Introduction I have endeavoured to keep typos, errors, omissions etc in this list to a minimum, however when you find more I would be grateful if you could mail the details during 2014 & 2015 to:
[email protected]. Grateful thanks to Polina Clarke ( and Paul Archer for the cover images. All images © the photographers. Joe Hobbs Index The order of species follows the recomendations of the Taxonomic Sub-Committee of the BOU Records Committee as outlined in their 8th report (Sangster, G., Collinson, J.M., Crochet, P-A., Knox, A.G., Parkin, D.T. & Votier, S.C. 2012. Taxonomic recommendations for British Birds: eight report. Ibis 154(4): 874-883). Version Version 2.1 (June 2014). Cover Main image: White-rumped Sandpiper. Clonea, Co. Waterford, Ireland. 14th November 2010. Picture by Polina Clarke. Vignette: Semipalmated Sandpiper. Ballycotton, Co. Cork, Ireland. 17th September 2008. Picture by Paul Archer. Species Page No. Baird's Sandpiper [Calidris bairdii] 29 Broad-billed Sandpiper [Calidris falcinellus] 13 Buff-breasted Sandpiper [Calidris subruficollis] 35 Cooper's Sandpiper [Calidris ferruginea x C. acuminata] 41 Cox's Sandpiper [Calidris maritima x C. ferruginea] 41 Curlew Sandpiper [Calidris ferruginea] 13 Dunlin [Calidris alpina] 24 Great Knot [Calidris tenuirostris] 6 Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla] 34 Little Stint [Calidris minuta] 30 Long-toed Stint [Calidris subminuta] 19 Pectoral Sandpiper [Calidris melanotos] 36 Purple Sandpiper [Calidris maritima] 27 Red Knot [Calidris canutus] 8 Red-necked Stint [Calidris ruficollis] 17 Rock Sandpiper [Calidris ptilocnemis] 29 Ruff [Calidris pugnax] 11 Sanderling [Calidris alba] 21 Semipalmated Sandpiper [Calidris pusilla] 39 1 Spoon-billed Sandpiper [Calidris pygmea] 16 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper [Calidris acuminata] 12 Stilt Sandpiper [Calidris himantopus] 15 Surfbird [Calidris virgata] 10 Temminck's Stint [Calidris temminckii] 20 Western Sandpiper [Calidris mauri] 37 White-rumped Sandpiper [Calidris fuscicollis] 32 2 Relevant Publications Bahr, N.