Sept. 4, 1962. MICHIJIRO AKABOSH ETAL 3,052,610 CONCENTRATION of ACETIC ACID Filed May 19, 1960
Sept. 4, 1962. MICHIJIRO AKABOSH ETAL 3,052,610 CONCENTRATION OF ACETIC ACID Filed May 19, 1960 INVENTORS MCHIJIRO AKABOSH KK UJ U RAGAM: BY KENSUKE O KUMA AttoRNEY 3,052,610 United States Patent Office Patented Sept. 4, 1962 2 1. acetate. Some of the vinyl acetate from the upper phase 3,052,610 is returned to the top of the distillation zone as reflux, CONCENTRATION OF ACETIC ACD in accordance with conventional distillation technique, Michijiro Akaboshi, Toyonaka City, and Kikuji Uragaini and the remainder is withdrawn as product. and Kensuke Okema, Toyama City, Japan, assignors to Particularly suitable as a source of vinyl acetate for Kurashiki Rayon Co., Ltd., Okayama Prefecture, the distillation operation referred to above is the vinyl Japan, a corporation of Japan acetate-acetic acid mixture which is produced in the syn Fied May 19, 1960, Ser. No. 30,384 thesis of vinyl acetate from acetylene and acetic acid. 6 Claims. (C. 202-42) Prior to its use for the production of polyvinyl acetate This invention relates to the concentration of aqueous O by polymerization, the vinyl acetate must be separated Solutions of acetic acid and is more particularly concerned from the acetic acid. In accordance with the invention, With a process for concentrating aqueous acetic acid solu this operation is combined with the acetic acid dehydrat tions which is effectively integrated with the manufac ing and concentrating operation so that two normally ture of polyvinyl alcohol. independent processing steps are effectively and efficiently In accordance with conventional practice, polyvinyl 5 combined into a single operation which produces sub alcohol is formed by the saponification or "alcoholysis' stantially pure vinyl acetate suitable for the production of polyvinyl acetate which, in turn, is formed by the poly of polyvinyl acetate, and an effectively concentrated or merization of vinyl acetate.
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