Barry to Give Policy Views
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Weather , DISTRIBUTION 7 Mi, ttmfertUtrt It Mow- TODAY to« ckwltaew, becoming fti/ {Mi afttn«». Ugh In the 7I«. Fair * 23,825 tMlgU, km to the Mb. Tomor- row, fair, high in the 8ta. Sun- Bed Bank Area day, variable cloudiness, dunce I DIAL 741-0010 of showers. See weaUfer, page 2. 1VORTHERN TVIONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER lisued daily, Monday tiroujh Fri4*7. S«ona Clm PosMH VOL. 87, NO. 10 Paid at Red Ban* and at AddUlteul Malllnf Offices. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Goldwater Favored in County Poll By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON ney drew 10 votes and Harold er delegates from Monmouth — their pledge to stay uncommitted was not surprising, the county weeks — has favored Goldwater WEST LONG BRANCH - E. Stassen and Maine Sen. Mar- Katherine K. Neuberger and until the GOP convention opens chairman said. by an even greater margin, he said. Though he garnered only 36.5 garet Chase Smith, six each. Amory Haskell — found the re- Monday in San Francisco. Back Goldwater per cent of the vole, Barry Gold- Mr. Woolley, a delegate at sults "informative but not bind- Mail he has received person- "After all," said the chairman, water is the top choice for presi- "this is a conservative county." large among the 40-vote New Jer- ing." That Mr. Goldwater would com- ally—ranging between 50 and 2001 dent among leading Monmouth Four years ago, he said, coun- sey unit, said he and the two oth- He said the three will hold to mand a lead, if not a majority, letters a day in the last two County Republicans. ty( sentiment was indicated when County Chairman J. Russell one of Sen. Goldwater's strong- Woolley announced yesterday est backers in the current cam- that 2,840 partymen (and wom- 5,000 Area Letters Support Scranton paign, Robert Morris, of Point en) . out of 4,200 whose views Pleasant, was a GOP primary were sought, gave the nod to the LINCROFT — Copies of 5,000 letters from area voters who Mr. Flanders said if the Pennsylvania governor is not nomi- candidate for IJ.S. Senate against Arizonian. favor nomination of Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Scranton nated "the Republican Party may be stolen by default and it incumbent Clifford P. Case. Sen. Goldwater polled 1,038; were sent to the state's delegates to the Republican presi- would take eight or 10 years to repair the damage. "Morris lost by only about 200 Pennsylvania Gov. William W, dential convention yesterday by the Monmouth County Unit, The Scranton supporter charged that Arizona Sen. Barry votes in Monmouth, though Case, Scranton, 807; Henry Cabot Scranton for President Committee, Alton L. Flanders, unit Goldwater, front-runner in the contest, "gains his greatest who was a liberal, carried the Lodge, 472; former Vice Presi- chairman, reported. strength from the protest vote. He therefore attracts malcon- state by a big margin." dent Richard M. Nixon, 380, and Petitions signed by hundreds, urging the Scranton nomi- tents, fanatics and outright 'kooks' by the bucketful." Only Recent Test '•'- nation also have been forwarded to the delegates, Mr. Flanders After conversations with scores of Republicans in New New York Gov. Nelson E. Rocke- The Case-Morris vote was the feller, 106. said. Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, Mr. Flanders said, he only recent test of conservatism Other Totals In a statement urging Republican voters to wire the dele- is convinced that moderates and true conservatives plan to Michigan Gov. George Rom- gates and ex-President Eisenhower asking support of Scranton, switch, en masse, in November if Scranton is not nominated. (See GOLDWATER, Page 2) Barry to Give Policy Views SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Sen. him Thursday by Pennsylvania! Icranton's late-starting candi- rule out anybody. He said he •1! Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., voic- Gov. William W. Scranton, his dacy. hadn't made up his mind. badly trailing rival for the nom- Heavy Blow Asked if Scranton might be "SAYS GOLDWATER" — County Republican Chairman ing vigorous defenses of his. in- ternational and domestic views, ination, was that he stands just The Pennsylvania governor's lis choice, the Arizona senator J. Russell Woolley tells Miss Leonora Townsend, office headed for a platform hearing where he has for a long time— hopes of making a fight out of •eplled that the nominees on ««sistant, at his borough clerk's office in West Long today with fresh indications of for freedom at home and in the it for the nomination absorbed the ticket ought to be comforta- world. a heavy body blow when Gov. ble in campaigning together. Branch that ballots of counfy Republicans in special poll a first ballot GOP presidential nomination victory. "I'm not a Johnny-come- James A. Rhodes announced he He noted Scranton had called him "ignorant, cowardly, back- he conducted favor Barry Goldwator for SOP presi- Goldwater's reply , to a new lately," he told a news confer- will recommend at a Monday dential nomination. ence in apparent reference to caucus that the 58 Ohio dele- ward, impulsive and a shooter- fusillade of criticism fired at gates abandon their commit- rom-the-hipper." ment to him as a favorite son Second Spot and vote for the candidate of Nevertheless, Denison Kitch- 39 Killed in Plane Explosion their choice on the first ballot. el, Coldwater's campaign man- This could be the finishing ager, said In an interview that touch to the hopes of Scranton, f his principal wins the top who conferred with the Ohio nomination Scranton will be governor, to build any effective one of those considered" for stop-Goldwater coalition. the second place spot. FBI Enters Crash Probe The Arizona senator, who al- Other developments in a day 'I heard a scresching noise NEWPORT, Tenn. (AP) -FBI United asked the Federal Bu the south, six minutes after it ready had proclaimed that he which was marked by Goldwa- looked up and saw the plane agents joined today in the inves- reau of Investigation to make an crashed in a heavily-wooded hoi % was "more confident than I ter's arrival in this city where smoking and coming in toward a tigation of a United Air Lines inquiry into the nation's worst low at 6:15 p.m. EST. have ever been" of winning on the nominating convention will hill," said Frank Turner, 52, plane crash which killed 39 per- airline crash since a Pacific Ar- Changing Plan the first ballot, was expected to open Monday: ^ Cooke County constable. sons when it plummeted to earth lines plane crashed east of San The pilot, Capt. Oliver E. Sa pick up at least half of Ohio's Former President Dwight D. near hers late yesterday. Francisco May 7,. killing all 44 batke of Washington, radioed V, Mrs. Charles Hawk said she vote to add to the 725'credited Eisenhower, embarking by train saw the four-engine plane explode Witnesses said they saw the aboard. minutes before the crash that he to him as publicly committed at Harrisburg, Pa., for San and fall into the hollow near he Viscount turbo-prop explode and The United flight originated in was changing from an instru or favorable. He needs only 655 Francisco, told a news confer- home. objects fall frorff~ft before 'it Philadelphia and was bound for ment to a visual flight plan to win the nomination. ence: "I am showing no par- crashed eight miles northeast of Huntsville, Ala. The plane had There was a 4,000-foot ceiling, 30- Other witnesses reported Bee- tiality to anyone. I've been ing objects falling from the plane Delegate Count her« near tha North. Carolina stopped in Washington and was mile visibility and scattered One Goldwater strategist completely consistent in this line. due in Knoxville, 40 miles to clouds. according to William Cureton, and I have (loublecrpssed no captain df the Newport emergsn- who declined named pub licly, said the unofficial count one." This seemed to bury cy and rescue squad. Scranton's fading hopes of a Wing Section of the senator's strength had mounted to 771 votes. dramatic last-minute endorse- The plane smashed into the side So strong was the belief o ment by.the general. of a hill known as Trentham most party leaders that Goldwa Chances Excellent Hollow. Bodies, personal effects ter had the nomination in hand Goldwater .said on his arrival and wreckage were strewn over that discussion of his possible the chances are excellent that he a half-square mile area. One en- vice presidential running mate win on the first ballot and ;ine rolled 150 feet to the bottom was the main topic of interest. afterwards Republicans will of the hill. A wing section was "march forward together to de- GOLDWATER LOOKING FOR FIRST BALLOT VICTORY the largest piece oJ wreckage. Rep. William E. Miller of New York, the GOP national feat Lyndon Baines Johnson in — Sen. Barry Goldwater peers over his glasses at hit The wreckage still was burn- chairman, finally came out and November." ing when the first rescue squads press conference in San Francisco yesterday where he said what was abundantly evi- The platform committee arrived. Authorities finally said he was more confident than ever that he would dent for days, that he would edged toward a final countdown blocked the roads to all but accept second place on any on planks that Goldwater said capture the Republican presidential nomination on the emergency traffic to keep away ticket, Goldwater's or Scran- he is confident will be satisfac- the curious. first ballot. The front-running Arizona senator had ar- ton's.