ESHS 2018 Outline

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ESHS 2018 Outline FRIDAY 14 SEPTEMBER, 12.00-20.00 12.00-14.30 ESHS COUNCIL MEETING IoE - Room 709a 14.00-20.00 REGISTRATION Institute of Education - Level 3, Bedford Way entrance Registration will remain open at the Institute of Education 09.00-18.00 Saturday and Sunday, and at the Science Museum 09.00-18.00 Saturday and Sunday and 09.00-11.00 Monday 15.30-16.00 CONFERENCE WELCOME IoE - Logan Hall ESHS President: Dr Antoni Malet BSHS Vice-President: Dr Patricia Fara UCL STS HoD: Professor Joe Cain 16.00-17.00 NEUENSCHWANDER PRIZE LECTURE IoE - Logan Hall Chair: Professor Dr Erwin Neuenschwander Professor Robert Fox (University of Oxford) Memory, Celebrity, Diplomacy. The Marcellin Bertholet Centenary, 1927 17.00-17.30 AFTERNOON TEA 17.30-18.15 YOUNG SCHOLAR LECTURE 1 IoE - Logan Hall Chair: Dr Patricia Fara Dr Antonio Sánchez (Autonomous University of Madrid) Artisanal Cultures and Practical Knowledge in the Early Modern Iberian World 18-15-19.00 YOUNG SCHOLAR LECTURE 2 IoE - Logan Hall Chair: Professor Ana Simões Professor Stephanie A. Dick (University of Pennsylvania) Making up Minds: Mathematics, Computing, and Automation in the Postwar World 19.00-19.15 WELCOME ON BEHALF OF THE BSHS & SCIENCE MUSEUM /CENTAURUS IoE - Logan Hall BSHS President: Dr Timothy Boon Centaurus Editor: Dr Koen Vermeir 19.15-20.00 WELCOME RECEPTION Institute of Education 1 SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 09.00-10.30 S07 EXPEDITIONS AND IMAGINARIES IN THE RUSSIAN/SOVIET BORDERLANDS Location: IoE – Room 802 Chair: Lajus, Julia Organiser(s): Jones, Susan D. Feklova, Tatiana (Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg) Cross the line: the expeditions and the borders. The Russian expeditions in the 19th century Jones, Susan D. (University of Minnesota) Disease Ecology and Colonial Visions in Russian Central Asia Oldfield, Jonathan, and Shaw, Denis B. (both University of Birmingham) Understandings of climate in Russia’s borderlands: Lev Berg and the desiccation debate Amramina, Anna A. (University of Minnesota) The Common Language of the Earth: Field Work in US-USSR Bilateral Cooperation in the 1970s–1980s S30 THE SCIENCE OF REST IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Location: IoE – Room 804 Chair: Dickson, Melissa Organiser(s): Shuttleworth, Sally Shuttleworth, Sally (University of Oxford) ‘Sea or Mountain?’: the Development of Menton and Davos as Health Resorts Green, Sarah (University of Oxford) Sexual Excess and the Pleasures of Continence Krienke, Hosanna (University of Oxford) Convalescence vs. Cure: The Role of Convalescent Homes in the Rise of Scientific Medicine S22/1 SCIENTIFIC PERSONAE AND THE (DIS-)UNITY OF MODERN STATISTICS IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE, C. 1860-1960 Location: IoE- Room 736 Chair: Stamhuis, Ida Organiser(s): Mayer, Jochen F. Cladders, Lukas (Charité Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, Berlin) Being non-political. Robert René Kuczynski as an exile demographer in the UK Göderle, Wolfgang (University of Graz) Remaking Objectivity: Statistics between Science and Administration in the Habsburg Empire between 1860 and 1890 Ferdinand, Ursula (Charité Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, Berlin) Robert René Kuczynski – a modern statistician? S01/1 UNITY AND DISUNITY OF THEORY AND PRACTICE IN RESEARCH ON ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT SPECIES 2 SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 09.00-10.30 Location: IoE – Room 828 Chair: Fedotova, Anastasia Organiser(s): Fedotova, Anastasia, and Mueller-Wille, Staffan Klemun, Marianne (Universität Wien) Speik between the Alps and the Orient: The Disunity of Plants and the Unity of Economies Kraikovsky, Alexey (St Petersburg University) “Monsters furnishing barrels of oil” – the whales and whaling in the governmental project of westernization of Russia in the 18th Century Tammiksaar, Erki (Estonian University of Life Science) Karl von Baer’s fishery expeditions to lake Peipsi and the Caspian Sea S19/1 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN EUROPEAN MILITARY ACADEMIES (18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES): UNITY OR DISUNITY? Location: IoE – Committee Room 1 Chair: Blanco, Monica Organiser(s): Blanco, Monica, and Bruneau, Olivier Velamazán, M. Ángeles, and Ausejo, Elena (University of Zaragoza) Mathematics Education for Military Engineers in 19th-Century Spain Beckers, Danny (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) March on math: Math curricula at the Dutch Military Academy, 1813-1880 Blanco, Monica, and Puig-Pla, Carles (both Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) The Study of Mixed Mathematics in Spanish Military Courses of Mathematics in the 1750s: Two Ephemeral Cases Bruneau, Olivier (University of Lorraine) Mathematical curricula in the Royal Military Academy of Woolwich: the unity in the disunity S25/1 CIRCULATING GENDER IN CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE 1. WOMEN SCIENTISTS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Location: IoE – Room 822 Chair: Fara, Patricia Organiser(s): Santesmases, María J. Barahona, Ana (School of Sciences, UNAM) Women and the workplace: Collaborative Work of Women Geneticists at the first Unit of Human Genetics in Mexico Tunlid, Anna (Lund University) Eva Hansen-Melander and the circulation of knowledge within the cancer chromosome network Paškevičiūtė Kundrotienė, Eglė (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences) Women in the Lithuanian Scientific Society – from self-taught to the first women doctors of science Pablos, Ana Romero de (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Spain’s woman researchers working on nuclear energy 3 SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 09.00-10.30 S15/1 TOWARDS A CURRICULUM OF POLITICAL EPISTEMOLOGY: THEORY AND CASE STUDIES Location: IoE – Room 780 Chair: Omodeo, Pietro Daniel Organiser(s): Omodeo, Pietro Daniel Babu, Senthil (French Institute, Pondicherry) Surveying as a Case in Political Epistemology Schemmel, Matthias (MPI, Berlin) From Historical to Political Epistemology: Examples from the History of the Exact Sciences Omodeo, Pietro Daniel (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) Cultural Politics of Cosmology in Europe in the Early Modernity S67 READING EUCLID IN THE EARLY MODERN WORLD Location: IoE – Room 784 Chair: Wardhaugh, Benjamin Wardhaugh, Benjamin (University of Oxford) Defacing Euclid in early modern Britain: reading and learning from the Elements of Geometry Beeley, Philip (University of Oxford) Editing Euclid. Scholars, practitioners and their audiences Nasifoglu, Yelda (University of Oxford) Collecting Euclid. Assembling mathematical knowledge in the early modern world S54 SCIENCE CRITICISM FROM WITHIN: WHAT'S THE PRICE OF SELF-REFLEXIVITY? Location: IoE – Room 790 Chair: Schwerin, Alexander von Organiser(s): Schwerin, Alexander von Commentator: Harwood, Jonathan Borck, Cornelius (University of Lübeck) Critiquing Neuroscience and Critical Neuroscience: New Loops of Feedback Schwerin, Alexander von (MPI, Berlin) From Implicit to Explicit Criticism: Genetics and National Socialism Satzinger, Helga (UCL) Gendered in-ter-ventions S38/1 SPACES OF CIRCULATION AND COLONIAL / IMPERIAL LANDSCAPES: CRITICISMS AND CHALLENGES Location: IoE – Room 731 Chair: Haddad, Thomas A.S. Organiser(s): Silva, Matheus Alves Duarte (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) 4 SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 09.00-10.30 Raj, Kapil (Ecole des Hautes etudes en sciences sociales) La circulation n’est pas fluide!”: Spaces of Circulation and Cross-Cultural Knowledge Encounters Smith, Chase (University of Oxford) The limits of go-between knowledge in the works of Manuel Godinho de Erédia Silva, Matheus Alves Duarte (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) Scientific connections and the shaping of a therapeutic market between France and India (1894-1920) Menon, Minakshi (Humboldt University) Did Kāśīnātha Tarkālaṅkāra know Sanskrit? Recovering the Thought Worlds and Practices of "Brokers" in East India Company India S09/1 (DIS-)CONTINUITY BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST: THE HISTORY OF METEOROLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IN COLONIAL CONTEXTS Location: IoE – Committee Room 2 Chair: Hall, Alexander Organiser(s): Williamson, Fiona; Jankovic, Vladimir; and Hall, Alexander Commentator: Hall, Alexander (Newman University) Chen, Zhenghong (China University of Geosciences, Beijing), and Yang, Guifang The history of meteorological development in colonial-era China: Unity and Disunity with Chinese Characteristics Zuidervaart, Huib (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences) and Grab, Stefan (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) Early Modern Meteorological Observations in The Dutch Colonies of East and West Mahony, Martin (UEA) On the disunity of colonial science and society: meteorology in Mauritius I144 BIOGRAPHICAL STUDIES Location: IoE –Room 709a Chair: TBA Hernando, Santiago S. (Independent Scholar) The Universal Vision of Mijail V. Lomonosov. Pioneer of Science in Russia Naponiello, Gaia (Roma Tre University) Unity and disunity in chemistry vision in the early 1900s: Georges Darzens didactic contribution to the basics of chemistry Nivet, Christiane (Université Paris 7) Life of Gregor J. Mendel (1824-1884) wedged between the revolutionary nationalist movement of the Moravian Czechs and the conservative authority of the Viennese imperial power across the second half of the nineteenth century Railiene, Birute (Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences) A chemistry of life and science: Jedrzej Sniadecki at the University of Vilnius 5 SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 09.00-10.30 S33/1 STABILITIES AND INNOVATIONS IN THE ASTRAL SCIENCES: PERSPECTIVES FROM CHINESE, SANSKRIT, ARABIC, AND LATIN SOURCES Location: IoE – Room 777 Chair: Husson, Matthieu Organiser(s): Husson, Matthieu Li, Liang (Beijing Institute for the History of Natural Science) New astronomy served the old astrology: The calculation
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