Air Transport & Travel Industry IATA EDIFACT AND XML CODESET Version 20.2 1 September 2020 Summary This document provides the agreed codesets utilized by the Airline industry for the identification of information included within IATA standard messages. The codeset directory is designed to be used by both the EDIFACT as well as the XML messages. The management of the Codeset is performed by IATA and the Change Management and Integration Group (CMIG) once the requests for new codesets have been approved by the relevant working group. Identification and assignment of additional codesets is via the CMIG. Updated codesets are reported to the Architecture and Technology Strategy Board for information only. Any urgent requirements for new codesets can be submitted to IATA at
[email protected] 2 IATA CODE SET DIRECTORY Legend for Code Set Directory + Signifies new code set or code value. * Signifies change of a code set or to a code value. ! Signifies change of a description for a code value or note. # Code value marked for subsequent deletion (Note: The code marked for deletion will become inactive at the time it has been marked but remain in the current position for one year. If this code has been moved from one code set to another, then a reference to the new code set will be given as a note.) Note 1: An explanatory note can be added to any updated entry. 0051 Controlling agency, coded IA IATA UN UN/ECE 0065 Message type ACKRES IATA EDIFACT Acknowledgement Response APSINQ IATA EDIFACT Application/Product Status Inquiry APSRES IATA EDIFACT Application/Product