Agent Forum

June 2019 Today’s • Shopfront design guide topics • New planning application requirements • New pre-application advice options • Permitted development • General update Shopfront • Cara MacMahon - Heritage design guide Action Zone Project Officer

For Shop Front Before and After. design guide

Example: Shop Front design guide

Example: layout of traditional shopfront B&M The one that got away

Before Weston gained Conservation Area adoption, we were constrained by how far we could push retailers to use quality signage.

The current signage for B&M is not good- but, would you believe if, better then it could have been if North Somerset Council had not got some adjustments made to the original design Some improvement- but room for more Modern shop Positive modern frontage front Good enhancement of a modern shop front and first floor window display WH Smiths First steps to improvements

Working with Planning Officers promotion of good shop front design commences.

Opening 10th June 2019

(image: P Barrington) Shop front North Somerset- Shop Front design guide design Guide • Draft SPD ready for consultation – June 2019 • 6 weeks consultation (eConsult) plus a public meeting. July • NSL editorial about consultation (July/ August edition) • Revisions/ update during August • Papers for full Council by 10 Sept 2019 ( revised draft The road to incorporating work to address results of consultation) • Adoption at full Council 24th Sept adoption 2019 • NSL editorial Nov/ Dec issue Questions? New Jason Beale – Service planning Development Manager application requirements New Adopted April 19 planning New requirements for: application 1. Accessible Housing Statements requirements 2. Groundwater protection details 3. Surface Water Drainage Strategy 4. Visibility splays 5. Parking plans New Accessible Housing planning Statements application requirements Required for six or more new residential units (including conversions and change of use), unless the development is for affordable housing. New Accessible Housing planning Statements application The number of accessible units requirements required to comply with Category 2 of Part M of the Building Regulations is ONE for a scheme of 6 to 8 new units.

This then increases at a rate of ONE additional accessible unit for every SIX units proposed, New Accessible Housing planning Statements application requirements Detailed information available online New Groundwater protection planning details – required for: application requirements 1) development within a groundwater source protection zone which proposes foul drainage that is not connected to a main sewer New Groundwater protection planning details – required for: application requirements 2) non-residential development within a groundwater source protection zone that is likely to result in contaminated surface water e.g. livestock buildings, oil storage tanks, general industrial uses (use class B2). New Groundwater protection planning details – required for: application requirements 3) any development of potentially contaminated land e.g. redevelopment of a petrol filling station or a vehicle scrappage facility New Groundwater protection planning details should: application demonstrate that groundwater sources will not requirements be contaminated by surface water from the proposed development. The details should normally include details of soakaways and any infrastructure used to prevent contaminants entering the ground. New Surface Water Drainage planning Strategy – required for: application requirements 1. major developments 2. developments subject to a requirement for sustainable drainage solutions set out in a ‘made’ neighbourhood plan. New Surface Water Drainage planning Strategy – required for: application 3. any minor development requiring a flood requirements risk assessment

4. minor developments, less than 1ha in flood zone 1 that may be affected by sources of flooding other than rivers and the sea

NOT required for householder development. New Surface Water Drainage planning Strategies should: application 1) demonstrate how all surface water affects a requirements site and the surrounding area

2) show how water behaves on a site and surface water runoff rate, flow pathways, and infiltration potential (the likelihood of water being soaked into the ground) New Surface Water Drainage planning Strategies should: application 3) set out what effect the development will requirements have on these issues and outlines the measures proposed so that runoff rates meet the requirements for the site set by national and local planning policy. New Visibility splays– required planning for: application All new or altered vehicular accesses onto an requirements existing highway.

INCLUDING HOUSEHOLDER SCHEMES! New Visibility splays – should: planning 1) be clearly marked on a scaled plan (can be application shown on a site layout plan) requirements 2) show the visibility splays shaded and state the key distances including the distance from the carriageway in the centre of the entrance or driveway AND the height and the distance of the splays in both directions.

More details online New Parking plans – required planning for: application requirements 1) new or altered parking arrangements 2) schemes that increase the demand for parking (as defined within the adopted parking standards)

INCLUDING HOUSEHOLDER SCHEMES! The adopted parking standards

Confirms NUMBER of spaces needed The adopted parking standards

Confirms the SIZE spaces needed Questions? Break New pre- application Jason Beale – Service Development Manager advice options New pre- Feedback: application advice • Need more options for meetings with officers options • Need option to get high level/in principle advice

• Need better coordination between council services for complex schemes

• Advice given needs to get to the point and add value New pre- Service level 1 – informal meeting application An informal discussion at council offices. advice Advice given verbally only options Discuss the main issues that become apparent to the planning officer during the meeting.

Limited or no preparation prior to the meeting

Not available in relation for householder schemes New pre- Service level 2 – in principle application Provides written advice advice Restricted to scoping the main issues and matters of options general planning principle

No detailed elements of the scheme (such as design, ecology, flooding or highways matters) will be considered, no consultation will be carried out and no meetings are offered.

Not provided for householder schemes

Eight weeks New pre- Service level 3 – enhanced application Advice in writing advice More considered view compared to levels 1 and 2. options Internal consultation may be undertaken with specialist services but is limited to our consideration of the main issues.

Consulted responses from external partners such as Historic England, the Environment Agency or Wessex Water is not included.

Not for householder schemes

8 weeks New pre- Householder application In writing advice No change to fee charged (£120) options No meetings offered and no consultation undertaken (as previously)

Free advice via Residential Design Guides New pre- Additional meetings application Can be requested in relation to: advice 1) existing and ongoing requests for pre-application options advice at service level 3

2) within six months of a decision we have issued in relation to a formal planning application.

Additional meetings are normally limited to two additional meetings

Payment prior to meeting New pre- Pre-application advice forum (PAF) application Round table discussion with council specialist advice Only offered for major applications options We will contact you to arrange a meeting with the forum within two weeks of your request.

The PAF process typically takes eight weeks but on agreement with the applicant, this can be extended.

To discuss how the PAF process can help your project contact us so that we can arrange an introductory meeting. New pre- Next steps application Provide interactive online form advice Continue to monitor the quality of advice provided options Review and update service options as required Questions? New permitted Simon Exley – Applications and Consents Manager development legislation The Town and Country Planning (Permitted New Development, Advertisement and Compensation permitted Amendments)(England) Regulations 2019 development Statutory Instrument 2019 No. 905 legislation Into force 25 May 2019 New Part 1 Class A – Larger house extensions permitted Single storey rear ext up to 6m (attached) & development 8m (detached) • Deadline 30 May 2019 – no longer legislation applies • PD is permanent • No requirement to advise LPA when built New Part 3 Class JA • CoU allowed from A1,A2,A5, betting permitted office etc to B1(a) development Part 3 Class M legislation • CoU allowed from A5 to C3

Part 3 Class Q • Dwelling floor area cannot exceed 465 sq m. New Part 4 Class D permitted CoU allowed from A1, A2, A5, B1, D1,D2,betting office etc to a temporary development “flexible” for A1,A2, A3 or B1 for up to 2 years legislation now includes:

• D1(a),D1(d),D1(e), D1(f), D1(g) • For a single 3 year period

Questions? General update… A flavour of our current work areas.... • Delivering national planning objectives and priorities (NPPF) • Town centre regeneration • J21 “Enterprise Area” • Weston Villages – link road • Metrowest • Infrastructure planning – bids • Airport • Heritage Action Zone – new Conservation Area • Housing delivery – policy & appeals Application no Site Decision date Decision

Appl Site Deci Deci icati sion sion on date no

14/P Brins30/1 Dism /190 ea 1/15 issed 1/O Rd Cong resb ury 15/P Nort 12/1 Allo /058 h of0/16 wed 3/O A36 8 Sand ford 15/P Knig 13/1 Dism /024 htco 0/16 issed 8/O tt Rd Ban 14/P/well 1901/O Brinsea Rd Congresbury 30/11/15 Dismissed 15/P Wen 02/1 Allo /098 two 2/16 wed 3/O od Driv e Ws M 15/P Blea 02/0 Dism /016 don 3/17 issed 7/O Hill Blea don 16/P Old 10/0 Allo /015 mixo 4/17 wed 0/O n Road Ws M 15/P Wrin14/0 Dism /282 gton 6/17 issed 8/O Lane , Cong resb 15/P/ury 0583/O North of A368 Sandford 12/10/16 Allowed

16/P Cox’s23/1 Allo /129 Gree1/17 wed 1/O n Wrin gton

16/P Brins13/1 Dism /170 ea 2/17 issed 7/O Road , Cong 15/P/resb 0248/O Knightcott Rd Banwell 13/10/16 Dismissed ury

15/P Sto 02/0 Dism /191 wey 1/18 issed 8/O Road , Yatt on

15/P Farl 28/0 Dism /031 eigh 3/18 issed 5/O Field 15/P/s 0983/O Wentwood Drive WsM 02/12/16 Allowed Back well 15/P/0167/O Bleadon Hill Bleadon 02/03/17 Dismissed 16/P/0150/O Oldmixon Road WsM 10/04/17 Allowed 15/P/2828/O Wrington Lane, Congresbury 14/06/17 Dismissed 16/P/1291/O Cox’s Green Wrington 23/11/17 Allowed 16/P/1707/O Brinsea Road , Congresbury 13/12/17 Dismissed 15/P/1918/O Stowey Road, Yatton 02/01/18 Dismissed 15/P/0315/O Farleigh Fields 28/03/18 Dismissed 16/P/0329/O. Laneys Drove, Locking 18/06/18 Dismissed 17/P/2111/O Weston Trade Centre, Banwell 03/01/19 Dismissed 17/P/2344/O Lostwood, Langford, Churchill 11/02/19 Dismissed Application no Site Appeal Date method 17/P/0887/O North of Greenhill Rd, Inquiry 2-9 April. Sandford Decision awaited 17/P/5545/OUT Bleadon Rd Bleadon Inquiry 23 July -1 Aug 17/P/1933/O Moor Lane, Backwell Written reps n/a

18/P/2423/O Crooks Lane, Kewstoke Hearing 20 August 16/P/1677/OT2 Youngwood Lane, Nailsea Inquiry 3-11 September

18/P/2652/OUT Land off Elm Grove Nursery, Inquiry? TBC Elm Grove, Locking Policy making • Sites Allocations Plan – adopted and implementing • Joint Spatial Plan – prep for examination hearings • New Local Plan – issues and options consultation • Neighbourhood Plans & SPD Behind the scenes • - Service efficiencies and savings • - ICT – new back office system (Uniform) • - Mobile and paperless working • - Budget savings and staff capacity • - Maintaining competitive Building Control service • - Proportionate Enforcement • - New Director – Lucy Shomali • - New administration Questions? Thanks for coming!

Next meeting 12 December 2019

Note: The contents of this presentation are the informal views of the presenting officers only and do not represent the formal views or North Somerset Council.