Field Identification of Smaller Sandpipers Within the Genus <I
IDENTIFICATION Field identification of smaller sandpipers within the genus C/dr/s Richard R. Veit and Lars Jonsson Paintings and line drawings by Lars Jonsson INTRODUCTION the hand, we recommend that the reader threeNearctic species, the Semipalmated refer to the speciesaccounts of Prateret Sandpiper(C. pusilia), the Western HESMALL Calidris sandpipers, affec- al. (1977) or Cramp and Simmons Sandpiper(C. mauri)and the Least Sand- tionately referred to as "peeps" in (1983). Our conclusionsin thispaper are piper (C. minutilla), and four Palearctic North America, and as"stints" in Britain, basedupon our own extensive field expe- species,the primarily western Little Stint haveprovided notoriously thorny identi- rience, which, betweenus, includesfirst- (C. minuta), the easternRufous-necked fication problemsfor many years. The handfamiliarity with all sevenspecies. Stint (C. ruficollis), the easternLong- first comprehensiveefforts to elucidate We also examined specimensin the toed Stint (C. subminuta)and the wide- the picturewere two paperspublished in AmericanMuseum of Natural History, spread Temminck's Stint (C. tem- Brtttsh Birds (Wallace 1974, 1979) in MuseumOf ComparativeZoology, Los minckii).Four of thesespecies, pusilla, Much the problemwas approachedfrom Angeles County Museum, San Diego mauri, minuta and ruficollis, breed on the Britishperspective of distinguishing Natural History Museum, Louisiana arctictundra and are found during migra- vagrant Nearctic or eastern Palearctic State UniversityMuseum of Zoology, tion in flocksof up to
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