Mill Ford Plant# Cibsed On

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Mill Ford Plant# Cibsed On ■> V • ^ S' ■ • .I--' .'-•s'; t. Average Daily Ctrculatloit For Mouth of March, 1S41 Thfl Wentknr ^ F o r a ^ of C. k, Woulker’' 6 ,t l7 Member af the Audit Ctandy, rain tonight and Bureau' of. ClrenlatloBs - <tey: sot so eoM tonight. F'M Mmwh^tefr^A City o f Village Charm V O L ; L X ., NO . 159 (Claaslflcd AdvertiaiBg On Page IS) ANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1941 (irOURTEEN ^ A G E S ) PRICE THREE CBl i Z Give and Take in Africa Mill V ia 'AW.V>.V.V.V,V on w vOT.wy.v.;:!.’.’.'.’.'.- SIDI BARRANI Ford Plant# Cibsed ✓ lilction in Gigan­ Strike Clouds ^Vi^etit L 1 BYA Social Wa#* f: Detention OT .American tic Network Qalted '^'An 100 CIO Lcadi^rs RelalioDR with Gernuiii|j G iv e s Clerk in^ Ehibassy at B y CIO Strike as Meet to Discuss Pro$- Ebb Swiftly Todfljyi Seen Result Completely as During ress of Wage Negotia- ; Berlin Latest ih." Grow* Nation View , Government ^ CTrelf ing List of 19*37 Sit-Downs in O f Aid Plan Uons *Repoirted ^Jo Be ble* Declare Zero Hour H$ Provoking Incidents General Motors and *^Absolutely D e a d • S t r e n g t h ArrivefI; Frontiers. Accompanying Steiii Germany, Italy,^ Hi Chrysler; 41 Commun-^ Present Strilut Wave locked’ Now; Import­ Deterioration in Nazi ities Now . Affected. Seen Evidence/J of Un­ ant Defense Factor. Bb Foot- gary, Bulgaria American Relations. real; Disrupt Flow of ddiera on Rumania Are Clo« -Detroit, April' 6.-r-^— Pittsburgh, April 6.— (A*)-- D o ti^ n s Production in the gigantic in­ Supplies to Britain, Strike clouds were evident to- 'Washington, April 5.— <A") an Belgrade,. Yugoslavia, Ap^ dustrial network of Ford Mo­ dgy ag' 100 CIO leaders from — The United States today Citiei /for ParadeSi^ ^ —(/PV—Yugoslav relatioi Rome, April 5.—(/Py— Virginlo tor Company plants was halt­ mills of the United Statbs awaited an explanation from Wth (Germany ebbed swif Gayda, Fascist editorial spokes- ed today by a ClO/Strike as Steel Corporation gathered to the German government . of Waahi^gton,/ April 5— OP) C- today gnd the Balkan kit, d today that American completely as were the auto­ discuss progress of wage ne­ the arrest of. an'^American Rumbllhg tanks, great silver-wing­ dom apbef red on the vergV'J Britatti threatened to start motive operation^ of General gotiations with “Big Steer clerk in the embassy at Ber­ ed boinbers and foht-soldiers arm­ wan, Govemmejit circles Motors and Chrysler corpora­ war-in the United States, lin— the latest in a growing ed ^ylth deadly rapid-Bra guna con­ the Evidence was in the' which informed Sources said dared gravely that the tions during the 1937 sit- list, of trouble-provoking inci­ verged on dozens oK American present wave of strikes. , ,-i> were now “absolutely dead­ cities and towns today th give the hour” had arrived^and a net downs of the same union. T h 4 Not only are the strikes dimipt- locked.” The corporation with dents accompanying a steady nation its first full-dress raview .of tral diplomat with dofle geft strike of thfl United Automo­ ing the flow of war supplies to 261,000 employes, is the deterioration in German- 4he Army’s preparations Britain, but also, since they are emment confections bile Workers (CIO) at Ford’s world's largest pr^ticer of AmericAn relations. 'Secretary' Uonal defense. Officials here forecast that "the diplomatic stige Dearborn River Rouge plaiit, (Oonttnued On Page Five) steel and an important factor Hull ordered representatioj'u ord crowds would witness the ended,” with the “new st largest industrial unit in the made to the German Foreign in the nation’s defense- pro­ just a matter of days or ho^ (Continued On Page Ten) world and key producing cog gram..- Office after disclosure /that W a y . o f the Ford empire, fo rc ^ the Congress Puts It Was the third time within a Stewart Herman, an embassy 'X Authorized . Foreign company Friday to order clos­ month that Philip Murray. CIO employe, had been ^tained sources in Berlin, echoing president and chairman of the ing of its assembly, parts and ominous words, ssid tost foir^ Steel Workere Organlzi'ng Com- “apparently withTmt prior Fire Fighters practical purposes Gcrman-Tii other branch producers in 41 O ff AU W orry tnittee, had called In the local union MOOAOlil notification or explahatjon to Slav diplomatic relatloiia heads. other communities through­ the embassy.” / .Ceased to exist.) out the nation. Murray nvsa grim as he refused' Although Herman/ was released ^ Spoil Aim of Yugoalsvis’s frontier with For Vacation to affirm or deny reports from after several houra^ questioning,, many and Italy and Nsxi-dOBi ' Suppers from whom Uie com­ Washington shout the breakdWn pany said it has purchased $11,- officlsls here were 'understood- to ed H^gary, Bulgaria and. 000,000 Worth of, material weekly of negotiations which began for­ coivalder' his', arrast a breach of xNazi Bbmbers mania were closed. since Jan. 1 were notified to stop mally on March 20 after fae had re­ the diplomatic/courtesy existing S|Wate Teclinically in jected the corporation’s offer of a (The Hungarian official. further shipments. itiii m between officially friendly nations, / ■ .' r agency said in Budapest that Session But Will Do 2 H cents an hour raise, liuisted and important as an Index tq the 118.0M Wdrhers Btode Idle on a lO-cent boost, and re-opened Top map shows how British forces which had driven west to El Prevent Great Damage goslavia had auapanded ail D German government's attitude to­ river traffic in th« section Foid company spokesmen si No Business Till the unioit^ four-yfar-old contract Agheila (1) in Ubyan campaign withdraw before Axis thrust (striped ward the Viltod States. 118,000 of its production worMrs araow), evaduating ^ngasi (2)^ Md preparing for a possible stand at In Long.Bristol Raid; ing Yugoslav territory.) with the corMratloh. ffepAsuls for Seizures . have been made iMe by the atnke. The/House Reconvenes Plaaain^ Strike Tuesday Dema. (S) Lower/map ahows where British reported destruction of R. A. Again Stacks “ Foreign Qurntio*’' Additional thouswds of non-pro­ three lUllan de^oyers la Red Bea-Ui; locates Massua (1) believed , When /Herman and six . other The Washington reports also Americana—all since, released— An extraordinary session duction employes and workers in about to fan to the Britiah; and ahows British spearhesds from Dlre- Warships at Brest. Premier Gen. Dusan a Washington, April 6.—GPH-Wilh ssid union leadera were plsumlng to were arrested the German noUce plants supplying Ford production caU a strike at nit^ilght Tuesday dawa (2) Neghelll (8) towaid AddU Ababa; Ethiopian caplUl. cabinet ended in the early i lines, were esUraated to bring the important defense measures out of sdmtttsd that their aiction '’T^ight unless sfi agraamenl is reached. East Africa area recently occupied by BritUh forces U indicated by have some connection” with rapri- London, April 5—(dh-^Relays of hours aad a semi-official total affected_byUie. _atrUce-to the way, - members of Congress vertioal Rhading. — - ’The contract expira^then unless Mla for the Coast Guard's sefsura German hbmhera"attacked th4 oft' said that “tha critical to 200.000. were leaving $Vasbin|^on today question” bad been ttisrii— fi ' a- further extension is iarreed upon of two German merchant ships In bombed West Coast port of Bristol Federal Conciliator James F. for a week’# spring vacation W ore or a new pact aegoUatedX United States ports after discov­ Telephone connectoms with Dewey, persistent in hia efforts to tackling the controversial quea- The existing contract provides ery of s widespread sabotage plot for hours last night aad early to­ garia and Rumania were settle the stubborn dispute, said tlons of new taxes, convoys and a njlnimum wage rate or S2% There is no doubt in' informed day in s raid described there as It, was difficult to get the situation laat night was “more labor disputes. cents an hour. Average pay i: quarters that Germany’s antago­ hopeful" and arranged to renew ^mmittee Favors, V ■ • • (*"beavy but n.ot pn« of our biggest.” through. to Germany and - ’rile House recessed earlier this the industry is about 87 cents^ nism stems primarily/rom Amer­ aeparate parleya with company hour. / \ A number of persons were re­ week unUl April 14 and, the Sen­ ican aid to Britain ana encourage­ ported killed and wounded in the (Codtianed Oa Page.Twe) and imion repreaentativea today. ate arranged to transact no bust, ’The union leaders unanimously ment of other threatened nations Accompanied by Oacgr Q. Olan- residential district, but the* British nesa. until that date, although it approved. Murray’s action^ their / State Labor Board to resist Nazi aggreasion. officially declared “ the damage der, stale police commiaaioner will^old two perfdnetory sessions first meeting, and last Week ap­ American seizure of , German whose imiformed men have patrol was nowhere extensive." next week. Democratic Leader proved a week’s exts^on of the ships, datentlon of Nazi crews on London had one brief alert which led the'-Rouge plant gates since contract to April S, any agree­ Immigration and sabotage charges, violent outbreaks Wednesday, De­ Barkley told Senators yesterday lifted before 10 p. m.' (4 p. m. e.a. they were “free to disport them- ment to be ratroa^ve. ' - ^ U-Boats Again and Secretary Hull’s fist rejec­ t.), but toe city completed its 15tb FlashesM wey drove in a cold driaade laat ate Action Tuesday; aetves-as they saw 6t^’ until after J^njamin F.
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