Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of Stanton-by-Dale Parish Council held at 7.30pm, on Thursday, 3rd October 2019 in The Village Hall, Stanhope Street, Stanton-by-Dale.

Present: Cllr S Broughton (Chair), Cllr A Farnsworth, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr C Wallbanks, Cllr P Woodward. Cllr W Major (DCC & EBC), Cllr J Frudd (EBC) M Fox (Clerk) and no members of the general public.

165/2019 Apologies – Cllr G McCahill; Cllr L Frudd (EBC)

166/2019 Variance in Order of Business – None.

167/2019 Declaration of Members Interests – None.

168/2019 Public Speaking – (15 Minutes). Remembrance Day was mentioned and Clerk confirmed that the wreath is ordered. The walking of the footpaths mentioned in the last minutes has not been done. Cllr Farnsworth to meet Ian Slater and obtain a quote for the areas that need clearing.

Police – Only crime recorded since last meeting was on 4th September, a theft on Lows Lane. Also, a speed watch session was carried out on Saturday 28th September and one vehicle was found travelling in excess of the limit. Chair reported that a van was stolen from Dale Road on Tuesday 1st October. A man was seen loitering on Arbour Hill, and when challenged took out shotgun.

DCC – Whaley Bridge dam could have wiped out 6000 homes, whole clay wall needs replacing. Emergency planning did go well and the Council is looking at emergency planning going forward. Road casualties have gone up for the County after regularly going down for ten years which is disappointing and mainly involved cycles and motorcycles. Three events held recently for younger people looking at apprenticeships were excellent events and very successful.

EBC – shops has appalling litter at the moment and Cllr Frudd is chasing this up. There is water coming off the fields and running across the road at the bottom of Stanhope Street. Cllr Frudd will be attending Scrutiny Committee at Rushcliffe Borough Council tomorrow. The Highways Collection Scheme is to restart. Christmas parking will be free in and again this year. A full Council meeting next Thursday will be looking at environmental issues like planting trees, carbon reduction including electric car charging points. EBC are partnering with the Royal Air Squadron and will do events at school etc. Following a request at a previous meeting, EBC Officers do not want to come to Parish Council meetings as it will set a president. Clerk to write and ask if pavements can now be done on Stanhope Street.

169/2019 To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Stanton-by-Dale Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 5th September 2019. The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.

170/2019 To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. – None.

171/2019 Chairman’s Announcements. – None. 172/2019 Planning Applications. ERE/0819/0049 Land west of Warehouse off Littlewell Lane, Stanton-by-Dale, , DE7 4QW. The erection of a building to create 5 No. industrial units (Use Class B2) and the creation of associated car parking area. Objection regarding traffic.

ERE/0119/0021 4 Littlewell Lane, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshire DE7 4QW. Outline planning application for three new detached dwellings (access, layout and scale for approval now). Resubmitted due to error on outline of site, Council previously had no objection. No further reply sent.

Tree Applications (For information only) ERE/0719/0039 The Rectory, 33 Stanhope Street, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QA. Works to Ash Tree (T24) pollard and lateral removal of side limb back to stem. Approved.

ERE/0719/0043 20 Dale Road, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshire DE7 4QF. Fir Tree - Remove Acer - Prune away from electricity cable Lilac - Prune to allow more light into property. Approved.

Decisions None.

173/2019 Memorial to Dale Road Air Crash. Cllr Harvey was invited to speak at a commercial conference at Grove Farm and a significant donation was given. Funds are now available to complete the memorial and the sculptor has being contacted.

174/2019 Village Hall refurbishment/repairs. Clerk to contact Cllr McCahill regarding the spotlight quote and also if he has got out at the back of the Village Hall to do the measuring of the window.

175/2019 HGV’s/HGV Awareness Day. This is arranged for Wednesday 20th November and residents need to be involved. Publicity is needed. Councillors to meet next week to discuss.

176/2019 Traffic Mitigation. The white lines are being done next week. It was suggested that Councillors attend an EBC Council meeting to ask question regarding the traffic situation in the village. Cllr Major suggested going to the village residents to ask their views on what they see as the solution and the newsletter was suggested.

177/2019 Playground – play equipment with tyres hanging from a high beam, the beam is bowing. Chair has been and done an interim inspection and thee beam looks fine.

178/2019 ERE/1117/0036 Main Street, Stanton-by-Dale - £7360.00 space enhancement money. Councillors agreed to receive feedback from residents on what they would like to see the money spent on, via the newsletter.

179/2019 Newsletter. This is in the process of being put together and the printer has been contacted.

180/2019 Erewash Borough Council – Statement of Community Involvement Consultation. Unanimously agreed not to take part in the consultation.

181/2019 New Model Finance Regulations. Clerk update the model for Stanton-by-Dale for next meeting.

182/2019 DCC Snow Warden Scheme 2019/20. Agreed for Clerk to go ahead and register for the Snow Warden this year and to appoint someone at a later time.

183/2019 Christmas Lights. Unanimously agreed to go with DECX again this year at the same price as last year, £970.00 + VAT.

184/2019 Report of the Parish Clerk on: - a) New Website is now up and running, any problems, please let clerk know. b) Playground inspections – none received since last meeting. c) War Memorial. d) Risley Education Foundation – Cllr Harvey attended meeting last week and agreed to help to promote the grant scheme which supports students financially who are in further education. e) Electrical box on lamp post on village green (for Christmas lights)is still not replaced. f) Seat on playground – Mr R Homer has this in hand. g) First Aid training on 21st November 10.00 – 4.00pm. Cllrs Broughton and Harvey attending. Cllr Woodward would also like to attend. h) Caretakers salary – To put on the next agenda. i) Reply to letter to Chief Constable re police vehicles through village was received and sent to Councillors. j) Essential Employment Law for Town and Parish Councils, training 16th October 10.00 – 1.00pm at Cromford. k) Poppy Wreath has been ordered. l) DALC AGM is on 22nd October.

185/2019 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils Circular No. 11/2019 General Circular DALC AGM and Excellence Awards; GDPR Additional Guidance; Public Participation – Should you be naming individuals in your minutes; New Guidance on Grievance and Disciplinary procedures; Training; Quick tip.

186/2019 Finance a) Accounts for Payment as per schedule for October an two cheques were also signed. It was also agreed to pay window cleaner when invoice received. b) Income since last meeting, £227.50 from Andy Harvey (Jujitsu) ,£157.50 from Anji Dyke (Singing Group) paid to bank 17/9/19 and £50.00 one off hire, all for Village Hall hire. c) Quarterly report and Budget sheet were handed out. d) Councillors agreed unanimously to continue on the present E-on contract until nearer the renewal date.

187/2019 Items for Information only; a Various agendas and meeting minutes for EBC Meetings and Planning Meetings, please ask if you want copies. b) Clerk/RFO vacancies. c) Quite smoking for good this Stoptober. d) Derbyshire County Council – Youth and Community Engagement Works in Erewash.

188/2019 Date of next meeting – Thursday 7th November 2019

The Meeting closed at 21.38 pm.