KIPLING AVE & KING VAUGHAN RD VAUGHAN, ON 93.15 ACRES AVAILABLE FOR SALE King Vaughan Rd Kipling Ave FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LAND FOR SALE Partnership. Performance. Eva Destunis Ben Sykes, SIOR Ryan Hood, SIOR Sales Representative, Principal Sales Representative, Principal Sales Representative, Principal 905.968.8006 905.283.2324 905.968.8007
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FOR SALE KIPLING AVE & KING VAUGHAN RD PROPERTY OVERVIEW VAUGHAN, ON Location Vaughan (Kipling Avenue & King Vaughan Road) Site Size 93.15 acres King Vaughan Rd Legal Description PT W1/2 LT 34 CON 7 VAUGHAN AS IN R619949 ; VAUGHAN Kipling Ave Topography Flat open space Depth 3,272 ft Width 1,378 ft (widest point at rear) The subject lands are approximately 93.15 acres located in block 49 on the south east corner of Kipling Avenue and King Vaughan Road in Vaughan, Ontario. Zoning A – Agricultural (Zoning By-law 1-88) The lands are presently being farmed by the Vendor. The surrounding lands and adjacent properties are also being used for agricultural purposes, rural uses, and estate homes with hobby farms. Opportunity Long-term hold with future development potential The subject lands in their entirety are located outside of the urban boundary. These lands are not within a designated town, village, or Offical Plan Agricultural / Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core hamlet and are located outside of the settlement area. A portion of the said lands are greenbelt lands and a portion of the lands Taxes $8,169.53 (annual 2019) are whitebelt lands. The whitebelt designation is deemed as a positive for future long-term development.