GSA Advisor Handbook
gsa advisor handbook from the national association of gsa networks gsa advisor handbook from the national association of gsa networks Photo courtesy of Gay-Straight Alliance Network The National Association of GSA Networks would like to thank: Graphic Designer: Editors: Yiqing Shao, Danielle Askini Renee Bracey Sherman, Gay-Straight Alliance Network Authors: Marcus Busby, Gay-Straight Alliance Network Allison Buehler, Mazzoni Center, PA Amanda Harris, Gay-Straight Alliance Network Saben Littlefield,Outright Vermont, VT Kelly Lewis, Gay-Straight Alliance Network Kathy Marsocci, LGBT Center of Raleigh, NC Javi Pinedo, Gay-Straight Alliance Network Tim Michael, GSA For Safe Schools, WI Elana Rosenberg, Youth Pride Inc., RI Kirsten Oshinsky, LGBT Center of Raleigh, NC Daniel Solis, Gay-Straight Alliance Network Participants at the 2011 National Gathering of the Laura Wadden, Gay-Straight Alliance Network National Association of GSA Networks And to all the countless advisors who gave input and shared their experiences to make this handbook a success. Thank you! 2011 national association ofGSA networks Letter Dear GSA Advisors, The National Association of GSA Networks is a group of 33 state and regional networks of GSAs. Our purpose is to support the growth of the GSA movement by connecting state and regional networks to each other for information-sharing, networking and peer exchange. We know that for most of you, playing the part of faculty advisor to a Gay-Straight Alliance is a volunteer role, a role that often adds extra hours to your work week. And a role that often adds experiences and challenges that advisors of other clubs may not encounter.
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