Clue # 2 Did you know? Beliefs in the power of witches to harm others began in the 1300’s.

• In 1692, seven girls around the ages of 9 and 12 were diagnosed by a local doctor. • The girls were screaming, having convulsions and making strange or destructive movements with their bodies. The girls also had a high fever and were often in a trance-like state. These girls were known as the afflicted. • Doctor William Griggs diagnosed them as having been bewitched. • In February, the afflicted girls accused their first three victims of witchcraft. Three women were soon arrested. • One of the arrested was a woman named , the slave of Pastor Parris. • Another woman arrested was a homeless beggar named . • The third woman arrested was a poor, older woman named Sarah Osborn. • At the trial, when the three accused witches entered the courtroom, some of the afflicted girls had convulsions and began screaming. • Sarah Osborn and Sarah Good declared before the court that they were innocent. • At the trial, Tituba confessed to witchcraft. She may have been trying to save herself by testifying against the other women. • Tituba claimed that there were other witches that participated with her. • As time passed, others were accused of witchcraft too. Even a four year old child was called a witch. Who confessed to witchcraft? Question A. Sarah Good B. Sarah Good’s four year old daughter C. Sarah Osborn

D. Tituba Question The state of Massachusetts officially apologized for the… .-- .. - -.-. .... - .-. .. .- .-...... -. -. .. -. . - . . -. ..-. .. ..-. - -.-- ...... - . -. Think Tank Copyright 2018 Clue # 3 Did you know? Most of the accused witches were women, but some were men.

• Over time, several women were accused of witchcraft. Governor created a special court to hear the witchcraft cases. • A woman named was accused of witchcraft on June 2. Eight days later, she was hanged. She was the first person executed in Salem. • Over the next three months, eighteen more women accused of witchcraft were hanged on Gallows Hill. Eight women died while in jail. • Sarah Osborn’s husband was stoned to death because he refused to say whether he was innocent or guilty. • Reverend spoke against convicting women on 'spectral evidence', or judging based on what you see. It was assumed that people were witches because of convulsions or screaming behaviors exhibited by others. • He argued for due process, meaning he expected the same kind of evidence used in a regular trial to apply to witch trials as well. • The Governor of Salem agreed that any future trials would need to have real

evidence before conviction. Question What is spectral evidence? A. Documents sent to the court B. Evidence based on what one can see C. Proof of guilt based on previous arrests

Question D. A judge with glasses Once pardoned from jail, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts paid each…

Think Tank Copyright 2018 4 Digit Code First number of code : ______The number of people accused of witchcraft in Salem MINUS 195. Second number of code : ______The amount of British Pounds each victim was paid MINUS 594. Third number of code : What number is represented by “ . . . _ _ ” ? ______Last number of code : ______What number is the letter “A” in clue #1?

1. Which colony was Salem a part of? 4. What year were the last of the A. Roanoke Colony trials heard? B. Plymouth Colony A. 1691 C. Maryland Colony B. 1693 D. Massachusetts Bay Colony C. 1755 D. 1776

2. Who was Tituba? 5. When did the afflicted girls first A. A slave fall ill? B. A governor A. After eating raw food C. A teacher B. After playing a fortune telling D. A young child game C. After swimming in the pond full of frogs D. After drinking a witch’s brew 3. Who spoke against “spectral 6. How old was when he evidence”? was executed? A. Giles Corey A. 14 B. Doctor William Griggs B. 29 C. C. 62 D. Reverend Cotton Mather D. 80

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1 D B E C

2 K H I/J F

3 P N O M

4 T R Q S

5 Z X V W

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