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Master Thesis Mutagenic Interrogation of SAMD9 and SAMD9L Function Master Thesis For the attainment of the academic degree Master of Science From the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien Submitted by: Tamara Szattler Personal identity code 1510544055 Supervisor: Yenan Bryceson Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden Submitted on: 29.03.2018 1. Abstract in English Heterozygous gain - of - function m utations in SAMD9 and SAMD9L , two homologues on human chromosome 7, a re associated with severe clinical mani festations such as early onset bone marrow failure, cytopenia and monosomy 7 with high risk of progression to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML) . Additionally, biallelic SAMD9 mutations have been associated with normophosphatemi c tumoral calcinosis ( NFTC ) . SAMD9 and SAMD9L inhibit cell proliferation and are characterized as tumor suppressors. However, t he physiological function and regulation of SAMD9 and SAMD9L remains unclear . To identify the mechanisms through which mutated SA MD9/SAMD9L cause pathogenesis , it is instrumental to evaluate and characterize novel variants in functional assays. Additionally, targeting specific sites for mutagenesis and evaluate the effects on protein function can provide understanding of how individ ual domains in SAMD9/SAMD9L function . A ssessment of new variants requires a robust method . I have optimized a protocol for the evaluation of SAMD9/SAMD9L variants. In this context, I tested effects of several disease - associated as well as designed mutation s in SAMD9 and SAMD9L on cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. The presented data on SAMD9/SAMD9L variants associated with myeloid malignancies correlate with previous findings of others and suggest that these mutations enhance the function of the tumor suppressors . In contrast, mutations of the p - loop domain of SAMD9/SAMD9L resulted in loss - of - function effects , indicating a key role for this domain in growth suppression . Assessment of additional variants can help to gain more insight into the acti vities of individual SAMD9/SAMD9L domains and the molecular mechanisms through which mutations affect protein function. The optimized protocol described in this work provid es a robust and reproducible method to efficiently evaluate the effects of new SAMD9 /SAMD9L variants. I 2. Abstract in German Heterozygote Gain - of - Function Mutationen in SAMD9 und SAMD9L , zwei homologen Genen auf dem menschlichen Chromosom 7, stehen in Verbindung mit schweren klinischen Erscheinungen, wie Knochenmarksversagen, Zytopenie und hohem Risiko zur Entwicklung von Myelodysplastischem Syndrom und akuter myeloider Leukämie. Außerdem führen biallelische SAMD9 Mutationen zur Krankheit NFTC, einer Form von tumoröser Kalzinose. Als Tumorsuppressorgene hemmen SAMD9 und SAMD9L Zellprolifera tion. Die genaue physiologische Rolle sowie die Regulation dieser beiden Proteine ist jedoch noch weitgehend ungeklärt. Die funktionelle Evaluierung und Charakterisierung neuer Mutationen ist essenziell für die Identifizierung der Mechanismen, durch welche Mutationen in SAMD9 und SAMD9L zur Entstehung von Krankheit führen. Zusätzlich können spezifisch designte Mutationen Einblick in die Rolle individueller Domänen geben. Kontinuierliches Testen neuer Mutationen bedarf einer robusten Methode. Diese Arbeit be schreibt die Optimierung eines Protokolls zur Evaluierung von SAMD9 und SAMD9L Genvarianten. In diesem Rahmen wurden diverse krankheitsassoziierte Mutationen, sowie einige designte SAMD9 und SAMD9L Mutationen getestet. Die Resultate suggerieren, dass Mutat ionen welche mit Erkrankungen des myeloiden Systems in Verbindung stehen, zu einer verstärkten Aktivität von SAMD9 und SAMD9L führen. Designte SAMD9 und SAMD9L Mutationen innerhalb der P - loop Domäne zeigten hingegen verringerte SAMD9 und SAMD9L Aktivität, was möglicherweise auf eine wichtige Rolle dieser Domäne für die Proteinfunktion bedeuten könnte. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene optimierte Methode, beschreibt einen robusten und reproduzierbaren Ansatz für effiziente Evaluierung neuer Mutationen in SAM D9 und SAMD9L . II 3. Contents 1. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH ................................ ............................. I 2. ABSTRACT IN GERMAN ................................ ............................ II 3. CONTENTS ................................ ................................ ............ III 4. LIST OF ABBREVIATION S ................................ ......................... V 5. INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ....... 1 1.1 I NTRODUCING SAMD9 AND SAMD9L ................................ ............. 1 1.2 B IOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF SAMD9 AND SAMD9L ............................ 2 1.3 M UTATIONS IN SAMD9 AND SAMD9L ASSOCIATED WITH MYE LOID MALIGNANCIES AND IMM UNODEFICIENCY DISEAS ES ............................. 4 1.3.1 M UTATIONS IN SAMD9L ARE LINKED TO MDS AND ATXPC ...................... 4 1.3.2 M UTATIONS IN SAMD9 AND ASSOCIATED DISE ASES ............................... 7 1.4 E VOLUTION OF SAMD9 FAMILY PROTEINS ................................ ........ 9 1.5 D OMAINS AND THEIR POT ENTIAL FUNCTIONS IN HUMAN SAMD9 AND SAMD9L ................................ ................................ ........................ 9 1.6 O BJECTIVES OF THIS TH ESIS ................................ ......................... 15 6. MATERIALS AND METHOD S ................................ ..................... 16 1.7 G ENERAL LABORATORY EQ U IPMENT AND CONSUMABL ES ....................... 16 1.8 C ELL CULTURE ................................ ................................ ........... 16 1.9 G ENERATION OF SAMD9 AND SAMD9L VARIANTS ............................ 18 1.9.1 E XPRESSION VECTOR ................................ ................................ 18 1.9.2 S ITE - DIRECTED MUTAGENE SIS AND STANDARD PCR ............................. 19 1.9.3 SAMD9 OR SAMD9L VARIANTS AND MUTAGE NIC OLIGONUCLEOTIDES ........ 27 1.9.4 S UBCLONING OF SAMD9 AND SAMD9L VARIANT DNA ......................... 30 1.9.5 T RANSFORMATION ................................ ................................ ..... 32 1.9.6 P REPARATION OF PLASMI D D NA AND SEQUENCING ............................... 33 1.10 T RANSFECTION OF HEK293FT ................................ .................... 35 1.11 P ROLIFERATION ASSAYS AND FLOW CYTOMETRY ............................... 36 1.11.1 D YE DILUTION ASSAY ................................ ............................... 36 1.11.2 B IVARIATE CELL CYCL E ANALYSIS ................................ .................. 38 1.12 A NALYSIS OF P ROTEIN E XPRESSION ................................ .............. 42 1.12.1 C ELL LYSIS AND PROTEI N QUANTIFICATION ................................ ...... 42 1.12.2 G EL E LECTROPHORESIS AND W ESTERN B LOT ................................ .... 44 III 7. RESUL TS ................................ ................................ ................. 46 1.13 O PTIMIZATION OF ASSAY S FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SAMD9 AND SAMD9L FUNCTION ................................ ................................ .. 46 1.13.1 D YE DILUTION ASSAYS ................................ .............................. 46 1.13.2 B IVARIATE C ELL C YCLE A NALYSIS ................................ ................. 49 1.14 V ALIDATIO N OF NOVEL DISEASE - ASSOCIATED SAMD9L VARIANTS ....... 55 1.14.1 F UNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF DISEASE ASSOCIAT ED SAMD9L VARIANTS ... 58 1.15 V ALIDATION OF DESIGNE D SAMD9L VARIANTS ............................... 61 1.15.1 F UNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF DESIGNED SAMD9L VARIANTS ................. 65 1.16 V ALIDATION OF SAMD9L COMBINATION VARIANT S .......................... 71 1.16.1 F UNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF SAMD9L COMBINATION VARIANT S ............ 73 1.17 V ALIDATION OF SAMD9 VARIANTS ................................ ............... 76 1.17.1 F UNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT OF SAMD9 VARIANTS ............................... 78 8. D ISCUSSION ................................ ................................ ........... 83 1.17.2 A SSAY OPTIMIZATION ................................ ............................... 83 1.17.3 V ALIDATION OF DISEASE - ASSOCIATED SAMD9L VARIANTS ................... 86 1.17.4 V ALIDATION OF DESIGNE D SAMD9L VARIANTS ................................ 87 1.17. 5 V ALIDATION OF SAMD9L COMBINATION VARIANT S ............................. 89 1.17.6 V ALIDATION OF SAMD9 VARIANTS ................................ ............... 89 9. REFERENCES ................................ ................................ ........... 93 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................ .......................... 97 IV 4. List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Definition 7q21.2 C hromosome 7, long arm, subband 21.2 aa A min o A cid(s) AlbA Antilisterial Bacteriocin Subtilosin Biosynthesis P rotein AML Acute Myeloid Leukemia ATXPC Ataxia Pancytopenia Syndrome BCA Bicinchoninic A cid BSA Bovine Serum Album in bp B ase P airs Δ Deletion - 7/ 7q Deletion of chromosome 7 / the long arm of chromosome7 DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium DMSO Dimethylsulfoxid DTT Dithiothreitol ECL Enhanced Chemiluminescence EDTA Ethylene - Diamine - Tetra - Acetic Acid EdU 5 - ethynyl - 2 ′ - deoxyuridine FACS F luorescence - A ctivated C ell S orting FCS Fetal Calf Serum GoF Gain of Function HBV Hepatitis B Virus HCC Hepatocellular Carcinoma HEK Human Embryonic Kidney HSC Hematopoietic Stem Cells INF Interferon ISG Interferon - Stimulated Gene IRF Interferon Regulatory Factor LoF Loss of Function MEM Minimum Essential Media V MDS Myelodysplastic
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    medRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted January 4, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license . Insights into the molecular mechanism of anticancer drug ruxolitinib repurposable in COVID-19 therapy Manisha Mandal Department of Physiology, MGM Medical College, Kishanganj-855107, India Email:, ORCID: Shyamapada Mandal* Department of Zoology, University of Gour Banga, Malda-732103, India Email:, ORCID: *Corresponding author: Email:; Abstract Due to non-availability of specific therapeutics against COVID-19, repurposing of approved drugs is a reasonable option. Cytokines imbalance in COVID-19 resembles cancer; exploration of anti-inflammatory agents, might reduce COVID-19 mortality. The current study investigates the effect of ruxolitinib treatment in SARS-CoV-2 infected alveolar cells compared to the uninfected one from the GSE5147507 dataset. The protein-protein interaction network, biological process and functional enrichment of differentially expressed genes were studied using STRING App of the Cytoscape software and R programming tools. The present study indicated that ruxolitinib treatment elicited similar response equivalent to that of SARS-CoV-2 uninfected situation by inducing defense response in host against virus infection by RLR and NOD like receptor pathways. Further, the effect of ruxolitinib in SARS- CoV-2 infection was mainly caused by significant suppression of IFIH1, IRF7 and MX1 genes as well as inhibition of DDX58/IFIH1-mediated induction of interferon- I and -II signalling.
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