- '" ' '' ,""IM!'" j wtws&&?K- SSPIHF'1"1' WW ffffft''Pw"yPW? rrTtwrfyfpwf"v"-'.yqtpi- i ''srr"'

.CM ,!' From San Francisco": 1 i 50 Korea Aug. 11 For San Francisco: Clean up the oddt and ends of house- llllunlnii ..". Aug. 10 keeping, get some easy house money ? From Vancouver: by letting a Want Ad cell Mnrama, Bulletin ..J Aug. 20 Evening w It for you. One Cent a Word. For Vancouver: Makura Aug. 17 Bulletin 3:30 EDITION 0nc man doln Is worth a hundred looking on-th- at applies lo Bulletin Advertising VOL XI. NO. 4382. 14 PAGES. HONOLULU TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1909. 14 PAGES. PRICE 5 GENTS. ELKS CAPTURE MANY GREAT BRITAIN for JAPAN HONORS AT SHEBA'S FIRST TALK PEKIN RECALLS SHEBA BLAMES DAYS OF 1904

" STRIKE LEADERS SS'i 7fc(WlM TfhVBivSfl I "StB ( "J (M . araTWaaaBaW

PEKIN. August 7. The relations between the Chinese govern- ment and Japan over the Antung-- ukden railway resemble the situa- - a tt ' tphpn tfnn rtf IflAA war hmlrit 'flnt ti (tpwn Pn.tla anil Tanan M "I do not blame Mori for lilt attempt In assassinate me he Is :: ' not morally rosioii8llil the blame Ilea with. those who Irive been n 1304 went tn li force- In Jnimi war wit inissla to It back from tho n writing Incendiary articles In the Nlppit JIJI. which misled some :t Arm Rrlp on Manctuirln re- that tlircnt rncd tn extend lo Koroa. Itiisda tt persons Into tho belief that I have proven traitorous tn tho it to relinquish Mnn fused ltn hold un churla. U would appear from the 8 real Interests of my countrmcii In Hawaii." tt dispatch from I'eMti that China Is n (Ml held In tho Rrlp of the Russian tt tt. tto far an northern Manchuria Is ron ccrned, and, while unablo to grant the demands of Japan, makes no he rlous opposition. This Is what Somatnrn Sheba, ullloi of the Jiipiiner- e- and asked him tn nc-i- the Hawaii Shlupn, says about the (iinpiu.x tin- lo my Millie where wn attempt that was made to lake his life could talk uur Hi" ipiesilons limilved. Tuesday morning. Ilu lies on n cot II I convinced him of the Justice of at the Queen's Hospital welt cm the my stand he was tu abandon his ikisI-- I way toward complete recocry from tlon and tho same to apply to me. Hu Japan Scorns Protest the wounds that he sustained at thoPparently nssetited to the suggestion, hinds of tho would-b- assassin. Ho and we walked up King stn-c- togotli-- ' says that he bclloves that ho had a er. It was Just after turning the cor- - Heading from" right to left- - -- row: N. Hmniett May, H. K. Murray, I,. I.. Harding. K. Lord, Oco. T. fortunato escape from death and con- - ner. Into Smith sheet that he turned First T0KI0. Aug. 7. Despite the p rotests of the Chinese government, Kluegcl, 11. A. Wilder, V. S. Peachy, J. It. Shaw, N. H. Lansing, Win. O. Crook, Jr. Second How. slders that the stand that ho took from on nie suddenly I was on the Inside Janan began work Friday on the construction of the Antung-Mukde- n light to left C. M. Taylor, 11.13. Mnynnrit, II. H. .McCllnloek. T row, to II. Simp-nu- the first day or tho declaring of tho and grasped my by tho shoulder. I hlrd light left II. railway. There has been no interference yet. .1. S. McCandlcss,- - W. A. II. Connor, E. M. Drown, strlko by the officers of the Wither was then struck n stunning blow upon Wage Association has been amply Jus-- the head but I did not realise for sov-- Among tho uno thousand lodges those who witnessed tho ElkB parnilo tivities and Joy making fol- that GREAT BRITAIN WITH JAPAN. tltled by the rcsullB. He feclii that tho oral moments that the man had n great wns sonio-thln- g lowed. that were lepysenleil nl the had never seen define, strike Is something tu hu forgotten us knlTo In his hand ami was bent upon I on rep-- 1 lonclavo of tho Elks at ,Augelc3 that helped to tiring tho In speaking of the success of the 1 LONDON, August 7. Officials of Great Britain have allowed soon as possible and 11 serious effort taking my life. thought tierluips ho f I din July 10th to the 17th iinuo rcscnthtl.cs of tho Honolulu lodgo session Harry Murray who returned it country approves Japan niado toward tho rcnl work of Improv-- rlmply meant to nsBiinlt me." made a inoio decided Impression Into prominence nt cvory iurn. on the Hllonlnn stntcH that It was to become known that this the course of ia Antung-Mukdc- n ' lng tho. conditions and llle nf tnu Was Not Armed, niuoiig thu of "Land Kills now living In without of suc- dealing with China in the matter of the railroad. Jas residents the that doubt out the most nnese plantation laborers. When asked why hit wis nut armed of Sunshine" that did tho twenty til K owed allegiance tn the Hono- cessful affairs nf tho kind ever held 1 "The strike Is" ended," says hliolu in, was his usual eiislomslneo tho men who marched In tho big intrude lulu branch of tho order exerted In the history of tho order. and I believe that It Is best for my threats had been tnado against him. under the Insignia of the Honolulu every effort to reach Lou Angeles "Wo hhd 11 great time," said Mur-ra- yj countrymen. I felt from tho first that Bhcha said that as he was In nltcnd- - lodge. Their numbers wcro not ifiu) swell tho numbers that acted an "and was certainly one RECORD FLIGHT it that tho consistent vllllflcation nf mo by anco In court nt tho tlmo he did not" many but the distinctive feature of the representatives of tho order In tlioxc who participated In will never thoso who hold a different view from think It proper tu go Inlo a ruurt of, lels, something hundieds of lulu mis during the week fes 4W the that the of (Continued on Pace 111 PARIS, August 7. Roger Sommer made a flight with his aero- my own on tbo merits of tho strike, Justice with a deadly wcuimit his accordingly plane today, remaining in the air two hours, twenty-seve- n minutes and would result In someone being inspired pocket and did not carry fifteen seconds. This is a record for aeroplanes. ' with sufllcient fanaticism to make un a revolver on the day of the attempted ACHI-LAN- E attempt upbn my life. Moil undoubt- assassination. FACTIONS edly feels al the present lime that hla Tho manner of the nttack on Sheba act was one that should bo commend- makes It plain that Mori believed that ed Instead of condemned and there Is Sheba wns armed, tho Nlppit JIJI hav- SWEDISHJUTINY no question but that ho will accept ing informed Its renders to that effect MAY MAKE PEACE punishment In the samo spirit. many times and made the pretense of STOCKHOLM. Sweden. August 7. Two regiments of the north "I met Mori several days beforo he (Continued on Page 3) have mutinied. The situation is erwing more serious with new indica- attacked mo," says Sheba, "and at tions of sedition in the army, that time I said to him that I had DANtrfjSfMOANir In the heat of the summer, stocks advisers nf Acht and Lauu In liar- - 1 li heard that ho was very active against ' il (iiniplniclei, Hi ll.es and mi forth, monlr.0 tho differences, that hnvo ENGAGED TO GERMAN PMNCESS. mo and the Hawaii Bhlnpo on Maul. the politicians ale quietly at woik. been tho cause of friction In tho His leply was that I had 'better not HOTEL THIS EVENING Hepiililli'iins, Pomoeints anil tho past uiiiipulgus. This done, It Is MADRID, Aug. 7. Don Jamie has become engaged to a German talk too much,' and ho appeared to bo In angry Home Hiilers, all i if them nie at it. expected that n united cffoit could Showing Princess. an mood. The management of tho Moaun has ' 1 Thyrc Is now a plan on foot tu lie made, Hiitlkleutly strong to win 'On Tuesday met him on King llanned another of tlu-l- r delightful li.ivo a political doi'iuneiit, In the liny, ami pmhnhly nil things, when II. C. Waldron has quite recovered street and he stopped me. I bald 'what hops for this evening tn which Aimy nature nf an agreement, a ponce pact election cnine.1. from tho operation that hu underwent can I do for you, Mori.' Hla reply wasj and Nny and society people In gen- - ' hi In speak drawn by and between One other clause, expected tn bu at thu Queen's Hospital, ami U now 'Mr. Sheba, you are working against oral aro cordially Invited. 1 In Minna, '' the adherents of the Hon. Win. C. luclitilcd In this agreement, Is that stating with filcmls at Maimi Valley. Fernandez the Interests of your countrymen?' always one of Honolulu's be.iuiy snots.'"" Is Good up ' Arhl and John C. Lane. This agree- Aclil ami Lane shall agree tn have JIo expects to be able to take his My reply was that I differed from him is noted for lis delightful entcrtnln- - with tho Honolulu Iron Worko I ment, when drawn satisfactory tn all as a candidate fur tho next major duties .Mfc. m M that was working for tho Interest ments. In a time. parties, Is to be signed by Aehl, un the Republican ticket a business The eighteenth annua! report o( tho short the labor element, ami by man mid a llniinelcr well versed In estato of Henry A. Carter whb tiled I. W. R. Grant was charged nt tho Lane representing the jnung the coiiiiueiclal iiITiiIih of the city. today in tho Circuit Cuuit by To court this morning wllli Incasing This man If 'elected, is to servo only It. Carter, trustee. Betire window, He claimed that another Mflnov Aciniillug In tellable Information, nne teini, Artec that either Aclil According to the resirt tho estato Is h Order Surplus man did tho breaking ami was given a It Is expected that this ngiceiiicnt or Lane tan run as candidate ifor In a tluuilshlng condition and tho year Governor Frear expects that tho chance tu provo It, Ho Is t j appear on will (oiitalu a clniipo, whcicby liuinr, If they so desire. ending June 30, tho business of which duly of apiHilntlng a Supervisor 'tor tho Monday before Judge Andradn neither Aclil nor Lane shall 11111 as ItumoiK have It that the proposi- the reiiort cm ore was prusperoiii,, district of Hamakua, Hawaii, will soon 11 candidate for mayor at the 1 J 1 0 tion was made known tn Aclil, who The Inventory glvus tho following devolve upon him, having been In- It Is tn signature In tho newsboys' biibcball league the flection. the Intention nf tbn agreed nfllx his to tho Items, making a total value of $2R7, formed unofficially that Anlono managers Chlcagos defeated tho Detroit today Arrives On St. Louis politic il p.iittculuily tho (Continued on Page 3) 417.80 without counting money unin- the present Incumbent ol the my a score nf 11 to 10. Tho standing vested. Heal estato holdings am ofllco of Supervisor of Hamakua, Mil unit for tho cup Is as follows: tn Slf7.80 and are principally In Cal- Bulletin submit his resignation In tho near fu- In $17,000 In Chicago, 667; Detroit, .333. Thcio six boxes States Depository. Inspector Ilaro ifornia; stocks, $IC3,82(UI0; note, ture owing to III health and for the will uro four more games to bo playod In gold, silver and currency arrived In rcjiort thu collections In Washing- $05,700.00; first iiiortagego li pel cent time being at least retire from tho ton, tho series Honolulu this morning on thu cruiser and the amount will bo remitted bonds, Kauai Electric Co., $6,075.00; field of political activity. tn tho depository nf tho Government mnitgagu Olan Sugar So far us known ill health In tho St. lxmls from Pago Pago, Samoa. first Co., Attorney Win. II. llcon who has nt Chicago. Neatly $0702.50; hold- only reason for Fornandoi's contem- for thu local postolllco. Tho shipment and I'ala Plantation Co. been visiting on Hawaii, came back This is ono of tho largest accumula- ings, s9i;2.no. plated retirement, Ho has boon thu represents surplus munoy orders Is- today. Ho will probably nj.milii hero tions received In some tlmo of money holder of u, number of, political offices sued, Is 'Thu total amount received on rermancntly. and tho first remittance slnco order receipts, as tho transportation of lucomo wan, $11,033.18. in tho district of. Hamakua isnd the May 1. facilities between hero and Samoa, nro remrt of his retirement comes as Under guard thu boxes containing Dressed Nothing going on tonight the very limited and far apart. In July OUR- - TIIUST IS but something of a surprise to those who tho treasure were transported to DEPARTMENT Nightingale concert and dance at tho $1000 money order surplus was to- - are familiar with political conditions First National Dank, which' is a United X. P. All aboard! celed from Guam. FULLY EQUIPPED TO HANDLE the hall. in tho district. Men FIDUCIARY DU8INESS OF EVERY KIND, AND SEEKS APPOINTMENT S.S. Hiloriian, Aug. 10 AS FOR ALLIGATOR PINE Arc always EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, SWEETS PEARS, Laird, Schober & Co. hcldin APPLES, BANANAS. higher esteem than AND GUARDIAN, ABSIONEB, REG- Made fresh every day. We these who are less par- are in a position to tell you ticular. It's because ISTRAR, TRANSFER AND FISCAL the best. ' NEW IMPORTATIONS the clothes Island FruitCo., IN LADIES' FOOTWEAR. reflect, to AGENT AND AS TRUSTEE FOR IN- EXPERT FRUIT SHIPPERS. a large degree, the tastes and character DIVIDUALS AND CORPORATIONS. Palm Cafe The very latest novelties, Hotel near Union. Eastern coniiatinj; of pumps of the wearer. is and one, two three-eyel- Cor f It At and Dresden tirb. In patent dWW$jG!85ai easy to' keep well Trust Department jNlk leathers, bronre kids, black, white and green suedes, gold, dressed if you wear WHEN OTHERS PAIL TRY US. silver and colors. Trimmed with buckles, slides and pom deliver Hollister's poms. For afternoon and evening dress. New Summer and Fall Styles now open. ?t'V "We the goodi." issssssr ,'.HI These styles are so new that cuts to illustrate them Soda were unattainable at the factory. Call and see them and Laundry try them on. You are cordially invited. Ltd Fountain The Kash Co., TERRITORIAL MESSENGER SERVICE. Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Ltd., Corner Hotel Agents and Fort St. HawaiianJrustCompany, Young Hotel Laundry, SASSAFRAS 1051 Fort Street. Telephone SOUR ! Limited 361.

jiitiMixJlMiu, i --J MWwiaii,aa,lrtl'MMii,i,4,iliriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSiwii'i.iaiVBt;li.x sgtti V - flSV t ?rtfvtyi&1fpt--rf- n'W-JV5- ' TTiiro" wy twi "'rJWiyjy 'jg1"!' i'prfB?! ,TfifH' BVEN1N0 DULU5TIN. flONOLULTJ, T. H., KniDAY, AUGUST-flr-lOO- D.

Ayor't LOCAL AND GENERAL MASONIC TEMPLE Is a prcttygood traveling Big NlekelBe'raich Pad for sale U The ASWn at the Bulletin office for five cents, hippie llcttor Is one Inch thick, made up of two hun- BAGGAGE take- n hot- - dred sheets of 'good paper. Six for a Weekly Calendar quarter. - TIDES tlo with' f IN FOJREIQN PORTS X yon when City Transfer Co. Mo it Oct yonr lint cleaned at the trading Saturday, Aunust 7. AV F"I?S you go away --j4V.VA 3 Hkci 7: nml MONDAV from liome. Hat Cleaner, 1164 Kort street. SAN mANCISCO Sailed Aug $H It 3fS Honolulu. Hawaiian Slated. may avo joii a long Illness. And it Where are you 'going tonight t JAS. H. LOVE. Phone 152, 8. S. Alameda, noon, for 2?? Why, to concert and dance at I a. u. wiiuer, ior uummim. iUUMDAV you aro not gulag away, keep it with the Ilklno. the P. of course. SAN KHANCISCO At rived Aug. 7: f! s. m fl. It I. M. you, alwayn, In tho X. hall, I V Oceanic First Degree. home. .1 Coat your Iron roofs with "Arable." S. S. Mexican, fiiiin Sallna Cruz. .r a: j 1 in vain va a a.i CM 7 At ' You will bo surprised at Ita cooling Sailed Aug. 7: vi1 I Kitchener Field Marshal NHWCASTLB I a 4 m 10 r. M S II preservatfvo California I I 11. and properties S. S. Vennnchan, for Honolulu. m ' ft a ir. 11' a at CM Feed Co., t U..I1...1 T! SUM oirtii 1'IIUKMUAV . AYER'S agntj. tltf Am' I l M Tho Royal Annex bar will LONDON, AIJOU8T fl. Ocncrnl YIcount Kitchener ha been ap- for San Francisco. II CM l.. (1 II 0 II I J l f. :h AM I') irl S. S. Kulcrprlsc, I Saturday evening, August 7. under tho Inspector-gener- pointed field marshal nnd of tho Mediterranean forces, S. S. Siberia snlls for San Francisco 7 T it 1.2 7 :i1 1 H t a;l A ?A r. .11 III II management of Dick Sullivan nnd A. m. I'. M, t I I'lllOAl succeeding II, II. 11. tho DitKc of Con l. aught. He also retains command v n. Sarsaparilla Jorry Coker. Everybody Is cordially , tomorrow (Kuniliiyj nt in. s i.i.i. s n it; 3 ot: n.ti It Honolulu Chapter noyal Arch. ot tho forces In India. Viscount Kitchener Is the juungest Held marshal Invited to ntlend. . u ih a.iH a ill A a; r,:).1 HATUIVDAY Is the host family tncdlclno you can In tho history of Hngland. WATERFRONT NOTES inn J , havo. A thorough rourso of treat- TIIK STHAMKIl Mauna Ki-n- nrrlx-M- l ment with It Horatio Herbert Kitchener, fir st Viscount Kitchener of Khiutum, make good red blood, this lnnrnlng from Hawaii, bringing Last quarter of tho moon August 8. SHOPPING NEWS O. C. It., O. M., C. M. O., was born in lKlin nt House, Ibillylong-te- d All visiting membert of tha brings tho old color hack to the lips, Crotlrr a full list ot pnsHcngcrs nnd general lluftullan standard tluio is lu Uuai. ford, County Kerry. Ho was cducn nt Iho Hoyal Academy Order nre cordially Invited to lllls out tho checks, nnd gives tho Military, cargo. Purser Phillips reports the fol- 30 minutes slower than Oreeuwlcu AND nt Woollen nnd entered tho engine ers in 1R71, Ills services dls- - ot tie nd meetings ot local lodges glow ot perfect health. wei.o lowing sugar on Hnwall leady for time, being that of tho meridian 167 llngutshed, In tS'JO ho liccunio S Egypt. In l!)00 11 n ume Perhaps you sutler from the en- nnd Idar of ho became ihlpmont: Oliin, 11,297; Walakca, I cgrces 30 minutes wuisuu REMINDERS In com- - blows 1:30 D. m which Is U10 sumo feebling c fleet ot a prolonged spell ot BUSINESS chief of stnff In South Africa, nnd tcr succeeded Lord ltolieits ns 28.O0O; Waln.ikii, 4M0; Onomea, at mander In chief. In 1902 ho been me cnmmnnilcr In chief In India. at (Irccnwlcb, 0 hours u minutes. Hun warm weather. If so, Ayor's Sarsapa- Pepeekco, .9fi.'.; llonomu, A7U0; and moon for local time tor Uie EARJIONY LODGE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. E. Kitchener was created llarou Kltche tier nnd viscount In 1902. aio rilla will ltallzo your blood and 1ve Whit- lnrl898 Hnkalait. finished; liiipthnchnc, 2".-00- whole group. New ginghams, 10c n yard. He received o f Parliament been voted you renowed force, vim, and energy. has twice the thanks nnd has Ookala, 200(1; Kiiknluu I). 4791, j. Meets tvprr Monday evening at ney & Marsh. $400,000 by tho British govcrnomnt In acknowledgment of his services. ARRIVED :3Q ot Home 11. 435; Hanmktu, K.dOO; Paauliaii, In I. O. 0. F Hall Kort Street. A now tnmtr, Snma-luivl- C. K. Notlcy, president the , Jtrr' o S300; Honok.ia, COCO; Kukiilhaolo, August 7. B. It. HENDIIY, Secretary roiitilnn no alcohol. Ilulo party, nrrlved this morning froi.i Saturday, V. D. W1CKE, N. U. llnwnll. CCOO; Pim.iluii, 11878; llomiapo, 1937. U, S. S. cruiser St. Louis, from Sa moa, HO 11. m, Air visiting brothers tary cordlall) There are rrnny imitation V. M. Graham was a pastengcr this U 7: 1. M. Siberia, from luvltcd. Sarsaparillas. from Hawaii. Ho arrived on Japan Forces China 4 P. S. S, Yokohann, morning I PA8SENQEH8 BOOKtU 8: 10 n. m. Be sure you "AYER'S." tho Mantm Ken. . 1 get San Mauna Kca, from Hllo nml OAHU LODQE, Mo. 1, tomorrow morning at Oc Per P. M. S. S. Slhsila, for Fran Stmr. K. of P Services TOKIO, August 7. As tho climax of jlio protrnctcd conlniversy, 7 n, timni tr Dr. J. C. hit k C , ll.llt, Mui., U.S.. Cisco, Aug. 7. D. P. It. lsenbcrg nnd Maul portu, m. man Lutheran Church, Pastor Folmy, Japan has sent her ultimatum to Chlnn, and litis Issued nn ofllclnl nolo Frl-la- wife, W. II. (Ilbblns, II. II Olbblns and Meets every first and third ATKS'S TILLS, fctrt 11 o'clock. Sunday bchool nt 9:45 I Ik. hrallr UuUtl. at to tho Powers, announcing that she will proceed to reconstruct tho H. W. DEPARTED IC. (.crvant, II. Khlers and wife, cloning at 7:30 In ot P. Hall, n, m. Antung-Miikde- n rnllrond, regardless of opposition, In accord-unc- o China's Peterson, F, .I. I.owicy, A, J, Lowrcy, Friday, August G. corner Kort nml Deretanla. Vlaltlni Ocorgo Lycurgus, manager of tho with the treaty of 190R. Fred Knight an I ulto, Miss Tliolnn A.-l- K. S, Texan, for Port Allen. orothors cordially Invited to attend. Union Grill, who went up to Hllo on negotiations, extending Jnpnn dcclnres that nftcr over three jenrs, Parker, Mlsn Ilivcu, Mrs. Wnlcrliiiry .": I.i p. NUUHXT, C. m. F. I.. C. business, leturncd today on tho Mauna is nnd refuses, to losl-Ho- China still unyielding reccdn from her luitcn.iblu Miss llrndford. Miss Margaret Hind Stmr. Chuiilluc, for Muni and llnwnll It. GOSLING. K. R. S. Ken. through policy A n of evasion nndprocrastlnntlon. Mlsa Mon.i Hind, Miss Clirn Low, I.. ports, 5 p. m. nnd Mrs. 1 Woods of Hawaii Mr. J. It Is not believed hero that tho ultimatum will result In nn) thing II, llorclko, Oeo. llrown, Carl Schncfer, Fr. bk, Amlinl Ceclle, for Port Town-ten- HONOLULU LODGE 010, B. P. E. woro today on tho Mauna Kca. 0. arrivals approaching war. ' Mis. C. P. Morso and 2 children. Mies 2 p. m. stay hero about m m They will probably p. Hnrd.iwny, Miss M. Moon, Simon N'oe.iu, for Knual ports, fi p, 111. Honolulu Lodgo No. GIG, I). P. 0. Stmr. two weeks. Wile. Dr. It. II. Dlncgar, ulfo nnd 2 Kn Mol, for a. Kike, meets in their ball, on King HIDES FHEE LEATHER DUTIABLE. Schr. Hawaii, in. A. Oartlcy, manager of the Hawaii- children, Sam Wight, Mrs. O. II. Street, near Fort, every Friday even- TODAY an Klectrlc Company, returned this BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. Tin-- new on llalley, Mis. I)r, Henry Matthey and 2 SAILING ing. tariff law puis hides tin .1. Visiting llrothcra nro cordlall) from Hawaii, on tho (.htldrcn, morning nrrlvl.w free list nnd n duty of ten per ecu t on manufactured leather. ll, Schoenfeld mid wife, Mrs. P. M. S. S, Siberia, for San Fran-(.Ire- . Invited to attend. -- Thought Ken. j- . Jl L . L II. II. Allen, Mrs. W. II. Urnlncrd steamer Mauna and K. A. DOUTIUTT. n. It. , S p. m, A was nicd today by Llizlo Infant. .Mrs. .I. O. Hush, MIsm IM.i H. C. HASTON, Sec'y. petition T Namokueha for lettors of administra- Bint; up Telephone S88. Wood and Coal Stove Schllchcr, Mrs. I,. Haffcrty, Mrs. I.. f SAILING TOMORROW Namo-kuchn- , Quality Quantity Itlchards. R. M. Walsh, Dr. A. A. tion for the estate of Oeorgo fuel. and the aim. S. S. Siberia, Zeedcr, Tor San Fran- Win. M'KINLEY LODGE No.8, K.ofP. Ulackman,' wlfo nnd child, K. O, At- - deceased. Tho total value of cisco, 9 a, water, C. II. Mrs. in. tho cstato Is 1250. lllnckman, nolle Meets every Lud and 4th Saturda) Russell, Miss Helen Crnglu. Mrs. I. O For You Judge V. L. Stanley nnd Cecil Drnvinir. Exnrtu and DUE TOMORROW ivenlng at 7:30 o'clock In K. o( V. ninckman, Mrs. .Iiilln Hnlcr, Dr. K. V. I Brown, president of tho First Nation- Oneral Traninortation.Excavatimr and PilHm? , Hall, cor. Fort and llorotanla. Visit- - "wl WHco, I,. P, Scott, II. A. Itausch, Stmr. MlkahAla, fioni Molokal ports, Incoming p s on uenerai uoniracung. u. w. menu uu frop. Ing brothers cordially Invited to at- - al Hank, noro all, Thco. Cooke, Milton Goldsmith, Miss A. m. , tho Mauna Ken today. '.end. C. Goldsmllh, .1, A. Itoschorn nml wife Stmr. Klnaii, from Knual ports, a. worry F. M. McOUEW, C. C. No two men are just Don't over wash iby. l'ut the Mrs. K. A. Shaw, II. P. Gardner nnd m. on Kn - E. A. JACOIISEN, K. R. S. alike no two suit brunt of tho work I'nu liana, wlfo, C. it. Hunter, B. Hodemnnn tho soap will clean without tiring RAIL MONDAY I should be just alike. that ri?LIlHONF6o3 Jonathan Shaw, Mis. G. J. Decker and our muscles. At all grocers or Fred HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. Z. JASfW. PRATT, P.O. 1JOX 451 daughter. F. II, Sinclair, K. Cropp A. II. S. 8. Texan, for Port Allen, S perfect-fittin- g L. Telcphpno 12. . You want Waldron. ... jf John Hepburn, Miss .Mnnrof,..MIss K. 1', m. Men who nro looking for tho latott 129 Moets on the 2nd and 4th WED- clothing, don't Merchant Street, adjoining Stangcmvald Buildinc. McGruth, Mrs. .1. 1). Whllu nnd inn Sir. Clauillnc for Maul and Hiw.ill and best In footwear are referred to NESDAY erenlngB of each month at you I O. II. Zccht and wire. Miss A. Stewart porl:, .'. p. in. 1:30 o'clock In K. ot P. Hall, corner nd In this Issuo of Mclncrny's Shoo M. F. Prosscr, 1.. Hill, W. Hill, Mls4 ntyl-Is- Real. for Sale 'Beretanla and Fort streets. Only way is to have Store. It shows ono of tho most Estate and Lease K. Mnlonoy, l.leut. K. P. More, Mar. j PASSENGERS ARRIVED at-n- of tho Packard models. Ino Corps; 11. D. Visiting Eagles are Invited to them made for yon. CITY AND SUBURBAN LOTS. FARMING LANDS. Don man, wlfo nnd Per P. M. rt. S Siberia, from Yoko- New Summer and Fall styles in Al- von; Miss V. K1111110, Dr. I. Lewis, John hama. Aug. 7. For Honolulu: T. II. W. M. Get us to make them ' fred Dcnjamln Co. clothes aro now Dolor, Alex. Poulos, W. u. Cnthorp McCOY, W., Preit. llclfleld. .Mrs. T. 11. Ilelfleld. IC. C. Secy. for you, we open at tho Kash Co., Ltd., corner Fort Geo. iX. It. Twiibo, Otcar Mnurer and II. T. MOOHE. because Pi own. Mrs. K. C. Urmvn, Miss II. V. and Hotel streots. Thcso suits aro wife, Mrs. Mary .Moody, Mrs. E. S. guarantee satisfaction. Clarksnn, Carl Crltchett, Mrs. Call mado In tho prevailing Now York Orny, I. 11. Kerr and wlfo, Miss Kerr, HAWAIIAN TRIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. R. M. We find it easy to do Crltchctt imd Infant. Master Crllclictt, styles, for warm weather wear. Miss Pooler, Thomas .lobsou nnd wife. ; Popular Place Reopened ; T. Field, Mrs. T. Field. M. Kanl. W Meets every first nnd third Thurs- this. T. Ota, who pleaded guilty Tjofnro Per M. N, S. S. Hllonlan. for San II. Mclnerny. Through: S. Aral, Mrs. days ot each month at Knights ot Judgo Andrado ot selling poisonous Francisco, Aug. 10. Miss K.imes. Miss Expensive! Mary llarnos, Mrs. .1. Dell, M. c. Pythias Hall. Visiting brothers cor- drugs without a proper license and Mnydcll, S. A. Monsarrat nnd wlfo, W. H, Pulnniii nml wlfo, A. W. K. Drookes, Miss Dorothy Diyau, William dially invited to attend. No, not when you who was fined 150, has appealed to IhO Under tho management of genial Itfri.' All of Iho old patrons will find Chilton, It" O. Chilton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jobsou, Mrs. I.'. Hurt Krnest D. Iliirlon. Mrs. Brnest I.. A. PERRY. Sachem. get satisfaction. Circuit Court for mitigation of his sen- tho plnco ns cool and comfortable ns Dick Sullivan nnd Jerry Coker, Iho A. T. Morso, Miss M. lleldy, Miss U A. ll. Ilnrlon, Miss M. B. Iliirlon, Lieut 13. V. TODD, 0. of R. tence. l.oforo and with Dick Sullivan and i Royal Annex liar will bo thrown open Mom oe, Mrs. (I. .1. Decker nnd (laugh-ter- , Guy W. S. Caslle, .Morris U Doll, Mlsi Our business suits Sachs' mammoth clcaranco Rale Cokcr tho Iho "ill. Jeiry behind bar service Mrs. M. C. Peek, Mis. V. Schultz, Annii Doiilln, Mrs. K. Dudley. Lieut made to your measure continues only a fow days longer. Don't to tho public at G o'clock OiIb evening. will bo par Don't forget excellence. Cnpt. Ilaktr, l.luut. Turner. C. II. Met-calf- , Otto Bbert. Mis. V. B, Fnliiiestnck, e put oft purchasing until too late. Hun- Tho citizens of aro conllnlly for Twenty-fiv- Dol- Honolulu tho "nig Opening" and como early J. A.. It. Vlerra, J. G. Farla, Mary .Mrs. Forbls, Miss Forbls. Mrs. J. Gug- Wc are in line with tho dreds and hundreds ot satisfied invited to good tlino Is prom- - stay lars are incomparable. cus' attend a nnd jto. Farla, W. ltascmnii, K. W. Wilcox, genheim nml Infant, 2 children nn.) best assortment ot tomors havo taken advantage of tho Chns. P. LanilresHc, Miss B. M. Slier-Ula- aniah, G. Howard, Adolph llupc, A. Our evening clothes marvelous bargains during tlio past I.. Stanley, Mrs. J. P)per, Miss Junatlinu Shaw, Miss P. I.. Hose, Jurkson, Mrs. A. Kokido, excell. ARRIVED I Jackson. T. week. PASSEN3ERB Cnpt. Maker, Mr ami Mis. , llrockle, l.leut. Tur- Hnrutmanu, Miss Kvans, Miss Alinlo KooIk-iii- Msh II. M. I.ann-Ing- , Work on placing tho telephone lines Miss Kali) Per Sir. Mauna Kca, Freeman, ner, It. II. Anderson, Master Iloogs, Cooku, Ous Cordes, Mabel C'hiiM. Lorjo, F. J, Lnepc, lleinhaid underground began yesterday, a gang Cordes, Mrs. M. .1. Talcum from Hllo nnd way ports, 7 n. m.: j It, K. Ilonlne, W. C. I.ash, Miss A. ,811a res. Martin. Mrs, Ilernbaril Marlon, Miss of men beginning work on Merchant Geo. A. Mrs. Dwlght, Miss Dwlght, II. F. Hobo, Oeo. I.)curgus unit servant, K. I). MfLaiirln. Dr. L. (' Mendel. Mis. Martin, street. Today other gangs will begin Cn Crawford, Miss Nichols. Miss K. J. Mis. brill nml four children, T. L. C. Mendel. Miss I. Mendel, S. Mil work, and by noxt week tho company O. C. H. Hlgiichl, T. Man MRS. SIMERSON DEAD Hotel Street. Ilogcrs, Miss A. Chambers, Mrs. Anahnwa, Hrv, lata, T. Nakahasl, L. Niimmciircn, Powders expects to havo tho project well under Chong. C. Howies, V. Ii. Hubbard, W. T. C. W. II. Ilccn, II. Notlcy, .Miss F. O'Meara, Win. Pholnn, Win. way. -. Colt-har- d, I.. Miss A. Ilnrnnril, A. Mrs. A'mlo Kclkeoowu Smith, Hill, W. Hill, W. U Gilbert, Slmerson, I'lolz, Itnlph Potter. Itoraco G. Hoed, Tha Manufacturers' Shoo Co Is Just II. C. Hllss, C. N. IIIIbs, Weill, Miss C. Hcslllc, Mrs. II. P. wlfo of Captain A. C. Slmerson In the market. All makes. It. of the Dr. C. E. Itlggs. D. W Itoso, K. Shllia-bar- 5,.. In receipt ot a shipment of thr latest C. Miss Hockley, Mrs. W. Miss A. .Mauna l.on, died 11 Perfumed and Plain. Avcrell, W. Cobb, Miss Cobb, P. lllent. this morning at Barl Smith. Mrs. J. W. Sinllli, Btylcs In Indies' footwoar stylos ho o. Panjullno, It. O. Mntheson. F. o'clock nt homo Just ask for the kind you Sncll, MIsrcs Soper (2), Oco. J. her at Palatini. Shu Fred Sommcrs, Mrs. J. Stmtovput, now that cuts to Illustrate thuui wuro C. II. Woods, Woods two serv- has been ailing want. Miss D. Wood, Mrs. Mis. and for three da)B, suffer- Mrs. L. K. Thoiins, Dr. lt..Thiiiiin.ild unobtainable at tho factory. vou aro AVood, Schae-fc- r, ants. Miss TowiiRcnd, U. Ken Kin, ing Lehnhardt's Candies always "Old Wood, Master Master fioni asthma bronchitis. Dr. Mc- Mis I. Miiitlo and maid, Slginiind Invited to call at tho storo and try Miss S. Ilallentyno, Miss It. Mlsa I,. Vlng. F. II. Shaver. Oeo. Donald was mo iittendlng physician. fresh at Webis. Mis. if, .1, Whitley. .1. C. Wll them on. Werner. Mrs. J. II. Christopher, Mrs. Holt, Chris Holt, Miss Meek, Win. Captain Slmerson been Continental" has notified Mir. Mrs. .1. C. Wilbur. Wong Q11I11 received by Hllonlan a II, Mnbbcry children, A. Hookanlu, Itcv. Shim Yin Cliln, W. by Jordans nnd two II. wireless of tho death of his wire Wah and nallvo sorvant. grand of novelty waists, over 10'J V. Flnckc, T. P. dray. W. llnlllngcr, Ollvcrlun, Clins. Ah Tho lot ltnnsh, J. funeral arrangements will bo an " t CHAMBER'S DRUG Old-styl- o straight Ken- htylos of really high class goods. All M. Graham, S. Harrison, C. O, llart-lct- t, I.nl, Miss M. K, Lou, A. Oarlley, llro. nounccd later. PASSENGER8 DEPARTED Conti- sizes up to 2S.00. No two walslu In Mrs. 11. K. Ilalrd and child, Kdward, l.co Wo, Chong Il.i, Miss V. tucky Bourbon. Per str. Qlaudlno, Maul III CO., Ltd. the cntlro lino alike. Not only aro thn Master V. Beckley, Cecil llrown, W. DavldKon, Miss A, Keiila. BULLETIN AIM PAV for and nental was the favorite lo, Aug. (i. N. styles very' beautiful, but tho cut Is Constublo nnd wlfo mid child, Miss Holdcn, King and Fort Sts. ot the Southern gentry Ih overy way perfect. Miss Wodehoiise fvirnnryrinrVYVtfiVi""vi""""""""""" Miss von Tempsky, Mrs. W. Hlckey Phone 131. ot "befoah the war" pe- Tho Independent Auto Stand, nt Miss L. Vtidoboiiso, P. M, Knhokiio riod, 'A good, honest, King Bishop Btrccts, havo as and a lima, Miss Klla Goo Kim, Miss Annls flvo of expert friendly old whiskey'." btartcr tho most chauf Goo Kim. Pro', nnd Mrs. Alcxander r in tho feurs city. Tho stand Is well B. F. Moseloy, 8. H. J'.osos, Miss among Madeira located and tho cars tho bout, Gentenniars Daisy Wilder, Mrs. II K. Knlwlne.i ?,r The stand makes a specialty ot round liana, MrM. Miickall, Miss Mackall, I' W. C. Peacock tho Island trips, but Is at your sor- - W. Ashford. A. Tavaics. M. O. Laden Embroideries vice by tho day, hour or at hack ratoa. end wife. & Co., Ltd., Tolephono 609. It you contcmplato tho purchaso of t..L:.. Secretary MRS. ROSENBERG. YOUNG HOTEL Best Flour Mntheson of tho Gnxorn an adding machlno don't fall to con . (ir's office was among II1I11 ft - tho niilvnli KEYSTONE-ELGI- WATCHES Sole Agents. bldcr tho WrIcs Vlsiblo, tho best add UBlIfA-', morning on tho Mauna Kon. Ho came INOEHSOLL WATCHES ing and listing machlno on tho market, liom Hawaii, where ho WMt to llnlsh Is the strongest and best flour At All Watchdealers. So thoroughly certain Is tho Hawalluu made for family use. It up tho registration ot tho Hawaiian- - Nowa'Co. of this fact that 'a thirty-da- born Japanese, requires less flour to the loaf of bread than most other froo test Is offered. Try tho Wales sl"R17,firi: Editor Ilan'aUaii-Iai.-nnes- The Industrial Edition of the 5 Klmura of tho Jos, Schwartz, thirty Evening wrapped Visible for days and return It U'AJUV brands, and its uniformity of quality year in and year out Dally Chronlclo received an un- Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Bulletin, llk'o readv for mailing, 00 cents at B u 1 If j on do not it. Isn't thls'a fair signed letter, written lu JnpaiO(,, tint- Cor. FORI and KING Sts., Honolulu. enables the cook to judge accurately how 1 e t i n office offer. it will bake. ing that ho would bo thu uuxt i.inr. to Lo cuPj him-ic- lf NEW SUMMER MILLINERY There's no uncertainty about C. B. New stock just in. assnsslnaled. Tho wi Iter 11 gambler. at Iff MISS POWERS' MILLINERY Mens Clothes M 4-- Sea Wrens, PARLORS. Best I TTTT.NPV MA V & nr T J $100 W. W. AHANA CO. IWU'j'M WITH eu5kVi.vk 18-fo- Motor Boston Building, Fort St. launch with 02 South King St. Phone 22 Motor. $175, Complete. Bulletin Business Office Phone 250. TIIE CHARLES D. WALKERS BOAT Style and Fit AND EulleUu Editorial Room Phone 185, W(WWWWIWWWWtMtWIWIWtIMtWIWWMtlAAllll MACHINE WORKS King St., opposite South St, .

V & :.m,G.iftfailTli I,, dtHwiyMI .. J. 1 "WMiywSII ij w"wwr; ;tp?pr;7



, ?

if WALES VISIBLE Adding and Listing Machines

FEBRUARY 6th, Judge Halsey, of Equity Court, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, handed down an opinion preventing Joseph ON Boyer, President of the Burroughs Adding Machine Co., of Detroit, and his associates from gaining control of the Adder i Machine Company. This simply shows that the Wales is the best adding machine made or else Mr. Boyer and his associates wouldn't try to gain con- trol of the company that manufactures it. They know how many advantages it has over other adding machines. And just to let you see also, the merits of the Wales, we will let you give one a free 30-da- y competitive test. Use it for 30 days without paying a penny.

Alexander HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., Ltd., Young Bldg,

Ho Is nlso special member of the NOTED WRITER Osaka Chamber of Commerco. GOVERNOR GIVES Mr. Nnkahnshl Is no wis years old, and he Is visiting points of in- YES! ON SIBERIA terest In the Ktatur. While in San OFFICERS DINNER THE PESSIMIST SPIEGEMYER, Francisco he will be tho guest of . tho San Francisco Chamber of Com- I merce. Fiom thoro ho goes to sea President of Osaka Merchants Ship tho Niagara Falls, thence to Chica- Oood Fellowship Is Exchanged Be- The melancholy days como, 1 morn glnd ns anything lu get a let-- more n vonce, so I vent. I nm go, Now Vork and Scuttle, where ho have waterfront saloon. In the lack -- Company Says Strike leaders tween British Executive and Tho saddest of tho year, a I'oe lor from you. Everything liy tliln'turiy I ent now, becnuso I found uill join the rest of tho members of , let a nightmare picture tlnvij Have Bad Name in Japan Has Americans on the Cruiser St. The prico of high city in ns usunl Including tier ell-- out dot I huff liccn shlcoplng all the Osaka Chamber of Commerce, milk has riz so life's thought that rodo his Bhoul- - mnto iind dcr Japanese hitters froniiwiong for dcr hint forty years, nnd Few Passengers. who will go to Japan on tho steam- Louis. Tho babies must drink beer. der like the ling of. the Hills and' Many peoplo who hnvo grown up tier plantations, oniy ucr Japanese u mixes nio nearly nil nigm 10 gci ship Mlnncsntn, direct from Seattle. culminated In this the sanest fron After encountering pleasant Realizing the good fellowship, lu a - vln-nln- g Mr. NnkahnHhl is n graduate, of barrel liavo rcgielted that Fd- zy that ever was offered in Anlnrlrtl were getting more nwny fiom Into dcr sanltnry bow knot vot der tho ...... weather nnd a smooth trip from the ...... gar Allen ever " effery day. I told you, Adolph, man vns only proper Toklo Imperial University, class of which cxisis uciwcon roe drew tho hie.ith nnd llacchus and a hundred others lcctuie said dcr ....(- I .. t 1 . .. .. ( . . Orient, steamship Cap- ..n.l tt.lttul. .Mi.u-io-..flt..., .l.n I1..I.I..I. - Iir- - ... n ... .. labor don't enn bent capital In ills way. I can tell you dot tho Siberia,, 1880. After his graduation ho be- Him ...nil.,, luv urn kii- in inc. i nave never uccn nolo lo iiwiR unit aie poiueiy laiiucu by Hiq, don't all .1...... tain Zeeder, today, docking nr.tnp ,,.tn Bimn ,.f ill.,.MIT iiinul ...... I.. .I.,... ..I. ,1...... i vorld, und bo ns dene peoplo ho tdileep, I arrived came n Judge, which position he re- v.itu, .;.,,. t,,,c IJIIVi.n wi iiiu., in, UMKIll lllllll Bl'O lIlilllllH llllll II U11UIC11,rl...... l. VI booh said nbout but vlll told - . nt 10 nntrivnliln ilniinna .In Iwitwit- ... ..,. ,... 11. n.li ...I...... l.l . .1.1.1 tr vliaty belong to n nation what Is "go you vhnt not to do, und It don't the Uackfcld wharf at about signed to enter the Department of ' it fun. ,,1, ,,,i-,- t.in, viiiiiu .....I.muni iiiui Ulll- - o'clock. She hi ought a few passen- tain (Heaves " ..."olflccis of r,ess , Ing to enlighten dcr vorld" get dot cost jou 2fi cents. Don't Bhlcep on Agriculture and Commerce. In 1889 and the the with the Touch Divine. Hut Tho Furopcnn cfrlsls is beromlns gers among be- IT. S, Louis, fact through der skull der better It der left side, becnuso It puts too fur Honolulu, whom he wns appointed tho counsellor of S. St. which arrived this now i regret his death. He s needed, more and more ncuto every moment, ing W. Mclnerncy, who morning She ill be nil mound. I'crhnps dey vus much pressure on dcr heart. Don't II. has been tho llureau of Legislation mid visit- fiom Samoa. made for thcio Is n Btory afloat tliat will Uncle King Kd refutes to go to Carls'. trying to enlighten der vorld In der turn offer on der right side, for der visiting In tho Orient. Others In- ed Knglaml, France, Germany, Aus- tho trip in ten days, experiencing bo waited on the wot Id unless n I'oo bad und swish out his liver and Km Mr. C. Hi own, pleasant art off vlnning shtrlkos. Veil, dey lung on dot side don't get goot ac- clude and Mrs. E. tralia, Italy, Itussla nnd North Amer- weather. writes It. A San Franclbco ship pcror Hill pulls a hair savagely out vlll miss dcr guess. tion'. For shlmmlncy sake don't got well Juiown locally; Mr. and Mrs. ica mPtho luniiiilssloner of the When tho St. Louis left here boiiio builder lives sixty years a of his mustache and calls his bo- - T. II. llolfleld, tlmo ago, A gentleman vhnt lives In Ililo on our stomach to shlcep, for den Mr. and Mrs. Carl System In Kurope nnd she .visited Tutulhi, Suva, life nnd tlirlfty and accumulates loved Undo an "old fool." Next? i 1 says be enn't find anybody In dot you vlll shut off both lungs. If you Crltchell, son and Infant, and Mr. America. FIJI, Samoa and other small Islands. out of his wnges one thousand nnd M rlty who vas offer charged on dcr should accidentally get on your and Mrs. T. Field. In tho steorago Among his recent essays may bo At each of these places sho nmed n six hundred dullais. Then ho draws Lately wo have been putting IIo; I foity-flv- e she brought Japanese and Jap-'an- few days' stop. While in Suva, It money Fourth of July, Veil, ninybe he back get off of it right nvuy quick mentioned the "Durability of 's his fiom the hank and ho nolulu barbers to tho test. Wo haver', was H, can't nt this Into dny. llosldes wo unless you vont to hit dcr nervous eighteen Chinese, who wero sent National Wealth.', "Against reported that M. S. Powerful who nover touched n drop of liquor discovered that If we can nssiimo nn's would beforo was not shy any off der sports what bystcm mlt a shock. I don't know over to tho Immigration Station for Second War," "Mnniigcmcnt of Fi- nnlvo thero the St. went tho S"nrlet Way calmly, air even like unto tourist wo wlllO Luuls went offer to llllo. Doy nil enmed what wo poor fellows nre going to examination. nances and Conclusion of Fence." left for Honolulu. This did without the excitement of be charged thlrty-flv- c cents. If wo, back. Some off dem woro offer do nbout it. Vo can't Bhtnnd on Among tho through passengers Id not, however, materialize. novelty evident, but tolling the bois- look like a kamaalnn wo nro only. In Captain (Heaves, charged when doy landed from dcr our head und shleep, becnuso It Iss T. Nakahashl, president of tho Osa- ACHMANE'FACTIONS. tho absenco of terous life with tho air of thoc who cliiugeil twenty-nv- o cents. This for steamer here, but of course der gen- not nice for one thing, und It Is ka Merchants Ships Co., nnd one of Fxecutlvo Oincer I'rntto said this lead a foiloru hope against a breach a siinve. For face torture, hair cut morning ho open- tleman from llllo does not refer to difficult to keep covered in dot posi- tho grentest political writers in 'Continued from t) thnt the ship will well cunriled! nnd snH Hint "wllh nml almll.ir Hilnc, i.n .iiff,.vnnnn in tiat ed by to- lot hind off nu offer charge. I vou- tion. It nlso turns der bedding all Japan. He Is accompanied by K. agreement, but that I.ano balked, for Inspection the public my last twenty I go" nnd ho wenl pioportlonnte. Talk nbout consplrn'-- '' tho ship ch' r Iff ho expected to find bomo oft crooked. A great many horses Salbahara, his private secretary, stating that ho would give ciuefill morrow ufternoon. When by tho pistol routo when his last cles, Too bad thnt stocks uiu out of our boys vondorlng around dcr vllda bhlcep Bhtnndlng up Iff dey don't got While hero ho will bo tho guest of consideration to It, bofoie ho would will go to llllo, If at all, ho was not roln wus broken over tho bar of a fashion. ri off llllo bceklng whom doy might bense enough to lie down. I think Mr? Tokieda of the Yokohama Speclo bind himself to anything, I.ane in position to say anything nbout it. After tho ship had docked und tho bhtnnd off for a deck passage homo. dot Iss der only Bnfo vny for mo to Uiink. docs not want to bind himself under clats, ho will eventually ho thrown. . SHEBA BLAMES. (Heaves call- llllo I sa growing, sure. Der vas shlcep undor HKo conditions. If you The Siberia will sail at 9 o'clock written agreement, which might ef- lines fastened, Captain "Look nt Mnhlno nnd other strike v ed nu Captain Itees, commandant at n notitcnlilo Increase In der num- are very fat, Adolph, you had bet- tomorrow morning for San Francis fect his future, lenders, they worked hnrd for tho (Continued from Pass 1) 'I ber off Jupa who huff moved Into ter Bit up nil night bo dot your ap- co. Among those who nro booked to Accoidlng to tho AchI followers, the naval station. strikers, but towards the end, they accompanying the editor in a friendly, ttiwn. I hnff been doro, Alodph, paratus ins4es can vork properly leave on her Is Lieutenant Comman' It Is rcpoited that AchI Is not anx- got left and are now getting nenrer bplrll und then turning upon SIEMSEN'S FUNERAL TOMORROW his miy und I lino wvlint I vns talking nbouts mitout being clogged. If you find a der Moses, U. S. N. Ho will bo lie. ious to enter tho political fight in j.in. iiu iuiuii nu tvimiu uicj biiBpecuug viciini iiiui plunging a Kniro, It Iss n plnco vhero efforybody sits position vhen you Bhlcep vhnt I don't compunled by Mrs. Moses. again, lie would rather remain out worked hnrd nro slacking back Illtn lilu limit' n Tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock, tho down mlt n grunt, und your shoes know nbout you vlll told mo der T. N'aknliashl, president of tho of it altogether and devote all his "1 bellevo It Is belt to lot lab- Sheb.i bus u forgiving word for thosul funeral services over the remains of tho accumulate n cont oft mould before next time you write, Osaka Merchants Ships Colfl., and tlmo to the practice of law. orers struggle for living, of tho Jupnnese who hnvo been honestt: tho F. a their father morning. Hut, I seo by pnpers Job-so- n Is late Chillies Slemscn, former Bay, Adolph, don't der dot Mr. ono of tho most Inllucntlal political I.ane, on the other hand, Just than spend my time talking nnd ly led Into tho belief that ho has no re-- ? icBldent or llllo, will bo held at St. An- you offer breath a vord off ills out- vns tooked uvuy from der light writers In Japan, Is going to tho as anxious to by out again and tako shouting nt public meetings for gard for tho best Interests of side your own houso - somebody N, drew's cathedral, Hev, Canon HI tup-so- n breast, becnuso llllo ship Kukul,- und States ns a guest of tho Chambers of part lu politics. Ills lieutenant, their benefit. Already some of tho In Hawaii, but states that tho nut-- ? will ntllclntc, Ilelatlves und frlonds thinks its "It." clso vns going to run her. Mr, Commerco of tho piinclpal cities on Fernandez, however, Is watching tho Hawaiian lahoieis ale coming to como or tho strike is all tho linllcn- tnlk-c- of tho family nro Invited to attend. I vent by n lecture vhnt vns d Jnlison is going to bo given n Job on the mainland. He is accompanied signs of tho heaven, befoie ho ad- me, telling me that they would glo tlou that his Judgment needs. Tho reremonles will bo In clmrgo of in dcr hall n veck or so ag, n light ship. Veil, dot's a good by K, Shlb.ihnrn, his private secre- vises his chieftain to prepaie for me their Mippoil at the coming elec- Slieba cxpiessed his appreciation ofji IX)dgo No. 1, Order of Knuiehumehn. Der Biibjcct vns "ajiloop," nnd der plnco to be, und besldea, 1ft ho Is tary. war. tion. tho messngo of Bmpathy that was con tickets vas bo low ns 25 cents, I enough ho I.ano per- tt k a n tt :t tt a a u st a a n n n anchored far from shoro Ho stated this morning on board AchI aiul have not met "I am tired of theso promises and voj'ed to him from tho Japanese ofi thought thnt I vns a pictty goot vlll avoid nil worry off her shtriking till...... Htnlinilll...... a v . , (llimiffllp., , llld unnml n !. sonally, but their Interests have "Thero Is nothing In politics for I j .a...... ,,ci PVLIVIUI j I hope that I will be a'ble to keep Muul tluoiigh tho K von n g II it c--' Bnoozer mine self, Iff I could anything vhen swings a been binught to by I hut she round at mm iiiu sumo iing'icnuers ncro nro thoir attention me," said AchI. "Last tlmo, spent out of politics, even though I am l ' ' H said that ho thjtf learn how to get nny Bhlcep her anchor. belles more well known In Japan ns bad people, who are preparing tho alt my tlmo and cneigy for tho sake urged by my many friends to run has shown ho had a better Idea of for 20 qealn I op goot bye, Ho j don't would let Veil, Adolph. Como Thoy nre not well spoken of In Ja' way fdr tho meeting. It Is admitted of tho laboring class, but tho result iitrnlti ,i lo ,,ltn! tlintn lit I'li.lnpv till) best IlltereHt flf Ilia pillllltrvtminV push i ngalu joitunlty dcr push button spikohlmkyku. pan, and the general opinion of tho by tho I.ano faction that AchI Is ono wns 'nothing.' "I deem It best for at tho coming campaign." than did tho leaders of tho Higher! Japanese Is Btiongly opposed to tho of, If not tho sluowdost Hawaiian mo to keep out of politics and to Wngo Association. $ A CAMERA JOKE. HIS VIEWPOINT. strike, wns politician In On my my pro- which promoted by tlibo the Islands. this time to practicing TIl'TON. Ind, William I'. Mar Sheba is looking as well as coujdj "Just tho samo, It's no snap," re- - "It Is a lot to In bI s, fi woman's surfer nrioiint .Limes lends are trying fession. Theie Is more money in ker, assistant cnstilpr of tlm First bo expected and while he talks wltfij marked tho man who to be lenco," sho Mr. Is of to get him to llepubll-ca- n seemed lemarked. Nakahashl nlfo president haul back the prncllelng law, than fooling mound.' NnlIoml, Ilalll of T)toni hag ,Mp. bomo difficulty because of tho baniR thinking aloud "I should put It differently," rejoin- UJI pnity for Harmony. ' tho Hlver Hloctilo Co., I,td, the sake of Ill poiltll. lieareif. it till nn InveRtli-iiMn- n Rlinwa ages about IiIh head fltlil neek tlm nn!v "What's no snap?" queried tho In- ed tho mero man. president of tho Japan I.lino Nltto-ge- n AchI, when seen on the pioposl-- t Ib llko Japanese , ,,., "rolltliB tho ,, an jGO,000, besides tho coiirngement accompanying tho ceitsn nocent bystander who "How, pray?" she queried. Co,, Ion nothing to beyond, re- had overheard. Ltd., nnd nudltor of the had hay btrlke." rontlnued he. "Whon n nlnolIlt f money on bond nt tho Hon or tho strike nnd the vindication! "Making a tlmo exposure with n "A Bllent woman Buffets a ho Itnllway peating that ho would keep comes to lot," South Mnnchurlan Co., Ltd. lather leader right nut In the Held close of business Saturday night, Is or his opinions on tho labor troubles camera," explained tho nolay billdj Japan-Chin- a Co. out of polities altogether. j thinker. and of tho Steamers fight for tho interest of his labming missing, Tho bank has been closed will also assist In his convalescence! temporarily. (from tho knlfo wounds by Mori. 'j

- .Cj'J-.W..).- -- - rfrd-'y- rfc .tiia. ' vjuim Kuu. .... a.YilAAjiVA.twA i.'. ii! MMWMMMnW iMBaMwrnriiMi jsximJterttininanm M' WV-- 1 TUT-- 'nTW ' '- -r ivt ipy !jMg!ai r 4 EVENtNQ THILLETIK, HONOLULU, T. It., SATURDAY, AUG. ?, 1909. f f t - 4-- HIUttHt - Evening- ATTENTION! YE RENTERS Backache. Headache SUNDAY SERVICES a Bulletin I sawamaik. DAILYand WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO , LTD At 120 King Strset, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. t n t t t Internal Pains. Daily every day except t Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week. Fort St 2B.R .$ 8.00 Waiaiae Road 2B.R. . 30,00 Tho Klrst Methodist Episcopal "For this reason I recommend It church, corner Ileretanla nvenuo and all those who ore suffering with that MEMBER OF Rose and Middle Sts.OB, R. . 18.00 1245 Lunalilo . 30.00 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. St. ...3B.R. Miller street; John T, Jones, pastor terrible matady, dyspepsia. I hope way . Sunday school 10 a. m., Mr. Arthur all who are amlctetl in this R. - 1068 Kaili Ave 3B.R. 18.00 Manoa Valley 3B.R. . '35.00 that Wallnce Pwrrlrmton, Editor Itobblns, Hupt. Morning Worship, li will take Peruna and Manalln as I did." Union and Garden Bates St . 35.00 o'clock, hy suli-- ffmmmk 2B.R. Feruion tho pastor; SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Chronic Nasal Catarrh. Lane , Ject: "Go I'ii Portrait of a Good Man.' 3B.R. 20.00 Elsie Ave Mr. Ohas. II. Stevens, 122 Sixteenth and Young Epworth League, 6:30 p. in.; Topic St., Detroit, Michigan, V. H. A., writes I liVUNINO MUL.L.I1TIN WEEKLY HUUI.BTIN Pawaa Jet.. Alex, and St 4B.R. . 40.00 "Kiom Darkness to Sight If You "It affords mo great pleasuro to testi- Pet Moulh, anywhere In tj S s) 7A Per Sl Montna KingSts. . 21.00 Will," Mrs. (). 11. .80 2B.R. 1286 Beretania St. .5B.R. . 40.00 Walker, leader. fy to the raorlts of Peruna as a remed Per Ouartet, an) where tii US a.txj Per Veer, anywhere In U.S 1.00 Evening Worship. 7:30 p. mscimon for catarrh. rer Vet, ativlete In US Pet Year In Canada ,, Kalmuki, Seventh Av2B. R. . 22.00 ei.tio aurherc I. Bo by the pastor; subject! "Living Epis- suffered tor some tlmo with I'cr Wat, twipaid, foreign, ... la.oo Per Year poatiialil, foicieti a. (Ml FURNISHED. 'I tles." Tho Union lllblo Class will flvo -- Waikiki (Camp chronic natal catarrh, but after 1257XinauSt 5B.R. .$55.00 meet In this church Monday ovcnlng. trcatmont, during which tlmo I r 4B.R . 25.00 ..JMfi. months CIRCULATION LAROEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED Prucr meeting, Woduosdd evening! uacd seven bottles of Peruna I am in the Territory of Hawaii. Magazine and Spences 1420 Alexander St..3B.R. , 60,00 address by the Hcv, J. W. Wndman, pleased to say that I am entirely well, Hi of Tourists, strangers, visitors, sol- thero not being tho slightest trace Sts 2B.R. , 27.00 1475 Thurston Ave..4B.R. ,60.00 J Editorial Rooms, - 185 diers nnd Sailors are most cordially catarrh left. w 1 my M " Office, invited to attend the services of this "Peruna Is without a doubt, In Tl Business 256 church. mind, tho greatest remedy known fur Gnterrd t the ltoiT.ce at Honolulu catarrh." , ircotul-cla- matter. FOR SALE wesssW;' yW Weak, Tired reeling. SATURDAY AUGUST 7, 1909 VOLCANO VERY ACTIVE Mitt Mario A. Leiser, 028 W. 80th St., Worthy Sec Beautiful Bungalow in Makiki District; 7 rooms; 2 bed rooms; Chicago, Illinois, U. 8. A., retary I. O. G.T., writes I noblest motive is coun- them brliiK their policemen nnd so- porcelain modern plumbing; bath, sink, toilet, basin, etc; gas for cook- AND HILO The the IMS GOOD "I am glad to give a good word for try's good. Virgil. lders to arrest the thousand men ing; mosquito proof. Lot 50x90 feet. Rents every month for $25.00, and I h6pe that all who see this t Peruna, whom sec befoie me tonight, nnd g Hon,' Cecil Drown, president of the "Jftvtry mf-firin- v. ho aro troubled with systemic catarrh Honest American tabor ran Unit n prctt time they will to do prollt by It. hne Hank, today woman as I was for years, will nothing In common with criminal Price $2500 Easy Terms First National lcturncd many remedies, but none It" would takt Vf "I had tried ngltntlon unci murderous thugs Head this Introductory remark of from a brief louud trip to Hilo. Mr. runa, they did more than glvo mo temporary re- the strike campaign Contemplate Co., Ltd. Drown visited tho volcano mid found lief, and some did not cvon do that. r Trent would toon It Is ck-ii- th.it the alliance with the eU'iittc followed, and Trust It to bo very active and n magnificent "I took Peruna at tho suggestion of a that have know its value crime iitlll prevails in some section then form jour opinion as to what sight oven fur knmnalnas who hnvu friend, and was moro than pleased and and never be results, nf tlic iiIIcrciI American press of t'.u the man responsible for It Is doing, been tho pit of flru In many of Its live- surprised at tho without it." wetland ttrong. M lt. ns an olllcvr of nn American court, liest moods. "I am now perfectly a weak, tired feeling has loft me, to uphold law nnd order and pro- New-Sod- "They havo started In with tho ex- 1JI That A JOSEPH LACELI.E, feel llko a different porson en- Having failed to vvieck Ihu main mote among an people respect Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. tension of tho Hakaluu extension of MrtS. Can- and I alien HI., Ottawa East, Ontario, tirely." Industrv of Hawaii, art tin- - courts for our nation. tho Hilo rnllwn)," said Mr. Drown. Tho ada, writes! of Justice now to lie the center of preliminary work Is under way and "I suffered with backache, hoadacho The Slavery of Disease. attack? "If the planters trj to force the things look favorable to good progress. and drascins mlns for over nlno It Is wonderful how many women in g mo until have been laborers out of their home, the la- Member Honolulu Hilo n big boom mid every-thin- months, and nothing relieved Canada and tho United States . Nolo from what quarter conies the borers must light, eeu reortlug to Fountain seems to be satisfactory Iheic I took Pcrnna. This medicine Is by far practically mado now again by tho uu any other medicine for these effort to belittle the threats con- lulence to piotect their families. Ex- Judging from what 1 could seo and better tiian of Peruna. Stock and Bond troubles. A few bottles relieved mo of Not tho victims of any organto dis tained In murderous messages to Japanese must manifest the name, hear In tho brief time 1 vv.i In tho my mlscrablo, half-dea- half-allv- o con- ease, but a half dcadand half-allv- superiors of liw anil order. spirit of unlt and in has been installed town," Just li determination change. dition. condition. the present struggle as their fellow amnow in good health, havo neither dragging pains lcoep Resolutions iasxeil h) the Higher at the Alexander "I Mlscrablo, that countrymen have shown In their wnr We buy and sell ELKS CAPTURE. ache nor pain, nor havo 1 had any ror always from doing her best Wage no chelation a woman Asoclatlon show with Itussla." Young the past year. work, from being her best self. Cross from the determination of certain Stocks and Bonds. (Continued from Pace 1) "If every suffering woman would take and petulant, perhaps. Ma bo even .liii.inese to run this Think nf It. Such advice ns this We have forget. It was a round ot successful Peruna, thoy would soon know Its value slattern iu her household, Just because) Territory If thej can given to nn alien people by an o U- money to festivity from the llrst day and and never be without It." her health Is continually below par. right. She gets lcer of an American court, when the pi AFE cverjono entered Into the spit It of Dyspepsia and Indlfestlon. Sho never fccUqulto Han crime Mich u grip on Iho loan on listed sugar we un- tho of being sullen, or mor- aliens thus urged to light left their the occasion. Then had an Mde. Joseph Iteatidoln, 09 lino St. reputation throat of Justice In Honolulu that work voluntarily and had no claim expected number of membeis who Canada, writes: bid, or may stocks. Olivier, Quebec, P. !.. ono at all, i.ellaiit murderers depend on on planters formerly lived in Honolulu that for Indigestion. Her troublo is not a moral whatever tho or the 'Peruna Is wonderful ono. Make such weak or drunken Jurors for the The Very catnu to pic- longer it is simply a physical home provided by the planters. latest swell our ranks. The I eat whatover I want and no be- dys-pept- ta and sho Immediately irobalitllt of escape? Bishop ture that was taken on' the day ot feel any oppression. Having had a woman well Trust Co., Ltd. comes transformed Into a now boliitf. the parade shows a number of fami- tor a long time and haying tried apply COPPER-HEA- DS AND mentally. Should citizen workmen for CITIZEN Bethel St. Honolulu liar races and ou may bo suru that various other remedies, I decided to try cane contracts to For Quick Communication ot It ThU Is exactly what Peruna has done similar those we did our part In keeping de- Poruna and with tho fourth bottle LABOR. Use the curea. In a multitude of ca.oa. granted the Japanese there should lights of tha Terrltoty ot Hawaii f wa penecuy he no hesitation In putting the citi- Joro. The following wholesale druj-- ..-.- HONOLULU, well to the . SMITH & CO., zen labor Into the fields. Is Hawaii earning tho reputation "Los Angeles Is an Ideal conven- gists will t.ipp'.y tho rctull trade HAWAII. of having nn appreciable coppcr-:ea- d tion city arrangements President Taft's npology for the and the tor clement In Its midst? the gathering ot the Elks and their tariff Mil will make Aldrlrlilsm let-- Wireless CHINESE TAKE OUT SWILL We huve heard from so many entertainment was largely In WAGON WAS anil llover-tdg- o lett attractive l.a Toilette, quarters of u hostile undercurrent or associates prophets of ONE DOLLAR tho hands Motley Flint, who lias and their In this community against the strike miss all side Issues and decide the large experience the future ItepubllcunlMii had In work ot that CROSSJARRANTS LATEJN STREETS prosecutions based upon nnlmus cakes before them solelv on the law kind. As a result nothing In tho against the plantations, that we and the evidence. START A SAVING ACCOUNT. way ot What necessity Is there for delay eutcrtalnment was unsuccess- Ho Chock nnd Lee I'u Sow became Ah Kliiu was placidly wending UU commence to wonder whether or not Don't let us cure tho evils con- ful." In of a man who has made involved In a scrap jesterday, and weary way along King the trial Honolulu Is going to win the ill rep- fronting us by becoming copper- OF stieet thM BANK HAWAII, LTD. Mr. Murray states that tho pro- tho rormcr nt nnco visited po- morning n murderous assault on n of n copper-hea- d community of heads or to wiles of cilm-In- al the when n police ofllccr hailed ute duties the gram of entertainment Included resident? Is actual murder to same lice station nnd nvvuie out a com- him. If Ah had been alone all the order that disgraced the Asiatics or their runners. school houses, by means of specific trips to all nearby bo fostered by the law's delay? a the beach towns plaint against tho latter. would hnvo been well, but tho nation in the Civil War. tax. of which Southern California It is urged In cold blood, so Is When Ho nnd n pollen officer was accompanied hj n lioise. it As a matter of fact, however, En- abounds and which possess tho most up King Honolulu 1st growing steadily, car- said In certain quarters, that It Is SCHOOL HOUSE walked street looking for wagon nnd u number of gineer Clerc. and tho ways and means modern attractions In tho v. ay ot ried forward by the ordinary march for the interests of mechanics nnd Lee, the had no difficulty In locat- swill cans. committee , hnvo been planning to enjojment. wagon of ocnts, It will double the speed citizens generally of ing tho belonging to tho al- It was after 9 o'clock, and Ah Honolulu that LOGAN build uno or two small school houses That the gathering was one or the when the knocker forgets to knock the strike prosecutions should fall, ANDJAN leged assault and battery man, but bhould have been hcvond tho city where they nro badly needed oct of largest that has evet been In and everjone cultivates the boosting and by so doing In some way held no signs of tho owner could be seen, limits at that late hour, as garbage that such lohourccH us available If th history ot n Is vw habit. citizen labor will be Editor Evening lliilletln; Some-on- o lire fraternal order Lee, however, fiom belli ml u tele- nnd bvvlll must not be paraded be- Introduced Into not in the present half- - early period, shown by plantation must have taken me up wrong tho fact that approximate- phone post, watched the officer, nnd fore tho noses.of the city people Out the mills which will not in a large outlay on tep.ilis ly 48,000 I.cst )ou forget, there's nothing at the Kalmuki meeting. I which ElkB wero registered ut complalnnnt. Wnlkikl way It would not havo mat- get there If law and older aio did not n nnd srhuol desks has-bee- Incurred, the Los Angeles Is better In any Investment market nnd convictions obtained say that the Hoard of Supervisors hotels nnd that it As boo nns Leo saw tho wagon tered much, ns tho duck pond odor then iu tho ensuing period when estimated by the companies than la nlwnvs at hand In Honolulu. where the evidence vvarinntH It We had no authority to build school-house- s. railroad dlsappeailng In the direction of tho pervades tho atmosphere, and no Hag these, huge lultlnl expenses of the Hint were engaged In passenger No cither clt under the offers a do not see anj connection between As near us 1 leiuciuou. I the police stntton he hied his way to culinary perfume has a chanco ot now deal wilt been paid, leav- traffic brighter prospect for Increasing the two propositions, said that foimcrly new sthoolhouscs have fiom out of town points that Attorney Douthltts office, whc.ro he, competing. ing to much moro of tho next pe fully 100,000 juosperlty and steady growth. We believe citizen labor Is going were provided for out of loan funds, vlsitois came to Los In tho nbsenco of tho lawjer, set- Ah Klau, when arrested, tiled to riod's school nppioprlatlon for con; Angeles to figure more nnd more on the pay but that the Into Legislature made during the week of tho ses- tled clown to play a waiting game. explain tho late hour of his city to - xtructlou purposes. senrch-lilg- Japan's positive declarations toll of our plantations, neither be- no piuvlsion for now- buildings to bo sion. The pollco In the meantlmo h pcregi Illations by saying thnt ho hail DANIEL LOGAN. to vis- China were no doubt presented to cause the strike lenders con- erected cither by the or Incidental tho object of tho and low Jar tho man for whom staved longer thnn he had Intended nie tcnitorlnl Honolulu, August 6, 1909, the forolgn ofllces of Europe nnd victed, or because they are not. the county governments. It provid- it to Los Angeles the Elks who the warrant vvns Issued, but never at n friend's house. That explana- America long before they wero made Judg- ed additional the Tcnltoiy of Hawaii thought of him being ensconced In tion did not go nt police These prosecutions, In our revenue sufficient for editorial rooms bust tho station known to the public. And that up- tho county government 185 256 also did something In the line of Douthltt'a office. and ho was hooked to appear ment, have no bearing whatever to under- ness office. aro on might well be another reason why repairs These the telephone promotion work. .Mm ray states that When the attorney returned to Monday morning. on the Issue as to the class of labor take nnd maintenance. Hut numbers of the pullatln office. the Japanese government views with to be cmplojed on the plantations; It defeated n measure to provide fur It all of those, who stated they would his office he was surprised to see Lcc disgust the Inopportune moemcnt come to the Islands during to untenable In fact is that conten- public Improvements, including MB 'For Sale" cardst at Bulletin. tho course Installed theie. Doulhltt at once of Japanese Agitators and their tion that It raises the suspicion that of the noxt winter find It posslblo advised his client to make n com- Thug agents. In the final annlvsls It will be found to keep their Intention thero will plaint ngnlnst Ho. Leo proceeded to 4fc that Japanese money Is being spent bo between flvo nnd six hundred the police court nnd and as toon ns It Is about line the citizens of freely to engago runners to go In visitors that first manifested nn In- ho arrived there was ai rested on tho m ITJK Hawaii waked up to the fact that nnd among the mechanic element of terest In Hawaii through conversa- warrant sworn out by tho other Chi- W they aro In the midst of one of the this city to put up such talk. The Waterhouse tion with the let distributee from nese. K Trust c. most vicious conspiracies to over question of wages and employment the The case was set for thli morning throw American Justice that was follow tho omnipresent law of sup- Murray sajs that the lets made n before Judge Andrade, but was ever attempted. The murderous' ply and demand. Asiatics are now i great hit with ever one nnd thnt continued till Monday, Neither Chi- minded ones are merely the outcrop- shut out of Hawaii permanently. they could have disposed or hundred nese wns much Injured, and the ping results of the undercurrent that The number of Japanese ITnd Chinese moro It they hud them but that as whole affair looks like an ordlnniy Is working y to overthrow Justice and In Hawaii is dropping away at tho REAL ESTATE It was the supply soon ran short. every-da- scrap. The Conklin make of the law a farce. rate of four to Ave thousand a year. "A good tlmo and some work for a a Their places got be Hawaii" is a summary of the trip NEW YOIIK. Eitgcno Clarke, lmo to supplied, g If Kalniukt people want a school and In the main must como fiom ele- to tho big convention, " who was the favorite llalph Hack-Btr- a Among our in- - house they ought to hae It, Hut ments going to make up a citizen "For Sales" we have onnortunities for the small ww lien tho "If. M. S. Pinafore" vestor as well as the one of large means. By woy of example, we it is hardly probable that such de population, have 185 editorial rooms bust-ne- craze first reached America, Is dead, a property or fivc-roo- 250 Fountain Pen mauds can bo properly met until the This factor alone will bring citi- f i.ktuu consisting two (2) cottages in a locality office. These are the telephone agod 00 Mr. Clarke was tho readily We jcnis. public funds for education are so zen labor Into employment rented. can sell this as an investment or sell the houses numbers of the Bulletin office. original Dlleo Taylor In America, on the singly for cuied through n specific tax for cd- - plantations more nnd more whether homes. ucaUonnl purposes, this tax to be the plantations desire it or not, and Drinks Ink like a camel. levied accoidlng to the needs of the It Is suicidal as woll as contempti- Buy one at various Islands. Too muih of the ble for any man to lend his ear to KAALAWAI BEACH. money Hint should go for education the proposition law nnd order that An acre of land extending WICHMAN'S 1h lost In the. shuffle of trading on are to be tin own down and false and from the Diamond Head Road to beach, Those Arnold Goods with 100 foot frontage the appropriation bill. perjured verdicts must be rendered on beach. Price $3,500. We carry all styles and siz- to piomote tho Intorests of mechanics We have for sale leasehold interest in lot 20x90, Waianuenue Street, es- $2:50 upwards. Honey was down In THE "ARNOLD" KNIT ANTISEPTIC When struck ami the working clnbs among our Hilo. Size of building 20x36, Best business location in Hilo. San Francisco by nn assassin, out- own people. FORM-FITTIN- DIAPERS. raged Americans acted ns a unit In Disorder, loss of confidence In our Beyond question these are the voicing: their protest against govern- local Juries, tho III reputo to Hawaii FOR LEASE. acme of perfection for baby's com- 11. ment by assassination When Shebn of being unable to cope with open F. Wichman & Co. e Property at Pearl Cit", fort and health, causing no irrita- was Btruck by n would-b- assassin lawlessness within our borders will near Depot. Tantalus home for one year term, tion. The highly absorbent quality LIMITED how many Japanese Jumped to his bo a pretty heavy prlco to pay for amW&UffikmW t ir of the fabrio and the loose, LEADING rescue and how many meetings havo tho fiction that tho plantations nto JEWELERS. formation of the garment been held by the leaders of the Jap- going to ho any moro ready than make them an ideal garment, an eso colony to put these people on heretofore) to employ citizen labor 1 as condemn I coord before the world whoso tlilof recommendation would Price $2,75 to $4.00 doz. i to pre- lng and doing tiielr utmost be that In tho courts and In Juries The Ouide vent the domination of this city and nnu in mo community they have ad- Waterhouse Trust ESTABLISHED 1800. Territory by murderous thugs j vocated opon perjury upon tho part A correct, complete and convenient of Juries who uio accepted upon Shipping Paper for the Hawaiian Is- they want to arrest us let their - lands, "Hut If assuranco that they will dis- Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, , ! K EH OUIDE PUBLISHING CO.. LERS P, 0. Box 303. &t Telephone 374, Bf-- "

Trfllr tiilmkM i4ff fdlMiMu:SeWaftfcUJ&U V'tiirfraWtlii -- TT5Pr-- T r rppcrcwniwfww'" ; ' rlTTtp, t 'Hlf"1' "T 'pmgyTiy '"7s .WT-,?- '

RVTWiNO BtJLLttriN, HOftOUJLO, T. It., SATURDAY, AUG. 7, 1909.

ii .MMHM COM rf" Alfred D. Cooper LOCAL AND GENERAL'

j The Bulletln'a Big Niche I Fancy Vests Are ( TheMan'sShoe Cable and Wlrelett Address Scratch Pad la theblggeit five cents 'in! ALDYKES, HONOLULU. worth of paper ever offered In Hono- - Western Union and Lleber's j lulu. Six of them for a quarter. All ' 3 Codes. The Style Wc know auto-hacks- . that the . Ten koocI Phono G. great Hawaiian Stocks and Bonds Tho Anchor Saloon, Monty Monl I majority of men 'gomcry, manaser, King and Nuuanu shoes Bought and Sold Btrects, Is H iopulac local resort. want ahat wear, I and Anything new in tho Bportlng lino? TfOR BUSINESS WliAK our greys hold their shape, and LOANS MADE ON LISTED 'Anything good In tho liquor lino? You rc will he COLLATERAL. ' can find It' at "The Two Jacks." tans very popular and at the same time just ' If win ivonl n trnntt lull ilnno oil nn a few Honolulu Stock and I more so within weeks. They add enough style to maks Member nuto or cnrrlnge take II to Hawaiian Bond Exchange. Can-lap- Alfg. Co., 127 Queen St. greatly to one's appearance and make an them "dressy." John 'it. nergnttom, piano tuner and repairer. Formerly with Ucrgstroin PACKARD 307 Judd Building. ordinary husiness suit look dressy and SHOES Music Co. P. O. nox 40. Phone 581. Te'ephone 489. P. O. Box 607. Arc planned along Mrs. ttlvcnliurgli Is prepared to In classy. struct a few iiuplls In pianoforte, nt these lines. They arc their home. Address Itoyal Hawaiian Our new colored Tuxedo Vests are shecs for gentlemen, Wm. Williamson, Hotel. There'll be a hot time at the K. P. also in great demand. Call and look the line over and keep and the prices arc hall tonight. Fekea t Concert and in what men dance by the Crescent City Nightin- up to date regard to are wearing. low only Stock and Bond Broker, gale.. $5.00. beginning next Saturday, Mrs. fresh polin on 83 MERCHANT ST. K car no will have sale. Two pounds for n quirtcr, hulled. Phono 1110. Order early ? cor. King PHONE 612. , . P. O. BOJC628. Ill I,. C. Aides has one rottago going M. MclNERNY SHOE STORE -- up on Wilder Avenue mid one on Mil-M- HI g s 1 ' Honolulu Stock Exchange street. They will coat about Silva oggery . $3000 apiece when completed. Manager John L'Olor of tho Union LH' Saturday, August 7. &ggBw drill, salts on ilo Siberia today for Greece, his native land. He will NAMH OF STOCK pu iwi his iiu AtkeJ gono six months or longer. be GOVERNMENT PLANTATION CIGARS a' smooth and even cip;ar. i Tonilhel Sakata today filed a suit .iBttannnannn-oL- S hirwtr Co- - J.oooom It b . M'OAK lor dlvorco In the Circuit Court against Rw PlmttMlnti Co ... VWi.OT :pi; no'.' wife, Snkala. He charges Hftwil'aii Acric.Cn. I.Sl),l) IM his Tonia RECREATIONS ''VCom h Sujt Cn ASIJJVi a.) :.!!( desertion. Tho couple was married kA ltHifallMiHiiKr Co... ii-- TRIPODS llniomu :mi.mi ini In 1S0G, Sti(J .. i&SSS&SN lliiiok Sueur Vjn ., l.nnsio' p')1 'iiTi 1 Illo Sugar Company m :: t: u HlkuVir Cn .. ., smiinu inn vn Tho has taken r. u n u a :: tj k a n n n Hulchiiion Stiftif Plmt, moi.hii l' u Icaso on the Ponnliawall lauile, Klhuku lltnllioii ,l'o 7,vr."ii 2 PARK THEATER. afm.un(i I), A, II. Sprockets, 1 KekHlm Suit Co."M llB! IM owned by Jno. and Oct in the habit of using a tripod koiom nurnr i.o mi (01 I fifty years, paying a lump sum of MrRnrilrFue rCo.... a a). ll for Thu rending film tonight will bo Oahu Si sr On .cm Kin V" :u WW $14 9:0., for landscape and interior photo, Ononifi Bi(i Co .... 1m.niw South American Indians, Instructive O kola Stlaar PUnI Co Muni ?' Miss Wood In of San Kranclco, who and full of Intel est. graphs. Even for individual por- Olaa Suxat Co Ltd .... 1 uiuiri an recently arrived In Honolulu, is junk- lio illowam uo ,. mw inn Mr, Carlisle proves to the best Paal.au Sugar fltnt - V'ViUU ing n prolonged visit as the guest of brought here, and and groups of Pwlfte Sugar MM III' it drawing card ever traits out doors you HIW' F. V. Bvertou, Pala riatitatimtCo .... T.I.KIII loH 210 Mr. niK Mrs. at their there seems to bo no limit to his get PriKfkro Sugar Co.... iwn l.t 1VH Wnlklkl beach homo, enn better effects by stopping Pimm Mill Co 2.7l.l 111' dialect this week, taking off tho old I" iifi allowing wny VVtU'im Axllc O .... u im 111' IOT)i li The parcrs a right of Southern Negro. Tho girls nrc mak- down your lens and using a tripod. Wriiuku Sueur I o .. . IrtfRI'll 111 military Walmanftlo Sugar Co. r.'.',o j 1ft' "Tm acrossthe Fort Shatter reser- ing n great hit In their songs, and VValmra ugar Mill Co I2.'iui 10 vation Ilapld company. We have a complete line of both in MISCnLLANKOIK for tho Transit Oeo. Mllcn's singing "I've a Warm lntvl-lla- I Steam NCo tarauv liH have 'arrived from Washington. All Is Spot In My Heart for You" js re- wood and metal, llawaliatt RltctricCo.. (Kl,i,M ll oC at all prices. now clear for tho beginning con- night. s, Hon K T ft I. Co ritl l.l'o.to in ceived with applause each Always the same an elegant "sioke. In Riena Victorias, Panetel-la- Hon R T & I. Co Loin II struction work. good comedy film will bo Mutual Telephone Co II' The usual Puntanos Einos, Regalia .Brittanicas, Pcrfectos, Ben Alis. Lewis & Nahlku Rkbher Co. K. II. Ehrhorn, at present one of shown. Co., Ltd., Cigar Emporium, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Tele Paul I'P ta.a in California's State entomologists ami Nahlku RuhWrCnAvi 40 prone 240. 109 King St. .. .. Oahu lift I.Cn 1.1,1111111 onu of tho most prominent In tho coun- I.'XUIHI THE ORPHEUM. HiloK KCo ! t lion H AM Co: Huki try, has been secured im tho head of Honolulu Hawaiian Pf Willi le Co. I I.U Photo Supply Co., BO? the entomological bureau of tho Hoard Tho Orphcum moving pictures uro "Everything Photographic." HawTei U KlltCI of Agriculture and Korestiy. making n great hit this week, the cav- Fort Street, Near Hotel. Haw Ter 4 pc OUR SPECIALTY IS BEDDING (law Tat dVf pc A. Perelstrous 'vlll sail fpr the alry maiieuveis being leallstle mid Haw Tel . pc Orient on the Siberia Haw Ter is pc uu.iccoininnlcd thrlllhig. There has been u number Gov'l $ . . by any of Immi- We are now sellinc rrrcy hair mattresses at wonder- 1 . haw wc. .. member the Hoard'of of Intciestlng "stunts" on tho program Ca.KeelSug.li KeiCo 1 p. lu Ii fully low prices about half what yon would have to cay rlaiku Sugar Co 6 11 c gration, to secure Siberian laborers during tho week and nil tho members Ham. Ilhch Co , for tho plantations. It Is rossihlc that elsewhere. And our "citizen-made- " woven wire mat- Ullwr IHlchea of tho company hnvo a chnnco to ap trr-.- tresses offered bargains. Ha. "' tts 2 p c. w n representative of the Hoard will fol- pear at Reserved seats at are at I Haw. their best. IrriK Co . w, ... d low I a lor. ten We now carry a full line of furniture and II w Com A ftug cu I0l!f tho matinee can be had for cents KCo Con ope l"i)l Tho Siberia wll) bo well stocked tho evening for invite your inspection. Comfort means Economy Honakaa Sugai co. fpc. und at apcrfonnanca Mr... RTtlCotll C 1vi with Hawaiian ll'eratiiro for the use of fifteen and twenty-flv- cents. Ditch Kohala Co. c I A) tho Congressional on tho Mrolyn b UilM, party return Oahu lea 'Co6;jc ,. "Vol trip. Twenty thousand foldorR will NIGHTINGALES. Honolulu Wire Bed Co., Oahn hugar Cotpc .. THE Claa Sugar Co 6 i c. also ho sent by her to the Hawaiian A Westinghousc Electric 'Fan in 'your Office means I'ac-- Sug. Mill Co. (1 building nt the Scattlo Fair, chiefly Tonight Is tho night for the Night-Ingiile- Kapiolani Bldg. Cor. Xinrr and Alakea. comfort, and comfort means economy. Yon Pala "uuutiou (.0 .... know the MIIICo6ic .. for uso on Hawaiian Day nt that place! llio farewell concert an ilnuro whole office force works and gives you Walaiua gricCo $pc better a better re I'I Fishermen nlo-i- the waterfront nro to bo given 1v tho young singers from turn for your pay roll on a cool day. Westinghouse Fans SnlcH Ilctwi'pii IJoaplB: 20 Ilnw. happy, as thousands of alialialalu re llllo at thu Knights of Pythias hall. make all days "cool days." We have all types of fans C. & S. Co., $33; 25 Olaa, $1.73; 30 cently entered the harbor, giving tho Tho will begin at 8 o'clock. ready for you to carry away with you. concert Oaliu Suk. Co.. $32; 30 IMimuur, $17B; nlmrods plenty of sport and an oppor and will consist of lorn teen selection 50 l'ioiK'cr, $17fi; 50 1'lnncvr, $I7fi.5'0:, tunlty to profit by their catch. Tho assisted by tho Walp.i (lleo Club. Fol 30 lunrcr, $177.50; 50 IMonccri alialialalu generally mmii into tho lowing tho concert there will bo n $177.50; 20 I'lnnccr, $177.30; 30 tlnw. hnibor every jeir and remain for n r..inco that will continue until mid-nig- The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. C. & S. Co., $33; 230 Haw. C. & 8. Co.. week or ten days. Wisdom $33; 200 ObIiii Suk. Co.. $32; 50 Olaa, Dally surfing parties mo popular at $1.75; .15 Olaa, $1.75; 250 Oahu Sin;. tho Moann and Seaside beaches these Dr. and Mrs. It. II. Dlucgir will May be credited to the dealer who shows a disposition to Co., $32. SoukIoii: $1000 Pioneer r,, days. Merry parties find (ho sport ex le.ivo for New York next month, Dr. buy what his customers want. Regal Pumps arc what $101; 60 Mcllryilu. $3.S7'4; 20 hlllrntliig and there Is enough danger Dlnegar will lake n special rourt-- at the women are asking for. Every shade and site to fit $3.8714; 10 Hun. II. & Si. In II to atlrart the venturesome In Hcltcviio hospital for several months Co, all. Made of the finest materials. Pat. King Colt Seam- $23.50; 10 Oaliu Suk. Co., $32; 10 Haw. clined. Occasionally an outrigger Is Before returning to the Islands, less Pump. The Lindsey Pump is the season's latest hit. are selling a better grade C. & S. Co., $.13; 10 IJwu. $30,75; 5 overturned by a lingo breukcr but fuu TTE i:vu, $30.75; 15 I'ltmccr, $177.50; 10 serious accidents lesiilt. Tnn, Black, Blue. Pink, Grey. Green, Lavender, White lltinokaa, $19.50. Under iluto of July 19. F. F. Fylcr. NEW TODAY Champagne, Kid, White Satin. Price $4.00. of MEATS, a finer quality Memo Special dividend of 5 per cent Lookkeoper for the Cnsllo KM lie pali! liy Kckaliu SiiKar Co. Auk. 3f 1909. wrltCH Unit was starting for home, ni- 5 of CREAMERY BUTTER and ter a pleasant Journey through the PLAY BALL Regal Shoe Store, Latett cugar quotation southern Stntcs. He has done ronsld 4.015 cents McCandlcss Bldg. Cor. King and Bethel or $80.30 per ton. crnblo promotion work, 'and says It Is Sta. a wider range of DELICATESSEN surprising to find how Ignorant wopta Honolulu Athletic Park there nro of conditions In Hawaii. than we have ever offered On account of various obstacio, dis- the Sugar, 4.05 cts covered in tho milk ordlnanco that tho BERETANIA, NEAR AALA LANE dairymen of tho clfy and county pro-

patrons of l-- working hard- this market. 10s 10 2d test would bo certain Beets, ships on them, n meeting will be held tonight In the assembly roam nt tho BASEBALL City Hall, and the ordlnanco will bo HEIiRV WATERHOUSE New Possibly n now Arrivals Metropolitan Market TitUST C. discussed. one will bo substituted with better features than SUNDAY, ANGUST 8, 1909 Mambaro Honolulu, StocK and Bond Ex Hilonian Phone 45, W, F'HEILBRON, Proprietor. Exchange. thu, qld. FORT AND MERCHANT Kltchllnrn Nakamura, charged with 8T8. 1:30 P. M. TELEPHONE 738. importing women fiom Japan for Im- moral purposes, was declared not guil- J. A. C. vs. C, A. C. ty by n Jury jesterday afternoon In 3:30 P. M. Ladies' tho Federal Court. This Is tho first Waists , WANTS Monuments criminal case tried by Judge Dole KALIHIS vs. MARINES. -- WANTED. slnco tho appointment of Judge Wood- ruff and according to tho order, thu Bleachers 10c; Grand Stand 15c; An assortment of the novelties, com- Hoy wanted. 1280 Kbrt St. latter will sit at ull criminal casus Reserved Seats '25c. immense til latest prising Batiste Waists, hand crochet, and Cluney trimmed 4382-2- t hereuftc:. Safes, On Sale at Wall, Nichols Co., King Messaline, Parisian Silk and New Plaids. Second-han- d first-cla- Street. surrey, In No finer line of Waists hns been shown in this City. condition, Address 'A, & this office. urn IS GIVEN Wc have every style and size, nil prices up to $25.00, AND 4382-3- t PET YOUR SEATS EARLY ONLY ONE OF A KIND. Iron Fence TO MISSION FOLK TO RENT We will take great pleasure in showing these, wheth- BUSINESS DIRECTORY er you, arc a purchaser or net. Beautiful cottnge; swell location The Incoiporullug of llio Hawaiian Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Works Society gas heater: gas stove; electric Mission Children's obtained REPAIRING. furnishings for It tho ownership of lot 14, block NCXT TO YOUNG BLDG., 0 KINO 8TREET. PHONE 237. lightr for sale; cheap rent A. M this offlco. 4382-t- f 40, In Pearl City, heretoforo held lu We make a speciality of repairing trust for them by Iylo A, Dickey. Tho A1X makes of typewriters, cash BLUDWINE- - WING CHONG CO . FOR SALE. O. It. & I., Co. presented the land to registers and adding machines. them under tho trusteeship of Mr. Our repair department Is the only KINO ST. NEAR BETHEL the ONLY table drink. Manufac- Second-han- d surry for sale. Apply Dickey, who felt that it could hn heM fully equipped one In the Terri- Jordan's, Dealers in Furniture Mattresses, tured by the W;ileiipiiM TiiiH Co. ISKt-t- r handled by turning It over to So- tory. work guaranteed Dillon Etc., Etc. All kinds of KOA and the All ciety, now It become Ineorpor Supply To., Ltd . Agents the Nuuanu anil Hotel St. on site of old that has for Arctic Soda Water Works tited, papers worn Itenilugtciu Typewriter Co. Fort ft. MISSION FURNITURE Made IV Bulletin Business Office Phone 258. The transfer llled Order, , PHONE 557 Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 169, today In the Hureau of Convoy.M ces. 43BMf

V - 8JWj.'ti iPth rtil i1 irii fW ""J- -- inaVT i1"' aBJtil A.'i'j.'irl ill "i . .friioM" .lunhJ.:...- - a.'i.,iaj..i.. :i. ....l. i li '" ' a ,1.1, ialinta IrtifaJrif JftJ RF,,,;;? - v

EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T. II., SATURDAY, AUG. 7, 1909. Pottie's Celebrated Australian Stock Remedies A COLLECTION OF REMARKABLE VETERINARY MEDICINAL DISCOVERIES COVERING A PERIOD OF OVER 100 YEARS Their caty Application and the Cattle genuine result they produce has Blood Powders Black Douglas Oil Eye Lotion Internal Use Vaf all Fever. Given . maintained for them the largest sale Infltmitorv A FINE CLEANSER AFTER THE GREATEST EXTERNAL' Inflamatory Ailments of drinking water feed when For all r.mone veterinary medicines on the in the and CALVING. A SURE CURE IN FEVER AND the Eyes, whether from injury or in- Lung Complaints, HEAT world's markets. Thousands of tes- treating Indua, HOVEW A HANDY REMEDY REDUCER IN MAN AND ANIMAL derangement, the daily use of Founder, etc., etc. ternal timonials. Colic Drenches Enteric Fever, WHEN COWS ARE OFF THEIR KNOWN. one of my Ointments is a safe and reduces FARMERS'. RANCHERS' AND This medicine the Fever MILK OR FEED. THE MOST ' VIOLENT SPRAIN sure remedy. reducing the of PLANTATION ASSORTED CASES. There are two kinds, Colic Drench without strength RELIEVES INFLAMMATION OF AND STRAINS IMMEDIATELY RE- STOCKED BY LEADING AG- and Dry Colic Drench. the animal. STOMACH OR UDDER IMMEDI- LIEVED. ENTS, STORES AND DRUGGISTS The former is used when there is Worm Powders ATELY. FOUNDER. KIDNEY TROUBLES, Golden Ointm. nt EVERYWHERE violent and continued pain. AND ALL'FORMS OF LAMENESS NO EXPENSE HAS BEEN OR The latter is used when there is GIVEN IN THE FEED THEY E Urine Powders' OIVEWAY TO ITS ACTION. IT For reducing Hard Swellings, for WORMS. WILL BE SPARED IN MAKING calv occasional pain. THE FOLLOWED A Kidney and Urine regulator. A DOES NOT BLISTER. healing Old Sores, for curing per- THESE PREPARATIONS THE The fame of these Drenches runs UP BY OUR CONDITION POWDERS, valuable remedy to keep on the place THE BEST LOCALLY KNOWN sistent cases of Grease no matter THEY PUT YOUR ANIMAL IN MOST EFFECTIVE IN THE over half the world. always. . AND SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR where situated. It would be hard to WORLD. AND THE DOCTOR IN. BATTLING HEALTH AND CONDI- RHEUMATISM IN MAN. misplace this remedy on any exter- TION. VITES CORRESPONDENCE FROM Blood Tonic White Oils nal ailment. STOCK OWNERS SO THAT HE CAN Condition Powders svKJsiflBsflLiiisHasiVfvidETjftUTQ MAKE THEM WISE TO THEIR A valuable remedy for Cows' Ud- - A SPLENDID REMEDY FOR KID- PROPER USE. GIVE NEW LIFE AND VIGOR ders, Lumps and enlargements on White Ointment EACH REMEDY IS PUT UP IN NEY. SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. AND OFTEN PREVENT THREAT- any part 6t the body. $1.00 WORTH PACKAGES. A BEAUTIFUL BLOOD COOLER ENED DISEASE. REPUTED TO BE This is for Cooling and Healing. THE BEST ALL ROUND CONDITION Golden Oil Can be used on any external affec- These remedies have been in use AND PURIFIER. CAN BE USED AT here for .10 venrs. and every one POWDERS IN THE WORLD. tion in man or beast, and do good. ANY TIME TO GIVE YOUR ANI- Purely an antisceptio disinfectant sneaks yell of them. Healing Oil. A rapid healer in old Should always be used after Blister- MAL INCREASED VIGOR AND EN- Physic Balls, Bot Balls running sores. ing. f ERGY. If there is one remedy more than Newmarket Blister another that is handy to keep al- Electric Oil AND SHOULD BE REGULARLY Hoof This Blister is a combination of ways on your place, it is these Balls THIS LINAMENT IS CONSIDER- Ointmeut the most valuable blistering agents USED TO SUSTAIN HEALTH IN A and a Balling Gun. ED THE BEST ALROUND LINI. Constipation Contains no Oil. A sure remedy known to science. It is not a sur- TROPICAL CLIMATE. In Bots. Founder, and MENT IN THE COUNTRY. IT r pen- Bsfflw1iiBi!3 for unhealthy Feet, Kanker, etc., etc. face blister only, but one which a hundred other complaints, they BLISTERS A LITTLE AFTER RE- If applied and regularly used' etrates deep down into the seat of are indispensible PEATED APPLICATIONS. it trouble, dissolving any bony or cal- Cough Mixture Stomach Founder Drench will keep the foot healthy and coo' lous substances which are not Powders IN OLD CASES OF SHOULDER, in any climate. by a healty condition. Used internally for all Lung, A strong and effective stimulant Given internally while you use HIP, STIFLE AND TENDON LAME- Chest and Throat Complaints, along in all cases of weakness, loss of ap- the Electric Oil externally. It pro- NESS. IT HAS NEVER BEEN Ci 361 with the Electric Oil, applied to petite and stomach complants, for vides .one of the speediest perma- KNOWN TO FAIL WHERE IT IS y 'Phone throat daily. both horse and cattle. nent remedies for Founder known. POSSIBLE TO CURE. Residence 'Phone 1189

? Union and Hotel Streets H John Pottie, VS Honolulu, Hawaii fi- t------

Station, accompanied by his wife, KJHULUI CONTRACT UNSIGHTLY PONDS leau for tho mainland on tho BIG FORESTS ACT THREE IS , ClUklUhcJ 1780 Commander Moses expects Ial to WHAT ARMY AND NAVY definite orders on his new as - HEADY TO SIGN FILLED Walter Baker FOLK ARE DOING upon arrlvul at San FOR HAWAII FUNNIER YET WILLJE Golf & Co.'s , tt tt a lxical Ami) o.l.ccrs will li.uc to und- Lieutenant K. I. Moses of tho Mar- tt Probably by Monday of next tt tt On Monday next bids will bo tt ergo tho riding test that was Inherited Pond U ine Corps, who has been adjutant of GENERAL RECLAMATION tt week thu dock contract for Ku- - tt FARCE FLAYED BY THE tt advertised for tho Kulwlli CHOCOLATES from tho Roosevelt administration the marine battalion, will olsa leao tt hulitl will bu completed In detail tt tt dredging contract. This will re- - tt SCHEME - Tho tlnio set for Iho ninety mile ilite on the Siberia for tho coast, whero h FOR ISLANDS. tt by Superintendent Campbell of U INSTRUCTIVE BOARD. tt qulro 57,000 cubic yards or ma- tt la immediately De- after tho first of will Join tho cruiser Pennsylvania. tt tho Public Works department, ho tt tt terial drodged from the Hackfeld tt Those who will to taku back cember. have tt thut ho' can submit It to Alcxitnd- - tt tt slips to fill thu Kuiwll ponds it and COCOAS tho rldo are Colonel Schiller, Fifth The American-Hawaiia- freighter Trees Will B- - Planted on Moun- tt or & Baldwin for their signature tt Boards of Supervisors Find Them- it of Oahu prison. St C.ivalrv: IJcut Cut lllltllAr Mnlnr un- - Texan left for Port Allen yesterday af- tains for Lumbering and Irri- tt This moans thut work, on the big tt selves the Goat in Rapid Fire tt These ponds havo been an tt For aatlnt, drinking and cooking liny, paymaster; Major KoBtcr, Kllthl 3 sightly for long time, tt ternoon at o'clock to tako on sugar, gation Purposes Children May tt dock will begin within a shoit tt Comedy of the Board of Publio tf spcctaclo a Pure, Dallcloua, Nutritious Cavalry; Major Dunning, Wins-- up- - Major ' before going to Kaanapall, Kahulul and tt time. President Williams of Iho tt tt and their early filling will bu tt low, Major Creo and Mnjor Wadhams.l Figure in Project. Instruction and Decline Honors. llllo to complete her cargo of sugai tt Kahulul Railroad ,recently con- - tt tt proved by everybody, csiieclally tt vtf Tho Major ..Mil rU:,.. test for Long and tho other' mid general island products. U Guv-- tt residents of that section. While tt '"'" suited with Campbell and tt officers of tho Murine Corps will bo a Marston Campboll, Superintendent tt ernor and plans havo been tt Act Three of tho Grand Farco on. tt 07,000 cubic arils Is tho cstlmuto tt fifty rnllu walk. The Inter-Inlan- steamer Iwalanl, of Public .Works, announces today tt hurried since so that actual opir- - tt titled "Who Is Which Between tho tt placed for tho dirt required to fill tt itrrhitl this morning from Hawaii with that ho Is at work on n genera! tt atloiiH might commence ut un R Board of Public Instruction unci the. tt tho ponds, It will probably not fo- - tt Lieutenant Commander Stanford i:. geneial cirgo, which sho discharged scheme to reforest nil of the avail- tt early date. tt Board of Is now on tho tt quire that umount, und tho Terrl- - tt Moses, Suiwrvlsors" detached fiom duty at tho Nay. at the W. O. Hall wharf. able mountains and hills In the Ter- tt Major Wlnslow will send next tt Loards. tt tory will have som? left over to ttl ritory. In carrying out n proposi- tt weok a detail of surveyors over tt At Its last meeting, somowhnt short- tt fill other bad holes In that (lis-- tt U Depart- - tt ' tion of Ibis kind, It means n tre- tt to Maul, to begin the survey work tt ly bit ci ffto allow some of tlm uietnbitrx trlct. Tho Public Works 'fin mendous umount of work, and he Is tt on tho Kahulul harbor. Tho dock tt to catch boat, the Board of Public it ment is following up the working tt i I ll grading low tt being aided by I.elghton and tt work Is within survey and Is tt passod a resolution b tt of tilling and lands U. K. OISc this Instruction I Jl.tflilfml Ttltnt of the U. S. Hdrogrnphlc tt built tinder prlvuto supervision tt which all principals wo.o Is till In tt and bad cuts nil over tho city, und tt Cocoa, 'i lb. 8urvcy. It Is tho purposo of the tt but too U. 8. Engineers will ns- - tt icqulsltion blanks for material needeJ tt Is working for a bettor sanitary tt Hrcakfast tins Department to develop great forest tt slut tho builders In every way tt und send ihcin In to thu proj.vr Ilonid tt and physical condition of Hono- - tt Maker's Chocolate (unsweet- tracts on tho Islands, which will give tt Kisslblo. Thu big breakwater is tt of Supervisors! tt lulu. There aro three dredging tt ened), Hi. cakes Whitney & Marsh, tolfnwall all of her own lumber und tt ncarlng 'completion, an uddl- - U Logan of tho Oahu Hoard tt concerns hero who will probably tt Ltd. and Supervisor German Sweet Chocolate, play a vital part In tho distribution tt tlonal force of men will go to tt has Just discovered that tho last Leg- tt bid on Iho work. tt ag- 4 lb. cakes of water on land requiring It for tt work on it next week. tt islature appropriated $18 000 to tho U tt ricultural purposos. K tt Board of Public Instruction to pur- tttttttttttt it ttttttttttttttttttttttl For Salt by Leading Grocer In Honolulu The vuluo of this plan Is chase its own supplies and Unit It Is to get money together to Ha- Utttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt sufficient Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. and means more to not up to tho first named Bonn) to buy BEAUTY pay a fine by August 14. waii than can be Imagined at pres- THAT LA8T3. them at all. The orders to tho prin- DORCHESTER, MAS5, U. S. A. Kift (not the Duko) was charged ent. Thousands of acres of foot- cipals hnvo already gone out. vulley country Whero Is the woman who has not, with using somo fierce languugu yes- CHILDREN'S hill und which huvo Who's tho Gout? Did tho II P. I. 50 HIGHEST AWARDS IN In the (let I re to terday, and consequently had to ap- been practically useless the past praiseworthy enhance her overlook thu appropriation or did Ihey EUROPE AND AMERICA be sol), In- peisonnl charms arid) picscfve as lung pear In court this morning, Thu ex- will turned Into fcitlle wish to pass tho buck to the B. of S. creasing Its n ns possible delightful power of en- pressions used wcro most original, but value hundred tune' her in the daik? Tho general scheme utilized by tho chantment, which lasts 10) Jong 'is her Klfe did not think ho wus capable -- i Forest In the wljl be beauty? Tho Orlent'il Cream, such masterpieces. Judgo Andrudo locate homo sweet home, Judgo Servlro States prepared POLICE COURT JOTTINGS. 'applied, and where tiecs ale grown by Dr. T. 'Felix QoUraud.'of Now Yoik warned thu linguist that In future ho warned tho slgnora mid sho wan they n Is preparation had only of such expres- allowed to make a fresh attempt to DRESSES will be protected to mnturo City, a harmless' fur K. O. Connoly', who wbb found better think ago, find her people. when they will be cut under preserving tile delicacy of 'tho com- guilt early In the week of breaking sions, In preference to turning them government j supervision for lumber' plexion nnd removing blemishes. Ii 1.1 a window, and who was allowed time loose on un astonished, .audience, and Ing purposes. Otherwise the forest, the favorite toilet article of the lead- to pay the line, fulled to turn up In allowed Klfo to depart. Tho steamer Mkollko leaves tod'iy Is u alius which natural watershed, will ing professional artists, who owe m court this morning us he had prom- Jim Johns, Jim Jams, wus on for Huwall ports, tuklng general bo under strict sunclllume, and In much of their popularity to theli per. ised to do. the calendar this moinlng. Inqiiliy liolght. Sho will letiiru next week in timo tho reclamation project will be snnul charms. Scaicely a star dii'ssliig Judge Andrudo had given tho mun elicited tho fact that thu man's proper with cuttlo from Wnlniea. as Important a factor here us It hus rrom In tho land is without Gj'jraud's u chance to get tho money Instead name wus Sum Kupaka, und that ho become In of the iciovcry arid lunds Oriental Cream, which Is the most going to Jull, und when Connely was so full last night that when hauled The steamer Alaskan leaves this nf- in tho western states. iif WholeMMiio kid perfect bo'iiitillnr did not put in an appearance mu Into tho btatlon ho, In answer to un ternoon, probably nt S o'clock, for Prisoners ure now working on "Demi-pohn- Fancy Plaids, Stripes, and Plain know n:v Druggists will supply you. Judge Issued u bench warrant for his Inquiry us to his numo, replied nnd llllo, to receive hor cargo Maklki Drhe, plant and will trees urrcet. lite, two of 'em." Sam had to of sugar ut thobu ports. Tho leines along the drhe ns they complete it will be a long dtatapoj dig up $5 his fun piobabil-Itle- s There Brim- Tho case against T. Mori, churged for and the the latter port on August H,,vvlth 0 It Is the Intention Depuitment Colors of the ming rnco nt the Walklkt luu tr.nior-lo- with a weapon, was aro that he will miss the opening tons of sugar for ' T to beautify assault with Sallnu Cruz. this dilvewav In every and several experts havj entered nolle prossed, as the matter had gono of tho big ball loaguo this nfternoon. .way possible. fifty-liv- e On Monday for Iho event. to tho higher court, Goana El Nundo, a Spanish lady, lots be fo 'u'. 16 territorial will udvertltcd : tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: " tt tt tt tt tt tt Kllen Anderson, who resides ut hor full from tho wuler wagon Miss Kate Woodard Sizes, 4 to years sale In thut district. , V u cairled nut bv Mr. Campbell, who Kukn-'o- mndo night hideous around by saying sho was lost In tho city mid I Tho plan was siiggextcd 1141 Fort thlx Ik figuring on tho fieo dNt'lhutlon her dwelling last evening, nnd could not find her way home. Judging Street. morning that fne school children of 1 Stampinp, Embroidery and No- if 00 00l tree mentioned some was run In. Ellen hud from tho quantity of liquid refresh-men- t tho city hn assigned to tree pi mi tions, Shirtwailts. Olnvd nnd Tin. lime ngn. nlisnluli'ly free, In older n deferred sentenro pronounced she had linhlbeil, sho hnd tried ,t lug on , derwear. &S)iJmWftftWWWWWWWWAWWWVWWVWVVVWVVVWVV Alitor li.ii, anil the ,u ma) In cutotiiugn Die finest Idea, ngnlimt lot I10070 In Orders taken for all kinds I her, nnd will be given time of Joints her endeavors tn ' , of fancy work. Telephone I 387.

fffifaiJifufr!,. imsfpHfifrtq. ; j&.sitS&JJ un, Uiilritiii. fill' tf .I. ..&ttrlW A 'MMslsVHMMfrasflMBPPSSHPmwv, J jK .?7v? "VfWPHHHWIHiPBWW'MRR

i ( rrV ' ' - EVENINa BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H , SATUnDAY.'UO. 1,' 1949. J' - t - ! : 1 wnjwfurwamnumi WfWVVWWMWMMWMWWVWnMWVVVWWVtWVIW I M?llHHIWIWIMIHillWWi MAKE and PACK HAWAIIAN PRESERVES. Take a case i isl '' Arrived by "Hiloriian" SHORTS home or send one to your ' w : J2 friends. Poha, (hutney. ' c I uimtmmmm0iimimmmmmmmmmmmi ' 1 ' $i . Guava Jelly arid Marma PLENTY OF BALL lade, Pineapple Pickle and (JN SUNDAY Jam, Tamarinds and Pa paia Marmalade. okoUHDS, BIO LEAGUE GAMlt TODAY AT ALL THREE MATCHES MRS. KEARNS, . ATHLBTIC PARK AND TWO AT AALA TOMORROW STD1L v ft AT 1 MORE SUNDAY BALI AT KAPIOLANI SEVERAL OTHER MIN- 84 Hotel St. Phone 1110 ' r . OR GAMES. Thkrn will" be enough baseball to-- 1 betwee n the Chinese and Kewalos. without doubt be the A Large Consignment of the lay nhO tomorrow to satisfy eYen and "will Z, thing In the line of baseball. fan, mI The the most Inveterate This aft' The usual supporters of the Rler-sid- e famous- rrnoon it the League Grounds tho League will be sure to he on I'unahnus and1 Diamond I lends will hand, and they should lie rewarded meet nt,3;aOJ and one of the old-tim- e, by being treated to some good, -- games of hall should 'etcntu-i.t- e. snappy ball. ' J Still more bBseball: At Kaplo-la- nl Eddy Reading Standard The players and Hawaiian band Park the Knllhls and Seals will will meet nt the N. 0. II. drlllshed have a game, sturtlng at 9:30 a. m. and bonrd two ,Hapld Transit car J These two teams lire very anxious to Refrigerator which wllliconvfy the hunrh around lime a go at one another, and the town before maUng a break for thn fans are about evenly divided as to Motorcycles ball grounds. which Is the better team. rtK If the threatening rain holds off, Talk about baseball being popu- - Easiest to clean. a hlg'ciowd Is sure to put In an I lar; It Is easily seen by the tew prin Drive. Call See Them the league grounds, an I puuvu Chain and Bolt and oil cipal games mai tire men- No trouble with doors. they will be rewarded by seeing i tioned what a hold the national clats of ball that has not been game has In these Islands, llesldes Uses least ice. I handed out for smile time In IhM the' matches written about there are city. several other games at different A glanco nt the lliuMin, nt both, point lns the city, and no matter teams will make the fans' Keth wn- -. where one turns, the familiar cry Tlieo. H. Davies & Co., ler, for It Is manv a di" since such of 'Hall one" Is to be beard. --. bunch of biill toasept hae tackled. Ltd., repre- - ana ,ly game. Punahou will be . Hardware Department, anlnil It. tlia fallnwltlt, tl I .. a i Mr---, Puunene Tennis Corrliitan, c; Mcdcraft, p; Marcal-- i D A J in, lb; Pgnnk Hooks. 2b; Claieuce IT AITS jTUOUTC 'Cl 7coke, Nb; W. lliunpton, ss; D. ' ' icla, If; Jack Kin, cf; fohn Water- -' Puuriene Tennis Club members are 'loure. rf. Diamond lleud Wlnne,, imine forward to the visit of the ti Leslie, p; Kddle Kernindes, 1h; Honolulu team with great glee. They iivts, 3d; uuimiiKworin, an; si ;. hnve six play ','lillllngworlh. "s; Sumner, If r J i selected pairs to Fernandet, cf; Willing or XI syne. rf. against the flower of Oahu, and, al- Good Health E.O.Hall&Son,LtcL It Is uplo the biscball public to though one or two of the best plnj- - patronise Xthe . Honolulu'' "Leagtia' erV namts Are mlssng from the list, SwSJiJSJJMIJWWilWiWMWWWVVMWWnWWIW games, and' It Is belleved."that the Uie team s a whole' js u fairly 1 v to and will do so, ' strong ohey - ' Requires the best eat drink. ! Sunday of TIia a hat. Hwa tinM Then on what a 'feast j AMD Jiu kanUWM U,W ,! The and most healthful ball Is to be laid out for theftim to and', Secretary' Shoemaker of Puu-- best PROGRAM enjoy. 'From 9 ejclock' In the mornJ ne'ne forwafds'th'e letlJirb4cJL,J' " drinks on the market today are Insist on A. - Ini till dark there wllrb(Vl some follows:" . F, E. Steere and C, H- - N thlng doing at Hie Athletic Park,, Hljmjjnw'.iy vs. Wm. Lougher and our Sodas. ' r. and at An.la there will nhto beiwm. WaIh;'A.-K.'Cunba'dri- d W.'.L. Baseball " gAhies lp' the morning and after- - Warren vs. M. Myers and A. M i Ather-ton'v- s. Consolidated Soda Water Works Co., (League Oames) 1UU1I Nowell; K. A. Cooke and F C. Ltd. Aug. 7: t Diamond Heads vs. iv inn new iinrK ini inucQ ioikcu a! W. Collins and V. E.1 Fos-te- n JOHN SCHLEIFF. Manager. ' 1. al Punahou. , ofgame between Ewa ;and waianue Capt, IJow'and'D. W, Anderson Telephone 71. Aug. 14: Punahou 'vs. (or ne cnampionsnip oi;iae piania-ta- n vs. C. D. Llndsay'and Rsr R. II. Tun will be ner; C Wafer- - Purity St. Louis. 4 league played, and It O. llockus and John to be ever. The' house vs. F, D, Rose- - (Onhu League) promises lb best JMellor and r Aug. 8; J. A. C. vs. C. A. C.r Walanae team, accompanied bjc'tbelr crans; J, J. Page and S. M. Dallou Aug. 8: K. A. C. vs. U. 8. M. famous band, will come" Into town Vs. F. F. Ualdwln and J. II. Thomp- - (RIverBlde League.) today, so as to have a. practice on It is unnecessary to use preservatives such as benzo-dat- e V,. Aug. 8: Aala VS. Fort the new diamond. The. team Is as enth pair, with whom they will Simp- SHE SLEEPS ON A "LEGGETT" of soda in goods that have been carefully selected' Shatter,' follows: J. Mejet, c; Mer.vln tackla, any couple of players who nil -. H ' Aug. 8: Chinese Aloha vs. son, p; George Mejer, ib; K. Ka- hapupeii. to make, the trip along with HI ' mm B and are of high grade. Heinz goods ate the best grown Kewalo. noho, 2b; W. Ilush, 3b; J. LopcB, ss;' the Honolulu men. (Plantation League) J. Mundon, If; F. Lopes, cf; K. Nl-sh- l, Of the Puuneue pairs, Mjers and and preserved in the best cane sugar, spices- - vinegar) etc. Aug. 8: Kwa vs. Walanae. rf. Ewa 0. Clnrke. p; J. Nowell look, a strong , couple, and ' . When you buy Heinz you get the purest goods in the mar- pricket. W. Vannata. c; C. W. Olrvln, lb;. next to (hem F, F, Baldwin anil Aug. 7: Practice. M. Plata. 2b; W, Meyer, 3h; 1, I). Thompson appear to have a good ket. Tennis. Ilento, ss; Joe Ellas, If; James La- - chance of winning their part of the Aug. 7: Wull Cup. ilng, cf; M. Rodrlques, rf. tournament. Lougher and Wafsh, . of the population of If In will fine game, 4 00lf , The whole form, put tip a taking Cunha-Warre- n Ask Your Grocer ,'. Aug. 8: Mclnerny Cup. . Ewu sod Walanae Intend In hut the struggle bttween Fistic. ',' the'gpue tomorrow, anil all that Is and Myers-Nowe- ll should be Aug. 14 1 Sullivan vs.-- ' Cordell. nqw required Is a tint day. The about the star match of the lot. ' iff eT Twenty' rounds. ' plaers, band and 'fans will do the The tournament will be conducted Aug. 1C: Barconl'vs. TerrV. rest for sure. In the manner as that of last savie v ,A V Then In the afternoon tho secon- year.. and each. team will play three 9 As - d-round In the Oahu' League will sets straight against its drawn op- The LEGGATT BED start: ,so.tar each team has played ponents. SPRING Bestful, Sanitary, the. others once, nnd lit the second j Durable, Noiseless We guarantee for ten yean NEW AUTOSTANB i iia nuuuiuiu iruui win icuiv against t White Dress Goods round the same will, be done, except town on Friday next, and after play' tagging or breaking. that the order will be reversed. The lag the match' at Puunene will re' Five of the best known and care- C. A, C b and J. A. C.s will have a turn to the city on Bunday. The Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd. In city start-- 1 ful chauffeurs the have go at ono another tomorrow, anil excursion to Puunene Is always a New shipment arrived by the Alameda. p own corner jirt stand of their at the the Marines and Kallhls wjll also most enjoyable one, and the present !AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWMWWWWV of King Ulshop streets. The ' LACES and EMBROID ZRY all new designs. and have a try to whitewash one another. trip should be no exception, . I new concern will be k'nown as the The half-we- ts will be out for gore What with baseball, tennis, lunus limOpUUUCllL AUIU OINIIU, Will ailU tomorrow, and are determined to and dances, the Puunene Festival j comprlst the following experts: W. .( show the public that they can go promises to be the beat on record, Townsend YEE CHAN & CO., II. Hnrrub. Uulck; Jim Ilarrub, Max- Undertaking"; through the second round unde , r 1) i nooney, .Packard; well: Jerry Frank feated. BIO BLACK 8POT ON UN. Corner and Bethel Streets. Lowls, Kissel; A. McLcod, Thomas Kin? J. All three games at the Athletic Flyer. men need no Intro- These should be well worth watch- Boston, July 27. The Untied States Co., f public, wish to Park Ltd., j ductions tho but ing, and there Is no' doubt that one hydrogriphlc station' hs been advlsad hao It understood that In tbelr new of the largest crowds of' the season spot with cornet-lik- e venture promptness, courtesy and of a distinct black a Carry a complete stock of Coffins and Caskets. Tbev i will visit the popular Sunday resort. tall reasonable prices will prevail. Tel. traveling across the surface have just acquired the "Everlasting" process of Embalm- There will bo things doing at by G09. of the) Bun, as seen Captain K. J, ing. This system does away any mutilation of too, In afternoon, and stea'ni-ei- with the Aala Park, the Janseu, commandtfr of the first body. the.AnlnK and Fort' Shatters will Admiral Farrsgut, which arrived another," have another crack at one today from Jamacla Captain Jansun They are the promoters of the City Mausoleum. Mr. SWAHN certainly stickers Bargains The, Shatters are said he saw the spot , through his Agents for the Harrison Mutual Association. it from way back, nnd they are improv- soxtant when off Charleston, S, C: TlTeir Batiste 10c yd 5 c a yd Formerly cutter for H. P. Both'," is ing a lot, tpo. They' should, with a again off Cape Hatteras, and once prices and services are satisfactory, blj of luck, about put It over the more last Sunday off Nantucket. Kach White Goods ISo yd now 10 o a yd charge of L. KERR A a s now in B. opposition nine. k" time the position of the spot had W.-- HALL, President. Color Lawn a yd now a yd TAILORING DEPARTMENT, The second game at Aala will be changed I2V2C 7'2c CO.'S J. H. TOWNSEND, Funeral Director. " ', ' UCHIDA;-- -. . GEORGE ROCHA, Assistant. A I4. Ahdy, Nuuunu, below Hotel S.

Office 69-7- Bioycle shop and general xepairing seLStoddard-Dayto- n k.7ttd and Chapel, No. 1 Beretania St. work. Specialty in nickle, silver We get the bulk of this work be and gold plated work. hfiryYWY"irirYyryirvvYYvvyvvyv of cause our superior facilities for, KINO, OFF. AIAFAI ST, FREIGHT handling it and our reasonable By the Hour or Trip prices. We do all kinds of hauling, 0, Q. YEE HOF 4 CO. HAULING however, and are looking for more Soil, black or Walanae sand, coral business, Level Up or rock furnished to fill up depres- SHIPPERS and FAMILY G. C. BECKXEY, Jr., sions or build up terraces, " BUTCHERS Your Lot & Co .AT, HAMM.YOUNQ OARAOEl 1M, Honolulu Construction Draying VON PHONE M. -- Phone POND Office Fort Street. Opp. W. G. Irwin & Co. Phone 281. TELEPHON- E- -- 2S1 890 P. -

v I ',. it SU JL-- -- l V, .iUtljil .i' Jli i. h"'ihi I Yu BsMMts,lifrWMBsWrilWTitW'rrta1 ""!&? nr.rjS2rJ:ti!J, -- ' . Tff TJFmW77imiwm-rsrr- TrifiBcnrFisrw' ' V, y "'!'" t,yvfygfigw"' V'. ' ' " 'F. v ' ( M ' l' 1 (, S EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. II., HATUIinAY. AUO, 7. I90!. ., , ' m I J, i T Independen W Auto mmmmmmmmmmmmmtkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm Stand .. F. Wrt vW ,y i

Careful and Experienced Telephone Chauffeurs W. B. Harrut4 Jim Harrub Jerry Rooney Round the island Trips Frank Lewis J. A. McLeod A Specialty s 609 4 Autos by the Day, Hour, or at Hack Rates King and Bishop Streets tftTPQaUCSKHSaKC

lit cllmljlr.g mcetB wllh a IlnlLk-tO- .' According In piosent plans of llio Hasina records when H:itiilnu drovo mi Introduction of the 191(1 I'mul; btock car, save a vivid demonstration iiITIcIiiIm of llio Automobile Club of his Appornhi OD miles ul a 01 nilln- - idis lo tlio aulomolillo public. of the pluck anil grit of which ht Ikim California lliu proposed mad laro to an hour iikiiIc. In fait, tin; onl) event j 'I lie iccoril made Is Just 10.3 ml In so bountiful a KUiiply, ut tho Cnliim bo held on the Al.uncda eountv coiiiko over held In this country In whlih bctler than that of 35. S iuIIch, which Baseball Racing bus, Ohio, on .Id, when In during week will lie 11k this tlmu was equaled wnii Havan a 1909 set us a B meet July Poilola uiv.it the Franklin bad world's ,'1,t the o American Uiiimploushlp '""",l fl,r "tilctly stock tuiH ever nah men last fojtoii, when the finest iccopl only u few months before. In Boxing I111" of i Bowling event, after lowering tin- - world's '"i''1 ln country. Not onlj will thu fmulsii and American irH u contest held under the direction 4 record for each nil!,, frnm tlio unlet h llcsl of '" Lablem Block racing which hud competed In tho Vniiderbllt of thu New York Automobile Deal- , '" mory cup ttHjk Boating PORT Rowing 'to tlio ninety-fifth- he toro three tlroi rarB u0 ru:;lil to this rlly, hut contcbtH part. Tho time of ers' Association. from his rnr, but continued and flu effort will bo tnndo to get tho famous tho winner nt tiiuimmili was only twi J..-- ished tho race on three naked rims, I French nnd other Kuropfan ilrheis lo rcrnmlH better thnu tho tlmo of Una Hveiott Wilson nnd family, of IV handle ears In the event, , shall and his Appersou. 111, averaging one. minute and six seconds i klu, have Just letuineil from a Murray Pago of tho l.neomoblln a to tho mile, and making a most gal-- , Willi this retold lo uphold, Hie local 2UU uillu tour In u 1'ianklln autoino- Company will bu n molor-iaetil- Polo Field At Married vs. Single hint and spectacular light tu win, hut oiio of the i nlhusl.ists will hive to bllo lo tlio MMboaid of the Now Kng-lau- I local di Ivors to t.iko part, driv- overy only Ktnlcs' M0I0R CAR JOTTINGS. was passed by Dunnan (aIo ln n exert effort to havo not n nnd hack, ing ono of their regular I Cricket Match Dulck-40)- , who was pressing him ery fast rourso, hut to gel ho bei.t nn.i Tho trip vvas such a success, having Kapiolani Park stock cars. Cheverlot, llurnnn dud closely at tho time ho threw his tires. mil drivns. been made without mislup of any i Ktrnng, the llulck lacing team, urn ex I There should bo a good out I) n ' t. Kilt, that they urn now waiting to Kaiilolaiil '.iik will boon have a turn rm an finished first, lowering tho pected to bo on vvhllo No motor cars of 1910 hand, Cliailes It, A litop was Hos-lu- rranklln of cricketers after- mnetj-sixi- Tho first 1'ianklln molni car of lepeaL mado at flue polo Held and tlnn (he game will at Maklkl this wuniiB recom iron, ino slll(,B ,, Umls model are to carry extra tires. This Rim,,-1.- . . sParns.' 'H.hi.er and tluv touilstH went on from boom ns uo vr before All the nirungo-mini- s noon when the Itcnedlcts nnd the mlln UlllirA a,.r....l .liilmnul ... 1910 model to enlei u contest Is I lin is t lie outcome of a grow- : wna a i.ozior, licit Dlngley with a thero lo Pen (land, Me., anil going v. Hh funn- lnnnatlon ll.ichelors try conclusions on the lo- by reason of the"""100th , various for ahead llio accident, lo Chalniers-Lolrolt- nnd (Icorgo Hubert-so- n one whlcli recently broke tlio vwirld'a ing beucnast Is forty-tw- o Held realization that extra tires arc cal pitch. mile. .iii lesorts. Tho car a ing of a first class polo have been entirel) unnecessary with a Hudson arc among tin iccord for gasoline economy by horsopovcr louilng car carrying made, and a Is to bo ouco if the tire It Is rumored that the baseball start made at n"!11r,1 racing experts who 0 , , W1U., passengers, equipment slzo Is light for the auto- platers who did such good work n onjl 0j" I1K 00 .,, Kaso., on the imposition. nnd a llulck "22" T ho found among tho contestants. , . mobile weight. Undoubtedly the 11,11, 1,1 ,1 .,....,...... ,, n ' The Public Workti Department hni couple of vceks ago nt the ancient ciuuntniiy.... mo...... uiiicks won (list " .....,.v. v. ,u greatest In and llhink books of all sorts, ledgers, C000 anno) mice today auto; game are again going to the second In tho Club r.lven cubic yards of splendid soli gle seven events entered at California liolds the roenid for Autoinobllo oriluffiilo. In llio trtc, manufnetured by tho Uullettu mnblllug Is tire trouble. This is duo cricketers an exhibition of to bo used as ,i top dressing on thu fast and hub mvei. stock car racing, having beaten ullwny of performancu hlng - lo the strain being grcntcr than llio this constitutes Comca- ground. The soil, which is of tho accurate fielding. i. sustaining ability of tho tires. The Mime kind as uns used to nil in on tlio The game today will start at 2:l!i loading down of tlio running board be by tho.Rap-)- d o'clock, and all platers vho caro to waterfront, lll hauled with equipment In such ny as Transit Company ut tho expense of (n take part In the game should be on to tloso tho intranro to a seat, t3 tho ground nt that time. Archlo tho I'olo Club. has been tho practice of tho past' Tho earth which Is to conic from tho Kobertson, If he plays, will, no lew jears In tarrying extra tires, doubt, give as good an exhibition of Nutunu stream. In particularly pood has produced much dissatisfaction for the purposo It Is Intended for. It batting ns he did ou his first appear- among users of motor cars. ance. "binds well and after a few weeks set-tlo- s Tlio Tranklln are light down In great shape; tho Bandy tars of Tho married men will have tho weight for their tlzo nnd because of patches nt Knplolnnl will bo much ben- benefit of Hob Anderson's services, that fart aro particularly easy on Al- efited bv tho appllcitlon of the top ndn ho Is a host In himself. tires. To Improve this condition for though batting late- ilressing and onro tho liropor sized with hard luck 191U there has been an Increnso of ly. Hob Is due to mal.o a score IKilo Hold H marked off, the transisir-latlo- W I blze of tiros for all rranklln models. soon; maybe cen- ol tho boll begin he will make a will Tho light weight and tho Hrgcr tires tury today. alto minimize the road ' ock, thus tut u :t n ::: s a n u ij a a tt tt it Wall Cup Play; prolonging the life of the tires nnd Increasing tho riding comfort of tho stnntly being made tho subjeat of passengers. greater study. In In Franklin plant Gee vs. Warren the of Tire troubles In the past work the furnaces Is given hao tho closest scrutiny. pyro- been negligible In the caso of the Klectrlc This nrtorncon on the Ilcretanla meters supplement Judgment 'Of Franklin; for 1910 they will be the Urcit courts tho Wall cup will 'lis 'skilled In determining more ro became of llio uso of tho workmen tho lotight out. for between L H Ceo and critical point larger blze of tltc. In tho numerous at which tho treating Vi'. L. Warren. The latter bus already has produce greatest efficiency endurance apd reliability contests in the on llio cup twice, and if ho defeats of sought. which 1909 models participated tire the kind The extensive fleo this afternoon, ho will become tho high-grad- e trouble with the Franklin entries us,e of steels In this coun- owner of tho cup try Is duo to was almost unheard of. almost entirely tho Geo is playing In fine form Just now, coming of the automobile, there Heat treutlng and nnd tho match between ho and Wan en of ductals for use Is promise that tho automobile more In bhould proo as exciting as any ever automobile construction Is n pro- than anything olso will bo responsi- lilaycd In this Territory. Tho match cess which bus been rapidly develop- ble for their farther development. ed a few I1I start at 1 o'clock, nnd a largo wltliln yenis. One of the crowd of spectators Is expected to first motoy car factories ,at which John Hoffman, ono of tho was wealthiest ,lslt tho touits and take In tho game established n chemical labora- farmers of the State of Washington, Strong Speedy Roomy Sty! tory, whlcli is n basic ebsential In Tlio men hao different stylo of has recently purchased h new forty-hors- e the hnndllng high-grad- e lilayjind, wflllo Ceo goes In for hard effectho of powrr Whlto Steamer runabout There have been many low priced caro, but never one so big, strong, speedy and good looking as this one. -- ml cUiei was -- 'bitting and placing Waircn Is up t tcci metals, that ol the third automobile bought by hltu tho II II Manufacturing In Hudson "Twenty" you get the best automobile value ever offered for less than In this ccr nil tho liner points of the game, nnd rranklln this year, and all of them "Whites. the $1000. Company nt V. 3s n remarkably heady pbijer. Sjiautse, N. Larly In tho spring Hoffman madu you find that something called class 'that something which other cars at or near this price have lacked. Despite tlio iMipulur belief expert? The best tlneo out of flo sets will tho purchuso of his first machine a In heat treatment of Bteifls say forty-hors- o Most been too small. Designers of other cars selling around the price of the 1)0 pl.ijeil, mid it is safe to say that that handsome, power low priced cars have In the Hudson Hudacn theio Is nothing mjstcflous about big long base 100 "Twenty" to realize that' it is make tho holo five will bo played before touring car for fumlly use, "Twenty" you (jet a car. Note the wheel have not seemed as easy to a their work; that vork, however, It buying twenty-hors- o inches. big, 32-in- large goo looking car as it is to make another tind. llio fnto of tho cup Is decided. another power Note the strong wheels, the radiator, one of oxtrenio delicacy, tjio seeming runabout for his own purpose. big hood, staunch, clean-mad- e frame. Here is a car that is big and racy looking. Note the graceful mstoiy nnd novelty of vhlch-arl- st his son, who lives on his ranch "Twenty" ample leg room. i3 no lines. Observe the sweep of the fiom of The Hudson has There and harmonious the fenders and Kalihis Send Men variable that it Starbuck, found the autoinobllo bo regardless price, affords more comfort flame. There is no car with better lines. Judged by evcrv must bo controlled to produce the iraluablo an on Roadster made, of that asset tlio farm that ho to in it. front the dash there mechanical and engineering standard this car is thorougl.Iy pci feet nrtlclo. It Is not only In the appropriated his father's big touring those who ride From the seat to Try Big Ball is a space of 31 inches. without embodying any experimental features. To attainment of high grndu but the ;ar, and in order to sccuro Its return, nmlntenai.ee ol uniformity of thai ho latter piesented him with his own At a special meeting of the Oahu giado through parts which are pro Lriinabout. y Dakebal) League which was held last Some High Grade Features of this 1910 Model lured by tlio thousand that tlio bene As tho harvest drew near Hoffman scml-ellipt- Tho In nnd In zoning tlio mutter of nllowlng Junior Selective, Sliding, Gear Transmiuion Tho Bprlnis are of special steel, tires aro 32x3' front a2".x3l' the fit of u labnrntoiy oncluded thnt a car was indlspcns-ibl- e In rear, rear. Tho has a-- teiiKiJe, btiength of wr'lli and heat treat in front, and tho crank shaft ball plajois to play tho seniors in hlu work and a ago Tho Hudson ''Twenty" has a slldini: gear such as you And in tho Kenault, Chalmers-Detroi- t, 100,000 pounds; thu clutch is leather faced, con lug systfm like that of tho I'ranklt short tltne trammlsalon, type, speed lorvvard was discussed forty-hors- selective three and type; tho clearance Is 121 Inches under tho steer-in- g works Is made oldont. It Is recog irocurod tho povor road-ite- r and you find Pierce others. A 1'iilk reverie, such as on the Packard, constant knuckles. letter fiom Chillies piesl nlzed as a much less illlllcult thine he Is n6wxuslng In .reaching his Peerless, Pierce, Lozfcr and other high grade Lubrication is of tho pump circulated, (lent of tho Honolulu League, splash system, which has proved so satisfactory was to produce a single llffercnt ranches, vhlci are sltuatfed cars. Mo3t other d cars do not liuvo article or an oc Chalmers-Detro- it The Car cad, but tho Juniors did nut like plies apart this type of transmission. on the Oldsmobllo, and other Ideal the caslonul nrtlclo of high grade than aiid which ho can now highly successful cars. Idea oxpiesbed. Thico of tho lonnu islt dally if ho desires a thing The Hudson "Twenty" h tho Ideal car at tho it is to go on producing duplicates o Four Cylinder Motor The body is composed of tho best grade of ash, price. It leaves nothing to bo desired. . opposed tho schtmo for some strango tfhlch previously would iScon ciiinl strength and bcrvlco powei have an is vertical, four cylinder, cycle, carefully placed and securely bolted to tho framo. i only mposslhlltty. Theotor four Nothlngexpcrlmcntalaboutlt. Notutnguntre il. lensou, and tlio Knlllils seemed mouth after mouth, water cooled, known as tho Kqnault type, Hi" Scats are large and roomy and wqll upholstered. I to fnor tho'l'ioposal The erjstulllne structure of stce boro and 41' stroke. And Koniult motors are Tho "Twenty" has Jieen recognized by ? Competing against the pride Two Color Schemes Used the It was dually decided tli.it tho Kali In lelatlon to heat treatment Is de carB of larger of France. color Association of Licensed Automobile 'Manufir I You havo your choico of two tasty "lilu lin tillnwnil tt t;nli1 tin tiifiin llititi ilzo and weight and greater power, a Tho frame of tho Hudson Is of turers. Is tho only cylinder c-- ill!) IU HIIIIM Vl t Pbll'l IIW 4IU L' LIIUI pendent upon, 11 a factors; tempera "Twenty'' the schemes on the '"Twenty": u rich marobn, with It four lictnied i five men to play for tlio big leaguo ,'adMac '"Thirty" won the Johnson best open hearth stock. It is Si x U' section, edges striped in black; selling for less than $1,000. tare, time of heating, mass, rapldlt) accurately and carefully riveted, together mouldings and of bonnet , nip in tho fouith annual reliability with leather bluo black, Or battlcshlpgray all over w ith Tho'icnbon that tho Marines olijocteil of cooling mill disturbance In the hot rivets, and braced against all possible strains. Equipment: Two larrro headlights, gener- our of tho lllnghaniton, N. Y., Auto-nobll- o apple green strlptngs und upholstering, t enders. two sido nil lamps, talidampb, . to tho now chungo wna that Major way of tnechanlcal woik during cool Our frames are made by the Hydraulic Pressed ator, lull let tout Club. Tho winning car Is fender irons, podals, nnd top irons aro enameled and porn Long did not wan! tho men to play bull Ing. Annealing, hnidenlng nnc Steel Company of Detroit, the company which black. Tho steering column, sido lamp $900. by high-price- radiator, iwned Dr. Jeromlah McDonald of makes frames also for d Proat-O-lat- on both HutiiHlnjv and Sundajs. tempering the Steurnscars. brackets, hub caps, and sldo control levers uru of With Bosch magneto, top, o tank, aro governed by these llnghamton and was by li driven Harry brass. Steps aro aluminum. double rumble seat J? 1 OSO. : However, Eomrthlng Is gilned The same steel may be put success 3oherty. Single Piece Axle .itlio nrlvllego tho Knlllils have irilncd fully to two Tho drop-forge- d dissimilar uses by sub Tho run was from lllnghaniton to front axle is a one piece Oar allottment of these cars is limited and orders n iicl It Is liopeil that la llio tAlu cud Acting it to dlffeilug heat treat section, of the best grade of open hearth steel, " loston nnd return a distance of 800 carefully beat treated. The Peerless, Pierce, will be filled inrotation as received. Please call, , tho reform wedgo. niLiilH In ii&o may of ouii It need ti nlles and tho Cadlllac'B bcoro was Matheson, Lozier and high 'jo other grado cars uso telephone write for further ase drop-forge- or information. hardened, In unuther havi icrfect, no trouble whatovor being d front axles. aUPMArllNE VILLA. itrent tensile Eticiigth, In anotlie not even with. tho Hies. The rear axle is of tho g typo, shaft-drive- n, iave gieat toughiiei-s- ; elthor brittle proved out by a scoro of makers. tt Stubh "How I? thnt suburban uosa or ductility may he I); wanted. Stiang, who Is making Three-quart- er j on bought? I understand It U such Elliptic Rear Springs the light kind of tieatment there- l successful n tliilit?" record thioiighout tho There is more rake to tho steering post than U Hall & Son, Ltd., fore Its power for be con- - South In ,E.O. Agents service can and Hast all tho v j'cuu ios, n nu.uiiio (lorn. speed uud found on the averajro cor. ,


--'.& i jr&is&L w,f, ;w P'TVP1


ed that he has given up the Idea of equipping the Pacific Mall steamer with wireless. Tho management o Printing and that company evidently feel that they have no need to cater to tho There's In form communica- quality Gurrey's Developing public that of A (iuide To tion. The Territorial Immigration Hoard hns otcd to secure if possible a trial n n makes rpcclilty, number of sales the famous Kapan lands will he sold shipment of forty families of Itus-la- Inning been made tho past week, A In tho near future Just what this Several propositions wero row tract Is being opened for sale. It means In connection with the land made tn the Hoard by the promoter Good Is located on tho ildcu with thn view deals of that section Is hard to say of Husslan Immigration and It Is not Health IN BUSINESS CIRCLES commanding thn harbor and Koko Olchenn wns part of the public land! Inown Just which will be selected. Head. Applications for these lots aro that was to be exchanged for some A I, C Atkinson will go to llussln already on file. of the MnKcc Sugar Co s land It to oversee the situation nnd size up the uitginal proposition made to the people It Is Intended tn send Probably tho most Interesting Spalding Pad gone through. At the Most satisfactory Industrial ami point. Is tho defiant attitude 'of thu real estate deal ot the week was tho time, It was said that the public. nnrtw Eat Properly; Sleep Properly,-Drin- k financial condition! havo combined to criminal Japanese. All their efforts talo of the lot on Fort street at the land carried the wntcr privileges THAANT- M- In Hllo cut Jlnmhy Autr mnknl corner of Chaplain LAino and Spalding's land carried the res- 2. to the wife of D a mako Ihu week almost u record break- are cmtcrcil on (he perversion of Jus- to Tliaanum son Properly Charles M. Cooke, by l'xrrl-slo- r ervoir files er In tho way of luisliicsa. 111 Inu onu tice and an overthrow of the Jnr sy Ltd.. l.odg of Odd recoid was biokcn when Hawaiian tvin as u means for the ronvicilon of Fellows. The lot has a frontage of 12f on Hapid Transit Directors met this Commercial sold on tlio ban Hanclscu criminals. Unless' tho community feet Fort street and runs back along Chap week and passed the luccssaiy reso ritock i:xcnanhO lor 13J. 'Una Is il wakes up tn what Is going on, tho lain l.Jiin ibout the snmo I lutions to bring its Pearl Harbor EAT as much as you can. higher figure man In It criminals haVo a show 01 siicccih. If distance. at un' time Improvements Traction Company uistoiy, the should lucccccI tn an) measure, on the property con- Into line with sist of four small stores and a cot- the laws passed by the last Legisla- Our SLEEP Actum In the Btoct market has ecu tho I'edei.il government will step Into as much as you can tage, and the price realized was ture The company will bo starting I leicd Wnl.ilua, Hawaiian Com Ihc brcich. around SJO.OOO. The deal was negotiated for Pearl Harbor next month Ualiu, L.wn DRINK RAINIER mciclnl, and Olaa. Wal.i through the rcnl eitatc department BEER lua liaa tlio most u Is turn- madu soiisutloni Interest In Iho slock market of the Trent Trust Company. No Promotion Committee work con- Soda Water by 110 reach mi; in Jumps or ing to the less expensive stocks and it announcejnent has been made of tinues to bring results In the nature two and thrcu dollars a day, niter unco Is nil Indication of Inside sentiment what uso the Cooke Co. will put the of increasing numbers of people to p.w. 'Iho splendid coiull that Ihc (ordinarily pessimist and con- property, but It 'is presumed that In looking In this direction This week tlon of tlio (limitation Fountain and the good servative men in Iho down town dis- time n handsome building will re- the Itinerary was received ot the price of augur are the causes. Willi trict nro quietly sugRestlng Hint thcio place Hie present small structures. Clark's Tours party of seven bun Rainier Bottling Works inlr roturns and no extraordinary is money to bo mado In Hie purchase Thut Mr. Cooke has confidence In dred that will stop here in January the stock of thl plantation of Olaa and McDrydc at Iho market Honolulu's future Is evidenced by on Its way around the world. Word Telephone 1331 ' ehould bo Belling at $150 next year. figures. Thcso properties have ot this and other purchases of a simi- has also been received of the con- fa course had n hard time of II hut they lar nuturo that lie has been making. tinued effort of tho Salt l.ako people It Is an old story to say that the havo gonu to bed rock, the water lias tn ( barter, two steapiers to bring Has the largest condition of the pl.intatlona is sntia been squrcicd out, the mistakes of Water development In tho Kohala n party of excursionists here this patronage be- mctory, Tlio weather has becu ulniost management have been in ule good, tho district will not cease If tho Parker winter. Meanwhile tourists nro ideal for the growing ciop and except unexpected problems havo been Interests h.ie their way. Work has dropping In. Undoubtedly a larger cause the Soda ill the llllo district and tlio north encountered and corrected, and begun on laying out an upper ditch number ot visitors arc In the city coast of Hawaii has not iiitcrfcied they aro now falrlj well on somo eight miles In length for con- thnn during nny summer of the past Water is snnprinr .villi the present their, way to being lister In thu Tho Moann Hotel filled ciop. serving tlio waters of that district has been nt I profitable properties. Olaa slumped In tho higher lccls. TliU Is to be times and all the hotels and board- to any in Hono It Is hard (o nay how thu sensational n few dnys ago on the false rumor of associated with a great system of ing houses nre doing well. incidents of the week luuo ufTccfcd ii had shortage of tho crop and Is now storago reservoirs that when com- lulu i Have you justness. The nttempt to kill Editor (covering on thu facts being known plete will storo billions of gallons The ubiquitous knocker. It seems, sheba ma) hnye had something to do Mcllrjdo has remained station iry be- of water now running to waste. like the poor. Is nlwnys with us. We found as pure Furniture with tlio declination of tlio Higher cause Interest has 'been centered In have Juit !'r"ii of n tourist who wns good no- Wage Association calling off thu atiikn 1 tinning up Iho price of stocks tn other Contractor McDonnld who Is build- so favorably Impressed with Honolu- and as on Oalm and Honolulu plantations, but directions. This plantation will pay ing the Children's hospital was lu nfter n stay of p few weeks that where? u jo far as the general public is con- off over a hundred thousand dollars awarded t lie contract this week for ho and his wife determined to In- your cerned, It had up of Its Indebtedness and a fine prospect new quarantine of In- in some go made its mind that the ward that vest building lots, then he stilkc was finished anyway. for the new crop. Under the Impetus stitution. It wilt cost In vicin- back homo nml up The the gather the rest VJ CREDIT large interests were In a position to of good sugar prices and nu advancing ity ot $5,000. of their family and conic with them carr on the harvesting and cultivation market these stocks should go 7, 8. 9 nil to establish their home here. en these two plantations Indefinitely, or oven 10 beforo tho close of thu sea Tho Hawaiian Dredging Company Ileal estate offices were visited, and Benson, Smith As a matter of fact tlio tnnouncemeiit Knockers will laimh at this us this week launched tho rco'.v ot the finally n satisfactory location wns a jf the change In the Oalm dividend had they did tho II rat, of thu year at tho giant dredger California that Is coon selected and agreement retched ns & Co., Ltd. GOOD noro to do with the strengthening of suggestion that Waliilun under ordln to be engaged In opening up of to prlco of lots, terms of sain, etc arlly good Two scows money Hotel and Fort Streets. --ij Jalm stock than any declaration of conditions of crop and pi lee Pearl Harbor. dump nre Karnest was deposited, unit my wngo association. The Influence, would go nboto par. There are still building In thu snmn y.ud 1. id will deeds forwarded to San l'rnnelsco none. or, was roit In San Francisco more pcoplevto speak disparagingly of bo launched by tho time the Call tor fin the owner's slgnntuic, he Imp Is ready away 10111 AS ) ml the Hawaiian stocks were Im- ourlalandr properties tlisnUhcre aro nla for action. penlng nt the,; time to be f Piano Tuning anil mediately moro In demand. boosters, unfortunately It la to be home. And then Mr, Knocker heard hoped that a now habit will bo formed. Tho will of the lalo I)r. Screno what was up. and before he got I J.Hopp&Co. Illshop was Repairing Fho hundred men returned to work Then loss good money madu fiom thu made after that eminent through with tho prospective n6v it Oalm plantation on Friday noon. prosperity of Hawaii gill go to hvvcII gentleman had passed bis eightieth icslilcnt Mr. Tourist felt like Hono-ul- il 185 King 11 St lready about five hundred were In tho coffcis of "enterprises" birthday. In this day and genera- wan unfit (or malnlnndcr to Bergstrom Music Co., ltd. ho camps having drifted In In parties that look well on paper. tion it has come to bo qulto the establish n homo In; bo called at the )f thing for both men nml women to real estate office where negotiations from dvo to twenty, so that planta-io- n Conklin t.lve nttentlon to the matter of pre- had been conducted, put up the g now has about a thousand Jap- Tho j price of Bugar has advanced In money (or anese. Not nil tho former Japanese stendlly, and now It Is only a question paring their wlls oarly life, and n cablegram to Sail Fran- the practlro of companies cisco to call tho off, said lie workmen will bo taken back. On this ot hqw farr above four cents it will tho triuit deal Fountain Pens TAKE A go. In making it easy to havo wills would sarrlflrc his deposit, and then DIP IN PROSPERITY plantation as at Kahuku tho undesir-Jblc- s 'Beets hao ndvanceif'tolOs. lOlid. pieparcd greatly 11 street to the havo been told that their places or n parity of 1.39 ami although tlio has Increased the went down back OAT & M0SSMAN. fia s piactke nlong this line. Tho steamship office to book Ills pissngc ' - mvo been flllod by tho rcilnhlo atrlke plnutors' quotation for our-Mlu- is Trent Trust Cnmpin) make a specially ot bnck to the coast, ashamed ot hlm-bo- lf X breakers, Somo men nru not taken OS for centrifugals, sales have been wills, and already has n large num- at having ever been so foolish iack under any conditions, whlld oth-t- s inndo on tho New York exchange In 4 ber of testamentary documents filed as to think (or a moment ot Invest- Teiritorial Board of are allowed to return take small lots at 08. Unquestionably and In their vaults. It Is not an un- ing In Honolulu real cstnte or con inch placea as they can find. thcro will liu 11 nearer approach to par- In other usual thing for a merchant or other sldcrlug the matter of establlshlnp vords they have to begin at ity us tho month cIokh. Much now Immigration the bottom business man to have his will drawn his fnmlly home hero. The real cs mi! start over ng'ilu. At Honolulu depends on thu reports of weather con ntiiAA Afi tit J.. In Lcfore starting on a mainland trip. tate dealers nre thinking of raising CtHiJ S4LUL--J--czgu&- .limitation tho men nro gradually mov-n- g dltions Kurupo for tho beet crop. & a fund tn erect a targe knocker stat- Honolulu, I & Into tho camps. About tho strlko IM. Ingham who recently rcsigucd ute on the water front and would 'leadquarters thcio Is tho or Thu leal estate maiket Is nbout the . Let us print your PROGRAMS. MENUS, usual knot from the mnnngemenUof tho Parker like suggestions for a design. , rreconcllablcs who suy they will ranie. Hanks mid, financial men nro O novcr ranch has gone to California to look 5i SHIPPING TAGS. LABELS and all other' to back, 'thc.ru very read to finance building plans while Is any money after the ranch property of gam Itcports from Prof. KoqIicIo stnto kinds of Commercial 'n tho Higher Wage for homo hulhk rs. Linen Sale or Law Printing treasury to keep Parker In Tulnro County. He mny that he Is rtlll in searching for nn 'hem in food. 1ho Bxchango reports COg on tcmalu 011 the. Cout permanently, enemy nt the pestiferous horn fly 0M a ordtr and you built git) 9 anothit Ily activity. In Knlmiikl lots which 4 tu wording of the resolution It In (f It Tho Arizona dung fly Imported to SHEETING AND DAMASK : . wngo 1. , . 'lear that tho agitators will Superintendent Campbell an- kill off tho horn fly bus not mado n ' trlvo to keep their organization nltvo : nounce tho sale of a number of Mn- - great success but is attacking the BLOM'S .nil ready for action at another lime, For 8ale klkl Iota lu tho near future. Tlio ttablc fly. lot meniivv hllo Iho movemedt to ho. Iota In the uppor valley oniprlio LAW Siro a supply of Inbor that wil1 relievo $1,100. $1,100 BRIEFS somn of the most favored land In Prof Wilcox of tho Federal Agrl ho Territory from the possible grip of I am offering you a new large Iho suburbs of tho city with running rultural Kxperlmcnt Station is firm mother Japanese. Industrial w.11 Is go- house with three bedrooms, never oc- wntcr and all tho perfect settings In his recommendation nt Hawaii as cupied, School; Bulletin Publishing Go Ltd., ing on, and It will succeed. Tho TIP near St. Louis with of a country linjne. If more of the n great country In which to grow the plnos iron roof, modern plumbing, and lot arriving from thu Rnuihcvii I eoplo p.iIIci! what splendid prop- best grades ot cotton. This crop Is or g 4089 sq. feet, right in town, for only tho Philippine group am h' ut-n- erty Is available In section, the tspeclnlly attractive because It Is an $1;100. Very cheap. bargain. that TIME IS MONEY in in ery well, Kahuku plantation Rare prices Frcurol at thn sale would lie annual crop and thn market is sure This is $300 less than cost.. Vvlng taken nil that have hits 1. 11 most satisfactory to tho public treas No 1 o Here is your chance. the kitchen. urlved. ' ury. Mannger Schwerln of the Pacific C4fo-sil- company city "D T? T? Mail will arrive In thn fuel cooks so well as J JL-- : Ouo of 'tho 11 most serious fealmes of X K IVi UUail'Ull'l It Is rrporled that tho leasn tit with Ills family next week for 'ho situation from community - Qlehcna. He - GAS, nor so quickly, Tom Sharp a ttunij- Waity Bldg. 74 S. King St. "' KnuaManda jidjolnlng vneatlon. has recently nnuouiic- the and the cost of the meal preparation is less than when any Paiiiter iicTIOIfETS other fuel is used, HIGH-CLAS- S PAPEB-HANGIN- DECOBATnTQ, Experience of those AND GENERAL PAINTING. Will solve the problem of filing your Letters Documents, Checks, GAS Legal Blanks, Cards, Quotations, Price Lis'ts, Catalogs,, or in fact who burn proves anything that is fileable. You may buy them one drawer or one this. - Sharp Sig'nS fvo? " t tr'.O: hundred drawers at a time according to the size of your business and you may add to them as yoitr business grows. The' prices will sur- SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. Owl , Z aSteT Vsi. prise you. Also you will find the most complete line of ELITE BUILDING. ' PHONE 397. Desks, Offioe Chairs, Office1 Tables, Type-write- r Desks, Typewriter Chairs Gas and all kinds of office furniture and supplies ever shown in this Honolulu WIRING TWELVE HUDRED GALLONS Territory at Co., Ltd., by Want electrio Wert taken after test Federal an door belli people of ALEXANDER Y0UNO BLDG. We'll put it in fof you. the Eureka Perfection Let ns sim Fort Street Roof Paint. Send for Booklet. P. WALL, NICHOLS, CO., LTD. Bishop Street 0.1. your business Store ii Union Electric Co., 0. Box Beretnnia St., near Fort, THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Agents V

M- - ;&. &&&i teilti fw jaBBHsMPWfBiBPlMWiBMiiiMiiiiiiiiii i......

" Wt 10 " ' - EVEN1NQ BUtXKTTN. HONOLULU, T. II,, BATimDAY, Atlfl. 7, 1000. -

li . 7i

To - Follow , W The Crowd i Sachs' 1 I mmewemewemmvmmmKamemmeemmewmemwwmewmimmmmimew fig ------! ! flk (EVER in the history of Honolulu merchandising have such crowds attended a P w saie as nave come xo uus store tms weei. Ana xne reason is-p- i am. inever m Honolulu have such values been given as in this sale. Everything in the store ; ' is marked down to such an extent that the shrewd buyer recognizes at once that she is offered a bargain. t The Sale lasts only a few days longer! Are you going to miss it and i regret the lost opportunity ever after ? Come Monday Morning. as 3E ac SE 3E3E 3E 3E

N. kJ& SACHS DRY GOODS CO., LTD. Beretania and Fort Street f

tlflcntlnns at Fort linger Tuesday ninl nurses, had a merry fiollc on tho- uttiul gaiety, with balls, receptions Conducted by the officer In l.iwn, dm; happily In Ibe'K.iiiil with and dinners galore--, which will hu do ( chin go, they apt nt a voi interesting shovels n,id spades piovlded by the Iightful nftei, til1 tpltcl of thu pasi HOTEL hour seeing, (lie huge cniinon and elec- giadous hostess and oven had n bath , mniiiicr nioiilhs, trical apparatus; lliey climbed Into In tho sua, after which icfreshmeuts gTEWARl the balcouy, from wliciico will issue cre on the nltniellvo lnii.il, A miniber of people hive chosen 'I Tor llrlng FRANCISCO nil Iiittruc(tonti llm cannon, l.lttlo MIkh Wall was u very attentive August for their out Jaunts, SAN and most it,lhe guests walked through hostess and took plcasiiro In making Thu lteuil P. Kehweilns and Miss ' GEARY STREEf ABOVE UHIOH SQUARE Iho of Diamond her have i pleasant Maudu O'Connor will for HonoluTii JUST OPPOSITE HOTEL ST. FRARCI5 - n tunncriutn the crater snull Kuests after- sail tvientj-fourth- , DAY UP paaKESw".- Head, which was nn iiniisii.il expor-lenc- noon. . on tho and another pai-t- EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 A for (hem all. Tim party wan of frb-ml- s aio planiHug a Tubltn AMERICAN PLAN $3.00 A DAY UP composed, of Dr. and SIthi Mi drew, Miss P.lla A. Fleleher arrived on thu trip. Miss Kiiu.KI. (lo.ir and hei CLAjuHLdoiatown hotel. Stel and ii'Otlier'VIII for IMrupu III August Mrs. W. II. Henbane Mm. Nugcnl, Hlloulau for an exteude.l visit Vlth sail trick iltucUte., FurnUhed at a coil of Mlsa Kllzdbcth llardaway, Miss Char-- her sister, Mr, I.. IX Thayer, and her S. V. Kvimluc. $150,000. Eiiii comfort and eonient-onc- t. lotto Hall, .Miss Frances Olllet, Judge nephew, Wwlo Warren Thayer. M'lt On car lines transfetiing to all Perry, MrdW. W. Ilall.nnd Mr! T. Soy rietcher, who comes from New Yniic, Mr, K. D. Tenney went up to tho pattt of cltj. Omnibus meeti an trains moor Hall; has a reputation as' ft iihltosoiihlcil Coast on tho I, inline ' He mill Join i tnd tteaners. . writer, having published n number of j his fuuill) at l.alte Taboo, ami nrtcr.n Mr. and Mis. John Leslie Oonlon of hooks, iiinong which mo "Thu Law iiiotoi tilti In that vicinity, they will nuicL STEWART New Voik who aro enJolng u stay of of thu Itythmlc Ilruath," ami thu "Phll- - pinhahly nil luivu for Nowpoit News Now recoRtiized Hawaiian ' as several weeks at tho Alexander Young osophy of Host." Shu Is a sitcciul when Miss Tenney will christen thu Island Headquarters. I Hotel and who Intend to return hero writer for tho New York Ueinld mid now Mitson stunner Wllheliulua. Cable Address "IRAWETS." si next winter, met many friends on thoj will probably do soinu wilting for that ABC Guide. transport Ixignn, and entertained at n paper while here, Colcnot Sc'ifi or nnd Major Fosler heautlliilly appointed luncheon Mujori boat, M. Illssell of thu I'lflh Cnvolry Jeft on tho trans ISS WIGHT gave a clianipJKiio Iho Ihiu of thu l.tithcr Severance, Mrs. J. I MJ IXLA oier Smith mill his family. Major. Smith Mrs. William Cluff nnd hor pretty Logan 4&f lnmo essel Rllded swiftly mid Mrs. II, P. Walbrldge, Mrs. 1. C. pint Col. $chuvlci pines on thu ncL tfanspoit from S.in dance ''he belong to tho Medical Corps, Is enter-brillia- if ven njrtb!c last Miss and a daughter, Miss Florence, me will icliirn In'Scptenihei, wbllo .MuJor Ify taflly down this ways and, amid cheers Clarke, Miss Margaret Clarke, F Fiauclkcu. , I cnliiB at Hie unci fascinating mnh, Mr. tabling a trio of friends fiom Hounlu'u Hum n niiiltltude of ieuplo, floated Johnson, Miss Carpenter, Mrs. 12. W. Foster, who has a four months' leave, WW Wider at Wniltl-kl- , Cordon, being a Now York financier, nt their home In Herkcley. A Kracefully Into Honolulu haibor. Mr. Sutton, Miss n. Sutton, Mrs. W. I. sunituer will bo away some tlmo. Mm. 7., K. Mejcrs has Issued Invi- ,1 nnd" pre-ll- ) In honor f Mr Douglas Mrs (Jordon's father having been luliclu-o- was given In ot Waltei Di HiikIijiii, iresldent of thu Whitney, Mrs. Malcolm Mclntyro, Mrs honor tations for n shlitwalst luncheon for i Dimim who h.ivei the end one of the largest shipbuilders In tho vl.vltois Mrs. Kdwnnl Kelley, Miss Hawaiian DredKlus Company, icceUed Wndhams, Mrs. W. C. Hohdy, Miss the Tho many filends of Mr. and Mrs. noxt Satuulay at her aitlstic KaimuhJ of to country tho Gordons many J IS the month continue his btudles was have Wllllo Kelley nnd Mis. Noonnn, Ibis J. S. HnieiHou will ha delighted to u coii'jiatul lilons on all sides, and Kllzsibeth llardaway, Miss S. Plnder ' rcslileiu In the Hast The lawn attiactlvc friends In tho Army and Navy, and so aternoun. sharing in bos- - - mis the centie Nif an ailmlrlnK Rroup of Mrs. A. Lewis, Mrs. A. Francis Judd Others his hear that tbev- lll leave Cm ope about with many colored Japanese interns, find themselves quite nt homo In any pltalllv Mrs. Oeorge Downey I inlhuslasilc filenls iluiiiii;iiiut thu nf- Mrs. Albert Wnterhousu and Mrs. Vun weio tho middle of October on their Journey Miss Hen Taj lor Is visiting In His entwined with pepper boughs .ml the port. Mis. John Landls, Mis. TlreyiL, Ford ternoon Tho follonliiK l.ullis and ViilkenhurB. homeward to Hawaii. uolulii, having ennui down from Ha- largo ldnal outside was cffpctlxily plat-foi- .Mis. John (iallway and Mrs. John KtntkniPii occupied seat. on the www waii lust Saturday on tho Manna Kea. adorned with red carnations, palms, e.i-i- Mrs. Charles Wollman Parks was l'lsb. San (ilohe, crecteil near one end of tho oiuagenipnt Is nnnoiinced of Francisco Mis. John Watt, wlfo of Mtui'igor " and pepper boughs, which wero a mass Tho the hnste-s-s Wednesday evening nt a 55 Tor tho linlted KUestb. Ooxernor Walt of 01 m ojantntlim, down Miss Urooko Iloso to Frederick P Mis, nnd Miss Jor- of red berries The Inner lainl was 11. 1". charming dinner given nt tho Alex Hejmnur Hall, tho fllnnceo of I Jordan Victoria wid Mrs Mr and Mrs. Mlss-Ros- Miss roin Hawaii Inst week with two Fiear, Huttings. has just re her dan mo going down to Walhawa today beautified with masses of deep purple nilllnphiun, Mr. ami Mrs John P. Krd ander Young hotel. The dining table Itulh Houghton, sailed on tho Mon- (hlblicn, nnd departed Tuesday on 'the tin tied from Honolulu and Japan after (o. asters hanked up everywhere. was beautifully' decorated Willi exipil-sit- e golia s!2ml VI spend two weeks at Mrs". Unmn's. Those man, Mr. mid Mrs. Harold Dilllimbnm nn nhcenco of several jeurs, and Is July for a six weeks' ill l.uillnu foi Francisco. present at the dance were Mr. and American lleauty roses and fuath-ci- y V it Capt. mid Mri. Itces, Civil Knglncpr thu gucBt of Mr. and Mrs. Klrkham with his family in Honolulu. Dm lug Mrs. nidiurd Cooke, Mr. and Mrs maidenhair, Tho placo cards, rep- - his thu Mis. Luther Suvermuo of Illlo is PaikH, II. S. N., Civil nnritieur llun ell Wright In Scott street. Tho hrldo to-h- uhscuco nttiactivo Oakland Lieut. Chilton, post nu irtcrnvisln' Livingstone Mr. New-Yor- l the guest of Mis. P. C Jones at her Chester and Mrs. U. S. N Mr. and Mrs. Illllbon of Is n daughter of thu late A. II. rescntlm; nttrnctlvo Chinese momoh, hello will spend tho tlmo nl Cedars, of the Twentieth Infantry, dcp-iilc- Damon, by lug. humo In Niiuuini Viillej. Fred the Mls'cs llattlo Lucas, Mr. um: Mrs, Robert Atkinson, Rose, one of early merchants of were painted Miss Ester Civil .near the Summit. S. F. Uxamlner Tuesday en thu' transport l.ogiiu for tho Kiiglneeraiid guests Alice Cooke, Allco lledeiniinn, Dorothy .Mrs. Alutau Atklniun, Mr, nnd Mrs. San Krnnelsco, nnd a nlccp of Mrs. Mrs. Parks worn: Mr. Hall Is visiting his pareuls, Mr. California. Hit has been gi anted leave Mosher, Ueatrlce Castle S Mr. Clar- s Dr. and Mrs. Capt. Thn Mlssos l.ydla and Julia Sura l.ucas Jultii Wnl her, and Mrs. Selden 8. Wright, of this city. Slic-I- John 8. Mcdiew. and Mrs. W.xW. Hall. Tho family arc for tevcrul months. i outgoing passengeis on Jetslo Kennedy, Allrp Cooper, ence Cooke, Mr, and Mrs. Aithtir n cultured charming girl, and n and Mrs. Moses, Miss Miss down ut Pcail City Just now hut will weio Iho I. in line on Tuusdiiy, Lnngton, Uls.i Schnefer. lietio Ilroun, Mr. and Mis, Harry Dcnlsou, member of tho Colonial Dames, nnd llardaway, dipt. Snder, II. S. icliiin to Honolulu next week. ' Mih. Kllrnhcth Mason 'Poller, sister II. Fisher, Muriel llowatt. Ilnnlet Hutch, Mrs. tlenltt Wilder and others. tho Daughters of tho Confederacy, Mr. M. C, mid Dr. Charles Cooper. of Mrs, Silas W. Teiry, so well kno-vi- i if I). Smallwood. Alexander. the Mlses Hastings comes from a well known Mr. and Alls. I, It. Hums weio de- In Honolulu, died at Annapolis dining A Skin of Beauty is a Jay Forever Kopke, Margaret Itenny Cat-to- Ilrlgadler-Ciencrn- l Murray, A.. Catton I Mrs. W, W. Hall entertained In a Doston family anil is a grandson ot U. S. parting passengers on the Teujo Mnrit Iho second week In July. fiemnin Wadman Kthel Spihlln' delightful on Thomas. Huntings, composer of thai Mrs. Murray and tho Misses Sadie and on Tllesilnv fill- - Vokfibiimii. Afte,- - maimer Wednesday at li. WW T. FELIX GOIRAIJD'S ORIENTAL Allco Spabllnt; and the Messis. Thein h) of Ages." Ho Cnrollno Murray aro among our well ,MB s, Mr, Reynold n "Amiuiue," thu Hall summer homo nt beautiful inn, "Rock ,( nouolulu nemly two )e-u- (hey McUruw was guest fR. Cooke , h dor Hnroli Castlo Fied ".'Ich Pearl City In honor of Mrs. W. II Is u graduate of tho Uoston Conscrv. nuunu servieu laiiuue-s- nun urc ui weio very loth to depart. After visit, lit liwn phint'itlou for a few d.i.iu dur CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER mm, I.awienco .ludd lMmund Hede-man- , utory of Music, nnd possesses a su pfesent In this city, having arrived liig tho week, vhltlnt; Allan Kenton, , Dinliam of Cincinnati who leaves for lug rjhanghai Hongkong ami Hemo rimi(j rt Rast Tn, KrlhiR lledpinann, Ollthrlst lunch-io- n perb voice, which Iiuh frequently been nin thn Far via Honolulu on of Manager Ronton. rrrckle. Moth l ,tcl.c, ho re homo in a fortnight. Thu ninl passing through tho Sue, canal, ion llitU, unit bklo UiHMfFH, tho Cnro- Hatch, Alexander Walker, iJeorpo gracefully heard in concert, sharing tho applause hist Oceanic sjpamer. Miss tlu-- rtn uit miru tabler adorned with will stay ut Calm for a shoit on traulK.riij nlil Ilrunn, Oilier UansliiK, l.'ins-ItiR- , Tho of llno was n of In Mr. W. Moutroso Oruhain left Tuns-dn- y flea, Nelson v.ifes of goldtn shower blossoms, wcru with MadaniOiNordlca, tlmu duhuttiiila lust wlnler I lino. After spending sclmo timet In lit lectin!), It (1. wedding been Washington City, wit on Manila l.oa nu llANKtlMail ttlC trKt I'arrar Itenton, Itenton, I'ted Hit on tho lawn beneath oicrhunglng Iho has not mentioned where her nnd Pails, Mr. mid Mis. Hums will return the a business (t n Tpurt, nan i l.onrcy, A. Uiwrej known tho wedding ns the till) to Kona. Mrs. (lialiain U q harii It m and others. boughs, mill theio tho happy guests but it is that after fascinations marked her tmo of to their homo in Nuw York in tho acciuii tMtfltli txnurtl ? . Mr. Hastings and his hrldo will innko most delightful of 'Iho jouuger set. paulcd her hush mil, la i rottrrlr m , Hit down to u delicious lep.ist. Tlioto couiso of a year's lime. Atxft t nocotiulcp their home In Now York, whuru the) During their visit In San Francisco Ifkt ( iluilia, A cry pietty ccienionj took place present besides thu guest of honor. nme pr, I. i Wodnesdaj Mis. Ilenhniii, loth havu many friends. Examiner. thn family will ho extensively entei-tallie- II Is welcome news, not only to Mr. Doughs Damon lelurned fiom finyr nil to 4 nfternoon, when Mrs ,lolui nnd Mist Charlotte thu iilj ot lliti lnut , H. F, Illlo last R.itiiiday nu tho ICea t rt P. Krilni.m, daUKhter of Mr mid Mrs. Hall, weio Mrs. II. F, Dilllnghiim. Examiner, A i my nnd Navy people In Hpnnlulu, Manna 4 iMIruO: The hillrnom of tho Alexander Ho has Jieeu guest "At you Ulut I, P Dllllni;ham In tin pn euce ot Mrs .1 oli it S Mc(iiew', Mrs, Amliuiv but to society In general, that Iho the of lei belt Will UM tt D. Young hotel wns thn of u 1 rftenfn m nil scene bril Mis. Arlhpr party 'l Shlpmau for ten tflui-iiuil- a representatlio K.ithci incr, of Honolulu Puller Mm. V C. Jones, Mrs. II. A. Wall's chlldien's under tho command of da. frtHni (l the harmful f U tl liant assemblage Monday evening, thu last week Thurlay. tho Lowers' Alt rrrpjruloit " win ly uMuruinciiio nt society piuplo thrlBteneil tin- diedKcr .limes, Mis, J P Krilmnn, Mib, Henry at Sebien, will arrlvo hero Septem Uootli i)i ftlrri lit tho rrUiillvil bUl, Oaiwda WiU Lurut occasion being the Invitational ilanco beach hodso. was a delightful affair. Captain Snyder, United Ma-- "California" b lirxiklm. a bottle of Wateihouio, Mis. Wlllanl Iliown, Mrs. ber 15th. Tho coming of so many oil! Slates 3 Jcnes given by tho maiingement. A fUXT.UfioUKS, Pits, Gi:it S'lttl, Net TV number m,0 t,B attended by molhcis cers wil'l Iniiiigurato a bcason of un lino Coii3, will depart for tho Philip. of Informal littlo dinner parties iro-- l ,.,. ceded thu dance and many guests had their coffee and liqueur served on tho Ask roof garden, Tho hcoiio wns indeed a beautiful ono; tho moon shouo over- A TOUR OF THE WORLD IN THE Your head llkn a beacon light nnd cast Its beams on palms and ferns derklo't Druggist them nil in lovely robes of fronted Ml-v- For tho tho bewitching silcnco of thu tropic night and then alt at onco the Burton Holmes Travelogues fabclnutlng music of tho ukulele mid Genuine tho song3 of tho Hawaiian singers 250.000 miles of travel in every nook and cranny of the world the lec- floated u it to us us wo sat r with interesting traveler and and enticed us all Into tho bril- turer, Burton Holmes. Thousands of fine illustrations. Wc have comnl:tc sets of these popular books, and Stearns' Electric liantly lighted ballroom, wheru vm ROACH Joined tho happy Huong of danceis we will sell them on ths e payment plan. RAT Paste ball was great and Tho a bucccsb In ovory way A tSa boi l tltirnt' Eltctrlo Ptita will kill oil ll the iiti and mica In houit In I tlnot nlahl and was a unlit co of much enjoy ou Oookroaohes, Viator Bugs and Oihor Vermin inent to all thosu who woio picsont. r also quick)? klllad. Beadr mlird tor uio. Tba ontr niaranteed axtermlnnor. uu, . www lOUr oruBIIfc will rciuuu jruur uiuuv 11 uwa w - Tlirougli ) & tho courti-R- of Major Co., 00. HI r ariaaM. Lyon nrtM Brown Ltd., (Lkintla., I.l.- kxl rulill (I ITUIINt- CLECTmC fAlTC CO.. CMICAOS, ILL. Wlnslow, wlio veiy kindly furnished a permit for tho visit, Dr. MeClrow Young Bldg., with Hawaiian News Co. took n patty o( friends to jeo tho 101- - I Ml ! Mr w-mwrp'- !!! JMT-yv ?W niTjp'; ' . ' fSl


WOMAN TENNIS ty from Washington. They aro sched-- Itoth, OeorRo Kenton, Will Kenton and CHAMPION led to sail from San Francisco Aug-lis- t thu Messrs. Wuritn iA''l'lWVtAwAw,'WA'IAWrfffrftIW 24th on tho Siberia and arc duo TO BE BRIDE OF A BANKER to arrive on the thirtieth. There will Wnltuku, Maul, Aur fi An excel be many receptions ami entertain- lent luau was.Rheu last euitliiR at ments Riven in their honor no doubt, Kapanlwai, the Ino Valle) Annex to TJaa, do abnso. r.or by representative society people, as tho Maul hotel, by Mr. and Mrs. W. not Noitlier abstineiicc null as tiio public receptions ami daucu II, Klcld In honor of Superintendent excess renders men happy. Voltaire being' by in- and Mrs. J.'D. McVelRh and Mrs. Char-loc- 1 .AiL which aro arranged the ception will wife tho sccielary of the J committee. This ,of be nn unusual opportunity for Donrd W Health, who liiijo been rn the mallhlnls to appreciate the lavish Jo)ltiR the cool and bracliiR atmosplase, Rev. William A. Wusson. a hospitality of Honolulu people, and It of lao Val'cy for secral weeks past The Is honed that the guests will enjoy ev- They nil declare lao reenerv nil tlnit ery moment of tho tlmo spent In those It Is 'claimed by distinguished tratel clergyman of the Episcopal Church, has "nnglcal Isles." era ami tourists. Amoiu tfioie who wcro present to meet the Rousts of written an article entitled "Prohibition, ' " !h&, " 9P - if '?' t ? iHi St. Louis College Alumni held a honor weioi Mr. and Mrs MoVcIrIi most enjojabte ilnucu on Salmdi Mrs. Charlock the Mlsxs McVoIrIi which uvcnlnR Inst and come two htm he JudRO A, N, Kepolkal Di and Mrs the Obstacle to Real Reform" persons attended at Diler bull, where It. II. Dlntnar, Hon nnd Mr W T. tho dance was given. Hoblnson, Mr. mid Mis H II. Ilnrt was published in the August PEAR- Kanl's hand LUpplleil thu music Mrs 7. A)ers, Mrs. O, WclRht Super and It Rots without sajltiR Hint lb- -, lsor and .Mrs. T. II l.jons. Miss Alk merry waltz and lived two-ste- wciu1 en. Dr. Aiken, and Messrs Skinner SON'S MAGAZINE. Mr. Wasson cnlord to tho limit. Prince Kuhlo J L Weller, Mnitlnsen Coke Haro -- ami many prominent people were D. T. Carey V. I uflilti Me)ers mid thinks it a clergyman's duty to speak A present, and the ball w.is kept up till Keola. Speeches and loats wrro of the woo hours. feied by .ludRo Kepolkal I)r It. II be- or which he Theso annual leunlons the St. DlneRiir, which were rtsMiidd to by openly against any system Alumni nlwajti tnjojable, V Iiuls aro Mr. McVeigh nnd others Mr Hoses hardworking and tho committee Rets orchestra furnlshnl minlc for the lieves be a source of immorality and in somo fine work on them Wm to eenliiR. Mr. McVUrIi will return to I Welsh his helpers aluajs work and Honolulu by tonlRht's M.unn to a Koi Some folks say it doesn't "look make the dtneo Rreat nuciess. Hip crime. 4t whlln the IndliB of p.irt) mid tin ch!!lreii wlirrcniuln bete a wetk lung Miss Ilcatrlcc Castle's supper on r. right" to be against prohibition. Mr Tuesday c piling for thn jouiiRer so- H ciety sot was a Jolly affair and most Ono of thn Ititertsllns nnnou'ice-- ! Wasson believes that no consideration of the Riiests went later to the lied'-in- n inents of tho )rnr Is tint itnlwrt llarr1 n n btoll at the Moann hotel. The Is to produce a new Idiir iiooI In Hit. a cler- beautiful Castle place Is an Ideal homo t)lo of Ills TCKLA, which was his! of mere expediency should deter for entertainments, and a dellr.l tful most successful production. Mr. ltarr'' tlmo was cnJocd by the followlnR ul w a) s has had a certain plnco In the gyman from doing his duty. Me points guests: The Misses Jessie Kenned), regard of Detroltcrs for It was as a Harriet Hatch, Alice Cooke, llllmn contributor to the Klli:i: Piinss thai, White, naiiRhlldo White, Irene l"lb!icr. he first won his liters inimiiiilmi I out that the object of the prohibition Vlolnt Damon, Vera Damon, Allco n nnd though he has bun In Kiir and nnd Dorothy Mother, and tho for somo time, we limp felt a ccifiln law is to lessen liquor drinking and' its Messrs. Harold Castle, I'red Wlrh-nu- speclul Interest In him as ono of us 4 nilcluist llntcli, Philip Mnrici eon thoiiRh ho Ihul in Windsor. Of Stanley Kennedy, Lnthrop Wlthlng-ton-, late howocr, Mr, Ilarr Ins hicn edit I effect seems just the opposite. He says l.'rllR llcdemann, IMmitud Hedc-tnnn- UK Tim IULBR, an KtiRllsh publlca-- Announcement hns heon mndo or (lie of Miss. May Sutton 1'icJ l.owrcy, Sherwood Uiwrcy lion, mm its ariuotis iiutlcK tmvo not legislate It ft him to that you cannot virtue into or Pnsidci.a. Cnl , tho cbnmplon ten uls placr or the 'world, to llnrr)' H and Allnn I.owic). suftldeiit hlsiire produce Hall, n banker and or the Clt of Mexico. Tho wedding proli :iools. So Mr. Ilarr hns ued such ) ho find lives. nlily will tako pi nee in tho early autumn. Mine Sutton won the champion- There will lie quite IniKO mi nlier time ns could to write short men's M stories, and It lie ship of the world In nnglund In 191)1 and repeated tho performance the of pnsheitRers fiom Honolulu lcaiiu must admitted Hut he In tolerably sklirul nt followlnR .enr. In 1907 she was first In the women's championship at this uttcrncou on the Miamshlp SI- - the trirt, bin In orller to make books Wimbledon and also first In thu mixed doubles at the same place. Shu ourii, and nmoiiR tiicni u numlier or he his sowed "If a majority has the rio,lit t3 ny to a minority," hcnlso says, tins been pronounced by nearly all tennis expcits as the most phenomenal well known people. Mr. and Mrs. Paull'"" vlinrt M"rlt"' tinti'hir "l"1 MM,t r"rUl t,,c ,,I'K"I"J l,,,vel-cra- majority right to say to mill scientific woman pin or that cvei lled. Tho rojnlty and aristocracy 'ro up to thu coist for sc. !",,U '" "f l "'You shall not tlrink bcrr,' another hs the or KnRlnnd took n great In when sho was idiowerlng ' m,,,l'c ', ,r" lll interest her nbroal, months; Mrs. IscnborR mnj ,,"w. ''" a tween poiinect-mi- .. another minority, 'you shall not drink tci.' If such law were enacted a . mnny trophies and Rifts upon hrr Sho has more medals and cups thnn en Hast before rcturnlnR to Honolulu. c",vt-- frCIlct' short stories any other tennis plujcr in tho world. fii.ni..i. ii. i i ..rcd nnd fill sired no els think what a fearful howl would co up from the camp of the W. C. T. Dr. McQ.ew. wh ,s beta. U.ltli.R her! """!: "f ,'I'T , w...,n B U. of - ."JlliT''l,u itvuio niiLivnMiil tl and what an unenviable job th c officers the law 4vould have in t-- mint ami uncle tlor two months re Mr. Ilarr's earlier wink. Now, how . turns lo her home in Theo-dor-o C'nclmintl. our, tho ptiblichers tell us Mr.' attempting to enforce such1 a' law. 'What, deprive us of our right to Cooke Is leaving that for a acitlon Barr has ghen up his editing Is' on coast, and ccrve tea at our mothers' meetings and parlor sociables! Why, nn tho and a trip to tho how free to dcotc himself to diction. it's ExK)sltlon at Seattle. I SCIAL NOTES Tho first result Is CAHDILLAC don't cutrapc. Oh, but, good ladies, we, the majority, made up as you know Dr. Blackmail's party, who hnvo been call for It at store or library. I haven't guests at tho Monna hotel for element, scveial mid It was published jet. CARDtl.-LAC- , cf the better have found that tea is very injurious. In fact, ' n v - weeks,-retur- to their homes In Colo, It is claimed link thu od lint r it's' a poison. Look at the thousands of women who have gone down to rado Springs. Tho parly consists of charm of stjlo nnd plcutitudo of Ine'. Mrs. Hendricks I'rlmo was an . Moses of Camp Very is Mar' Lieutenant Dr. .' t,,,,t',-"- and Mrs. Illackimn, Mist dent, nnd If It sum-den- s' Jlhick. has It surely passciiRer Tuesda ou the! ulso leiulinr. lnnlnp leceljed orders hai (jra-.es- As a matter of fact many experienced physicians luIroIiir man, Mr. C. R. Ilhickmnn Miv. ""I igs-- Let us hone that we find CAR Lurllne. idctulliuR him to'the' Maiiuo OiniriT'oi; 'Icy Hulesind Mis, Relle Russell. DILI. AC all that Is clnjmed for It nnd believe that tea and coflee cause quile rs much 'trouble in the world as the cruiser Pcniix)lianliu His friends N .f wo do lets boost all wo can. It will I Mrs. OeorRo llodlek unil children aro detlglited tu know lie w'llj alcohol. The "temperance" people will retort 'Yes, but there's a wide thut te. , Miss Jessie Kennedy was tlie hoi.rss bo one or the mily fall publications. were at H.llelwn all last wee't and le tin ti heiu In iScutombtr with tho Pa m Thnrsila) evnlng at a charming ill li- "Detolt Satmday Night." between beer turned tu town Saturdu), cific llect. difference nnd tea.' Of courfe there is, nnd that is just ner party for Hiq )ounger sod H set mo iuiiio UpfH'r MniiO.i Valle) was a scene of why so many pccplc prefer the beer !" Mr. Krllg Hcdemann In letvliiR On iiironitions wcio iry in Mr. anil Mis. Italph.rorstcr re- - on luno tracthe; each Riiest found a red mid '"''1 Wednesda) ovenlng m tho Siberia to attend Professor Hitch-cock'- s 'turned fiijni Kiimil after a ileliglitful white lei bnnglng over hack when Mr, Ernest Parker acted ns host school at San llafael, Cal. tho of the lslt with Mr. and Mis. Charles lUco, chair, ami tho center piece, in led uml to n imu dinner given In honoi or his While they were thcro a number St white carnations formed tho cousin, Miss Thelma Parker, Thu Mr. Wasson's article merits the at- Mr. 1. J. LowrelT nnd son Allan aro letteis entertainments wero gh'en In their II. S. a dellcuto compliment spacious bungalow was tastefully roIiir awu) on the Siberia, tho latter to tho nlnl honor, and in honor of Mrs. Kimball, prospective aitistlcall) iKcoraled for the tu iittcnd an eastern college. Harvard students wh,i bur.slou tention of everyone who may be inter- who In iiUo u guest of Mrs. Rico. wore picscnt. Tho list of the geuatg tho provalllng sbndu being pain pln follows: Misses Ileutrlco Cluster lights tliinughiiiit tl.o houso Mr. Wm. O. Irwin and Mr. I.ansiiu Castle, liruu ested in this ,Reacf it in Miss Harriet Hatch hud a Usher, Hairiet Hatch, Allco llcde- represented pink tulips, while subject. August Mlzuer left on Tuosday on tl o Man- number iiiinj of on Friday mann, Dorothy Moshor, rare nises nnd caiiiallons of l na Ke.i on a business trip to Ulto. friends afternoon at San Vera Damon bamo Soucl, who enjojed a di,'llghful frolic llllmn White, Ella Wight, RniiKhllilj Hindo, In coniblu itlon with m a lenhalr Pearson's. In thu They wore Hie Whlto and tho Messrs, forns uml offset lij a backsiomid Mr, and Mrs. 1'rcd KiiIrIiI and Miss surf. Missus Harold Custlo, 'r Itoso McClellau, Josephine McClcllan, Kdinund llcdemann, tall palms added Rieatly to Hie Ihclma Parker aie le.nliiK this after- Gilchrist Hatch. g"n White, Erllng Hidc'inann. I'hlllp ornl efTict. Llnner was -- noon for San Krauclscn on tho Siberia. lllltua Ranshlldn 'White, Jcsslo Marvel Sher- civid nt Keep up your health and' strength Ktnncdy ami the Messrs. "Allan l.ow- wood liwrey, Kred Wlchman, Allan soven thirty on tlvu miind tnbv rcy, Lowrey, Gilford plncod about the ctntor Mr. and Mrs. Tenney Peck nnd Mrs. Philip Marvel, Clllchrlst Hutch, Whitney, r.cd Low. ono, in which - wero by a temperate use of the food rcy. Will Ktn-iieil- seated thu guest h- Locke aro spcndliiR a fortnight at Mr. MeOrew and Stanley Ken- Warren und Stanley of hu.u.r and great y her host. A Cecil Hrown's placo bejonil Dlanond nedy. novel feutuio Wire the , tablo covets of lluo vvhltn net nvtr beverage. Head. which Cafdaln uml Mrs. Coinin P Kees' Ono of tho most delightful dances robu petals vvuro scaltcicd Hath of tho season was table sii polled us Mr. and Mis. Illihinil htrs ami dliliiei Thliislay evening was Iho oc- tho ball ut tho Mo- ccntoiplc., an - or (ill-far- casion foi ulin hotel Tuesday evening, r,- en bv Mifll) thaded Madam heis aro octup)liiR the d u gathering of noiiRiuhil c.uidliabr.l Mr. C. eiitwlncil with Ioiir friends. The dinner table was nrtlb-tltnl- l) nnd Mrs. Ilolemnnn in honor stemmed n.tes mil V, homo on Tantalus for u few maidenhair nocks, decorated for the occasion wah of their daughter. Miss Allco. Thq ferns, thu plnco tinds le Ing Gibson - floweis and ferns piettlly entwined. A attractive dining room faclntr tho sen heads lied with d ilui- plal. was used bows, which also Mr. Mlllon ('otilfctnllli am) lilt sinter. dtllRhlfiil oVtuiiiR wus inJo)'l by the for dancing and was pret- fastuied dunco K The Clfintvte - tily decorated for tho ovenlng. Itov.il K ToSuit Miss Coilnuo (loldsuillh uiu leluiu-Iii- r Ritosts, who (cru Major anil Mis. for the occasion Tho Tho Riiests who wulhuu, Gleo Club to their homo In Sin Dunning, and Mis..Muri, Mr comprised tho )ouuger so- fmnlsheil Jiitislo liaiiristo attain ciety throughout on the Slbeila. nnd Mis. (lioigo Davles, Mr. unl Mis. people, danced until tl u woo dinner ami for tin ii Hiring or which begun , Itlcharil lcrs, Mr. Win. G. Irwin and smull hours Wednesday mo.nliiR. at ten. Thu foatuio or Iho ovenlng wus Mrs, I'leelh nnd Miss Minjorio Mr, LnnsliiR Mlzner, . An unusual number of prott) glils In thu Merry Widow Waltz h) Miss 'nnnnnnivvvvvwnnnnniwnnwnnwnnnnvwivvvuttvvvvvvmimM' Kreeth will sail on Tucsdiiy for Maul, charming frocks made tho scna a Ihelnia Parker mid mntwi.iivviAMivMMVYY Miss Blven, the) will bo of Mrs. Di. Itcnjiiinln P. Iliodlu of Detiolt, particularly gay ami pluming one. that was so clever that where the Riiests mnny encores vou Tumpsky. has Joined Mis. Iliodlu at thu Hotel Those present wero the Misses Do'-oth- y vveio lespomlcd to. A Dowsctt uml Mrs. light r.trKiT, Cicoftfti llrovvu I Shingle 11 SENATOR STONE ARRESTED. RETOR TCOURTEOUS. Del Moiilu. Mrs. Urodle was formerly Mosher, Noiu Sturgeon, lien suppei of Ices, salad, sandwiches , II Dowsctt, A. Uiwru), tl Fisher, lloa'lrlcu Allco Coo! and punch, was seived at Tho now home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Tnllent Tubbs of DuilliiRitnio ami Castle, cloven. On Htoigo MclJoug Legislator Charged "A Ith Attacking a 'Woil, (if thq 1 account of lh Heckle), J. I'urkor, art!" ixdnlmed M. V. Forfcter which is being built In her sumuiei-tltn- Is belnR enjoyed out Harriot Hatch, Ilcnileo Hartwell, Allco Inclemency of tho Negro Waiter; Adiulis Slip. wouthor, u very all, 11 (lay, Hob MrConlston, S, Km irlll( "Sa, If that daub Is a work Milium valley. Is proRressltiR rapidly heru on tho ciyist, whoro sho bus Inrgo Cooper, Hllmit White, Hunghlldo unique. du of tnu genlul l edy. (f art, then I'm an Idiot." family many Whlto, Jessie Kennedy, Voia Damon host was abindoned. It had llaltlmoro.'jiily 27 nnd will bo icady for occupauc) in a connections and old time . . United States "The latter part i of oiir statc- - S, I', Nora Swnnzy, Violet Damon, been planned lo drnlu the blunt time. friends. Examiner. Ethel t, ,Mi TO IDENTIFY Siuutnr William J Hlonu of Missouri incnl " rejoined the calmly. Ing pool, vv NXW SYSTEM artist Dr. Ho- Spalding, Dorothy Wood. Allco Spald festoon It lights tlmo tonight and Mrs. Iliodlo will reach nnd CRUISERS OF THE FLEET was for a short under "would seem to furnish roniluslvo f ing, irmn Uallcntyno, Allco iitiuLu iii. mo oiiun iinnn .mw.m. attacking Dr. Watcrhouso will piohahly leavo nolulu next Wednesday on tho Korea Iledemanu it. nriost here, ihirged with proof that It is a work of art," J Dorothy Ilallontyno, McClellan.l l,,t0 l'"or negro on tho end of AiiRiist for u ) ear's visit nid will ho domiciled at tho Monna Rose "'" "'u large diawlng Mare Island, July 2'i A s)stem LawrcucuJ lliowu a waltei Josephlno i '""' 'n'mla n In tho ICJiat. Ho lutonds to spend hotel for a blunt tlmo. McClelhn, MIbs Young, """" fiirnlshod ubunduut ..a 1.1 lilt. Imu liunn wlfitttitll buffet cir STRONG space for ihuiclng ' ll..' COMMENDATION. f most of his tlmo on his rubber planta- jhss smaiiwood, Mrs. Allan White and cards, und a T '"Z fleei to donate Tho Senator said when ho iinleieil ijudcmunn, lunch wus olfouslvo he re- - tion, In which lit: ISjRrcatly Interested. Bathing at Walklkl Is'ono of tho Mrs. Johnnnos Mrs. Kon lliowu mid Harlow- "Vou are uciiualiil Mr- an(1 M'- buked him popular spoils which Honoluluaiisi ' l'"i - - Richard Cooko, with Jlcrmilth I tiollevn?" u . W Miss In 'iho man afterward failed to servo n... I,.. - An Infurmul llttlu luiichuou wii3 nover tiro of mid evory afternoon thuroj "" Ca"'"'. Genevieve Laiuton, 'lnio. hlckKh0 identification consists ,)f ono ,,iii nil, !.-.- ' MJwns ,. Senator when again minified glvon lust Sunday ut Ford's irlaml oy aro usunll) small pnrtle.s, who n an'' Jlr- - "ml MrH- - Chestoe Livings rjii3. rho foimer woro dliiinimao ,.i..i. .. .,..iin,i n... tlX and Hurlovv "Do ou consider hln have "" " vvheriMipnn ' I,M and a simple necklace , . . ", , as linpiTllncnt thu Sen Mrs. C. S. Hollowny, hor holm; alp In tho turf nnd then a cup of Alb" 'esBrs. carl Hedonmnn, . of 'nlnk' "' ","!"" ship J honest?" riicsU tea .,- ...... I .. . . The n; .. ..i.i r - t . i hiihu iif.inifi ij,.Ri... i ... .. 'J I'l'l'er n,w 8,rur. ,im 0 )lun(, 1 , ....umt-- - 1 Mr, Mis. Cobb, Miss or nucrvvariis a peasant ."ii-iio- now urn in, uiq wuno imi- ls llai'ow Vou bet do Why;. and hieuo : inn - tt irns. I . . iieucma atiinov' .. ciono- - of stripes dcnolrs the number . ,1,. ,. , nl.l...... ,.1. - ,....,...... un ..... m....v ...... Kpnnmii I finiiin.1 I nHai, .. ' i.u unlit, Willi n rn npn .. fl i, vva .it,.,. ii. it.' fif illvlfllfin smokostuek once loaned him n $10 San riunclsco, Mrs. Wm. liwiii,!,,! i,,ti tnu i;uiu, iiiesuuy niicr-- l iiiiiuhi inn rivil', .. " iiii niui tlm The out THEN AND NOW. umbrella audi i , " Willie ribboil bOW 011 1kM- - .. - nnnn .i I'lllllll ill- Mr, Lansing Mlzner Mi n,n... Mm- I Wlchman. Mnrinl Ti- llni' llmln.- '"g" ll.lH I.l.l. ll, ulrlnn Mtrltinu urn hu It next and i vfc iiKiMiiunnuV,!,.. 11I111UI1 n ..viiv- returned the da." - Mrs, Drown. a few- friends out for n In n,a. Ollchrist Hatch, Fred I.owrc). Shliiglclookcd chaimln. In julo fhlp's position Somcvvhcio In undent history bath tho I.I.... !.- .- T". palnteil Indlintes the Sherwood Ixiwrey, ...... vias..... - surf nnd tho following guests wero Allan Uiwie I)r hiss iiiven in pale pink In the division As there are fou- The star has been told NOTHING DOING. iho guests Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Ileckwltli, who presenf Mr. and Mrs. C, W, Case Oscar Cloos, Or Hedemaun l.hMit dinner weie. Mhs Thelma ihlps In each division and four 'Hint iiti thing that Midas touched Mil Iter, came down from'8an Kranclsco on tho Hecrlng, Mr, ami Mrs. Noel Pnton, Moses, l.leut. Kllgoro, Capt KM on Miss lirudfoid, Miss HhiiiIcj rniokeHtaeks on cuch ship, tho sjs- - Was qulckl tinned to gold My face Is my fortune, sir," sal .mm niald-wlt- h Mongolia on tliolr brldn. trjp, returned Major and Mrs, Wadhams. Mrs. Uoede-fel- t and .Messrs, Alfred Cooper. I'eicv wiiiuuil j Hlllllli. Mlr.s A tf.m .if lilrntlhi.illiin vvinls nut l.irvr tho the (imitation hahlt.1 Miss to California on thu Lurlllio on Tuos- and Mr, David Anderson, Clcghorn. Oliver IjuisIul'. nt..Ik..., '''''lor. Mutch. Miss Pieuth. Mlu. woll. Hut b far a strangor sight, "Oh, well," rejoined th'e prosaic,! ,)lxni' day, While here, thoy made tho trip Lansing, Herbort nowselt, lohannes 'J1'"" Miss Ma Illven, Mt,s ' r Wo In this uro hidiold; .iiiiiiii. Jim imu i 11111 ii. uiu, mi. MiKu MIsm r to Iho other Islimls ami lnllcil tela Miuli IiiIi'iprI Is being manifested In lledoninnn, lllilnii.l ('nlnn, (!ii) 1M. vln,' Kaiiiernf UH An fliilletln Uuslnesi OjriCf Thone 250. Rome tut ii now luin In mi thing rntuo man will iniiiry on for llto.roiiMnul. tho (inning of tho Congiessioual I'ur fuilauu, Ollfoid Whitney, William KOlCfl' MI"M Uolw' ',J'! ibsih Jmost llulletm Edttotial ltooin Ihouo 185. If thc-- arc touched with gold. Jour wealth." , ,

4 t

ft i,.--- . ffctf.,ui.af . f3JitiSj J., t --Luta. ..Mii m T' '"! I X

WVENtNU ntn.t.KTIN. HONOLULU. T. H., SATtmDAY, AUG,. 7, 1009.

every morning at the (Inio When the r" , . f. . f, . Alexander & Baldwin BY AUTHORITY sales commence, nnd carefully ("-- It) I I"" Oceanic Steamship Company sped nil meat, birds or fowls, fruit tdniED. ORDINANCE NO. 7. or vegetables offered for sale, and to' bo ARMY AND NAVY I condemn, seize or cause TIME TABLE S.8. ALAMEDA ESTABLISHED IN 1888. OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR!. diseased, or The iKamirt of thli tin will arrhe and leave thlt port at hsreueder: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING Mich as,may bo THE SALE OF MEAT, FISH. from any other cause rendered unlit H. P. Baldwin President In- VEQE-TABLE- for food. Bald Meat and Food leave S. F, Arrive Hon. leavo Hon. Arrive S. F. BIRDS, FOWLS, FRUIT. S J. B. Castle., VI President spector make n report of bis , has bcon mado AUG. 7 AUG. 13 AUG. 18 AUG. 24 AND OTHER FOODS IN shnll Announcement CO. W. M. Alexander. .Second Vice Fret. weekly, to the City H. Batcman, Trooi 8 BISHOP & THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HO- official doings, that Bcrgcant H, AUG. 28 SEPT. 3 SEPT. SEPT. 14 J. F. Cooke com- NOLULU, PROVIDING FOR THE and County Phjslclan. D, Fifth Cnvqli'y, has , been SEPT. 18 SEPT. 24 SEPT. 29 OCT. 5 . ! . Vice Pres. and Manager unsold, from BANKERS .Third INSPECTION OF SUCH ARTI- Bectlon 12. All fish left missioned ft second lieutenant OCT. 9 OCT. 15 OCT. 20 OCT. 26 7. Waterhouie Treasurer p, on CLES, AND PROVIDING FOR at nny market, at 6 o'clock m. July 14th, 1009. 1 Canadian-Australia- E. E. Faxton Secretary be In Connccts at Honolulu for Sydney, with n line. THE APPOINTMENT OF AND the evening of nny day, shall The Army and Navy Register has Commercial and Trav- W, 0. Smith Director to Rates from Honolulu to San i'rancisco First class $69; Round Tnp DEFINING THE DUTIES OF IN- spected by the Klsh Inspector, and the, following to say In regard elers' Letters of Credit J. R. may bo $110; Family Rooms extra. Gait Director SPECTORS If found In proper condition the enso of Lieut. V. 8. Houston, W. H, THEREOF. issued on the Bank of Castle Director ulaccd In. cold storage. Such fish U. 8. N. California and The Lon- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEO- on being, again offered for sale shall The question has recently been Wttu Ga Irwin & Co., Ltd don Joint Stock Bayik, SUBAR FACTORS, PLE OF THE CITY AND COUN- -. be labeled as "Iced Flsn." raised ns to whether Lieutenant V. TY OF HONOLULU. B. N Is entitled to COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Section 13. It shall bo the 8. Houston, U. OCEANIC 8. 8. CO. GENERAL A0ENT8. Ltd., London. Food Inspector centum additional pny for Section 1. No tnlntcd or dccncd duty of thc.Mcnt and ten per Correspondents for the IHS0RAH8E AGENTS inspector to reepec-tlvcl- y service or shore duty aboard mc.it, fish, birds or fowls, fruit or and the Fish i,ca Express Com- meat, fish, birds or Mnrch 9 to April $, 1909, while PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., & T0Y0 K1SEN KAISHA American vegetables, nor other food, which Is Inspect (from Agents for fowls, or vegetables, and othor traveling on board an army trans- pany and Thos. Cook & not healthy, fresh, sound, wholc-som- o fruit Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co, articles kept or offered for sale e from Cavlte to Honolulu. Tho of companies will Honolulu laava Son. and fit and safe for human port Steamers the abuvt at and thla port Haiku Sugar Company. food, kept any siaugnter comptroller of tho treasury on or about the below mentioned: food, nor any meat or fish has or in assistant dates Interest allowed on Paia Plantation. that private market directing Lieu- - died from disease, shall be brought bouse or public or, holds thnt tho orders Savings Hani Agricultural Company. of said Inspector, to proceed to Hono- - FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR 8AN FRANCISCO: term and Bank Into or offered" for sale as food, or within tho District tenant Houston Hawaiian Sugar Company. Is not from tho U. 8. 8. Deposits. Kept In nny public or prlvate mar- ond to condemn such 'ns lulu detached him Kahuku Plantation Company, wholesome ceased to bo .KOREA UO. It SIBERIA AU(1. 7 ket City and County of healthy, fresh, sound, Charleston nnd thnt he Kabului Railroad Company, within the food. pay In connec- NIPPON MAllt! AMI Clll.NO AIR). 17 Honolulu. and fit and safe for human entitled to s'ca duty Haleakala Ranch Company. Inspector shall ship. Ho was order- SIlllIItlA AL'U. MANCHURIA AUG. 21 Section 2. All public and private The Meat and Food tion wth that Honolua Ranch. slaugh- bejond seas while CIIIYO MAIIU AUn. 2S markets In tho City and County of hao power to prohibit the, ed to Bhoro duty food Is SIA SUIT. 7 Honolulu, together with alt tools, tering of any animal for human nbonrd and" there no law cntllllnB Q. duty Claus 8preckela- - Wm. Irwin. machinery appurtennnces con- which Is diseased or otherwlso unfit him to, to tho Incrcaso for shore Castle & Cooke, Ltd and shall 'reported thcro FOR OENERAL INFO RMATION APPLY TO nected therewith, and all articles for human, consumption. .It in Hawaii until he to sell entitled Honolulu, T. H. therein exposed or offered for sale bo unlawful for any person for duty. He is held not Claus Spreckels & Co. trans- as food or drink, and the contents the carcass or any portion thereof to such Incrcaso whllo on the SHTPPINO AND COMMISSION MEI-- ot all and refrigerators In of any animal so condemned for hu- port, as h'c had no duty to perform H. Hackfeld Co., Ltd., man consumption. vessel was mcroly travel- & BANKERS. CHANTS, SUGAR FACTORS which any kind of food or drink Is, ,w on that nnd ono to and or mny be kept Bale, bo Section 14. That upon any ing under orders from station HONOLULU, I : I T. H. for shall duty GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT! subject at all reasonable h'bura to meat, fish, birds- - or fowls, fruit or another nnd not serving on sea AMERICAN-HAWAllA- pro- STEAMSI1IP COMPANY. San Franelaco Aganta The Ne. representing the Inspection ot the City and vegetables, or other article of food within the meaning of tho law vada National Dank of Saa Francisco. Ewa Plantation Co. County Physician, and tho Inspec- being found by any Inspector or viding additional pay. Weekly Sailings Tehauntepec. via Draw Exchange on the Nevada Na- Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. tors and other officers ot the City other officer ot the City and. County tional Dank of Bail Francisco. Kohala Sugar Co. and County. of Honolulu In a condition which Is r Major n. R. Ray, army paymaster, FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU. of and London The Union London io the troops, at Fort received ut the Compuny'a Bimth Waimea Sugar Mill Co. Section 3. No person shall In his Judgment unwholesome and mny'pty of frelr.ht at all times Wharf, 41st Street, Smlth'a Dank, Ltd. Lcllehua tho Brooklyn. Ycr'( Apohaa Sugar Co., Ltd. or offer for sale, or shall sell unfit, for use as human food, or In a Bhafter h.d during, New American Exchange About $6,000 ns National Bank. or cause or allow to be used as food condition or of a quality forbidden, coming week.. fTtOM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO-- FROM SEATTLE AND TACOM A TO Chicago Exchange Fulton Iron Works of St Joule or drink any article which linn been by this Ordlnance.but with respect disbursed by thP 'po master whllo Corn National ot LULU. HONOLULU DIRECT. Bank. Blake Steam Pumm condemned by the' City and County to the quality and condition ot the transport wnln port, most B. S. PLEIADES AUO. 10 MEXICAN Al'fl. 19 Parla Ciedlt Lynnnals. Weston's Centrifugals I'hyslclan, or by nny Inspector ot which articles of food said Inspec- which went to the officers of tho MISSOUKIAN SEPT. 2 Hongkong and Yokohama Hong Baboock A Wilcox Boils the City and County. tor or other officer may bo In doubt, Thirteenth Infantry. Freight received at Company's Fur lurtner Intoimatlon apply ta kong SbMiEhal Banking Corpotatlon. Green's Fuel Economixen Section 4. Tho stalls; floors, he shnll forbid the sale thereof, and wharf, Greocwlcti Street. New Zraland and Auatralla Bank Marsh Steam Pumps grounds and appurtenances In and order that the same be set aside, Lleutcnnnt Commander Philip An- ot New Zealand and Bank of Austra H. HACKFELD & CO..LTD., Matson Navigation Co. about all ninrkcts and other places and shall at once notify the City drews, U. 8. A., who Is well known lasia. of FROM HONOLULU TO BAN FRAN- Agents Honolulu. Victoria and Vancouver Bank of Planters' Line Shipping Co. where any article Is kept or offered and County Physician ot such ac- In Honolulu, nttalned to tho rank CISCO. C. P. MORSE, British North America. for sale as food or drink, shall be tion. The City nnd County Physi- commander on March 11. PLEIADES, TO SAIL, AUO. 21 General Freight Agent. Deposits recchod. Loans made on kept In a cleanly and wholesome cian shall thereupon Inspect said ar- approved security. Commercial and Wm. 6. Irwin & Co, condition, tfrce.from accumulations ticles nnd determine whether the BORN, Travelers' Credits Issued. BUIa ot or deposits ot manure or filth ot same be condemned, and the sale Canadian-Australia- n Mali Exchange bought and aold. LIMITED. any kind. thereof forbidden, PROVIDED, no DAKER In Hllo, Hawaii, on Wed- Royal G. Any bad or badly cur-- . article of food offered or kept for nesday, July 28rito tho wlfo of Adam Collections Promptly Accounted For. Section Htoumahlp Company. SUGAR FACTORS and cu meat or any suusiance wnicn sale In a decayed or offensive con- Daker, a daughter. COMMISSION AGENT!. la emitting a noxious, deleterious dition, shnll bo allowed to remain .. Steamera of the above line, CANAD- running la connection with the effluvium shall be forthwith re- where found, but tbn same shall be Territor- IAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. b- -t tnlned from an Agent of tho etn Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. Wm. 0. IRWIN President moved by tho owner thereof from caused to be removed forthwith by 6. W.. and calling at Victoria, O. , Honolulu and Suva, Flit, and Brla-ban- INO. D. SPRECKELS... 1st V. Pres. ial Board ot Health. the premises where stored, upon no the Inspector or officer aforesaid. upon tho are DUE AT HONOLULU oh or abo'it the datea below atatad, vlt.: W. M. GIFFARD 8d V. Pres. Bectlon 3. Whenever tice by the City and County Phy- Section IS. It .shall be unlawful la rcaaon to H. M. WHITNEY , .Treasurer death of any person thcro FOR AriO AUSTRALIA: t.. ... sician or Inspector ot the City and for any person 'to transport nny auch FIJI FOR VANCOUVER:; RICHARD Secretary bcllovo thatuch person enmo to IVESS...... County. beef, mutton, veal, pork or the car- by poison vlolchco or In any D. 0. MAY Auditor owner death ,f HA KAMA .AUO. 20 MAKURA AUO. 17 i... It after such notlco such cass qf any animal used forfood, or suspicious or questionable manner, the neglect to remove fish, AORANGI AUO. 30 shall or fall tho any or other marine wroduct, body of auch person-- shall, under tho Specie Aeents for be by WIU call at Fanning Island. The Yokohama same, the same shall removed along any public street, unlls such of the Sheriff or Deputy Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francis- Inspector expense, ot direction such at the the article be to covered, or unless the Sheriff, bo forthwith taken to tho BanK, Limited , co, Cal. owner thereof. Is be Through Tickets lnued from Honolulu to Canada, United 8tates and vehicle In which it transported Morgue, and tho City and County Phy- Baldwin Locomotive Works, PhD- - Su- Europe. For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to Section 6. The Hoard ot BOj constructed na to entirely pro- shall Immediately notified of Capital (Paid up) . .Yen 24,000,000 delohia. Pa. County ot sician be pervisors ot the City and tect such article frqm dust and dirt, by such Sheriff or Deputy H. Yen m audi death Tiei. Daies S ltd fleieral Aeeits Reserve Fund 15,040,000 Hakalau Plantation Co., Hilo 8uflT appoint per-to- so may be ex- Ci. Honolulu shall suitable and thnt the same not Sheriff. HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. Co., Honolulu Plantation Co., ns Meat and Food, Fish, and posed to view. Section 4. Tho Board of Supervis tThe bank buys and receives for col- Hutchinson Sugar Plantation otl.er Inspectors, as may be neces- - Section 1C. Any person who ors ot tho City nnd County of Hono lection bills of exchange, issues Co., Kilauea 8urar Plantation sary to carry the provisions ot out shall molest, hinder or In any man appoint a auuauio person Draft and Letters of Credit, and Co., Olowalu Company, Paanhau ot Biich, lulu shall Matson Navigation this Ordinance. The salaries ncr prevent nny Inspector or other Morguo Attendant, wboso salary Company Walma-nal- o as transacts a general banking business. Sugar Plantation Co., Inspectors shall be fixed by tho officer from performing nny duty bo fixed b said Board. Tho The Bank receives Local Deposits Sugar Co. Hoard of Supervisors. Sulci Inspec- shall Schedule S. S HILONIAN, In Imposed upon him by the provisions Morguo shall havo tho caro the direct tervlce between San Fran- and Head Office Deposits for fixed pe tors Bhall hnvo nil the powers, ami Attendant cisco ot this Ordinance, nnd any person charge of tho Morguo nnd, perform and Honolulu: riods. shall perform all ot tho duties pro- and C. Brewer & Co.. Ltd. who shall violate any of the provis duties aa may bo pre- Local Deposits $25 and upwards vided In this Ordinance, and shall such other ARRIVE HONOLULU QUEEN H. ions of this Ordinance shall bo decnl- - by tho Board of Supervisors I.EAVK IIONOUJLl for one year at rate of 4 per an- STREET, HONOLULU, T. have such other powers and perform scribed cd guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd upon by tho City County rhys.lclan. num. Biich other duties as may be here- or and. AUGUST 4, AGENTS FOR: conviction tlieico" shall be punished Section 5. It shall be tho duty or 1909 ANfiUST 10, 1909 Head Office Deposits, Yen 23 and after prescribed by tho Hoard ot SEPTEMBER 29, 1909 OCT ODER f., 1909 Hawaiian Agricultural Co-- , Ookala by a fine ot not Icbs than $10 nor, tho City and County Physician to keep upwards for one-ha- year, one year, Supervisors. OCTOBER 27, 1909 NOVEMBER 2, 1909 Sugar Plant. Co., Onoma,8'igar Co, more than $250, or by Imprisonment a .record of nil tho deaths reported to two yean, or three years at rate of Co.. Section 7. tt shall bo tho NOVEMBER 21, 1909 NOVEMBER 30, 1909 Honomu Sugar Co, Walluku 8ugar for a term not exceeding three him the provisions of thla Ordi- . 5Vae per annum. Co., duty of the City and County Phy-fcici- under DECEMBER 22, 1909 DECEMBER Pepeekao Sugar The Planters ii onths or by both such fine and Im- 28, 1909 Particulars to be obtained on ap- Lint ol San Francisco Packets. to excrciso practical super- nance. prisonment, Section 6. .Any person who ehall plication. LIST OF OFFICERS: , vision in respect to such Meat and CASTLE & C00KE, LTD., AGENTS. Bectlon 17, This Ordinance shall Honolulu Office 67 S. King Street. "C. M, Cboke, President; Qeorge Pood .Fish, und other Inspector, und violate vany qf'tlio provisions ofr,thls Mana- take effect from and utter the date bo deemed guilty of P. 0. Box 108, Rebertson, Vice President and laid Mcar and Food, KI&Ji, nml other Ordinance- shall ger; E. F. Bishop, and Sec- ot Its approval. and upon, conviction M. TOKIEDA i Manager Treasurer InspeclorB naall (lio subject to tho di- a misdemeanor, retary: F. W Macfarlana. Auditor: P. Introduced by.,8upervlsor, , by flno not at of said City thereof shall be punished a HUSTACE - PECK CO., LTD C. Jonee, C. M. Cooke and J. R. Gait, rections all times n, w. Physician. aVlett. exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Directors. " ' and County Date ot Introduction, July 19, A. The First Section 8. Bhall bo tho duty bpllars, or by Imprisonment, for a,jerpi 63 QUEEN STREET PHONE 205 It D. 1909. ot Inspector to examine not exceeding thrco months, or (by LIFE INSURANCE tho Fish Approved thla 4th day of Augnkt, Imprisonment.' Inspect fish, oysters, both suoh flno and AMERICAN SAVINGS and all clams, A. D. 1909. a Necessity. murine Section 7. Tills Ordlnnnoo shall General Contractors la not a Luxury; It la lobsters, crabs and other JOSRPII J. FF.RN, But you Must have the BEST products offered take effect from and after tho dato ot Estimates Riven on all kinds of Draying, Teaming, Road Building, kopt or for sale Mayor. AND TRUST GO. and that Is provldad by th famous within his district, and It upon such Its approval. Excavating, Filling. - 4381 Aug. 6, 7, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, and moat equitable Laws or Massa- Inspection, said Inspector shall find Introduced by Supervisor In the 14, 16, 17. OF HAWAII, LTD. chuaetts. any of said fish or marlno products WILLIAM AHIA. Reliable Supervision to bo in an unsound, diseased or Dale of Introduction, July 19, A. D. Firewood, Coal", Waianae Sand For Sale. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL. .1200,000.00 ORDINANCE NO. 10. 1909. PAID UP CAPITAL tt30.000.00 New England Mutual condition, It shall be his x duty to prohibit their sale; and tho Approved thla 4th day of August, President Cecil Brown AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING REG- said Fish Inspector Is hereby au- A. D. 1909. Vice President M. P. Robinson Life Co., ULATIONS RELATING TO DE- Caihler L. T. Peek Insurance thorised, empowered and directed to JOSEPH J. FERN, -- CEDENTS. Mayor. Union Pacific Baggage Shipping OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. condemn, seize and icniovo any un- M Omcc: Fort and King Bte. BE) BY Aug. 6, 7, 9, 11, J4, 10, 17 Corner If you would be fully Informed about bound, diseased or unwholesome Qsh, IT ORDAINED THE PEOPLE 10l 12..13, Storage Wood SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and theee lawe, address oysters, clams, lobsters, crabs or OF THE CITY AND COUNTY luteresi ulluwed for yearly dnpoalla SEALED TENDERS. ' Packing Coal other marlno products which may be OF HONOLULU. Transfer Co., Ltd. at the rate of 4iJ per cent, per (liq annum. Castle & Cooke, offered for sale as food within his Section 1. It Bhall bo duty of Bonled tenders will bo received at 58 Rules and regulations furnished GENERAL AGENTS, said district. tho legally licensed physician who Furniture and Piano Moving. upon application. ' HONOLULU. T. H. Section 9. That In the per- was last In attendance upon any de- tho Qfflco of the City and County Clerk formance of his ttutles as proscribed ceased person, or If no phys)clan was until 7:30 P. M., August 12th, 1909, fgr by this Ordinance, the Fish Inspec- In attendance, thon It shall be the duty moving tho following buildings from FIRE INSURANCE Ka Hana tor shall be, nnd Is hereby authori- of. the Coroner Jo report tho death, to the Jail Yard on Iwllel Road to tho Pau zed and empowered to board all the City an'd County Physician Immed- Jail Yard on Prison' Road: Joseph A. Gilman, iately after such death occurs, upon Carpenter, Shop, boats, vessels, steamboats and cars, ' THE v und to stop nil vehicles believed by one ot tho blanks furnished by the Laundry, and THE ENEMY TO DIRT. him to contain fish or other marine City nnd County Physician for that Jailer Shop", Grocer's. Bhowlng prcaent pro- SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MZHCHANT. B. F. DILLINGHAM CO At Your products, for the purposo ot enforc- purposo, filling In the blank spaces Blue print and ing tho provisions ot this Ordinance. so as to glvo all ot tho information re posed locations maV'bo had on appli- INSURANCE AND FIRE MARINE. .UfllTED, Said Fish Inspector shall make a re- quired by tho blanks so filled. In cation to tho City' and County Clerk.' port of his official doings, weekly, to caso ot a stillbirth, it shall bo tho Bidders will state In tholr proposnh Forcegrowth tho of the legally licensed physician the amount or which thoy will fur- General Agent for Hawaii: City and County Physician,. duty a Atlaa Assurance Company of Lindo.i. Section 10. The sale ot flBh In charge during the confinement,' or nish all labor and material nnd re- Agent for ARTHUR SEWALL 4 CO., Bath, Maine; New York Underwriters' Agency. nnd other marine products la hereby coroner, to report the samo Immed- move buildings to tho now location, la & CO., Providence Washington Intura-c- e Co. prohibited in the District of Ho- iately as In other cases ot death, cm accordance with the specifications fur- PARROTT lag Francisco. BLDQ. Will do it 4th FLOOR, STANQENWAUO nolulu, MceptliiK nt the new mar- ono ot the blanks nbovo mentioned nished. ket building such furnished for that purposo, giving Tenders must be In a seated nnd other places tho i J WM. G. IBWiN& C0..LTD, Unique as shall be specially permitted by details, as required In other cases ot addressed to tho City and tho Hoard ot Supervisors, whore fish I death. County Clerk and plainly marked on FINEST FIT McTighe AGENTS FOR THE) Chinese floods nnd otner marlno pioducts mny ue Section 2. No burial shall bo law. the outside "Tondore for. Removal ot j'tavit K Favorite tlntlt nt 1 nnnlifv ran n. P.oyal Insur. Co. of Liverpool, Eng. exposed for sale undor the supervi- till, nor Shall any dead body bo Jail Buildings' sion of the Fish Inspector, from the City and" County of Tho Board of Supervisors The Best Whiskey on the Market Commercial Union Assurance Co., .Wo Co reserves Wing Tai & Section That It shall bo Honolulu until a permit for such buri tho right to rejo'ct ony or all' bids', THOS. F. McTIGHE & CO.. AGENTS Ltd.. of London, England. It. SAINCI CHAIN, Scottish Union & National Ins. Co. of 9.11 NUUANU ST the duty of tho Meat nnd Food In- lal or removal based iiKn a Cerllf- ri. kAlaiokaiAni, jr., 101-10- - McCANDLESS BLDO., 5 KINO ST. Edinlunfn, Pcjtland. spector to attend the market or mar- lento of Death as provided In Section Clerk, City and COuhty of Honolulu, P, 0. Box 901. Telephone 131. PHONE HO. P, 0. BOX 755, The Uuper Rhine Ins. Co., Ltd BULLETIN ADS PAY ' kols vilthln lilt Inspection district jl horoof shall havo first been ob- - Aug. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, js'yy m " CAP TTWFIVTffafT" iiHwy;1"'? 4' T t,ti yr T'TyvT"v"Vj'' "'f 7flTFfP''wl"7 f. ""yf w EVENING IIUM.ETIN, HONOLULU, T. H.t SATURDAY, AUfl. 7, 1909. 13 m AMUSEMENTS 'V It Will Pay You V OUTSIDE BOWtKY T. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BASEBALL When in need of a medicine to tone up the system, aid WANTS "I digestion, promote sound Q-QGM- v W LICENSE NOT GRANTED sleep, keep the appetite nor- I mal 'and the bowels open, to EMPLOYMENT AOENCY. MU?IC. Honolulu Baseball OFF MAIN STREETS. try a bottle of i WANTED TO LET Japanese Employment Association, Piano taught in G months, $3 month HOSTETTER'S STOMACH .Nuunnu nnu rauaui sis, Call up (8 lesson), Special nltunuun uduit League BITTERS. Young Portuguese salesman for dry K. of P. cottages, 2 story, new, Un- phone 097 It jou want a cook, ueglimcrs. "Teacher," lltillctln ifllco. Commissioner! Turn Down Applica- goods business, with some experi- ion street and Onr'dcn lane; close 4350-l- Kentucky Saloon up; good boy or Bervnnts, Opening Season 1909 tion for After You'll agree that it is the ence. Wnh Chong Co., Hotel St to business; no )nrd to keep finest medicine you ever took. 1377-C- t car Electric lights and Saturday- - August 7, 1909, at Considering Plea in Executive ho fare. ARCHITECTS.. CONTRACTOR, 3:30 p. m. sharp. Session.. Then don't delay. It is for gas. Apply to J. M. McChcsney, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bloat- Wanted lly n young lady, position 1C Merchant street. 4319-l- f 02-- , Duisenberg & Farm, Architects, Otto On,, Carpenter, Jobber and A difference In similarity of opin- ing, Biliousness, Kidney Ills, as stenographer and typewriter. 03 Alexander Young Uulldlng. Address 1)14, 11 u 1 I e 1 1 n oITlce. At the eud of car line on the beach, Contractor. Phone 1563. 1420 Punahou ion was evldont'"nt the meeting of Insomnia. Nervousness, and Telephone 275. ' 4341-t- f house; Victoria St. 4321-l- vs Malaria, Fever and Ague. furnished four the !,lfuor License Commissioners electric lights. Address "N," of- REPAIRING. PLUMBING. Diamond Head jesterdny afternoon. E. A. Doutliltt, Clean wiping rags nt the Hulletln I) u 1 1 e 1 1 n office. appearing for Jack Roberts, OSTETTER fice. Woven Wire Mattresses' repaired at ber Desirable movqulto-iu'o- f mourn and Yee Sing and Tinsmith, Ticktts on sale at A. M. Onnst & Co, ,nntl the board htitli de- tho Factory Honolulu Wire Bed Hiuitb Ht bet. Hotel and Pauahl. SITUATION WANTED. hoard foi "The Mm t1 cided Hint the saloons ought to he CKLKBRATID ' Co., 1260 Alalia! St. Telephone Q ilunalil New IJungalow, Pumi-ho- u t- jkikI-tlo- n 63G 3945-t- t uull&TIN AOS PAY grouped In a certain district, hut Expert dressmaker would like StleetV I'tSO-t- f H 8TOMACH In private, family or sewing THE0RPHEUM they deferred us lo tho district by the day. Phone 1770. Douthttl, making his pica for a Furnished (ott:ig also con), BITTER 4381-0- 1 ".'30 King saloon license for the Old Kentucky looms. St., Oahu Railway Genuine between ami fcaloon on lower Alnkeu street, near Alakea Richard. Jupanese Private Conking School 1K.VU Table. Swedish A the waterfront, said that In hli es- For salo by Ilcnson, Smith '& Co., Families or hotels supplied with Time Great Show for the district the navy Ltd.: llollltter Drug Co., Ltd.; timation the ueui cooks. C. M. Mnt.U', 1457 Auld Liirgu furnished rooms fur ladles, mid the whnrf where the Chambers Ding Co., I.Id.; Illlo Drug OUTWARD. and Money slatluns Lane. Phone l."b4. with or without hoard. Mrs. V. I). dock lie u nnd at nil Wholesale Liquor For Walanno, Wnlalun, Kahuku and lrunsHrtR should made, f'i.: Wleke, U'tr. Ileiptiuiij Ave. Electrical lo keep the soldier Dealeis. Way Btntlons 9:15 u.m.. 3.20 p. m. . H saloon center LOST. 437S-t- f For Pearl City, Ewu Mill and Way hoys from HwarinliiK er the main 7:30 .. in., a:15 a. m., Massage for a Statlou3 streets In the hunt their little In tho Aquarium, Saturday, white Six-roo- house, 010 Kallhl ltd.: 11:05 a..m., 2:1S p. m '320 p. "in, VAUDEVILLE glass. linen belt, with white Ivory carved leasonnble. Inquire 100 King St. C:15 p. .m., 19:30 p. in., tlUOO p. m. wna a strong one, n Ills pica hut buckle. Reward nt 4370-U- For Wahluwa 9:1C a. m. and ' Hulletln t K.SASAI, the board did not even give him the office. 4359-t- f 0:15 p. ui. Fuknokayo Hotel, Liliha Dekoralo Street. favor of considering. It in public, INWARD. Telephone 005. Moving Pictures Clean furnished mom; Sl.no week. Arrive Honolulu trom Kabuku, hut wont Into executive session and FOUND. From looms S2. 1281 Fort St. 4 hi he had been 43cr-i- Walnlua and Walanaa '8:26 a. m.. later Informed in that OAVID DAY turned down. They maintain thai Is Best A lady'H belt. Own;r can have the ..6:31 p. m. TON same by proving properly anil Arrive lu Honolulu from Kwa Mill Two Hours Solid the old bowery district Is where the Two furnished rooms. 1071 A Like- - ought to be grouped and paying for this ad. 4381-t- f like St., near Campbell Lane. and Pearl City 17:40 u. in., 8:3u 137 MERCHANT STREET. saloons a. m., 10:38 a. in., l:40 p. m., 4i3l , Entertainment would evidently rather have fifty This hygenic, durable wall -- A hook on King street. Owner can V in., p. ru., cau p. in. to corner there than Two furnished rooms. Apply Mre. iiii T,irt.r1flt MatrlfnnA nMnavtw att saloons the finish excells all others for . by Raymond C. Arrive Honolulu from Wahl&wa Change of bill every Monday and by wom- have nppllng to D. McConnell, 1223 Emma St. listed at Pawaa on Xing where they can be seen the plain tinting and decorative 8:30 a. m. and S:.tl p. to. and Young Thursday. Ilrown and paying for this ad. firtt-cla- en and children. work or interior walls and streets. Building in or 4376-t- t Furnished Cottage at Cottage Oroe. der and connected with artesian wa- - ceiling. Dally. General Admission 10 cents WORTH HEARING. 4348-t- ( r aunduy. n-- 'ii gas. Ki. icr. x,iecinc ana Also Reserved Orchestra Chain Nearly sixty different tints 1 Suuday Only. Kapiolani Park 'ots and improved 15 and 25 oents Ilev. William II. Stelle a hero of enn be produced by mixing FOR SALE. The Halelwa tllinltcd. a two hour property at Hatuia and other prop- - ,.., fiist-clas- s Seats may be reserved in advance. tho siege of Peking is In town for a the primary colors yellow, train (only tickets hon- eriy. L. C. Smith Typewriters. Repairing every Stiuday week so visiting with his family, blue and red with Dekorato ored), leaves Honolulu or on typewriters, mechanical and V nt 822 u. m.; returning, arrives lu at the country home of Sir F C white. We furnish you a electrical goods. C. W. Macfar-lan- o X Honolulu at 10:10 p. ru. The Limited Mrs. Stelle being a cous- key and the mixing is simple. Wall Ying Chong So, Athcrton. & Co. Mncoulu Temple. stops only at PearlCtty and Walanae EmpireTheater in .Athcrton. Mr Stelle has of Mrs. Phono 14S. 435C-t- t 0. P. DKNI80N V. C. OMITH. contented speiik lu Central King Street. Ewa of kindly to 512 Fisiraarket Union tomorrow 'morning on DRY GOODS AND FURNISHING Church Rending Standard Motorcclo, In 0 Changes In China." The ad Means you can get us by tele llrst-clnt.- 'V The Encore Saloon GOODS of EVERY Some Lewers & Cooke, that it older; fur xnlo cheap; dress will be n valuable one as Mr. will take installments nt E. O. years experience LIMITED phone number. 1 ww MOVING Stelle has had 10 Hall & Son. Ltd. 4380-O- t Try a drink at the new place and - In the capital of the Empire. Tho 177 S. King Street THE public are cordially Invited, Motorcycle C h. p., twin have MIKE PATTON serve yon. Central Union Church. Corner of cylinder; bargain. COR. HOTEL and MUlTANU. Okas. R. FrazierJ PICTURES Strauch. lleretnnla Avenue and Itlthurds J.A.R.Vieira Wally Uhlg. 4370-t- f Company i n streets. Dorcmus Scuddtf, Minister. t- -i i, Admission...... t.10c. 15o and 25o Amos A. Bbersole, AssistnMt'Mlnrstcr. Choice collection of (about ICE fOUR ADVERTISERS i., ' &Co., stnnis Children 5 cents Aug fol- 3.000). ' ihone-371- . 122, King St- - v. Services on Sunday, 8, as KEE-LO- Address 1941 llulle- - U manufactured from pure distilled wa- lows: lllhlc School Clifton II. X tin office. ter. Delivered to any pert of city by Jewelers and Watchmakers. tf courteousrivere. Tracy, Superintendent, with claB3e for all ages nt 0:45 n. m. Morning One wddle horse, well broken; 4 Wong Wong, Spnd your vacation at years old. I.t. K. P. Muses, Camp Worship at 11 o'clock, ltev. Wm. II. Is the OAHU ICE AND UECTBIC CO., Actophone of' Poking will preach: sub- Very. 4374-C- t . CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Stello typewrit- Kewalo. 628. .V,M.UMBINO and PAINTING. ject: . "Some Chanres ln China." Telephone er carbon paper. It Four-cylind- find-cla- ' Living-sto- n, runubout, In .Office: Honolulu Painting Co., 221 THE MARVELOUS C I Musi; In charge of Stanley ex- has rio equal, as (lar-"K- e. or condition. Royal llawullati Delivered to residences The --Famous Talking Pictures Cnnductcr. The Christian perienced typists 4380-3- 1 r and offices at .25o per Kinft St.: P, O. Box 914. Commencing Society will meet nt 0:30 p. know. 10-l- naleiwa .hundred in Iota THURSDAY. JULY 29. ui., "Why should war be abolished?' Ice ir more. The A tut. Minister will lead the Sold only by in W. O. BARNHART,. WAIKIKI INN meeting. Evening Woishlp nt 7:30 Golf links unsurpassed and cuisine r 133 Merchant St Gem Theater o'clock. Sermon by the Minister, Tel. 14C. 'The Finest Bathing on the Beach." Subject "How Joshua won men for Hawaiian News far beyond the average of hotels. Meals A cordially ,1s here- At All Hours. Admission ."....- - lOo and 20o dod." Invitation X2 BUIlDING MATERIAL by extended to strangers, seamen. Co.Ltd. WINES, LIQUORS. AND CIGARS. This means O.K. and applies to '' travelers, visiting friends nnd (ho Young Bldg. News for Ladies OF ALL KINDS. W. C. Proprietor. BEBGIN. public generally to attend all these DEALERS IN LUMBER. AfiTTNEATEfi services. Thomas Dyeing Works, San Fran-W- e are now agents for the F. ALLEN & ROBINSON. The Manhattan Cafe By the way, we've somelhlnc REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. URINARY cisco. Sueen Street :: :: :: Honolulu, r. THE FRENCH LAUNDRY. new In this line a distinct Im- Meals and Short Orders at All Times New Feature Film. DISCHARGES best and Entered For necerd, August 5, i1:9. Phone 1491. provementthe of the Day and iNight. Ve Never RELIEVED IN cheapest. You'll agree with M. & from 10:30 a. m. p. m. ut Pnililps Co when you see it. Call, write Sleep. FORT ST. NEAR HOTii' '"'LEFTOUT" Wongil.eong to V. Mnlaea 'Achon 24 HOURS or timms ASAHI BAKERY telephone, your Wholesale Importer and Jobbers a, wm. WAiuiAm, jrrop. , et nl '. Agrmt &.MtK and we're at Kadi Can ""'N .service; or send 802 A. O. Rosa & wf to Edwin 11 Weed I) rulv licnr(MIDY) BERETANIA ST., NEAR ALAKEA. JofCatalof H5 (EUROPEAN AND Change of.prpgram three times a mtsa the nnni Mps. Ilaalif-- to Charles F. Hart ... I. AMERICAN DRY Q00D8 week Monday, Wednesday and Yes, Fri Then. 'll. Davles & Co Ltd tu Mc- - JtntartiifrtmmUrtU$ Office Co., QUI. Yes! Fine Cakes and Ice Cream. Supply i FORT and EN 8T8. day, llrydo Sugar Co. Ltd I. Stil) in business at the fame old .....J...... t....J...J.J.J Rolls and Buns Fresh every mora- place. Kuniuokalunl Kauakahl (w) et all ine. 931 Fort St to' Daniel Klkaha PA S. SAIK1, The Park Entered For Record, August C, IBM Orpheum Saloon, from 8:30 a. m. to 10:30 1. m. Vienna Bakery Hottie-Mad- e Candy Bamboo Furniture Made to Ordir. I". II. to von Hamm-Youii- Picture Framing a Specialty. , Open Air Theater Co. Ltd CM Mr and Mrs. Hashimoto, & Ltd to (leorgc D. AT MASSEURS. 563 S. BERETANIA 81. Fort Street. Below Beretania. l.ewcrs Cooko Boston Baked Beans. Russell et nl ltel TELEPHONE 497. Boston Brown Bread. Telephone 637. cWL P. M. to Kipahulii Sugar-Co- . L CIGAR JAS. CARLISLE. Knluna Leave orders a day ahead. Woman's Exchange 28 loaves of bread for $1.00. Iheumatism, HONOLULU IRON WORKS (From the Empire Circuit) GOOD HOMESTEADS. M. A. Gunst & Co. 1129 Fort St. Phone 197. 9ruises, ,j Improved and Modern SUGAR MA- MUSICAL MONOLOGUE ARTIST. RING UP FORT AND KING STREET8. Pottu-gn- Tired Feeling. CHINERY of every capacity and de- 8lg. Canavnno, Consul for l . Admission 10 and 15 cents has made a very thorough Inves- WAH CHONG CO. scription. made'to order. Boiler wrk and ind other LUNCHES DB1NKI Children 5 cents tigation of the homesteads provided and RIVITED PIPES for irription The must popular Levy's for Groceries Ailments purposes a specialty. Particular at by Ewn plantation for tho Portu- DRY GOODS AND TAILORING. T place in town. guese 9uickly paid to JOB WORK, and re- FOR SALE KAIMUKI DISTRICT. and Spanish setllera who have tmtion Everything absolutely new and Phone 70. Relieved. , pairs executed at shortest notioe, The Fashion Saloon come to the Islands In rvcont years. very satlsfac-- 1 fresh from the Coast. Almost new house, 4 rooms, bath, "I found everything 178 BERETANIA AVE., near EMMA Hotel St. tory," said Consul morning. WAVERLEY BLK. HOTEL ST. OHIO CLOTHES CLEANING CO. near Fort lot 50xllQ-- 8 feet, improved, a pret- tho this Bath and Electrical Treatment. lack Scully. Jack Roberts. ty home, fine view ocean and city, "The men nre very well provided' COMBINGS i'l 132 Beretania St. Sixth avenue. Price fur, the homes nre well located, the We have lor salo Hack Set Ranges, near $1,200. CITY MAUSOLEUM BABRETTES Dr. F. SCHURMANN Another, and this one is just houses well built and the lands fer- Ladies' and gents' clothes and ' to p ft.; Bridge & Beach what Latest styles sold at cost she you are looking for. A tile." Osteopathic Physician and Oculist, p.loves cleaned. Contracts' $1.50 per 'SunJjrlor toves;" Quick. Meal real bar Come and learn particulars at gain; style bungalow, 5 222 Emma Square. month, four suits. Dyeing and dry Furm-ei'- s Nind Perfection oil stoves; NEW YORK. llrnkeman Robo EMRICEL House 2-- 3 cleaning. Telephone large rooms; both wide verandas; TOWNSEND UNDERTAKING CO. Consulting. p, m., Sat- 496. 'Hrollers, famp and Laundry lln of tho Long Island Railway, was) & Beretania lux two lots, 00x232 feet; large front Beretania St., Opp. Sachs'. Fort Sts., Harrison Blk. urdays excepted. Operating, 2 stoves.' Phono 211. EMMRLUTH ' ISlVOIl 3-- &) P. H. BUBNETTE laum nlontwt with h,Ar.. nl.n. $100, two Slllts of clothes, a, m., 0 p. m. ft CO., LTD., 145 King St. I two n Job Received ex Alameda New Ship Com'r. of Deeds' for California -- ..J many kinds of fruits. Honolulu weeks vacation und life a Phone 33. 130,000 ment of Latest Styles New York; NOTARY PUBLIC; can't produce a better for the money for returning woitl) of Choice Roses in on train, Grant Marriage, Licenses; Draws for home or investment. Price Jewels left his LADIES' HATS. Dr. J. H. Raymond Mortgages. Deeds, Bills of Sale, $2,200. . Picture at office. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. When Uahy was sick, we gave her Mrs. E.M.TAYLOR Leases, Wills, Etc. Attorney for the iTT!pHi71Tri PACIFIC COAST REAL ESTATE CO. Office with Dr. C. B. Wood, 166 Bere- District Courts. 79 MERCHANT ST. F. B. Munroe. Mgr. Castorla. Alexander Young Building. tania Street. I was a Child, cried foi K. HONOLULU; PHONE 310. 848 Kaohumanu St. Whcnshe ehe Tel. 339. UYEDA, Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m 2 to tl CaBtorla. 1028 NUUANU ST 4 p.m., 7:30 to 8:30 n. m. Miss, clung to When she became she CUREY0UMELFI Telephone Office 24; Residence 1460 Typewriter Repairing Castorlai BQST0N RESTAURANT. h Uw Die U for unontoraj way When she had Children, she gave them - O00D MEALS FOR 25 OENTS. M Stein m is iwi.Mi- dllcbrtfl,lollft01QltllDDl, The Industrial Edition of the AND OTHKH PUNOB. M Castorla. ffW OMIWM4 W IrrltAtiuni or tilcertuoni NEW AND EXPERIENCED COOK. Our expert .has made a study of fit 4ffnt.i ctMswi. Evening wrapped THAYErl PIANO CO, o( muoouf minbrD Bulletin, all kinds of typewriters, KSliHiEimCHisn tea Everything in Season. ready for mailing, 50 1 -- HOTEL. HT11KMT. ritOtflt. ftlll HOt MtrlQ cer.ts at B u lit rooms busl Intcr-Islun- d and O. R. ft U shipping ijA aaeiit!,o Hotel Street, near Fort. 1 t. Ptjone Tit. - ' 185 editorial .H fftntor rlMuoai. e i n office. 26 ' & Looks for sale at tho to see our old cus- QlliRANTKUD ness office. These are the telephone A. 3. AHLEIGH CO. Bulletin Mold h IrranltU. . We want all niNINO be Ui pay XSSSsklHMMMniH numbers o' Bulletin Office. Hotel Street, 0pp. Union, office, each. ClrcuUr iot on rwww' tomers come back. Ant$

. , ftJt.lViv'Aj W , H .. .u' . UtU AtiilK't I- - . ,H WfJ, J&U& MfMW& r M w W .ifc, u ''PPffiw1',uFS,,mpwMPriMBMfW,,il jM WlmJit IS :wrm'!mww,:rm ffiRHFIC. , vw- . - . . ii. J wl? . r r VJBWjit j(""wi' btt; , " ' . tiiBjT j 'b J-- X V. ,,rar?rwwpfp . 'f 1 'invi-- ir Jlv 'rT i ;'' . Wt, 14 F. r.N'INfl BULLETIN. iIONOUTMj, T. It., SATUKDAT, AU(1. 7, 1009. . - - iii'llK'H, inliere'yonr fnflier wns con Legal -- Notices ..r:L.-- wl'.U ,Uulrcady und Caytalu 8tryker." "TueAlethcal"' INTHK C;nCUIT COURT. FIHST "Ycs CIKOUIT or the Territory of Hawaii, "You took them from those men rh Chambers. Kalahlkloln (w) vs. & you! Hut didn't my father" Jacob Kumalne. I.lbcl in Ulvorc. : had to persuade hint," said Klrk- Notice of tho rtntloncy of Suit. wood, simply, Notice Is Hereby given that tho tr "But there were three of them above entitled caimp Is now pending against you!" , nnd that said Court has ordered that nh feeling rery "Mulrcady wnsn't-- Saturday, October 9, 1909, at 9:30 well, .'and Btryker'S n cownrd. They for and Children. Infant! r room ot tlilH BAG 1 u. in. In tho court Court, gave me no trouble, locked them In In mild Louis Joseph Vance Htryker.'s.room.'llfted the bag of Jew- In the Judiciary Hulldlnx. mmmmffJy 1' Save Babies. llonolulu.as tho time, and placo for els nnd came' away. ought to tell the Copyright, 1008. by the IIobbs-Merrl- ll Co. you that they were'dlsciisslng the ad- - INFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize tho heating of llbellant's petition In civilized twenty-tw- o percent., or nlie be grant-r-- d liability , of. sailing nwuy without you, all tho children born countries, and libel praying that (Continued.) game played, she still' leaving you here, friendless nud with- nearly r, die beforo they reach one year; thirty-seve- n per cent, or a decree of divorce absolute from , utitflTiclifug "lTease"iro" uoF fnTerfere, two of the she miulaiii," he said quietly. held cards was not nt the end of her out means. That's why I considered more than one-thir- before they are five, and one-hal- f beforo they are fifteen I her said husband, Honolulu, T. II,, my tnko hand. 1 T .veil tires'? mi'." p "You are Impertinent, slrl Dorothy, resources. She stuck In his Imagina- It duty to a don't We do not hcsltato to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a majority July 24, 1909. lly the Court. like to tell you so brutally, but "how unii I refuse? You nro 1 forbid you to listen to this persoul" tion for many an hour as a force to be this of theso precious lives. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of these Infantilo HUNItY SMITH. you ought to know." luo Rood!" I The girl Hushed, lifting her chin reckoned with. deaths by tho use, of narcollo preparations. Drops, tinctures and Clerk Judiciary Ilept. UN Impertinence disconcerted eTen tritle. "forbid 1" she repeated wonder-Ingl- For the present be understood that "I understand." soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or loss opium, or 4370 July 24, 31; Aug. 7, 14, 21, litinelf. Ho wondered Hint she 1 1.1 sh'o was watting to apprise Calendar Hut for some moments she did not morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, 28; Sept., 4. nut slap btiu as ho her, enter- and Mulreudy of their Bight. With speak. He avoided looking at her. pased I Klrkwood was quick to take advan- they stupefy, retard circulation and lend to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria more haste, then, he followed Dorothy fiacre, rolling at top speed, but ing tliu ruom, rAid folt. tliut tic llcfrveil tage of her resentment. "Mrs. Ilnllam The operates exactly the reverse. It causes tho blood to'clrculate properly, opens the IN TIIK CHICUIT COtlllT OK down the three filfhts, through, the smoothly, on the broad avenues that :t, Ueipltu her nttltsde. Hut fiah Is not fitted to nd Ise you," he Insisted, pores of the skin and allays fever. the Second Judicial Circuit, Terri- si-- tluy 'olllce, where madam sat sound encircle city, turned Into thoughts could nut lout; trouble one "nor can ? control your actions. It the ancient tory of Hawaii. In tho matter of - asleep at her overburdened desk, and the Avenue de Kcyser, bringing Into hlioiu ejus wen- enchanted by the must already tunu occurred to you Tho genuine Kstnto of Hnttlp Ayers, Ueceas-ci- l. out. sight the Onre Centrale, ftaaranlcc the Ikht (if Dorothy confronting him In that you're rather out of place Iu the Notlco to Creditors. Notice is Opposite they were fortu- "You don't-k-kn- ow" began girl signature of Castoria lie middle of the dingy ruum, Ikt present circumstances. The men who the door the find up In wait- In voice gusty hereby given to nil persons having IiiuhN, brUtllng (lanpcroiiily with brought you hither 1 believe you nate to a fiacre drawn without warning. n with hac ing Klrkwood opened the Physicians Recommend Castoria. claims against tho cstato of Hattto liuy of n already see through to some extent nt the curb. sobs. "I bite k1 your Csitorls In cuts of colic In Caatorla la rood for children and I frequenllr with the adJuitiniMit girl to enter. A) cm, late of Lalialna, Maul, Terri- biiiuiI utop forgive tny speaking plainly. Hut that door for the "Steady onj" said Klrkwood gently. chtlilrcn and hsre found It the belt medicine of lu preecrlbo It, and al.aja obtain the deetred nenlt." itruy toijue the noiuler th.it driv- Hal-lam- du Bud." he directed the kind on the market." 3. K. Bianos, M. D P. Oas.LO sn, M. D., tory of Hawaii, to present tho samo win her bnlr. So Wvucluus ami (.harm- Is why you have accepted Mrs. 'Qare "I do know, but don't let's talk about your Doublo faro ,Chlu.o,III. Buffalo, N. Y. Uln-cga- r. ing slie seemed, no periled and bright offer of prolectlon. Will you er. "Drive fastest It now. JVe'll bo nt the station In a to the undersigned, ltoliort H. quick ' her welcoming smile, o foreign tnko my word for It when I tell you for timet" minute, and I'll get out and see what "A medicine id T.labtf and beneficial for chil- " I haee preeenbed Cutorla to famlllee for tereril Administrator of said estate, at win The awoke with a stort from" nho altogether to the plituru of her, she has not your right Interests at driver to be .done about a train If neither dren ae your CaetorlA la dceencs the hl.hMt pralte. yrare. It la all llehu Motbcre like II, for children his place ot business In Wnlluku, profound reverie, looked Klrkwood Is You 1 and tt la om eTtrjffhere." will any trouble." worn and dltrnught, that he had men- heart, but tic reverse? 1 happen to Mulrendy nor Btryker nbout. take It wllbout Maui, within six months from data over nnd bowed with sestlculatlvo 1. 8. ALlliUDia, M. I)., C. A. Vt. V., tally conjured up, that ho stopped know', Miss Calendar, and I" stay In the carriage. No!" He Wiuo, of publication of this notice, or pnlni8. changed his mind suddenly. 'Tit not OmaJia, Neb. 81. Loola, Mo. In an extreme of and "How dare jou, sir" but; they will be forever barred. Dated "M'sleu', 1 am desolated, en- vartone occaalona dropped the hand tine smiling sheep-lihl- y Flaming with rage, Mrs. Ilnllam put risk losing you again, it's a risk we'll "ItaT. vied yonr Caatorla on " Yonr Caatorla la a eplenrtld remedy for children, July 1C, 1" protested. ot Walluku. Maul, this enough under her ready laugh herself bodily between them, confront- gaged he have to run In company." In soluble caaea and bate found It a palatable and known the world orer. 1 nie It In my practice and Treclsely." Klrkwood deposited the efficient laxaUre, cepeclally In tbo varlona dtaeaaee hare no heeluncy In recommending It for tbe 1909. mirth IrrrsNtlbly Incited by the plain- ing Klrkwood In white llpreil dospera. Tleaser she agreed brokenly. bags on forward seat of I the ot childhood." of InfanU and children." nOHKRT K. DINEOAIl, ly read play of exprclou on his mo- two the The fiacre slowed up and stopped. Von her small gloved hands cllucbed conveyance and stood back to convince Ciue. BwiD OiRDIxtrt, M. D., J. A. Bourn, V.D., Administrator ot IMato of bile countenance. i "Are you nil right, Miss Calendar?" Hid ipilvcrlnn at her sides, her green the man. 'Treclsely," said ho, undis- Brooklyn, N. T, . Kanaaa Cllj, Mo. llatlle Aycrs. "You forgive the unconventlon- - Klrkwood asked. mint yes dangerous. mayed. "The lady who engaged you 4370--Ju-ly 24, 31; Aug. 7, 14. (Billy, Mr. Klrkwood," nho apologized, The girl sat up, lifting her head Cry Hut Klrkwood could silence her, and Is lemalnlng for a time. 1 will settle Children for Fletcher's Castoria. IliecdlCKtly enough, to cover his proudly, "I am qulto ready," she said, but he did. "Do you wish me to speak bill." on point of her steadying her voice. In" I'luimrraMtuciit. "I ntu the frankly, madam? Do you wish me to "Very well, m'sleu'l" The driver dis- Use For Over 30 Years.' going .Mrs. ami of Klrkwood rcconnoltcred through the out wllli Ilnllam, tell what 1 know nnd all 1 know," and accepted the you person on claimed responsibility window while the driver was descend- course are the last earth with rising emphasis, "of your social gods with a speaktna; to, favor of tho ing. I expected meet hero. status and your relations with Calen- said the Qare du good you. shrug. "M'sleu' "Oaro Centrale m'sleu'," he aald, It's to see MKs Calen dar and Mulrcady? I promise you that On Display at our Garage he wild simply, remarking with Sudl" opening tho door. dar." If you wish It or fone me to It" Klrkwood jumped In and shut the walk- - "No one In sight," Klrkwood told tbo much satisfaction that her trim Hut he had need to say nothing fur- door, Tho vehicle drew slowly away lug boro willies to her state Ctrl. "Come, plense." iotuine ther. The woman's eyes wavered be- from the curb, with gratifying MMj:MFj:MkwxMkMkMkMkMhiMbMhii tli.it she for then He got out and gave her his hand, ment was prepared the fore hlsf and n little sob of terror forced em- speed hammered upstream on the theff paid picked up Hreet. itself between her shut teeth. Klrk- the driver, the bankment. Rending forward, elbows two bags and hurried with Dorothy The girl glanced Into n mirror, patted wood smiled grimly, with n face of on knees, Klrkwood watched the side - Into the station to find In waiting a the small, bewitching hat un Inllnltesl- brass. Impenetrable, Indexible And walks narrowly, partly to cover the mil fraction of an Inch lo one side unci In- string of cars Into which people were i suddenly she turned from him with girl's constraint due to Mrs. llnllsm's turned lo him ngnlii, her hands free. different bravado. raovlhg at leisurely rnte. His Inquiries Franklin 'ittttude, partly on the lookout for Cal- One of them, small, but cordial, rested "As Mr. Klrkwood says, Dorothy," at the .ticket window developed tbo too endar and his confederates. In a few 22:2(3 iu his grasp for an Instant all she said In her high metallic voice, "I - fact that.ll was the for Brussels, the J- passed a publlcclock. brief, wlillo gared earnestly Into Moments the last leaving Cen- the he hae no authority over you. Hut If Flushing train the Gore her face, noting with concern what the "We've missed the boat." trals that night and due to In ten you're silly enough to consider for a ho announced. "I'm making a try for start FRANKLIN "D" T00B1NQ CAB. llrst glance had not shown him the ut- minutes. moment this fellow's insulting sugges- tho Hock Holland line. We may most Imperceptible shadows beneath vim The Information settled their plans tion. If you'ro fool enough to go with possibly make It. I know that It leaves her and cheelv bones, pathetic ric- - for once and all. Klrkwood promptly ejes him unchapcroncd through Lurope nnd by the Bud quay, and that's alt I do nothing onls of the hours the girt had spent Imperil your" secured through tickets also purchas- WERE is AGENTS FOR THE KISSEL KAR know," he concluded, with an apolo- CHALMERS-DETROI- company - ing --"reserve"' AKD since Inst he hail seen her in "Mrs. Ilallam!"- Klrkwood cut her getic laugh. supplementary tickets with care. I with menacing which entitled them td tho use of PAU-..K- A - short, a tone. "And It we miss that?" asked the in Shu was changed n little, but "why, then, 1" wash my hands of those muderp corridor coaches which girl, breaking silence for the first time take.thonplnco clasj compart- clningcd. She had suffered and was you," concluded the womnn defiantly. sluco they had left tho hotel. oflrst sufTerlug, nnd, forced by suffering, licr "Mako your choke, my child," she ments ott.the Belgian stntu railways. HANA that is in ASSOCIATED GARAGE, Ltd "We'll take the first train out of Ant- "It's pleasure,'.', nascent womanhood was stirring in added, with a meaning laugh, arid werp." a;, said Klrkwood met lightly as the girl Into -' Merchant St. the bud. The child that he had in "Where to?" the deli- Loudon In grown one ,of these, "to And oneself In a jurious to most Autwcip lie found "Wherever tho first goes, Miss to woman's and slowly coming train common sense sort of, "'train again. stature Calendar. main U to get to comprehension The point Feels like home." lie put their lug- of the nature of the away tonight we do, no cate fabric. It will not chnugu In That must gage Id one of .the' racks and sat down herself, tho wonder of It matter where wo land or how we get Blowing softly In her eyes. beside bey. - there. Tomorrow we can plan with Tho girl 'snilld bravely. "And after off the boards Autos The cle.ir understanding of mankind more certainty." take paint that Is an appanage of woman's estate Brussels!'.,', slio, Inquired. "Yes." Her nssent was more a slgb 'train he . Repaired was now "I'lrst for the coast." said ndded to the intuitions of n than a word. cuticle machine will be ready for girl's untroubled promptly "Dover,. Ostcnd, Boulogne, nor eat into the Yonr heart. She could not The cab, dashing down Hue Leo- bu to the wlilcborcr, prove handiest, no matter you when we say it .will be. We blind the mute adoration of his pold de Wacl, swung Into gaze, nor the I'lace which, so.longut It; gets us on' English don't experiment on autot; we repair could she ICscnt It. Ilenenth du find beforo Klrkwood, as cleansing pre- she the station. soil wlthojit unduo.delay." Some, them. it colored ami lowered her lashes. acutely watchful, suddenly thrust bead "1 was go Bbe'sald'Ycs'; abstractedly, resting about to out," she nud shoulders out of bis window (for In an eltipw, on ;t be Window sill and bcr do. Hamm-Youn- g confusion. "I It'u pleasant tunately It was one away from parations; Von t6 see you the the chin 'in' h(fr paih," to staro with seri- too." depotl nnd called up to you," the driver. ous, sweet brown eyes' out Into tho "Thank he stammered Ineptly, "Don't stop! Qare Centrale now and -- i " arc smitten night thst hune beneath Co., Ltd. treble fare'!" the echoing roof, , PAU'KA-HAN- A' is "If Mr. Klrkwood will cm-ih- YOUNQ us. "Yes, sir! All right!" Klrkwood fidgeted In despite of the LEXANJ.p.R BUILDim Dorothy." Mrs. Hall.im's nli-u- tones The whip cracked, and the horse he placed hhn&clf under to Ktru-- in discordantly, "we shjll constraint be swervisl sharply routid the corner Into lie still ii'ud needlessly. with Chid to see III not.dlsluih her just pure soap an in when we return to the Avenue du Slid, The young mau, apprehension London." I liupntlome..aikl of mis with n hushed exclamation, turned In fortune obsessed Ills nieutnl proccsne.s "I am Infinitely complimented. Mrs. his seat, lifting the flap over little hi ten ingredient that gets to nullum," Klrkwood the equal 'degree1) The (uilnutrs C. H. BEHN assured her, ami t peephole In the back of the carriage'. elnpcsd ere of the ghl ipil. I.y, "You're sueuied luturniluulilc that going back He had not been mistaken. Calendar grinding' hfinieV" lie asked. he couillns advertised the the and removes it wns standing In front of the station, Start. dirt She nodded, with a Imiiilnelicruf thejr faint, puzzled und It wus plain to be seen from his gininls.l;ogiin to bawl, the Car No. 184 can now smile that the woman The doors "After pose that the madly careering nacre to mad- without the n little-n- ot slam. hclnted'truvelerH lodasli tiring immediately. Mrs. Hal-l- . Interested him more than slightly.. Ir- ciMUjIu'.s-.','- Tin- - be found iu Is so 'Vf ly for the train giup n at kind" resolute. iK'rturbed, the mau too'k a liiiih 'Tallinn me," he ill preliminary ere settling down to Interrupted, muscles. "but Ntep or two after It, changed ,his mind loilti Itjlaijd tell' me one thing, please. Have you Its leauue dash. i and returned to his post of observa- Klrkuncd.lii i), fever of hope mid un any one In Kugluud to whom jou e.in tion. i ngiie of 'fr.ir,! Wv'-1- ,,l,m KPrlut fu- 199 go without In i llatlon nud bo '1' TEL. Klrkwood dropped flap and - the riously across life 'plat form and throw und caied for- any friends or rcl.i "The liimiif of mi .iMiuUiiii (.Mtfuiiiiii." hack, Any should be turned to find the girl's wide eyes himself iu 'tin- - fitrwarit su-- of hull grocer tlonsV" nothing mowd iwny, humming a snatch from searching lili face. He said jinaih oil the tory Ijislant of Hie nIiii. "lioruth." will he with inc." rs, I u rein li song, wbhh biongUl the hot "What was that?" she asked lifter Presently hi'onleled b. III.-- fm w ird to supply ycu. If Hall un iinswcicd ur her, with cold bind lo K!r:wkl's a pilleut moment. abb CLUB STABLES dei:.iuie. foe. door and welled slowly thioii'.h. n.: girl I "Vour fill lie re-- Hut the did not lilnlerstaud. and her. Miss Calendar." the iiil.ius pas-e- n Dolllxr.itely Insolent. Klrkwood rnuly Inpn'Stlug, he was glad of th.it. "You may Judge turned uiicmnfortubly. gcr.s,. As lie approached the muIn oe yours cannut do so ring Fort St. tumid his luck to the wouuai. "MUs fell u pause; "Why, between us." he appealed to her dliect There short theu, by- - Mil.wboil utul Dorothy Cal- C.ilenil.ir. will you answer my iiuesllou ly onie more. "I can only offer you will. you tell me. Is It uecessary to run endar li's'i'Ves Vn'oiiiilensl the young For Sale Choice lot of fi r joiu-hi'ln- Im asked the girl point-u.ll- L. Tele- my word of honor us uu American gen- nwuy from my father. Mr Klrkwood?" mail's, mid he leered cUlly. KIiLwimhI Fred Waldron, you she demanded, with a moving tleman that shall be lauded Iu little iilet the look v lib one lU.it was like n ""! "Why, yes. filcnds-no- i.e in Uiigluud Iu I safe and sound by the llrst break her voice. jut-wi- i.''. Loudon, but" Mtk, nud tho fellow l with some phone 12 Chickens Li ' avnll.iti'e steamer." 'iiiMo "llOIOtll,!- "- Into tlie and imported "TIioic"s no need to sny more, Mr, CHAPTER XXIV. "Who wns ' Hint?" demanded tin "One iiiomeut, .Mrs. Ilall.iui," Klrk- Klrkwixd," Dorothy lufiruiul him ; - wr irtKWOOD hesitated It wasun-tell- vlrl without nioUilv her head wood tlunn- uUply oxer hit shoulder. 1 "I have already dclded. I ,.,, , . ,,,,,. w)iyi , "Iliiw did you know ?" he nsl.ed. a I'm golu lo you miiiii thing ralh- - Ihl I begin Pigs uk uk lo, understand sumo l HnH la, 8lle knuw tunlslloil "You ilfln'.l lool."- - Berkshire er ih!iI. ilss t'uleiiilar," he c uiihiiiid. eeuml thin cleirly now. If jou re rouly XX however painful the knowledge ynu'r ki'tl'ltles betieulli Ex Steamer Lurline. ecklug tin- - girl's eyes. "I hope" "I s.(W whiten we will gi might prove to "Liorolhy. I"- her. the sklu,, .Wllo'wnV ll?" - I'toiii thu window, where she stood inp.-h-t , And she wns Insistent, lie tint Iloili4." In' iielsbowtlgul liltteilj "lf you plein-u- Mrs. Hnlliiiu." mi; holding the curtiiiiiB hick nud staring dodge the Issue. "Why?" bho repeated i "Ihe ui.lli' AlellU'ii." fested the gill, with Juji the right out, Mrs. Hullnm u ' ur'ti'' turned with curl ns ho paused. iaiow. And bu think Horse hoeing lini.e of hidciiciiili'Ui'c, "1 with to ing lip, ' . .l fc.Ml,. ., 'tMllM..U - ..- - ..!-..- " U'llf ....Mi.,,, i inv--..H..u uir ivi , nyft ui ! nslioiv listen lo .Mr Klrkwood. has been " The honor nn American gentle-- "... I in. oioi lie of fill llfiaill.P lltuf II, .11. lflm, ..ln.,.l,. ' .. I..'... I wus.'.'...... Veiy kind lo me uud has light." man. she quoted, with a slinging bijird the "Dou't jou think I had better know?" lli lottajhly wasn't, lii tho o.iblti IM! !lo luriusl to hlin, ngiiln, leaving the sneer "I'm sure I wish TheW.W.WRICtiTCO.,Ltd. jou comfort of Inslinclliely he Inclined his head Iu delilly "theV Mini no or irinuiiii biealhlesx und specehless with It. child!" hut inn assent. ,ums 111 i it - ti Mil iji'i'ssi'd-til- into R. IAWIIENCE H. KENT, Etubalmer and Funeral Director, ar .King and South Streets. uuer "Wo must make haste, Miss Calen- sciv "Thou why?" Ivo Yin h(v llily'lo Willi lilng rived from Oakland, CH., and lie is now employed by M, . "Yuu told mo once," Klikwooil con dar," Knld Klrkwood, Ignoring tho Im- I'lerj Klrkwood lient forward and patted oiittel Hill y'y win through. M' SUVA. Mr. Kent is at experienced man in this line of ALL THE .FITTINGS FOR s lliiued quit lily mid, he felt, brazenly, plication. "Have you n (raiding the Hank of tho satchel that held the f"JU' r business, and as practical 16 that you coiuldeien ino kind, thought bug?" 'I i a embalmer has had vcars' ex gladstom.-- bag. ; perience. ful uud n know me uu She silently Indicated a small inllse, (To V.fnHniii'd.l Mr. L. H. Kent and Mr. M, E. Silva are now prepared 'to coush.eiale. Kirk-woo- I "What does that mean. Mr. d leceive all business to Mrs, un- betlei tn!u.i than you did then, but 1 closed and strapped, on n tahlo by the entrusted our care. Kent is also a lady ?" n..ii.4fw...-nM- , AUTOMOBILES wulll to be.' oll lo II list I'le a little. bid nnd Immediately pissed nut Into I nnef Phone tV dertaker and will care lor the female cases, which is most needed in "That I lune (he Jewels." bo told her -- Can you yourself lo my protev- - the hall. Klrkwoi d took tbo case con-- 1 i'i ,. ..p. nvm, iq our community, She will arrive here within. six weeks' time. liut tersely, lookln-- j straight uliend SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO. lion until ue your fi lends In liilulng the gladstoue bag in one hand, ivaili At his shoulder he heard u low ' Kiigluiiil?" the gill's vulho In Ihe other, and fol- gisp of com- B(Jsinpj?5-NoMcP- low isl. I niuireiueiit and liuredulllj S Why. 1-"- tho girl fullered, taken mingled. M. L Silva's Undertaking Establishment Autos by suipiUo. As h turned the head of tho stairs Repaired "l.Ut-lld- W lllll JOU KOI llll'illl "Mr, KIiLwimiI!" tiled Mrs. Ilallam be looked back, Mrs, Ilallam was still 1120 Fort St. Phone 170t , , Nitjlit Call 1014.. 11 tpililw. lnw Ir lip,,m fathei ileposlliil them In linili till' 1 NOTICE. ' ingilly. lliidlug.her Mil t. ill tin. In.r i .' By skilled mechanics at piissleue-- s (uriieil lo meet her on- - her ery lie reielved nil l '""!!''' Klrl.noid " ' ''l-''- Mn'iiliv, A'H'iifit Impression of something ominous nnd ' '1:''' 1! Ibeiii ..i.,i, ,,, VjIIIi i' leu i'.etjTiJj';d. '""' Im Royal Hawaiian Garage, ulau.lit ""' ' -- ,!"'1" lw.it.! ". Il' Oilui Cniloco l.lliiiiry will forbldite txlilt,: '. - ' - closed for two weeks. 4380-ll- t Weekly Bulletin 81 Per Year Hotel St., near Richard. i K i . ' ; -- ' , ' f i ), ... ' - ata' y ik'Sm-iJ- "- -' l jiJkAlM4AkLi'!ijis rwr-rfi- i....n. .Mu.u-M.-.-- --