a rechartering member of Gam Indianapolis, IN 46220 Association, the Graduate School Scholarship Selection ma Omicron Chapter. He graduated with a B.A. in (3 17) 849-6110 Committee, and as manager of the William Pitt Union. organizational communications, with a concentration in He is a member of the Order of Omega Honorary, par business. While at Ohio, Kaufmann served Gamma Executive ticipated in intramural sports, and in 1990, Gamma Omicron as IMC, MS, and executive-at-large. He was Vice President Sigma awarded Ray with Senior of the Year honors. He named Gamma Omicron's Brother of the Year for Raymond L. Orians will be traveling for Pi Kappa Alpha as expansion 1989-90. On campus, Kaufmann was a member of the associate. American Society of Training and Development and a part of the Ohio University Leadership and Develop 1990-92 MARC KIP COOMBS (University of Georgia -Alpha ment Program. During the 1990-91 academic year, he Supreme Council Mu '86) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in economics. will be visiting the chapters in the Rockies, Midwest, As an undergraduate, he served as vice president and and Dixie Regions. President rush chairman. On campus, Coombs served on the IFC jerry W As~ew administrative council, evaluation and review board, and DAVID A. REX, JR. (Southwestern University- Alpha Vice President the judicial board. He also served as Greek Week chair Omicron '87) graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in political Charles L. Dow man for three years, the president of the Student Athletic science. While an undergraduate, Rex served Alpha Board, and was a player on the University soccer team. Omicron as SMC, IMC, MC, chaplain and philanthropy Vice President In 1988 he received the National Collegiate Greek Merit chairman. On campus, he served as president of the Stu Larry Lunsford Award . During the 1990-91 academic year, he will be dent Foundation, homecoming chairman, resident assis Vice President visiting the chapters in the Great Plains, Delta, and tant, and as a member of Student Judiciary, Student Daniel F. M cGehee Founders Regions. Senate, IFC, and the Student Affairs Council. Addi tionally, Rex played on the soccer and lacrosse teams. Vice President CHRISlOPHER M. DAVIES (Indiana State - Theta He is also an Eagle Scout. During the 1990-91 academic F. Anderson Morse Omicron '85) graduated in December 1989 with a B.S. year, he will be visiting the chapters in the Arkoma, Undergraduate in public relations.